How to clean natural pearls. How to clean natural or artificial pearls at home? – simple methods and special means; product care (bleaching and storage)

Hello! Let's talk about pearls again. This time about how to properly clean it from dirt and negative energy. Natural jewelry with pearls will serve for decades, will “survive” more than one generation, if you wear them correctly and care for them carefully. Did you know that natural pearls do not tolerate any “chemicals”? Perfumes, creams, body lotions - all this affects the color and condition of the beads. Find out how to clean pearls at home, what products to use so as not to damage the surface.

Rules for caring for rings and earrings

For the care of pearls decorations will do only warm soapy water and a brush with natural soft bristles. A good option- baby brush for newborns or eyeshadow applicator (clean). Do not use any other products, including those recommended on the Internet for the query “how to whiten.” This is especially true for chemically aggressive substances and abrasive powders.

Despite their apparent strength, natural pearls are capricious and require delicate care.

So, how to clean jewelry correctly?
Prepare everything you need:

  • convenient container for water;
  • warm solution with laundry soap no fragrance;
  • soft brush;
  • natural dry cloth for sanding.

Start by preparing the solution. One tablespoon of grated soap per half liter of water is enough. Immerse the jewelry in the solution for no more than 5-10 minutes, and gently brush it with a brush. Remove and dry gently with a prepared cloth. Silver earrings with pearls or a ring, usually, after such a procedure, they are completely cleaned. Deteriorated pearls with traces of old dirt may need to be cleaned twice.

Pearl necklace - proper cleaning

The classic string of pearls is based on nylon or silk. Natural threads wear out faster than mother-of-pearl beads, lose elasticity and accumulate dirt. That is why they need to be cleaned, even if visually the beads themselves do not seem dirty.

The problem is that the soap solution mentioned above as a means without which not a single pearl cleaning can be done, for silk or nylon thread won't do. You need to take care of strings of pearls with double diligence, dividing the process into several stages:

  • cleaning beads;
  • cleaning the thread.

The first ones are enough to wipe with a cloth soaked in a soap solution, followed by treatment with a clean rag. You can clean the thread safely and conveniently in potato flour. The product is left in a container with flour for a day, after which the excess is removed and rubbed with a clean cloth.

Regular care of pearls: what rules to follow

Knowing how to properly wear gold and pearls, or any other type of metal, will make cleaning easier and extend the life of your jewelry. Well-maintained products not only look different, they are pleasant to wear, they literally radiate positive energy.

Mother of pearl layer natural spheres cannot tolerate contact with chemicals in any manifestations. On the day the products come into contact with your body, try to avoid hairsprays, skin cosmetics, etc. If it is difficult to do without makeup, apply it before putting on jewelry.

Before storing items for storage, they need to be refreshed first with a damp and then with a dry cloth, removing traces of sweat, dust, and cosmetics.

It is very important to make it a rule never to wear silver with pearls, platinum or gold in:

  • sauna;
  • solarium;
  • pool;
  • to the beach;
  • in gym.

Firstly, it is harmful for beads to come into contact with the sun, salt water, chlorinated water, UV rays and sweat. Secondly, in all the listed places this kind of decoration would simply be inappropriate.

Regarding storage rules, it is necessary to understand that natural pearls need a special box, preferably made of wood with a layer of silk or velvet. You cannot store jewelry in plastic boxes, bags, together with other products or hanging.

Despite all the “don’ts,” pearls simply love to contact their owner. Wear them while respecting simple rules, is a proven way to preserve natural beauty, save from yellowness and extend “life”.

Energy cleansing – what is it and when is it needed?

Any decoration needs regular energetic cleansing. This is especially true for products with natural stones, which absorb the energy of the owner. They need to be cleaned both after another person and immediately after purchase. Special attention they will require inherited jewelry. It is believed that together with inherited pearls one can take over the fate of its owner. If that's not your plan, spend your time cleaning it up.

