During pregnancy, your stomach hurts. What to do if your stomach hurts during pregnancy? How to avoid pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Pregnancy obliges a woman to be organized and very responsible. Only in taking care of your health and psychological comfort future mom will be able to raise new life inside yourself. That's why during all nine months intrauterine life It is so important for a child to pay attention to the slightest alarm bells: physical and psychological discomfort, pain, heaviness, etc. For example, with a symptom such as nagging pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, almost all expectant mothers have encountered it. How dangerous is this for the woman and the fetus? What do such sensations warn of? We will try to answer these and other questions in the article.

Unpleasant feeling of discomfort in lower area abdomen may be an indirect hint of pregnancy if menstruation is delayed. The pain is almost always nagging and aching in nature. After fertilization, the egg enters the uterus and begins to implant into its wall an average of a week after conception. At the moment of attachment of the embryo to inner surface uterus, a woman may feel cramping pain and note minor vaginal discharge. Doctors claim that these symptoms at the very beginning of the long nine months are natural.

Pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy: normal or pathological?

What with the advent little man under a woman's heart, various painful sensations, without any doubt, can be taken as a variant of the norm. To verify this, it is enough to analyze what changes occur in the female body after conception.

The appearance of an embryo stimulates a number of physiological metamorphoses in a pregnant woman. Let's list just a few of the most obvious ones:

  1. Perestroika hormonal levels, on the basis of which the uterus and breasts begin to increase in size.
  2. Increased blood volume in the body.
  3. Change chemical indicators blood.
  4. Increased heart rate.
  5. Expansion of the area of ​​blood vessels in the chest and lower abdomen.
  6. Softening of the ligaments and abdominal muscles in anticipation of heavy loads. As pregnancy progresses, they begin to stretch and thicken.
  7. Displacement and compression of the pelvic organs.
  8. Decreased intestinal motility, the appearance of colic and constipation.

Obviously, some of these changes are directly related to the appearance of pain.

Restructuring processes are most active before the 16th week of pregnancy. And this time is not easy for the expectant mother: she is constantly overcome by drowsiness, nausea, heartburn, increased sweating, constipation. In addition, periodically during pregnancy, the lower abdomen and lower back hurt. All these sensations are associated with the characteristics of the growth and development of the fetus, and therefore are considered normal. What happens in the body of the expectant mother if she is bothered by pain in the lower abdomen in late pregnancy? Naturally, such sensations can greatly agitate a woman, so you must definitely find out why this happens and whether special treatment is required in such a situation.

Why does the lower abdomen feel tight during pregnancy?

Reasons why it happens painful contraction muscles of the uterus, there are obstetric and non-obstetric.

Under obstetric pain refer to symptoms caused by spontaneous interruption pregnancy or placental abruption. Factors causing the appearance non-obstetric pains are prosaic: colic, constipation, flatulence, sprained ligaments and muscles, divergence of the pelvic bones due to heavy load. When a woman has pain in her lower abdomen during pregnancy, it is very important to quickly find out whether this is due to a physiological disorder or due to overload.

Let's consider the factors that provoke painful discomfort in the lower part of the expectant mother. abdominal cavity:

