Facial massage lines: diagram and correct technique. Types of facial and neck massage for wrinkles

Face and neck massage. How to make it yourself at home.

Massage of the face and neck is not only pleasant, but also useful: all kinds of patting, stroking and pinching stimulate the facial nerves, muscles and tissues. During massage and gymnastics in tissues and blood vessels are activated various processes: metabolism, blood circulation, etc. In addition, massage also stimulates acupuncture points that are located on the face, having a healing effect on the body as a whole.

A facial and neck massage can be done independently at home, without resorting to the services of specialists. The more often and regularly you do gymnastics and massage of the face and neck, the best effects you will achieve, especially if you apply cream to your face and neck at the end of the procedures.

Gymnastics is a system of certain physical exercise, which provide positive impact for the entire body or for its individual parts. Any gymnastic exercise helps to activate blood circulation in tissues, changes the distribution of blood within the body, accelerates and normalizes the metabolic process, regulates breathing, normalizes the functioning of the skin glands, inhibits the process of muscle atrophy, gives elasticity to short muscles, strengthens them, and also improves their structure.

Scientists have found that as a person ages, the number of muscles and muscle fibers decreases. From the age of 45, a progressive decrease in the number of working capillaries begins, which creates the basis for the aging of the body.

❧ Face and neck massage can be carried out using ice cubes, which are best prepared from mineral water without gas.

In adulthood and old age, a person develops an additional number of tendons, and the mass of muscle tissue decreases, and its elasticity also deteriorates. Gymnastics can delay all these processes and help restore muscle tissue.

Physical exercise in general has a very beneficial influence and on the human psyche, help improve coordination of movements, dexterity, provide a slim figure and beautiful posture, and in addition, they help preserve for a long time tightened skin faces.

In general, the shape and expression of the face are determined mainly by the alternating contraction and relaxation of his facial muscles. In order for it to look young and attractive for as long as possible, you need to keep your facial muscles in good shape all the time, that is, learn to control the process of contraction and relaxation of your facial muscles.

Let's try to figure out what the shape of the face depends on. First of all, of course, on the structure of the facial skeleton, and here it is no longer possible to change anything, but at least without participation plastic surgeon. Nevertheless, most of the responsibility for the formation of one form or another lies with the facial muscles. It is they, their reduction, that determine the facial expression and its appearance as a whole. Contraction of the facial muscles affects the contractility of the elastic fibers of the skin tissues, which are responsible for its overall tone. Their high elasticity is a consequence continuous operation facial muscles.

In other words, gymnastic exercises for the facial muscles help better development elastic fibers and maintaining skin elasticity. Only if the facial muscles constantly carry out active muscle activity can the elasticity of the tissues be maintained for a long time. Lack of regular gymnastic exercises for muscles can lead to a decrease, and then even to loss muscle tone and deterioration of the contractility of elastic fibers, which, in turn, will lead to wrinkles and sagging skin.

Gymnastic exercises for the facial muscles are also important for skin color, because it depends on the intensity of blood circulation, and the more often the facial muscles contract and relax, the more actively the blood circulates in the vessels.

The faster you train facial muscles, the more actively they are restored muscle tissue, their functional activity increases, aimed at maintaining skin tone. Without gymnastic exercises it is impossible to achieve a similar result even by the most caring and constant care behind the skin of the face.

There are a number of gymnastic exercises to enhance the functional activity of the facial muscles and prevent some cosmetic imperfections its individual parts.

When performing facial gymnastics, you must observe certain rules. Firstly, during the training process it is important to be in comfortable position. It is best to do this while sitting on a chair, leaning on its back.

As for the time to perform gymnastics, its duration depends on how quickly you feel tired. Please note that breathing and heart rate should not become rapid.

In addition, the duration of gymnastics depends on the overall state of your body at this stage.

You should exercise in a well-ventilated area, and there should be no restraints on your neck. free movement items: tight high collars, scarves, etc.

Gymnastics aims not only to strengthen weakened muscle tone, but also to get rid of improper physical development face, as well as eliminate some skin imperfections - sagging, sagging, wrinkles, etc.

To achieve the greatest effect from gymnastic exercises, they should be carried out in combination with facial massage and a variety of cosmetic procedures: masks, compresses, lotions, peelings, etc.

The following exercises are aimed at strengthening the eye muscles and reducing puffiness under the eyes. In addition, they tone the skin well and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

It has long been known that any cosmetic procedure, whether applying a cream or mask, scrubbing or cleansing the skin, is performed strictly in a certain direction - along the main lines. Facial massage lines are the lines of least stretch of the skin. By performing a massage on them, you can not only tighten the oval of the face and make the contour more expressive and beautiful, but also get rid of many other problems (wrinkles, acne).

