What is the difference between Syrian Djungarian hamsters. Which hamster is better Djungarian or Syrian? What you need to know about hamsters

Syrian and Djungarian hamsters are among the most common breeds in Russia. When deciding to get a pet or breed rodents, the future owner often asks himself: which breed is better to choose? Let us consider below how the Dzungarian hamsters differ from the Syrian breed in various parameters. You will also learn how best to name a dzungarian girl and why it is better to call a pet a certain name.

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Choosing a pet by appearance

Distinguish between Dzungarian and Syrian hamsters by appearance quite simply: the former are more compact in size (the length from the head to the tip of the tail is up to 10 centimeters), and the body length of the latter can reach as much as 20 centimeters! The color of these two species is also different: dzhungars have a characteristic gray-brown color with dark stripe in the middle along the back, and the Syrians are often colored in a reddish hue, although there may be other shades of wool. It is worth noting that this fact often affects the choice of name.

The length of the coat in the first and second is different (this factor also often affects the name of the pet). When breeding, Djungarian hamsters make up entire families.

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The perfect hamster for kids

Most often, parents decide to get a hamster for a child who is also involved in the selection of a name. It happens that at the same time there are problems with choosing a boy or girl, a name for him, the number of pets. After that, a problem of the type appears: how to tame a dzhungarik, what name is better to call a Syrian girl, whether it is possible to train and under what conditions to treat an illness. First of all, you should explain to the child that now he will need to take care of a small pet. And to get a hamster, you must at least have time for this.

In general, it does not matter which rodent you choose for your child. In the question of how to choose a hamster, the mind and desire of the baby himself to take care of him will help. But if a child is allergic to a hamster, then it is better to refuse pets or choose their hairless breed.

What you need to know about hamsters


Although rodents are considered hardy creatures, but still it happens that they are overtaken various diseases, including cancerous tumors. There may be food poisoning. Why? The fact is that stocks of provisions often deteriorate and cause a reaction when eaten. Treatment in this case can be done at home. But if your pet does not get better in a day, then it will be necessary to treat it in the presence of a veterinarian.

It happens that the fluffy clogs the paw. Then there may be swelling, bruising or even a fracture. If the baby squeaks, bites, or, conversely, lies lifelessly on his back, do not argue why it happened, but rather consult a doctor urgently in order to start treatment as soon as possible!

Perhaps, for the time being, it will be necessary to abandon the maintenance of a rodent. But it’s too early to despair, as there are cases in which an allergy to a hamster disappeared without a trace with age. If your eyes and skin no longer itchy, then you can try to get a pet again!

Males of the Dzungarian breed and females of the Syrian exude a sexual secret, which gives a more pronounced smell. Why? Surely no one knows. At the same time, it cannot be said that these pets stink, since we can barely catch their aroma. Many Syrian owners state that their rodents are trainable in terms of going to the toilet.

Otherwise, the issues of feeding, treatment and arrangement of the cage are exactly the same for both breeds. Except for one point. For jungars, it is worth choosing a cage in which the distance between the bars is small, and that is, the risk of the pet escaping. Among breeders, it is believed that the Dzungaria are more sociable and easier to train, tame, and even can be settled as a family (but not always). Well, if the pet bites, itches, squeaks and is not given to the owner, then such behavior for the baby can also be the most common. Why is that? It’s just that all hamsters are different, and their content is imprinted from childhood. Treatments for complex nature not yet figured out.

Hamster behavior

Dzungarians and Syrians do not like companies and are nocturnal. In addition, these animals are prone to obesity, which is why the pet's "apartment" must have a wheel, ladder and other devices. If you decide to have offspring, then settle the girl with the boy for a few days, and after 16-24 days, expect the offspring. Dzungarians are also prone to diabetes and the appearance of a tumor with improper care.

You are unlikely to succeed in training a rodent, but it is even necessary to try to tame it. But if you are allergic to a hamster (the body and eyes itch when in contact with wool), then you will have to watch the baby from the side, since direct contact will cause a reaction in your body.

How to choose a nickname for a hamster boy?

If you want to find suitable name for a pet, you can be guided by factors of appearance and behavior, as most do. You can make a bias on a lively character (Alexander means "winner"). If your Djungarian hamster Brown color, then it can be called Alex Brown. Suitable for gray nickname Gray, but white can be called Snezhok or Belchenko. Names for hamsters are often chosen spontaneously, at first glance at the pet.

How to choose a nickname for a hamster girl?

