List of the most popular dogs in the world. Saluki or Persian Greyhound

Dogs are popular pets that are bred for a variety of purposes. Depending on the breed, the animal can be a hound, hunting, service or decorative. Dogs differ not only in appearance, but also in habits, character and demand. At the same time, the most fashionable dog breed may vary depending on the country and time. However, if we consider the rating, then the most popular around the world are taken into account.

Evaluation parameters

Each person prefers a certain breed, and sometimes a favorite animal, which is completely without a breed, becomes a family favorite. However, when compiling a list of the most fashionable breeds, the preferences of breeders around the world are analyzed. But even in one particular country, the top lines often change, people's preferences, wishes and content opportunities change.

The demand for a dog also depends on the climate of the region, the mentality of the population, and important social tasks. However, there are always favorites from which you can make a rating of dog breeds that are recognized by breeders around the world.

Popular dogs

When compiling the rating, experts relied on demand, popularity, and took into account the size of the animal. In each size group, breeds were distinguished, which were most often acquired by professional breeders and amateurs.

The list of the most popular pets must begin with dwarf breeds. Such animals do not exceed 35 cm at the withers, and the weight can be no more than 5 kg. It is thanks to their parameters that such animals have gained great popularity among breeders all over the world.

Judging by the reviews, caring for them is not burdensome. They are not forbidden to take on trips and carry in public transport without accessories. For city apartments, dwarf pets are the best option.

Feedback from animal lovers shows that such breeds often resemble soft toy. They are fluffy, playful and beautiful. However, caring for them involves rational feeding, regular walks and examinations at the veterinarian. Only in this case the pet will be able to live long life.

The most popular dwarf breeds

Yorkies are quite popular in many countries. The owners are conquered by their attractive appearance. Silky wool is similar in composition to human hair, so pets are often made various haircuts and hairstyles. According to the owners, the dogs are playful, very attached to the owner, but require an attentive and caring attitude. It is especially important to follow the recommendations of the doctor when feeding and regularly care for the coat.

The Pomeranian is not inferior in popularity. Its main advantage is its appearance. The dog is similar to a small squirrel and has a rather pretty muzzle. The breed is suitable for keeping in a small apartment. However, a thick coat requires regular grooming. The pet can freeze on walks in winter, so it is recommended to purchase special clothes for him.

Pekingese can often be seen in city yards. The dog is not whimsical in care, but requires attention from the owner. When walking, it should be taken into account that the pet can fearlessly attack larger animals and suffer from this. Pekingese often knows no fear, he loves outdoor games and all kinds of toys. However, it should be noted that dogs are unfriendly to children's pranks, so they are not suitable for families with small children.

It's interesting that trendy breeds dogs in Israel, despite the attachment of residents to animals, are almost the same as in Europe. Among them, Pekingese and other small pets are in the first place. But fighting breeds obviously with an aggressive character are prohibited there.

Popular Small Dog Breeds

Fashionable small dog breeds are the dachshund, pug and jack russell terrier. At the withers, they do not exceed 40 cm, and the weight is in the range from 5 to 10 kg. Animals are also suitable for keeping in city apartments, they are easy to transport in public transport. But due to their large size, pets are more resistant to power errors and less sensitive to temperature changes.

Pugs are very mobile. Reviews of breeders indicate that dogs constantly require games and love to walk very much. It should be noted that the animal is very inquisitive. During the walk, you need to monitor him to avoid unwanted contacts. The breed is great for families with small children.

Dachshund due to its body structure always remains a fashionable dog. Breeder reviews confirm amazing devotion to his master. But while walking, you need to be careful. The dog has a very brave disposition, it can rush to a large animal, protecting a member of its family.

The Jack Russell Terrier is an incredible bunch of energy. The breed is suitable for the same energetic owners. For athletes, lovers of hiking and just active people such a dog will best friend. It is important that, according to reviews, she gets along well with children and forgives them for petty pranks.

medium sized breeds

Fashionable medium-sized dog breeds are Shar Pei, Chow Chow and English Bulldog.

