Can a holiday romance develop into a serious relationship. Features of holiday romances of men and women

It all started like in a fairy tale. We met on the beach and immediately fell in love. But the rest ended, and we had to disperse - each to his own city. However, we were not going to: every day we called up, wrote off, talked on Skype. And dreamed of how we would live together. True, first I had to graduate from an institute in my city ... Once in a conversation, my beloved mentioned that he imagines what beautiful children we will have. I then got excited, didn’t sleep all night and realized: I can’t, well, I just can’t go a day without him. In the morning I got on the train and came to him.

It was a surprise for him, but he was happy to see me. For two days we did not leave each other and firmly decided that I was moving to him, and in six months - in the summer - we would get married. Then I went home - to prepare everything for the move, collect things, stun my parents and agree on a transfer at the institute. I thought I'd be back to him soon, forever. But the next day I got short message: “You know, you better not come. We won't be able to do anything. I'm sorry." And that's all - he no longer answered calls and letters, banned me from social network. I still don't understand what I did wrong. And the most offensive is not that he left me, but that he never explained why. M., 24 years old

The second story. Happy.

It was in one of the nightclubs in Cyprus. Some guy was just getting to know me when he appeared from somewhere on the side pretty man and without a word shoved a piece of paper with his phone into my hand. The next morning, while bored by the pool, I reached into my bag for my phone and came across that note. The imp inside pulled to write: “ Good morning!" The young man immediately responded, invited me to dinner and came to pick me up at my hotel.

We chatted incessantly. I said that I live in Moscow, it turned out that he was from Belarus, but he lives and works in another country. A couple of days later I was practically living in his room. We didn't know what was next, we enjoyed every moment. She was the first to leave Cyprus - in tears. Thought it was a holiday romance, everything is over. And he bought a ticket and flew to me. Then the stars helped us: he was offered to lead the project in Moscow - for six months. And we started living together. Well, by the time the work was finished, he made me an offer. Julia, 33 years old

History the third. Separated.

Two weeks by the sea - it was the first good rest with my husband for three years life together. In the hotel, we very quickly met the same young couple, began to go on excursions together, walk around the city. While our men went diving, my new friend and I went shopping for the whole day. But I didn’t go to night discos with the guys, because I don’t really like the crowd, and in general I ... Everything was just fine until I accidentally found out that my husband and new girlfriend managed, as they say, to get to know each other better. It turned out stupid: I simply stumbled upon them - in an embrace in a secluded corner. I was horrified, but my husband began to swear that all this did not mean anything, that she herself hung herself around his neck and did not allow passage. Allegedly, he was simply confused, confused and could not say no.

He so assured that he loved me that I succumbed - and we decided to continue living together. Yes, of course, in words I forgave. But the problem is that after that story, I completely . What if this is not the first betrayal? What if he hasn't been able to answer a million times already? different girls"No"? And although he says that everything is over there and there was nothing really, it’s hard for me to believe him. I'm getting paranoid - and I've already started checking his phone. Maybe it's better to just pack up and leave? Luda, 34 years old

Taking advantage of the situation

Holiday romance provides an amazing opportunity: anyone can become someone else for a while. You are away from home, work, those people who know who you really are. Here, even if you are a modest teacher or domineering Chief Accountant, you can become a seductress, a diva. The same with the man. He is at the resort - not an employee of the company, not the father of the family, he is a macho. Solar activity plus disconnection from the routine, new environment is the most stimulating sexual activity scenario. Some bright days and nights, and you part, it is important to remember the rules of the game. But women give great importance sex - this is our nature: even realizing the futility of relationships, deep down we hope. Alas, a sad denouement can spoil the impression of the rest. It is better to try to extract the positives: you felt beautiful and desirable, you were happy and received interesting experience which you can discuss with your friends. But it is still better to build relationships not at a resort. A man is a hunter: in order for a woman to be valuable to him, he needs to make an effort. And on vacation there is too little time and the mood is different. Often even the names of the “trophies” are not remembered: such a foundation is unsuitable for relationships.

Long awaited vacation. Golden sands, salty sea spray, an evening boat trip and, of course, searing, in their passion, resort romances are waiting for you.

