How do Arabs live in the Emirates. How Russian (Slavic) girls are treated in the UAE

  • Half of marriages in Arab countries are still organized by parents. Most people think that nobody asks a girl's opinion. In fact, if future bride does not like the groom, she can refuse his proposal.
  • wedding is not possible without marriage contract. Unlike the rest of the world, this binding rule in the Arab countries.
  • Arab women rarely marry members of other religions, because in this case they would have to leave the country. Men have more privileges and are allowed to marry Christian and Jewish girls. However, in this case, the foreigner does not receive citizenship, and in the event of a divorce, common children always remain with their father.

  • In most Arab countries, the bride and groom must be at least 18 years old to be allowed to marry. For example, citizens of Tunisia can start a family at the age of 18, but at the same time average age brides is 25 years old, and grooms - 30. However, in some developing countries are still popular early marriages. For example, in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, most girls are married before the age of 18.

wedding ceremonies

wedding traditions may differ in different countries, but the Arab bride and groom celebrate their wedding separately from each other.

  • The "groom's wedding" may be celebrated on a different day from the "bride's wedding". As a rule, the celebration is very modest: guests are offered tea, coffee, dinner, and their communication lasts no more than 4 hours. The bride's wedding is celebrated much more widely: in a large town hall with waiters and artists.

  • « Women's wedding”is an occasion to show off diamonds, designer shoes and evening dresses, because usually all this beauty is hidden under hijabs (or abayas). That is why only women can attend such a wedding. Men are strictly prohibited from entering. The wedding is also served only by women, and we are talking not only about waitresses, but also about singers, photographers and DJs. If a famous singer is invited to a women's wedding, he will not be able to see either the bride or her guests, as he will perform behind the screen or in the next room with a live broadcast to the main hall.
  • They warn about the visit of the husband to the wedding in advance, so that all the guests have time to cover themselves with abayas. If the husband comes to the wedding with his brothers or father, then the bride must also wear a white abaya, since even the husband's relatives should not see her beauty.

  • In Arab culture, gifts to young people related to alcohol, including wine and champagne, are forbidden. Guests usually give various things self made, which can be used in the interior of the future home married couple. Also, a man cannot receive gold jewelry and silk as a gift.


  • Most marriages in contemporary Arab countries are monogamous, as not every man can afford to have multiple wives. The religion allows men to marry four times, but they must provide each wife with a home and give them the same number of gifts, jewelry and, of course, your attention. Having several wives is a privilege of sheikhs and very rich people.

  • The most important is the first marriage. No matter how many wives a man has, the first wife is considered the "eldest".
  • If a man finds a new wife, the rest must accept her and submit to the will of their husband without showing their displeasure. Most often, wives do not live in the same house, and therefore they are extremely rare.


  • According to ancient tradition, a man who wants to divorce his wife must repeat the phrase "I'm divorcing you" three times. After that, the wife has to stay in his house for certain period to make sure she's not pregnant. During this wait, the husband may change his mind and get his wife back by simply saying "I'm taking you back." You can repeat this “return” procedure only three times. After the third divorce, he is forbidden to take this woman as his wife again.

  • A woman can also apply for a divorce if her husband does not provide for her well. Such cases are carefully considered in the courts, and wives often get divorced. Arab men are accustomed to expressing their love with gold and jewels rather than flowers. For example, a husband should go to restaurants with his wife and buy expensive gifts and clothes for her. If he has several wives, then the amount of gifts and attention should be equal.
  • In all other cases, it will be very difficult for a woman to obtain a divorce, as the courts are often biased and supportive of the husband.

Women's rights

Despite stereotypes, Arab men have a lot of respect for women. It is believed that they should not need anything.

In fact, Arab women were among the first to be given the right to marry of their own accord, file for divorce, and own property. It happened in the 7th century, when women from other countries could only dream of such opportunities. According to Islamic law, marriage between a man and a woman was a contract that was valid only if both partners showed their consent. In addition, during this time, women gained the right to own property and use the assets that they brought into the family as dowry or earned.

Once a week, all beaches, water parks and beauty salons in the UAE are open to women only. A man simply will not be allowed to enter any of these places. However, the wife of a Muslim must obtain the permission of her husband for everything. If she wants to go somewhere, she must first tell her husband about it and get his permission.


