Wedding year according to the lunar calendar. Favorable days for a wedding according to the lunar calendar

Wedding day - significant date in the life of newlyweds. Popular wisdom advises choosing it with all seriousness, because the wedding ceremony is shrouded in many beliefs and prejudices. It is believed that the date, month and year in which the marriage took place can bring happiness to the couple or, conversely, quarrels and sadness.

When choosing a wedding day, the advice of astrologers and numerologists, as well as some popular beliefs, are taken into account. It is worth paying attention to the dates Christian fasts. During this period, as well as on the eve of great holidays, the church does not advise getting married. What else do you need to know about choosing a date for a wedding, and how to determine the perfect day for the celebration?

The ideal date for your wedding depends on a number of factors.

Marriage in 2017: what will it be like?

When choosing a wedding date, do not forget: the future of the couple is influenced not only by the day, but also by the year of marriage. According to Chinese calendar, the owner of 2017 will be the Red Rooster. This sign promises future family loyalty to traditions, order and responsibility in relationships. During the ceremony, everything must be observed wedding customs and honor special attention young parents. Then the symbol of the year will be favorable to the newlyweds.

Beautiful dates in 2017

Many couples struggle to choose a number that will look good on their marriage certificate. In 2017, such dates should contain ones, twos, and sevens. For example, 02/17/2017 (Friday), 07/1/2017 (Saturday), 05/7/2017 (Sunday), 07/07/2017 (Friday)… Numbers like 05/04/2017 or 11/10/2017 are considered successful for marriage, where the first digit is one less next. However, beautiful dates do not always make a marriage happy, and also often go against folk and religious traditions.

Wedding according to the Orthodox calendar

Perhaps the most stringent requirements for wedding dates are determined by the church. The suitable time for a wedding is the period from January 20 to March 7, May 8, as well as throughout the fall (except for Lent). You cannot get married during the following fasts: Assumption (August 14-27, except August 19), Rozhdestvensky (November 28 - January 6), Easter (February 27 - April 15, except April 7 and 9), Petrov (June 12 - July 11 , with the exception of July 7).

When choosing a date, it is important to avoid major church holidays

The wedding ceremony is also not held on the eve of important church holidays: Christmas (January 7), Palm Sunday(April 9), Easter (April 16), Holy Trinity (June 4). Wednesday and Friday are not suitable for weddings. However, the date of painting in the registry office and the day for the church ceremony may not coincide.

The month of the wedding and the fate of the couple

Our mothers and grandmothers probably know superstitions regarding the month of marriage and its influence on the future of the young couple. These signs have been known since time immemorial and are still respected. According to folk wisdom, the best periods for marriage are February, June, August, September and December. If a boy and a girl get married in July, they will have rich life, rich in both joys and troubles.

Difficulties portend spring wedding. “If you get married in May, you will suffer all your life,” says popular belief. It is explained by the fact that this month was one of the most difficult for our peasant ancestors. A wedding in January, March and October promises a difficult fate for the newlyweds. The alliance concluded in April will resemble a roller coaster in its instability. A wedding in November will bring the couple material wealth, but not love.

According to folk beliefs, the time of year will determine the fate of your marriage

Selecting a date based on astrological forecasts

There is an opinion that the location of the heavenly bodies affects our well-being and mood. A decision made at a favorable or unfavorable moment can determine a person’s fate. According to astrological forecasts, best times For marriage in 2017 the following dates are:

  • in winter: 1.01, 8.01, 29.01, 3.02, 5.02, 10.02, 1.12, 22.12, 24.12;
  • in spring: 3.03, 10.03, 31.03, 2.04, 10.04, 28.04, 1.04, 7.05, 8.05;
  • In summer: 4.06, 9.06, 30.06, 7.07, 28.07, 30.07, 2.08, 25.08, 27.08;
  • in autumn: 3.09, 4.09, 22.09, 1.10, 2.10, 29.10, 3.11, 20.11, 24.11.

