Geodes and tonsils are incredible creations of nature. stone crystal

Earth’s nature is so beautiful, amazing and multifaceted that you simply never stop asking yourself: “How else can it surprise us?” Famous travelers, whose life path is one big journey, assure that human life is not enough to experience all the beauty of planet Earth! Every corner of the world is rich in something unusual and special that delights us and further stimulates our thirst for life. I want to admire our planet more and more!

Minerals are part of living nature, one of its important and valuable components. Minerals are created in natural conditions, have colossal energy, healing and magical properties. But as accident statistics show, not all natural stones are equally useful. Among thousands of rocks and minerals there are small inclusions - deadly! The combination of certain elements of the periodic table creates extremely toxic compounds, contact with which can even be fatal for humans. It’s paradoxical, but everything poisonous in nature looks as attractive as possible. For example, a fly agaric in forest grass will look extremely impressive! The colorful mollusk shells and colorful lionfish in the Red Sea are stunningly beautiful and at the same time very poisonous. The same goes for stones: an unusually bright and attractive pebble may well turn out to be deadly.

We hasten to reassure you - there are relatively few such minerals in Russia. All of them are found mainly in places inaccessible to the average person - in mines and developments. At world resorts, where Russian and other tourists around the world most often vacation, a thorough inspection of all flora and fauna is carried out for natural objects that are dangerous to life and health. If they occur in vacation spots, hotel staff must warn guests about this.

Our story is about the most dangerous specimens, which truly surprise with their appearance and are known all over the world. This information will be of interest to anyone who is interested in gems and natural stones.

Deadly dangerous rocks very beautiful: each of them has a unique coloring that you can’t help but pay attention to.


Galena - no ordinary stone, the shape of the crystals and colors of which quite fit the definitions modern style"high tech". In nature, such minerals are extremely rare. This is just fantastic geometry and a very stylish color palette! Galena is the main ore from which lead is mined. The structure of galena is based on small shiny silver cubes of a perfectly symmetrical and clearly defined shape. It’s as if it was created in an unearthly biological laboratory! The steel color of the mineral with a bluish tint evokes thoughts of distant stars and the vast expanses of our Universe. Mineralogists and crystallographers know very well how dangerous this “cosmic” pebble is. Many who came into contact with galena without protective equipment were subsequently struck serious illnesses. As a rule, the victims of this very toxic stone were ordinary amateur naturalists who had no idea that there were natural stones that were deadly dangerous to human health. The mineral is so interesting and unusual that it literally attracts attention. I want to look at it and explore it all the time. And the more you explore it, the more interesting it becomes. For example, if you hit it with a hammer, it will crumble into many copies of itself! Strikingly symmetrical cubes split exclusively along their perimeter and nothing else! Almost like a Rubik's cube, but not on hinges. So cute and deadly dangerous toy“hangs” for a long time in the hands of non-professionals, while experienced people stay as far away from a beautiful find as possible. Miners extracting lead ore are well aware of the consequences of contact with galena. Toxic dust that rises in mines during the production process ends up in Airways human and often leads to severe occupational diseases.


It is not for nothing that Torburnite is considered a “hellish” mineral. This natural stone is directly related to the well-known uranium (with all the ensuing consequences). This strange symbiosis of copper, phosphorus, water and uranium looks fascinating - the entire surface of the mineral is dotted with small bright green prisms. It’s simply impossible not to be tempted and grab it in your hands! Even experienced researchers fell into the net of the insidious torbernite, which they later bitterly regretted. These beautiful stones The green color, pleasant to the eye, emit the deadly gas radon, which causes lung cancer. The mineral is so saturated with uranium that uranium deposits are determined by its presence in the rock. An ordinary person is unlikely to ever encounter this deadly pebble. Perhaps through the popular construction and finishing material - granite. When choosing slabs of natural granite for certain purposes, try to avoid material that has rich green inclusions - it is likely that this is a deadly torburnite. The stone is named after the Swedish chemist and mineralogist Thorbern Bergman. The mineral is mined in Germany, the Czech Republic, France, Great Britain, the USA, Poland, South Africa and other countries of the world.


Chalcanthite is a deadly mineral, but damn attractive. You can guarantee almost 100% that if you encounter a stone on your way, you will not be able to pass by! An incredibly bright and seductive mineral instantly attracts attention. The crystals, fused together in the shape of a wonderful flower, have a very rich ultramarine blue hue. The name of the stone “Chalcanthit” is translated from ancient Greek as “flower”.

The alluring blue chalcanthite crystals are magical and attractive. Why is this flower considered deadly? The mineral consists predominantly of copper, with the addition of small amount sulfur and water. The combination of such seemingly natural “ingredients” in certain proportions turns into a toxic substance. The danger lies in the fact that copper, which is safe and even beneficial for the human body in this form, dissolves unacceptably easily in water and is quickly absorbed into any biological body. As a result, “horse” doses of copper that instantly enter the body are a real poison, capable of stopping the functioning of internal organs in a matter of minutes and even leading to death. If such a miracle stone falls into your hands, immediately put it back and wash them thoroughly. But the fact of the matter is that chalcanite is incredibly beautiful! It is impossible to pass by him! If you lightly lick a piece of stone, poisoning of the body is guaranteed. Science knows many cases when novice mineralogists tried this pebble “on the tongue” to determine the presence of salt in its composition. This is the quick and risky way to identify toxic elements in nature. Copper overdose is no joke. However, any overdose poses a certain degree of danger. Attempts at industrial extraction of chalcanite and the development of this rock ended sadly: the environmental situation in the mining areas sharply deteriorated. If this mineral is mined in a reservoir, all living things die in it. Beautiful and dangerous chalcanite is found in the copper deposits of Nizhny Tagil, in the copper mines of the Northern Urals, and Transcaucasia. Professionals are well aware of this insidious mineral, and they try to avoid it.

