Hyperexcitability syndrome in children treatment. Causes and treatment of increased nervous excitability

9 Feb 2014

Syndrome of neuro-reflex excitability

Syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability (hereinafter SNRS) refers to neurological disorders. It is diagnosed in children from birth to a year. The diagnosis can be made by a neurologist on the basis of an examination and some studies. Mostly SNRS is diagnosed in children under 3 months of age.

Often such a syndrome is not detected in time, since a consultation with a neurologist is not mandatory after the birth of a child. In this article, we will look at the main signs of SRDD, and show you how not to miss timely treatment.

First of all, every mother should understand that a healthy child needs little - food, sleep, comfort. A week after being discharged from the hospital, the newborn is already on a regimen, and you will see how much he sleeps, how often he eats, how much time he is awake. If the child is full, dry, and does not want to sleep, he should not scream. The cry of a newborn is not a whim, but a signal of discomfort.

Children with SRDD sleep little and are difficult to feed and comfort. They react painfully to any touch, often startle .. These are the first signs that you should pay attention to.

It is necessary to observe the physical activity of the child. If at least one of the following clinical symptoms is detected, the baby should be shown to a specialist. Specially for the site site

The syndrome is caused by a lesion nervous system child perinatally. This can be facilitated various factors, such as:

  • hypoxic disturbances during the period prenatal development;
  • complications during childbirth (placental abruption, bleeding, asphyxia, etc.);
  • C-section;
  • mother's drug addiction;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • maternal diseases during pregnancy (infections, diabetes).

Clinical symptoms of NRDC:

  • sweeping movements of the limbs;
  • decreased sucking reflex;
  • trembling of the chin;
  • bad sleep;
  • tilting the head back;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • frequent crying;
  • increased tendon reflexes;
  • motor restlessness;
  • a long look at one point.

What is the diagnosis based on?

During a visual examination by a specialist, the child tenses up, a high-pitched cry appears. Anxiety is manifested, convulsions are often noted. In response to stimuli (sounds, light, loud voices, touch, changes in body position), increases physical activity muscles.

Manifested muscle tone, spasms. Intracranial pressure may be increased. The specialist will check the compliance of the child's behavior with his physical development.

Sometimes the child is so excited that it is impossible to calm him down. In this case, the presence of other lesions of the nervous system is likely (syndrome movement disorders, syndrome of delayed psychomotor development, vegetative-visceral dysfunction, hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome, etc.)

With insufficient quantity visual signs, an additional study is prescribed - neurosonography. This is an ultrasound scan of the child's brain that does not carry radiation exposure to the body. This method diagnostics has no contraindications.

Treatment for SNRIs

Appointed by a neurologist. Does not require hospitalization, includes conservative methods.

  1. Massage. It is one of the most effective treatments. Acupressure, general, relaxing massage can be prescribed. The main action is aimed at reducing muscle tone and general excitability.

For children it is better not to use aroma oils for massage, as they can cause allergies. It is better to do with baby cream or special baby oil, allowed from birth. Massage should be carried out only by a specialist, preferably within the walls of the clinic.

  1. Drugs to improve cerebral circulation. Newborns are usually prescribed drugs in the form of a suspension. Some drugs are available in the form of dragees or tablets - in this case, they need to be crushed and mixed with breast milk or water. The dosage is calculated according to the weight of the child.
  2. Mode setting. Any expert will confirm that the daily routine is the basis of the normal development of the child. For children with disorders of the central nervous system, compliance with the regimen is necessary for therapeutic purposes. Infants cannot control their rest due to the imperfection of the nervous system. Sleep should be on the clock, walks are required fresh air.
  3. Swimming, gymnastics. laborious, but effective method. Its essence lies in the daily supply of the right impulses to the brain. Fulfilling physical exercise, the brain "gets used" to process more information, and against the background of drugs it starts to work faster. Thus, damaged tissues recover faster.

The benefits of water are invaluable: it relaxes tense muscles, and weakened ones - tones. Spasms are removed, metabolism is stimulated, blood circulation improves. Water relieves stress, has a hardening effect, which is especially useful for newborns.

It is better to swim with a child in the pool, according to a specific program for the smallest. A specially trained trainer will help you perform exercises in the water, which can then be repeated at home. The temperature difference method is effective: gymnastics in water different temperatures gives positive results 2 times faster.

It is impossible for a child to perform gymnastics on his own. You will need the help of a massage therapist or a pediatric specialist.

