Get rid of heartburn during pregnancy. What helps with heartburn during pregnancy? Correct lifestyle for heartburn during pregnancy

Heartburn is a common concern during pregnancy. In some women it occurs in the first weeks. But for the most part, an unpleasant burning sensation is felt on latest dates. Why is this happening?

Expectant mothers want to quickly get rid of an unpleasant condition, but how? Some people prefer to use baking soda. After all, this is the most popular remedy that saves you from an unpleasant burning sensation. Others use antispasmodic medications. And some women are sure that only decoctions and infusions homemade can relieve heartburn without harming the body of mother and baby.

Why do pregnant women often experience heartburn?

Most expectant mothers complain of an unpleasant burning sensation. In 80% of women it appears on last weeks pregnancy. This happens after every breakfast, lunch or dinner. The duration of heartburn varies among women. For some it lasts a couple of minutes, for others it lasts 2-3 hours. An unpleasant burning sensation can be observed repeatedly throughout the day.

Heartburn in the first days or weeks of pregnancy
If heartburn occurs on initial stages pregnancy, this is a consequence of hormonal imbalances. The esophagus and stomach in all people are separated by a sphincter. It does not allow the accepted food to return. When a woman becomes pregnant, the level of the hormone progesterone rises sharply. This affects the soft muscles and sphincter, which relax and do not perform their functions.

Doctors are sure that heartburn is initial terms pregnancy provokes nausea and vomiting. By 3-4 months of pregnancy, this condition in most cases goes away.

Heartburn in late pregnancy
If the expectant mother begins to experience an unpleasant burning sensation towards the end of pregnancy, then the reason for this is the uterus, which is gradually increasing in volume. She puts her weight on her stomach. As a result of this impact, it flattens and rises. Subsequently, the contents of the stomach are released directly into the esophagus. This gives the expectant mother an unpleasant feeling.

Steadily increasing body weight also affects the occurrence of heartburn. However, the unpleasant burning sensation does not harm either the female body or the baby in the womb. A pregnant woman completely gets rid of the unpleasant condition after childbirth.

  1. During heartburn, some pregnant women resort to drug treatment. They use medications from the group of antispasmodics without a doctor’s recommendation. This is the first wrong step. You need to know that any antispasmodics promote greater relaxation of the muscles of the internal organs. Therefore, before using medications, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  2. During pregnancy modern women They try to wear only tight outfits. This also negatively affects general health and may cause heartburn.
  3. By bending sharply, a pregnant woman provokes heartburn. You just need to squat if necessary.
  4. After eating, many people want to relax and immediately lie down on the bed or sofa. You can’t do this, you should wait half an hour and only then lie down.
  5. Pregnant women should avoid foods that cause stomach acid. Do not drink coffee, including carbonated drinks. All spicy dishes and dinners with added spices should be excluded from the diet. Fruits, vegetables or berries with sourness are no less dangerous. Needs to be removed dairy products except cheese.
  6. Eating immediately before bed is prohibited. Otherwise, heartburn cannot be avoided.

In extreme situations, doctors advise using antacids for heartburn. Medicines in this group contain magnesium and aluminum salts. Entering the body, they neutralize acid in gastric juice and help improve the functions of the lower esophageal sphincter.

Medicines from the antacid group also have side effects. Some of them can cause constipation. Others can have a laxative effect. Based on this, doctors do not recommend taking for a long time medicines of this group.

In order for a woman to have excellent health and a strong child to be born, it is necessary to give up any medications. Main point- this is proper nutrition.

If a pregnant woman refuses harmful and unhealthy foods and products from the first weeks, she will be able to avoid heartburn. The menu should be made up of natural and fresh products, boiled or steamed.

The best option would be separate meals. It is not recommended to consume carbohydrates and proteins at the same time at the same meal. You can combine meat with vegetables and eggs, and pasta with fruits and vegetables.

There are several important rules, according to which the occurrence of heartburn can be avoided or reduced.

