Feeling unwell after an alpha capsule. Spa capsule contraindications

Today, in the age of development of science and technology, humanity is increasingly making attempts to return to its nature, and in the matter of restoring and maintaining its health, it uses its forces. There is growing interest in naturopathic therapies, natural remedies. Combination of achievements of science and technology today and the wisdom of nature is most fully reflected in physiotherapy devices.

Spa capsules combine several preformed factors.

The most famous Sanspectra, Alpha - capsule. Of the latest generation of rehabilitation facilities, one can name Alfa Oxy SPA with an oxygen concentrator.

(sauna effect) – continuously adjustable temperature up to 82 °С. Thermal radiation causes a short-term spasm, followed by vasodilation, sweating can be 0.2-2.0 liters. With sweat, derivatives of the exchange are released, which facilitates the work of the kidneys. Thermotherapy enhances blood flow, metabolic processes, has lymphatic drainage and diuretic effects.

Vibromassage. Vibrotherapy leads to an increase in local blood flow and lymph outflow, activation of tissue trophism, activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and mobilization of the body's adaptive capabilities.

- non-selective chromotherapy. When exposed through the visual analyzer, it increases the level of melatonin, which is reduced during seasonal depression and desynchronosis, restoring the adaptive function of the pituitary gland. When exposed to the skin, it enhances blood flow and tissue metabolism.

Chromotherapy(color therapy). Various colors solar spectrum have different effects. When exposed through the visual analyzer, they affect psycho emotional condition, having a tonic, harmonizing or sedative effect. The choice is based on the Luscher test. When absorbed by the skin, they have a metabolic effect, while warm colors(l = 560-760 nm) enhance catabolic processes, and cold (l = 400-550 nm) anabolic.

Aromatherapy. The volatile aromatic substances released by the oils, when inhaled, enter the upper nasal passages and the peripheral odor analyzer - the olfactory bulb. The cortical analyzer, the olfactory brain, is located next to the limbic system, which regulates the emotional state. Therefore, aerophytotherapy has a harmonizing effect on the psycho-emotional state.

Ionized air shower. Aeroionotherapy has a metabolic, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect.

alpha/theta photostimulation regulates the processes of inhibition of excitation of the brain.

Music therapy creates a pleasant relaxing atmosphere. In addition, the audio system allows the use of cassettes with psychotherapeutic recordings, which is most effective with simultaneous exposure to alpha-2 rhythm, which causes a state identical to meditation.

Oxythermynew technique complex and combined therapy (Alpha Oxy SPA), which is based on a combination of pure oxygen (up to 99%) without pressure and variable temperature. The use of the Oxythermia procedure accelerates the processes of metabolism and regeneration, gives a good cardiovascular response, enhances cellular activity and has an antiseptic effect.

Spa capsules are widely used in aesthetic medicine to create a therapeutic environment in various body care programs. A short session in the SanSpectra capsule, preceding wraps, or in combination with them, enhances the effect of cosmetic products.

Indications for the use of spa capsule treatment programs:

  • Astheno-depressive states, desynchronosis.
  • Obesity I-III degree.
  • Aesthetic medicine: creating a therapeutic environment in various body care programs.

Contraindications to the use of Spa-capsules treatment programs:

  • acute inflammatory diseases
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs,
  • cardiac ischemia,
  • angina pectoris III-IV FC,
  • weeping dermatitis.

Restrictions on the use of spa capsule treatment programs:

  • Vibromassage is limited by the intensity of exposure in case of calculous cholecystitis and urolithiasis, contraindicated in Raynaud's disease, enderteritis obliterans.
  • The temperature in the presence of contraindications does not exceed 37 ° C.
  • The use of alpha/theta stimulation is contraindicated if a history of seizures is indicated.

Alpha-capsule is a multifunctional device that creates a special microclimate, which allows for procedures with a wide range of therapeutic effects. With its help, you can carry out a wide range of wellness procedures. The device is a physiotherapeutic rehabilitation and health-improving apparatus complex, which in last years appeared in almost every modern SPA-center. Relaxation capsule is used, cosmetic correction and endoecological recovery of the organism.

The alpha capsule allows you to relieve tension at the level of nerve endings, as a result of which the patient relaxes, his vitality is restored, tone increases, and general well-being. SPA procedures in the alpha capsule are recommended for people who are in stressful situations, feel nervous tension are suffering from excess weight.