  1. Transformation of ligaments due to pregnancy. In the first weeks after conception, the female body is just beginning to adapt to its new status: the round ligaments located on the sides of the uterus become toned. The uterus itself begins to gradually shift to take its place in the center of the pelvis. This process undoubtedly manifests itself in the form of painful discomfort in the lower abdomen. It has been noted that the lower abdomen hurts in early pregnancy mainly in women who have previously had painful periods.
  2. Softening and increased mobility of the joints, as a result of which the woman develops a “duck” gait and the lower abdomen hurts from the first weeks of pregnancy.
  3. Uterine tone. With the onset of pregnancy, the uterus, being a large organ that consists exclusively of muscle tissue, begins to periodically decrease. As a result, a woman during pregnancy may feel that her lower abdomen hurts like during menstruation, but in fact this is nothing more than a condition increased tone uterus. Most often, this kind of tension is observed in the first and last trimesters.
  4. Excessive physical activity: running, standing for long periods of time, lifting weights. On recent months pregnancies are like that frivolous actions will cause not only nagging pain in the lower abdomen, but also premature birth.
  5. Psychological state of the expectant mother. Often, under the influence of hormones, a pregnant woman finds it difficult to get used to her new role. She cannot cope with the emotions she experiences and does not know how to suppress the feeling of nervousness and irritation characteristic of the early stages of an “interesting” situation. This uncertainty and lack of self-control gives rise to muscle tone and pain in the lower abdominal cavity.
  6. Digestive problems. Pressure of the uterus on the intestines, especially later pregnancy, weakens activity digestive system and causes a whole range of disorders - flatulence, colic, constipation. Naturally, this condition leads to the expectant mother suffering from pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen.
  7. Gynecological diseases often lead to vaginal discharge and pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy.
  8. Abdominal pain can appear due to non-obstetric disorders: appendicitis, inflammation of the pancreas, intestinal obstruction. During pregnancy, such problems require immediate correction through treatment prescribed by a qualified specialist.

If there are no serious internal violations, the expectant mother encounters unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen at the beginning (up to 8 weeks) and at the end of pregnancy (8, 9 months). The enlarged belly acquires noticeable weight only after the 7th month. From 3 to 7 months of bearing the baby, the woman’s condition is stable, and the sensations are generally comfortable. If the expectant mother begins to experience strange pain in the lower abdomen, the nature of which is not clear to her, there is no point in delaying a visit to the doctor.

How to avoid pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Sometimes it is enough for the expectant mother to adjust her diet and daily routine in a certain way in order to feel better.

Diet for lower abdominal pain during pregnancy

A balanced diet will help improve the functioning of the digestive system:

  1. Eating green vegetables, fruits and nuts stimulates intestinal motility.
  2. Availability fermented milk products in the daily diet will maintain microflora in order and provide the body with a sufficient amount of enzymes to digest food. In addition, this is an excellent prevention of intestinal colic.
  3. Reasonable drinking regime underlies water balance. You can't drink too little or too much: every woman should find something for herself. golden mean. An excess of water, as well as a lack of it, provokes the formation of edema in the body of a pregnant woman.
  4. Avoidance of fats, coffee, smoked foods, baked goods and sweets will prevent the development of inflammatory reactions in the digestive tract and will lead to a significant improvement in the well-being of the expectant mother.

Ideally, a pregnant woman's diet should be simple and natural.

Physical activity for lower abdominal pain during pregnancy

Moderate physical activity during pregnancy is a necessary measure for targeted stretching of the muscles and ligaments of the perineum. Regular execution gymnastic exercises prepares the body for childbirth. Here is an approximate complex that every pregnant woman can take note of:

  1. Get down on your knees, spread them shoulder-width apart and sit between them on your buttocks. This is a classic pose for stretching the perineal ligaments. If physical fitness allows, the woman can slowly and carefully lower herself from this position onto her back - this position is known as the “fish” position.
  2. Sit on a flat surface, bend your knees and pull your legs towards you, grabbing your heels. Now rest your feet against each other, and try to reach the floor with your knees apart. This exercise is called "butterfly".
  3. To relieve pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, a woman needs to learn to relax and contract the muscles of the perineum. Enough to master next exercise: imagine that you really want to go to the toilet “in a small way”, but there is no way to empty your bladder, so you have to endure it. To do this, you need to force your willpower to tense the muscles of your perineum for 10 seconds and then relax. Repeat the exercise several times in a row, it is especially important to do this when there is very little time left before giving birth.

Walking for lower abdominal pain during pregnancy

Leisurely walks on fresh air“accelerate” blood through the veins and stimulate oxygen access to all important organs female body and placenta. On this basis, the removal of toxins from the mother’s body is accelerated. It has already been proven that the most severe pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy torments women who lead a sedentary lifestyle, not bothering themselves with even minimal physical activity. Hiking should be present in the life of a pregnant woman regularly, and not from time to time.

