Nail design for girls 12. Newspaper manicure for school

Create fashionable manicure for girls 12 years old is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Young fashionistas always want to look attractive, so early years they already strive to have beautiful nails. Fortunately, children at this age do not require the help of a specialist at all, since the luxurious patterns and fine lines they just don't need it. If they cannot do a manicure for 12-year-old girls with their own hands, then mothers who know how to care for their nails and apply varnish will always come to the rescue.

Gives neatness appearance and prevents brittleness and damage to nails. The difference between the nails of an adult and a child is the presence of moisture in them. Women's nails contain little moisture, so they are less prone to injury or breakage, but girls' nails are more flexible and brittle due to large quantities moisture. For this reason, the main condition for creating a beautiful manicure for girls 12 years old is to prevent the plates from becoming brittle.

Well-groomed marigolds

Nails at any age should be beautiful and well-groomed, because they decorate the hands and complement any look well. At an early age, parents cut their children’s nails themselves and take care of them with special means. Many people can already do a manicure for 12-year-old girls on their own, but some still need help from other people. At this age, young fashionistas begin to experiment with design and choose the most suitable suitable option for image and style.

Girls in adolescence strive to look older and often choose the wrong tools to decorate their nails. Manicures for 12-year-old girls must be done with extreme caution, because their nail plates are still too soft, and the periungual area is vulnerable to infections. Therefore, before you select fashion design, you should thoroughly prepare the nail plates for the procedure.

Basic Rules

A few simple rules will help you make a 12-year-old girl that will delight everyone around you:

  1. To prevent the occurrence of infectious and fungal diseases, the instruments used should be disinfected before each procedure. At the same time, you must always keep your hands clean and wipe them thoroughly. soft towel after washing. It is recommended to care for nail plates at home using tools designed specifically for teenage manicure. Correct care is guaranteed to help maintain nails healthy color, prevent delamination and the appearance of brittle plates.
  2. You should not use metal files to correct nails. It is best to process the plate with ceramic, glass or abrasive files. The movements carried out by this tool must be smooth. In this case, you need to avoid applying strong pressure so as not to destroy the nail structure. In addition, polishing the surface and filing the edges is required strictly in one direction.
  3. Make nail plates more resistant to external factors A straight nail shape will help, because round and sharp ones break quite quickly. Manicure for a 12 year old girl short nails It can be done with slightly rounded edges; it is always in fashion, so this option is considered one of the most profitable.
  4. Before reaching the age of 16, it is not recommended to cut the cuticle. You can choose an unedged manicure using a modern remover, or simply push back the cuticle with an orange stick and soften it with oil.
  5. Before using varnish, be sure to treat your nails with a degreaser, and then only apply the base coat. Each nail must be thoroughly degreased, as this will make it possible to preserve the design for a long time.
  6. Regardless of the type of varnish chosen, it is necessary to apply a base coat before it. It will reliably protect the natural plate from the influence of active substances and preserve all layers of varnish for several weeks.
  7. It is necessary to apply a fixative on top - a finishing coat. This layer will protect the manicure from cracks and chips, and will also preserve the created composition of decorative elements nail design.
  8. Gel polish has recently taken its place artistic painting, practically displacing it. Nowadays it is actively used for manicure, but not every fashionista knows that you shouldn’t paint your nails with it too often, which is especially true for teenagers. To quickly dry shellac, use ultraviolet lamps, the rays of which negatively affect the formation of the plate. Therefore, teenagers do it through other means.
  9. For 10 hours after the procedure, you should avoid contact with hot water on your nails, as the coating can instantly fade and become less pronounced.
  10. Particular attention must be paid to the instructions for removing varnish. If you remove it incorrectly, you can cause serious damage to the nail structure. The most dangerous thing is to remove by mechanical means without special liquid, which does not contain acetone.