  1. All dishes with a high percentage of fat content, as well as any fried foods and chocolate, are excluded from the menu.
  2. Meals should be fractional, that is, 6-7 times throughout the day. Eating occurs every 2 or 3 hours in small portions. At each meal you should chew it slowly and thoroughly.
  3. You need to lie down on a bed with a high pillow. A pregnant woman should sleep on her back.
  4. Throughout the day, it is mandatory to take milk in small portions. It’s good if you add to such a drink essential oil fennel.
  5. During an unpleasant burning sensation, you can chew dry cereals, finely chopped carrots.
  6. A few hours before bedtime, eating any food is prohibited.
  7. A pregnant woman should not worry or worry. Stress should be avoided depressive state. This also affects your overall health and can lead to heartburn.
  8. A good solution would be to use jelly or juice made from fresh potatoes, carrots, or grapefruit.
  9. Non-carbonated mineral water is allowed, which should be drunk in sips.
  10. Eating nuts will relieve heartburn for a while. These could be almonds, hazelnuts. However, there is no need to overuse it to avoid constipation.
  11. Ordinary seeds will also become useful tool for heartburn. They are used with caution, in small quantities.

What homemade infusions help pregnant women with heartburn?

A lot is known folk recipes which help pregnant women with heartburn.

  1. It’s good if the expectant mother uses herbal infusions and decoctions. It is recommended to combine chamomile, St. John's wort in equal parts and add a little sweet clover. Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for a few minutes. Drink the drink 2-3 times throughout the day.
  2. For heartburn, take a decoction of flax and plantain seeds. They are used in medicine in the form of effective enveloping agents. The only drawback of this decoction is its unpleasant taste.
  3. Cooking herbal infusion, relieving burning sensation. 30 grams of heather is poured into a mug of boiling water and put on fire. After a couple of minutes, filter the mixture and take a tablespoon in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
  4. Boiling water (400 mg) is added to yarrow herb (20 g). The mixture is left for a couple of hours, then filtered. During the day, take a tablespoon in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  5. One mug of boiling water is added to 20 grams of calamus root. They put the composition on water bath. After 10 minutes, set the broth aside, filter and consume one tablespoon in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Baking soda is the most common and affordable product on hand. Many people use it for heartburn. Soda can quickly free a person from unpleasant sensation burning. But the effect of such a product is short-lived. In the process of drinking soda, carbon dioxide is formed. This promotes the production of a new portion of hydrochloric acid, causing heartburn to recur.

Soda contains sodium. It soaks into the intestines, which leads to swelling. Therefore, experiments with soda are completely unnecessary for pregnant women.

The expectant mother should watch her posture. You should not slouch because the stomach is under pressure. And this could be the reason severe heartburn. You should always sit straight!

When none of the methods works, you need to visit a gastroenterologist. After all, an unpleasant burning sensation may be a symptom of some serious illnesses associated with the digestive organs or liver.

Heartburn during pregnancy is felt as warmth, turning into a gradual burning sensation in the esophagus and stomach. It occurs due to a failure in digestive tract and causes discomfort. It will be useful for the expectant mother to know how to cope with it, because when treating pregnant women, it is important to remember that any medications affect the baby.

Why does heartburn occur in pregnant women?

Heartburn during pregnancy begins due to the penetration of gastric contents with hydrochloric acid into the lower esophagus. Acid retention irritates the esophagus, and the woman feels an unpleasant burning sensation. During pregnancy, this is considered a widespread phenomenon due to increased hormonal levels or due to the growth of the uterus and the resulting excessive pressure on the stomach. Heartburn is not dangerous, but it causes a lot of trouble and is often accompanied by belching.

In the early stages

In the first trimester, heartburn rarely occurs; the reason for this will be an increase in certain hormones in the woman’s body. This is specifically facilitated by the increased production of progesterone, which has a relaxing effect. It turns out that the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach in its normal position limits the return of food back, but the hormone relaxes it, food can easily return. After 14 weeks this ceases to be a problem, heartburn goes away.

