Formation of communication skills in children onr. Formation of communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech through collective activities

Preschool age is an important stage in personality development. This is the period of familiarization with social values, the time of establishing relations with the leading spheres of life - the world of people, the world of nature and one's own inner world. Here the content of communication, its motives, communication skills and abilities change. One of the components of psychological readiness for schooling is being formed - communicative.

Children who attend educational institutions of a compensatory type need special assistance. Therefore, the problem arose: to determine effective methods, techniques that would allow the formation of communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech in games with rules. To build the pedagogical process in such a way that it is interesting, accessible, and useful for children. And most importantly, to teach the child to cooperate, listen and hear, share information.

Choose the forms of organization so that through close and familiar actions to interest the child.

The need to use games with rules as a means of developing communication skills is determined by a number of reasons. Games with rules:

  • contribute to the development of mental processes in children, including the ability to communicate;
  • encourage children to speech activity, stimulate speech activity in relation to each other;
  • help to make the educational material exciting, create a joyful and working mood;
  • help the successful formation of communication skills and the preparation of the child for school.

The general underdevelopment of speech in children is a specific manifestation of a speech anomaly, in which the formation of the main components of the speech system: vocabulary, grammar, and phonetics is impaired or lagging behind the norm. Vocabulary lags behind the age norm. Without special attention to their speech, children are inactive, in rare cases they are the initiators of communication, do not communicate with peers, do not ask questions to adults, do not accompany game situations with a story. This causes an insufficient communicative orientation in speech.

Thus, children with general underdevelopment of speech are actually limited in the possibilities of verbal communication, since speech means are designed for satisfaction in communication. To establish interpersonal relationships in relation to each other, an adult.

Communication between children in preschool age plays an important role. Children communicate with each other mainly in joint activities. If the activity itself is primitive, then communication will be the same: it can be expressed in aggressively directed forms of behavior (fights, quarrels, conflicts) and is almost not accompanied by speech. The more complex and varied the activity, the more necessary communication becomes for the child. The development of the child is especially successful in collective activities, primarily in the game, which stimulates the development of communication between children, and, consequently, speech. Communication with each other is a special sphere of a child's life.

What are the features of communication between children with ONR in games.

  • The first distinguishing feature contacts with peers in their especially vivid emotional richness.
  • Second feature consists in the non-standard nature of children's statements, in the absence of strict norms and rules. When talking with each other, children use the most unexpected, unpredictable words, combinations of words and sounds, phrases.
  • Third feature- the predominance of initiative statements over answers. In contacts with other children, it is much more important for a child to express himself than to listen to another. Therefore, as such, conversations between peers are practically impossible: children interrupt each other, each speaks about his own, not listening to his partner during the game.
  • The fourth difference is in the fact that in communicating with peers, children do not master speech norms, do not learn new words and phrases without communicating with adults.

An adult will always understand a child, even if the child's speech is not very clear. One of the effective forms to teach children to communicate with each other and the development of speech is the game with the rules. An adult can organize play activities with children. During the game, the child learns not only the world around him, but also himself, his place in this world. While playing, the child accumulates knowledge, masters the language, communicates, develops thinking and imagination. Gianni Rodari argued that “it is in the game that the child is fluent in speech, says what he thinks, and not what he needs. There are no schemes and correct patterns in the game, nothing fetters the child. Not to teach and educate, but to play with him, fantasize, compose, invent - that's what a child needs. Play is a creative activity that has intrinsic motivation. The game is liked by the player himself, it is an end in itself, and therefore is chosen freely at the request of the child.

The game is a unique means of non-violent education of young children. It corresponds to the natural needs and desires of the child, and therefore, with its help, he learns voluntarily and willingly. In the game, children can do things that they still don’t know how to do in real life: they come up with exciting stories, share toys with each other, follow the rules, wait their turn, be persistent and patient. And most importantly, all this happens freely and voluntarily, without pressure and coercion from an adult. The game can be considered as a kind of form of communication between an adult and children, in which an adult is both an organizer and a participant in the game. In every, even the simplest game, there are rules that organize and regulate the actions of the child. These rules in a certain way limit the spontaneous, impulsive activity, situational behavior of children with ONR. The rules of the game just become the “fulcrum” from which you can realize and evaluate your actions.

Thus, we can conclude: it is necessary to develop communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech in games with rules: since

In the game, the speech of the child develops, he learns to plan and regulate his actions, as well as the actions of his partners in the game;

In the game, the child develops moral standards. The ethical side of relationships is a response to good and bad.

The game is special form communication, cooperation, which brings the interest and capabilities of the child to a higher level - to the level of a thinking, creative personality.

Observing a child's behavior during play can tell an adult a lot about the child's personality and provide an opportunity to direct educational efforts in the right direction.

In conclusion, we can summarize and formulate main conclusions: children with minor deviations in speech development, in contrast to normally developing peers, experience pronounced difficulties in communicating with both adults and peers. If children who do not have communicative deviations spontaneously form the arbitrariness of communication within the framework of school age providing full-fledged speech activity, then in children, even with minor deviations in speech development, it appears variably: in some cases, difficulties in the arbitrariness of communication with adults predominate; in other cases - with peers, difficulties in arbitrary communication with adults; in other cases, with peers.

Work on the formation of communication skills in children with OHP in games with rules has been going on for more than one year. At the beginning of the work, the following tasks were set:

I. Teach children to treat each other kindly in the game.

  • address each other by name;
  • use etiquette stereotypes in speech (be kind, please, thank you, be a friend, could you ...);
  • resolve emerging conflicts peacefully;
  • help each other during the game, show friendly relations.

II. Develop the ability to independently organize the game.

  • choose a leader with the help (drawing lots, counting rhymes);
  • be able to negotiate the course of the game;
  • learn to negotiate changes in the game;
  • learn to sum up the game;
  • to teach to evaluate the contribution of each child in the process of the game.

Games on the formation of communication skills were held in the system and were divided into 4 blocks:

  • Block I - games to develop the ability to cooperate
  • II block - games for the ability to actively listen
  • III block - games for the ability to process information
  • IV block - games on the ability to construct a “text for another” (the ability to speak yourself)

In block I included games in which the ability to hear, understand and obey the rules was formed. Ability to control movement and follow instructions. Developed trust in each other, a sense of responsibility for the other. For example: “Owl - Owl”, “Hares and Fox”, “Cold - Hot”, “Right - Left”.

In block II included games for the ability to actively listen. In these games, the skill was formed:

Communicate verbally and non-verbally

Define emotional condition other people

Express your feelings

Ask open and closed questions

Rephrase what was said (keeping the main point)

Highlight the main idea of ​​the statement, summarize

The use of such an “active listener” technique as the development of .......... interlocutor.

For example, such games as “Phone”, “Chest”, “Say it differently”, “My beginning is your end”.

III block. Games for the ability to process information. In these games, the skill was formed:

Understand each other, delve into the essence of the information received

Argue your point of view

Make inferences

For example, such games as “I throw you a ball”, “Good - bad”, “It happens - it doesn’t happen”.

IV block. Games for the ability to construct a “text for another” (the ability to speak oneself). In these games, the skill was formed:

Establish "feedback when interacting with other people." These are such games as “Introduction”, “Guess who I am”, “Describe a friend”.

Games for the formation of communication skills are held daily in the form of "game minutes" between classes, in joint activities, on walks.

Together with the parents, the competition “Interesting game” was held.

The inactive, shy guys became interested in games, they independently began to organize games, they were the leaders in them. The most interesting were such games: “Land of Letters”, “Journey”. The game “Land of Letters” has the following rules: before making a move, it was necessary to “Come up with a word” for a certain letter. In the Journey game, the rule was: before making a move on the field, one had to recite a poem, sing a song, or quickly name the players.

Much attention in the work was paid to the complication of games. Introduced to the games, which included two hosts. It was difficult to play such games, the rules were new and the hosts were not one, but two. However, gradually the children learned to negotiate with each other about the course of the game, tried to control themselves in the game, followed the rules.

Various conflict situations arose during the games. Very often the game stopped, and the children could not decide who was right and who was wrong. Therefore, this situation was discussed with the children and found different ways to resolve the conflict, problems. Thus, the children learned to help each other and evaluate themselves and their comrades.

In games, children formed self-esteem, self-control. Children learned to evaluate themselves:

  • whether he followed the rules of the game;
  • did you listen to the leader;
  • whether the children were interested in playing with me.
  • In the process of the work carried out, the children developed:
  • organizational skills, strengthened the possible qualities of a leader;
  • the ability to draw attention to oneself was formed;
  • act on instructions;
  • fulfill requests and suggestions.

A group led by a leader is the best, most natural model of a child's socialization, his acceptance of the norms of communication and interaction with people. The games developed an understanding of the commonality of some problems, and their joint solution in the process of games helped to better assimilate social norms, roles corresponding to their gender and social status.

This system of work has yielded positive results. Games with rules not only contributed to the overall development of children, but also developed communication skills, which significantly affected the preparation of children for schooling. At school, it becomes especially important, on the one hand, the ability to obey mandatory norms and rules, on the other hand, to show creative activity, as well as the ability to accept temporary failure, without giving up attempts to achieve success in the future, and most importantly, the ability to communicate with each other, with adults.

Success educational process without interaction with parents would not be complete. To work with parents on this topic, the following were selected: forms of work:

  • survey of parents;
  • consultation with the elements of the game training “Formation of communication skills in games with rules”;
  • competition "Interesting game";
  • individual consultations and selection of material for the parent's corner on the topic “Formation of communication skills in games with rules”;
  • exhibitions for parents “It's interesting”.

Questioning of parents was conducted on the topic “How do I play with a child at home” in order to identify the ability of parents to play with children at home; find out what games are played at home; whether they want to get acquainted with games for family holidays, with new didactic and outdoor games.

After analyzing the results of the survey, we came to the conclusion that parents play little with their children, they lack knowledge and experience. The main group of parents would like to get acquainted with new didactic and outdoor games, as well as games for family holidays. In order to expand the horizons of parents, a selection of games was made for family holidays not only with children of preschool age, but also for school children: “Birthday”, “New Year”, “Easter”, “Folk outdoor games”.

Conducted for parents consultation with elements of game training on the topic “Formation of communication skills in games with rules” with the aim of: teaching parents and children to play mobile and didactic games, teach correctly, organize the game, sum up the game ..

The “Interesting Game” competition was held with the aim of: attracting parents to the child’s play activities at home, teaching their child to independently organize the game and teach it to play. Regulations for the contest "Interesting game" were developed.

The competition was held in two stages. Eight families took part in the competition. The games turned out to be bright, interesting, unusual. Parents did a great job with the children, most of the children were able to independently organize and conduct the game.

Individual consultations with parents is one of the most effective forms of work. Parents at individual consultations were open and confidential, at these meetings parents received more specific answers, recommendations, suggestions to their questions.

For parents, articles were placed in the parent corner:

  • “Improve the communication skills of your children”;
  • “Rules of conduct in the process of communication between parents and children”;
  • “Improvement of own skills in communication between parents and children”.

Their goal: to teach parents how to communicate with children not only in gaming activity, but also in different situations, the ability to control their behavior in relation to the child.

