Leather care products. How to care for leather items: five rules for beginners

To clean and care for leather products, you can easily use home remedies

Leather products are practical, aesthetic and extremely durable, for which they have received a worthy assessment from people who understand good things. Clothes, shoes, bags, furniture upholstery, interior items, and accessories made from leather have faithfully served their owners for years, and sometimes many decades, without causing any trouble.

But nothing is eternal under the moon. And therefore, so that your leather products are always fashionable, stylish, captivating with expensive elegance, pleasing the eye for as long as possible pristine view, they need high-quality care and timely cleaning.

There is nothing complicated here. All that is required is a little desire, following a number of simple rules and a small arsenal of tools, the main part of which is always at hand. We'll talk about them.

Soap solution

With its help, dirt and fresh greasy stains that have not yet had time to be absorbed into the structure of the material are removed from the skin. To do this, soak a piece of rag or a foam sponge in a soapy solution, wring it out and wipe the problem area.

You can try another way - rub the contaminated area with soap, and then treat it with a damp cloth. This kind of manipulation will most likely give desired result. In any case, they will not cause any harm. But if things still don’t work out, you should try other options suggested below.

Ammonia and liquid soap

This is one of the most effective means used for cleaning leather goods. To prepare it, mix equal parts of water, ammonia, which is freely sold in pharmacies, and liquid soap. Next, you need to take a clean, dry cloth, moisten it in the resulting product and thoroughly wipe the stained areas. After drying, it is advisable to treat them with castor oil to give them the same shine.

Ammonia and soda

Is alternative option liquid soap. Overall, this recipe is no less effective than the one above. To prepare the product, you need to dissolve one spoon of ammonia and three teaspoons of soda in 0.5 liters of water. Next is the standard procedure - the contaminated areas are treated with a rag or swab dipped in the resulting product, dried and wiped with castor oil.


For reliable protection of shoes and other products made of rough skin To make them shiny, wipe them with Vaseline. - This is also an opportunity to protect wet things from drying out. Immediately before drying, treat them with Vaseline, and then rub them well with a clean rag until shiny.

Lemon juice, ethyl alcohol, glycerin

This method is most effective for eliminating “grease” that appears in certain areas of leather clothing, usually in the area of ​​the collar, pockets, and cuffs.

The operation is carried out in three stages. First, the problem area is wiped well with alcohol. Further processed lemon juice. After the first two stages of cleaning, the skin in these areas is lubricated with glycerin.

It should be noted that “grease” does not form quickly on leather clothes. It only indicates untimely care or lack thereof. If the mentioned areas are treated at least occasionally as a preventative measure with a cloth soaked in lemon juice or a solution of any household detergent, then you can completely forget about such a nuisance.

Table vinegar

This remedy is most effective in the fight against salt stains and stains that often appear after leather products dry. They are easily removed with a swab, rag or sponge soaked in tableware. It can also be used to remove other contaminants, for example, and also be used as a preventative against “greasy” stains on collars, pockets, and cuffs.

Coffee grounds

If you are a lover of leather items and also a fan of an invigorating drink, then this coincidence can be considered very successful. Don't rush to get rid of it. Wrap it in a piece of flannel or woolen rag and wipe the problem area with the resulting bag. This technique allows you to cleanse the skin and restore its original shine. However, attention! This method is not suitable for white and generally light leather products.

Vegetable oil

If you need to remove an oil paint stain from leather items, the thought of acetone, gasoline or some other chemical immediately comes to mind. But there's no need to rush. Vegetable oil will cope with this problem perfectly. IN in this case it is precisely this that is the solvent. Well, its remains are easily washed off with ammonia, vinegar, ethyl alcohol or even soap solution.

Egg white

It will help give leather products freshness and shine. To do this, you need to thoroughly beat the egg white and, having dipped a cloth in it, treat the leather items well, then rub until shiny with a dry, clean flannel cloth.


Who would have thought, but an ordinary onion can become an excellent cleaning and restorative agent for leather items. Just cut the vegetable into two halves and thoroughly wipe the contaminated areas of the product with one of them. As the process progresses, the onion must be trimmed periodically, thus refreshing its layer in contact with the surface. At the end of the procedure, to add shine, the leather product should be rubbed well with a soft cloth.

Orange peel

This is a ready-made “tool” for cleaning, restoring the elasticity and shine of leather products. Contained in the crust essential oils They soften the dirt well, and the layered pulp collects its remains. Just wipe fresh orange peel leather items or furniture upholstery, and they will noticeably freshen up.

It should be borne in mind that, despite its unpretentiousness, the skin does not “like” many things. Such things should not be allowed to gather dust. The smallest particles easily penetrate the pores and cause products to lose their appearance. But plastic and other similar packaging, often used for storage, is also not an option. Leather items should “breathe”, so it is better to place them in a linen or linen case, or simply place them in a tightly closed closet, carefully hanging them on hangers selected to size.

When it's on the street heavy rain or wet snow, leather jacket, coat, raincoat and other things made of this material should not be worn. But if the product still gets very wet, then you should thoroughly wipe it with a dry, clean rag and leave it to dry at room temperature, under no circumstances using heaters.

