Year of the fiery monkey in what to meet. New Year's interior decoration

New Year symbolizes something new, special, unforgettable for everyone. Children and adults look forward to it. Preparations for the holiday usually begin much earlier in order to think over and prepare everything. Responsibly, you need to take the planning of the scenario, and the menu and the choice of outfits. After all, it is very important which appearance you will have in new year's eve what color to wear for the New Year 2016, because this significant event will be stored in memory for a long time.

patroness of the coming year

Everyone knows that the Fire Monkey will become the mistress of the coming year. Also, it will be a leap year. The cosmic element of the year is fire, and the monkey's favorite color is red. That is why they say that the Red Fire Monkey will be the talisman of the future 2016.

The red color itself has always symbolized love and passion, impulsiveness and ardor. By the way, the monkey itself is sometimes too active. All this suggests that the year will be bright and eventful, and not at all boring and dull.

Colors for the New Year

Not only the choice of outfit is important, but also its color. As already mentioned, the monkey will react positively to shades of red. This color is as catchy and bright as the nature of the animal itself. It is not known if she will like dull and uninteresting colors.

All "fiery shades" will be a good choice. If you like them, fit well with a certain style and your face - a bright red dress is just for you. You can also choose a romantic scarlet color or exciting coral. The hostess of the year will definitely mark such an act. Still, you can not stick to just such colors, because the monkey has unlimited imagination. Given this moment, the image can turn out to be interesting and unusual.

Why fiery shades

Certain colors will be relevant for a reason. What color is fire? Or what are fiery tongues? If a long time watching a fire burn, you will notice that it does not have a specific color. It's like a rainbow of red, yellow, orange, blue, green. All of them are present in the flame. It is, like a monkey, fickle, but passionate. In this regard, the animal will like the outfits of the above colors.

Colors will also become relevant, which can be seen in the flame of a candle or fireplace. These are ashen brown shades combined with gold and red. Also suitable for beige. The combination of these shades is ideal for the New Year's celebration.

Note! The main thing is not to overdo it. The outfit should be intriguing and arousing interest. The best option– unusual bright dress. Jewelry and accessories should emphasize the image and make it more elegant. This is exactly what the hostess of the year will like.

The path to happiness in 2016 is through fire. Yet, his palette is not the only one. Also suitable bright colors jungle, tropical birds or flowers. A cocktail of yellow, green, blue, pink will make you happy. Sequins, lurex, shiny fabrics. Anything flashy and colorful is welcome.

Color as a symbol

Properly selected colors of New Year's outfits can bring happiness and good luck. In addition to red, the patroness also likes blue and green. When choosing an outfit, think about what you expect from the coming year.

  • Red will bring you love, power, passionate relationships, fertility. In order to get a promotion in work and prosperity - get an outfit in this tone.
  • Blue shades will bring happiness to the family, as well as good luck and peace. Single people who hope to find a soul mate should definitely pick up an outfit in this color. In addition, career advancement will be guaranteed.
  • In order to get rich in 2016, you need to use yellow or purple. If you combine these colors, there is every chance of getting financial stability.
  • When entering the institute in the new year, it will be useful Orange color. New knowledge will be successfully mastered.
  • White and silver colors can fulfill the plan. think about wonderful life, new friends, a confident life position. All this can come true.

Note! When choosing the color of outfits, you should follow some rules. Pay attention to the color type and appearance. Don't be afraid to experiment and combine colors.

But what about the horoscope?

In 2016, the colors of outfits will need to be selected according to the signs of the zodiac. After all, the colors of the horoscope are also of great importance.

  • Restrained will be suitable for Aries White color. You can complement it with a tie, jewelry, jewelry.
  • Taurus is recommended to choose gold colors and the same products.
  • It is enough for twins to wear red clothes.
  • Crayfish can choose something to their taste, but always bright and flashy shades.
  • It is better for lions to dress in modest and discreet clothes.
  • Virgos should not worry, their intuition will tell you right choice color range.
  • Libra has everything thought out in advance, so buying something new is not necessary. An ordinary outfit can become quite attractive without bright flashes.
  • Scorpios should not be attracted extra attention bright colors.
  • Sagittarius should choose a color from which they will definitely be in the spotlight.
  • Capricorns need to carefully choose an outfit and accessories of the same shade, preferably not bright.
  • Aquarius suits milky blue and bright blue.
  • For Pisces, color will not play an important role. The main thing is that the image is harmonious. Then the hostess of the year will thank you and present pleasant surprises.

