Alexander Om "Keys" to the Absolute Meaning. subtle matter

The state of enlightenment, as has been noted more than once, is not only a new quality of the soul, but it is also a different view of the familiar world, which is now perceived in a completely new way. Why is he - this world - perceived in a new way? Because the enlightened one already possesses knowledge about him, which, for a number of reasons, is not yet perceived by others. This can be compared with the state that Copernicus experienced when it dawned on him that no Sun revolves around the Earth, but that, it turns out, everything is quite the opposite!!!

For such a person, everything falls into place and he is not just closer, but has already come very close to understanding the Absolute meaning. Thanks to this, he - or rather his soul - is no longer in a state of searching for an answer to it. Everything is clear to her. It remains only to follow this path - the path to Him. This Path is already simple. And knowledge of the Absolute meaning is the main guideline on this Path. But what does this knowledge include?

It is immediately necessary to make an important reservation: when we talk about the meaning of our existence, we usually unwittingly substitute the Absolute meaning for the relative one, and thus, as an answer to the question about the meaning of our being, we often point out what is most important for us in life. For some, this meaning can be a family, for someone a career, for someone personal freedom, etc. Thus, everyone evaluates it in their own way, based on their own experience, life goals, needs, their importance, priorities, etc., which he tries to realize according to his abilities and circumstances. In this sense, there is nothing wrong and it has every right to exist, since it is also important for each of us, but it will still remain relative, not Absolute.

What is the main difference between one and the other?

The difference is that the Absolute Meaning is important to all of us, whether we see it or not, understand it or not. And, what is very important - no matter how hard we try to evaluate it, it will always be the same for everyone without exception - as one reality and the Universe in which we live, as one Earth, on which we live, as one each of us, as Absolute and One God.

The fact that the Absolute meaning is one, probably few people will doubt it, but nevertheless, in attempts to describe it, we will still disagree in some way. Everyone will describe it in their own way. Someone will point to one side of it, considering it the most important, and someone to the other. In addition, we all have also different knowledge about this world. But even if we had the same knowledge at the same time, not everyone would be able to integrate it at the same time with the same result. Some knowledge will still remain outside the framework of a single image and will distort the perception of the overall picture of the Absolute meaning.

And, of course, the time factor - until all the disparate puzzles in our minds fit into one common unified picture, time passes. Sometimes a lot of time.

At the same time, it is clear that Absolute Reality has no extra pictures or extra elements. All of them are components of a common unified whole. The only question is, do we see them and are we able to put each one in its proper place? And without them it is very difficult to see not only a single picture, but also to realize this notorious Absolute meaning.

In fact, the essence of what will be discussed is not something new. This has been said for at least the last two thousand years. True, earlier this knowledge was explained in an accessible language of the corresponding time and often allegorically - sometimes in the form of parables, sometimes in the form of dogmas, and besides, they did not require proof and therefore were usually taken for granted. However, this form in those days satisfied the majority.

Now, simply believing in God is no longer enough for us. To believe in Him, we need irrefutable proof of His existence. Since a purely scientific-materialistic paradigm still dominates in the scientific world, naturally there is still no such evidence. But at the same time, another view of the same reality has already appeared, and it helps to perceive it from a slightly different perspective.

Undoubtedly, we are not fully aware of God and the Absolute meaning (according to at least in human incarnation), but we can still see common features. They just can become landmarks on the way of our spiritual development.

These common features will be a kind of "keys" with which it will be possible to "open" the main doors to the Absolute Reality. There are many doors. True, many of them so far remain closed to most of us, since we often simply ignore them, believing that they do not lead anywhere, or that we are trying to open them, as they say, with a master key. However, how can we open them if we often open them incorrectly or we think that there are no doors.

Now we are the children of the materialistic world view. On the one hand, we demand irrefutable evidence in everything, and if something is unprovable modern means, then we discard it, considering it as non-existent. On the other hand, we have already advanced so much in comprehending the physical matter familiar to our perception and describing reality solely on the basis of knowledge about this matter that it is very difficult for us to begin to look at this very reality in a slightly different way.

So, let's try to look at it from a different perspective. First you need to designate the angle of this perspective. For me personally, it has always been defined by the question: “Yes, but why?” It allowed me to abstract from the generally accepted view of the world and forced me to look for an answer a little further than was usually suggested. So gradually something opened up in my head and a new vision and additional understanding came. I offer the reader the same.

Of course, it would be naive to believe that on the pages of an article, the volume of which is very limited, one can reveal the Absolute meaning of our existence. (However, experience shows that even if it is discussed on several hundred pages, then for many it will not always be obvious). Therefore, the task of this article is, first of all, to offer “keys”, with the help of which it will be possible not only to “open” the doors to a slightly different “space” of the same reality, but first of all to try to look at the Absolute meaning differently and then try to integrate the elements of reality yourself. seen in a new way. Then at some certain moment it can happen - the amount of information will give required quality and a voluminous new vision of the same reality will appear, and as a result, perhaps you yourself will agree with me and also say: “Yes! How easy it turns out. And how did I not notice this before!?

But I have only a few pages (however, already less), so I must try to be brief, concise, succinct and very logical. In other words, what now occupies the volume of the book, I must set out on several pages.

Of course, I myself very much doubt that I will be able to convince the majority of readers of the truth of what will be said, but I will tell you in confidence that this article is actually a provocation. That is, even if I fail to prove what the Absolute meaning of our existence is and many disagree with me, the main goal will still be achieved, since you will be forced to think about it with me. We are in Lately so rarely do we think and talk about the meaning of our life that every mention of it causes many people to be puzzled that it exists at all, and even more so this notorious Absolute meaning. But he IS!!!

Well, let's start!

So the question is "Yes, but why?".

You may be surprised, but in general, first of all, it is necessary to ask the question not about the meaning of human existence, but about the meaning of the existence of the Universe - that is, yes, it exists, but the question is why does it exist? Just the answer to it is one of the main "keys" both in the question of the existence of life on Earth, and of the existence of man himself as such.
We have already calculated that the age of the universe is about 15 billion years. However, 15 or 150 billion - for us it does not matter. We do not feel and do not realize such an amount of time anyway.

Therefore, it is more important for us why it exists? After all, there was a moment when it did not exist at all. Naturally, the question usually arises of what then was before it? It is clear that some world or something that was instead of it still existed before this "Big Bang".
Thus, to the question "Why does it exist?" at least two more are added: “What was before her?” and "What led to her appearing?"

But let's talk about the first question first. If we answer it, then the other two will be solved. Trust me!

So, "Why does our Universe exist?".

Until recently, in the scientific community there was (however, and still exists) a fairly widespread opinion that the Universe arose on its own. Just like that, she took it and appeared. Not only that, herself. Without any reasons and prerequisites. Do you believe in it? Me not. However, what am I? Already, many scientists involved in fundamental physics and astrophysics are openly saying that without the participation of some external force unknown to us - that is, probably some Creator - could not have done.

In other words, the fact that God exists and that he created the Universe is no longer something seditious for many scientists. While His existence does not yet have any scientific explanation and proof, He is already increasingly understood as one of the main initiators of everything that surrounds us all in the raging ocean of energy of billions of stars, in billions of galaxies of infinite space, in comparison with which we - living on Earth - are not even dust and not a moment.

Why did such an opinion appear in the scientific community? Scientists who study the classical matter known to us say that its structure in itself is simply incredibly complex, and besides, thanks to fundamental physical constants (or otherwise constants), which also did not appear on their own, everything in the Universe is surprisingly so balanced and it is interrelated that if at least one of them changes by a hundredth, this will lead to irreversible consequences, up to the destruction of both matter and the Universe itself.

What does it say? The fact that the One who created it thought in advance not only the very structure of matter, but also the main energy principles interactions in it - from atoms to stars. (I ask you to pay special attention to the word "principles").

I understand that for many of us the words "He" and "He created", not to mention "He thought through" now cause skepticism. In many, a highly educated materialist immediately responds, with a smirk evaluating such prejudices of antiquity. Like, it was possible to say so back in the 19th century, but not now, when we ourselves create our surrounding reality from synthetic materials and with the help of computers, which we also created, not He.

