How interesting to congratulate the boss on his birthday. How to wish your boss or colleague a happy birthday

As women, we welcome you
Happy birthday.
Our director is super, class,
An object to worship!
Always pulled up, dressed up
With a charming smile
Take a compliment from the ladies:
You are the most respectable.
May your great potential
talent and enterprise
Help all dreams come true
And - rigorously.
We have many reasons
For female recognition:
You are a model for all men,
An example to follow!

We are all friendly team,
With smiles and positive
We hasten to tell the boss
Now let's congratulate you.
Our boss, our boss, our guide,
In the world of business and money,
When you and I are not threatened,
We have neither default nor dismissal.
Under your careful guidance,
Our work is easy and simple,
Working without stress
In an atmosphere of respect.
So let the company prosper
Quickly receives orders
Income is growing by leaps and bounds
Lucky entirely in transactions and affairs.
Let it reign in personal life
Only love color
So that to his wife as in heaven on earth,
We were driving home from work.
May health remain
Muscle strength increases
Let the nerves be steel
And the ideas are golden.

What do you look at the time?
Let the clock go back!
Confess to everyone:
You are not sixty at all -
Age is not a hindrance

If you are young at heart!
Congratulations on a new milestone -
Happy anniversary to you! Good luck!
Happiness! Great joy!

Dear you are our boss,
Fair and direct
We congratulate you on the holiday
And we stand behind you!

Our dear leader,
We want to congratulate you.
You are both our friend and teacher.
Thank you for that.

Though sometimes you are strict,
We don't hold a grudge against you.
We are not enemies,
We do not wash the bones.

May your business prosper
Its fruits rejoice,
The team loves you
His captain.

let your dreams come true
Beginnings boldly continue
New ideas find their way to you
And let's take a moment to relax!

Let your home hearth be cozy,
Let each new day become a real miracle,
A lot of warm words we also wish you
Because we love you, we appreciate you, we respect you!

Congratulations to the beloved director,
The most unique
Bright and gallant
We wish you more happiness
And at lunchtime, dinners are sweeter,
Let the mood be fighting
Well, we'll follow you!

And today is your birthday.
We want to wish from the bottom of our hearts
So that worries, sorrows, worries
Never interfered with your life.
So that luck smiles at you,
And great happiness in your home
Came more often otherwise
We will bring him to you by force!
To make dreams and wishes come true
The rest is no longer a question.
And of course, so that you are with us,
Our friend, colleague and boss.

Let it repeat again and again -
Music, song, wine and love.
After all, birthday is a holiday of miracles:
Was and disappeared.

Let's drink now, leaving work,
Let there be raindrops behind the glass.
The main thing - we know always and now:
We have you.

You are our boss, comrade and specialist,
Loving husband and exemplary father.
We wish rainbow days, and henceforth
Rainbow years.

Let him visit you every half an hour
Happiness of love and warmth miracles,
Fortune rolls let the wheel
Summer stripe!

You are the boss anywhere!
Simply top notch!
Although you are sometimes strict
We all love you!

Our entire friendly team
Happy birthday!
Let the enthusiasm and positive
They won't leave you. Inspiration!

Good luck, peace and kindness!
Good luck, good health!
So that trouble does not know you!
And so that the will be strong!

We want to congratulate you all on this day,
Raising a glass for you
We want to wish that not a single shadow
Didn't fall in your way.

Let there be one positive in your life
Meets you with every dawn.
You - best boss we are your team,
And we are grateful for that.

Nothing is more important to us than you
Our boss is fair!
Proud in profile and full face,
Wise, strong, not arrogant.
Multiply everything a hundred times
Which has already been achieved.
Let the eyes burn with joy
Be close loved!

Lead by example, lead by example
You know how, boss perfectly.
But on a birthday without measures
We wish you priceless joys:
Beloved family and friends,
Good health and happiness.
So that every day is easy to give
A lot of real success!

As always, take good care of
Beautiful features in the soul
As before, generously give to everyone
Fire of warmth.

Health, happiness and kindness,
And let the bad mood
You will never have!

Look at the world with pleasure
And sadness will recede, and trouble.
Success, luck and luck
May you always be accompanied!

For us, the director is an example,
We respect her deeply
And in the same way we hug
After all, today we celebrate the holiday -

Lovely bright birthday
With a cheerful, bright mood.
Problems are all in the past
We give joy to the director,

To see sparks in the eyes;
And angels in heaven
Let them send health, happiness,
Love, good luck overnight!

The rules of business etiquette limit the number of reasons that are not related to the achievements of the company, on which you should congratulate the boss. As a rule, this New Year, baby birth or birthday. At the same time, the last of the occasions can be a pleasant opportunity to express your respect and recognition to a worthy person. Therefore, the question of how to congratulate the boss on his birthday must be carefully considered.

