Program "Skillful Hands". "introducing children to artistic and manual labor and developing children's creative abilities"

Introduction and relevance

Chapter I. Theoretical basis teaching children in classes manual labor.

Chapter II. Introduction to manual labor and development creativity children

Goal and task

Directions and forms of work.

Stages of work.

Working with parents and teachers.

Types of manual labor used in my practice.

Evaluation of work results, job prospects.


“The importance of manual labor in the mental and aesthetic development of preschool children”

Introduction and relevance

The origins of children's creative abilities and their talents are at the fingertips, from the finger, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest streams that feed the source of creative thought. The more confidence and ingenuity in the movement of a child’s hand, the more subtle the interaction with a tool, the more complex the movements necessary for this interaction, the deeper the interaction of the hand with nature, with social work enters into the spiritual life of the child. In other words: the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Why make your own from paper, waste or other material? After all, the stores have a wide selection of the most different toys for every taste. These toys are good for everyone - they are high quality, bright, and funny. One problem is that they were made not by our hands, but by other people’s uncles and aunts. It was they who tried, fantasized, came up with, and buyers get finished form. Maybe this is good, you don’t have to spend your own energy to make some kind of toy or craft. But if you don’t learn creativity in childhood and don’t become independent, then where will this skill come from later when you grow up?

Handmade work is painstaking, exciting and very enjoyable work. In order for children to engage in it willingly, it is necessary to develop their imagination, good feelings, and with mastery of skills, dexterity in work will come. On the importance of using natural material A. S. Makarenko paid attention to the child’s activities. He pointed out that materials (clay, wood, paper, straw, sand, etc.) “are closest to normal human activity: from materials man creates values ​​and culture... There is a lot of good realism in the material toy, but in at the same time there is room for imagination, not just

imagination, but great creative imagination."


The problem of developing children's creativity is currently one of the most current problems, because we are talking about the most important condition formation of individual identity of the personality already in the first stages of its formation. Manual labor, as well as playing and drawing, special shape actual children's activities. Children's interest in it significantly depends on the extent to which the conditions and organization of work allow them to satisfy the basic needs of a child of a given age, namely:

  • the desire to practically act with objects, which is no longer satisfied by simply manipulating them, as was the case before, but involves obtaining a certain meaningful result;
  • the desire to feel capable of doing something that can be used and that can win the approval of others.

Children’s creativity can be developed in different ways, including working with available materials, which includes various types of creating images of objects made from fabric, natural and waste materials. In the process of working with these materials, children learn the properties, possibilities of their transformation and their use in various compositions. In the process of creating crafts, children consolidate their knowledge of standards of shape and color, and form clear and fairly complete ideas about objects and phenomena. surrounding life. This knowledge and ideas are strong because, as N.D. wrote. Bartram: “A thing made by the child himself is connected to him by a living nerve, and everything that is transmitted to his psyche along this path will be immeasurably more alive, more intense, deeper and stronger than what comes from someone else’s, factory-made and often very mediocre invention, such as is the majority of visual teaching aids.”

Children learn to compare different materials with each other, find commonalities and differences, create crafts of the same objects from paper, fabric, leaves, boxes, bottles, etc. Creating crafts gives children great pleasure when they are successful and great disappointment if the image does not work out. At the same time, the child develops a desire to achieve a positive result. It is necessary to note the fact that children carefully handle toys made with their own hands, do not break them, and do not allow others to spoil the craft.

Theoretical foundations of teaching children in manual labor classes.

The influence of manual labor on the development of preschool children.

Children making toys and objects from various materials is one of the most important aspects of the labor education of preschool children, especially in older groups.

This type of work opens up broad prospects for creation.
Making toys in to a greater extent than other types of labor, paves the first path to polytechnic education. In this work, preschoolers clarify their ideas about surrounding objects, take their first steps into the fascinating world of technology, which is of no small importance for their subsequent

Manual labor develops children's constructive abilities, useful practical skills and orientation, creates interest in work, willingness to take on it, cope with it, the ability to assess their capabilities, and the desire to do the job as best as possible.

In the process of labor, children become acquainted with the simplest technical devices, master the skills of working with certain tools, learn to treat materials, objects of labor, and tools with care.
Children learn through experience elementary representations about the properties of various materials: the material undergoes various transformations, a variety of things can be made from it, using one or another tool for this. Thus, while learning to make useful items from thick paper, children learn that it can be folded, cut, and glued. You can use it to make cups for cuttings of plants, boxes for paper scraps, bookmarks, and Christmas tree decorations.
Working with natural materials - leaves, acorns, cones, birch bark, straw, bark, etc. - gives the teacher the opportunity to introduce children to the rich variety of its qualities: color, shape, hardness. In addition, when coming up with the topic of his work, the child creates and fantasizes. He learns to distinguish familiar objects in the bizarre outlines of natural materials, and creates fantastic images. This develops ingenuity, intelligence, creative imagination, the desire to create.
The work of making various objects for play and everyday life, first systematically directed by the teacher, and then carried out by the child independently, has educational significance in that children develop the ability to set a goal, perseverance in achieving it, and cope with difficulties. Children learn to outline ways to achieve their goals, think through the sequence of actions, ways to process the material, and connect its parts.

When working with children, it is necessary to provide them with the opportunity to realize their plans and be creative. The source of children's ideas is, on the one hand, the surrounding life, where they draw content for their work, and, on the other hand, developing play, during which the need to make toys arises. At the same time, the teacher encourages children to strive to make the toy beautiful. Therefore, children need to be given a variety of impressions, given the opportunity to take a good look at the object, which they can then make themselves. The development of observation, the ability to see the characteristic features of an object, remember them and reproduce them in the process of work is an important task of education. A clear understanding of the subject has a positive effect on the implementation of the plan and the quality of the work.

Thus, manual labor contributes to the development of creativity, imagination, fine motor skills, attention, logical thinking and perseverance.

Artistic manual labor is a means of developing children’s creative abilities.

When starting to teach children how to create crafts from various materials, the main attention should be paid to the children’s mastery of basic techniques. But this does not mean that it is necessary to exclude creative tasks. Often, teaching technical techniques goes hand in hand with developing children’s creativity.

Before teaching children to work with natural and waste materials: fabric and paper, it is advisable to conduct classes to become familiar with the properties of these materials. During training in various ways transformation of materials, the most significant place among the methods and techniques used will be occupied by the process of making crafts. On the first classes are underway full show with detailed explanation of your actions. As children gain the necessary experience, children should increasingly be involved in the show. When introducing preschoolers to various materials and techniques, you can also use a step-by-step demonstration. Children's transformation activities different materials in itself is interesting for them, and at the same time, contributes to the formation of combinatorial skills and creativity. And use in classes fiction And surprise moments make it even more exciting and help overcome emerging difficulties. The widespread use of gaming techniques has a positive effect on children’s emotions, which in turn influence the development of creativity in preschoolers.

