How to clean a mouton fur coat after winter. How to clean a mouton fur coat at home? Cleaning a light-colored fur coat

Practical women prefer to wear a mouton fur coat on cold winter days. Such a beautiful and expensive outfit is designed for more than one season, so it requires appropriate care; When dirt appears, it is necessary to clean the fur. You can clean the item at a dry cleaner or yourself.

To put the product in order, you need to know how to clean a mouton fur coat at home. The main thing is to prepare the necessary drugs and tools.

8 home ways to clean a fur coat

Before starting the procedure, you need to carefully inspect the product. To know how to clean fur, you need to determine the type of dirt. There are several methods for cleaning things at home:

These methods will help clean your fur coat from dirt, but in order to do everything correctly and not spoil the thing, it is recommended to watch the video. In addition, dry cleaning can be carried out.

How to clean a mouton fur coat from stains and dirt

During wear, sooner or later, dirt stains or greasy marks appear on the product, appearing when the lint comes into contact with the skin. It is better to clean these stains immediately.

To clean dirt, bran is used, which must be heated in a frying pan and applied to the pile. They absorb all the dirt. Afterwards, you need to shake them off and comb the fur with a brush with stiff bristles.

Bran can be replaced with sawdust from a pet store. They have been cleaned and will not harm the fur. The product must be laid out on a flat surface with the fur facing up. The sawdust is placed on the pile and rubbed in. After some time, the fur coat needs to be shaken off and combed. Cleaning a mouton fur coat at home is easy when you have it on hand. necessary funds and tools. Video can’t be loaded: How to wash a fur coat? Can you wash your fur coat? (

How to easily clean a light fur coat

To clean light-colored items, you will need starch and refined gasoline in equal quantities. The product is applied to the fur and left until it dries. Starch tends to absorb fat from yellowed pile. Thanks to gasoline, you can remove the yellowish deposits yourself, and the products will become white again.

After the mixture has dried, the product is taken out to Fresh air and clean with a stiff brush. It is recommended to use cornstarch. The light texture of this ingredient speeds up the process of absorbing dirt and dust, so it will be easy to clean your mouton coat with it.

The original whiteness of a mouton fur coat will be restored if hydrogen peroxide is used. It must be mixed with water in equal proportions. The surface of the product is treated with the resulting mixture. After drying white fur coat comb with a brush with stiff bristles. To clean a mouton fur coat, special solutions are used. Fur can be cleaned with care products for products made from suede, nubuck or velor.

Taboo when cleaning a mouton

When cleaning a mouton fur coat with home remedies, it is important to follow a number of recommendations:

  • the pile is not combed too often;
  • do not use an iron;
  • the fur coat is not dried with a hairdryer and is not hung on a radiator;
  • clean the product after each season;
  • used for cleaning liquid products, and not powders that contain enzymes;
  • do not store fur coats rolled up or in a bag; a special clothing case is suitable for storage;
  • do not leave the product in direct sunlight or high temperature, because this causes the fur to deteriorate.

It is difficult to clean a fur coat on your own. In case of severe stains of unknown origin, you should entrust the cleaning to professionals and take the product to a dry cleaner.

I'll tell you right away, I'm working right hand a fashion designer engaged in tailoring outerwear. My task is to ensure that the collection is maintained in good condition throughout the show season. Over the years, I have tried many methods of cleaning and updating them. I’ll tell you how to clean a mouton fur coat at home, because I know that the price at a dry cleaner will not please even a wealthy person.

Before introducing you to the methods of cleaning fur products, I must answer a number of mandatory questions:

For convenience, I have placed the answers to them in this table.

Image Recommendation

Is it possible to wash a mouton fur coat?

Do not wash the product in washing machine- this will lead to damage to the material.

What should not be used to clean fur?

Make sure that the product you choose will not ruin your mouton fur coat.

Test the product before washing wrong side: If the fur does not react at all, feel free to clean the rest.

What products should not be used?

You shouldn't resort to extreme measures. Mouton will not tolerate vinegar, acetone, or alcohol.

