How did the expression Ivan kinship not remembering. Ivans who do not remember kinship

In the early 90s, they began to destroy monuments, rename cities and streets. Those who saw on TV the faces of those who "deposed" the monument to Iron Felix, Lenin probably noticed with what pleasure and gloating it was done by people who grew up in this particular era. People who received free education, housing, medical support, social guarantees, etc. I asked myself a question. Why, why, what is in the minds of these people? After all, this is our history, not politics. Why is almost every Supreme Ruler trying to rewrite history for himself. And he answered himself: - These are Ivans who do not remember kinship!
Ivans, who do not remember kinship, are usually called people who are unscrupulous, ungrateful, easily forgetting the good done to them, and those who do not know and do not want to know their history, culture, their ancestors ... Whatever the specific meaning, the nickname is given to the owners of the Russian name itself . Where did these Ivans come from?

For an answer, we will go ... to the police station.
The authors of the “Great Dictionary of Winged Words” argue that in ancient times, vagrants and runaway convicts who hid their past and did not want to give their true name and surname appeared like this. Once in the neighborhood, they said that they did not remember anything about themselves: neither where they were born, nor who their relatives were. And that's why in the police protocol they were called - "Ivans, who do not remember kinship." This is also confirmed by A.P. Chekhov: “The most common name among tramps is Ivan, and the last name is Nepomniachtchi. Here are a few vagrant nicknames: Mustafa Nepomniachtchi, Vasily Bezotechestva, Franz Nepomniachtchi, Ivan Nepomniachtchi 20 years old, Yakov the Unpronounced, vagrant Ivan 35 years old, Man of Unknown Rank. The maiden Natalya Nepomnyashchaya, when I asked her what province she was in, told me: “A little bit of everyone.” He mentions in “Sakhalin Island” and “Certificate of a settler of the Tymovsky district, the village of Rykovsky, who does not remember Ivan’s relationship, 35 years old.”

Then the formula of search and criminal proceedings was rethought. And not the last role in this was played by Saltykov-Shchedrin. He “honored” this name, for example, on unprincipled, “pete-hearted” newspapermen, about whom he wrote in “Little Things in Life”: “Without an idea, without any concept of good and evil, Nepomniachtchi stands guard over leadership, not believing in anything but fifteen rubles that the subscriber brings, and those pennies that (for an advertisement in his newspaper) one by one the cook pulls out of the purse. He even flaunts his lack of convictions, calling them gibberish…” “I don't get in touch with everyone I meet, and I prefer to be careful with people who don't remember kinship,” this is already a quotation from Shchedrin's Abroad. Well, that's right, a person who does not remember where he comes from and does not want to identify himself is a suspicious person ...

Photo 1. The first day on the Kuril Lake, in the Kronotsky Reserve.

Photo 2. Director T. Shpilenok bypasses the territory of the Ozerny cordon. He calls me and pointing to the bust of Lenin lying behind the inspector's house, he says: - Look with an artistic look and attach the bust to some kind of pedestal. Somewhere here!

Photo 2. My partner Alexei and I built a pedestal, hoisted Lenin up, washed and cleaned. I wonder who was on Kuril Lake, where the bust was?

Remembering the words and request of the director of the Kronotsky Reserve T. Shpilenok, I think that not all people of Ivana, who do not remember kinship. So his parents raised him right. Well done!

Ivans, who do not remember relatives

Ivans, who do not remember relatives
In Russia, in the era of serfdom, the captured runaway convicts, in order to hide their past, said that they did not remember anything - neither the name, nor the relationship, nor the place of birth. Therefore, the police recorded them all as "Ivans who do not remember kinship."
Allegorically: a person who does not respect his history and traditions (contempt, disapproval).
In Russian literature of the XIX century. another generalized image created on the same basis was more popular. For example, the writer M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, in his satire “The Little Things of Life”, (“Newsman”, 1886) wrote about “Ivan Nepomniachtchi” ( the last word replaces the surname here), referring to unprincipled writers, journalists and newspaper businessmen: “Without an idea, without conviction, without any concept of good and evil, Nepomniachtchi stands guard over leadership (the interests of the government,“ bosses .- Comp.), not believing in nothing but the fifteen rubles that the subscriber brings... He even flaunts his lack of conviction, calling the latter abracadabra and declaring publicly that neither tomorrow nor the day after tomorrow he intends to be embarrassed by any "bonds".

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

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After the revolution in the Soviet Union, a global experiment was conducted on
establishing social homogeneity. As a result, various
associations of people: estates, communities, fraternities, parties, church parishes.

In order to facilitate the education of the “new man” on the principles of a completely
new ideology, the task was to minimize gender meaning,
since it was he who carried the traditions of the past and prevented the new from taking root,
communist worldview.