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Stibnite – amazing mineral. It looks like a bunch of silver arrows or swords sticking out in all directions. This is antimony sulfide, which is found in almost all antimony deposits. In ancient times, magnificent dishes were cast from these large and very shiny metal crystals. However, people quickly realized that silver swords and arrows could truly kill them! Silvery bunch-shaped crystals containing antimony sent many people to the next world. Modern mineralogists, when collecting collections of natural stones, handle samples of stibnite with caution, using special means protection. The mineral is so dangerous that you can’t even touch it with your hands - it will have a negative impact on the human body. The largest volumes of stibnite are mined in Japanese deposits. Silvery “arrows” of poisonous stibnite crystals in Japan reach 30 centimeters in length!


This deadly mineral was discovered relatively recently in the American state of Colorado among igneous rocks. The brilliant and attractive mineral turned out to be very dangerous for human health - it is an alloy of mercury with an equally toxic element called tellurium. In fact, it is mercury squared. It is strictly contraindicated to even pick up such a mineral! The toxic threat to the body is extreme. And in hot weather it is forbidden to even approach the coloradoite! And, as often happens in nature, the stone is very attractive! Metallic shade The mineral is identical to the color of mercury beads, the stone is bright and shining. The structure of the mineral resembles mercury: its entire surface is strewn with small, round and shiny mercury balls. It is curious that the second component of coloradoite, tellurium, contains gold. This fact was learned back in Australia during the gold rush.


Hutchinsonite is an incredibly beautiful and extremely dangerous mineral. “Thermonuclear” mixture – thallium, lead and arsenic. This mineral cocktail can kill a person and any Living being. You definitely want to pick up such a beautiful pebble and admire it to your heart’s content. But this should not be allowed under any circumstances. And European miners are well aware of this. Hutchinsonite is found mainly in the mines of Europe. It is named after the famous British mineralogist John Hutchinson. It is noteworthy that the less common waist element included in the of this mineral, is much more dangerous than the well-known lead. Thalium is an incredibly heavy and very toxic substance. This deadly “double” of lead, even with minor contact, causes hair loss, skin diseases and death.


Asbestos - you've probably already heard this name, since the mineral has long been used in the construction industry, as well as in the automotive industry and rocket science. At the same time, it is a terrible toxic substance, which in a certain state poses a mortal danger to humans. It is noteworthy that it is not toxic, like many other dangerous minerals. What is its danger?

Asbestos is made up of thousands of microscopic thread-like crystals that are easily transported through the air. When asbestos is in a dry powdery state, microcrystals enter the human lungs during breathing. And then truly terrible things happen: hard asbestos microcrystals damage the delicate walls of the lungs, leaving scars on them. This is real mechanical “sabotage” in the human lungs! Such damage causes lung diseases, sometimes with extremely serious consequences. Despite the fact that asbestos is an absolutely natural element. This is silicon dioxide, one of the most common solid minerals on our planet. And of course very attractive to look at.
Asbestos is found all over the world in any set of silica rocks - in Russia, Canada, South Africa, Brazil, Italy, France, etc. Mining of such rocks is carried out exclusively in compliance with the strictest safety rules. It is a well-known fact in the professional medical community that when examining the lungs of many people, some asbestos fibers are found. This occurs due to natural weathering processes in the Earth's atmosphere.


Arsenopyrite is called “fool’s gold” among experts. The mineral is easy to confuse with gold and it is also easy to go to the forefathers simply by holding it in your hands. "Arsenicum" translated from Latin means "arsenic". Arsenopyrite is also called “arsenic pyrite.” The stone is damn attractive and really looks like a gold nugget. It is quite widely found in nature, even in common rocks of quartz and fluorite. How many miners died just because they touched it with their hands and the toxic composition entered the body. When heated, the arsenic mineral is especially dangerous, as it releases toxic and carcinogenic fumes, the inhalation of which can be fatal. You can determine the presence of a deadly gas by the pungent smell of garlic. Always remember that the smell of garlic in inappropriate and unexpected places can threaten your death! You can also identify arsenic stone by hitting it with a hammer - sparks will immediately fall, emitting the pungent smell of garlic.


What could be worse than arsenic? Probably only “arsenic stone”, which exists in nature and is called orpiment. Orpiment crystals also contain sulfur and are often found near hydrothermal vents. The mineral, like all poisonous stones, looks very seductive, you just want to take it and take a closer look. But doing this is strictly prohibited due to the incredibly carcinogenic and neurotoxic arsenic in its composition. The history of China has preserved many sad stories associated with this mineral. The ancient Chinese used “arsenic stone” for the same purposes as cinnabar. The consequences were dire. The mineral was a component of ocher paint and brought many Chinese artists to an early grave. Orpiment was also used for military purposes. The mineral was crushed to a powdery state and created on its basis. special composition, which was used to process arrowheads. Many enemies of the Celestial Empire were defeated with such weapons. But the craftsmen who processed arrows and constantly came into contact with this dangerous mineral very quickly fell ill and died.

Among all the wonders of nature, the world of stones and minerals is distinguished by its fantastic diversity and harmony of color and shape. Perfection contrasts with fragility, and the geometry of the forms can bewitching. Nature is the most talented artist, her works are priceless, they are endowed with ancient energy, strength and divine beauty. The world of stones is represented by thousands of types of shapes and colors. And the structure of a mineral can often only be seen under a microscope, since crystalline formations are so small that they are not visible to the naked eye.

The variety of crystals is as great as the variety human faces. Like us, crystals have not only individual appearance, but also with internal energy. Each stone has its own character and strength. The color of minerals is diverse and changeable, this is primarily due to the inclusion of various elements in the crystal lattice. Each mineral is formed as a result of synthesis, which occurs according to the strict laws of physics and chemistry.

