What to do if the toy terrier has watery eyes? The eyes of the toy terrier are watery. Oral problems

The Russian Toy Terrier is one of the most beautiful and miniature domestic dogs with large ears that cause universal admiration and delight. Pedigree features include special ears, large and erect. When do toy terrier ears stand up? Small puppies have very soft and weak ear cartilages, so their ears, which are hanging at the beginning, begin to rise in different period life, which causes understandable concerns among the owners. When the hanging ears of toy terriers should turn into erect ones, what to do if this does not happen and when the auricles are stopped - our article will tell about this.

Ear shape requirements

The breed standard is erect ears, thin, large and set high. The only deviation from the standard is allowed only in the long-haired variety of the toy terrier, since, due to the long coat, the ears will still be semi-erect. If a one-year-old dog still flaunts floppy ears, it will be disqualified from any dog ​​show.

The gradual lifting of the auricles usually begins at 2-3 months of age and continues until the ear cartilages are strong enough to give the ears a standing shape. The final formation of the shape of the ears ends by the age of one, but very often the owners have to take measures to put the ears on time. All possible forms of auricles of toy terriers are shown in the photo.

Why do the ears hang

Russian Toy Terrier puppies are born with hanging ears, which rise only after 2 months of the pet's life. Quite often, however, soft ear cartilages cause a dog to remain with hanging ears for several months, up to a year of age. Why is this happening? There are several reasons:

  • malnutrition of a pregnant animal;
  • not enough balanced diet lactating female and growing puppies;
  • wrong mating of toy terriers, when unscrupulous breeders cross representatives of long-haired and short-haired breeds;
  • lack of timely correction of hanging ears.

How to properly raise your ears

To help your puppy meet breed standards for ears, try special technique for aligning the auricles, which is called gluing. What you will need:

  • long, light and thin object as a tire, for example, a strip cut off from a plastic card;
  • well-sharpened scissors;
  • medical adhesive plaster at least 2 cm wide (adhesive tape is not suitable because it does not let air through).

How to put the ears of a toy terrier puppy correctly? See step by step instructions with instructional photos. Usually, 2 pieces are cut out of the patch so that they repeat the shape of the ear from the inside. Place a tire between these pieces and glue the resulting structure on inside ear. Such gluing is carried out for puppies starting from 2-3 months of age and is not removed until the period of teeth change is over. So that the puppy does not try to tear off an incomprehensible object from the head, the pet must be distracted with games for the first week.

If you notice that he is trying to clean his ears with his hind legs, shaking his head and ears, start playing with your pet or give something tasty to switch attention from an unpleasant subject.

How many months do you need gluing and when can you stop the procedure? Usually, after 2-8 weeks, the ears will stand up on their own, the cartilage will finally get stronger, the auricles will stand firmly and firmly without sagging, so the splint can be removed. Look closely at your ears. If they stand without sagging, gluing is no longer needed. The photo clearly shows what the ears reinforced with tires should be like and what they become after a correctly performed procedure.


Quality food greatly affects the condition of the ear cartilage, so puppies should receive enough nutrients with vitamins and minerals. The diet should include calcined cottage cheese, which you can get at home on your own. To do this, it is enough to bring to a boil 400 g fresh milk and pour in 1 tbsp. l. calcium chloride, then fold the resulting clots into a colander. Cottage cheese, saturated with calcium, is ready. feed it useful product baby, and soon you will forget about any problems with your pet's ears!

There are over 400 dog breeds in the world today. For a person, they are not only favorites, friends, helpers, but also family members. Toy Terriers are popular for a number of reasons: small size, ease of training and maintenance, as well as a very cute and curious look.

Outward curiosity pets give erect ears. When breeding a breed, indicators of the exterior of the dog are clearly prescribed, ears included.

In toy terriers, the auricles are necessarily erect, thin, large and set high. The only exception is long-haired representatives of toy terriers. These dogs are allowed semi-erect auricles. These indicators are especially relevant for breeders. If the toy terrier has “soft cartilage”, then, most likely, such a dog will be disqualified.