Political views divided people, and the civil war put a friend
against a friend of people from the same clan and often from the same family. Many died in
fratricidal war, others went into exile, others died of starvation,
the fourth perished in camps and prisons ... Most of the noble families who did not have time
or those who did not want to emigrate, were forced to change their personal data and
deny their roots, and children were forced to abandon their parents. And they
They did it for the sake of their future, for the sake of their children. Family relations have undergone
great violence, when people burned family documents and photographs, changed
surnames and nationality.
Then industrialization began with its forced displacement
million people. The majority simply did not have a home, relatives, family
grandparents, with traditions and memories. People under compulsion or for the sake of
ideas were torn from their native places, thrown into foreign lands for the development of the North,
Far East and virgin lands, for new buildings: Dneproges, Turksib, Komsomolsk-on-Amur,
Magnitogorsk, Kuzbass, Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, BAM and hundreds of other cities where enthusiasm
young people were leaving, breaking away from their roots.
War and post-war repression against individuals and entire nations
led to further rupture of tribal relations. It is difficult to find similar
on the scale and consequences of experiments with childbirth. This is how the "Soviet

A person was torn away from the clan and family so that he was left alone
with a powerful state machine and turned into its cog. This is how they were created
"Ivans who do not remember kinship."

Forced resettlement of a large number of people new lands»,
changing them social status(for example, being reborn as farmers, in
metallurgists, into miners, into builders ...), the passage of a large part of the population through
prisons and camps have led to the deformation of the structure of the Russian gene pool. no one seriously
did not study even deeper, and therefore more important, karmic problems,
caused by such processes.
Why did this happen? Why did tribal relations endure such violence?
There is nothing new under the moon... And the described processes that took place in the twentieth century,
repeated what happened exactly a thousand years ago during the same change of one
ideology of the other - at the time of the baptism of Rus'. Then it was done no less
global in terms of its impact on society, violence against the clan. Why is history repeating itself?
These two processes have the same causes.

The first reason is that the genus interfered with the development of man.

The development of a person who came to Earth is an obligatory process -
That's why he comes here. Man is the only creature on the planet that
can improve himself. And this ability of his must be realized,
it is for this that this physical world was created, and for this man acquired “leather
clothes." This is what evolution is about. And if he does not solve this problem, then he
one has to come to Earth again and again and try to realize those potencies,
which are included in it.

The flow of evolution cannot be stopped - it moves inexorably, because the World is always
new and that's life.

An attempt to stop life leads to the fact that the stream of evolution sweeps away from its
way everything that interferes with its movement. Any desire for stability, for constancy
there is an attempt to stop the flow of life. And tribal relations are just on the strengthening
traditions. And time is accelerating, the stream of life flows faster and faster, and what happened yesterday
progressive, today may turn out to be inhibitory. And if it's braking not
rebuilds, then the flow blows the interfering factor. We see enough examples of
how individual people and entire states experience problems and die, not
willing to change and rebuild in accordance with the times. Soviet Union
fell apart for this very reason - the pace internal changes didn't match
pace of processes taking place in the world. For the same reason, the regime left the stage
Saddam in Iraq. For the same reason, Niyazov passed away as the main brake
factor in Turkmenistan ... The same thing happened with tribal relations in Russia and
a thousand years ago, and in the twentieth century. This factor needs to be taken into account by religions and others.
teachings that do not want to develop in accordance with the flow of life and are trying to
stand on dogmas.

The more you resist change, the more violence you will have to
experience from the side of the world.

The second reason for violence against the clan - tribal relations interfered
uniting people and creating new social formations.

Tribal relations carried isolation, separation, and thus
prevent people from entering new era unity. And it was made in Russia
experiment of forcible rupture of tribal relations. Civil War,
passed through family and family, emigration, Stalinist repressions, World War II,
new buildings and virgin lands - all this by force broke tribal relations into
over several generations. A large-scale experiment within a huge country
led to the fact that society was forced, in a revolutionary way it began to master
collective forms and lives and activities: communes, collective farms, labor collectives,
pioneer organization, Komsomol, party ...

The destruction of family ties made it possible to quickly form a collective
consciousness of the Soviet person and lay the foundation for a new social
formations - communist.

But the fact that collectivization in the minds and life took place by force (of all
dissenters were exiled, shot, or simply put on their knees) laid the foundation for society
big problems. Nothing good has ever been built on violence. it
had a negative impact on society. Devoid of ancestral roots, it is with great
labored to defend its independence in the war and did not last long - only
eighty years, which is very short for a public education. Little of,
today's processes of degradation in society also have a reason in the absence of a powerful
the root system of the people. There is another kind of violence perpetrated here.
tribal relations a thousand years ago. The thousand-year cycle closed after
forced baptism of Rus', and not only the Soviet Union, but also Russia almost
disintegrated into separate kingdoms. Yes, and all this thousand years, the Russians experienced
constant violence both inside and outside. Cause and effect relationships work.

In the history of Russia for a thousand years there was no period even in fifty years to
there was no war, famine, or rebellion ... Everything built on blood with blood and

The time has come to take a more wise approach to the issue of tribal relations. Need help
people to bring generic energies into life, and on the other hand, to prevent separation
on this ground. This is not an easy task, but in the current state of consciousness, it has become
We need to restore the roots not only of our individual genera, but also
deep roots of the people. You need to learn to respect and love your history, which goes into
depth of tens of thousands of years! Until we do this, we will continue to be Ivans.
remembering their kinship and will continue to experience problems. The deeper
roots, the stronger the tree grows! Numerous attempts are now being made
turn to that old Slavic history, but this does not always happen harmoniously,
nationalist feelings, national pride arise, and on this basis - a new
division of peoples. So it appears again back side tribal relations.