At the same time, I ask you to pay attention to the fact that physical matter, whatever it may be, still could not be created from nothing, and even more so by itself. Therefore, Thomas Aquinas, back in the 12th century, who argued that there must be something that is the root cause of our world, is quite right.
In other words, in order for the matter known to us to be created, nevertheless, on the one hand, something is needed from which it can create itself, and on the other hand, there must be energy and at least the first impulse to start the whole process, and, of course, exact plan. Not to mention the very idea of ​​creating it all. She had to come from somewhere. Where? From outside.

“From what else from the outside?” I hear the indignation of many materialist opponents. "Don't talk nonsense! Nothing comes from nothing."
Well. It is true that nothing comes from nothing. Please remember this phrase. We will need it in the future.
Let's leave this “outside” for now and look at the Universe from a different angle.

The fact that the Universe from the point of view of dense matter is quite real, no one doubts (except, of course, some too zealous adherents of Buddhism). However, the main thing now is not even that it exists, but that its appearance was due to something. In other words, it was very necessary for Something, or rather Someone. This Someone or Something is just the initiator of both the Universe itself and life in general - not only on Earth. At the same time, the power, strength and wisdom of the Mind, which created this Universe, simply cannot but delight.

The only question is: "Why did He create it?".

When I hear explanations that, they say, He created the Universe just like that, without any purpose, or that the Creator simply enjoys the state of his own existence through us, or that He experiences his own existence through each of us and also learns through us, or something else like that, then this approach causes tenderness for me. Those who say this still do not take into account the fact that, on the one hand, the matter of the Universe is incredibly complex in its structure and principles of interaction, and, on the other hand, it must be taken into account that even everything that was created by us - still far from perfect beings, was always created for something - for some specific purpose.

Note that absolutely everything that we ourselves do, how we move, how we dress, what we eat, how and what we say, is strictly motivated by our specific need. Need! It is a need, and behind it, internal motivation and conditioning make us not only think, perform certain actions and generally shape our own behavior, but also equip the world around us in accordance with these needs and not otherwise. So the skeptic is right - something is always taken from something and, most importantly, for the sake of something.

Okay, we are the people. Now among zoologists it is increasingly being said that nature is also conscious and that all living organisms are not robots programmed by instincts, but thinking and not just feeling, but rational beings - to some extent possessing a certain level of consciousness and therefore consciously form own behavior. Yes, they have a much larger share of instinctive programs polished by the experience of previous generations compared to how it happens in humans, but they also think in some way, analyze what they are doing and, on the basis of this, form their own behavior. The more zoologists and ethologists study mental activity certain representatives of the animal world, the more they are surprised at their intellect and rationality. Of course, the behavior and degree of awareness of each particular living organism depends on many evolutionary factors, one of which, for example, is the level of development nervous system species to which he belongs, as well as the level of intelligence, which depends on individual karmic experience - which is also very important, since absolutely all living organisms, and not just humans, are involved in the process of incarnations and reincarnations, which in turn determines the accumulation of this experience and phased development spiritual structures. In any case, there is a lot of reasonableness in their behavior, especially in solving those tasks on which their livelihoods depend.

Let's get back to the man. Look around - all the items of our everyday life to the smallest detail were created not thoughtlessly and purposefully, but were due to a certain need for them.

Even if, in our opinion, an avant-garde artist draws an incomprehensible abstraction, for him it is quite motivated. An artist can have a huge number of reasons for the appearance of abstraction - this is either the need for self-expression, or the desire to attract the attention of others, or the search for some new way in the ways of expression, etc. But note that before any abstraction appears on canvas or paper, the need for abstraction itself must first appear in the artist’s head - as a form of self-expression in this way, and not otherwise. However, as you understand, in general, there are a lot of means and forms of self-expression - someone does it through art, someone through sports, someone does business, and someone robs a bank or passers-by.

Notice that no one shapes their own behavior mindlessly. Even if many of our motivations may not be directly conscious of us, since most of them are hidden in the subconscious, even so, when performing some action, we are mostly aware of the fact that we are performing it. Even many of our automatisms and skills, before becoming so, first go through the process of becoming aware of them.

So, before the artist draws an abstraction, he must pick up a brush and paints, which means that even earlier he must have a need for them, and, importantly, an inner need for self-expression in this way. But the main thing is the need. Without it, there will be no idea of ​​its implementation.

That is, everything that we have created and is creating is the result of the realization of our specific need, and this is completely natural for us. The fact that the Universe exists, the Earth and we are on it, is also completely natural for us. "How else?" – you will ask and you will be right. But we don't usually ask ourselves, "Why does it exist?" And it would be worth it. You will say that, they say, ask do not ask, anyway there will be no answer. Right. There will still be no direct answer from there. But even if we do not receive direct explanations from There, then one thing is clear - if the Universe exists with such a huge number of stars with their raging ocean of energy, with solar system and our planet with an incredible biological balance on it and life on thousands of other planets, so it did not appear by chance - or, in other words, there was a certain need for it.

Whose need?

Naturally, the one who created it - that is, Him.

So, according to our calculations, almost fifteen billion years ago, for some reason, He had a need to create a dense material world, and He created it. That is, He, in His consciousness, let's say, "snapped his fingers" and - there was a "Big Bang" - a project was launched to implement the dense matter known to us.

“Okay, there is a need, but as from emptiness, from nothing, you can create something and not just something, but huge amount galaxies with billions of stars? is usually a logical question.

We will talk about His need a little later, but first about the Universe and emptiness. Well, firstly, for Him it is not so huge, but apparently just right, and, secondly, not out of emptiness. It is only in our understanding that the cosmos is a void, since in our consciousness we operate mainly with physical matter that is tangible for us. Our organs of perception in the process of biological evolution have specialized mainly in working with it and processing information about it. Thus, everything that is not perceived by our senses is usually questionable. Well, great! Thanks to this, there is an exact science, on the basis of which various technologies and with them the comforts of our lives.

But, thank God, our consciousness also has analytical and abstract thinking, which allows us to “see” what is not manifested and not perceived by our senses, and thanks to which we can only talk about the probability of the existence of something that we can only guess about. , and then even calculate mathematically and even build a probable model of this unmanifested.

Thus, astrophysicists have come to the conclusion that in fact the cosmos consists of two components that are invisible and in some way directly imperceptible to us - dark matter and dark energy.

So far, we can hardly imagine that in addition to dense matter, which makes up such a diverse and familiar world for us, there can be another kind of matter and there can be much more of it than this, to some extent understandable for us, manifested dense. But in fact, there is no void as such. Astrophysicists no longer just say that the cosmos mainly consists of dark matter and dark energy, but even calculated their approximate ratio.

As you can see in the figure, space is almost 1/4 filled with dark matter and 3/4 with dark energy. Dense matter in our understanding occupies no more than 4%, of which stars make up only 0.4%.

Scientists do not know what one and the other is, but they figured it out, as Copernicus once calculated that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and they have no doubts about the existence of dark matter and dark energy.

“Well, what follows from this? What does this mean to us?" many will ask.

In fact, this is just one example of the fact that something can exist that so far does not fit into our modern ideas about the world and matter, which seem so ordinary to us, especially if we sit on the couch in the evening after work and stare watching TV while drinking tea or beer. That is, we still know a very small part of how the world works. In fact, such dense matter, which is dear to us, is only some 4% of the matter of the world in general. Yes, and it is not yet fully known. The rest is still unknown to us.

Of course, when scientists talk about the matter of deep space, it really seems to be of little concern to us. We still have no idea what to do with such knowledge and how to apply it.

The fact that dark matter is so named by scientists is not surprising. This is how we perceive it with our senses. It is invisible to us and looks like this in the dark night sky. It is currently inaccessible to us - in terms of use. At the same time, another matter, so far completely unknown to us, concerns us directly. Moreover, it is one of these “keys” to the doors to the reality and the spiritual world that are still incomprehensible to us.

She is not somewhere in space, but literally in us, because she is very important element not only our body, but above all our soul. This matter can be conditionally called "thin". It is something like the main structural " building material”, on the one hand, for the soul itself, and on the other hand, for the matter of dense and thus biological life - which is very important in our question.

In other words, it is an intermediary between the spiritual world - that is, what souls are - and the dense matter familiar to our perception, expressed in organic compounds.