These animals are cute. And so girls are often called affectionate nicknames like Tinky Winky, Mila, Daisy. To find suitable names, breeders turn to different sources. Snezhana, Belka, Brownie, Jessie - a name for a girl may indicate a certain trait, or maybe not. For example, if the baby itches, then it can be called a Scale. So finding the right name will not be difficult for you!

Video "Syrian hamsters"

In this video, you will learn a lot about these fluffies, as well as their care and maintenance features.

When the desire to get a hamster comes, the question arises of choosing between species. These animals are often chosen over all others because they cause less harm. The animal constantly sits in a cage and sleeps almost all day. He cannot harm as much as a cat or a dog. But here comes the choice between various types. The most common choice is the Dzungarian or Syrian hamster. These are the two most popular types of pets. They are both very suitable for children due to their friendly character. In order to choose, you need to resort to details.

Whomever you choose, you need to remember the responsibility. If you have already decided to start pet, then do not forget that he needs care every day, even when you have a vacation or a trip. Whether a Djungarian hamster or a Syrian hamster, they both need a good cage, food, bedding, accessories, and a little bit of your time. You can buy for a rodent, but it will have a number of disadvantages. You have to choose the size of the cage. One pet - one cage. These animals love being alone. Their food is also peculiar, you need to buy a special dry food for them, it will be the main diet. Every day you can give some fruit, read so as not to harm. There must be water. For this, special drinkers are used, which prevent the vessel with water from tipping over, and the animal always has something to drink. The fluid should be changed every day, whether the hamster has drunk it or not. If, perhaps, he does not know how to use this device and he needs to be accustomed to a drinking bowl.
Never wake your pet when he is sleeping, it can cause stress, which negatively affects him and can cause various diseases. Getting out of stress takes long time, a week or more.

Djungarian hamster

Dzhungarik is similar in size to a mouse. He is 2 times smaller than the Syrian. It has a characteristic gray color and a dark stripe on the back. He eats very funny food. The meal rather resembles how a person eats cookies, the animal takes food with its paw and then nibbles. Life expectancy reaches 3 years. The cheek pouches are very large for the size of the body of the animal, but they are inferior to the Syrian ones, since the latter are larger. Like other species, dzungaria are very active. They eat less Syrian because they are smaller in size, but they smell more.

Syrian hamster

It is closer in size to a rat than to a mouse. Reaches 15-18 cm in length and 150-200 grams of weight. Life expectancy is 2-4 years. Although the record is set - 7 years. He needs a big cage and a wheel to run. Like all hamsters, he loves a spacious cage with a large area. The wheel must be mandatory, in principle, as in other types of hamsters, since they need to put where the accumulated energy. A Syrian can easily run 5 kilometers in a night. In nature, they live in burrows 2-3 meters deep.
In general, this is a bosobic creature that can become good friend you and your children.

What is the difference

  1. Dimensions. Dzhungarik is 2 or even 3 times smaller than the Syrian one.
  2. Color. Syrian hamster bears another name - golden, due to the color of its coat. Jungariki in turn gray color with a stripe on the back.
  3. Cell. A large hamster accordingly needs more space and more, including the amount of food.
  4. lighter than the Syrian Dzungarian.

This is almost everything that distinguishes Djungarian hamsters from Syrian ones. Of course, the body structure is also different.

Despite all the differences, they both need good care. This may seem complicated at first glance. In fact, caring for the animal will bring only joy. He will always delight you with his funny behavior. If you can’t make a choice, then it doesn’t make a serious difference. It doesn't matter if it's a Djungarian or a Syrian hamster, they all know how to bring good mood after a hard day at work. it's not always easy, especially the first one.

Syrian and Djungarian hamsters are among the most common breeds in Russia. When deciding to get a pet or breed rodents, the future owner often asks himself: which breed is better to choose? Let us consider below how the Dzungarian hamsters differ from the Syrian breed in various parameters. You will also learn how best to name a dzungarian girl and why it is better to call a pet a certain name.

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Choosing a pet by appearance

It is quite simple to distinguish between Dzungarian and Syrian hamsters in appearance: the former are more compact in size (the length from head to tail is up to 10 centimeters), and the body length of the latter can reach as much as 20 centimeters! The color of these two species also differs: the Dzungaria have a characteristic gray-brown color with a dark stripe in the middle along the back, and the Syrians are often colored in a reddish hue, although there may be other variations in coat shades. It is worth noting that this fact often affects the choice of name.