If you have started or just started breeding, you will definitely encounter a number of questions. When and how should the ears rise? What can you do yourself at home? When to contact a specialist? Let's try to figure it out.

Factors affecting the development of cartilage tissue

Animal age

Age - important factor, which affects the formation of the auricles. It is conceived by nature in such a way that during the growth and development of a puppy, nutrients, vitamins and microelements go to the construction and final formation of vital organs and structures.

And soft cartilage tissue (rich in elastic fibers) is a way that nature has come up with to reduce injuries in early age while puppies are clumsy. For these reasons, the ears of toy terriers begin to rise only by two to three months of life. Finally, the process of formation of the auricles is completed by the full maturation and formation of the body, It is generally accepted that this moment comes by the year.

stress factor

Stress is also important factor, which can affect the formation of the auricles, but also on immunity
. Let's figure it out in more detail. Surely you have heard the phrase that all diseases are caused by stress. Yes, she is correct.

Under stressful conditions, a group of hormones (corticosteroids) are secreted by the adrenal cortex, they increase the body's endurance. With the release of corticosteroids, most of the processes occur at the expense of reserves, depleting the body and reserves, including vitamins and minerals. As a result, the dog is weakened, immunity is reduced, the psyche is shaken. What can be stressful for your beloved toy terrier? Anything: active training, moving, repairs, exhibitions, visits to the veterinarian, dating for the purpose of mating, pregnancy, the appearance of a baby in the family. Be sure to watch your pet, note the moments that bother the pet. And try to minimize such situations. If it is impossible to avoid them, then you can resort to using sedatives for animals. There are many such drugs on the market, here are a few:

  • "Fitex",
  • "Phospasim",
  • "Stop stress"
  • Da-ba Relax Plus,
  • "Adaptil",
  • Help Dog,
  • Virbac Anxitane.

The drugs are manufactured in various forms: drops, tablets, sprays. You can choose your own pet suitable look drug price, quality and use. However, the advice of a veterinarian does not hurt.


Diet: It is worth paying attention to. If you are using premium and super-premium food, then there is no need to worry. Especially when the food is intended for this breed. In such specialized feeds, indicators are provided: protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Manufacturers are carrying out expensive research that makes it possible to give everything you need in the right concentrations specifically for toy terriers.

Premium feed brands:

  • Purina Dog Chow (France),
  • Purina Pro Plan (France),
  • Nutra Nuggets (USA),
  • Brit Premium (Czech Republic),
  • Bozita (Sweden),
  • Advance (Spain).

Super Premium:

  • Nutra Gold (USA),
  • Belcando (Germany),
  • Bosch (Germany),
  • 1st Choice (Canada),
  • Arden Grange (England)
  • Eagle Pack (USA),
  • Artemis (USA).

But in case you save on feed or follow a natural diet, then do not forget that your toy terrier will need additional application vitamin preparations and trace elements.

So, we have considered some of the factors that the owner (breeder) can control, and they are quite fixable.

Ear gluing toy terriers

What is ear plugging? It's pretty efficient and cheap method- put on the ears. It can be used if the reasons for the failure of the ears were those that we discussed above. How to glue the ears of a toy terrier?

Step-by-step instruction

Everything is pretty simple. You will need a hypoallergenic patch, small pieces of plastic that will be a frame, scissors, an antiseptic and, of course, your pet.

Cut off the patch with an area slightly smaller inner surface auricle. We glue the plastic to give strength. Add another layer of plaster on top so that the piece of plastic is completely covered. We give the blank the shape of the auricle of your toy terrier- This is done for the comfort of the pet.

Be sure to treat the inner and outer surfaces of the ear with an antiseptic. It is better to take chlorhexidine. After drying the work surface, otherwise the patch will not stick. This can be done with cotton paper napkins or a towel. We glue the prepared structure into the ear, carefully level it.

After that, you will need two strips of plaster 7-10 centimeters long, equal in width. We start gluing from the inner corner of the auricle, then along the circumference. In no case do we delay. The dog must be comfortable.

