What to do if chewing gum sticks to trousers. How to clean chewing gum from clothes: effective ways

Gum is a very popular product, since its invention, people have probably chewed millions of tons of gum. It freshens the breath, brings pleasure to the taste buds, and helps digestion. However, there is one problem: when chewing gum sticks to the fabric, it is very difficult to tear it off. How to remove chewing gum from trousers at home quickly and in a simple way? There are several such options.

cold help

With help low temperature You can remove chewing gum from trousers in several scenarios:

  • The first option is the simplest and has long been known to many. Soiled clothes should be placed in clean plastic bag and place in freezer. Try not to lean the bag against the walls of the freezer. After 2-3 hours of freezing, you can take out the pants. Frozen gum will crumble easily when you wrinkle the fabric a little. Try to quickly and completely clean the gaps between the fibers, as it will be more difficult to remove the melted substance from there.
  • How to remove chewing gum from jeans with a mobile cold? To do this, you do not need to stuff your pants anywhere, but attach an ice pack to them. When applying the bag, make sure that it is tied tightly, as melting ice can wet the fabric.
  • In winter, you can do without auxiliary devices in the form of a refrigerator and simply put your pants with chewing gum on an unheated balcony in an apartment or in the courtyard of a private house.

Tip: Chewing gum that has become brittle can also be removed with a knife. If a whitened stain remains, try scrubbing it with ethyl alcohol.


Before removing chewing gum from trousers using high temperature methods, read the label carefully. textile product to make sure the event is safe. If the fabric of the pants tolerates well high temperature try one of the three methods:

  • Remove the surface layer of chewing gum from the fabric with scissors or a knife. Lay the trousers out on the ironing board so that the stain is directly in front of you. In order not to get dirty inner surface legs, put a piece of paper or thick napkin. As it gets dirty, this lining will need to be changed. Cover the stain with a clean, preferably plain cloth. You can also use gauze for this or soft paper. Preheat the iron to medium temperature and iron the stained area. Most likely, the first time you will not be able to rid the fibers of the fabric from the absorbed gum, so you will need to duplicate the entire procedure a few more times, be sure to change the top and back fabric.
  • This method of how to remove chewing gum from your pants requires caution, as you will have to work with very hot water. Boil water and pour it into a basin or bowl. Dip the section of pants with smeared gum for a few minutes in boiling water. Take an old toothbrush and gently rub the dirt on the trousers that have just been pulled out of boiling water. If the fabric of the trousers is not denim, but more delicate, then it should simply be poured with boiling water in the contaminated area.
  • How to remove chewing gum from trousers with a hair dryer? The third high-temperature method will tell about this. Turn on the hair dryer on full power and heat the area with the gum until it hardens. After that, you can turn off the hair dryer and carefully separate the stuck gum with any not very sharp object.

Important: Try not to put the hair dryer close to the fabric if it is thin and delicate enough not to burn the fibers.


How to remove chewing gum from trousers quickly with chemical liquids? For cleaning, use a thinner, refined gasoline or nail polish remover without acetone.

If you have one of the above products on hand, test it first on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing, such as the bottom hem. If the color and structure have not changed after application, then you can proceed to the main task. Treat the area of ​​​​trousers with an elastic band with steam from an iron or kettle. Apply to cotton pad one of chemicals and rub it vigorously on the stain. Wait 5-7 minutes, and then, using a napkin, remove the remaining chewing gum.

Please read the following before using chemicals:

  • If you've done a safety check and the pants are slightly discolored, don't use this product. Better apply cold or hot way excretion.
  • When processing fabric chemicals hands and mucous membranes must be protected. Do not inhale the vapors of these substances.
  • If you have ever had any manifestations of an allergy, then from chemical methods will have to refuse.
  • Pure acetone should not be used, because it changes the color of the fabric.

Acetic acid

This method is useful for those who are thinking about how to remove chewing gum from tight trousers. It is only suitable for coarse fabrics and is performed in a well-ventilated area. Cleaning in enclosed spaces is not advisable as there is a risk of suffocation from strong odor. This product is not suitable for clothes made of chiffon, velveteen, satin and silk.

You can remove chewing gum from clothes with any of the existing methods, you only need to find among their variety the most suitable option. Not all methods can be applied to every fabric.