Descriptions of didactic verbal and outdoor games under the heading "Home game library" were placed in the parent's corner. This is how a card file of games for parents appeared In the group for parents exhibitions were organized“It's interesting”, where the didactic games “On the development of speech”, “Mathematics”, “Rules traffic" etc. Parents got acquainted with the exhibition, took the most liked games and played with the child at home.

Thus, with the close interaction of teachers with parents:

  • parents got acquainted with new didactic, outdoor games;
  • fun and interesting began to spend family holidays with children;
  • each family helped their child to learn how to organize the game, sum up the game.

The results of the survey, before the release of children to school, confirmed that the chosen system of work is effective. If at the beginning of work the children could not organize the game on their own, it was difficult for them to agree with each other, conflict situations often arose in the games. At the end of the training, children are more confident, they easily communicate with each other, they try to resolve conflict situations in a peaceful way, they easily communicate with adults. All this proves that playing with the rules contributes to the formation of communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Organization: Correctional Primary School- Kindergarten No. 14 "Alyonushka"

Location: Chelyabinsk region, Kyshtym

Features of the development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age with OHPIIIlevel

Studies of the development of communication skills in older preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech are of interest to teachers and psychologists, since communication plays a decisive role not only in enriching the content of the child's consciousness, in acquiring new knowledge and skills by the child; it also determines the structure of consciousness, determines the indirect structure of higher, specifically human mental processes, and that speech, like other sign systems, initially plays the role of a means of communication, and only then, on this basis, becomes an instrument of thinking and arbitrary regulation by the child. At the same time, a contradiction arose between the variety of modern concepts of preschool education, recognizing the irreplaceable influence of the development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age on the development and formation of the child's personality as a whole.

At the senior preschool age, the child's world is inextricably linked with other children. And the older the child becomes, the more important contacts with peers become for him. Communication with peers is significantly different from communication with adults. Close adults are friendly to the child, they surround him with attention and love, teach him skills, abilities and abilities, and other communicative relations develop with peers. Children are less friendly and attentive to each other, they do not always want to understand and help each other. They can not hesitate to push, take away the toy, although the other protests and cries. Communications of peers are more emotionally saturated, non-standard statements are inherent in them, initiative statements prevail over reciprocal ones, and communication is richer in functions, i.e. and control of actions, and control of his actions, and the imposition of images, and constant comparison with himself.

In communication with peers, the child learns to express himself, manage others, enter into a variety of relationships. Since children really want to communicate, they try to express their thoughts, desires, intentions more clearly and coherently. It is the need to be understood, heard, to receive an answer that makes the speech of preschoolers more coherent, complete and understandable.

The coherence of spoken words and the completeness of the grammatical form of the utterance - important condition communication of children. Older preschoolers who speak poorly and do not understand each other cannot interesting game to communicate meaningfully. They get bored with each other, they are forced to play apart, because they have nothing to talk about.

Studies by many domestic and foreign psychologists have shown that the speech development of older preschoolers significantly affects the communicative skills of peers. Preschoolers who do not have contact with peers experienced significant difficulties in communicating with other children, despite an active desire to talk with them. Children accustomed to the company of peers were significantly more talkative and freely talked with other children. From the foregoing, in order to communicate with other children, you need to be able to talk with them, try to make them understand you. The need to be understood makes the child speak more clearly and correctly.

The leading activity of older preschoolers is play. The game is the activity in which the formation of the motivational-need sphere of the child takes place as intensively as possible. As the psychologist D. B. Elkonin noted, in the game there is a primary emotionally effective orientation in terms of human activity, there is an awareness of one’s place in the system of human relations and a desire to be an adult (to be older, better, smarter, stronger). It is important to emphasize that this desire is precisely the result of the game, and not its starting point.

An ordinary children's game (role-playing or with a rule) cannot be replaced by either a VCR with cartoons or computer games, nor the most intricate constructor. Because in the game the child needs to control his behavior and understand what he is doing and why.

Among the variety of children's games highest value has a plot role-playing game. When preschoolers play, they always explain what they are doing, and without agreements and without mutual understanding, the game situation ceases to exist. Without such explanations, which give new meaning to objects and actions, neither the acceptance of a role nor the creation of a conditional space for play is possible.

And among the means of communication at this stage, speech begins to predominate. Children talk a lot with each other (about one and a half times more than with adults), but their speech continues to be situational. Children tell each other about where they have been and what they have seen, share their plans or preferences, evaluate qualities and actions others. At this age, “pure communication” again becomes possible, not mediated by objects and actions with them. Children can talk for a long time without doing any practical actions.

With sufficient research and development of methods for overcoming phonetic-phonemic, lexical-grammatical disorders and the formation of coherent speech, the problem of studying and developing dialogical speech children with OHP in the process of play activity has not been studied enough. There are no studies aimed at studying dialogue, dialogic speech as a component of the system of communicative-activity interaction.

With the existing organization of the educational process in speech groups, there is a certain limitation in the possibility of forming a game in children, since its place in the correctional and developmental process remains unclear to this day. In speech therapy practice, a variety of gaming techniques and didactic games are widely used, at the same time, the role-playing game is used fragmentarily. Educators of speech groups with a lack methodological developments for teaching children with speech disorders to play, they are guided by data relating to children with normal speech development without taking into account the characteristics of the student population.

Older preschoolers with level III OHP do not play role-playing games well: it is difficult for them to plan a plot, take on a role, the game is primitive in nature (mostly manipulations with objects) and falls apart under the influence of any external influences.

Unsteady use of sounds, when they are pronounced differently in different words, undifferentiated pronunciation of whistling, hissing sounds, displacement of sounds in words and sentences, as well as errors in the transmission of the syllabic structure of words, incorrect use of words in a speech context, poorly developed coherent speech and limited vocabulary make the speech of such children incomprehensible to surrounding peers, which affects the sympathy and desire to interact in the future with children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Therefore, it is important to carry out purposeful work in order to develop communication skills in children of senior preschool age with OHP level III. Both preschool teachers and parents should be interested and involved in this activity.

The insufficiency of communicative-activity interaction in the game is associated in children with ONR with the peculiarities of the emergence and development of crisis neoplasms, with a significant delay in self-awareness as a subject of activity; non-identification of a peer as an object of interaction, weak identification of oneself with a peer; low level communicative competence, cooperation and programming.

The use of a special correctional and pedagogical complex ensures significant personal development of children with OHP. They have the perception of a peer as a business partner, attention and even sensitivity to a partner in the process of gaming cooperation, which is expressed in growth speech activity in the game, as well as the emergence in some children of dialogues related to interactive interaction and aimed at coordinating and "step-by-step" planning of joint actions. In other words, dialogue, interactive interaction and actions in an imaginary (mental) plan, as a result of interpenetration, have been transformed into a single system of communicative-activity interaction, in which the functional load of the dialogue is the organization and planning of joint activities.

Children with OHP of older preschool age in a specially organized correctional educational environment are able to move from a pronounced egocentric position to others that are more productive in terms of communicative competence ("above", "under", "beside", "on an equal footing") . In their speech, along with demands, requests, suggestions, objections and conciliatory statements appear in communicative episodes.

A study on the problem of work showed significant results. During the experiment, the activities of children were analyzed, in which we were interested in the following areas: the distribution of roles, the main content of the game, role-playing behavior, the use of role-playing speech, and dialogue.

results experimental work showed that the most preferred were children who demonstrate benevolent attention to a partner - benevolence, responsiveness, sensitivity to peer influences, popular children themselves have an acute, pronounced need for communication and recognition, which they strive to satisfy. A variety of qualities were identified at the basis of selective attachments in children: initiative, success in activities (including play), the need for communication and recognition of peers, recognition of an adult, the ability to satisfy the communicative needs of peers. In children, all forms of communication of interpersonal interaction are violated, the development of play activity, which is of leading importance in overall mental development, is inhibited. In children with speech underdevelopment, the need for communication with peers and the desire to develop a joint game were reduced to varying degrees, and the level of self-esteem of speech development in such children affects the process of communication with peers and adults in different ways.

Children with general underdevelopment of speech must be taught to play. It can be both a speech therapist and an educator. First of all, it is necessary to create a base - to prepare a stock of knowledge and impressions from reality, which children in most receive from targeted walks. These can be walks to a store, a clinic, a pharmacy, an atelier, a house under construction, etc. before such a walk, an adult should definitely outline the scope of the concepts with which he is going to introduce the children, the words that will have to be clarified. When conducting such walks - excursions, it is important to remember that you need to pay the attention of children with OHP to all the little things, since the children themselves are not able to perceive what they see quite fully. It is necessary not only to draw the attention of children to any objects, objects, actions performed, but also to name them, and in addition, ask the children to repeat. That is why it is inappropriate to entrust the conduct of planned excursions to parents. Only a competent, well-trained teacher will conduct an excursion with maximum benefit for the kids.

After a guided tour on a specific topic, you can proceed directly to the organization of the game. But for its beginning, the impressions received are often not enough. By no means directing the game, but participating in it, the teacher must captivate children, prevent possible conflicts. As experience shows, the leading roles performed by adults are reluctantly supported by children. They are much more readily involved in the game if the speech therapist or educator plays any secondary roles. And the dialogue that takes place between the teacher and any of the players involuntarily arouses increased interest in all children. And no one has to be forced to listen to what an adult says and try to repeat after him. Everyone is already mesmerized by his unusual role. The educator or speech therapist plays with them on an equal footing! And how uninhibited children are in such a game, how much they become more active, bolder, more inventive!

Involving in the game, the teacher must remember that in addition to enriching the children's play activities, it is desirable to increase their mental and speech activity, the ability to conduct a dialogue. So, questions from an adult during various role-playing games will be useful. For example, “Doctor, why are you bandaging my hand?”, “Tell me, please, which weight did you put on the scales?”. Questions activate the imagination of the child addressed by a speech therapist or educator, make the baby think, answer, and everyone else imitate those who are talking during the game.

The use of a special correctional and pedagogical complex made it possible to form all aspects of communicative and activity interaction: affective, cognitive. Mastering the mechanisms of substantive-practical cooperation by children with OHP becomes a decisive factor in the emergence and development of a dialogue, which becomes the leading means of programming the activity itself.

Thus, targeted, systematic and systematic work on the development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age with OHP level III, in cooperation with teachers and psychologists, contributes to children's ability to communicate freely and interact with other children and people, which directly prepares them for successful schooling and harmonious development. child's personality.

Bibliographic list

  1. Galiguzova L.N., Smirnova E.O. Stages of communication: from one to seven years [Text] / - M.: Enlightenment, 1992.
  2. Smirnova E.O. Features of communication with preschoolers: study guide for students. higher ped. textbook institutions [Text] / O.E. Smirnova - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000.
  3. T. A. Tkachenko. We learn to speak correctly. Correction system for general underdevelopment of speech in 5-year-old children. Handbook for educators, speech therapists and parents. - Moscow.: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2002.
  4. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. The program of preschool educational institutions of a compensating type for children with speech disorders [Text] / T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkin. – M.: MGOPI, 1993.