That is, before the soul incarnates into dense matter - into biological form - it first uses subtle matter. In itself, the soul is an even less manifested entity than this invisible and imperceptible notorious subtle matter, but in some way it is the primary “dress” of the soul.

It should be said that the very concept of “subtle matter” is unusual for many of us. Moreover, when we discuss the spiritual structures of our body, we are not talking about subtle matter, but about the subtle world, and in connection with it we usually mention various fields, auras, ethereal, astral and other bodies that each organism possesses. But what this soul of ours looks like, or rather, what this soul is made of, we usually do not discuss for lack of data.

However, this is quite understandable. In general, in the last three hundred years, we have come to grips with physical matter, which is obvious and tangible. From it a lot of things can be made and adapted to our needs. Our whole comfortable civilization with all the high-tech that surrounds us was created from it. To scientists, technologists and engineers for this once again the deepest bow and many thanks!

At the same time, against the background of a purely materialistic perception of the world around us, the spiritual side of life imperceptibly dropped out of our field of vision. There are even scientists who openly assert that not only God, this notorious soul does not exist in a person. That is, the body, in their opinion, can quite easily do without it, and it is not needed for life at all. This is just an invention of consciousness, which in turn is also just one of the functions of the brain for comparing and evaluating perceived information.

Thus, molecules, atoms, elementary particles, quanta, bosons, etc. have become the fixed idea of ​​our modern civilization. And when people brought up on the paradigms of classical physics come across such words as “ thin world”, then for many of them they cause a sarcastic grimace on their faces.

But still, what is the role of subtle matter as an intermediary between the soul and dense matter? On the one hand, as already mentioned, this is the primary “dress” of the soul, and, on the other hand, it is something like a phantom reflection of dense matter. This is especially important in the question of the biological structure of living organisms. If we had the ability to see subtle matter, then we would see various holographic structures and contours that repeat dense matter and due to which it looks so familiar to us.

In fact, all things and objects made from dense matter - both organic and inorganic - have fine-material structures. If we leave some object in a certain place for some time, for example, a brick, then after we remove it, its trace remains for some time in the place where it lay - a kind of thin-material contour. Before it eventually dissipates as a result of the so-called entropy, it will persist for some time and, with certain developed extrasensory abilities, it can even be felt or read.

Living organisms, in contrast to inanimate matter, are more economical in “leaving” fine-material contours behind them. This follows from the fact that, firstly, subtle matter is closely related to life energy organism (which will be discussed below), and, secondly, all organisms are usually in a state of searching for energy resources and therefore, in the process of their evolution, they have developed the ability to use energy optimally and economically. In other words, an ordinary organism (with the exception of a person) works mainly in the mode of accumulating and retaining energy, and not dissipating it, since it is the key to its existence, therefore, after a living organism, usually there is no fine-material “loop”. Other dense-material traces may remain - pheromones, hair, pieces of wool, excrement, secretions, etc., but the main fine-material contour usually “follows” along with the structures of the dense-material organism.

The best illustration of fine-material structures is the Kirlian effect already known to many on a sheet with a cut off fragment - there is no biological part of the sheet, but its fine-material contours and structures are preserved and continue to exist.

It is thanks to these subtle structures that organisms have a certain ability to restore damaged tissues - cuts, wounds, scratches, etc. are healed, and some organisms even have a phenomenal ability to completely regenerate lost members (lizards, octopuses, sea ​​stars and so on.). In other words, after damage to the biological tissue, the body, thanks to its existing fine-material structures, tries to restore its original dense-material form - to refill the phantom member with its biological content - cells. To some extent, many organisms succeed in this, but this, of course, depends on the degree of damage to the biological tissue and, of course, on the abilities of the organism itself.

Phantom pains or itching of a severed member (arm or leg) of a person are nothing more than a continuation of the existence of this member, but only on the subtle plane. There is no physical member, but its phantom expression lives on at least to the cellular level. That is, the lost member of the biological body in the subtle plane continues to exist, and thanks to this, it is quite real for the soul. That not all organisms are able to regenerate some of the lost members is another matter.

Moreover, in the embryo of every organism, be it a grain of beans or a human embryo, there are initially several subtle structural contours, of which the two main ones are a design or otherwise ideal plan-contour that reflects the state of an already mature organism in the future and according to the plan of which its development takes place. growth, and an actual-advancing contour that displays the actual physical structures of the body at the moment.
The importance of the first is that thanks to it, in the process of growth of the organism, a gradual biological materialization of its subtle project occurs - in other words, the organism “knows” what it should strive for and tries to literally bring it to life - that is, it grows and develops. It is clear that the possibility of the full implementation of the project plan is fully dependent on numerous contributing factors– habitat, livelihood, disease, accidents, etc.

The actual-advancing contour reflects the biological structures of the organism at the time of its growth and development. In other words, as the organism is, so is its actual contour. But for the body, the main thing is not the actual, but the leading contour, which sets the direction of this growth. Due to this, there is a constant desire of the soul to correct the body, if in its development, for a number of reasons, some deviation from the norm occurs. In other words, in the process of growth, the body constantly strives to “fit” into the advanced circuit, and if it is healthy and the conditions for its development are favorable, then these two circuits almost coincide.

In principle, we have known for a long time that the development of an organism occurs according to some predetermined plan, but usually we pay attention only to its biological dense-material expression - to the gene and its components, considering them to be the leading ones. Of course, if we consider an organism only from the point of view of biology, then the gene is indeed the leader in development and its functioning, but it is a material reflection of programs for the materialization of certain “templates” already embedded in it, without which the organism will not be able to grow, develop, and also self-healing. It is clear that the body's ability to self-heal and self-heal depends on many factors, but the design and advanced circuits are leading, like a kind of blueprint, according to which the whole organism is built and functions as a whole.

Subtle matter itself is very diverse. The most obvious example of fine-material structures in our body are the channels and meridians through which, like wires, the vital energy, known in Chinese medicine as qi, flows. Despite the fact that we are not able to see either the energies or the channels themselves, they still exist and their location is quite clear. No wonder they are like circulatory system cover almost the entire surface of the body of the organism and are its original structural energy contours on the subtle plane. Once again, I want to draw the attention of skeptics to the fact that energy literally flows through channels, like through wires.

That is, "wires" as carriers are made of "something", and this ensures the flow of energy through clear lines, not randomly. Of course, energy also creates original field structures that are associated with the aura and various subtle bodies of the body, but in this case it is important to understand that it circulates in the body due to the presence of some subtle conductors that ensure its clear flow. In other words, without these conductors, it will not flow as it should and where it should.

Since the subtle matter of a living organism is directly connected with vital energy, the network energy channels and meridians are naturally preserved in the subtle body of the soul after it leaves the dense material body as a result of its death and is the key to its further existence There.

The importance of subtle matter and the network of energy channels also lies in the fact that after the soul leaves the physical body as a result of death, in the Other World, thanks to them, it is able not only to maintain its integrity, but also to repeat the structures of the dense-material biological shell of the body, in which has been implemented.

Moreover, the fine-material structure itself is a phantom replica of the body not at the time of death, when the body may already be damaged by old age or diseases, but corresponds to the best mature and healthy period of the life of the body left behind. Therefore, many resuscitated people who “returned” from There after clinical death often testify that when they were met there by their previously deceased parents or close relatives, they did not look like they were at the time of death - old or infirm, but healthy and in best mature period own life.

Thus, subtle matter is one of the "keys" to understanding the Absolute meaning of our existence. Its main purpose is that thanks to it, the soul has the opportunity to retain its essence There after it leaves the dense body here as a result of its physical death. In addition, it not only ensures the integrity of the soul, but is also necessary condition for its evolution in the process of incarnations and reincarnations in a dense material form.

It may well be that the dark matter, which was already mentioned earlier and which fills one third of the cosmos, is the structural material for this subtle matter as well. After all, there is nothing superfluous in the Universe, and if planets and planetary systems around some stars are created from interstellar dust, and the stars themselves are a source of energy, including life, then dark matter, even if it is not the same thin, is quite possible which is the basis for it. It should also be taken into account that we call subtle matter “fine” only in order to emphasize its difference from physical matter, which is familiar to us, consisting of atoms. The components of subtle matter are still completely unknown to us, but in itself it is certainly very, very diverse.