Even if you find out that one of these remedies helped someone, most likely it is not a mouton - a fake.

How to dry a mouton correctly?

To dry a fur coat at home, simply hang it on hangers or on a mannequin and wait until it dries on its own.

What causes fur to spoil?

Avoid getting perfume or hairspray on your fur. Cosmetics are the main source of fur pollution.

Cleaning a Mouton Fur Coat

Unfortunately, few of us keep outerwear in covers, so rarely does anyone manage to protect their fur coat from dust. Don’t despair, cleaning a Mouton fur coat at home is possible.

Renewing fur: 4 ways

Before cleaning, carefully inspect the item; perhaps a fur coat that has been hanging in the closet for a couple of seasons will be quite easy to refresh:

Image How to update fur
Method 1: Shaking.

Cleaning a mouton at home can begin with the help of an ordinary carpet flapper. By carefully beating the item, you can easily get rid of the dust.

Method 2. Combing.

A comb will help get rid of specks, feathers, etc. stuck in the pile.

Method 3. Vacuum cleaner.

To get rid of both dust and debris, use a vacuum cleaner. By choosing the minimum power and making sure the device is clean, you can clean both your fur coat and hat.

Method 4. Clothes roller.

The simplest method for renewing a mouton fur coat that hasn’t gotten dirty is to thoroughly clean it with a sticky roller.

The adhesive tape will attract dust, loose lint, and other dirt.

Standard cleaning in 5 steps

How to clean a mouton fur coat? In the fight against fresh stains and light dirt, ordinary cleaning with a soapy solution will help you.

Suitable for preparing the solution:

  • laundry soap;
  • powder without bleach;
  • shampoo;
  • carpet cleaner.

Working method:

  1. Prepare a solution by diluting the soap in water and whisk until rich foam.
  2. Hang your fur coat in the bathroom using coat hangers.
  3. Apply foam to the pile, preferably with a brush.
  4. Use a clean brush to remove any remaining dirt and soap.
  5. Leave the clothes to dry.

Dry cleaning: 2 methods

As you know, fur does not like moisture, especially white pile. There are two ways to avoid collision with water. When I tell you about each of them, cleaning a fur coat with your own hands will seem like the simplest job to you.

Get rid of unpleasant odors You can add fluffiness to the fur of a mouton coat using a steam generator.

Method 1. The method of working with a steam generator is simple:

  1. Place the fur coat on hangers in a bright, well-lit place.
  2. Gently steam the entire length of the fur from top to bottom, barely touching the pile.
  3. Allow the product to cool naturally.

Method 2. How to use cereal:

For cleaning light-colored items, in particular, removing grease and stubborn dirt from light fur you need something white and free-flowing... Semolina, starch, bran? Anything goes!

Image Procedure

Step 1

Apply the selected product liberally to the stained area.

Step 2

Rub the product into the greasy stain thoroughly but gently.

Step 3

Leave the fur coat in this form for a while so that the product absorbs dirt and grease properly - it takes me 1.5 hours.

Step 4

Shake the fur coat and leave the fur alone for a couple of hours.

To completely remove all the grains, you can walk with a soft brush - this will comb the fur and the remaining grains will fall off.

Fighting heavy pollution: 2 powerful tools

My experience has shown that getting rid of old dirt on a mouton - it’s not an easy task. Of everything I've tried, I can only recommend two methods. I think cleaning heavy dirt will teach you that maintenance should be timely:

Image Instructions
Remedy 1. Hydrogen peroxide.

This recipe is suitable in the fight against fat and yellowness on light-colored fur coats:

  1. Dissolve 3 teaspoons of salt and 1 spoon of peroxide in 500 ml of water.
  2. Using a cotton swab or soft sponge, apply the solution to problem areas, rub gently.
  3. Rinse off the liquid with a clean sponge.

Remedy 2. Refined gasoline.

This product will get rid of any contaminants, but the method requires extreme care.

Use exclusively purified gasoline; regular gasoline will destroy your fur coat.