A woman is required to wear loose clothing in public, under which there can be anything: mini-skirts, jeans and shorts. Many fashion girls envy the outfits of Arab beauties. But when leaving the house, women should completely cover their bodies with loose clothing and hide their faces. This is because her beauty is only for her husband and other men should not see her. The exceptions are "women's" holidays and weddings, where men are not allowed to attend. Here women can show their designer clothes and jewelry. The custom of covering the face is not observed by everyone, but women are required to cover their heads in most Arab countries.

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Polygamy and harems, lack of education and lack of legal rights, the brilliance of diamonds and the veil - the life of Arab wives has acquired so many stereotypes in the eyes of foreigners that it is already difficult to distinguish truth from fiction.

website decided to find out how the beautiful and mysterious women East.

arranged marriage

  • Half of the marriages in many Arab countries are really still based on the will of the parents.. And many are sure that no one takes into account the opinion of the girl. Actually this is not true. If the bridegroom did not like the bride, then she has the right to refuse the marriage proposal.
  • marriage contract must be signed. Unlike the rest of the world, in the Arab countries this rule is strictly observed.
  • Arab women rarely marry non-Christians, because for marrying an infidel they can be expelled from the country. Men are in a more privileged position, they are allowed to marry Christians and Jews. But in this case, the girl does not receive citizenship, and in the event of a divorce, the children remain with their father.
  • Marriage age. In most Arab countries, the minimum age of the bride and groom is 18 years. For example, residents of Tunisia, by law, can marry at the age of 18, but in fact the average age of brides is 25 years, grooms - 30 years. Although in some developing countries, early marriages are still practiced. For example, more than half of girls in Saudi Arabia and Yemen are married before the age of 18.

How are weddings

In different countries, traditions vary, but often the Arab bride and groom celebrate the wedding separately.

  • "Men's wedding" it can not even be celebrated on the same day as the bride's celebration and, as a rule, goes uncomplicated: tea, coffee, dinner and communication - no more than 4 hours in total. Weddings of wives are much more magnificent: a huge hall, waiters, artists.
  • "Women's wedding" is an occasion to show off in diamonds, designer shoes and evening dresses. After all, usually all this beauty is hidden under scarves and hijabs (abayas). Therefore, only ladies are present at such weddings. Men are strictly prohibited from entering. All staff are women only, including singers, photographer and DJ. If a famous singer is invited, then he will not see either the hero of the occasion or the guests, performing songs behind a screen or in the next room, and the broadcast is going into the hall.
  • The arrival of the husband is announced in advance, so that all the ladies can cover themselves with abayas. And if the husband comes with his brothers or father, then the bride is also covered with a white abaya, because even male relatives should not see her beauty.
  • It is not customary to give money or household appliances to a wedding. As a gift, jewelry is usually presented to the bride.


  • Most marriages are monogamous. Not every arab man can afford polygamy. Islam allows up to 4 wives, but each of them must be provided own house, equally give gifts, attention, jewelry and other things. Several wives are the privilege of sheikhs and very wealthy people.
  • The first marriage is the most important. No matter how many wives a man has, the first, “great” marriage is considered the most important, and the wife is the “eldest”.
  • If the husband nevertheless took another woman as his wife, the rest of the spouses are ordered to reconcile. They should obey the will of their man and not show any emotions. As a rule, all wives live in different houses and do not intersect so often.


  • A man, wishing to divorce his wife, according to a long tradition, could tell his wife “leave” three times at any time. After that, the wife had to immediately leave his house, taking with her only what was on her. Therefore, women wore all the donated gold on themselves. In practice, divorces initiated by husbands are extremely rare. In addition, children in a divorce always remain with their father.
  • A woman can file for divorce if the man does not provide for her well enough. Such statements are considered carefully by the courts and most often satisfy them. In the Arab world, men express their love not with flowers, but with gold and jewelry. For example, he is obliged to take her to restaurants, buy expensive gifts and clothes. If there are several wives, then everyone is entitled to the same amount of attention and gifts.
  • In other cases, it will not be so easy for a woman to achieve a divorce, after all, the courts often make decisions biased, supporting the side of the husband to the last.