After all this, the reader may have a question: “Actually, why did He need to invent all this dense material cosmos with planets, stars, a huge ocean of energy, if he could be satisfied with only one thin matter, which, apparently, in the Universe is probably very many and which is the basis for the existence of souls?
This will be discussed in the next article.

Alexander Om
November 2011

In one Romanian fairy tale "The Cat", carefully analyzed by Maria Luisa von Franz, the plot unfolds in connection with the search for the finest linen that can pass through the eye of a needle. No wonder the student K.G. Jung called this tale the tale of the liberation of the feminine. In the language of unconscious images, the thinnest linen cloth denotes the subtle matter of feelings. Throughout life, each of us weaves a fabric of feelings, each one comes out differently, coarser or thinner. How to learn the skill of creating the finest matter of feelings? I will answer this and other related questions in this post.

From the moment of appearance, a living being has a variety of emotions from rage, disgust to joy and gratitude. All our parents teach us is how to treat them. First, the parent plays the role of a container containing the feelings and experiences of the child, then the child learns self-regulation. How to accept the feelings of the child? How to deal with them? Asking these questions, we unwittingly question our ability to do it in an environmentally friendly, psychologically competent way. And this is true, because this ability is given in early childhood by our parents and does not improve until such a task is set.

Many parents suppressed aggression and anger, someone did not teach to rejoice, children were taught to be unemotional and hide feelings deep inside. In his actions, a person is guided not by a feeling, but by a duty imposed from outside. But the human duty is to be guided by their feelings, first of all. A person needs healing and healing, and most often it is the appearance of children that contributes to the search for new ways of education through their own healing. And it is impossible to express the joy that arises from the understanding that each new generation can be much happier.

The appearance of his child puts before the parents a choice whether they understand it or not. This is a choice of two alternatives:

First, don't change your parenting style. Leave the cup of treasures and finds, passed down from generation to generation, alone, without replenishing.

Second, look for opportunities to make your children happier. To replenish the bowl of treasures and finds, sort out and eliminate ordinary pebbles. In other words, get rid of false attitudes and negative parental prescriptions.

Choosing the second path, the parent is faced with many questions, starting with what is right and what is not, ending with guidelines for development and education.

Whether a person wants or does not want to, he feels, responds with emotions to what is happening around him, as well as to his own activity. But the question whether he is in contact with feelings or not, what decisions he makes in connection with their awareness, remains open until a person discovers what he has been taught. Most feelings, such as aggression, anger, rage, are often suppressed and make themselves felt at the most inopportune moment.

Parents need a comfortable child, a boss a predictable subordinate, a state-controlled citizen. A person needs, first of all, himself. To give up one's own nature means to divide oneself into parts, one - real, hidden, suppressed, and the other - pleasing to parents, society, the state. Preserving an integral existence, treating the living tissue of feelings with care and subtlety is the task of the master. To develop this skill in children is the task of the sage. What do parents need to know to do this?

First, all feelings and emotions have the right to exist and, like any natural manifestations, it is important to take them into account, to be aware. A mother who understands the feelings and emotions of her child, forms in him best skill be guided by them. A person who is in isolation from his feelings is more often depressed, feels tired, unwilling to do anything. A person who does something out of feelings is filled with energy, inspired, active.

Second, despite the fact that it is customary to divide emotions into negative and positive, one should perceive them as equally necessary. Any feelings are the material for creating the finest linen, speaking in the language of metaphors. And any color scheme of emotions creates the diversity and diversity of life and the world.

Third, it is important to manage your feelings. Feelings are like horses, either taking us in the right direction, or jumping in different sides. If the mother knew how to cope with the anger of the baby, either by switching attention or acceptance, then it is easier for the child to survive it in a more adult state. If she knew how to rejoice with him, then the child later will not forbid himself to rejoice. When a child is sad, mom knows how to accept sadness and show sympathy. When a child experiences grief from failure, she is able to support. When he cries, she does not panic, does not hysteria, but allows tears to come out. The child grows in harmony with his feelings.

When a mother purposefully forms expectations from a child, then the child, trying to get parental love, will strive for this to the detriment of its nature. Very often, parents put the burden on the child to be the best, happy, successful, or, even worse, unknowingly raises a loser, telling him in the heat of anger: “Are you completely crazy!” - this means that he has already lost his mind; or, wailing, groaning and groaning, says: “Woe is my onion.” We do not attach importance to these phrases, but they are the ones that influence, because these are sincere, and perhaps the most emotional statements. Such phrases are remembered for a lifetime. Let yourself remember that sometimes we do not pay attention to the little things, and the child will see the slightest changes, notice the little toys in the store window, the expression in the eyes, notice how the clock is ticking. Parents, busy, stubbornly hurrying, preoccupied, do not notice the main thing, how life is slipping through their fingers, not filled with true meaning and a variety of feelings.

Most people guess, and some are even sure that the physical body of a person has an energy basis. This basis in the esoteric tradition is usually called the "etheric body" - it provides a number of amazing phenomena and effects, and at the same time serves as a source of mass speculation. Existence etheric body also calls into question many of the principles traditional medicine and points to its alternatives.

The esoteric view of the world suggests that a person has seven subtle bodies: atmanic, buddhial, causal, mental, astral, ethereal and physical. These bodies and the connections between them are the main tools used by man in his Everyday life. And he himself appears as a being much more complex than it seems at first glance, and at the same time acquires additional perspectives.

The higher, atmanic, body is in charge of the most general religious and ideological attitudes of a person; it can be represented with the help of such concepts as "mission" or "ideal". The main contours of human destiny or its main plots are reflected in the buddhial body, the key internal attitudes of a person are also laid here, including his life positions, worldview and ways of perceiving the world. The causal body contains information about specific events in the external and internal life of a person.

Each event is noted in the causal body the brighter, the more significant it is for this person and the more strongly connected with his past and future life.

If the three higher subtle bodies present certain difficulties for everyday perception, then as we approach the physical body, the situation becomes clearer. For example, the mental body is an instrument of rational thought and consciousness.

The state of enlightenment, as has been noted more than once, is not only a new quality of the soul, but it is also a different view of the familiar world, which is now perceived in a completely new way. Why is he - this world - perceived in a new way? Because the enlightened one already possesses knowledge about him, which, for a number of reasons, is not yet perceived by others. This can be compared with the state that Copernicus experienced when it dawned on him that no Sun revolves around the Earth, but that, it turns out, everything is quite the opposite!!!

For such a person, everything falls into place and he is not just closer, but has already come very close to understanding the Absolute meaning. Thanks to this, he - or rather his soul - is no longer in a state of searching for an answer to it. Everything is clear to her. It remains only to follow this path - the path to Him. This Path is already simple. And knowledge of the Absolute meaning is the main guideline on this Path. But what does this knowledge include?

It is immediately necessary to make an important reservation: when we talk about the meaning of our existence, we usually unwittingly substitute the Absolute meaning for the relative one, and thus, as an answer to the question about the meaning of our being, we often point out what is most important for us in life. For some, this meaning can be a family, for someone a career, for someone personal freedom, etc. Thus, everyone evaluates it in their own way, based on their own experience, life goals, needs, their importance, priorities, etc., which he tries to realize according to his abilities and circumstances. In this sense, there is nothing wrong and it has every right to exist, since it is also important for each of us, but it will still remain relative, not Absolute.

What is the main difference between one and the other?

The difference is that the Absolute Meaning is important to all of us, whether we see it or not, understand it or not. And, what is very important - no matter how hard we try to evaluate it, it will always be the same for everyone without exception - as one reality and the Universe in which we live, as one Earth, on which we live, as one each of us, as Absolute and One God.

The fact that the Absolute meaning is one, probably few people will doubt it, but nevertheless, in attempts to describe it, we will still disagree in some way. Everyone will describe it in their own way. Someone will point to one side of it, considering it the most important, and someone to the other. In addition, we all have also different knowledge about this world. But even if we had the same knowledge at the same time, not everyone would be able to integrate it at the same time with the same result. Some knowledge will still remain outside the framework of a single image and will distort the perception of the overall picture of the Absolute meaning.

And, of course, the time factor - until all the disparate puzzles in our minds fit into one common unified picture, time passes. Sometimes a lot of time.

At the same time, it is clear that Absolute Reality has no extra pictures or extra elements. All of them are components of a common unified whole. The only question is, do we see them and are we able to put each one in its proper place? And without them it is very difficult to see not only a single picture, but also to realize this notorious Absolute meaning.

