What can you give a teacher on Teacher's Day? Inexpensive gifts for teachers

Good afternoon, friends and guests of the gift blog! Today I propose to consider universal gift, which you can present to absolutely any person, as well as to your lover or married couple. It is one of those gifts that are not thrown away, even if it is something “new” for the person who received it. And this is a set of tea!

I myself didn’t think about its versatility until I received such a gift for last year. New Year. But first things first.

Original photo gifts

Now that we are seeing rapid growth social networks, Instagram networks including, preparing photo gifts is a pleasure. There is no need to go to the birthday person and say “give me a few of your photos, I won’t tell you why - it will be a surprise!” Calmly go into his account and choose those photos that are best suited for a photo gift.

In fact, today I want to introduce you to a new product in the gift industry. By at least, I've never seen anything like this before.

I’ll tell you more about the gifts that interested me.

Hello, Dear friends! Would you like me to show you how you can prepare something unusual? indoor plant as a gift for a woman?

In general, let's talk about flower gifts for woman. More precisely, not really about flowers. Agree that a bouquet is the most familiar and common gift for ladies.

And sometimes it just gets boring. We want to come up with something more interesting and creative. For example, we may give a houseplant as a gift to a woman. Better yet, be very prepared. unusual surprise, about which we'll talk further.

Celebrated in every school. And at the moment when you, like any conscientious parent, have already despaired of finding worthy gift for the teacher, we come to your aid. The editors of WANT.ua will give you 10 original ideas that will tell you what to give for Teacher's Day.

Teacher's Day 2015 is inexorably approaching, forcing parents of all schoolchildren to puzzle over how it is still possible. You can, of course, limit yourself to an ordinary bouquet of flowers, but if this is a class teacher or just a good mentor for children, you want to come up with something original. And here it is important not to overdo it, because a gift for Teacher’s Day can be either useful or very bright. With all this, the gift should in no case resemble a bribe, so forget about jewelry and other inappropriate surprises.

The editors of WANT.ua have made a mini-guide to unusual gifts, which can be ordered online or purchased in stores before the holiday in order to be ready to celebrate Teacher's Day 2015.

What to give for Teacher's Day 2015: notebook

Every teacher needs a solid notebook for notes, because he has his own preparations for lessons and assignments for students. Therefore, you can give him a paper assistant, but you should be creative when choosing a notebook - it should not be banal and resemble a notebook from the transition. Now there is a large number of beautiful notebooks, stylized as books, made of wood or bound in soft cover. There are also design diaries, and there are also soft books. In short, you will have plenty to choose from.

Approximate cost: 140-620 hryvnia.

What to give for Teacher's Day 2015: scratch poster

Do not forget that teachers are people who can teach a child not only to write and count, but also to dream. So don't be afraid to give them something that will help teachers interact with children and find new ideas for communicating with their students. For example, the scratch poster “#100 things junior edition” collected a hundred interesting tasks, which awaken young students’ interest in the world around them. It contains a secret that will help children learn to allocate time for study, sports, creativity and relaxation - this is an element of the game that helps to perceive information without moralizing and forced control. Conveniently, the scratch poster is packaged in a tube, so it doesn’t need a festive wrapper.

Approximate cost: 399 hryvnia.

What to give for Teacher's Day 2015: a set of sweets

Previously, people didn’t bother and gave teachers candy, but now it’s somehow hackneyed, because you can’t please anyone with a box of “chocolate-covered cherries.” But this does not mean that you need to give up a sweet gift for your teacher, because there is a very interesting alternative to boring store-bought sweets - sets (or so-called sets) of chocolates. You can choose them with a thank you note, or you can make something to order, writing something more thematic with the name of the teacher.

Approximate cost: 60-100 hryvnia.

What to give for Teacher's Day 2015: cookies self made

Another edible gift Any teacher will love these handmade cookies with an incredibly cute design. The advantage of such a present is that you choose what cookies should be in it. gift box, the design of which is also at your discretion. In addition, you can order congratulatory inscription and even some of autumn theme, which will become the icing design on the cookies.

Approximate cost: 130-300 hryvnia.