Chapter 1

1 Analysis of the literature on the problem of the formation of communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech

2 Psychological and pedagogical features of children with general underdevelopment of speech

3 Features of the formation of communication in children with general underdevelopment of speech

Conclusions on the first chapter

Chapter 2

1 Diagnostics for tracking the level of formation of communication skills of children

2 Suggested Methods for Developing Communication Skills in Children with ONR

Conclusions on the second chapter


Bibliographic list


The relevance of research. At present, the problem of forming communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech is relevant.

In line with the latest concepts of preschool education, the development of children's skills of positive interaction with others is of particular importance as a guarantee of their successful development. According to the views of Russian psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, M.I. Lisina, V.S. Mukhina, S.L. Rubinstein, A.G. Ruzskaya, E.O. Smirnova, D.B. Elkonin, etc.), communication acts as one of the main conditions for the development of the child, the most important factor in the formation of his personality, and finally, the leading type of human activity aimed at knowing and evaluating oneself through other people.

Numerous publications by B.M. Grinshpun, G.V. Gurovets, R.E. Levina, L.F. Spirova, L.B. Khalilova, G.V. Chirkina, S.N. Shakhovskaya and others point to the fact that children with general underdevelopment of speech have persistent disorders of the communicative act, accompanied by the immaturity of individual mental functions, emotional instability, stiffness of cognitive processes. Despite the constant interest of researchers in the problems of optimization of correctional speech therapy work with this category of children, at the moment there is no holistic view of the patterns of formation of their communication skills; adequate conditions that contribute to the full-fledged formation of the main operational components of their communicative act have not been adequately studied.

Modern pedagogical practice urgently requires speech therapists to have a scientifically reasoned approach to the analysis of the communicative behavior of preschool children with severe speech disorders, objective information that reflects the complex nature of the relationship between the level of formation of their communicative ability and the state of speech and thought activity, specific correctional and pedagogical recommendations that provide them with the full formation of all parts of speech communication.

The well-known experience of using a psychological and pedagogical approach to the study of various aspects of the communicative behavior of children of this contingent is often characterized by the non-uniform use of disparate psychological methods that allow the experimenter to focus more on their own intuitive-empirical analysis of the research results than on objective parameters for assessing the communicative development of preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech: the level of formation of the motivational-required sphere, the degree of maturity of the operational mechanisms of the communicative act, the nature of the use of speech and paralinguistic means.

The relevance and insufficient development of this problem made it possible to determine the topic of the study: "The formation of communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech."

The purpose of the study: to study the specifics of the communicative development of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech, to substantiate on this basis the ways and methods of forming the main components of communication activity in them, to identify the real conditions for its optimization.

Object of research: communicative activity of children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Subject of research: implementation of the process of formation of communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Research hypothesis: if in a preschool educational institution where children with general underdevelopment of speech study, a methodology is introduced aimed at forming the communicative sphere of these children, which would take into account their mental, personal characteristics and specifics this violation, then as a result we get quality development communicative sphere of this contingent of children.

In accordance with the goal, the following research objectives were formulated:

) analyze the general and special literature on the research topic, determine theoretical basis formation of communication skills in children with general underdevelopment of speech;

) create a unified set of experimental psychological methods for studying communicative activity and test them on children of older preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech;

) to study the state of communicative skills and abilities of children of this contingent, implemented by them in the family, children's team and in communication with teachers;

) to determine the correctional and pedagogical ways and methods of forming the communicative behavior of children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech and substantiate on this basis guidelines necessary to improve speech therapy work with this category of children.

Research methods: analysis of literary sources on the research topic, ascertaining and teaching experiments, quantitative and high-quality processing the results obtained.

The structure of the course work: the course work consists of an introduction, a theoretical and practical part and a bibliographic list.

Experimental base. The experiment covered 30 children (preschoolers) with OHP studying at preschool educational institution No. 98 (“Child Development Center”), the city of Magnitogorsk.

Chapter 1

1 Analysis of the literature on the problem of the formation of communication skills in children with ONR

An analysis of modern speech therapy literature shows that the main attention of research in this area is focused on the problems of the actual language development of children with speech pathology. The question of the specifics of the development of non-verbal means of communication in this category of children, the nature (conventional - non-conventional, conscious - unconscious, stereotypical - having options for execution, etc.) of the non-verbal signs used by them, the relationship between the level of development of speech and non-verbal means is practically not developed .

At the same time, both psychologists and psycholinguists (A.A. Bodalev, I.N. Gorelov, K. Izard, V.A. Labunskaya, A.A. Leontiev, M. Argyale, R. Dirdwhistell, P. Ekman and etc.) convincingly proved that non-verbal means play a huge role not only in communication, but also in the processes of speech production and speech perception. The verbal and non-verbal systems of signs are interconnected in such a way that within the framework of speech activity they achieve their meaning and value only in conditions of mutual integration and mutual presence (I.N. Gorelov, V.I. Zhelvis, A.A. Leontiev, etc.) . Revealing the psychological meaning of non-linguistic phenomena, A.A. Leontiev notes that intonation, timbre, facial expressions, etc. can minimize the impact of the "direct" meaning of verbal information, even contradict it. According to M.M. For Bakhtin, emotions, evaluation, expression are alien to the word of the language and are born only in the process of utterance, live use.

Considering the place of non-verbal components in the process of generating and perceiving speech, most Russian scientists (T.V. Akhutina, L.S. Vygotsky, N.I. Zhinkin, I.A. Zimnyaya, A.A. Leontiev, A.R. Luria , L.V. Sakharny and others) note that thought is never equal to the direct meaning of words. The stage of internal programming (according to A.A. Leontiev), semantic recording (according to A.R. Luria), internal speech scheme (according to T.V. Akhutina), general semantic image (according to I.A. Zimnyaya) does not depend on the national language, he "operates not with the words of a particular language, but with semantic elements that include a system of relations hidden behind them." N.I. Zhinkin, revealing the specifics of inner speech, notes that the basic component of thinking is a special language of the intellect (universal subject code - UPC), which has a fundamentally non-verbal nature and operates with visual representations and various schemes. I.N. Gorelov believes that "a non-verbal internal program is explicated in such a way that verbal means of communication only if the latter turn out to be less effective and economical in achieving communication goals." In other words, by correlating the internal program, i.e. thoughts to be expressed general scheme communication, with the situation of communication, a person "removes everything verbally - redundant, duplicating other non-verbal means of understanding." At the same time, non-verbal components do not just complement verbal acts, but are the primary components of communication that arise before speech realizations and contribute to the formation of thought-emotions.

Speech therapy studies performed using pedagogical, psychological and psycholinguistic tools (Yu.F. Garkusha, O.E. Gribova, B.M. Grinshpun, G.S. Gumennaya, L.N. Efimenkova, N.S. Zhukova, V A. Kovshikov, R. E. Levina, E. M. Mastyukova, L. F. Spirova, T. B. Filicheva, S. N. Shakhovskaya, A. V. Yastrebova and others), show that speech activity children of this category is peculiar, there are characteristic features of the work of the speech and language mechanism.

Turning to the question of the specifics of the means of communication of children with OHP, researchers highlight the limitations available to the child linguistic means, the presence of a special sound-gesture - mimic complex used by children, the peculiar difficulties that arise in the transition to the word as a means of communication and generalization.

Underdevelopment speech means leads to a decrease in the level of communication, to the communicative passivity of children with OHP, to an unwillingness to communicate by verbal means, to the manifestation of specific psychological characteristics (timidity, indecision, shyness). There are difficulties in communicating with peers, the impossibility of establishing long-term communicative contacts, centering on an adult, specific difficulties of a non-verbal nature: lack of communication skills, negativism, irritability (I.S. Krivoyaz, R.E. Levina, S.A. Mironova, L.N. Mishcherskaya , O.S. Pavlova, N.A. Cheveleva, A.V. Yastrebova and others).

The limited communicative abilities of children with OHP are accompanied by a decrease in the need for communication, the lack of formation of verbal means and forms of communication, difficulties in their implementation, low speech activity, and inability to navigate the semantics of a communicative situation.

Psycholinguistic analysis of OHP made it possible to identify broken links in the scheme of speech production. V.A. Kovshikov points to a violation of internal programming in combination with the unformed operations of selecting words and phrases. The core of the violation is the unformedness of the stage of lexical and grammatical structuring of the statement with the relative preservation of the semantic and motor level of speech generation. E.F. Sobotovich notes that the main in motor alalia is a violation of the mastery of the sign form of the language. The reason for the violation of the linguistic design of the statement, according to the author, is the violation of the operations of programming, selection, synthesis of linguistic material when generating a speech statement. VC. Vorobyov also points to the presence of a violation of the internal planning process, combined with the impossibility of retaining and translating the internal scheme into external speech. V.P. Glukhov notes that children experience the greatest difficulties at the stage of planning and choosing lexical units, while the lack of creativity to the process of generating an utterance (stereotypical scheme), semantic omissions (missing a necessary moment, incompleteness of an action, etc.), semantic errors. L.B. Khalilova also notes the de-segmentation and cognitive weakness of speech production, the difficulties of programming a speech statement, the specifics of all stages of its generation and speech perception.

Speaking about the peculiarities of the course of the stage of internal programming in children with speech underdevelopment, among the important signs of OHP, the unformedness of the semantic premises of the utterance stands out. Thus, dynamic disorders of speech activity appear, first of all, in the lack of formation of internal programming and grammatical structuring, i.e. those aspects of speech activity where speech is most closely connected with cognitive structures.

T.B. Filichev and G.V. Chirkina note that without special training, children with OHP do not master the operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization. R.I. Lalaeva and A. Germakovskaya also distinguish a complex combination of speech and cognitive impairments in children with general underdevelopment. According to S.N. Shakhovskaya, the general underdevelopment of speech is a multimodal disorder that manifests itself at all levels of the organization of language and speech.

Thus, a violation of the processes of generating speech is observed even before the moment when the choice of means (verbal and non-verbal) for the representation of thought occurs. This fact allowed us to make an assumption that non-verbal communication of children with ONR will have a number of specific features and perception (understanding) and use of non-verbal means of communication.

To study the characteristics of communication of children with OHP, the following methods are offered:

Designed to assess the level of non-verbal communication in infants and young children.

Methodology Communication and Symbolic Behavior, allows you to evaluate communication and symbolic skills 8 - 24 - month old baby, including gesture communication, vocalizations, interaction, affective signals in various communicative situations;

Allowing to appreciate the level of verbal communication skills of the child with developmental problems.

Here, of particular interest is the methodology developed within the framework of the program “Teaching Spontaneous Communication of Children with Developmental Disabilities”;

Expanding communication opportunities for people with severe speech impairments;

Method "Masks";

Method "Mittens";

. "Test of anxiety";

. "Story by plot picture»;

. "Establishing the sequence of plot drawings and a story based on them";

Methods V.M. Minaeva;

Method N.M. Yurieva;

Modified technique of V.A. Labunskaya.

1.2 Psychological and pedagogical features of children with general underdevelopment of speech

The problem of speech development of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech of various origins has repeatedly been the subject of special study. The general underdevelopment of speech in children with normal hearing and primary intact intelligence is understood as a complex form of speech pathology, in which there is a violation of the formation of all components of the speech system.