Women's rights

Contrary to prevailing stereotypes, an Arab woman is highly respected by men. She shouldn't need anything.

  • Arab women were among the first to receive the right to marry at will, to divorce and to own property. This happened back in the 7th century, while in other states the ladies were deprived of such opportunities. Islamic law viewed the marriage of a woman and a man as a contract that could only take effect with the consent of both parties. Also during this period, the right of women to own property and dispose of the wealth that she brought to the family or earned was introduced.
  • Weekly women's days. Once a week in the UAE, all beaches, water parks and beauty salons are open exclusively for ladies. A man will simply not be allowed into the institution.
  • However, the wife of a Muslim does everything with the consent of the man. To go somewhere, she should warn her husband about it and get his permission.


  • Women must cover their bodies with loose clothing and a veil. They can wear anything: miniskirts, jeans, and shorts. The outfits of Arab beauties could be the envy of many fashionistas. But, going out into the street, a woman puts on a silk cape from above to the toes, and hides her face with a scarf. After all, her beauty is only for her husband, strangers should not see her. The exception is "women's" celebrations, weddings, where there are no men and you can "walk" designer novelties. However, this custom is not observed everywhere, but women should cover their heads in almost all Arab countries.
  • Kuwait is the only Arab country where women wear outdoors European clothes . However, it must remain modest and closed.
  • Against Kuwait there are countries, such as Yemen and Sudan, where old customs still exist and women are required to wear black capes that hide them entirely, from top to toe.

Education and work

  • If a woman wants to get an education, it is not forbidden. Many girls even go to study abroad. For example, in Jordan only 14% of women are illiterate. In the UAE after graduation high school 77% of girls enter the university and make up 75% of the total number of students at Al Ain National University.
  • Housekeeping is on woman's shoulders, however, in rich countries, housekeepers take over this responsibility, and the main task of the wife is to give birth and raise offspring.
  • There is a career. In the UAE, women make up about 2% of managers, hold 20% of administrative positions and make up 35% of the country's workforce. On the Abu Dhabi Stock Exchange, 43% of investors are women. Also in the United Arab Emirates, women can hold the post of judge and work in government departments, such as the police. In Tunisia, more than 26% of members of parliament are women. fly in the ointment it can only be the fact that in many Arab countries a woman cannot get a job without the consent of her husband or guardian.

On the deserted shores of the Persian Gulf, the Arabs created big park entertainment - United Arab Emirates.

Over the past decades, the country's population has increased many times, and this is not due to the growth of the indigenous population, of which only 11 percent remain.

More than 80 percent of the population are disenfranchised migrant workers. Millions of workers from South Asia came here in search of work and a beautiful life, Europeans occupy more high positions, but everyone has the same goal - to earn money and leave.

There is absolutely nothing to do in the Emirates, there is no history and culture left here, in the pursuit of profit, the Arabs simply lost their national identity.

There is no architecture, no history. The super-profits from the sale of oil made it possible to attract foreign specialists to implement their own, exquisitely conceited and limitless ambitious projects.

Now everything here is the biggest, tallest, expensive and tasteless. Although, many people like it, especially tourists.

Emirates amazing country, more than 80 percent of the population are disenfranchised immigrants. Most of them come from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and other countries of South Asia and the Philippines who immigrated to the UAE as temporary workers, builders, cleaners, sellers. Europeans come here to more prestigious places, mostly experienced specialists and managers.

What unites the Pakistani garbage man and the English top manager is that tomorrow they can be equally easily deported to their homeland.

All the dirty work is done not by the Arabs, but by a disenfranchised crowd of easily deported Indopaks. All low-paid jobs are also done by newcomers - digging ditches, building houses, roads and other non-prestigious jobs. But if you take large companies, then the Arabs and there perform in best case decorative function.

For example, the Etihad airline, the board of directors are local loafers, all management is from England. It is important for the locals to take those places where there is actually nothing to do, because the Arabs really like doing nothing and getting money for nothing.

Newcomers live in houses and apartments, rent offices that belong to someone, mostly locals. Visitors drive on toll roads, buy things in shopping centers, pay for parking lots and generally pay a lot for what, and all these payments are again for the benefit of the citizens of the UAE.

