How many cm is the distance between the eyebrows. Rot your line: how to create the perfect eyebrows yourself

Eyes with a typical age sign

If, even with age, the outer side of the lower eyelid is raised, and the skin around the eyes is smooth (as in youth), then people with such eyes will be able to maintain energy and vigor until very old age.

Eyes with signs of fatigue

Eyes that have an uneven edge of the lower eyelid on the outside are both a positive and a negative sign. It all depends on the condition of the skin in this area.

Darkened skin means that a person is a “workaholic” (to use a European term), does not limit himself in food and alcohol. If you do not change your lifestyle, then such a man, for example, will cease to please women. Excellent condition skin in this place is a sign of intelligence, good upbringing, prosperity in life and business, the ability to build communication with people.

"Witchy" eyes

Around such eyes are characterized by thick, slightly swollen skin in the corners of the upper eyelids, a curved and slightly protruding shape of the eyebrows.

Women with "witchy" eyes are glamorous and sensual both in actions and in clothes. Possessing a sharp mind and a good upbringing, they will never stoop only to housekeeping. They need social interaction and entertainment. High Quality. Men practically do not have this type of eye.

Distance between eyes and eyebrows

According to Eastern reading of the face, the greater the distance between the eyes and eyebrows, the more fortunate the fate of a person. Especially this type of eye promises well-being in all aspects of life for children. On the contrary, a small distance between the eyes and eyebrows indicates a person's thorny path in life. He will certainly succeed, but only if he works hard, is practical and develops a strong will.

Casanova's eyes

Look closely at the face of a man who has long distance between eyebrows and eyes. Such a trait indicates deceit and the ability to take advantage of the weakness of the people around him. A man with such features is not only a Casanova, but also a Gigolo, who knows how to live at the expense of rich women, as a rule, over the age of 45-50 years.

The eyes of a fish

Both men and women with wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes, reminiscent of the contour of the tail of a fish, are not at all intended for marriage, and if they enter into it, they face problems that end in divorce.

Eyes with sunken eyelids

If a person's upper eyelids are practically invisible, either because of wrinkles or swelling, then he is too loving and tends to change partners often. This mainly applies to men. Women with such eyes, especially those with intelligence, although they arouse increased interest in the opposite sex, easily accept courtship, but they know how to control their behavior.

Temple area analysis

Good psychological picture a person can give an analysis of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis temple, parallel to the eye. When the skin in this place is in good condition - without wrinkles, healthy color and not flabby - this means that a person has an ardent and passionate nature. Both men and women with this trait are happy if they only communicate with the opposite sex. Unhealthy skin in the temple area is a sign of both age and poor health.

What do eyebrows tell about?

If the eyebrows are too close together

When there is a small distance between the inner edges of the eyebrows, then this is a sign of a pessimist person who is used to seeing only negative things in life. Constantly depressed, such a person is unfriendly, and often his pessimism can destroy not only his life, but also family happiness married. But if a person with willpower and perseverance can overcome negative sides his character, his life will improve both financially and in marriage.

If the hairs on the eyebrows grow vertically upwards

Not only the eyes attract the views of people, they pay no less attention to the shape and line of the eyebrows, and these views subconsciously affect them, helping to determine their attitude towards a person.

The most noticeable sign is when the hairs on the eyebrows grow almost vertically upwards. Such a trait is inherent in people who are stubborn and persistent in all matters and undertakings. They are accustomed to easily take on "barriers and obstacles" in life, striking those around them with willpower and determination.

If a person has fused eyebrows

As a rule, this trait negatively affects the appearance of its owner, because it is quite rare and creates a negative impression on others, regardless of the fact that such a person may have excellent character traits. Because of this, he cannot realize his potential or achieve career development. Fixing the situation is easy - just remove extra hairs what women do.

If a person's eyebrows are "out of the way"

Compared to the previous type of eyebrows, the eyebrows “in-between” cause a positive reaction of others to their owner. This trait gives the impression of a smart and open person, thanks to which such people are confident in themselves - in their strengths, talents and actions.

If a person has "sexy" eyebrows

Women specifically achieve this shape of eyebrows, for this they endure pain and pay for the services of makeup artists. Thin eyebrow threads, bent at a rather sharp angle at one end, really give the impression of a romantic and glamorous woman. Confident in themselves and their beauty, they tend to be demanding of their partner or friend. A man who has connected his life with such a woman is waiting for the fate of a "henpecked".

Men with "sexy" eyebrows are strong, but gentle personalities with perseverance, perseverance and fortitude.

If a person has thick eyebrows forming a straight line

In the East, such eyebrows are called "male". They predominate mainly in men. Specific traits such a person is the following: ambitiousness, straightforwardness in actions and statements, even aggressiveness, perseverance in business; these people are slightly cold in emotions, sometimes to such an extent that they do not consider the feelings of others, for them love does not matter much.

Women with this shape of eyebrows have the above-mentioned masculine qualities, so they subconsciously try to change them.

Eyebrow line and psychological portraits

First type

Just like the eyes, eyebrows are an indicator of human health. If the hairline is sparse, then this is a sign of poor health, susceptibility to disease (similarly, we can talk about the growth of hair on the head). Given that the eyebrows are the last to turn gray, the appearance of gray hairs is also a negative sign.

In the East, thick eyebrows are associated with longevity and many positive character traits, and the thicker they are, the more vitality a person has.

In women, this trait means the ability to have multiple children.

Second type

This type is distinguished by long, beautiful eyebrows. Basically they are inherent in women. But usually it's a sign bad wife unable to give a man in marriage love and tenderness. Capricious and spoiled by parents in childhood, becoming older, such women build selfish relationships in the family.

In general, it is difficult to characterize women, focusing only on eyebrows, because it is difficult to define them. original view: all women often resort to cosmetics, wanting to improve their appearance.

Third type

When a person has short eyebrows, it means bad luck in all aspects of life: in money, in love, and so on.

Having not received love in childhood, having matured, men with short eyebrows try to compensate for this by frequent romances with women.

Fourth type

Thick and close to the eyes eyebrows are a sign of a person who has not taken place in all aspects, who cannot determine his place in life. Chinese physiognomists recommend reaching their peak in youth, and planning marriage for an age period of about thirty-five years, so that a midlife crisis does not destroy relationships with a woman.

Fifth type

A thin line of eyebrows indicates that their owner (if he is a man) is especially lucky in relationships with women.

Women with such traits are not so lucky in relationships with the opposite sex: they are not confident in their appearance, they do not have courage, therefore they often endure oppression from men. I advise you to correct the imperfections with the help of cosmetics, making the eyebrow line wider.

sixth type

This type is distinguished by beautiful crescent-shaped eyebrows, which are more feminine than masculine.

Everyone loves women with such eyebrows, they are the soul of the company, cheerful, have a sense of humor, often dance well and are artistic. One minus - they easily fall under the influence of men, especially after forty years. Realizing that such eyebrows are attractive to others, many women specifically achieve this shape.

Men with such eyebrows, as a rule, are sensitive and weak-willed, often fall under the influence of their friends and relatives.