Psychological state and pain in the lower abdomen

Expectant mothers, who spend most of their pregnancy at the mercy of hormones, react to everything that happens around them very emotionally. While expecting a baby, a woman may become irritable, whiny, explosive or touchy. To maintain an even psychological state and internal comfort, the expectant mother should try to keep all her experiences under control.

Everything in the human body is interconnected: the work of organs and systems completely depends on consciousness. In other words, thoughts, both positive and negative, are certainly reflected in bodily sensations. Very often, destructive emotions such as anger, irritation, indignation, fear and panic provoke sharp spastic contraction of the muscles of the face, limbs, abdomen and perineum. As a result of this reaction blood vessels, which supply the fetus with oxygen and other useful substances, are compressed. If this happens regularly, the baby receives physiological trauma due to prolonged oxygen starvation.

How to reduce painful sensations if the lower abdomen pulls during pregnancy

If the expectant mother is sure that the pain that bothers her is not periodic and does not tend to intensify, that is, caused by physiological reasons, you can take some measures to weaken them:

  • a warm bath for 15 - 20 minutes - this will help relax the muscles and relieve spastic tension in the lower abdominal cavity;
  • rest in a lying or half-sitting position for 30 minutes;
  • regularly wearing a bandage, which will reduce stretching of the abdominal muscles and thus get rid of pain in the lower part;
  • Before visiting a doctor, you can take an antispasmodic drug that is not prohibited for use by pregnant women. No-shpa in the form of tablets or Papaverine in the form of suppositories are suitable. If the pain does not go away 1 hour after using the medicine, you can take 1 more tablet, provided that the pain does not intensify.

What pain in the lower abdomen should alert an expectant mother?

When an expectant mother feels that her lower abdomen has begun to pull, she must definitely take into account the intensity of these sensations and how often they are repeated. Of course, you should be alert to the feeling of heaviness, which intensifies and develops into pain. It is also suspicious when the nagging pain becomes girdling, spreading to the lower back.

The most important symptom is the frequency of pain in the lower abdomen - if painful discomfort occurs with alarming regularity, this may warn of the onset of spontaneous abortion or premature birth. In this case, the pain may be accompanied by mucous discharge with blood clots. Then prompt measures must be taken to save the child.

Feelings in the abdomen in early pregnancy. Video

If it happens that your stomach hurts during pregnancy, the reasons for this can be very different. They are usually divided into obstetric and non-obstetric.

  • Obstetrics. They occur in a woman’s body due to pregnancy
  • Not obstetric. Such diseases can affect all people, regardless of age and gender.

Therefore, if a woman begins to have stomach pain during pregnancy, she should consult a doctor. There are situations when you cannot do without medical help, and in a short time.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy without abnormalities.

IN first trimester, pain in the very lower abdomen is possible, arising from physiological processes occurring against the background of changes in the hormonal status of a pregnant woman. The tissues supporting the uterus begin to soften, shift and stretch. It is for this reason that nagging pain occurs.

During second trimester, nagging pain is associated with stretching muscles of the abdominal wall, displacement and compression of internal organs by an enlarged uterus. During this period, intestinal peristalsis becomes slower, so it is very important: 4-5 times a day in small portions.

Overeating leads to prolonged presence of food in the intestines, which increases fermentation, flatulence, and discomfort.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy due to pathologies

There are situations when pain in the abdomen is a sign dangerous conditions, in which immediate health care.

These include:

  1. Threat of abortion. The contractility of the uterus increases, but the fetus is still attached to the wall. In the area of ​​the sacrum and lower abdomen there is a feeling of heaviness and nagging pain. There is no bloody discharge.
  2. The beginning of the abortion. Uterine contractions become more frequent, detachment begins from the wall ovum. The pain increases and can become cramping in nature. They appear from the vagina.
  3. Abortion. The fertilized egg is completely separated from the uterine wall and falls down. appear in the lower abdomen cramping pain, severe bleeding occurs.
  4. The fertilized egg leaves the uterine cavity.