For some, a beach romance is a rest for body and soul, and someone goes to the sea with the hope of arranging a personal life. What is a holiday romance - a light fling with a sense of poignancy or passion with an unpredictable result?

Holiday romance or wife entertainment, side view

Holiday romances arise due to the fact that people have a lot of free time and a non-binding environment. Flirting on the beach leaves behind good mood with a hint of sadness when it's over. Women and men have different attitudes towards fleeting vacation hobbies.

The beautiful half is looking for long-term relationships, while men like short-term love adventure. But there is also a category of women seeking only entertainment without relationships. Often they come to the same place year after year and meet the same lover. , such a relationship can be called a holiday romance.

There alone - back married

More than 50:% of women associate a short-lived beach relationship with the hope of something serious. For many single people, a vacation is an opportunity to arrange their personal life with a change of scenery. They want to cancel the constant "Groundhog Day": home, work, home, beer or glass of wine in the evening, home again. According to statistics, a husband or wife is rarely brought from a sanatorium, but there are cases.

If you are going to the sea with the hope of finding a second half, you need to use some holiday romance strategy. Upon arrival on vacation, do not rush at the first person you meet, look around, and you will see which men are here as lovers for the season, and who came to relax and get rid of loneliness.

Build your relationship with the man you like based on the atmosphere of romance - the resort is an illusion and inconstancy, so you don’t need to show him that you need something more than short meetings under the moon. Keep track of your appearance and behavior from the very arrival - men notice women they like immediately. And the first impression is very important. Be independent and enjoy your holiday. All men are hunters and they need “prey”, and not a victim that falls into their hands.

Don't owe anything to anyone

Feelings in a holiday romance are extremely concentrated. There is no place for the first timid conversations and fleeting kisses. You are limited by time, weeks or days, so relationships develop rapidly, at a speed snow avalanche. A person receives a strong emotional shock, which has a beneficial effect on nervous system and gives new strength.

A woman who survived a holiday romance that left behind Nice memories, returns home with a gleam in her eyes and becomes irresistible in the eyes of men. special. Even if you are married and the moral code does not provide for jumping into bed with another man (this is not necessary, but promoting an affair and at the same time without close relationships is an art), the realization of the fact that you cause passion in others and romantic walks at night, upon returning improve your family life.

So if for Last year you can not remember anything pleasant, forward to the sea for adventure! Absence pleasant moments in life - a sign of onset or developing depression.

A bucket of tar in a spoon of honey

Many women make the mistake of putting high hopes on a fleeting holiday romance, aka beach romance. Expect to tie long term relationship, and after arriving home they feel that they have been used. They fall into a deep depression. He promised to call and meet, and you wait a month and no results.

So you can be offended by the whole world. Don't have high hopes for your vacation. People go to rest, get positive emotions and get rid of problems. To get to know a person and get involved with him serious relationship it takes a lot more than two weeks in a flippant romance.

If you are already living with a man, a short summer affair of a holiday romance can significantly ruin your relationship. There are three main reasons. Imagine your surprise when the "days" do not come on time, and the test shows that you are pregnant and do not know, not only the phone, but even whether the name of the future father was real.

Such cases are not isolated and happen not only to frivolous girls, but also to experienced women. The heat of passion turns off the brain completely. The thought of protection does not always come. When preparing for a vacation, think about what you want from a summer romance and take care of contraception in advance.

With the advent of AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, from the factors that carry mental and physical suffering can also cause death. All sexually transmitted infections are difficult to treat and can leave backfire for life, like infertility or an unbaked focus of infection in the body. Human Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is a viral disease and its treatment, however, like other viruses, does not exist in nature.

Remember, if the person you like refuses to use a condom, you risk your life!

It happens that in everyday life a man from the resort past bursts in. Can you imagine your husband's joy when his resort substitute starts calling you? There are cases when men in love searched for beach girlfriends and ruined their lives with their claims.

For you it was just an affair, but for him great feeling. To avoid such troubles, immediately dot the "i" in front of your partner. Be careful not to give your contact details and phone number. Don't make promises you can't keep. Be careful when starting a holiday romance on vacation and keep your eyes open.

