Can you give meat and bone meal to dogs? Meat and bone meal: application and doses for animals and birds

When feeding pets, people often use special mixtures. To provide a complete diet for a pet (it can be a dog), a bird, it is important to use a bone, meat composition (the recommended dosage of the product is indicated below). The vitamin-mineral mixture will balance the nutrition of the animal, which will positively affect the productive characteristics of pets and birds.

What is meat and bone meal?

The product is a brown, milky powder with specific smell(remember that it should not be musty). Before you buy meat and bone meal, pay attention to uniformity (buy a composition with no lumps), the color of the mixture. It is not recommended to buy the product yellowish tint. As a rule, this color is obtained by adding a chicken feather. If an animal consumes such a mixture, it will harm his body. When using such a product, the egg production of a bird decreases, for example.


It is proposed to study chemical composition mixtures. It is made from:

  • water;
  • fat;
  • squirrel;
  • ash.

On the shelves of specialized stores, a class 1 product is often found (the price for it and other types of complexes is presented in a special table below). It contains no more than 9% water, 13% fat, 50% protein, 26% ash. Grade 2 mix consists of 10% water, 18% fat, 42% protein, 28% ash. Class 3 includes a powder containing up to 10% water, 20% fat, 30% protein, 38% ash. It is worth noting that, regardless of the classification of the product, it contains about 2% fiber. Please note that for full development livestock is not recommended to buy too greasy powder.

Meat and bone meal production technology

Before making a purchase, research the production of Meat and Bone Meal. When creating it, the carcass of a dead animal is used (as a rule, the complex is often created from dead animals, the meat of which is suitable for consumption). "Raw materials" are checked for the presence of infections. Often for making vitamin complex use the meat of previously ill animals (the meat of farm animals that had non-communicable diseases is taken). Waste from a specialized enterprise can be used (for example, it can be a meat processing plant).

"Raw materials" are boiled, then cooled to a temperature of 25 °. The product is crushed (special equipment is used for this), sifted through a sieve. Magnetic separators remove metal additives. A food supplement containing potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, magnesium and other elements is carefully processed with antioxidants and packaged in bags (note that the price for a pack varies).

The use of meat and bone meal

Meat and bone meal must be present in the diet of animals and birds (approximately 7% of total grains, other products). If you give protein-mineral powder (see its cost below), then you will be able to improve the health of livestock, increase the level of poultry productivity, and normalize work immune system, boost protective functions body, which will help fight various viruses, infections.

For dogs

The vitamin complex (its price can be from 16 rubles per kilogram) should be added especially to the feed of lactating females carrying puppies. The offal compensates for the lack of vitamins during the period of change of milk teeth in puppies, helps to restore the strength of the dog after childbirth. Bone meal for dogs is recommended for rickets, osteoporosis, deficiency minerals in the body, problems with joints, spine, heart.

count required amount mixtures according to the recommendation: 1 tsp. powder (about 5 g) is applied for every 10 kg of pet weight. So, if the dog weighs 20 kg, then daily dose flour will be 10 g. For puppies, nursing mothers, multiply the indicated value by two. Increasing the daily dose for adult dog should only be done on the advice of a veterinarian.

For chickens

An experienced farmer knows that approximately 3-7% of the meat and bone product of the total amount of dry feed should be present in the daily diet of chickens. If the bird consumes the powder in such an amount, it will contribute to the complete absorption of the necessary vitamins by the body, useful substances. Flour is recommended to be added to concentrated feed, mixtures of grass, hay. If bone meal for chickens is used, then it should be added in an amount of 0.6-0.8% of total mass dry mixes.

You should not exceed the indicated dosage of the vitamin complex. Remember that if there is an excess of the product in the diet of chickens, this will lead to the development of gout, amyloidosis. Make sure there is no soy in the powder. If chicken meal is used regularly, you will notice an increase in egg production, which will help save money on the purchase of feed formulations.

For pigs

If you are interested in animal husbandry, then make sure that the quality of the powder is good ( great options compositions are sold by the companies presented below, the price of the powder is acceptable). For pigs, this product is a source of amino acids, calcium, phosphorus. Meat meal with high content ash (in this case the product contains the elements Ca, P, Na, Fe).

The vitamin-mineral complex is recommended to be included in the diet of animals in the amount of not more than 5% of the total amount of dry feed. If you carefully study agriculture, then know that the additive is not advised to be used for piglets that are too small (include the complex in the menu of two or three-month-old pets in the amount of 2% of the total weight of the food offered).