Underdevelopment of speech means reduces the level of communication, contributes to the emergence of psychological characteristics (isolation, timidity, indecision); gives rise to specific features of general and speech behavior (limited contact, delayed involvement in the situation of communication, inability to maintain a conversation, listen to sounding speech), leads to a decrease in mental activity.

Corrective and speech therapy work with children of the fourth year of life has shown that a thorough study of children of primary preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech and the search for more effective ways correctional and speech therapy work. When studying preschoolers, the level of development of the child's passive and active vocabulary, the state of general, fine and articulatory motor skills, and the features of cognitive activity were taken into account.

Speech therapy study consisted of two stages: preparatory and main. On preparatory stage anamnestic data were analyzed based on the conclusions of specialists recorded in medical records for each child and on the basis of the documentation of educators and speech therapists (information about parents, speech cards), information about the characteristics of children's communication, their behavior in the playroom, household activities, features of the relationship of children with each other and with adults. Questioning and interviewing of parents was carried out, with the help of which their attitude to children, to the correctional and pedagogical process as a whole, was clarified.

At the second stage, an in-depth linguistic-psychological-pedagogical study of children was carried out, the main attention was paid to the speech and general development of the child. Traditional methods of examining children have been modified according to age. The survey took into account all lines of development and especially the process of communication and cooperation.

When studying communicative-cognitive activity, the level of formation of prerequisites for the development of speech was considered, namely: the level of communication and cooperation, understanding of speech, orientation in the environment, subject-practical activity, the development of cognitive processes, productive activities, the formation of phonemic perception and the readiness of the articulatory apparatus to pronunciation of sounds.

The study of speech was carried out in several directions: the level of formation of the prerequisites for the development of speech was clarified, i.e. level of communication, speech initiative, orientation in the environment, phonemic perception and readiness of the articulatory apparatus, which ensures the formation of the sound side of speech. Studied active speech: subject dictionary on the main topics; the syllabic structure of the word and the presence of phrasal speech were checked, the state grammatical structure speech. As a result of a psychological and pedagogical examination, all children of the fourth year of life with general underdevelopment of speech and communicative and cognitive activity were conditionally divided into three subgroups.

The first subgroup included children who, during the examination, showed negativism, were reluctant to come into contact with an adult, and completed tasks reluctantly, slowly, and incompletely. An in-depth examination showed that the situational-business form of communication was not formed in children.

The third group consisted of children who easily made contact with adults, were emotionally related to tasks and to the result of their activities. They were characterized by situational business communication.

Data analysis of linguistic and psychological examination confirmed that in the examined children, along with speech disorders, variably pronounced features of the development of communicative and cognitive activity are noted. The level of development of speech, cognitive processes and communication in children are in interrelation and interdependence. The lower the level of speech development of the child, the lower the level of his general development. The characteristics of the subgroups confirmed the heterogeneity and variability of the composition of the groups, which manifested itself in the performance of all tasks. The children differed from each other in different levels of development of speech skills, cognitive processes, the ability to overcome speech disorders, and different readiness to cooperate and communicate with adults.

3 Features of the formation of communication in children with general underdevelopment of speech

In domestic psychology, communication is considered as one of the main conditions for the development of a child, the most important factor in the formation of his personality, the leading type of human activity aimed at understanding and evaluating oneself through interaction with other people (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, M. I. Lisina, V. S. Mukhina, S. L. Rubinshtein, A. G. Ruzskaya, E. O. Smirnova, D. B. Elkonin, etc.)

Communication is one of the main conditions full development child, has a complex structural organization, the main components of which are the subject of communication, communicative need and motives, units of communication, its means and products. Throughout the preschool age, the content of the structural components of communication changes, its means are improved, the main of which is speech.

In accordance with the theoretical concepts of domestic psychology, speech is the most important mental function of a person - a universal means of communication, thinking, and organizing actions. Many studies have found that mental processes - attention, memory, perception, thinking, imagination - are mediated by speech. Communication is present in all types of children's activities and affects the speech and mental development of the child, forms the personality as a whole.

Psychologists believe that the decisive factors in the formation of a child’s communication are his interaction with adults, the attitude of adults towards him as a person, their consideration of the level of formation of the communicative need that the child has reached at this stage of development.

The patterns of behavior learned by him in the family are applied in the process of communication with peers. In turn, many of the qualities acquired by the child in the children's team are introduced into the family. The relationship of a preschooler with children is also largely determined by the nature of his communication with the kindergarten teacher. The style of the teacher's communication with the children, his value attitudes are reflected in the relations of the children among themselves, in the psychological microclimate of the group. The successful development of his relationships with peers has a special impact on the formation of the child's mental life. Thus, at normal development there is a unity of the formation of communication of the child and the development of his personality.

With insufficient communication of the child with adults and peers, the rate of development of his speech and other mental processes slows down. Deviations in the development of speech negatively affect the mental development of the child, make it difficult to communicate with others, delay the formation of cognitive processes, and, therefore, prevent the formation of a full-fledged personality.

Children with speech underdevelopment against the background of a mosaic picture of speech and non-speech defects have difficulties in the formation of communication skills. Due to their imperfection, the development of communication is not fully ensured and, therefore, there may be difficulties in the development of verbal and cognitive activity. Most children with OHP have difficulty making contact with peers and adults, their communicative activity is limited.

In the studies of S.N. Shakhovskaya experimentally identified and analyzed in detail the features of the speech development of children with severe speech pathology. According to the author, "general underdevelopment of speech is a multimodal disorder that manifests itself at all levels of the organization of language and speech." Speech behavior, speech action of a child with speech underdevelopment differs significantly from what is observed during normal development. With a general underdevelopment of speech in the structure of the defect, there is an unformed speech activity and other mental processes. The insufficiency of speech and thought activity associated with linguistic material of different levels is revealed. The majority of children with OHP have poor and qualitative originality of vocabulary, difficulties in the development of generalization and abstraction processes. The passive vocabulary significantly prevails over the active one and is converted into an active one extremely slowly. Due to the poverty of the vocabulary of children, the opportunities for their full communication and, consequently, the overall mental development are not provided.

Describing the state of speech-cogitative activity of children with speech underdevelopment, acting against the background of persistent dysarthria pathology, L.B. Khalilova notes the noticeable narrowness of their linguistic outlook, the difficulties of programming a speech statement at all stages of its psycholinguistic generation. The speech products of most of them are poor in content and very imperfect in structure. Elementary syntactic constructions are not informative enough, they are inaccurate, not always logical and consistent, and the main idea contained in them sometimes does not correspond to the given topic.

A meager vocabulary, agrammatisms, defects in pronunciation and form formation, difficulties in the development of a coherent speech statement make it difficult to form the main functions of speech - communicative, cognitive, regulatory and generalizing. Violation of the communicative function of speech in children with OHP prevents the full formation of the generalizing function, since their speech capabilities do not sufficiently ensure the correct perception and preservation of information in the context of a consistent expansion of its volume and complication of content in the process of developing verbal communication with others. N.I. Zhinkin believes that the delay in the formation of one component, in this case, speech, leads to a delay in the development of another - thinking, the child does not own concepts, generalizations, classifications in accordance with age, and finds it difficult to analyze and synthesize incoming information. Defects in speech development delay the formation of the cognitive function of speech, since in this case the speech of a child with speech pathology does not become a full-fledged means of his thinking, and the speech of the people around him is not always an adequate way for him to convey information, social experience (knowledge, methods, actions). Often, the child understands only the information that is associated with familiar, visually perceived objects and people in his usual environment. In many situations of activity and communication, the child cannot formulate and convey his thoughts and personal experiences with the help of speech. Often he needs additional visualization, which helps him to perform certain mental operations.

Studying the speech communication of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech in the process of playing activity, L.G. Solovieva makes a conclusion about the interdependence of speech and communication skills. Features of children's speech development clearly impede the implementation of full-fledged communication, which is expressed in a decrease in the need for communication, unformed forms of communication (dialogical and monologue speech), behavioral features (disinterest in contact, inability to navigate in a communication situation, negativism).

Children with general underdevelopment of speech have serious difficulties in organizing their own speech behavior, which negatively affects communication with others and, above all, with peers. The study of interpersonal relations in a group of preschoolers with speech underdevelopment, conducted by O.A. Slinko, showed that although socio-psychological patterns operate in it, common to normal developing children and their peers with speech pathology, manifested in the structure of groups, however, interpersonal relationships children of this contingent are more affected by the severity of the speech defect. So, among the outcasts there are often children with severe speech pathology, despite the fact that they have positive features, including the desire to communicate.

Thus, the level of formation of communication of a child with a general underdevelopment of speech is largely determined by the level of development of his speech.

Speech therapy has accumulated a lot of data that another obstacle to communication is not the defect itself, but how the child reacts to it, how he evaluates it. At the same time, the degree of fixation on the defect does not always correlate with the severity of the speech disorder.

Consequently, speech therapy literature notes the presence of persistent communication disorders in children with speech underdevelopment, accompanied by the immaturity of individual mental functions, emotional instability, and stiffness of cognitive processes.

Despite the constant interest of researchers in the problems of optimizing speech therapy work to overcome speech underdevelopment, at present there is no holistic view of the patterns of formation of communication skills in this category of children and the possibilities of their purposeful development. Along with the priority importance of considering the theoretical aspects of this problem, there is a practical need to determine the content of remedial education aimed at developing communication skills in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech.

Conclusions on the first chapter

So, the theoretical aspects of the formation of communication skills in children with OHP were outlined.

From the reviewed material, the following conclusions can be drawn:

) the problem of the formation of communication skills in children is relevant;

) an important problem in working with children with general underdevelopment of speech, having problems in communication - the organization and content of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of such children;

) as a result of underdevelopment of speech in children with general underdevelopment of speech, there are limited available language means, the presence of a special sound-gesture - mimic complex used by children, peculiar difficulties that arise when switching to a word as a means of communication and generalization;

- without special training, children with general underdevelopment of speech do not master the operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization;

) underdevelopment of speech means in children reduces the level of communication, contributes to the emergence of psychological characteristics (isolation, timidity, indecision); gives rise to specific features of general and speech behavior (limited contact, delayed inclusion in a communication situation, inability to maintain a conversation, listen to sounding speech), leads to a decrease in mental activity;

) Psychologists consider the decisive factors in the formation of a child’s communication to be his interaction with adults, the attitude of adults towards him as a person, their consideration of the level of formation of the communicative need that the child has reached at this stage of development;

) the level of formation of communication of a child with general underdevelopment of speech is largely determined by the level of development of his speech.

underdevelopment of speech preschool communication

Chapter 2

1 Diagnostics for tracking the level of formation of communication skills in children

A comprehensive study of the language competence of children in the conditions of speech pathology is the key to their successful advancement in the system of correctional and developmental education. Therefore, the effectiveness of speech therapy work is achieved, as a rule, by involving various components of the language ability in the educational and correctional process, which makes it possible to activate the sequentially interconnected stages of the speech and language mechanism, starting with the formation of the concept of the statement in inner speech and ending with its implementation in the coherent statement of the speaker.

