Cleopatra owned the secret of cosmetic procedures. Cleopatra honey and milk baths

A courtesan queen, the evil genius of Egypt. cunning, cruel,
cowardly and treacherous, building her well-being on the misfortunes of others,
in the end she had to die, entangled in the networks of her own intrigues.
Caesar, very sophisticated in sex, could not be tied to one for a long time.
skirt. And Cleopatra did not shine with beauty. Her portrait: deep-set eyes,
aquiline nose-beak, protruding chin. Of course, Cleopatra, like any
Oriental woman, knew a lot of erotic tricks, but they were not the main magnet ...

At one time, the Russian Empress Catherine the Great gave
order to get... recipes cosmetic masks and special baths
invented by the Egyptian queen. The order was carried out. Let's be with you
Let's try to use the secrets of Cleopatra?

According to legend, use baths
in cosmetic purposes Cleopatra was the first. It is known that the great queen
skillfully used the gifts of nature, putting many of them "at the service"
its beauty. So, while taking a bath, Cleopatra never used
soap, replacing it with ... oatmeal. As you can see, the very first "bathroom"
the ingredient of the great Egyptian proves that her beauty recipes are quite accessible
modern woman.

So, oatmeal bath . To start, 3-4 handfuls of cereal are soaked
in two liters of water a few hours before bathing, then bring
to a boil, filter and pour the broth into the bath. Such a bath
will cleanse the skin no worse than cosmetic soap. Another invention
queens - milk and honey bath. Warm up without bringing
to a boil, 1 liter of milk, and in another bowl -
in a water bath - a cup of honey. Dissolve honey in milk
add 2 tbsp. spoons of almond or other vegetable oil)
and pour the mixture into the bathing water. The result will not force itself
wait after the first few treatments.

About once a week Cleopatra did hand baths from raw
. And here is the cream recipe that she used daily:
a mixture of herbs is brewed - calendula, plantain
and nettles - at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the mixture per glass
water. Two tablespoons of the resulting infusion are mixed with 50 grams
softened chicken fat or interior lard, then add
a tablespoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of castor oil.

She had everything she wanted - love, power, wealth,
prestige. Because she knew the trick: the goal is easier to achieve if it
"deceive". Concentrate internally on the desired result, and
appear relaxed on the outside. Like, I'm not acting seriously, but playfully! Such
method of "paradoxical intention". With the help of the game, Cleopatra could
achieve a lot.

1. Mind games. To
do not let your life take its course, you must always build possible events
in my head, invent intrigues, pronounce dialogues, count steps. Path
Cleopatra to the throne, which went to the young princess at the age of 18, is an intricate
a chain of complex moves, precisely thought out in advance. Her path to love, to conception
the first son of Caesarion is also the fruit mental games. According to dynastic rules
of the Lagid family, Cleopatra was to become the wife of her own younger
brother. And she did, but formally. And actually figured out the best for myself
man from all that were available. Caesar. Cleopatra came up with a plan
conquer. How to get to a meeting with him, bypassing the cordons of enemies. How
seduce him instantly. And now she first appeared before Caesar, emerging
from a bale of rags, which the servants brought and threw at his feet. It was also the way
disguises, and an unusual joke. After all, the richest, most noble queen suddenly appeared
from rubble and dust. The spoiled emperor has no women with a sense of humor yet.
was, and he did not resist.

2. Love games. To
to keep a real man, he must be surprised and interested every day.
Cleopatra did not shine with beauty, but Caesar loved her. Of course Cleopatra
every oriental woman knew a lot of erotic tricks, but they were not
main magnet. Every morning she woke up joyful, knew how to make laugh
Caesar like no other. And intrigue. When Caesar was needed in Rome,
The Egyptian took him to joint trip along the Nile. How? She thought to him
riddles with no answers. Where are the sources of the great river and what
"mechanism" of its flood? And Caesar got caught again.

3. Marriage games . AT
marriage, you need to be able not to be exposed to scandal and always have a sweet
"gingerbread" to distract a loved one. Cleopatra succeeded in marrying Antony to
yourself. And this is with a living Roman wife, worthy and beautiful Octavia. Meanwhile
the commander either fell into despondency, or was unrestrained. When he was angry, Cleopatra
disappeared from his eyes, which instantly brought him to his senses. And then she
returned with some new pleasurable remedy,
rare wine, the idea of ​​a grand celebration. And Antony remained with Cleopatra until the end of his life.