You can lay the product on the floor, first placing a clean rag or blanket under it, and turn it over as it dries. But, again, the place for this must be chosen away from sources of intense heat - radiators, heaters and others.

Leather shoes are also afraid of drying out. It begins to crack and quickly loses its appearance. It should also be dried at room temperature, filled or with a rag to absorb moisture.

You shouldn’t be particularly zealous with cleaning leather products, in particular. This should be done only as needed. Otherwise, the risk of damage to the protective layer increases, as a result of which things begin to lose their unique luster.

Colored skin is very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, you should try to avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

Acetone, gasoline, turpentine and other organic solvents are sometimes used to clean leather products, but only in exceptional cases when nothing else can help. Their use is associated with the risk of causing irreparable damage to the protective coating and structure of the material, so such substances must be handled with extreme care.

Shoes have long ceased to be a part of the wardrobe, which should only provide comfort when walking and protection from the cold. What we put on our feet demonstrates our wealth, standard of living and inner peace better than any clothing or accessories. But even the most expensive ones need to be properly looked after. If we neglect this, then a pair of once-chic leather shoes a short time can turn a lovely princess into an unkempt Cinderella, and a handsome prince into a sloppy commoner.

How to care for genuine leather shoes

No matter how strange it may sound, caring for leather shoes sounds like caring for facial skin: cleansing, nourishing, protecting. Today there is huge selection special means for care different types. This and budget options, and luxury ones for especially expensive ones and owners of thick wallets.

For genuine leather Both excessive drying and waterlogging are dangerous. Poor-quality and incorrectly selected care products can cause no less harm than their complete absence. There are no universal care products, so the choice of cream, brush or sponge must be taken responsibly. As for color, then light shoes requires additional processing more than dark-colored counterparts.

Caring for shoes depending on their color

Naturally, when choosing a cream or paint, you need to take into account the colors of the product. You won’t be able to get by with colorless cream alone if you have shoes of different colors. Sooner or later, abrasions and scratches will form on black or brown, and yellowish spots may appear on light ones. All these imperfections will have to be covered up and painted over.

Our advice: use colorless shoe cream for all colors of the rainbow, and for black, brown, white and beige colors buy products of the appropriate shade.

White shoes, care features

White shoes are not only the most elegant, but also the most difficult to care for. Such skin is usually very thin and delicate and can be easily damaged. Save leather goods white in perfect condition, it is more difficult than shoes of other colors, so few people dare to buy them for every day.

White shoes are probably the most difficult to care for.

For care, it is necessary to have an individual sponge, brush, white cream (can also be colorless) and a separate polishing cloth. You cannot use a hard brush to clean white shoes - small scratches may appear on smooth leather, in which dust and dirt will accumulate. It is also recommended to purchase special shampoo. Its foam gently cleanses the skin of impurities without over-wetting or disturbing the white pigment. This product is used when regular wiping with a damp sponge is not enough.

Store shoes separately, in fabric bags or boxes, so that the color of the “neighbors” does not transfer to white leather. After each wear, it must be cleaned of dust and dirt, and then a nourishing agent is applied.

Immediately after purchase, it is treated with wax to protect it from the negative influence of the external environment and preserve the color for a long time.

There are also folk ways to care for white shoes:

  • In order for it to retain its original whiteness for a long time, it is recommended to wipe it with a mixture egg white and a few tablespoons of milk.
  • Stubborn stains can be cleaned off well with toothpaste and a soft brush.
  • Can be cleaned with a sponge soaked in solution washing powder and water.
  • Whiten skin using lemon juice, vinegar and soda.
  • Vinegar is mixed with water in a ratio of 3:1, and the stain is wiped with a cloth soaked in the resulting solution.
  • Mix soda with water in equal parts and clean in the same way.
  • Yellowish stains can also be removed using a regular eraser if the stain is not deeply embedded in the skin.
  • IN severe cases use a mixture of purified gasoline and magnesia powder.

Black shoes are the most practical to wear, match outfits of any color and, therefore, are the most popular. A huge advantage is that you do not need to carefully select the shade of the cream, as is the case with brown.

Black shoes can be cleaned with brushes without fear; microtraumas on them are almost invisible. This skin is thicker than white and requires less maintenance. Water stains are virtually invisible on it. In most cases, it is enough to remove dust with a damp cloth, apply cream and polish as desired. Any abrasions and scratches can be easily masked with paint.

Polishing shoes from black leather with a brush

Brown shoes in different shades

Initial shoe care Brown not much different. But it’s more problematic to choose a cream suitable shade. A product that is not chosen to match will leave noticeable stains and overall color will become uneven. Also a disadvantage brown shoes there is what the water leaves on them dark spots. This type of leather has the ability to strongly absorb moisture, and the lighter the shade, the more noticeable the wet spots look. For this reason, shoes must be treated with a water-repellent agent or quality cream with a high wax content.

The main task in caring for brown shoes- this means choosing a cream to match!

You should not often use colorless shoe polish for black and brown shoes. Skin will fade over time

Care for beige shoes

These shoes get very dirty and are difficult to wash. If dirt is not removed immediately, it will be very difficult to get rid of it later. There is danger regular jeans- if the bottom of your pants touches your boots, then the latter may be painted bluish. It is extremely difficult to remove such contamination.