  1. Aromatherapy. May be administered with caution natural oils, neutralizing excessive excitability. It can be lavender, geranium, marjoram, mint. For very young children, dilute, non-concentrated oils are used.

It is necessary to dose the oil carefully, 1-2 drops. To do this, it is better to purchase an aroma lamp and place it in the room where the child is. Add essential oils in water for bathing a baby is strictly prohibited - they can cause burns!

  1. Herbal baths. It could be herbal collection or a particular plant. Chamomile, succession, mint, lemon balm, hawthorn, pine are widely used. Children's skin is highly permeable due to the abundance of nerve endings, therefore healing properties plants penetrate it instantly. The water temperature for newborns should be 36-37 degrees. The course is 10-15 procedures.
  2. Prescribing diuretics. Justified at high blood pressure The child has. Additionally, drugs with potassium are prescribed.

Any method of treatment must be taken as a course. Therapy usually includes a combination medications With functional methods. Following all the recommendations usually gives visible result. By the age of one year, symptoms of NRDC usually do not appear anymore.

There is a myth that this neurological syndrome goes away on its own, regardless of treatment. This is not true. SNRS is a disorder of the nervous system, and ignoring treatment can lead to a number of complications in the future.

The main complications of NRTIs include:

  • development of vegetative-vascular dystonia at an older age;
  • frequent headaches;
  • attention disorder (deficit) syndrome;
  • hyperactivity.

These ailments have a profound effect on mental health child and may cause problems in kindergarten and school. An untreated syndrome leaves a trace in the cells of the central nervous system, and its development is inhibited. Due to the increase in load, the nervous system will no longer cope, and will periodically begin to block information.

Doctors are sounding the alarm - the number of patients diagnosed with "Increased Nervous Excitability Syndrome" is increasing exponentially and very soon may become a serious problem on a global scale. Any person, regardless of age and gender, is susceptible to this disorder of the nervous system, although adolescents and male children suffer from nervous excitability more often than others. What causes the disorder and can it be dealt with? In this article, we will answer all your questions.

Symptoms of the disease

Individuals with this disorder are easily identified by outward signs: according to the asymmetry of the muscles of the face, impaired movement eyeballs, poor orientation in space and time, as well as awkwardness and lack of concentration. In addition, the patient complains of constant headaches, and experienced doctor may notice a slight delay intellectual development. However, the main symptom of nervous excitability is insomnia. At the same time, one can speak of insomnia only when a person does not fall asleep for 3-4 hours, constantly turns from side to side, in an attempt to find comfortable position. In addition, with insomnia, a person can wake up in the middle of the night and not close his eyes until morning.

Causes of the disease

This disorder occurs in adults and children. In adults, this disease develops against the background of constant stress, frantic pace of life, lack of good rest and especially sleep deprivation. As a rule, in 80% of cases, residents of megacities suffer from this disorder. Children are mostly susceptible to this disease, since their nervous system is not yet sufficiently stable and cannot cope with huge amount received information. The disease is aggravated by exorbitant loads in educational institutions, restless situation within the family and, of course, spending many hours in front of the TV and at the computer. Particularly negative impact on the psyche computer games. In addition to emotional and mental factors, suspicious character traits can provoke increased nervous excitability. Moreover, in most cases, the doctor finds both of these causes in the patient.

Treatment of the disease

To combat this disorder modern medicine manufactures many drugs. The most popular medicines, such as or extract, are plant-based. In addition, an experienced specialist, depending on gender, age, as well as the cause that caused nervous breakdown may recommend one of the following medications:

  • sedatives in capsules and drops Barboval or;
  • cardiological drug Tricardin;
  • metabolic agent;
  • homeopathic preparations Calm and Cardio;
  • nootropic drug;
  • anticlimacteric agent Klimadinon;
  • vitamin preparation with metabolic action Magnefar B6.

You can fight the syndrome of increased nervous excitability and folk methods. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of flowers and leaves of calendula. To prepare the product, you need to take 2 tbsp. dry flowers of calendula and oregano, as well as 1 tbsp. tansy. After mixing the herbs, they need to be poured with boiling water and insisted for an hour. You need to take the remedy for ½ cup 2 r / day for three weeks.

Disease prevention

Increased nervous excitability is not a diagnosis that requires serious medical treatment. This is only a minor disorder requiring correction, including through the normalization of life. To do this, you need to adjust the sleep pattern, which means going to bed in certain time and sleep at least 8 hours a day. In addition, you should avoid worries and stress, reduce the time spent at the computer and regularly take walks in nature. Peace and tranquility to you!