In the later stages

Heartburn in pregnant women later, in the third trimester appears in the vast majority almost every time after eating. It is no longer caused by hormones, but by the growth of the uterus, which puts pressure on the stomach and other internal organs. After eating, the stomach stretches, but the uterus puts pressure on it so that the food begins to come back. The position of the stomach is also disturbed: it becomes flattened and elevated.

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy

In order not to cause heartburn, it is advisable to adhere to the rules of nutrition, conditions and daily routine:

  • Don't eat too much, exclude fried, spicy foods, eat vegetables and cereals.
  • Small meals are the key to health; you can eat a little, but often.
  • Don't have a heavy dinner.
  • If you are taking medications, check with your doctor to see if they may be causing heartburn.
  • After eating, it is better not to bend over or lie down.
  • Don't wear too tight clothes, do household chores in a squat, sleep on your back and don't worry for no reason.
  • It is better to exclude coffee, carbonated drinks, sour berries, fruits, and cheese from the diet.

You can fight heartburn traditional methods or proven pharmaceutical drugs. To choose the latter, consult your doctor about what pregnant women can do for heartburn. Do not prescribe medications yourself, so as not to cause unpleasant consequences for yourself or your child. Use agents with caution that may cause allergic reaction. remember, that pharmaceutical drugs cannot be taken for a long time due to possible constipation, and they also reduce the absorption of other drugs and their effectiveness.

Folk remedies for heartburn

Folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy have been tested for several generations. Among the most common are:

  1. Soda with water. The simplest option, based on extinguishing acidity with alkali.
  2. Milk. Helps smooth severe symptoms, and fennel or dill essential oil added there will add a pleasant taste.
  3. A handful of nuts, oatmeal or carrots will help cope with the burning sensation.
  4. You can make jelly or freshly squeezed potato juice, the names of which sound unappetizing, but the drinks cope with the signs of heartburn without any problems.
  5. Mineral water or Borjomi, drunk after a meal, will eliminate discomfort.

Heartburn is one of the most common and annoying complications during pregnancy. At least 80% of women, or three out of four, experience strong feeling burning sensation in the mouth, in the pit of the stomach or behind the breastbone during pregnancy. The causes of the occurrence are known to medicine: “guilty”, which relaxes the muscle muscles (which provokes the reflux of hydrochloric acid into the lower esophagus), as well as the growing fetus and uterus, which constrain all internal organs, including the stomach. The burning sensation during pregnancy also intensifies because during this period the secretion of hydrochloric acid increases.

However, heartburn is not a disease, but a symptom. But it is so difficult for expectant mothers to bear that the search effective means heartburn during pregnancy does not stop, despite the fact that a lot of them have already been found. The only good news is that heartburn does not threaten the baby, the pregnancy, or the mother with any serious consequences. However, the sad thing is that it is impossible to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy - you just have to endure it. But it is quite possible to alleviate and reduce the manifestations of heartburn. You just need to find effective remedy, because not everyone is helped by the same thing.

Medicines for heartburn during pregnancy

Let's start with medicines that can eliminate heartburn during pregnancy. In general, there are many of them, but during the period of bearing a child, not all of them are approved for use.

The main pharmaceutical assistants in this matter are non-absorbable antacids, that is, those that neutralize the effect of acid and are not absorbed into the bloodstream. Rennie has proven himself well. Both patients and doctors love him, but the latter warn: you shouldn’t get carried away. High content calcium in the drug can negatively affect childbirth, causing premature ossification of the baby’s skull.

In principle, all antacids contain calcium, magnesium and aluminum. Therefore, one can resort to their help only in in rare cases and only after prior consultation with a doctor. Magnesium can be dangerous in last trimester, provoking, aluminum is able to replace calcium in the body. Products containing sodium bicarbonate should also be avoided. Do not take medications containing bismuth nitrate (for example, Vikalin).

To combat heartburn during pregnancy, Smecta, Maalox, Phosphalugel, Almagel, Taltsid and others can be prescribed. Please note that they cannot be combined with other medications. There are also more “serious” drugs that doctors prescribe for severe cases and for persistent symptoms of heartburn, when nothing else helps.

