Small stature in a child: what will help him grow up. “My child is short”: should I worry?

Every mother wants her baby to grow healthy and develop according to his age.

This is why parents always pay Special attention on baby's height , because height is one of the main indicators of child development.

How should a child grow from 3 to 7 years old? What to do, if the child is too short or, conversely, very tall ? What can cause growth disorders?

We invite you to find out with us today the answers to these important questions.

Growth norms

Causes of growth disorders

Among the main causes of growth disorders are the following:

  • - if mom and dad are short or tall, respectively, the child can simply take after his parents and be short or tall;

Irina Kolpakova, pediatrician, homeopath - Homeopathic Center named after. Demyana Popova: “If a child’s mom or dad is short, then obviously he won’t grow up tall, there’s nothing wrong with that. Among the famous successful people many short, but no less beautiful and ambitious. For example, Napoleon, Tom Cruise, Shakira, Vanessa Paradis, Salma Hake, Pablo Picasso, Margaret Mitchell, Charlotte Bronte."

  • hormonal problems - they can lead to too high or too short growth, for example, they can cause gignatism, dwarfism;
  • congenital diseases and disorders - for example, achondroplasia is a congenital disease in which a person does not have growth zones in the bones of the limbs, due to which arms and legs grow in length; Marfan syndrome - hereditary disease connective tissue, patients are characterized by tall stature and elongated limbs;
  • developmental disorders - developmental lag or, conversely, too rapid development can cause low or high growth;
  • poor nutrition, chronic diseases and severe stress They can also affect the baby's growth.

Child growth: advice for parents

In most cases short or tall child height at one age or another, it is a feature of the baby and does not have any underlying health problems. But sometimes different diseases are to blame for growth disorders.

To understand whether his growth is correct or normal, it is necessary consult a pediatrician.

The doctor must evaluate general state baby, observe the dynamics of his growth over several months, evaluate hereditary factors and possible birth defects, and then draw a conclusion about whether the baby is developing correctly. If there are real deviations, the doctor will refer the child for examination to an endocrinologist and other specialized specialists who will prescribe complex treatment .

To prevent growth problems, parents are advised to:

  • visit pediatrician at least 5 times a year for routine inspection;
  • , be interested in growth standards;
  • provide for the baby correct good nutrition, optimal mode walks and sleep ;
  • very important moderate physical exercise ;
  • if possible it is necessary protect your baby from stress , especially before the age of three.

If you have doubts about whether your child is developing correctly, be sure to consult a doctor to understand the situation and not miss the time when even serious pathologies can be corrected.

Before you panic about your baby’s growth, take a calm look at the situation, consult a doctor, and draw conclusions. There is no need to worry unnecessarily, your baby really needs a calm and healthy mom. Remember, both in low and high tall has its pros and cons!

Be healthy!

The growth of a child is one of the main anthropometric indicators of his health. For the first time, the baby is measured immediately after birth, as this is necessary to determine the degree intrauterine development baby.

Most children born between the 37th and 40th weeks of pregnancy have standard height indicators - from 49 to 55 cm. It is worth mentioning right away that we are talking only about healthy babies who do not suffer from congenital diseases and do not have problems with the functioning of organs and systems.

Rates of growth

During the first year of life, the baby will grow by about 20-25 cm. This is the most intense indicator for the entire period of his life, since in the future the baby will grow 2 times slower. Babies over 6 months of age are especially active in growing in height, because their diet during this period becomes more varied due to the introduction of complementary foods.

After a year, the growth rate decreases somewhat, but remains quite high. By the time a child reaches two years of age, growth rates increase by an average of 12 cm (compared to a twelve-month-old child), and in next year The child will grow only 6 cm.

These numbers are the statistical average by which the baby’s growth increases in each subsequent year.

How can factors influence growth?

In both newborns and older children, nutrition plays a primary role in the growth process.

For example, children who receive mother's milk as food grow somewhat slower compared to peers who are on artificial feeding. This is due to the fact that breast milk (or rather, its composition) directly depends on the mother’s diet and can change with the introduction or restriction of any product.

