Asahi Japanese facial massage Russian voice acting. Asahi massage - video (for the first time in Russian, full description)

One can only guess about the financial volume of the market for cosmetology services both in our country and around the world.

But it is clear that we are talking about sums with seven zeros. Every woman can stand for hours in front of counters with creams, peeling products, decorative cosmetics, and all with one goal - to stop time and leave the skin young and beautiful.

But it is not at all necessary to spend huge sums; Japanese facial massage is capable of replacing expensive drugs and procedures.

The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun have always been famous for their health and longevity. Doctors believe that they owe this to the peculiarities of the diet and the traditions of education, when children from an early age are instilled with love for proper routine day, practices to strengthen the body.

But those who have lived long enough in Japan and neighboring countries are sure that such exercises are closely related to working with human energy. They believe that a strong spirit is impossible without proper physical condition and vice versa. In accordance with ancient teachings, human energy "flows" through certain channels, the impact on which can relieve pain, inflammation, improve mood, and relieve chronic ailments.

It is on this effect that acupuncture is based, when, for example, pressing a point on the leg improves kidney function. But the ancient treatises are too complicated for most people who are not privy to the intricacies of Eastern teachings.

Therefore, cosmetologists have adapted it to the rhythm of modern life. This is how the Japanese facial massage was born, the technique of which was developed by Yukuko Tanaka. Almost simultaneously, other methods of influencing reflex points on the skin appeared. An example of such techniques are Shiatsu or Kobido massage.

But by and large they operate on the same principle. Pressing on certain areas tones the muscles, metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis, helps to remove toxins from the skin.

Yukuko Tanaka believes that regular Japanese facial massage will make you look at least 10 years younger. And this is confirmed not only by the reviews of experienced cosmetologists, but also by the words of women who perform the sequence of movements recommended by her on their own at home, especially since it is not difficult to learn this technique - just watch a few author's videos.

Lymphatic drainage massage according to the Asahi method

Another name for the procedure is the two-finger massage Zogan (or Tsogan). The main purpose of the sessions is a rejuvenating effect, elimination of wrinkles, sagging of the face oval, strengthening of the subcutaneous muscles. Cosmetologists believe that a session of such exposure can replace expensive lifting, mesotherapy and other professional hardware or chemical methods facebuilding.

Acupressure using Shiatsu technique

Unlike the technique proposed by Tanaka, this technique not limited to the nasolabial folds, forehead, corners of the mouth and other areas of the face. Its creator, Takiyuro Namikoshi, describes how the reflex effect on the skin of the whole body. In addition to the cosmetic effect, which manifests itself in the form of smoothing wrinkles, the disappearance of the second chin and improving complexion, acupressure can relieve various diseases.

Kobido massage

Unlike acupressure, this procedure includes rubbing, stroking the skin along the trajectory of the main energy meridians, which replaces pressure on active areas.

This Japanese facial massage can qualified specialist, whose services are not cheap, but it is quite possible to perform some movements at home. But the result is noticeable almost after the first session, and the course of procedures can replace plastic surgery.

After a thorough study of the methodology by which Japanese facial massage is performed, it is recommended to combine it with breathing exercises.

As for preparing for the upcoming session, it depends on more from skin type. The procedure promotes the elimination of toxins and stimulates the endocrine glands. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the unhindered exit of slags, otherwise the pores will clog again, which can lead to complications. That is why before doing a Japanese facial massage, it should be cleaned with special cosmetics (scrubs, peels) or a soft washcloth.

In addition, immediately before the session, it is necessary to apply nourishing milk or oil. In this way, excessive stretching of the skin, especially on the cheeks and cheekbones, can be prevented. The forums recommend self-cooked natural remedies, for example, water strained after infusion of whole oatmeal.

After the session, the foundation should be carefully removed.

Since Japanese facial massage is designed not only to work on skin problems, but also on energy flows, it is recommended to perform it mentally relaxing. One of mandatory conditions also is a flat back, so you should choose a comfortable chair, you should not even cross your legs. The procedure encourages nervous system, so it is desirable to conduct it in the morning.

Indications for doing Japanese facial massage are the following conditions:

  • age-related changes, including the formation of wrinkles, sagging skin under the jaw, etc.;
  • fuzzy contour of the oval of the face, including that caused by overweight;
  • the formation of a second chin;
  • acne and inflammatory rashes, while Special attention you need to pay attention to the so-called T-zone (the area between the eyebrows, the bridge of the nose and the wings of the nose);
  • swelling of the face, especially caused by insufficient blood circulation.