Syndrome of excitation of the central nervous system in children is diagnosed approximately 2-3 months after birth. Its occurrence is due to the effect on the child negative factors predominantly during fetal development. This pathology can manifest itself with various symptoms - sleep disturbance, lack of appetite, tearfulness, etc. Treatment should be carried out immediately after diagnosis, as its absence can lead to the development of serious complications.

Brief information about the pathology

Almost every second baby has CNS disorders (ICD code G00-G99) to one degree or another. Most often, they are easily corrected and do not require a long recovery, since the first months of life, the functionality of nerve cells in children can be normalized, the main thing is to choose the right treatment.

With the development of the syndrome of neuro-reflex excitability (SNRI), the baby has hyperactivity. He shudders in his sleep, which contributes to his awakening, becomes irritable and often cries. At the same time, there is a decrease in congenital sucking reflexes, tremor, and sometimes cramps of the limbs.

This condition causes psychological discomfort in the child. He does not get enough sleep and experiences a constant feeling of hunger, which manifests itself similar symptoms. Such a baby is very difficult to feed and soothe, he almost constantly cries and requires increased attention.

Many parents try to solve the problem on their own, using various herbal baths, which often provoke allergic reactions in a child, resorting to long walks in the fresh air, massages before going to bed, etc. And some even use sedatives, which is absolutely impossible to do, because their use can be addictive, which will subsequently lead to even greater disorders of the central nervous system.

Syndrome treatment hyperexcitability the doctor should deal with after identifying the exact cause of its occurrence. Only properly selected therapy can prevent the occurrence of serious consequences in the future.

Causes of NRTC

As already mentioned at the very beginning, the main provocateurs of the syndrome are negative factors that affect the child during fetal development. These include:

  • Maternal drug use.
  • Abuse alcoholic drinks and smoking.
  • Infections transmitted by a woman during pregnancy.
  • Stress.
  • Lack of complete nutrition.

Also among the fundamental factors in the development of the syndrome of excitation of the nervous system are:

  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Hypoxia.
  • genetic predisposition.
  • C-section.
  • Injuries received during childbirth.

The influence of these negative factors leads to disruption of the connection between the cortex and parts of the brain, which leads to disorders of the central nervous system and further development SNRT. However, it is not always possible to detect abnormalities immediately after birth. The child can behave calmly for several weeks and is no different from other children. But later, the first symptoms appear, which must definitely alert the parents and force them to seek help from a specialist.

How does the syndrome manifest itself?

Normally, a newborn sleeps most of the time. He is awake a little, and if the child is fed and is in a clean diaper, then he is practically not naughty. A baby with SRDD behaves completely differently. He has a decrease in the sucking reflex, after eating he often burps, weight gain is slow.

In the presence of the syndrome, even his cry differs from a healthy baby. When crying, sounds in high tones are recorded, it seems that he is not screaming, but squealing. All this is accompanied by tilting the head back, tremor of the chin and limbs.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, there is another feature development of an NRT that can be self-defined. Normally, if a newborn spreads his arms to the sides, then he unwinds his fists. With the syndrome, the baby does this spontaneously, being in absolutely any position. During the examination, one can also note a decrease in muscle tone and the absence of a plantar reflex (if the child is put on its legs, the fingers, instead of shrinking, open like a fan).

Babies with PNDS are restless. They often wake up and startle at touch or a sharp sound. Periodically, they can lie with open eyes without reacting to what is happening around.

The appearance of at least one symptom of SNDS should be a warning to parents serious reason to see a neurologist. The excitability of the CNS is necessary in without fail treat. Such behavior should not be associated with temperament or age characteristics child. Since if the disease really exists, the lack of timely therapy can adversely affect the speech, behavior and thinking of the baby in the future.

What is the danger of the syndrome?

PNRV syndrome is characterized by the development of pathological processes in the brain. And if they are not eliminated, they can intensify, which will subsequently lead to frequent convulsions and epileptic seizures.

In addition, broken sucking reflexes with SNRS can cause dystrophy and other health problems. Also, children with this diagnosis do not master motor skills well, they start walking and eating on their own late.

At the same time, a child who has been diagnosed with ESRD finds it difficult to adapt to society. He has frequent shifts moods. He can become overly aggressive and dangerous to other children, or, conversely, passive.

Speech delay is another consequence of the lack of proper treatment. And it should be noted that babies with such a diagnosis not only begin to speak late, but also combine words incorrectly, which will make his speech incomprehensible and incoherent. As the NDD syndrome develops, children become hyperactive, forgetful, sloppy, overly emotional, and require increased attention.