It's time for vacations, and hence the time for holiday romances.

Is a serious relationship that started on the beach possible? Or maybe a holiday romance is good because there are no obligations to each other and you can enjoy every minute without thinking what will happen next?

A holiday romance is, first of all, a self-deception from the heading, summer is a small life. "A person who is internally ready for adventure on vacation tunes in to a game of feelings. You should be aware of this from the very beginning. Then you can avoid all the severity of disappointments, humiliation and resentment. Over time, under accompanying circumstances, for example, during a stormy romance, a person can get carried away and believe in the realism of what is happening. The sun, the sea, beautiful hotels and the alcohol degree create the right background for this, like good theatrical scenery during a performance. Melodrama is possible at first, but after a while, only a tragicomedy.Let's not talk about banal vulgarity and lust here, barely covered by the veil of romance of the resort surroundings.At the same time, the spontaneously arising feelings of two people whose fates accidentally crossed in the resort prairies, as well as in any other place can herald the emergence of true love.But here it is important not to confuse the delights associated with the beauty of the resort, with personal feelings for a person. Upon arrival in their native land, among everyday realities, there is often a decline in the recent paroxysm of feelings. At the same time, one should not perceive the manic persecution of recent lovers or fans for violent love. Often this is the usual behavior of manic individuals who have fallen in love with own feeling harmony and happiness experienced in the ecstasy of resort euphoria. It is very important to keep your mind and connection with reality, surrendering to new impressions and pleasures - just being yourself.

I think if we hold a competition for the most banal and hackneyed topic of psychological gloss, the theme of "holiday romance" will be one of the main contenders for victory. To say something new about it, while remaining within reason, seems decidedly impossible. Is there any truth left undiscovered? So why repeat the same thing year after year? After all, everything is already known to everyone ... Although ... I think there is one reason to write. The same reason why from year to year before the start summer season they write about the rules of protection against ticks or the rules of behavior on the water ... After all, all these rules are as old as the world. But only people forget them during the long winter. So what, I'd be the subject round table Can you elaborate a little, like this:


Joint stay of half-naked strangers in an atmosphere of idleness and short-term detachment from the usual social circle and way of life - these are all the unpretentious factors that determine the haste and short duration of resort loves. After returning to their cities and villages, to their usual social roles and reasonable clothes soberly thinking people, who allowed themselves a little madness on vacation, leave in their memory of her a vivid memory, which day after day turns pale with a tan.

Blessed is he who, on the beach, observed the regime of staying in the sun, did not forget to smear protective creams and timely run into the shade. Also blessed is the one who, having met on this very beach with a beautiful stranger, female or male, did not forget, rushing into the abyss of sudden passion, the existence of various diseases transmitted through sexual contact and even kissing. And also blessed is the one who wasn't so naive as to believe that he/she is the first one to whom the local swimming instructor says, "You are the prettiest I have ever met."

Yes, what can I say, you know perfectly well, even without us, that everyone in the resort finds what he is looking for. The love of a lifetime, good friends, or suffering through broken illusions. "What am I looking for?" - Ask yourself this when you get into the vehicle that will take you to a resort paradise and make a smart choice...

The resort romance is good because there are no obligations to each other and you can enjoy every minute.

When meeting at a resort, people live right here and now, there are no expectations for the future for each other, and therefore there are no disappointments. There, the effect of a random fellow traveler also works and people easily open up to each other, omitting conventions and rules like: Don't kiss on the first date. A holiday romance makes it possible to escape from the daily hustle and bustle, and this is its plus, you just need to remember that the vacation will end and the romance will end too, and it will be a little sad and this is normal, the main thing is not to go to extremes.

Do you think a serious relationship that started on the beach is possible?

I don’t remember who the researchers are, but they found out that acquaintance in any place (shop, cafe, traffic police, street, resort) has about a 3% chance of developing into a serious relationship, and I agree with this.