If you have noticed how the chewing gum has stuck to your clothes, then you can immediately remove it. After all, chewing gum that has penetrated into the fibers of the tissue is more difficult to remove.

It's good if you have scotch tape or tape on hand. They will help peel off the chewing gum without a trace. For this you need:

  1. Cut off a piece of adhesive tape so that it completely covers the chewing gum.
  2. Stick this piece on the gum.
  3. Tear off the tape.

As a result, the gum will stick to the torn adhesive tape, and there should not be a trace of chewing gum on the clothes.

If after that the thing was not completely cleaned, then it is worth trying to repeat the procedure again.

Gum removal methods

If the gum was not noticed immediately, and it managed to stick strongly to the thing, you can use one of the methods to help remove it from the fabric.

Some methods are not suitable for delicate fabrics, but work great on rougher things. Therefore, if there are fears of damaging clothes, it is worth starting with the most non-traumatic method, gradually moving on to more radical ones.


The easiest method is to put the item in the freezer of the refrigerator. This method is most suitable wool sweaters, sweaters, etc.

Spreading gum on other parts of the clothing should be avoided.

The procedure should be like this:

  1. Wrap the thing in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer so that the chewing gum does not touch the polyethylene and the walls of the freezer.
  2. Wait at least an hour.
  3. When the gum is completely frozen, you should get the thing out of the freezer. AT best case The chewing gum will fall off easily. If this does not happen, then you need to scrape off the elastic from the fabric. It is important to do this quickly while the gum is still hardened.

Things big size(jacket, coat, fur coat, carpet, etc.) is difficult to place correctly in the freezer. Therefore, freezing with pieces of ice is used. To do this, put ice on the elastic and, when it hardens, clean the thing with a stiff brush or other object.

The heating

Another common method to get rid of sticky chewing gum is heat. This method is most suitable for jeans and other dense fabrics.

There are several heating methods:

  • With a hair dryer. Turn it on to maximum power and direct hot air on the other side of things. After the chewing gum softens, it is necessary to wipe it off with a toothbrush or other blunt object.
  • Steam from boiling water in a kettle or saucepan. You need to hold the thing over the steam, as a result of which the gum will soften, and the chewing gum can be easily removed.
  • Boiling water. It is necessary to lower the soiled part of the trousers or other thing into boiling water for several minutes, turn off the fire and wait for the liquid to cool. Then the chewing gum can be removed with a sharp object, and the fabric rubbed, washed and dried. If there is an assistant, then it is not necessary to lower the thing into boiling water. One person can pour boiling water on the contaminated area, and the second rub the gum with a toothbrush.


You can also use an iron to remove sticky chewing gum.

This requires:

  1. Put the soiled item on cardboard or paper with the soiled side down.
  2. Heat the iron to 100 degrees.
  3. Iron the fabric. The elastic should stick to the cardboard.


You can remove chewing gum stains from clothes by washing.

It is necessary to remove the stubborn chewing gum after soaking the damaged item in water with a cleaning agent. Suitable as a powder, and a stain remover or dishwashing detergent. The main thing is not to spare the substance, then the gum will soften. After that, the item must be washed by hand or in a washing machine.


To get rid of chewing gum on the fabric will help tools that can dissolve it. After that, you only need to remove the remnants of the chewing gum and the product itself.

Peanut or orange butter

Good remedies to help remove chewing gum from clothes are orange and peanut oils.

The oil should be applied directly to the gum itself, avoiding clean areas. In this case, the chewing gum should be completely covered with oil. Then you need to wait a minute and carefully remove the gum with a blunt object. It is better that the tool has a hard thin surface. After that, you need to wash the trace of chewing gum and peanut butter by washing the item by hand. Can be in washing machine using a powder or a special stain remover.


This method is best not to use for delicate and colored fabrics. It is suitable for removing chewing gum stains on thick or discreet fabrics. For example, only non-acetone nail polish remover can be used to remove gum marks from silk.

Nail polish remover or acetone should be applied to a cotton pad and briefly applied to the stain. If you overdo it, you can get a new one greasy spot from acetone.

After that, the remaining chewing gum should easily move away. It remains only to wash the thing.


Another household solvent that helps remove dried chewing gum from clothes is vinegar. It is also not suitable for delicate fabrics.