Every nation must grow its own tree in the garden of man!

This is the path of evolution. The value of a huge number of peoples on Earth in their
individuality, variety. But not isolation should create a genus, but
develop individuality and create a rich variety of branches of human
society. The time has come to take a more wise approach to the issue of tribal relations. Need
help people bring generic energies into life, and on the other hand, prevent
divisions on this basis. With today's state of consciousness, this has become possible.
Yes, the era of Unity is coming, and a person in his mind goes to the global
scale. But what will be the human garden - the unity of shrubs,
a well-kept garden with even rows of trees or a natural forest with many
varied beautiful trees?

grow your own family tree, help strengthen the roots and grow the tree
of his people, and then help the whole garden of man to bloom - that's the way
development of each person and his exit to the global level.

Recently, much has been done to reveal the individuality of a person.
The development of the next stage is underway - the formation of the role of the family. This question is already
at the state level, in the Presidential Program 2008 was declared the Year of the Family
in Russia. I propose to take the next step - to revive ancestral roots, revive
tribal ties, let tribal energies into new life. Man having modern
consciousness, will not allow the genus to turn into a rigid structure that interferes with the development
individual and society and, on the other hand, will not be cut off from the roots that feed the family.
The connection of generations, their harmonious interaction is very important for all members of the genus.

Spiritual development is possible without interaction with the family only up to a certain point.
that state, beyond which you can go, filled with energies
individual kind and the kind of universal humanity.

For this, it is especially important among relatives to learn to understand each other and
to help each other. The clan brings up respect for each other, reverence for elders, and this
necessary condition spiritual development. The forces and energies invested in the construction of these
relationships pay off handsomely.
In the daily hustle and bustle of solving global issues, many people have forgotten about
the existence of a genus, often do not know their pedigree very well. They don't know the important
details of the life of even the previous generation, not to mention the deeper roots. Where
your parents were born, how their childhood passed, how they met and how they built
their lives, what interests they had, how their relationship developed, what
problems and tasks, how they solved them - and much more you need to know in order to
to understand our lives, to understand the reasons for what is happening to us. Knowing all this and
Having deeply understood these issues, you can decide a lot in your life. BUT
if you also deeply understand the life of grandparents, then this can be even more
advance in solving today's problems.
Some have concentrated their efforts on finding their roots in previous
generations, trying to look as deep as possible and find famous in the past

What is important is not the number of open knees of the genus, but the quality, that is, the depth
understanding of past generations.

Each person has the opportunity to be charged with the energies of the family and give it
their energies. Thus, there is a constant exchange of energies, and as a result
This is the evolution of the race and man. Imagine an image of a tree, where a person is one of his
twig. She reaches out to the light, to the sun, receives this energy, transforms it in herself and
passes on to the genus. And along the trunk there is a counter stream of life from the roots of the genus ...

Spirituality is the deepest humanity, and such a state is possible
only in union with his kind!



According to the annals, the word "genus" has a very broad meaning. It means
birth, tribe, tribe; breed, kinship, kindred; in some cases may
designate a family broad sense.

The family is the root of every kind, and then it grows into many
branches, a whole tree. Having become such a tree, the family receives the name "genus", then
is, becomes a union, a community of many families, interconnected
natural sequence of birth.

There was a time when such a tree existed alive on its native root,
tightly and tightly intertwined with their branches near the native trunk. During childbirth
domination, the family was nothing more than a particle of the genus. The family represented a private,
home circle life and did not carry any independent and independent force. She is
gave birth to a race and dissolved in it. This depersonalization of the family had a negative effect
on the fate of both the family and the clan itself.
The word "kind" left in Russian a very big footprint like no other
friend! This is the “motherland”, “mole”, “birth”, “nature”, “spring”, “harvest” ... The word
“gender” means both biological gender, and grammatical, and variety, and humanity, and family.
From generation to generation, people were inspired by the importance of generic concepts,
the primacy of tribal values. Everyone entering the clan enjoyed its protection,
and deprived of the patronage of the family was expelled, became an outcast. The outcast didn't have
no rights, so people held on to ancestral ties.

In Rus' there was a fusion of the exaggerated meaning of the genus and
exaggerated importance of the mother. This led to the fact that the woman became, as it were,
informal clan leader. And the man in the tribal clan performed, in some
degree, the role of a kind of icon.