Tested and safe method To clean genuine pearl products from negativity, use whole grains of rice. They will not damage the color or disrupt the structure of the coating. Just place the decoration in a container with rice for a day. This time will be enough for the negativity accumulated by the pearls to remain in the rice. You can use grains several times for re-cleaning, but under no circumstances for food.

Please note that it cannot be cleaned natural pearls salt, like many natural stones. But melt water is coming. Rinse the beads with melt water, read prayers, this will be enough to eliminate the negative.

An interesting way is to get rid of negative energy with the help of the moon. The decoration is placed on the window in such a way that Moonlight got on the pearls, leave it overnight. It is believed that heavenly body removes negative accumulations, cleansing jewelry.

A non-standard option is to cleanse someone else’s energy using sound. Mantras are chanted over pearl jewelry or a bell is rung; recorded church bells are allowed to ring.

In the end, if there are real doubts about the “purity” of the product, it can be consecrated in the Temple. Then there will definitely be no alien energy or negativity left in him.
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A luxurious pearl necklace may fade or yellow over time. Jewelry loses its luster and color as a result of improper storage or care. But it is possible to correct the situation. In this case, it is not necessary to carry the products in jewelry salon. It is enough to use home methods. How to bleach pearls?

Cleaning pearls using improvised means

How to whiten pearls at home? For this you will need water, liquid soap, shampoo or other mild remedy, does not contain abrasive substances. A bath is prepared from these components. Products are lowered into the prepared solution.

Pearls should not be rubbed with brushes or other devices.

It will begin to disintegrate and collapse.

If the whiteness has not returned, then take the soap and beat it into foam. Treat each bead with this gentle mousse. At the end of the procedure, rinse all products clean water. Gently wipe the pearls wet wipe. All that remains is to dry the decorations. To do this, lay the products on a soft cloth. You cannot hang a string of pearls to dry. This method helps eliminate yellowness on stones and restore the shine of mother-of-pearl.

For the second method, you will need finely ground salt and water. Jewelry is placed in a soft fabric bag. Next add salt, 1 teaspoon is enough. Next, the bag is lowered into the water. You need to dissolve the salt. To do this, move the bag around in the liquid. Once all the salt has dissolved, take out the beads. No need to wipe, just air dry. Do not rub salt on pebbles. There will be scratches that will be impossible to get rid of.

Gold ring with diamonds and pearls, SL;(price on the link) gold earrings with diamonds and pearls, SL;(price on the link)

The third method is similar in implementation to the previous two. Citric acid is used only as a cleaner. If you take a pearl necklace, be careful with the thread. From exposure citric acid it will break off. After cleaning the pearls, replace the old thread.

Gray plaque on jewelry can be removed using potato starch. Pour it onto a soft cloth and wrap it around it. It is allowed to lightly rub the beads. The powder will remove dirt and make the jewelry white.

How to restore shine to pearls?

After you get rid of the yellowness, inspect the pearls. Often the beads remain dull, without mother-of-pearl. You can restore the shine to pearl earrings and rings using the products that are at hand:

1. Rub each bead with egg white, rinse with water after 2 hours.

2. Apply olive oil to the cotton wool. Then wipe each pebble. Other vegetable fats cannot be used. Remove any remaining oil using a napkin.

Home methods do not help if the yellowness has penetrated deep into the stones. In this case, resort to professional procedure– cleaning pearls by a jeweler. Craftsmen treat products with hydrochloric acid.

Don't settle for abrasive or ultrasonic cleaning

Such methods are detrimental to natural pearls.

How to prevent darkening of pearls?

The best method for cleaning jewelry is to prevent it from yellowing or tarnishing. To do this, follow these rules:
keep pearls away from sunlight; prolonged contact of products with water is not allowed;
periodically remove pearls from the box and put them on;
gold earrings with pearls, rings or beads;
put on jewelry after 10 minutes. after applying makeup;
Do not allow the necklace to remain in a dry or excessively damp room for a long time.