The development of the PNRV syndrome negatively affects mental state child, which often causes problems in kindergarten and school. With age, the load on the nervous system increases and it ceases to cope with the tasks assigned to it, blocking incoming information. This, in turn, is a provocateur of other CNS syndromes, manifested by frequent convulsions, severe psychoemotional disorders and leading to the development of cerebral palsy.

Methods for diagnosing SPNS

To identify the syndrome of neuroreflex excitability, modern computer technologies are used. Most detailed information gives CT. This examination allows you to get an accurate assessment of the state of the brain and what is happening in it. pathological processes. If for some reason it becomes impossible to carry out, they resort to MRI and X-ray examination.

If you suspect the development of the syndrome, an examination by a neurologist is mandatory. With the help of special manipulations, he will be able to determine whether the child has deviations in the central nervous system or not. If disorders are present, after complete examination he will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate therapy.

Treatment of NSRD

The NSDP syndrome does not require hospitalization. Therapy includes conservative methods that may well be carried out at home or in a day hospital. These include:

  1. Massotherapy. It has several types - relaxing, point and general. Which of them the baby needs is determined by the neurologist, taking into account all the features of the course of SPNS. This method of treatment reduces the excitability of the nervous system and improves muscle tone. Massage when diagnosing the syndrome is not recommended to be done on your own, since the use of the wrong technique can aggravate the course of the disease. It should be carried out only by a specialist (it can be called at home). At the same time, you should not use various oils that contain dyes, flavors and other preservatives, as they can provoke an allergic reaction in a child. For medical procedure regular baby cream should be used.
  2. Taking medications that increase blood circulation in the brain. As a rule, in the syndrome of NRVD, small patients are prescribed drugs in the form of suspensions. However, there are drugs that are available only in tablets or pills. If they are prescribed, then before giving them to the baby, they must be crushed and pre-mixed with water or breast milk. The dosage of such drugs is calculated on an individual basis, depending on the degree of existing disorders and weight.
  3. Follow the routine. Absolutely every doctor will tell you that following the daily routine is the key to the health of any child. And crumbs with CNS disorders and an identified syndrome especially need it. It is necessary to strictly observe the hours of feeding and control the duration of sleep, walk in the fresh air and carry out water procedures.
  4. Taking medications that have a diuretic effect. They should be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription and only if the syndrome is accompanied by increased intracranial pressure. In combination with such drugs, potassium preparations are taken.
  5. Gymnastic classes. Teaching children in young age physical education is difficult, but you need to try. It allows you to significantly speed up the process of treating the syndrome, since during classes the brain begins to “get used to” receiving more information, and the parallel intake of drugs makes him do it much faster. So damaged nerve cells restored as soon as possible.

The best way to do gymnastics with NPD syndrome is to go to the pool with your child. Water not only relieves muscle tension, but also has a tonic effect. Swimming provides elimination of spasms, improves metabolic processes and blood circulation in the body.

Other Treatments for RNDS

As an additional therapy, apply:

  1. Baths with herbs. Another effective method treatment of the PNRS syndrome. But it should also be used with caution, as the child may also be allergic to the raw materials used. Chamomile, lemon balm, pine, mint and string are considered the safest for babies. They are hypoallergenic and have a calming effect on the central nervous system.
  2. Aromatherapy. An effective method of eliminating the increased excitability of the nervous system, but at the same time dangerous. Oils can cause allergic reactions, so they must be used with caution. You can not use a concentrated product, only diluted.

Essential oils have a relaxing and calming effect. But they should be dosed carefully. The course of treatment begins with 1-2 drops, gradually increasing the amount. At the same time, it is better to pour them into special aroma lamps, which should then be placed in the room where the child sleeps. But you can’t add them to the water when bathing! The baby can get burned!

Disorders of the central nervous system can lead to serious consequences. And if they were detected in your baby, immediately begin treatment. In the event that, with the PNRV syndrome, it is selected correctly and completed to the end, by the year the signs of the syndrome will completely disappear in the crumbs and no developmental delays will be observed.

There is an opinion among the people that the syndrome goes away on its own and does not require any therapy. But it's not. This pathology is characterized by a violation of the central nervous system, and if it is not corrected, the consequences will be different. The child may remain disabled and have great difficulty communicating with peers. But considering that in the first year of life there is high chances normalize the functionality of the central nervous system, the problem can be solved. The main thing is to start fighting it in time.