"Emperor" of the face, or All about the nose

In one of the Chinese treatises on face reading, it is said that the nose is the “emperor” of the face, this is connected with the theory of the elements that make up our being. Being naturally practical, the Chinese have tried to express five essential elements in terms they know. Those who have ever read books on feng shui will understand that we are talking about earth, water, fire, wood and metal. So, the nose is called "emperor" because it belongs to the element of earth, the symbol of which is the Yellow Emperor.

The analysis shows that the size, shape of the nose and the condition of the skin in this place are directly related to the status of a person in society and the ability to achieve material well-being.

Long nose (first type)

According to Chinese studies, longer nose in a person, the more serious person he is. Men with this type of nose are sophisticated, creative nature, responsible and hardworking. They are almost not interested in the material aspects of life, they are more attracted to spiritual values, which is why there are so many men with long noses among scientists and religious figures.

Long nose (second type)

The second type includes people with long, large and high noses. This shape of the nose in men is a sign of stubbornness, a sharp mind, a tendency to do everything in life in their own way, regardless of anyone's advice, not focusing on any authorities. If the nose is too large and inharmonious with the rest of the facial features, then a person with such an appearance is more likely to repel others from himself, only if he does not have any positive character traits. As a rule, men with a non-standard appearance have a great sense of humor and artistry, compensating for their shortcomings with gifted talents.

Short nose (first type)

A short nose, like a long one, can be of two types: the first is just a short nose, the second (we will talk about it later) is short and flat. The first type - just a short nose - is also conventionally divided into two categories, but they are from the category of mental and intellectual abilities: those with high or average intelligence, and those with below average intelligence. Naturally, men of the first category are successful both in business and in love. Men of the second category, on the contrary, are boring, impractical and irresponsible. Women with short noses are hardworking, able to quickly move up the career ladder, but due to their changeable nature, they are unhappy in marriage.

Short nose (second type)

The second type includes people with a short and flat nose. Despite the fact that these features are unfavorable, because along with an unattractive appearance, people with the second type of nose have other shortcomings (both physical and mental), they - faithful friends, attentive and hardworking colleagues, devoted to all who are kind to them.

asymmetrical nose

Even if a person is talented and has excellent character traits, a crooked nose brings such dissonance to the appearance that it repels others, because they are primarily judged by their appearance, especially one that catches the eye. The only consolation is a sense of humor and a smart response to problems.

Ideal nose shape

Both men and women with ideal nose shapes are distinguished by exquisite taste, they are mostly great lovers of art and music, they dress beautifully, following fashion. It is possible that some of the representatives of the weaker sex are too narcissistic creatures, but this is not surprising for people with a beautiful appearance.

Small snub nose

Mostly women have such noses. They are more like children's, but never grown noses. People with such traits are not always intellectual and give the impression of general immaturity.

It cannot be said that the owners of such a nose are very lucky in love and marriage: they are very defenseless against strong-willed and aggressive men. You should be careful in choosing a partner and not wait for the mythical prince on a white horse, who in the end may turn out to be "Bluebeard".

Aquiline nose

Most often, a hooked nose is found in men (we will not take into account the inhabitants of the Caucasus). Such a trait is inherent in men who are strong in all aspects: brave, strong-willed, uncompromising, impatient. Women with such a nose, if they occur, have similar masculine qualities. Unable to concede and lose, they often conflict, solving family problems.

Nose color

Unless a person is a drinker, a red nose indicates financial difficulties, an inability to express themselves and make a career, as well as poor health. Considering that we are still judged by our appearance, such people, even those with good character It's hard to create a favorable first impression.

If the nose has a split tip

Without a doubt, once you meet a person with such a nose, you will never forget him. Basically, this trait is inherent in men. They differ from other representatives of the “stronger sex” in their originality of judgment and character: they are excellent speakers, skeptics, accustomed to questioning and analyzing everything, having a quarrelsome character, great debaters who are completely unable to communicate with others. As a rule, all these features are characteristic of people involved in science, which may be why such noses are often found among scientists.

Women's nose of the correct form

This one is typical female version nose indicates the femininity of its owner. They are great mothers, neat women who love comfort and cleanliness in their home, good designers because they know how to appreciate beauty and harmony. If we talk about shortcomings, then the fragility of these women (both emotional and physical) makes them defenseless against stronger men.

Straight nose with pointed tip

A person with such a nose already from childhood develops the ability to know everything in the world around him. Their main goal is to make the world and the people living in it a better place. Both men and women with such a trait, as a rule, direct their creative abilities for the benefit of people.

Nose with prominent nostrils

For many centuries, Chinese physiognomists have observed people who are considered to be geniuses. Their analysis showed that most of these people have a small nose with pronounced dilated nostrils.

Nose shaped like a "bag"

If you look closely at the profile of a person with this type of nose, then he really looks like a bag. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that in China such a nose is associated with the presence of money in a person. As a rule, people with this trait measure everything and everyone with money. Possessing an extraordinary mind, they are more like Jewish usurers, ready to use every chance for their own enrichment.

Straight nose with a slight hump at the top

Perhaps we can say that people with such a nose are ideal in every way. They are honest, open, reliable, live in harmony with themselves, sincerely love and respect people, that is, they have all the qualities of a leader. Not lacking the attention of the “weaker sex” (and such men seem the most attractive to women), they are happy in marriage, as they choose the most beautiful, smart and talented.

"Reading" lips

Many people think little about the fact that not only the eyes can tell a lot about a person. The shape and size of the mouth make it possible to draw up a complete psychological portrait: what emotions and experiences disturb a person, what is his fate, what mood is he most often exposed to, whether he is generous and successful. The location of the mouth and the shape of the lips will indicate the character traits and habits that a person has acquired in life.

Bulging lips

If the lips, due to their shape or size, protrude beyond the chin line, then it is believed that their owner is either stubborn or not inclined to reckon with the opinions of other people, overly self-confident, but sociable and loves to talk.

Small mouth

As a rule, timid, insecure and weak personalities have such a trait. Both men and women with small mouths are prone to selfishness, and this is directly related to the fact that their parents spoiled them a lot in childhood. Excessive emotionality does not allow them to achieve any significant heights in life. Men, for example, lack the qualities inherent in leaders: courage, perseverance, a sharp mind, the ability to communicate with others, and so on. A small, beautifully defined mouth in women, despite the coldness of their character, is attractive feature for men, as it subconsciously causes a desire to protect and protect a woman.

Big mouth

As a rule, both men and women with large mouths live full life, that is, without denying yourself anything and never. They are successful because they are intelligent, sociable and ambitious.

If the mouth is large, but the lips are tightly compressed, then this indicates success in politics and business. If the mouth is large, but the lips are relaxed, then such a feature indicates an unrestrained character, characterized by unbridledness. People with a large mouth but thin lips are prudent and able to control their actions, although they also have immoderate desires. If a woman has a large but harmoniously defined mouth, then she is active in life, reaches great heights in her career and social activities, is popular with others, as she has a friendly character.