The capriciousness of pearls is explained by their organic origin. The mother-of-pearl coating of the pebbles is thanks to mollusks that secrete a special substance. It is not strong enough and prone to destruction. But there is also nice sides. Pearls are a mineral that can be cleaned at home without the use of complex products or equipment.

Pearl jewelry favorably emphasizes the femininity and elegance of every girl. But so as not to spoil your appearance and the general impression of the image, you need to know how to clean pearls and do it on time. In this article we will reveal all the secrets of how to cope with such a task using available tools in 10 minutes.

How difficult is it to clean pearls?

For the manufacture of jewelry They use 2 types of pearls - natural and artificial. The first one is very demanding in terms of care, the second one is somewhat simpler in this regard, but can still suffer if not approached correctly.

When exposed environment both types of stone begin to dull, fade, and even crack, flake or change shade. Many factors can cause this process:

  • essential oils from cosmetics and perfumes;
  • too much hot water and in general constant wetting of the decoration;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation and solvents;
  • frequent contact with dirty skin without cleaning after wearing.

How to clean pearls?

Since jewelry made from this material is very demanding to care for, it is permissible to use only gentle products to clean them. These include:

  • fine-grained table salt;
  • baby soap or shampoo;
  • warm water;
  • starch;
  • olive oil.

You will also need:

  • soft fabric (flannel or cotton with good ability to absorb moisture);
  • cotton pads for applying and removing cleanser;
  • corduroy or suede for wrapping the decoration.

What should you not clean pearls with?

To ensure that the cleaning procedure is truly beneficial and does not negate all your efforts, keep in mind that you cannot clean pearls using the following products:

  • aggressive acids;
  • cleaning household use— powders, creams and concentrates;
  • abrasive brushes, sponges, graters;
  • soda and other universal cleaning powders from the “folk remedies” category;
  • bleaching agents - peroxide, ammonia, vinegar;
  • perfumes and eau de toilette;
  • hot ordinary water.

Important! Please note that all these substances can lead to scratches, discoloration of pearls and even crumbling. Therefore, do not experiment, but if you decideclean pearls at home, strictly adhere to these recommendations.

How to properly clean pearls at home?

You can cope with this task in literally a few minutes if you use suitable means. Take note of one of the methods suggested below and use it regularly for self-cleaning. But perform the procedure as carefully and carefully as possible!

Method 1

If there is a special one in stock jewelry paste or you have the opportunity to buy it, use this tool. For this:

  1. Apply no a large number of onto a clean soft cloth.
  2. Gently rub the beads.
  3. Polish until shiny.
  4. Wrap in velor or suede until next time putting on this jewelry.

Important! Use this paste infrequently and very carefully. The active substance of this product allows you to easily remove all traces of dirt and temporarily restore the shine of the jewelry, but at the same time reduces the life of the stones.

Method 2

This is the simplest option. To clean, you only need baby soap or shampoo that you have in the house. In this case, proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare a weak soap solution.
  2. Soak it in it cotton pad.
  3. Gently wipe the beads if you have a necklace or choker.
  4. Dip the item in soapy water for a few minutes if you are cleaning a brooch, ring or earrings.
  5. Take out the decorations.
  6. Wipe gently until dry, removing any remaining soap on the surface.

Method 3

If your favorite decoration If pearls have lost their shine, high-quality olive oil will help restore it. In this case, do this:

  1. Apply the oil to a cotton pad - just a few drops.
  2. Rub the jewelry.
  3. Remove any remaining oil using a soft paper napkin.

Important! Do not use other types of oil to clean pearls - they will not help restore shine, and the fat from them will be very difficult to remove from the beads.

Method 4

An excellent tool for removing any dirt from jewelry is regular potato starch. Clean your pearls like this:

  1. Sprinkle powder onto a piece of velvet.
  2. Wrap pearls in it.
  3. Wipe until all dirt is removed.
  4. Rub with a clean, soft cloth to remove any excess starch.

