Congratulations on your professional holiday on December 20. Funny congratulations on FSB Day

I cordially congratulate you on professional holiday!
For many decades, you have ensured the security of our state and its citizens, sovereignty and territorial integrity Russian Federation, the inviolability of its constitutional system. Your complex, responsible, often life-threatening work is especially important for the state in modern conditions when our country faces new challenges and threats. The fight against crime, terrorism and extremism that you are tirelessly waging allows our citizens to feel protected. Your service requires you to be highly competent, resilient and courageous. Our veterans help to cultivate these qualities and preserve the glorious traditions of the state security agencies, passing on their rich experience to young personnel. I am confident that your deep knowledge, highest professionalism, and dedication will continue to contribute to strengthening Russian statehood, implementing large-scale reforms in the economy and social sphere, and ensuring stability in society.
With all my heart I wish you good health, family well-being, professional growth and new successes in your difficult service for the benefit of Russia!

Nikolay Merkushkin,

Dear employees and veterans of the Federal Security Service Directorate for the Samara Region!

On behalf of the deputies of the Samara Provincial Duma, I cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Security Agencies Worker of the Russian Federation!
It is difficult to overestimate the role and importance of your difficult service. The history of the country's security agencies is inextricably linked with the history of the country itself and is an integral part of its great history.
Today, when Russia is faced with new serious challenges and threats, it is especially important to ensure compliance with the priority legitimate interests of our country and its citizens. Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin clearly outlined these priorities in his Address to the Federal Assembly: “Stability as a condition for development and progress, respect for other peoples and states while ensuring the security of Russia and defending its legitimate interests.”
Service in state security agencies requires not only deep knowledge, but also great endurance, personal courage and bravery, and the mobilization of all forces. Such qualities have always distinguished security officers of the Samara region. It is your work that is a reliable guarantor of the security of our region. The state purpose of your service is to protect the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens. The civil understanding of security is the new thing that came to us along with democracy. And today the strength of the intelligence services - just like the strength of the government in general - lies exclusively in the support and trust of people and the entire society.
I sincerely wish you new successes in the service of the Fatherland, good health, fortitude, courage and endurance. Happiness and prosperity to you and all your loved ones!

Victor Sazonov,

Dear friends!

On behalf of the deputies of the Duma of the Samara city district and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Security Worker Day!
You dedicated your life to difficult, very dangerous, but noble service in the name of the Motherland. Acting in the most difficult conditions operational situation, you are always on the front line of the fight against crime, actively contribute to maintaining stability in the country, ensuring the security of the individual, society and state.
The security service draws on rich historical experience. In the twentieth century, it became one of the strongest and most effective security services in the world. Maintaining continuity and best traditions authorities, people of your heroic profession defend not just the interests of the Motherland, but also the very foundations of Russian statehood. On your shoulders today lies the responsible task of combating terrorism, extremism, organized crime and a number of other threats.
On behalf of the entire deputy corps, I would like to express gratitude and appreciation for your work, on which the peace and safety of citizens depends. It's not easy daily work, a multifaceted activity that requires dedication, endurance and great responsibility. Behind the employees Federal service security there are many glorious feats. And at present, employees of the FSB Directorate continue to honorably fulfill their duty to protect the Motherland.
I wish you health, success in your service, and peace and prosperity to your families!

Alexander Fetisov,

Dear employees and veterans of security agencies!

Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your professional holiday - Russian Security Agencies Worker's Day!
You dedicated your life to an honorable and responsible task - ensuring the security of our Motherland. Your service is an example of high professionalism, great courage and self-denial.
We sacredly preserve the memory of our comrades who performed their duty on the battlefields and in peacetime, of those who sacrificed their lives for the good of the Fatherland. And today, the management team of the FSB of Russia in the Samara region, continuing the glorious traditions laid down by previous generations, makes a worthy contribution to the protection of internal and external interests our country and its citizens. The state security agencies of the Russian Federation face difficult tasks in countering the intelligence services of foreign states, combating terrorism and extremism, corruption and organized crime. The ability of their management team to solve problems is demonstrated by their daily work and concrete results.
On this significant day, accept sincere words respect and gratitude for your hard work for the benefit of the Russian state, good health to you and your loved ones, happiness, prosperity and good luck.

It’s not easy to serve in the FSB,
There are no freebies in the FSB.
And today to all the servicemen
Warm greetings from us.