However, the procedure also has a number of contraindications. First of all, it is an acute infectious or viral rash on the face and rosacea, the consequences of injuries and surgical operations, a few weeks after mesotherapy. Also, Japanese facial massage is not recommended for colds ENT organs and pathologies of the lymphatic and hematopoietic systems. Specialists in the field of oriental medicine also warn that acupressure has a strong effect, so they should not get carried away at a temperature, especially if the cause of its occurrence is unclear.

Self-massage of the face according to the Shiatsu technique, preparation for Kobido and Asahi sessions

Point impact according to the Shiatsu method is carried out with the pads of the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands.

Active reflex zones are located on the following areas of the face:

Begin self-massage of the face according to the Shiatsu method from the forehead, gradually descending. The pressing time depends on the affected area. On the face, it is 5-7 seconds, on the neck - no longer than 3 seconds.

The pressure also fluctuates. In areas with a thin layer of fat and in sensitive areas, it is naturally less, and in problem areas (for example, the place where mimic wrinkles, cheekbones, where a tightening effect is needed, accumulations of sebaceous secretion) should be pressed more intensively.

Shiatsu massage may cause discomfort at the points of impact, but do not press until pain occurs.

The full effect of the Kobido procedure will be revealed after the work of a professional. But certain movements can be performed independently, especially since such gymnastics has a sculptural effect.

Cubido face self-massage is performed as follows:

  1. Second chin area. First, intensive patting movements are made with the back of the fingers along the entire length of the problem area. Then they are replaced by rubbing movements to the sides, while the lower jaw should be slightly pushed forward, and the skin on the cheekbones is captured with the index and middle fingers. Then they combine these movements and perform them alternately several times.
  2. Cheeks. The movements are similar to the previous exercise. They make a kind of inciting movement of the middle part of the cheek, then they are replaced by pinching, trying to capture the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Then the skin is kneaded from the chin to the earlobes with the middle and index fingers folded like scissors, while with the other hand it is necessary to press the skin in the middle of the chin. The same exercises are repeated for the upper part of the cheeks in the cheekbones.
  3. Lips. Fold the fingers of both hands like scissors and press the index fingers into the hole above upper lip, and the middle ones, respectively, below the bottom. Pressing the skin with force, spread your arms to the sides.
  4. Eyebrows and nose bridge. Pat the skin in the area with your middle fingers brow crease trying to lift it up. Then, with the index and middle fingers, draw along the eyebrows (the middle one goes along the eyelids, the index finger along the superciliary arches) towards the temple, as if trying to smooth them out.
  5. Forehead. Perform patting lifting movements on the skin of the forehead from one temple to another. Then there are intense tingling, which are replaced by smoothing with both hands from the center to the temples.

Each movement is repeated 6 times. The exception is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and the bridge of the nose, here the exercise is done up to 10 times. Self-massage of the face according to the Zogan (Asahi) technique is not combined with long nails, and even more so with rhinestones and other similar decorations in order not to injure the skin, you need a short, neat manicure.

In addition, you need to carefully watch the video from the creator of this technique, Yukuko Tanaka, since it is also available with Russian subtitles. If you wish, you can download the book of this author on the network.

If you decide to do Japanese self-massage of the face, you should not “jump” from one technique to another. The effect of the procedure will be noticeable after 5-6 sessions.

Before starting the procedure, Asahi recommends completely relaxing the muscles of the face. Suitable for this breathing exercises, aimed at the concentration of energy and temporary detachment from any problems. Zogan lymphatic drainage self-massage of the face is performed differently. Differences are associated with age, so the technique of the procedure takes into account the changes that occur in the cells of the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue, the work of sebaceous and sweat glands.

Asahi basic massage

Each exercise is repeated three times.

Asahi's classic self-massage of the face is complemented by other movements, the technique of which depends on age.

Asahi massage for women 40-50 years old

Exposure to the skin is carried out with fists, while thumb sits above the others. The main attention is paid to the sagging of the cheeks and the formation of a second chin. Each exercise is repeated three times.

  1. Put the knuckles index fingers into the recesses on the sides of the wings of the nose, the elbows are lowered down. Pressing on the skin, make a semicircle with your fists, bypassing the folds of the mouth and connect them in the middle of the chin.
  2. Place the fists on the sides of the chin, the elbows are directed to the sides, the skin of the face is pressed by the interphalangeal surface of the index fingers. Also intensively pressing the fists to the face, smooth out the cheekbones towards the earlobes.
  3. Press the skin on the chin with your fingers, then hold it to the corners of the mouth, then they are moved to the nasolabial fold and then along the cheekbones again to the chin. At each point, you need to linger and press on the skin for 3 seconds.
  4. Press the skin on the cheek with four fingers of one hand, and cover them with the fingers of the other from above. With an effort to hold your hands to your ear. Then, with the hand that was on top, perform a stroking movement down the neck to the collarbone, and with the other along the cheekbone to the middle of the chin.