Shar Pei is a leader among animals with a complaisant nature and love of children. The breed is just perfect for families with children. The only problem are the dimensions of the animal. However, it is quite suitable for keeping in an apartment. Shar Pei is recognizable due to its famous folds. It should be noted that the dog is prone to overeating, so it is necessary to adjust its diet and not succumb to provocations.

The Chow Chow is famous for its purple tongue. At one time the dog was at the peak of popularity, but even now it is a fashionable breed among breeders. Due to the thick coat, it is difficult to keep it in an apartment. It would be better if a separate enclosure is allocated for the dog, which in winter time is insulated. The pet gets along well with children, but requires regular walking.

A fashionable breed of dog - the English Bulldog, looks quite menacing, but is quite a friendly creature. Reviews of breeders indicate that the dog lends itself well to training. The pet is very smart, will become good friend child and devoted friend for the whole family.

Large pets

Large fashionable dog breeds include the Husky, Newfoundland and German Shepherd. Such animals are not recommended to be kept in apartments. For them, an aviary in a private house is more suitable.

The German Shepherd is popular all over the world. It lends itself well to training, so it is often used for official purposes. Good for home security.

Huskies conquered many with their famous blue eyes. The breed belongs to the northern and is driving. The dog is very energetic, so she needs an owner who will devote a lot of time to her and walk.

Considering the most fashionable dog breeds, you can not ignore the Newfoundland. They are very large but friendly. They get along well with children. Thick wool allows you to keep it on the street, but it is better to build an insulated aviary.

Among other domestic animals, dogs occupy an honorable first place, despite the fact that they require more attention and strength from their owner. There are a large number of ratings that can help you decide when choosing. four-legged friend. But what determines popularity? Is there a difference in preferences among residents different countries peace? And what factors influence the entry of four-legged animals into these top lists?

With all the variety of breeds in the world, there are recognized favorites that are annually included in the lists of the most popular. At the same time, the opinion of not only cynological associations, but also the owners of animals is taken into account. We offer a rating of the most popular dog breeds in Russia and in the world with photos, names and their brief characteristics.

In almost every country there are clear favorites, love for which is due to the mentality or peculiarities of climatic conditions.

Low hunting dogs with a disproportionately long body have a huge army of fans. It is unpretentious in everyday life, you do not have to spend a lot of financial resources on its maintenance. But the return on such a pet will be colossal, since it can be described as a devoted, intelligent and wonderful companion.

Bold and brave, they will always protect their master. These cunning and quick-witted creatures strive to achieve their goals, so owners should start training and socializing dachshunds early enough.

Affectionate and friendly pets, quite energetic and mobile at a young (up to 2-3 years old) age. They will become an ideal friend for a child and a reliable companion for an adult. Pugs get along well with other animals in the house, they are clean, do not require special care and almost never bark.

Calm character, intelligence and excellent trainability are just some of the advantages of pugs. They are common in many countries of the world, where they bring only positive emotions to their owners.

german shepherds

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular working dogs in the world. She is very popular due to her stable psyche and excellent learning ability.

"Germans" are non-aggressive and non-conflict, always ready to serve their master. If they feel threatened, they will react before the command is given. Fearless and hardworking, do not like loneliness and idleness. They become attached to one owner, but they also perceive the rest of the family well, and they also get along well with children.

Charming pets with a characteristic shape of ears, like bat. You should not take this harsh appearance seriously, in their hearts they are insanely kind and positive creatures.

Very popular in cities and countryside many countries of the world. They do not require special care and a large number physical loads. This is the best option for those who are different reasons cannot breed a more active breed. The French are picky about the amount of time spent with the owner. However, they may not make friends with other pets.


These are dogs for real aesthetes, they have ideal anatomical proportions of the body. In addition, these elegant, graceful and strong pets have a fairly balanced psyche, so they can be started in families with children. The degree of their aggressiveness is largely exaggerated, with proper socialization and training they will become faithful companions.

Dobermans are smart and quickly establish contact with a person. Their feature can be considered a high degree of focus on the owner, Dobermans will not show excessive independence. It is important for them to be useful to the owner and to be able to anticipate his desires.

One of the most popular dog breeds in the world, which are distinguished by high intelligence and quick wit. These are the oldest British shepherds who could predict any movement of cows, and their compact size allowed them to move calmly under the cattle they guarded.

