How to eliminate unpleasant body odor. Smells of different origins

Any person, at any time, can face a problem called “ bad smell from mouth". Basically, you can find out about its presence by seeing the reaction of your interlocutor, who with all his movements shows that he wants to move away from you or turn away. Frankly, a very unpleasant situation.

But you may not get there similar situation, if you closely monitor the freshness of your breath. It’s simple, you need to fold your palms as if you were taking water, bring it to your mouth, exhale sharply and inhale this air through your nose. Same horrible smell people around you feel.

Why does bad breath occur?

Usually, the smell appears for some reason. Therefore, first of all, this reason must be eliminated. The main sources in adults, as well as in children, can be:

What are the causes of bad breath? According to doctors, in the most frequent cases the unpleasant odor is caused by white plaque in the oral cavity, specifically on the tongue, cheeks and teeth. Plaque is formed due to the proliferation of anaerobic bacteria in the oral cavity, which often appears due to insufficient hygiene.

Many foods can cause bad breath. For example, garlic or onions can most strongly spoil your dialogue with someone. Also, watch your intake of fatty foods.

  • Smoking addiction

Because of negative impact tobacco smoke on the oral mucosa, namely its drying, pathogenic bacteria can develop in the oral cavity, which become provocateurs of unpleasant odor and fumes.

  • Dry mouth due to talking

Xerostomia is what dentists call this phenomenon. There are a number of professions that are closely related to constant speaking, which causes dry mouth. These include lecturers, lawyers, teachers, etc.

  • Teeth and gums

It has long been known that the condition of teeth is directly related to unpleasant odor. When you visit your dentist, they will tell you about what is associated with periodontal problems. They cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, do not neglect visiting the dentist!

Also, the smell is very often present in the morning, because during the night many microbes appear in the mouth, which cause this problem.

Elimination of unpleasant odor

Now you know about the reasons that cause bad breath. Time to tell you what to do to fix it.

  • Oral hygiene

Clean thoroughly oral cavity. Moreover, when choosing a toothpaste, choose one that has antibacterial properties and, under no circumstances, buy those containing alcohol. They have an extremely negative effect on the oral mucosa, drying it out. And even more so, you can’t skimp on a toothbrush.

  • Regular salt water

If bad breath develops due to problems with gastrointestinal tract, There is good recipe. It is simple and effective in dealing with troubles. For 10 days before breakfast you need to drink saline solution, a third of a glass (provided 1 tbsp salt per 1 tbsp water). Then, after about 10-20 minutes, have breakfast with porridge prepared in milk or, in as a last resort, yogurt. With this treatment, the smell will stop bothering you literally on the third day, but the treatment should be completed to the end.

  • Oatmeal, sir

There are cases when a specific structure internal organs affects the occurrence of bad breath, which is difficult to remove. For example, due to the large length of the small intestine, waste and food remain in its folds, which gives the smell. If you eat it cooked with water and without sugar oatmeal, the unpleasant smell will no longer bother you at all.

Coffee lovers who do not start their day without a cup of natural, freshly prepared coffee are among those people who experience virtually no discomfort associated with an unpleasant odor. It is known that coffee is an excellent odour-busting agent. So, if you chew a coffee bean, the unpleasant smell will leave you for some period.

It is considered very useful both for the whole body and for the oral cavity. drinking plenty of fluids. In addition, in order for the body to function the way you need it, you need to drink at least 2 liters per day. liquids.

Moreover, it does not have to be only water; this includes tea without sugar and non-carbonated mineral water. Melt water is considered very good. To do this, you don’t need to place pans under icicles in winter, you need to dial plain water, freeze it, and then defrost it. This type of water is easier for the body to absorb. In addition, this method kills two birds with one stone - it removes bad breath and makes your skin fresh, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles. This method is also perfect for those who want to get rid of the smell of alcohol in their mouth.


