Why is baby cream dangerous? Are depilatory creams harmful?

Hello everyone!

Which are the most harmful substances in cosmetics and what high-quality cosmetics should not contain in their composition.

Perhaps this knowledge will allow you to choose a decent product to care for your appearance, and this means providing your body with not only beauty and health.

From this article you will learn:

According to research by Stacey Malkin, the initiator of the movement for safe cosmetics(Campaign for Safe Cosmetics) and author of the book Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry. Beautiful face: the unsightly underbelly of the beauty industry), 15 of the most hazardous substances.

15 most harmful components in cosmetics

So, the most dangerous and harmful substances in cosmetics:

  1. Silicone (Silicone) - avoid any cosmetics that contain more than 50% of this component.
    This is especially true for hair products. Choose the one that says Silicone free.
  2. Tallow or animal fat - promotes the development of bacteria on the skin.
  3. Mineral oil is a mineral oil product of petroleum refining. Forms a film on the face and prevents it from breathing. Dangerous!!! Often included in foundation. Look for the Oil Free label. Read what oils clog pores
  4. Paraben (parabens) are preservatives (most often indicated as butyl, ethyl, methyl paraben). Cause allergies, dermatitis, breast cancer. When choosing, look for the inscription Haraben free.
  5. Glueen (gluten) is a cereal protein that can be dangerous for individual categories of people.
  6. Bentonite (bentonite) is a highly toxic bleaching clay.
  7. Glycols (glycol) are toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic.
  8. Talc (talc) is toxic. This is especially true for powder. When choosing, look for the words Talc free
  9. Phthalates (Phthalates, BBP, DBP, DEHP, DEP, DIDP) Cause genetic disorders, especially dangerous during pregnancy.
  10. Glycerin (not vegetable). Sucks moisture out of the skin and makes the skin even drier than it was.
  11. Sodium Laureth Sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate. Included in many shampoos. Causes hair loss, dandruff, scalp irritation
  12. Artificial dyes. Labeled as Fd&C or D&C, followed by color and number. For example, Fd&cred #6.Dangerous and toxic
  13. Triclosan (Triclosan) destroys endocrine system. Forms toxic products when combined with tap water
  14. Metal salts (mercury, lead, titanium) Mercury, Lead Acetate, plumbous acetate.

Dangerous Abbreviations on Cosmetics Labels

Remember these icons:

  • "PEG"
  • DMDM hydantoin
  • Imidsazolidinyl urea
  • Methylchloroisothiazolinone
  • Methylisothiazolinone
  • Triclosan
  • Triclocarban
  • Triethanolamine (or "TEA")

And this is far from full list harmful components. The list goes on for a long time.

Of course, it is worth taking into account the opinion of manufacturers, who endlessly insist that without some components it would simply be impossible to make cosmetics, that they are harmful only in certain proportions, and that they are safe in cosmetics.

Even if this is so, and the amount of harmful components in creams is within the normal range, what to do with the fact that environmentalists talk about so much?!

About the ability to accumulate harmful components in the body. It turns out that sooner or later this poison will shoot out if very for a long time continue to accumulate it in your body.

And also, please, when purchasing any means of caring for your appearance and household chemicals, pay attention to these icons and give preference to products with them.

This means this manufacturer DOES NOT TEST COSMETICS ON ANIMALS!!!

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Alena Yasneva was with you, be beautiful and healthy!

Hormonal ointments based on glucocorticosteroids have been used to treat many dermatological diseases for more than 40 years. Previously, they were not as effective, and their use often had many negative side effects. They were not used independently, but after mixing with creams. Modern hormonal ointments are effective means, and they do not need to be diluted with anything. They are easy to use, quickly penetrate the epidermis and eliminate rashes, redness and discomfort caused by these skin lesions. However, their use does not always bring only benefits.

In this article, we will introduce you to the problems that hormonal ointments can cause and the most popular remedies. In addition, we will provide you with information about their classification by strength.

What are the indications for the use of hormonal ointments?

Hormonal ointments contain adrenal hormones - glucocorticosteroids. Using them, you can quickly cope with various inflammatory skin lesions in cases where other local remedies are ineffective.

Indications for the use of hormonal ointments are the following diseases:

  • neurodermatitis;
  • allergic dermatological diseases;
  • varicose veins, etc.