In essence, the meaning-forming level is the central link in speech-thinking activity, which is fully consistent with its role in the implementation of the processes of speech understanding and speech production. At the same time, it, like no other of the structural elements of the psycholinguistic model of the speech and language mechanism, is influenced by pathological manifestations sensorimotor, lexico-grammatical, semantic, motivational-regulatory genesis. This circumstance gives every reason to assert that this largely determines the state of the semantic component of language ability in speech underdevelopment.

We conducted a study on the basis of preschool educational institution No. 98, the city of Magnitogorsk. Its purpose was to generalize experimental data stating the features of the meaning-forming link in the speech-cogitative activity of children of senior preschool - primary school age with speech disorders. The contingent of the subjects were children with underdevelopment of speech, which is caused by dysarthria pathology, alalia, speech dysontogenesis of unspecified etiology.

According to experimental data obtained as a result of a study of children of this category, it has been established that the formation of a dialogic form of speech in preschool childhood is a process that is uneven in terms of its content-temporal characteristics. This is reflected in the qualitative aspect of the semantic content of children's speech, their ability to adequately communication conditions to model a dialogue, operating with various semantic connections and relationships. Certain evaluation parameters contributed to the selection in the group of preschoolers with speech underdevelopment of different levels of their command of the dialogue as the most accessible type of realization of their own speech production in the act of communication. The children were divided into three groups.

The minimum level of dialogue proficiency was stated in 27% of the subjects. As a leading violation that prevents the full-fledged formation of the dialogue of children, a pronounced underdevelopment of their speech-linguistic ability of a semantic nature was noted. Among the difficulties that occurred in the analysis of the skills of modeling coherent speech production, there was a gross distortion of the main plot line, the substitution real events details that are irrelevant to the situation abrupt transition from the theme given by the experimenter to separate, sometimes completely unrelated fragments. The majority of the subjects, assigned by us to this level, suffered from the semantic integrity of the dialogue, there were pronounced violations of the topic-rhematic interaction: a frequent change of thematic reference points, “sliding” to side associations, a clear lack of rhematic means of designing the topic, often leading to imitativeness of their answers, were recorded.

While drawing attention to the limited possibilities of replication, it is emphatically reactive; frequent substitution of verbal means of dialogic communication with paralinguistic methods of information transfer, most of which were accompanied by extensive orienting-search acts. In those cases where the children resorted to using verbal methods of modeling their response, the intonation pattern of their remarks bore an emphatically pronounced shade of uncertainty. They, as a rule, were distinguished by an insufficient degree of emotional coloring, formal correspondence to the question posed.

The average level of dialogue proficiency, noted in 40% of cases, was characterized by mild violations of the semantic organization of the dialogic utterance. In the responses produced by the subjects, an external semantic correspondence of the content of the children's speech to the intellectual task that the experimenter set for them was found: the main idea to be deciphered in the course of the dialogue was kept, the structural and content blocks of the plot that were mandatory for a given speech situation were fixed, a tendency was noted for a fairly consistent development of the topic. . However, in the process of modeling the dialogue by children, single omissions of semantically significant elements of the plot were revealed, in some cases there were subtle violations. thematic organization dialogic whole, which manifested itself either in the redundancy of the theme, or in its insufficiently complete disclosure.

At the same time, attention was drawn to the incompleteness of the excretory structures, the difficulties of their structural and semantic design. The presence of such difficulties, which almost always occurs in conditions of lexical and grammatical deficiency, can be explained by reasons of a twofold nature: the insufficient degree of formation of the verbal technique of speech in children with underdevelopment of speech, or the imperfection of their combinatorial mechanisms involved in the structuring of lexical units as part of the syntactic whole.

Among the most characteristic and frequently occurring shortcomings that indirectly affect the state of the semantic organization of the dialogue of preschoolers in this category are verbal perseverations (“knifing with a cut”), ellisions (omissions of the searched word), literal and verbal paraphasias (“katkus-cactus”), various options violations of the syllabic and morphological structure of the word, persistent errors of word-formation and syntactic order.

The replicas produced by the children differed in intonation diversity (compared to preschoolers referred to the previous level), there was an increase in the grammatical components included in their composition.

The optimal level of dialogue proficiency turned out to be the closest to the normative age indicators of the formation of dialogic speech, the percentage of prevalence of which among subjects with underdevelopment of speech was only 33%. Analyzing the state of the dialogical production of these subjects, it should be noted that the nature of their speech constructions almost fully corresponded to the setting of the task. The dialogue of most of them was distinguished by the semantic integrity of the main components of the content, the dynamic combination of theme-rhematic interactions, which ensure not only the completeness of the transfer and actualization of communicatively significant information, but also the representation of a new meaning. For the dialogic speech of preschoolers assigned to this level, the meaningful and constructive connection of replicas, their intonational diversity, and the presence in the composition of dialogical formulas were typical. speech etiquette. In some cases, initiative questions of children were recorded that went beyond the scope of the current situation, which indicated a noticeable severity of their cognitive interest, the desire to evaluate and comment on this version of the speech situation with the maximum degree of accuracy and completeness.

The interrelation of the semantic organization of speech production of preschool children with speech underdevelopment in relation to expressions of expressive and impressive types seems interesting. To evaluate the latter, it is considered necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the processes of decoding children of this category of textual material. An important aspect understanding, indicating the psycholinguistic specificity of the decoding ability of children with speech underdevelopment, is their ability to reveal the hidden meaning of the text, which is the most complex, deep-semantic plan of the semantic organization of a coherent linguistic unity. In connection with the above, levels of decoding of the hidden meaning, similar to the dialogic utterance, were identified, which are characteristic of the subjects of preschool age.

Following the logic of modeling the hierarchy of the indicated levels, attention is drawn to the minimum level of decoding the hidden meaning, which is an example of the lowest productivity of the subjects' verbal and mental activity, noted in 70% of cases. They were characterized by a rather superficial "reading" of the text, which did not exhaust the necessary depth of its understanding and, thus, did not provide them with a transition from external value To inner meaning. As a result of this circumstance, the adequacy of the perception of the external and internal field of the text was violated in the majority of preschoolers assigned to this level, its depth and accuracy suffered noticeably. Singling out from the composition of the textual production to be analyzed only a short narrative about a certain external event, they, as a rule, followed the path of ignoring the subtext, for understanding which it was necessary to abstract from the immediate direct meaning and go to the level of deep meaning. They were distinguished by a violation of orienting-search activity, which in one way or another influenced the process of isolating the nuclear content and led to difficulties associated with determining the motive for the actions of the characters discussed in the story.

The pronounced severity of such shortcomings is explained both by the lack of formation of both the syntactic and semantic strategies for perceiving the text against the background of sensorimotor and cognitive deficits in the process of deciphering the deep meaning of the utterance. The consequence of this was persistent violations of the entire complex ensemble of speech and language processes involved in the decoding of the hidden meaning.

The average level of hidden meaning decoding, which amounted to 22%, was characterized by a rather superficial understanding of the subtext, which, as a rule, led to isolating only the actual content of the narrative, incomplete guessing of the general semantic contour of the simulated situation. A sufficient degree of formation of the orienting activity of these children partly brought them closer to understanding the subtext, however, a very low level of its search activity, the presence of pronounced difficulties of a nominative and predicative nature, the impossibility of recoding the logical-grammatical structures of the language into units of meaning ultimately prevented the isolation of its core formula. Only the constant help of the experimenter, based on the use of various components of intonation, the use of pauses, "oral discharge" in the form of a different tempo of reading, allowed them to detect internal conflict between open text and its deep content. The pronounced deficiency of the lexical and grammatical development of preschoolers assigned to this level led to difficulties in implementing syntactic strategies for perceiving the text, resulting in minor violations of the deep semantic processes of the speech and language mechanism involved in decoding the hidden meaning.

% of subjects with speech underdevelopment were combined into a group that showed the optimal level of decoding the hidden meaning. hallmark at this level was the ease of semantic analysis, as well as the flexibility that accompanied the children's choice of possible options for resolving the ambiguity of the text, hypotheses for anticipating the denouement. Finding an attempt to decipher the hidden meaning, to highlight the core formula of the text, they acted in accordance with a pre-thought-out scenario, coordinating it with the knowledge structures they already knew. Most of the children assigned to this level were characterized by the desire not only to highlight the subtext and general meaning, but also the desire to analyze the motives behind the actions of the main characters of the story, as well as those motives that prompted them to speak on a given topic.

It is quite obvious that the difficulties of semantic processing of linguistic information persist in children with speech underdevelopment at later stages of ontogenesis. This is evidenced by publications covering the issues of the functioning of linguistic semantics in linguistic consciousness. junior schoolchildren designated category. Experimental studies by a number of authors point to the heterogeneity of semantic disorders demonstrated by students primary school with underdevelopment of speech in the process of deciphering the deep structures of the text, in particular, the hidden meaning.

Among the difficulties noted by them, the most common were semantic flaws: along with nominative difficulties, accompanied by replacements or omissions of both individual semantic and important semantic fragments of the text, in 36% of cases in the answers of first-graders there were distortions of its general semantic picture of the introduction of lexical and semantic and logical-grammatical plan.

Difficulties in isolating the subtext against the background of their complete misunderstanding of the hidden meaning of the plot were also noted. Violation of the operations of deep semantic analysis in such cases led to the impossibility for students to implement differential strategies for recognizing and isolating the hidden meaning, the presence of which in the text, as a rule, was ignored by them due to the indicated reasons. Most of the children in this category inevitably had difficulties in correlating the two planes of history - external and internal, which entailed the consistency of the facts of the reference text, unsupported by logical interpretations, the stereotyped translation of its semantic canvas into the plot available in the children's experience, inadequate establishment of cause-and-effect relationships of the plot narrative , revealing the concept of the whole text. The low ability of students to operate with the semantic structures of a coherent speech utterance, as a rule, prevented the adequate transmission of the hidden meaning in their own speech production. This regularity was stated even in those cases when the children's independent analysis of textual information was carried out with the suggestive help of the experimenter associated with the use of verbal supports.

During the experimental verification, it turned out that only 9% of the subjects did not need the specified help from an adult, while the vast majority of children of the same category (91%) needed verbal support mainly to reveal the subtext, interpret the hidden meaning of the message.

The mosaic nature of known semantic disorders, which is observed in the group of children with underdevelopment of speech of primary school age, is primarily due to the uneven formation of their skills in the semantic analysis of text products. In this regard, it is concluded that there is a certain specificity of the decoding ability inherent in the subjects of the category under study, the formation of which in ontogenesis proceeds under the influence of several factors: the factor of speech and language defect, the psychological factor, the age factor.

The peculiarity of decoding processes speech material at the textual level of the language is due to the pathological interaction of cognitive and speech-language operations. This factor to a greater extent provokes insufficient involvement of the mechanisms of interpretation, retention in memory, search and correlation of semantic dominants, probabilistic forecasting in the semantic processing of the information space of the text, which, in turn, leads to a distorted understanding of its various organizational levels at all age stages of speech ontogenesis. .