Asahi massage for women 50-60 years old

On the this stage Self-massage of the face is done with an emphasis on the elimination of jowls and the formation of a beautiful outline of the cheekbones and chin. The movements are also repeated three times.

  1. Fold your fingers into fists and press your index fingers to the corners of your mouth, elbows pointing to the sides. Draw along the cheekbones and the lower part of the cheeks to the ears, straighten the fingers and stroking the neck down to the collarbone.
  2. Putting the fingers of one hand on the other, perform stroking movements from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth.
  3. In the same way as in the previous exercise, put your hands together and press down on the skin in the temple area. With pressure, lower the fingers to the ear, then draw the fingers of the upper hand down the side of the neck, and the fingers of the other hand along the cheekbone to the middle of the chin.
  4. With straight fingers, lift the skin on the cheeks and in this position draw them to the ears and down the neck to the collarbones.

Asahi massage for women over 60

  1. With the fingers of an open palm, press the second chin and with an effort draw them towards the ear, turn the hand there and perform a stroking movement of the side and back of the neck.
  2. With a pre-heated towel, make a small compress on the skin under the chin. Then press this area with your fingers and hold them also to the ear. But unlike the previous exercise, the arm moves forward.
  3. Grab your chin with your hand and slowly lower it to the jugular cavity.

As a rule, the duration of the course of sessions is 10-15 procedures. Regarding the frequency of the conduction, the opinions of cosmetologists differ. Some people think that 3 times a week is enough, others insist on doing it daily. It's best to listen to own feelings and look at the condition of the skin.

Zogan massage: features of the procedure

Asahi massage for the face is referred to as an intensive method of influencing not only the skin, but also the entire body as a whole. The speed of blood and lymph flow increases, various toxins are removed, previously clogged pores open, and the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands is activated. Therefore, in some cases, the rejuvenation procedure is not without certain problems. So, sometimes there are:

A variety of exercise techniques, diets, and even more so massage, which came to us from the country rising sun are always popular. The Zogan massage was also no exception. According to the reviews of women, facial muscles are noticeably tightened, the second chin, mimic and age wrinkles disappear. The skin really looks 10 years younger, as Yukuko Tanaka, the creator of this technique, says.

Japanese massage Asahi's face.

Video in Russian.

Let's learn another facial massage. Its Japanese inventor claims to be over 60 years old. Draw your own conclusions....

The effect of Japanese massage

Asahi ( Zogan)

(lymphatic drainage massage).

  • Non-surgical facelift (minus 10 years). It's practically Plastic surgery for skin tightening.
  • Puffiness, bags under the eyes go away. But in the event that you do not have health problems (kidneys, heart)
  • Double chin magically disappear.
  • The edema from the face goes away, the cheeks lose weight.
  • the nose grows thinner, and acquires an aristocratic subtlety.
  • nasolabial folds will smooth out
  • the corners of the lips rise.
  • pores shrink
  • forehead wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • The oval of the face is tightened.

How to perform Asahi massage correctly?

At least 30 consecutive days, every day. Japanese women do this massage every day. But if you have achieved results, then perform maintenance procedures 2-3 times a week. On cleansed skin. Some people are more suitable to do in the morning, some in the evening, you can’t do it on dry face!. You can stretch the skin.

You need to press so that you feel an effort, but painless.

What to use?

Argan oil (by the way, real natural oil can only be found in Morocco, the tree from which this oil is prepared grows only there), or oil from grape seeds, natural fat cream, moisturizing milk.

Another recipe, you can even say an elixir (for external use only)

 1 tablespoon of ground oats (you can take both cereals and grains)
 1 tablespoon grape (or peach) oil,
 1 teaspoon of sugar
 ½ teaspoon apple cider vinegar.
 And one more element - the nail of the elixir: oil tea tree – 10
As a container, it is better to take a glass or ceramic cup.
Sprinkle the oats first
and pour into it hot water
Stir - you will get a liquid slurry.
Then the oats should be allowed to swell, but in order not to wait, you can put
a bowl in the SV-oven for 2-3 seconds - so that the gruel becomes viscous.
Add the rest of the ingredients to the slurry while stirring.

At the end of the massage, put a hot towel on your face (you can use a decoction of herbs). Or warm - if there is rosacea. Of course, it's better to massage every day, it's like brushing your teeth. Keep in mind that hair may get dirty during the massage. Therefore, it is best to massage before taking a shower.

The massage course at the cosmetologist - 20 thousand. You do it yourself - FREE!