The imagination of nature gives crystals bizarre shapes, be it a bunch of Mesolithic stems, a sandy rose of gypsum, a mysterious labyrinth of bismuth, or a whole universe inside an agate geode. It's no surprise that these treasures become coveted collectibles. In this matter, I was no exception. My set of minerals can hardly be called a collection, but it contains stones dear to me that are with me for a long time, feed me with strength and inspiration.

And today I would like to talk about the main and most common types of crystals: druses, geodes and single crystals.

Druze(translated from German druse means "brush")
- this is a lot of fused crystals. However, not all crystalline intergrowths are considered druses. Drusen are usually understood as fused crystals, randomly located on one base. The size and number of crystals in a drusen may vary. For example, a druse whose crystal size is several millimeters is called brush. A druse with a flat base and crystals directed to the sides from the center is called flower. Such formations line the walls of voids, grow on the walls of cracks and are found in open rock cavities. Aggregates in the form of druses of crystals are characteristic of many minerals - quartz, calcite, fluorite, pyrite, barite, feldspars, garnets, etc.

Druze in a more global sense is a set of crystals coexisting together in harmony and peace. This is the personification of a developed society, where each member is unique and perfect, but they all live on a common basis, solving common problems. Each crystal influences its neighbors both with its own energy and that which it received from its loved ones. By charging each other, druzy crystals emit powerful energy into the surrounding space. Drusen are great for cleaning a room because they absorb, transform and radiate energy.

Geode(from Greek geodes, which means “earthy”, “earth-like”)
- These are geological formations, voids in rocks, the walls of which are usually lined with druses of crystals or spherulitic structures. A geode can have any shape, but more often it is round or ellipsoidal. Their sizes can range from several millimeters to several meters. The largest geodes can reach a size of more than 1 meter and are called caves. Small ones, less than 1 cm in size are called tonsils. Geodes consisting of minerals of the quartz group (amethyst, rock crystal, agate, citrine, chalcedony, etc.) are especially common, but they are also typical for many other minerals deposited in voids. The largest amethyst geode (Empress of Uruguay) weighs 2.5 tons and is more than 3 meters in size.

Due to their round shape, geodes collect energy inward, structure, purify and radiate it outward through crystals. Due to the concave shape and multiple crystals, the energy is amplified, but unlike single crystals and druses, it is emitted more softly. Geodes are considered shamanic stones and are used to obtain visions and enter altered states. A geode is great not only for decorating your home, but also for clearing a space of negative energy. Like druses, geodes can and should be charged with the energy of the sun, moon or candle (fire).

- This is a separate homogeneous crystal having a continuous crystal lattice. The external shape of a single crystal is determined by its lattice and the conditions (mainly speed and uniformity) of crystallization. A slowly grown single crystal almost always acquires a well-defined natural cut. And at a high crystallization rate, instead of a single crystal, homogeneous polycrystals (or crystal grains) are formed, consisting of many small single crystals. Examples of faceted natural single crystals include single crystals of quartz, rock salt, Iceland spar, diamond, topaz, fluorite, etc.

Monocrystals are excellent concentrators, conductors and energy converters. Double-ended single crystals, unlike crystals with one vertex, can simultaneously conduct energy in both directions. In lithotherapy, single crystals are used to restore energy channels, for a clear direction of the energy of the stone to certain organs. Monocrystals are able to remove negative energy and at the same time fill it with new positive energy. They are great for restoring and structuring the personality, unifying consciousness and spirit.

The world's largest amethyst geode, the Empress of Uruguay, is located on the Atherton Plateau, an hour's drive from Cairns, Australia.

Another example is a unique three-headed amethyst geode found in Brazil. You can meet her in one of the Moscow museums.

"Three-headed" amethyst geode in Moscow in the Mineralogical Museum

named after A.E. Fersman.

Height 93 cm, weight 164 kg. Found in Brazil.

Rocks the upper part of the earth's crust (potassium and table salt, gypsum, limestone, etc.) are selectively displaced by groundwater, forming round voids of various sizes. The resulting cavity is filled with minerals, filling the inner walls with zonal layers. These can be crystalline druses, stalactite deposits, etc. Outwardly, such an aggregate may look like an ordinary stone, but only when cut transversely under a geologist’s hammer does it open space picture. A cavity with a colloidal or crystalline formation is called a geode.

A geode (translated from Greek as “earthy”, “earth-like”) can be filled with crystallized minerals, druses of semi-precious stone. A geode can be of any shape, but most often it is spherical or subspherical. There are also more curious specimens: elongated, tubular, branched and even multifaceted. The bark of such a formation has the necessary hardness, keeping the crystals safe.

A “GEODE” is a geological formation, a closed cavity in sedimentary (mainly calcareous) or some volcanic rocks.

In nature, geodes are found completely various sizes– from miniature “tonsils” to huge, human-sized mineral bodies. Large geodes, more than 1 meter high, are usually called caves. The most famous and largest geode in the world, the "Empress of Uruguay", was found in Uruguay - it weighs 2.5 tons and is more than 3.2 meters long. The tens of thousands of perfect, dark purple Amethyst crystals that formed it amaze all who see it. On this moment You can see the geode at Atherton's Crystal Caves Complex, opened by great admirers of minerals Rene and Nelleke Boissevain, and located an hour's drive from Cairns airport (Australia).

Shape and color.

Due to the alternation of layers and their chaotic growth, the appearance of the geode also changes. The contrast of shades of the internal content depends on the impurities present in the layers. You can often see red and brown stripes alternating with white and gray. Some geodes contain pastel shades, primarily blue and pink tones. Small and transparent mineral bodies are valued in jewelry, and most hard stones used in the field decorative finishing interior The largest geodes adorn mineralogical museums and private collections.