How does the alpha capsule work?

The alpha-capsule is equipped with equipment that can have several types of effects on the body.

  1. Exposure through the air, or oxythermia. The therapeutic capsule creates an air environment with a high concentration of oxygen and an acceptable temperature for relaxation. With the help of this technique, beneficial vaporous substances penetrate the skin, as a result, the tissues are saturated with oxygen. As you know, it is the lack of O2 that leads to premature aging organism.
  2. Dry air bath procedures- thermotherapy.
  3. Massage procedures - vibrotherapy. The bed, which is inside the capsule, continuously vibrates. Thanks to massage vibrations, nerve endings relax and a person's well-being improves.
  4. Aeroionotherapy. There is an adjustable airflow to the body.
  5. Bactericidal lamp radiation. The rays disinfect the skin and ensure complete hygienic cleanliness of all procedures inside the alpha capsule.

Indications for use of the alpha capsule

  • Pathological and psychological addictions from drugs, alcohol, smoking;
  • headaches of various origins;
  • chronic and acute stress;
  • endogenous intoxication;
  • exogenous intoxication;
  • decreased immunity;
  • fatigue muscular system;
  • injury and chronic diseases musculoskeletal system;
  • nervous and mental disorders;
  • postoperative condition;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • all types of dermatitis, especially psoriasis;
  • dystonia;
  • cellulite;
  • violation of the biorhythm;
  • detoxification.

How is the wellness procedure in the alpha capsule

After taking a shower, the patient is placed in a capsule, which is pre-programmed for a wellness procedure. Inside the capsule, the human body is in an oxygenated air space with high humidity. The procedure helps to remove toxins from the body, improve the condition of the skin, correct weight, stop depression and stress. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 30 minutes.

SPA capsule - unusual word, which many people associate with a magic pill for body care and health. In fact, this is the name of an innovative technique that can provide positive influence on the human body as a whole. SPA-capsule - these are several options cosmetic procedures, which are held in a special chamber or capsule, resembling in appearance a horizontal installation for solarium sessions.

The rejuvenating effect of this chamber is due to a phenomenon called oxygenation - the supply of a stream of oxygen under high pressure. In fact, such a capsule saturates the cells human body active oxygen, helping to activate metabolic processes and skin respiration in the cells of the epidermis and its deep layers.

As employees of well-known SPA establishments say, such an oxygen chamber helps to remove all decay products, toxins and slags from the body, helping the human body to cleanse itself. naturally. Among other things, this capsule is great for weight loss.

Approximate cost of the procedure

The cost of a session in this capsule depends on total sessions, the level of popularity of the institution, and even the quality of the equipment supplied to the institution.

For example, a regular session in a SPA chamber costs about 500 rubles, but if the client chooses additional effects during the session, its cost increases to 2000-3000 thousand. According to cosmetologists, procedures in such capsules allow you to quickly and profitably put your own body and body in order. As a bonus, during this set of procedures, you can program the client's body to lose extra volumes and kilograms.

The possibilities of the procedure and its effectiveness

The use of the capsule has a lot positive effects, which include:

  • Treatment and elimination of obesity
  • Safe treatment and elimination of "orange" peel
  • Strengthening the chest area
  • General relaxation of the human body
  • Improving the appearance of the skin
  • Rehabilitation therapy after lactation and childbirth
  • Cleansing the body of toxins and toxins
  • Oxygen saturation and nutrition of the skin
  • Acceleration rehabilitation period after injury
  • Getting rid of neuropathological conditions and diseases
  • Acceleration of skin healing, elimination of psoriasis and dermatitis
  • Recovery of the body after debilitating and long illnesses.

During the capsule procedures it is possible to achieve:

  • Sweating stimulation
  • Acceleration of blood circulation
  • Elimination of fatigue of the muscular system of the body
  • Implementation of massage and water procedures
  • Carrying out aromatic and therapeutic effects with the help of inhalations based on various essential oils.

Indications for the procedure in the SPA-capsule

  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Depression, anxiety, fatigue, sleep disturbances
  • Changes in various mental and physiological functions of the human body due to disruption of the rhythms of its functional systems
  • Obesity 1-3 degrees
  • in need aesthetic medicine body and body care.