Women's and men's colors

What is important, choose for the New Year's Eve a comfortable and comfortable clothes. Then choose a color. A woman can pick up something bright and flashy: red, coral, blue, green. A man better stick around classical style, which is dominated by black and gray colors. Available in blue or green suit, but such an image will need to be supplemented with some bright and interesting accessory.

A photo

The Red Fire Monkey is the symbol of the New Year 2016, so festive image you need to choose to match the cheerful and energetic patron animal of the coming year.

The color of the New Year's outfit 2016

Red, orange, yellow, gold colors are the favorite colors of New Year's Eve.

The monkey likes everything catchy, shiny and iridescent, but it also beckons to a fading flame, so ashen, brown, beige colors are also more than appropriate.

If you like more classic look, can choose plain dress and supplement it stylish accessories, but still, modesty and restraint should be forgotten that night.

But a passionate and expressive nature will gladly grab the opportunity to show itself in all its glory, picking up an extravagant outfit with a bright flashy ornament of tropical animals and birds. Leopard print is better not to use.

Lurex, sequins, rhinestones, beads, iridescent beads and others decorative elements, which in ordinary life seem inappropriate, on New Year's Eve they are only welcome.

Of the fabrics, it is better to give preference to silk, satin, brocade, velvet and leather.

The image in which you meet the year of the Fire Monkey should be enchanting, perhaps even with masquerade elements, while it is important to withstand general style in order to look stunning in the desire, do not go too far.

The style of the dress for the meeting in 2016

The style of your dress is not important for the monkey, but a comfortable outfit that does not constrain movements is preferable, because New Year's Eve is full of surprises and surprises. You're not going to sit in front of the TV all night, are you? Of course not, you will dance and have fun.

Bandeau dress or air pleating, provocative cut, deep neckline or Open back- on New Year's Eve, you are obliged to shine, demonstrate the dignity of the figure, attract attention to yourself, shock.

It is necessary to make a choice in favor of the dress, a suit with a skirt or trousers will not be the best choice for New Year's Eve. Strict style more appropriate for office work than for meeting an extravagant Monkey. It's not even recommended for stuff like this.

But the hostess of 2016 will definitely like the stylish beautiful jumpsuit of the year, because she loves to play, play pranks and move, and this piece of clothing allows you to do it without problems. And if the jumpsuit also has overhead bulky pockets, in which it is so convenient to hide gifts, then it’s generally wonderful!

thinking through New Year's image, do not forget about makeup, manicure and hair, you must be perfect.


Be daring with jewelry! The monkey loves gold, so it is logical if the necklace, earrings, bracelets, rings will be from this precious metal Or at least an imitation of it.

Shoes must be stiletto heels, in the end, after the chiming clock, you can change into more comfortable ballet flats, but you need to meet the Monkey fully armed.

It is better to remove classic pumps until better times, but exotic bright models with unusual heels will come in handy.

Clutches and small bags irregular shape, decorated with stones, will complement your enchanting image.

And you didn't forget about the mask, did you?

New Year's hairstyles, make-up, manicure

Makeup on New Year's Eve should be almost theatrical. Golden brown shadows, bold black eyeliner, false eyelashes, red lipstick and as much glitter as possible - you will be irresistible!

Hair should also be given attention. Large curls, gracefully falling on the shoulders, will make the image stylish and elegant, and small curly curls will look provocatively and charmingly.

If curls and curls are not your style, go high ponytail, you can use false hair.

Manicure should also be catchy and bright. Colors - red, orange, gold, brown - the brighter the better. Nail art is always in fashion, so if you decorate your nails with pictures on New Year theme, manicure will be truly festive.