Mouth with overly plump lips

Such traits are inherent in very emotional people with strong willed qualities who love entertainment, luxury and comfort. Inflated conceit makes them fierce debaters, accustomed to reckon only with their own opinions. If harmony is disturbed in the features (especially this negatively affects women), then the appearance of a person repels rather than attracts the attention of others. Although for men it is not so an important factor like for women. And given that lips and sexuality are interrelated native concepts, many women specifically achieve hypertrophied lip size by visiting plastic surgeons.

Mouth with thin upper lip

People with a thin upper lip, as a rule, are phlegmatic, who are alien to violent passions, especially when it comes to sex.

Women, according to statistics, are unhappy in marriage, as they almost always connect their lives with men of opposite character traits - aggressors.

Men, on the contrary, live in love and harmony with their wives.

Mouth with plump upper lip

A plump upper lip is a sign passionate natures, and passionate to the extreme. As a rule, both men and women are very fond of the opposite sex, loving and sensual. But if you do not resist their violent desires, then the lack of harmony in their sexual life can adversely affect their lives.

If the upper lip is especially thick, then the person has extraordinary kindness and good manners education.

Mouth with both plump lips

In practice, many people have a mouth shape when the lips are plump, and the line between the lips is almost straight. Such a mouth indicates the practicality of a person, affecting all aspects of life: marriage and love, relationships with people (on the principle of "you - to me, I - to you"), doing business or work.

Mouth with raised upper lip

When a person's upper lip is raised so much that it reveals the upper row of teeth, then you have a natural politician or a born actor. Oriental physiognomists believe that both men and women with such a trait have conceit and are overly developed sense superiority over other people, and in everything - in appearance, in creativity or even talents, in physical strength.

Lips of an intellectual

If the recess in the center of the upper lip approaches the outline of an acute angle, then this feature indicates a person gifted with large intellectual abilities, possessing "ebullient" vigor, patience, efficiency and diligence. And vice versa: completely opposite qualities are possessed by people whose upper lip is curved upwards in this place.

Mouth with downturned corners

A mouth whose corners are lowered downwards, as a rule, indicates large psychological problems its owner. Such people have an unfriendly and unsociable nature, and their career depends on how often they have to build relationships with other people. The appearance, for example, of a man with such a mouth will be repulsive, as it is associated with poor health.

In women, this trait indicates perseverance and hard work, diligence and diligence.

Mouth with small lower lip

Such a trait characterizes a person as passive, inert, weak in character, unreliable and unable to make a career.

Mouth with plump and protruding lower lip

More common in women, indicating typically feminine traits an inveterate egoist, unable to show her love for the opposite sex. In order to avoid problems in marriage, such women can be advised to gain financial independence from their husband.

uneven lip line

The uneven line of the lips is a sign of irascibility and confidence only in one's rightness. People with this trait, although they love to communicate in order to prove their point of view, are completely unable to do this.

A mouth that has many wrinkles on the lower lip

Such a trait is characteristic of a very sociable person who knows how to be pleasant, good-natured and popular with people of the opposite sex. But a negative feature can be called a pathological dependence on alcohol and food.

Deep groove above the upper lip

If the space - the hollow between the tip of the nose and the upper lip - is elongated, then the person has very many positive qualities. Many great actors, politicians and businessmen have had and still have this trait, no matter how attractive their appearance is or was. Such people achieve success in life due to their enormous vitality and energy. On the contrary, a short space between the nose and upper lip is a sign of an ill-mannered person, with low level intellect.

Mouth with upturned corners

Unlike a mouth with downturned corners, this option, creating the impression of a permanent smile, causes a positive reaction to the appearance of a person.

Both men and women with a “smiling” mouth are open, soft, friendly and very kind personalities. With such facial features, it doesn’t matter to them whether they have talents or not - they are always friendly and just enjoy life.

Indentation in the center of the upper lip

If the recess is pronounced and the contour of the lower lip is repeated, then the owner of such a mouth is developed both physically and mentally. On the contrary, a less pronounced (narrow) deepening is evidence of weakness and self-doubt.

Harmoniously proportional mouth shape

This trait is typical for very happy people, they are well-mannered, attentive, polite. Lacking stars from heaven, these people nevertheless enjoy harmonious relationships with everyone around them.

Signs of ambition and success

Most successful people have the following characteristics appearance: plump upper lip, far enough from the tip of the nose, tightly compressed and large mouth and large nose.

They have a sharp mind, ambition, intelligence, good manners of education, have weight in society and power over the people around them.

Protruding anterior teeth

Such features are characteristic of many representatives of the Chinese nationality, therefore they are distinguished into a special category. For Europeans with their regular visit(since childhood) such a trait is uncharacteristic of a dentist. But still, let's give the shortest analysis of a person with such a mouth: in most cases they are successful, energetic, purposeful, hardworking people; all of these qualities help them quickly move up the career ladder.

Mouth with two large front teeth

Front teeth size key factor in determining the character traits and behavior of a person. If the two front teeth are large, then both men and women are more passionate, bright, extravagant personalities than the owners of small teeth. But if the two front upper teeth protrude too much, then women should think about changing their appearance, otherwise they will be unattractive to men (it should also be taken into account that a defect in the teeth leaves an imprint on a person’s diction).

15 225 1 Hello, dear beauties of our site! In this article, we will talk about the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face. And also we will tell you how to choose the right eyebrow shape.

Thanks to the correction of the eyebrow line, you can give the face expressiveness and a certain attractiveness. But often on my own in pursuit of fashion trends you can choose the wrong shape, and get an unsatisfactory result. Ignorance of the basic rules of correction leads to such results. Therefore, before plucking hairs, you need to prepare a little, and first of all find out what types of eyebrows are.

Eyebrow types

The eyebrow itself is sometimes conditionally divided into three components:

  • Head - originates directly from the bridge of the nose;
  • The body is the middle part;
  • Tail - the narrowest part tapers towards the temple.

The shape of the eyebrows is quite simple to determine, you need to position the ruler or pencil so as to connect the head and tail of the eyebrow straight line. It can be parallel to the floor (straight), ascending or descending.

  • Straight. The head and tail of the eyebrows are located on the same level. This shape is perfect for an elongated face shape. She will visually expand the narrow forehead and balance it with the chin;
  • Rising. The head is located higher than the tail of the eyebrow. This shape visually narrows and lengthens your face a little.

IMPORTANT: when choosing this form, the main thing is not to overdo it, as too ascending lines look defiant and theatrical.

  • Falling down.Base eyebrow is located lower than its end. This form is very specific and not suitable for everyone. Often she adds age, and gives a sad expression. It is desirable to correct such a form.

Also distinguish the following types of eyebrows:

  • Rounded. Perfect for those with a wide square face, they soften their often coarse features. This form is often found in oriental beauties;
  • Smooth arc. This form is perfect and always looks advantageous, it is suitable for almost any image. Eyebrows of this shape slightly open the eyelid and help to look younger;
  • Triangular ("house", the center of the eyebrow is slightly raised). This form gives the face a slightly surprised expression, but this is its special charm. By the way, this shape of the eyebrows is the most natural and common, but if you wish, you can create it yourself;
  • With a break. This shape will also make you visually younger, give the look expressiveness and playfulness. Such eyebrows look good on a round face, as they draw the eye to themselves, hiding disproportion and other flaws in the shape of the face.