For care, colorless cream is most often used, since it is not always possible to find a suitable cream beige shade. Clean as usual - with a damp cloth and mild soap or shoe shampoo. It is also advisable to purchase a special cleanser that will help remove particularly strong stains without damaging the skin structure.

Table: how to care for shoes depending on their color

Shoes in beige and light tan colors are rather impractical because they get dirty quickly

Table: shoe care depending on its color

Color of the skin Care products
Cream to match Colorless cream Cleaning brush
Black + - +
White + +- -
Brown + - +
Beige + + +
Colored +- + -

Caring for leather shoes depending on the type of manufacture and origin

The main "producers" of leather for shoes are cattle such as cows and buffaloes. The skin of young animals, especially calfskin, is highly valued. It is softer and more durable, a product made from such leather is very beautiful and quite expensive. Allows you to make imitations of reptile and ostrich leather, as it lends itself well to embossing.

The skin of goats, sheep and horses, and less often deer, is also used for production. Products made from pigskin are quite common. They are usually cheap and less wear-resistant. As for shoes made of snake, crocodile and ostrich leather, they are available only to a small number of people due to their high cost and extravagance. Today, even the skin of some types of fish is used. Naturally, such exotic materials require special careful care, only special means and care when wearing.

Shoes can be made from smooth, polished, wet, matte, patent and polished leather. According to production methods - tanned and rawhide. Sometimes a design is applied to the skin using a laser. Methods and means of care will vary.

It is also divided depending on the season of wear (winter, summer, demi-season) and purpose (for every day, holiday, sports, for dancing, etc.).

Smooth skin, care features

Most types of shoes are made from this type of leather. Care is quite simple:

  • first clean off dust using a damp (not wet!) cloth or sponge;
  • then apply a softening shoe balm, which will prepare the skin for applying the cream;
  • after a few minutes, allowing the balm to be absorbed, apply a cream of the appropriate shade;
  • again wait a few minutes and polish until shiny.

For care, two types of brushes are used - one for applying cream (small), the other for polishing (large). You can also use a sponge, but it will make it more difficult to clean the areas where the sole and upper of the shoe meet. In addition, with the help of bristles, the product is applied more evenly and penetrates the skin better. You can spread the cream with your fingers, but you risk not only getting your hands dirty, but also poorly treating problem areas. Polishing can be done using a woolen cloth, a piece of suede or nylon sock, or you can use a brush first, and then rub with a cloth to maximum effect. Smooth skin requires special moisture-repellent impregnations, because Negative influence environment leaves its imprints on it in the form of white streaks, spots and dusty deposits.

To ensure that shoes last as long as possible, use only quality products based on natural beeswax, containing animal fats and a small proportion of organic solvent. Polishing may not be done, since this is a matter of taste and preference, and after processing good cream In any case, she will have a well-groomed appearance.

Smooth leather is the most versatile and popular among other types of leather.

"Wet" or "oily" skin

This skin has a pronounced oily sheen. Sometimes it has decorative creases and uneven surface, which especially emphasizes the nature of its brilliance. It is not recommended to heavily apply cream to such shoes - usual means care can ruin it appearance and over time the skin will become more matte. For cleaning, use a soft brush and cloth, and for care, only washing foams, conditioners and protective products are approved for this type of leather.

Caring for polished leather shoes

Polished leather differs from smooth leather in the absence of a porous structure characteristic of natural leather. Its surface looks absolutely smooth and shiny, which is achieved using special chemical treatment. This leather resembles patent leather, but does not have varnish coating. She's not afraid low temperatures, cracks do not form on it in places where creases form when walking. Care is not much different from the care of shoes made of smooth leather, but frequent use of the cream is undesirable. It is also unacceptable to use hard brushes for cleaning - their bristles can scratch the skin and over time it will not be as shiny. It is better to use soft sponges and rags made of flannel or wool, as well as special softening agents for patent leather.

It is considered especially chic to wear shoes made of polished leather.

Features of caring for shoes made of matte leather

Shoes made from such leather look very noble. Using the same cleaning methods as for regular smooth leather, you risk completely ruining its matte surface. It is not cleaned with tinted creams, but a caring colorless cream-wax is applied. Also, it is never polished. To protect against moisture, sprays are used for products made of suede and nubuck.

Video: how to care for shoes made of matte leather

She is usually expensive. It differs from a specimen made of ordinary smooth leather in its through or printed pattern, which is applied with a laser. Such “luxury” shoes first of all need to be cleaned and softened. Products for patent leather are suitable for care.

Shoes with a laser-etched pattern always look original and expensive.

Caring for python leather shoes

Shoes made from genuine python leather are very expensive and require equally expensive care. Since reptile skin is impregnated with special oils, which gives it a beautiful shine, it does not tolerate moisture. To remove dust and dirt, wipe it with a dry or slightly damp soft cloth in the direction of scale growth. If you need to polish it, then simply rub it with the same cloth, only with more energetic movements. For care, use special balms for reptile skin. Famous manufacturers have a special line of such products. Before the first release, the material is processed special impregnation, which will protect capricious skin from moisture, dust and dirt.