The length of the coat in the first and second is different (this factor also often affects the name of the pet). When breeding, Djungarian hamsters make up entire families.

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The perfect hamster for kids

Most often, parents decide to get a hamster for a child who is also involved in the selection of a name. It happens that at the same time there are problems with choosing a boy or girl, a name for him, the number of pets. After that, a problem of the type appears: how to tame a dzhungarik, what name is better to call a Syrian girl, whether it is possible to train and under what conditions to treat an illness. First of all, you should explain to the child that now he will need to take care of a small pet. And to get a hamster, you must at least have time for this.

In general, it does not matter which rodent you choose for your child. In the question of how to choose a hamster, the mind and desire of the baby himself to take care of him will help. But if a child is allergic to a hamster, then it is better to refuse pets or choose their hairless breed.

What you need to know about hamsters


Despite the fact that rodents are considered hardy creatures, it still happens that they are overtaken by various diseases, including cancerous tumors. There may also be food poisoning. Why? The fact is that stocks of provisions often deteriorate and cause a reaction when eaten. Treatment in this case can be done at home. But if your pet does not get better in a day, then it will be necessary to treat it in the presence of a veterinarian.

It happens that the fluffy clogs the paw. Then there may be swelling, bruising or even a fracture. If the baby squeaks, bites, or, conversely, lies lifelessly on his back, do not argue why it happened, but rather consult a doctor urgently in order to start treatment as soon as possible!

Perhaps, for the time being, it will be necessary to abandon the maintenance of a rodent. But it’s too early to despair, as there are cases in which an allergy to a hamster disappeared without a trace with age. If your eyes and skin no longer itch, then you can try to get a pet again!

Males of the Dzungarian breed and females of the Syrian exude a sexual secret, which gives a more pronounced smell. Why? Surely no one knows. At the same time, it cannot be said that these pets stink, since we can barely catch their aroma. Many Syrian owners state that their rodents are trainable in terms of going to the toilet.

Otherwise, the issues of feeding, treatment and arrangement of the cage are exactly the same for both breeds. Except for one point. For jungars, it is worth choosing a cage in which the distance between the bars is small, and that is, the risk of the pet escaping. Among breeders, it is believed that the Dzungaria are more sociable and easier to train, tame, and even can be settled as a family (but not always). Well, if the pet bites, itches, squeaks and is not given to the owner, then such behavior for the baby can also be the most common. Why is that? It’s just that all hamsters are different, and their content is imprinted from childhood. Treatment for a complex character has not yet been invented.

Hamster behavior

Dzungarians and Syrians do not like companies and are nocturnal. In addition, these animals are prone to obesity, which is why the pet's "apartment" must have a wheel, ladder and other devices. If you decide to have offspring, then settle the girl with the boy for a few days, and after 16-24 days, expect the offspring. Dzungarians are also prone to diabetes and the appearance of a tumor with improper care.

You are unlikely to succeed in training a rodent, but it is even necessary to try to tame it. But if you are allergic to a hamster (the body and eyes itch when in contact with wool), then you will have to watch the baby from the side, since direct contact will cause a reaction in your body.

How to choose a nickname for a hamster boy?

If you want to find a suitable name for a pet, then you can be guided by factors of appearance and behavior, as most do. You can make a bias on a lively character (Alexander means "winner"). If your Djungarian hamster is brown, then it can be called Alex Brown. The nickname Gray is suitable for gray, but white can be called Snezhok or Belchenko. Names for hamsters are often chosen spontaneously, at first glance at the pet.

How to choose a nickname for a hamster girl?

These animals are cute. And so girls are often called affectionate nicknames like Tinky Winky, Mila, Daisy. To find suitable names, breeders turn to different sources. Snezhana, Belka, Brownie, Jessie - a name for a girl may indicate a certain trait, or maybe not. For example, if the baby itches, then it can be called a Scale. So finding the right name will not be difficult for you!

Video "Syrian hamsters"

In this video, you will learn a lot about these fluffies, as well as their care and maintenance features.

Hamsters are one of the most popular pets in our apartments. Caring for little fluffies does not require special efforts, but they bring the owners: both adults and children, joy and tenderness. In our country, two breeds of these rodents are common. What are the differences between the Dzungarian hamster and the Syrian?

Dzungarian breed

Representatives of the species are 5 cm in height, 10 cm in length and weigh about 50 g. short tail and hairy feet. The paws are similar in structure to human hands. Usually there are white spots on the body - this is a protective disguise from predators. Abdomen, paws and inner part the ears of a typical representative are light, the back is grayish or brown. The color is dominated by a silvery-gray tint.