Bought a pet and do not know what ingredients to include in food for a complete diet? meat and bone meal for dogs will balance the pet's daily nutrition by filling the menu with a mineral-vitamin complex.

There is a lot of information about this veterinary product on the World Wide Web, including conflicting ones. About the scope and beneficial features substances will be discussed in more detail in today's article.

What is bone meal?

Processed products, mineral and protein nutrition, common in animal husbandry. The food is enriched with a large amount of calcium and phosphorus.

Presented as a powdered mixture of dark or light brown with a specific smell. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the color of the product. Poor quality food can be recognized by the presence of a yellowish tint.

Flour is used in almost all industries Agriculture. As a fertilizer, it is mixed with humus and immersed in the soil where the crops will be planted.

Can be added to pots indoor plants. Nourish fruit trees. The mixture helps to accelerate growth and saturate the soil. Thanks to organic property substances completely decompose in the ground for up to 8 months.

The additive is also intended for poultry, rabbits, pigs, animals, cattle, fish. According to quality standards, flour is divided into three classes.

The difference between them is only in the proportions of fat content. Its minimum concentration indicates good properties powder.

When buying, follow these tips:

  • the presence of putrid and musty smell speaks of a bad grade of product;
  • the appearance should be of a uniform format, without noticeable lumps or granules.

Production is carried out at special recycling plants, slaughter ships, meat processing plants. Production comes from materials unsuitable for human consumption, carcasses of dead animals or products of meat processing organizations.

It can be sold in stores, veterinary structures. During production, there are risks of filling the feed with bacterial pathogens, since raw materials of animal origin are no longer fresh during processing.

Possible infections:

  • botulism;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • aerobes.

Selected flour is obtained from fresh raw materials. In warm workshops more likely spread of various pathogens. The processed product is sterilized, destroying possible microorganisms as much as possible.

Sanitary standards require at the end of each shift to load processing systems with antibacterial additives.

Needed once a week mechanical cleaning all parts of production machines. Failure to comply with the rules leads to contamination of a large volume of products and the production area.

Processing steps:

  • Boiling raw materials.
  • Cooling up to 22-25 degrees.
  • In special machines, the resulting porridge is crushed.
  • Sow the resulting powder through a sieve.
  • Remove impurities from the metal by passing through magnetic separators.
  • To prevent quick spoilage treated with an oxidizing agent.
  • Powder packaging in bags and boxes.

List of technological mechanisms involved in the processing process:

  • grinder;
  • conveyor for moving raw materials;
  • crusher;
  • centrifuge;
  • metal bunker;
  • drying apparatus;
  • packaging machine for finished products.

Purpose of application

It is widely known that a growing body requires the supply of minerals for the full formation of the skeleton and bone tissues. Veterinarians do not allow growing puppies to give raw bones, especially for small breeds.

This situation affects the formation of a lack of phosphorus and calcium. To fill the lack of trace elements will help this universal powder. The product is used as an additive to the main diet.

The composition of bone meal is wide. Up to 50% the substance includes proteins, fats 15%, the rest is ash, water, acids, seratonin, dioxin, protein. Home hallmark from meat meal is a high content of calcium.

The vitamin complex is expressed by carotene, elements of groups A, B, D, E. Mineral composition includes manganese, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, calcium, potassium.

The addition of bone meal has:

  • increase in nutritional properties;
  • acceleration of growth;
  • raising immunity;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • economy of feeding elements;
  • increase in poultry productivity.

Instructions for use

Guidelines for the use of feed says that you can buy not only in the presence of diseases, but also with a lack of vitamins. A puppy born weak needs for a long time in a complete diet.

The need to use the powder is prescribed by a veterinarian. A wide range of diseases that require the use of feed:

  • strengthening and growth of teeth;
  • treatment of rickets;
  • after childbirth and lactation;
  • dystrophy, hypovitaminosis;
  • stabilization of metabolism;
  • increase in body weight of a growing organism;
  • increased immunity;
  • rehabilitation period after illness;
  • nervous system failures.


The presence of fat in products requires special conditions content, since if elementary measures are not followed, at least the powder will be useless for your dog, and at the maximum it will harm, poison the body.

Basic Rules:

  • no direct hits sun rays, water;
  • the place should be well ventilated, clean;
  • the package is tightly closed;
  • the temperature should not reach 28 degrees. If the indicators are exceeded, the product is by no means eaten, as toxic substances are released;
  • after the expiration date, use is prohibited.