Please accept our congratulations
And wishes from the heart:
Health, happiness and patience
Love and dreams come true.

FSB - our relatives,
Happy holiday, dears!
Guys, today is your day,
We are not too lazy to congratulate you.

Always keep it safe
Yours and ours - it's cool!
Don't leave your service
And never be discouraged!

Be healthy and rich,
We will be very happy for you.
The whole country is holding on to you,
Happy FSB Day, she says!

Congratulations on the Day of Employees of State and Government Bodies national security. I wish you to always remain a glorious and worthy employee of your important activities, I wish you to keep your success, your ideas, your achievements and dreams in absolute security. Good luck in your work, prosperity in life and, most importantly, good health in your body.

Today is the holiday of the bravest,
Day of those who protect us
Day of the FSB - skilled people,
Who will protect us in difficult times.

Let the raid be successful,
So that the gun is loaded.
We will shout to the feds: glory!
We wish for many, many years!

On this day, the country congratulates you!
You are the ones who protect us.
And there is no more responsible job,
How to drive away worries from your homeland.

We appreciate your work without any doubt,
We wish you the fulfillment of your cherished dreams.
So may fate fulfill all your wishes
Those for whom the FSB is a calling.

This day in December is dear to me and you,
It's a holiday to remember
Those who dedicated their lives to the FSB
To serve the one who saves our country.

We wish you to know more minutes,
When you can forget about anxiety,
So that there are fewer worries, so that there are fewer losses,
But let there be plenty of happiness!

Congratulations to the FSB officer,
On this day I wish you
Don't get sick or get sick,
Bringing joy to people.

So that luck follows you,
The service was faithful
And the friendship is real
Always lived in my soul!

So that the authorities respect
So that the criminal himself comes,
And in your tasks
I went around to the trouble!

In general, I wish you
Peaceful happiness above your head
And mind-blowing love
In your trembling heart!

Which service is the most important in the country?
Who serves their Motherland honestly?
Who guards our sleep and peace?
Who can give his life for you and me?
The one who saves the country from the enemy.
The one who is on duty in blizzards and snow.
The one whose life is both dangerous and difficult,
Like in a song, and it’s as if it’s invisible.
Happy FSB Day, I congratulate you!
I wish you health, peace and happiness!

Security service is a hot topic today
Not only because the service is federal.
Today is a holiday of courage, brave men.
Any of them is always ready to stand for the truth!
We congratulate you boldly, we will hug you in joy,
What we know is that we are definitely safe around you.

You are a knight of the state, an invisible hero,
And our safety is the price for your feat.
Without demanding reward, and only living by duty,
A cold, pure mind protects us from harm.
And yet the measure of what is dear to us all -
Your love, a soldier, will always prevail!

And not cops, and not kents,
But just the Feds.
A hundred for you on the table
And a certificate on the wall.

Being human,
Defend the Country.
Climb under bullets
But not for bullets.

With “bandits” it’s always YOU,
With friends joy and happiness.
A beautiful life for the Country,
But for myself... it doesn’t matter.

[in prose]

Congratulations on FSB Day in prose

Perseverance, courage, bravery are not just words. This is hard and painstaking work, vigilance, attention and the desire for the best. Therefore, you, FSB employees, understand them better than anyone and take them to heart. And yours is hot, quivering, uncontrollable! You always stand at your post and prevent any troubles that threaten the state and the people. Thank you for your work, care, and honesty! Let your service be easy and hassle-free! Let there be fewer difficulties and let there be as many conscious citizens as possible! On FSB Day, I wish you patience, prosperity, and determination! Happy holiday everyone! I tell you from the bottom of my heart: “Keep it up and don’t give in to problems!”

A day like this, when the whole country remembers its heroic defenders, happens only once a year. It’s a pity, because everyone needs to remember that the Federal Security Service protects our peace, and always remember this. Today I want to sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday and thank you from the bottom of my heart for our peace of mind. You are truly the bravest, the strongest and most courageous, may luck always follow you. And even if it is difficult, remember that it is thanks to you that your friends and relatives can go out into the street without fear, remember that it is the guys who take their example from you. Remember that you are a hero. Congratulations!

Congratulations on the Day of the Federal Security Service! First of all, I wish you never to lose your enthusiasm, courage and dedication. Let every event end in victory, and let every step be directed towards success. I wish you to be even more successful in your personal life than in professional activity. Good health, passionate love, home comfort I wish you peace of mind on this holiday. Please accept our gratitude and low bow for your dedicated work. Happy FSB Day!