Hormonal agents for local application– ointments, lotions, creams, sprays – it is not recommended to use for more than 3 weeks. Their selection and prescription should be carried out only by a doctor who can determine the advisability of their use.

Hormonal ointments in pediatrics

For the treatment of children, drugs with glucocorticoids are more often prescribed for the treatment of allergic diseases and are used for a short period of time. Despite their fast therapeutic effect, they are capable of providing a number negative impacts on the child's body. Being absorbed into the general bloodstream, hormonal drugs can influence the functioning of the adrenal glands, causing an increase in blood pressure and the development of side effects (eg, growth retardation).

When using such ointments in pediatric practice, preference should be given to agents with weak or moderate strength. They are available in the form of sprays or lotions and are not able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin (i.e., they have less adverse reactions). These drugs include: Ftoderm, Lokoid, Cinacort, Afloderm. Their use should be carried out using moderate doses, which the doctor introduces to the parents of the little patient.

Hormonal ointments for the face

For the treatment of diseases that are accompanied by damage to the skin of the face or neck, it is recommended to use products in the form of a cream or lotion, since ointment forms of such drugs have stronger activity and provide a greater amount of side effects. For such purposes, the following hormonal drugs can be used: Advantan, Elokom or Afloderm.

When used to treat the skin of the face and neck, hormonal ointments can cause the following negative reactions:

  • development ;
  • decreased collagen production, leading to thinning and hypersensitive skin;
  • the appearance of patches and stretch marks;
  • skin discoloration.

Contraindications for hormonal ointments

Only a doctor can determine the presence of all contraindications to the use of a particular drug - they are different for each drug and clinical case.

General contraindications for prescribing hormonal ointments are the following diseases and conditions:

  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • pregnancy period.

Benefits of hormonal ointments

When used, hormonal ointments relieve signs of inflammation after just a few applications. The patient is relieved of troublesome redness and rashes. The healing process with the use of these remedies proceeds faster.

Disadvantages of hormonal ointments

Despite undeniable advantages However, the use of hormonal ointments also has many disadvantages. Their self-prescription, incorrect or prolonged use can cause more harm to health than benefit.

Consequences during treatment hormonal ointments may be as follows:

  • acne;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • skin atrophy (subsequently, the development of malignant tumors in the atrophied area is possible);
  • slow healing of the skin from cuts or wounds;
  • telangiectasia;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • development of bacterial or fungal infections in the area of ​​application of drugs;
  • hypertrichosis (increased hair growth) at the site of application of drugs;
  • (reduced hair growth) at the site of application of drugs;
  • or glaucoma when used in the eye area;
  • withdrawal syndrome (with abrupt withdrawal of the drug, the condition of the skin at the site of application of the drugs sharply worsens).

Classification of hormonal ointments by activity

Group I – low activity

  • Prednisolone – ointment 0.5%;
  • Hydrocortisone (or Lokoid) - cream.

Drugs in this group can be used to treat diseases in the face, neck and skin folds. They can be prescribed with caution to children under 2 years of age and pregnant women.

Group II – with moderate activity

  • Afloderm - cream or ointment;
  • Lorinden + salicylic acid (Lorinden A) – ointment;
  • Clobetasone Butyrate 0.05% – cream or ointment;
  • Belosalik – cream;
  • Cinacort (or Fluoroderm, Fluorocort) – cream and ointment;
  • Betamethasone valerate 0.025% – cream or ointment;
  • Deoxymethasone 0.05% – fat cream.

Drugs from this group are prescribed in cases where drugs from group I have proven ineffective.

Group III – active

  • Advantan (or methylprednisolone aceponate 0.1%) – cream;
  • Cutivate – cream;
  • Akriderm, Celederm, Kuterid - ointment and cream;
  • Sinalar (or Flucort, Sinaflan, Flucinar, Sinoderm);
  • Triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% – cream or ointment;
  • Apulein – cream or ointment;
  • Elokom – lotion, cream or ointment;
  • Betamethasone valerate 0.1% – lotion, cream or ointment;
  • Fluorocinoid 0.05% – cream or ointment;
  • Fluorolorolone acetonide 0.025% – cream or ointment;
  • Hydrocortisone butyrate 0.1% – lotion, cream or ointment.

Drugs from this group are prescribed for chronic dermatitis and when it is necessary to quickly act on the skin lesion. They should not be used for a long time, as they quickly begin to cause side effects.