Reptile leather shoes always look extravagant and expensive


Such shoes are considered the cheapest among products made from natural leather. It is easy to recognize by its characteristic pattern and noticeable porous structure. Shoes made from pigskin do not last long, quickly get wet and lose their appearance. In order to somehow extend its service life and increase its resistance to moisture, you need to generously lubricate the skin with a caring cream with a high fat content.

Today, such shoes are rare and have almost completely been replaced by analogues made of tanned leather. It is softer and more elastic than the latter, but after contact with water it becomes hard and rigid. Caring for it involves “fatting”:

To give the leather a glossy shine, take 72% shavings in equal parts. laundry soap and water, boil until the chips are completely dissolved, and then cool. The resulting mixture should have the consistency of an ointment. It is applied to the skin after softening with fat.

Table: care products for different types of genuine leather

Skin type Types of cleaning, feeding and polishing
Brush Soapy water Colored cream
for smooth skin
Cream transparent Polishing
Means for
suede, nubuck
Means for
patent leather
Smooth + + + + + - -
Wet - + - + - - -
Polished - + - - + - +
Matte - + - + - + -
With laser processing - + - + + - +
Reptile skin - - - - + - -
Pork + + + + + - -
Rawhide + - - - - - -

Leather sports shoes (sneakers, sneakers)

Caring for sports shoes will not differ radically and depends primarily on the color and finish of the leather. If the model is lace-up, then before cleaning the laces are pulled out and washed separately. Dry the sneakers by stuffing them with newspapers or thin paper. If the shoe material is combined (leather + textile), then dirty textile inserts are cleaned using a soap solution in which a sponge or brush is moistened. The same goes for white soles.

On sports shoes good quality There are always labels with care instructions.

White leather is cleaned like regular white leather. The care is the same.

How to care for leather soles

Today you rarely see shoes with leather soles, since most factories produce shoes with synthetic soles, which are cheaper and more practical. Leather sole needs care no less than the shoes themselves. It looks elegant and expensive, but wears out quickly and leaks water. Such a sole needs to be impregnated with special protective equipment, which have in their arsenal famous brands. You should not overuse them, since the sole should remain rigid. Experts also recommend applying prophylaxis to the sole and heel to protect against abrasion and getting wet. To prevent the sole from deforming, the shoes are dried naturally away from heating devices. Another disadvantage of it is that it is undesirable to wear it for two days in a row: before the next wear, it must dry for 24–48 hours.

Features of caring for winter shoes with fur and wool inside

She usually needs special care. Neglect quality shoe cosmetics it is impossible, because in the cold season it especially needs protection from moisture, dirt, low temperatures and salt, which is sprinkled on roads and sidewalks. They clean it right after they get home. After each wear it must be dried. To do this, the shoes are unzipped as much as possible and the fur is turned inside out. If it gets wet, then crumpled newspapers are placed inside, replacing them with dry ones as the moisture is absorbed. After drying, the top is treated with a nourishing cream, and then a water-repellent agent is applied.

To care for winter shoes, you need to choose creams with organic solvents. They are thick and better protect against sub-zero temperatures, snow and salt. It is highly undesirable to use creams based on emulsion solvent. Such creams are liquid and contain a lot of water, which can freeze in cold weather and cause damage to the surface.

Most tips on caring for leather shoes, treating new ones, and removing salt stains apply to any type of leather.

Polishing shoes is very convenient using a special mitten

Processing new leather shoes

  • Immediately after purchase new pair treated with wax. This impregnation additionally nourishes the skin, protects against harmful effects external environment and helps preserve color.
  • If it needs to be stretched, use a special stretcher. It is applied inside the shoe, allowed to absorb, and then worn in by putting it on the sock.
  • A hard back can be softened with castor or vegetable oil, as well as Vaseline. To reduce friction while walking, it is recommended to rub the heel with inside paraffin candle or soap.
  • If the insoles cannot be removed, it is recommended to buy removable insoles, preferably breathable ones with antibacterial impregnation. The fact is that the insoles are dried separately from the shoes. It is also advisable to buy two pairs of insoles at once and alternate them.

Video: how to care for new leather shoes using a smooth leather pair as an example

Use a shoehorn when putting on your shoes, otherwise you risk deforming the heel!

How to properly clean shoes

Cleaning, applying cream and polishing are done in the evening, not in the morning before leaving the house!

How to clean very dirty shoes

Treating shoes before storage

How to protect shoes from moisture and salt during the cold season

  • To nourish shoes, use a cream with an organic solvent.
  • To protect against moisture, there are special impregnations that form a thin protective film on the surface of the skin and prevent moisture from seeping into the skin.
  • Apply water-repellent impregnation only on a clean and dry surface.
  • If it is being processed for the first time, it is recommended to do the treatment three times at intervals of 20 minutes.
  • Apply the product in advance, that is, in the evening.
  • As a means of protection leather shoes Castor oil is also recommended.

How to remove white salt stains from shoes

  • Regular vinegar will come to the rescue.
  • Make a solution of vinegar and water in a 1:2 ratio.
  • Soak a clean cloth or paper towel and squeeze well.
  • Wipe the stains until they disappear completely.
  • Wipe dry with a dry cloth.
  • After the shoes are dry, apply a nutrient.