He was respected, revered, but his wife actually commanded. (remember the story about
goldfish.) While the mother was alive, most often she was the eldest of the family. And now
you can meet families where there is such an actual headship of a woman, although
rarely anyone admits it.
In Western Europe, the culture of society was built around the family, in Rus' -
around the genus. In Europe they sang family values, in Rus' - generic values. AT
In this system of values, the main thing is the clan, the community. Man occupied the lowest rung.
Therefore, the communist principles in Russia were accepted relatively easily.
Genus is not identical to patriarchy. In particular, the Slavs already in antiquity
lost the memory of their forefather, and they have no corresponding personality,
which could be deified, as, for example, among the Eastern peoples, where
the peoples were ruled by the deities themselves, whom the people worshipped. Such representations and
the concept of the sole power of the forefather led to the creation of unlimited power
king and later - to the concept of a single God.
The Slavs did not have such a personality before baptism, and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bone-man power
the patriarch, which developed into the ideal of the king, did not become stronger in consciousness. In their legends about
the first builders of their life, the Slavs do not begin from one person, not from the forefather, but from
three brothers, from Trojan. In the future, this was expressed in religion - in the trinity
God, in the Trinity. No wonder the feast of the Trinity is very revered in Rus'
holiday. An ancient proverb is still alive: “One son is not a son, two sons are
half a son, three sons - a son!
The boundaries of the family (if you look at the male line) are determined by the father and son.
The borders of the clan are grandfather and grandson. Further definition of tribal tribes were determined
only by adding the expression "great-": great-grandfather, great-grandson ... Grandfather in a sense was
already a myth (grandfather-brownie ...).

I propose to include in the concept of the genus and those who have already passed away. Them
the impact on the lives of those left on earth is significant.

And if you interact with the departed wisely, then it will benefit everyone. AT
they can be represented in the form of a family tree in the form of roots located in the ground and
feeding the race with ethereal and astral matter. Everyone must know (discover) his
generation, purify it, fill it with light and love of your soul. This is how the principle
unity in a new era.
Over time, in the process of evolution, it took more large forms
hostels uniting many clans, which led to the birth of society and
states. Where such association occurred naturally, ancestral ties
preserved and softened forms of statehood. And where the state wanted to have
greater power over people, there the meaning of the genus was belittled. That's what happened
at the baptism of Rus' and during the revolution.
In our time with strong development state and public life in
in reality, only the family and society exist, and family ties
dissolve in society.

Now the dominant form of hostel is society.

Unfortunately, the transition from one basis of society to another took place
violent, revolutionary methods. A very serious blow to the family and family
inflicted by the revolution and the subsequent Soviet period of development. Many people remember the song:
“We will destroy the whole world of violence to the ground, and then ...” and in this “then” we are now
we live...
Blood relations are exceptionally resistant to
any cataclysms. Civilizations are created not by classes, but by tribal communities
of people. Therefore, it is extremely important for society to solve this problem - the awakening
kind! And this question is especially acute now - at the turn of the era.
At the end of the twentieth century, there was a great interest in the roots. Everything more people,
even young, strive to know the past, intuitively or consciously seek
support and protection in the values ​​of ancestors. There are several reasons for this trend. Sharp
population migration has increased, information flows have increased thousands of times and
dynamics of life, there was a significant gap between generations. What if
there is a gap between generations, then the genus disappears from the earth. And indeed,
tribal relations are often perceived already as archaism.

Tribal relationships are purely earthly, passing only here
on Earth and do not penetrate into the higher spheres. But in this earthly man
resides full life, decides the most difficult tasks, and family ties
can help solve them.

In tribal relationships, many qualities are cultivated: tolerance, care,
respect and love for people of different generations. All this takes place in close
related communication, where various difficulties arise in social,
property, age and other aspects. This is one of the steps personality development,
gaining experience and self-discovery.
As a rule, it is much more difficult to build relationships with relatives than with
strangers, since very close, close and
multifaceted relationships. Often feelings such as envy and
even hatred.

Many say that their spiritual mission is at odds with the goals of the family, and I often
I hear these words from different people. In my opinion, these cases are not deep enough
spiritual tasks are understood. And they lie in the spiritualization of matter.

The spiritualization of the race is the greatest spiritual task, and to jump to
on the spiritual path, the stage of development “kind” means to question
realization of its mission.

This is an important stage of love and closeness to your relatives. No wonder there is
another wisdom: "there is no prophet in his own country." Indeed, relatives are very
it is difficult to accept those changes, the new that comes through one of them. Especially,
whom they knew from the cradle, saw him in all life situations, know him "like
peeled”, that is, completely open, with all the ins and outs. Therefore, they
it is extremely difficult to recognize him as a teacher. And such a person is forced to move away from
kind, otherwise they, with their disbelief in his new capabilities, will not let him rise.
Most often, this is what happens: having received recognition on the side, a person can
get some understanding from loved ones. And this is fundamentally wrong! Who, if not kind
should be interested in the fact that its branches developed and brought new ones to the genus
energy? And most often the opposite happens. And this is due to a misunderstanding of the meaning of life
person on earth. The clan respects those who have achieved wealth, fame, they are proud and
revered for generations. And often it is these people who bring the greatest
problems that are reflected in many generations. Because wealth, power and
glory comes, as a rule, due to the loss of high human qualities.

The spiritual component is somehow little valued by the family, but this is very important
just for the genus. And the kind who will accept and appreciate spiritual path one of his
members, will flourish.