Group IV – highly active

  • Galcinonide – cream;
  • Dermovate – cream or ointment;
  • Diflucortolone valerate 0.3% – fatty cream or ointment.

Drugs from this group can only be used under the constant supervision of a doctor! They call maximum amount adverse reactions, because they are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and blood.

The use of hormonal ointments for dermatological diseases is sometimes necessary and their use cannot always be abandoned. If you experience redness, tenderness of the skin, increased hair growth or loss, or other unusual symptoms skin You should definitely consult your doctor. It should also be remembered that self-medication with hormonal ointments or their misuse not only harms the skin, but can also affect overall health.

Which doctor should I contact?

For appointment hormonal drugs and if their side effects occur, you should consult a dermatologist. If long-term use of hormones causes an increase in blood pressure, overgrowth hair, frequent infectious diseases and other systemic side effects, you need to consult an endocrinologist and check the function of the adrenal glands.

We often think that sunscreenbest thing to protect our skin, but more and more studies are proving the opposite.

The number of people using sunscreen increases every year, and the incidence of skin cancer continues to rise. This is because two-thirds of sunscreens, including many popular brands contain potentially hazardous ingredients.

Sunscreens protect against sunburn, but there is no evidence that they protect against carcinoma or melanoma. The problem is that with these products, people stay in the sun longer than necessary.

Therefore the harm sunscreens is a problem, and many manufacturers carelessly use potentially hazardous chemicals.

From this article you will learn:

What are the harms of sunscreens?

Not all remedies are the same

There are two different types of creams: chemical sun blockers and mineral sun blockers. They both protect us from sun damage, but they work differently.

Chemical sunscreens cause chemical reaction which prevents burns from sun rays UVA and UVB. On the other hand, mineral sunscreens are a physical barrier - they block or scatter rays from the skin.

Some scientists are concerned that mineral sunscreens containing titanium dioxide or zinc oxide in nanoparticle form (as opposed to their safer non-nano form) may enter the bloodstream when used.

Impregnate the skin

We come into contact with somewhere between 700,000 and 2.1 million different toxic chemicals per day, especially in personal care products.

Some of them create serious problems with health, in particular how the introduction of chemicals to the skin promotes their entry into our circulatory system without any filtering.

And of the myriad lotions and creams we use, chemical sun filters They are especially unsafe because they completely penetrate the skin.

One of the most common sunscreen ingredients, oxybenzone, was found in the organs of 97% of Americans tested. And two European studies found chemicals from sunscreen in mother's milk(up to 85% of samples), showing that fetuses and newborns are also at risk of exposure to these substances.

Hormone disruption

Oxybenzone, octinoxate, and homosalate are suspected of being hormone mimics and disrupting the hormonal system.

Of the three, oxybenzone is by far the most studied sunscreen chemical. In fact, more than 20 studies prove that oxybenzone is a hormone destroyer, because a connection has been identified between high concentrations of oxybenzone in the body and increased risk development of endometriosis.

A 2015 study found that male fish were exposed to high concentrations of oxybenzone more than female fish because their estrogen levels increased.

Octinoxate is associated with thyroid gland and behavioral changes according to animal studies; and homosalate destroys estrogen, androgen and progesterone.


People with sensitive or allergy-prone skin should be careful when choosing such creams. Many contain irritating preservatives, fragrances or sun blocking chemicals.

By using cream or other skin care products frequently, people are at risk of skin irritation.

Symptoms of irritation such as a rash, itchy skin, blisters or swelling do not always appear immediately, but can usually appear over a few days.

One ingredient was named allergen of the year in 2013 - a preservative called methylisothiazolinone, even small doses of which destroy nervous system animals.

Release of free radicals

The worst harm of sunscreens lies in the development of skin cancer. More than 40% of products potentially contribute to skin cancer.

This is because some of these sunscreens contain a form of vitamin A and its derivatives, retinol and retinol palmitate, which release free radicals that damage the skin in sunlight, increasing the rate at which cancer cells develop.

Spraying over sunscreen is even more dangerous

Spraying on top of other sunscreens poses some unique hazards that may further increase risks not associated with the creams.

Another danger is that we can inhale or ingest the chemicals from the sprays. This is why sprays are in the process of being studied for their potential dangers.