Geometrically geometric geodes are rarely found in nature. correct form, which occurs accidentally during the destruction of a crystal on basalt. What remains interesting is not so much the fact of the proportionality of the appearance, but rather its content. Geodes in which the colored layers and central hole repeat the geometry will become valuable specimens of any mineralogist. front side, creating a stunning interweaving of color and shape.

A common type of geode is a concretion - this is the name given to minerals that are shaped like a ball. Concretions are formed, as a rule, in porous sedimentary rocks (sand, clay). The most common geodes include nodules of pyrite, marcasite, celestine, gypsum and calcite. Crystals are valued for their unique radial-radiant structure. Also of particular interest today are ferromanganese nodules that are actively forming on the ocean floor. It is precisely such units that can become one of the sought-after raw material resources in the future.

Magical properties.

Geodes filled with crystalline gem druses are the most valuable to collectors. Such minerals are no longer used as decoration, but as museum exhibits. Geodes with amethysts are especially popular. They're like caves from fairy tales filled with transparent crystals. The largest of their representatives are preserved at the site of discovery in the form of natural attractions. By the way, the name “amethyst” comes from the ancient Greek language and means “non-intoxicating”, that is, according to ancient belief the stone can protect its owner from drunkenness. The ancient Sumerian tables indicate that this stone can cause love for the giver, even if the recipient has not previously experienced any feelings for him. Therefore, married and engaged people should not accept jewelry with amethyst as a gift from strangers.

Some of the most commonly found gem geodes are greenish-yellow citrines, purple amethysts and rauchtopazes ( smoky quartz). Interestingly, it was translucent quartz that in ancient times was considered one of the most powerful dark stones. Sorcerers used it to perform rituals related to black magic, and oracles used it to guess the future. According to legend, smoky quartz can bring insight into our thoughts. It’s not for nothing that Buddhists call this mineral “Buddha’s stone.”

Rose quartz geodes can be considered one of the wonders of the world. Calm beauty and a bizarre shape reminiscent of an egg, a fantastic mixture of color and light - these are not all the features of the mineral. Rose quartz must be stored in dark place, otherwise it will lose its color and become gray. The main mining of geodes is carried out in Madagascar, Brazil, Russia (Altai), and the USA.

Extraction and processing.

On the territory of Russia you can find geodes not only with quartz and amethyst, but also with other fillings: agate, sapphirine chalcedony, hematite. In the Urals, a very common mineral hobby is searching for quartz “embryos” (geodes with rock crystal crystals).

If we talk about other countries, one of the most unique crystals in the world is mined in Brazil. Amethyst geodes, as well as diamonds, bauxite, graphite, nickel, uranium ore - all these finds are of the highest value.

The search for and processing of precious stones is carried out not only on an industrial basis. Geode mining is also carried out by enthusiastic amateurs. Using the tools at hand, working by touch and slowly, they check mines and quarries, surface and deep workings, river drifts and vein outcrops of minerals. The use of lifting and descending shafts is typical for experienced professionals. After all, any mistake in cutting geodes located along the walls can lead to their destruction.

Interestingly, mining geodes takes only 30% of the time, and the rest is processing. The long process of cleaning, sawing and polishing can take weeks. Found minerals are often covered with a dense coating that cannot be removed without the use of an acid system. Sawing also requires a lot of time and knowledge, because without identifying the center of mass and other parameters, you can easily ruin the geode.

To sum up, we can say with confidence that geodes are not just beautiful minerals, decorating private or museum collections. They also have unique properties- magical, astrological. Even in the cosmetics industry, raw crystals are often used (for example, ground quartz powder is used to create face cream). Treated geodes can also be seen in jewelry stores, as a key part of accessories from famous fashion designers. The unique forms of minerals fit perfectly into the interior and become an adornment of furniture and decorative items. The wonderful world of crystals is increasingly opening up to the general public, but still remains mysterious and fascinating.


Ethiopian opal (Geode).

A channel is visible at the bottom.

A geode completely overgrown with quartz inside.

It is composed of spheroidolite - dendritic chalcedony - quartz formations. Green - celadonite.

"Velvet Beauty".

This is the name of an azurite geode mined in Arizona, USA in 1980.

It was exhibited at the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show in 2007 for $25,000.

Azurite (from the Arabic "azul" - blue) is a mineral that is aqueous copper carbonate. Related to quartz.

Azurite often forms intergrowths with malachite. Azur-malachite is highly valued as an ornamental stone.

The luster of azurite can be either vitreous or diamond, and the color varies in different shades of blue and violet.

Azurite and malachite are a type of copper ore, found where there are copper ore deposits. On the surface, azurite quickly becomes malachite, so it is much less common.

Azur - malachite.

The very concept of "geode" is of Greek origin - "geode". This word denotes an object similar in shape to the Earth, that is, spherical. Geodes are round formations in the rock, their crust is hard, and inside there is a void, often filled with crystals of precious stones.

Such objects could vary in size - from 1 cm to 1 m. Small geodes, whose diameter is less than even a centimeter, are called tonsils. Large formations, especially those that can accommodate a person, are called caves. There are few such finds, and each of them bears its own name. These formations do not necessarily have rounded shapes - modern scientists call geodes all the cavities in the rock, inside of which crystals of amethyst and other stones grow.

A geode can form quite quickly. This occurs when crystals grow rapidly inside a closed space, often cavities in the array. The minerals inside such formations do not necessarily become crystals; sometimes they are deposited on the walls of the nodule, building up layer by layer. Such finds look very beautiful in cross-section.

Voids, of course, are not only made of amethyst; they are very different in their composition. Mineral deposits in bubbles and cracks in earth rocks occur due to proximity to hydrothermal vents. And, if in ancient times Pliny described formations with clay inside, then in our time mineralogists value nodules with crystals.