  1. Mix gasoline and starch in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the paste to problem areas.
  3. Wait until the mixture dries.
  4. Carefully remove any remaining starch using a brush.

Don't forget to ventilate your fur coat thoroughly, otherwise you will be haunted by a gasoline plume.


I talked about all the tricks that I use to clean mouton items. Do you know other secrets? Write in the “Comments” section, I will be happy to read it and try it out. About how to care for fur coat, you will learn from the video in this article.

Under the beautiful and mysterious word “mouton” hides the fur of a sheep that has passed special treatment formaldehyde. After this, the fur becomes shiny, silky, wear-resistant and resistant to water. Unlike mink products, fur coats and jackets made from mouton can easily withstand wet weather with sleet and even light rain.

In terms of its characteristics, the mouton is second only to otter fur coats. And the relatively low price makes products made from mouton quite affordable. Mouton is used for various products age groups. These can be children's fur coats, and men's jackets, and chic women's fur coats. Mouton products are also available in a wide range of colors from white to black.

German furriers transformed ordinary sheepskin into such exquisite fur. In search of a cheaper material, they experimented with sheepskin and found a way to make this simple fur into an elegant, thin, mink-like fur.

The main agent in this transformation is formaldehyde, enveloping each fiber, it makes the fur soft and shiny.

If you have decided to buy a product made from mouton, you need to know some secrets

  1. If the salespeople in the store tell you that the fur coat is from well-known European manufacturers, they are simply lying to you. Mouton fur coats are currently produced only in Russia and China. The use of formaldehyde in production is considered harmful to health, so Western companies stopped making mouton fur coats in the early seventies. On the market you can only buy vintage products from another manufacturer.
  2. Moutonovaya quality fur coat, which will serve you for a long time and will have all its positive traits(wear resistance, moisture resistance) cannot be too light. Sheepskin - the material is heavy and quite rough and becomes thin only after chemical treatment and thinning of the mesdra (skin part). But the thinner the core, the lower its strength, the less durability.
  3. When buying a fur coat or jacket, inspect the product from all sides. The lining of the fur coat along the bottom should not be sewn. A manufacturer who is responsible for the quality of their products has nothing to hide. The seams should be palpable, but not too prominent. If the seam cannot be felt or it is completely flat, it means that the pieces of fur are glued together, and such a fur coat will not last long. The seams should look neat, without threads sticking out of them.
  4. Remember fur. A high-quality product will quickly straighten and take its shape. Pull the hairs lightly, quality product they should not fall out or break.
  5. Don't forget to check the color quality of the product. Run a cloth over the fur light fabric. If there are no traces of paint left on it, then everything is in order.
  6. After a thorough inspection, try on the fur coat. You simply won’t want to take off a good, comfortable fur coat. If you feel the slightest discomfort, then it’s not your thing. Look for another one.

In order not to regret wasted money, it is better not to purchase a low-quality product.

If you are already the happy owner of a mouton fur coat, then the question arises of how to care for it. A mouton fur coat is unpretentious. But you still need to follow a number of simple rules.

  • When purchasing a fur coat, immediately buy good wide wooden or plastic hangers. Perhaps they will give them to you along with your fur coat. The hangers must support the weight of the fur coat and be of the appropriate size so that the fur coat does not sag or become deformed.
  • Furs do not tolerate accessories. When putting on a fur coat, do not use belts, and carry the bag only in your hand. After all, even the highest quality and wear-resistant fur, under the influence of objects “rubbing” against its surface, breaks and rubs.
  • Although mouton fur is quite moisture resistant, after the product gets under wet snow or rain it must be dried thoroughly. The fur item should be dried in a vertical position, hung on a hanger and fastened with all buttons and fasteners. The air temperature should be room temperature. The use of any heating devices is prohibited.
  • Exposure to direct sunlight has a negative effect on the appearance of fur (especially dyed fur).
  • If you drive a car, choose short fur coats. When sitting down on the seat, unbutton the buttons and lift up the fur coat's hems. Do not use the seat heating function in constant mode; overheating causes the inside of any fur to dry out and become brittle.
  • Thanks to its porous and fleecy structure, fur retains various odors well. That is why, when wearing a fur coat, you should avoid spending a long time in a smoky room. It is also not recommended to apply perfume over a fur coat. Moreover, products containing various alcohols negatively affect the condition of the fur.