If you are a fan of homeopathy, then contact a professional homeopathic doctor so that he can select the most suitable one for you. suitable remedy from heartburn. This could be Pulsatilla (if you are belching the last food you ate, your stomach is rumbling and it seems empty, worsening occurs after eating fatty foods, and you have a very changeable mood), Nux vomica (for bitter-sour belching, bloating, metallic taste in the mouth, worsening occurs if you wear tight clothes), Sodium chloride (sweetish watery belching, restraint in emotions, spasms, worsening occurs after eating starchy foods), Causticum (with heaviness in the stomach, worsening occurs in conditions of high humidity and cold) .

But still, no matter how much it burns, you must first try to extinguish this internal fire with folk remedies.

Folk remedies for heartburn during pregnancy

Here you can try everything that is not prohibited, because each body reacts differently to the same means, and often mothers experimentally find the most unexpected solutions to this problem.

So, people advise to eat and wash down heartburn the following products and drinks: sunflower seeds, crust of stale bread, chocolate, milk, Borjomi, clean chilled water, clean warm water. It is useful to take enveloping foods and drinks. It can be porridge, jelly, herbal infusions(chamomile, alder, St. John's wort). But be extremely careful with herbal medicine: many are contraindicated for internal use.

In principle, anything can help, just like nothing at all. Here you need to try.

But what you can’t try is the people’s favorite soda. Soda does not save you from heartburn, but only aggravates and intensifies it. In addition, during pregnancy (and not only), taking soda orally can be dangerous.

Instead, review your diet and behavioral habits.

First of all, adjust the menu. Eliminate from it all foods, drinks and dishes that provoke the release of hydrochloric acid: rich and fresh baked goods, sour berries and fruits, coarse fiber, fatty meat and fish, hard-boiled eggs, chocolate, ice cream, carbonated drinks, as well as everything smoked, roast.

Instead, include in your diet dishes and drinks that neutralize the effect of hydrochloric acid: milk, cottage cheese, cream, sour cream, steamed omelet, butter and vegetable oil, lean meat and fish, stale white bread, natural apple bite (1-2 teaspoons per glass of water - drink in small sips).

Be sure to go to fractional meals: very small portions 5-7 times a day. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. The last meal should take place 3 hours before bedtime. In general, you should not lie down immediately after eating: you need to remain in an upright position for 30-40 minutes.

If there are no contraindications to this, then sleep with a slightly elevated top part torso. If heartburn starts in the middle of the night and gets worse with every turn, then it’s better to get up, eat something small and harmless (for example, biscuits), drink water and walk a little.

IN Everyday life You should avoid bending forward, tight clothing, constipation, and taking antispasmodics (but when indicated, the choice is, of course, made in favor of the latter).

In general, girls, brace yourself. You need to suffer through it - nothing can be done about it. But then - what happiness! You are the strongest and most courageous part of humanity. Which means everything will work out for you! And the heartburn will soon subside.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Greetings, dear readers of my blog. This article is dedicated to such current problem For many women expecting babies, it’s like heartburn. I want to tell you what helps against heartburn during pregnancy and does not harm the unborn baby and his mother.

I was prompted to write about this material by a recent incident when, while spending time in the company of a friend who was “in a position,” I saw how she was suffering from pain after we ate dessert. Our conversation switched to this topic, and I learned that the banal and “ancient” method of getting rid of burning sensation with soda can be very harmful during pregnancy.

I decided to find and collect in one material methods that are absolutely safe for expectant mothers.

First, let's look at the symptoms. It would seem impossible to confuse heartburn with something else. But as my friend said, before pregnancy she had no idea about this disease. And when I first felt strange feeling in the esophagus, I thought that I had eaten something wrong, and, probably, now the contents of the stomach would “ask” back. That is, not every person can immediately understand what is happening to him.


  • Pain, burning in the esophagus (chest area).
  • Distension and feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • Frequent belching with large quantities of recently ingested food and acid, but no signs of gag reflexes.
  • Feeling of a lump in the throat (as if not all the food had “failed”).
  • Constant sour taste in the mouth.
  • Flatulence, bloating, intestinal discomfort.

