How to properly feed a natural Chinese crested. Does it show watchdog qualities? Chinese Crested Dog: reviews

You need to feed the Chinese Crested Dog taking into account the characteristics of this breed - a tendency to allergies and skin diseases.

Predisposition to disease

The Chinese Crested has a tender open skin not protected by fur. The skin needs resources for rapid regeneration. Therefore, it is important to get enough vitamins A, D, E and minerals - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium. Very active pets need more B vitamins.

The Chinese Crested is not uncommon skin rashes, irritations, individual reactions. This is the most common reason for transferring them to prepared feed, in which possible irritants are already excluded.

Representatives of the breed are characterized by very sensitive digestion. Therefore, any stale, questionable products are not suitable. All spices and chemicals are prohibited.

Sweets cause lacrimation and tear ducts in the crested.

Too much vitamin C can cause liver and kidney problems.


Most representatives of the breed have allergic reaction for a chicken. Therefore, it is not included in the diet of the Chinese crested dog. Other possible allergens are also excluded - potatoes, wheat, corn.

Features of the assimilation of various products

Representatives of this breed love rich tastes. That's why they like fruits. However, for some fruits and fresh vegetables digestive reactions may occur. Introduce new foods gradually, little by little, and pay attention to the condition of the dog. If any fruit weakens, it is better to exclude it in the future.

Rules for feeding natural food

When fed with natural food, it is given warm and soft.

It is good to give rice to an animal; horse meat and beef are suitable for meat. Allowed dairy products, fresh fruits, vegetables that Corydalis love very much. Fish can be given only ocean and low-fat. It must be boiled and cleaned of bones.

  • potato;
  • legumes;
  • raisins, grapes;
  • lamb, pork, poultry, any fatty meat and offal;
  • smoked meats;
  • animal fat;
  • bones;
  • river fish, any raw fish;
  • fatty foods, foods with flavor enhancers, flavors, sweeteners, dyes;
  • cocoa products;
  • low quality dry food.
It is necessary to ensure that these products are not included in the composition of industrial feed.

It is important to follow a consistent feeding schedule. An adult Chinese crested dog is fed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, half an hour to an hour after the walk. The evening meal is more nutritious than the morning meal. Food temperature should be around 40 degrees.

Serving size is selected depending on the activity and age of the dog. On average - 50-80 grams per day.

Bowls are cleaned after eating, leftover food is removed.

Feeding a puppy up to two months

The frequency of feeding a puppy is 3-5 times a day. Main food so far mother's milk or mixtures replacing it. You can give additional milk, preferably goat (only up to four months).

At 2 months and older

You can feed your puppy Chinese crested soaked dry food or natural. Wet food is ready. If a dog eats natural food, it is at this age that their diet begins to expand. Gradually introduced additional products (ground). Dry food only in soaked form.

The following products are introduced in turn:

  • sour milk - sour cream (preferably fat-free), cottage cheese, yogurt (without flavoring additives), kefir;
  • low-fat broth, you can add vegetables;
  • beef - raw, finely chopped;
  • chicken yolk;
  • vegetables, fruits - carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell pepper, apples, apricots, cabbage, zucchini, beets, pumpkin, melon - everything is introduced gradually, if not backlash from the side of digestion;
  • olive and sunflower oil.

Feeding an adult dog

diet adult dog must contain:

  • proteins (lean meat, fat-free kefir, cottage cheese, egg yolk, ocean fish) - 60%;
  • vegetables, fruits, cereals - 35%;
  • fats - 5%.

A dog older than a year and a half should be treated once every two weeks. fasting days(on stewed or fresh cabbage).

An older dog needs soft food, preferably ground.

Industrial feed

If you have chosen industrial feed, it must not be mixed with natural products. Digestion of dried and natural food requires different digestive enzymes. When they are mixed, an imbalance occurs, which leads to gastritis. If you want to diversify your pet's diet, you can add wet food from the same line to it.

When feeding dryer in free access, the dog should always have a bowl with clean water. It is important to change the water regularly.

These dogs are quite capricious in the choice of food, and not every dry food for Chinese Crested will be to your taste. It remains only to focus on the personal preferences of the pet.


For small breeds, for dogs with sensitive digestion, for problematic skin and for animals prone to allergies. Several lines, among which you can choose the most relevant. The product does not contain common allergens - pork, fatty meat, cereals. Proteins are found in fish and eggs. The source of vitamins is seaweed.