Money is taken for everything, for visas, rights, for licenses for the right to carry out activities, etc., that is, roughly speaking, a large number of people stimulate the movement of the economy, the circulation of funds, the conduct of domestic and foreign trade and, in general, other types of economic activity.

It is beneficial for the Emirates to attract people because it pushes the development of the economy forward. So that in the future, when the opportunity arises, to replace visitors with citizens of the Emirates.

In the Emirates, everyone lives one day, because tomorrow may not be, at any moment you can be deported from the country, so no one will seriously plan their future here. In the heyday of the construction boom, apartment buyers were promised a residence permit (residence visa) for a period of 3 years. When 3 years passed, visas were not extended, and people remained with apartments in a foreign country and without visas.

Water is the main value.

This is where the most important begins. The vast majority of visitors consumer attitude to the Emirates. Everyone knows perfectly well that they live here temporarily and no one especially environment does not save.

Everything is dilapidated, littered and littered (polluted) faster than they manage to clean and repair.

Indopaks and visitors in general are not interested in keeping track of the cleanliness and well-groomedness of the country and infrastructure, because if something breaks somewhere, it will be fixed, if it is messed up somewhere, it will be removed, etc. In general, no one gives a damn about the UAE, no one knows how long it will be here, it is quite possible that tomorrow you will need to go home, on the other hand, this "tomorrow" can last 10 years.

The saddest thing is that even the citizens of the country behave in the same way, they also do not make sure that everything maintains its own original appearance as long as possible. A controversial situation arises when the Arabs are dependent on visitors, but the visitors themselves, working in the country, behave too horribly.

Resources and natural resources are consumed uncontrollably, alcohol is consumed in the land of strict religion, depravity and fornication flourishes. Western mores have too much influence on the fragile system of values ​​in accordance with the modern realities of local people, there is a conflict of generations and other significant things.

The Arabs themselves believe that they have made a colossal leap from the past into the future, phrases like "we have done great job"," we worked hard and hard to do all this, etc. "We worked" means attracting foreign specialists for money to implement our own, exquisitely conceited and limitless ambitious projects.

The Arabs, having made such a step forward in such a short time, have simply lost their national identity and self-sufficiency. This applies in particular national cuisine and architecture. Local outwardly become more and more like Americans - big cars, obesity, uncontrolled consumption of resources, a sense of superiority over others. National clothes and pseudo-Arabic architecture does not count.

Small mosque with sleeping area

The government does not forget about 11 percent of the indigenous population. The Bedouin has the right to count on a free house and land. Almost 90 percent of the indigenous population lives in detached houses. But the authorities do not forget about the Bedouins, who do not want to move to new homes, but prefer to wander with their camels through the endless deserts. They are assisted, roads are provided, they are provided with everything necessary. They also say that for the indigenous population, the government pays for education anywhere in the world.

Often it turns out that the majority of people who work here have nowhere to return. These are not only Indians, Pakistanis, Afghans and Iranians, there are also ethnic Russians with passports of the Commonwealth countries and citizens of these same states.

Every year it gets worse in some former Soviet republics, nationalism is growing, the economic situation is destabilizing and worsening, unemployment is steadily growing and people who come here to live and work agree to any opportunity to catch on here.

And the possibilities are different. Competition, moving from one place to another without a visa ban, money, expenses, clothes, trinkets, arrivals on tourist and visiting visas and visa overstay (the so-called overstay), life without documents, petty crime.

Anything but home. By the way, some people cannot go home since 1998 simply on pain of prison or life, because they have to hide here from Russian creditors. All this is the wrong side of emirate life, they don’t write about it in newspapers and don’t talk about it in magazines (and if they do, they write little, because life cannot be bad in prosperous emirates). All this is popular rumor, all news and events diverge among the Russian-speaking population very quickly, the emirates are one big village.

Some people who are friendly and hospitable in their country, once in a tough environment, change for the worse. Betrayal and greed, willingness to do anything for the sake of money, mercantile interests and life is perceived here as completely normal. Everyone wants to live beautifully and richly, but not everyone has the opportunity. Some even try to be better than they really are. The goal of making money here becomes obsessive, the meaning and purpose of life.

For those who come here to live and work, the lack of life becomes a huge problem. Nothing happens here. This is especially felt after the eventful Russia. Even a small accident in the Emirates becomes an event. People start drinking out of boredom.