As a rule, a burning sensation in the esophagus is the most basic, leading symptom.

Why does it often happen in pregnant women?

Many people suffer from heartburn ordinary people. This may be due to poor nutrition, overweight, bad habits, frequent consumption of spicy, salty foods, gastrointestinal diseases. But why does it suddenly appear during pregnancy in women who have never experienced it before?

The unpleasant painful sensation itself occurs due to the sudden release of stomach acid into the esophagus. Irritation of the mucous membrane begins, and the person feels it as a burning sensation and pain. During pregnancy this happens for two reasons:

  1. IN " interesting position" V female body the content of the hormone progesterone increases. He is in increased quantity, is able to relax smooth muscles. And then the growing fetus puts pressure on all organs and muscles. It’s the stomach valves that can’t withstand the load: acid is thrown out where it shouldn’t.
  2. As the fetus develops, the amount of hydrochloric acid in the pregnant woman’s gastrointestinal tract also increases. When there is an excess of it, frequent emissions also occur in the upper parts of the digestive system.

Typically, such causes of heartburn are temporary and go away after childbirth. Therefore, dear ladies, brace yourself! And in order to alleviate this painful condition, we will consider all possible safe means which can help get rid of the disease.


Let's immediately agree that any medicine must be prescribed by a doctor. There can be no talk of any amateur performance here. I am only providing a list of drugs that are allowed during pregnancy and lactation. But they must be prescribed by a specialist, in accordance with the individual condition of each woman.

So, medications that pregnant women can take:

  • Smecta (powder, diluted in water).
  • Rennie (tablets that need to be dissolved).
  • Maalox (liquid, taken in pure form).
  • Talcid (chewable tablets).
  • Gastal (tablets).
  • Gaviscon (tablets).

All of the listed medications cannot be combined with each other and taken with caution with some other drugs. We listen carefully to the doctor’s advice and go to the pharmacy only after a specialist has prescribed the drug!

Folk remedies

Natural for pregnant women folk remedies are undoubtedly safer than chemical drugs. But such methods must also be approached wisely and carefully. First, let’s look at why you can’t drink a soda solution in a “position.”

No soda

Many people are accustomed to eliminating heartburn with soda (dissolve half a teaspoon in half a glass of water and drink). The alkali contained in soda quickly and effectively extinguishes acid and painful sensations pass.

But this method is contraindicated for ladies expecting a baby, and here’s why: soda is rich in sodium, and in large quantities it negatively affects the development of the fetus. It also provokes swelling. There is nothing wrong with drinking soda once or twice when there is nothing else at hand and the pain is severe. But pregnant women should not drink soda all the time.

What is allowed

The following methods will help you deal with this problem at home:

  • During an attack of heartburn, you need to drink a glass of cool milk in small sips. The pain goes away very quickly.
  • Peppermint is a good remedy. It can be brewed with tea or in its pure form. It doesn’t matter what kind of mint it is, dried or fresh, the main thing is that it’s natural. You can drink Mint tea after eating, then the burning sensation is unlikely to bother you. Or drink half a glass of infusion when you feel pain. Store the infusion for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.
  • Berry and fruit jelly (natural berries/fruits and starch, not store-bought ones) ready-made mixtures) also help perfectly with this problem. You can drink regularly.
  • Flax seed infusion not only eliminates heartburn, but also has a wonderful effect on the digestive system. Do this: pour a handful of seeds (ground or regular) into a glass, pour boiling water over it, leave for a couple of hours. Drink before meals or when the burning sensation occurs.
  • If you chew oatmeal, boiled corn, almonds or regular seeds, the burning sensation goes away.
  • An ordinary carrot helps. You can simply gnaw it or prepare this salad: grate 1 carrot, pour a little water olive oil, season with dill.

  • When you don’t have time to cook or infuse something, just swallow a spoonful of sunflower or olive oil.
  • If you have a sweet tooth, keep it in the house dark chocolate. A slice eaten with tea after a meal will prevent the release of acid.
  • Potato broth too good remedy. It is good for the stomach. Just boil the peeled potatoes in lightly salted water. Let the broth cool and drink a little after eating. If the symptom bothers you constantly, drink the decoction at night and in the morning on an empty stomach.