If you have already heard about the amazing results of rejuvenation, improving the condition of the skin of the face after using various face-building methods, massage techniques, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with the really effective method, which will help not only to noticeably get rid of wrinkles even after 50 years, but also look 10 years younger in appearance! it japanese facial massage, which is desirable to perform in the technique of zogan (asahi), in order to achieve the maximum lifting effect already in 1-2 courses. Of course, massage is one of the key ways to improve appearance, but it is important to properly organize comprehensive facial skin care at home, regularly using cosmetic creams and nourishing anti-wrinkle masks, moisturizing gels, essential and vegetable oils, serums (after 45-50 years ) .

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So, why exactly the Japanese zogan (asahi) facial massage will help you look 10 years younger if you carefully study the technique and perform the procedures correctly at home? The fact is that the Zogan (Asahi) massage intensively affects not only the upper layers of the skin, but also the entire muscular frame of the face. Moreover, during the procedure, not only numerous facial muscles are actively involved (because of which we observe the appearance of the first wrinkles on the face, " crow's feet"), but also deeper motor facial muscles. Actively stimulated even bone and therefore massage is often called osteopathic.

Zogan (asahi) effectively eliminates congestion, significantly accelerating the outflow of lymphatic fluid and venous blood, and the accumulated intercellular fluid "resolves" after just a few procedures. As a result, blood circulation improves, toxins and slags are removed 5-10 times faster! In the morning, noticeable swelling under the eyes will no longer upset you, dark circles around the eyes will disappear, there will be no trace of wen and milia due to the lymphatic drainage properties of Japanese massage. AT adulthood even the bags in the periorbital region noticeably decrease in size after a few courses. Thanks to this technique (combined with proper skin care), many oriental women after 50 years look like 30-year-olds!


During the procedure, the trophism of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue is activated, oxygenation (oxygen saturation) of the deep layers occurs skin. It improves blood circulation and accelerates the restoration of collagen and elastic tissues, which contributes to the normalization of the visco-elastic properties of the subcutaneous structures of the face in adulthood.

The result is a natural skin rejuvenation process. The oval of the face is tightened, the contours become more clear and drawn without a second chin. The skin becomes more elastic due to the strengthening of the structure facial muscles the effect of saggy skin is eliminated.

Due to the outflow of excess fluid and improved blood circulation up to the network of the smallest capillaries, chronic puffiness under the eyes disappears, no more dark circles in the periorbital region.

Thanks to the Japanese Zogan (Asahi) massage, the complexion improves, and wrinkles are gradually smoothed out, which allows you to look 10 years younger!


Japanese facial massage is shown not only in adulthood to improve the appearance and get rid of wrinkles. Women after 30-35 years old who have found the first signs of age-related changes, it will also be useful to adopt this rejuvenation method in order to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible. However, there are a number of contraindications in which facial massage will have to be abandoned:

- large birthmarks on the face;

Signs of herpes on the face;


Active inflammatory processes;


Fresh wounds or scars.


▪ Before the procedure at home, thoroughly cleanse the skin of makeup and accumulated dirt with a cleansing lotion (or milk) on a cotton pad. If there are no contraindications, it is useful to do a superficial peeling with a coffee or oatmeal scrub (if the skin is problematic, you can use a gentle gommage) and then apply a moisturizing tonic;

▪ during the massage, the palms and fingertips should easily slide over the surface of the skin of the face. Can be used as a massage base fat cream, but it is best to choose an oil suitable for your skin type (grape seed, olive, avocado, linseed, jojoba). From time to time it is useful to use a massage base with active nutrients and anti-aging properties (milk from seaweed kelp or oatmeal, cosmetic cream, decoction of flax seeds With essential oils);

▪ According to the rules, Japanese massage can be performed both in a vertical position (it is important to keep your posture) and in a horizontal position. In the Zogan (Asahi) technique, stroking movements are performed from the periphery to the center of the lymphatic ducts, while you should not press hard on the lymph nodes (before the procedure, it is useful to carefully examine the picture with the location of the lymphatic ducts and nodes on the face);

▪ during the massage, slags and toxins are actively released through the pores, so be sure to clean the skin of the face after the procedure cotton pad with your cosmetic;

▪ Of course, a Japanese facial massage performed by a professional with experience is much preferable to a homemade, do-it-yourself massage. Usually a session lasts 30-40 minutes and once a week is enough (one course: 8-14 procedures, depending on age and skin condition). At home, perform the procedure for 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a week.


- on the picture: appearance before the course (14 procedures) of facial massage using the Zogan (Asahi) technique and after


In the arsenal of a professional, as a rule, there are 30-40 exercises for facial massage with lymphatic drainage and osteopathic effects. Below are 10 basic exercises to perform at home. Exercises are performed with both hands. Below you will find video tutorials that clearly demonstrate the zogan (asahi) technique performed by Yukuko Tanaka.