You can calculate the ideal time for a wedding like this: add four, five, seven, ten or eleven to the serial number of the month of your birth. For example, you were born in February (second month). This means that a marriage entered into in June (6), July (7), September (9), December (12) or January (1) can bring happiness. The coincidence of dates for the bride and groom is a good sign.

You shouldn't get married or even accept important decisions on the days of the lunar eclipse - February 11, 2017 and August 7, 2017. Astrologers warn that May is not a very good time for weddings, as well as the numbers 8, 9, 15, 19, 29 of each month. The location of the luminaries during these periods has a bad effect on the relationship of the newlyweds. But Feng Shui experts believe that the numbers 1, 2, 3, 12, and 21 of each month are suitable for a wedding in 2017.

An astrological forecast will help you choose a favorable date.

We must admit that there are many approaches to choosing a wedding day. Only you can decide which ones are trustworthy. However, remember: no signs can upset the union of two loving hearts. Even a marriage entered into at an unfavorable time can become strong and happy.

Being a leap year, 2016 is not considered favorable time for a wedding. For this reason, young couples postponed their wedding “until better times.” But will a wedding in 2017 bring happiness, a strong union and material wealth? What factors should you consider when choosing a date for a celebration? And should you believe in wedding omens?

It is believed that before the wedding, the future newlyweds experience only joy, and preparations for the celebration are pleasant and easy. Psychological condition Experts describe newlyweds in other words – depression, fear, stress, panic. Do you know how many fears there are? Fear of loss of freedom, fear of change and responsibility, and the most unpleasant fear before a wedding is losing love, fear that registration will fail for some reason last moment. And it is this fear that gives rise to blind faith in absurd signs and superstitions.

To dispel fears and get rid of anxiety, let's try to determine favorable days for a wedding in 2017. What do future newlyweds look for to determine their wedding date:

  • folk signs;
  • moon calendar;
  • astrology;
  • choose memorable numbers for the wedding.

Folk signs - the year of the widow

Let's figure out whether it's possible to get married in 2017. The year of the widow is considered the first year after a leap year. The year of the widower occurs the year after the leap year, immediately following the year of the widow. Now let's think rationally. The cyclicality of a leap year is once every four years, followed by the year of the widow and widower. It is not recommended to marry either in a leap year or in the year of a widower or widower, which means that for a happy marriage there remains single year. The next year suitable for registering a marriage is 2019! If young couples followed such folk signs, then humanity would already be extinct. Where then do such superstitions come from?

The widow's year appeared due to a historical pattern. The thing is that grandiose events with negative connotations often take place this year, resulting in many casualties. Examples of such events were the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. 1937 – the year of repression and huge amount innocent victims falls in the year following the leap year. Start Patriotic War 1941 also falls in the year of the widow. The list of terrible events in Russian and world history that fell during the year of the widow is endless. Wars, like any bloodshed, lead to the death of millions of people, especially men. Wars leave children orphans and women widows.

2014 was considered the year of the widower. Statistics show that the mortality rate of women during this period did not exceed the mortality rate of previous years. It turns out that people themselves come up with superstitions, linking certain events to unconfirmed facts, and for weddings, 2017 will not be better or worse than previous years.

Moon calendar

The moon affects a person’s condition, whether this influence is negative or positive depends on the phase of the moon. Therefore, it is not surprising that in Lately It is customary to plan even ordinary, daily activities taking into account the lunar calendar. Significant events require thorough preparation and accurate calculations of the favorable period.

The lunar wedding calendar 2017 is compiled by the method of elimination. To accurately calculate the date, exclude from the calendar all days that fall on the solar and moon eclipse. Then you need to exclude days on which there is a full moon, a new moon, or a change in the phase of the night star. This means that you need to cross off the following from your calendar: lunar day: 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19. So, using the method of elimination, we got favorable days for marriage in 2017: 10, 11, 16, 17, 21, 26, 27.