Using the thematic principle of constructing classes allows you to vary them depending on the skills of the children and achieve more significant results. Such cycles are very mobile and easy to use.

Thematic cycles make it possible to create compositions with children from different materials, allowing them to be used in the design of a group, preschool institution, and makes it possible to unite children in groups for collective work. The collective form of conducting classes helps to create interesting, multifaceted and colorful compositions, has a positive effect on the moral and aesthetic development of the child, promotes the ability to coordinate one’s desires with the desires of other children, and help each other in difficult situations. Various forms of association are used: in pairs, in small groups, as a whole group, each separately to combine into a common composition.

The number of activities included in any of the thematic cycles cannot be clearly fixed; it largely depends on whether the work is done by the whole group or done by children of one group. The use of thematic blocks allows you to transfer classes from one topic to another, replace one task with another, without changing the main goal - the development of children’s mental and aesthetic abilities while working with various materials. When conducting job analysis, use various game exercises and educational games. During them, in an entertaining way, preschoolers learn to find the advantages and disadvantages of their own works and the crafts of other children.

Introduction to manual labor and development of children's creative abilities.

The survey showed that children have little knowledge of how to work with various materials, their constructive abilities are poorly developed, and most importantly, manual labor does not arouse interest in children. In this regard, the need arose to use a program to introduce children to artistic manual labor and develop creative abilities.

A distinctive feature and novelty of the method of introducing children to artistic work and developing creative abilities is the development of creative and exploratory characters in children, spatial representations, some physical laws, knowledge of the properties of various materials, mastery of various methods of practical actions, acquisition of manual skills and the emergence of a creative attitude towards the environment.

The need for this program is that it is considered as a multifaceted process associated with the development of children's creative abilities, imagination, fine motor skills, attention, logical thinking and perseverance.

Goal and tasks.

Target: Develop cognitive, constructive, creative and artistic abilities in the process of creating images using various materials and techniques.


  1. Teaching children various techniques transformation of paper, fabric, natural and waste materials.
  2. Development of imagination, the ability to see the unusual in ordinary objects, development of artistic and creative abilities and creativity of children.
  3. Children making attributes for plot-role-playing and didactic games, dramatization games, the use of children's crafts to decorate the interior of a preschool institution.
  4. Making crafts with parents.
  5. Fostering diligence, accuracy, and the desire to complete the work started.

Directions and form of work.

  1. Development of creative abilities.
  2. Artistic and aesthetic development.
  3. Cognitive development.

Basic form work are classes in subgroups once a week. In a year, 26 lessons were held in the senior group, and 30 lessons are planned in the preparatory group. Individual work It is expected in free time from classes and in the evening, aimed at solving specific problems.

Additional forms of work.

Construction principles pedagogical process, methods and techniques of teaching.

Principles of constructing the pedagogical process:

1. From simple to complex.

2. Systematic work.

3. The principle of thematic cycles.

4. Individual approach.

Methods and techniques of teaching.


1. Visual (teacher demonstration, example, help).

2. Verbal (conversation classes, explanation, description, encouragement, persuasion, use of tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings).

3. Practical and playful (independent and joint performance of crafts).


Showing, active viewing, examination, palpation, sample analysis, generalization

Communication of new knowledge, systematization, posing problematic questions, riddles, poems, signs, proverbs, sayings, instructions, explanations, reasoning, additions, conclusions.

Showing a sample, showing methods, solving problems, surprise moments, game instructions, game tasks, game actions, activity assessment

2.4 Stages of work.

All educational process is divided into 4 stages:

Stage 1 - familiarization with the properties of materials. (Appendices 7,8,9)

Stage 2 - training in manufacturing techniques.

Stage 3 - making crafts. (Appendices 10,11)

Stage 4 – self-analysis.

2.5 Work with parents and teachers.

I work with parents, explaining to them that Team work Manual labor for children and parents has a very positive effect on family relationships, instills confidence in the child, and he feels supported by his loved ones. Showing a son, daughter, grandson or granddaughter what and how can be made from various materials will not require a lot of time from an adult, but this should be specially allocated time not related to household and other household chores, especially since much of what is planned a child can only do it with the help of an elder.

It is necessary to encourage the joint manual labor of brothers and sisters school age with older preschoolers. It’s interesting, and it also brings family members closer together and makes their communication more meaningful. Homemade toy, for example, a top, a paper pinwheel, - good gift to the baby from his older brother, sister, an expression of care for him and the opportunity to play together.

Working with parents includes:

Folding folders – “Applique from autumn leaves”, “Crafts from waste materials”.

Information stands.

Consultations – “The Miracle of Birch Bark”, “Toy Theater”.

Individual consultations.

Parent meeting - " Fairy tale- Origami."

Collaborative work between children and parents – Weekend Club “Spring is Coming to Us.”

Workshop for parents “Magic patches”.

Joint work with teachers was also carried out, which included conversations, consultations and advice on making this or that craft, seminars and workshops.

Consultation for teachers “Materials for working with children on making crafts”

Workshop for teachers “Toys-sculptures”.

The activities of the teacher as part of the work to develop creative abilities and introduce children to artistic manual labor.

Work with children.

2.3. Types of manual labor used in my practice

Artistic manual labor is work with various materials, during which the child creates useful and aesthetically significant objects. But it is impossible to create something from a material if you do not know its properties and qualities. Therefore, before you start working with a new one, unknown children material, I previously conducted a lesson to familiarize myself with this material. In these classes, children become familiar with the properties, structure, and strength of the material; they can touch it. Subsequently, this material is used in manual labor classes and in children’s free activities.

The most common type of manual labor is applique . I also widely use this type of activity in my classes with children. Children have mastered different types of appliqué: they can create a decorative pattern, depict an object or a plot. We use different types of materials: paper, fabric, thread, straw, dried leaves, grass, seeds. Children became available various techniques: creasing, rolling, cutting of various types (cutting in a straight line to obtain geometric shapes - squares, rectangles; cutting corners in a straight line to obtain a trapezoid; cutting corners along a rounded line to obtain circles, ovals; cutting along a contour, silhouette cutting; multi-layer cutting); tearing, weaving.

In the applique we used the technique of attaching parts to a base (cardboard, fabric); gluing (the entire plane of the part or part of it) and sewing.

In the pre-school group I plan to complicate and enrich this type manual labor, diversify and complicate:

Decorative patterns; objects and subjects depicted in an applicative manner;

Performance technique (children must learn to transfer techniques learned on one material to another, taking into account the characteristics of the new material);

Material used;

Work by combining materials and a variety of execution techniques, enriching the light range and compositional solutions.

Paper construction.