The composition of infant formula is always constant, so the increase in weight and height of children eating milk substitutes is stable and corresponds to generally accepted standards.

For older children (over 6 months), other reasons may affect growth, for example:

  • Timely introduction of complementary foods.

Children whose mothers delay adding new foods to their diet (according to age) may be slightly stunted in growth. This is due to the fact that the quantity useful substances(primarily iron) in breast milk decreases when the baby reaches six months.

A deficiency of vitamins and mineral salts can negatively affect development and growth, which is why the introduction of meat, vegetable, fruit purees, and also porridges should be produced at this age (unless the doctor recommends a different scheme for introducing complementary foods).

  • Heredity.

The hereditary factor also has great importance, therefore, if the height of one of the parents is less than 160-164 cm, there is no need to panic that the child is slightly behind in terms of growth.

  • Sufficient intake of vitamin D.

It is not for nothing that this element is called the “growth vitamin”, since it is a sufficient supply of vitamin D that ensures correct height child.

If it is deficient, the baby may develop a serious disease - rickets, so pediatricians recommend that all mothers give their children this vitamin from birth.

By the way, vitamin D in drops (“Aquadetrim” or “Vigantol”) is included in the list free medicines, prescribed for children under 3 years of age in any region.

If the child eats well on his own, and his diet consists entirely of the “adult table”, that is, the baby is weaned from the breast and bottle, it is nutrition that will be the decisive factor in ensuring growth and development.

For the child to develop correctly, children's diet must include everything necessary elements, therefore, the menu must include the following product groups:

  • meat (especially veal and beef);
  • fish (cod, tuna, salmon, mackerel, etc.);
  • beef liver;
  • fruits (apples, pears, bananas);
  • greens (preferably from the garden);
  • vegetables;
  • dairy products (kefir, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc.);
  • nuts (not earlier than 3 years!);
  • seasonal berries;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice);
  • juices and compotes.

If the child’s growth significantly exceeds (or, conversely, lags behind) the normal values ​​​​established by WHO experts, you should contact your local doctor to undergo an examination and receive the necessary help.

How to find out a child's height?

The technology for measuring height does not present any difficulties, and this can be done even at home, focusing on the data in the table. To measure your height, you will need a special stadiometer, which you can buy in a store or make yourself.

Electronic stadiometers are very convenient for measuring the height of newborns, but you can also use a standard one. The whole procedure is done very quickly.

To measure you need:

  • put the baby on the stadiometer;
  • press the head tightly to the upper base of the product;
  • Straighten the legs and press the heels to the wooden surface.

The maximum error of this measurement is about 0.5 cm.

For children over a year old You can use a vertical stadiometer. The principle of use will be the same.

Growth rates for children of different ages in the table by month and year

Age Height (boys), cm Height (girls), cm
Newborn 51 49
1 month 55 54
2 months 59 57
3 months 61 60
4 months 64 62
5 months 66 64
6 months 68 66
7 months 70 67
8 months 71 69
9 months 72 70
10 months 73 72
11 months 75 73
1 year 76 74
1.5 years 82 81
2 years 88 87
2.5 years 92 91
3 years 96 96
4 years 103 103
5 years 110 110
6 years 116 115
7 years 122 121
8 years 127 127
9 years 133 133
10 years 138 139

Height deviations: causes

If the child is stunted

Most parents are very worried if their baby is significantly lower than his peers. If the child is healthy, has no problems with appetite, sleeps well and actively participates in games with other children, there is no need to worry. Most likely, this is caused by hereditary characteristics. Even if the parents were of normal height, perhaps the grandparents were short and had a thin build.

Only a specialist should make a conclusion about the child’s health. If there are signs of any health problems, you should get tested and undergo the necessary examination.

Other reasons leading to the slowdown include the following:

  • endocrine pathologies, impaired synthesis of thyroid hormones;
  • rickets;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • acute lack of minerals, vitamins and nutrients.