The edge of the patch should not be at the base of the ear, otherwise maceration (if the edge of the patch rubs) will cause irritation. The edges of the auricle should be at a distance of a centimeter from each other.

Cannot be completely sealed, the auditory catheter must be open, the ear needs to breathe.

Gluing the ears of toy terriers lasts 14-16 days. AT rare cases- up to a month.

Problem solving must be approached comprehensively. Gluing is the creation of a frame, but it is necessary to make sure that the cartilaginous tissue of the auricle gets stronger.

  1. We take into account the age (the procedure must be timely).
  2. We control the diet (if necessary, change the food, introduce additional vitamins and minerals).
  3. We minimize the amount of stress.

Advice : Arrange a delicate massage of the auricle. This will increase blood flow - increase cartilage nutrition. Do not overdo it!

Advice : enter gelatin into the diet, it is harmless to the body and has positive influence on cartilage. Gelatin can be given with milk, in the form of broths, jelly.

A more expensive option is chondroprotectors.

For example:

  • "Biolysin-Artro",
  • "Arthrofit",
  • "Stop Arthritis"
  • "Gelabon Plus"
  • "Gelacan",
  • "Stride"
  • "Stride Plus"
  • "Phytochondrovit",
  • "Kinosil",
  • "Hondrokan" and others.

Advice : better visit veterinary clinic. The veterinarian will identify the cause, based on the tests, and choose the best treatment for a dog. Help with drug selection.

Surgical correction of the auricle in toy terriers

Quite a different question, what to do with the ears of a toy terrier, if the reasons that your pet's ears do not rise,- genetically determined pathologies and injuries. Here the gluing method will not work.

The only solution is surgery. And then, in the case of genetic conditioning, even the operation may not help the auricle to become properly.

Ear surgery is a simple operation in terms of technique. The surgeon attaches necessary form auricle, and to increase the ability of the ears to stand upright on their own, the skin is tightened. Due to the tension, the skin flap holds the auricle in the desired position.

I would like to consider a few nuances. If the causes of this pathology were genetic, then it is dishonest for breeders to resort to tricks. Such an animal must be culled and excluded from the breeding scheme. So that pathology does not accumulate in descendants.

If the cause is trauma (cartilage may break), then think about who this toy terrier is for you? If he is your friend and family member first of all, then it doesn't matter how your pet looks. After all, you will not love him less. If for you the dog is just a “toy” that you can brag about, then this is another matter (this is on your conscience).

Resorting to surgical intervention, remember that it is performed under general anesthesia. There is a risk of death, as well as complications after anesthesia from of cardio-vascular system. The liver and kidneys may be affected, exacerbated chronic diseases. Make an informed decision. If you decide to correct your toy terrier's auricles surgically, then do not spare the funds for preliminary research in order to minimize the risk of complications and death.

Love your pets, because you are responsible for those you have tamed!

If your toy terrier has watery eyes, keep in mind that this can be the result of a number of reasons. Therefore, before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to verify the accuracy of the diagnosis. Pay attention to everything concomitant symptoms and general state dogs.

Diet - the reason why the eyes of a toy terrier can water

If a toy terrier has watery eyes, this may be due to an allergy to the food he eats. By adjusting the diet and menu, you may quickly relieve the dog of discomfort.

    Do not combine natural food and dog food in one meal. If your pet ate dry food in the morning, then meat can only be given to him in the evening. After all, the feed is developed in such a way that the portion already contains all the necessary nutrients. An overabundance of vitamins, sooner or later, will cause backlash body of the dog, including lacrimation.

    If the toy terrier has watery eyes, the reason for this may be the regular consumption of raw meat. The fact is that pocket dogs can only be fed with processed foods. The meat must be well cooked. And it is better to exclude chicken meat from the toy terrier menu altogether, as it contains strong allergens.