Today the whole country celebrates very important holiday, your professional day, FSB Day. I congratulate you on this magnificent day and want to say thank you for the fact that we, ordinary people, can sleep peacefully. Thank you for the clear sky above your head and for reliable protection our lives! We know that when you maintain order and peace, the country is safe! You decide every day a lot important issues, and in this regard, I want to wish you endless strength, incredible perseverance and acceptance only right decisions! May everything be wonderful with you and may happiness, success and success await you in your personal life. great love! Happy holiday, dear security officers!

Congratulations on your professional holiday! On FSB Day, I want to wish you to always remember honor and conscience, valor and courage! Enjoy life, and also do your job, giving your all! Let success knock on the door, and don’t forget to open it in time! I wish you never to part with kindness, but at the same time show strength of character, distinguish true from false and remember that we only have one life! Positive, Have a good mood- and life will definitely shine with the most bright colors! I also wish you not to be discouraged, to succeed and strive for the best, remembering that there are always family and friends nearby, ready to provide support at the right time!

Please accept my congratulations on the Day of the Federal Security Service of Russia. You chose this job by vocation; you have always dreamed of protecting your homeland from external threats. Protect national interests Russians – honorary and difficult task, and not everyone is able to do it as dedicatedly and professionally as you. I wish you further success in your noble work. May the Lord bless you wherever you are. With all my heart I wish you health, happiness, family comfort and warmth. May all your plans and dreams come true, and may the Motherland generously reward your services to it. I wish you that there will be many interesting and joyful events so that you live and enjoy every day.

I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the Federal Security Service of Russia! It so happened that, than less people see your work, the better you do it. Perhaps on this day you are carrying out the difficult service of protecting the interests of our Motherland; let these nice words warm your heart and convince you time after time that we are proud of you and your colleagues. Be healthy, be happy and be confident: you are great, worthy, real man! Happy holiday!

The activities of FSB employees are hidden under the heading of secrecy, but my ardent gaze cannot hide the fact that you are as good as Bond, James Bond. No, perhaps even better - noble and valiant, smart and damn attractive! Only real men can serve in the ranks of the FSB. This job is not for cowards. It is for heroes with noble hearts! I know that you are one of those who stand with their breasts in defense of the Fatherland, preventing threats that citizens are not even aware of! Every hour of your work is aimed at ensuring that laws are followed in the country and people live peacefully and safely. On FSB Day, I wish you great personal happiness and brilliant career achievements! Thank you for what you do! Live happily and prosperously!

Dear employees of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation! Today is your holiday! The holiday of those who stand as human shields in the path of terrorism, who prevent crimes, who protect our borders. A holiday for those who ensure the information security of our country! Intelligence and counterintelligence officers, border guards and experts, technical engineers and cryptographers! Thank you for your dangerous, associated high risk service. Thank you for saving people! I wish you health and good spirits, strength and endurance, courage and dignity! Carry out the task entrusted to you highly! Follow the oath religiously! Happy holiday! Happy FSB Day!

How to congratulate FSB employees? This is a common question many people ask. Especially those who have friends or relatives working in the Federal Security Service. After all, a congratulation should be not only beautiful, but also original. It is advisable not to read the wishes from a piece of paper, but to learn and tell them with expression. Moreover, intonation is very important in congratulations. It is strongly recommended to say all phrases with a smile.

It is also now considered a big mistake to say “Happiness, health!” Of course, you can use these words in a wish, but it is advisable to insert epithets with sonorant consonants. For example: “Congratulations on FSB Workers’ Day! I wish you to always be in such amazing shape. Never be discouraged and strive for your goal. And to achieve everything, you must have good health. Only in this case everything will work out. And I wish you great happiness. May all your loved ones, family and friends always be with you. I sincerely want all your dreams and desires to come true.”

From this greeting you can see how the noun is connected to the adjective. In other words, epithets give the text brightness and expressiveness. You can say all the words - wishes with the addition beautiful adjectives. If you want to wish love, then it should sound like this: “I wish Indian love” or “I wish passionate love.” It is important to know the person himself. Based on this, you can already select Right words, which will be pleasant to a person.
are quite simple, the main thing is that they are sincere and sincere.