Makes a significant contribution to the fight against bad breath ethnoscience. There is a whole layer of different healing infusions and remedies that can resolve the troubles between you and bad breath. We will tell you about several.

  • Mint infusion

To prepare this infusion, take a tablespoon of dried or 5 leaves of freshly picked mint, pour one glass of boiling water over it and leave for 2-3 hours. You need to rinse your mouth with this infusion two or three times a day for at least two weeks. The infusion will be more effective than special oral tablets.

  • Wormwood + chamomile + strawberry

Mix wormwood, chamomile and strawberries in equal parts, pour a tablespoon into a thermos, pour 2 cups of boiled water hot water and insist. Like mint tincture, you need to rinse your mouth for 2 weeks.

  • Oak bark tincture

Pour crushed oak bark (1 tbsp) into one glass of water (boiled, of course) and place on water bath for half an hour. Then strain the resulting tincture. To obtain desired effect, you need to rinse your mouth at least three times every 24 hours for 3 weeks.

Urgent removal of bad breath

In the event that time is pressing and you urgently need to get rid of an unpleasant odor, there are some methods that will help you. But it is worth considering that they are not long-term and strong odor you can't get rid of it for the whole day. Although, this will give you peace of mind for a while and the thoughts of bad breath will calm down. Not for long. Go:

  • Chewing gum. Ideally, of course, mint. You will have about 15 minutes of peace. However, it is worth considering that this method will not fit perfectly if you are planning a serious meeting.
  • Spray for freshness. This spray prolongs freshness when compared with chewing gum, for a full 5 minutes. And that's about 20 minutes. Plus, it will fit into any handbag.
  • Parsley or peppermint. You need to chew one leaf very carefully, and most importantly, slowly. This will take no more than a minute, and take another minute to get rid of it. After this procedure, the unpleasant odor will leave you for about 1 hour.
  • Fruit: apple or carrot. Literally one apple or carrot will relieve you of the unpleasant smell for about an hour or two. These fruits and vegetables are excellent fighters against unpleasant odors.
  • Pour vodka (1 part) with water (5 parts) and pour the solution into a spray bottle. Treat the foul-smelling item, send it to dry - and that’s it, you can put it on.
  • Sprinkle the item with baby powder or talcum powder, leave for about twenty minutes and shake well. It should work.
  • Get a refreshing clothes spray at home.

How to get rid of odor in shoes

  • Use vodka solution (see recipe above).
  • Mound into stinking shoes baking soda and leave it overnight, then shake it out or vacuum it.
  • Wipe inner surface shoes with water and a drop of oil tea tree. Dry it.

What to do with bad-smelling hair

Girlish beauty absorbs odors conscientiously. Therefore, most likely Trying to mask an unpleasant odor with perfume will not work.– you will get a vigorous mixture of aromas. If you can’t wash your hair, sprinkle your hair with water with added lemon juice (citric acid). Better yet, go for a walk. With his head uncovered. For a long time.

Eliminate unpleasant hand odor

Go to the kitchen, your salvation is there.

  • Salt. Sprinkle a little on your palms, sprinkle with water, rub them well against each other and rinse.
  • Lemon juice. He knows his job very well, but he is quite harsh on the skin of his hands. So dilute it with water.
  • Stainless steel. Take any bowl and be sure to smooth it under the stream cold water. There is no magic - chromium, which is part of the alloy, works.

How to remove odor from the refrigerator

Ideally, it would be worth cleaning thoroughly - with dishwashing detergent or a weak soda/vinegar solution. But there is also quick option how to get rid of smell in the refrigerator. Place absorbent products on the shelves - citrus peels, cut raw potatoes, coffee beans or rice. In three days, replace them with new ones. You might as well put it on a shelf open box baking soda or a saucer with crushed activated carbon.

Want something techy? Buy an odor absorber (cheaper) or an ionizer cleaner (a little more expensive) for your refrigerator.