How to celebrate the New Year 2016 for men

On the background beautiful women in luxurious outfits, men in formal suits and white shirts will look faded and uninteresting. So, they also need to take care of their wardrobe in order to look original and match their companions.

Why not turn into a dude - skinny pipe trousers, colorful shirt, bright tie, jacket lemon color and boots" semolina» with rubber soles round nose. A young man in this unusual outfit will look stunning.

The second option is a suit made of golden iridescent fabric. The image will be eccentric and memorable.

Can be rented fancy dress and produce on others indelible impression on others, turning into Elvis Presley, a policeman, a pirate or Zorro. Which image is closest to your spirit?

When choosing your New Year's outfit, remember that even the most gorgeous dress will not replace your good positive mood.

the article was prepared specifically for -

It will pass under the sign of the Red Fire Monkey. And the success of each of us throughout the next year will depend on whether we please this animal. Those who are not yet ready for the enchanting and most incredible turns in life, amazing emotions, should start preparing now. You need to prepare for the reason that the year of the Monkey promises all this in full and even in abundance, such is the temperament of the cheerful, eccentric, and extravagant hostess of the year. Specialists in astrology cannot classify any year of the Monkey as calm and predictable, besides, the element of 2016 is Fire, so everything that was in the plans for this year will not always develop according to the plans outlined earlier, everything will be interesting, unpredictable.

In order to adequately meet the Monkey, it is necessary to take into account everything to the smallest detail - the decoration and decoration of the room in which the holiday will take place, the appropriately decorated and set table, gifts to guests and, of course, the outfit that should correspond to the preferences of the Monkey.

The monkey is not indifferent to various parties, holidays, receptions and other events, it is active and emotional, loves extraordinary events, people, original items wardrobe, including bold and bright accessories and decorations.

New Year's outfit for the New Year 2016 should be drawn up correctly, according to the tastes and preferences of the symbol of the coming year. One of necessary conditions clothing is bright, where there are even some elements of masquerade. It should also be noted that the New Year's outfit should not look cheap and tasteless.

To celebrate the New Year 2016, a woman needs to take care of buying a dress and only a dress, and this outfit should not be ordinary, but evening. No suits, especially trouser suits, are even worth considering, the outfit should only be of the highest category.

Colors and palette for the New Year 2016

Speaking about the colors of New Year's outfits, it is worth noting that the upcoming 2016 a year will pass under the sign of the Red Fire Monkey, so options using blue, green and other colors that are not related to red, fiery, should not be considered. To please the hostess of the year, you need to choose outfits of gold, red, orange, burgundy, red, mother-of-pearl colors, that is, dress up in “tongues of flame”.

In addition, it is worth considering that the Monkey is a spectacular, creative, extravagant personality, not devoid of creativity, so there should be a lot of brightness and brilliant colors in the New Year's outfit. An excellent option it can become a floor-length red dress, which is complemented by gold accessories and shoes. In addition to gold accessories, you can use the option with silver jewelry and accessories, they can give a hint of snow shimmering in the light along with it. It is allowed to wear a red dress with accessories of silver colors and shades on this night.

A golden outfit with the right accessories will become one of the most enchanting outfits for the New Year, the monkey will be completely delighted with such an image - that's for sure. Female representatives who suit this color in clothes should definitely choose it for the celebration. Golden color is the color of the goddess, and if a woman wants to look that way in the eyes of others, then it will be perfect choice maddening.

Their materials are better to look at natural silk, satin, elegant velvet or leather. Meeting the New Year of the Fire Monkey is just the case when it's time to open a box with family jewels or purchase precious dyes with large bright stones. Women can safely open their backs, sparkle with smooth skin of their shoulders, decorate their hair with incredible hats with a veil

To celebrate the New Year 2016, it is worth taking care not only of outfits, hairstyles and makeup should be appropriate. Here you should forget about modesty, restraint and naturalness, the main thing is to shine with all your beauty. Gold and silver sequins, original drawings, or even a glamorous and extravagant mask, and the more extravagant and glamorous, the better.