How to make a beautiful manicure

In order for the polish to last on your nails as long as possible, you should listen to the following tips:

  • wipe the nail plates with a cotton swab and white vinegar before applying the base coat (this product eliminates the greasy layer and dirt that interfere with the application of polish);
  • do not soak your nails before the procedure (many unaware people do this to soften the cuticle, but in fact this process leads to steaming and expansion of the nails, and after applying the varnish, the nails shrink again and the varnish layer no longer corresponds to the size of the plate);
  • do not apply varnish to the cuticle (it lifts the paint from the nail, which ultimately leads to chipping);
  • dry your nails with cold air (due to hot air, the polish takes longer to dry, so to speed up this process, you can dip your fingers in ice water for a couple of minutes);
  • regularly apply nail oil (this product prevents the plate from drying out and splitting, so you need to use it every day);
  • do not panic if the already dried varnish has chipped (you can fix this problem using cotton swab, soaked in nail polish remover, which should be used to smooth the edges, and then apply another layer of varnish).

Easy and interesting manicure ideas for girls 12 years old

When a girl just starts doing manicure, it is difficult for her to decide on a design, so she considers the most popular and beautiful, but at the same time easy options. These are the ideas presented below. You can do them quite easily, even without the help of other hands.

For beginners

The simplest summer manicure for a 12-year-old girl, reminiscent of a French manicure, does not require any special skills. For it you will need to stock up on white varnish and several other colors. First, all the nails must be carefully covered with a white tone, and after it has completely dried, you must carefully apply dots of other colors along the edge using an orange stick.


An interesting, but a little complicated option for beginners is a gradient. For it you need to take 2-3 tones of blue, purple and pink polishes. First, all nails should be covered. pink and wait until it dries completely. Then you need to apply the remaining colors to the sponge (as shown in the photo) and apply it to the nail.

A photo of a manicure for 12-year-old girls will help you better understand how to create it.

New Year's manicure

A manicure for any event is always highly valued, because it creates even more festive atmosphere. New Year's options There are many nail decorations, but one of the most common is none other than Santa Claus clothing. To create, you will need to take varnishes of the following colors: red, white, black, gold.

First, three vertical stripes are made on the nail in the following sequence: red, white, red, without leaving free seats on the plate. Then, using a stick with a round tip, cover the edge of the nail with white, and a little higher horizontally draw a straight black line, in the middle of which, after drying, a golden square is added.


You can create a popular manicure that both adults and children like using clear and white pale polishes. To do this, you need to cover the entire nail with base and let it dry. After this, you need to carefully make a white border along the edge of the plate.

If you do it for the first time straight line If it doesn’t work out, you can purchase special stencils. They are sold together with varnishes and other manicure accessories.

Mickey Mouse

To create such a design, you will need to take two colors of varnish (white and black would be ideal, but if you wish, you can take any other colors) and an orange stick or special device with a round tip. First of all, the entire nail plate is covered with one color and completely dries. Then, using a stick and a second varnish, you need to draw a silhouette cartoon character with just three points, as shown in the photo.

Bright solution

If we talk about for girls 12 years old, something bright and colorful immediately comes to mind. First you need to prepare white varnish and a few more bright ones. The first option for this manicure is to cover each nail with a separate color, so that the end result is a kind of rainbow. But most of all people like another option, where it stands out ring finger. The nail on it must first be coated with white varnish, and then, using a stick, apply dots in a chaotic manner. different varnishes. The rest of the nails should be plain.

This option is perfect for both teenagers and older girls. Its main advantage is that it does not require spending too much time and effort to create.

Already with early age boys intuitively copy the behavior of their fathers, and girls - their mothers. In this regard, parents sometimes have certain difficulties. One of important issues, exciting modern mothers, is to perform a children's manicure. Is it possible, and most importantly, is it necessary to subject the fragile nails of a child or teenager to “adult” procedures? At what age can you give your daughter a manicure and paint her nails? This article will help you understand all the intricacies.

What is important to understand?