SNRS - a syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability, is a neurological disorder that is quite common in babies of the first year of life, especially up to 3 months of age. Such children are restless, sleep little, fall asleep poorly and suckle sluggishly at the breast. They often flinch, worry and cry at any touch, they can be difficult to calm down.

Very often, the syndrome is not detected on time, since a consultation with a pediatric neurologist is not included in the list of mandatory. Therefore, parents who notice symptoms of increased excitability in their baby, it is better to show it to a specialist as soon as possible. This will help to avoid deterioration in the future, namely: the development of hyperactivity syndrome and even epileptic syndrome. With the correction of SNRI started in time, the baby's condition returns to normal by the age of one.

Why does it develop, how does the syndrome of increased excitability in infants manifest itself, how is it carried out? Let's talk about it:

Causes of hyperexcitability syndrome in infants

Most often, this condition is diagnosed in babies who have experienced oxygen starvation or hypoxia before birth or during childbirth.

A great influence on the functioning of the brain of the baby, the state of his nervous system is exerted by the state of health of the mother during pregnancy, as well as himself immediately after birth. First of all, these are different infectious diseases.

Also, the risk factors for the development of this syndrome include: experiences, stress of the mother during pregnancy, severe toxicosis, rapid childbirth.

SNRI in infants - symptoms of hyperexcitability in infants

During communication with the baby of parents, as well as during medical examination when they touch him, turn him around, talk to him, he starts screaming loudly. At the same time, the cry is high-pitched, irritated. In addition, he shows motor restlessness, shudders, trembling of the limbs and chin is observed.

In addition, the hyperexcitability syndrome in infants manifests itself in increased tone muscles. When nervously excited, he throws his head back, the movements of the arms and legs become large-scale. The convulsive syndrome is expressed by various paroxysmal phenomena.

It is difficult to calm the baby, he falls asleep badly, sleeps little, sucks badly at the breast. Often, parents notice that he just lies with his eyes open and looks at one point.

Correction methods

The need for corrective measures is determined and developed by a neuropathologist. Before this, the baby is examined in order to exclude other diseases that cause similar symptoms. These pathologies include increased intracranial pressure in a child. This state also often manifested by restlessness, sleep problems and frequent crying.

When the diagnosis of NRTI is confirmed, the doctor will determine the necessary measures for your baby, and the drug will not necessarily be prescribed. Prescribing medication depends on the condition of the child and is always individual.

To traditional methods corrections include:

Massage (general, point or relaxing). This is a very effective method helps to reduce muscle tone, reduces nervous excitability. Well therapeutic massage carried out only by a specialist. For classes, you will need to visit a children's clinic or other medical institution.

Swimming and gymnastics. Exercising in the water is very beneficial for a child, especially those with SRDD. Swimming trains muscles, reduces their tone, relaxes. Gymnastics trains the brain of the baby, directing the right impulses to it. When performing exercises, its damaged tissues recover faster and more actively. Therapeutic gymnastics carried out under the guidance of a specialist in a polyclinic.

In addition, the child should establish a daily routine. In general, this is a simple, but extremely effective method that promotes normal development child. With hyperexcitability syndrome, it is also used for therapeutic purposes. Hours should be determined for sleeping, playing, eating, walking in the fresh air, etc. Develop correct mode the attending physician will help.

Medical hyperexcitability in infants

Sometimes it is necessary to carry out medical correction of increased excitability in infants. Magnesium preparations are prescribed, soothing herbs, for example, motherwort or valerian, vitamin B6. According to the indications, drugs are used that improve cerebral circulation.

When diagnosing increased intracranial pressure, the doctor will prescribe diuretics, preparations containing potassium. Naturally, in age-appropriate dosages.

Usually prescribed for babies dosage forms in the form of suspensions. If the drug is produced only in tablet form, required amount the dragee is crushed, and then mixed with water, breast milk or infant formula.

Folk hyperexcitability in infants

A good calming, relaxing effect is given by healing baths with infusions, decoctions medicinal plants. The baby's skin is permeated with nerve endings and quickly absorbs everything. useful material contained in plants. Such baths are recommended to be taken before a night's sleep.

Bathing water temperature should not exceed 36-37 degrees. So always use a thermometer. The course of treatment is 15 procedures.

For example, here is a good healthy recipe:

Finely chop 50 g of calamus roots and 20 g of willow bark, mix. Combine with 20 g dried juniper berries. Pour everything into a large bowl. Add 3 liters of boiling water. Simmer at a light boil for 15 minutes. Then insulate, wait until cool. Pour the cooled broth through gauze into the prepared bath with water. The duration of bathing a child is 10 minutes.