4. Games with fate . Not
be afraid to tempt her. The queen of Egypt considered this very useful. Such a tactic
gave the highest pleasure - to take everything that the moment offers. When Anthony
called Cleopatra to the first meeting, so much needed by her, she several times
postponed the rendezvous, risking that he would completely give up on her. But in this
Cleopatra secretly erected a grandiose surprise ship. Huge ship from
precious wood under scarlet sails, exuding a fantastic
fragrance, sailed to Antony in the twilight to the sounds of the most tender music. When
Anthony came to his senses from the shock, twilight deepened, and the ship lit up
great illumination. The commander caught his breath again, and even before
negotiations, I realized which of the two is the main and great.

5. Games in
It's always worth striving to be on no one
similar and invent life events. An Egyptian woman lured Mark Antony into her
Alexandria just when the sea was closed to navigation. Antony not
could return to Rome. It was then that Klepa arranged for him winter holiday. She created
a circle of 12 close friends - "Society of inimitable way of life".
These people tried to make every day so that no one could repeat it.
Every morning and for the whole day, Cleopatra came up with pleasures - a real theater
pleasures with an hourly updated repertoire. Enchanted Antony gradually
I forgot my Octavia.

6. Games with death . Fear
death poisons our days. In order not to be afraid of death, it must be thoroughly
explore, turn it on actor into a life show. Once it became
it is clear that Cleopatra and Antony are doomed. But they still had time while cruel
Octavian did not come with his army to Alexandria. Then the queen dismissed
circle of "inimitable" and founded the "Society jointly
striving for death. " Again from 12 members. The goal is to tame death,
"cherish her like a pet, feed her with your hands every day
thoughts". Cleopatra arranged holidays in the crypts, dissected corpses and
embalmed them with her with my own hands removing the entrails from the bodies. She is
studied the effect of poisons on the condemned. She thought through the script to the details
her departure from the stage and chose the most exotic way for suicide -
the bite of a viper brought by a faithful servant in a fig. Octavian couldn't
shame to lead the proud queen in chains through the streets of Alexandria.

Cleopatra's beauty is now much debated. Someone claims that Cleopatra was ugly, had a very protruding chin and very narrow lips. The Egyptians continue to defend the beauty of their queen. Still others say that in the time of Cleopatra there were other canons of external beauty. Each version has a right to exist, and we are not historians to argue about it. Our conversation is not about external beauty Cleopatra, but about the beauty of her skin confirmed by all sources. For Egypt, where the skin is constantly affected by the scorching sun and sand, this was especially true, and Cleopatra, to her credit, left very good recipes for us.

The strength of Cleopatra lay in the art of seduction, brought to virtuosity. It had what is called "mankost". She had a lovely voice, she perfectly mastered the art of insinuating speech, seductive eye play, possessed an amazing gift to maintain passion. Add to this an excellent education: Cleopatra sang, played the lute and harp, danced, spoke several languages, it was possible to talk with her about literature, art and the latest philosophical trends.

In addition, Cleopatra looked after herself with special care, using all the means from the arsenal of that time. Recall that the ancient Egyptians used a lot of ointments, incense. It was used, and very plentifully, decorative cosmetics. Whitened with lead white and chalk, blushed with carmine compositions. The eyes and eyebrows were lined with a mixture of antimony, bismuth and lead.

Blondes and redheads were in fashion, so women either wore wigs or sat for hours in the sun, smearing their hair with "Gallic oil", which contained a lot of alkali. In all areas female body hair was carefully removed.

Of course, none of the means that enhance feminine charm, Cleopatra did not neglect, and also had some of her secrets that allowed her to retain the charm of youth, smooth skin, a young blush until her death (the queen died at 37 years old - an age that was considered very advanced at that time).

We now know that Cleopatra regularly used face masks made from wheat dough mixed with donkey milk, as well as powdered rare breed snails mixed with bean broth. When Cleopatra traveled, several donkeys followed her chariot so that the queen could at any time take a bath of donkey milk, considered truly miracle cure eternal youth. Less exotic recipes for the beauty of Queen Cleopatra have also come down to us.