They will also come to help in the fight against salt stains lemon acid or milk.

How to care for faux leather shoes

In general, shoes from artificial materials not much different in care from genuine leather products. They also clean it immediately after they come in from the street. She also needs nutrition and protection from moisture. Modern materials They are not much visually different from genuine leather and are often not inferior in characteristics. As for price, shoes made from synthetic materials are cheaper, and they will also appeal to animal activists and vegans.

Today there are three types of artificial leather: eco-leather, synthetic leather and leatherette. They differ not only in origin, but also in some characteristics.

Made from eco-leather

Eco-leather is a relatively new artificial leather substitute based on cotton. It is soft and elastic, does not cause allergies and is breathable. Products made from such material look quite “natural”, and in terms of quality characteristics, eco-leather is several times superior to good old dermantine.

Eco-leather is not afraid of sudden temperature changes and does not crack in the cold. In terms of care, eco-leather is no different from natural smooth leather, so the care products chosen are the same. Shoes are also cleaned, creamed, polished, coated with moisture protection and dried after each wear. Stains can be removed either with a special foam cleaner or with a 50% solution of medical alcohol, vodka or ammonia.

Made from synthetic or pressed leather

60% pressed leather consists of shredded waste of natural leather, “glued together” with synthetic thermoplastic resins with the addition of synthetic binding fibers. In appearance, such leather is difficult to distinguish from natural leather. It is soft, breathable, requires the same care, but of course is inferior in quality. The fact is that for shoes made of genuine leather, whole animal skins are used, and for the manufacture of pressed ones, trimmings, shavings, leather dust, etc. are used. Products made from synthetic leather are short-lived and quickly lose their appearance.


The most classic faux leather. Outwardly it resembles genuine leather, but the characteristics still depend on the quality of the leatherette itself. Sometimes he has a very bad smell, which indicates its cheapness and even a health hazard! Unlike eco-leather and pressed leather, leatherette is less elastic, practically does not allow air to pass through, and can crack at low temperatures. The price of shoes made from such material is much lower, but do not forget that a product made of leatherette is usually for one season.

There are also differences in care. It is not treated with chemicals natural basis, since leatherette is not able to absorb fats. It is preferable to use sponges soaked in silicone.

Leatherette cannot be treated with products containing acetone or alcohol - permanent stains will remain!

It is virtually impossible to make from leatherette, since it does not lend itself well to such types of deformations. IN best case scenario you will simply waste time and ruin your mood, and in the worst case, the sole will peel off from the base.

Care Tips:

  • shoes are wiped with a slightly damp sponge or rag;
  • in case of severe contamination, use diluted soap or shampoo;
  • soap residues are carefully removed to avoid streaks;
  • stored in a perfectly dry condition;
  • dry away from the sun and heating devices;
  • to protect the skin from moisture, polish it with a soft cloth, adding a few drops of glycerin;
  • At least once a week, the inside is treated with deodorants and antifungal agents, which is especially true for leatherette shoes, where the foot sweats a lot and does not “breathe.”

Products approved for the care of shoes made of synthetic materials, for clarity are presented in the table:

Table: acceptable and unacceptable products for the care of shoes made of eco-leather, synthetic leather and leatherette

No matter how affordable faux leather shoes are, it is still better not to save money and buy either shoes made from high-quality eco-leather from self-respecting brands, or leather from good manufacturers. As the great Marlene Dietrich said: “It is better to buy one pair of good shoes than three pairs of bad ones.”

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Leather products should be wiped with glycerin from time to time, especially the cuffs and collar - they will begin to shine again. If your leather jacket or coat is worn and faded, wipe it with fresh orange peel.

Non-oily skin impurities can be removed by wiping these areas foam sponge or with a cloth soaked in a warm (40-50°C) solution of shampoo or other detergents, and then with a clean damp and, finally, a dry cloth.

Contaminants that cannot be removed with detergents can be removed with a swab dipped in turpentine or gasoline. These solvents should not be applied liberally to avoid completely degreasing the skin.

During wear, the paint on a leather product falls off and worn areas appear. The choice of tinting composition depends on the type of coating layer.
A universal remedy are nitro paints in aerosol form: they tint the skin, smooth its surface, make it waterproof, and hide scratches. Just do not cover the product with too thick a layer of nitro paint - this can lead to a loss of elasticity and flexibility of the film, it will quickly crack and crumble.

If the surface of a leather product has worn out or lost its shine in some places, treat these places with shoe apertures, colorless or appropriately colored creams, and then wipe thoroughly with a brush or rag.

A leather jacket or coat can be cleaned with a solution consisting of water, soap and ammonia, and then lightly rubbed with a cloth soaked in castor oil to make it shine.

Leather bags and briefcases require careful care. Otherwise, they quickly lose their luxurious appearance. At the same time, you need to clean the bag very carefully, using certain special products depending on your skin type.

If the bag is very dirty on the front side, it should be wiped with a swab dipped in soapy water. After this, you can start cleaning. It is recommended to clean bags made of genuine leather with a sponge coated with colorless shoe polish or wax. You can even use your own nutritious cream. After 20-30 minutes, you need to wipe the bag with a soft flannel cloth. In this case, there should be no traces of fat on the surface.