Paper is a fertile material that can be easily transformed. Children enjoy working with paper because it is easy to process. If you offer a child various varieties paper, he will get the idea that paper can be soft or hard.

Did interesting toys for the New Year tree. Rolling, crumpling and weaving more large pieces paper, made a variety of animals. For development in children auditory attention, sensitivity, the game “What rustles” was played (highly rustling types of paper were crushed - tracing paper, tissue paper, cellophane - and weakly rustling ones, and the children identified the paper by noise.
But paper can not only be crumpled, it can be cut into strips different lengths and width, and perform various compositions. I taught children to twist, twist, intertwine, cross, connect one to another, resulting in all kinds of ovals and angular shapes. irregular shapes. But the children rejoiced at the appearance of these forms and tried to repeat it many times. Repeating, we came to new discoveries, and joy knew no bounds. The children made rings, snowflakes, hearts, and snakes. I tried to help only indirectly so that the child could come to a happy place on his own. original ideas in making crafts. By folding the paper into a wider strip, we created a cylinder. We decorated it with strips of paper. And now we have horses, donkeys, bunnies galloping, and children happily playing with their crafts. The value of these works lies in their originality and functionality of use, since children use them in their games and when decorating the room.

We also began to get acquainted with the “modular origami” technique with the children of the preparatory group. This fascinating technique is the creation of three-dimensional figures fromtriangular origami modules- invented in China. The whole figure is assembled from many identical parts (modules). Each module is folded according to the rules of classic origami from one sheet of paper, and then the modules are connected by inserting them into each other. The children were very interested in this activity and they use this technique in their free activities.

Working with natural materials.

Meetings with nature expand children’s understanding of the world around them, teach them to look carefully at various phenomena, maintain the integrity of perception when creating crafts from natural materials.

Children often bring acorns, cones, and branches from their walks; from the excursion to the pond - beautiful pebbles and shells. The guys are looking collected material, touch, feel, examine it. This helps to remember the shape, colors, and properties of each type of material.
Making crafts requires dexterous actions from the child; in the process of systematic work, the hand gains confidence, accuracy, and the fingers become flexible. All this is important for preparing the hand for writing and for educational activities at school. Manual labor contributes to the development of sensorimotor skills - consistency in the work of the eye and hand, improvement of coordination of movements, accuracy in performing actions.

Working with waste material.

Children engage in this type of activity with great interest. Working with waste material not only helps children acquire skills in working with various materials, not only develops their creativity, but most importantly, it teaches them to save native nature, fosters frugality, develops children's imagination.

When working with waste material, children are not afraid of ruining expensive material; they can experiment, try different techniques and techniques for processing the material. Often ideas are born during the process of work; the material itself suggests a solution and ways to complete the task.

2.4 Evaluation of work results, work prospects.

Paying great attention manual labor in my work, I came to the conclusion that manual labor contributes to the development of sensorimotor skills - consistency in the work of the eyes and hands, improvement of coordination of movements, flexibility, accuracy in performing actions. In the process of making crafts, a system of special skills and abilities is gradually formed.

Thus, we see that manual labor has a beneficial effect on the development of children’s creative abilities. The child feels pleasure and pride from the result of his work. Obtaining a result becomes a criterion for a child by which he can judge himself and his capabilities. If the result is successful, the child is confirmed in his capabilities, begins to believe in himself, and confidently takes on new, more challenging tasks. difficult work. Therefore, in my work, I try to select various tasks that are feasible in terms of volume and complexity of completion, so that the child does not lose interest in the activity, so that he does not become disappointed in his capabilities. I try to maintain his confidence in his abilities, approving and encouraging perseverance, patience, and the desire to complete the work.

In my future work, I plan to continue to devote Special attention manual labor classes.

Long-term planning of work with children in the preparatory group



Program tasks



Procurement of waste and natural materials

Continue to introduce children to the variety of natural, waste materials and their use in making crafts

Shells, pebbles, leaves, cones, sticks, wire, candy wrappers, cardboard, jars, boxes, foam rubber, seeds, twigs, dried flowers, seeds

Composition of leaves, flowers, seeds, seeds

Enrich children's knowledge about the variety of natural materials and their use in crafts; continue to teach how to make crafts from this material; contribute collective activity, ability to plan your work; finish what you started

Cones, leaves, sticks, glue, twigs, flowers, seeds


"Introducing the Properties of Paper"

Help children determine the properties of paper using a variety of techniques.

Different types of paper (tissue, glossy, drawing) and different colors; basin with water.


Get acquainted with new technology – « Modular origami" The whole figure is assembled from many identical parts (modules). Each module is folded according to the rules of classic origami from one sheet of paper, and then the modules are connected by inserting them into each other.

Narrow stripes colored office paper, scissors, glue, pencil, napkin.


Bird feeders.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of plastic (cuts, melts, does not sink, sticks together); ability to transform waste material into the intended one by cutting out holes and fastening them together; enjoy the results of your work, cultivate care for birds

Three plastic bottles, wire, rope, tape, scissors, marker

"Red Book of Nature"

Teach children how to applique trees different breeds, conveying characteristic features (color, shape, structure); continue teaching children how to make animals using the origami method; cultivate love and careful attitude to nature.

"Red Book", illustrations of trees and animals, origami operation cards, colored paper, folder with red files.


"Introduction to wood and metal"

Using the comparison technique, introduce children to wood and metal and the qualities of these materials.

Metal plates or medical spatulas and wooden plates (untreated wood, bricks of different colors), flannel napkins.

Rug made of twigs

Remember the methods of weaving from paper and threads; introduce you to weaving a rug from twigs and twine; develop fine motor skills hands; ability to work in a team and see the results of one’s work

Twine, birch twigs, scissors



Continue teaching children to make crafts from different materials; enrich children's knowledge about the variety of natural materials and their use in crafts; develop initiative and creativity

Box, plastic fish, twigs, pebbles, beads, glue

Napkin holder rings as a gift for mom.

To strengthen in children the ability to make crafts from waste materials, reinforcing their properties; use previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in work; develop creativity and imagination

Wire, fabric, ribbons, beads, glue

Introductory lesson

Crafts and paintings made from natural materials (floristry) at the request of children

Introduce children to the meaning of the word floristry - creating crafts and paintings from natural materials; develop creativity and imagination; promote collective activities and verbal communication of children

Leaves, flowers, branches, cones, bark, birch bark, sticks, glue

Independent work

Portrait of Autumn

Strengthen children's knowledge about floristry; develop imagination, desire for creativity

Leaves, seeds, flowers, glue


Boxes with a secret

Introduce children to new techniques for working with paper - decoupage, show methods of production - pasting three-dimensional forms and decorating them as desired; develop creativity, fine motor skills, artistic taste

Paper, glue, scissors, fabric, thread, cardboard, boxes

Miraculous transformations of paper

Introduce children to the new, forgotten crafts of quilling, paper filigree, paper rolling; promote new creative possibilities for children in working with paper strips and cardboard

Cardboard, paper, glue, scissors


"Introduction to the properties of fabric"

Help children with a variety of different actions determine the characteristics of the fabric. Enrich and clarify children's vocabulary.