This is all that pregnant women can do without any fear. But various infusions herbal infusions no need to get carried away. Many plants are not as safe as they seem. They should also be used under the supervision of a specialist.

Homeopathic remedies give good results, but here you need to be confident in the qualifications of the homeopathic doctor.

What else helps relieve heartburn during pregnancy?

Diet food

AND to an ordinary person, And to the expectant mother will help prevent heartburn dietary food. This does not mean that you will have to give up healthy and necessary foods or your favorite dishes.

You just need to limit, and ideally exclude, the following:

  • Fatty oily dishes.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Too spicy and salty, sour foods.

Moms - eat in small portions (it’s better to eat a little every 2-3 hours than to eat up to your belly 3 times a day). Even if you really want fried or salty food, don’t deny yourself, just don’t overdo it.

Vegetables, herbs, and dairy contain alkali and prevent the formation of acid. Dried fruits, especially prunes and dried apricots, have the same properties. You can eat any cereal. Don't forget to drink plain water. Without a sufficient amount of water, full metabolic processes in the body are impossible.

Foods that cause heartburn:

  • tomatoes;
  • citruses;
  • onion garlic;
  • mutton;
  • radish, radish;
  • coffee;
  • smoked meats;
  • mustard and other hot seasonings.
  • vinegar.

It is nutritional adjustments that are the most correct, safe and reliable method of preventing gastric diseases.

Weight gain

Of course, ladies in “position” have just the right appetite! The exception is the period of toxicosis. But it passes, and the passion for food increases significantly. You want one thing or another, and you constantly have the urge to chew something.

Women, rest assured that the fetus has enough full development what you normally consume. Do not think that eating two servings instead of one will bring more benefits to your baby. Rather, it will only bring harm.

Excessive weight gain, which many “pregnant women” suffer from, provokes not only, bad feeling, deterioration in the functioning of some organs, but also gastrointestinal diseases. The consequence of such disorders is heartburn. Try not to overeat. Remember: it’s better to have a variety of products and little by little than one and the same large quantities. And after giving birth, it will be easier to lose weight when there is not so much excess.


Let's not forget that pregnancy is not a disease. No need to be lazy and lie on the sofa with your belly up. An inactive lifestyle provokes thousands of diseases. Of course, you can’t jump, run or lift weights here. But it is quite possible to sign up for fitness for pregnant women (with the approval of your doctor), walk more, and do light exercises.

Daily cleaning of the house, evening walks, shopping is an excellent prevention against blood stagnation and many other “bad things”. The more active you are during the day, the less likely occurrence of heartburn. The stomach digests food better and faster, and all metabolic processes improve. Which activity options are best is up to you to decide. But avoid the lungs physical activity It's definitely not worth it.

  • Do not wear clothes that tighten the waist or stomach area.
  • Sleep on a pillow, climb higher on it so that your torso is slightly elevated.
  • Do not be nervous ( digestive system has a powerful connection with the nerves, it’s not for nothing that they say that a stomach ulcer is a disease caused by stress). Besides, when the nerves are fine, the immune system much stronger.
  • Do not lie down immediately after eating, walk around or as a last resort, sit for half an hour before taking a horizontal position.
  • Eat without haste, chewing food slowly and thoroughly.
  • Don't overeat before bed.

Try first traditional methods getting rid of heartburn. If nothing helps, only then resort to drug treatment. Don't worry about your fetus. The symptom does not affect him in any way. Even if you suffer from it often, the baby will not feel it at all.

In 99% of cases, symptoms caused by pregnancy disappear after childbirth. If heartburn remains and continues to bother you, you need to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Perhaps the reason is other gastrointestinal diseases. But even such serious diseases as ulcers, colitis, gastritis can be cured with a diet, although it will take a long time to follow it.

The most best prevention all diseases - good mood, positive attitude, laughter and smiles.

Be healthy and happy, dear mothers!