In addition to this collection, it is useful to take baths with infusion of mint, chamomile, string, decoction pine needles. Well relax and soothe bath with sea ​​salt. The possibility of using therapeutic baths for your baby, be sure to discuss with your doctor.

In conclusion, it should be noted that any corrective technique usually includes a whole range of different measures. If there is such a need - with the inclusion medicines. Subject to all the recommendations of the attending physician, the symptoms of SNRS disappear without a trace by the age of one and the baby is no longer disturbed.

Very good article! Thank you!
When my newborn son and I began to go to the neurologist for routine examinations, the doctor always first of all asked if we had any complaints. Well, we didn’t have any particular complaints, and nevertheless, on some kind of automatism, and also due to inexperience, I began to list what the child does in principle (hoping that the doctor will single out among the flow of information, if he considers it disturbing, some symptom). And so I list: and screams, and burps, and this and that ... Can this be called complaints? Now I think not. But then it might have seemed to the doctor that something was bothering me. What was my surprise when later in the map I read out some “diagnoses” every time. After all, neither additional research The doctor did not prescribe any therapy to us. That's all the diagnostics for you. Ask the symptoms of a frightened young mother (to whom everything seems suspicious), write down in the card "just in case", "no matter what happens." And say, for example, “Mommy, you have a wonderful, healthy child Calm down, no one will say.

Today they wrote a refusal to register in children. polyclinic, got on a paid account in the Children's Medical Center. Speransky. I immediately went to see a neurologist. I undressed Romka for inspection, and then he threw up his arms and, as often happens, shuddered, got scared and began to cry. Diagnosis followed immediately. increased nervous excitability. Like, a consequence of hypoxia. But they never put it on me with B-sti !!! All CTG and ultrasound showed that there was no hypoxia! The neurologist said that hypoxia could have occurred during childbirth. In one Internet article, I found this: Syndrome of hyperexcitability
(syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability) Frequent cries and whims about and without, emotional instability and hypersensitivity to external stimuli, disturbed sleep and appetite, profuse frequent regurgitation, restlessness and shuddering, trembling of the chin and arms (etc.), often combined with poor weight gain and impaired stools - do you recognize such a child?
Basically, it's all about us, except for the bad weight gain! We added 1700 in a month and a week. But isn’t sleep disturbance, regurgitation, startling and stool disturbance a description of any baby??! .. The presence of such manifestations in a child is just a reason to contact a neurologist, but, neither in no case is it a reason for parental panic, and even more so, drug treatment. But we were prescribed physiotherapy for 8-10 sessions (please explain to me, besides that it is useful, is it not harmful for the child?! ..), and she said that later, some injections and medications might be needed . But I don't want to!.. She also said that that's why we gained so much that the child needs constant sucking, not so much from hunger, but to calm down! But I'm inclined to think that this constant sucking is due to the lack of a feeding regimen !!! They honestly observed the principle of GV: feed on demand!... So they fed up, that now I don’t know what to do when I yell... Hungry or nervously excited ???! My head is spinning again, I don’t know what to do. Also, upon arrival from the hospital, the son yells like a cut ... And does not sleep. And I again attribute this to new diagnosis.. Who was given this? What could this mean in the future?

Unfortunately, almost every second baby has pathological changes in the nervous system, which is referred to as hyperexcitability in infants. This syndrome is determined at the first visit to a neurologist. However, not all parents take seriously the unusual condition of the child, deciding that over time everything should go away by itself, refusing to give the child medical preparations prescribed by the doctor.

Hyperexcitability syndrome occurs with somatovegetative disorders and neuro-reflex excitability, so it cannot be treated with indifference. After some time, more serious disorders of the nervous system can develop, which often manifests itself in a delay in mental and speech development child. The baby can grow up nervous, weather-dependent. There is often little dysfunction brain activity, which leads to inattention, hyperreactivity, the development of epilepsy.

Such children should grow up under the strict supervision of a neurologist, and parents should carefully follow all the doctor's instructions. Only then can the risk of complications be reduced.

All the main causes of hyperexcitability in infants depend on the passage of pregnancy by the mother. The nervous system of the child depends largely on it and is formed while the baby is in the womb.

There is a great dependence on the pregnant woman's intake of varied food, the sufficiency of oxygen supply, on the arising stresses and disorders of the nervous system of the expectant mother.

Many children born prematurely do not have time to fully develop neurons, which leads to this pathology. Complicated childbirth also often affects the state of the nervous system of the baby.