"Internal Flushing". According to legend, the queen performed an “internal washing” twice a month. To do this, she mixed in equal proportions lemon juice, water and olive oil. This mixture should be drunk on an empty stomach, in small sips. Then you need to do 15-20 exercises abdominals- the stomach is drawn in to the spine, lingers for a few seconds in this position, and only then the muscles relax. This is nothing more than a cleansing of the liver and intestines. A very useful and common procedure to this day.

"Milk bath". Cleopatra's most important beauty recipe is, of course, the famous milk bath. To make a Cleopatra milk bath, dissolve a small cup of honey in 1 liter of hot (but not boiled) milk and pour the mixture into the bath. The temperature of the bath should be the same as body temperature, that is, 36-37°C, take a bath for 10-15 minutes. Contemporary followers of Cleopatra's beauty sometimes suggest replacing fresh milk dry, at the rate of 1-2 kg per bath.

But that's not all. Speaking about the beauty of Cleopatra, we note that the effect of Cleopatra's bath enhanced scrub. 300 g pounded sea ​​salt mixed with half a cup of heavy cream and rubbed the queen's body with it. They rubbed it before the bath or after - opinions differ, but, as practice shows, it’s good anyway, but it’s better to use a scrub before the bath: it will cleanse the skin, and milk with honey will bring a greater effect to the beauty of the skin.

Cream. 40 ml of aloe juice mixed with 40 ml of distilled water, 20 ml rose water or infusion of rose petals and 1 teaspoon of honey. Put the mixture on water bath and gradually introduce 100 g of melted pork fat. Ready cream Transfer to jars, seal tightly and store in the refrigerator. Apply a thin layer once a day.

Skin masks. Cleopatra is credited with several masks, for example, from the same honey and milk.
Combine warm milk and honey in equal doses, apply the composition on your face for half an hour and then rinse with warm water. The mask is good because it suits almost any type of skin.
In addition to this Cleopatra beauty recipe, there is often talk of a clay mask that cleanses and whitens the skin. Its composition is clay, honey, sour cream and lemon juice in equal parts. Apply it for 20 minutes, rinse first with warm, then cold water.

aromatherapy. Why do you think Cleopatra chose milk and honey as the basis of her beauty recipes? Smell is another component of it. female attractiveness. The smell of honey in deep esoteric beliefs is personified with the smell of nature, it is “sweet” from nature, and a child, youth, youth smells of milk. Therefore, milk and honey, if you look at the philosophy of faith, mean a combination of natural sweetness and youth, literally "young delicious woman". It is no coincidence that both Caesar and Mark Antony could not resist the spell of such a deeply subconscious natural beauty of Cleopatra.

In addition to these smells, Cleopatra loved incense and myrrh: mysterious and attractive, they simultaneously calmed her strong, but often unrestrained and quick to punish men. Perhaps it is next to such beauty of Cleopatra powers of the world this man felt good and rested in comfort and bliss. Isn't it worth learning?

There are many legends about the beauty of Cleopatra. Some argue that the queen was unusually beautiful, others protest and prove that Cleopatra's appearance had nothing to do with the standard of beauty.

Beauty is a matter of taste. Other times, other tastes. But they don't stop talking about Cleopatra. So what's the secret? What is true and what is fiction in the controversial statement about the unearthly beauty of the queen?

Cleopatra loved herself. And this means that as a woman who loves herself, she devoted a lot of time and effort to caring for herself.

Despite the scorching sun, the hair of the ruler of Egypt always shone, her skin emitted a pleasant delicate aroma and was distinguished by enviable smoothness and elasticity.

We will not talk about all the virtues of the queen, we only note that she had an excellent education and was fluent in the art of seduction.

Sources testify that Cleopatra died at the age of 37, and not everyone lived to such an age in those days. This means that the ruler also had enviable health. Summarizing all this with the ability to take care of herself, she deservedly was the Queen. Queen - the ruler of her people, and the Queen male hearts. It's not for nothing that they say: ugly women no. There are those who do not know how to use what is given by nature. But Cleopatra did. And Cleopatra's beauty secrets popular to this day.

Cleopatra's beauty secrets. Body care.

The main secret of Cleopatra's beauty is considered to be her "". They were prepared for the queen from donkey milk with the addition of honey. According to some sources, a small amount was added to the bath. almond oil. The temperature of the bath had to correspond to body temperature (36-37º).