Physiognomy specialists ( science that determines the character of a person by the features of his face) are very attentive to the shape of the eyebrows. According to their research, purposeful strong personalities have a straight and wide eyebrow shape, open, benevolent people have an arched shape, and adventurers have a broken or triangular shape.

How to choose eyebrows according to the type of face

Choosing the shape of the eyebrows according to the type of face is a simple procedure. The main thing is to accurately identify the type of your face. There are the following types:

  • Square or rectangular. Distinctive feature of this form: it does not have dots protruding in width, that is, the width is approximately the same along the entire length. In case of rectangular shape, it is slightly more elongated than square;
  • Round. The face has a square, heavy lower jaw and broad cheekbones. The length and width of the face are almost the same.
  • triangular. A face of this shape has a narrow chin and a fairly wide forehead;
  • oval. The chin and forehead are about the same width, but the cheekbones protrude strongly;
  • pear-shaped. Wide chin, narrow forehead, round cheeks;
  • Rhomboid. main feature- high protruding cheekbones;

Ideal eyebrows for different types faces will also vary. But it is best to opt for an eyebrow with a wide beginning, a slightly raised main part, smoothly turning into a narrow tail.

When choosing a form, you should pay attention to certain features:

  • straight eyebrows will help to visually make the face wider;
  • Close-set eyes can be visually expanded by increasing the gap between the eyebrows. The reverse is also true, the eyebrows should be as close as possible to each other in order to visually reduce the distance between the eyes. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to connect both eyebrows into one;
  • Visually narrow the oval of the face will help rounded shape eyebrows, but a smooth curve is needed to avoid a surprised or haughty facial expression. It is recommended to remove the hairs only along the lower line of the eyebrow so that it does not look too low, otherwise it will visually reduce the eyes.

Important! The gap between the eyebrows should not exceed the width of two fingers of your hand.

Round face

This form requires the abandonment of very sharp and thin lines, because a strong bend, on the contrary, will focus on the roundness of the face. For the same reason, an arched shape is also undesirable.

One of the options may be eyebrows with a small classic break or a triangular shape. They will emphasize your eyes and transform your face.

Important: Do not place your eyebrows too low or too high, otherwise your expression will be sad or surprised.

Oval face

It is believed that this face shape is the most correct. Eyebrows of almost any shape are suitable for her, but the best option is eyebrows with a slight break. With a very narrow oval of the face, it can be visually slightly expanded due to not too wide straight eyebrows, which should not be too low.

triangular face

Eyebrows that are too wide or too thin are not recommended, and straight shapes, they will only emphasize sharp features. It is also worth abandoning too long eyebrows, because they visually violate the proportions of the face even more.

To soften the sharp contrast between a wide forehead and a narrow chin, you can use a curved eyebrow with a slight rise, middle length. The width of the eyebrow is the same along the entire length, or slightly narrowed towards the end.

pear face

The best choice with this shape of the face will be wide and fairly wide. long eyebrows. You can also visually expand upper part face by increasing the gap between the eyebrows.

Square or rectangular face

The main focus should be on drawing attention away from the square chin and softening the lower part of the face, this will be facilitated by a smooth brow lift at the beginning. On faces of such forms, eyebrows with a break shifted towards the temple will look good, while the tail should be narrower than the main part and directed towards the middle of the auricle.

How to make your own eyebrow shape

The following technique is often used to determine the shape of the eyebrow and its boundaries:

  • Point #1(beginning - head). Position the pencil near the wing of the nose so that it crosses the inner corner of the eye. Place a mark where the pencil crosses the brow bone.
  • Point #2(most high point). We position the pencil so that it touches the wing of the nose and crosses the pupil up. We mark a point on the superciliary arch.
  • Point #3(extreme point - tail). Place the pencil so that it connects the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye, mark the intersection point on the superciliary arch.

How to shape eyebrows with tweezers

One of the most famous eyebrow shaping tools is tweezers. It comes to the rescue when you have already chosen the shape of your eyebrows. To simplify the task, draw the selected shape with a pencil on your eyebrows. So you can clearly see those hairs that need to be removed.

To get perfect eyebrows, you should be guided by a number of rules:

  • Hairs should be removed in the direction of their growth, this helps to prevent their ingrowth into the skin, moreover, the procedure will not be so painful;
  • It is better to grab the hairs at the very base and pull them out with a quick sharp movement. Experts recommend removing hair under the eyebrow line;
  • Before the procedure, all cosmetics and impurities should be removed from the treated surface. It is necessary to disinfect the surface of the skin both before and after the procedure. When unwanted hairs are removed, the skin must be moisturized;
  • It is better to plan the procedure for the evening, so that by morning the irritation has already passed;
  • To keep the eyebrows beautiful, they should be combed daily with a special cosmetic brush.

How to shape eyebrows with thread

Threading is a way of shaping the eyebrows using a special thread. This is enough old method, it has been used since ancient times in Eastern countries. This method is a little tricky to use, especially in the beginning, but over time, with proper practice, it will become no more difficult to use than tweezers.

Threading Benefits:

  • Hair becomes thinner and softer over time;
  • You can remove several hairs at once;
  • Ingrown hairs practically do not appear;
  • Irritation is minimal and passes very quickly.

But today such a procedure is carried out at home. You will need a special thread (Arabic). It is cotton and quite durable. The length of the thread should be about 50 cm. The ends of the thread are tied and twisted to form two loops. In each of which you insert a large and index fingers. The process is somewhat similar to the work of scissors, the hairs are intertwined with threads and removed.

How to shape eyebrows with a pencil

The pencil is very simple and effective way adjust the shape of the eyebrows, and you can do this repeatedly if the previous option did not suit you. To get a good result, you should choose a hard pencil, and sharpen it well. And also take the choice of color seriously. Black pencil is considered a classic, but it is better for blondes to refuse it. For fair-haired girls, beige or gray shades are suitable, for brown-haired women and redheads - brown. Sometimes, to make the eyebrow more natural, two shades of pencil are used at once: darker at the beginning and lighter closer to the edge.

Steps for drawing an eyebrow with a pencil:

  1. Apply tone cream;
  2. Mark the beginning and end of the eyebrow with a few strokes;
  3. Comb the hairs in the direction of their growth;
  4. Carefully paint over all eyebrows;
  5. Comb your brow.

Eyebrow shaping with a stencil

Often, having drawn one eyebrow of an ideal shape, it is impossible to repeat it on the other side. Can help in this matter special device- stencil. It is often sold in a kit with biotattoo paint.

Working with a stencil is quite simple. It should simply be applied to the eyebrow, and then use paint or pencil. It is only important to apply the stencil evenly on both sides, and you can enjoy an excellent result.

Eyebrow shaping in the salon

All of the above methods of giving the desired shape to the eyebrows can be done independently. And to achieve good result, often enough. But there is not always time for yourself. Therefore, it came into fashion Permanent makeup which allows you to look good with almost no effort.