If the child is taller than normal

The most common cause of a growth spurt is early puberty(especially girls). Some girls may begin menstruation even at age 9, and their height and weight will be significantly higher than their peers. This is a temporary phenomenon, and after 1-2 years the growth rate will slow down.

Increased growth in childhood may also be caused by genetic predisposition.

Other causes of this phenomenon are less common, for example:

  • chromosomal pathologies;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • endocrine disorders.

What are the dangers of growth spurts in childhood?

The main problem that arises as a result of the intensive development of children and adolescents is a lack of calcium. Calcium is the building block for bone tissue, therefore, when it is deficient, bone density is impaired, they become fragile and weak.

First alarm signal, which also indicates an insufficient supply of calcium, is the appearance of small white dots and spots on the teeth. They are the result of demineralization of the enamel, which occurs in the absence of required quantity calcium.

Problems with blood vessels can also adversely affect your health. This problem is typical mainly for teenagers.

As a result of decreased tone blood vessels The child may have:

  • murmurs when listening to the heart;
  • increased pressure (or surges);
  • headache.

Don’t forget about the likelihood of stretch marks (stretch marks) appearing on the skin. Even though it's simple cosmetic defect, which does not pose a health hazard, should not be allowed to occur.

Striae do not go away completely - they just turn pale, but remain on the skin for life, which can cause the appearance of complexes in adolescence(especially girls).

When should you see a doctor?

If deviations from the norms are minor, there is no need to worry. It is enough just to monitor the condition and well-being of the child. But if the fluctuations are within 15-20%, a visit to a pediatric endocrinologist is mandatory. The doctor will prescribe for the child additional research that will help identify the real reason violations.

Any disturbances in the child's growth should be monitored by a pediatrician. Some parents ignore obvious problems with height gain, believing that there is nothing wrong with it, and these are just characteristics of the body.

In most cases, this happens, but you still shouldn’t rely on “maybe”. It is the parents who are responsible for the health of their child, so it is their responsibility to take the necessary measures in case of any deviations so that the child does not have to suffer from possible complications in the future.

Temperature of water during hardening

Contrary to popular belief, hardening does not require low temperatures. It requires temperature contrast. Cold causes blood vessels to constrict; heat causes them to expand. And the main thing in hardening is vascular training.

Young parents are usually happy to celebrate their baby's weight gain and chubby cheeks. However, there are children who slowly gain body weight and are completely different from koloboks, even with a good appetite. When is it time to worry and what to do in such a situation?

Weight gain is considered by both doctors and parents as one of the indicators of a child’s health. Family members, as a rule, begin to worry very much if the baby does not gain the required norm and does not “round up” over time. Although these fears often turn out to be unfounded, because each child develops individually. In addition, many parents forget or do not know that children grow in leaps and bounds, that is, weight and height increases do not occur constantly and equally.

Before you sound the alarm, you should figure out whether your child is really gaining weight poorly, despite a good appetite, or these worries are exaggerated.

Conditional average The child’s weight by the time he reaches one year is 10 kg. Shifts of +/- 2 kg can be in any direction, depending on the height and hereditary constitution of the body. The main thing is that in the second year of life the baby’s weight does not increase at such a rapid pace, by about 2.5-3 kg in 12 months. After two years, weight gain becomes even less. It is considered normal if the weight one year old child doubles by age 6, and again by age 14. All this, as we have already said, happens in “jumps”, and not evenly and every month. It is noteworthy that during puberty, adolescents again begin to gain weight more actively. This increase can be 5-6 kg per year.


In addition, in 2007 World organization Health (WHO) has published updated weight standards for children from 5 to 10 years old on its website. If you study English-language graphs, focus on the red lines: they outline the acceptable norm, and everything higher or lower is a deviation. We present a simplified table for girls and boys, where the first number in the column is the lower limit of the norm, and the second number is the upper limit.

Child's age

Body weight (kg) boys

Body weight (kg) girls


As you can see, the range of indicators is quite wide. There is no need to worry if your baby appears active and healthy as long as his weight has not dropped to the low limit. Conversely, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician when the child’s body weight falls within the normal indicators, but those around you and you yourself note his unhealthy thinness and lethargy. Criteria>

Why isn't my baby gaining weight?