The queen basked in this luxury for 15-20 minutes. Of course, it is almost impossible to afford such exotic at home. But if you approach the issue creatively, nothing is impossible.

A bath should be prepared at a temperature of 36-37º. 1 liter of hot cow's milk dilute 200-300 ml. natural honey, then add a few tablespoons olive oil. The resulting mixture is poured into the bath and stirred. This is how the ancient Egyptians adapt modern world.

If you don't have the opportunity to prepare a similar bath, you can "zoom out" and treat yourself to a hand bath. To prepare it, 0.5 liters of hot milk and 2-3 tablespoons of honey will be enough. Hands are immersed in such a bath for 10-15 minutes.

Enhanced the effect of a bath of sea salt, which was rubbed on the body of the queen before taking a bath. It cleansed and softened the skin, thereby preparing the body for a bath. To prepare such a scrub at home, it will be enough to mix 200 grams of sea salt and 100 ml. thick cream.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Facial care.

In facial care, Cleopatra preferred masks, which, like a bath, were prepared from donkey milk and honey.

Now we have the opportunity to replace donkey's milk with cow's milk and mix it with natural honey in equal proportions. To prepare maca, 2-3 tablespoons of each component is enough. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Another Cleopatra's beauty secret was to apply. To obtain them, a special grade of white clay was mined, which was diluted in donkey milk, honey and lemon juice were added.

You can also prepare an analogue of this mask. To do this, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of clay, 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon fresh juice lemon. The mask is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

The queen also had her own specially prepared face cream, the main component of which was aloe juice. And this is not surprising - having a healing power, aloe juice not only looked after the skin, but also helped to preserve the youth of the cells.

To prepare the cream, 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe juice must be mixed with 2 tablespoons of purified water and 1 tablespoon of rose petal infusion. The resulting mass is slowly heated in a water bath and 100 grams of melted pork fat are gradually added to it. The prepared cream is gently mixed, transferred to a glass container and put in the refrigerator.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Hair care.

Secret shiny hair the queen actually concluded…. in . Several yolks were beaten and rubbed into the roots of Cleopatra's hair. Wash off the mask with plain warm water. Well, about the beneficial effects of egg yolks on hairline you have probably already heard.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Body cleansing.

Cleopatra took care not only of external beauty, but also of her health. How else! Health inside, beauty outside. To this day, evidence has come of cleansing the body with the help of lemon juice and olive oil.

According to the researcher, Cleopatra drank 100 ml once every two weeks. lemon juice and olive oil mixed together. There is also an opinion that she diluted this drink with a small amount of purified water. This body-cleansing drink should be drunk in the morning, before eating, after which the queen was given a massage. abdominal cavity so that the abdominal muscles are pressed against the spine. Thus, the cleansing of the liver and intestines was achieved.

Secrets of Cleopatra. Captivated by aromas.

A very important component of the image of Cleopatra was the aroma of her skin. Just think about it: honey and milk ... is nothing but an effect on the subconscious. Honey has always been associated with nature, and the smell of milk personified the child. At the deepest levels of the psyche, the aroma of Cleopatra hypnotized better than any NLP technician. In addition to these scents, the soothing aromas of frankincense and myrrh surrounded the queen.

These were the unpretentious beauty secrets of Cleopatra, which you can easily use at home.

("Two nights with Cleopatra"), Monica Bellucci("Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra"). However, is external data so important when you are a woman of exceptional intelligence and know how to properly take care of your appearance?

Secret number 1: honey and milk

Hot climate - main enemy female beauty so Cleopatra found excellent tool to moisturize the skin - milk-honey baths, in which she added a little almond oil. Today, spa salons have adopted this procedure, but you can feel like the queen of the Nile at home.

Cleopatra's milk baths. Shot from the film "Asterix and Obelix: The Mission" Cleopatra ". Photo:

Cleopatra's milk and honey bath recipe: add 3 cups to a warm bath whole milk, 150 g of honey and a few tablespoons of almond oil (it can be replaced with olive oil). 15 minutes in such a bath will make the skin tender, soft and moisturized!

