Good shampoos without sulfates, parabens and silicones. How to restore hair

Now it is very difficult to find cosmetics that do not harm our hair and skin. Increasingly, women began to study in more detail the composition of the necessary product and avoid such a component as demethicone, which means that there is silicone in the composition. Why is it bad for hair? Today we will talk about all its advantages and disadvantages, and also display a list of shampoos without it.

What does "silicone-free shampoo" mean?

Shampoos without chemicals are very difficult to find, they can only be obtained on order or created on your own. But still, shampoos without silicone and parabens are found on store shelves, a list of those will be presented below. This is a big breakthrough in cosmetology, and now it is possible to cause minimal damage to the hair even when washing your hair. So, probably everyone knows about parabens and sulfates. What is silicone and why is it added to shampoos?

The first thing I want to note is that silicone is not a piece of rubber, but a substance that allows you to give the product a greater density. How is it useful and harmful for hair?

  1. Added to shampoo to thicken.
  2. To add volume.
  3. For shine.
  4. For thermal protection during styling.
  5. Seals split ends and damaged hair along the entire length.

You ask: "And this is bad?" No, it's just great, but you can't use this shampoo all the time. Silicone creates a film on the hair, tightly "sits down" between the scales, and the curls are simply deprived of oxygen. As a result, you get dry, lifeless, faded hair, from which precious hair will begin to fall out.

So, silicone-free shampoos are a free breath of hair, their health and strength.

"Chemical" shampoos

Chemical ingredients added to detergents, adversely affect the scalp and lipid barrier hair is broken. Because of this, the curls look unattractive, the hair begins to fall out, split, break, the hair becomes dull and dry.

Sulfates and parabens, among other things, have a detrimental effect not only on the hair. They tend to accumulate under the skin, and then penetrate into the blood, which entails serious problems with health.

Women in the comments claim that it washes their hair and scalp perfectly, smells of herbs, but not harshly. All consumers are pleased with the democratic price of the product, it averages 100-150 rubles.


Logona's silicone-free shampoos are made in Germany and have become popular with the fair sex around the world.

The brand offers everything necessary funds for hair care, and all of them are therapeutic and prophylactic. If you decide to try this shampoo for yourself, then pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations. There are products to eliminate excessive oily or dry hair, to combat dandruff, to restore damaged and brittle curls. All compositions differ, but one thing unites: the absence of sulfates, parabens and silicone.

Modern hair care products are not always harmless to the hair, therefore, in recent times women increasingly prefer shampoos without silicone, sulfates and parabens.

These products, unlike those sold in every store, cause minimal damage to the hair, while also taking good care of the hair.

Artificial "chemical" components break the lipid barrier of the hair and skin heads, because of which the curls become dull, dry and brittle, the ends are split, the hair in general looks unattractive.

Parabens and sulfates act not only on the hair, but also accumulate in the skin and gradually penetrate the body, sometimes causing serious health problems.

Ammonium lauryl sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate are the most toxic and at the same time the most common surfactants that are used in many detergents.

In turn, sodium laureth sulfate is no longer such a harmful substance, and its small concentration will not cause serious disorders.

Products with sulfates usually wash hair quickly and efficiently, lather well and are not at all expensive.

However, after prolonged use of such products, the skin becomes dry, itchy, and general state hair deteriorates.

Therefore, women are increasingly choosing organic products for their curls that do not contain preservatives and surfactants, and those chemicals that are present in the product cause minimal harm.

Vitamin complexes, plant extracts and natural oils protect curls, nourish and moisturize them.

In addition, organic products do not cause allergies and other unpleasant reactions, and are suitable for even color-treated hair.

After using such products, the hair becomes shiny, silky, strong, does not split or break.

If you have chosen a shampoo without silicone, sulfates, parabens, then you should know that your head will not immediately adjust to a new product.

The first results may appear only after a month or even later. After the first procedures, the hair may even fade at first, but after a while it will shine with renewed vigor.

Natural hair washing products usually have a mild aroma and color, as they do not include various synthetic fragrances and dyes.

The foam of such products is not very plentiful, since they do not include any sulfates and parabens.

Packaging with natural remedies are usually marked with various icons that confirm them natural origin, as well as the absence of harmful chemical components.