From the article you will learn:

  • how to write the text of congratulations to the boss;
  • how to arrange birthday greetings for your boss;
  • how to wish a happy birthday to a boss man;
  • how to wish a happy birthday to a boss woman.

Congratulations to the boss: are we looking for it on the Internet or do we write it ourselves?

On the web you can find great amount samples congratulatory texts according to the most different occasions and occasions, including congratulations to the boss on his birthday. But, no matter how original the text of any of them may seem to you, there is a good chance that it has already caught the eye of your leader. Of course, if your relationship with him is rather cool and formal, if you are sure that he will not even read the written text, you can limit yourself to ready sample. In this case, it may be worth limiting yourself to just verbal congratulations.

But when you really care about the question: “How to congratulate the boss? How to make the congratulation pleasant and memorable for him for a long time? ”, It is better to make a congratulation in writing and independently. Words that you choose for yourself that come from pure heart, will appeal to anyone, even the most strict and authoritarian leader. Even if he does not give a look, he will like such a congratulation.

Congratulations text, if it is written from the person the only person, should not be very long. Such short congratulations the boss should contain an appeal, an indication of the occasion and wishes. And, if the words: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich! I want to wish you a happy birthday and wish you "- standard, it is wishes that will make such a congratulation unique and memorable.

Since the secretary somehow knows some personal preferences of the leader, his plans and aspirations, you can mention them in the text. At the same time, you can even do without the necessary, but traditional and self-implied wishes of happiness and health. Happy birthday greetings from your boss can be playful. Therefore, you can end it, for example, with a promise not to repeat those mistakes that he points out to you most often. Such a display of loyalty will be appreciated by any leader.

But congratulations to the boss can also be written on behalf of the entire team or from some part of it. In this case, his text can be long and written in verse - after all, in the team, for sure, there will be a poet. It is good if it mentions some production achievements of the company that were achieved thanks to competent management.

Note: When composing a congratulation, it is better to take into account the communication style that has developed in the company, but even if it is quite democratic, familiarity should not be allowed.

Congratulations to the boss on his birthday are unlikely to do without gifts

If a gift is supposed to be presented on behalf of the entire team, it is most convenient to organize a congratulation from the boss either before the start of the working day or before the lunch break. Of course, it is best to warn in advance that congratulations are expected from both the manager and those wishing to congratulate his employees.

If the boss does not mind or takes such an initiative himself, you can offer him your help and cover sweet table in the office. But at the same time, you shouldn’t bake the cake yourself - if necessary, your boss’s spouse will do it or he will buy it in a pastry shop.

In the event that you have prepared a gift on your own behalf, you can give it in the morning when the manager comes to work. Remember that you should not give any gifts "with meaning", especially those with a personal connotation. Large expensive gifts are also excluded. Small but necessary gadgets in everyday work, business card holders or even information publications- best business gift. Tips on how to choose a gift for the leader, you can find on the pages of our magazine.

Happy birthday greetings to the boss man

If the leader does not have an anniversary, special celebrations on the occasion of the next date should not be arranged. In the case when the congratulations are collective, it is enough to limit yourself to a bottle of expensive alcohol from those drinks that he prefers. If your leader is a supporter healthy lifestyle life, he will certainly appreciate a beautifully packaged set of teas or coffee. Here, of course, one should also take into account his personal preferences.

A birthday greeting to a boss man, made in a personal manner, may involve a joke, but in general should be kept in a strict, business style. And one should not think that on this day the leader is set up solely to accept congratulations and celebrate. Business Etiquette implies that it is quite enough on this day to congratulate a person with words, thereby demonstrating respect for him. Gifts and lengthy congratulations - this is only taking into account the fact that the leader himself has nothing against this and is ready to spend time on congratulations.

Happy birthday greetings to the boss woman

It's much easier with female leaders. The more bouquets that day, the better. But to give houseplants and flower pots are probably not worth it if you are not sure that she will be happy with them.

Happy birthday greetings to a woman’s boss, perhaps, are no different from those congratulations that would be appropriate for male leaders. What's more, hinting at such gender differences can offend your female boss.

Senior managers, which include your boss, are, as a rule, people of a special warehouse. These are those who are able to rally the team, set a clear task for everyone and achieve its implementation. These are those who ensure the stable operation of the company and productive labor her employees. sincere words gratitude and understanding of the tasks that the leader solves - already great congratulations happy birthday boss, whether it's a woman or a man.

In this article, we extra words Let's give congratulations to the male boss in several ways. We will only mention that you need to approach this matter with understanding, caution, based on the status and personal qualities of the person you are going to congratulate. The main thing is not to overdo it with humor and creativity, because some bosses may perceive a harmless ridicule as an insult or disrespect for their personality.