Astrological forecast

2017 a year will pass under the aegis of . It is difficult to find a more conservative animal in the zodiac circle. In the Year of the Rooster 2017, the wedding is characterized by strong bonds and commitment family traditions. In such a family, each partner clearly knows and strictly fulfills his responsibilities. Children are brought up within strict limits, but with due respect for the child. In the Year of the Rooster, it is better to organize a classic celebration, in compliance with all wedding traditions, including showing due respect to the parents of the newlyweds.

Church wedding calendar

The official Church does not raise the question of whether 2017 is a favorable year for weddings or not. Celebrations such as christenings, weddings, and angel's day should be celebrated in accordance with the dates of fasting and great spiritual holidays. The Church does not recommend getting married during:

  • Assumption Fast (08/14/17 – 08/27/17, with the exception of 08/19/17);
  • Nativity Fast (01/01/17 – 01/06/2017, 11/28/17 – 12/31/17);
  • Easter Lent – ​​(02/27/17 – 04/15/17, with the exception of 04/07/17, 04/09/17);
  • Petrov's Lent - (06/12/17 - 07/11/17, with the exception of 07/07/17).

Please note that weddings are also prohibited during one-day fasts, on the great holidays of Palm Resurrection. The days of remembrance and mourning for the dead will be unfavorable.

If we exclude all prohibited periods, the lucky time for a wedding celebration in Orthodoxy will be 01/20/17 - 03/07/2017, 05/08/17, all autumn period(in addition to one-day posts).

Beautiful numbers

Newlyweds believe that a beautiful number can bring good luck and prosperity to the marriage. In 2017, the memorable numbers will be digital combinations containing 17. If you choose such combinations, you get next list:

  • in winter – 01/17/2017, 02/17/2017, 12/17/2017;
  • in spring – 03/17/2017, 04/17/2017, 05/17/2017;
  • in summer – 04/17/2017, 07/17/2017, 08/17/2017;
  • autumn – 09/17/2017, 10/17/2017, 11/17/2017.

Combinations with the day and month look no less attractive, for example, for February weddings you can choose 02/02/2017 or 02/20/2017, for July weddings – 07/07/2017. In a similar way dates are selected for each month.

As you can see, many methods have been invented to find a lucky date. But to simplify the choice solemn day easily. Trust your own intuition, choose a sunny day, visit the registry office and agree to the number that is offered to you there. Happiness is created with my own hands, and no signs can destroy a marriage made in heaven.

Everyone knows what for wedding ceremony Not suitable every day of the year. The wedding calendar will help you determine the most favorable day for marriage, so that your family life becomes stronger every year.

2017 will be held under the auspices Fire Rooster. This means that the wedding is classic style will be appropriate, and observing traditions on this day will contribute strong union. The ceremony in the classic Russian style with a cheerful feast will provide good influence on the strength of marriage bonds, and sincere wishes the eldest in the family of the bride and groom will create good foundation For for long years happy family life.

Weddings in January 2017

The month of January is considered one of the most successful months for a wedding ceremony. Among the Slavs, weddings held in winter were called “wolf” and symbolized the strength of the groom and the fidelity of the bride.

In January 2017, the first Friday on which Wedding Palaces will be open is Friday the 13th. This day is considered unlucky for any business, including weddings. However, some people, on the contrary, believe that on Friday the 13th they will have good luck in all their endeavors. Therefore, when planning the date of the celebration, remember your life and think: were you really unlucky on this day, or is your energy stronger than the influence of the 13th?

In general, the most favorable period for marriage in January 2017 is the numbers from 6 to 12: the Moon will be in the growth phase, and this time is the most favorable for doing important things. The middle of the month will be under the Moon in the waning phase, which is not very good for any important undertaking.

February weddings according to the lunar calendar

The first half of February is perfect for a wedding ceremony. February 3 will be a particularly favorable day to tie your destinies. On this day, the Moon will interact with the constellation Taurus. Taurus is one of the earth signs, and its constellation accompanies the strengthening of any undertaking. There will also be special luck for those wishing to get married on February 9th. The interaction of the Moon with the constellation Cancer will reveal the full depth of emotions and fill the day with bright colors.