The basis of such products is a mild detergent base, which includes safe ingredients - betaines, mono- and diglycerides. fatty acids, and instead of preservatives - sorbic or citric acid.

The most common natural shampoos

Available for sale great amount free of sulfates, parabens and silicones. We offer you a list of the most common ones that have received good feedback at users.


The composition of MULSAN cosmetic hair products has practically no analogues. Shampoos of this company do not contain SLS, SLES, parabens, silicones and dyes.

The minimum expiration date indicates completely natural composition, and the natural extracts included in shampoos and balms will perfectly take care not only of your hair, but also of the scalp.

The consistency of the shampoo is very soft, you can feel the difference from others. organic shampoos. All Mulsan Cosmetic products have the maximum safe composition There are also products for children. You can buy such cosmetics only in official online store

This shampoo is made in Russia and is not at all expensive compared to other natural remedies.

He basically got positive reviews from Russian women. According to the manufacturer, the product is enriched with essential oils, enzymes, vitamins, which have a very beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

The structure of the hair is restored even with the most severe damage. As a result, the hair becomes elastic, silky, shiny and strong.

Made on the basis of melt water, which refreshes the hair. The shampoo does not contain fragrances, sulfates and parabens, while it is infused with Siberian herbs.

The shampoo restores the health of the hair, its shine and strength, gives the curls elasticity and softness, due to its natural origin.

The composition also includes non-aggressive mild surfactants that do not cause side effects. Shampoo perfectly washes hair, is able to wash off even oily compounds from curls.

It should be borne in mind that the shampoo does not foam very well due to the low content of sulfates and parabens. The cost of funds is very democratic and accessible to everyone.

Another Russian shampoo that can be purchased at many stores. The bottle says organic, free of silicones, parabens, sulfates and mineral oils.

The product is based on extracts of such plants as cedar elfin, nettle, yarrow, milk thistle, oak bark, Siberian fir, mountain ash, elecampane, chamomile, sea ​​buckthorn oil that grow in the ecological zones of Siberia and the Far East.

According to the manufacturer, the product contains a minimum amount of synthetic substances.

Shampoo gently cares for the scalp, fills the curls with health and strength.

The consistency of the product is very pleasant, has a delicate aroma. According to multiple reviews, it washes the curls well, but at the same time slightly dries the skin.

Therefore, regular use of the remedy will eventually allow you to move away from daily wash hair, as the reviews of those who have tried it on their strands say.

Trademark LOGONA

german trademark, which does not use ingredients such as sulfates and parabens. These shampoos have received good reviews from women all over the world.

The manufacturer offers the entire line of hair care products that are considered therapeutic and prophylactic.

When choosing a product, consider your hair type and the problems that your hair has - increased fat content, dandruff, dryness, brittleness and more.

Indian remedy Himalaya

This is a tool from India, whose manufacturers claim that the composition includes natural substances, such as aloe, lotus, hibiscus, embalia, excluding sulfates and parabens.

This shampoo is rich in proteins, thanks to which the curls acquire shine, strength, health, softness, smoothness.

Paraben and sulfate-free shampoos, the list and varieties of which allow you to change the look at hair care products, have become an alternative to shampoos with chemicals. What harm do surfactants and SLS do to health?

“You can’t buy health” - everyone knows this saying. But, sometimes, they thoughtlessly indiscriminately buy products, cosmetics and detergents, paying attention only to the flashy brand name. Ignoring the study of the composition of the content colorful packaging, irresponsible consumers doom themselves and their loved ones to undermine their health.

Are Sulfates and Parabens Time Bombs?

Paraben is a cosmetic ester that acts as a preservative. It prevents the formation of microorganisms inside the shampoo and thereby extends its shelf life.

What is the danger of parabens? Possessing an estrogenic effect, they can concentrate in the tissues of the mammary gland and provoke the development of cancerous tumors. Deodorants, antiperspirants, various body lotions are at risk. How longer term suitability of cosmetics and detergents, the more antioxidants they contain - parabens.