If the doctor is nevertheless forced to state that the child is gaining weight too slowly, first of all he will rule out possible diseases.Criteria>

Sometimes the reason bad dialing weight gain and intestinal diseases occur because food is not digested properly. In particular, this may be gastroenteritis, in which the body loses a large number of liquids. Also likely “culprits” include type 1 diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, reduced level hemoglobin and neurological problems.



And yet, the most common reason for underweight lies in an unbalanced diet, when the child does not receive the required amount of nutrients and vitamins from food. This happens to picky kids who eat a lot and with appetite, but monotonously, preferring the same favorite dishes.



For example, if a baby happily eats rice and pasta, without agreeing to meat, milk or vegetables. This means that the body fuels its resources with carbohydrates, but at the same time experiences a deficiency of proteins and almost all vital important vitamins and minerals (A, groups B, C, D, E, calcium, magnesium, etc.). A lack of vitamins D and E has a particularly negative effect on a child’s body weight.



Another similar situation: the baby eats a lot of sweet pastries, but cannot stand porridge and whole grain bread. Thus, he deprives himself of B vitamins, iron, zinc and selenium. In such cases, you should discuss your baby’s weekly diet with your pediatrician and note which food groups should be added to it. It would also be advisable to take vitamin and mineral complexes.



How to promote weight gain?

If you are planning to review your child’s menu, first of all, consult your doctor. Under no circumstances should you overfeed your baby with “empty” calories. Experts advise increasing the calorie intake not all at once, but gradually. At the same time, in order to gain weight, the number of meals is increased. Fractional meals small but high-calorie portions have a better effect on physical and emotional state child.Criteria>

It is important not only to expand, but also to fortify the diet, since children with very low weight often suffer from hypovitaminosis. Only one thing hearty menu will not correct the situation, because the physical growth and development of the body will not be able to return to normal in conditions of vitamin deficiency. Therefore, the child needs to be offered 5 different types of vegetables and fruits throughout the day. in different forms, and at the same time supplement the daily diet with a suitable vitamin and mineral complex, chosen together with the pediatrician. Of course, we must not forget about meat, fish, dairy products and cereals, since baby food Proteins and easily digestible carbohydrates should still predominate.


As for products that can significantly increase the calorie content of regular dishes, but at the same time provide benefits, pay attention to sour cream and grated cheese. They make an excellent dressing for soups, pasta, potatoes and meat.


Finally, the atmosphere during meals plays a rather important role. Try to cook for your child what he likes, and get the whole family together at the table more often, so that the child associates meals with pleasant moments.


Almost all parents are concerned physical development a child, one of the indicators of which is growth, and its deviation in one direction or another.

And if a child is taller than his peers, this usually does not cause much concern for parents. But if the child is shorter than his peers, then the parents begin to worry: “Is my child developing correctly?”

What is "small stature"?

The term "short stature" refers to a person's significant stunting in height compared to the average height for his age, gender or nationality. In more in a broad sense people vertically challenged are considered those who, without having medical problems, below 97% of his peers of the same sex.

How to determine whether a child is growing correctly?

Parents usually evaluate their child's height based on a variety of factors: hereditary, socio-cultural and even psychological. And while they tend to compare their child's height to that of their peers, a more accurate measure of growth is whether the child continues to grow at the right pace. And if until some point the child was growing at a normal pace, and recently his development has slowed down, then in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor who will determine whether your child has health problems or whether his growth rate is only a variant of the norm.

In addition, parents can take measurements themselves. A child under 1 year of age is measured when he is lying down, while his legs are stretched out. After a year, measurements of the child in a standing position are carried out once every year. Healthy child in the first 3 months it grows by 3.5-4 cm per month and during the entire first year it adds about 25 cm. In the second year - 10-12 cm, and then it adds 5-6 cm in height per year. At puberty, when puberty occurs, the so-called growth spurt takes place. In girls, it is observed at 11-12 years old, the increase in height ranges from 6 to 11 cm (on average - 8 cm per year). In boys, puberty occurs later, at 13-14 years old, and the increase in height during this period ranges from 7 to 12 cm (average 9.5 cm). Girls usually reach their final height by the age of 15, i.e. stop growing, and boys at this age grow very rapidly and reach their final height only by the age of 19-20.