It's time to talk about outfits for representatives strong half humanity. Men on this New Year's Eve, as well as ladies, can forget about their restraint and come up with the most outrageous and original images. Men should look at fitted jackets or suits. In addition, wide leather pants and cowboy boots with spurs. For ladies, long sparkling dresses that emphasize the figure or leather tight pants, a blouse and cowboy hat. But an accessory emphasizing respect for the Monkeys can be wide belts with studs.

When choosing outfits for the New Year, do not forget to add as much festive as possible. new year mood and fun, then not only new Year party but throughout the year.

In order for the holiday to be successful, the onset of the New Year should be expected on the street, but it is better to arrange a walk for the whole cheerful company through the endless expanses of snow. This holiday is sure to be remembered for a long time.

Slowly but surely, 2015, which marched under the sign of the Goat, is leaving our planet, and the Fire Monkey is merrily making faces towards it, under whose sign the coming 2016 will pass.

Are you ready for fireworks, celebrations, masquerades and surprises, incredible twists of fate and gifts, love adventures and coups upside down? If not, then it is worth preparing, since the year of the Fire Monkey will be just such a rich and restless year, because its element is an all-consuming fire. Forget all your plans, circumstances will not develop at all as planned - let's say thank you to the fidgety monkey for this. But “in a different way” does not mean at all that it is bad, because no one knows where you will find and where you will lose ...

Astrological forecast for 2016

You need to be prepared for the fact that everything this year will be in abundance: both grief and joy, love and sadness, meetings and partings.

In the coming year, astrologers recommend relying only on yourself and not shifting responsibility to others, and most importantly, not relying on anyone's help. The monkey is a capricious and independent animal, it will not accept anyone's help or, even worse, pity. Since ancient times, the Monkey has been considered especially eccentric and outrageous, loving to play in public. But at the same time, it was read as a symbol of wisdom, thrift and prudence.

In 2016, you should be careful with money, and with the right approach, you can significantly improve your financial situation.

The key to the success of many undertakings can be the possession of information - after all, the Monkey should always be at the center of events, know all the news and hot gossip. Those who are not afraid to take risks will win - the mistress of the next year is always on the side of adventurers and lovers of change. She goes through life easily and naturally, so you should not be stubborn where you can give in, otherwise you can lose everything. First of all, this applies to people who have frequent conflicts with management and people who do not accept compromises.

As it is not surprising, but Monkey is a big supporter of traditional family values , she strives for prosperity and warmth of the hearth. Therefore, 2016 promises good luck to those who have not yet met their other half. Relations will be easily established, and the alliances created this year will be extremely harmonious and strong. In addition, the Monkey is a wonderful mother and caring wife. Despite her eccentric nature, she greatly appreciates loyalty and devotion.

Those born in the year of the Fire Monkey should not strive for leadership positions, alas, a dizzying career does not threaten them. Unfortunately, this cheerful animal hardly solves even the simplest tasks, and the complex ones are definitely beyond her power. Leadership skills, perseverance in achieving the goal, courage and prudence - this is not all about her, not about our eccentric and loving Monkey. But do not be upset, because each sign has its own advantages and disadvantages, and each person has been given his own path - special and unique, which must be passed with dignity.

But those born in the year of the Fire Monkey will always have many friends, they can easily adapt to a partner, but at the same time they will only choose those who will take care of them and protect them - and what else is needed for a happy and carefree life?

Generally coming year promises to be dynamic and rich in events, will bring with it many new discoveries and surprises. Life promises to be eventful both in the world as a whole and for each person individually. Nobody will be bored for sure - the artistic and capricious Monkey will never allow this.

What to do before the New Year

New Year is new energy In a sense, this is the beginning of a new life. In order to let this fresh energy into your life, you need to perform some actions and even follow a few rituals.