But failure to follow the recommendations of cosmetologists and massaging the face, as they say, “at random,” can, on the contrary, aggravate the situation. Swelling will appear on the face, the skin will sag and become covered with a network of wrinkles. Therefore, remember that massage should always be performed along certain lines. What are these lines? Read about it below.

Facial lines for self-massage


For those who have the so-called double chin, as well as for those who do not want to allow it to appear, it is useful to massage with patting movements of the backs of the hands at the place of its formation.


The next area to be massaged is the cheeks and cheekbones. Gently, without stretching the skin, massage from the corners of the lips to the ears and above, from the nose to the edge of the face.

Remember that the massage lines are not clearly straight, but go in an arc from bottom to top. Thus, you seem to slightly lift the skin, preventing it from sagging and spoiling the contour of the face.


The nose massage is carried out from the bottom up along the “back” of the nose and from the back along the wings in different directions.


You need to start massaging your forehead from the center. In this case, all muscles should be extremely relaxed, and there should be no wrinkles on the skin.

From the center of the forehead, move with stroking movements to the sides - towards the temples. You can also massage vertically - from the eyebrows you need to massage the skin in the direction of hair growth.

Eyes and eyelids

The skin in the eyelid area must be treated with extreme caution and delicacy. Do not under any circumstances stretch it! The skin of the eyelids should remain motionless during the massage.

  • By upper eyelid Gently tap the skin from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner.
  • Slide your fingers along the lower eyelid from outer corner to the inner.
  • Tap the skin in the outer corner of the eye for a few seconds.

Unfortunately, many ladies, when doing self-massage of the face, forget about the neck, but it is this part of the body (as well as the hands) that most accurately reveals a woman’s age.

If you do not want to become the owner of a flabby and unkempt neck, be sure to massage the following daily: massage lines:

  • in front of the neck you need to massage from the chest to the chin;
  • the sides of the neck are massaged from top to bottom;
  • The back of the neck is also massaged from top to bottom - from the hairline to the back.

About the techniques

Depending on the desired result There are several techniques.

  1. Classic. It involves simple stroking and tapping with your fingertips in the main massage directions. Such massage will do for both young and aging skin, as it provides a general lifting of the facial contour and eliminates facial wrinkles. Regular use of this procedure also helps improve skin color and tone.
  2. . This technique is used for aging dull and sagging skin. The massage includes strong, energetic movements along the main massage lines.
  3. Pinch massage (according to Jacquet). Massage is used to treat oily problem skin, prone to the appearance of pustules, inflammation, acne and comedones. The technique includes pinching, vibration, strong pressure and is often the final stage deep cleansing faces.

Any of the massages described above is carried out only along the main massage lines. For better gliding of hands on the skin it is used cosmetic oil or special cream, and when massaged according to Jacquet - talc or baby powder.

In addition to massage lines, there are massage points faces. Regular exposure to them restores skin tone, ensures blood flow to it, eliminates swelling and wrinkles, and promotes rejuvenation.

Quite a few such points are known:

  • a point in the center of the forehead (responsible for eliminating wrinkles on the forehead);
  • dots on the inner and outer corners of the eyes;
  • a point on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows (light pressure on it can not only smooth out wrinkles on the forehead, but also generally improve well-being);
  • points in the middle of the eyebrows (as well as several points along the growth of eyebrow hairs);
  • points on the temples (massaging them is effective for migraines and loss of attention);
  • points under the cheekbones;
  • points near the corners of the lips (prevent the lips from drooping unsightly with age);
  • a point under the nose and points near the wings of the nose;
  • point under the chin;
  • point under lower lip(her massage will help you quickly relax and stop worrying).

Basic rules for facial massage at home

  1. Before starting the self-massage procedure, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed. This can only be done via massage lines! Hands should also be washed well and, if necessary, treated with an alcohol solution or calendula tincture.
  2. Choose a massage product that is as natural as possible, without chemical components, petroleum products or parabens. Can be cooked Massage Oil yourself, mixing several types base oils and adding a couple of drops of ethers. If you don’t have the time or desire to make a mixture of oils, you can use unrefined oil premium olives.
  3. Before starting the massage, the skin needs to be prepared. To do this, apply light pressure to the skin. thumbs hands, moving from the area between the eyebrows along the cheeks.
  4. Start self-massage with light stroking with your fingertips, then move on to gentle rubbing. Rubbing should be done carefully, making circular movements. They will help get rid of puffiness and improve the flow of nutrients to the skin. The next stage is kneading. They need to be carried out quite energetically and actively, but so as not to damage the skin. Then you can move on to patting. Finish the procedure with light vibration.
  5. You need to perform a massage once every 2-3 days, but ideally daily.