In fact, the essence of what will be discussed is not something new. This has been said for at least the last two thousand years. True, earlier this knowledge was explained in an accessible language of the corresponding time and often allegorically - sometimes in the form of parables, sometimes in the form of dogmas, and besides, they did not require proof and therefore were usually taken for granted. However, this form in those days satisfied the majority.

Now, simply believing in God is no longer enough for us. To believe in Him, we need irrefutable proof of His existence. Since a purely scientific-materialistic paradigm still dominates in the scientific world, naturally there is still no such evidence. But at the same time, another view of the same reality has already appeared, and it helps to perceive it from a slightly different perspective.

Undoubtedly, we are not fully aware of God and the Absolute meaning (at least in human incarnation), but we can still see common features. They just can become landmarks on the path of our spiritual development.

These common features will be a kind of "keys" with which it will be possible to "open" the main doors to the Absolute Reality. There are many doors. True, many of them so far remain closed to most of us, since we often simply ignore them, believing that they do not lead anywhere, or that we are trying to open them, as they say, with a master key. However, how can we open them if we often open them incorrectly or we think that there are no doors.

Now we are the children of the materialistic world view. On the one hand, we demand irrefutable evidence in everything, and if something is unprovable by modern means, then we discard it, considering it as non-existent. On the other hand, we have already advanced so much in comprehending the physical matter familiar to our perception and describing reality solely on the basis of knowledge about this matter that it is very difficult for us to begin to look at this very reality in a slightly different way.

So, let's try to look at it from a different perspective. First you need to designate the angle of this perspective. For me personally, it has always been defined by the question: “Yes, but why?” It allowed me to abstract from the generally accepted view of the world and forced me to look for an answer a little further than was usually suggested. So gradually something opened up in my head and a new vision and additional understanding came. I offer the reader the same.

Of course, it would be naive to believe that on the pages of an article, the volume of which is very limited, one can reveal the Absolute meaning of our existence. (However, experience shows that even if it is discussed on several hundred pages, then for many it will not always be obvious). Therefore, the task of this article is, first of all, to offer “keys”, with the help of which it will be possible not only to “open” the doors to a slightly different “space” of the same reality, but first of all to try to look at the Absolute meaning differently and then try to integrate the elements of reality yourself. seen in a new way. Then, at a certain moment, this can happen - the amount of information will give the necessary quality and a voluminous new vision of the same reality will appear, and as a result, you yourself may agree with me and also say: “Yes! How easy it turns out. And how did I not notice this before!?

But I have only a few pages (however, already less), so I must try to be brief, concise, succinct and very logical. In other words, what now occupies the volume of the book, I must set out on several pages.

Of course, I myself very much doubt that I will be able to convince the majority of readers of the truth of what will be said, but I will tell you in confidence that this article is actually a provocation. That is, even if I fail to prove what the Absolute meaning of our existence is and many disagree with me, the main goal will still be achieved, since you will be forced to think about it with me. Lately, we have so rarely thought and talked about the meaning of our life, that every mention of it in many people is already bewildered that it exists at all, and even more so this notorious Absolute meaning. But he IS!!!

Well, let's start!

So the question is "Yes, but why?".

You may be surprised, but in general, first of all, it is necessary to ask the question not about the meaning of human existence, but about the meaning of the existence of the Universe - that is, yes, it exists, but the question is why does it exist? Just the answer to it is one of the main "keys" both in the question of the existence of life on Earth, and of the existence of man himself as such.
We have already calculated that the age of the universe is about 15 billion years. However, 15 or 150 billion - for us it does not matter. We do not feel and do not realize such an amount of time anyway.

Therefore, it is more important for us why it exists? After all, there was a moment when it did not exist at all. Naturally, the question usually arises of what then was before it? It is clear that some world or something that was instead of it still existed before this "Big Bang".
Thus, to the question "Why does it exist?" at least two more are added: “What was before her?” and "What led to her appearing?"

But let's talk about the first question first. If we answer it, then the other two will be solved. Trust me!

So, "Why does our Universe exist?".

Until recently, in the scientific community there was (however, and still exists) a fairly widespread opinion that the Universe arose on its own. Just like that, she took it and appeared. Not only that, herself. Without any reasons and prerequisites. Do you believe in it? Me not. However, what am I? Already, many scientists involved in fundamental physics and astrophysics are openly saying that without the participation of some external force unknown to us - that is, probably some Creator - could not have done.

In other words, the fact that God exists and that he created the Universe is no longer something seditious for many scientists. While His existence does not yet have any scientific explanation and proof, He is already increasingly understood as one of the main initiators of everything that surrounds us all in the raging ocean of energy of billions of stars, in billions of galaxies of infinite space, in comparison with which we - living on Earth - are not even dust and not a moment.

Why did such an opinion appear in the scientific community? Scientists who study the classical matter known to us say that its structure in itself is simply incredibly complex, and besides, thanks to fundamental physical constants (or otherwise constants), which also did not appear on their own, everything in the Universe is surprisingly so balanced and it is interrelated that if at least one of them changes by a hundredth, this will lead to irreversible consequences, up to the destruction of both matter and the Universe itself.

What does it say? The fact that the One who created it thought in advance not only the very structure of matter, but also the basic energy principles of interaction in it - from atoms to stars. (I ask you to pay special attention to the word "principles").

I understand that for many of us the words "He" and "He created", not to mention "He thought through" now cause skepticism. In many, a highly educated materialist immediately responds, with a smirk evaluating such prejudices of antiquity. Like, it was possible to say so back in the 19th century, but not now, when we ourselves create our surrounding reality from synthetic materials and with the help of computers, which we also created, and not He.

At the same time, I ask you to pay attention to the fact that physical matter, whatever it may be, still could not be created from nothing, and even more so by itself. Therefore, Thomas Aquinas, back in the 12th century, who argued that there must be something that is the root cause of our world, is quite right.
In other words, in order for the matter known to us to be created, nevertheless, on the one hand, something is needed from which it can create itself, and on the other hand, there must be energy and at least the first impulse to start the whole process, and, of course, exact plan. Not to mention the very idea of ​​creating it all. She had to come from somewhere. Where? From outside.

“From what else from the outside?” I hear the indignation of many materialist opponents. "Don't talk nonsense! Nothing comes from nothing."
Well. It is true that nothing comes from nothing. Please remember this phrase. We will need it in the future.
Let's leave this “outside” for now and look at the Universe from a different angle.

The fact that the Universe from the point of view of dense matter is quite real, no one doubts (except, of course, some too zealous adherents of Buddhism). However, the main thing now is not even that it exists, but that its appearance was due to something. In other words, it was very necessary for Something, or rather Someone. This Someone or Something is just the initiator of both the Universe itself and life in general - not only on Earth. At the same time, the power, strength and wisdom of the Mind, which created this Universe, simply cannot but delight.

The only question is: "Why did He create it?".

When I hear explanations that, they say, He created the Universe just like that, without any purpose, or that the Creator simply enjoys the state of his own existence through us, or that He experiences his own existence through each of us and also learns through us, or something else like that, then this approach causes tenderness for me. Those who say this still do not take into account the fact that, on the one hand, the matter of the Universe is incredibly complex in its structure and principles of interaction, and, on the other hand, it must be taken into account that even everything that was created by us - still far from perfect beings, was always created for something - for some specific purpose.

Note that absolutely everything that we ourselves do, how we move, how we dress, what we eat, how and what we say, is strictly motivated by our specific need. Need! It is a need, and behind it, internal motivation and conditioning make us not only think, perform certain actions and generally shape our own behavior, but also equip the world around us in accordance with these needs and not otherwise. So the skeptic is right - something is always taken from something and, most importantly, for the sake of something.