During pregnancy, stomach pain may also occur due to other diseases.

During pregnancy in women, blood circulation changes, which facilitates the appearance of various diseases. Let's look at some of them.

  • Appendicitis during pregnancy. This disease is quite rare and makes itself felt by severe pain in the navel area, right hypochondrium and side. , nausea and vomiting appear.
  • Chronic gastritis during pregnancy. If this disease was previously diagnosed, there is a possibility of its exacerbation. At the same time, the upper abdomen begins to hurt, and the woman is required to give up spicy and salty foods and avoid overeating.
  • Pancreatitis during pregnancy. The sign is acute pain in the upper abdomen, vomiting, bowel dysfunction, and low blood pressure.
  • Cystitis during pregnancy. Cystitis is an inflammatory process Bladder, accompanied by nagging pain and a feeling of heaviness over the womb. When the bladder is full, the pain becomes stronger, becomes cutting in nature, and becomes most intense upon completion of urination. With this disease, a woman constantly wants to go to the toilet, but urine is released in small portions.
  • Cholecystitis during pregnancy. This is an inflammation of the gallbladder, in which a feeling of heaviness and pain occurs in the right hypochondrium. As a rule, an attack begins as a result of a diet violation.
    • Painful sensations can be:
      • Aching
      • Dumb
      • Cramping
      • Spicy
    • May feel:
      • Bitterness in the mouth
      • Vomit
      • Nausea
      • Belching
      • Heartburn
      • Bloating


As we can see, if your stomach hurts during pregnancy, the reasons can be the most various pathologies, both related to the appearance of the fetus in the body of the expectant mother, and not dependent on it. Some ailments can be dealt with on your own, but to treat others it is better to contact medical institution to complete various studies. And if pain arises that has not been experienced before, calling an ambulance would be a reasonable step.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother's tummy becomes an object close attention and worries. New sensations or even abdominal pain appear that can frighten a woman. How to distinguish harmless pain from dangerous ones? When should you immediately consult a doctor? When and how can you help yourself?

In this article we will talk about abdominal pain, which may not be dangerous for a pregnant woman, and about pain that threatens health. What should you do if you experience these symptoms and in what cases should you consult a doctor?

Most often, unfamiliar and/or painful sensations are not scary. However, sometimes they indicate an unfavorable course of pregnancy or health problems in the mother. Then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Non-dangerous abdominal pain

Associated with physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman, they do not pose a threat to either the baby or the mother.

Round ligament syndrome

The uterus is suspended inside the abdomen, held between the iliac bones by two round ligaments and soft tissue.

Under the influence of pregnancy hormones and as the uterus increases in size, the ligaments soften and stretch. For some women, the changes go unnoticed and nothing bothers them. Others feel periodic nagging pain in the lower abdomen (on the sides, more often on the right) or tingling.

Pain can be triggered by sudden movement, coughing, laughing or sneezing.

Typically, pain appears in the second trimester, after the 24th week it disappears or significantly decreases.

What to do?

If there is pain, slowly change your body position. If you were standing before, sit down, if you were sitting, stand up and walk around a little. Lie down on the side that hurts less - the pressure on the ligament will decrease. Lie in a warm bath or take a warm shower (the water should not be hot!).

To prevent pain from occurring, try to rest more, move smoothly and not change your body position suddenly. Wear a maternity brace.

Nagging pain in the abdomen and muscles

Starting from the second half of pregnancy:

* abdominal muscles stretch;

* due to a significant increase in size, the uterus shifts internal organs(mostly intestines).

The changes are accompanied by unpleasant and unexpressed painful sensations.

What to do?

Try to rest more often and longer, wear a maternity brace.