Classic congratulations

Any congratulations to the boss should be pronounced clearly, naming the name and patronymic of the birthday man in full, without cutting the ending. For classic congratulations organized traditional decoration, balloons and a poster, and in the evening a corporate party, buffet reception or other celebration is held.

Congratulations examples.

  1. « Dear and respected Ivan Ivanovich! From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on your birthday! You are the most fair, responsible and wise leader. We never cease to be amazed at your extraordinary diligence, professionalism and punctuality. We wish you success in your work, patience, good luck, professional growth and self-improvement. Let every day be filled with understanding of loved ones and colleagues, and let everyday life be interesting, varied, without going to bed heavy burden on shoulders. Happiness to you, harmony with the world and good health for many, many years!”
  2. « Dear Ivan Ivanovich! On this wonderful day, I want to wish you all the very best! May health be strong, not run out, but only strength will be added, and spiritual harmony always accompanies. Remain the same fair, wise, understanding person, perfectly doing your hard work. It is impossible to appreciate the enormous contribution that you make every day to the benefit of the organization. We wish you to always be happy, successful, lucky and loved. We appreciate you and are proud of you. Thanks a lot for your work and everything you do for us!”

Creative, original congratulations

Congratulations to the boss in prose can be very original. Such option is suitable for those leaders who have a good sense of humor. creative congratulations happy birthday to the boss are appropriate in a friendly team, a small organization, when the leader does not fence himself off from his subordinates with a wall of arrogance, status.

Here is one example original congratulations boss. Before starting work, we lay out pillows on tables, decorate the hall (office, study) with carnations and balls, put an armchair with the inscription "Leader of the proletariat" in the center.

"Ivan Ivanovich! And we are waiting for you from the evening! They cooked the cake themselves, brought flowers and balls! We are not going to work today! Today the greatest holiday, chief's birthday! Sit down, our dear, we will congratulate you."

"Oh, great and almighty leader! We bow our heads before you for selflessness, diligence, dedication, fanaticism in the performance of work. May your head not turn gray because of our negligent misconduct. May the sun shine brighter over your leadership chair. May good luck come to you , success, health and happiness. May there be peace, joy, fun and laughter. Only in this way, and not otherwise. Hurray, comrades! Happy birthday!" (note: applause, fireworks or crackers) At the same time, you can dress up as pioneers or Soviet workers, and speak into a homemade mouthpiece.


Pranks are becoming very popular as congratulations to the boss on his birthday. Most often, clowns or artists are invited for these purposes. And here is a congratulation that you can organize yourself.

For him you need to rent a military suit or police uniform. you come to workplace and start working as usual. You dryly greet the manager, say a phrase like “Good afternoon, well, happy birthday to you,” while continuing to work.

And after that, a disguised person, a colleague or friend, comes, flies into the office without knocking. There are several monologues to choose from.

  1. "Everyone stay where you are, you have a dangerous criminal hiding" - trying to take away the girl in handcuffs. The boss argues, tries to justify the employee, etc. And then everyone takes crackers from under the tables, shouting “Happy Birthday” in unison.
  2. From the “foot” flies to the boss in the office: “You have a bomb planted, urgently evacuate everyone!” And behind the doors, an employee with balloons is already ready, and all the people running out suddenly shout “Happy Birthday”.
  3. “You are under arrest for bribery. Step aside, we'll search the office." During a search, either flowers or balloons fly out of the cabinets, and there is a cake on the table. So before our eyes the office was decorated. Everyone comes in and says "Happy birthday!".

Poetic congratulations

The poem can also act as a congratulation to the boss. When giving a speech, it is better to choose one speaker.

Today, on this birthday,

We hasten to wish you happiness.

Good luck and luck.

Always fulfill desires.

For us - an example to follow -

All your exploits, works.

You are wise, like a storehouse of knowledge.

And like Archimedes, smart.

We wish you to always be beautiful,

Shine with beauty and courage.

And be the head of the impassive,

But shine with justice.

Let the congratulation be bright and memorable, so that the boss can appreciate it.

We have a large team
And yes, friendly.
And we have a boss
Man what you need!

And to anyone he always
Helps right away.
At work it's all
Very respected.

Happy anniversary we
Congratulations together.
Never lose heart
We wish him.

On this day, work for us
Definitely not a hindrance.
The team wants you
Happiness and success.

With all my heart, with respect,
I congratulate you on your anniversary.
In any given task
May good luck accompany you.

I want new experiences
And the obedience of subordinates,
May wishes come true.
You are our role model!

How many wonderful qualities you need to have in order to easily lead, lead, manage. You have the talents and abilities of an organizer, a leader, a person who rallied into one whole our friendly and big team. Today we have the honor to congratulate the dear director on his anniversary. We want to wish you success, prosperity, stable prosperity and abundance of happiness. Happy holiday to you!