Harmful substances are not properly regulated

A large number of toxic chemicals are not tested to standards for safety and effectiveness as sunscreen ingredients.

Substances from sunscreens are even found in the blood! Anything you put on your skin can enter your bloodstream, and many ingredients cause harm to people, flora and fauna.

I never trusted blindly chemicals on the labels. However, even after reading the label I was disappointed. It turned out that all so-called “green” and “organic” brands contain, at least, one questionable chemical ingredient!

Petrochemical Ingredients!

Most products contain petrochemical-based substances:

  • Octinoxate
  • Oxybenzone
  • P-aminobenzoic acid
  • Zinoxat
  • Dioxybenzene
  • Ensulizol
  • Homosalate
  • Menthyl anthranilate
  • Octyldimethyl
  • Octyl salicylate
  • Sulisobenzon
  • Trolamine salicylate
  • Avobenzon et al.

Since they are applied directly to the skin, the petrochemical base is absorbed into the bloodstream in large quantities.

These substances have side effects, as many mimic the effects of estrogen in our body. They also do not biodegrade and accumulate wherever we swim, damaging aquatic ecosystems and coral reefs.

In fact, a Swedish study in 2000 concluded that a higher rate of melanoma was observed in those who used sunscreen.

Parents should be aware that none of the ingredients listed above are approved for use in children or infants. None of these compounds have been tested on children's skin, and products that are marketed as "Baby" formulas are misleading.

These substances are found in all known trademarks, and even in many “eco” brands.

Mineral sunscreens!

There are two approved mineral sunscreens containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Titanium dioxide causes the most damage to sunscreens. Zinc oxide is the only ingredient approved for use on babies and children and is used in most diaper creams.

Zinc oxide is better than titanium dioxide for the following reasons:

  • Zinc oxide has a wider UVA and UVB absorption spectrum, so it provides better protection.
  • Zinc oxide is safer because it creates fewer free radicals.
  • Zinc oxide is the only active ingredient approved for use on children under 6 months of age.
  • Zinc oxide is formulated in mineral nutrition, which is also found in many multivitamins. Titanium dioxide is made from a toxic heavy metal.

Micronized particles versus nanoparticles!

Nanoparticles are defined as having a diameter of less than 100 nm (0.1 millionth of a meter), roughly the size of a virus. Micronized particles, on the other hand, are defined as having a diameter of less than 100 microns, (0.1 thousandths of a meter), which is approximately the width of a human hair.

Micronized mineral sunscreens have been on the market for decades, and there is a lot of data on their safety.

Mineral nanoparticle sunscreens are quite new and have been introduced to the market by manufacturers as an innovative option, especially with skin whitening formulas.

The problem with nanoparticles is that the safety of these particles is unknown, and some scientists believe that these particles can harm the ecosystem. Other potential problems include increased penetration into the skin and blood.

Toxic additives!

The harm of sunscreens also lies in dubious toxic additives. Synthetic vitamin A, sometimes called retinyl palmitate or retinol, is added to many sunscreens and cosmetic products, as an antioxidant or anti-aging ingredient.

Unfortunately, retinol has phototoxic properties. In other words, when exposed to sunlight, the synthetic vitamin A in creams and cosmetics does the opposite of what it is intended to do and becomes harmful to your skin, while stimulating the growth of tumors.

Many sunscreens also contain preservatives, parabens, and other harmful chemical additives that you should avoid. After all, skin is absorbent, and anything you put on your skin goes directly into your bloodstream.

Is sunscreen really necessary?

Only when you can't control how long you stay in the sun. For example, if you work in the garden all day or plan to spend the day at the beach, then you simply need to protect the sensitive areas of your face, especially around the eyes.

But it's still smarter to use an umbrella, a hat and protective clothing.

The sun allows your body to naturally produce its own supply of vitamin D, and experts agree that this best form vitamin D you can get.

Moderate sun exposure each day is shown to protect against as many as 16 various types cancer: skin, breast, colon, endometrial, esophageal, ovarian, Bladder, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, prostate, rectal and kidney cancer.

A recent study in Sweden involved approximately 30,000 women over the age of 20. The results indicated that mortality rates were higher in people who avoided the sun.

To obtain optimal quantity For vitamin D, you need to expose more than just your face and hands. In fact, you need to free up about 40% of your body: face, arms and legs from the knee down.