Scraps of different fabrics (wool, chintz, silk)

"Magic Shreds"

Fabric mosaic

Teach children to work with fabric, teach them to choose the subject of their work, choose the right color scheme and a fabric suitable for the structure. Develop imagination and creativity.

Scraps of different fabrics, glue, scissors, plot pictures.




Teddy Bear

(2 lessons)

Continue teaching children to work with cardboard and thread; teach children to wrap a ring with threads, make knots, cuts and complete the craft small details; develop fine motor skills, friendly relationships

Cardboard, thread, colored paper, scissors, glue

Paper theater

Teach children to do fairy tale characters using the Origami technique. Use crafts in theatrical games.

Colored paper, white, scissors, felt-tip pens


Making toys from yarn and threads

To develop children's creativity, imagination and skills in working with yarn, threads and other related materials, needle and scissors.

Yarn, twine, thick wire, pieces of fur, white cardboard, needles, threads, scissors, glue, buttons, jewelry, paints.


Heart as a gift

Learn to create your plan using a stencil, add to the main thing what is missing to realize your plan; teach to think creatively, develop artistic taste

Wire, fabric, thread, braid, scissors

Flower as a gift

Provide children with the opportunity to use waste material in such a way as to create something that is intended and recognizable, using a familiar method of construction—composing a whole from parts; continue to develop creativity and fine motor skills

Foam plastic, wire, feathers


Planes, hawks, helicopters.

(gift to dad)

Develop fine motor skills, logical and creative thinking, attention and perseverance. Cultivate the desire to give joy to a loved one.

A set of colored and white paper, pencils, scissors, markers, glue, foil of different colors, napkins.

Winter portrait.

Application made of cotton wool and cotton pads.

Continue teaching children to use cotton wool and cotton pads(create an image of winter). Pin titles winter months and winter signs.

Colored cardboard, cotton wool, cotton pads, glue, New Year's "rain", felt-tip pens.


Vase as a gift for mom

Continue teaching children to use plastic bottles for their crafts; introduce a new method of making three-dimensional crafts; desire to complete the job and be happy with the result

Plastic bottles, plaster bandage, water, scissors, varnish

Flower made of shells and ribbons

Strengthen the ability to work with a variety of materials; do a craft, enjoy the results of your work, please others; develop the ability to finish what you start

Cardboard, satin ribbons, shells, glue

Crafts from obsolete jewelry.

By design.

Teach children how to make crafts from jewelry and beads; take an excursion into the history of costume jewelry.

Beads, needle, nylon thread, jewelry items, beads, threads, glue, tape, colored paper, scissors, wire.


Panel "Chrysanthemums"

Introduce children to a new way of making flowers in origami style; continue to learn how to work in a team.

Operational cards, Whatman paper with an image flower vase; two squares of paper yellow color, squares of white or lilac paper, 16-20 pieces for each child, glue, scissors.


Complex lesson “What we know and can do”

(cognitive development, artistic work, musical)

Consolidate knowledge about spring months, form positive attitude to work with the help of proverbs about work, continue to teach children to make crafts from waste material.

A basket of candy wrappers, pictures of primroses, corks, stacks, glue, scissors, napkins, colored self-adhesive paper, candy cases.


Continue to teach children to make crafts from various natural materials, using familiar construction methods and techniques: dividing into parts, connecting, fastening, adding; promote the development of the ability to plan upcoming work; develop initiative, creativity, imagination and fine motor skills

Sticks, bark, walnut shells, fabric, glue

Miraculous transformation of gloves

Continue to teach children to see the unusual in ordinary objects; the ability to complement the plan with small details, to choose beautiful color combinations; promote collective activities, speech and play communication of children; develop artistic taste, design, imagination

Gloves, threads, ribbons, buttons, fur, beads, glue, scissors

Portrait of spring

Mosaic made from colored pencil shavings.

Teach children a new type of mosaic - from pencil shavings. Learn how to get long shavings using a pencil sharpener and create spring landscape. Develop fine motor skills, patience and creative imagination.

Colored pencils, sharpener, glue, landscape drawn in advance.


Exhibition for children and parents


Manual labor can be individual and collective. Collective work brings children great joy its coherence and clear organization. The guys show a desire to help each other and an interest in the results of a common cause. It is advisable to use various types of collective work of children to develop their skills in planning their activities taking into account a common goal and distributing operations. Collective work has a great influence on the formation of friendly, friendly relations, mutual assistance, camaraderie.
Individual work promotes the development of imagination and fantasy, helps the child express his vision of the world, color perception, and realize his fantasies in a craft or toy. Imagination develops not only during the manufacturing process, but also in the process of coming up with a name for a painting or craft.
Thus, manual artistic work not only develops fine motor skills, motor coordination, attention and thinking, but also contributes to the development of creative abilities and imagination in preschool children.

Natalia Osadchenko
Manual labor in preschool educational institutions

“The origins of children's creativity and talent are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought. The more confidence and ingenuity in the movements of a child’s hand, the more subtle the interaction with the tool. labor, the more complex the movement required for this interaction, the deeper the interaction of the hand with nature, with society labor into the spiritual life of a child. Others words: The more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.” (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

(Slide 1)

At older preschool age, children become available manual labor.

This kind labor is one of the child's favorite activities. Children show great interest in acquiring new knowledge and skills, as a rule, perform well and, most importantly, are less tired.

What is it manual labor? This is a specific activity aimed at making a real object that can be used in games, entertainment, and everyday life.

Feature manual labor is that as a result of the efforts made, children immediately receive ready-made craft. The child has the opportunity to see the result, compare it with a sample, and evaluate the quality of the craft. Manual labor promotes the development of coordination in the work of eyes and hands, improvement of coordination of movements, flexibility, and accuracy in performing actions. As V. A. Sukhomlinsky noted, “the origins of children’s creative abilities and their talents are at their fingertips. The more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.”

You can develop children's creativity in different ways, including working with with improvised materials, which includes various types of creating images of objects from fabric, natural and waste materials. In the process of working with these materials, children learn the properties, possibilities of their transformation and their use in various compositions. In the process of creating crafts, children consolidate their knowledge of the standards of shape and color, and form clear and fairly complete ideas about the objects and phenomena of life around them. This knowledge and ideas are strong because, as N.D. wrote. Bartram: “A thing made by the child himself is connected to him by a living nerve, and everything that is transmitted to his psyche along this path will be immeasurably more alive, more intense, deeper and stronger than what follows someone else’s, factory-made and often very mediocre invention, which is most visual teaching aids.”