Underground water with minerals dissolved inside, getting inside the air bubble, gradually dries out, due to which the concentration of salts increases, and the crystallization process begins. Most often, crystals from substances that are found in the composition are found inside the voids. mineral waters. Calcium, silicon, barium, sulfur, etc. are most often found by mineralogists inside nodules.

Crystals are found naturally in many areas of our planet, and in last years A scientific technology for growing artificial crystals has been developed. Crystal is having geometric shape a frozen mineral, sugar, or any substance whose molecules or atoms are arranged in repeating patterns, forming a symmetrical pattern appearance form. The stable geometric and mathematical order that crystals repeat with exceptional precision is also the reason for their use in programming devices. Their ability to form and store a specific energy matrix and transmit information from one subtle level or plane to another plane of existence is another key to their use for medicinal purposes.

One-third of the Earth's structure is composed of quartz crystals, and the silicon and water from which they are formed are important components of the physical body. The Earth's magnetic field is crystalline vibrational energy, and so is the magnetic field of the human aura. Purified and frequency-tuned crystals purify and attune a person's energy. They bring it into alignment with the vibrational frequency of the planet and thereby heal it. A cleansed crystal, like a planet, is tuned to vibrate on all levels at a frequency good health and transfer this health to a human being.
The energy of crystals covers and permeates the entire Earth, like a network. At the primary level, these are ley lines - an acupuncture map of the planet. Outside the body of the Earth, reflected in the aura of the mental body of man, it is represented by a universal lattice. It is formed from the crystalline energy emitted by the planets and the galaxy, and enters as an organic part into human energy.

The connection between the ley lines of the Earth and the energy grid of its mental aura is carried out through a number of giant crystals aligned with each other, most of which are located underground or under water. They exist on the planet in physical fitness, but scattered across the globe, concentrating in key places. Many of these places are sacred to the local population, who still practice ancient rites of worship. Like human energy, this network of interconnected emitter crystals is gradually awakening these days.


Some stones and minerals - their healing, magical and astrological characteristics and properties.


Aquamarine is a type of beryl with greenish-blue tones.

According to legend, thanks to its mystical relationship with sea ​​water(and in fact color similarity), aquamarine amulets protected sailors during voyages.

As a talisman, aquamarine develops courage and bravery, and warns the owner by darkening or decreasing transparency about the direction of lies and insincerity against him. As an amulet, it cools the heat of quarrels and passions, stabilizes the emotional and mental sphere. Good for vision. Relieves dental, stomach and liver pain.

Aquamarine helps strengthen the immune system, cleanses the body of toxins, and stabilizes the nervous system. Wearing a stone as a pendant helps cure diseases thyroid gland. Rings with aquamarine cure skin diseases. Earrings relieve headaches, relieve insomnia and causeless fears.

In ancient times, aquamarine was considered one of the most powerful stones of magic, capable of exposing any astral deception. It was also used in the manufacture of amulets that revealed inner vision, cooled passions and calmed storms and hurricanes. This stone helps the owner to understand the mysterious meaning of the most ordinary events, gives the owner emotional understanding the world around him, teaches a person to direct the energy of even the most primitive desires for the benefit of humanity. Aquamarine corrects the thoughts and actions of the owner - it suppresses everything that could violate the laws of morality and virtue. This stone can be called a judge and teacher of a person, it is so wise and fair.

Aquamarine is most useful for people born under the signs of Pisces and Cancer. This stone will bring nothing but misfortune to Sagittarius and is completely contraindicated for Gemini. Other signs should remember that aquamarine does not work for overly active people- he closes himself. It is contraindicated to wear this stone for people prone to lies and fraud - this stone does not tolerate dishonorable acts.
As a talisman, aquamarine should be used by sailors, travelers and people engaged in scientific work. With its help, you can easily quit smoking, abuse alcohol, forget obsessive fears, forgive the offender not in words, but with all your heart.


Amethyst is quartz purple from dark to barely noticeable. Under prolonged exposure to sunlight, dark amethyst turns pale.

In Ancient Rome, amethyst was placed in a glass of wine, as it was believed that it protected a person from uncontrolled drunkenness and even neutralized the effects of poison. Products with amethyst were worn during epidemics because they believed that it prevented infection from entering the owner’s body. Amethyst is used to improve cerebral circulation, treat insomnia, anxiety, and nervous breakdowns. It is believed that amethyst worn on the ring finger of the right hand strengthens the immune system, and wearing it in earrings helps improve vision.

Amethyst is a stone that helps develop a person’s internal abilities, open doors to higher spheres, and comprehend universal wisdom.

For many peoples, amethyst is a symbol of peace, sincerity, sincerity and virtue. The owner of this stone can be confident in the fidelity of the chosen one (or chosen one) and in the sincerity of his feelings.

Amethyst should be worn constantly, only then will it really help the owner. However, one must remember that this gem easily changes its mood and, if the owner wears it during conflict situations at work or quarrels with family, the stone can tune in to negative energy and begin to transmit it to its owner. Therefore, after any conflict situation The product with amethyst needs to be held for 5-7 minutes under running water so that the stone calms down.

Amethyst ball.
Used for meditation, for a dispassionate look at your life, to enhance extrasensory perception. Helps you understand the world and your place in it.

If you drink water in which amethyst is immersed overnight, it will help with colds, cleanses capillaries, heals the liver and kidneys, also strengthens memory, treats skin diseases. If your nervous system is upset, the stone will help you manage your emotions.

Amethyst should be worn when you are tormented by anxiety and emotional unrest. Beads or a ring are best suited for this. Its internal energy helps to find peace of mind and inner harmony, to keep healthy.