Okay, we are the people. Now among zoologists it is increasingly being said that nature is also conscious and that all living organisms are not robots programmed by instincts, but thinking and not just feeling, but rational beings - to some extent possessing a certain level of consciousness and therefore consciously form own behavior. Yes, they have a much larger share of instinctive programs polished by the experience of previous generations compared to how it happens in humans, but they also think in some way, analyze what they are doing and, on the basis of this, form their own behavior. The more zoologists and ethologists study the mental activity of certain representatives of the animal world, the more they are surprised at their intellect and rationality. Of course, the behavior and degree of awareness of each particular living organism depends on many evolutionary factors, one of which, for example, is the level of development of the nervous system of the species to which it belongs, as well as the level of intelligence, which depends on individual karmic experience - which is also very important, since absolutely all living organisms, and not only humans, are involved in the process of incarnations and reincarnations, which in turn determines the accumulation of this experience and the gradual development of spiritual structures. In any case, there is a lot of reasonableness in their behavior, especially in solving those tasks on which their livelihoods depend.

Let's get back to the man. Look around - all the items of our everyday life to the smallest detail were created not thoughtlessly and purposefully, but were due to a certain need for them.

Even if, in our opinion, an avant-garde artist draws an incomprehensible abstraction, for him it is quite motivated. An artist can have a huge number of reasons for the appearance of abstraction - this is either the need for self-expression, or the desire to attract the attention of others, or the search for some new way in the ways of expression, etc. But note that before any abstraction appears on canvas or paper, the need for abstraction itself must first appear in the artist’s head - as a form of self-expression in this way, and not otherwise. However, as you understand, in general, there are a lot of means and forms of self-expression - someone does it through art, someone through sports, someone does business, and someone robs a bank or passers-by.

Notice that no one shapes their own behavior mindlessly. Even if many of our motivations may not be directly conscious of us, since most of them are hidden in the subconscious, even so, when performing some action, we are mostly aware of the fact that we are performing it. Even many of our automatisms and skills, before becoming so, first go through the process of becoming aware of them.

So, before the artist draws an abstraction, he must pick up a brush and paints, which means that even earlier he must have a need for them, and, importantly, an inner need for self-expression in this way. But the main thing is the need. Without it, there will be no idea of ​​its implementation.

That is, everything that we have created and is creating is the result of the realization of our specific need, and this is completely natural for us. The fact that the Universe exists, the Earth and we are on it, is also completely natural for us. "How else?" – you will ask and you will be right. But we don't usually ask ourselves, "Why does it exist?" And it would be worth it. You will say that, they say, ask do not ask, anyway there will be no answer. Right. There will still be no direct answer from there. But even if we do not receive direct explanations from There, then one thing is clear - if the Universe exists with such a huge number of stars with their raging ocean of energy, with the Solar System and our planet with incredible biological balance on it and life on thousands of other planets, then it appeared it is no coincidence - or, in other words, there was a certain need for it.

Whose need?

Naturally, the one who created it - that is, Him.

So, according to our calculations, almost fifteen billion years ago, for some reason, He had a need to create a dense material world, and He created it. That is, He, in His consciousness, let's say, "snapped his fingers" and - there was a "Big Bang" - a project was launched to implement the dense matter known to us.

“Okay, there is a need, but how can something be created from emptiness, from nothing, and not just something, but a huge number of galaxies with billions of stars?” is usually a logical question.

We will talk about His need a little later, but first about the Universe and emptiness. Well, firstly, for Him it is not so huge, but apparently just right, and, secondly, not out of emptiness. It is only in our understanding that the cosmos is a void, since in our consciousness we operate mainly with physical matter that is tangible for us. Our organs of perception in the process of biological evolution have specialized mainly in working with it and processing information about it. Thus, everything that is not perceived by our senses is usually questionable. Well, great! Thanks to this, there is an exact science, on the basis of which various technologies are created, and with them the conveniences of our life.

But, thank God, our consciousness also has analytical and abstract thinking, which allows us to “see” what is not manifested and not perceived by our senses, and thanks to which we can only talk about the probability of the existence of something that we can only guess about. , and then even calculate mathematically and even build a probable model of this unmanifested.

Thus, astrophysicists have come to the conclusion that in fact the cosmos consists of two components that are invisible and in some way directly imperceptible to us - dark matter and dark energy.

So far, we can hardly imagine that in addition to dense matter, which makes up such a diverse and familiar world for us, there can be another kind of matter and there can be much more of it than this, to some extent understandable for us, manifested dense. But in fact, there is no void as such. Astrophysicists no longer just say that the cosmos mainly consists of dark matter and dark energy, but even calculated their approximate ratio.

As you can see in the figure, space is almost 1/4 filled with dark matter and 3/4 with dark energy. Dense matter in our understanding occupies no more than 4%, of which stars make up only 0.4%.

Scientists do not know what one and the other is, but they figured it out, as Copernicus once calculated that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and they have no doubts about the existence of dark matter and dark energy.

“Well, what follows from this? What does this mean to us?" many will ask.

In fact, this is just one example of the fact that something can exist that so far does not fit into our modern ideas about the world and matter, which seem so ordinary to us, especially if we sit on the couch in the evening after work and stare watching TV while drinking tea or beer. That is, we still know a very small part of how the world works. In fact, such dense matter, which is dear to us, is only some 4% of the matter of the world in general. Yes, and it is not yet fully known. The rest is still unknown to us.

Of course, when scientists talk about the matter of deep space, it really seems to be of little concern to us. We still have no idea what to do with such knowledge and how to apply it.

The fact that dark matter is so named by scientists is not surprising. This is how we perceive it with our senses. It is invisible to us and looks like this in the dark night sky. It is currently inaccessible to us - in terms of use. At the same time, another matter, so far completely unknown to us, concerns us directly. Moreover, it is one of these “keys” to the doors to the reality and the spiritual world that are still incomprehensible to us.

It is not located somewhere in space, but literally in us, since it is a very important element not only of our body, but above all of our soul. This matter can be conditionally called "thin". It is something like the main structural "building material", on the one hand, for the soul itself, and on the other hand, for the matter of dense and thus biological life - which is very important in our question.

In other words, it is an intermediary between the spiritual world - that is, what souls are - and the dense matter familiar to our perception, expressed in organic compounds.

That is, before the soul incarnates into dense matter - into biological form - it first uses subtle matter. In itself, the soul is an even less manifested entity than this invisible and imperceptible notorious subtle matter, but in some way it is the primary “dress” of the soul.

It should be said that the very concept of “subtle matter” is unusual for many of us. Moreover, when we discuss the spiritual structures of our body, we are not talking about subtle matter, but about the subtle world, and in connection with it we usually mention various fields, auras, ethereal, astral and other bodies that each organism possesses. But what this soul of ours looks like, or rather, what this soul is made of, we usually do not discuss for lack of data.

However, this is quite understandable. In general, in the last three hundred years, we have come to grips with physical matter, which is obvious and tangible. From it a lot of things can be made and adapted to our needs. Our whole comfortable civilization with all the high-tech that surrounds us was created from it. To scientists, technologists and engineers for this once again the deepest bow and many thanks!

At the same time, against the background of a purely materialistic perception of the world around us, the spiritual side of life imperceptibly dropped out of our field of vision. There are even scientists who openly assert that not only God, this notorious soul does not exist in a person. That is, the body, in their opinion, can quite easily do without it, and it is not needed for life at all. This is just an invention of consciousness, which in turn is also just one of the functions of the brain for comparing and evaluating perceived information.

Thus, molecules, atoms, elementary particles, quanta, bosons, etc. have become the fixed idea of ​​our modern civilization. And when people brought up on the paradigms of classical physics come across such words as “subtle world”, then in many of them they cause a sarcastic grimace on their faces.

But still, what is the role of subtle matter as an intermediary between the soul and dense matter? On the one hand, as already mentioned, this is the primary “dress” of the soul, and, on the other hand, it is something like a phantom reflection of dense matter. This is especially important in the question of the biological structure of living organisms. If we had the ability to see subtle matter, then we would see various holographic structures and contours that repeat dense matter and due to which it looks so familiar to us.

In fact, all things and objects made from dense matter - both organic and inorganic - have fine-material structures. If we leave some object in a certain place for some time, for example, a brick, then after we remove it, its trace remains for some time in the place where it lay - a kind of thin-material contour. Before it eventually dissipates as a result of the so-called entropy, it will persist for some time and, with certain developed extrasensory abilities, it can even be felt or read.