The inscription on the package "Paraben free" only says that the parabens in the product have been replaced with other chemicals. For example, sodium benzoate or potassium sorbate.

sulfates. There are several types of them and these are products of oil refining. The most common is sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). Its scope is not limited to the production of hair care products only. It is also used for car washing, house cleaning. In a word, where plentiful foam is needed. It removes dirt and removes grease. Toxic. When carefully removed from the skin harmful effect reduces to zero.

Surely women who have undergone a keratin hair straightening procedure at the salon have heard from their hairdressers that they should now avoid shampoos containing sulfates. This is due to the fact that sulfates provoke swelling of the keratin protein, as a result of which the hairstyle is destroyed and the hair is frizzy, as it was before the procedure.

Modern cosmetics and shampoos that say "free of sulfates and parabens" use a different list of substances as lathering agents and preservatives. As a rule, the cost of more environmentally friendly and safe analogues is somewhat higher.

The lion's share of hair care products contains silicones. Regular use of hair sprays, as well as gels, waxes, mousses, leads to the formation of a silicone film that covers the scalp and envelops the hair shaft. Long-term use of silicone-containing products leads to focal alopecia. And silicone is removed only with the help of sulfates.

Advice!Alternatives to paraben have not been found. Therefore, if there is an inscription “without paraben” on the packaging of the drug, this means that the amount of this chemical in the shampoo is reduced.

Professional hair care

Most often, shampoos come to beauty salons in five-liter canisters, on which it is written: "Not for frequent use." This suggests that professional shampoos should be used only for its intended purpose - before or after chemical salon procedures.

The fact is that some professional shampoos contain "deep" silicones. For what purpose are they used in professional cosmetics for hair?

  • to fix the paint on the hair;
  • in order for the client to see a chic shine after staining;
  • for better styling after drying;
  • for long-term preservation of hairstyles.

It follows from this that a certain number of professional shampoos are used only in beauty salons.

List of quality professional cosmetics

But not everything is so bad. There are professional shampoos, the composition of which is free of sulfates and parabens, and their list is quite diverse.

  • MULSAN Cosmetic- leading Russian manufacturer natural cosmetics. The products of this company have the safest composition without the content of SLS, SLES, Coco sulfate, PEG, silicones, parabens, dyes, etc. The shelf life is limited to ten months, which confirms the naturalness of the composition. You can buy products only in the official online store
  • Freederm- suitable for both professional and home use. Eliminates dandruff. Hypoallergenic. Maintains the pH of the scalp.

  • Aubrey Organics- Shampoos of this line are famous for their organic origin, which is confirmed by international certificates of conformity. The composition includes corn and coconut oils, herbal extracts, aloe vera (organic version).

  • Davines– a series for thinning hair, subject to stress from excessive coloring and the effects of other chemical substances. Washes hair well. Contains Echinacea phytoactives. Rich in essential oils.

  • Logona- a line of long-established products for the care of losing shine, weakened hair. Fights dandruff. Contains various cocktails of herbs from verbena, goji berries, lemon balm, coffee beans, etc.

  • biotique- Shampoos of this brand are of natural origin. The content of brown algae and herbs in it gives the hair strength and shine.

  • Botanicus- targeted action products to combat seborrhea. Contains lavender herbal extracts - for oily and normal hair, as well as chamomile - for dry.

  • Yves Rocher- herbal shampoos based on organic matter. Oil grape seeds contained in the care product, easily eliminates oily sheen.

  • Alterna Caviar- luxury brand Japanese funds containing extracts of black caviar, brown algae and sea silk. Strengthens hair follicles, fights the aging process of hair.

Advice! When buying a shampoo, you should pay attention to the composition. If the indicator for paraben corresponds to 0.18 units or more, then the product is unhealthy.

Confronting the aggressors of children's skin

It's no secret that children's shampoos have a significantly reduced toxic effect on the skin than detergents for the adult population. This is not surprising. After all, the structure of the hair shaft of a child is strikingly different from the structure of the hair of his parents:

  • the baby's hair follicle is located quite close to the surface of the skin;
  • the hair of a child is much thinner than that of an adult;
  • cuticle protection baby hair much more vulnerable.

All of these features are adopted by the developers of shampoos for children. And also the fact that the child's hair will become quite strong only by the beginning of his five years of age.

The baby's scalp is also vulnerable: it is thinner and, therefore, vulnerable. The quality of the first years of life and the laying of health for the future depend on properly selected skin care products for a child, including shampoos.