Amethyst is especially useful for Libra, Gemini and Aquarius.

As a talisman, amethyst serves as protection against the anger and discontent of high-ranking officials. It is also an amulet against alcoholism.


Turquoise has always been considered a stone of happiness. It can be sky blue and green with blue and grayish tints.

Since ancient times, there has been an opinion that turquoise worn around the neck in the form of a pendant stops bleeding, treats stomach ulcers and liver diseases. A stone set in gold normalizes all processes in the human body and increases its immunity. Darkening of the mineral is a sign that the owner of the stone needs to urgently consult a doctor.

All nations consider turquoise the happiest stone. It reconciles enemies, extinguishes the anger of both the owner and those directed at him from the outside, restores peace in the family, and softens the discontent of the authorities. This is the stone of fighters, leaders, brave, determined and independent people. This stone helps its owner to concentrate, understand the meaning of life, determine what goals he should achieve, keeps a person from vanity and fruitless actions, and protects him from any troubles. The energy of the stone is so strong that it gives its owner the opportunity to gain high authority and stand at the crucible of power. However, it should be remembered that this mineral has a highly moral character, so if a moral violator acquires it, the stone will severely punish him.

Astrologers advise people born under the sign of Sagittarius to wear turquoise of a bluish-whitish color; green turquoise can be worn by Scorpios and Taurus; white turquoise will bring happiness to Aries, Virgo and Pisces. All other signs should wear blue turquoise, with the exception of people born under the sign of Leo, for whom wearing turquoise is not recommended.

Turquoise should be worn as a talisman to attract health, love, luck, and prosperity. Travelers simply need to take this stone with them on the road - it will take the dangers of the path away from them, make travel easy and pleasant.


Hematite, or bloodstone, is a black or dark red shiny mineral, iron oxide. It is often called black pearl.
Since ancient times, there has been an opinion that hematite cleanses the blood and strengthens the blood-purifying organs - the kidneys, liver and spleen. It is recommended to place it over organs where there is poor blood circulation.
It was revered as a magical talisman in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. It is known that Roman legionaries, going on campaigns of conquest, always took with them a product made from this stone (most often a figurine of a household god), because they were sure that the mineral would give them masculinity and courage.

It is believed that hematite protects its owner from any astral attacks, opens a world with new side, helps to decipher the signs sent by the Universe to people.

Astrologers recommend wearing hematite to Cancers and Scorpios. It is strictly contraindicated for Gemini, Virgo and Pisces. The rest of the zodiac signs should wear it only if they are engaged in magical practice.

Hematite can only be set in silver. It brings happiness to men when worn on the index finger of the right hand, and to women when worn on the left.


According to their composition, there are six types of garnet: fiery red pyrope, yellowish or greenish grossular, orange spessartine, transparent chalky, purple or violet-red almandine, emerald green uvarovite, green, brown-red or black andradite.
It is believed that in case of diseases of the pulmonary system (especially bronchitis), a pomegranate should be worn around the neck, set in silver. A pomegranate set in gold and worn on the middle finger of the right hand helps with high fever, throat diseases, and systematic headaches.

Real legends tell about the magical properties of pomegranate. First of all, this stone is credited with the ability to give its owner power over people. In some countries, every girl wears jewelry with garnets, as it is believed that the stone attracts happy love.

But the most important property of pomegranate among all peoples is the ability to cause strong passions from its owner. For energetic, passionate people with enormous emotional output, this stone (especially red) brings happiness, good luck, success, and causes creative enthusiasm. If the owner of a garnet finds himself in difficult circumstances, the stone will help him deal with any troubles calmly and decisively.

Astrologers say that pomegranate is the best assistant for Capricorns, who by nature love to work with full dedication. The stone helps fire signs well: Sagittarius and Leo, with the exception of Aries, since people born under this sign are quick-tempered, but quickly calm down, while the garnet needs a constant intensity of passions. Assertive Taurus and active Aries can only wear red garnet. Water signs (Cancer, Pisces) should not wear garnets. Air people (Libra, Aquarius) need to wear green stones.
Pomegranate is the talisman of sculptors, artists, poets, musicians, fashion designers, directors, actors, that is, all those people whose success depends on complete dedication and passion.


Pearls are credited with the ability to alleviate hypertensive crises, cure diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach and intestines. It also stabilizes activity nervous system. The stone can be used as an indicator to identify neoplasms (various tumors) as it responds to changes acid balance body - becomes dull and loses its shine.

IN Ancient Egypt pearls were considered a stone that brought longevity and beauty to the owner. It is known from history that the famous Queen Cleopatra not only wore pearl necklaces and bracelets, but also daily drank a drink made from pearls dissolved in vinegar, mixed with pomegranate juice (sometimes written with donkey milk). Contemporaries of the famous heartbreaker claimed that it was thanks to this drink that the queen managed to maintain her youth and attractiveness for a long time.

Astrology recommends wearing pearls in order to get rid of everything unclean and obscene: from dishonest behavior, from fear, mistrust, sexual and mental weakness, from mental disorders, from all diseases associated with “liquid bodies”: liver diseases, Bladder, eye.

Pearls are useful for pregnant women; they protect the fetus in the womb. Keeping it in your mouth will strengthen your heart.

As a talisman, pearls help its owner establish close relationships with other people, pacify his pride, and relieve him of vanity. He helps business people do right choice, makes it possible to achieve maximum benefit in any transaction, provides a path to retreat.


Emerald is a transparent variety of beryl with green tones, sometimes with a blue tint.

It is believed that emerald stabilizes blood pressure, relieves headaches and joint pain, treats stomach diseases, inflammation of the bladder, and has antibacterial properties (if you put it in a glass of raw water, you can drink it without boiling). In ancient times, it was believed that the stone helped get rid of night blindness, eyesores, and epilepsy. The owner of an emerald is not at risk of nightmares, insomnia, unreasonable fears and increased fatigue.