Royal Canin

For dogs with sensitive digestion. Hypoallergenic food with a rich taste. The amount of heavy proteins that have a bad effect on the skin is minimized. Prevents the appearance of rashes, blackheads and peeling.

Nutra Gold

For small breed dogs. Dietary and loved by many dogs food with a bright taste. Not suitable for allergy sufferers.

An interesting line for nervous system because the Chinese Crested is prone to stress.


Hypoallergenic. Feed with a reduced amount of allergens and animal protein.

Pro plan

For dogs with sensitive digestion. Improves metabolic processes, has a good effect on the skin and coat. Granules in a special shell are well digested. Hypoallergenic. Contain a reduced amount of protein. At the same time, some animals get fat from this brand of feed.


For animals with sensitive digestion. The food of choice for many Chinese Crested breeders. Well eliminates skin irritations.

From the first moments of the appearance of the dog in your house, observe the feeding regimen and adhere to the basic rules. Each violation of these simple laws causes problems with appetite, and, as a result, problems with digestion and condition (weight loss, obesity).

The feeding regimen implies a daily strict observance of the time at which the dog is fed. Animals have a highly developed sense of time. A dog trained to eat at the same time does not beg and patiently waits for feeding time.

The puppy is fed often, about 3-5 times a day, in small portions. Infrequent feeding and consumption large volumes food violates proper development baby, causes bloating and can lead to arching of the back, curvature of the limbs and many other problems.

An adult dog is fed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Since many owners do not have the opportunity to feed the dog in the middle of the day (due to work), then two meals a day is enough.

Before a walk, it is better not to feed the dog. There is nothing good in the fact that the dog will run around with a full stomach of food. When you return from the street, let the dog calm down and rest for 20-30 minutes. Only then start feeding.

It is enough for an adult Chinese crested to eat about 100-130 grams of food per day, that is, 50-60 grams per feeding (this is about a handful of food).

Each dog is unique, so feeding rates may vary depending on size, age, temperament, activity, housing conditions, and even seasons.

Remember, your Chinese Crested should always have a bowl of clean, fresh water. Dogs that eat prepared dry food need to consume plenty of water. It is better to give boiled water, or drinking water from gallons.

Basic feeding rules

An adult dog receives food exactly 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. A bowl of food is placed exactly 15 minutes. This time the dog should be enough to eat. After 15 minutes, the bowl is removed until the next feeding.

If the dog does not eat, remove the bowl and next time We feed strictly according to the schedule. No need to feel sorry for the dog, indulge in something more delicious or give food an extra time (in addition to the two-time regimen). The reason is simple: when the dog refuses food, you start to get nervous and treat the dog with handouts from the table (meat, sausage, cheese, etc.). Every time your pet refuses the main meal, your pet gets a delicious treat in return. By doing so, you reinforce the rejection of food in the dog.

If the dog refuses to eat, next feeding the norm of feed is issued as usual, and not in double volume. You do not need to compensate for the forced fasting of your pet.

If the dog refuses to eat according to the regime for several days, do not be nervous and continue to put the bowl strictly according to the schedule - exactly 2 times a day for 15 minutes. Achieve your goal. Dogs don't know how to go on strike. When you want to eat - all the food will be eaten.

If the dog eats slowly and slowly for 15 minutes, then after this time we interrupt the feeding process and remove the bowl. By doing this, you let the dog know that the time of her feeding is limited.

If the dog is eating well, but is full and leaves excess food, then reduce the portion so that the dog eats all the food in one feeding.

So that the dog has a greed for food and always has an excellent appetite, it is better to underfeed it than to overfeed it. So remember - no additives.

You don't have to feed your dog the moment you sit down to eat. At the beginning, the whole family eats, only after that they feed the dog. Give your dog a bowl of food when you wash the dishes after eating, for example.

Sometimes you can pamper your pet with special treats for dogs, fruits or vegetables, but if you notice that after that the dog eats worse or completely refuses regular food, then stop pampering the dog.

If the bowl of food is always freely available, you develop a habit in the dog to eat at any time of the day and in any quantity. For dogs with a great appetite, this threatens to gain weight. For finicky dogs - constant thinness, refusal to feed.

Dog eating on strict regime, always has a great appetite, good digestion always in excellent condition. If necessary, you can increase or, conversely, reduce the weight of your pet.

Very often, when purchasing a puppy, owners begin to indulge him with "sweets" from the human table or listen to a kind granny neighbor who brought chicken bones "very useful for your dog" or which are "so sorry to throw away." And almost all owners do not know what dogs can eat and what not.