Pay attention to whether the package indicates the presence of antioxidants. They are necessary to slow down and prevent air oxidation of fats.

But on this score, manufacturers are divided in the opinion of the need for their use.
The shelf life is indicated on the packaging. The standard period is 1 year.


Introduced into the diet four-legged friend the product gradually, adding to the dog's food no more than twice a week. When addictive, the supplement is added to food once a day. Puppies, lactating animals can be used with soup.

There are contraindications for use - stomach diseases, it is forbidden to give food immediately after childbirth, to animals whose diet includes both wet and dry food.

Subject to storage conditions side effects not visible. Not addictive. In case you forgot to give a substance, slightly increase the dose at the next application.

Do not exceed the required portion. It leads to the occurrence of amyloidosis, gout.


  • Puppies large breeds 1 tablespoon, medium - 2 teaspoons, small - 1 teaspoon.
  • Dogs, one scoop more than puppies.
  • Pregnant bitches are given twice the dosage as adult dogs.

The maximum rate is 100 grams per day. You can buy a product at retail both in a butcher shop, where supplies are made by factories, and in a veterinary clinic.

A guarantee of buying quality feed is the availability of certificates for the product. Sale is carried out by weight, as well as in a variety of packaging - cardboard, thermo - package, bank.

The price ranges from 25 rubles per kilogram and above. Interesting fact. In Europe, this type of flour is used for energy production, waste incineration. It is possible to replace coal with a lower calorific value.


For release at home, waste from animals and fish is used. They take raw materials that are not suitable for consumption - bones, eggshell. The accumulated waste is stored in freezer, to prevent quick spoilage.

Then the raw material is crushed, packed in plastic bags. Spend as you consume. Bone flour - indispensable product in animal husbandry. Your pet's diet will decorate this product.

The dog will happily eat it as a treat. Consult your veterinarian before use.

Perhaps your pet's food is full enough necessary elements and he does not need additional nutrition. Before buying, please note the date of manufacture.

It is known that a growing organism needs minerals necessary for the correct and timely formation of the osteoarticular system. An analysis of the commercial mineral supplements available on the market does not allow us to unequivocally recommend them as fully and accurately providing the puppy's diet with what he needs, but different reasons: the availability of supplements, their balance and adequate combination with a natural diet, which we actually promote. There is practically no additive that would meet all the requirements not only in terms of composition, but also in terms of availability in different regions countries. It made us reconsider existing opportunities for most dog and cat owners to give a fairly simple and available ways problem solving.

As you know, when recommending natural nutrition (you can read about it at the link), we always make reference to the typicality and naturalness of food components, bringing the animal's food closer to the natural diet. It is for this reason that it is recommended optimal solution mineral supplement.

All carnivorous animals obtain the minerals and, above all, the calcium and phosphorus in question, from the food they eat, namely from the bone components of the diet of caught prey, and they have no other artificial sources, except for the possible consumption of a certain amount. clay and other mineral sources like natural water.

At home, raw bone, as a source of balanced calcium and phosphorus, is extremely rare in the puppy's diet and mostly in a chaotic manner, and most owners and veterinarians, in general, are afraid to recommend it. Moreover, in the diet of small and miniature dogs there are no bones at all, and feeding small dogs with natural food creates a lack of calcium and phosphorus, only saving the situation small size dogs and not intensive growth, as this reduces the needs in comparison with large and giant breeds. This is perhaps the most important and the only drawback of natural nutrition - it requires adjustment of the dose of minerals and vitamin D 3 and vitamin A due to the lack of enough bones in the animal's diet as a source of ash. Thus, bone meal can be recommended as a natural source of minerals, which is dehydrated to 8% moisture and defatted ground bone and contains a natural ratio of phosphorus and calcium in the bone, which is a ratio of 1:1.8. This ratio is considered to be not ideal, the best ratio of phosphorus to calcium in dogs is 1:1.5 or 1:1.2, that is, calcium should be 1.2-1.5 times more than phosphorus. But this imbalance is compensated by the most natural food, which contains a significantly higher amount of phosphorus than calcium. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus in cottage cheese is 1:1.6, in chicken meat - 1:13, beef - 1:8.5, in the liver - 1:38. Thus, the combination of a natural diet with a predominant source of phosphorus from bone meal balances the amount, or rather the ratio of calcium to phosphorus. Maybe, this scheme is not exactly balanced, but in the conditions of practical home keeping of dogs, this form of feeding will be as ideal as possible, which will reduce the errors of the lack of minerals in the natural diet to a minimum and make it more accessible to most owners. The advantage of this method of replenishing minerals is also the safety of exceeding the amount of bone meal, the excess of which simply will not be absorbed, by analogy with the harmlessness of an abnormal amount of food eaten. bone tissue wild animals. The presence of an organic component of bone tissue, osein, in bone meal is also important, which will positively affect the formation of the bone system of a growing puppy and the healing of a fracture after injuries. Adult dogs that regularly have a certain amount of raw bone in their diet may not be given bone meal at all, while puppies, pregnant, lactating and animals with fractures can and should be given. The ability to add bone meal to the diet of small and dwarf breeds dogs solves the problem of adding other commercial mineral supplements, and eating bones by such breeds is sometimes difficult or impossible.