Action algorithm:

  1. Pour vinegar into a tin and heat it up.
  2. Dip unnecessary toothbrush into the heated liquid.
  3. Immediately, while the vinegar has not cooled down, rub the adhering gum.
  4. Dip the brush in hot vinegar and rub the dirt until it is completely removed.

To get rid of the smell of vinegar, you need to wash the item by hand or in a typewriter.


Alcohol is used when it was possible to get rid of chewing gum, but it left a mark on clothes.

A small amount of the substance should be applied to a cotton pad and wipe the contaminated area with it until completely cleansed.

Washing will help remove the smell of alcohol.


The effect of gasoline on a particular fabric should be tested on an inconspicuous area, as it works quite aggressively.

If the chewing gum is smeared, then refined gasoline will help to cope with traces of it. Do not use fuel to refuel cars. It contains substances that can damage fabric fibers. You need to act as follows:

  • first you need to steam the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing over the steam;
  • moisten a cotton pad in gasoline;
  • wipe the sticky area;
  • using a stiff brush or knife, get rid of the chewing gum residue when, under the influence of gasoline, it begins to peel off.

Sticky chewing gum is often frustrating. Many people do not even suspect that this is not such a terrible nuisance. You can easily and quickly remove chewing gum from clothes at home with the help of improvised means. Various Methods suitable for different types fabrics. You have to be careful not to use aggressive ways for thin and delicate things. In addition, you should try to remove the elastic band from the clothes as soon as possible before it has eaten into the fibers of the fabric.

The main thing is to choose suitable method and your favorite thing will surely be saved.

Housewives often have to deal with complex clothing contamination. Planted spots are often difficult to remove, but what if gum accidentally sticks to a skirt or jeans? It seems that the thing is hopelessly damaged, and it can no longer be saved. Is it really?

How to remove chewing gum from clothes? There are some home remedies to help deal with this problem. In fact, chewing gum can be removed from any fabric, and without damage to the material. Let's see what can be done in such a situation.

Options for chewing gum

How to remove chewing gum from clothes? You can remove it from trousers or skirts by different ways impact. Depending on the density and nature of the material of clothing, the variation is selected individually.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes:

  • cooling;
  • the heating;
  • chemical impact.

It is worth noting that thin and delicate materials do not tolerate high thermal effect. This means that heating should be immediately excluded. But the low temperature for cleaning fit just right.

How to get chewing gum out of clothes if it has hardened?

Of course, it is better to immediately remove the sticky mass. If a long time it will be on the thing, then it will become much more difficult to clean the jeans from the chewing gum, or wash it from the fabric on the pants.

In addition, the elastic can also be smeared on the fabric. But it is still possible to do so.

As for the removal of complex pollution through household chemicals, this method is not suitable for bright colored products. This is due to the fact that after aggressive impact may remain highlighted.

From all of the above, of course, we can conclude that cleansing through cold is the most versatile and effective option for dealing with chewing gum stuck to clothes. But other methods, too, ahead of time should not be discounted.

Well, now more about all existing methods peeling off chewing gum.

Cold cleaning methods

How to remove chewing gum from trousers or jeans? Cold methods of cleansing will come to the rescue. They are also suitable for delicate, thin, bright and shedding fabrics. There are two effective options that don't cost a large number time and effort.

So, how do you get gum off your pants? A freezer or ice cube will help.


Using a freezer is the most commonly used option when dealing with chewing gum.

How to remove gum from jeans and other things? To clean clothes, you will need to fold them with the dirt out, and then place them in a regular bag. We send it to the freezer for about 1 hour.

During this period of time, the sticky mass will harden, and the chewing gum will no longer stick so firmly, which means that it will become much easier to unstick it from the matter.

Most often, the gum is just enough to pry off and it disappears by itself. But if this did not happen, then you can help yourself with some pointed object. It can be a nail file or a regular knife.

ice cube

How to remove chewing gum from jeans or any other clothing more fast way? If there is no time at all, and the adhering pollution needs to be urgently removed, then you can use ordinary ice cubes.

Ice wrapped in a plastic bag is simply applied to the attached elastic band. The cubes should be changed as needed until the adhesive mass hardens.

Then it should be scrubbed with a stiff brush or knife. Sometimes sticky pollution can be simply completely torn off.