Children learn to compare different materials with each other, find commonalities and differences, create crafts of the same objects from paper, fabric, leaves, boxes, bottles, buttons, etc. Creating crafts gives children great pleasure when they are successful and great disappointment , if the image did not work out. At the same time, the child develops a desire to achieve a positive result. It is necessary to note the fact that children carefully handle toys made with their own hands, do not break them, and do not allow others to spoil the craft.

All these techniques are determined by the requirements of the Kindergarten Education and Training Program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A Vasilyeva, and in accordance with them, goals, objectives, directions of work and principles of constructing the pedagogical process, methods and techniques of teaching, stages of work were set.

(Slide 2)


Develop cognitive, constructive, creative and artistic abilities in the process of creating images using various materials and techniques.

(Slide 3)


Teaching children various techniques for transforming paper, fabric, natural and waste materials.

Development of imagination, the ability to see the unusual in ordinary objects, development of artistic and creative abilities and creativity of children.

Children making attributes for role-playing and didactic games, dramatization games, using children's crafts to decorate the interior of a preschool institution.

Making crafts with parents.

Upbringing hard work, accuracy, desire to complete the work started.

(Slide 4)

Areas of work.

Development of creative abilities

Artistic and aesthetic development

Cognitive development

The activity of children in transforming various materials is in itself interesting to them, and at the same time, it contributes to the formation of combinatorial skills and creativity. And the use of fiction and surprise moments in the classroom makes it even more exciting and helps to overcome emerging problems. difficulties. The widespread use of gaming techniques has a positive effect on children’s emotions, which in turn influence the development of creativity in preschoolers.

(Slide 5)

Principles of constructing the pedagogical process.

From simple to complex.

Systematic work.

The principle of thematic cycles.

Individual approach.

(Slide 6)

Methods and techniques of teaching.

Visual (teacher demonstration, example, help).

Verbal (explanation, description, encouragement, persuasion, use of tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings).

Practical (independent and joint crafts).

(Slide 7)

Stages of work.

Stage 1 - familiarization with the properties of materials.

Stage 2 - training in manufacturing techniques.

Stage 3 - making crafts.

(Slide 8)

Doing different things manual labor, children reveal their creative possibilities. Correction in progress cognitive sphere child, namely sensory standards of color, shape, size, spatial orientation; analytical-synthetic ability develops, the ability to compare and generalize, visual-motor coordination and fine motor skills of the hands develop. This type of activity is a powerful art and psychotherapy, when a child passionate about creativity forgets about the factors that irritate him and completely devotes himself to an interesting activity.

Children's crafts are used for games and decoration group room, as gifts to relatives and friends. Children are happy that others like their crafts; they develop an interest in manual labor, study skills are formed activities: the ability to purposefully carry out practical activities, act in accordance with certain rules, and achieve results. Patience and perseverance shown by the child in the process labor, contribute to the development of arbitrariness, without which the beginning of schooling is complicated by many difficulties and mental overload. The experience of successful activities gives the child self-confidence, the desire for new achievements, for positive results in a new social role student.

Publications on the topic:

"primrose flowers" as a gift for mom. Material: white A4 paper with a design for a postcard, colored paper (green, red, yellow), scissors,.

Apple made of plasticine (Hand Labor) Topic: Apple from plasticine Purpose: To teach children to sculpt an apple from plasticine Objectives: Continue to teach how to work with plasticine; learn to connect.

Slide 1. Hello, Dear colleagues! My name is Olga Vasilievna Vanshina. I work as a teacher in a structural unit of the State Budgetary Educational Institution.

The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for school education. Manual labor in kindergarten contributes.

An effective means of development creative potential preschoolers, according to scientists, are productive species activities, in particular.


2. Characteristics and importance of manual and artistic labor for the development of the personality of preschool children3

3.Methodology of organization and management of manual and artistic labor in different age groups6



Labor is a purposeful human activity aimed at modifying and adapting natural objects to satisfy one’s needs.

K.D. attached great importance to labor education. Ushinsky - “Education should not only develop the mind, equip it with knowledge, but also ignite in a person a thirst for serious work...”

Great importance labor was given to A.S. Makarenko, N.K. Krupskaya, V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Throughout development preschool education Much attention was paid to the problem of labor education of preschool children:

It was considered important and obligatory to introduce self-service work, work in the garden and in the garden, manual labor with various materials.

The leading tasks were identified - to learn to work with joy; teach you to work efficiently.

Since 1964, systematic in-depth studies of the problem of labor education began: V.G. Nechaeva, G.N. Godina, D.V. Sergeeva, R.S. Bure, A.D. Shatova and others.

Their research answered the question about the content, means, methods and forms of labor organization and its role in educating the personality of a child of childhood.

The absence of a labor component in the educational process can lead to a delay in personal development.

Characteristics and importance of manual and artistic labor for the development of the personality of preschool children

Manual labor of children is self-production crafts using simple tools. This work, as a rule, has a practical, to a certain extent useful orientation. Children's awareness of the expediency of their labor activity has a significant impact on its quality, on the attitude of each child to the process and result of work. The individual nature of manual labor (meaning that even with collective work, each of the children performs some part of it with my own hands), provided that all children are consistently introduced to it, makes it possible to record and correct some shortcomings. Labor becomes effective means education and personal development only when it is naturally included in the daily life of the kindergarten, is aimed at satisfying children's interests, is feasible for the child,

Carrying out collective tasks develops in children the ability to negotiate with each other, subordinate their interests and desires to a common goal, fosters a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, responsibility, and develops initiative and ingenuity. In the process of performing collective tasks of a visual nature, children learn to independently plan the upcoming work, coordinate their actions with the general plan, think through the sequence of its implementation, select and use the necessary visual material. At the same time in teamwork open brightly individual characteristics children, their creative abilities are formed.

Artistic work is the work of a child with various materials in order to create useful and artistically and aesthetically significant objects and products to decorate his life, games, work and leisure. This child labour is a decorative, arts and crafts activity, since the child, when creating beautiful objects takes into account aesthetic qualities materials based on his existing ideas, knowledge and practical experience acquired in the process of work. Properly organized manual and artistic work gives children knowledge about the quality and capabilities of materials, stimulates the desire to master the characteristics of craftsmanship, and introduces them to decorative and applied arts.

The formation of a child’s personality is impossible without labor education. In the senior and preparatory groups, the main role is played by manual labor with elements of creativity. The manifestation of creativity of preschoolers is determined by the nature of the implementation of the mental tasks offered to them. It is important that children can release their creative energy. In terms of practical significance, the basic skills acquired in handicraft classes are needed by every person. Many are brought up in these types of labor important qualities: habit of effort, ability to overcome obstacles, responsibility, ability to plan work and anticipate stages in the sequence of its implementation.