Only massage along the main massage lines can give positive effect. Regular acupressure face and the use of natural high-quality cosmetics.

Every woman has every chance to remain young and attractive even in mature age. You just need to not neglect yourself and constantly take care of your beauty.

Currently environmental conditions many people do not have enough accommodation high level. This negatively affects the entire human body, including the skin. Face - business card, which other people see when they meet: it is used to determine the age, social status and character of a person. Unfortunately, looking older than your age is much easier under current conditions than having a youthful appearance. Therefore, there is a need to spend more time caring for the skin of the face and neck, especially for women, who are known to wrinkle in these areas relatively early. One of effective ways strengthen the skin - massage the face and neck. This is enough simple procedure in order to carry it out at home.

What is the neck for?

This procedure can be perceived as a way of rejuvenation: its blood vessels are strengthened, elasticity and resistance to harmful external factors. It also promotes acceleration at the cellular level, which has a beneficial effect on its appearance. Massage of the face and neck, if performed regularly, can restore the condition within 3 months skin, give healthy looking. It is best to do this procedure before bed because it promotes relaxation.

Lymphatic drainage massage face and neck

This relieves swelling and improves microcirculation. Thanks to him, they are eliminated dark circles under the eyes, skin cells are renewed, and it takes on a healthy appearance. If the first wrinkles are already appearing on the face, then this procedure can slow down their deepening. You can do it yourself without resorting to the help of a cosmetologist.

  1. Apply a cream that increases skin elasticity to your face and neck.
  2. Palms should be clean and warm.
  3. Using slow and soft, intermittent pressure, move your hands along the forehead area in the direction from the center to its edges.
  4. Then make the same movements in the following directions: from the bridge of the nose to the cheeks, from the nasolabial fossa to the temples, from the chin to the upper cheekbones.
  5. Change the type of movements to light taps, maintaining the same directions.
  6. The neck should be massaged in the same way, in the direction from chest.
  7. Dedicate 5-7 minutes to each type of massage, being careful not to stretch the skin.

Relaxing self-massage of face and neck

You should start with light stroking of the face, then proceed to more energetic movements.

  1. Index, middle and ring finger With both hands, do light movements from the center of the forehead to the temples (3 times). Then massage up and down from the center of your forehead in the same manner.
  2. Change the direction by massaging from the temples, then from the hairline and from the eyebrows to the center of the forehead.
  3. Make light chaotic pats of the frontal part.
  4. Focus your index finger and middle fingers both hands at the point between the eyebrows. Using light semi-circular movements, massage this part upward and to the sides.
  5. Place the three middle fingers of both hands on the bridge of the nose and move with pressing movements along the upper cheekbones to the temples. Then change the direction to the opposite direction, towards the bridge of the nose.
  6. Rub your palms together and massage your cheeks with patting movements.
  7. Concentrate the three middle fingers of both hands on your chin and move them along your lower jaw. Change direction.
  8. Moving on, pet her before you start. It should be remembered that movements are made from the chest.
  9. With both hands, move them upward from the base.
  10. Then, maintaining the direction, change the longitudinal movements in a circular manner.

Thus, face and neck massage is not only very beneficial for health, but is also easily accessible to independent conduct. It is very important to carry out these procedures several times a week to maintain the effect of fresh skin.

Hello. You've probably heard more than once that there is a kind of rejuvenating massage that not only smoothes fine wrinkles, but it even allows you to reduce your age by 10 years. And you don’t have to go to beauty salons, you can do it yourself. Here's about such techniques and we'll talk. Let's start with a facial massage.

To avoid adding wrinkles

Before starting the procedure, apply a drop of oil to your face so as not to stretch the skin and add more wrinkles:

  • on dry epidermis olive oil or wheat germ oil;
  • on normal skin- jojoba oil or;
  • For oily epidermis, a special emulsion or gel is suitable.

Two massage techniques

Self-massage cannot completely remove very deep wrinkles, and here " crow's feet”, which began to appear in the corners of his eyes, he can do it. The procedure is best performed in the evening, when the face is already cleansed. daytime makeup.

Rejuvenation technique

This technique is performed with the fingertips strictly along the massage lines. Movements should be smooth, without sudden stops, preferably continuous.