The nervous system of infants recovers well with minor pathological changes, but control by specialists is necessary. Sometimes it happens that without medical interventions it is not possible to remove the excitation of the nervous system.

Remember: if not treated, then pathological symptoms may intensify.

Parents need to be very attentive to their baby in order to early dates notice the development of pathology and consult a doctor in time. Then it will be possible to cure the child without consequences. The syndrome is diagnosed by certain symptoms and signs.

These include:

  • frequent restless behavior of the child, manifested by shuddering and waking up from the slightest noise;
  • poor sleep and poor sleep;
  • weak sucking and frequent regurgitation food;
  • tearfulness;
  • weak muscle tension;
  • tremor of the chin and hands.

In addition to the listed signs, there are pathologies of the child's body system associated with disorders in the work of neuro-regulatory processes:

  • the child often sweats;
  • when crying, the nasolabial triangle turns blue;
  • pulse quickens;
  • irregular stools with alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • the skin becomes marbled.

As soon as mothers notice these symptoms, they must definitely react: pay the attention of a pediatrician and visit a pediatric neurologist.

Before starting treatment, the neurologist establishes the causes of the child's hyperexcitability. If the nervous system has been damaged while the fetus was in the womb, soothing baths are prescribed at birth. Decoctions of herbs with a sedative effect, mineral solutions are added to the water. They can prescribe physiotherapy with an apparatus - electrophoresis, physical education and paraffin heating.

To cure this syndrome, parents will need a lot of time and patience: only by 4–6 months will the result be noticeable.

For recovery, the baby is useful:

  • walks in the open air;
  • taking soothing herbal decoctions;
  • prolonged sleep in a calm environment.

It is necessary to protect the child from everything that can make him nervous: family scandals, loud conversations, screams, noises.

Among medications treatment, drugs are prescribed that relieve tremor of the limbs and chin. If the child does not fall asleep well and sleeps, then it is recommended to give sedatives before going to bed.

To relieve hyperexcitability, which takes a lot of energy from children, neurologists recommend hardening procedures that strengthen blood vessels, and autonomic disorders gradually stop.

For any disorders associated with the nervous system, massage is prescribed. It can be done by a specialist, but many mothers can do it themselves, having received a little advice from a massage therapist or pediatrician.

Massage must be performed daily at the same time. It will be useful for the child, as it is a relaxing and restorative procedure that relieves the symptoms of hyperexcitability, and at the same time it is pleasant tactile contact mother and child.

Important to choose right time for the procedure. The first half of the day is most suitable, when the baby is alert. Massage is recommended to do before feeding, about half an hour. If it occurs after a meal and the child does not sleep, then it is necessary to wait 1 hour and only then proceed with the procedure.

The first massage should last 5 minutes and stop as soon as the child's displeasure is noticeable. Over time, the baby will get used to it, then the duration of the massage should be 30 minutes.

Massage is best done on a changing table, in a ventilated room, but the temperature should not fall below 22 ° C, that is, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions mother and child.

In the first months, you only need to lightly stroke the baby, movements can show visiting nurse. Stroking is desirable, starting from the fingertips to the shoulder, from the foot to the groin. Then stroke the tummy: the direction of the hand should only go clockwise. The chest is stroked, directing the hands from below to the neck: from the center to the armpits.

The baby is laid out for 2 minutes on the stomach, stroking the back. Then the reflexes of the newborn are checked. To do this, they put their hands to the feet, and the child begins to crawl, as it were. They put the baby on the side, alternating the right with the left, and run a finger along the spine: the child should arch his back. Then you need to press near each finger on the foot, they should bend at the same time.

It must be taken into account that there are certain areas in a child that cannot be touched so as not to injure them. These include: nipples, groin, genitals, navel, joints. It is not recommended to massage infants with injuries skin and irritations, if it is unpleasant in given time to kid. In this case, it must be transferred to another time.

If the hyperexcitability syndrome has a serious form, then the child will always have to be under the supervision of many specialists: a neurologist, psychologist, speech therapist, chiropractor and massage therapist. Regardless of the causes of the pathology, it is recommended that the child be given light sedatives and vitamins.

This article talks about hyperexcitability syndrome in infants, also provides its clinical manifestations and methods of treatment.

It will be useful to read this information to parents who have experienced increased nervous excitability in their child, they will be able to find out what factors could provoke the development of the syndrome, and, most importantly, how to get rid of this condition. Also, the article will be informative for women in position who are just waiting for the birth of their baby.