The main rule that you should follow is the age of the child. First children's manicure for girls, it is better to do it when the young fashionista can already consciously sit through the entire session, which takes on average 15-20 minutes. Best moment To begin this procedure – age 10-13 years. During this period, young ladies begin to devote Special attention your appearance. Stylish clothes and having a beautiful manicure for girls is very important, as it shapes the image of modern teenagers.

What if your princess is 5 years old? Manicures for little girls are done with great care. Children's nails are very thin and easily damaged. Carrying out the procedure at this age has its positive sides.

  1. The child is vaccinated ongoing care behind your appearance.
  2. promotes weaning from unaesthetic.
  3. Children's manicure on short nails, which is complemented by funny images and drawings, gives the child a lot of fun positive emotions and joy.

Step-by-step instruction

It’s easy enough to organize everything for a children’s manicure at home. To do this you will need a certain set of tools:

  • manicure scissors;
  • wire cutters;
  • a soft or glass file with a fine abrasive coating;
  • disposable wooden cuticle stick;
  • emollient oil;
  • baby cream.

As you understand, teenage manicure for girls 12-13 years old and for little girls it will be slightly different. The difference and features of children's manicure will mainly lie in the tools used. If for older children their mother’s nail file will do, then for little fashionistas it is necessary to purchase one that is appropriate for their age. You can see an example of such a kit in the photo.

Step 1

Manicure on children's nails is similar in technique to European (unedged). First of all, treat your hands with an antiseptic solution or wash them antibacterial soap. This rule should be strictly followed before doing a manicure on short nails.

Step 2

Dry your hands with a towel and start decorating free edge nail plate. In this regard, teenage manicure and the procedure for young children have some differences. For preschool children, the nails are cut with pliers along the line of the fingertip and shaped with a nail file, maintaining no more than 1 mm of the free edge. By the way, according to the same principle.

If the process of filing is not pleasant for the child, limit yourself to only wire cutters. Girls 10-13 years old can try experimenting with the shape and length of their nails. But try not to overdo it. The recommended length of the free edge is no more than 3 mm. A beautiful manicure for teenagers does not imply long nails; it looks somewhat vulgar and completely inappropriate.

Step 3

To make your nails look as beautiful as in the picture, you need to treat the cuticle. Apply emollient oil to your skin. A manicure for a girl may include a relaxing bath. As a rule, children love such procedures very much.

Push the cuticle to the edge of the nail plate and clean it up a little with wooden stick. It is very important that the instrument is disposable, since children have much thinner skin, so the risk of infection is higher. Important note: the cuticle is under no circumstances removed with cuticle trimmers! You can only trim the burrs on the side rollers, as shown in the photo.

Step 4

Pamper your hands light massage by applying baby cream. You can apply a base coat or paint your nails with a monotone polish. If the child really asks, draw some fun image to make the children's nail design bright and cheerful. We recommend that you use children's nail polish, especially if it is intended for younger girls.

To better study all the nuances and subtleties of manicure, we suggest you look interesting video. The nail care procedure for children is not at all complicated, but useful instructions will excellent assistant For correct implementation manicure at home. After hygienic treatment of nails, you will be offered the option of a cute children's manicure with a pattern.

Bright manicure ideas with drawings

It's no secret that children and teenagers want to stand out and be noticed. Little fashionistas copy their mothers, and for girls 12-13 years old it is very important to feel attractive. Therefore, for many teenagers, painted nails are a way of self-affirmation. A beautiful manicure for a child can be done not only in the salon, but also at home. How to do hygienic manicure, you already know. Now let's talk about how to paint your nails and create an easy and interesting design.

Children's nails of a little fashionista can be decorated in a cartoon style. Beautiful pictures with your favorite characters will not leave any child indifferent. You can decorate all your fingers or focus on one nail. Flowers, butterflies, animals - far from full list possible design solutions! Imagine with your little child, and we invite you to look at a few photos of children's manicure.

For teenagers 10-13 years old, you can offer something more “adult”, but not devoid of childish spontaneity. Children's nail designs should carry a certain meaning and reflect the girl's mood. We invite you to look at a few photos from interesting ideas. As you can see, almost all designs are made on short nails, in rare cases– at medium length.