Favorable and unfavorable days for marriage in March

The first month of spring is associated with warmth, the birth of something new, bright and beautiful. The first half of the month is perfect for marriage for romantic, sublime and caring natures. The most favorable period for concluding a marriage is from March 1 to March 12. March 9 is considered a particularly favorable day: the number 9 in numerology symbolizes idealism, loyalty and honesty. By getting married on this day, you enter the energy of nine, sharing and accepting its properties. March 30 and 31 will also bring good luck in family life.

But the middle of March does not bring good luck in marriage. The energy of the waning Moon is aimed primarily at getting rid of and ending something, but not at creating something new. If the date of your wedding is set for a certain date and it is not possible to change it, then rituals for fulfilling what you want will help you, which can neutralize the influence of the energy of the Moon on you and your loved one on a certain day.

It should be remembered that the critical day is March 24th. On this day, it is strongly recommended not to organize a celebration or register your relationship. On this day, the waning Moon will interact with the constellation Aquarius, which will contribute to financial losses, quarrels, conflicts and fatigue.

Marriage in April 2017

In April, the favorable period for a wedding will be the numbers from 1 to 11 and 29-30. However, the 11th itself is unfavorable: the full moon in conjunction with the constellation Libra can lead to an unbalanced emotional state, which will not have a very good effect on the wedding ceremony and can leave unpleasant impressions of this important day. April 27 will be a particularly favorable day: the calm, balanced atmosphere of this day contributes to a happy start to family life.

Not favorable days for weddings in April there will be a period from the 12th to the 25th. April 12 itself is numerologically suitable for a wedding ceremony, since the number 12 means Truth in all its manifestations. But, interacting with the energy of the waning Moon, the 12th brings excessive ardent adherence to principles, and this can cause conflicts at the festive table.

The neutral day is April 28th. On this day, the Moon will interact with the constellation Gemini. The dual nature of this constellation leaves the day to your choice: as you decide, so it will be. Control over emotions, a harmonious state and the right start to the morning can make a wedding on this day a happy and wonderful event.

Weddings in May 2017

In general, May is not considered auspicious month for wedding ceremonies. Folk omens say: “If you were born in May, you will suffer all your life.” The same rule was secretly passed on to important undertakings, such as a wedding. However, in May there are also favorable days for marriage: from May 4 to 7, the energy of the growing Moon, interacting with the constellations Leo and Libra, will create a favorable atmosphere for concluding a marriage.

Unfavorable days in May will be the 11th-14th: the full moon in Scorpio can have Negative influence on the emotions of the ceremony participants and ruin the special day. Critical days By lunar calendar in May it will be the 18th-21st: on these days, astrologers and psychics strongly do not recommend starting important period life.

The neutral day for a wedding in May will be the 18th. On this day, the Moon will interact with the constellation Aquarius, filling the day with the energy of risk and spontaneous decisions.

Wedding in June 2017

The summer months set a record for the number of wedding ceremonies. And it’s clear why: the sun, a cloudless sky and a sea of ​​flowers are preferable to snow and rain for many.
The period from June 1 to June 10 will be the most favorable for marriage. According to the lunar calendar, these days contribute to any undertaking, and numerologically, numbers from 1 to 10 contain a powerful energy component that contributes to any important undertaking.
Undesirable days for marriage in June 2017 will be the period from 11 to 23. The energy of emotions and human energy during this period will be in decline, which can have a bad effect on the well-being of the participants in this important ceremony.

Neutral days for a wedding will be the 24th, 29th and 30th. These days, the influence of the Moon on a person will be minimal.

Getting married in July

In July, favorable days for wedding ceremonies will be from July 5 to July 15. The energy of these days contributes to emotional uplift and strengthening relationships between people.
The unfavorable period is from July 16 to July 23. The lunar energy of this period can have a destructive effect on emotional background and physical well-being.

Neutral days for July wedding is the period from the 24th to the 30th.