On the other hand, a kind of rights, evaluating its members according to material
achievements. As the saying goes, there is a grain of truth in everything. True spirituality must
show up in happy life on the ground. You need to confirm your high spirituality
achievements in all spheres, maximum harmony of life. In this case
relatives will more deeply accept those truths that the most spiritual of them preaches, and in
family will change faster.

Need to realize true value kind. Rod is an important step
revealing love for people, for humanity, for the whole world. This is his mission.

Most often this is not taken into account. The next most important role of the genus, closely
connected with his mission is the creation of material conditions for the development of the soul here,
on the ground. Most often, this is put at the forefront, and getting daily bread
becomes the highest goal of life for the genus and for its members. The more members of the genus
understand what is being said, especially older generation, the more significant the changes will be
in the family, the greater the prospect opens up for its members. In reality the question
about kinship relationships even more deeply.

Scientists prove that all people descended from one foremother.
It turns out that we are all related to one degree or another!

And this opens up a new understanding family relations. And in the structure of blood
relationships, the role of parents and grandparents is half, and
the other half is formed by all the other relatives and all the people of the Earth! During
the existence of civilization, everything is so mixed up that almost all the people of the Earth
become blood relatives. The principle "we are all one" has a specific
related manifestation in life


Few people think about spiritual kinship, but it has a significant
impact on people's lives. Man is not only an earthly being, but also a cosmic one. And so
this cosmic part is present in life, regardless of whether a person is aware of it
presence or not. And the deeper you realize your cosmic roots, your spiritual
kinship, the more life becomes predictable and manageable. Let's do a few
steps in this direction.
With blood relations, it is more or less clear what
represent a spiritual relationship?

The spiritual tree exists and is also quite branched...

Firstly, it consists of main branches, and there can be more than twenty of them,
descended from the same soul. These are the main branches, and how many more additional
branches acquired over many lifetimes?! It turns out that the spiritual tree is also
so branched that it encompasses almost all souls. And here the principle "we are all
one" also works. And if we consider that in the spiritual realms there is no past and future,
everything happens simultaneously here-and-now, then the picture becomes even more

It is difficult to fully understand spiritual kinship, but it is advisable to go to
this direction, because it allows you to understand yourself and your
connection with the world and realize who you really are.

There are three stages in the birth of a Human. The first stage is physical birth.
The second stage is psychic birth. This is the formation of a mature person, his exit into
independent life. The third stage is spiritual birth. In the Bible about this state
says, "to be born again."
Spiritual birth depends on blood relationship to a small extent. But the spiritual
relationship affects spiritual birth much stronger than blood relationship. But in
yet more spiritual birth depends on the person himself, on his desires and

There is another one in spiritual birth important factor- the presence of a teacher,
Initiate, which translates a person into a new state.

As a person develops, blood-related relations go into the shadows and
the first place is taken by those who are spiritually related. From this it is clear that if a person is too
immersed in blood-kinship relationships, it is very difficult for him to be born spiritually.
That is why Christ said his words: "My relatives are my enemies."
Physical, mental and spiritual birth must take place in time. But also
spiritual birth is not the last stage of human development! Having done all three
birth in one life, a person can move into a new state.

Having passed the path of a rational person, he becomes a person of awareness. On the
At this stage, both blood-kinship and spiritual-kinship relations are reduced to

What is spiritual relationship? The proposed description reflects only
a small part of the spiritual tree. We cannot fully see all the roots and the entire crown.
we can because of the limitations of our consciousness. The picture is actually even more
voluminous. But let's try to figure it out a little. Let's start from the very basics
everything is in this life...

The whole world is filled with the energy of attraction, which we, people, call

This is a through quality of the Universe, which manifests itself in the microcosm, in stones, in
plants, in man and in space objects, that is, in the entire universe. Thanks to
love, everything strives for each other, life is born, the world is held in unity.
All this happens on the basis of deep attraction, which is Love. This energy
also called God.

What lies at the basis of this magnetic force - love? it
interaction of two polar energies, which in our world are associated with
masculine and feminine energies.

It can be said that masculine feminine exist at the core
manifested world. These are continuously creating and self-preserving energies. God
embodies the same principle as every soul it spawns: it divides,
and then returns to its unity. And all souls repeat the duality of God,
carrying these polar energies. And we humans are also similar in this - in each of us
There are also male and feminine energies which are implemented in
corresponding male and female bodies.
It becomes clear why God needed to divide Himself into
opposites, violating the unity and integrity, which means harmony, peace and
bliss. Separate is the only way learn anything, including yourself.
In unity there is no knowledge, there is only Being. All aspirations and desires fade in it,
the movement is extinguished, because there is nothing external to which one could reach.

So, dividing the one into opposites, one goal is pursued -
evolution of life.

This is the greatest irresistible desire self-awareness, development, growth
pushed us to separate from a single source and embark on an incredible journey,
called life. So life is not an accident, it is the expression of the strongest
desire to sprout and blossom. This is our wish! Be true to this desire. Further
another process begins - the desire for unity, for what remains in memory.
Therefore, opposites from time to time unite and as a result appear
new forms of life.