Mom’s intestines are “naughty”

Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, the intestines work slowly, and the movement of food through it slows down. For this reason, overstretching of its individual sections is possible.

Compression of the intestinal loops by the growing uterus also contributes to food retention and increased fermentation processes.

It manifests itself as nagging pain, bloating and discomfort in the abdominal area.

What to do?

Abstain or limit consumption of foods that cause increased gas formation: legumes, fresh baked goods, confectionery, fast food, white cabbage, etc.

Add to diet products containing organic acids that improve intestinal motility: dried apricots, prunes.

Eat small and frequent meals so as not to overload the intestines. You cannot go hungry or overeat.

Include in diet foods containing fiber: raw vegetables and fruits, bran, whole grains or Rye bread and etc.

Negatively affects bowel function refined foods, fatty and sweet foods, fast food.

“Training” contractions or Braxton-Hicks contractions

They can be felt by a woman starting from the 20th week of pregnancy. They are not dangerous and do not lead to dilatation of the cervix and the onset of labor.

Painless or moderately painful appear pulling sensations in the stomach and/or lower back. False contractions are rare and irregular - in contrast to the harbingers of labor and labor pains. Contractions may last about one minute and will repeat after 4-5 hours.

What to do?

False contractions do not last long and go away on their own. A warm bath or a leisurely walk will help you get rid of discomfort faster.

Pregnancy and baby are in danger!

There are many situations, but we will talk about the most common ones.

Threat of premature termination of pregnancy

It can occur at any stage: before 22 weeks - miscarriage, after 22 weeks - premature birth.

On initial stage nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen - usually in the center above the pubis. It feels like menstrual pain. The nature of the pain may change: it may become cramping and repeat with a certain frequency.

The pain may be accompanied by mucous or bloody discharge from the genital tract and frequent urination.

The difficulty lies in the fact that it is not always easy to distinguish the manifestations of premature birth or miscarriage from physiological conditions. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Increased uterine tone

It is not always a sign of trouble. Contraction of the muscle fibers of the uterus is a natural condition that helps maintain pregnancy. This tone usually goes away quickly and on its own.

When is uterine tone normal? Contractions of the uterus are painless and only cause discomfort.

Uterine tone is dangerous and requires treatment. The contractions are painful, the uterus becomes a “stake,” the stomach and/or lower back hurt/tighten as during menstruation. Tone can lead to premature termination of pregnancy or threaten the condition of the baby.

Premature abruption of a normally located placenta

Manifestations depend on the location and degree of detachment.

Small area

Unexpressed nagging pain on the side of the detachment. General health women are usually not affected. Bloody issues from the vagina are not abundant, the uterus is moderately tense.

Large plot

Severe pain in the abdomen and lower back (may resemble pushing), on the side of the detachment the abdomen seems to protrude forward. Bloody discharge from the genital tract is profuse - bleeding develops.

What to do in dangerous situations?

See a doctor immediately when the first alarming symptoms appear!

Self-medication and delay are unacceptable. There is a high risk of developing life-threatening conditions for mother and baby!

For diagnosis, ultrasound of internal organs and extensive examination are performed. Depending on the detected changes, the doctor decides on treatment tactics.

Mom's health is at risk!

Changes occur in the body of the expectant mother aimed at carrying a pregnancy. At the same time, prerequisites are created for the development of diseases of the abdominal organs.

What's changing?

Under the influence of hormones is decreasing physical activity intestines, ducts of the gallbladder and pancreas. The contents of these organs stagnate.

Some work depressed immune system necessary condition for carrying a pregnancy to term, so that the mother’s body does not reject the fetus.

Stagnation and reduced immunity contribute to the development of inflammation and the proliferation of opportunistic microorganisms (they constantly live in our body, without causing harm under normal conditions).

Where is the danger?

Together with the internal organs, the greater omentum also shifts, designed to limit inflammation in the abdominal cavity. Emerging inflammatory process can quickly spread to nearby organs. Peritonitis develops/inflammation of the peritoneum - a thin film covering all internal organs and the walls of the abdominal cavity.