  • Before the New Year, we clean our home of old and unnecessary rubbish, get rid of things that will never be put on again and will not be useful. From all the cabinets, mezzanines and drawers, all unnecessary little things that have been waiting for their finest hour for years, but never did, are thrown away. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, junk and broken, shattered objects absorb all new possibilities, and as a result, instead of moving forward, you skid in place.
  • Window sills are freed from unnecessary things in order to solar energy freely entered the house. If there are flowers on the windowsills, it is better to rearrange them to another place.
  • Rearranging is exactly what needs to be done before the New Year. Rearranging furniture starts the circulation of positive energy, which improves mood and gives strength. It will be easier to breathe in the apartment. Try to make at least a small permutation, and you will be surprised at the result.
  • When choosing which corner to put the Christmas tree in, think first about what exactly you want for yourself the most. If wealth and prosperity - the tree is best placed in the far left corner, if good luck in love - then the tree is placed in the far right corner. To attract health, the tree is placed in the center of the room or in the center on the left side of the wall.
  • But the most important thing to do is to let go of all old resentments and disappointments. Who can be forgiven - we forgive, who can be forgotten - we forget forever. We learn to think positively - instead of wishing “may my loved ones never get sick,” we express our thoughts like this: “my loved ones are completely healthy.” This will help clear bad energy not only physically, but also spiritually.

If you use these simple tips, in the coming year there will definitely be changes for the better in the life of every family member. Let the changes become noticeable not immediately, but they will definitely be.

How to welcome the new year 2016

The Fire Monkey will enter into its legal rights only on February 8, but it will begin to establish its rules, as expected, from the first of January. Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for a meeting with an eccentric hostess - after all, she loves holidays and extraordinary events.

The place of the meeting does not matter, but the fun should definitely be over the edge! A feast until the morning, a masquerade ball or just a night party under the Christmas tree with fireworks and champagne - this is exactly what the energetic and cheerful hostess of the coming year will like. The main thing is unbridled fun and great mood!

Laugh, funny company, a sea of ​​champagne and confetti, crackers and tinsel, music and funny contests- all this will help appease the Monkey and increase the likelihood of success in 2016. But you need to make sure that no one quarrels, and that there is no conflict situation- this can scare away the hostess of the New Year, and with it positive energy. But the Monkey will never remain indifferent to people who will be in a good mood.

Inviting relatives and friends to visit, we stock up on sparklers, firecrackers and good mood! The more noise, cod, laughter and joy, the faster everyone leaves the house evil spirits and negative energy, and along with the Fire Monkey come wisdom and prosperity.

New Year's interior decoration

Astrologers advise decorating an apartment to celebrate the new year in shades of the coming year - in 2016 it is a fire element, which means red, orange, yellow or scarlet should prevail. But in addition to red shades, the monkey also loves green, white, yellow and gold - you can choose one or two of these colors, which will dilute the main shades. If you manage to harmoniously combine several colors and not show bad taste, next year you will definitely receive an award from the grateful hostess of 2016.

The monkey is very fond of everything bright and shiny, so you can not restrain yourself in decorating the house with tinsel and garlands. A lot of candles and lamps with a soft red light are exactly what you need. They will create both comfort and festive atmosphere, and most importantly, they will provide patronage to a capricious fidget.

Be sure to use the symbol of the New Year - monkey figurines should be hung and placed everywhere.

Hung over the aisle and over the doors bright garlands help keep your home safe negative energy and hung over front door the bell will joyfully greet the guests who have come.

When decorating an apartment, do not forget about the windows - New Year's compositions on the windowsill with candles and snow-white snowflakes always look original and very beautiful. Take paints in your hands and draw something New Year's on the glasses with the whole family, and let it not be a work of art, but from the heart and will surely please both children and adults.

And so, improvise and do not be stingy, and the fiery mistress of the New Year will not bypass your house with her generosity and attention.

How to decorate a Christmas tree

The forest beauty should not only decorate the New Year's interior, but also comply with a whole list of "monkey" rules. The most important rule is that the colors of jewelry are chosen only bright and catchy, and the tree itself should sparkle and shine!