Eyebrow tattoo

Eyebrow tattooing is essentially a tattoo (the dye is injected under the skin), but its penetration depth is much less than 0.5 mm and, accordingly, over time (within several years), it will still wash out. Depending on the technique of applying paint, the following types of eyebrow tattoo are distinguished:

  • hairy. It is clear from the name that in this case separate small hairs are drawn. They are placed between existing hairs in the direction of hair growth. This type of tattoo looks quite natural and, with good performance, is almost invisible;
  • Shot. A type of tattoo in which the traced contour of the eyebrow is evenly filled with color. The result looks too bright and artificial;
  • combination. Harmoniously combines the hair method and shading. This method is used by masters most often.


Unlike tattooing, microblading is performed manually without special apparatus. The effect of it depends directly on the skills of the master.

The master draws individual hairs along the previously drawn contour with a special tool with a micro-thin needle. After that, the remnants of the coloring pigment are removed from the surface of the skin. The depth of pigment injection does not exceed 0.5 mm, so the visible effect will last for about a year, after which the procedure should be repeated. If the procedure is carried out qualitatively, it is almost impossible to see the drawn hairs, and the color of the eyebrow looks more natural.

To date, the following types of microblading:

  • European (dummy). The master draws hairs of the same length and thickness, with the same slope. With this technique, the eyebrows are thick and voluminous, but upon close examination, they do not look natural;
  • Oriental. The master draws the hairs as similar as possible to natural eyebrows client. The effect is as natural as possible.

How to choose the shape of PROBLEM eyebrows (scars, stiff eyebrows, over-plucked or sloppy eyebrows)

Useful articles:

The fashionable shape of the eyebrows changes quite often. Well, once a decade for sure. And the threads in fashion were Brezhnev's. Now we move from surprised to gull wings. More precisely, they have already switched over for a long time, but some still do it out of habit. Some of them even in a tattoo immediately fix them so as not to bathe in the morning.
In my opinion, humanity (including fashion), tired of any civilization, has simply come to the most natural. Although ... how do we know what awaits us in 10 years.
how eyebrows should not look now, I showed in pictures If you have any questions, you need to tell me how the eyebrows should look.
The easiest way is to trust the master. only normal, which will not depict surprise on your face. But if there is difficulty with the master, we will deal with it ourselves

The shape of the eyebrows is formed by the proportions of the eyes-nose
What does it look like?
the eyebrow has three key points - start-kink-end.
the beginning and end were defined in the same way in the last century and now

point a is an imaginary point at the nose, the line to point b runs in a straight line from a, and the line to point c runs in a straight line from a through the outer corner of the eye.

difference modern eyebrows is at the breaking point
for a long time this point passed through the center of the pupil

as a result, we had what is now called "surprised eyebrows".

Those. approximately uniformly curved in an arc

although it could be

see? the eyebrow bends or "breaks" approximately in the middle.

the fundamental difference now - the break point passes through the edge of the iris OR through the iris (but not through the center of the pupil!)

As a result, the eyebrows are divided / bent / broken in a ratio of about 1 to 2. very roughly, to emphasize once again that this is not 1 to 1, i.e. NOT equally.

dot at the nose- this is an exemplary, girls, period. It is not necessary to focus clearly on the end of the wings of the nose or on the "nasal bend". The point is approximate, because someone has a narrow nose, someone has a potato. Anything happens. It is more important to correctly determine the point of the beginning of the eyebrow, and from it to build a point at the nose.

some of the photo instructions (and some of the descriptions) suggest that the line for defining the point of origin of the eyebrow should be from the nose through the inner corner of the eye. This is not entirely true. For the eyes can be both close-set and far-set. And if the point at the nose is approximate and generally very conditional, then the intersection of the inner corner of the eye is exactly the same. Here you need to focus on your own visual sensations. And if they are not developed?

determine the "setting" of the eyes. We take a pencil, apply it horizontally to the cut line of the eyes, measure the "width of the eyes" (section). If the distance between the inner corners of the eyes is equal to the section of the eyes, these are normally set eyes. The distance between the cut is larger - wide-set. The distance is less - closely planted. (This knowledge, by the way, will come in handy for your eye makeup). So here the starting point for the eyebrows should be approximately above the inner corner of the eye, IF you had well-set eyes.
it is obvious that if they are already such, then there are no questions. If far set - shift the starting point of the eyebrows closer to the bridge of the nose. If close-set - slightly push the future eyebrows.

This is the distance between the eyebrows, about which I am trying to explain on my fingers - it has great importance. for this is how you determine this very approximate point at the nose, from which you will then count all other lines and points. And secondly, the shifted eyebrows give the face a sullen expression. And too "spread apart" (well, if you have a wide nose and wide-set eyes) will give your face a bewildered expression.
But! and many times but - be guided by your own feelings, do not chase someone with calculated proportions. Sometimes the soul asks to deliberately move the beginning of the eyebrows to the bridge of the nose, sometimes deliberately push it apart. It also depends on natural growth. Just don't get carried away.
extreme point runs along the nose-eye line through the outer corner of the eye. For narrow faces, for example, elongated ones, you can slightly shorten the eyebrows. Wide faces - for example, round or pronounced triangles or massive pears and squares can be slightly lengthened. But not too much again. Short eyebrows look stubby, too long (to the ears) are very sweeping.
again, remember about the "setting" of the eyes. if you have wide-set eyes and narrow face- eyebrows can go far enough towards the ears. Or you have a round face and close-set eyes - obviously you will not have enough length.

know the shape of the face
bend. There is something to be said here. If you have something to work with, you can choose - curved, straight or rising. However, often and very often the eyebrows are already growing somehow. And the task is not to create new form, but correct what is given. So if you are given a bend or your very wide eyebrows, which need a bend, then we measure the desired point from the nose through the edge of the iris.

Then we form a "bend angle" - the small tip of the eyebrow should look into the hollow above the tragus of the ear (uh ... run your finger across the face along the ear, you will immediately find the right point). The long part of the eyebrow should run as straight as possible from the point of origin to the point of bend.

Here is an example of a rounded shape (despite correct proportions, the pronounced rounded shape is obsolete)

here is a direct example

there are no actual requirements for the angle between the long and short parts of the eyebrow.

ground rules
- Correctly define the starting point. We focus on eye crowding and personal feelings
- correctly determine the end of the eyebrows. We focus on the outer corner of the eye and the shape of the face
- determine the bending point, if it is needed, and if it is possible. We focus on the pupil and draw a nose-eye line so that the ratio of the short and long parts of the eyebrows would be 1 to 2.
- we form a bend. the short part looks "in the ear", and the long part is more straight than rounded.