Secret #2: Sea Salt and Cream

Sea salt and heavy cream - this is a simple recipe for the perfect body scrub that will both cleanse and take care of delicate skin. His queen applied to the skin just after a milk bath. And today, sea salt wraps are considered one of the most effective means against cellulite.

As a body scrub, the queen used sea salt and cream. A scene from the movie Cleopatra. Photo:

Cleopatra's Gentle Scrub Recipe: take 200 g of sea salt for half a cup of heavy cream, mix and massage movements apply to the body. For fragrance, you can add a few drops of rose, myrrh or orange oil. Wash off with warm water after 5 minutes.

Secret #3: Oatmeal

It is in our time to wash your face with soap - an unforgivable rudeness towards the skin, and Cleopatra washed her face with soap every day.

Cereals - great alternative soap

True, it was a mixture of boiled water oatmeal. The grains of an unpretentious plant can rid the skin of small problems: peeling, rashes, blackheads and uneven color faces.

Secret number 4: white clay

White clay masks are another cosmetic discovery of the Queen of the Nile. Scientists believe that it was these masks that helped Cleopatra keep her skin in perfect condition. After all, the basis of healing white clay is the mineral kaolinite, which is responsible for the elasticity and renewal of the skin.

White clay gives elasticity to the skin

Cleopatra Clay Mask Recipe: mix 2 tablespoons of white clay and milk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this consistency to the skin, rinse with warm water after 10-15 minutes.

Secret #5: Aloe

Water infused in a silver vessel, honey and aloe juice are the clues to the anti-aging emulsion from Cleopatra, which still works today.

Revitalizing emulsion with aloe

Cleopatra's Revitalizing Emulsion Recipe: 1 cup clean water pour into a silver bowl, add 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe juice and 1 teaspoon of honey, cover and leave for 10-12 hours. Use morning and evening, rinsing with water afterwards. Store the emulsion in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Secret #6: Rose Water

Rose petals are still used to create cosmetic products. Cleopatra loved to tone her face with an infusion of rose water.

Infusion of rose petals perfectly tones the skin

Recipe pink tonic Cleopatra: pour rose petals with boiling water, cover the vessel and leave for several hours. Use morning and evening.

Secret #7: Egg Yolks

Achieve shine and perfect smoothness yolk shampoo helped the queen's hair chicken eggs. Proteins with their ability to fold into hot water remained out of work, but the yolks were stirred until foamy (sometimes with the addition of almond oil and honey) and cleansed the scalp well, enveloping each hair and making it shine.

Secret perfect smooth hair Cleopatra - egg yolk shampoo. A scene from the movie Cleopatra. Photo:

As a rinse, Cleopatra used decoctions of burdock, nettle leaves and hop cones.

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They say, Egyptian queen was not beautiful at all. However, her cosmetic secrets and still enjoy well-deserved popularity. The example of Cleopatra proves that beauty can be "sculpted" with one's own hands... The beauty of Cleopatra has been worrying women for many centuries, because she managed to win the hearts of the most impregnable and formidable men of that time.

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We will tell you about Cleopatra's three beauty secrets - milk bath, beauty mask and special fragrances.

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Cleopatra's beauty is now much debated. Someone claims that Cleopatra was, on the contrary, ugly, had a very protruding chin and very narrow lips, the Egyptians continue to defend the beauty of their queen, others say that in the days of Cleopatra there were other canons of external beauty.


Each version has a right to exist, and we are not historians to argue about it. Our conversation is not about the external beauty of Cleopatra, but about the beauty of her skin confirmed by all sources. For Egypt, where the skin is constantly affected by the scorching sun and sand, this was especially true, and Cleopatra, to her credit, left very good recipes for us.

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Cleopatra bath


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Cleopatra's most important beauty recipe is, of course, the famous milk bath.


To make a Cleopatra milk bath, dissolve a small cup of honey in a liter of hot (but not boiled) milk and pour the mixture into the bath. The temperature of the bath should be like body temperature, that is, 36-37 degrees, take a bath for 10-15 minutes. Modern followers of Cleopatra's beauty sometimes suggest replacing fresh milk with powdered milk, at the rate of 1-2 kg. to the bath. I tried it, the effect is also good, the skin is very delicate.