When internal organs are displaced, the location of pain may change compared to typical manifestations diseases.

Acute appendicitis - inflammation of the appendix

The appendix is ​​located in the lower right abdomen, but as pregnancy progresses, it gradually moves to the upper abdomen.

The disease begins with sudden and sharp pain in the abdomen, but then the pain becomes aching and moves to where the appendix is. When lying on the right side, the pain intensifies due to the pressure of the pregnant uterus on the inflamed appendix.

The pain is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and increased body temperature.

If timely medical care is not provided, peritonitis develops: body temperature rises, abdominal pain intensifies, and vomiting does not bring relief.

Cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder

Characterized by pain and a feeling of heaviness on the right side under the rib. When the fetus moves, the pain may intensify.

Bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, nausea and/or vomiting, belching of air, and bloating often occur.

For acute cholecystitis(attack) cramping pain. An attack can be triggered by shaking while driving or dietary errors (eating fatty, fried and/or fatty foods).

For chronic cholecystitis the pain is dull and aching, periodically intensifying and subsiding.

Pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas

The pain is located in the upper abdomen (episgastric region, right or left hypochondrium). It can be encircling, covering not only the stomach, but the back area. Often accompanied by nausea/vomiting, bowel dysfunction (usually diarrhea).

Acute pancreatitis: the pain is severe, sharp, cramping or throbbing.

Chronic pancreatitis: the pain is aching, intensifying with errors in nutrition.

Cystitis - inflammation of the bladder

Acute cystitis

The pain is cutting, combined with frequent urination and the release of urine in small portions. False urge to urinate often occurs.

Chronic cystitis

The pain is nagging, intensifying when the bladder is full and reaching its greatest intensity at the end of urination. Characterized by heaviness in the lower abdomen - right above the pubis.

Food poisoning

They are caused by pathogens that enter the body with poor-quality food, contaminated water or through dirty hands.

Appear nagging or cramping pain in the abdomen, usually located around the navel. They are often accompanied loose stools, nausea/vomiting, increased body temperature.

What to do?

For any abdominal pain, always consult a doctor!

To diagnose diseases, ultrasound of internal organs is performed, general tests blood and urine, as well as other studies depending on the disturbing symptoms.

Dangerous situations with abdominal pain during pregnancy are rare, but almost all of them pose a threat to mother and baby. To avoid trouble, consult a doctor in a timely manner. Even if the alarm turns out to be false, additional consultation will not hurt. It's better to be safe than sorry.

pediatrician, resident doctor at the children's department

Abdominal pain during pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence. Probably, at least once, every pregnant woman noticed that her lower abdomen was aching, or she was stretching a little, or something was pricking her.

Of course, self-medication is not good, especially during pregnancy, when you can simply waste time. Therefore, if you have obvious concerns, immediately consult a doctor. However, it happens that a pregnant expectant mother feels slight discomfort in the stomach, but there is no sharp pain, and after a while the stomach stops hurting altogether.

Can your stomach hurt at all during pregnancy?

Abdominal pain during pregnancy does not always indicate any pathology. Most often, this is a natural restructuring of the body under changing circumstances (implantation, growth of the child, his activity). When abdominal pain is short-term, mild, non-recurrent, it’s not scary. Although in any case you need to tell your doctor about them, and if you have a mobile connection, call and tell them about your concerns. It's better to play it safe.

Let's see what reasons, over what period of time, can cause painful sensations inside (lower) abdomen and what to do about it.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy: first trimester

Most often, the stomach hurts in the first trimester due to physiological changes occurring during pregnancy. Hormones do their job: the tissues supporting the uterus soften. And the uterus itself is growing and shifting.

Some people do not notice these processes at all, others complain about the unexpressed nature of the pain: aching sipping in the lower abdomen, tingling without frequency. If you had painful periods before pregnancy, you are more likely to experience such concerns.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy: second trimester

Usually, the second trimester is the calmest in all respects. This also applies to mom’s belly. The baby has not yet grown enough to cause concern with its size.