By the way, there are stencils in stores

do you need a bend point if you want straight brows?
in general, this point indicates that from this point the eyebrows are unequivocally narrowed. if you can make a straight line from the beginning to this point, then from the real bend point in curved eyebrows or from the conditional bend point for straight forms, start reducing the width of the eyebrow.

if you are shaping your eyebrows after long break or for the first time ever- use an eyebrow pencil, calculate the key points well and draw the shape (do not forget to brush your eyebrows). Examine yourself closer and further, try on a new form.


very common occurrence natural eyebrow asymmetry

have example apparently age. And sometimes the usual natural. It seems that everything was measured out by points with a ruler and a protractor, and the eyebrows of the chamois are crooked relative to each other. Asymmetry is better to straighten at the master . Especially the big asymmetry. No, you can do it yourself, but keep in mind that in the event of an unsuccessful experiment, you may be left without eyebrows at all, and they do not grow at all as fast as it might seem.

to check the asymmetry, apply the pencil horizontally in succession to all key points of the left and right eyebrows. The lines connecting the beginning, end and bend between the left and right eyebrows should run parallel to each other and should be horizontal (you can visually focus on the shape of the eyes)

remove unwanted hairs preferably along the bottom edge, without touching the top, but if top edge something strongly sticks out, it is visible and visually spoils the shape - remove THIS. Just aim for the upper brow line to look natural, not drawn.

and for today we will stop with a mat. part, in the next post I will tell a little more about ideal forms eyebrows and how to achieve them

It's hard to imagine beautiful woman without eyebrows and eyelashes. Well-groomed eyebrows of the correct form give a special expressiveness to the eyes and determine the facial expression.

The attractiveness of a woman's face largely depends on eyebrow shapes and colors . Well-groomed eyebrows give expressiveness to the face, make it even more beautiful.

Eyebrows need regular care . In the evening, along with cleansing the face, it is also necessary to clean the eyebrows, as dust particles settle on them.

The shape of the eyebrows often changes depending on the fashion: from dark thick to plucked into a thread, from straight to sharply arched.

Do not blindly follow fashion trends. Eyebrows should look natural. The shape and width of the eyebrows must be selected to the type of face, strictly individually.

For various face shapes fit following eyebrows:

To visually enlarge small eyes, eyebrows are painted on, making them convex and wide, and increase the distance between them, pulling out the hairs from the side of the nose. If the eyes are close set, then the distance between the eyebrows should be greater.

To look younger you need to increase the distance between the eyebrows, without reducing their width, and from the side of the temples to achieve a graceful bend.

- oblong face straight eyebrows, removed from the bridge of the nose, are suitable.

- triangular face lifted up and rounded are suitable, straight eyebrows are not recommended.

- oval face arched eyebrows are most suitable.

- Square face long, highly raised eyebrows are suitable, and slightly arched.

- round face suitable eyebrows raised up and slightly rounded at the end.

Care products for eyebrows and eyelashes help maintain the elasticity of the hair and stimulate its growth. The best are those that contain nettle extract and castor oil.

In order for the eyebrows to be beautiful, it is important to correctly determine their beginning and end. The eyebrow should begin directly above the inner corner of the eye. The hairs on the bridge of the nose that extend beyond this line are removed. To determine the end of the eyebrow, take a pencil and apply it from the wing of the nose to outside corner eyes. The end of the eyebrow is at the point of intersection of the pencil with the eyebrow. The highest point of the eyebrow should be on a line running from the center of the upper lip through the pupil to the eyebrow.

When caring for eyebrows and eyelashes, a small eyelash brush is used, shaped like a small toothbrush. When combing with rotational movements, they move from the edge of the eyelid to the tips of the eyelashes. In this case, it is useful to moisten the brush in castor oil or olive oil, in glycerin or hair conditioner. This will make the eyebrows thick, silky and strengthen their roots. For styling eyebrows, a special gel is used. Those with sparse eyebrows can use fortified creams to promote hair growth.

You can change the shape of your eyebrows with tweezers and a pencil. Before proceeding with the procedure, you must know exactly what you have chosen. desired shape eyebrows: you should not experiment with them. Eyebrows are best plucked in the evening so that possible redness disappears overnight.

Before waxing your eyebrows, wash your hands with soap and water, wipe them and tweezers with alcohol, apply a greasy cream to your skin. Stretch the skin around the eyebrows with your fingers. Hold the tweezers with the first, second and third fingers of your right hand. Grab the hair at the root with the cheeks of the tweezers. Firmly squeezing your cheeks and holding the tweezers at an acute angle to the surface of the skin, quickly pull out the hair in the direction of its growth. First, remove a few hairs on one eyebrow, and then on the other and check the symmetry, after that you can continue on. The eyebrow should taper towards the outer end and gradually fade away.

After depilation, wipe the skin with alcohol and apply lotion (cream). Also clean the tweezers with alcohol.

Using a sharpened pencil, you can adjust the shape of the eyebrows. Before applying the pencil, it is necessary that the eyebrows are clean and combed. Do not draw one line along the eyebrow straight line, apply light quick short strokes with a pencil from the inside out, as if drawing hairs. Move from the inner end of the eyebrow to the outer. Fill with a pencil individual voids in the bends or lengthen too short eyebrow. To make the eyebrows look more voluminous, instead of a pencil, you can use shadows or mascara.

It is very important to choose the right color. Choose colors a little lighter natural color hair, and for light and ashy hair - vice versa. Black pencil is suitable for brunettes, brown for brown-haired women, terracotta for redheads, light brown and golden for blondes. Gray and colorless eyebrows deprive the face of expressiveness. They need to be slightly tinted with brown or gray.

The following eyebrows are suitable for various face shapes:

- To visually enlarge small eyes, eyebrows are painted on, making them convex and wide, and the distance between them is increased by plucking hairs from the side of the nose.

If the eyes are close set, then the distance between the eyebrows should be greater.

- To look younger, you need to increase the distance between the eyebrows, without reducing their width, and achieve a graceful bend from the side of the temples.

- An oblong face is suitable for straight eyebrows, removed from the bridge of the nose.

- A triangular face is suitable for raised and rounded eyebrows, straight eyebrows are not recommended.

- An oval face is best suited for arched eyebrows.

- A square face is suitable for long, high-raised eyebrows, and you can also slightly arched.

- Eyebrows raised upwards and somewhat rounded at the end are suitable for a round face.

Eyebrows are one of the most important elements of the image, they are responsible for facial expression.

They serve as a frame for the eyes.

First of all, you need to have an idea about the proportion of the ideal eyebrow.

1. Option:

2. Location of the eyebrow arch, you need to draw an imaginary line from the tip of the nose THROUGH the pupil of the eye

Option 2:

1. The eyebrow begins exactly above the inner corner of the eye.

2. The eyebrow arch begins at the point of intersection of the eyebrow with a vertical line drawn through the center of the pupil of the eye.

3. The eyebrow ends at the point of intersection with it of a diagonal line drawn from the tip of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.

3. Option:

1. The eyebrow begins exactly above the inner corner of the eye.

2. The arch of the eyebrow in this scheme starts from the outer edge of the iris, and not from its middle

3. The eyebrow ends at the point of intersection with it of a diagonal line drawn from the tip of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.

Which option to choose is up to you, my dears, but as a make-up artist I will say that the first option is preferable, it is also a classic option.

Having decided on the form, you can proceed to the embodiment of the design created by your imagination. To avoid mistakes, draw with a white pencil the hairs that you are going to pull out and rate how much you like what is left unpainted. If everything is fine, proceed to plucking extra hairs. Many makeup books I've read advise against plucking hairs ABOVE the brow (they advise limiting yourself to hairs BELOW the brow line). I find that to create the perfect brow line, sometimes it doesn't hurt to remove a few hairs on top of this line (usually this is necessary to form the desired arch of the brow arch). Tweeze the hairs (both above and below the eyebrow line) only if you feel confident. If there are fears and doubts, it is better to surrender to the hands of a professional, so that later you can simply maintain the form created by him.