How to get rid of smell in an apartment

Quick ways:

  • Disguise. Fill a container with chopped citrus peels and leave it in the room. The zest absorbs unpleasant odors, and the essential oil gives an invigorating aroma. Or do the same with rice. Don't expect any fragrance, but the croup absorbs the stench. Another idea: arrange a ceremonial burning of the bay leaf.
  • Express cleaning. Fill a bucket with water and pour some in there ammonia and drop any essential oil. Wash the floors.
  • Spray neutralizer. This chemical absorbs odors. There are even narrowly specialized products - for example, against cigarette smoke or cat marks.

Ways that take time:

Call the cleaning company and order a “dry fog” cleaning (1.5 hour event). Or purchase special equipment.

  • Germicidal lamp, air washing. All salt is contained in a photocatalytic filter. It ennobles the atmosphere and breaks down organic matter from the air (viruses, for example) into harmless compounds. A big plus: you don’t have to go anywhere while the devices are working.
  • Ozonizer. It releases active oxygen, which eliminates the amber. While the unit is working, you better find something to do outside the home. And take the cat.

An unpleasant smell in a room discourages you from being in it and spoils your mood. First you need to get rid of the source of the unpleasant odor. To do this, you need to thoroughly clean the room. After this, it is enough to eliminate the remnants of the bad smell and use your favorite air freshener to make the room pleasant to be in again.


Part 1

Eliminate sources of unpleasant odor

    Collect and wash dirty clothes. Accumulated dirty items can ooze musty smell, which will eventually spread throughout the room. Moreover, wet clothes serve suitable place for mold growth. Collect dirty items from around the house, sort them and wash them in the washing machine.

    • To be sure to kill mold and bacteria, wash your clothes in hot water.
    • After washing, clothes can be dried in dryer or, in case of sunny weather, hang it outside.
    • Before washing and drying, be sure to check the labels on your clothing for recommended cycles.
  1. Wash bed sheets. We spend about a third of our lives in bed, so you shouldn't be surprised if your sheets, blankets and pillowcases start to smell unpleasant after prolonged use. To get rid of this smell, remove your pillowcases, sheets, and other linens from your bed and wash them in the washing machine.

    • After washing, dry your bedding in the dryer or line dry before putting it back on.
  2. Clean sinks and drains. Kitchen and bathroom sinks and drains can develop mold and debris and become clogged, which can also often lead to an unpleasant odor in the home. To clean drains, pour one cup (220 grams) of baking soda into the drain, followed by two cups (500 milliliters) of white vinegar. Wait about 30 minutes for the solution to react to produce foam and bubbles.

    • Once the reaction between baking soda and vinegar is complete, take a kettle filled with boiling water and rinse off the remaining solution.
  3. Clean the toilet. The toilet can also accumulate mold, dirt, bacteria, and other sources of unpleasant odors. Pour 1 cup (250 milliliters) of vinegar into the toilet. Additionally, spray vinegar on the exterior and seat of the toilet. Wait five minutes, then wipe the inside of the toilet with a toilet brush and the outside and seat with a rag or paper towels.

    • Flush the toilet to get rid of any remaining dirt you scraped off the walls.
  4. Remove mold from hard surfaces. Mold has a characteristic odor that can spread throughout your home. It is necessary to promptly eliminate mold in the shower, on tiles, in sinks and other damp places in the house, since it not only produces an unpleasant odor, but is also harmful to health. To kill mold, do the following:

    • Mix 1 cup (250 milliliters) bleach and 4 liters of water in a bucket
    • Wear protective rubber gloves
    • Open the windows to better ventilate the room
    • Dip a stiff bristle brush into the prepared solution.
    • Scrub moldy areas with a brush
    • Periodically dip the brush in a bleach water solution.
    • Wipe the cleaned area with a damp sponge
  5. Vacuum the floors and upholstery. Bad odors can come from dirty carpets and upholstered furniture. To remove dust and bad-smelling dirt particles, vacuum all carpets in your home with a wide-brush vacuum cleaner. Use the upholstery nozzle to remove dust and bad odors from upholstery.