So, evenly apply the massage base on the face and proceed:

❶ We smooth wrinkles on the forehead.
With effort we press the pads of the index and middle fingers to the middle of the forehead and move to the temples. From the temples we go to the points under the earlobes. Total: 4-5 times;

❷ We remove the second chin, smooth out the nasolabial folds.
With the pads of the middle fingers, we press the central part of the chin and evenly stretch the skin towards the nasolabial fold in the nose area. We press on the nasolabial folds, hold the fingers for 3-4 seconds and return to the starting position. Total: 4 times;

❸ Get rid of puffiness and circles around the eyes.
With the middle finger, we stretch the skin from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones, and then with a little more pressure we move from the inner corners of the eyes to the temples along the lower eyelid. Total: 5-6 times;

❹ We remove the wrinkles in the nose area.
Press with your middle and index fingers on the wings of the nose and move in the nose area, as if drawing an infinity sign. We stop on the wings of the nose and stretch the skin towards the ears. Total: 6-8 times;

❺ We smooth out the wrinkles in the corners of the mouth.
We press the skin strongly enough over the upper lip, move around the mouth, then move towards the upper jaw and then to the lower eyelids, press and hold our fingers there for several seconds. After that, we move to the ears, slightly reduce the pressure on the skin. Total: 3-4 times;

❻ We strengthen the muscles and skin in the cheek area, eliminate the fleas.
Press the chin with one hand. With the middle and index fingers of the second hand, we press on the point between the upper and lower jaws, and then we move diagonally up to the eyes, from there, also diagonally down. Change the position of the hands and repeat the massage on the other side of the face. Total: 4 times on each side;

❼ Face lifting.
We rest on the fingertips with our chin, press with force with our palms and lift the skin up, just above the temples, slightly touching the ears with our palms. Total: 5-6 times;

❽ We tighten the oval of the face, remove the double chin.
We put our chin in the palm of our hands and, pressing hard, lift the skin towards the ears. Total: 8 times;

❾ We strengthen the muscles of the face in the chin area.
Fold your palms in front of your face, spread your elbows to the sides. Press your nose with your fingers and rest your chin on your thumbs. Now you need to massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chin in a circular motion for several minutes;

❿ We smooth wrinkles on the forehead. With the middle and index fingers of each hand, massage the forehead from the center to the temples. Total: 6-8 times.


Adherents claim that Asahi massage is extremely effective technique :

* face straightens right before our eyes,

* the skin looks younger for 7 years,

* The structure of the connective tissue is noticeably improved.

From the above advantages, it can be seen that this is a multifunctional massage, since it affects

* skull bones, returning them correct position;

* connective tissue and deep muscles of the face, awakening them (no more weak and flaccid muscles);

* skin, smoothing wrinkles;

* plus for the most important energy channels(because it energy practice), opening and cleaning them, which revitalizes the whole organism.

Since massage affects the bones of the skull, it is clear that it cannot be a simple stroke. After all, if you want to put the bones in place, then you need a deep and thorough study.

By the way, if you decide to correct your face, namely, to straighten the bones of the skull, then you don’t have to go far, in the sense of Japan. It is enough to look into the past, because our ancestors, the Slavs, were also engaged in straightening bones and called this action “editing”.

With the help of Asahi massage, we also train both the superficial and deep muscles of the face, giving them a vital load. Naturally, this increases their tone, which means it gives a tightening effect, plus blood circulation improves.

However no need to overdo it- You shouldn't feel pain! Asahi self-massage should be performed delicately, carefully. In the area of ​​the lymph nodes - quite slowly, and on the rest of the face - vigorously.

Asahi massage is lymphatic drainage, so before starting it is necessary to clean the ducts through which the lymph will go. That is to you mandatory requirement will be a thorough cleansing of the skin of the face!

As elsewhere, Japanese massage also has its own contraindications. This is a general malaise, diseases of the lymphatic system, any problems and diseases of the head in general and the face in particular.

Massage is done on foam, gel or massage oil. Although in the original it is performed on a specially designed composition (cosmetic cream with cotton). But, again, you can involve our relatives folk remedies- oat milk, for example. Soak 2 tablespoons of oatmeal in milk for a short time. Then squeeze the milk into a cup (you can use kapron stocking). And this oat milk is already applied to the face.

body position during massage:

* Japanese - standing or sitting with a perfectly even posture throughout the ritual;

* European - lying down (it is noticed that the smoothing effect is better, since the muscles relax much more).

As already mentioned, this is a massage-lymphatic drainage. That's why in no case don't go for it until study the diagram of the lymph nodes on the face and neck, so as not to harm yourself.

Rigid Rule Japanese Asahi massage: massage the lymphatic system carefully and carefully, adjusting the force of pressure along the lymph flow, but without pressing on the lymph nodes themselves.