This amazing sensitivity has been preserved in the Welsh Corgi at the present time: they practically “scan” their owners and already after a few weeks of staying in the family they are well aware of all the habits and character traits of the owner.

Corgis are great for keeping in urban environments. They are the epitome of positivity and friendliness, but at the same time they have expressed feeling dignity and incredible courage.

One of the most popular small dogs. By nature, it is often compared with terriers, because. she has the same pronounced personality, audacity, confidence and temperament.

Chihuahuas are distinguished by increased adaptability: they calmly perceive everything new and easily get used to the changed living conditions. Representatives of this breed subtly feel the mood of the owner. They are quick-witted, neat and have a stable psyche, mature early (by about a year), so they should also be socialized earlier than usual.

Golden or golden retrievers are very friendly. They are very trainable as they have high intelligence and docile nature. Retrievers are calm and kind, they are often trained as guide dogs for people with visual impairments, as well as to work with autistic children.

it ideal companions for games, they are dedicated, patient, good-natured and have incredible energy. Golden retrievers are strongly attached to their owner and all family members. That is why it is not recommended to leave them alone for a long time, for Goldens this is quite a serious stress.

One of the most ancient decorative breeds, which is characterized by a sharp mind, quick wit and friendliness. Poodles are energetic and need long, dynamic walks. Raising such pets is easy, as they quickly remember all the commands and fulfill them with pleasure.

There are several subspecies of poodles that differ in size, but all of them can rightfully be called the best family dog, companion and playmate. There are no great difficulties in keeping, the only point is that they need constant care for luxurious wool.

Differs in the increased activity and mobility. It will never be boring with him: neither on a walk, nor at home. Beagles need a strong hand of the owner and his attention. They may react poorly to the presence of any small animals near them. The hunting instinct will simply wake up in them, and this can have sad consequences.

Beagles get along well with children and the elderly. But if you do not provide them with the necessary physical activity, the unspent energy will turn into the energy of destruction: they will bark loudly, show aggression and even gnaw on furniture.

The most popular dogs in Russia

According to the preferences of Russians, you can also make a top list of popular dogs. Four-legged pets occupying a leading position in the world ranking are also loved in Russia. In addition, in our country there is a trend in demand for small decorative dogs, they are mainly preferred by residents of large cities. Well, if the question living conditions is not sharp, then the owners pay more attention to large breeds.

The Labrador Retriever is the recognized leader in the ranking of the most popular dog breeds in Russia. It is very active and energetic dogs who enjoy spending time on fresh air and love to swim. Labradors are friendly and not aggressive, which means that it is not advisable to involve them in protection. Representatives of this sports breed are very smart, but due to their hyperactivity, an erroneous opinion about their poor learning ability often arises.

Labrador retrievers are reliable friends and helpers who are devoted to their family. They are used to provide psychotherapeutic care in hospitals, orphanages and nursing homes.

Incredibly positive and energetic. Their original appearance leaves no one indifferent. Huskies are not recommended to be kept in an apartment, because of the great love of freedom and the increased need for space and fresh air.

Possess developed intellect. This is a great partner for many hours of active walks in nature. Endurance, non-aggressiveness and ease of care make the Husky an ideal pet. But we should not forget that at least once in a lifetime every husky makes an attempt to escape from his master. This moment must be controlled and try to act proactively.

Beautiful decorative dogs, which are collected best features: from compact size and good looks to docile nature and ease of care. When a Yorkie appears in the house, a person practically does not have to change his usual way of life.

Yorkies have unique abilities subtly feel the mood of the owner, they are emotional, quick-witted and devoted.

The Jack Russell Terrier rightfully takes pride of place in the top of the most popular dogs in Russia. They are an absolute concentration of energy, fun and positivity. Their small size allows them to be kept in an apartment without special efforts. These are unpretentious pets in care, which, moreover, are distinguished by excellent health.

Central asian shepherd dog

Alabai or Central Asian Shepherd Dog is an example of a reliable guard and a devoted companion for its owner. Powerful, calm and smart dogs fearless, bold and have strong guardian instincts. Alabai belong to large breeds, therefore, certain difficulties may arise with keeping them in an apartment. It is important to socialize puppies as early as possible so that in the future there are no conflicts, both on the street with other dogs and when communicating with people.