Chinese Crested - dogs with very sensitive digestion. This means that you must be doubly careful in choosing products and prepared foods. All internal problems, as in a mirror, are reflected on the skin of your naked dog - acne, blackheads, wen, severe allergies- the result of improper feeding. Red smudges under the eyes of downy dogs are also the result of improper feeding.

Moreover, prohibited foods can cause your Chinese Crested to vomit, diarrhea, poisoning, acute eating disorders and, as a result - serious illness internal organs(liver, kidneys, genitourinary system, etc.).

List of foods not allowed for dogs

Bones. It is strictly forbidden to give bones to a dog. The statement that bones are supposedly useful for a dog is a deep delusion. Bones are not digested, cause constipation and torsion. Doubly dangerous are thin bones (especially fish) and tubular bones (especially chicken) - their sharp fragments can injure the esophagus, dig into the stomach or intestines, causing acute pain in the dog. There is a known case when, due to a gnawed chicken bone, which dug into the intestines inside, a Chinese crested female lost her hind legs.

Raw fish. Under no circumstances should you give your dog freshwater or raw fish, because possible infection with worms. You can only give boiled sea fish.

Raw meat. You can not give for the same reason as raw fish. Raw meat and offal are dangerous for the dog (especially the tripe), because. fraught with many surprises in the form of a huge variety of worm larvae.

Milk. All mammals that have come out of suckling age (after 2 months) do not digest lactose, which in in large numbers found in milk. Therefore, adult dogs are not recommended to give milk, because. it causes allergies, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis. Replace milk with kefir (it helps digest lactose) or heavy cream.

Pork. Pork is a very fatty meat, it puts a lot of stress on the liver, as it is difficult to digest. It is strictly forbidden to feed raw pork to dogs - in it, more often than in other types of meat, there are eggs of worms.

Chicken. Chicken meat contains the strongest allergen. Boiled chicken is a favorite delicacy of any, even the most picky dog. But be prepared for severe allergies. Which, by the way, may not appear immediately, since the allergen can for a long time accumulate in the body, and then splash out in the form of problems with the skin and eyes. It is forbidden to give raw chicken meat to a dog.

Sausage, sausages, etc. It is not necessary to feed the dog products from the meat departments of supermarkets, intended primarily for humans. Sausage, sausages, chicken rolls, or any other similar treat will not add health to your dog. These delicacies are completely useless, do not contain vitamins, but they spoil the liver and disrupt digestion.

Sweets. A dog should never receive candy, chocolate or sugar. All these sweets spoil the appetite, disrupt digestion, and destroy teeth. In addition, sweet contributes to the appearance of "rusty" tear ducts under the eyes, which are then very difficult to get rid of.

Salt. In large quantities, it disrupts the water and electrolyte balance of the dog's body, which can lead to muscle cramps and spasms, or even congestive heart failure. A dog needs much less salt than a human.

Porridge / Cereals. Dogs should not be given oatmeal semolina, oatmeal, barley. It is also impossible to constantly feed the dog with cereals (it provokes weight gain).

Grapes and raisins. Dangerous for dogs in large numbers, tk. contain a substance that destroys the animal's kidneys.

Alcohol. Beer, wine, cocktails and in general any alcohol is strictly contraindicated for dogs. The animal can be seriously poisoned and fall into a coma.

human pills. Despite the fact that this article is about prohibited foods, I cannot but mention the deadly danger of human pills for dogs. Drugs such as voltaren, diclofenac, ortofen, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, ketorol (ketanov), aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are safe for humans and are in every home first aid kit, but strictly contraindicated for dogs, because they cause gastrointestinal bleeding. Even one tablet can be fatal.

Remember that you can not give the dog cold (from the refrigerator); hot (immediately from the stove); fatty, smoked, salty, spicy, sweet foods. Of course, it is strictly forbidden to feed the dog with sour and / or rotten foods.

It is forbidden to feed dry food mixed with natural products (meat, cereals, etc.). Digestion of these different foods requires completely opposite stomach enzymes. When different types of food enter the dog's stomach at the same time, an imbalance occurs, the work of the digestive organs is disrupted, and gastritis occurs.

Contrary to deep-rooted misconceptions, you can’t feed a dog with cereals, soups, broths, pasta, potatoes. You can not constantly give legumes, peas, white bread, products from wheat flour. And even more so, it is forbidden to mix all this together and feed it in one feeding.