What to give for Teacher's Day 2015: bow tie

If you want to give a gift to a man, especially if he teaches music or drawing, you can safely approach the choice of a gift with humor. For example, you can give creative person a bow tie with an unusual print - some even collect such accessories. And you yourself will want to buy a couple for yourself while you are choosing a gift for Teacher’s Day, because now their range is really impressive.

What to give for Teacher's Day 2015: pen stand

Sometimes teachers complain that they are literally suffocating from the abundance of pens, pencils, rulers that litter their desk. But there is no way to get rid of them, but helping the teacher organize his desk is just within your power. Therefore, a good gift for Teacher's Day would be a stationery stand with unusual design. This item will decorate classroom and will save the teacher from chaos in the workplace.

Approximate cost: 200-300 hryvnia.

What to give for Teacher's Day 2015: a book

For sure, the teachers love to read and treat printed materials with particular reverence. And if ordinary school textbooks already set their teeth on edge with paragraphs and problems, then literature for the soul will never be superfluous. Therefore, going through bookstores in search of a good publication is a completely doable task, given that Ukrainian publications are in Lately delight us with an abundance of quality products for children and adults.

What to give for Teacher's Day 2015: tea box

You don’t need to know much about school everyday life to understand how much teachers value a 20-minute break when they can calmly drink tea in the staff room or in the utility room before someone breaks another window. Finding a beautiful and stylish tea box will not be difficult for you - now they are in all home decor stores. You can also fill it with a delicious variety of tea to make the gift complete.

What to give for Teacher's Day 2015: Board games

Surely many teachers also have children, so board games can be the most relevant gift for them. Now they can be found in modern libraries and creative spaces, where, by the way, adults most often play them. Eat different categories board games: strategic, abstract, tactical and those that are fun to play big company. And for the teacher junior classes You can purchase educational board games that are suitable for his students.

Approximate cost: 200-500 hryvnia.

What to give for Teacher's Day 2015: an unusual bouquet

Despite the fact that a bouquet is considered the most banal gift in the world, it can be decorated in such a way that the teacher will remember your flowers for a long time. In flower studios, florists can make magical composition from ordinary autumn flowers. They even decorate bouquets school supplies, complementing them ripe apples, peppers and ears of corn.

Approximate cost: 210-400 hryvnia.

What to give for Teacher's Day 2015: a box of beauty

Instead of with parent committee Buying cosmetics for teachers is best as a gift to the women's team schools Typically, each such box contains 5 mini-versions of products from various categories: perfumes, decorative cosmetics, skin care products for the face, neck, body, and hair care. Now you can find several offers on the Internet that will deliver you a beauty-box with quality brands cosmetics, well, you will already redirect them to school.

Approximate cost: 250 hryvnia.

From the first day of school, the child is surrounded by the attention of the teacher. Over time, the number of teachers changes and becomes larger. The entire teaching staff controls the flow of knowledge received by the student. Children retain vivid memories of their first teacher, class teacher or teacher of their favorite subject. During school, teachers spend more time with children than parents. They give knowledge and correct behavior.

Teacher's Day

The work of teachers is highly valued. They have their own professional holiday, which is recognized throughout the world. Only in each country a special day is chosen for it. In Russia the holiday is celebrated on October 5th. On this day, schoolchildren thank their teachers for their chosen profession and the work they do. On the same day, government awards are presented to those worthy.

Each student tries to thank, say nice words and give a gift to your favorite teacher. Giving gifts to teachers on Teacher's Day is a long-standing and well-established tradition. During communication, children are usually already aware marital status their teachers, they notice what they like; the more attentive ones notice special preferences.

Bouquet with leaves

Teachers begin to think about the issue of a gift for the Day in advance, before the holiday. They think about what kind of gift will not leave you indifferent, will please you and will be remembered. Most teachers are women. That's why good gift for Teacher's Day on this autumn day is a bouquet of flowers. The standard one can be improved and then it will become individual. This does not require knowledge of floristry or special aesthetic perception. All it takes is a little effort and a little imagination.