Holiday romance - the word itself evokes a storm of emotions in people. Summer, sun, sea, beach, tanned men and women, and complete relaxation. In the language of Transactional Analysis, in such an environment, most vacationers turn into children who want to play pranks, allow what is not allowed, experience a lot of feelings and impressions. “Children” cannot think about the consequences and analyze the situation. It seems to them that this man or this woman is my one and only. Love and passion flare up instantly. Unfortunately, these relationships don't last. You can count on the fingers those couples who started a family after a holiday romance. Usually people go to their homes, cities and countries, and this is where the relationship ends. The consequences of such novels are very deplorable. Clients come to me for therapy who were born thanks to a holiday romance. Each of them has their own mental trauma, but they have one thing in common - “I am nobody. I'm just the fruit of a fleeting passion."

To avoid paying for your holiday passion, before you board a plane, ask yourself: “What do I want to get from my vacation”? Who do I want to meet and why? If you need a serious relationship, then I would recommend meeting at a resort, and rushing into the abyss of passions after the vacation is over. Thus, you will check the seriousness of the intentions of your chosen one and will be able to develop your relationship with a sober head.

Summer is one of the most pleasant times of the year, because the weather, vacations, and the possibility of various entertainments contribute to raising the mood and relaxing.
In my opinion, this is an excellent combination of circumstances that allow us to throw off all the burden of fatigue that has accumulated throughout the working year. In addition, it is also important that a trip to rest is a change of environment that inspires and activates.

Personally, I am always for women to feel natural, free, enjoy their attractiveness. If in the city sometimes the rhythm of work, routine days do not allow you to open up to the right extent, then in the resort, you can finally show yourself in all its glory. Naturally, men immediately react to this freedom and immediacy, when complexes and problems fade into the background. as host women's groups, I believe that summer romances - great way increase self-esteem, make sure that you are attractive, apply all the skills that we practice in the process of work. I completely agree with the comments above that a holiday romance can turn into something more, this is certainly great option! The main thing you should pay attention to is that no matter how the circumstances develop, this does not cancel the control of consciousness, so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful. In the pool with his head - obviously not the best option. But conscious pleasure with awareness of the consequences is the choice of a psychologically mature person.

I wish you a great holiday and new experiences!

Where and how can serious problems arise and develop? partnerships? The question is good. And it would probably be more reasonable to ask the question: “Is it worth starting a relationship at a resort if you want a long and serious relationship? also, there is no strength, no desire, no time for their development and maintenance?

In fact serious feelings can arise anywhere and at any time, but their development and maintenance will depend on the intentions and expectations of each of the lovers, and if their intentions are serious, the relationship will live and develop, if a conflict of interest arises, they can become painful for both or one of the participants in the process or for two, it will be a wonderful adventure during the rest period. Only one thing can be said with certainty, meet, fall in love and have fun at every moment of your life, and excessive fears and restrictions can lead to the absence of any relationship at all, so summer is in full swing and who knows how your holiday romance will end.

Where communication begins - on the beach or in the subway, does not really affect the quality of communication, except that on vacation people are not immersed in their worries, but are in a relaxed state and become more receptive to what is happening around, in including attention from the opposite sex. Hence, resort romances have always been and probably always will be!

the duration of the holiday romance depends on the level of awareness of each person, on the desire or unwillingness to continue communication outside the rest, on the vision of the perspective and purpose of this communication.

And here there are slight gender differences between a Man and a Woman - a Woman "loads with meaning" relationships more, while a Man can easily enter into a relationship for the sake of pleasure and interest.

In order to avoid disappointments in the future, it is better for yourself to initially determine what you want to get from your vacation? What do you want to get from the novel, if you do not exclude its existence?

And then you will find the answer to many questions related to holiday romances within yourself!

I think that everything depends on the goals set by the partners. After all, everyone takes his own from these relationships and to say that a holiday romance is only an all-inclusive romance or is it the beginning of a new and strong love is not correct!

On vacation, we are usually more relaxed, we relax, enjoy life and recreation, but life, as you know, consists not only of relaxation, but also of tension. Unfortunately one without the other is impossible. Consequently, relationships also undergo a stage of tension, which not every partner can withstand.

Therefore, there is only one option, perhaps both!