On your anniversary, let me wish
From all members of the department,
Always be in good shape and do not know difficulties
And so that you do not get tired of work.

We also want to be patient
Patience is so necessary
When to Lead
Such a diverse team.

The car of health, joy KamAZ,
Smiles and enthusiasm a whole cart,
And know that always for us
You are the best boss!

Congratulations on your anniversary
We want to wish you success
Be with us a little kinder
Get more pay raises!

May everything be great for you:
Family, friends and team,
Well-being in personal life
And a sea of ​​new perspectives!

Happy Anniversary
Our dear director!
Smile more cheerfully
Every day and every hour!

The team respects you
Appreciates you very much.
We sincerely wish
Be healthy, live long.

Let your family, work
On "excellent" everything will be
Crisis bypasses
And luck is on your way!

We wish you only victories in life,
Good health and great joy,
So that you do not know sorrows and troubles
And stay young at heart.

Let the days fly, it's not a problem
Don't count them, just know
That we love you, we are always with you
Calm and warm in summer.

We will raise a glass of wine for you,
May success accompany you in everything,
You totally deserve it
After all, you are the best boss!

We wish you health
We wish steel nerves
To be at work
You, as usual, the first!

So that it is clear from a half-word
Everything was subordinate
To be with half a glance
Any issue resolved!

We wish you in your career
Still climb higher
Borrow on a pedestal
Desired niche!

We wish you success
In your difficult business.
"You are the best boss!" -
We will not hesitate to say.

Our entire friendly team
Radiates positivity!
Such a wonderful reason -
Rejoice, forgetting peace!

After all, today is a glorious anniversary
Celebrates the best of people!
Our director, let's say without embellishment,
We all love and respect you.

On this holiday, we are glad to wish -
Woe-failure never know
May the sun always shine on you
And health to you for many years.

Sounds solid - anniversary,
After all, years make a person beautiful.
Older means wiser
Ready to build the ark.

What to wish, what to surprise?
More good employees
To obey and answer
Always keep ready for anything.

Less stress and anxiety
More bonuses and paychecks.
And dinner is always ready
And the team is the best!

Wait, don't rush
We want to tell everyone
Write down, learn:
Yes, you can't find it
Excellent boss to you,
And we have it - just a class!
We confess to everyone, without a bluff,
We appreciate you very much, we love you!
We wish you great days
... on this cool anniversary.
Since you are cool, we offer
Driving is even better!

Happy birthday, wonderful woman, wonderful boss. I wish you good luck on your path to success, constant self-confidence, brilliant prospects in your work, undoubted respect for your subordinates, understanding of colleagues, optimism and a mood for fruitful work, wonderful mood and most vivid emotions leaving only joy and a feeling of happiness in the heart.

I would like to congratulate a wonderful boss, a wonderful organizer and just a charming woman on her birthday! Under your strict control, the work always goes on highest level, without any problems and one can only dream of such a leader! I wish you personal happiness, achievement of all the set heights, cloudless working days and home comfort!

Happy birthday, wonderful woman, wonderful boss and just wonderful person. I wish you a sparkle of happiness in your eyes, good luck and prospects in your hands, love and understanding in your home, beauty and kindness in your life.

Dear our boss, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I would like to wish you female happiness, love and support from loved ones. Remain the same persistent lady who is not a hindrance to any adversity. Continue to achieve your goals and desires, and may good luck and luck accompany you in this.

Allow me, on this bright day, to congratulate you on your birthday. May the bright light of well-being always shine in your windows. Stay the same beautiful, successful and lucky. I wish you high victories and peace of mind.

Dear our boss, we are all happy to congratulate you on your birthday! You are not only a wonderful boss, but also beautiful woman worthy of eternal happiness and abundance. We sincerely wish you to conquer many more peaks, success in your career and personal bliss in the environment loving people. Health, prosperous days and unpredictable evenings, female beauty and stateliness, great wisdom and amazing plans for the next century.

Happy birthday! We congratulate you and wish you health, strength and patience. Happiness in your home, prosperity and material security. You are a very kind, reasonable and sympathetic boss. Thank you for this.

Dear boss and amazing woman, happy birthday! We wish you many bright events and pleasant moments, wonderful meetings and fun friendly companies. Be healthy, loved, beautiful and charming. Let your career take off turn your head and give you all the desired opportunities. Happiness to you, prosperity and a lot of free time!

Dear irreplaceable _________! The whole team wishes you a happy birthday! May good luck always accompany you, may the house be a full bowl, prosperity pleases, and work brings only pleasure! Happy birthday!

Charming woman Happy birthday to my wonderful boss. I wish in life to have everything that is necessary and important, I wish to feel incredible strength every day, I wish you to succeed in all your endeavors, I wish you to always remain in life happy man and dreamy female nature.