It is impossible to prefer one energy to another - without one there will be no second.

In the system of the universe, these two forms of being, taken separately, do not create anything.
But their combination gives life. Separation into masculine and feminine energies,
all-pervading and all-pervading love is the basis of the relationship between a man and
women, causes a desire to search for each other, to unite them.
Such an excursion into the foundation of the universe shows that Heaven, like the Earth, is permeated
united energies and the same principles of development, and the earthly race has an analogue - the race
Each of us is a microcosm that serves as a reflection of the macrocosm. Each of us
carries the universes and is a god for them. Understanding the nature of ourselves, we understand
the nature of the universe and God. By understanding the nature of the universe, we understand ourselves and God. Everything
one in this World, everything is one!

God, wishing to know Himself, is divided into many souls.

Then, gradually, step by step, each Soul, dividing into separate parts, enters
into denser layers of matter and reaches the physical world where she wishes to experience
yourself in the human body, and simultaneously in many people. One soul can
be in 20 bodies! In another way, we can say that the Soul, having separated from the World
Souls, dissolves "branches", which branch more and more as they enter dense
layers of matter by the souls of specific people. This is how a spiritual race is born, created
spiritual tree.

Each branch of the development of the soul has its own set of tasks, its own set of qualities, its own
experience, and the deeper into matter, the greater this individuality.

That is why it is often so difficult for people to understand each other. But all this
needed for more larger set experience. Experience gained by one individual
soul, becomes the experience of the entire spiritual race, of all the souls included in it. So
Thus, the process of evolution, the process of gaining experience by all souls, is accelerated. Because
here on Earth, people from different spiritual families have the opportunity to communicate closely
with each other, in their close relationships to connect all the planes of Existence, then with such
merging is the transfer of experience from one spiritual kind to another.
On the path of self-consciousness in each such branch, a set of certain
energies, individual qualities that may differ from the energies and qualities of others
branches. In the material world among people, for this reason, sympathy and
antipathy, attraction and repulsion, tolerance and rejection. In earthly life
a rather complicated picture arises: everything is mixed up - all the spiritual branches of different
shower. People, closely interacting with each other on the physical plane, creating pairs and
families, giving birth to children, create consanguinity.

It can be difficult to find agreement between those people who have acquired a different
experience and have different vibrations, as they are from a different spiritual kind.

They are different, they are "alien", it is felt, and sometimes it is very difficult for a person
because of this, accept another. Even if he tries to find good sides in actions
a person unpleasant to him, it is not possible to accept him “with all his heart” - he has other energies,
he gives off different impulses, he has a different experience. Reason can disguise
feelings, upbringing can prescribe appropriate behavior, but the difference in energies
will still have an effect.
The following experience should also be taken into account. Man and woman, strong
love, deep energy interactions during sexual
relationships can launch many programs that go to other worlds, to other lives. AT
such moments, depending on the depth of feelings and awareness, they can
live a lot of lives at the same time (after all, the past and the future are
here-and-now) and unite energies from different spiritual families. Similar
there is a union of two different blood families.
There's another one going on here important action. During sexual relations
there is not only the formation of spiritual birth, but the birth of astral children! Everything,
as in the earthly, blood race. And these astral children also affect relationships
men and women, tying them to each other. It makes you more responsible
refers to sexual relations. Little is known about this, and therefore
little researched, but it's all there and operates in our lives.

A love affair on the earth plane can be so strong that it can
connect branches of different spiritual families. Thus, when connected
men and women in a couple and family there is a deeper interaction,
happening on all planes of existence.

Having separated himself from the spiritual parts, a person separates himself from the greater part of the World.
and most often he realizes himself in this world precisely as a physical body. But this
inadequate development. Just going beyond physical body by connecting with
soul, with all his plans, a person takes part in co-creation with God. And
then he truly lives and acts “in the image and likeness” of God.

Series of messages " ":
from 1 - 19 - the book "The fetters of motherly love" from 20 - 26 the book "Second Maturity." Getting old is a bad habit that active people don't have time for. 27 - 35 - book "KIN. FAMILY. MAN" p. 36 - 44 book "Three Births of Man. Baikal meetings" The author of the books is Anatoly Alexandrovich Nekrasov. "In my book there are many practical advice for those who wish to hear and accept them, but many readers say: “I know all this. There is nothing new for me.” They know, but why do they live in the old way? Why is the house full of problems? If you “know everything”, I suggest using this chapter to look at yourself with completely different eyes... Suddenly it turns out that just such a shocking look will help you turn on your internal reserves and start doing something...”
Part 1 -

Hello, Natalya Leonidovna! I may not be completely clear on your question, and therefore I am not sure of the accuracy of my answer.

Perhaps you are referring to a brazen and cavalier relative who can be described as “Hello, I am your aunt. I came to you from Kyiv and I will live with you ... ”This phrase came from the domestic film“ Easy Life ”and was pronounced by her heroine of the wonderful actress Faina Ranevskaya - Margarita Ivanovna.