Take yellow gerberas and bright orange color. To dilute the color scheme, add decorative greenery. In advance, collect leaves of bright colors and different shapes from the nearest park. Prepare yellow or orange ribbons. Assemble a composition of gerberas and greenery. Decorate the edges of the bouquet with autumn leaves. To stabilize the shape, the leaves can be glued together with glue. Tie the bouquet with a ribbon. The colorful composition is ready.

Bouquet with balloons

For such a bouquet it is better to take large flowers. For example, hydrangeas or decorative sunflowers. They will emphasize the volume of the composition. The balloons need to be inflated no larger than a fist.

We collect three balls together, connecting the tails with wire. Insert a flower into the space formed between the balls. Then we add balls in a circle, alternating with flowers. To prevent the bouquet from falling apart, we use double-sided tape. We form a frame from sheets of colored paper ( better paper fold it like a fan in advance), where we place the resulting bouquet. We tie it with ribbon.

Bouquet with pencils

Flowers for this solution are suitable in the calmest colors. For example, white asters, carnations or chrysanthemums. From colored pencils or wax crayons we form something like a vase.

We fix them together with glue or double-sided tape. We insert the bouquet into the resulting cylinder. You can also add pencils to the last one. To do this, it is better to choose options with colored erasers at the end. Insert into the bouquet with the elastic band facing up. To complete the picture we bandage everything thin tape(you can add several multi-colored ones) of any color.

Purchased unusual items

Original gifts On Teacher's Day, you can look for them in a souvenir store or specialized online stores. It can be:

  • classroom decorations or school-themed souvenirs;
  • a bright note board that can be placed in the classroom;
  • wall clock decorated to look like a school notebook;
  • good-quality and stylish organizer;
  • good table lamp.

Such things are useful, because the teacher spends quite a lot of time at his workplace. Caring for the needs of the class will please any teacher.

Traditional gifts

There are a number of standard gifts that will be appropriate. Gifts for teachers on Teacher's Day, which can be picked up at your nearest store: diary, pen famous manufacturer, a tea set with sweets, a flash drive, a mouse pad, a figurine or figurine (in the form of a teacher, a student or the teacher’s favorite pet). These kinds of standard gifts just need to be colorfully packaged. You can try it yourself or contact the specialists who are present in any company selling souvenirs.

This is not worth giving!

You just need to take into account a number of gifts that are inappropriate on this day. What gift should you not give on Teacher's Day? Money in a colorful envelope, cosmetics, goods household chemicals, alcohol and dishes. Most likely, a teacher who has worked at a school for more than one year will have more than one closet of souvenir mugs, candy bowls and vases of various sizes.

DIY collective gift

A friendly and active class can make a collective gift for Teacher's Day. It’s easy to prepare a photo collage, calendar or wall newspaper. This gift contains maximum positivity. We can agree for everyone to prepare a little congratulations and bring one at a time bright flower(it’s good if the plants are diverse). Then, during the presentation, the teacher will have a unique bouquet and a bunch of pleasant, good wishes. You can write your wishes on small cards and give them along with flowers.

Handmade gifts for Teacher's Day are charged with special warmth and energy. It’s good if the child has his own hobby and has already gained experience. Most likely, by the target date, gift ideas for Teacher's Day will be implemented in your favorite work.

But even when there is no developed hobby yet, there are plenty of options for what to try. Gifts for Teacher's Day, made with your own hands, help to understand the creator's diligence, effort and invested soul.


Paper is one of the most affordable materials for creativity. It is possible to choose the simplest directions for beginners. Cut-out paintings are one of them. You can come up with a plot yourself or find a suitable one. The most simple technique in cutting - silhouette. We print the basis of the future picture on a white or black sheet of thick A4 paper. The tools you will need are a stationery knife and nail scissors with rounded tips. Carefully cut out all the through parts of the future picture. We place the cut out part on colored cardboard. The paintings will turn out multi-colored if you place pieces of cardboard under the base. Then they will need to be glued onto some thin base. The corners of the picture base and backing are secured with glue. We insert ready product idle time wooden frame and get a wonderful souvenir for a long memory.