You will learn how to make a Barbie-style children's manicure for teenagers by watching the final video lesson. The technology is so simple that a girl can easily decorate her nails on her own. A bright manicure will fit perfectly into a seasoned manicure. school style, and in free casual look. See for yourself by watching this interesting video. Let your child be brighter. After all, manicure for children is not only nail care, but also a way to show their individuality!

Modern mothers agree that a manicure for girls aged 12 is still necessary. Of course, this does not mean that the young beauty should have sharp, bright claws that will go against her cute image! How to properly give a girl a manicure? Read everything in order!

Watching her mother give herself a manicure, the girl dreams of quickly creating such beauty on her nails. A 12-year-old girl can already be taught to do her own manicure. First she does this under the supervision of her mother, and then on her own. It is necessary to offer the girl a simple design that she can handle without outside help.

A twelve-year-old girl is given a children's manicure. How is he different from an adult? What you need to know about children's manicure?

Three important aspects of manicure


  • Children's manicure experts strictly do not recommend touching the cuticle during manicure for children under 14 years of age. There is no need to move it, much less cut it! Even for adult women technology unedged manicure more attractive and safe! The cuticle in children is still very thin. In addition, there is a risk of damaging the plate formation area, which will lead to nail deformation in the future.

  • If the skin has become a little rough, hangnails have appeared, then you cannot do without treating the periungual space! But it will be quite enough to trim the hangnails with sharp scissors or tweezers. And to soften the skin you can do warm bath from medicinal herbs: chamomile or calendula. The miraculous properties of these herbs have been known for a long time.
  • For girls 12 years old, it is recommended to trim their nails, leaving 2-3 mm of a free edge. If you cut the nails right down to the base, this can have a bad effect on the processes correct formation records. Long nails will look too provocative, but on short nails you can also do this Beautiful design. In addition, vigorous physical activity and insufficiently developed nail care skills can lead to the accumulation of dirt and dust under the nails. This length – 2 mm – is optimal to make it easy to keep your nails clean and to be able to remove dirt during the usual hand washing procedure.

Read also: Manicure veil: delicate patterns on your nails

  • Carrying out a manicure for children requires the use of special tools. They must be safe. It is necessary to minimize the possibility of discomfort during manicure. It is better to use a file with an abrasiveness of 240, try to reduce its contact with the nails to a minimum. You also need to carefully take care of the safety of all funds.


  • Many girls have the habit of biting their nails. There is even a medical term - onychophagia. And the reason for the development of a harmful activity is psychological. In most cases, by the age of 12, fortunately, girls get rid of this bad habit. But there are cases when a similar problem exists even at this age. Doctors explain that loud screams and “slapping” fingers will not help a child get rid of the habit of biting his nails! You will definitely need the help of a qualified psychologist. But a beautiful manicure, funny figures on nails, painted flowers and hearts can keep a girl from this harmful activity.

  • A beautiful manicure for a girl of this age is a source of incredible pride, an opportunity to show off and stand out among her friends. Self-confidence appears, just like an adult lady who is confident in her impeccable appearance!


  • No matter how much a girl would like to make an adult design, you need to explain to her what there is certain rules that are followed in society. A bright red manicure, decorated with an abundance of shiny stones, looks twelve on nails year old girl That's just funny! It is necessary to choose a beautiful, discreet design that matches her age.

Read also: Anti-French manicure: revival of traditions

  • During the holidays, you can allow a brighter design. It is possible to test colored varnish on nails in not very flashy shades. But in school time The manicure should be done in calm colors, without flashy designs or flashy elements.

The most popular and easy manicure for girls 12 years old

Mom can allow the girl to play around a little during the holidays. Why not make it fun for your daughter? bright manicure. The girl can try to make easy drawings on her own. Right hand It’s easier to make a design, but it’s more difficult to draw with your left hand... I’ll have to ask my mom for help. But after training, the girl will also skillfully perform drawings with her left hand.