Weddings in August according to the lunar calendar

August is considered the most favorable month for marriage. The whole month is filled with the energy of prosperity, fullness of life and the beginning of a new period. The energy of August is well suited for various rites and rituals, especially those aimed at fulfilling desires.

The first half of August is best for a wedding ceremony and the beginning of family life. The energy of the last summer month is harmoniously combined with the energy of the waxing Moon. Especially the first half of the month can be successful for earthly and fiery Zodiac Signs. From the 15th, the energy of the month will gradually decline, but in general the whole month will be good for starting a family.

Wedding ceremony in September

September is the second most popular month for getting married after August. Autumn weddings are more magnificent, rich in color, carry the energy of strength and prosperity. This is greatly influenced by the Wheel of the Year and its autumn holiday - Mabon.

Favorable dates for registering a relationship in September 2017 will be the numbers from 1 to 7 and the period from 20 to 30. During these days creative energy will be the strongest, which means that achieving harmony in relationships these days can be achieved more easily.

Unfavorable dates for September wedding there will be numbers from 7 to 15. The lunar energy of these days will contribute to a decline in emotional and physical activity. Practitioners recommend using audio meditations at this time to achieve internal balance and harmony with yourself.

The period from the 15th to the 20th will be neutral: the influence of the Moon on human energy these days will be minimal.

October wedding ceremonies

A favorable period for a wedding in October will be the numbers from 16 to 30. During this period, practitioners also advise paying attention financial matters: the second half of October is good for changing the financial situation in better side. Define better ways to form family budget financial horoscope will help.
The unfavorable period in October is the numbers from 1 to 15. The first half of October is an energetic turning point both in nature and in people’s emotions and lives. Psychics and astrologers call this period of time inappropriate for choosing a fateful date.

Weddings in November

For November weddings, the most prosperous period in 2017 will be the numbers from 1 to 4. The waxing Moon will enter its highest point growth - full moon. An alliance concluded on this day may turn out to be strong and happy. Also, during the full moon, you need to have time to complete several important tasks: this will help set yourself up for a harmonious shift. lunar cycles and bring prosperity and happiness into your life.

Not suitable for marriage in November on the 5th and 10th. These days, the influence of the Moon on people's relationships can be negative. The rest of the month is neutral and suitable for marriages. To determine what awaits your Zodiac Signs in family life, you can take a special test.

Marriage registration in December

December is the end of the year, a month of waiting for a fairy tale and fundamental changes. This month is especially suitable for the beginning of family life for water and air Zodiac Signs. December 1st, 2nd and 3rd are especially favorable for the wedding ceremony and have a fun feast. The period from the 10th to the 31st will also be favorable.
The numbers from 5 to 10 are considered an unfavorable period for a wedding in December. On the remaining days of the month, lunar energy will not have much influence on our physical and emotional condition, therefore these numerical periods are considered energetically neutral.

A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of any person. The choice of your soulmate will be prompted by your heart and the compatibility test of the Zodiac Signs.

We wish you to love and be loved.

There are many signs and superstitions associated with the happiest day of your life. loving people. Most of them have extremely deep roots in history and culture, but there are also modern ones among them. There is no point in arguing with those signs that have been established for centuries - our ancestors were observant and wise.

Those superstitions and signs that originated in the Internet era should be treated with suspicion. For example, it is believed that a person born in leap year, will not find happiness and will not be as lucky as everyone else. It is absolutely clear that this is an absurd prejudice and there is no need to listen to it.

As for the fact that people pay attention to the lunar calendar when planning some important events, this is completely justified, since the influence of the Moon on people and their lives has been scientifically proven. Therefore, choosing favorable days for a wedding in 2017, you can and even need to turn to the lunar calendar and find out which days will be happy and promise success in family life.

2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster, which means this will be a year of complete control over all areas of life. We can say that a marriage concluded this year will be very distinguished by the special conservatism in the relationship of two loving people.

All family responsibilities, to which the marriage obliges, will be fully fulfilled by both the spouses themselves and their future children. The main thing in such a family, in addition to love itself, will be extraordinary order and one hundred percent mutual respect.