Alabaev in Russia is becoming more and more every year, but inexperienced dog breeders should not start them. The fact is that they have a strong natural dominance, which is not easy to cope with without proper experience.

The breed, which was born in the 70s of the twentieth century, has already gained immense popularity among dog breeders. Amstaff was originally bred as a universal fighter, not knowing feelings fear, very hardy. It combines seemingly mutually exclusive qualities: steel jaws and kind heart, power and strength, as well as absolute ingenuity.

Staffordshire Terriers are muscular, well-built dogs, characterized by agility and energy. They will become faithful companions for their owner, sensitive to changes in a person's mood. Staffords are very sociable, responsive and loyal. These are one of the most popular dogs not only in Russia, but also in the USA and other countries of the world.

Miniature pets with a huge heart and endless devotion to their owner. Graceful decorative dogs are considered a real source of positive in the family. They feel good in the apartment, there is no need to walk with them for a long time. They do not tolerate separation from the owner, for them loneliness is a strong stress. They are also almost unaware of their size, so they can often attack other tetrapods that are much larger than them.

Toy Terriers are neat and unpretentious in everyday life, with them you can easily both go to work and go on trips.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

An ancient herding breed. Powerful, bold and graceful animals are now ideal for service in the guard or on the border. Caucasians are natural leaders, but proper upbringing they quickly accept the owner's dominance. Shepherds are independent in making decisions, especially when it comes to protecting the territory or their owner.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are smart and quick-witted, they combine excellent working qualities and impressive appearance. They are very jealous of their master and can be aggressive towards other four-legged animals.

Spitz is often compared to small teddy bears. They are so charming that literally immediately after the appearance they won a huge army of fans. Perfectly trainable, smart, loyal and have an easy character.

Owners, in addition to a huge dose of positive and the admiration of others, must be prepared for constant care for luxurious wool. Spitz get along well with children and are ready to play with them tirelessly for hours. Charming fluffy dogs they are friendly to other animals in the house, but they will try to become the most beloved for their owner.

These powerful, muscular, but incredibly charming dogs are very popular in Russia. Bullies are real gentlemen: they are calm, neat, unflappable and have a sharp mind. Bulldogs give the impression of clumsy and inactive animals, but in reality they are not.

Adult bulldogs do not really like long walks and prefer to spend more time at home. They are also incredibly stubborn and it is sometimes difficult for the owner to force them to do what they do not want. These four-legged pets will become wonderful friends for children, establishing a strong bond with them.

For those who wondered what breeds the top five would consist of, today's continuation. So...

5th place - PEKINGESIS

Sensitive nature, full of pride and dignity. favorite of emperors. Irresistible in his own eyes, jealous and touching. Pekingese are independent and proud. For the most part, they do not like children, feeling danger from them and defending themselves extremely aggressively. But he takes them under guardianship and does not offend anyone. Losing a Pekingese is very difficult, this little dog is attached to the owner and does not intend to leave him a single step. Recklessly rushes into battle at other dogs, regardless of their size, if they approach the owner. Risking his life without hesitation. He does not like it when his things are touched, shouted at him or swear. The Pekingese is touchy and impatient. It does not lend itself to training and does not follow commands, not because it is stupid, but because at the moment it is not up to it.


Curious and cheerful, these snow whites are very affectionate and affectionate. Great companions for active rest, because how to run, jump, search and dig - them favourite hobby. In the case of the West Highlands, digging is not only a constant maintenance of the delicate white coat, but also the end of the flowers in the front garden and the rest of the yard landscaping. The breed is intelligent and friendly. Well trained, albeit stubborn. Jealous and impatient with small children, therefore recommended for families with teenagers and no less. West Highlands are brave and fearless, but only when it comes to a beast of approximately equal size.