2 Suggested Methods for Developing Communication Skills in Children with ONR

Non-verbal and verbal means of communication

Non-verbal means of communication include: facial expressions, pantomime, gestures. They are realized in the process of preparation for dramatization. It is she who has the effect and allows you to form an understanding of social causal patterns.


The material for the work is plots of fairy tales, stories, poems, events from Everyday life children. When choosing plots, it is necessary to focus on their communicative component, the general emotionality of the characters, the possibility of expressing the information of the characters using non-verbal means of communication (facial expressions, gestures, pantomime). These can be fairy tales “Ryaba Hen”, “Fox and Crane”, “Three Bears”, “Geese Swans”, “Zayushkina Hut”, “Teremok”, “Cockerel and Bean Seed”; stories by V. Suteev “Chicken and Duckling”, “Apple”, “Under the Mushroom”, “Ship”, “Wand - Lifesaver”, etc. Initially, the number of heroes is minimal (up to four), the plot is simple and consists of repetitive actions. Then the number of heroes increases (up to seven), the plot lengthens and becomes more complicated. Particular attention should be paid to the visualization chosen for the texts: it should reflect the facial expressions and pantomimes of the characters.

Sequence of work

Introduction to the content of the text.

Introducing the children to the content of the text, the teacher emotionally reads it twice.

At the first reading, the emphasis is on visualization, at the second - on one's own non-verbal behavior.

The first reading is accompanied by looking at images (pictures, illustrations, cartoons); at the same time, the teacher draws the children's attention to the facial expression and posture of the characters.

The use of cartoons as visual means implies their elementary analytical viewing: the division into elements is carried out in accordance with plot links, and analyticity implies a detailed analysis of facial expressions, postures, gestures of cartoon characters. First, viewing is carried out with the sound off - the teacher comments on the actions of the characters and encourages children to reproduce them. Then the children watch the cartoon with the sound turned on - the teacher focuses on the correspondence of words and non-verbal means (facial expressions, gestures, pantomime).

Watching animated films based on literary texts or folk tales, makes the learning process interesting and exciting, and element-by-element viewing with the sound turned off, a detailed analysis of facial expressions, postures, gestures of the characters allow children to better understand their emotional state, make it possible to establish a connection between non-verbal and verbal means of communication.

The second reading of the text is accompanied by the expression of the content in a non-verbal form. The teacher reads or retells the text, reinforcing his words with appropriate gestures, postures, facial expressions, intonation and encouraging children to copy their non-verbal behavior. A wide variety of non-verbal means are used: expressive (express the emotions and feelings of the characters), pictorial (imitate the actions of the characters), pointing and symbolic. Symbolic non-verbal means of communication have a generally accepted form of execution and can easily be duplicated by the corresponding word (for example, gestures of greeting, farewell, consent, denial, threats, requests, etc.)

Psycho-gymnastic playing out of individual plot links.

The teacher describes actions, sensations - children reproduce the behavior of characters, reflect the dynamics of emotions, states and relationships, verbalize the character. The teacher - through a description of actions, a visual example, visual control and touch - helps children to become aware of motor and emotional sensations. As a result of such work, the text is enriched with a description of expressive movements, motor and emotional sensations, affective exclamations and direct speech. This allows children to better understand the content of the text, fill it with emotionally and personally significant meaning.

So, in the process of preparing for the dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok", the following psycho-gymnastic studies can be played out:

"Fox - sister" (an expression of cunning, alertness, curiosity). A fox is running past - sister. Cunning, narrow eyes, looks at everything, sniffs at everything, carefully steps with her paws. I saw the teremok, became interested: “Oh, what is this here?”. She crept up quietly, pressed her ears, sniffs the air, listens with her ears. She knocked and insinuatingly, quietly says: “Knock - knock! Who lives in the teremochka? Knock Knock! Who lives low?

Non-verbal anticipation of situations, events and relationships.

In the process of playing out individual plot links, the teacher encourages children to express emotions, states and relationships that are not indicated in the text. For example, in the process of preparing for the dramatization of V. Suteev's story "The Magic Wand", children play out the plot "In the Forest" (meeting with a wolf). The teacher reproduces the text, encourages children to imitate the role-playing behavior of a hare: “The Bunny trembled with fear, turned white all over, as in winter, cannot run: its legs have grown to the ground. He closed his eyes - now the Wolf will eat him. Only the Hedgehog was not taken aback: he swung his stick and, with all his strength, hit the Wolf on the back. The wolf howled in pain, jumped up and run! And the Hare and the Hedgehog at this time ... ". Next, the children try to reproduce the non-verbal behavior of the Hare and the Hedgehog, to express their emotions with the help of facial expressions and pantomime. The teacher comments on the actions of the children, asks them to voice the character.


First, the children, with the organizing help of the teacher, draw up a plan for individual plot links, and then for the entire text.

When drawing up a plan for individual plot links, it is necessary to reflect the changes in the emotions of the characters, the dynamics of the action. The created chain of images becomes a support in the retelling carried out in a speech therapy lesson. To draw up such a plan, pictograms of the face and moving figures of a person are used. The pictogram is a schematic representation of emotional facial expressions and allows you to create a graphical model of the emotional series.

You can use both integral and split pictograms, consisting of separate elements (face contour, eyebrows, eyes, lips).

The movable human figure is a schematic plane doll. The movable figure allows you to convey the dynamics of movement, to reflect the character's pose.

In the process of drawing up a plot link plan, the teacher helps the children identify its topic, come up with a name and select a schematic image corresponding to the name. For example, the emotional series of the plot link considered above (“In the forest”) looks as follows. The arrows inside the windows reflect the direction of the characters' communication, between the windows - the dynamics of the action. The first box reflects the name of the plot link.

The general plan of the text consists of sequentially arranged thematic boxes. For example, the general plan of the story "The Magic Wand" may contain the following schematically displayed names of plot links: 1) the meeting of the Hare and the Hedgehog; 2) saving the chick; 3) across the stream; 4) swamp; 5) find; 6) in the forest; 7) a hare at home; 8) a wonderful gift.


After the sequential working out of all parts of the plot, at the final stage of work, dramatization is carried out. Following this, the children are invited to make sketches of individual characters or some episode. Drawings are made by children at will and allow the teacher to see which stories turned out to be the most significant and interesting for children. In addition, the drawings make it possible to understand whether the children have begun to reflect the emotions and poses of the characters.

Verbal means of communication are implemented in the process of learning to compose statements and stories based on plot images and series of paintings.


Subject images are represented by pictures, photographs and reproductions of paintings that have a pronounced emotional and social coloring. It is important that the emotions of the characters can be easily recognized by children.

A series of plot pictures are selected in such a way that the dynamics of the event is directly related to the change in the emotional state of the characters.

First, images are selected where the reason for the emotional state of one of the characters is clearly visible. For example, a girl cries: the boy broke the tower she built; the boy rejoices: he is given a gift; the boy was frightened: a big angry dog ​​ran up to him.

Then the plots become more complex, the reason is not clearly visible, but still reflected in the image. For example, the mother is angry with the boy: he tore his trousers; the girl looks sadly into the street: she cannot go for a walk (her throat is tied); the boy is happy: the grandmother has come (hangs her coat on a hanger at the door, the boy's arms are open for a hug).

At the final stage, the images reflect only emotions. The reason for the emotional state is not explicitly reflected and can be explained by internal (desires, character, state, attitude) or external. At this stage, pictograms and photographs of children experiencing certain emotions are widely used. In the pictures, children mimic express basic emotional states (joy, sadness, surprise, fear, anger).

For work, you can use reproductions of the following paintings: V. Vasnetsov. "Alyonushka", "The Knight at the Crossroads", "From Apartment to Apartment"; K. Makovsky. "Children running from a thunderstorm"; I. Kramskoy. "Inconsolable grief"; I. Repin. "We didn't expect"; K. Lemokh. "Varka", etc.

Sequence of work

1.Definition of emotions.

First, the children, having examined the image, determine the emotional state of the characters, correlate it with graphic standards. In accordance with the image, the posture and facial expressions are modeled. A detailed analysis of the image allows children to understand the meaning more deeply and more accurately, to determine the dynamics of the event. For example, the following pictograms, a color card and a figure model are selected for the painting by V. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka".

. "Picture Revival"

In the process of "animating the picture" children copy the image. Imitation of poses, gestures, facial expressions of characters makes it possible to play small, complete stories, which are based on the event depicted in the picture, photograph or reproduction. Children, with the organizing and guiding assistance of the teacher, verbalize the character, describe his motor and emotional sensations.

Non-verbal anticipation of situations, events and relationships.

In the process of “revitalizing” the image, the teacher asks the children to show what happened before the event depicted in the figure, stimulates the continuation of the event or a chain of actions, and encourages the development of the plot. Saturation of the content with cause and effect turns the acting out of one picture or image into a dramatization with a chain of two or three plot links saturated with emotional and communicative meaning.


In the process of discussion, it is important to show children that non-verbal assumptions cannot be, but their probability is different. The teacher helps the children choose the most likely guesses. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the social and emotional content of the situation.

In the process of discussion, problematic questions are posed to the children: what will happen to the heroes of the event? What kind of relationship will develop between the character and the surrounding people - family, peers, neighbors, acquaintances? Why? What needs to be done to achieve the most favorable outcome of events? It is important that children learn to argue their answers using statements - reasoning.


First, the teacher encourages the children to make a trial graphic plan with a reflection of facial expressions and pantomimics of characters. Then there is an increase in the schematic and conventional signs that reflect the dynamics of the event, emotions and relationships. So the dynamics of emotions can be reflected in colored cards, the characters themselves - in geometric shapes, relationships - with arrows.

Storytelling is the final step.

In the process of retelling, the teacher encourages children to introduce into the story descriptions of the motor and emotional sensations of the characters, direct speech, vocabulary that designates and expresses emotions.

We have proposed methods that contribute to the formation of the communicative sphere in preschool children with OHP.

The implementation of these methods is possible only in close relationship with the work of all specialists in the pedagogical process. In everyday life, in the interaction of the child with teachers, parents and peers, the formation of communication skills of these children should be constantly carried out.

A teacher working with this category of children should know the specifics of this disorder, methods of diagnosis and correction. In the classroom, work should constantly be carried out to develop communication skills in children. In addition to specially organized classes, the development of these skills should occur even on a walk and during regime moments. It is necessary to constantly encourage children to carry out speech actions.

Parents should remember that their children, studying in a preschool institution, even the most high class need help and at home.

First, such children constantly need a situation to create motivation. It is necessary to interest the child to carry out any activity, including speech.

Secondly, adults should treat any child as a person who has his own opinion, desires and rights.

Thirdly, in order not to cause speech negativity in a child, in no case should one punish or scold children for those mistakes that arise due to a violation. It is necessary to support the child, to help him, since by universal efforts it is possible to achieve positive results in the entire development of the preschooler.

Fourthly, it is necessary to constantly evoke the emotional reactions of such children by demonstrating their own. Let it look fake somewhere, but it will only bring positive results for the child. Parents should play out situations with their children more often fairy tales etc. It is best to use those situations that are pleasant for the child.