The wedding itself in 2017 should be quite strict, prim, with obligatory observance of all traditions and, most importantly, showing respect and special respect to the parents of the newlyweds.

Beautiful dates in 2017 for a wedding

The most favorable day for a wedding is Friday. The most beautiful and prosperous day for a wedding in 2017 can be called Friday 17 February 2017.

It is worth noting that others beautiful dates for weddings falling in 2017 are:

  • April 7, 2017 (Friday);
  • January 7, 2017 (Saturday);
  • July 7, 2017 (Friday);
  • October 7, 2017 (Saturday).

Happy days for a wedding in 2017

To make the marriage successful, full of love and happiness, you need to choose the right day for marriage, according to the lunar calendar. A long time ago it became known that the Moon has a huge impact on people, their lives, their destinies. The Moon can also change our family life in one direction or another.

To find comprehensive happiness in marriage, take a look at the following list of auspicious days for marriage in 2017.

  • IN January 2017 Moon renders positive influence on the following dates: Sunday January 1, Sunday January 8, Sunday January 29.
  • February 2017 also has several good days for a wedding. It is better to get married in the second month of the year on Friday, February 3, on Sunday, February 5, or on Friday, February 10.
  • Those wishing to get married in March In 2017, you need to pay attention to the following dates: Friday March 3, Friday March 10, Friday March 31.
  • IN April The truly favorable dates for 2017 are: Sunday April 2, Monday April 10, Friday April 28.
  • May 2017 includes such happy Days for weddings: Monday 1 May, Sunday 7 May, Monday 8 May.
  • IN June In 2017, it is better to have a wedding on the following dates: Sunday June 4, Friday June 9, Friday June 30.
  • For those who want to get married in July 2017, favorable dates are: Friday July 7, Friday July 28 and Sunday July 30.
  • August 2017 also includes several favorable dates for Wedding. For those wishing to get married in the last month of summer, you need to pay attention to the following days: Wednesday August 2, Friday August 25 and Sunday August 27.
  • IN September In 2017, it is best to have a wedding on the following days: Sunday, September 3, Monday, September 4, Friday, September 22.
  • October 2017 is incredibly good for a wedding. More specifically, better days considered: Sunday October 1, Monday October 2, Tuesday October 24.
  • IN November In 2017, future newlyweds should pay attention to the following dates: Friday November 3, Monday November 20, Friday November 24.
  • December 2017 can be truly happy for those who choose one of the next days: Friday 1 December, Friday 22 December and Sunday 24 December.

However, every person should know that choosing one of the favorable days based on the lunar calendar for a wedding is not at all a guarantee of fidelity and love. Without mutual respect, caring, sincere trust and other mandatory “attributes” of a happy married life, the heavenly body is unable to save the union of two people.

However, the above dates may well in one way or another encode the consciousness (more precisely, the subconscious) of a person to create a true family happiness and well-being in the future.

Before marriage, even skeptics sometimes become very superstitious. The lunar wedding calendar for 2017 will help you choose the most suitable day to get married. After all, it is very important that the newlyweds get engaged at a favorable time. Then the marriage will be happy, and family life will be calm and prosperous. How to calculate the most favorable days for a wedding, and which calendar to trust?

Today you can read many comments online about getting married in the Year of the Rooster. Many users are sure that since 2017 immediately follows a leap year, they should not get married at this time. There is an opinion that marriage next year will not bring happiness and good luck.

However, professional astrologers do not share this point of view at all. They say that this superstition is not confirmed in life. In their opinion, these rumors are simply not justified.

According to astrologers, coming year The rooster can be quite favorable for marriage. However, experts make a reservation that marriage will only be happy for those couples who take this step consciously and truly love each other.

Unfavorable will be marriages of convenience, marriages to please relatives and marriages of unprepared, impulsive teenagers.