But that's not all. Speaking about the beauty of Cleopatra, we note that the effect of Cleopatra's bath was enhanced by the scrub- 300 gr. ground sea salt was mixed with half a cup of heavy cream and rubbed on the body of the queen. They rubbed it before the bath or after - opinions differ, I tried both options and I’ll say that it’s good anyway, but I think it’s better to use a scrub before the bath, it will cleanse the skin, and milk with honey will bring the skin a greater effect for skin beauty.

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But after the bath, I advise a recipe that is not Cleopatra's beauty recipe, but we will find it on one of the forums and I really liked it. So, when taking a milk-honey bath, put in it the old kapron stocking or thick gauze with a few handfuls of oatmeal, and at the end rub yourself with this composition, wait five minutes and rinse off in the shower. Cleopatra, I think, would love this beauty recipe, it cleanses the skin, nourishes it, makes it smooth and silky.



On my own behalf, I want to note that if we, of course, cannot afford a whole bath of milk, then hand bath - always, one liter is enough, but the skin of our pens will be excellent. A teaspoon of honey is enough.

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Cleopatra masks


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Cleopatra is credited with several masks, for example, from the same honey and milk. Combine warm milk and honey in equal doses, apply the composition on your face for half an hour and then rinse with warm water. The mask is good because it suits almost any type of skin.

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In addition to this recipe for Cleopatra's beauty, they often talk about clay mask that cleanses and whitens the skin. Its composition is clay, honey, sour cream and lemon juice in equal parts. Apply it for 20 minutes, rinse first with warm, then cold water.


Cleopatra masks: a classic of the genre

Classic clay mask (water + clay) is relevant at all times. Its main task is to cleanse the skin not only from external impurities and dead cells, but also from toxins.

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Clay contains everything necessary for the skin minerals and trace elements, thanks to which masks from it act immediately “on all fronts” - they nourish, moisturize, tone, and tighten. In addition, there are no bacteria in it, so it has won the well-deserved fame of an antiseptic.


Clay happens different colors, and each of them is aimed at solving their own skin problems. But anyway classic mask requires strict proportions: pour 2-3 tablespoons of clay with 3-4 tablespoons of mineral still water and leave for 30 minutes.


Until the water is completely absorbed, the mass should not be mixed, otherwise lumps will form. Finished mask should have the consistency of a thick paste. Pamper your skin clay masks no more than once a week is required.

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White clay

Archaeologists believe that it was the masks from it that helped Cleopatra keep her skin in perfect condition. The basis of white clay is the mineral kaolinite - it contributes to the production of lecithin, which is responsible for elasticity, regeneration and cleansing of tissues.
Suitable for: “aged” skin, dry and fading.

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1. Mask of Cleopatra
Mix clay, sour cream, lemon juice and honey in equal proportions (one teaspoon each). Put the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse first with warm, then cold water. Such a mask not only makes the skin soft and supple, but also cleanses and whitens it.

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2. Mask-tonic
Add 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of clay sour milk(kefir) and tomato juice. Leave it on your face for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water. Perfectly tones and smoothes small wrinkles.

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BODY BATHS with white or blue clay excellent skin care, relieve fatigue. Dissolve 400-500 grams of clay in a bath of water and soak in it for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse under the shower without cosmetics.


Baths for hands and feet strengthen nails and soften keratinized skin.

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Blue clay

Silver owes its color, as well as wonderful anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. And it perfectly nourishes the skin with minerals and trace elements, tightens pores, softens and tones.
Suitable: for normal and combination skin.



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1. Mask "anti-aging"
Boil one potato in their skins, peel and mash, mix with 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil and add 2 tablespoons of clay. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes, then wash with warm water. The mask gives the skin elasticity and freshness.

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2. Mask "2 in 1"


Whisk half a teaspoon of salt with one egg white and add 10 grams of clay. Apply the mass on the face for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply immediately for 20 minutes nourishing mask from the pulp of 1 tomato and 1 tablespoon of clay. Wash it off with milk. After such a procedure, the skin will become snow-white and elastic.

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ANTI-CELLULITE WRAPS accelerate the removal of toxins and activate blood circulation. Blue or black (gray), rich in carbonaceous substances, clay does an excellent job with this task. Dilute it with water, apply to problem areas, wrap with polyethylene and warm cloth. Wash off after 20-30 minutes. It is ideal to combine wraps with a sauna or bath. After 5-6 sessions, the skin will look much better.