Dzungaria live an average of 3 years. At night, their activity increases. The main advantages of the breed - cleanliness, lack of smell, are relatively easy to maintain. The hamster will need a fairly spacious cage, as they are very mobile, chalk for turning teeth. The owner must strictly monitor the pet's diet and avoid eating a large number simple sugars. It is impossible to settle two or more individuals in one cage, because the Dzungars tend to fight with each other.

The basis of the diet of this rodent is grain, vegetables and fruits. Give him something crunchy to chew on - such food trains his teeth well and amuses the hamster. Legumes, seeds, nuts and citrus fruits are strictly prohibited. Follow the diet - feeding in the morning and in the evening.

Syrian breed

Representatives of this species are also called sandy or golden - all because of the coat color. They are divided into long-haired and short-haired. Adults reach a weight of 200 g, and females are usually larger. The length of the body is 20 cm. At the moment, the breed has several subspecies, each of which has some characteristic features.

A characteristic feature of the Syrian - high speed while running. So be careful when letting your pet out for a walk. He needs to choose a spacious cage, made of metal material with a plastic pallet: such a hamster will quickly gnaw through a tree and make an escape.

The Syrians are prolific: if they are settled in a heterosexual couple, they will quickly acquire offspring. Therefore, provide the residents of the cage with material for the future nest - straw and filler, or purchase a ready-made house. Watch the air temperature in the room with the cage - if it drops below 10 degrees, the animal may hibernate. The female bears the fetus for a very short time - a little longer than 2 weeks. There should not be much water in the drinking bowl, since the Syrian receives the necessary amount of it from cereals and fruits. You can sometimes give your hamster milk to drink, watching the reaction of his stomach.

When walking around the house, make sure that the pet does not climb to a great height. Syrians in the wild live in a flat area, so the hills and all the dangers associated with them are unknown to them.

A pet of this breed is recommended for people who cannot devote much time to a pet. The Syrians are very independent, besides clean, and can take care of themselves for some time, living without a master.

Which hamster do you prefer?

You still decided to get a small pet, but you just can’t decide: a Djungarian hamster or a Syrian one? There are some fundamental differences between the characteristics of the rocks. Perhaps a set of traits of one of the species is right for you to choose as a pet. What is the difference between Djungarian hamsters and Syrian ones?

  1. In appearance: the Dzungarian is much smaller than the Syrian, the color is dominated by dark tones, while the opponent has a bright color.
  2. Dzungars are long-livers, Syrians usually live for two years.
  3. Syrian hamster or Djungarian - which one is right for you? How do they differ from each other? By nature, the difference lies in the fact that the former are much friendlier than their relatives and make better contact - provided that the owner will accustom them to hands from birth. Jungariki can bite.
  4. The brood of the Dzungarian is more quantitative - up to 6 individuals.
  5. The Syrian's cage requires more frequent cleaning (every 3-4 days) due to spread specific smell in her.
  6. Syrians are more amenable to the process of education, subject to training.
  7. The Dzungarians need more space, because they are much more mobile than the Syrians, who are suitable for a small house with labyrinths and tunnels. They are climbers.

Both breeds are leaders in demand in the animal market. The differences between the Dzungarian and Syrian hamsters from each other are not so significant, but for someone they can serve as a decisive criterion when choosing which pet start him.

According to a survey of visitors to the Khomkin.Ru website, about 95% of domestic hamsters are Syrian or Dzungarian. Dzhungariki lead by a small margin.

Sometimes, by mistake, Syrian hamsters are called: Ussuri, Persian, Iranian or Sicilian. If the seller of an animal in the market insists on such a name, it is worth considering before acquiring an incomprehensible animal.

Dzungaria and golden Syrians are the most sought-after representatives of the species.

Representatives of the breeds differ not only in appearance, they have different tempers and habits. To understand who to choose a Syrian or Djungarian hamster, get to know the rodents closer!

As soon as you look at representatives of both breeds, you will immediately understand how the Syrian hamster differs from the Dzungarian. Dzhungariki are smaller than Syrians (length with a tail up to 10 cm, weight up to 50 grams), a Syrian can grow up to 20 cm and weigh 100-150 grams, this suggests that it is almost twice as large.