Harmless baby shampoos

Of course, baby shampoos should be free of sulfates and parabens, the absence of which is guaranteed by the following list:

  • MULSAN Cosmetic- we have already talked about this company, there is also a children's series in their line. Only natural ingredients, no dyes, minimum term validity. Number 1 in children's cosmetics, everything to take care of your baby's health.
  • johnsons baby- a whole series of baby skin care products. Shampoos of this company are so environmentally friendly and non-toxic that they do not activate any irritation on the skin and do not cause tearing during hygiene procedures.

  • Bubchen- a company that has managed to gain a foothold in the market of children's care products, thanks to high-quality products.

  • Avent- a line for both adults and children, which are distinguished by the absence of not only chemicals, but also soap.

  • "Our mother"- a means for washing a child's head, developed by Russian specialists. The shampoo gently cleanses and cares for the skin.

  • "Eared Nanny"- suitable even for babies. Shampoos of this domestic brand foam moderately, do not have any odors and clean the baby's head remarkably.

  • Dulgon Kids– hair detergents that are suitable for children with three years of age. The company guarantees the absence of chemicals.

  • Baby Bee Shampoo and Wash- Shampoo for babies that does not sting the eyes and does not cause allergic reactions.

Advice! Shampoos for adults without silicone, sulfates and parabens should in no case be included in the list for washing a child's head.

Inexpensive organics to help hair

Sulfate-free shampoos have their own percentage gradation in terms of chemical content. Accordingly, the higher the number of natural components in the offered products, the higher its price.

  • Himalaya- a brand of budget products from India. Claimed Ingredients: Hibiscus, Aloe Vera, essential oils, lotus and, most importantly, the absence of parabens and sulfates.

Avalon Organics is another inexpensive quality shampoo
  • "Grandma Agafia's Recipes"- Russian inexpensive shampoos. In the claimed composition, one can detect the absence of sulfates and parabens and the presence of natural components.

Natura Siberica contains plants from the Far East

For each type of hair, you can choose a shampoo that is free from sulfates and parabens. Organic products take excellent care of the scalp, not forgetting about the hair, nourishing them with natural ingredients.

But due to insufficient rinsing and exfoliation of the scalp when using sulfate-free shampoos the development of dry or oily seborrhea is likely (depending on skin type). Here it remains either to give the skin some time to get used to the new sensations, or to return to sulfate-containing products again. But oil masks do not wash off the scalp with organic means. In addition, due to weak foaming, shampoo consumption is doubled. These disadvantages of natural shampoos are limited.

The advantages are: the absence of allergic rashes and irritations, the possibility of daily use and excellent hydration.

Advice! Shampoos with natural ingredients have a limited shelf life. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture of the product.

Majority cosmetics contain preservatives such as parabens necessary to extend the shelf life and protect against the growth of microbes and fungi. Also in the composition you can find various ones necessary for cleansing the skin and creating a thick foam.

Research recent years showed an association between the presence of these chemicals and cancer.

Parabens increase the production of estrogen, which can cause breast cancer. In turn, sulfates adversely affect proteins and leave a film on the internal organs.

To avoid unpleasant consequences you can go to use that does not contain these substances. In such products, parabens are replaced by plant-based preservatives. It can be:

  • Vitamins C and E;

  • plant extracts (birch, pine, calendula, bird cherry, sage, etc.);

  • alcohol solutions.

These components are not only not inferior to conventional preservatives, but also enhance the properties of natural ingredients and contribute to the treatment, renewal and protection and.

Contraindications to the use of products without parabens and sulfates

Before ditching conventional beauty products and switching to organic and free harmful substances, you should learn about contraindications.

In spite of no parabens and salts, organic cosmetics can be dangerous for people prone to allergies. An allergic reaction can be caused by extracts of currant, rosemary and arnica, essential oils of sandalwood and frankincense, components derived from citrus fruits.

Owners of sensitive and problem skin should also beware of natural cosmetics, especially if lanolin is present in the composition, almond oil, extracts of lemon and lime, mint, which can cause dermatitis and skin irritation.

How to "read" the composition of cosmetics?