Gift made using quilling technique

Quilling - volumetric crafts from paper. This technique is also called paper rolling. A more time-consuming hobby, but very easy to implement.

Gifts for teachers on Teacher's Day using the quilling technique will be interesting not only for schoolchildren. It’s good if mom or dad helps at first. To work, you need strips of paper of the same width. You can use pure white or colored paper. Nowadays, ready-made strips of paper for quilling are sold in specialized stores for creativity. All the work consists of twisting the strips into spirals. We leave the finished ones in natural round shape or using folds we create an oval, teardrop-shaped or diamond-shaped silhouette. On a cardboard base we outline the outline of the future painting. The silhouette of the heart will be simple in execution and symbolic in content. We cover the outline of the heart over the entire surface with glue and begin to glue our spiral blanks, gradually filling the entire intended space. You can do this in stages. We select a square, round or oval frame.

Whatever present idea attracts the student, it is necessary to explain that, in addition to holidays, all other days are just as important. Gifts for teachers on Teacher's Day are given in honor of this celebration. An ordinary day can also be turned into a holiday by diligent behavior, carefully completed homework, and a well-prepared answer at the board. Everything that brings joy to difficult process education.

Mothers Day

Don't forget about another holiday celebrated all over the world. On Mother's Day, mothers are thanked for their work. But the teacher also contributes to the formation of the child’s personality. Thanking him on such a holiday would be a good show of attention.

The best gift for a teacher on Mother's Day is a live plant in a pot. This is a kind of reminder of the hard work of nurturing future astronauts, actresses, musicians, poets and other specialists.

Gift made using decoupage technique

A pot decorated in decoupage style will make the gift individual and memorable. You will need a napkin with any design you like, PVA glue, acrylic paint, acrylic lacquer(glossy or matte), a piece of sponge and a brush. Cut out or tear out a design from a napkin.

We dilute PVA glue with water 1:1. Apply a pattern to a clean and grease-free pot. Dip the brush into glue and run it along the napkin from the center to the edges. Use a brush to remove air bubbles. Leave until completely dry. Dip a piece of sponge into the paint and use tapping movements to paint those parts of the pot where there is no pattern. Very carefully paint around the design. Apply the paint in two or three layers. After complete drying, coat the work with varnish.

At this stage, you can add rhinestones, halves of beads, and beautiful stones to the surface. We also coat it with varnish in two or three layers. Leave it for a day. We plant a plant. You can safely give a living gift, made with your own hands.

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Photo gallery: Gift for Teacher's Day from students - unusual, original and budget ideas

When we claim that it is difficult to please teenagers and pensioners with gifts, we are often disingenuous. It is much more difficult to choose a worthy, useful and original gift for Teacher's Day. In most cases, a sincere desire to please your beloved teacher runs counter to generally accepted standards etiquette and family budget. An expensive personal gift will certainly look like a bribe, and a cheap consumer goods item will disappear into oblivion on the high mezzanine. Doubting between a decorative vase and bath towel, we are obviously mistaken: both have long since moved into the category of “standard household items”. During the Soviet era, purchases for everyday life were in short supply and were considered a luxury. And today such things are sold in every pavilion at a reasonable price. No! A gift to the class teacher or teacher from individual students and the entire class should be completely different - unusual, non-trivial and perhaps even budget-friendly - made with your own hands. Best ideas We chose gifts for teachers of history, biology, mathematics among hundreds of possible ones.

What to give for Teacher's Day - unusual and original ideas

Teachers deserve congratulations no less than doctors, chemists and pharmacists. This is probably why the tradition of giving gifts to teachers on their professional holiday has been growing stronger over the last hundred years. Unfortunately, the gifts remain the same as half a century ago - flowers and sweets, that's all! And sometimes there are vulgar offers in the form of alcoholic drinks, jewelry And banknotes. Modern parents They are not at all trained in the culture of congratulations. It's time to change the situation. In addition, there are dozens good ideas What to give for Teacher's Day.