The main task of the emerald is to fight the bad inclinations of its owner: deceit, a tendency to scam, infidelity in love. If the owner of the stone does not have bad inclinations, the emerald brings him health and good luck, otherwise it can send disasters to the person.

This gem is capable of dispelling any negative energy, cleanse the human biofield and his home from negativity. Emerald patronizes family hearth: preserves marital ties, maintains peace and harmony in the family, promotes procreation.

People with developed intuition this stone helps to get into contact with the souls of the dead, with creatures from the subtle world, and grants the ability to decipher signals sent to Earth by the forces of the Universe. Emerald - very delicate stone. He does not tolerate aggression and rudeness. If you wear the stone constantly for 2-3 months, a person can correct these negative traits character.

Astrologers claim that the gem helps nervous, sensitive people avoid stress and expose deceptions and intrigues. It is very suitable for Leo, Libra and Aquarius. Emerald is strictly contraindicated for Pisces, Capricorns and Scorpios. Other signs can wear it.

Emerald is a talisman for nursing mothers, sailors and travelers. As an amulet, it protects young boys and girls from vicious inclinations and the tendency to debauchery. The stone gives inspiration and elation to creative people; it attracts success and luck to business people.


Rose quartz is a soft pink variety of opaque quartz.

Rose quartz is for those who cannot feel the joy of life, feel the essence of love and therefore are not able to reach the inner depths of the heart. Rose quartz is a healer of internal wounds. He teaches you to forgive and sets you up for love. Rose quartz opens the soul, and then the truth is known through love. Rose quartz helps relieve stress, muffles outbursts of irritability, and increases a person’s creativity and a sense of self-confidence. Rose quartz, wearable unmarried woman, helps her get married successfully.

As a healer, rose quartz reliably treats not only many organs, but entire affected areas, which is why the diagnosis becomes completely unimportant for treatment. You can use plates, beads, balls, and objects made from it. Rose quartz radiation helps with diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, disorders of cardio-vascular system And inflammatory processes. Rose quartz helps relieve stress, muffles outbursts of irritability, and increases a person's creativity and sense of self-confidence. Rose quartz eradicates diseases of the lymph and lymphatic system, improves the functioning excretory system, normalizes blood, heart, blood vessels and bone marrow.

Rose quartz is a talisman for people involved in art. Poets and writers need to keep a small ball made of this stone on their desk. A small piece of raw crystal as a talisman helps its owner increase the power of his talent, gives self-confidence, and attracts success.


Color: Azure blue, dark blue.

In folk medicine, there is an opinion that lapis lazuli is an excellent remedy for restoring vision. To do this, you need to peer at the stone for several minutes every day. Lapis lazuli beads reduce high blood pressure, calm the nerves, help with insomnia and relieve nightmares.

The mineral cleanses the aura of its owner from the negativity that he has accumulated during his life (old grievances, unseemly actions and thoughts, etc.).

This mineral helps a person in spiritual development; it constantly reminds him that everything in the world has a divine beginning, therefore it is beautiful and worthy of love and respect. The owner of lapis lazuli becomes a merciful person, able to personally feel other people's grievances and pain. If a person follows the hints of the mineral, he can become a real sage.

Astrologers say that lapis lazuli can be worn by all zodiac signs. The only exception is Capricorns, for whom it is strictly contraindicated.

As a talisman, lapis lazuli attracts prosperity, success, luck and happy love to its owner.


Malachite is a hydrous copper carbonate of all shades of green, up to black-green.

The amulet protects children from magic and witchcraft. The talisman promotes the growth of children, reduces pain, drives away illnesses, promotes the attention of others, including causing unhealthy interest, and drives out melancholy. Recommended to be worn around the neck of small children.

Astrology: malachite is the sign of Libra, Taurus. Favorable for Leo. Not suitable for Scorpio, Virgo, Cancer. Good for writers, poets, people of art, those who want to strengthen their charm.

Therapeutic effects: malachite improves vision, concentration; used in the treatment of pancreatitis, bronchitis, cough, diseases of the spleen, stomach (especially colic), as well as mental disorders, insomnia, headaches.

Traditional healers believe that malachite is an excellent remedy for skin diseases. Malachite bracelets cleanse the skin of allergic rashes and red spots. Malachite beads, according to healers, help to significantly improve hair growth.

Malachite should be used as a talisman by those who want to enhance their charm and attractiveness. The stone helps musicians, writers, and artists if it is set in copper. Artists need the gem most of all, but for them malachite needs to be set in white metals: silver, platinum, aluminum.


colorless transparent quartz. Characterized by high transparency, after polishing it becomes good shine. This property has been known since ancient times. In more late times They began to believe that rock crystal contained Cosmic energy.

Rock crystal - Brings vitality (Qi energy) to the owner and the surrounding space. The Qi energy of rock crystal thoroughly cleanses the channels in the human body and gradually renews the entire chakra system.

This is a stone of clarity and correct and logical expression of thought. The stone gives the owner positive energy, reveals and enhances creative data.

With rock crystal balls, the priests lit the “divine fire” for magical rituals.


Lemon yellow, golden variety of quartz. stone of luck and positive attitude. It helps normalize friendships and family ties, and also makes a person eloquent, persuasive and charming.

Citrine is a stone that benefits from the information received. Favors the development of the prophetic gift. Releases psychological reserves.

Citrine can and should be worn by everyone, always! Brings objective joy of being into everyone's life. Helps to get out of creative stagnation or a dead end in life.