I note that the result will be only if you are doing a massage daily and right. It will take approximately 7-10 minutes.

So, if you are not ready to take care of yourself every day, having previously studied all the subtleties of the Asahi massage itself and, most importantly, the structure of the lymphatic system. Don't waste your time - this technique is not for you. Well, or go to a professional massage therapist. Just make sure you are professional first. After all, the most important thing in health is DO NOT HARM!

And if you are not afraid of difficulties, then feel free to master, apply and get your stunning results.

Asahi massage movements are carried out from the center of the face to the lymph nodes.

Scheme of the lipatic system of the face

The result will be only if you massage daily and correctly.
This massage will take you 7-10 minutes a day.

Before starting a massage the skin of the face must be cleaned and a cream (or oil mixture) applied.

CONTRAINDICATIONS for massage are: diseases of the lymphatic system, ENT diseases (especially inflamed tonsils), diseases of the skin of the face. It is also not recommended to massage if you feel sick (even during a common cold).

Exercise 1. Strengthening the forehead

Firmly press your index, middle and ring fingers both palms flat to the center of the forehead. Count to 3 and with a little pressure draw them to the temples. Turn your palms 90 degrees down and, reducing the force of impact, move them along the sides of the face to the ears, then, from the ears - do the finishing move to the pits on the collarbones, driving away the lymph from the face.

Exercise 2. Strengthening the eye area. Prevention of puffiness around the eyes

BUT. Raise your hands to your face, spreading your elbows to the sides parallel to the floor. Place the pads of the middle fingers at the outer corners of the eyes and easily, without pressure, bring them to the inner corners of the eyes, bypassing the corners themselves (both inner and outer - the Japanese call them the "head" and "tail" of the eyes). Stop at the so-called points of beauty. From them, with sufficient pressure, “describe” the hemisphere along top edge orbital bone to the outer corners of the eyes (which again go around) and stop for 3 seconds at the temples. Then, again lightly touching the skin, “draw” a circle under the lower eyelid again to the inner corners of the eyes, points of beauty.

B. From them, again with some effort, move along the infraorbital bone in the opposite direction, to the outer corner of the orbital cavity. Hold near the outer corner of the eye for 3 seconds, pressing lightly on the points under the index and middle fingers.

Then continue the movement of the hands to the temples. Having fixed the points at the temples for 3 seconds, without pressing, walk the route to the lymph point at the tragus of the ear, from there follow final reception, described above.

Exercise 3. Strengthening the mouth and chin area and lifting the corners of the lips

Place the middle and ring fingers of each hand in the hole in the center of the chin. Hold the point with your fingers for 3 seconds, pressing on it with some effort. Then, while maintaining pressure, wrap your fingers around the corners of the lips on both sides and connect your fingers at a central point above the upper lip. Again squeeze these points with your fingers, trying to lift the nasal septum with your ring fingers. Hold pressure on these points for 3 seconds.

Lift your fingers sharply from the hole above the upper lip, and without performing the final reception, again transfer them to the hole in the center of the chin.

Exercise 4. Strengthening muscles and eliminating nasolabial folds.

Immediately after the end of exercise 3, smoothly move your fingers into the upper depressions at the wings of the nose and make 5 pressing movements up and down, as if you were drawing small figure eights on both sides directly around the wings of the nose. Then, releasing pressure, but without removing your fingers from the skin, smoothly move your middle and ring fingers to upper part bridge of the nose and do 2-3 stretching movements from the central axis of the nose to the naso-buccal fold and back (from the eyes to the cheeks with effort, back to the nose - loosening the pressure).

After completing the exercise, with pressure spread your hands to the tragus of the ears and perform the final move.

Exercise 5. Osteopathic exercise for the cheeks. Elevation of the corners of the mouth, upper jaw and zygomatic bone

Press the middle three fingers of the hands to the hole in the center of the chin, as in exercise 3. Pressing hard enough on the skin, muscles and bones, go around the corners of the mouth on both sides, and “stick” your fingers into the bone of the upper jaw near the nostrils, which should be felt as if "implanted" on the fingertips.

squeezing up feeling light pain and lifting the jaw up, "reach" with your fingers to the cheek bone, then, without stopping, move your fingers further, to the very eyes. Hold for 3 seconds near the eyes, continuing to press on the skin. Then, spread your fingers to the temples, from there, reducing the pressure and reaching the tragus of the ears, perform the final move.

Exercise 6. Strengthening the lower part of the face and lifting the cheeks (zigzag)

The exercise is performed separately for each side of the face.