    And sweets are strictly contraindicated for toy terriers, despite the fact that many of them are very fond of sweets, cakes and cookies. You should not indulge, so as not to provoke allergies and epiphora (profuse lacrimation, as a result of which even the hair on the pet's cheeks gets wet).

conjunctivitis in toy terrier

This disease affects all mammals. Therefore, if your toy terrier has watery eyes, it is possible that this is conjunctivitis. It is characterized by the development inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the eyes. The disease can be caused by an allergic reaction, or by viruses or bacteria. In addition to lacrimation, conjunctivitis is accompanied by swelling of the eyelids, reddening of the protein, photophobia.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor. If the disease is viral, it is fought with the help of drops, which include antibiotics. If the conjunctivitis is allergic, the dog is prescribed antihistamine eye drops and anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal ointments.

In all cases, if a toy terrier has watery eyes, strict hygiene is required - keep the animal's muzzle clean. In this case, the owner, before contact with the eyes of the dog, must wash his hands with soap or wipe them with alcohol.

Obstruction of the tear ducts

This disease has different reasons. It can be congenital, caused by infection, trauma, tumor formation or cysts. As a result, the natural outflow of tears is disturbed, the eyes begin to water and become inflamed. AT this case Only a doctor can make a diagnosis. Depending on the cause that caused the obstruction of the tear ducts, medications (antibiotics) are prescribed or surgery is performed.

Other Common Causes

    Often, if a toy terrier has watery eyes, it can be caused by wrong growth eyelashes. Wrapped inside the eye, the hair damages the cornea. Because of this, the animal experiences severe discomfort. The owner himself can see the "wrong" cilia. But only a doctor can help the dog in this case.

    Eyes may water due to the presence foreign body(dust grains, saplings, hairs). Get rid of the pet discomfort, you can gently rinse the eyelid with clean water.

    If a toy terrier has watery eyes, the reason for this may be the presence of worms in the body of the animal.

    Such dangerous infections like mycoplasmosis and chlamydia one of the symptoms also have eye fluid discharge.

If your toy terrier has watery eyes and you can’t cope with the problem on your own, show your pet to a doctor. Be sure to take care of your dog's eyes. Wipe them with special solutions or chamomile decoction. BUT special means already selected by the doctor.

Every dog ​​reacts differently bad feeling. Some begin to howl and whimper, others courageously endure. Toy Terriers can be attributed just to the second type. How can you tell if your pet is sick?

We determine the signs of the disease

First of all, pay attention to the behavior of the dog. A sick dog will look depressed and will refuse food. Also, feel free to look closely at your pet's secretions. Diarrhea and vomiting are usually not a cause for concern. They can be caused by the dog being agitated or malnutrition.

But if the diarrhea doesn't stop even after you starve your toy or make changes to your diet, see your doctor right away. Do not hesitate even if diarrhea or urine has bloody discharge.

Other signs may indicate that your toy terrier is sick. First, it is an increased or low temperature body (above 39.5 or 36.5 degrees). Secondly, the desire of the dog to hide in some dark place(while the dog may try to dig a hole). And of course, you need to immediately take the dog to the veterinarian with convulsions or twitching of the body, as well as rare breathing.

How can toy terriers get sick? Basically, these are diseases that are characteristic of other breeds: rabies, leptospirosis, viral hepatitis, plague, parvovirus enteritis. Some of them, in particular, rabies and leptospirosis, are also dangerous for humans. All of these diseases are easier to prevent than to cure.

What are the diseases of toy terriers?

There are also specific diseases of that terriers, which are more characteristic of this particular breed. Weak point toys are considered teeth. These dogs often suffer from the familiar caries and periodontitis, which then lead to tooth loss.

To make this happen, follow the diet, and do not forget to brush your pet's teeth. For this, special toothbrushes and pastes are used.

Another problem of this breed is diseases associated with the joints. Toy Terriers are prone to a disease such as Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. In this case, the dog begins to limp due to pain in hip joint. This disease can only be cured surgically. Lameness is also associated with medial patellar luxation, which is also common in toy terriers. This injury is also impossible to cure without surgery.

In general, dogs of this breed cannot be called painful. Toy Terriers are less likely than other breeds to have age-related diseases associated with the heart, kidneys or gastrointestinal tract. good care, timely vaccinations and regular check-ups with a doctor are all they need to feel good.