Djungarian hamster (left) and two Syrian

The Syrian hamster is a large and common breed. Distinctive features: the Syrian female quickly bears children, after 16 days the offspring is born, while the Dzungarians bear children for 18-22 days. To date, many subspecies of Syrian hamsters have been bred with different length wool. Short-haired and long-haired babies are in demand.

Dzungaria look like a mouse, the difference is in the length of the tail. They belong to the furry hamsters. Changing coat color winter time year, it becomes light, almost white, the stripe on the back during this period is weakly expressed.

Some pets partially change color, it looks extraordinary and exotic: dark gray spots on white wool, all this is complemented by a stripe on the back.

Probably, you have already made a choice for yourself who is better than a jungarik or a Syrian hamster, and soon he will become an honorary resident of your home.

What kind of hamster to buy a child?

Hamsters are popular with the population, especially kids love them. There are many reasons for this - not pickiness in care, the low cost of a pet, and most importantly, a rodent, along with its home, takes up little space in the apartment.

Hamsters are often bought for children. It is very important to choose the right animal, for this you need to know the difference between the Djungarian hamster and the Syrian hamster. The former are more temperamental, they can bite, the latter behave more calmly.

shaggy Syrian hamster (angora) - a type of Syrian hamster

Explain to your child that a hamster needs to be looked after, no matter what breed you prefer. Both representatives are suitable for keeping in an apartment. Jungars need more space, for them it is better to buy . The Syrians love to climb in tunnels and labyrinths, they are suitable for them.

For jungars, it is better to choose a cage with the smallest possible distance between the bars, this will prevent escape. Dzungaria are very mobile hamsters and as soon as they have the opportunity to escape, they will certainly use it.

Djungarian hamsters live an average of 2-2.5 years, while their Syrian counterparts live 2.5-3.5.

For both breeds, the life span is primarily determined by living conditions. With good care, the absence of diseases, including tumors, to which rodents are most susceptible, life expectancy increases.

It is important to recognize diseases of hamsters in time:

  • the hamster looks restless, constantly itches;
  • does not show activity, as before;
  • the pet has watery eyes, mucus is released from the nose;
  • he bites, squeaks, shows aggression when you want to take him in your arms;
  • on the certain area a tumor that becomes a focus of disease and pain.

If you gave your child a Syrian or Dzungarian, periodically inspect the rodent, at the slightest suspicion of a disease, contact your veterinarian. So that the pet does not have problems with teeth, make sure that there is always chalk or mineral stone for grinding teeth, as well as branches of fruit trees.

Content Features

How do Djungarian hamsters differ from Syrian hamsters, except for their appearance and character? Smell, although it is difficult to say which hamsters smell more. Dzungarian males and Syrian females secrete a sexual secret, this is accompanied by the release of odors. At the same time, it cannot be argued that the Dzungarian and Syrian hamsters smell unpleasant, the aroma is barely perceptible.

Dzungaria are more sociable, easier to train, although they like to bite more. Syrians are calmer, they rarely bite, they are more willing to walk on their hands.

By nature, Syrian hamsters are closer to guinea pig: more calm and tame. You can also find it on our website.

What is the difference between a Syrian hamster and a Djungarian hamster

Djungarian hamstersSyrian hamsters
1 The size of the animal does not exceed 10 cmThe length of the calf can reach 20 cm
2 The back is decorated with a wide strip, a rhombus is clearly “drawn” on the headMost often found golden, but there are other colors. There are no stripes.
3 Very mobile and nimbleA little more phlegmatic
4 Quite sociable, getting used to, make contact with a personHigh probability of becoming a favorite of the whole family. With rare exceptions, she loves to sit in her arms and receive affection from a person.
5 Needs enough space as it is very mobileNeeds a lot of space due to large size
6 Too fragile and nimble for children of primary school ageAnimal-loving schoolchild will get a lot of joy from close communication.
7 It is not always possible to teach a hamster to use the tray. He is neat, but less prone to training.Very clean, easily accustomed to the "tray".
8 You can keep in standard cages for rodents with a fine lattice.Due to its size, it has fewer opportunities to get out of the cage
9 prone to disease diabetes, you can not give some sweet fruitsOmnivorous, but do not abuse it. The animal requires a complete diet of quality food.
10 Males are more odorous than females1 time in 3 days, during estrus, females can smell
11 Have short hairThere are individuals with both short and long hair.
12 Smell glands are located on the abdomenGlands on the sides

Comparison of the most common breeds can be carried out ad infinitum. But they have a lot in common, at least the fact that both the Syrians and the Dzhungars are cute creatures.