    Take out the trash. It often produces bad odors, especially kitchen waste that contains food and other wet waste. If bad smell appeared in the kitchen, tie it up garbage bag and take it to the garbage disposal or trash can.

    Empty the trash can. Before placing a new trash bag in the bin, clean it thoroughly to remove any splashes and dirt that can also cause bad odors. Proceed as follows:

    • Wear rubber gloves
    • Remove large food debris from the bucket
    • Rinse the bucket in the bathtub or in the yard with a garden hose
    • Dry the inside of the bucket thoroughly with a dry cloth or paper towels
    • Spray the inside of the bucket with a sufficient amount of all-purpose cleaner and disinfectant
    • Wait five minutes for the product to take effect
    • Wipe the bucket with a stiff bristle brush
    • Rinse the bucket
    • Wipe the bucket dry with a rag or paper towels
    • Place a new trash bag in the bin.
  6. Clean kitchen appliances. Any household appliance that comes into contact with food can create an unpleasant odor in the house, especially if it is not clean enough. If you're not sure where the smell is coming from, clean all kitchen appliances, including:

    Give your dog a bath. It is possible that your pet brought an unpleasant odor from the street. To eliminate the source of this odor, wash your dog with pet shampoo in the bathtub or sink, take him to a pet grooming salon, or take him to the dog wash at your local pet store.

    Part 2

    Eliminate unpleasant odor
    1. Open the windows. Fresh air is one of the best means eliminating unpleasant odors in the house, since the smell can disappear through an open window, and clean air will take its place. In spring, summer or autumn, you can open all the windows in the house. To create air flow, open windows that are located on opposite sides of the house.

      Use fans to speed up airflow and fill your home with fresh air faster. When the windows are open, turn on the fans - this will increase the draft and speed up the ventilation of the rooms.

      Let the sun's rays into the room. Sunlight includes ultraviolet radiation, which kills microorganisms such as mold and bacteria. On a sunny day, regardless of the time of year, open the curtains and curtains on the windows and let the ultraviolet rays penetrate your home.

    2. Use baking soda. Baking soda is one of the most popular odor removers because it is effective and cheap. To eliminate unpleasant odors, pour baking soda into several small plates or saucers and place them in different places Houses. Baking soda will not absorb pleasant smells and will deliver you from them.

      • To eliminate odors, sprinkle a little baking soda on carpets, upholstery, mattresses and other possible sources unpleasant smell. Leave the baking soda there for 30 minutes, then vacuum it up.
    3. Vinegar also absorbs odors. You can also get rid of unpleasant odors in your home using vinegar. Pour the vinegar into small bowls and place them around the house in areas that may cause bad odors:

      • In the basement
      • In bathroom
      • In the kitchen
      • In the bedroom
    4. Get rid of unpleasant odor with charcoal. Charcoal is also effective remedy from odor, which can be placed in different rooms and inside household appliances. Use clean charcoal, not charcoal soaked in any liquid. Place the pieces of charcoal on several plates and place them around the house. You can place coal in the following places:

      • Toilet
      • Refrigerator and freezer
      • Living spaces

Oh, the smells of home! Just the thought that your guests might smell something makes you feel hot and flushed. There's something in your house again... it smells. But on the other hand, smells are necessary. After all, this is a quick notification system that some problems have arisen. So, this short article talks about how to eliminate an unpleasant smell in the house and at the same time not miss the necessary information that it carries.

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Photo gallery: How to eliminate unpleasant odor in the house?

What exactly is smell?