But, perhaps you mean something else and mean "Ivan, who does not remember kinship." Where did this expression come from?

Sometime in Russian Empire one of the ways to punish criminals was a link to hard labor. And the people fled from this penal servitude. The one whom the police managed to catch, during interrogation, as a rule, was called Ivan. And when the policeman asked for a surname, he claimed that he did not remember his relationship.

In the same way, serfs who had fled from the landowner, soldiers who could not bear the burden of recruitment, and other “passportless vagrants” concealed their name and origin. They were recorded in documents like this: "Ivan does not remember kinship." There was even such a legal term: "not remembering kinship."

The common people, who could never be denied resourcefulness, began to call Ivan the kinship who does not remember everyone who renounces relatives, friends, old ties. Lawyers have developed on this basis even such a scientific term: "not remembering kinship."

Now this expression in a broad sense means "a person without beliefs and traditions." In addition, Ivans, who do not remember kinship, are usually called people who are unscrupulous, ungrateful, easily forgetting the good done to them, and those who do not know and do not want to know their history, culture, their ancestors ...

The poet Vladimir Kostrov has a poem of the same name

"Ivan, who does not remember kinship"

Not like a folklore detail,

Like a challenge against nature

Was in Russian life

scary image -

Ivan, not remembering kinship.

Not a light

No field of honor.

Not a torrential tambourine.

No good memory

Not a song

no mother

And no father.

There is no injury

Not a deformity

Do not thief - a hand at the ax,

And hearts are eternal orphan

And there is a hole in the bright mind.

And in the near side

And in the far

In times of trouble and triumph

There is no sadder fate for you

Ivan, not remembering kinship.

Interestingly, the name Ivan is not Russian in origin. Ivans live in all countries, only the names of these namesakes sound differently. In fact, our Ivan's kinship is the most ancient. Thousands of years ago, the name Yehochanan was common among the Jews. In their language, it meant: "the grace of God", "gift of God."

With the spread of Christianity, the names of the ancient prophets began to appear among other peoples. So, among the Greeks, Yehochanan will turn into Ioannes. From the Greeks, this name went throughout Europe and sounded in different languages:

in German - Johann in Finnish and Estonian - Johan

Spanish - Juan

Italian - Giovanni

in English - John

in Russian - Ivan

French - Jean

in Armenian - Hovhannes

in Portuguese - Joan

Ivans, who do not remember relatives
In Russia, in the era of serfdom, the captured runaway convicts, in order to hide their past, said that they did not remember anything - neither the name, nor the relationship, nor the place of birth. Therefore, the police recorded them all as "Ivans who do not remember kinship."
Allegorically: a person who does not respect his history and traditions (contempt, disapproval).
In Russian literature of the XIX century. another generalized image created on the same basis was more popular. For example, the writer M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, in his satire “The Little Things of Life”, (“The Newsboy”, 1886) wrote about “Ivan Nepomniachtchi” (the last word here replaces the surname), meaning unprincipled writers, journalists and newspaper businessmen : “Without an idea, without conviction, without any concept of good and evil, Nepomniachtchi stands guard over the leadership (the interests of the government, “bosses.” - Comp.), not believing in anything except fifteen rubles that the subscriber brings ... He even flaunts his lack of convictions, calling the latter abracadabra and declaring publicly that neither tomorrow nor the day after tomorrow he intends to be embarrassed by any "bonds".

  • - A quantitative indicator indicating how much the similarity of two specific animals exceeds the similarity of two randomly selected individuals from the same population. It ranges from 0 to 1...

    Terms and definitions used in breeding, genetics and reproduction of farm animals

  • - a sequence of relatives linked by relations of generation. Usually distinguish direct and lateral L. r. Direct L. r. faces are connected, coming from each other ...

    Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - wing. sl. An old legal term that applied to a vagrant without a passport...

    Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

  • - coefficient of parentage - Probability of homology of parents' genes, leading to the formation of a homozygote; K.r. parents equal to the coefficient inbreeding calculated for posterity...

    Molecular biology and genetics. Dictionary

  • - clerks: 1st Royal; 2nd - orders from Kostroma ...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - an indicator of relatedness in a population: the proportion of genes that are identical in origin, i.e. inherited from a common ancestor, among all genes in two compared ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - see kinship systems ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Not remembering kinship, indifferent to his homeland. Wed I do not associate with everyone I meet and prefer to be careful with people who do not remember kinship. Saltykov. Abroad. one...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - not on / thinking ...

    merged. Separately. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - Ivany pl. unfold Generalized common noun for Russian people ...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary

  • - indifferent to his homeland (a hint of Ivanov, who does not remember kinship, - vagabonds wandering in a foreign land. We do not get in touch with everyone I meet and prefer to be careful with people who do not remember kinship ...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Iron. 1. A person who has broken all ties with his environment, with relatives and friends. 2. A person who abandoned his past beliefs, beliefs ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - Razg. Unapproved 1. Having broken all ties with the environment that raised him, with relatives and friends. 2. Abandoned his former beliefs, past activities. 3...