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green clay

P The first violin in the "green scale" is played by iron oxide. By the way, the darker the shade of clay, the more effectively it copes with skin problems. Green clay deeply cleanses pores, normalizes the work sebaceous glands, disinfects and dries the skin. Only rosacea is a contraindication to this kind of "cosmetics".
Best for: Oily and problematic skin.



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1. Lifting mask
Boil half a glass of cream and, without cooling, pour them over cabbage leaf. When it becomes soft, make a gruel out of it, add the protein of 1 egg, half a teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of green clay. Mix everything properly and apply on the face for 10-15 minutes, then wash with warm water. The skin will look clean, fresh and toned.

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1. 2. Moisturizing mask
Grind 7-10 dry rose petals in a coffee grinder (if the leaves are not very dry, finely chop), mix with 2 tablespoons of clay, add 4-5 drops of ylang-ylang oil and 2-3 tablespoons of mineral sparkling water. Apply the resulting mass on the face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask will make the skin soft and velvety.



HAIR MASKS. It is believed that their chic thick hair Cleopatra was indebted to blue and green clay. The products of these shades strengthen the hair, give it shine and silkiness, and green clay also fights dandruff.


Dilute a handful of clay with cold water (if desired, it can be replaced with a decoction of nettle or chamomile). For hair shine, you can supply a mask with 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and yolk. Apply the resulting mixture to the scalp, then along the entire length of the hair. Put on a plastic cap on top. After 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water and a little shampoo. After the mask, be sure to apply a balm to your hair.

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red clay

The "chip" of red clay is that it improves blood circulation, relieves redness of the skin, increases the elasticity of the vessels and capillaries adjacent to it. Clay owes its color to a combination of red iron oxide and copper oxide. The first element gives vitality tissues, the second contributes to their elasticity.
Best for: Sensitive skin prone to irritation and redness.



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1. Mask soothing
Mix 2 tablespoons of red clay with the same amount of cream (or milk) and 2 teaspoons of aloe juice. Apply the resulting mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Your skin will become healthy and blooming. It is advisable to do this mask at night: it has a calming effect.

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2. Lifting mask
Mix 2 teaspoons of sour cream with 0.5 teaspoon sea ​​buckthorn oil(can be replaced with olive or pumpkin) and 2-3 drops essential oil orange, add 1 tablespoon pink clay. Mix everything, apply the resulting mass on the face for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask perfectly tightens and softens the skin.

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RED CLAY BATH strengthens circulatory system. It is enough to dilute 450 g in the bath and lie down in it for 20-25 minutes.

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yellow clay

Business card: rich in potassium and iron, thanks to which it removes toxins better than others and saturates the skin with oxygen.
Best for: For dull, wrinkled skin.

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1. Mask-tonic
Mix 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and the same amount of lemon juice with 0.5 teaspoon of 9% vinegar and carefully pour 2 tablespoons of yellow clay. Apply the resulting mass on the face for 10 minutes, then wash with warm water.


The result should please you: honey nourishes and tones, lemon refreshes, and vinegar improves blood circulation.

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2. Softening mask
Finely chop or mash 5-7 mint leaves, add 2 tablespoons of milk and egg yolk, slowly add 1.5 tablespoons of clay, mix everything. Apply the resulting mass on the face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


In addition to softening, the mask nourishes, moisturizes and tightens the contours of the face.

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Fragrances of Cleopatra


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Why do you think Cleopatra chose milk and honey as the basis of her beauty recipes?


The smell is another component of her feminine attractiveness. The smell of honey in deep esoteric beliefs is personified with the smell of nature, it is “sweet” from nature, and a child, youth, youth smells of milk.

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Therefore, milk and honey, if you look at the philosophy of faith, mean a combination of natural sweetness and youth, literally "young tasty woman". It is no coincidence that both Caesar and Mark Antony could not resist such charms of such a deeply subconscious natural beauty of Cleopatra.


In addition to these smells, Cleopatra loved frankincense and myrrh- mysterious and attractive, they simultaneously calmed her strong, but often unrestrained and quick to punish men.


Perhaps it was next to such beauty of Cleopatra that the powerful men of this world felt good and rested in comfort and bliss. Isn't it worth learning?

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