Bags made of patent leather can be cleaned with a soft cloth using special liquids. You cannot treat them with regular shoe polish, as the varnish layer will become dirty and dull. And bags and briefcases made of leather with a matte effect are cared for using emulsions of soft matting waxes, solvents and water.

As for pile coverings (suede, velor, nubuck), they need special care. Fats and wax cannot be used for this, since the pile will stick together, so alcohol liquids mixed with dyes are used. IN Lately Special aerosols for suede have appeared, which greatly facilitate the process of applying the composition to the bag. Also, suede products can be washed in a warm soapy solution, but there is no need to rub or twist them.

When updating the color of the bag, you need to ensure that the cream does not cover the entire surface, but only the worn areas. Otherwise, the product may become discolored.
Don't forget about the gasket. From time to time you need to shake out the bag and clean it from the inside.

A dark leather handbag will become shiny if you wipe it with a cotton swab soaked in lemon juice. Coffee grounds also add shine to dark leather items. One or two spoons of slightly damp grounds should be wrapped in a woolen or flannel cloth and vigorously rub your handbag, shoes, briefcase, etc. with it. The skin will shine like new.

You can also update your leather handbag in this way. Wash carefully in warm soapy water with a little ammonia added. Then dry and wipe with a cloth soaked in castor oil. And you can do it this way. Rub the cut onion onto the skin with vigorous movements. When the onion becomes dirty, cut off the top layer (bulbs) and continue peeling, then rub with a clean cloth until shiny.

Skin care products.

Currently, the arsenal of products for caring for leather products has expanded significantly. Special sprays not only cleanse, but also soften, disinfect, refresh, renew the skin and return it to its natural appearance, protect and preserve for a long time, and even neutralize static electricity. It is also convenient to use napkins for caring for leather and leatherette products. They have antistatic properties, and special components protect and preserve the renewed surface for a long time.

Below is a list various means for the care of products made of natural and artificial leather.

  • Express foam (skin cleansing)
  • Water-repellent impregnation, wax
  • Coloring agents (creams, aerosols)
  • Self-gloss
  • Detergents (shampoos)
  • Deodorant
  • Stain remover
  • Sponges
  • Cleaning wipes

Caring for leatherette products

Caring for leatherette products in general is somewhat simpler than leather goods.

Bags and briefcases made of artificial leather are usually wiped with a cotton swab or a soft sponge soaked in a detergent solution for washing items made of wool, silk and synthetic fabrics (solution temperature 35 - 45 ° C). Do not allow it to get wet wrong side products. The remaining detergent is removed with a damp cloth, and then the bag is wiped dry with a cotton cloth.

You should not wash the entire bag, as this may cause deformation. If the lining is dirty, it must be peeled off and washed separately. It is best to hang dry the bag at room temperature.

Faux leather products cannot be cleaned with cream. It is much better to use silicone-impregnated sponges. With their help, you can add shine to your bag, slightly soften the artificial leather, and disguise scuffs. In addition, silicone impregnations create a special protective film that prevents the accumulation of dust and dirt in the textured recesses and imparts waterproof properties. In addition, after such treatment, artificial leather products will look “fresh”.

You can also use special sprays that clean, soften, disinfect artificial leather, remove static electricity from it, and wipes for the care of leather and leatherette products that have antistatic and protective properties.

The only difficulty in caring for a leatherette product may be removing greasy stains from it. It is unlikely that any available means will help here. It is best to use special stain removers.

Leather care

Favorite leather goods ( leather bags, gloves, coats, sheepskin coats, boots, etc.) will retain their original appearance and will continue to delight you if you take proper care of them and clean them periodically.

Don't run out of your favorite leather goods. If a stain appears, abrasion appears, or the appearance of your jacket, coat, gloves, or bag becomes faded, use our tips for caring for and cleaning leather goods at home.

Gasoline will give old leather items a new look, fresh and tidy. Just soak a cloth in gasoline and wipe the product with it. This is just one of many ways to clean leather products, the rest are below in the article.

How to clean leather items until they shine!

Leather bags, leather coats Wipe jackets, gloves and other leather goods with glycerin from time to time, paying special attention to worn areas - usually they are on collars and cuffs.

Wipe worn and tarnished leather goods with fresh orange peel. Leather products from dark skin will shine after you wipe them with a cotton swab soaked in lemon juice.

Whipped egg white will help add shine to your skin. Simply wipe leather items with a cloth soaked in well-beaten egg white, then immediately rub the leather until shiny with a clean, dry flannel cloth.

Also, ammonia will help extend the life of leather items. Dilute 1 tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of water, moisten a clean cloth with this solution and wipe your favorite leather items with it. Then wipe the leather products with a dry cloth moistened with glycerin, Vaseline or castor oil.

Also natural and artificial leather the following mixture will add shine: 300 g yellow wax, 80 g castor oil, 160 g of turpentine, 20 g of rosin (rosin is prepared with slight heating). Wipe your leather items with this mixture and they will shine!

Coffee grounds will add shine to leather items. We wrap it in a woolen or flannel cloth and wipe the skin with it. Attention! Coffee grounds Do not clean white leather products!