Who said that a Christmas tree can only be decorated with traditional New Year's toys and tinsel? This year you can let go creative fantasy and decorate the symbol of the New Year with literally anything. For example, you can hang on a Christmas tree family photos- it will be not only original, but also interesting, especially for the guests who have come.

Many have a wonderful childhood memory - fruits and sweets that could be found not only under the tree, but also hanging on shaggy branches. Sweets in bright wrappers, tangerines, bananas and other fruits will appeal not only to children, but will also appease the capricious hostess of the coming year. As you know, the Monkey is also very partial to sweets.

Coins or even banknotes hung on a Christmas tree, will help to attract prosperity and abundance to the house.

Would you like to personally have a hand in decorating New Year's beauty? Excellent! Homemade garlands of multi-colored buttons or do-it-yourself toys with children always look original and attract attention. And do not forget to put at least a small figurine of the Monkey under the tree!

If the house has a decorative palm tree or Money Tree, you should take care of their decor too.

What to wear for a holiday

Appearance for the Monkey is very important, so you should approach the New Year's toilet with all responsibility. The most important condition is bright colors and some masquerade attire, and all strict trouser or office suits this year will simply be out of place. Boldly open shoulders and back, long Evening Dress with a large neckline, defiant mini and daring hats on the head - that's exactly what the eccentric Monkey will like.

The fire element suggests the dominance of the red color and all its shades, but if this color is not to your liking, then to the chosen outfit you can add any red accessory. For example, a handbag, shoes or just a ribbon in your hair.

Makeup and hair should match, so forget about modesty and get ready to literally shine! You can even wear masquerade mask, which will add mystery and extravagance.

Men this year are also allowed to go beyond what is permitted - down with formal suits and even more so tuxedos. Extraordinary or even eccentric sixties style suits, shirts and ties unusual color and design, trousers-pipes or flared trousers of a long-forgotten style - you can safely dress up in all this in the year of the Fire Monkey. The main thing is to forget about officiality and create festive mood conducive to noisy fun.

Festive New Year's table

New Year's Eve festive table, first of all, those dishes that you and your family love are served. The main rule this year is that the table should be bursting with treats, and its design should be bright and festive! Everything should be the very best - from dishes to exotic dishes.

A nice addition to New Year's table there will be multi-colored lighted candles, but it is better to refuse bulky candlesticks, as they take up a lot of space and will block the participants in the feast from each other.

The hostess of the New Year will never refuse something spicy or even bitter, so various sauces, spices, seasonings and pickles are only welcome. In addition, the New Year is a great occasion to try something new, and this year you can give revelry to the wildest fantasies and combine the incongruous.

Fruit abundance will definitely appeal to the Monkey, but she does not accept fatty and heavy food, because monkeys are famous vegetarians. Light salads, lots of greens and nuts, crispy bread and fresh vegetables- all this will be appreciated. From meat dishes preference is given to poultry dishes.

It should be remembered that the main task this evening - to have a good fun and dance, and not at all to eat to satiety. Therefore, a sea of ​​champagne, juices and fruit drinks, as well as fruits and vegetables, light salads and sweets are exactly what you need to celebrate the New Year 2016.

New Year gifts

On New Year's Eve, it is customary to give gifts not only to children, but also to relatives and friends - you must admit that there is nothing more pleasant than giving and receiving gifts and seeing the happy eyes of people close to you. The present can be purely symbolic, but it must be bright and eye-catching - like everything else this year of the Fire Monkey. It is very important to move away from everything familiar and routine, to try to evoke emotions and joy.

Can be a great gift unusual souvenirs in ethnic style , or good wines or bright colorful decorations for the interior. Women colleagues can be given large Christmas balls with the image of the symbol of the New Year or an aroma lamp with essential oils, and for men, interesting key rings or stands for mobile phone in the form of a monkey. A good variety of coffee or tea, a bottle of cognac or good wine, a box of not the cheapest candies - all this is perfect as new year gift for friends, acquaintances and colleagues. If a person is not a close relative, then you should not give expensive gifts, this can put him in an awkward position and oblige him to return an expensive gift.