3rd place - CHIHUAHUA

This is the smallest breed on earth, which is naturally suitable for living in an apartment of any size. Curious, courageous and fearless, the Chihuahua easily becomes watchdog, notifying everyone around with its bark of impending danger in the form strangers or foreign animals. From the same danger, she is ready to save everyone right there. Dogs of this breed do not feel their size, therefore, without hesitation, they instantly rush into battle on their huge relatives, for which they often suffer from their teeth. Smart, persistent and stubborn, the Chihuahua will not simply obey and follow commands. It takes a lot of training and patience. He is very suspicious of strangers and dislikes small children.

2nd place - POMERANIAN

Ringing bells, wayward and dominant, Pomeranians consider themselves much larger and stronger than they really are, therefore they fearlessly rush to big dogs and people who are objectionable to them and can not only bark loudly, but also bite on the trouser leg. The breed is very active and playful, does not tolerate a careless attitude towards itself, does not like outsiders, covering them with barking in any incomprehensible situation. Requires permanent care for beautiful fur and constant attention to yourself. Most of the time it can't handle small children. In love with himself and his mistress. But the hostess, of course, is much less, because she constantly shows her who is the boss in the house.


The most popular dog in Russia. Smart, independent, very amorous, get along well with children and other animals. Yorkies love to play and frolic, draw attention to themselves and help. They collect toys for themselves and will not allow anyone to make a mess in their house. Originally bred to catch rats, these terriers have the instincts of true ferocious predators. They are very devoted to their man, fearlessly rush to his defense, although by nature they are vulnerable and touching. A Yorkie does not always have enough education not to gnaw on wires, not to tear pillows and not to steal clothes from the dryer. Many do not want to accustom these dogs to walking by putting a tray on them. In this case, hair care becomes more difficult. By the way, about wool. Yorkies hardly shed, and their coat is harmless to allergy sufferers. It is worth accustoming a dog to a haircut from childhood. This breed also needs training. An ill-mannered Yorkie is a disaster not only for the owners, but also for everyone around.

Why are some dog breeds more popular with breeders than others? What deserves such selectivity and why, over time, the previously so popular breeds suddenly finally fade into the background? There are many reasons for this: for example, sometimes such changeable fashion influences popularity, as in the case of decorative dogs, and sometimes the appearance of a completely new breed, which leads to the replacement of the old one. Let's find out why some popular dog breeds are so in demand today.

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Overview of popular dog breeds

There is in the world great amount breeds of four-legged friends, and each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses. Below are the most popular and famous breeds dogs.

Tibetan mastiff

One of the most ancient breeds of dogs in the world, whose homeland is snow-covered Tibet. It was the harsh conditions that provided the mastiff with strong bones, well-developed muscles and excellent endurance. And their thick coat, together with the same undercoat, provides protection even from extreme cold.

A distinctive feature is its resistance to many diseases. These dogs live long enough and often live up to 16 years or more.

Tibetan Mastiffs are primarily suspicious of strangers. But at the same time, they are smart enough and in the presence of the owner will not show aggression towards the guests.

Lyon Bichon

This breed of dog is preferred by lovers of lapdogs, because they are their distant relatives and almost everything is similar to them.

The appearance of these dogs is interesting, which determines the popularity of the breed. The fact is that it is customary to cut this breed “under a lion”, that is, leave wool only in front and at the end of the tip of the tail. As a result, Lyon Bichon really becomes like a miniature lion.

pharaoh hound

This breed of dog is not in vain bears such a name. Their images have been found on the walls of pyramids that are known to be at least five thousand years old. This breed It is unique in that it has almost completely retained the appearance of its ancestors, as it has not been mixed or crossed with other breeds for hundreds of years.

The appearance immediately evokes associations with the words “gracefulness” and “aristocraticness” in my head. The flexible body and stately posture, coupled with the red color, really resembles the festive attire of the ancient pharaohs.

The Pharaoh Hound is an excellent hunter, but especially likes to destroy small rodents. Brought up with a cat, she can quite get along with her, but she will feel hatred for unfamiliar animals and will probably even try to kill them.


A dog that is ideal for keeping in an apartment. But few people know that this decorative cute creature was originally bred for the purpose of hunting rodents in the stables of Europe.

Affenpinscher has a strong physique, and their distinguishing feature is a funny mustache and goatee. Dogs are distant relatives of terriers, however, in a miniature version.