If the eyebrow hairs are long, they can be trimmed, thereby forming an eyebrow line that will not require careful styling every morning with gel or any other eyebrow fixative. First, using an eyebrow comb, direct all the hairs diagonally to the temples (i.e. up), with nail scissors (with straight ends!) Trim the hairs that come out over the upper border of the eyebrow. Next, comb the brow hairs down towards the ear and trim the brow line by shortening the hairs below the bottom of the brow.

Pencil or shadow?

Nature has not awarded all of us with ideal eyebrows of the required density. You can make up for this omission with the help of an eyebrow pencil, shadows or special eyebrow powder. Pencil is more convenient to use, shadows give a more natural result. An angled brush is needed to apply eyeshadow or brow powder. Pick up a small amount of shadow on the brush, shake off the excess and fill in the space between the eyebrow hairs, starting from its inner edge. Inner part eyebrows (its beginning) should be the least intensely colored for a more natural effect. It is very important not to overdo it, the main rule is “less is more”. It's always easier to add than to take away. However, if you still overdid it, take cotton swab and wipe off the excess.

Make-up technique and options for the classic vertical and horizontal method of applying shadows:

Smokey Eyes Technique

First stage.
Apply a foundation eyeshadow (the lightest shade) all over the lid up to the brow bone.
Second phase.
Apply shadow-contour thin line along the upper lash line, and then on the top of the eyelid along the crease line to the middle of the eye, drawing a V-shaped line. Using a brush, gently blend the shadows.
Third stage.
With a contour pencil, draw lines along the upper and lower eyelashes. Summing up upper eyelid, move from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and on the bottom - in the opposite direction.
Fourth stage.
Apply mascara - first on the lower, then on the upper eyelashes. Let the applied layer dry before applying the next one.

How to make eyes more expressive:

Masking skin imperfections. To remove dark circles under the eyes, apply a light-colored concealer only to the bluish areas of the skin under the eyes. If your eyelids are dark, apply concealer to them as well.
We remove swelling. To hide puffiness under the eyes, line only the upper eyelid with a contour pencil. Apply and blend under eye protection cream foundation, then apply skin tone compact powder under the eyes and down to the cheeks to 'remove' puffiness.
Eye contour. To prevent the eyelids from appearing too dark, use shades of muted matte tones. Avoid shiny and iridescent shadows - in this case, wrinkles become more noticeable.

Bright eyes:

Brows. Eyebrow natural form should begin above the inner corner of the eye and curve over its center. Make a beautiful shape along the upper line of the eyebrow: comb the eyebrows with a brush, and apply light short strokes with an eyebrow pencil in the direction from the selected point to the edges. Comb the eyebrows again with a brush to soften their contours.

Eyes in the haze Bold option providing an instant effect. Apply a medium tone eye shadow all over the lid, then apply a second layer along the crease line using a deeper smoky shade (Black Onyx, Iris, Midnight Blue). Finish your makeup by applying to your eyelashes thick layer ink.

Circuit. If you want the lines outlined by the eyeliner to last as long as possible, apply a shade of a similar shade over these lines to set and soften the lines.

Saturated colors. If you want the color scheme to appear more saturated, apply the shadows in a wet way. In this way, you can line your eyes with shadows instead of a contour pencil - for this, use a thin brush and apply shadows as close to the lash line as possible: smooth the layer with a dry brush or a cotton swab to soften the contour.

How to "enlarge" the eye? To add extra depth to the eyes, apply a darker shade along the crease line of the eyelid.

Quick transformations. To quickly change day makeup For evening wear, apply light, shimmery shadows under your lower brow line to lift your brows and give your eyes a festive glow. Apply a more intense or iridescent shadow to the outer edge of the crease line and blend. Line the upper and lower lashes with a dark-colored liner pencil, and then go over the lines with a cotton swab to soften the contours. Apply an extra layer of mascara to your lashes.

fluffy eyelashes. If you want fluffy lashes, apply several coats of mascara. But before applying the next layer, let the previous one dry.

Small eyes

1. Use shadows light color, applying them to the upper eyelid from eyelashes to eyebrows.
2. Apply a medium shade shadow to the crease, concentrating on upper eyelid.
3. Apply eyeliner to the outer half of the eye, as close to the base of the lashes as possible.
4. Apply shadow over light colors under the arch of the eyebrow. You can also use a white pencil in the inner lower or upper frames to help open your eyes as much as possible.
5. Follow the eyebrows, care for and properly form their arch. A thin eyebrow is most suitable for such eyes, allowing you to visually make your eyes open and expressive.

Wide-set eyes
1. Apply a medium shade eyeshadow from lashes to brows.
2. Place medium or dark shadows on the inner corners of the upper and lower eyelids.
3. Extend the line of shadows completely to the outer corners of the eyes, while trying to draw a tapering line as close as possible to the base of the eyelashes.
4. When applying mascara, you should concentrate on the central part of the eyelashes, applying a thicker layer of mascara exactly in the middle.

Deep set eyes
1. Use a light shade of shadow on the eyelid from eyelashes to eyebrows.
2. Place a medium color shadow around the eye contour just above the crease, and blend upwards.
3. Focus on the inner corners of the eyes.
4. When applying an eyeliner, draw a line as thin as possible and close to the base of the eyelashes. It is better not to use eyeliner at all if they are deep-set.
5. Apply mascara to the upper and lower lashes, comb them with a mascara brush so that there is no sticky feeling of the lashes.

narrow-set eyes
1. Apply a light color range of shadows on the inner half of the upper eyelid from eyelashes to eyebrows.
2. Extend the middle shade of shadows on the outer half of the upper eyelid.
3. Start aligning the vertical line of light shadows in the inner corner of the eyes, expanding it beyond the outer edge.
4. Focus on the inner corners of the eyes.
5. Apply mascara to the upper eyelashes, if desired, you can also on the lower ones. If you use mascara on the lower lashes, apply it only on the outside of the eye.

Round eyes
1. Use light tones of shadows from the base of the eyelashes to the eyebrow.
2. Use a dark shadow in the crease of the upper eyelid.
3. Apply a darker shadow on the upper eyelid at the base of the eyelashes only.
4. Use mascara, concentrating on the outer half of the eyes.

puffy eyes
1. You should focus on the inner corners of the eyes, apply the shadows of the main color on them.
2. Use dark colors shadows in the crease of the eye, where the swelling is most noticeable.
3. Draw a line with a pencil on the upper eyelid along the base of the eyelashes from the inner corner of the eyes to the outer. Never use a lower eyeliner as this will only accentuate puffy eyes.
4. Underline the upper eyelashes with mascara. It is better not to use mascara on the lower lashes.