The internal boundaries are not compressed, although the uterus is growing and the abdominal muscles are stretching. Sometimes you may feel a slight nagging pain, usually associated with an increase in the size of the uterus.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy: third trimester

The child grows, takes up more and more space inside the mother, which means the internal organs shift (the intestines shift especially strongly). In addition, the abdominal muscles are stretched, which can also cause tugging in the lower abdomen.

Food moves through the intestines more slowly, making it harder for it to cope with its usual work. This may cause tingling (usually on the left).

Remember that nutrition should be structured in such a way as not to overload the intestines. It is advisable to take meals more often, but be content with smaller portions.

Helping the intestines, or what to eat during pregnancy

Cellulose - best friend pregnant women, especially in the third trimester. Don't forget to include raw vegetables and fruits in your diet every day, and reduce your consumption of foods that cause gas. Dried apricots and prunes are useful. It is important to drink in moderation (about 1.5 - 2 liters of liquid per day).

Dangerous abdominal pain during pregnancy

If pain in the abdomen (lower abdomen) increases during pregnancy and is cramping in nature, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

The table contains symptoms characteristic characteristics pain that may occur in the abdomen during pregnancy

Pathological course of pregnancy
Possible diagnosis Gestational age Nature of pain Other symptoms Diagnostics Danger level
Ectopic pregnancy 5 - 7 weeks of pregnancy Sudden sharp pain lower abdomen Dizziness, bleeding Ultrasound on early stages clearly diagnoses ectopic pregnancy
Threat of miscarriage Any stage of pregnancy Aching, persistent pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back Bloody issues Elevated, requires immediate medical attention
Premature placental abruption Any stage of pregnancy Severe sharp pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding in the uterine cavity Any symptoms consistent with significant blood loss Emergency doctor/hospital High, emergency medical attention required
Normal course pregnancy
Sprained muscles, ligaments Any stage of pregnancy Short-term pain in the lower abdomen, increases with lifting loads, sudden movements, tension, coughing No
Adaptation to Physiological Changes Any stage of pregnancy, especially the first and third trimesters Mild aching pain in the abdomen, subsiding after a while, without increasing dynamics No By a doctor during an examination in a antenatal clinic Low, but timely consultation with a doctor is necessary for the peace of mind of the expectant mother. After some time, the pain subsides.

During pregnancy, abdominal pain always causes concern for the expectant mother. Even if they are insignificant, the woman perceives them as a threat to the health of her unborn child. Unpleasant sensations of varying strength may be evidence of changes natural to pregnancy, but may also be the first symptom of what is happening pathological process, which cannot be ignored.

There are pains of different nature: acute and sudden, aching, cramping, stabbing or constant, chronic. For diagnosis, it is important to determine the location of discomfort and pain.

Causes of pain in the first half of pregnancy

In the early stages of pregnancy, pain localized in the lower abdomen can be divided into physiological and pathological. In the first case, unpleasant sensations are caused by natural changes during which the entire body undergoes restructuring. Such sensations are not dangerous. In addition, they are often minor, do not get worse over time and do not cause great physical discomfort.

Very often, in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman experiences abdominal pain, as during menstruation. Often, the expectant mother does not even pay attention to them, believing that menstruation will begin in a day or two. This is especially true for those who suffer. In fact, this discomfort is caused by the implantation of the fertilized egg into the endometrium.

There are other reasons:

  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • excess progesterone levels;
  • ligament sprain;
  • increased sensitivity of the mother's body to errors in nutrition;
  • changes in the center of gravity of the body.

There may be more serious causes of pathology:

Ectopic pregnancy


Herself umbilical hernia does not cause pain. The danger is the risk of pinching. This pathology can cause stabbing and cutting pain in the lower abdomen and in the navel area, vomiting, nausea, and heartburn. In the presence of similar symptoms you need to see a doctor.