White leather items should be cleaned with a mixture of milk and beaten egg white.

Removing stains

Fat stain with your beloved leather jacket will help remove a mixture of equal parts gasoline and potato flour. The mixture needs to be rubbed into the stain, and as the gasoline evaporates, just shake off the jacket.

Oil paint stains from leather items must be removed with vegetable oil; paint can also be removed from the body. Just pour a little onto a cotton wool or rag (depending on the size of the stain) sunflower oil and wipe the stain, it comes out very easily.

Scuffed areas (white spots on the folds) of leather products can be painted over with a good shoe polish, then wiped until shiny with a clean flannel cloth. For this purpose, you can also beat the whites of 1-2 eggs (1 large or 2 small), add a pinch of soot and wipe the product.

Grease stains on leather items can be removed with pine turpentine, acetone, gasoline, and ammonia solution. Stains should be wiped with a swab pre-moistened with one of the above-mentioned solvents. If greasy marks remain after processing with one solvent, try another.

Ink stains on leather products are removed using salt: apply damp fine salt to the stain, rub with a cloth, then grease with turpentine and polish until shiny.

How to wash leather gloves

How to dry wet leather goods

Dry wet leather goods on hangers at room temperature or in the open air (for example, on a balcony). Do not dry near heating devices or in the sun!

Eliminate odor

The specific smell of natural leather or the unpleasant smell of leather products made from dark leather can be eliminated very simply - sprinkle it with ground coffee and leave for a day.

Cleaning sheepskin coats

Sheepskin coats can only be cleaned with a soft brush or a brush made of natural rubber. Thin sheepskin coats can be cleaned at home (it is recommended to give thick ones to specialists). Clean sheepskin coats with a soap solution with the addition of ammonia. In this case, you need to change the rag as often as possible. After the first treatment of the surface of the sheepskin coat, you need to repeat the procedure using an aqueous solution of ammonia, glycerin and borax (at the rate of 20 g of ammonia and glycerin and 5 g of borax per 0.5 liter of water). Hang the clean sheepskin coat cleaned in this way to dry. As soon as the sheepskin dries, be sure to remember it well in your hands so that the skin becomes soft.

Cleaning suede

Sleeves, collars and pockets of suede products can be cleaned with a piece of clean rubberized cloth; you can use a coarse artificial sponge for this purpose.

Shiny folds on suede products can be wiped with the finest sandpaper.

Fresh grease stain on suede products will help remove tooth powder - sprinkle it on the stain and brush with a soft brush. Attention! Do not remove stains from suede with any solvents or gasoline!

How to wash suede gloves

It is recommended to wash suede gloves in warm soapy water, putting them on your hands. After washing, they must be rinsed thoroughly, blot clean and dry. terry towel and lubricate with glycerin. Gloves should be dried in a cool, dark place. Once the gloves are dry, put them on your hands and clean them with a soft brush.

How to clean and store hats and caps

Caps can be simply stored in a closet on a shelf. If the cap needs to be washed, then after washing you should definitely put it on a plate or pan lid.

Cleaning felt or velor

Felt hats should be cleaned with a brush. Wrinkled and frayed areas of felt or velor products can be cleaned by lightly rubbing with fine sandpaper or sprinkle fine salt on these places and clean with a stiff brush.

Another way to clean felt and velor products is to make a solution (ammonia mixed with water) and moisten a coarse cloth in it to clean the damaged areas. After cleaning, wipe with a clean, dry cloth, scrub with a stiff brush and dry the product.

Greasy stains on felt and velor products can be cleaned with a swab, soaking it in gasoline.

Leather is one of the most ancient materials for creating clothing. This natural material- processed animal skins. Tanners have their own secrets on how to turn raw hides into... beautiful skin so she can keep everything natural properties. It is elastic and durable, breathable and windproof.

There are many ways to treat leather. Hence the many types of leather. Porous soft leather such as nubuck, suede, velor, very thin glove leather such as kid or Polished leather for making shoes, bags and other accessories and, of course, fur sheepskin coats - all this is leather. And each type of it requires specific care.


New leather items have specific smell(this is one of the signs by which we distinguish a leather item from a substitute item). If it interferes, you can get rid of it using ground coffee, sprinkling it on the item and leaving it for the whole day. (You should not do this with products made from light skin- coffee can leave marks on them).

Any clothes gather dust. The most important thing is to clean it from dust. Then you can clean, impregnate, paint, etc. To do this, you can use a vacuum cleaner, knock out the dust, and wipe with a damp cloth.

Not worth storing leather clothes in plastic bags, as it must breathe. You can cover leather items with a cotton or linen fabric. It’s better to hang it on hangers and a cool, dark closet. Hangers should be selected according to the weight of the leather product. To prevent shoulder seams from becoming deformed, it is better to use hangers with wide shoulder pads.

Leather products have a thin protective layer and therefore should not be subjected to frequent cleaning. It is advisable to treat it with a special impregnation before going out for the first time in a new leather item. This will provide protection from moisture and dirt. And if some stain does appear on your favorite item, it is easier to clean it.

Never use gasoline, acetone or other solvents to clean leather products. They degrease the skin.