Is it possible to help a child grow up?

Maintaining a normal growth rate is greatly facilitated by proper and healthy eating, providing the right amount of vitamins and minerals, sufficient sleep and regular physical exercise. Children who eat poorly are usually slightly behind their peers in height, although there is much quality is more important than the amount of food. Parents should also be aware that their child's growth is to a large extent genetically programmed. And if a child is “programmed” for short stature, it is useless to cram into him a larger portion of food or vitamins than he needs, this will not help.

Regular physical exercise (without severe overload and fatigue) is very important for a child’s growth, since sufficient physical activity is one of the best “medicines” for the hormonal system and improving metabolism.

Some reasons for short stature:

  • Hereditary short stature. Such children inherit short stature genes from their parents. And although they are initially significantly shorter than most of their peers, these children are healthy in this regard and their growth develops at a normal pace. Puberty begins in these children usual terms, and, having matured, the child becomes approximately the same height as his parents. Usually, medical treatment such children do not require, and in most cases it will not be able to significantly increase their growth. If both parents short, then it is unlikely that the child will be tall. It is even possible to determine the child's genetic height. Add the mother's height to the father's height and divide in half. Then we add 6.5 cm to the resulting figure (if the child is a boy), or subtract 6.5 cm (if the child is a girl).

    For example, the mother’s height is 155 cm, the father’s is 177 cm: the final height for the girl will be equal to (155 + 177): 2 - 6.5 = 160.5 cm; the final height for a boy will be (155 + 177): 2 + 6.5 = 173.5 cm.

    However, it should be remembered that the short stature of parents is not always due to genetic factors alone. This could be due to severe living conditions in childhood, poor nutrition or transferred serious illnesses. For a child living in a more good conditions than his parents, his height may be higher.

  • Slowing down of constitutional development. Also genetically determined, a slowdown in constitutional development occurs in children who are early age had normal average height. A slowdown in growth rates usually begins between 6 months and 2 years, and ultimately leads to a lag behind average growth rates. However, after 3 years, the normal growth rate in such children, as a rule, resumes, persists until puberty and continues into older age, allowing them to “catch up” with their peers by adulthood. For such children, medical intervention is also not required.

When there are medical problems.

If your doctor thinks your baby is growing too slowly or not at all, your baby may need careful testing and treatment. There are a number of conditions that can slow down the growth process:

  • Chronic diseases of the child. Chronic illnesses involving the heart, lungs, intestines or kidneys may slightly slow down a child's growth rate. Early diagnosis And correct treatment- the most effective means acceleration of growth in such children.
  • Poor nutrition. The growth rate is especially inhibited by improper or insufficient nutrition of the child during the infant period and during puberty.
  • Significant psychological stress. Severe stress can slow down a child's growth, especially if it occurs during preschool age.
  • Insufficient production of hormones. Two types of hormones are responsible for growth rates: thyroid and growth hormone. If there is insufficient production of one or another hormone, the child is prescribed medication.

It should be kept in mind that the maximum effective treatment slow growth rates can be before the onset of puberty (up to 10-12 years), highly effective when applied from 12 to 14 years, effective when applied from 14 to 16 years and least effective after 17 years. After a person stops growing (18-21 years old), no results can be expected.

Some babies are tall, while others remain the smallest for a long time. Short stature makes parents worry and causes discomfort to the child himself. This problem is especially acute in adolescence when appearance becomes most important. Are there any for children? Is it possible to change this indicator in big side? If yes, then how to increase the child's height? You will find the answers in the article.

Children's height

Most noticeably, in just 12 months they gain about 25 centimeters. After that, the growth rate noticeably decreases every year. This is normal, and all mothers know this. By two years the growth is approximately 10 centimeters, by three - approximately 7, and by four - only about 5.