In addition, commercial mineral supplements often recommended by physicians, such as velpenkalk or SFK yeast, sometimes give backlash from the side digestive system, while natural bone meal poses no palatability or bad smell due to the naturalness of the product.

For 10 kg. animal weight (for dogs) and per 1 animal for cats:

- Puppies - 23 gr. bone meal;
- Adult dogs 10 gr. or if present in the diet raw bones may not be given at all;
- Pregnant dogs are required to increase the adult dog dose by 10% in the first half of pregnancy and 20% in the second half, from the norm of an adult dog outside of pregnancy;
- Lactating dogs in I-II weeks of lactation - by 50%, III-V weeks of lactation - by 70% of the norm for an adult dog outside feeding puppies.
- Cats - 1 gr. bone meal;
- Kittens - 2 gr. bone meal.

A teaspoon of bone meal without a slide corresponds to 5 gr. Small errors in accuracy are not critical.

When using meat and bone meal, the dose is increased by 20% of the calculated dose of bone meal.

As you know, for the full absorption and distribution of calcium and phosphorus, the body requires vitamin D 3 . To provide normal level this component requires vitamin D 3 for every 10 kg. weight per day for a dog and daily allowance for 1 animal for cats:

- Puppies - 200 IU;
- Adults - 70 IU;
- Puppies in the first half of pregnancy - 100 IU and in the second half - 140 IU.
- Lactating in I-II weeks of lactation - 140, III-V weeks of lactation - 160 IU.
- Cats - 50 IU;
- Kittens - 80 IU.

- Puppies - 2000 IU;
- Adults - 1000 IU;
- Puppies in the first half of pregnancy - 1500 IU and in the second half 2000 IU.
- Lactating in I-II weeks of lactation - 2000, III-V weeks of lactation - 2400 IU.
- Cats - 1600 IU;
- Kittens - 2000 IU.

Separating the intake of mineral supplements and vitamins allows you to more accurately calculate the required and adequate dose of each component. The above vitamins are sold in medical pharmacies in the form of an oil or alcohol solution, indicating the amount of IU in the 1st drop. Vitamins are added to the bowl where the bone meal is located, and should not exceed the indicated doses.

For small and medium-sized dogs, even 1 drop of the drug may be excessive (in one drop - 500 IU), but you need, for example, 300. In such cases, you need to dilute the ready-made purchased solution yourself as follows: 1 ml of an aqueous solution of vitamin D 3 is mixed with 9 ml boiled water in a 10 ml syringe. After such dilution, in one drop of such a solution there will be 50 IU (10 times less), and for a puppy weighing 15 kg you will need 300 IU - 6 drops of a diluted solution.

Similarly, dilute vitamin A, mixing not with water, but with refined oil in the same proportion. That is, you dilute aqueous solutions with water, oil solutions with oil.

An example of calculating the dose of a vitamin or mineral supplement for a puppy

It is required to choose a dose of bone meal for a puppy weighing 24 kg.

We make a proportion:

For 10 kg of weight ———— 23 gr. bone meal
For 24 kg of weight ———— X gr. bone meal
X = (24 kg x 23 gr.): 10 kg
X = 552:10
X \u003d 55.2 gr.

Answer: a puppy weighing 24 kg per day needs 55.2 grams. bone meal is 11 teaspoons without a slide.

We make a proportion:
For 10 kg of weight ———— 200 IU of vitamin D 3
For 38 kg of weight ———— X g IU of vitamin D 3
X = (38 kg x 200 gr): 10 kg
X = 7600:10
X = 760 IU

Answer: A 38 kg puppy needs 760 IU of vitamin D 3 per day.