Metaphysical properties of Fluorite: Fluorite

Fluorite provides a high degree of protection, especially on the mental level. It helps to recognize when external influences are present within and to cut off psychic manipulation and unwanted mental influences. This stone cleanses and stabilizes the aura. Extremely effective protection against electromagnetic radiation household appliances, blocks geopathogenic stress. In healing practice, fluorite eliminates negative energies and stress of any origin. It cleanses and rebuilds everything in the body that is not in proper order. This is an excellent crystal for eliminating any type of disorder.

Fluorite grounds and integrates spiritual energies into the physical plane. It develops objective detachment and enhances intuitive abilities, making one more aware and accelerating the process of spiritual awakening.

Fluorite is associated with progress on many levels of existence, bringing order to daily life, helps to overcome chaos and rebuild subtle bodies. Fluorite cleanses the owner's aura of layers of fluoritium from the past, which have already lost their meaning for the human soul.

Fluorite helps overcome limiting habits and stereotypes and gently opens the door to the unconscious, bringing repressed feelings to the surface for healing. Helps you go beyond limiting ideas, overcome limited thinking and see the global picture. This stone dispels illusions and reveals the truth, useful when it is necessary to act impartially and objectively.

Fluorite is an excellent assistant in studying and improves concentration. Helps to absorb and process information and develops quick thinking.

Emotionally, fluorite has a calming effect. Helps to understand the effect of the mind and emotions on the body. Teaches you to maintain emotional balance.Fluorite

Fluorite pyramids help open the seventh chakra and conduct cosmic energy into the physical body. Immersion in the field of a fluorite pyramid allows a person to see his past and future.

Healing properties of Fluorite:

Fluorite has a powerful healing effect on the entire body. Effective against viruses and infectious colds. Promotes regeneration of skin and mucous membranes.


Meaning of the name
Aura color

Lioness of God
helps animals and all nature
pale pink
rose quartz

The one whom God helps
relieves sorrows
white with a yellowish tint
creamy yellow calcite

Seer of God
relieves anxiety and brings peace of mind
pale green
green fluorite

God's messenger
treats pregnant women, helps during childbirth, relieves anxiety associated with creative plans
copper red

God's glory
regulates women's cycles
bluish white

God's mercy
helps cope with emotions

God's beauty
eliminates negativity, helps organize chaos
dark pink
pink rubellite or pink tourmaline

Prophet Enoch
heals learning disabilities, childhood traumas
green and pink stripes
green tourmaline with veins

Like God
relieves fear and nervousness, cleanses energy
dark purple

Friend of God
helps improve personal life and relationships with work colleagues
light blue

treats diseases of the body, patronizes healers
emerald green

Secrets of God
releases blocked physical and spiritual energy
rainbow glow
clear quartz

Prophet Elijah
cures aggressive intentions

God is Light
heals grievances, teaches to forgive
pale yellow

God's Justice
improves memory and stimulates brain function
dark blue
lapis lazuli


If you do not cleanse the crystals, their effectiveness will disappear and an imbalance may even occur the next time you use the crystal. Any new crystal first of all needs to be cleaned, to wash off the imprint of those people who mined it, held it in their hands and finally sold it, even if this energy was not negative. Then you can charge the crystal with your strength and energy. At the end of any treatment procedure, it is simply necessary to cleanse the crystals; this operation must be practiced until it becomes automatic.

There are several methods for cleaning a crystal; through trial and error, you need to choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Place the crystals under running water for some time. To prevent the crystals from being damaged, you can use a colander with a soft cloth on the bottom. Then dry them in the fresh air.

2 METHOD Fumigation with incense. Substances such as incense, sandalwood, sage and cedar have been used in cleansing procedures for centuries. Crystals are perfectly cleansed in the smoke of smoking herbs and plants.

METHOD 3 Cleansing with crystals. Wrap the crystal that you used for healing in dark silk along with a large raw amethyst. Allow the crystals to rest and recharge in a locked drawer or cabinet.

4 METHOD. Purification by nature. leave the crystal in sunlight or moonlight for a day or in the rain for 2-3 minutes. A full moon is suitable because on such days the moonrise almost coincides with sunset, therefore, the flow of energy will be continuous. You can put the crystal in a stream for an hour. Some use saline solution for cleaning crystals, but it is not suitable for all crystals, only for hard ones.

5 METHOD Visualization. This method can be used in cases where others are not available. The main thing in it is purity of thoughts. Experiment in this regard and choose the most acceptable option - light, water, fire. Look at the crystal and by taking a deep breath and then exhaling at the crystal, carry out the visual cleansing process. Repeat the procedure several times until, in your opinion, the crystal is completely cleansed.


It is better to store crystals in special trays where each type has its own section. You can sew a bag from soft fabric with ties. And treat them very carefully. Crystals do not like perfumes or deodorants that are sprayed on them, for example, this applies to beads, necklaces, earrings, etc. They also don’t like soap; when you wash your hands, take off the rings. Because of all this, they become dull, pale and can even crack. When wearing crystals, they change in appearance. This may be a consequence of natural processes; opal, for example, becomes more saturated in color when it comes into contact with skin body, and turquoise turns green very actively from the vapors of oils and perfumes. Quartz crystals become cleaner over time, which is often explained by the evaporation of gas-water inclusions due to temperature changes. There are also crystals that even become discolored when exposed to sunlight for a long time. These include, for example, amethyst. Sometimes crystals change in appearance without any change at all. visible reasons. In such cases, it is generally accepted that the cause of changes in color or quantity-texture is the excessive absorption of unbalancing negative energy aspects by these crystals without subsequent balancing of internal structures. Since such changes turn out to be irreversible, such crystals not only cannot be used further for their intended purpose, but are generally better return everything to Mother Nature, that is, simply bury it in the ground forever.

In this article you will learn about seven types of stones that can develop intuition in a person. You can connect these stones to practices with the energy of Intuition...