The purchase of organic cosmetics should be taken with particular seriousness, because often unscrupulous manufacturers issue conventional means for natural. In order not to fall for tricks, carefully study the composition of the product. First of all, for the presence of substances of the paraben group:

  • ethylparaben E214;

  • propylparaben E216;

  • methylparaben E218;

  • isopropylparaben;

  • isobutylparaben;

  • sodium salt.

Even if among all the components there is no word "parabens", this does not mean that they are not there. Among the ingredients, they can be referred to as:
  • potassium sorbate;

  • hydroxybenzoate;

  • arahydroxylobenzoate.

Sulfates can be recognized as:
  • SLS, lauryl sulfate;

  • SLES, laureth sulfate;

  • SDS, dodecyl sulfate;

  • ALS is ammonium sulfate.

Shampoos without parabens and sulfates

Mulsan Cosmetic- shampoos produced Russian company. The products are safe as they do not contain any synthetic or inorganic elements. It is possible to choose a tool for different types hair. Shampoo is stored for 10 months, and you can buy it through online stores. The cost of Muslan Cosmetic products is relatively low - about 400 rubles.

Botanicus- Czech-made shampoos. Two options are available:

  • for normal and oily hair based on lavender extract. The product gently cleanses the hair and scalp, eliminates dandruff. Possesses pleasant aroma. Price - 630 rubles per 250 ml;

  • for damaged hair with chamomile extract. Product suitable for weakened hair, damaged external factors, painting and perm. Shampoo helps to restore the structure of the hair, softens and protects. The cost of shampoo is 900 rubles for 175 ml.

Natura Siberica - another remedy for Russian manufacturer. These are certified products, consisting of 95% compounds of plants from Siberia and the Far East - juniper, cloudberry, sea buckthorn, etc. Shampoos have a pleasant aroma and texture. The cost of shampoo is from 200 to 600 rubles.

Yves Rocher- French brand. Shampoos are suitable for different types of hair, 99% consist of natural ingredients. Means not only gently cleanse the hair, but also contribute to their treatment with constant use. Unlike others organic means, foam well. The price is from 300 rubles.

"Grandma Agafia's Recipes"- Shampoos of this brand are the most popular, as they are not only natural and do not contain parabens and sulfates, but they differ affordable price- from 100 rubles. the main components are plant extracts, fruit acids, essential oils.

Logona Natur Cosmetic - hypoallergenic products German production. A line for different types of hair is presented. The composition of the product includes a mixture of extracts of herbs, coffee beans, Goji berries. The cost of shampoo is 600-700 rubles.

Himalaya Herbals produce products according to the principles of Ayurveda. Shampoos gently cleanse hair, protect against negative impact environment, restore the structure and beauty of the hair. The price is 500-600 rubles.

Alloton- French shampoos that cope with hair loss. The tool contains olive oil, extracts of burdock, aloe vera, rosemary. Non-addictive and stimulates hair growth. The cost is more than 600 rubles.

Face creams

Natura Siberica presents not only shampoos, but also face creams without parabens and sulfates. The line offers a variety of products for different skin types and ages. The cost is from 200 rubles.

REN is a British brand specializing in the production of absolutely safe organic cosmetics. Means good for maintaining natural beauty and skin restoration. The price of REN creams varies between 1000-4000 rubles.

Dr. Hauschka produce creams based on medicinal herbs. The manufacturer is a market leader in organic products. The products are certified and clinically tested. The cost of creams depends on the volume - from 400 to 4000 rubles.

Light Organic is an American cosmetics company that produces creams based on vitamin E, carrot seed oils, jojoba and rosemary. Another feature of this product is that all products are made by hand.

Aesop- Australian brand. Cosmetics are made on the basis of plant extracts, oils and vitamins. You can choose a cream for any type of skin, even to care for problematic skin . An expensive product, the price is 5000-7000 rubles.

Baby shampoos

hipp Shampoos can be used from birth. The product is safe and hypoallergenic, gently cleanses gentle hair and the scalp of children. The price of shampoo is 120 rubles.

Mustela- ecological remedy tested in a clinical setting. It does not contain harmful components that can harm children's skin and hair. When using it, the curls do not tangle. The price of the product is 600 rubles.