Those who have no money drink at home, those who have - in bars. Even the concerts and performances are reminiscent of provincial tours in their scope and organization, yes, Sting, Elton John, Roger Waters, Shakira, etc. came here, but everything looks so provincial, because mainly white expats attend such performances.

You can also go to a night picnic on the beach, smoke a hookah and fry meat. Alcohol is not allowed on the beach.

There is nothing to do without money in the Emirates. Firstly, you will not be able to move around normally, public transport is practically not developed, and it is very difficult to get somewhere without a car. Secondly, there are no free entertainment here, except for the dancing fountains in Dubai and a few museums, the entrance to which is free or costs 40 rubles.

Here you can not walk in the evening in the "old town", as in Europe. Everything here is for money, and without them you will be of no interest to anyone. "Everything here is just like that, except money."

There is no history in terms of architecture in the Emirates. Now pseudo-Itoiric villages with souvenir shops and restaurants have begun to be built for tourists.

Emirates is relatively safe. The authorities have created maximum comfort for tourists and strictly monitor that everything is calm. Here you can not close the car and safely leave valuables in the cabin for a short time, you can not be afraid of pickpockets, you are unlikely to be cheated in the store.

By the way, this is a serious problem not only for adults, but also for children who were born here and grow up among visitors, including Russians, children and adolescents get used to hothouse living conditions, become gullible victims of street "bred" in Russia, they do not understand who such gopniks and why they are like that and behave like that. They do not know the elementary things of street conversations, sometimes they do not understand what it means to “responsible for one's own words”.

Teenagers do not understand that I can attack you on the street and take away all the valuables that they can undress, they do not understand that the police will not lift a finger for the sake of such petty crimes, that the police can lock you up in a dungeon just like that, or you can easily fall under the cop pressure, that you just do not need anyone there. In Russia, this is the norm, in the UAE it is nonsense.

At first glance, everything is fine in the Emirates, beautiful expensive cars, huge stores and modern skyscrapers, but do not forget that it is not customary to show trouble here.

The news here does not talk about murders and attacks on the streets, one gets the impression of complete safety. In fact, everything is not quite so, the country is inhabited by dozens of different nationalities who have come for easy money.

By the way, calling an ambulance costs only 5,000 rubles. It's just a call if something happens to you. There are free hospitals, but they only provide first aid.

This is what tourists come for. For all the time that I spent in the Emirates, I did not manage to buy, so to evaluate the quality beach holiday I can not.

"Here they clean, wash, clean, sweep the streets, shopping centers, the toilets are always clean, there is always soap and napkins, toilet paper, bars, restaurants, hotel lobbies without a single mote, people are helpful and polite, smiling, not rude and not rude .

Even if, when you come to the store, you are not in the mood to be rude and rude to the seller, you won’t get anything like that in return, and that’s how you get used to living, you get used to the fact that everyone around you should smile, bend, apologize and so on. That is why Russian tourists, having come here, fall in love with the Emirates forever, tell everyone how fabulous it is here, that everyone is ready to almost kiss the soles of the soles, heaven on earth.

But it's one thing when you come here once a year for 10 days, and even more so if it's once in your life, and another when you live here for years. You get used to being a permanent VIP and behave accordingly, you are surprised when, having arrived in Russia, everyone around behaves and treats you differently. The worst thing is that you get used to arrogance and consider it normal.

From myself I can add that the charms of cleanliness, helpfulness and smiles end as soon as you turn off the tourist path. All roadside toilets stink the same way, and the UAE is no exception.

And this is a special water scavenger, he collects garbage through the channels.

And this is what a tourist paradise looks like. If you do not have money for an expensive hotel on the first line, then stomp you in 40-degree heat among endless construction sites, and hundreds of guest workers to the coveted beach.

"Here no one is interested in your inner world, because I wonder how you are dressed, what you drive and where you live, what spas, clubs, salons, bars and restaurants you go to. The more expensive, cooler, prettier, bigger, etc. all this, the better.

You get used to the fact that some things that you could not even dream of owning in Russia, you can easily go and buy, many do just that. They hang themselves with expensive rags and jewelry, ride expensive cars including those purchased on credit, live in expensive areas or like to visit them on the edge, walk through countless malls, well, in general, enjoy spending life. The degree of annealing depends on wealth and imagination.