Remember that once your skin reaches its lightest pink tint or it starts to get dark, then you need to get out of the sun and hide in the shade.

After this point of exposure, the body stops producing vitamin D and you get sunburned.

Natural Alternatives!

Fortunately, there are several ways to help naturally Protect your skin without using harsh chemicals:

Microalgae, such as astaxanthin, will make the body more resistant to tanning. Astaxanthin has extraordinary antioxidant properties to protect your skin from sunburn. Just 4 mg per day for a month will already give noticeable results.

Astaxanthin is fat soluble, so it is taken with healthy food, with a good amount of fat, otherwise the body simply will not absorb it.

Protect your skin from the inside!

The American Cancer Society shows that oxidative damage can increase the risk of cancer, and consuming a variety of antioxidants through food sources (not supplements, which are often ineffective) reduces this risk.

Consume the following foods:

  • Orange foods: carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and cantaloupe.
  • Citrus fruits contain quercetin and vitamin C.
  • Spinach, .
  • Tomatoes, watermelon and red peppers, which contain lycopene.
  • Foods rich in selenium (which reduces the risk of death from skin cancer by 50%), such as Brazil nuts, walnuts and meat.
  • Berries are the tallest.
  • Fish and also have a protective effect against sunburn and skin cancer.

Oils with natural SPF

Plenty of everyone natural ingredients, some of which you already have in your home, have built-in SPF.

  • Raspberry seed oil is the best of all oils due to the broadest spectrum of UV protection as it contains vitamin E, A.
  • Hemp oil can be used directly on the skin or taken internally to boost omega-3 levels (SPF 6 protection).
  • Macadamia oil - also has SPF 6 protection.
  • Sesame oil has a protection factor of approximately 4.
  • Shea butter - SPF 4.
  • Jojoba oil - used for hair and skin, sun protection factor 4.
  • Coconut oil is only SPF 2, so it's not your first line of sun protection, but it does add an extra bonus as a beauty ingredient.

Homemade Sunscreen Recipes!

Depending on the amount of time you spend in the sun, you can also use homemade sunscreen. (If you have especially sensitive skin, then it is better to buy a non-toxic mineral sunscreen).

Keep in mind that homemade recipes cannot accurately determine the SPF and are typically lower than any brands, so you will need to apply home remedies more often.

1 recipe- ingredients include 1/2 cup almond butter, 1/4 cup coconut oil, 1/4 cup wax, 2 tbsp. l. zinc oxide, 1 tsp. raspberry seed oil, carrot juice, vitamin E and 2 tbsp. l. shea butter For extra natural flavor you can pour in almond oil with herbs!

Combine all oils except zinc oxide in a large glass jar. Place the jar with a lid inside a saucepan of water over medium heat.

When heated, all the oils in the jar will begin to melt. After this, mix and pour into any jar for storage.

Since all the ingredients are natural, it is best to use the cream within 6 months.

Don't inhale zinc oxide - use a mask!

This recipe has an SPF of about 15, although adding more zinc can increase the SPF.

Add more beeswax to make the cream thicker.

2 recipe is a stripped-down recipe for those who prefer a simpler process. Coconut oil, apricot oil, shea butter, zinc oxide and vitamin E.

3 recipe- Take a high-quality lotion and mix with zinc oxide and cocoa powder for a slight hint of natural bronze.

4 recipeessential oil lavender, pomegranate oil, coconut and shea butter and zinc oxide.

Shopping for mineral sunscreens!

If making your own is too difficult, then buy a mineral sunscreen. It is just as effective, but not as dangerous as its chemical counterparts.

Before you rub on sunscreen, consider these other options:

  • Shirts, hats and shorts protect the skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays, reducing the risk by 27%.
  • Wearing glasses and a hat protects thin skin face from premature wrinkling.
  • Avoid peak hours, generally between 11am and 3pm, when the sun is higher in the sky.
  • Relax in the shade - take cover under a tree or an umbrella. Children should also stay in the shade, this will reduce the risk of multiple burns by 30%.
  • When using a safe sunscreen, apply a generous amount over your entire body. If you sweat or swim, reapply.
  • For burns, use a mixture of aloe vera, coconut oil and vitamin E to cool the skin.

Which sunscreen is the safest?