Living organisms, in contrast to inanimate matter, are more economical in “leaving” fine-material contours behind them. This follows from the fact that, firstly, subtle matter is closely connected with the vital energy of the organism (which will be discussed a little later), and, secondly, all organisms are usually in a state of searching for energy resources and therefore, in the course of their evolution, they have developed the ability to optimize and save energy. In other words, an ordinary organism (with the exception of a person) works mainly in the mode of accumulating and retaining energy, and not dissipating it, since it is the key to its existence, therefore, after a living organism, usually there is no fine-material “loop”. Other dense-material traces may remain - pheromones, hair, pieces of wool, excrement, secretions, etc., but the main fine-material contour usually “follows” along with the structures of the dense-material organism.

The best illustration of fine-material structures is the Kirlian effect already known to many on a sheet with a cut off fragment - there is no biological part of the sheet, but its fine-material contours and structures are preserved and continue to exist.

It is thanks to these subtle structures that organisms have a certain ability to restore damaged tissues - cuts, wounds, scratches, etc. are healed, and some organisms even have a phenomenal ability to completely regenerate lost members (lizards, octopuses, starfish, etc.). In other words, after damage to the biological tissue, the body, thanks to its existing fine-material structures, tries to restore its original dense-material form - to refill the phantom member with its biological content - cells. To some extent, many organisms succeed in this, but this, of course, depends on the degree of damage to the biological tissue and, of course, on the abilities of the organism itself.

Phantom pains or itching of a severed member (arm or leg) of a person are nothing more than a continuation of the existence of this member, but only on the subtle plane. There is no physical member, but its phantom expression lives on at least to the cellular level. That is, the lost member of the biological body in the subtle plane continues to exist, and thanks to this, it is quite real for the soul. That not all organisms are able to regenerate some of the lost members is another matter.

Moreover, in the embryo of every organism, be it a grain of beans or a human embryo, there are initially several subtle structural contours, of which the two main ones are a design or otherwise ideal plan-contour that reflects the state of an already mature organism in the future and according to the plan of which its development takes place. growth, and an actual-advancing contour that displays the actual physical structures of the body at the moment.
The importance of the first is that thanks to it, in the process of growth of the organism, a gradual biological materialization of its subtle project occurs - in other words, the organism “knows” what it should strive for and tries to literally bring it to life - that is, it grows and develops. It is clear that the possibility of full implementation of the project plan is fully dependent on numerous contributing factors - habitat, livelihood, disease, accidents, etc.

The actual-advancing contour reflects the biological structures of the organism at the time of its growth and development. In other words, as the organism is, so is its actual contour. But for the body, the main thing is not the actual, but the leading contour, which sets the direction of this growth. Due to this, there is a constant desire of the soul to correct the body, if in its development, for a number of reasons, some deviation from the norm occurs. In other words, in the process of growth, the body constantly strives to “fit” into the advanced circuit, and if it is healthy and the conditions for its development are favorable, then these two circuits almost coincide.

In principle, we have known for a long time that the development of an organism occurs according to some predetermined plan, but usually we pay attention only to its biological dense-material expression - to the gene and its components, considering them to be the leading ones. Of course, if we consider an organism only from the point of view of biology, then the gene is indeed the leader in development and its functioning, but it is a material reflection of programs for the materialization of certain “templates” already embedded in it, without which the organism will not be able to grow, develop, and also self-healing. It is clear that the body's ability to self-heal and self-heal depends on many factors, but the design and advanced circuits are leading, like a kind of blueprint, according to which the whole organism is built and functions as a whole.

Subtle matter itself is very diverse. The most obvious example of fine-material structures in our body are the channels and meridians through which, like wires, the vital energy, known in Chinese medicine as qi, flows. Despite the fact that we are not able to see either the energies or the channels themselves, they still exist and their location is quite clear. It is not for nothing that they, as a circulatory system, cover almost the entire surface of the organism's body and are its original structural energy contours on the subtle plane. Once again, I want to draw the attention of skeptics to the fact that energy literally flows through channels, like through wires.

That is, "wires" as carriers are made of "something", and this ensures the flow of energy along clear lines, and not randomly. Of course, energy also creates original field structures that are associated with the aura and various subtle bodies of the body, but in this case it is important to understand that it circulates in the body due to the presence of some subtle conductors that ensure its clear flow. In other words, without these conductors, it will not flow as it should and where it should.

Since the subtle matter of a living organism is directly connected with vital energy, the network of energy channels and meridians is naturally preserved in the subtle body of the soul after it leaves the dense material body as a result of its death and is the key to its further existence There.

The importance of subtle matter and the network of energy channels also lies in the fact that after the soul leaves the physical body as a result of death, in the Other World, thanks to them, it is able not only to maintain its integrity, but also to repeat the structures of the dense-material biological shell of the body, in which has been implemented.

Moreover, the fine-material structure itself is a phantom replica of the body not at the time of death, when the body may already be damaged by old age or diseases, but corresponds to the best mature and healthy period of the life of the body left behind. Therefore, many resuscitated people who “returned” from There after clinical death often testify that when they were met there by their previously deceased parents or close relatives, they did not look like they were at the time of death - old or infirm, but healthy and in the best mature period of his life.

Thus, subtle matter is one of the "keys" to understanding the Absolute meaning of our existence. Its main purpose is that thanks to it, the soul has the opportunity to retain its essence There after it leaves the dense body here as a result of its physical death. In addition, it not only ensures the integrity of the soul, but is also a necessary condition for its evolution in the process of incarnations and reincarnations in a dense material form.

It may well be that the dark matter, which was already mentioned earlier and which fills one third of the cosmos, is the structural material for this subtle matter as well. After all, there is nothing superfluous in the Universe, and if planets and planetary systems around some stars are created from interstellar dust, and the stars themselves are a source of energy, including life, then dark matter, even if it is not the same thin, is quite possible which is the basis for it. It should also be taken into account that we call subtle matter “fine” only in order to emphasize its difference from physical matter, which is familiar to us, consisting of atoms. The components of subtle matter are still completely unknown to us, but in itself it is certainly very, very diverse.

After all this, the reader may have a question: “Actually, why did He need to invent all this dense material cosmos with planets, stars, a huge ocean of energy, if he could be satisfied with only one thin matter, which, apparently, in the Universe is probably very many and which is the basis for the existence of souls?
This will be discussed in the next article.

Alexander Om
November 2011

Most people guess, and some are even sure that the physical body of a person has an energy basis. This basis in the esoteric tradition is usually called the "etheric body" - it provides a number of amazing phenomena and effects, and at the same time serves as a source of mass speculation. The existence of the etheric body also calls into question many of the principles of traditional medicine and points to its alternatives.

The esoteric view of the world suggests that a person has seven subtle bodies: atmanic, buddhial, causal, mental, astral, ethereal and physical. These bodies and the connections between them are the main tools used by man in his daily life. And he himself appears as a being much more complex than it seems at first glance, and at the same time acquires additional perspectives.

The higher, atmanic, body is in charge of the most general religious and ideological attitudes of a person; it can be represented with the help of such concepts as "mission" or "ideal". The main contours of human destiny or its main plots are reflected in the buddhial body, the key internal attitudes of a person are also laid here, including his life positions, worldview and ways of perceiving the world. The causal body contains information about specific events in the external and internal life of a person.
Each event is noted in the causal body the brighter, the more significant it is for a given person and the stronger it is connected with his past and future life.

If the three higher subtle bodies present certain difficulties for everyday perception, then as we approach the physical body, the situation becomes clearer. For example, the mental body is an instrument of rational thought and consciousness.

At the same time, it is important to distinguish between consciousness and mind: the first registers certain information and energy flows, while the second interprets them, that is, translates them into some symbolic language, and in addition, creates mental models. The most interesting thing is that the mind of a person also models him, that is, each of us creates his own mental model (in other words, he somehow thinks of himself), using general social concepts and ideas accepted in the surrounding society.

Esotericism (Greek, inner territory) is a concept that arose in the school of Pythagoras. Initially, it meant knowledge, available only narrow circle initiates, which distinguished esotericism from exotericism, which meant explicit, external, accessible to everyone knowledge. Today, esotericism is understood as any system of views based on irrational ways of perceiving and knowing the world around us, which is why the esoteric tradition includes a wide variety of sources, information and phenomena. Any esoteric teaching assumes the existence of an astral plane, that is, some reality that is fundamentally different from the material world.
From the point of view of esotericism, each person consists not only of the physical body, but also of the energy of the so-called thin bodies, nested in each other according to the principle of nesting dolls. And although the concept of "body" in relation to non-material structures that exist on the astral plane looks rather ambiguous, it has become established in the esoteric tradition of the West. Initially, the concept of subtle bodies arose in the spiritual teachings of the East (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism) and only in the century before last, thanks to the activities of the theosophical school (Blavatsky, Besant, etc.), became widespread in America and Europe.