    Big Dictionary Russian sayings

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 who broke ties with the environment that raised him ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Ivans who do not remember relatives" in books

Ivans attack

From the author's book

The Ivans Attack Shortly after dawn I was awakened more rudely than I would have liked. The alarm this time was the Russians. Among blue sky they created a screen of fire that left no room for the imagination. It covered the entire front of our bridgehead. Only Ivans could

not remembering relatives

From the book of Caesar author Gevorkyan Eduard

Not remembering relationship According to legend, the city of Alba Longa was founded by Ascanius, the son of Aeneas, about four centuries before Romulus and Remus and their gang showed up in it. Naturally, strangers were treated, to put it mildly, unfriendly. And then the brothers decided to found


From the book of Betancourt author Kuznetsov Dmitry Ivanovich

IVANS WITH NO RELATIONSHIP Even at the beginning of his life in St. Petersburg, Betancourt often asked himself the question: why in Russia are so many buildings made of wood? After all, this material is short-lived. In addition, huge forests are being destroyed throughout the country, numerous

ties of kinship

From Mammoth's book [Book of Essays] author Rekemchuk Alexander Evseevich

Ties of kinship Grandmother's joys One-year-old yet, I was taken to Kharkov to show my grandmother. There is a photograph where I - all in curls, freckles, cheeky, very pleased with myself - I sit on her lap and eat a French bun, whole, I had an appetite even then

Neighbors remembering and not remembering

From the book Island of God by Ner Benjamin

Remembering and non-remembering neighbors "A neighbor is not to love him, but to live in peace." Now I will tell you an anecdote. Once the Lord called the angels and said: I am starting the act of creation. Check it out. And shows them a diagram where galaxies, stars, planets,

16th century: Ivan the Terrible and the Terrible, the Battle of Molodino in 1572, the Stroganovs, Ermak, Siberia, Troubles

From the book Terrorists author Andreev Alexander Radievich

16th century: Ivan the Terrible and the Terrible, the Battle of Molodin in 1572, the Stroganovs, Yermak, Siberia, the Time of Troubles In 1492, Grand Duke Ivan III the Terrible of Moscow was first called the "Sovereign and Autocrat of All Rus'." Sovereigns were titled bearers of supreme power who had


From book Fairy-tale heroes author Goldovsky Boris Pavlovich

Ivana. The real Russian heroes folk tales. Among them there is simply Ivanushka or Ivashka, there are Ivan Bogatyr, Ivan - a peasant son, Ivan - a soldier's son, Ivan - a guest son, Ivan naked, Ivan Peas, Ivan Besschastny, Ivan Bykovich, Ivan Mare's son, Ivan Koroviy

Ivans, who do not remember relatives

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Ivans who do not remember kinship In Russia, in the era of serfdom, fugitive convicts caught to hide their past said that they did not remember anything - neither name, nor kinship, nor place of birth. Therefore, the police recorded them all as “Ivanami, no relationship

the author Lapshichev Vadim

Will the Ivans follow in the footsteps of the Chingachgooks?

Will the Ivans follow in the footsteps of the Chingachgooks?

From the book The most reliable and truthful method of getting rid of any bad habit. Shichko method the author Lapshichev Vadim

Will the Ivans follow in the footsteps of the Chingachgooks?

Slice 7. Russian academics - "Ivans who do not remember kinship"

From the book Kremlin pygmies against the titan Stalin, or Russia to be found the author Kremlev Sergey

Slice 7. Russian academicians - "Ivans who do not remember kinship" AND HOW are things going with us with the apostles of scientific knowledge - members of the Russian Academy of Sciences? The great American humanist writer Mark Twain rightly believed that a citizen who sees that political

Remembering kinship

From the book Literaturnaya Gazeta 6241 (37 2009) author Literary Newspaper

Remembering kinship Dmitry Barskov. Our surname (History of the Barskov family from the 16th century). - Vladimir: Kaleidoscope, 2009. - 528 p. Since its inception, Russian genealogy has developed as a discipline that studies a very narrow layer of the ruling class of the state.

We are not Ivans, who do not remember kinship

From the book Burning Match Time (compilation) author Krupin Vladimir Nikolaevich

We are not Ivans, who do not remember kinship Who were called with such words? Those who did not remember their ancestors, did not honor them, did not live according to their precepts. But in general, in Russia, the attitude to history and the whole country, and each family has always been the most respectful. He did a lot to glorify

Ivans remembering kinship

From the book Secrets of the Russian Word author Irzabekov Vasily

Ivans who remember kinship Every time I shudder inwardly, hearing or even reading the name of our Lord Christ, which some of our brothers in faith - the same Greeks and Bulgarians - so generously reward their boys with. I clarify - I don’t condemn, but I just can’t get used to it and

Ivans remembering kinship

From the book The Secret of the Russian Word. Notes of a non-Russian person author Irzabekov Vasily

Ivans who remember kinship Every time I shudder inwardly, hearing or even reading the name of our Lord Christ, which some of our brothers in faith - the same Greeks and Bulgarians - so generously reward their boys with. I'm clarifying - I'm not judging, but I just can't get used to it and