Holiday romance - I will introduce that the partners are not in their usual environment. How is that role-playing game. When both a man and a woman can afford what they do not allow "at home", to be much more free. Most often, the CD does not continue, as people fall in love with a free, passionate strong / tender partner, and returning home returns the familiar look. Of course there are exceptions. After all, true love can arise on the beach, and in a tavern and in a library))

I think the biggest benefit of a vacation is the ability to allow yourself more freedom and improvisation.

In the topic under discussion, it is important whether the person who decides to have an affair is lonely, what expectations he has: whether he considers it just a vacation adventure or his intentions are more serious. There can be many scenarios, as well as options for the development of relations that began with light flirting at the resort.

Rest time when we experience mostly positive emotions, and at the same time a time when we behave a little differently. Trying to set some rules is not possible. For example, flirting during the holidays may well be the beginning of an alliance for life. But before making plans, you need to make allowance for the time and circumstances in which the acquaintance took place, in which we begin to look at the world through pink glasses:)

It is worth remembering this.

Holiday romance - it's really a little "hackneyed" topic, but still interesting, and sometimes educational. Much in this life is repeated, someone has annual novels, and not only during the holiday season, but also after it. Someone did not have such at all, someone "staunchly" held on, and did not succumb to temptations, due to their upbringing, or other reasons. Any romance, for a couple, occurs when the couple goes through crises in their relationship, and there are many reasons for this.
And yet, holiday romances are also among the so-called "lonely", in this moment, without a long-term relationship, i.e. "free" people, and perhaps for them - this is an opportunity to "plunge into romance", and even an opportunity, albeit a small one, with the transition to long term relationship.
Any romance is an adrenaline rush, a little “high” while it is at the stage of falling in love, without obligations, and of course without sexually transmitted diseases. Each person is free to accept or not accept different circumstances in his life, but remain, while just a man, for this he needs - great strength and courage!

Holiday romance, office romance...

They are all united by this word - novel

not the essence - where, the essence - what!

The novel is a thrill of feelings, it is hope for the best, it is faith in the bright, it is love in spite of it, when the mind gives way to emotions, passions, this is the ecstasy of charm ...

The meeting was short:
In the night the train took her away,
But in her life there was a song of crazy roses.
The artist lived alone
He endured a lot of troubles
But in his life there was a whole square of flowers.
And if you don't live
Now you don’t, then you don’t
Then you don't die
Don't die...
Think for yourself, decide for yourself -
to have or not to have

Before you go on vacation, you should ask yourself the question: " why am i going on vacation? What do I really expect from this trip? "Answer honestly. Anyway, no one will know, but the person himself will begin to move in the direction he needs. And the quality of rest will be on high level, because waits and actions will be synchronized.

Holiday romance happens to those who expect or allow it. So here, too, you should ask yourself a question, before crossing this very line between "just met on the beach" and "we have an affair" - For what? what are we waiting for?!...

Women love to draw a lot in their heads for men. That is why, especially for women, it is worth asking such a question, so that later, when returning home to everyday life, it would not be excruciatingly painful, but pleasant and relaxed, as it should be after a vacation.

Miracles happen, people really sometimes get to know each other on vacation, and everything develops into family life. But this is rare. Not because it is from disbelief in magic and power human relations, but because there is a series external factors that have an impact and that people are reluctant to change. That is, again, we return to responsibility to ourselves.

Ask yourself honestly what are you waiting for and want? And do you want it that way? - this simple practice is capable of repeating miracles.

The truth of a holiday romance is exactly the same as the truth of any other romance (official, etc.). It must be understood that the responsibility for the seriousness of the relationship, despite the summer and carelessness, will not go anywhere.
Whether a holiday romance is good with no commitment is a matter of values ​​and personal choice. Not good for me personally. Because consciously playing roulette with feelings is not for me. To each his own. It is important to decide what you personally need - a serious relationship, or pleasure without obligations. What you strive for is what you will attract...

I do not know the whole truth about holiday romances, but I know for sure that in a period of carelessness, warmth and bliss, people become happy. Therefore, novels arise easily and naturally. Why not?!:)))

The main feature of the holiday romance is that the partners begin relationships in an environment that is different from the usual. so both behave differently than usual. As a result, there is falling in love with a certain image, which very often does not coincide with the real one. In addition, the holiday romance is developing rapidly, and there is no opportunity to get to know each other well, so a lot is simply thought out, thanks to which the image of the partner becomes even more attractive.