All Affenpinschers are not particularly well trained - and this is not a poor mind, but a stubborn and complex nature. Therefore, when raising such a dog, the owner will have to look for an approach to it for a long time.

Thai Ridgeback

This breed is descended from, from which it inherited excellent health and courage. has an athletic build and well-developed muscles. Wool of small length and high density on the back forms distinguishing feature these dogs - ridge (a short comb in the form of a strip of wool directed against other hair on the back).

The owners of the Thai Ridgeback say that its character is more like a cat. Indeed, this dog is unobtrusive and has an independent disposition, loves the owner very much, is friendly to his family members, but rarely will he accept at least one touch or attempt to stroke from a stranger.


The muzzle of a spitz is similar to a fox. The body is short and deep chested. There are about ten colors of this species, ranging from black to orange.

All representatives of this species are different playful nature, so we are ready to tirelessly have fun with young children. At the same time, they are smart enough and can be taught many commands.

Akita Inu

One of the world's most beloved breeds is in our popularity ranking. This proud japanese dog in ancient times, she performed the duties of a hunter. Akita Inu will fight without fear even with a large animal, such as a wild boar or a deer. Now this dog can be kept in a city apartment without any problems, but be aware that its thick coat needs constant and thorough care.

The legendary Hachiko, who is a representative of this breed, has become a symbol of dog loyalty - the dog always met his master, who came home from work by train. But one day the man suddenly died at work. Hachiko waited for him that day at the station for several hours. Subsequently, the faithful dog came to the station every day for nine years until his death, waiting for his beloved master.

chongqing chinese dog

Also one of the oldest breeds in the world, the Chongqing is a medium-sized dog with a muscular body and very short hair. Some dogs may even be completely hairless.

Despite a fairly strong physique, the Chongqing is not an aggressive dog. Moreover, her calm nature allows her to be kept in families with small children.

It is a guard dog, therefore, when the owner or family members are not around, it will not allow a stranger to enter the house. At the same time, they have a clear idea of ​​their territory and the need to protect everything that is on it. Therefore, Chongqing will not kill small animals in cages and pens if they are on its "domains". But still, these cells should be closed, otherwise the hunting instincts may sooner or later take over.

norfolk terrier

Representatives of this noble breed originally from England are not accidentally included in our rating. Despite their small size, yet they are more hunting dogs that prefer walking in nature, but can also feel great in an apartment if they are regularly walked and provided physical exercise.

All Norfolk Terriers have well-developed paw muscles, which allows them to make long runs and perform strong jumps.

Despite their hunting disposition, they quickly find mutual language with children and will not bark at other people or large dogs for no reason.

Saluki or Persian Greyhound

The Saluki is an ancient greyhound breed and is one of the most passionate small game hunters. Saluki will not leave the slightest chance for a gazelle or a hare if it starts to pursue them.

Despite the grace and apparent external fragility, dogs of this breed are quite hardy and fast. Their paw structure makes it easy to run even on sand. Actually, their slenderness is just perfect for fast pursuits of prey. In some cases, in a fit of excitement, the Persian greyhound can drive game for several hours without a break.

Salukis are true representatives of the aristocratic animal world, who rarely bark and have an independent character. According to their owners, they rather carry out commands and orders on the hunt as a duty, without showing a simulated and obsessive craving to show their skills to the owner. But willfulness does not prevent them from being excellent watchmen and wonderful friends.

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Video "Aktia Inu - one of the most popular breeds"

This video contains information about the dog that became insanely popular all over the world after the release of the film - Hachiko. most true friend.

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It's no secret that fashion is a fickle lady. Trends change literally every day. And this concerns not only clothes and decor, but also the breed of dogs.

Fifteen years ago, large dogs were popular in Russia - Central Asian and German Shepherds, collies, Newfoundlands and St. Bernards. Now Russians, especially residents of large cities, tend to give preference to medium-sized and ornamental species dogs.

There can be many reasons why small dogs have become the most popular dog breeds in Russia. In the mid-90s, tension and even fear soared in society. People tried to get large guard dogs, for example, shepherd dogs, or fighting dogs - bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers.