Smells are just molecules of substances that can move in a gaseous state with the flow of air and, when they reach the olfactory receptors of the nose, cause certain sensations. Some substances produce such a quantity of volatile molecules that their concentration in the air reaches the olfactory threshold when the smell can be identified as a stench or, conversely, a fragrance. That is, the sensations of “stench” or “aroma” always carry a certain emotion. “However, this does not mean that a smell with a good rating is better for the body than one that causes a grimace of disgust on the face,” says Richard Shaughnessy, Ph.D., director of the Home Air Program at the University of Tulsa (Oklahoma). , USA). Indeed, many pleasant scents used, for example, in air fresheners, are a concentrate of toxic substances in aerosol form. Better solution for those who absolutely want to eliminate all unpleasant odors in the house, this is to ensure that it smells... of nothing. Only freshness and clean air!

How to ventilate.

In fact, most odor problems are related to poor ventilation in the room or inability to ventilate. Billions of odorous molecules not only float imposingly in the air, but also settle on objects and surfaces. At the same time, the smell seems to “eat into” everything around and will be much more difficult to cope with in the future. To avoid such a bleak prospect, it is necessary to regularly maintain the circulation of air masses inside the apartment, preventing annoying molecules from lingering in one place. To do this, you only need to do the following for 15 minutes a day:

    Open the windows. It would seem that it could be simpler, but there are also secrets here. Simply opening the window often does not give the expected effect. To create a semblance of supply and exhaust ventilation, it is necessary to separate air flows with different temperatures. This means that more cold air must enter the room through a window open from below. In this case, the upper warm layers will easily evaporate through the open upper transom. So in a simple way you can create good “traction”. This useful draft can eliminate unpleasant odors in the house in a matter of minutes. The greatest effect is achieved when open windows are opposite each other;

    Air conditioners. Now many modern devices for air conditioning they are also equipped with filters for cleaning it. The best decision at the same time - HEPA (High Efficiency Particle Absorption) filters. Despite the complex foreign name, the word HEPA simply means “highly efficient and fine cleaning.” Disposable HEPA filters consist of fibrous paper or fiberglass assembled into an accordion to increase the area, and washable ones are made of fluoroplastic. All particles up to 0.3 microns in size are retained, which is extremely important for people suffering from asthma and many other bronchopulmonary diseases. It is these tiny dust particles that sometimes cause attacks of hay fever and allergic rhinitis. Air conditioners with a “fine filter”, when properly installed and operated, are capable of retaining up to 99.97% of volatile potentially pathogenic particle agents. This is simply fantastic! “To eliminate unpleasant odors in the house, do not force the air conditioner to work, it should be in the “on low” mode, that is, at low speeds,” says Tim Ryan, a professor in the field of environmental health Ohio University. “In addition, it is necessary to wash or change the filters on time.” What happens is that molecules capable of emitting odor usually do not move freely through the air, but are attached to the smallest particles of dust. Thus, by getting rid of contaminants visible in a beam of light, you can eliminate unpleasant odors in your home. Air conditioners without HEPA filters, of course, also help clean the air in the apartment, but, unfortunately, not as effectively. In any case, it's better than nothing;

    Fans. The use of special devices for moving air around the house, the variety of which currently knows no boundaries, is justified only if the conditions described above are met. Keep in mind that fans are typically polarized, meaning air is drawn in from one side and expelled from the other. It is very easy to determine this; just make passes with your hands around the device for ventilation. As you probably guessed correctly, the device should be oriented so that dirty air gets out of the window or onto the air conditioner air intake. Of course, simply mixing odors with a propeller suspended from the ceiling will not do anything.

How to get rid of kitchen odors.

So far we have only told you how to remove polluted air from a room. Now let's turn to the root of the problem - the source of the unpleasant odor. The kitchen is a place that often attracts home with the aromas of your favorite dishes and delicacies. However, sometimes a kitchen stench can deprive the entire family of appetite for a long time. How can you overcome the annoying stench that comes from your garbage disposal, stove, refrigerator or dishwasher?