Instead of ice, it would also be nice to use special freezing agents that are sold in household stores. There are enough brands of freezing sprays - there are plenty to choose from.

Hot cleaning methods

How can you remove chewing gum from clothes? In some cases, if the fabric is dense and does not shed, it is worth trying hot cleaning techniques. On the contrary, unlike cooling, they heat and melt the gum, which helps to clean off the mass without any extra effort.


How to get rid of chewing gum on clothes with an iron? Very simple, first unstick the part of the gum that is well behind, and then put a napkin on top of the stain and at medium heat, in the area of ​​​​contamination.

The remaining trace is disposed of with dish detergent, or removed with a stain remover. The main condition is not to use this method in relation to pure synthetics.

Hair dryer application

How to remove chewing gum from clothes with a hair dryer? As in the previous method, for starters, it is better to try to partially tear off the Velcro. Next, heat the stained area with a hair dryer until the chewing gum is very soft. Now we clean off the dirt with a toothbrush or any other old brush. In conclusion, simply wash the thing in hot water with powder.

Hot water or steam

You will need to boil water. In the case of hot water, you should pull a piece of clothing stained with chewing gum onto the bucket. So it will be more convenient to water the directly soiled area with water. When the pollution begins to move away, it is cleaned with a brush.

How to remove chewing gum with steam? You just need to pour half a bucket of boiling water, also stretch the thing so that the steam passes through the soiled area. The elastic will gradually begin to melt, and it will become easier to remove it from the material.

After removing sticky contamination with heating methods, a trace may remain.But you shouldn't worry. , and the chewing gum itself will help homemade chemicals.

Home dry cleaning

How to wipe chewing gum from pants using chemical exposure? What means in general can dissolve a sticky viscous substance, while not harming the tissue? There are safe home methods, and they will be described now.

And if you're worried about how to get chewing gum stains out of hot-cleaned clothes, these products will also help.


How to get rid of chewing gum on fabric with acetone? You can even use not pure acetone, but nail polish remover.

It is enough to put a few drops of the substance on the sticky area and rub it with your fingers. After 2 minutes, you need to wash the item or dish detergent.

Medical alcohol

How to remove chewing gum from trousers or skirts? Alcohol will help separate the sticky substance from matter. It is better to use it only on plain and dim products, as the thing can shed.

All that is needed is to moisten a cotton swab or sponge in alcohol and saturate the place where the gum sticks with it. Now we wait a couple of minutes, and clean the remnants of the fabric with a knife.

ammonium chloride

Ammonia is able to wash complex spots different kind including chewing gum marks. How to clean clothes from chewing gum with ammonia? You will need to moisten a cotton swab in the product and apply it to the stain for 1 hour. The adhesive backing comes off easily. It remains just to rub the contaminated area well to get rid of the stain. In conclusion, we wash the pants in the usual way.

table vinegar

How to clean chewing gum from clothes with vinegar? The method is considered one of the most effective. You can use it without fear for colored things.

To achieve positive result, it is enough to heat the substance a little, and immediately begin to clean the stuck chewing gum. You can use an old toothbrush. It is dipped in vinegar, and the dirt is gently cleaned in a circular motion. For cleaning jeans, this method is just a godsend.

It turns out that chewing gum sticking to clothes is not so scary. The thing can now always be cleaned, because you already know the methods. Such folk recipes rescued not a single hostess in difficult situations. And all the magic lies just in the knowledge of little tricks.

Chewing gum can freshen your breath in seconds, but even faster it can cause irreparable harm your favorite thing. One second is enough for the sticky substance to penetrate deep into the bowels of the fiber of the fabric and firmly settle there. If you or a member of your family has run into such trouble, be sure to learn how to remove chewing gum from clothes without going to the dry cleaner. Over the years, people have learned many reliable and fast ways to save things at home.

If you urgently need to remove chewing gum residue from clothes, then you should not be afraid and try all the invented methods. Remember that the choice of this procedure depends on the color and type of matter. If you stuck an elastic band from a thing made of shedding fabric, then not all methods will do. All hot methods to wash gum are contraindicated for you. The same can be said about wool fabric and any delicate materials (satin, silk, chiffon).