Caring parents periodically measure their heirs with a measuring tape or special rulers. It is better to do this on the same day every year (for example, on the morning of June 20). This way the data will be more revealing. But how do you know if a child is tall or too short? In such cases, pediatricians and children's doctors use central tables. They record indicators such as height, weight, age. The table may be common or different for girls and boys.

Growth indicators up to 11 years

If you want to find out if your children meet the age standard, use a special formula.

Child's height (cm) = 5 x H + 75 (cm).

Here B is age, the number of full years.

5 - average annual increase for children's height.

75 is the average body length that babies reach by the age of one year.

It is worth considering that this formula is only true for younger children school age(up to 11 years inclusive). For older children, the calculations will no longer be correct. Also, in addition to the formula, you can focus on the plate.

For girls

For boys

0 months

0 months

6 months

6 months

Growth norms from 12 years

If you want to know the parameters of a teenager over 12 years old (height, weight, age), the table will tell you what they should be normally.

For girls

For boys

From the sign you can see that the schoolchildren are stretched out one by one. Girls begin to grow rapidly at the age of 11-12. After this, the growth zones close and the bones increase quite a bit. But the boys begin to reach up. Peak growth occurs at the age of 13-14 years. Over the course of a year, young men can grow 10-15 centimeters taller, and some by as much as 20-25 centimeters.


To find out the approximate height of a child, just look at mom and dad. Basically, it is heredity that determines how tall children will be. If the parents are very short, then you should not expect the child to stretch out like a basketball player. Although there are exceptions to the rules.

There are also formulas by which you can determine genetically predetermined. For girls and boys, the calculations will be slightly different. Before you find out how tall a child will be, it is worth considering that the error is quite large. It can range from 5 to 10 centimeters.

Boys = (father's height (cm) + mother's height (cm))/2 + 6.5 (cm).

Girls = (father's height (cm) + mother's height (cm))/2 - 6.5 (cm).

However, calculations may differ greatly from the actual size of the child. This is due to a number of factors. They are the ones who change the genetic program and frighten parents, forcing them to run to doctors in search of an answer to the question: “How to increase a child’s height”?

Health status

Growth is greatly affected by health problems. Especially it concerns chronic diseases blood vessels, heart, respiratory system And gastrointestinal tract. Systematic intake of medications that contain glucocorticosteroid hormones also affects this. An example is a drug used to relieve asthma attacks.

Often those babies who had small body length and weight at birth grow poorly. Even with proper care, such children are unlikely to be the tallest in the class. Doctors may also diagnose constitutional growth retardation. This is not a pathology, but rather a developmental feature. In a child with this diagnosis, everything happens later: growth and puberty. That is, no treatment is required here, and the norms are no longer appropriate here.

Visit to an endocrinologist

Somatotropic hormone (or growth hormone) is responsible for growth. Also important are substances such as insulin, thyroid and androgens, progestogens, estrogens. Deficiency or excess of at least one hormone leads to growth retardation. Without appropriate treatment tall child never will.

With endocrine disruption, boys grow up to 140 centimeters, and girls - up to 130. But, fortunately, such a delay is very rare. To dispel all doubts, it is better to play it safe and contact an endocrinologist. If the diagnosis is confirmed, GH injections will be prescribed. They will increase the baby's chances of being of average or even tall height.

It is worth considering that with endocrine disease there is a pattern. If the first child is small, then the second will be born without a hormonal problem.