Conclusions on the second chapter

In the second chapter of the course work, we applied the theoretical knowledge gained in practice. After the diagnostic work carried out, we concluded that the development of the communicative sphere in children with ONR is heterogeneous. Some children have difficulty mastering dialogical speech or the ability to understand the hidden meaning of the statement, they have difficulty in determining the emotional state of other people, and find it difficult in the emotional expressions of their states. Of course, this arises from the underdevelopment of the speech sphere as a whole, mediated by the general underdevelopment of speech. And in some children, the communicative sphere is formed much better.

Several factors are of great importance in corrective work on the formation of communication skills in children with ONR:

) the corrective impact should be comprehensive, based on the leading type of activity, the specific characteristics of children in this category, age characteristics, and, of course, it must solve the problems of communicative development;

) the development of communication skills should take place not only on specially organized classes but also at home, in the family;

) the nature of communication between preschoolers determines the communication between the child, family and educators;

) an important role is played by the interaction of the teacher with the children, the style of their communication, the professional skills of the specialist, his attitude to his activities.


So, in conclusion of the work done by us, I would like to summarize. Summarizing the above information, it is necessary to highlight the main points regarding the general underdevelopment of speech (OHP).

Many researchers dealt with the problem of general underdevelopment of speech, among them N.S. Zhukova, R.E. Levina, E. Lyasko, L.N. Efimenkova, L.S. Volkova, S.N. Shakhnovskaya and others.

General underdevelopment of speech is a variety of complex speech disorders in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side, with normal hearing and intelligence.

N.S. Zhukova considers the cause of the general underdevelopment of speech to be various adverse effects, both in the prenatal period of development, and during childbirth, as well as in the first years of a child's life. The reasons for the general underdevelopment of speech are very diverse. This includes the underdevelopment of the entire brain, or some of its sections (oligophrenia with motor alalia, dysarthria, etc.), and general dysplasticity of the physique in combination with various malformations of internal organs, which causes, in addition to the general underdevelopment of speech, a syndrome of disinhibition, affective excitability with extremely low mental performance. If speech has already been formed, then harmful influences can lead to its disintegration - aphasia.

But E. Lyasko, following N. Zhukova, also includes here both an unfavorable environment and the shortcomings of education. An important role is played by heredity.

Thus, defeats of completely different levels are attributed to the general underdevelopment of speech. In especially severe cases, one can only slightly correct and prevent the general underdevelopment of speech from developing further, in others, one can practically bring the child to the level of a normally developed person. The etiology and pathogenesis of general underdevelopment of speech are diverse. For the first time, a theoretical justification for the general underdevelopment of speech was formulated as a result of multifaceted studies of various forms of speech pathology in preschool children conducted by R.E. Levina and the staff of the Research Institute of Defectology in the 50s - 60s of the XX century. Deviations in the formation of speech began to be considered as a violation of development, proceeding according to the laws of the hierarchical structure of higher mental functions.

A correct understanding of the structure of general underdevelopment of speech, the underlying causes, the various ratios of primary and secondary disorders is necessary for the selection of children in special groups, for the selection of the most effective methods of correction and for prevention possible complications in schooling.

Also in the course work were considered the views of various scientists (Yu.F. Garkusha, O.E. Gribova, B.M. Grinshpun, G.S. Gumennaya, L.N. Efimenkova, N.S. Zhukova, V.A. Kovshikov, R. E. Levina, E. M. Mastyukova, S. A. Mironova, Mishcherskaya, O. S. L. F. Spirova, T. B. Filicheva, S. N. Shakhovskaya, A. V. Yastrebova, L .N. Pavlova, N.A. Cheveleva, A.V. Yastrebova, etc.) on the problem of developing communication skills in children with OHP. Most of them believe that the violation of communication skills in children with ONR is caused by general speech disorders.

Considering the above facts, we can conclude that a specially organized process of developing communication skills in children with OHP is mandatory; without it, adequate socialization of the child is impossible not only in the family, but also in society.

Also based on preschool diagnostic work was carried out, the data from which indicate the underdevelopment of communication skills in children with OHP to various degrees. Children were divided into 3 groups depending on the development of the communicative sphere.

The course work also reveals the ways of forming the communicative sphere in children with ONR. They are differentiated into those that are aimed at the formation of non-verbal and verbal means of communication. Considering that the leading activity for preschoolers is play, all tasks and exercises are carried out in a playful way.

The data obtained indicate that, firstly, pedagogical activity in this direction is mandatory, and secondly, taking into account the specific characteristics of these children, it is possible to organize an influence system that will significantly improve the development of not only the communicative sphere of these children, but also the mental and personal spheres in general.


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The problem of speech development of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech of various origins has repeatedly been the subject of special study. The general underdevelopment of speech in children with normal hearing and primary intact intelligence is understood as a complex form of speech pathology, in which there is a violation of the formation of all components of the speech system.

Underdevelopment of speech means reduces the level of communication, contributes to the emergence of psychological characteristics (isolation, timidity, indecision); gives rise to specific features of general and speech behavior (limited contact, delayed involvement in the situation of communication, inability to maintain a conversation, listen to sounding speech), leads to a decrease in mental activity.

Children with speech underdevelopment against the background of a mosaic picture of speech and non-speech defects have difficulties in the formation of communication skills. Due to their imperfection, the development of communication is not fully ensured and, therefore, there may be difficulties in the development of verbal and cognitive activity. Most children with OHP have difficulty making contact with peers and adults, their communicative activity is limited.

In the studies of S.N. Shakhovskaya experimentally identified and analyzed in detail the features of the speech development of children with severe speech pathology. According to the author, "general underdevelopment of speech is a multimodal disorder that manifests itself at all levels of the organization of language and speech." Speech behavior, speech action of a child with speech underdevelopment differs significantly from what is observed during normal development. With a general underdevelopment of speech in the structure of the defect, there is an unformed speech activity and other mental processes. The insufficiency of speech and thought activity associated with linguistic material of different levels is revealed. The majority of children with OHP have poor and qualitative originality of vocabulary, difficulties in the development of generalization and abstraction processes. The passive vocabulary significantly prevails over the active one and is converted into an active one extremely slowly. Due to the poverty of the vocabulary of children, the opportunities for their full communication and, consequently, the overall mental development are not provided.

Describing the state of speech-cogitative activity of children with speech underdevelopment, acting against the background of persistent dysarthria pathology, L.B. Khalilova notes the noticeable narrowness of their linguistic outlook, the difficulties of programming a speech statement at all stages of its psycholinguistic generation. The speech products of most of them are poor in content and very imperfect in structure. Elementary syntactic constructions are not informative enough, they are inaccurate, not always logical and consistent, and the main idea contained in them sometimes does not correspond to the given topic.

A meager vocabulary, agrammatisms, defects in pronunciation and form formation, difficulties in the development of a coherent speech statement make it difficult to form the main functions of speech - communicative, cognitive, regulatory and generalizing. Violation of the communicative function of speech in children with OHP prevents the full formation of the generalizing function, since their speech capabilities do not sufficiently ensure the correct perception and preservation of information in the context of a consistent expansion of its volume and complication of content in the process of developing verbal communication with others. N.I. Zhinkin believes that the delay in the formation of one component, in this case, speech, leads to a delay in the development of another - thinking, the child does not own concepts, generalizations, classifications in accordance with age, and finds it difficult to analyze and synthesize incoming information. Defects in speech development delay the formation of the cognitive function of speech, since in this case the speech of a child with speech pathology does not become a full-fledged means of his thinking, and the speech of the people around him is not always an adequate way for him to convey information, social experience (knowledge, methods, actions). Often, the child understands only the information that is associated with familiar, visually perceived objects and people in his usual environment. In many situations of activity and communication, the child cannot formulate and convey his thoughts and personal experiences with the help of speech. Often he needs additional visualization, which helps him to perform certain mental operations.

Studying the speech communication of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech in the process of playing activity, L.G. Solovieva makes a conclusion about the interdependence of speech and communication skills. Features of children's speech development clearly impede the implementation of full-fledged communication, which is expressed in a decrease in the need for communication, unformed forms of communication (dialogical and monologue speech), behavioral features (disinterest in contact, inability to navigate in a communication situation, negativism).

Children with general underdevelopment of speech have serious difficulties in organizing their own speech behavior, which negatively affects communication with others and, above all, with peers. The study of interpersonal relations in a group of preschoolers with speech underdevelopment, conducted by O.A. Slinko showed that although there are socio-psychological patterns in it that are common to normally developing children and their peers with speech pathology, manifested in the structure of groups, nevertheless, the severity of the speech defect affects the interpersonal relations of children in this contingent to a greater extent. So, among the outcasts there are often children with severe speech pathology, despite the fact that they have positive features, including the desire to communicate.

Thus, the level of formation of communication of a child with a general underdevelopment of speech is largely determined by the level of development of his speech.

Speech therapy has accumulated a lot of data that another obstacle to communication is not the defect itself, but how the child reacts to it, how he evaluates it. At the same time, the degree of fixation on the defect does not always correlate with the severity of the speech disorder.

Consequently, speech therapy literature notes the presence of persistent communication disorders in children with speech underdevelopment, accompanied by the immaturity of individual mental functions, emotional instability, and stiffness of cognitive processes.

The qualitative characteristics of the manifestation of the characteristics of the personality of children in communication are considered depending on the level of proficiency in the means of communication. It should be noted that when different levels speech development of speech of children with ONR is noted and different attitude to communication. So there are several levels of children with different degrees of development of communication.

The first level is characterized by a high degree of mastery universal means communications. In interaction, the organizational skills of the child are manifested. The first level is characterized by kinematic operations: external manifestation of attention to the partner, an open look, a smile, timely reactions to the partner's remarks. General positive-personal attitude towards peers. The child strives to be located in space in such a way as to create maximum convenience for contact. Appeals and replies are partner-oriented. Facial expressions and gestures are used in accordance with the content and general tone of the conversation accompanying the activity aimed at completing the task. In some cases, one can trace the ability to control one's own actions, to admit one's mistakes. Children use the elements of speech impact on a partner included in the business content of communication in a correct, socially acceptable form. Children who have high level mastering the means of communication, never resort to the use of rude, vulgar words and phrases. Among the deviations encountered, violations of sound pronunciation, insufficient richness of vocabulary, and a rare reference to a partner by name predominate.

The second level of mastering the universal means of communicative activity is the middle one. At the second level, children are characterized by the mastery of many communicative actions, however, they show manifestations of indifference and indifference both in relation to the task and in relation to a friend, a rapid loss of interest, and exhaustion in activities. This is evidenced by an indifferent look, an indifferent, disinterested expression on the face. Having started the activity, the children do not care about the partner, they strive to complete the task separately, independently, forgetting or deliberately ignoring the setting for the joint solution of the task. Sometimes they speak with their backs turned, mostly verbalizing their own objective actions, without bothering to organize interaction. The perception of information is characterized by a hasty surface. Children interrupt the interlocutor, showing impatience. This indicates a lack of self-control, which leads to mismatch, the collapse of joint activities. In the speech of children there are rough agrammatisms, vulgar expressions are used.