All methods invented by wise housewives to get rid of chewing gum on clothes can be divided into three categories. The first is cold methods. These include putting the damaged item in the freezer or treating the chewing gum trace with a piece of ice. The second category is hot methods. They are more diverse, but not suitable for every thing. These include using hot air, ironing or ironing the affected area. The third category is processing various means. With such methods, you should be as careful as possible, as you can remove chewing gum from clothes, but instead leave a faded stain. These should include treatment with acetone or alcohol, chemical sprays or natural oils.


This is the most popular way to remove chewing gum from jeans, if you suddenly didn’t notice and sat on it in a transport or other public place. Jeans should be folded, wrapped in a regular disposable bag and placed in the freezer for 1 hour. This time is enough for it to completely freeze, and it was easy to remove it from the fabric fibers. Most of the gum should fall off on its own, and the most persistent particles should be scraped off with a sharp object. Do this carefully so as not to damage the fabric.

Putting the item in the freezer

Ice Cube

If the soiled item is too large to fit in the freezer compartment. You can simply treat the stuck chewing gum with an ice cube. It is enough to hold the ice on the elastic band for a minute so that it completely freezes. After you need to tear it off the fabric, using a brush with hard bristles.

This method is especially good for drape or woolen coats, fur coats, sheepskin coats and fur clothes. However, if you want to wipe gum from your pants, but the freezer did not help you, try the “ice procedure” as well.

Using ice

Boiling water

If the first two procedures showed a zero result, it's time to turn to boiling water. You will not be able to carry out this operation on your own, you will certainly need an assistant. One of you should pour boiling water, and the other should hold the thing and try to scrub the gum with a small brush (a toothbrush is ideal).

If you haven't noticed instant result, you need to bring water to a boil in a saucepan, lower the stained area of ​​\u200b\u200btrousers or other things there and boil for about a minute. Right in the water, try to remove chewing gum from clothes with a brush or some sharp object. After the operation is completed, you need to wash the item in the washing machine.

This method is not suitable for any fabric. You can not boil bright synthetic things, because the colors will shed. Do not heat treat woolen and delicate fabrics.


Many housewives prefer this method to all others. It helps get gum out of your pants. school uniform child or husband's expensive suit trousers. Take an unnecessary piece of any natural matter or blotting paper, put it on top of the chewing gum and iron it thoroughly.

When the chewing gum moves from clothes to paper, the troubles will not end. In place of the chewing gum, a stain will remain, as if from fat. It can be washed with dishwashing liquid.

Remove with an iron

Some housewives advise using only a newspaper. On it you need to put the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric face down and iron it with an iron with reverse side.

The iron must be set to the “Wool” mode and ironed until the chewing gum is completely dissolved. It should stay on the newspaper.

hair dryer

Turn on the hair dryer at maximum power and blow on the stain. After maximum heat, scrub the dirty area with an unused toothbrush. This hot method is the most gentle, so you can use it for wool sweaters, and for trousers made of silk or viscose.


it ideal method clean bright, colored things from chewing gum. In a water bath, you need to heat a little vinegar to 40 degrees. While it's still hot, dip an old, unwanted toothbrush into it and work the sticky gum in a circular motion. Such an operation can be carried out without risk to remove stains from blue jeans.

Vinegar versus chewing gum

Chewing gum

The old proverb "knock out a wedge with a wedge" does not lose its relevance. Indeed, some housewives are in no hurry to put a thing in the freezer or run for an iron. You can try to chew two gum pads, knead it with your hand and with sharp movements try to get the pieces that have eaten into the fabric with it.

This method shows nice results if the contamination is fresh. Agree, this is much easier to do than to be smart with cold and boiling water.


Take 1 tbsp of any vegetable oil and work on sticky gum. Suitable sunflower, peanut or olive oil. Treatment vegetable oil shows excellent results, but in such work the main thing is not to stain clean areas of the fabric. If this happens, then immediately apply to the oily stain. detergent for dishes and only then send the thing to the washing machine.

Cleanse with peanut butter

Nail polish remover

Previously, this method was practiced because of the acetone that is part of this liquid, which helps to clean many serious contaminants. It can only be used with natural and non-shedding items. We recommend using non-acetone nail polish removers as this will reduce the risk of damage to the item itself.