A-Derma Primalba- based shampoo castor oil. The tool soothes the child's hair, removes milk crusts, enhances hair growth. The cost of shampoo is 1000 rubles.

Bubchen- shampoos 100%, consisting of herbal ingredients. The product is based on extracts of linden flowers and chamomile. The shampoo gently cleanses the hair without damaging it, adds shine and relieves irritation. Panthenol promotes the healing of wounds on the surface of the head. The price is 180 rubles.

Baby Bornhypoallergenic shampoo based on linden flower and lemon balm extracts. The product does not cause tears and does not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes, it is allowed to use for the care of newborns. The cost is 120 rubles.

Johnsons Baby introduces shampoos and other baby bath products. Shampoos have a pleasant aroma, are easily washed off and do not cause tears when they get into the eyes. The price of shampoo is from 100 rubles.

eared nanny - product based on chamomile extract. The shampoo lathers well, does not sting the eyes, does not cause an allergic reaction. The cost is from 120 rubles.

5 (100%) 3

Parabens are esters of para-hydroxybenzoic acid.

It should be noted that in the EU countries the presence of parabens in cosmetics is regulated by special guidelines - no more than 0.4-0.8% in the product.

The generally accepted system for designating such substances is:

In addition, parabens are sometimes called synonyms:

  • ethyl-, methyl-, propyl-;
  • propagin and metagin;
  • hydroxybenzoate;
  • arahydroxybenzoate;
  • from E214 to E219.

All parabens are synthetically produced.

You can find more information about parabens in this video:

What are sulfates?

Sulfates are salts that are derivatives of sulfuric acid. For the production of cosmetics, ammonium and sodium lauryl sulfates, as well as laureth sulfates, are more often used. The most dangerous and popular of them:

  1. Sodium lauryl sulfate or laurel is a petroleum product.
  2. Ammonium lauryl sulfate or laureth - ALS and ALES.

What are they used for?

The widespread use of parabens in cosmetics is easily explained by their ability to extend the shelf life.

Parabens prevent mold and microbes from multiplying in cosmetics.

The use of sulfates in face cream can cause allergies.

Such components are permissible in minimum concentrations only in rinse-off products.. Sulfates are found in almost any foaming agent. Them the main objective- foaming, rinsing different kind pollution. Often present in shampoos, shower gels and cleansers, washing powders etc.

Possible health hazards

Scientists believe that parabens are similar to estrogen in their effects. This means that their use can be hazardous to human health, especially when estrogen is contraindicated (for example, during pregnancy). A pronounced estrogen-like action is distinguished by propyl-, butyl, isobutyl-, and also methylparaben.

Often, in caring for their skin, women try to sunbathe less in the sun, because ultraviolet is the enemy of youth. According to research, applying methylparaben to the skin can negatively affect, as well as enhance the effects of UV rays.

It turns out that such a preservative not only accelerates the aging process, but also harms health., causes allergies, inflammation. But at a minimum concentration, parabens should not be harmful. The allowable content is 0.4-0.8%, but scientists say that 0.19% is enough.

Sodium lauryl sulfate is considered a truly irritating element for the skin. Scientists have proven this. This substance can only be added to rinse-off products.

Changes on the skin does not cause 1% concentration of the component in the composition. And such components should not be in the composition of the face cream, otherwise irritation and allergic reactions secured.

What are dangerous sulfates and parabens for our body, you will learn here:

Tonal face creams without harmful ingredients

Today there are many brands that produce organic cosmetics, including decorative ones. Consider the list of creams that are free of silicones, sulfates and parabens:

Caring cosmetics for cheeks and forehead without dangerous impurities

There are also many manufacturers of caring organic cosmetics. Consider the most affordable and popular brands:

Alternative Substances

As an alternative, brands that produce organic cosmetics use vegetable preservatives in face creams. These include:

  • ascorbic acid and vitamin E;
  • pine, birch and oak bark;
  • propolis;
  • seaweed;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • tea tree oil;
  • extract from bird cherry, birch leaves and grapefruit.

Such components are able to provide a shelf life of up to 2 years without the use of harmful components.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is always important to look at the composition when purchasing cosmetics. Even the label "paraben-free" is not able to give a 100% guarantee of the absence of harmful substances.