Fallen eyelids
1. Use a light shadow in the middle of the upper eyelid.
2. Use dark shades of shadows in places where the eyelid hangs the most.
3. The place to focus on when making up the eyes is under the inner edge of the eyebrows.
4. It is better not to use an eyeliner, as this can, on the contrary, emphasize the “drooping” of the eyelids.

pitiful eyes
1. We recommend that you start your makeup with an eyeliner that will visually lift the outer corners of your eyes. Start a line in the inner corner of the eye, leading it along the base of the eyelashes.
2. The line should be made thinner, or completely removed, at the level of the pupil. Bring the lower eyelid parallel to the upper.
3. Apply a medium shade to the entire upper eyelid, darker shades should be applied to the crease.
4. Shade and blend the eyeliner, while trying not to blend the outline of the pencil and the line of shadows in the corners of the eyes.
5. Apply mascara to upper lashes only.

mature eyes
1. Apply a medium shade eyeshadow to the entire upper eyelid.
2. It is better to give up dry shadows and use liquid cream shadows.
3. Apply the eyeliner along the base of the lashes, making a thicker line on the outer part of the eye.
4. Lightly apply mascara to upper lashes.

To make perfect makeup, it is important to correctly make up the eyes, focusing on exactly how they are placed. Measure the width of each eye and the distance between them with a ruler. Let's get started...

1. If you are lucky and the width of the distance between the eyes is equal to the width of the eye. On the upper eyelid, draw a line with eyeliner from the beginning of eyelash growth to the outer corner of the eye. You can draw a small arrow, or you can not do this. You can draw the lower eyelid or not - at your discretion.

2. If your eyes are set close (the distance between the eyes is less than the width of the eye). Highlight the inner corner of the “mirror of the soul” with a pencil or light-colored shadows. Draw a line with eyeliner from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner, slightly stretching beyond it.

3. If you are the owner of wide-set eyes. Conversely, darken the inner corner of the eye. Draw a line of eyeliner so that in the inner corner of the eye it is bolder and more noticeable than in the outer.

4. If your eyes have drooping corners. Draw a line from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner of the eye and slightly up. Draw the lower eyelid in the same way, also stretch the eyeliner line up, but without closing it with the line of the upper eyelid.

5. bulging eyes. Here you need a dark matte eyeliner for the upper and lower eyelids. The upper one goes along the contour of the eye, the lower one - along inside eyelash growth lines.

has long been flat and White skin was considered the first sign of sophisticated femininity. Powder was invented in Ancient Egypt, and the Greek women of the heyday of Hellas were already powdered with lead white. AT different times and among different peoples, red and yellow ocher, a mixture of bean and wheat flour, white clay, and even crocodile excrement were used as powder. Why is powder needed? Our skin constantly releases natural oils. Powder helps fight oily sheen and provides the skin with a matte and velvety finish, while refreshing the face. In addition, it helps to successfully mask fine wrinkles.
If you use foundation, then it must be fixed so that it does not “blur”. Powder perfectly copes with this task, providing makeup with great durability. And if you do not use makeup at all - it does not matter! The powder itself, even outside of foundation and blush, gives the skin a well-groomed look.
Blush and shadows are much more convenient to apply over powder than without it: the brush glides better and the paint lays down more evenly. Powder will also help if suddenly applied blush or eye shadow looks too flashy. One has only to lightly walk along the cheekbones or eyelids with a powder puff, as the colors soften, and the transitions between them become less noticeable.

What is powder?

Modern powder - a complex mixture of natural kaolin, calcium carbonate, talc and ground silk, as well as various nutritional supplements - exists in two main variations: loose and compact.

Loose powder evenly lays down and is thinly distributed, completely mixing up with a voice-frequency cream. Unfortunately, you can’t carry loose powder with you in your makeup bag, so it’s best to use it in the process of applying basic makeup, just before leaving the house.

Compact powder, on the contrary, is a permanent resident women's handbags, always ready to help out if your nose suddenly shines in the office or at a party. By the way, thanks high content fat it is ideal for dry skin.

Terracotta Powder, containing ground healing mud - an alternative to eye shadow or blush saturated shade tan. It perfectly emphasizes the contours of the face, but alas! - does not look at all on pale and untanned skin.

Another type of powder liquid cream powder which is ideal for dry and normal skin faces. For owners oily skin, on the contrary, it is better not to experiment with liquid powder, as it will reveal all the existing flaws even more sharply.

By the way, for those whose skin is imperfect, green powder can help, just designed to mask skin imperfections: acne, veins, red spots. Green powder is applied pointwise, only to those places that need to be hidden, and a layer of flesh-colored powder is necessarily applied on top.

There is also
powder in the form of multi-colored balls . Such a powder has the effect of reflecting light and thanks to it it helps to give the skin a special freshness, only it should be applied in a very transparent layer.

If you're going to a party, choose shimmery powder. The golden or silver particles contained in such a powder, under artificial lighting, give the skin a mysterious shimmer. Needless to say, in the light of day, shimmering powder on the face does not look natural, as well as any evening make-up? And yet, shimmering powder is applied to the cheekbones, temples, arms, décolleté, but in no case to the middle of the face.

Powder is also used for medical purposes. So, antiseptic powder contains various antibacterial and anti-inflammatory additives. Applied with sterile cotton wool, this powder will quickly soothe inflamed facial skin. The main thing is not to use antiseptic powder for normal or dry skin, otherwise you can only harm yourself.

How to choose desired shade powder?

If you do not use foundation, focus only on your natural skin color, and if you constantly use foundation, then on it. Keep in mind that compact powder does natural shade slightly darker skin. Ideally, the color of the powder should match the color of the skin and foundation; however, if suddenly the powder turns out to be a little lighter, there is nothing wrong with that. The easiest choice is to get a colorless powder that goes with almost any skin tone or foundation. However, it should be remembered that swarthy or tanned skin colorless powder can give a grayish tint. So if you've just returned from the south or are visiting a tanning salon, the best option for you there will be a tinted powder of brownish tones. If, on the contrary, you have not yet had time to tan, then avoid pink tones - they will make pale skin faces unnatural.

How to apply powder correctly?

To begin with, it is advisable to wait until the day cream and foundation are completely absorbed, otherwise the powder will fall unevenly and the skin will look patchy.
Powder is best applied with a thick brush or powder puff, but it is better to use both at the same time.
on cheekbones and side part face powder is applied with a brush. At the same time, excess powder on the brush can simply be blown off or shaken off. Once a week, the brush should be washed in warm water with shampoo and dried well in a warm place, but not in direct sunlight.
By means of a powder puff, the powder is applied to the central part of the face (forehead, nose and chin). Having gathered the powder with a powder puff, first press it to reverse side palms - so you press the powder into the powder puff. And only now, carefully, slowly, with light circular touches, generously apply the powder on your face.
Powdering, always Special attention give the central part of the face, where the sweat and sebaceous glands, so you should be especially careful when applying powder there. If suddenly in the middle of the day you notice a greasy sheen on your nose or chin, do not rush to immediately get a powder box. First you should get rid of the oily sheen, for example, with a paper towel, and only then gradually powder the “problem” areas.
Little secret: if you apply powder on your eyelids and lips, then eye shadow and lipstick will last much longer. If you, after powdering your eyelashes, then cover them with mascara, then the eyelashes will appear thicker.

And further, good powder in no case should it create a “plaster effect” on the skin. If this is the case, then it is better to replace it with a better version that lies flat on the face, like a second skin. Only then will your art always look attractive, reach perfection.