Fix one side of the face to increase resistance, resting the center of the palm on the bone of the lower jaw. On the other side of the face with an effort, as it were, dive with three fingers from the beginning masseter muscle(picture on the right), and with very strong pressure, move your fingers along the chewing muscle, towards the eyes. Continuing strong pressure, linger at the eyes for 3 seconds, then, releasing the pressure, move your fingers to the tragus of the ears and perform the final move.

Exercise 7. Strengthening the middle part of the face. Elimination of nasolabial folds

This exercise must be performed after the previous one, in that sequence.

Spread your elbows out to the sides and place your fingers horizontally on your cheeks so that they “capture” the cheekbone. You can perform the exercise, as in the picture on the left, folding your hands into a fist and working with the outside of your index fingers. Strongly squeezing the nostrils, forcefully move the fingers to the sides, to the tragus of the ears, and perform the final move.

Exercise 8. Osteopathic exercise. face lifting

The position from which we will start this exercise is slightly different from the picture on the left. Join your hands in front of you at chest level so that your forearms and palms are connected, palms vertical, fingertips pointing up. Then spread your palms with the pads up, almost at an angle of 90 degrees, like the wings of a bird. Place your palms under your chin, press down on your chin, which must overcome resistance, for 3 seconds. Then, with an effort, raise all the same spaced palms up the face. The thumbs pass along the shell of the ears. The next step is the zygomatic bones, which should “lie down” in your palms, continuing to press hard on your face. As if springing your cheeks with your palms, as if you are "throwing" your cheeks up.

From the cheekbones with pressure on the bases of the palms, spread your arms to the temples along the path shown in the figure. Then lower your hands to the tragus of your ears and perform the final move.

Exercise 9. Correction of the oval of the face. Straightening the right angle between the neck and chin

Place the base of the palm of one hand under the chin, fingers towards the ear. It is important to capture not only the jawbone, but also the muscles located directly under the chin. With noticeable pressure, raise your palm to the tragus of the ear, from which perform the final move. Do the same action with the other hand on the other side of the face.

Exercise 10. Elimination of the second chin

Fold your palms in front of your face in a "prayer" position, move your thumbs to the side of the neck at an angle of 90 degrees from the rest of the fingers. Then spread your palms “diamond-shaped”, Place your index fingers to your face so that your chin “lies” in the angle formed. “Hide” your nose between your palms. “Push” your thumbs into the neck under the chin. In the upper zone of the face, focus on the index finger.

stacked like this thumbs massage and knead the area directly under the center of the chin by “stomping” there with your thumbs. Do not "slide" out of this area with your thumbs. After that, forcefully move the rest of the fingers in the upper part of the face to the temples, index fingers with effort walking along the infraorbital region. Then perform the final move.

Exercise 11. Zigzag forehead smoothing

Spread your elbows out to the sides, parallel to the floor. With the fingers of one hand, gently smooth the forehead from right to left from one temple to the other in zigzag movements, without trying to move the skin, then perform the same movements in the opposite direction. After that, smooth your forehead with both hands, making horizontal pressing smoothing movements, as in the first exercise, and then perform the final move.

Zogan facial massage is considered one of the most popular and efficient technician rejuvenating massage. Many women on their personal experience convinced of the effectiveness of this technique. The systematic implementation of special massage techniques will allow in a short period of time to improve the oval of the face, smooth out small wrinkles, eliminate swelling under the eyes, the second chin, as well as nasolabial folds.

Founder Japanese technology Zogan's rejuvenating massage is stylist and beautician Yukuko Tanaka. She brought together her research and improvements in this area and in 2007 her book “Facial Massage” was published.

What is the secret of the Japanese rejuvenating Zogan massage?

Essentially, technology is lymphatic drainage massage, which improves blood circulation in tissues, improves lymph flow, thereby removing accumulated toxins in skin cells. The massage therapist simultaneously affects the muscles, lymphatic system and connective tissue. Uniqueness this method First of all, it consists in influencing the deep tissues of the face. Usually, classic massage face consists of applying oil to the skin with soft stroking movements along the massage lines.

The masseur of the Zogan technique involves the underlying tissues and even the bones of the skull. It should be noted that the techniques are performed not with the fingertips, but with the whole palm. The next positive aspect of the rejuvenating Japanese massage is considered to be its detoxifying effect on the skin of the face. The hands of the master move along the lymphatic vessels, which allows you to increase the lymph flow of the face and neck, removing accumulated toxins in this area. During the procedure, facial muscles are well worked out, strengthened and toned. Thanks to this, the oval of the face acquires a tightened clear contour, pronounced wrinkles are smoothed out, improving its appearance.

The main benefits of Zogan massage:

  • The circulation of the lymph of the facial zone is enhanced.
  • The contour of the face is noticeably tightened, its color improves.
  • Small wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Edema is reduced.
  • The second chin disappears.