The next subgroup of children is those with a low level of proficiency in universal communicative means. Its distinctive feature is the presence in many cases of persistent hostility, negativism towards children. This is evidenced by kinematic operations contained in gloomy, sidelong glances, an unfriendly facial expression, the desire to capture all the stimulus material offered for joint activity, playing with it alone. Facial expressions are directly dependent on the general emotional mood. In a state of excitement, children behave either unnaturally cheerfully or unacceptably aggressively, forcing the partner to abandon joint activities, or provoking the partner to use negative means of communication.

Expressing his dissatisfaction or disagreement, the child raises his voice, the partner uses the same technique. One child calls the other not by name, but by nickname, or using pronouns, the other immediately mimics him. This is how conflict situations arise spontaneously. Another way of collapsing joint activity is that difficulties in completing the task entail either a loss of interest or a desire to blame the partner for the failure of the activity. However, if you help children in time, correct the mistake made (even without directly pointing out negative behavioral manifestations), then communication between children is getting better. Children "get a taste" of completing tasks. There are elements of competition. They begin to listen to the partner's remarks, to fulfill them. Success in activities increases emotional mood. The organization of joint educational activities that require communicative interaction of children is quite possible and contains rich opportunities for the correction and development of such personal qualities of children as benevolence, attentiveness, diligence, respect for a person (not only an adult, but also a peer).

Despite the constant interest of researchers in the problems of optimizing speech therapy work to overcome speech underdevelopment, at present there is no holistic view of the patterns of formation of communication skills in this category of children and the possibilities of their purposeful development. Along with the priority importance of considering the theoretical aspects of this problem, there is a practical need to determine the content of remedial education aimed at developing communication skills in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech.

In domestic psychology, communication is considered as one of the main conditions for the development of a child, the most important factor in the formation of his personality, the leading type of human activity aimed at understanding and evaluating oneself through interaction with other people. In children with OHP, the formation of communication skills occurs a little differently than in children with normal speech development. As a result of underdevelopment of speech in children with OHP, there are limited available language tools, the presence of a special sound-gesture-mimic complex used by children, and peculiar difficulties that arise when switching to a word as a means of communication and generalization. Underdevelopment of speech means in children reduces the level of communication, contributes to the emergence of psychological characteristics (isolation, timidity, indecision); gives rise to specific features of general and speech behavior (limited contact, delayed involvement in the situation of communication, inability to maintain a conversation, listen to sounding speech), leads to a decrease in mental activity. The level of formation of communication of a child with general underdevelopment of speech is largely determined by the level of development of his speech.

The problem of studying the development of dialogical speech in children has not lost its relevance in pedagogy and psychology for many years, since speech, being a means of communication and an instrument of thinking, arises and develops in the process of communication. The need for communication arises very early in ontogenesis and stimulates the speech and general mental development of the child, contributes to the activation of cognitive and thought processes, and forms his personality as a whole. With insufficient communication, the rate of development of speech and other mental processes slows down (A.V. Brushlinsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, I.V. Dubrovina, G.M. Kuchinsky, M.I. Lisina, A.M. Matyushkin, E. O. Smirnova, A.G. Ruzskaya, F.A. Sokhin and many others). There is also an inverse relationship, most often observed with various developmental disabilities, when the lack of communicative and communicative-speech means leads to a sharp decrease in the level of communication, limitation of social contacts and distortion of interpersonal relationships.

The initial, genetically earliest form of communicative speech is dialogue. It has traditionally been viewed as an exchange of partners with remarks. The researchers' attention was focused mainly on the analysis of the dialogue from the point of view of the development of the child's language competence. However, in Lately the view on the development of children's dialogical speech has changed somewhat. New research in the field of ontolinguistics proves that children's dialogue most often arises not for the sake of the conversation itself, but is determined by the needs of joint subject, play and productive activity and is, in fact, part of a complex system of communicative and activity interaction.

Thus, the issues of the emergence and development of dialogue should be considered in line with the formation in the child of various types of subject-practical compatibility. The problem of developing the joint activity of children is actively studied in preschool and developmental psychology (I.V. Mavrina, T.A. Repina, V.V. Rubtsov, E.O. Smirnova, E.V. Subbotsky and others).

Of particular importance in the formation of the system of communicative-activity interaction in preschool age is the role-playing game as the leading activity of this period of childhood. A full-fledged mental development of a child, both in the norm and with various types of dysontogenesis, is impossible without the development of play activity. In the game, the development of all aspects of the child's psyche, the formation of his personality takes place.

Special studies in the field of special psychology and correctional pedagogy, aimed at studying the general and specific features of the mental development of children with disabilities, have shown that all categories of "problem" preschoolers are characterized by underdevelopment of all types of activities, especially games. The underdevelopment of the game is expressed, first of all, in the poverty of social content, the dominance of the subject plan, the instability of role behavior, poverty and the absence of productive communication, the lack of formation of cooperative skills, the decrease in game programming, arbitrariness, planning, etc.

It has been convincingly proven that role-playing in this case does not acquire the status of a leading activity and that its influence on the development of the child is extremely small, and sometimes negligible. At the same time, it is known that it is in the game that conditions are created for direct substantive-practical cooperation, game partnership, when communication is optimally motivated. The problem of becoming a child as a partner in a dialogue is extremely relevant in special psychology and pedagogy, especially in speech therapy. The limited ability of a preschooler with OHP to master communicative and speech means has a destructive effect on his entire social appearance, leads to the emergence of negative character traits, instability to frustration, and aggressive-protective manifestations.

With sufficient research and development of methods for overcoming phonetic-phonemic, lexical-grammatical disorders and the formation of coherent speech, the problem of studying and developing the dialogical speech of children with ONR in the process of playing activity has not been studied enough. There are no studies aimed at studying dialogue, dialogic speech as a component of the system of communicative-activity interaction.

With the existing organization of the educational process in speech groups, there is a certain limitation in the possibility of forming a game in children, since its place in the correctional and developmental process remains unclear to this day. In speech therapy practice, a variety of gaming techniques and didactic games are widely used, at the same time, the role-playing game is used fragmentarily. Educators of speech groups, with a lack of methodological developments for teaching children with speech disorders to play, are guided by data relating to children with normal speech development without taking into account the characteristics of the student population.

Consideration of communicative-activity interaction as an integral system that develops as a result of subject-practical cooperation and the dialogue that arises on its basis is important not only for correctional pedagogy, but also for preschool pedagogy and child psychology. This will allow the creation of productive technologies in various areas of preschool education, where joint activities will be used as a form of education.

The revealed features of the subject-practical and dialogic interaction of preschoolers with OHP in the game can be considered as diagnostic indicators of the development of communicative competence in childhood, which significantly expands and refines scientific understanding of the development of children with OHP.

The described specific features of the formation of the communicative-activity interaction of children with OHP in joint activities make it possible to clarify the structure of the defect, to supplement the characteristics of the speech development of children and to carry out a more reasonable differential diagnosis of general underdevelopment of speech and similar conditions.

Most works indicate that the originality of the communicative sphere is determined by a combination of factors, among which the degree of severity of the speech defect is an important, but not the only component. The study of special literature indicates that the problems of the formation of the phonetic-phonemic, lexical-grammatical aspects of speech and coherent speech in children with ONR have been repeatedly studied by specialists. In many works, the negative impact of the lack of formation of all aspects of speech on the development of communication and joint activities in children with OHP is noted. Experimental data testify to the importance of social underdevelopment, which is manifested in the unformed age forms of communication, the general underdevelopment of the structural components of communication at the level of extra-situational contacts with adults, the situational nature of communication, which greatly complicates communication with others, creates unfavorable conditions for the development of the child.

Researchers Yu.F. garkusha, e.M. Mastyukova, T.A. Tkachenko emphasize that in children all forms of communication of interpersonal interaction are violated, the development of play activity is inhibited, which has a leading role in overall mental development. In children with speech underdevelopment, the need to communicate with peers and the desire to develop a joint game are reduced to varying degrees, and the level of self-esteem of speech development in such children affects the process of communication with peers and adults in different ways.

In recent years, a number of studies have been undertaken aimed at establishing the criteria and components of joint activity, its means: communication and reflection, types: coactions and interactions (V.V. Rubtsov, V.V. Tsymbal, N.M. Yurieva), a significant number works devoted to the study of empathy (empathy, sympathy) in childhood, in which a wealth of factual material has been accumulated.

The development of prosocial behavior in childhood has been the subject of numerous studies in our country and especially abroad. It was revealed that in the spontaneous interaction of children one can observe the widest range of interactions - from generosity to petty selfishness, from kindness to cruelty, etc.

With age, prosocial behavior becomes the dominant and stable characteristic of peer interaction; from random acts it turns into a norm of communication, the desire to share with a peer grows. But researchers do not find a direct correlation between age and the prosocial behavior of children.

However, the process of communicative-activity interaction of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech has not been subjected to special study. There are no studies of the state of joint activity as the main form of dialogue development, the difficulties of establishing partner interaction in children with speech underdevelopment have been little studied. The methods and techniques of corrective action given in the literature are not specified in terms of their use for the development of dialogic contacts. Along with this, the literature does not note the role of joint activity in the formation of the dialogic form of speech in children and does not see the significance of the formation of new ways of interaction for the development of communicative interaction.

Thus, the analysis of literary sources allows us to state that in the last decade there has been a spread of interest of researchers in the field of ontolinguistics to the study of the dialogue and dialogic interaction of children in the process of adaptation in a social environment, but so far the process of communicative and activity interaction of children with OHP has not been targeted, detailed study and was not the object of research.

In children with OHP in spontaneously developing educational environments, until the end of preschool age, communicative-activity interaction is not formed as complete system, in which substantive-practical cooperation generates a dialogue, which, in turn, transforms the activity itself, performing both a communicative and regulatory function in relation to joint activities.

The insufficiency of communicative-activity interaction in the game is associated in children with ONR with the peculiarities of the emergence and development of crisis neoplasms, with a significant delay in self-awareness as a subject of activity; non-identification of a peer as an object of interaction, weak identification of oneself with a peer; low level of communicative competence, cooperation and programming.

Children with general underdevelopment of speech have significant potential in the field of communicative and activity cooperation.

The use of a special correctional and pedagogical complex ensures significant personal development of children with OHP. They have the perception of a peer as a business partner, attention and even sensitivity to a partner in the process of game cooperation, which is expressed in an increase in speech activity in the game, as well as the emergence of dialogues in some children related to interactive interaction and aimed at coordination and "step by step" planning. joint action. In other words, dialogue, interactive interaction and actions in an imaginary (mental) plan, as a result of interpenetration, have been transformed into a single system of communicative-activity interaction, in which the functional load of the dialogue is the organization and planning of joint activities.

Children with OHP of older preschool age in a specially organized correctional educational environment are able to move from a pronounced egocentric position to others that are more productive in terms of communicative competence ("above", "under", "beside", "on an equal footing") . In their speech, along with demands, requests, suggestions, objections and conciliatory statements appear in communicative episodes.

The use of a special correctional and pedagogical complex makes it possible to form all aspects of communicative and activity interaction: affective, cognitive, actometric. Mastering the mechanisms of substantive-practical cooperation by children with OHP becomes a decisive factor in the emergence and development of a dialogue, which becomes the leading means of programming the activity itself.