Method 5

Fine salt will help restore the attractiveness of brooches and pearl rings. For this:

  1. Take a soft piece of linen.
  2. Add a pinch of salt there.
  3. Wrap your decoration in fabric.
  4. Rinse in warm water until all the salt has dissolved.
  5. Dry the decoration.

Important! Do not wash pearls strung on a thread under water - it may become thinner under pressure and break.

So that you have to wonder how to clean pearls at home as little as possible, follow simple rules for wearing and caring for such jewelry:

  • Store all pearl items in a separate box, wrapped in velor or suede. Separately from all jewelry made from other precious metals and stones.
  • Do not wear such items with rough woolen clothing.
  • After each wear, be sure to wipe the jewelry with a slightly damp cloth to remove all traces. sebum.
  • When removing a choker or necklace, grasp the metal lock and not the bead string itself.
  • Put on jewelry after you have completely finished your makeup and hairstyle to prevent makeup from getting on the surface of the pearls.
  • Keep pearls away from straight sun rays and high humidity.
  • On beads, change the thread regularly and separate the beads with knots.

Pearl jewelry is popular. Beautiful iridescent beads add elegance, femininity and symbolize purity and tenderness. But such products are quite whimsical: they do not tolerate dust, are not resistant to mechanical stress and are subject to frequent contamination. Cleaning jewelry requires compliance with a number of rules and the use of special products and tools. How to clean pearls at home?

Cleaning products

Pearls are extremely sensitive to moisture and high temperatures. With this negative impact the stone loses its color, pearlescent shine, and in some cases may crack. It is important to choose the right products that can be used to clean pearls. Their list includes salt, starch, olive oil High Quality and warm water. You can also use a special jewelry paste, but it is not suitable for regular preventative cleaning. You will also need a soft cloth for cleaning and velvet for finishing.

Experts do not recommend using essential oils to clean pearls. aggressive means, powders or creams with abrasive components, perfumes and solvents. Give up traditional methods, which involve the use of soda, vinegar, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Do not interfere with jewelry hot water and ultraviolet. Ultrasound is not suitable for cleaning pearls.

Methods for cleaning beads and earrings

To clean your jewelry at home, use one of the available methods. With their help, you will quickly and without harm to the stone return it old shine and beauty.

An easy way to clean your pearl necklaces and earrings involves using soap suds. To prepare it, dilute a little soap or baby shampoo in water. Whisk the foam, apply to a cotton pad and wipe the jewelry with it. After cleaning, wipe the product with a dry soft cloth.

Potato starch will help to effectively clean dirt of various natures from pearls. On soft cloth pour a handful of powder, wrap the decoration in it and wipe until the dirt completely disappears. Use velvet to remove any remaining starch.

Helps remove yellowness and stains from pearls saline solution. Dissolve a large amount of salt in water to create a highly concentrated mixture. Soak a cotton pad in it and wipe the pearls. When finished cleaning, dry the jewelry with velvet or soft suede.

Extra virgin olive oil will help remove dust deposits from beads and restore shine. Dampen a soft cloth in it and carefully treat the product.

If possible, purchase a special jewelry paste for cleaning pearls. Apply a little product to a soft cloth and wipe the beads until shiny. When finished polishing, wipe the stone with a clean cloth. Don't use the paste too often. The product effectively cleans all dirt from stones, but at the same time reduces their service life.

  • Store pearls separately from others jewelry. To keep stones clean and shiny, wrap items in suede or velor.
  • Do not wear jewelry with clothes made of coarse wool.
  • Wear products after you have applied makeup, done your hair, and applied perfume. This will protect the stones from contact with cosmetics.
  • Protect pearls from direct sunlight and high humidity.
  • Clean your jewelry regularly to prevent dirt and grease from accumulating.

Cleaning pearls is a rather painstaking task. You can restore pearlescent shine and beauty using starch, salt or soap solution, or using a special paste. To avoid having to process pearls frequently, follow the rules for wearing and storing them.