Cleaning a mouton fur coat at home

  • At various contaminants A mouton fur coat can be cleaned even at home. If the dirt cannot be removed with a brush, the fur can be washed with water, adding a little liquid detergent. Then the fur must be dried thoroughly.
  • If there is no visible contamination, you can use bulk products such as talc, starch and flour for preventive cleaning. They are easy to use. To do this, lay the fur product on a horizontal surface and sprinkle with the product you have. Then use a soft bristle brush or your hand to scrub off the applied powder. Shake the product and comb it with a special brush intended for fur products.

If a mouton fur coat has acquired an uneven color, you can tint it yourself. For this you can use quality paint for hair of the corresponding tone. But it is better to entrust this procedure to professionals.

Before sending a fur coat for storage, the fur must be cleaned of dust. To do this, you can shake the fur coat thoroughly or vacuum it with a soft brush at low power.

A mouton fur coat (like any other fur product) should not be stored when folded. The fur coat should be in a case in vertical position. Choose a cover made from breathable fabric. The size of the cover should allow the fur coat to hang freely without bunching up.

When sending a fur product for permanent residence in the closet, make sure that there is enough space for it. Furs do not like contact with other things or objects.

In any case, the fur coat should be stored in a dark and cool place.

Any skin cannot tolerate excessive dryness. Therefore, maintain a comfortable humidity level in the room where leather or fur products are stored - fifty to sixty percent.

Take care of moth prevention. Place insect repellents in canvas bags and rinse them in your pockets, cuffs, and just in the case. Do not use aerosols. Their components can ruin the fur.

If the apartment does not have sufficient space or conditions for storing a mouton fur coat, entrust it to the reliable hands of specialists. For the spring-summer-autumn period, the fur coat can be sent to a special storage facility, where they will create ideal conditions. In storage, the product is under careful control. Optimal temperature and humidity conditions have been created for it. If necessary, the product will be tinted or minor repairs made.

With proper storage and care, your mouton fur coat will last for decades. Enjoy her appearance as long as possible!

Mouton is a beautiful and fluffy short-haired fur; fur coats made from it look quite dignified and stylish, while it is more affordable than mink or chinchilla. This great option for those who dream of a fur coat from natural fur, but does not have a large budget.

But often, after storage, the fur becomes dull and matted, the product loses all its charm - how to clean a mouton fur coat at home in this case? In this case, simple ventilation will not be enough.

Entrusting natural fur to dry cleaning is not the best or cheapest option. You will have to work a little on your own so that when cold weather sets in you can go outside without embarrassment. beautiful fur coat made of soft and shiny mouton.

First, you need to remove all dust and small debris from the fibers - no doubt, they are there, even if your mouton coat was stored according to the rules in a case and in a closet, and you regularly ventilated and shook it out. There are two ways to get rid of dust:

  1. Vacuum cleaner. The nozzle is changed to the softest one for cleaning furniture, the weakest mode is turned on, and the fur coat is carefully processed from all sides.
  2. Knocking out. The fur coat should be laid out on an old clean sheet, another one should be moistened in water and wrung out well. Cover the mouton coat with a damp cloth and go over it with a carpet beater.

Finally, shake the product several times and dry if necessary.

Deep cleaning of the mouton

If, after removing the li, the fur coat still does not look very fresh and neat, carry out a more intensive cleaning. First, find suitable hangers - they must be exactly the size, no more and no less, and strong enough to withstand the weight of the fur well. Then find a way to hang your coat hanger above the bathtub and choose one of detergents. It could be:

  • liquid washing powder;
  • liquid soap without dyes;
  • carpet and upholstery cleaner;
  • shampoo.