In the zero society "exhaled", and the dog became more of a companion than a protector. In addition, it is much cheaper and more convenient to keep a small dog in a city apartment.

important role in the selection dog breed when buying a puppy, fashion also plays - for example, the corgis of the British Queen Elizabeth II drew everyone's attention to this breed, and Vladimir Putin's black labrador horses stirred up interest in these breeds. big dogs. We offer you a selection of the most popular dog breeds.

15. German Shepherd.

This is primarily a service dog, and Russian dog breeders most often choose puppies of this breed as good companions and dogs that lend themselves well to training.

Shepherd dogs were her ancestors, so German Shepherd usually very attached to the owner. With good training, these are balanced dogs, calm and obedient. We can say that this is a good choice even for an inexperienced dog breeder.

14. Labrador Retriever

Labradors came into fashion in the mid-2000s when the press talked about Russian President Vladimir Putin's dog Koni. There has been a surge of interest in these dogs among Russian dog lovers and breeders.

Labradors were bred in Newfoundland in the last third of the 19th century; in Russia, the first representatives of the breed appeared in the middle of the 20th century. It is large, vigorous and strong dog with an accommodating nature, in the past they were mainly used as guides, rescuers and just labor. Labradors are almost never aggressive and are well suited to life in big house, in a family with children.

Presidential gift

13. Sharpei

Strong and active Shar-Pei comes from China. In the Middle Ages, they were used as hunting dogs, this breed was very popular among both the nobility and the common people. In the 20th century, with the coming to power of the communists, dogs were declared a symbol of senseless luxury and began to be destroyed. Among the Shar-Pei, only a few survived, which became the basis for the restoration of the breed.

In Russia, Shar-Peis are loved for their unusual, “folded” appearance and devotion to their owners. Adult Shar-Peis are very wary of strangers, but jealously guard "their own".

12. Siberian Husky

Northern sled dogs of the husky breed in Russia are very fond of, first of all, for their beauty - this is a dog of a slender build, light and very mobile. Huskies are not aggressive towards people, hardy and even adapt well to the conditions of a city apartment.

However, the Husky requires a lot of attention. This breed has evolved for centuries in the north as a driving and working breed, and in the husky metropolis there is simply nowhere to put energy. She needs to spend a lot of time walking and giving physical activity, training, playing with a ball or a frisbee. Experienced breeders advise changing walking routes so that the dog’s mind and scent do not “stagnate”.

11. Chow-chow

The name "chow-chow" in translation means "shaggy lion". Indeed, a dog with a lush mane resembles a miniature lion. At home, the Chow Chow is not very active, almost lazy, and the owner will almost have to force the pet to walk. If you don't pay attention physical form chow-chow, the dog runs the risk of getting fat and completely lazy.

Breeders say that Chow Chow dogs are very loving, but restrained. They show their affection only to the most important people. He is wary and sometimes aggressive towards strangers - if he is provoked into contact.

10 Cocker Spaniel

The birthplace of the Cocker Spaniel is England, where they appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. Breeders liked the breed very much and quickly spread around the world.

Spaniels are very energetic dogs that behave like puppies for most of their lives. This is corrected by training, long walks and physical activity, but the dog breeder who decides to get a Cocker Spaniel should keep this in mind.

In addition, the Cocker Spaniel requires careful care. Their long coat needs to be brushed and trimmed regularly, and the dog needs to be bathed at least once a week. By the way, spaniels are excellent swimmers.

9. Beagle

The ancestors of the beagles were brought to the British Isles by the Romans. The breed was formed by the 18th century in the north of England and was used as a hound. Aristocrats kept whole packs of beagles in the kennels.

Beagles are kept today mainly because of their small size and cheerful, affectionate nature. Difficulties in his upbringing are created by the innate instinct of the researcher: on a walk, the beagle loves to run away in an unknown direction in search of adventure, so you should not let him off the leash.

Beagles have a sociable nature, they will feel good in a large family, especially if there are children in it.

8. English Bulldog

The English Bulldog is considered a national treasure of the British and the embodiment of the traits of a “real gentleman”. This is a phlegmatic dog that will not cause problems to the owner and demand to play with it. Bulldogs do not like long walks and do not need them, preferring to spend time at home.