The toy terrier, like any pet, can have health problems. Owners of the breed often note that dogs begin to watery eyes. This symptom may indicate infectious disease, and about the wrong diet. If your dog has eye problems, you should:

Artificially bred dog breeds have rather low immunity. Toy Terrier is one of such breeds, the owner of these decorative pets needs to carefully monitor their health. The most common problem seen in toy terriers and requiring treatment is excessive tearing. Before carrying out therapy, you need to find out why that terrier has watery eyes.

Improper nutrition is the reason why that terrier has watery eyes

If the eyes of that terrier are watery, the reasons can be very diverse. One of the most common causes tearing - an unhealthy diet that causes allergic reaction animal.

  • You can not combine natural food with dry food in one feeding. Industrial feed contains required amount vitamins and minerals, adding natural food to a serving, the owner causes an overabundance in the pet useful substances, which causes tearing;
  • You can't feed that terrier raw meat- it must be well cooked. It is necessary to completely exclude chicken meat from the menu, which is a strong allergenic;
  • Pets of this breed should not eat sweets - this fact must be taken into account by the owners, since many toy terriers love sweets, beg for them in conceivable and inconceivable ways. If the owner does not want to harm the pet, you do not need to treat him with sweets, cakes, and other goodies.

Diseases, as the reason that that terrier has watery eyes

Tearing of the eyes in toy terriers can indicate not only an improper diet, but also the development of diseases and pathologies.

Often, tearing causes conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Bacteria, viruses, allergies provoke its occurrence. Conjunctivitis is manifested by lacrimation, redness of proteins, swelling of the eyelids, and often pus.

Treatment of this disease should be carried out after consultation with a veterinarian. Most often, antibiotic drops are prescribed, tetracycline ointment - in the case of a bacterial or viral development of the disease, or antihistamine drops and anti-inflammatory ointments - in the case of allergic conjunctivitis.

Regardless of the prescribed treatment, before therapeutic manipulations related to the eyes of a pet, you should wash your hands with soap or disinfect with an antiseptic.

One of the reasons why that terrier has watery eyes is the pathology of the patency of the tear ducts. A variety of reasons can cause it - the development of cysts, tumors, infections, damage, how to avoid injuries indoors can be found in another article. However, the result is the same - tearing and inflammation of the eyes. As a rule, itching accompanies this defect, due to which the dog may try to scratch the eye, and thereby damage it, especially if its claws are not trimmed, you can learn how to trim the claws.

If that terrier has watery eyes due to obstruction of the canals, only a specialist should prescribe treatment. Depending on the cause of the pathology, it is recommended either drug therapy or surgical intervention.

Improper eyelash growth can cause increased tearing of the eyes - the eyelash grows inside the eye, tickling and injuring the cornea of ​​​​the eyes, thereby causing tearing in that terrier. Elimination of the problem should be entrusted to a specialist by contacting a veterinary clinic.

If the tearing of the eyes in an animal caused one of the above diseases, you should immediately consult with a veterinarian to prescribe an effective treatment.

Other Causes of Tearing Eyes in Toy Terriers

Often the reason that a pet's eyes are flowing is dry air in the room, irritating the mucous membrane of the eyes. In this case, you need to purchase an air humidifier and bury your pet's eyes with special moisturizing drops (Hypromellose, Artificial tear, Dacrolux).

Can cause increased tearing in that terrier strong wind during walks, or extreme heat. In this case, the eyes flow only during walks and after them. If that terrier has watery eyes, regardless of the time spent on the street, then the causes of the pathology are something else.

To prevent tearing in a pet, before going outside, you should use moisturizing eye drops, follow the rules of feeding and care.

Another reason for lacrimation in that terrier is getting a grain of sand, speck, or wool into the eye. In this case, you can not climb into the pet's eye with your hands, it is better to rinse it with water.

There are many reasons why that terrier's eyes are bleeding, in one pet it can be caused by infections, in another by malnutrition, and in the third by dry air in the house. It is important not to self-medicate, but to contact a specialist in a veterinary clinic. It is worth remembering that any pet is completely dependent on the owner.