Since we are talking about a present for a professional holiday, the choice should be guided by the profile of the teacher. The ideal gift would be one that will be useful during educational activities. For example, you can give a physical education teacher a high-quality branded ball or a souvenir with your favorite athlete. The optimal gift for a history teacher is a ticket to a re-enactment of a knight's tournament or a tour of historical places. As a gift for a math teacher you can choose laser pointer or visual tables for the math lab. And the biology teacher will definitely like the fresh ones periodicals with new discoveries and works of scientists. The main thing is not to resort to typical ideas. Dictionary for English teachers - not the best option, most likely it will be the tenth copy in the home library.

Budget gift for Teacher's Day for the class teacher

Since an expensive personal gift from a student to a teacher is bad manners, it is worth paying attention to cheaper options. We offer you 5 examples budget gifts on Teacher's Day to the class teacher:

An original gift for Teacher's Day from the class

In most cases, students prefer to buy a present together, refusing any personal attention. In this case, an original gift for Teacher’s Day from the class can be more expensive without damaging the reputation of the teacher and schoolchildren. But as practice shows, even with an increase in the budget, choosing a gift still remains difficult. Well, we leave a cheat sheet for those who are not used to using their imagination to the fullest extent:

  • Coffee maker in the teachers' room
  • Teacher portrait from photo
  • Relaxation set similar to a “Rock Garden in miniature”
  • Handle with telescopic pointer
  • Comfortable office chair
  • E-reader + neat case
  • Handmade photo album for memorable photos school team
  • Weekend excursion ticket

Don’t forget, an original gift for Teacher’s Day should not be offensive. A set of anti-aging cosmetics, perfumes, bed sheets, spa membership, alcoholic drinks and other liberties are not allowed!

The best gift for Teacher's Day - made by yourself

They say, best gift DIY for Teacher's Day. Not surprisingly, any teacher will treat with special trepidation a present into which schoolchildren have invested part of their soul. Even if my mother worked harder on the gift, it probably couldn’t have happened without the children’s help. We recommend that you prepare in advance and make a special thing for October 5th - a DIY gift!

An unusual gift for a male teacher on Teacher's Day

Choosing unusual gift On Teacher's Day, a man should not get hung up on brutal men's things: cigarette cases, cigarette holders, purses and expensive alcohol. Rarely does a teacher have such bad habits. Try to find out in detail about the teacher’s favorite hobby and present him with something for entertaining leisure. If your teacher collects stamps, buy him a new stylish album for Teacher's Day. For a connoisseur of desktop games logic games will be to your taste unusual chess from Ivory. For an extreme teacher, there is nothing better than a camping kit or a folding tent. And the designer of a model of a ship or airplane will the perfect gift, if the teacher is collecting miniature vehicles.

After re-reading our short educational program, you will probably decide which gift for Teacher’s Day you should choose and give. Lots of unusual, budget and useful gifts may come in handy in different cases. Think a little more and determine the best gift option from the whole class for class teacher, teachers of geography, biology, mathematics, history.

Today MillionPodarkov offers a gift to a teacher that meets the most stringent requirements: we searched for materials only on 122 serious Internet sites, inquired about news in the TOP 10 magazines “Esquire”, “Gala”, “GQ”, visited pedagogical councils and asked schoolchildren what gifts they most often give to teachers. This was done in order to move away from established traditions and develop more advanced trends in the field of congratulations.

Thus, we got it original painting:

Award plaque " Best teacher» helped 13% of our guests congratulate their beloved mentor. Medal-magnet "The Most best teacher" will help you make a good gift for very modest money. If you are looking for something more significant, try purchasing a Philippine massage certificate, which is like a secret ritual. The massage therapist knows well medicinal herbs, is an excellent diagnostician and masters manual therapy. Coconut oil and the secrets of the ancient healers will do their job and give you a lot of pleasure. How can a gift be given to a teacher:

1. If you are congratulating a person who teaches children at school, tell them that he is invited to Classroom hour. Agree collective congratulations during the lesson. Imagine how pleased the teacher will be.

2. Have each student say one thing. kind words and make a postcard with your own hands. And then all these cards can be pasted onto one large banner.

3. If congratulations take place among family or colleagues, arrange fun competition. Let her, like a student, complete tasks, and you reward and encourage her with thunderous applause.