You should try leather clothing care products only from the inside out (hems, pockets, internal seams).

Do not wear leather clothing in pouring rain. But if the rain takes you by surprise, then wet leather clothing should be wiped with a dry and soft piece of cloth, and then dried at room temperature, hanging it on hangers away from heating devices.

Reversible leather items as well as suits should be worn evenly and cleaned at the same time.

Dyed leather can lose its color when exposed to direct sunlight.

Most often, collars and cuffs become greasy in leather clothing. Therefore, it is highly recommended to wear clothes with a golf collar or a scarf underneath.

If there is a need to iron leather clothing, special care should be taken. It is permissible to iron it through a piece of fabric from the inside out with an iron heated in the wool mode. After ironing, suede should be brushed to give it a fluffy appearance.

porous soft skin should be wiped regularly with a dry soft sponge. This removes impurities from the skin and gives it a vibrant look.

It is useful to wipe leather products with glycerin from time to time, especially cuffs and collars - this will add shine. (Glycerin can be replaced with Vaseline or castor oil).

Worn and tarnished areas on leather clothing can be wiped with fresh orange peel.

Very thin soft skin can be wiped with the mixture fresh milk and turpentine (1:1). After this, you can lubricate the skin with colorless cream and brush it until it shines.

Villi and fur from sheepskin coats sometimes fall off and are very noticeable on light-colored clothes. Therefore, you should periodically wipe their insides with a damp soft cloth and brush them.

New suede clothes Before putting it on, it would be good to vacuum it to collect the dust generated during the leather processing process.


Raindrops leave marks on fleecy surfaces. Therefore, it is enough to comb it with a brush in different directions and the pile will rise

A greasy or oil stain can be covered thickly with chalk powder and left for a day. Shake off the chalk and clean the item with a brush. Sometimes grease stains disappear on their own, so small spot you don't have to "torment"

Traces from ballpoint pen can be removed using adhesive tape. Stick it on the stain, press firmly and pull. Remains can be cleaned off with a rough rubber band or stone. Additionally, you can treat it with leather cleaning liquid.

It is better to dry clean heavily soiled leather and suede clothing.


Cleaning from dust (tiny leather dust that can affect wear):

Clean with a vacuum cleaner with suction nozzle

Wipe with a damp cloth

Clean with adhesive roller

Rain spots:

Comb the stuck velor fibers with a sponge or brush alternately in the direction and against the pile.

Dust Removal:

Velor items should be cleaned regularly with a special brush.


Clean sticky, dirty or oily areas with a velor brush.

Grease, oil and heavy dirt:

Treat with a special stain-removing spray for leather, wipe with a cotton rag.

At heavily polluted can be used instead cotton fabric a special brush or replace it with a special sponge stone for velor.


sheep, lamb, goat.

Dressing - fur inside, velor leather outside:

Comb wet and damp wool in the opposite direction, iron (temperature for wool and cloth for ironing). If necessary, you can fix the fur fibers with hairspray.


The front velor side is covered with a smooth thin layer of paint, on the other side there is fur:

Water spots and dirt that appear on the nappalan are erased with a special sponge or eraser. Soft engravers can be used specifically for leather.

Do not use liquid stain removers.

Note: chemical treatment and care of nappalan is not easy, but it is possible. Make sure that the nappalan is exposed chemical treatment only in specialized dry cleaners.


leather with a smooth, slightly shiny surface (partially coated leather, also semi-aniline and aniline leather). Covered leather, so-called nappa leather, the outer side of which is heavily treated with paint and a layer of artificial resins. Skin with this treatment is insensitive to dirt.

Various types of dirt can be removed with foam special soap for skin. Please note that the skin should not be soaked through.

Attention: the outer layer of the coating may wear out!


Aniline-dyed leather with a light, even layer of pigment paint on the nappa surface.

Wet stains are wiped off with a soft leather sponge

Care and restoration of the fat layer: treat with a soft sponge and nappa cream

Heavy soiling: use with caution special compounds for cleaning the skin.


The leather is really without a protective layer of paint on the nappa surface. This way, contaminants can easily penetrate the skin. Removing stains is very difficult and often impossible.

Wipe off wet stains using an eraser or a leather sponge.

Rub scratches thoroughly until they disappear by hand.

Grease stains go away on their own. Patience!

Salting is removed using a hard leather eraser.

Do not use fat-containing nappa creams.


leather, sanded from the cut side. Typical: the thinnest, short gloss.

Care: the same as for velor leather.


skin with a more or less wrinkled surface. Insensitive skin.

Regularly treat with skin preservatives

Dirt is wiped off with an eraser or leather sponge and treated with nappa cream.


nappa, also velor with a pattern printed on them

Care accordingly as for wax or velor.


assumed to be 100% chrome-tanned or suede. Typical for wash leather, slightly velor surface, natural colours.

Washing Guide:

hand wash in large quantities water, temperature about 30°C, detergent- skin soap, sound soap.

Wash, rinse well, do not wring out; soap residue can lead to rapid greasy staining.

Dry by spreading on a cloth or towel. Wet washing skin Do not hang it up under any circumstances. Details made from this leather can be ironed from the reverse side through fabric at a temperature suitable for wool.