A holiday romance can develop into a serious relationship if both want it, because love can be found anywhere. You just need to remember that a stormy beginning is just the beginning, and then a period will come when you will need to take off your rose-colored glasses, see a real person and build relationships with him already.

If you do not believe that a holiday romance can develop into something serious, then it will be so, because what you believe in is what you get.

I think it's better to have a romance than not to have one!!!

And, in general, vacation is wonderful. My friend went on vacation to a family hotel in Egypt and everyone was a family there. And she's with a friend. 3 days before departure, HE appeared, and completely alone ... After 3 years of marriage, they got married. I remember: "The narrowed one will get out of the puddle ..", it's nice when from the Red Sea.

It is always a fleeting relationship, a misunderstanding that happens from thirst, sea, sun and sand. different goals, which prompted strangers to travel, does not prevent them from flirting at all. From one night of love, a woman builds a whole romance with happy ending, a man is looking for a relationship without obligations. It is good if pleasant memories remain about the novel, and it does not make you suffer, close from real relationships.

Dream or reality

is not a relationship with real person, but with a dream that did not leave the head of the charmer for many years, and now it has come true. Usually the dreamer does not look closely at her temporary companion, who is a simple extra. This behavior is called the syndrome of Tatiana Larina, who waited for someone. This is the reason that leads to disappointment.

Reasons for the affair

Why do holiday romances? Psychologists name several reasons why women are drawn to the new:

1. Novelty. With this man there were no disagreements, compromises, financial instability. The woman had not yet had time to recognize his character traits, to understand by snoring how much he drank today. The feeling of novelty lasts no more than 40 days, which is inherent in the human brain.

2. gives a surge of emotions. When a new sexual object is met, hormones are actively produced in the body, various neural connections and pheromones are activated, which makes the person attractive to the opposite sex. Six weeks is a period of continued hormonal frenzy.

3. Better life. Romance at the resort is a chance to live these 2 weeks better than other days of the year. And the man becomes what he wanted to be in childhood - gallant, generous, ardent. In reality, there are too many worries to be like that. And the woman is also transformed by Balinese massage and horseback riding, which replace her ironing and washing. No one is deceiving anyone, they just want to be better.

4. Romance is freedom, an opportunity to catch up, a respite from marital debt.

Summer didn't end

And yet, despite these obvious facts, the woman wishes that summer would not end. Should I bet on such a man? Let's try to evaluate our chances with a "sober" head. Relationships can be extended if:

1. Lovers are not too far apart from each other.

2. Both belong to the same social stratum.

3. Both have a chance to create something new.

How to make an acquaintance:

1. From the day you met, touch the same place on the man’s body in a special way, in a gentle way. Then, asking at the end of the vacation the question “Should we meet again”, you can count on not an empty answer “yes”. He will remember this touch.

2. We catch on vanity. A man loves to be admired. Remember the instructions of Lily Brik: "A woman only needs to inspire a man that he is the most brilliant, and the rest is in the power of silk underwear and shoes."

3. Don't waste time, find out his interests and find the most sensitive touch points. Move the conversation to an event that would be of interest to him and that he could visit upon his return.

4. SMS flirting is a trouble-free tool to which it is easy to arouse the interest of a man. SMS should be funny, short and romantic. He will wait for these SMS-coms even after the end of the acquaintance, along the way, you can leave him your number and get it.

Who not to meet:

1. With hotel staff who are cynical about tourists.

2. with local residents(, Egyptians, Greeks), for whom flirting with a fair-skinned woman is a matter of honor.

A little more than a week is left before summer, and the question of where and with whom to go to long-awaited vacation is becoming more and more relevant every day. Especially if you are going on vacation with big plans to meet “the one”. After all, if you think about it, it is when we go to the resort that we change the scenery. If there are no suitable candidates in the working team and in general within the radius of your life, then why not try your luck somewhere in Sharm el-Sheikh or Barcelona? The problem is that sometimes the expectation that a holiday romance will result in a serious relationship, and there, if you're lucky, then The Wedding Planner are not always justified. As in the song "Lyapis Trubetskoy": "You left for Latvia, I left for Kazakhstan", and "Kokhannya at payphones is doomed to live shortly." Therefore, an international romance can last exactly until one of you gets on a train / plane / bus.