In particular, beadwork is a type of needlework that can be used to solve the following problems:

· instill interest in the culture of your homeland, in the origins folk art, to cultivate an aesthetic attitude to reality, hard work, accuracy, perseverance, patience, the ability to finish a job, mutual assistance in completing work, an economical attitude to the materials used, and instill the foundations of a work culture.

· develop motor skills, creative thinking, attention, imagination, creativity, to form aesthetic and artistic taste.

In the process of classes, children develop attention, observation, imagination, fantasy, and creativity. In every task, in every lesson, children are given the opportunity to imagine and are encouraged to bring own images. Practical work beadwork develops the eye and fine motor skills of the hands, which is the most important element general labor training.

In the process of engaging in artistic work, children of senior preschool age develop all mental processes, creative abilities and a positive emotional perception of the world around them develop. The great importance of artistic manual labor classes in comprehensive development personality, and especially in moral and aesthetic education was given by N.K. Krupskaya: “Classes in artistic manual labor should be gymnastics for the eyes and touch, establish the coordination of visual impressions and motor reactions, and provide a concrete acquaintance with the world of things.”

Training in artistic and manual labor classes is impossible without the formation of such mental operations, as analysis, comparison, generalization. In the process of observation, when examining objects and their parts, the size and location of parts in an object, the color image of objects of different shapes, their comparison and establishment of differences. At the same time, children learn to compare objects and phenomena and identify what is common and different in them, and combine objects by similarity.

In art classes, children’s speech develops: mastering the names of shapes, colors and their shades, spatial designations that help enrich the vocabulary.

A child who can do a lot feels confident among his peers. It is also desirable in their games. In their little affairs. All this provides the child with a comfortable position among children and adults, and contributes to the manifestation and formation of such an important personal quality as independence. The child becomes more sensitive to the beauty in the surrounding life, in hand-made objects and people. The child begins to appreciate the results of the labor of not only his own, but also those of others.

Methodology for organizing and managing manual and artistic labor in different age groups

Junior groups. It is necessary to arouse interest in “researching” the material and working with it, to help gain confidence in own strength, enjoy the results of your work. It is necessary to encourage children to master spatial relationships between objects and certain physical laws, and to understand the properties of materials. To develop in children basic practical skills in working with materials and tools.

Middle group. There is already training in paper construction: bending rectangular sheet paper in half, aligning the sides and corners, glue to the main shape of the part. You can teach how to make crafts from natural materials: bark, branches, leaves, cones, chestnuts, etc. The teacher teaches how to use glue and plasticine to secure parts; use coils, boxes of various sizes in crafts, plastic bottles etc.

Senior group. The ability to work with paper is being improved: bending a sheet of paper in four different directions; work on finished pattern. Children learn how to create three-dimensional figures from paper: divide square sheet into several equal parts, smooth the folds, cut along the folds. Training continues in creating toys, souvenirs from natural materials (cones, branches, berries) and other materials (spools, colored wire, empty boxes), firmly connecting the parts. The ability to independently make toys for role-playing games; souvenirs for parents and kindergarten staff; Christmas tree decorations. It is good to involve children in the production of manuals for classes and independent activities, repairing books, and printed board games.

School preparatory group. Here you can already divide the work of a teacher into several types:

Working with paper and cardboard - continue learning how to fold paper rectangular shape, square, round shape in different directions; use paper of different textures, make markings using a template; create fun toys; creating objects from strips of colored paper, selecting colors and their shades when making toys, souvenirs, costume parts and decorations for the holidays; developing the ability to use a sample; creation of diverse voluminous toys using origami technique.

Working with fabric - teaching how to thread a needle, tie a knot, sew on a button, a hanger, sew simple items with a needle-forward seam; teach how to make applique using pieces of fabric of various textures, apply an outline using chalk and cut out in accordance with the intended plot.

Working with natural materials - creating figures of people, animals, birds from acorns, pine cones, seeds, etc., conveying the expressiveness of the image, creating general compositions.

Conditions for independent creative activity preschool children:

· a subject-development environment rich in iso-materials and a variety of materials for children’s artistic creativity;

· free access to materials and the opportunity to experiment with them;

· availability of samples of products and crafts;

· use of artistic products created by children to decorate a preschool institution, prepare attributes for performances, organize exhibitions, and participate in competitions;

· creation of a museum of children's crafts, albums, books;

· direct involvement of parents in the process of creative activity with children.

For successful training For preschoolers, manual and artistic work requires certain preliminary work:

· creation of exhibitions

· creation of collections (candy wrappers, buttons, shells, stones, etc.)

· creation of albums (samples and diagrams of crafts, types of fabrics, herbarium, etc.)

· experimentation

· viewing filmstrips

· reading literature

· looking at paintings

· excursions

· collages

Materials and tools necessary for manual and artistic labor in preschool educational institutions:

natural material (spruce, pine, cedar cones, needles coniferous trees, bark, leaves, seeds of fruits and berries, eggshell, pebbles, cereals, vegetable and flower seeds)

waste material (boxes and jars different sizes, discs, lids, tubes, candy wrappers, etc.)

paper (plain, corrugated paper, napkins, newspapers, cardboard, foil)

· fabric, wire, cotton wool, cellophane, beads, foam rubber, buttons, etc.

· scissors, glue, plasticine, brushes, sewing needles.


Manual and artistic labor - by its purpose, is labor aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person.

Children delight other people with the results of their work by creating gifts for them.

Artistic work in a preschool institution is presented in two directions: children make crafts and learn to decorate the group room for the holidays with their products, design exhibitions, etc.

Certain elements of manual and artistic labor can be introduced already in younger groups.

In this case, the participation of an adult is mandatory. More precisely, children help an adult in creating crafts. And although the activity of children of this age is minimal, involvement in such interesting work is very useful.

The child sees how, in the hands of the teacher, a simple stick suddenly turns into a doll, and a ball into the head of a funny clown. This “magic” fascinates children, delights them and motivates them to their own activities.


1. Bondarenko T. Introducing preschoolers to work. Methodical manual: - Method; 2014, 208 pp.

2. Bure R. Preschooler and work. Theory and methodology of labor education. A manual for teachers of preschool institutions: - Mosaic-Synthesis; 2011

3. Dmitriev Yu.A. Preparing students for labor education of preschool children // Teacher of the XXI century. No. 1, 2013, p. 104-109

4. Karpyuk G.A., Shabalin E.S. Educators on the organization of interaction with parents in the labor education of preschoolers // Preschooler. methodology and practice of education and training. No. 4, 2012, p. 54-56

5.Kutsakova L.V. Construction and manual labor in kindergarten. Program and guidelines. For children 2-7 years old: - Sphere, 2011.