The syndrome of hyperexcitability in infants (otherwise called the syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability) is a complex of pathological symptoms that occurs in children who have light form perinatal damage to the nervous system. This pathological phenomenon is detected in 42-44% of all infants, when the baby's arms and legs are shaking.

Neurologists from different countries somewhat different attitude towards this phenomenon. For example, specialists from Russia tend to consider hyperactivity only as a pathology, while their colleagues abroad believe that hyperactivity is just border state, which does not always require special treatment.

But, despite this, according to the available observational data, in the case of an unfavorable course of this pathology, in the absence of correct and timely therapy, more serious neurological pathologies may develop in the future.

Hyperexcitability in babies can develop due to a number of reasons. For the most part, birth injuries, as well as severe pregnancy, lead to it.

A strong influence on the activity of the brain of a newborn and the state of his nervous system is exerted by various infectious diseases suffered by a woman during pregnancy or by the baby himself in the first month of his life. Unfavorable factors that provoke the development of hyperactivity in infants also include rapid childbirth, constant severe stress in a pregnant woman, frequent unrest and severe toxicosis.

Typical manifestations of the syndrome begin to appear at the very beginning of the life of the baby. To the main clinical symptoms include strong neuropsychic excitability, somatovegetative disorders, and exhaustion.

In children who suffer from hyperexcitability, the following symptoms can be noted:

  • Increased and spontaneous motor activity;
  • Sleep disturbances (wakefulness is significantly lengthened, the child has difficulty falling asleep, his sleep is intermittent, he often shudders in his sleep).

Despite receiving proper care and nutrition, children tend to behave restlessly, they often cry for no apparent reason. When a baby screams, some autonomic reactions may appear in him, namely:

  • The skin turns red or acquires a marble shade;
  • There are acrocyanosis, tachycardia, tachypnea, excessive sweating.

Such children tend to take the breast poorly, interrupt feeding during the feeding process, they have a pronounced tendency to strong regurgitation, as well as disorders from the side. gastrointestinal tract(constipation alternating with diarrhea). Poor weight gain.

There are also such typical signs, indicating hyperexcitability in newborns:

  • The presence of variable muscle tone;
  • There is a tremor of the hands and chin;
  • There is a revival of congenital unconditioned reflexes(spontaneous Moro reflex);
  • Foot clonus and horizontal nystagmus are characteristic.

In children with a similar pathology, one can observe rapid motor, emotional and sensory reactions to various external stimuli, which fade away as quickly as they appear. Thus, increased mental exhaustion is manifested.

At premature babies the disease is a reflection of the threshold of convulsive readiness, in these children convulsions begin very easily (due to hyperthermia, exposure to strong stimuli, and the like).

With a favorable course of pathology, the severity of its symptoms in most cases decreases in the period from 4 to 6 months, and disappears completely by the year.

In the case of an unfavorable course over time, one can note the presence of a slight lag in speech and psychomotor development, severe activity, encopresis, enuresis, nervous tics, stuttering, anxiety disorders, parasomnia, and epilepsy. The second option requires special treatment.

Increased excitability is not a sentence. Parents of such a child need to show special patience and attention to their child.

In no case should pathology be allowed to take its course! Treatment should begin as soon as an accurate diagnosis has been made. You should consult a neurologist or osteopath.

It is impossible to get rid of hyperexcitability with the help of medications alone. Medications only help to eliminate some of the consequences of the syndrome, namely: increased nervousness, anxiety and fear (usually using glycic acid and vitamins).

Although there are cases when, with the help of just a couple of sessions of osteopathy (which consists in the use of special manual techniques), increased excitability disappeared forever. During an osteopathic session, the specialist carefully and painlessly restores the normal blood supply to the brain, due to which it resumes full functionality.

Also an important role in the process of getting rid of this pathological condition played by the parents themselves. They need to learn the basics baby massage and therapeutic exercises.

Do not forget that all these procedures must be performed with positive attitude and faith in the result. negative emotions can only make the situation worse.

In addition to everything described above, phytotherapy and aromatherapy are widely used. You can make relaxing baths for your child every day before going to bed, add a decoction of chamomile or lavender, salts with a calming effect, and other similar substances to the water.

However, you need to be careful and make sure that the child does not have allergic reactions. It is also important to observe the correct daily routine.

Pay attention to the fact that with hyperexcitability, the socialization of children is subsequently disrupted, aggression increases, therefore it is extremely important to identify the problem in time and begin to deal with its competent treatment under the supervision of a specialist. Treatment will require a certain amount of time, but if you follow all the doctor's instructions, you can achieve a complete recovery.