You quickly get used to good things, and the sweetness of the Emirati “chocolate” cannot cause soreness or become cloying over time, it’s just the high cost of toys and things, their quantity and variety. "Even living in the slums of the poorest emirate, a real Arab will definitely buy an expensive car or a new phone.

In order for migrants to have a place to live, there are barracks for them, entire areas of barracks, where 10 people live in a room. Then these migrants build houses for more skilled migrants, entire neighborhoods of houses. Then more qualified migrants rent apartments in these houses. The indigenous population of the Emirates, as a rule, does not live in apartments.

Houses and apartments here are of unsatisfactory quality. Here pipes flow and burst, walls crack and everything decays with astonishing speed.

No one here builds for centuries, because it is simply unprofitable, apartments are built to be rented out to tenants for a period of return on invested money. By the way, this photo clearly shows what materials are used to make wonderful Emirati real estate. Buy! ;)

Prices for rental housing in the Emirates. In the poor emirate of Ajman, a one-room apartment will cost only 7,000 rubles a month, a two-room apartment from 15,000, and a three-room apartment from 20,000.

In Sharjah, a one-room apartment will already be from 10,000, and a two-room apartment from 20,000. Dubai has the highest rental prices, one-room apartments start at 15,000, two-room apartments from 20,000, and three-room apartments from 35,000 rubles per month.

A car in the Emirates is needed like air, the distances are very long, and public transport is poorly developed. In the photo - parking of new cars in one of the Emirates.

There are car washes at almost every major gas station. The cost of a complex wash is only 350 rubles. To make it convenient to wash the car, it stands on a hydraulic lift and the washer can thoroughly wash the bottom, thresholds and bumper.

It is also the usual side job of any watchman (watchman or house manager who monitors the building), in ordinary houses where there is a watchman, you can negotiate In a similar way so that by the morning the car was clean. It costs from 850 to 1000 rubles, depending on the impudence of the watchman or the size of the car.

Two types of gasoline 95 and 98. The cost is 95 - 14 rubles per liter. There is also E-plus (octane number like 91, taxi drivers refuel) and diesel fuel (which is more expensive than gasoline here). By the way, gasoline in the UAE is considered the most expensive among the countries of the Persian Gulf.

The local police have no goal to make money. If they stand with a radar, then only to reduce the accident rate on the site. No one will breed you, even if you drank a little.

You can make honest eyes and explain that this is ordinary fatigue, I feel good and I’m going home, this is medicine or an energy drink. Old-timers told cases when cops drove a drunk person home, but that was in the 90s.

Local authorities encourage informers. If you break the rules, then don't be surprised if vigilant citizens report to the police. IN individual cases snitches are given bonuses. It is enough just to call and say that a car with such and such a number has violated traffic rules, or is driving very carelessly, this may be enough for the driver to be fined.

By the way, then by the number of the car on the Internet you can find out what fate befell the violator. To prevent accidents, to show the consequences, wrecked cars are simply left near roads or police stations.

That also happens.

You will have to pay about 3,500 rubles for a red light and you can lose your car for a week. A policeman takes the car to the impound lot. Sometimes, in order to harm the intruder, they "forget" to close the windows in the car. When a happy car owner comes to pick up his car, he has to clean the interior of the sand for a long time.

Car numbers are sold at auctions. A four-digit number costs an average of 2,000 euros. By the way, the numbers remain with the owner and do not change after changing the car. Here you can see the prices for used ear numbers (1 dirham = 8.5 rubles). For example, the Dubai number "200" will cost you only 1,275,000 rubles. The number on this Porsche costs no less.

There are a lot of taxis and they cost no more than Moscow bombers, a half-hour trip around the city will cost only 400 rubles. At the airport, you will have to pay another 200 rubles for landing. Most hotels have their own taxis, it costs 20 percent more than a city taxi, but cars are usually executive class.

In large shopping malls, airports or near nightclubs, queues of hundreds of taxi cars usually line up, and in a special place for landing, long queues of those who want to ride line up.

And yet, a taxi driver can pick up passengers only in his emirate. For example, if you ordered a taxi from Dubai to Sharjah, then your taxi driver will not be able to take a passenger there, for which he faces a fine.