6. Saygusheva L. I. Technologies for introducing preschool children to work: Phoenix, 2013, 221 p.

7. Saygusheva L.I. Education of labor activity in children of senior preschool age: LAP LAMBERT, 2012, 219 p.

8. Semenova N. A. Organizational capabilities research activities in the process of labor education of preschoolers // Kindergarten: theory and practice. No. 8, 2011, p. 70-75

9. Khlybova G.V. Labor education preschoolers (from work experience). Collection of proceedings of the conference “Education: traditions and innovations”. 2014, p. 450-452

manual labor children sensorimotor

1. Application “Chamomile” (preparatory group)

Program content:

1. Continue learning to create object images using various materials (paper, cardboard, thread);

2. Strengthen the ability to make markup using a template;

3. Develop a sense of composition, aesthetic feelings;

4. Develop the ability to express your impressions in speech, express judgments, evaluate your work and the work of a friend;

5. Cultivate respect, love and gratitude for people who defend the Motherland from enemies, war veterans, and take care of them;

6. Promote safe handling of scissors.

Material: thread braids, crocheted; color cardboard; color paper; glue; scissors; templates; simple pencils.

Methodological techniques: teacher’s instructions for making crafts (work algorithm); explanation showing the action; verbal repetition; clarifications; search questions; incentives; inclusion of motivation; examination of the sample; independent work children.

Progress of the lesson:


Today in class we will make gifts for WWII veterans.

In the last lesson we knitted braids of different lengths. Today we use them to make gifts.

Look, there is a sample of my work hanging on my board. Let's look at it.

What flower is shown? (chamomile)

What materials is it made of? (cardboard, paper, thread)

What color are chamomile petals and what are they made of? (white. made of paper and thread) What color is the core and what is it made of? (yellow made of paper and thread)

You have templates on your table that you will need to trace and cut out.

So, first you need to trace the templates and cut out one core and 10 petals (showing the action on one petal). Then distribute the petals evenly on the paper. Then glue it. The next stage of work will be gluing braids of thread onto the applique, that is, we will decorate our applique. Look in the middle, the pigtail is attached in the form of a snake, and on the petals there is an outline made with a pigtail.

Now repeat the steps.

Finger gymnastics:

We can't sit still -

Stretch your lower back.

We twist the body left - right,

So we will have a great rest.

There is a deep pond in the park,

Crucian carp live in the pond.

So that we can catch up with the flock,

You need to wag your tail.

Well we had a rest

And we returned to classes.

You can start working.

Independent work of children.

Children's evaluation of their work.

2. Making crafts from natural materials (preparatory group)

Program content:

1) Teach children to select a variety of natural materials for making the intended craft.

2) Develop imagination and good feelings.

3) Strengthen teamwork skills.

4) Cultivate a sense of compassion, a desire to help, and love for the living world.

Enrichment of vocabulary: zoo, veterinarian, tests, aviary, country, England, Globe.

Vocabulary activation: name of natural material: cones, pine needles, etc.

Material: pine and fir cones, pine needles, maple seeds, hazelnuts, chestnuts, walnut shells, acorns, branches, leaves, shells, bird feathers, various seeds of large fruit crops, stands for brushes, backing boards, napkins, sockets (for glue, writing , enclosures, diagrams.

Additional materials: plasticine, thread, PVA glue, wire.

Tools: awl, needle (for the teacher, stacks, scissors, brushes, pencil.

Previous work:

1) Conducting classes on making toys and crafts from natural materials: hedgehogs, swans, turtles, penguins, ducks, geese, etc.

2) Collection of natural material.

3) Examination of illustrations of crafts and toys.

4) Consideration of natural material.

5) Reading the article “Zoo” from the encyclopedia “What is it? Who it? "

6) A conversation about what can be made from this natural and waste material.

Progress of the lesson:

Kids are playing. The teacher approaches the children with an envelope and addresses them: “Guys, today a letter from England arrived in our group. Here it is” (shows the children an addressed envelope). “Do you want to know what they write to us from England? "(children agree for the teacher to read the letter). He opens the envelope and reads the letter: “Hello, dear guys! A friend of doctor John Dolittle writes to you. I want to ask you for help for my friend. But first I want to tell you one story that happened to John. John works at the zoo veterinarian. A veterinarian is a doctor who treats animals. John loves animals and birds very much. By directly communicating with animals and birds, he learned to understand their complex language and habits. John has many questions. When an animal arrives at the zoo: what cage or enclosure to put it in, what to feed it, how to take tests from it to determine its health status. Animals walked throughout the zoo, and the talking parrot loved to sit on his head. All day long there was noise and hubbub in the zoos. It must be said that not all zoo workers liked this. One day John had to leave the zoo to get medicine for the animals. When he returned, he discovered that in the cages and enclosures, instead of animals and birds, there were cones, acorns, and twigs. John was very upset that someone had enchanted his favorite animals into acorns, pine cones and twigs. Guys, that’s why I’m turning to you with a big request: do you agree to disenchant the animals and return them to the zoo to my friend? "

The children answer in the affirmative.

Educator: “Children, look at the enclosures. Who is missing from them? "

Children's answer: “Animals and birds.”

Educator: “Guys, let’s remember what animals live in the zoo? And so that you remember faster, I will tell you riddles about the inhabitants of the zoo. Are you ready to guess? "

Children's answer: “Yes! "

Educator: “Then listen to the riddles.”

“Not a tailor, but he’s been walking around with needles all his life? »

Children's answer: “Hedgehog”

Educator: “That's right. What can you make a hedgehog from? "

Children’s answer: “From pine cones, pine needles, plasticine.”

2) “Guess who it is, walking around in a bone coat? "

Children's answer: “Turtle.”

Educator: “Well done. What are we going to make a turtle out of? "

Children's answer: “From shells, walnuts, plasticine, twigs.”

Teacher: “Okay, listen to another riddle.”

3) “I walk around in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest. I’m gnawing nuts in a hollow on an old oak tree.”

Children's answer: “Squirrel.”

Educator: “That's right. Guys, what can we make a squirrel from? What material should we use? "

Children’s answer: “From pine cones, plasticine, feathers, twigs, grains from cherries or apples.”

Educator: “Well done! And who is this? Listen and guess!”

4) “Club feet, sleeps in a den during the winter, guess, answer, who is it?”

Children's answer: "Bear."

Teacher: “Okay! You guessed all the riddles correctly. What natural material will you make the bear from? "

Children’s answer: “Made of cones, plasticine, hazelnuts.”

Educator: “That’s right, guys! But there are so many inhabitants of the zoo that even a day would not be enough for us to name them all. And now it’s time to disenchant the zoo’s inhabitants so that they return to John. But don’t forget that the zoo can contain any animals from warm, hot, cold and northern countries.”