A distinctive feature of our turbulent mental age is the fact that emotions (one's own and others') are not so much experienced as comprehended by a person. Therefore, a particular emotion is often perceived by people only as a good reason to talk about it. As a result, a modern person, on average, has a more than modest astral body (primarily responsible for our feelings), and therefore often experiences emotional hunger and dissatisfaction. At the same time, the astral impression is in many ways closer to the true interests of a person (to what worries him “deep down”) than mental reactions, which are much more ephemeral. The culture of the astral body consists, firstly, in the ability to curb lower emotions, and secondly, in the ability to adequately perceive and experience the rest.

Diseases of the physical body are usually preceded by disturbances in the etheric energy.

Finally, the etheric body is the energy base of the physical. We will talk about them in more detail, since these bodies are easier to understand and are perceived by most people as the most important. Here we will turn to areas of phenomena and effects that, on the one hand, are well known to everyone, and on the other, are the subject of speculative interest of the general public, gravitating towards miracles, especially in the light of their own health problems.


All information about the structure of the physical body is contained in its ethereal counterpart, in accordance with it the child grows, and the elderly recover from illnesses and injuries. Diseases of the physical body are usually preceded by disturbances in the etheric energy. A person feels the state of his etheric body through the presence of vitality, energy, vigor, tone, and immunity.
The etheric body receives energy from three sources: it is fed by neighboring bodies - the astral and physical, as well as the environment. The influence of the astral body on the etheric body is determined, in particular, by the influence of mood and emotions on vitality. The influence of the physical body on the etheric body is even more noticeable: it is felt after various exercises and actions (for example, walking through the forest) and in the process of digesting food. The third source of energy of the etheric body is the environment surrounding a person (which, however, can poison him), it is represented by four elements: fire, earth, air and water.

No matter how important the environment plays, the main sources of energy of the etheric body are in the person himself: these are his astral and physical bodies. The etheric body receives the energy of lower vibrations from the physical body, or rather, it takes away some of the vibrations released during the assimilation of food or during active action. In the first case, an indicator of the readiness of the etheric body to receive energy is appetite, which will also tell the person what kind of food he needs.

The feeling of hunger is a manifestation of the direct demand of the etheric body to the physical one: “Give me energy”, or more simply: “I want to eat”. If a person fasts for several days, the feeling of the need for food often weakens or even disappears completely, since the etheric body is partially reorganized to feed on the energy of the decaying fats of the physical body and, in addition, establishes a much more intense exchange with environment and astral body.

If a person eats without appetite, then the energy of the digested food is sent to more subtle bodies, bypassing the etheric, which causes, for example, a strong emotional overstrain in the astral body: the person begins, as they say, to rage with fat.

The physical body in the esoteric sense has been studied very poorly - its capabilities are significantly higher than those to which modern civilization is accustomed. Through the physical body, in particular through its specific movements, there is sometimes a materialization of the highest vibrations and movements of the spirit. And vice versa - depending on the spiritual development of a person, there are both the metabolism in the physical body and its chemical composition. It is known, for example, that the remains of the holy elders are not subject to decay. All these important circumstances, however, are very poorly understood. modern science, which has a very poor idea of ​​​​the structure, composition and functioning of the physical body.


It is important to understand that subtle bodies not only coexist in the human structure, but also interact with each other. This is easy to see in the following example. In the absence of the proper amount of energy in the etheric body, the mood immediately deteriorates (the astral body begins to starve). Then the train of thought slows down, introducing a person into an intellectual stupor, and events freeze (the energy of the mental, and a little later of the causal bodies decreases), after which life positions based on specific human experience are weakened and questioned (the buddhial body ceases to be fed from the causal) . And this, in the end, leads to the loss of faith in those ideals by which a person lives.
For those whom this picture is not very frightened, you can depict the reverse chain: from higher bodies To the lowest. Thus, the insufficient influence of the atmanic body on the buddhial one leads to the fact that a person loses the ground under his feet, that is, his life positions and attitudes float, becoming lightweight and unconvincing for himself.
A weak flow from the buddhial body into the causal one brings life without interesting events- the nightmare of modern civilization. At the mental level, this leads to a terrible boredom and grayness of perception of reality, and such a “hunger strike”, due to the total sense of the meaninglessness of existence, inevitably causes negative emotional experiences. A person loses the desire to perceive reality sensually. And a weak flow from the astral body to the etheric, as a rule, gives rise to a severe energy depression: a person literally does not have the strength to move either his arm or leg. As a result, this can end in disaster: the weakness of the etheric body induces, for example, the uncontrolled growth of the cells of the physical body (cancerous tumors).


What is health? Before discussing this issue, you need to decide what comes first: health or illness; whether health should be regarded as the absence of disease or, conversely, disease as a violation of health. In my opinion, the second point of view is more legitimate: health should be called such a state of the subtle body (any), in which the loads falling on it do not cause significant destruction and significant imbalance, and also do not lead to damage to other bodies.
Vital tone, endurance, resistance of the physical body to various infections is determined by the state of the etheric body, because diseases of physical organs and systems are necessarily preceded by malfunctions in their etheric counterparts. Good ethereal energy gives excellent protection to the physical body. People who possess it do not freeze, they can, with some effort, walk barefoot over the coals or hold their hand in the flame of a candle without harm to themselves, and even small hairs do not burn out. On the contrary, the rupture of the etheric body causes an intractable disease of the corresponding physical organ. Therefore, the efforts of doctors should be directed precisely at essential treatment, otherwise the disease cannot be overcome, or it will quickly resume after an imaginary recovery.

Depending on the spiritual development of a person are both the metabolism in the physical body and its chemical composition. It is known, for example, that the remains of the holy elders are not subject to decay.

The culture of the etheric body in the ordinary modern man very low. We feel it only in those cases when strong ether disturbances occur, accompanied by intense physical pain, then we willy-nilly listen.
However, there are situations when even the most etherically uneducated person clearly feels his etheric body. This happens, for example, in the following cases:
hunger and thirst, or, conversely, pleasant satiety after tasty food; drowsiness, fatigue after heavy physical work or cheerfulness after sleeping on fresh air; nausea, when the physical body is preparing to expel from itself an ethereally unsuitable product; physical contact with a loved one or, conversely, an unpleasant person; staying on the beach, in a warm bath or an ice hole.

At the same time, it is very important to feel the ethereal structures in a normal healthy condition. Both the well-being of all organs and the efficiency and beauty of human movements depend on this. Clumsy, awkward movements, the inability to go around the corner of the table without hitting it, small objects constantly slipping out of the hands and breaking on the floor, dishes - all this betrays a person who has not found contact with his etheric body and therefore lives in disagreement with it.
However, external movements are far from everything, and besides, they are not the most important thing. Do you have any idea how your wrist works? Does it look like an elbow joint?

In fact, between the hand and the forearm there are eight small bones located in two rows, quite complex shape, packed in joint bags so as to provide the hand with a significantly greater range of motion than the forearm relative to the shoulder.

Thus, one should learn not only visible, but also movements hidden in the thickness of the physical body. Must have good performance about tension and relaxation of muscles, sprains, movement of bones in joints and many other things that an ordinary person never thinks about until he feels, for example, a sharp pain in his ankle or a burning sensation in urethra. The culture of the etheric body includes careful and polite handling of individual etheric organs, taking into account their spatial relationship with physical analogues. Both bodies are interested in this, and this, after all, is an excellent prevention of diseases.

A developed etheric body capable of steadily transmitting powerful energy flows through itself is necessary for a good actor, singer, lecturer, orator and animal trainer. Etheric energy is like the sound of a double bass in a symphony orchestra - it is the basis, the foundation on which astral, mental and more subtle vibrations lie.
The boundaries of the etheric body are changeable. If a person is healthy and feels good, it goes beyond the physical by several centimeters or even tens of centimeters.

edited news Core - 27-04-2011, 09:40