Contraindications for the procedure in the SPA-capsule

It is forbidden to use the functions of these capsules if the client has:

  • Weeping dermatitis
  • Acute inflammatory diseases
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage
  • Angina.

SPA capsule options

Oxygen SPA-capsules exist in two versions:

  1. "Dry" option, working on the principle of a dry sauna
  2. Hydrofusion option.

"Dry" chamber - a variant for body skin care, which includes deep heating of the body with dry air. A special microclimate is recreated within the walls of the capsule for performing actions with the help of heated dry air - music therapy, vibration massage, various inhalations and the like. The desired mode in this camera can be programmed for a certain intensity and number of actions.

Hydrofusion capsule - latest version for body skin care. The essence of the action of such a camera is the use of two basic principles thermal influence to obtain a noticeable and long-lasting cosmetic effect.

Under the influence of infrared radiation, the human body is actively warmed up, and under the influence of steam, a special vapor layer is formed that envelops each skin area on the body. Such a healing steam may contain algae components or aroma oils- so the effect of steam on the body becomes many times more effective and beneficial.

Since during the procedure the human body warms up to 4 centimeters deep, metabolic processes are noticeably accelerated under the skin, which stimulate the transformation of fat cells, eliminating them. Among other things, there is an accelerated removal of toxins and toxins.

If you decide on an effective and beneficial cleansing own body from everything unnecessary and superfluous, if you wish to gain perfect figure and improve your appearance, then the SPA-capsule will help you in this difficult endeavor and accelerate the achievement of your dreams.

Additional types of therapy during the procedure in the SPA-capsule

In order to supplement the overall effectiveness of the procedures, the following also apply:

  • Aeroionotherapy - therapy based on ionized air molecules
  • Music therapy - the use of sounds of a certain frequency range for the purpose of relaxation, appeasement, moral and physical relaxation, calm
  • Oxygenation - oxygen supply and saturation of the body
  • Vibration massage - massage effect on the body with a special massager
  • Oxyhyperthermia - a combination of temperature and oxygen effects on the body
  • Thermal Therapy - Impact high temperatures from 38 to 80 degrees per body.

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Save so as not to lose!

Today, the SPA capsule is becoming more and more popular in the world. official medicine And modern cosmetology. It's relative new procedure, which allows you to restore your health as soon as possible after a previous illness.
For example, this effective remedy to strengthen the weakened immune system, real help with cardiac and gynecological problems, as well as in case of impaired metabolism and impaired functioning of the central nervous system.

Despite the fact that many position the SPA capsule with the most better side, describing the multifaceted therapeutic effect and sustainable therapeutic effect, there is and back side medals that reminds everyone existing restrictions and prohibitions on use.

There are indeed contraindications, and their considerable list only indicates that such a method of healing a weakened body is not as safe as it might initially seem. Doctors advise avoiding such innovative novelties for hypertensive patients and other patients with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, ischemia, arrhythmia, angina pectoris), as well as in the presence of dermatological diseases and inflammatory processes in the acute stage. In addition, the SPA-capsule is excluded during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the stage of recurrence of all chronic diseases of the body. There are also age restrictions that become an obstacle to the implementation of this progressive procedure.

If a person decides to try what a SPA capsule is, contraindications should be a kind of signal for him that he needs to consult with his doctor. The expediency of such a consultation is obvious, since superficial self-treatment can only worsen general state weakened body and lead to irreversible consequences.

Myth one.
Doctors are sure that the SPA capsule provides a therapeutic and cosmetic effect, and just one procedure is enough to look 3-5 years younger. In fact, one cannot expect significant changes in appearance from one time, but modern cosmetologists do not exclude that after a few sessions wrinkles, skin irregularities and signs of pigmentation disappear imperceptibly, and the skin becomes clean, elastic and smooth.

Myth two.
Many women, after the first spa capsule, got rid of the signs of cellulite and stretch marks that appeared after childbirth or were the result of weight changes. In fact, such an effect is indeed possible, since the effect of infrared rays on loose skin gives it firmness and elasticity. However, one procedure will not be enough to return skin former beauty and impeccable condition.

Myth three.
The level of radioactive impact on the patient's skin and body exceeds the safe norm. In fact, these are just "horror stories", and the SPA capsule correct use strictly according to indications, it has a beneficial effect on the human resource. The action of infrared rays is therapeutic, but it certainly does not harm health.