  • You need to start from the middle of the chin and lead to the point that is located under the earlobe.
  • From the corners of the lips go to the earlobe.
  • From the wings of the nose along the cheekbones to the top of the ear.
  • From the middle of the forehead to the temples in zigzags, as if straightening out wrinkles on the forehead.
  • Run your palm along the neck without pressure, starting from the collarbones to the chin.
  • Using your middle and ring fingers, move along the upper eyelid, starting from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner.
  • On the lower eyelid it is the opposite. The movements are light, as if you are drawing glasses.
  • Massage where crow’s feet appear as if writing the number “8”. Then press hard.
  1. Between the eyebrows, knead the skin and subcutaneous layers from bottom to top.
  2. Then knead your forehead from the center to the temples.
  3. Then also, from the middle of the chin to the earlobe, from the wings of the nose along the cheekbones also to the earlobe.
  4. From the corners of the lips to the top of the ear.

Then apply pressure where wrinkles most often form: on the bridge of the nose, at the outer edge of the eyes, in the corners of the lips. Finish the massage with light tapping along the same massage lines. First from the middle of the chin and so on along all lines. Then back along the same path.

Second technique: elasticity and tone

Press your index fingers to your nasolabial folds and smile broadly. Your cheek will begin to rise. But don't let her do it, keep your fingers in one place.

Index fingers move to the corners of the eyes, and the large ones close to the corners of the mouth. Say the letter "U" briefly. At the same time, you should feel the resistance of your fingers.

Puff out your cheeks and slowly release any trapped air through your mouth.
Close your eyes, count to three, then open your eyes wide.

Neck massage

If you don’t want your neck to become wrinkled at the age of 30 and add age, then take up massage treatments.

Pat with a towel.

How it's done? Take a towel. Soak the middle in a decoction of herbs: sage, linden blossom, yarrow.

Squeeze, take the towel by the ends and rhythmically slap the area where the double chin appears. It’s good if you alternate the decoction with a salt solution: 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 liter of water.

After the massage, lubricate your neck nourishing cream with collagen, because it is collagen that gives the skin elasticity, relieving it of sagging and early aging.

Massage for the décolleté area

As you know, this area can also add age if not taken care of. Namely, this is where the thin skin, devoid of subcutaneous fat, is located.

Don't worry, daily massage will help you stay young for a long time. The manipulation should be carried out gently, without strong pressure and rubbing to the point of redness.

Cleanse your skin with a moisturizing gel with neutral Ph, or use a scrub for this area. You can use the scrub for sensitive skin faces.

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After applying the cream, begin light movements from the chest to the collarbones and shoulders, and to strengthen mammary glands draw the number “8” horizontally.

For a slim body

Such a massage will remove not only excess weight, but also folds in problem areas. The procedure is performed standing or lying down. Tighten your abdominal muscles and get started!

There is a small warning. Do not massage the abdominal area too much, especially if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract and gynecological problems. But the hips and sides can be kneaded with great effort, but also not to the point of bruising.

Stages of the massage procedure

Stroking. Place one palm on top of the other and begin stroking your belly clockwise. Then go over the hips, sides and waist in the same way.

Kneading. Grab the fat fold under the ribs and start pinching it quite hard. Pinch everything first in one direction, then in the other. After pinching, stroke your tummy.

Vertical rubbing. Clench your fists and use your knuckles to rub your stomach up and down, then left to right. After rubbing, the belly should be stroked.

Rubbing horizontally. Connect your fists under your chest and begin to rub your ribs horizontally with your knuckles. Try to reach your back and rub it horizontally as well.

Rubbing the hips and pelvis area. With clenched fists, rub the pelvic area in a circular motion. Rub the thigh area, starting from the bottom, then move up.

Knocking down. Grasp the fat fold on your stomach with the fists of both hands and begin to knock it down from both sides, hitting one point several times. Then move down vertically.

Effleurage. Pound your fists on all areas of the body that were massaged. Then knead them slightly.

Stroking. Complete the massage procedure with a light, pleasant stroking.

Rejuvenating hand massage

Spend 7-10 minutes massaging your hands, this will improve the functioning of your internal organs. In the video you saw unique massage for hands from Galina Grossman.

And now let's move on specifically to the massage itself. We rub the hands, take them directly and rub them. It is important for us to warm up our hands. If there are rings, please remove them. Okay, fine, rubbed it. Rub your fingertips too...

Shake a little. Now let’s squeeze, starting from the fingertips. We squeeze it well, it’s very useful for the hands, it’s very good. Repeat the hand massage again.