Similarly, calculate the rate for your dog, for any supplement, substituting the weight of your dog and the rate of bone meal or vitamin. As the weight increases during the growth of the puppy dog, for every 5 kg (or more often) make an adjustment to the dose of mineral supplements and vitamins. At natural nutrition for adult dogs, the addition of a mineral supplement and vitamins is not mandatory, but during the period of growth, lactation and pregnancy it is necessary.

In the diet of dogs of all breeds, there should be not only meat, but also other useful components for proper growth and development. Deficiency of phosphorus, calcium, sodium provokes problems with the musculoskeletal system, causes rickets, deformation of the joints and spine. It is very important to monitor the level of proteins, micro- and microelements during pregnancy, in the first weeks of life of puppies, when changing teeth.

Meat and bone meal for dogs is a nutritional supplement with a high content of protein, phosphorus, calcium and other trace elements. Subject to dosage and frequency of use natural product benefits puppies and adult dogs.

What is meat and bone meal

quite useful and nutritional product- a source of proteins. Natural meat and bone meal is produced from parts of the carcass of cattle left during the butchering of the animal after slaughter. The parts are not used for other purposes, but as a high-protein dietary supplement, canning and bacon waste is quite suitable.

How is meat and bone meal made? The process is organized in such a way that during processing it kills all microorganisms and helminth larvae that could accidentally be in the parts of the carcass to be crushed. The production of meat and bone meal for dogs takes place in workshops where sanitary and hygienic standards are observed. It is important that the manufacturer adheres to the rules, otherwise the feed additive may be harmful.

Briefly about the stages of production:

  • meat products are placed in autoclaves for sterilization and steaming. During the process, microorganisms of various kinds die;
  • the next stage is the drying of the disinfected raw materials. In the drying chamber, automation supports high temperature and optimum pressure. The technology additionally protects the final product from hazardous inclusions;
  • then the raw material is passed through a crushing plant, sent to a special sifter with powerful magnets to remove metal particles and other foreign elements;
  • the next stage is a sieve with smaller holes for cleaning raw materials, removing large pieces. The finished product is more like ground coffee, the color is reddish-brown, the diameter of the grains is no more than 12 mm, there are light yellow inclusions (particles of baked and ground bones);
  • prepared meat and bone meal is combined with antioxidants to prevent product oxidation, packed in paper or cardboard packs;
  • Supplement storage requires a non-damp room with optimal humidity and temperature.

On the page you can learn about how a cold in dogs manifests itself and how to treat a viral disease.

How often to give

Meat and bone meal is included in the diet two to three times a week. Do not give a natural product too often: possible clogging of the stomach and intestines, which leads to constipation. Be sure to comply with the norm, do not exceed the percentage of total weight food for different breeds of dogs.

Many premium foods and more high category(super premium class) also contain meat and bone meal. The difference is in percentage terms. High-end varieties include a small percentage of natural supplement, in cheaper dog food, the amount of natural meat is less, but meat and bone meal and offal replace the main animal component.

Cost and storage rules

The price of 1 kg of meat and bone meal is low - from 20 to 40 rubles. When buying large quantities, you can save a lot.

Meat and bone meal is useful only if the storage regime is observed:

  • non-damp, ventilated room;
  • temperature from +20 to +30 degrees;
  • the package is closed after taking each serving of nutritious flour;
  • do not place the multi-layered paper bag near heaters or in the sun.

It is forbidden to give the ground product to a dog of any age and breed in case of violation of the storage rules, if the mass is damp and lumpy. Also, a responsible owner knows when the expiration date of meat and bone meal ends, and does not give the pet an expired natural supplement.

Meat and bone meal alternative

On the recommendation of a veterinarian, puppies and adult dogs receive other types of vitamin and mineral supplements to strengthen bones and teeth. Calcium phosphate, ground eggshell, Hercules groats, sea fish, offal, low-fat cottage cheese, blood, milk - food names replacing meat and bone meal. Important to remember: the main source of proteins and minerals is natural lean meat.

For proper development four-legged pets, the menu should contain proteins, mineral components, lipids. Meat and bone meal is a food supplement for the diet of dogs of all breeds. It is important to give your pet a natural product, taking into account the norm for a particular breed, in order to avoid clogging digestive tract. Meat and bone meal must have high quality and not be out of date. Can't replace cheap food additive natural meat.

It is used as a daily supplement to the diet of dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets and minks to eliminate and prevent the adverse effects that occur with unbalanced feeding. In the dog's diet, meat and bone meal should be present in an amount of up to 100 grams. per day, depending on the weight and age of your pet.