The Chinese Crested is an active, cheerful and graceful dog breed. She's different strong affection to his master, and strangers treated with caution. By standards, the breed can be either hairless or downy. These dogs do not smell and do not shed, so they are very popular among breeders.

Chinese crested dog: appearance features

The UK was the first country to approve the breed of Chinese Crested Dog. According to the standard, the Chinese Crested is a slender, long-legged dog with an elongated head. Its muzzle is flat, gradually tapering towards the nose. Any color is allowed. The tuft starts from the forehead and goes down the nape.

The eyes of the Chinese Crested are dark and close-set, the squirrel is almost invisible. The ears should be in line with the outer corner of the eye, they are large and may or may not be fringed. The neck of the dogs of this breed is long and smoothly descends to the shoulders. The shape of the paws resemble that of a hare, long and narrow. The paws have hair covering the toes. The tail of the Chinese Crested is set high, the brush should be lush, thick and long. It should not be bent or twisted. The Chinese Crested Dog is a small and graceful animal, reaching a height of 23 cm to 33 cm at the withers and a weight of 2 to 6 kg.

There should not be much wool on the dog's body. The skin is predominantly smooth and warm; the downy variety is characterized by a woolly cover with an underdeveloped undercoat. Any breed color is allowed. In Chinese Crested Dogs, a wide variety of shades are recorded: from dark brown to blue. There is a marble and spotted color. The color saturation in dogs changes seasonally: in summer they can tan, their skin acquires a bronze or graphite hue. Any deviation from the standard is considered a defect.

Chinese crested dog- not a cheap pleasure, price it can vary from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, depending on mating, pedigree, litter and features.

What is the nature of the Chinese Crested Dog?

These dogs are very popular with the locals. different countries. They are distinguished by devotion, sensitivity and energy, which makes them excellent pets. The Chinese Crested is very attached to its owners, loves children and gets along well with other animals. Despite their good nature, dogs of this breed are wary of strangers and may even lash out if they feel threatened by an outsider.

Chinese crested need constant contact with a person, because they do not tolerate loneliness very well. It has been noted that when they enter another environment or change owners, these dogs are especially difficult to adapt to forced conditions. Without socialization and acquaintance with other people or animals, it can become timid and shy. Often, Chinese crested do not cause any special problems to the owner, do not bother and do not bark in vain.

FROM early age These dogs need to be trained. In no case do not resort to punishment, but it is imperative to encourage your pet for success. A dog must be trained by a strong-willed, persistent and strong man. The Chinese Crested is easy to train, performs various commands and tricks.

Chinese crested: care and maintenance features

Because there are 2 different types these dogs are naked and downy, then their care is somewhat different. There is almost no need to take care of the hair of the naked type - periodically comb the tuft and tail, but the downy dog ​​needs to be combed out regularly to avoid the appearance of tangles.

The pet's skin should be given special attention - it is very delicate, soft, but dense. Hairless dogs are recommended to bathe regularly, lubricate with special creams to avoid peeling and drying of the skin. AT warm time years before going outside, you should apply sunscreen.

Sometimes Chinese crested eels appear. They are especially noticeable on fair skin. They are removed with thin tweezers, and then disinfected with alcohol or an antiseptic, and also smeared with cream and wiped. soft cloth. Since this breed is sensitive to cold, be sure to dress your pet during the cold season.

Required special care behind the pet's head. The hairs in the muzzle area are shaved with a machine, in the same way, individual hairs on the body can be removed. The hair between the eyes of puffs is cut with scissors.

Hairless dogs are bathed every 2 weeks. special shampoo. The powder puff can be washed once a month, carefully combing the hair with a wide-toothed comb. Regularly trim your pet's nails, carefully care for his teeth. Ears should be cleaned once a week with cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide or a special lotion. Eyes need to be wiped with special means.

What to feed a Chinese crested dog?

Chinese crested are fed the same as other dogs. They need cereals, dairy products, eggs, meat, vegetables and fruits. Their favorite vegetables include cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes, and pumpkins. Favorite fruits are bananas, apples, grapes, pears, etc. You can also introduce special dry food.

There are a number of foods that should not be given to Chinese Crested Dogs, otherwise, gastrointestinal disorders and serious food poisoning. Contraindicated include:

  • Pork - it is too fatty for this breed, therefore it causes additional stress on the liver;
  • Tubular bones - due to splitting, they can injure the intestines and stomach. Gnawing bones into sharp parts can provoke tooth loss;
  • Sweets - from them, Chinese crested teeth deteriorate, appetite disappears, eyes water and digestion is disturbed;
  • Spicy, salty, fatty, fried and smoked foods - it increases the load on the liver.