Then the teacher invites the children to prepare material for manual labor; if they find it difficult to prepare the material, then the teacher advises to refer to the diagram, which schematically depicts required material for work.

Children prepare material.

Before starting work, the teacher reminds children of the rules, compliance with which increases the safety and quality of work. Children remember that they must not be distracted, they must handle scissors carefully, crafts must be done carefully, slowly, and natural and waste materials must be used sparingly.

Educator: “Guys, as soon as you finish casting a spell on the animal you have chosen for yourself, you can quietly stand up and go to the enclosures and place your craft in them. In the meantime, while other children finish working on crafts, you can clean up your workspace and help a friend.”

Physical education minute.

The music of Ariel Ramirez is “Alouette (The Lark)” or “La peregrinacin (The Pilgrimage)” adapted by the Paul Mauriat orchestra.

Children begin making crafts. The teacher gets involved in the work with the children and voices what craft he will do.

Children who find it difficult to choose a craft need to select the necessary material and offer to make a craft that is easier and more accessible for this child.

Once the crafts are completed, you can invite all the children to come to the enclosures.

Educator: “Guys, look what wonderful animals they turned out to be. All the animals that you disenchanted are very happy that they will return to their beloved doctor John, and he will take care of them again.”

“Children, listen, while everyone was working, a wizard appeared who bewitched the inhabitants of the zoo, and he felt ashamed of his action. He decided to disenchant several animals. Look (the teacher shows the animals made in advance).”

“Guys, the wizard decided never to bewitch anyone again. He realized that all animals on the globe need love and care.”

Then the teacher and the children analyze each craft. The children note what they liked most. The teacher emphasizes the most expressive author's solutions.

In conclusion, the animals thank the children.

Children need to be given good base in acquiring the basics of technical skills and abilities. An adult needs to express approval for every success of the creator himself, constantly encourage children, making any mistake easily correctable. The lesson should be held in a trusting environment and a calm atmosphere, so that not only talented children express themselves, but also children with average abilities are drawn to them. The work was carried out with enthusiasm, ease and responsibility.

Artistic labor is, as you guessed, a type of manual labor. Manual labor is a human activity, in our case children, aimed at making a specific item that can later be used in games, everyday life, entertainment, as well as as a holiday gift for loved ones, etc.

Artistic work for preschool children

The article “Manual labor in the development of a child” talks about the goals and objectives, some types of this labor, and its importance in the development of preschool children. Before we start talking about what artistic work is for preschool children in the home and family, I want to introduce you to the types this work, which is used by teachers of preschool institutions and organizations in working with older preschoolers. Using Features modern design for children, many kindergarten teachers rely on the possibilities of children's artistic creativity in the productive activities of preschoolers. The content of artistic work of preschoolers includes:

  • Working with fabric and threads. What does this include? Decorative appliqués from fabric, weaving, making various panels, clothes for dolls, items for table setting, souvenirs, etc.

  • Working with natural materials. Making small and large sculptures from natural materials, including dry leaves, straws, weaving products from twigs (pots, cups, baskets, etc.), bouquets of dried flowers, twigs. IN preschool institutions Such crafts are often used to decorate corners for children’s independent activities, as well as attributes for holidays.
  • Working with paper and cardboard, using appliqué with various types of materials in one panel (paper, fabric, natural and improvised materials). Such work is used in the design of models of doll rooms, the production of souvenirs, structures and panels for festive events. Read the article “Working with scrap materials.”
  • Working with clay. Creation decorative ornaments from clay, various panels, small sculptures, doll dishes.
  • Work with artificial materials, various types of knitting, weaving from colored cellophane wire, twine, yarn. Decorating children's clothing, household items, sewing fur souvenirs, etc.

Experience working in preschool institutions convinces us that artistic manual labor has entered the lives of children. For example, in kindergartens, teachers form and support interest in folk art, traditions of the people living in this region. This is clearly manifested in the celebration of Maslenitsa and Holy Easter. Children see bright, beautiful costumes at holidays, and after the holiday they reproduce their impressions on paper, and also make crafts from clay and other materials. In addition, many educators take part in holidays and folk art exhibitions, which are held through the Houses of Culture and Creativity. Holidays are held under different names type: “Russian Birch Festival”, “Ivan Kupala”, “Easter Chime”, Kolyada, Honey and apple Spas, meeting and seeing off winter, almost all of them are accompanied by exhibitions of children's creativity. For such holidays as March 8, May 9, and birthdays, children make souvenirs and postcards. In addition, folk craftsmen are invited to visit children in older groups of kindergartens. For example, a meeting with the woodcarving master S.G., after which the children wanted to give decorated wooden products to their mothers. S.G. I specially prepared several salt shakers, flower vases, cutting boards, and wooden spoons, which the children painted and covered clear varnish.
Teacher E.P. taught the kids to sew simple toys from fur and fabric. The input included socks and stockings made from materials of varying quality. And teacher M.I. taught older preschoolers simple cross stitch, N.I. – twig weaving, U.V. – gives the concept of yard painting. So the craft lives and develops, passing from generation to generation. In addition, children are introduced to Gorodets, Dymkovo, Khokhloma painting, and Gzhel.

Objectives of artistic work

The tasks of artistic work of preschoolers include:

  1. Learn to implement artistic purposes When creating a plan, be able to plan the final result.
  2. Master technical skills in working with various materials and tools. (fabric, paper, thread, needle, wire, natural and improvised materials, etc.).
  3. Understand colors and their shades. The ability to see beauty.

So, we can say that artistic manual labor is the work of a child with various materials in order to create objects and decorations, souvenirs, aesthetically designed and used in games, everyday life, as interior decoration.

Seed and artistic labor

At home, this type of work is also applicable. For example, invite your child to do beautiful napkin for the doll on the table, for her to weave a rug for the floor, sculpt and decorate the dishes, etc.
For gifts to loved ones, buy wooden blanks (cutting boards, small dishes such as salt shakers, rosettes, rolling pins, etc.), let your children paint them, coat them with colorless varnish and give them to their loved ones. Napkins for gifts made from various types of fabrics, wicker flowerpots, vases for crackers and sweets, and baskets of various sizes are interesting.

Artistic work in the family is organized at any time free time, He gives great opportunities for communication between parents and children. This activity is connected with the traditions and crafts of the people living on the territory of Russia and your region. Involvement in this work develops aesthetic, moral and patriotic feelings in preschoolers. The importance of children's artistic work cannot be overestimated, since it not only forms and improves the skills of work, but also expands its content, introduces children to art, stimulates the desire to work, deepens preschoolers' knowledge about the possibilities of various materials, and helps to consolidate positive emotions.