In general, you can give anything, depending on the fantasy of the size of the wallet. But what is absolutely impossible to give: first of all, you can’t give money - the Monkey will not like it, but it means you can find yourself in complete lack of money in the coming year. Gifts in the form of sets of knives and any other sharp objects will lead to serious quarrels and contention.

Do not give a watch - they will lead to separation. Towels, napkins, handkerchiefs and boring slippers - all this is trite and uninteresting. Moreover, if you believe the signs, these things will lead to parting with your loved one. Contrary to public opinion, the book is also far from best gift Because everyone has their own tastes and preferences.

Choose a gift with a soul, and then you will definitely like it!

The selected present can be wrapped in red gift paper- The Fire Monkey will surely like it. And do not forget to give your sincere smile and good mood!

And in the end, I want to congratulate everyone: Happy New Year!

The eternal female (and not only!) question on the eve of the new year is what to celebrate the year of the monkey and 2016.

What to wear on New Year's Eve 2016?

New Year is one of the most important holidays for adults and children. Everyone expects a miracle from New Year's Eve. The main thing in new year holidays- your mood! And the right New Year's outfit raises our mood very well. Therefore, the choice of costume must be approached very seriously, it is necessary to appease the Fire Monkey. New year 2016 Eastern calendar Year of the Fire Monkey. She will be especially friendly to fashionable natures, prone to adventures and experiments. The fiery mistress of the year will help them discover their talents and prove themselves. Such people will become successful in the New Year. Any business that they would not undertake will end in their victory.

How to appease the Fire Monkey with the help of a suit? To begin with, it is worth knowing what colors and styles the lady of the coming year prefers. And then choose an outfit. But, most importantly, it must be different from others.

Advice for men: gentlemen for New Year's outfit it is worth choosing a strict tie, however, a less formal style is also suitable. The monkey welcomes individuality.

Advice for women: it is best for ladies to wear something airy, flying. Lungs , wide pants will make you feel free. Such an outfit will make your mood playful, incendiary.

This is what the Fiery Monkey Mistress expects from you. And then she will be kindly disposed towards you throughout 2016.

The style of the outfit is not important for her. It is important that the outfit has a twist.

What the Monkey does not like is dreary and strict outfits. A pencil skirt plus a dreary blouse is not the choice to celebrate the New Year in. gray dresses She won't forgive you either. But the Fire Monkey loves unusual overalls. This New Year, they are more relevant than ever. It is not necessary to bypass accessories on New Year's Eve. bulky bags, clutches must be present in the outfit. And, if they are also made of environmentally friendly fabrics, then you will please the Monkey indescribably. Choose a bag of dense textures or leather. Let it have sparkles, flowers, elements of plants, or have an exotic print. Do not be afraid to look ridiculous, the main thing is that the Monkey likes it.

The fiery monkey is very fond of jewelry, so do not forget about them. Bracelets that match your outfit, voluminous earrings, pendants, beads or rings will be appropriate on New Year's Eve of the upcoming holiday. The monkey prefers gold. Therefore, wearing all your gold accessories, you will not look pretentious. On the contrary, by doing so you will please the hostess of the coming year. Of the stones, she loves rubies, garnets, emeralds, gems.

Outfit for the new year 2016

The monkey is an oriental nature, and therefore adheres to oriental rules. One of them, each sign of the zodiac should dress differently.

What does the Fire Monkey advise to wear to all signs of the zodiac for the New Year 2016?

TAURUS it is better to focus on accessories. Large gold colored earrings are perfect. They will attract the attention of men and help catch the “bird of happiness” by the tail.

GEMINI you need to have something paired in the outfit. A pair of identical rings or bracelets, earrings or gloves will fit perfectly into your outfit.

CANCER the mask is perfect. On this New Year's Eve, it is important for them to remain mysterious and mysterious, which others do not need to know.

lions- the kings of nature can become the rulers of the holiday. The crown, the diadem will show others who is in charge here.

DEVAM-Women definitely need to wear a dress for the New Year. It should be airy and romantic. Will look great Long Dresses in beige and sand shades.