Now we squeeze out the lymph nodes in the elbow joint, and also massage the other arm. Enjoy looking at your hand. We improve blood circulation, and, of course, you will improve your skin health...

And so we repeat the hand massage every day.

Many women are interested in how to properly massage the face and neck at home. This procedure is extremely beneficial for the skin, so every representative of the fair sex should master it. This is not difficult to do - you just need a little patience and free time.

Caring for the skin of the face and neck should become a habit for every woman. After all, it is in this area that wrinkles and other signs of aging appear first. And in order not to trust yourself to the hands of others and not to spend a lot of money on visiting beauty salons, you should learn to take care of yourself on your own.

Massage effect

The benefits of facial and neck massage are difficult to overestimate. This procedure has a general cosmetic effect, helping to get rid of many problems, such as:

  • Wrinkles;
  • Edema;
  • Skin laxity;
  • Dark spots;
  • Post-acne;
  • Unhealthy skin color.

All this happens due to several main factors. The first, and most important of them, is stimulation of local blood circulation. It doesn’t matter whether you massage with your hands, a special massager, a towel or a shower - all this helps to increase blood flow. Blood saturates skin cells with oxygen and nutrients, normalizing their activity, accelerating metabolic reactions and regeneration processes.

Second, no less important factor– lymphatic drainage. By massaging your face and neck, you gently influence the lymphatic channels. Lymph is a unique transport vehicle that delivers proteins to tissues, minerals and liquid. At the same time, it also removes metabolic products, toxins, salts and excess water from cells and intercellular space.

And the third factor is the effect on the facial muscles, the condition of which also affects appearance. Since the muscles, to some extent, serve as a framework for the skin, they should always be in good shape, which is facilitated by massage of the face and neck.

Thus, even at home, without resorting to the help of professional massage therapists and expensive cosmetics, you can keep your face in good shape.

Features of the procedure

It is believed that you need to take care of your neck and facial skin only in adulthood. This opinion is erroneous, since even young skin is subject to aggressive influence environment. Of course for mature women the procedure should be more intense and performed somewhat more often, but this does not mean that girls should avoid it.

On average, massage treatments for the face and neck skin should be carried out two to three times a week. They should be carried out in courses of ten to twenty sessions. All these nuances are purely individual and depend on the characteristics of the skin of a particular person.

As for when it is better to do a facial massage, everything here is also somewhat ambiguous. If you visit a beauty salon, then most likely the session will be scheduled at certain time, convenient for both you and your massage therapist. However, this does not mean that the chosen time will be ideal for carrying out such manipulations.

If you do this type of massage at home, you are less limited in this regard. In this case, you should choose the time that you are most comfortable devoting to yourself and caring for your appearance.

Cosmetologists often argue about what time of day is best to conduct such a session. In fact, it doesn’t matter at all whether you do this in the morning or in the evening - the main thing is that you feel comfortable, and at least two hours pass between the end of the session and going outside.

Execution technique

It should be noted that the massage technique is quite simple. Today, many massage techniques have been invented. The main rules: hands must be clean, mood must be good, movements must be careful, breathing must be even and deep. Everything else depends on your imagination and the characteristics of your skin. In order to understand all the technical nuances of the procedure, you should watch the training video.

Self-massage of the face and neck should begin with careful preparation. Clean your face from makeup and dirt, tuck your hair under a bandage, and wash your hands thoroughly. Also watch your nails - they should not be too long and sharp, otherwise there is a risk of injury to the skin.

If you conduct a session at home, you are completely unlimited in your choice auxiliary devices, which will make the procedure easier, more interesting and more effective.

A special cosmetic massager for the face and neck can be a wonderful purchase. There are several types of such devices: vacuum cans, massage rollers, sponges, as well as vibrating massagers with all kinds of attachments. The choice is yours!

In addition, for preventive purposes, you can massage your skin with a shower if it has an adjustable jet intensity. Massage movements, produced by a stream of water, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Scheme water massage extremely simple - every woman can master it.


Even if you take care of your skin at home without the help of hardware cosmetology, massage can cause you some harm. There are a number of contraindications in which such a procedure should be abandoned. Among them are dilated vessels (rosacea), unstable intracranial pressure, acute acne accompanied by severe inflammation.

In these cases, such manipulations can only worsen the condition of the face and neck, so people who have any contraindications should consult a dermatologist before embarking on any procedures.

Otherwise, massage carried out at home is completely safe, comfortable, pleasant, painless and very effective procedure which will help a woman maintain her youth and attractiveness.