Any of the products is diluted in warm water and whipped into a dense, stable foam. There should be enough of it to be enough to completely process the entire product. Next, arm yourself with a perfectly clean clothes brush and apply foam to the mouton coat.

Remember that you can only apply foam; it is highly undesirable to wet the fur. After 5-7 minutes, treat the fur coat with a dry brush and take it out to the balcony to dry.

Tip: a mouton fur coat can be the most different colors. But natural fur itself is light. Therefore, if your product is dark in color, it is painted anyway. This means that powders and products with bleaching components are contraindicated for cleaning mutons.

How to remove stains from a mouton

Most often you have to deal with stains on the collar, pockets, cuffs, where a handbag is worn on the shoulder, or where a belt is tied. On a light coat they look like old greasy dirt. Single stains may also appear, for example, from spilled coffee, street dirt, lipstick or foundation.

All these contaminants can be removed either dry or wet.

  1. Starch. This is the simplest and accessible remedy. First you need to prepare workplace: spread an unnecessary sheet, blanket or piece of oilcloth on a horizontal surface. Then lay the fur coat on it and sprinkle with starch. After this, the coat is sprayed with water from a spray bottle over the starch. Use your palms to gently rub the mixture into the fur, after which the fur coat needs to be dried thoroughly. naturally. Now all that remains is to comb out the remaining starch along with the dirt. In a similar way, you can use talc to clean a mouton coat, semolina, rice ground in a coffee grinder, bran.
  2. Petrol. If dry cleaning has not removed all the dirt, you can try to deal with it with purified gasoline. This product is also good for removing single stains. It is used very simply: simply moisten a swab in it and wipe the fur. You can then sprinkle it with starch and let it dry, then clean it well with a brush.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. A bottle of this product can be found in every home, and if not, you can buy it for pennies at the nearest pharmacy. To clean the mouton, peroxide must be combined with water in equal quantities. Then the solution is applied to the product, and after drying, the fur coat must be thoroughly combed with a stiff brush.

The safest thing to do would be to spare no expense and buy a special spray in the store for cleaning items made of suede, nubuck or velor. It is used very simply: hang the fur coat on hangers, apply the spray evenly, and after drying, comb it out. Caring for a mouton is not that difficult; it is an unpretentious fur. And yet, many make gross mistakes and damage products irrevocably.

What not to do

Despite what everyone knows - natural fur, like leather, washing machine They don’t wash it - many people do it anyway. Well, perhaps after the first experiment nothing terrible will happen, and even on the contrary, the fur coat will seem perfectly clean and fresh.

But know that you have already greatly spoiled the structure of natural fur and its base. And he won’t survive such treatment again - your beautiful and fluffy mouton fur coat will turn into a sticky, unkempt lump that you won’t want to wear anymore.

Therefore, if you are really lazy or don’t have time to bother with cleaning the top fur clothes, it’s better to take it to the dry cleaner, which is also not advisable, but still better than dubious home experiments.

A mouton fur coat is considered a very wear-resistant product, which is distinguished by its durability and excellent quality. Therefore, during use, you will more than once encounter the need to clean this luxurious fur product. Of course, the most simple option will take the fur coat to the dry cleaner. However, this is not always good option: sometimes we don’t have enough time for this, and we need to clean the product very urgently.

In addition, aggressive cleaning agents that are used in some dry cleaners can negatively affect the product, reducing its service life. Therefore, it is worth trying to remove traces of dirt and wear at home. Cleaning a mouton fur coat at home is not at all difficult. For this there are many different ways and recipes, which we will now dwell on in more detail.

Cleaning options

To clean a mouton fur coat at home, you can resort to three in various ways cleaning:

  1. Dry.
  2. Wet.
  3. Using various chemicals.

If your fur item has not been worn for too long, has not yet become particularly dirty, and is only a little dusty and wrinkled in the closet, then it will be enough to simply freshen it up a little. You can do this as follows:

  • Take the fur coat out of the closet and shake it thoroughly so that the fur is well distributed. If the product is quite heavy, you can hang it on hangers and lightly beat it with a carpet clapper.
  • Next, you need to take a regular vacuum cleaner with a cleaning attachment. The nozzle must first be thoroughly cleaned so that dust from it does not transfer to the fur product, contaminating it even more. The power of the vacuum cleaner during cleaning should be minimal.
  • If during cleaning the fur on the item becomes slightly disheveled, it should be combed with a regular clothes brush.