SCALES the only sign of the zodiac who is recommended to wear fur. If you know in advance that the room will be quite warm, then you can only pick up individual elements wardrobe with fur trim. Gloves with fur trim, an intricate fur brooch would fit perfectly.

SCORPIO will be irresistible in shoes on high heels. Thanks to the hairpin, they will be able to catch a fabulous wave of success. Especially if the style is unusual, with a tropical or floral ornament.

ARCHITECTS hats or jewelry are very suitable. Don't be afraid to experiment. Hats, crowns or unusual hairstyle Perfect for New Year's Eve.

adorable CAPRICORN it is better to choose a dress with floral print. Bulk flowers or small patterns not fundamental.

But AQUARIUS will have to make an effort to please the mistress of the year. They definitely need to stand out from the crowd. Aquarius women are perfect for shiny outfits with rhinestones and lurex.

FISH on New Year's Eve, it is better to choose an outfit with an unusual and tropical ornament for the meeting of 2016. So they will be able to win over the Fire Monkey.

What color to celebrate 2016

In what outfit to celebrate the new 2016 have already been decided. Now let's turn our attention to the colors and shades of 2016.

Since 2016 is the year of the Fire Monkey, the colors of the year are appropriate. All shades of red, orange, yellow, gold, mother-of-pearl, coral, brown, burgundy, red, chocolate are welcome. In shades of the color of the flame, you will attract the attention of the Fire Monkey, and he will give you good luck, wealth and happiness.

Remember that the Monkey is a lover of luxury, originality and creativity, so show your imagination over the final version of the outfit. Will look great in the New Year 2016 christmas dress bright scarlet color, decorated with gold jewelry and shoes "gold".

But if all the guests put on a red outfit, then, as a result, the eyes will quickly get tired of an overabundance of this color. Therefore, add a "zest" to your appearance. For example, pick up an orange cape or bolero for a yellow dress. For men, everything is much simpler: they fit classic a suit with a red tie or bright burgundy shirt.

If you celebrate the New Year in a large friendly company, then you can arrange a party of a certain theme. This will allow your imagination to run wild and express yourself as a couturier. Make your outfit bright and stay in the spotlight all New Year's Eve. The image of the fiery Beast, snow queen or the imperious Queen - do not limit your imagination, most importantly, decorate the outfit with sparkles and gold elements. The hostess of 2016 will definitely notice your efforts and appreciate them. Luck, career, happiness - everything will be in your hands.

The right outfit for the New Year guarantees good luck for the whole next period. As already mentioned, the Monkey loves shades of red, but the presence of blue and green colors in the outfit is also welcome.

When choosing an outfit in which to celebrate 2016, you should ask yourself: “What do I want to get in the upcoming year of the monkey?”. And, answering this question, choose the color of the outfit.

If you are looking for a soulmate or want a child, then choose clothes OF RED COLOR. In addition, a scarlet dress will help you reach heights in your career and earn money.

BLUE COLOUR in clothes symbolizes family, peace and good luck. If you already have a loved one and want to get out as soon as possible, give preference to this color in your outfit. It will also help attract heavenly luck in new endeavors and creativity.

Do you want to swim in money all year and live in luxury in the new 2016? Choose your outfits YELLOW or PURPLE COLORS. You can choose a suit that combines these two colors. Dark purple trousers and a bright yellow jacket or blouse are perfect.

If you want to enter a university or you have to retrain, select an outfit ORANGE or TERRACOTA COLOR and then you will successfully pass all the exams. These colors contribute to the successful development of new knowledge.

If you want to fill your life with new colors, find good and true friends and strengthen your position in life, then dresses WHITE or GRAY shades for you. These colors contribute to the realization of all hopes.

Do not forget that the combined color scheme outfits enhance the energy of their impact.

Fire is the path to happiness in the coming New Year 2016. But bright green, blue, blue, yellow and shades of these colors will also impress the hostess of the year. And remember, the outfit should first of all be comfortable and bring inner satisfaction and joy.

Marina Roor for Women's magazine"Charm"