Summing up, we can conclude that the effect of this cosmetic and medical procedure will be, however, for its sensation and, moreover, holding one session is not enough. If you complete the full course, you can personally verify how effective the SPA capsule is.
Contraindications for use must also be discussed with the attending physician and only on his recommendation to agree to the first session. The results are inspiring!

Feel unearthly pleasure in the spa capsule!

We have a promotion! Spa capsule + Seaweed wrap+ Oriental peeling = 2500 rub.

Going on vacation, do not forget to undergo a procedure in the SPA CAPSULE with a unique peeling with camel mittens and laurel soap, after which the skin becomes like a baby's and your tan will be dazzlingly beautiful and resistant!!!

What is a Spa Capsule?

The SPA-capsule is a modern physiotherapeutic device for the rehabilitation and health improvement of the body, the action of which is based on SPA technologies. With the help of a unique design, the following problems are currently being solved:

weight correction,
- fighting cellulite,
- relaxation and treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome,
- skin improvement, fight against imperfections,
- removal of depression,
- improving the quality of therapeutic and wellness procedures,
- health-improving rest.

Spa capsule for face and body includes:

- vibration massage,
- dry sauna
- ultraviolet stimulation,
- music therapy
- air shower (ionized),
-contour bed with heating.

The duration of the procedure is 30-60 minutes


Today, in medicine and cosmetology, aromatherapy is widely used to improve the body and restore natural processes. Aromatic oils are applied directly to problem areas of the skin, inhaled or both effects are combined. With the help of the Alpha capsule in the SPA salon, you can get various therapeutic effects, such as:

stress relief,
- improvement of the skin condition,
- conditioning and nutrition of the skin,
- removal of toxins from the body,
- improved appetite,
- stimulation of fluid circulation in the body.

For the SPA capsule in the salon, various aromatic oils and mixtures are used to achieve the desired results. Aromatherapy has been known for its beneficial effects on the human body since ancient times. Modern cosmetologists have only learned to apply the technologies of our ancestors using more advanced equipment and professional skills. You can be sure that aromatherapy in the Alpha capsule will not only help you fight the external shortcomings of your body, but will also allow you to feel a surge of vigor and vitality improve well-being and strengthen the immune system.


The effect of vibration massage in a SPA capsule can be compared with exercise. The only difference is the absence of pain and other discomfort in the muscles. The use of vibration massage does not contribute to the production of lactic acid, which in turn is responsible for the above disadvantages of intensive training. Vibromassage allows you to:

Eliminate congestion in muscles and tissues,
- prevent inflammatory processes in diseased areas
- speed up the metabolism,
- improve cellular metabolism,
- reduce recovery time after serious injuries or excessive loads.

Thus, vibromassage has a healing effect on the body as a whole, enhances it. protective functions helps in the rehabilitation of patients.

Body weight control

Alpha capsule for the body is excellent modern fixture to control your own weight, lose weight and improve the body. With the help of the SPA-capsule in the salon you will be able to:

- increase metabolic rate, which will not only reduce weight without risk to health, but also effectively deal with the shortcomings of rapid weight loss.

- burn calories through intense sweating, which is achieved due to the acclimatization of the body in the process regular visits SPA salon. It has been proven that the improvement of metabolic processes in the body contributes to the efficient burning of calories. After using the Alpha Capsule, the fluid balance is partially restored, but the calories do not return, which in turn helps in the fight against excess weight.

- improve health cardiovascular system - the use of a spa capsule three times a week for only 16 minutes allows not only to strengthen the heart and blood vessels, but also significantly improve the quality of their work.

- always be in shape and feel cheerful- the effect of the Alpha capsule is equal to the regular physical activity, but without harm to the body, so they can fully serve as their replacement.

Caring for our clients

Our beauty salon offers you the best prices for a spa capsule in Moscow. We know how important it is for every woman to stay fresh, young, beautiful and balanced, so we try to take care of our clients.

We would like to note that the SPA capsule procedure has some contraindications. If you have chronic diseases or other health problems, then you should definitely inform our specialist about this.

Procedures are available in beauty salons, in the South-West of Moscow, at the following addresses: Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, Nikulinskaya st., 27 and Pokryshkina st., 9. Our services can also be convenient for residents of Solntsevo and Novoperedelkino.