What kind of lord of the year is he? According to the Chinese calendar, the Rooster is a representative of adherents of order, rigor, classics and elegance. The wedding this year should take place in a traditional classic style. However, if you consider that the Rooster loves flashy and unusual outfits

, you can experiment with the bride’s dress and the groom’s suit, the main thing here is not to overdo it.

The ceremonial part of the wedding must follow all the rules. It is not recommended to celebrate a wedding in non-traditional places in 2017. Everything should be official, solemn and in a classic style. It can also be noted that the Rooster, being a connoisseur family values

, will patronize couples who will work on their relationships.

According to the symbol of the year, happiness must be built from grains that must be collected throughout life. People who are impulsive, prone to quarrels and scandals, intolerant of each other and who do not compromise will not find their happiness in marriage in 2017.

Happy dates

Also among the favorable dates for a wedding in 2017 are:

  • 01. 2017 – 8,29.
  • 02. 2017 – 5,10.
  • 03. 2017 – 3,10,31.
  • 04. 2017 – 2,10,20,28.
  • 05. 2017 – 1,7,8.
  • 06. 2017 – 4,9,30.
  • 07. 2017 – 7,28,30.
  • 08. 2017 – 25,27.
  • 09. 2017 – 3,4,22.
  • 10. 2017 – 1,29.
  • 11. 2017 – 20,24.
  • 12. 2017 – 1,22,24,29,31.

According to astrologers, marriage, concluded on any Friday in 2017 will also bring good luck and prosperity to a young family.

You should not get married on the days of a lunar eclipse, which in 2017 fall on 11.02 and 7.08. A wedding these days does not promise a long and happy life for the newlyweds.

Wedding in 2017

Orthodox Christians must choose the wedding day not only according to the lunar calendar, but also coordinate it with church calendar. According to the rules of the Christian faith, rituals are not carried out on days of fasting and great holy days. church holidays, days of remembrance of saints and remembrance of the departed.

By Orthodox calendar You cannot get married from 14.08 to 27.08 (except 19.08), from 28.11 to 6.01, from 27.02 to 16.04 (except 7.04) and 4.06.

The most favorable time for a wedding in a church is from January 20 to March 7, May 8, and all days of autumn with the exception of fasting.

Having decided to get married in a church, young people need to remember that this is a very responsible step. After the ceremony you become husband and wife before God and way back you won't have it anymore.

The Christian faith does not welcome divorce, and you can annul a marriage only with the permission of the priest and only in special cases.

According to statistics, couples who have undergone a wedding ceremony in a church are much less likely to dissolve their marriage, because when going to the ceremony, each of them understands all the responsibility decision taken. Faith helps such families preserve their family and overcome the difficulties that arise with dignity. Remember that a wedding is possible only at the behest of the heart and soul. Walking down the aisle under the influence of fashion is simply stupid and pointless.

Folk signs

There are a great many folk signs associated with a wedding. Among them there are signs that describe future family life, depending on the month of marriage. So, for example, it was not recommended to get married in May. It was believed that the newlyweds would suffer all their lives. July promised the newlyweds a turbulent life with quarrels and reconciliations. A wedding in January, March or October foreshadowed a difficult and difficult life for the newlyweds. The April wedding promised the newlyweds a life with ups and downs, divorces and reconciliations.

Happy months to wedding celebrations According to popular signs, the months are June, September, August, December and February. It was believed that newlyweds who got married at this time would live in peace and prosperity.

Today we already know that these folk signs directly affected the lives of villagers. September and August gave people a harvest; in December and February there was little work. At this time weddings were held. And on the contrary, spring is a time of planting and hard work, and in October it was necessary to dig potatoes and harvest wheat, etc. For this reason, celebrate weddings on these " unfavorable months“, there just wasn’t time.

Of course, marriage is always an exciting and responsible moment for both newlyweds. And it’s not surprising that young people want everything to go well on this day, and future life was filled with happiness and love. However, do not forget that marriage is difficult. daily work. Only the ability to understand each other and meet your partner halfway will allow you to maintain happiness in your home and live with your chosen one until your very old age in joy and prosperity.