What simple designs should you start with to understand the art of nail art?

  • Happy peas The easiest way to draw is with dots. It's both simple and beautiful. You can place the dots in a checkerboard pattern or diagonally.

  • Pink hearts can be made from two droplets by carefully connecting them with a toothpick in the desired direction.

  • Cute bows- an attribute of childhood - very easy to draw. You can decorate all the records with them or just the ring finger.

  • Small flowers- a more complex option. You need to start with daisies or stylized flowers with five petals.

  • Funny faces will cheer up both the girl and her friends. Display on marigolds cartoon characters Only true artists can do this.

There are plenty more interesting options: butterflies, animal prints, cats, cakes and candies. Only to create such a design you need an authoritative and skillful older assistant.

Manicure for school at 12 years old

A school manicure should be calm and discreet. No matter how much you would like to do your nails bright varnish, there is no need to do this. You will have to listen to a lot of comments from teachers. And as a result, the beautiful coating will still be erased by the next day!

Proper children's manicure - what is it like? Manicure, like love, suits all ages. And such a variety as children's manicure has long ceased to be a delicacy among the services of beauty salons, and began to be confidently practiced by dainties with children of both kindergarten age and already young schoolgirls.

Next, we proceed to processing the cuticle. Perfect option- CND brand. After applying it, very carefully push back the cuticle with an orange stick and remove burrs (cut them with round scissors).

The choice of coating should also be approached responsibly and, first of all, eliminate young fashionista from the bad habit of biting nails. This will help special coating from . Thanks to him, designs made with gentle varnishes created using big3free or big4free technology (i.e., do not contain harmful substances) will last longer. For children's manicures, care products, brand varnishes or varnishes are ideal famous brand.

Getting a children's manicure right means not forgetting about such an important finishing touch as applying ready-made manicure to care for delicate skin and nails. Brand products will help you here, or. When creating children's nail polishes, remember that caring for children's nails for hygiene purposes should be systematic and competent.

Photos and ideas for a beautiful children's manicure. Simple and spectacular designs.

How to make a children's manicure truly beautiful on very short nails and at a school-appropriate length? There are many simple but beautiful and aesthetic children's designs.

Manicure for very young ladies.

The easiest option for a stylish children's manicure is to stick transfer stickers () in the form of, stars, etc. on your nails. And this is not a complete list of possible design solutions! The nails of a little fashionista can also be decorated in. Beautiful children's manicures with favorite characters will not leave any little girl indifferent. You can decorate all your fingers or focus on one of them.

Another one simple idea children's design- drawing (with brushes or toothpicks) simple patterns(berries, animals, stars, etc.). Or you can make an equally interesting varnish look using a sponge, applying varnish to it and applying it in this form to your nails (you will get a very interesting and mesmerizing galactic manicure or manicure in the gradient style, like a kaleidoscope). Such light and easy-to-perform images of children's manicure will allow a little girl to feel like a real princess and already an adult lady.

Nail design for teenage girl.

For teenagers 10-13 years old, you can offer something more “adult”, but not devoid of childish spontaneity. Vivid pictures on nails should not just be flashy, but also carry a certain meaning and reflect the girl’s mood. When decorating your nails, it is better to use translucent tones, light color range. At the same time, a manicure for a girl for school should be discreet and not contrast too much with her skin color. Lightweight for children A manicure for school is best done using the French technique, decorating it with delicate floral painting. A “newspaper manicure” or a manicure with imitating copybooks, blots, or specific symbols of any applied science will look impressive and elegant (this design can be easily created using stamping plates from MoYou London). In a children's manicure for school, discreet stamping that imitates lace or symbols of the seasons - snowflakes, falling leaves, flowers, drops - would also be appropriate. This option will allow you to create fancy patterns without requiring special skill on the part of the performer, and will give your beauty a lot of emotions and cause real delight!