Like others cosmetic procedures, rejuvenating massage has certain rules implementation, without which the effectiveness will not be so visible.

Basic rules for massage:

  • The procedure is carried out only on a previously cleansed face. Hands should also be cleaned. At the end of the procedure, clean your face from the remnants of the sliding base.
  • Massage should be carried out only on a sliding basis. As a basis, you can take almond, olive, linseed oil, make-up remover milk. In massage parlors, masters prepare special massage mixtures. The palms should glide well over the skin.
  • The basic rule of massage is that hand movements should be directed from the periphery to the center, moving along the lymphatic passages.
  • The procedure is performed sitting with a straight back or standing.
  • Receptions should be smooth, without sudden movements, evenly slide along the intended trajectory. You can not put pressure on the lymph nodes. Hand movements should be practically uninterrupted.

Contraindications for implementation:

  • Diseases of the lymphatic system in a patient.
  • Angina, pharyngitis and other ENT diseases.
  • Rash, pustules on the face, diseases of the skin of the face.
  • painful bad feeling, SARS, runny nose.
  • Couperose.
  • Tired state, increased fatigue.

Zogan massage technique by Yukuko Tanaka

First of all, let's clarify that all massage exercises should be completed with the so-called "final reception". The reception is performed in this way: we place our fingers in the region of the parotid lymph node (the point is located slightly below the temple), we begin to move along the ear along the jaw joint, moving down the neck, almost to the collarbone.

The pressure of this exercise should not be strong. The essence of the reception is the withdrawal of lymph to the region of the lymph node located near the collarbones.

  • Forehead area (wrinkle smoothing): we start the massage with the study of the forehead area. We use both hands, put our fingers on the forehead so that they practically touch each other. With moderate pressure, we begin to move towards the temples. Having reached the temples, we smoothly move on to the “final reception” (forehead-temples-neck-collarbone). Repeat all the way 3 times.
  • Eye area (elimination of edema): fingers are placed in the area of ​​the outer edge of the eyes. With a light, barely perceptible pressure, we move along the lower eyelid to the inner corners of the eyes. At this point, we hold our fingers with pressing for 2-3 seconds, and then we continue to move with a slightly strong pressure along the upper edge of the eyelid, under the eyebrows and stop in the temple area, holding our fingers for 2 seconds. We do the reception 3 times.
  • The zone of the mouth and chin (raising the corners of the lips): the fingers of both hands (middle, ring) are placed in the center of the chin, the dimple area. Hold your fingers with pressure for 3 seconds and begin to move around the mouth to the center above the upper lip. Hold the fingers for 3 seconds with pressure, then remove the fingers from the face. We start the exercise again from the center of the chin. We perform 3 times.
  • Cheek zone (smoothing nasolabial folds, cheeks): we place the fingers of both hands near the wings of the nose, in the so-called "dog's hole". We make 5 translational movements up and down, outlining the wings of the nose. We move the fingers to the bridge of the nose, perform rubbing movements from the top of the bridge of the nose to the nasolabial fold.
  • Zone of the mouth, chin, cheeks, cheekbones: fingers are placed in the center of the chin, in the dimple. With a little effort, we begin the movement from the chin, around the mouth, to the inner corner of the eyes. From the eyes to the temples, and then perform the final movement.
  • Cheek zone (raising the lower part of the face): each part of the face is worked out separately. We place the fingers in the center of the lower jaw bone. With effort, we begin to draw a line, sliding over the skin: the center of the lower jaw bone is the inner corner of the eye, we linger for 3 seconds and continue moving to the ear tragus and finish with the final technique. Similarly, we work out the second part of the face.
  • Cheek zone (face lifting): we place our hands with palms up. With effort we put our palms to the corners of the mouth and “put” our cheeks into our palms. We fix the position for 3 seconds and press them to the temples. Next, we perform the final movement.
  • Chin zone (lip formation): we place our fingers in the center of the chin, tilt our head forward a little and “draw a smile”, moving towards the tragus. The exercise should be performed 3 times.
  • We smooth the second chin: we work on each side separately. We place the base of the palm under the chin, fingers to the ear. It is important to work out not only the jawbone, but also the muscles under the chin. With moderate pressure, we draw from the center to the tragus of the ear, and then we perform the final movement. We perform 3 times.
  • Forehead zone (smoothing wrinkles): we place the fingers of one hand on the left side of the forehead, with zigzag movements we begin to gently smooth the forehead, moving to the right. Then zigzag to the left. We work on the forehead area 3 times.

Such a massage complex can be included in your morning wash diet, which will take no more than 15 minutes. Regular performance of Japanese massage for 1-2 months will noticeably improve the contour of your face, refresh it, having a lifting effect.

Zogan massage video