Please note the following ingredients:

  • 25% zinc oxide (non-nano)
  • artesian water
  • Shea Butter
  • Vegetable emulsifying wax
  • Iron oxide (for skin toning)
  • jojoba oil
  • Vitamin E
  • Organic sea buckthorn
  • Calendula
  • Glycerol
  • Essential little chamomile
  • Sunflower oil

We won’t hide it, but most women who shade eyeshadow over their eyelids apply Foundation on the face, apply lipstick and feel guilty. And this is not in vain, because each of the women’s grandmother or mother often repeated that in pursuit of a sensual mouth, expressive eyes, with a face without flaws, they waste their natural colors and youth. Who doesn’t know the expression “he who often paints his face grows old sooner”? Is this really true or not? Is it harmful? decorative cosmetics skin, and really, in order for your face to be “in shape,” you need to pay for it with the health of your skin?

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Photo gallery: Do decorative cosmetics harm the skin?

All cosmetics are divided into luxury cosmetics and medicinal cosmetics. The former do not harm the condition of the skin and give it an excellent shade. High-quality cosmetics contain components that can moisturize the outer layer of the skin, protect against ultraviolet rays, and contain antioxidants with anti-radicals that fight photoaging. Problems with intolerance to ingredients, improper use and storage, when cosmetics are applied to unclean skin, or applied with dirty, foreign sponges and brushes.

Decorative medical cosmetics .
IN Lately decorative medicinal cosmetics have appeared in the pharmacy chain, which solve serious problems and beautify the skin. Foundations have appeared that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation with a high protection index. foundation powders and creams that are applied after surgical operations. These are drugs containing a high concentration of anti-inflammatory ingredients.

The cosmetics market is overflowing with decorative cosmetics. And the desire to try some of them is very great. Many of us remember the instructions of our grandmothers and mothers and ask ourselves the question: how many hours can you wear makeup, how often should you apply makeup, can decorative cosmetics harm your skin? Modern cosmetics are different from those cosmetics that our people used to use. older generation, she took a long step forward. Decorative cosmetics not only decorate, but also protect and care for the skin. You can use it freely, but you also need to know that each person has an individual intolerance to any cosmetic product. Decorative cosmetics should be chosen taking into account your skin, this is currently possible.

Quality of decorative cosmetics.
The quality of decorative cosmetics determines whether or not it will harm your skin. Eg, foundations should not clog skin pores, and lipstick should not contain low-quality dyes, otherwise you will not be able to avoid problems. Need to buy good cosmetics, and the basis for its quality is the price of decorative cosmetics. The prices are quite high, but when buying, for example, good foundations, you can say with confidence that they contain proven ingredients and are a good emulsion.

Decorative cosmetics is an opportunity to put yourself in order, besides, it is also a game that lifts your spirits, gives you the opportunity to experiment with your appearance a huge number of times, the opportunity to constantly change. And from these pleasant moments there is no reason to refuse. Decorative cosmetics are repeatedly tested and produced using scientific advances. Low-quality and expired products can harm the skin. Long gone are the days when lipstick was a mixture of unprocessed hard pigments (metal oxides) and petroleum distillation products. Currently, manufacturers “dress” all pigments in shells, and silicones in them alternate with nutritional and vitamin supplements and apply natural waxes. When applying makeup, don't expect it to therapeutic effect, but with their own protective functions he can handle it.

Protection of decorative cosmetics.
We can say that decorative cosmetics will not harm the health of the skin. It reliably protects the skin from exposure environment. Not all of us can work and live ecologically. favorable environment, and living in the harsh conditions of a metropolis, our skin needs protection. As a rule, high-quality cosmetics prevent the skin from inflammation, dehydration, aging, prevent the formation of free radicals and have mild caring properties.

Modern foundations have nothing in common with the pasty creams of the 60s. The powders became very light. Lipstick attracts moisture from the outside, moisturizes delicate skin lips, does not allow moisture to evaporate from the surface of the lips, is rich different waxes of natural origin. Currently, all decorative cosmetics contain vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant. You need to take a serious approach when choosing decorative cosmetics and use high-quality cosmetics from famous brands.

Decorative cosmetics should be excellent quality .
These are cosmetics that have been tested for safety and have nice smell, color. Products should not provide bad influence on the skin, that is, accelerate the aging process if it is correctly selected taking into account your skin.