So, let's try to figure out if a holiday romance can develop into a long-term relationship and serve as a foundation future family. Here are some features that should be considered when plunging into the ocean of passions.

1. On vacation we are different

Going on vacation, we cook best version ourselves: we take new things, we make a complete upgrade, putting manicures, pedyukirs, depilations in order. On vacation we are willing to spend more money we are kinder, happier and more relaxed. We have nowhere to hurry, dolce far niente makes us completely different women - with burning eyes, golden skin and a happy expression. It can be assumed that men are away from home and the problems are completely different. It is possible that in hometown his wife is waiting for him wedding ring rests in a suitcase pocket. Therefore, after carefree days, you can find a person completely unfamiliar to you, as, indeed, he is. That is, if he does not disappear, ignoring your calls. Or maybe he will be scared off by a tired and a little annoyed girl, which you can sometimes be.

2. A man is not looking for a serious relationship

Unfortunately, this is one of the most common reasons why a holiday romance doesn't get its way. further development. How to notice this in advance, so as not to waste time on a person who is looking for fleeting entertainment? Basically, these are two indicators: either he suspiciously agrees to all your proposals, does not argue with you, all so white and fluffy. Just hangs noodles on the ears. He does not disdain the phrases: “And we will name our boy so-and-so” or “I will be happy to meet your parents.” If he manages to charm you, then you will melt and start making far-reaching plans. And very in vain. It's like in the song: "Today you are a cowboy, and tomorrow you cannot be drawn."

The second option: he practically does not talk about himself, does not hint that you will meet in the future. In fact, it often happens - the man made it clear about the absence serious intentions. You just ignored them, because you really didn’t want to see the truth and hoped to convince him.

3 He Is Prejudiced About Vacation Romances

It’s like in a common situation when a girl goes to bed with a man on the very first evening after meeting him, and in the morning tells him that “this is the first time for me.” Maybe yes, maybe not. Who knows. It's the same with holiday romances. How does he know that before you met him here, you didn't spend every night with an attractive entertainer? Therefore, many men prefer to leave all beach intrigues, dating at discos or in bars of some Turkey in the same place. And look for a girl for a serious relationship with a more reliable reputation.

4. He is married

Here you just have to rely on your intuition or ask a question directly. It is unlikely that after a week of romance and sex on the beach, he will want to leave his beloved wife and a couple of kids.

5. You are from different countries

Sometimes relationships are doomed precisely because of the distances that you don’t want to overcome for the sake of another. If you liked each other and had a great vacation, this does not mean that the power of feelings is enough for long separations and rare encounters. You can try, but it really must be crazy love to fight for it further.

6. He doesn't want to destroy castles in the air.

As I mentioned above, away from home and everyone who knows us, we can pretend to be anyone. Think of a legend successful business and a penthouse in the center of the capital. Men like to splurge, so everything he tells you, divide by two, or even by three. Perhaps he liked you, but he invented too much for it to somehow coincide with reality.

7. You put pressure on him

When a girl wants something, it shows in all her behavior. Your thirst for a serious option will not always be to the taste of a man. For example, you are lucky, you met a man who really liked, and at the same time he does not fall under one of the above points. He is ready for a relationship, not against continuing acquaintance in ordinary life. But you begin to demand promises from him, inquire about the size of the salary, you begin to find out about the number of children from previous marriages, the presence of genetic diseases and bad habits. And he will think: “Why do I need it? What will happen next if she is already behaving like this?

What to do? Even if you are sure that yes, this is the one and you need to “grab” it, restrain yourself. Trust the situation and let things unfold naturally.

I would like to add that summer is a period of pleasant expectations. We really want to believe that everything will be fine and carefree. If you dream of meeting Him during an excursion to the pyramids, you have every chance of this. But don't let the desire to find your love cloud your mind or ruin your vacation. After all, when you want something too much, you don’t notice the obvious (for example, rings on your finger). Enjoy the summer and rest, and everything will work out by itself!