A children's manicure that matches the shape will look fashionable and beautiful. This can be either a solo varnish look with simple brush painting using , or a manicure created using special stencils. The peaks in popularity here will be the White Collar lunar jacket or Scottish (tweed) check/checkerboard. There is nothing wrong with this if you perform such a children's manicure infrequently.

Thematic children's nail art: safe coatings and decorative elements.

A children's manicure with varnish, gel polish/shellac, designed in accordance with the theme of the event, is particularly original. Let’s say that on September 1, a manicure for a 10-year-old girl may contain designs of bows, butterflies, ladybugs or rainbows - as a reminder of summer. For a birthday, the nails of a young fashionista can be decorated with images of cake, pastries, fireworks, and ribbons.

For winter celebrations excellent option design for children's New Year's manicure there will be all kinds of images of snowflakes, deer, Santa Claus, gifts, etc. If your Young lady notes foreign themed holidays- Valentine's Day, Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, etc., tender images can be done using

Manicure for girls aged 11 has long ceased to be a whim or pampering. This necessary procedure, which helps strengthen children's nail plate. But when applying varnish, it is worth remembering two things: you should not paint your child’s nails often, and all manicure products should be designed specifically for children. How to beautifully paint a girl’s nails?

Cute drawings

If the design is made for a child by a mother or a master in a salon, then you can safely experiment! Using a manicure brush, draw cats, bunnies, penguins and other animals. Animals can live on one finger or on all of them. The main thing is that he is cute and makes the child happy.

Summer mood

A summer manicure for an 11-year-old girl must be bright. Each finger can reflect ripe berries, fruits or a colorful rainbow.

To draw a rainbow you will need:

  • white varnish;
  • available rainbow colors;
  • clear varnish;
  • toothpick.

How to draw this design:

  • First you need to cover your fingers clear varnish. Our marigolds will be clouds. They should be coated with white varnish in the shape of air clouds.
  • Then from the right top corner Using a toothpick, draw an arched red line using varnish.
  • Next, apply thin lines that follow the arcs, using all the available colors of the rainbow. If a certain shade is not in the palette, it’s okay. You can replace it or just skip it. This won't make the rainbow any worse.
  • After creating the design, you should cover your nails again with colorless varnish.


Any mother can do such a simple manicure for an 11-year-old girl. The technique is very simple. On a plain surface, the color of which the child chooses, patterns are drawn with a toothpick. How to do it:

  • Cover your nails with varnish.
  • Place small dots over the entire area of ​​the painted nail.
  • Then, using a toothpick, use light wave-like movements to connect these points. Beautiful curls will form on the nail.
  • Cover with clear varnish.


Sparkling nails are perfect for a festive celebration. Tons of iridescent glitter will add a little shine and style to your look. The design will look good with beautiful dress on your birthday. The glitter can be dense or barely noticeable. But in any case, such beauty will attract the attention of all girlfriends.


The most fashionable and unusual manicure 2018 for girls 11 years old - it's neon! Rich shades, which glow with bright colors during the day and glow in the dark. Colorful manicure It will look wonderful on the beach or at a children's disco!


Multi-colored horizontal or vertical stripes will delight any child and help the girl become brighter. Stripes are drawn using a thin manicure brush in any direction.


Popular and very easy to use varnishes. You just cover your nails with them, and the color changes depending on the temperature. They can be placed in a warm or cold water and observe. In a few seconds, your nails will change color, like a real chameleon. Pink will change to purple and blue to green. Huge palette of colors and unusual design allow the child to observe such transformations for a long time.

Jelly beans

The manicure is suitable for an 11-year-old girl, especially for one who simply loves sweets. It's called sugar design. There are several options for creating it.

  • Special sugar varnish is sold in any cosmetics store. When coated, a rough matte surface is formed on the nail, which is very reminiscent of sugar. Bright colors together with the unusual coating they attract attention.
  • Special diamond dust for manicure is sprinkled onto a single-color coating, which forms a rough, shiny surface. The second method is more expensive, but in this case you can combine colors. Using several shades at once, you get a beautiful marmalade manicure on your nails.

Technique for performing sugar nail design.