For dry skin types, you need to use fat-based cosmetics, use cream powder instead of dry powder, do not use dry shadows, but apply oily shadows. Recently, a trend has emerged to produce decorative cosmetics with biologically active additives that relieve inflammation, improve skin elasticity, and moisturize.

Now we know whether decorative cosmetics harm a woman’s skin. Good decorative cosmetics solves more than just disguises problem skin, but also works against eyelash loss, to prevent seborrhea and aging, and solves many other similar problems.

Despite the absurdity of the question, it still exists in cosmetology. And an increasing number of women are asking themselves: should they use face cream and how often so that it is beneficial and not harmful. Where did such doubts come from, what gave rise to fears fair half humanity? It's time to deal with double standards, which, as it turns out, exist not only in world politics.

Of course you need: advantages

What benefits does regular use of face cream provide? According to cosmetologists and many years of practice have shown, with the skillful use of this type of product, the skin is transformed over time:

  • during the day, the epidermis is protected from harmful atmospheric influences in the form of snow, rain, sunlight, etc.;
  • in the dark, it regulates cellular regeneration processes, i.e., promotes rejuvenation of the epidermis, so the question of whether it is necessary to smear the face with cream at night should not even arise, especially for ladies of Balzac age;
  • because Various types skins require different care, this can be provided with the help of creams different actions: - moisturizing agent, - drying agent, for normal - nourishing, etc.;
  • over time, cells stop producing collagen and elastin, which is why the skin begins to age, become covered with wrinkles and folds: to prolong the synthesis of these substances in the dermis, you need to apply it to the face;
  • V at a young age other problems are not uncommon: acne and acne, from which there is no escape, as well as the first expression lines, so the question of whether you need to use face cream at 25 years old should also be resolved positively.

All these advantages can be appreciated only if the face cream has been selected correctly. You need to be able to understand the variety of products available on the modern market. You need to know how to apply them correctly so as not to cause harm.

If dry skin is regularly treated with a drying cream, within a week the face will be covered with a fine network of wrinkles, and the skin itself will begin to crack and peel. If you do everything correctly, even after 40 you will surprise everyone with your perfectly smooth and radiant skin, as you will provide it with maximum care.

What about men?

No less interesting is whether men need face cream for daily use. Here most cosmetologists are unanimous. Men's skin thicker, she has high barrier functions, not as sensitive as women. Accordingly, representatives of the stronger sex do not need to use such means regularly. Unless they need a cream to eliminate a specific deficiency: whitening or anti-inflammatory, for example. And so it is enough for men to apply the cream once a week, after a bath or sauna (just need to do it correctly).

What are the doubts: disadvantages

Still, there are some pitfalls in the question of whether you should use face cream. Recently it has been carried out a large number of laboratory research, the results of which do not always please the representatives of the fair half of humanity.

Not all substances are able to quickly penetrate into the dermis and deliver necessary nutrition. Most of them come across sebaceous plugs in the pores and clog them even deeper with themselves. As a result, cellular respiration is disrupted, tissues do not receive oxygen, complexion deteriorates, and there are more and more foci of inflammation.

In connection with such discoveries, the question arose: is it necessary to smear the face with cream after a mask if the skin after it is already oversaturated with nutritional components? If the mask is light and quickly absorbed, then it is necessary to maintain the effectiveness of the selected line. If it has a heavy consistency, it is better not to do this. Otherwise, the number of pimples and blackheads will increase several times.

Many women notice that when applied in the morning, they often form fine wrinkles- around the mouth, forehead and cheeks. During the day they pass, but each time the trail from them remains clearer and more corrugated. Early aging frightens everyone, and therefore some, deciding whether it is necessary night cream for their face for regular care, they refuse it. And completely in vain. This kind of problem occurs only among those who apply the remedy against massage lines. This entails disruption of subcutaneous lymphatic drainage.

And the most important discovery concerns those very innovative technologies in the world of cosmetics. New acids, amines, peptides and other powerful substances are being discovered. They form the basis of face creams and are able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin. At the same time, they drag the entire trail of the notorious chemistry behind them - deep into the body. This can negatively affect human health.

Choose golden mean in the decision this issue It’s not easy: advantages and disadvantages balance each other. The latter can be minimized if everything is done correctly. Depending on skin type and existing cosmetic problem, it is advisable to independently determine whether you need to smear your face with cream every day or whether it will be enough to do it less often. In most cases, cosmetologists have nothing against regular, but not too frequent use.