Pearl jewelry is extremely popular among female half population. Pearls are unique and perfect in their beauty. Just imagine that these perfectly round pebbles are a creation of the depths of the sea - after all, they are truly a miracle of nature. Of course, now pearls are not only natural, but also cultured, but they do not lose their beauty, but only gain fans. Pearl jewelry is worn by ladies from high society, ladies who know their worth. You can look at the stars of the screen and be convinced of this: Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Cameron Diaz and Milla Jovovich prefer pearl necklaces and earrings. They say that even Cleopatra herself loved wearing pearls!

To preserve the beauty and shine of pearls, it is necessary to handle them very carefully: any careless attempt to wash them with detergent Pearl necklace will result in you having to say goodbye to him. Probably every girl who has pearl items in her jewelry box has had the question of how to clean pearls at home, because no one wants to spoil the item.

What not to do when cleaning pearls at home
Pearls tend to become cloudy and lose natural shine due to the fact that it contains only two percent water. On the one side - heat leads to “dehydration”, overdrying of pearls, cracking and delamination of its coating. On the other hand, with high humidity, pearls become dull, fade and over time become completely unattractive. Yes, pearls are very finicky, but there are still several simple and accessible rules for cleaning pearls that all owners of pearl jewelry can follow.

First, it is necessary to note what you cannot do with pearls. So, under no circumstances should pearls be cleaned with a brush or washcloth. Any hard materials will simply scratch the coating, and you obviously don’t want that. Do not use bleaches in cleaning pearls detergents, solutions with ammonia, soda, strong vinegar. Allow hits eau de toilette And you can’t put perfume on pearl jewelry either, otherwise over time you may end up with a red necklace instead of a pleasant milky one, because essential oils tend to leave greasy marks on mother-of-pearl. Accept water treatments Pearl jewelry is also not recommended.

How to properly clean pearls at home?
All you need to remember when you are going to clean pearls at home is the rules of care and accuracy. Pearl contaminants are removed from with the help of the lung soap solution and cotton pad. A soap solution can be made using mild baby soap baby shampoo for hair and warm water. Pearl beads and necklaces should be wiped with a solution soaked in soapy solution with a cotton pad. Earrings, brooches and rings can be immersed in the solution for a few minutes, then taken out and wiped with a dry cotton swab.

You can make pearls shine again using olive oil high degree of purification. To do this, apply a few drops of olive oil to a cotton pad and wipe the pearl jewelry. Remaining oil can be removed with a paper napkin, remember not to use hard materials! In addition, it is not recommended to use other types of oils to clean pearls - you will not return the shine to the pearls, and greasy marks will remain.

Another known method clean pearls at home: if you need to clean your jewelry from dirt and water, use potato starch - this is a proven remedy. To do this, you need to pour a little powder onto a velvet fabric and wipe the pearl product.

Tarnished pearls with traces of fat can be brought back to life in the following way: in a soft linen fabric wrap the pearl product by first pouring a teaspoon into it table salt finely ground. Rinse in water until the salt dissolves, then dry. Please note - the product does not need to be rubbed with salt, otherwise it may be damaged! It is not recommended to clean beads and bracelets strung on a thread using this method: it can become thinner from water and break.

How to keep pearl products in their original form?
It's simple! After each time you wear your pearls, wipe them with a damp, soft cloth to remove any traces of sebum. It tends to gradually soften the mother-of-pearl coating of pearls - over time, the pearls will crack and become shiny. If you have pearl beads, it is recommended to separate individual pearls with knots on a thread. This way they will not touch each other and scratch the coating. Change the thread on which the pearls are strung often. It is recommended to do this with a frequency of one to three years. Store pearl jewelry separately from the rest; it is better if they are wrapped in a soft linen or velvet cloth. With these simple rules you will preserve the beauty and shine of your pearl jewelry for many years!