As you can see chance meeting your sneaky chewing gum thing isn't so scary, because besides special means and sprays you can try a lot folk methods. Folk tricks often help to remove any stain quickly and easily. A little trick, a little effort, and the thing looks brand new even after you were about to throw it in the trash.

Chewing gum not only freshens your breath, but also stains clothes. It easily sticks to the fabric and is very difficult to remove from it. But skilled housewives find ways to quickly remove chewing gum from trousers so that not a single spot remains on them. You can do this at home without the help of dry cleaning. This is a significant savings in time and money!

How to remove chewing gum from trousers with washing

If you just put a stain, then it will be much easier to remove it than an old one. Chewing gum can be removed with a normal wash.

  • Pour warm water into a large container. Its temperature must correspond to that indicated on the label of the trousers. Strictly follow them so as not to spoil the thing. Completely submerge the garment in water and leave to soak for 10-15 minutes.
  • Then take out the pants. Apply liquid detergent to them and let the solution work for about 5-7 minutes.
  • After the specified time, try to remove the chewing gum with the blunt side of a knife blade or a nail file.

Advice. Try not to rub the fabric too hard, otherwise you may damage or stretch it.

  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove any remaining dirt, periodically dipping it into the soapy solution.
  • After all these steps, wash the trousers on a delicate cycle.

How to remove chewing gum from trousers with heat

In just 5 minutes you will need to eliminate dirt on trousers with an iron. But it is necessary to act in strict sequence.

  • Place the item on a flat surface, e.g. ironing board. Smooth out the stained area.
  • Place thick cardboard on the back of the leg. This must be done so that the stain does not pass to the other side of the clothing.

  • Place on top of chewing gum paper towel or thick paper towel. The surface of the paper should be well absorbed by the remnants of chewing gum.
  • Heat the iron to medium temperature and iron the stained area. Repeat this action until the sticky stain is completely melted and absorbed into the napkin.

Advice. Instead of an iron, you can use a hairdryer. Also turn it on medium power.

  • On the fabric where the chewing gum was, apply detergent and wash in the washing machine after 10 minutes.

How to remove chewing gum from trousers using freezing

There is another option heat treatment spots in which the chewing gum does not melt, but hardens.

  • Roll up your trousers and pack them in a bag, which you tightly tie. So moisture from the refrigerator will not get inside.
  • Put the bag of clothes in the freezer for a couple of hours. During this time, the sticky substance will harden and lag behind the fabric.

  • If the chewing gum is not completely removed from the trousers, then lightly rub the fabric with a toothbrush or a metal object with a blunt end.
  • When the material is completely thawed, wash the trousers on a gentle cycle. washing machine or manually.

Important! This stain removal method is only possible for thick fabric. Delicate materials such as silk or chiffon should not be frozen.

How to remove chewing gum from trousers with chemicals

Aggressive stain removers should not be used to remove chewing gum. They can ruin things. Try first to use table vinegar and peanut butter.

  • With the help of vinegar, you can get rid of a sticky stain only on blue or blue-colored trousers.
  • Warm the table vinegar well. Take an old toothbrush, dip it in the hot liquid and rub it on the stain. If the chewing gum is not behind, then repeat the procedure.

Advice. Remove the stain that remains from the sticky gum will help common remedy for dish washing. Apply it to the fabric, leave for 10 minutes and then wash the trousers completely.

  • Peanut butter will also help remove impurities. Apply a small amount to chewing gum. Be careful not to stain the rest of the fabric.

  • After 10-15 minutes, try peeling off the sticky gum with a knife. Then wash your trousers.

How to remove chewing gum from trousers with boiling water

And this method requires the attention and presence of an assistant. Also, before using boiling water, make sure that the material can withstand high temperatures.

  • Put your trousers over a cup and pour hot water over the contaminated area. Once the gum has softened, try removing it with a knife.

  • Or put a thing in hot water for 5-10 minutes and then separate the sticky substance.
  • After this treatment, just dry the trousers. If the chewing gum still remains on the fabric after drying, then repeat the procedure.

  • At the same time, cut each time a new strip adhesive tape. This way you won't stain the material around the stain.

  • It is possible to clean chewing gum from trousers at home. But the main thing you need to remember: do not remove it with your hands as soon as it has stuck to the fabric.