Using this method, you can clean even light-colored items from dust.

Dry method

This cleaning option can be used in situations where there are no grease stains on the fur coat. The procedure will be as follows:

  1. It is necessary to hang the fur coat on hangers and wait for the dirt on the product to dry completely.
  2. Using a fur brush, we comb through those areas where there is dried dirt. You need to move the brush in the direction of hair growth, and the movements should be smooth and light.
  3. Gently comb the fur and check that there is no dust on it.

As you can see, dry cleaning is very easy. This procedure can be carried out regularly, since it does not spoil the fur, and the fur coat will always look like new.

Wet method

For execution wet cleaning, the fur coat must first be cleaned of dust; to do this, it is enough to lightly knock it out. After this, you need to hang the fur product on hangers and place it above the bathtub.

In a basin you need to dilute washing powder in water. Take a clothes brush, dip it in the resulting solution and clean the item. After this you need to pour it into a basin clean water, wash the brush properly and gradually rinse off the foam from the product using the same brush. The water should be changed quite often.

It is better to leave a clean fur coat over the bath for a day so that all the water drains away properly. Then you can dry it in any room that is well ventilated.

Using special means

Today there are special chemicals for cleaning fur, which not only help clean the product from dirt, but also have dirt-repellent properties, which will help protect the product from contamination in the future. But there are also many folk home recipes for cleaning a mouton fur coat:

  • Bran. The product perfectly helps in eliminating greasy areas on fur products. Cleaning instructions:
  1. We take wheat bran and beat it into the fur, performing patting movements.
  2. Lightly massage the most contaminated areas of the product.
  3. Shake the item thoroughly so that there are no bran residues left in it. Also, the remaining bran can be removed with a brush, but this must be done carefully so as not to spoil the fur.

  • Ammonia. This method good for removal greasy stains from the product. First we need to prepare a cleaning solution. You will need:
  1. Salt - three tablespoons.
  2. One teaspoon of ammonia.
  3. 0.5 l of water.

Mix all components thoroughly and apply to the product. We remove the remaining product with a brush. This recipe is very suitable for light-colored items, as it has a slight brightening effect.

  • A solution of alcohol and vinegar. With special heavy pollution A solution containing water, alcohol and vinegar can handle a mouton fur coat. All ingredients must be taken in equal parts. After preparing the solution, you need to perform the following steps:
  1. Hang the fur coat on hangers and place it above the bathtub.
  2. Using a sponge or clothes brush, apply the prepared solution to the wool of the product.
  3. Remains of the product can be removed using a regular napkin.
  4. Let the fur coat dry until completely dry.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. If the fur of your mouton coat is light and has acquired over time yellowish tint, you can use this recipe: add a few drops to a jar of hydrogen peroxide ammonia. The resulting mixture must be treated with a sponge.

Another good recipe to eliminate yellowness using peroxide: you need to take 50 ml of a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution and mix it with 500 ml of water, add 20 ml of ammonia to the resulting mixture. The resulting solution must be poured into a container with a spray bottle and sprayed evenly on the fur (there is no need to treat the same area several times). After the solution has been applied to the entire product, you need to carefully comb the fur and leave the product until completely dry.


There are situations when the fur of a mouton fur coat remains perfectly clean, and only the lining of the product becomes dirty. In such cases, you can do this:

  1. First of all, you need to tear off the lining. This is done using a special tool - a seam ripper (sold in sewing stores).
  2. Wash the lining in the usual way. It can be washed either by hand or in a washing machine (following the washing cycle recommended by the manufacturer).
  3. Dry the lining, iron it and sew it back to the fur product.