Congratulations on their professional holiday to all FSB employees and those related to the national and state security industry. You are one of the bravest people in the world. Your work may involve responsibility, but it is absolutely necessary for all of us.

I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the Federal Security Service of Russia! It just so happens that the fewer people see your work, the better you do it. Perhaps on this day you are carrying out the difficult service of protecting the interests of our Motherland; Let these warm words warm your heart and convince you time after time that we are proud of you and your colleagues. Be healthy, be happy and be sure: You are a great, worthy, real person! Happy holiday!

Congratulating FSB employees on their professional holiday, I would like to wish them the same dedication to work, honesty, hard work and selflessness. You stand guard over order throughout the state and protect the interests of the entire country and its ordinary citizens. Good luck to you in your hard work!

Dear employees of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation! Today is your holiday! The holiday of those who stand as human shields in the path of terrorism, who prevent crimes, who protect our borders. A holiday for those who ensure the information security of our country! Intelligence and counterintelligence officers, border guards and experts, technical engineers and cryptographers! Thank you for your dangerous, high-risk service. Thank you for saving people! I wish you health and good spirits, strength and endurance, courage and dignity! Carry out the task entrusted to you highly! Follow the oath religiously! Happy holiday! Happy FSB Day!

We congratulate everyone who is responsible for the safety and peace of the population of our country on their professional day. May God protect you from every misfortune and may your guardian angel never leave you. Return to your home safe and sound every day. Thank you for our peace of mind and safety.

The Day of the Security Authorities of the Russian Federation is a professional holiday for employees of the FSB, SVR, FSO and other Russian special services, celebrated on December 20. “The Day of the Security Service Worker of the Russian Federation” was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin dated December 20, 1995. During the era of the USSR, this holiday was well known as Chekist Day. The history of its establishment dates back to December 20 (December 7, old style) 1917 - it was then that the Cheka - the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission - was formed. Later, the Cheka changed many names - NKVD, OGPU, MGB, KGB.

Congratulations on FSB Day. I wish you boundless health and boundless luck, brilliant success in your activities, high status and honor in your position, I wish you excellent health, strength and courage, I wish you faithful comrades, the support and love of your family and a welcoming world.

Congratulations on your professional holiday, the day of employees of state and national security agencies! Let the service: be guided by principles; never goes against personal interests; is always a reason to be proud. Strength, health, fortitude, wisdom, courage, vigor.

Congratulations on the Day of State and National Security Officer. Courage, ingenuity, bravery, luck, perseverance, perseverance, confidence, calm. I wish you success in your work and prosperity in your personal life. And may your dreams, your loved ones, your feelings be safe.

Congratulations on the Day of State and National Security Officer. I wish you to always remain a glorious and worthy employee of your important work, I wish you to keep your success, your ideas, your merits and dreams in absolute security. Good luck in your work, prosperity in life and, most importantly, good health in your body.

Your job requires you to be courageous, courageous, persistent, and attentive. You carry out your service honestly and resignedly, protect state and people's security. Thank you! Let the difficulties that always come your way be easily overcome, and in your personal life we ​​wish you to have no problems. I wish you health and peace of mind. Happy holiday, dear FSB employees!

Happy holiday to all state and national security employees! We wish to always be vigilant in such painstaking and responsible work, to protect the interests of not only our country, but also its citizens. And, of course, to be brave, full of enthusiasm and loyalty to their profession. Leave with honor and dignity difficult situation without losing your composure. Successes not only in the work field, but also on the personal front.

Congratulations on FSB Day and from pure heart I wish you high personal security, responsibility and a successful struggle for peace, great achievements and indestructible success, respect and high honor, good luck and prosperity, family happiness, love and good health.

Congratulations on FSB Day. I would like to wish you to always stand faithfully guarding the security and peace of the Motherland, to remain a strong and brave person in any situation, to achieve great success and incredible luck in any endeavor, to strive for high goals and your desires, to live in abundance and prosperity.

Congratulating FSB employees on their professional holiday, I would like to wish them the same dedication to work, honesty, hard work and selflessness. You stand guard over order throughout the state and protect the interests of the entire country and its ordinary citizens. Good luck to you in your hard work!

Congratulations to all employees of state and national security agencies on their professional holiday! We wish you coherence and orderliness in your work. Transparent and timely information documentation. Good financing and higher level disclosure in cases. Good health, tempered character and confidence in the legal base!