    To get rid of the smell of garbage ingrained in kitchen surfaces, splash a glass of boiling water on them, if possible, and then wipe with citrus peel (lemon or orange peel);

    If you don’t like the “technical” smell of the refrigerator, which is impossible to get rid of even if the inside is perfectly clean, there is nothing else left to do but to replace it with some pleasant aroma. Usually an aqueous solution of vanilla is used for this. A cotton ball soaked in it is placed in a small jar and placed in the very bottom drawer. Instead of vanilla, ground coffee beans or coffee grounds are perfect for lovers of the most popular tonic drink;

    In order to prevent the slightest stench from seeping out from under the lid of the garbage tank, Lately one very useful know-how has appeared. We are talking about carbon filters, which are in the form of sticks, glued with inside buckets. Such advanced odor absorbers are restored by simply placing them in direct sunlight for a while;

    The dishwasher rarely emits any “odors,” but if it does, run it again without adding detergent. At the same time, the resulting powerful jets of water will wash away all remaining food and dirt. If the smell persists, you will have to drain all the water and step by step wash and wipe dry all parts and the bottom of the dishwasher on which sources of stench could remain;

    Before turning on the stove, first open the hood above it each time. Even small quantities gas that has not been recycled can cause significant harm to health, especially children. Also, the hood must be cleaned regularly, for which you need to bend the “ears” that secure the ventilation socket.

Although we can talk endlessly about the kingdom of smells, there is still hope that the information presented above will at least help you a little in the unequal struggle with the most unpleasant of them.

Based on materials from the Internet resource "Woman"sDay"


Find the source of the unpleasantness smell A. Very often this phenomenon occurs. This is where food debris accumulates in various devices and objects (dishwasher, stove, trash can, etc.). Once you identify the essence of the problem, it will not be difficult to deal with it. a lot of work.

If you notice burnt fat or food residue on your kitchen stove, pour a glass of boiling water over the area. After this, rub the area with orange or lemon peel. This way you will not only clean the stove, but also give it a pleasant aroma.

If unpleasant smell comes, study its contents well. There may be leftover food lying around that needs to be removed immediately. If the inside is perfectly clean, but smell available, use vanilla solution. To do this, dilute 2 teaspoons of vanilla powder in 0.5 cups of water. 3-5 cotton ball soak in this solution and place in the refrigerator.

If smell comes from the dishwasher, run it again at idle speed. Just don't add detergents, powerful jets of water will wash away all dirt and food debris.

Ventilate the room. Typically, problems with smell they arise due to poor ventilation. That is why it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room and maintain good circulation of air masses in. To do this, do the following daily: Open all windows if possible for 10-15 minutes. At this time, go outside with the whole family so as not to catch a cold from the created draft. If you cannot leave the room, open the windows in the rooms one at a time.

Video on the topic

It happens that fresh meat does not smell very pleasant. This happens for several reasons. For example, the meat of males that have reached sexual maturity often has an unpleasant odor. Or the animal could be treated with some odorous medicines. Meat may also acquire an “odor” under the influence of food additives in livestock feed. These odors can intensify during cooking and spoil the finished dish. If you are confident in the quality of the meat and plan to cook it, then try to eliminate unpleasant aroma using improvised means.

You will need

  • - salt;
  • - potassium permanganate;
  • - table vinegar or citric acid;
  • - sugar;
  • - water;
  • - a bouquet of aromatic spices;
  • - onion or garlic;
  • - drinking soda;
  • - charcoal or activated carbon;
  • - salt pepper;
  • - mustard;
  • - chamomile decoction.


Rinse the meat with a strong salt solution. It is prepared at the rate of approximately 100 g of salt per 1 liter of water.

Use aromatic spices when cooking - rosemary, thyme, basil. Chopped onions or crushed garlic will perfectly hide the smell.

Boil the meat for 20 minutes first in one water, transfer to fresh water and continue cooking.

When cooking, add a couple of pieces of charcoal (which is sold in stores) or 2 activated carbon from the first aid kit. If you cook meat in another way (fry or stew), then chop it, put it in a pan and add charcoal. Fill in cold water and leave for 2-3 hours. After that you can