Proper nutrition

If your child is short, pay attention to what he eats. With chronic malnutrition over several generations, the height of children born will gradually decrease. It is also important to consider the quality of food consumed. Everyone must be present necessary substances for good growth:

  • Dairy products. They are an excellent source of calcium and form the basis of bones.
  • Protein. If there is not enough of it, the child will not only be stunted in growth, but will also become dystrophic. Protein foods include eggs, meat, fish, cheese and cottage cheese.
  • Vegetables and fruits. These are suppliers of all kinds of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, they should be varied and in large quantities in the diet.
  • Vitamins. The most useful for growth are A, E, C and D. They can be purchased in liquid form at the pharmacy, but you need to know the dosage. Some foods are also rich in these vitamins. This is sour cream butter, liver, oysters, parsley, fish fat and much more. Parents do not always know what vitamins for the child’s growth are present in a particular food. More worse situation when kids refuse to eat healthy foods. The output will be ready-made vitamin complexes in the form of dragees that contain all the necessary substances.
  • Sugar. But it is not useful for growth at all and even slows it down. Therefore, you need to limit your consumption of all kinds of sweets.

Healthy sleep

If the growth standards for children and the size of your child do not correspond, pay attention to the rest of your child. Until the age of 12-14 years, the body requires at least 10 hours of sleep. Teenagers need at least 8 hours of sleep. In this case, the body should be in a state of sleep at night, and not during daylight hours. A day's rest can only be an addition. You need to try to convey this to your children if they want to become tall.

Most growth hormone is produced during deep sleep between 10 and 12 p.m. So go to bed to rest better than a watch at 9, so that an hour later I would be sound asleep. But, unfortunately, many schoolchildren neglect this simple truth and remain small. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to increase the height of a 9-11 year old child, first normalize his sleep.

Playing sports

There are several sports that help you grow. These are badminton, basketball, volleyball, swimming and buckles in length and height. But weightlifting and wrestling, on the contrary, slow down growth. When choosing a sport, you should take into account the child’s preferences. If he doesn’t like the loads and forces him to overexert himself, then they won’t do any good.

An alternative to sports can be physical exercises that stimulate the growth zone. These include all kinds of stretches and jumps. You just need to do them regularly to see results. Sets of exercises stop the ossification of cartilage layers and give several years to gain the necessary centimeters.

Do you still doubt whether it is possible to increase your child's height through sports? See for yourself, and the results will not keep you waiting.

Family atmosphere

Experts often make a diagnosis of “psycho-emotional short stature.” Its cause is not a hormone deficiency, but a bad atmosphere in the family. Unfortunately, many parents do not take this fact into account. They take into account what height and weight should be, and the child is forced to lead healthy image life. At the same time, they constantly shout at him and do not understand why he is still small. You need to look at your family objectively from the outside. It may be worth reconsidering your communication methods.

Most often, psycho-emotional short stature occurs in dysfunctional families, where children are not cared for at all. Every child needs regular nutrition, broadening his horizons and receiving positive emotions from dad and mom. As soon as the situation in the house improves and the factors that irritate the psyche are eliminated, growth will noticeably accelerate.

How to visually increase a child's height

When a teenager is shy own growth, no matter what tricks you resort to. Visual magnification can be very helpful:

  • Heels. Girls can be encouraged to wear stiletto heels and platform shoes. In this regard, women are luckier. Boys can only gain 2-4 centimeters in height by wearing boots with small heels. By the way, it is considered orthopedic and is recommended for everyone without exception.
  • Insoles. Not everyone likes heels, and there is an orthopedic solution for such cases. Thanks to a special design, the insole raises the heel by several centimeters. This is an excellent replacement for a small heel. But there is one drawback - you will have to buy shoes a couple sizes larger.

  • The right clothes. Women have known tricks to increase their height since ancient times. You can also introduce the child to them so that he feels comfortable. Tight clothes with vertical stripes visually increase your height. But because of horizontal lines and large geometric patterns On the contrary, you seem even smaller.

Growth patterns

Perhaps only visual ways suitable for drawing out your personality throughout your life. In other cases, you need to understand that you cannot increase your growth indefinitely. Otherwise everyone on the planet would be giants. Men on average grow to 18-22 years of age. And women are only up to 15-19 years old. Sometimes occurs in men slight increase(up to 2 centimeters) after 25 years. But most often this occurs in those whose puberty has been delayed.

Now you know the growth standards for children and how to approach them. But you shouldn’t have a complex because appearance. As soon as you stop being a teenager, you realize that behavior and internal qualities are more valued.