The hardest part is caring for an English Bulldog. It is important to monitor his diet so as not to overfeed the dog. The bulldog also has certain difficulties with health. Centuries of breeding have led to the fact that these dogs depend on the owners more than others - they can’t even scratch themselves because of their short legs, and they also need regular massages.

7. Jack Russell Terrier

The small but peppy Jack Russell Terrier fell in love with Russian dog breeders for its energetic character and ease of care. These are burrowing dogs that were bred in England to hunt foxes. Now they are most often kept on farms to protect houses and supplies from rodents, and also as companions.

In the city with a Jack Russell Terrier, you will have to walk a lot, they are brave and hardy explorers of the world around them. In an apartment, the Jack Russell Terrier will get bored and will begin to gnaw everything that he can get to, so the breeder should play with him more often and take him out for a walk.

6. Corgi

Corgis are herding dogs that originated in Wales. The first mention of the breed dates back to the 10th century, so this is indeed an ancient British family. The popularity of the breed brought The Royal Family- in 1933, the future George VI gave his daughters several puppies. Since then, Queen Elizabeth has always kept corgis in the palace.

These are cheerful small dogs with a friendly character, easy to train, very fond of children. Corgis are very fond of games and long walks. They thrive better in cold than in warm weather, so they will adapt better to life in a temperate region.

5. Pekingese

The sacred dog of the Chinese emperors was bred over 2,000 years ago, but came to Europe only in the middle of the 19th century. Prior to that, mere mortals were forbidden to own Pekingese.

In full accordance with its status, the Pekingese requires attention and respect. Pekingese love to be pampered, and they treat their environment kindly, but with a touch of arrogance. If you do not pay enough attention to these dogs, they can start to play pranks in the house, gnaw and scatter things, climb exactly into those places where they are not allowed.

4. Pomeranian

Pomeranians are miniature dogs that are well suited as a companion. They are easy to keep in an apartment, Spitz are sociable and playful, love outdoor games and walks. The fluffy Pomeranian needs regular bathing and brushing.

Despite the innate devotion to the owner, the Spitz can show himself to be very stubborn, so his training should not be neglected. Without certain strong hand Pomeranian breeder will quickly "sit on his head" and will try to subdue the owner.

3. Dachshund

Bred as a hunting burrowing dog, the German Dachshund, through artificial selection, became shorter-legged and acquired a tendency to certain diseases. If it is wrong to deal with a dachshund, she may begin to have problems with her spine; and if you do not exercise enough, the dog can develop obesity.

With a healthy approach from an experienced breeder, an energetic, cheerful and loyal dachshund can live a long and prosperous life. Dog breeders advise carefully training the dachshund: despite its small size and generally non-scandalous nature, the dachshund can show serious aggression.

2. Chihuahua

mexican petite chihuahua dog Europeans first met in the middle of the XIX century. And they brought it, presumably, about three and a half thousand years ago, the ancient Maya. In the first quarter of the 20th century, Europeans and residents of the States began to keep Chihuahuas in their homes - women especially fell in love with dwarf dogs.

Compared to others dwarf breeds(for example, pinschers) the Chihuahua has a very stable psyche and peaceful character. These babies have an almost human character: they are affectionate, touchy and vulnerable. Chihuahuas can often be jealous and offended if the owner forgets about the pet.

1. Yorkshire Terrier

This breed appeared relatively recently, at the end of the 19th century. The ancestors of the Yorkshire Terrier are the Manchester Terrier, Maltese, Skye Terrier. Such dogs were kept by peasants in the British county of Yorkshire. A small dog with semi-long hair was an excellent substitute big dogs, which were forbidden to start commoners. Small terriers guarded the house from mice and other rodents, and also accompanied their owners everywhere.

Celebrities have introduced a fashion for pygmy dogs

Most of all, Western and Russian celebrities did, of course, to popularize this breed. Celebrities often appear in the world with yorkshire terrier under the arm. Anfisa Chekhova, for example, does not part with a Yorkie named Coffee, and Ksenia Borodina named her pet Shtrudya.

There is an opinion that people are divided into "dog people" and "cat people". If you prefer cats, the editors of the site suggest reading about the most rare breeds cats in the world.
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