Composition: proteins, amino acids, fats, vitamins: E, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B12, macronutrients: calcium (on average contains 8.4-13.2%), phosphorus (on average contains 8.4- 13.2%), potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, trace elements: iron, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt, iodine.

A small historical digression regarding dog nutrition. According to approximate historical data, a dog has been living next to a person for about 50,000 years, i.e. man has been feeding the dog for many thousands of years. The question is, how did canids survive without commercial food and why were they healthier than today's animals? Feed exists only for the last 40-50 years, and it is in recent decades that an increase in the number of chronic diseases animals, when it is practically impossible to find a healthy pet. This is noticed by the owners themselves, whose dogs 20-30 years ago did not get sick so hard and hard when, before they were born, the puppy wanders around clinics in Moscow or your city in a futile search for a solution to a health problem.

Daily addition of meat and bone meal to the feed in animal feeding will allow:

Increase productivity

Enrich with proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals of feed and increase their nutritional value

Normalization of metabolism

Reduce feed costs


To compensate for the deficiency of calcium and phosphorus during the formation and change of teeth

For the correct growth and development of puppies, kittens, rabbits, ferrets and minks, poultry

For the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal

The motor apparatus in adult and aging animals and birds

For recovery after physical exertion

For the prevention and treatment of avitaminosis B5 and B12 - with insufficient lactation in females

To restore the exterior after childbirth and feeding

For the prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders - to improve immunity

To increase the productivity of poultry and animals

Meat and bone meal in the diets of dogs is partially replaced by meat, feeding adult dogs in the diet no more than 100 g per day. Dogs are accustomed to this supplement gradually, feeding it in a mixture with other feeds.

For 10 kg. animal weight:

Puppies - 23 gr. bone meal;
- Adult dogs 10-15 gr. or in the presence of raw bones in the diet, you can not give at all;
- Pregnant dogs are required to increase the adult dog dose by 10% in the first half of pregnancy and 20% in the second half, from the adult dog norm outside of pregnancy;
- Lactating dogs in I-II weeks of lactation - by 50%, III-V weeks of lactation - by 70% of the norm of an adult dog outside feeding puppies.

An example of calculating the dose of a vitamin or mineral supplement for a puppy

It is required to choose a dose of meat and bone meal for a puppy weighing 24 kg.

We make a proportion:

For 10 kg of weight ----------- 23 gr. bone meal
For 24 kg of weight ----------- X gr. bone meal
X = (24 kg x 23 gr.): 10 kg
X = 552:10
X \u003d 55.2 gr.

Answer: a puppy weighing 24 kg per day needs 55.2 grams. meat and bone meal is 6 teaspoons without a slide.

A teaspoon of bone meal without a slide corresponds to 8-10 gr.

It is most useful to add this food little by little to the soup (cooled down), especially for young animals, whelping and lactating bitches. At the same time, meat and bone meal increases the content of mineral elements, especially calcium and phosphorus in the optimal proportion of 1: 1.6 in the body of a dog.

Male rabbits weighing 4 kg are given 5-15 g of meat and bone meal per day. In the diets of baby rabbits, there must be bone and meat and bone meal in the amount of 5-8 g per head per day.

meat and bone meal- a valuable feed additive for all types of poultry. An adult bird is fed from 6 to 12 g per day.

The composition of meat and bone meal grade 3 per 100g:

Proteins - not less than 36%

Fats not less than 5%

Amino acids - not less than 34%

Indispensable including:

lysine - not less than 1.84%,

methionine - not less than 0.53%,

threonine - not less than 1.2%,

tryptophan - not less than 0.35%,

arginine - not less than 2.3%,

leucine - not less than 2%,

isoleucine not less than 1%,

glycine - not less than 2.52%,

histidine - not less than 0.5%.


Calcium not less than 9.5%

Phosphorus not less than 5%

Potassium - not less than 1.2 g

Magnesium - not less than 0.1 g

Sodium - not less than 0.15 g

Trace elements:

Iron - at least 5 mg

Copper - not less than 0.15 mg

Zinc - not less than 8.5 mg

Manganese - not less than 1.2 mg

Cobalt - not less than 0.02 mg

Iodine - not less than 0.1 mg


B1 - not less than 0.1 mg

B2 - not less than 0.4 mg

B3 - not less than 0.3 mg

B4 - not less than 0.2 mg

B5 - not less than 4.6 mg

B12 - not less than 1.2 mcg