Chinese Crested Dog: reviews

  • Valentina: I have 2 corydalis at home - a boy and a girl, both naked. I have nothing bad to say about the pets. They love to play with children, they don’t bark over trifles, they are easy to train and just love their owners. The only thing is that it is problematic to leave her even for a few days to strangers - she is bored to the point of madness, they said that she even cries.
  • Igor: I bought my wife a Chinese crested downy as a gift. At first, the wife did not like her appearance(And after all and truth - on the fan). But when I got to know her better, I could not part. She sleeps with her, and eats, and does everything together. In general - do not spill water.
  • Natalia: When my friends gave it to me, I was unhappy. I couldn't even imagine that there could be scary dogs. But over time I got used to it and I can say that I have never met a more devoted animal. And passers-by constantly pay attention and ask to be photographed. The only negative is the pimples that pop up in the summer and have to be removed. But I'm not complaining, because I love my Marusya very much.

Chinese crested dog: photo

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Chinese crested dogs are loyal and affectionate creatures. They endlessly love their owners, are not picky, clean - they do not smell like a dog. Having acquired such a friend for yourself, you can be sure of his disinterested love, tenderness and friendship.

Not most, but many owners of "Cuffed Cats" face a number of problems when choosing a pet's diet. Universal instructions, as you understand, no and cannot be, because each four-legged has its own tastes, and besides, food allergies are not uncommon among representatives of the breed. To decide what to feed the Chinese Crested Dog, it is worth starting from the state of her health. For the sake of convenience, we will consider general rules feeding and diet of the Chinese Crested Dog for skin problems or allergies.

Note! Most experienced owners and breeders recommend feeding crested exclusively dry food, although they themselves note that often, dogs are reluctant to eat pellets.

Read also: Symptoms of rabies after being bitten by a dog

The next nuance is that not every dry food for a Chinese Crested Dog will be digested, much less beneficial. Often, the owners of puffs complain about the food preferred by the owners of the "Cuffed". Given the above, the only alternative left to the successful owner is to select the product, focusing on the preferences and reaction of the pet. The breed gravitates towards rich tastes, hence the love of fruits, so many foods may not be to your liking. As a reference, below we provide a list of popular industrial feeds that are suitable for Chinese crested dogs according to the basic requirements:

  • Royal Canin– universal for dogs up to 10 kg and specialized for animals with sensitive digestion. The second option is more preferable, since the food is hypoallergenic, has more bright taste, contains a minimum amount of heavy proteins (when digested, it breaks down into substances that adversely affect the skin), created to prevent acne, rashes, and skin peeling.
  • Pro plan– specialized series for skin and sensitive digestion. Smoothing the work of metabolic processes and the absence of allergens always have a beneficial effect on the condition of the coat and skin. Both products contain a limited amount of proteins, and the granules are coated with a special coating that promotes proper digestion.
  • Acana– a universal line for small breeds and specialized food for sensitive digestion, allergies, dogs with problematic skin. Popular with many crested breeders. The main advantage of the product is the absence of allergens - meat (beef, pork, turkey) and cereals. Protein value is represented by fish, eggs, meat of young poultry (chicken). Seaweed is added as a vitamin source to the feed.
  • Hill's– several universal lines, a product for dogs with sensitive skin and digestion. Based on reviews on breed forums, the product is one-stop solution for many owners. The food will satisfy the nutritional needs of pets, allows you to quickly eliminate skin irritation and maintain the health of the dog.
  • Nutra Gold- has several lines for small breeds. The advantage of the food is its bright taste and nutritional value, however, the product may not be suitable for dogs with pronounced allergies or skin problems. special attention deserves a line aimed at restoring the nervous system, for a miniature and rather meek breed, stress can be the primary source of health problems.
  • Bosch- a universal line for small dogs and hypoallergenic food. For pets with sensitive skin, the second type is preferable. The "principle of loyalty" is similar to the above feeds - the minimum amount of animal protein (meat) and allergens.

Important! When choosing industrial feeding, remember that it should not be mixed with natural products, even with meat. Alternatively, the dog can be pampered with canned food from the same trademark and series. Also, do not lose sight of the fact that the granules that enter the stomach absorb moisture, so the dog must have constant access to clean water.