Painful sensations that occur in the lower abdomen when walking can be caused by inflammation of the symphysis pubis (symphysitis). It leads to softening pelvic bones under the influence of hormones. Because of this, discomfort in the perineal area and a characteristic duck gait are noted. While walking, pain often occurs due to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which are aggravated due to increased pressure on them.

Premature birth

Nagging pain localized in the lower abdomen - main feature(28-38 weeks of gestation).

Other signs include:

  • feeling of heaviness, “stone” stomach;
  • aching pain in the lower back, sacrum;
  • brown or watery discharge from the vagina;
  • feeling of pressure on the perineum;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • indigestion.

The cause of pain may be dangerous pathology– premature. The condition is one of the most severe complications that threaten the life of the fetus and require immediate medical attention.

What are training contractions?

Mild tugging sensations at 38 weeks of pregnancy are an indicator that the body is intensively preparing for childbirth. They are called harbingers of childbirth. These also include:

  • prolapse of the abdomen;
  • slow fetal movements;
  • increased pain in the lower back;
  • stopping weight gain;
  • mucous discharge from the vagina, sometimes streaked with blood;
  • separation of the mucus plug;
  • increased fatigue, unstable emotional state.

The pain may be cramping in nature. Sometimes they are perceived by women, especially first-time mothers, as the beginning of labor pains. In gynecology they are usually called. They are less painful, non-cyclical and do not tend to increase. Training contractions should not be a cause for concern, but they do mean that a woman should be mentally prepared for the start of labor.

38-39 weeks of pregnancy is the period when the baby is fully formed and viable. Labor activity can start at any moment.

What to do?

In case of severe cramping attacks in the first trimester, complicated by bleeding and fainting, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, since there is a very high probability of an incipient miscarriage or.

To reduce unpleasant symptoms caused by toxicosis, the following rules must be observed:

  • stick to fractional meals 5-6 times a day;
  • eat light plant foods, lean meats, fruits, vegetables;
  • exclude smoked, spicy, fried foods from the diet;
  • provide for the pregnant woman drinking plenty of fluids to protect against dehydration (unsweetened tea, dried fruit compote, chamomile infusion, rosehip infusion);
  • do not lie down immediately after eating and do not eat at night.

To prevent toxicosis in the morning, before getting out of bed, you need to eat a handful of nuts, crackers or crackers. Ginger, from which teas are prepared or its root added to salads or cereals, helps reduce attacks of nausea.

Every expectant mother should remember that painkillers can temporarily eliminate painful discomfort, but not cure the disease that is its cause.

Pain caused by stomach and other internal diseases, will be overcome after treatment of the disease that caused them. For accurate diagnosis General tests, ultrasound and computed tomography are prescribed.

For minor abdominal discomfort that is not caused by chronic or acute diseases, you can improve your condition by following these tips:

  1. Take a warm bath or shower regularly. The water should not be very hot.
  2. Periodically go to bed to rest, listening to light music, meditating.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids, especially if you are prone to swelling.
  4. Take leisurely walks in places where there are no crowds of people. Staying in the fresh air supplies the placenta and other organs with oxygen and accelerates the elimination of waste and toxins.
  5. Do yoga, fitball exercises.
  6. Avoid stressful situations, physical and moral stress, unjustified experiences.
  7. Follow a diet that supports intestinal microflora, prevents dehydration, and relieves swelling.
  8. Visit your gynecologist regularly and follow all his instructions and recommendations.
  9. Fight constipation: drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, eat foods rich in fiber, exercise physical exercise. Taking laxatives, especially without consulting a doctor, is not advisable.
  10. Follow blood pressure, with his sharp jumps consult a doctor.
  11. To alleviate the condition during training contractions, you can lie on your left side, placing a pillow under your stomach, take it for a few minutes knee-elbow position, inhale deeply, counting to four and exhale, counting to six. The same exercises in the future will alleviate the condition during childbirth.