When I opened a jar of juice in one of the taxis, the taxi driver got very excited, as he explained, you can’t drink and eat in the cabin, if anyone sees him, he will face a fine of about 1,500 rubles.

Recently, intercity buses have been made (only in Dubai and a meager number of routes in Sharjah, there is nothing in Ajman to this day), a metro was built and a sea tram was launched. Previously, apart from intercity buses and taxis, there was no transport, and now the convenience of using public transport leaves much to be desired.

Taxi is the only option. You can't even get to the intercity bus stop in the heat in the summer, you have to catch a taxi, and the distances here are decent.

The problem of parking your iron horse in the emirates is becoming more and more urgent every year. There are no garages and paid guarded parking lots here, cars leave everything next to the house in which they live. There is still a lot of empty undeveloped land in Ajman and the problem will still be felt, but not soon (if one wasteland is full of cars, there will always be another).

In Dubai, even in old houses, underground parking is arranged, although there are a lot of problems with parking in Dubai, this emirate is densely built up and free place, especially in the old part of the city, quite difficult to find. New quarters are being designed and built with specially designated parking lots for cars.

In Sharjah, if the car is parked in the evening, then it is parked until the morning, it is unrealistic to find the owner, unless you call the police. And about Sharjah - if a person says that he won’t go anywhere in the evening, because he parked the car and then he won’t find a place, there is a 100% guarantee that this person lives in Sharjah.

By the way, in large shopping centers you can take a ticket to make it easier to find your car in the parking lot later.

The pre-crisis construction boom in the Emirates led to the fact that houses were built so quickly that, for example, in Ajman, the capacity of the power plant was not enough to "feed" the entire emirate with light. Houses were built and rented out, but not inhabited, due to the banal lack of central power supply.

Later, some cunning mind came up with the idea of ​​​​installing two generators in the house (apparently diesel), the first generator runs for 6 hours and feeds the whole house, then for 5-10 minutes the light in the whole house was turned off and the supply switched to the second generator, and after again the first and then the cycle was repeated.

Such a light supply scheme is arranged in Ajman, this emirate, due to its small size and poverty, has suffered the most from the lack of light, and it can be said with full confidence that all new houses in this emirate are with generator light.

Do not forget that local religious prohibitions apply to visitors. For example, during the holy month of Ramadan, people are not allowed to eat, drink, smoke or chew in public. High-ranking police officers in the press say that inappropriate behavior offends Muslims and entails criminal liability for everyone.

Last year, 3 people were arrested, two Arabs and one European, for breaking the fast during the day. According to federal law 3 of 1987, and its amendment in 2006 "Committing crimes against a sensitive (or respectful) attitude to religion" according to which, anyone caught eating, drinking and smoking in public places in daytime days when Muslims fast is punishable by a month in prison or a fine of 16,000 rubles.

This ban also applies to car drivers and the police call for "knocking" on violators. Some restaurants work behind dark curtains and only with themselves. All alcohol shops are closed during Ramadan, restaurants are open and alcohol is served, but after 7 pm (on average), bars and clubs are also open, but without music.

In Ramadan, it is also forbidden to make a lot of noise and listen to loud music at home and in the car with open windows although everything more people, even Muslims themselves score on this rule. During Ramadan, you can drink and eat children under 10 years old, as well as pregnant and sick people, those who are busy hard work, i.e. there are still exceptions.

The system of punishments deserves a separate story. Crimes and offenses are considered by the Sharia Court. The most severe punishments are for the distribution of drugs and crimes of a sexual nature. The most interesting thing is that nowhere are there clear rules and punishments that threaten the offender.

Punishment for most offenses is at the discretion of the judge, and largely depends on his mood. It happens that for the same violation, one judge can be deported from the country, while another can issue a small fine. Per shown middle finger you can spend a few days in jail.

By the way, the conditions in the Emirates prisons are disgusting. The cells are not equipped with elementary beds, lunch can be limited to a simple flatbread, terrible dampness and unsanitary conditions. For the use and storage of drugs, the death penalty is due, but in the Emirates themselves it is not carried out.

To carry out the sentence, the convict is sent to Saudi Arabia, where they are usually hanged or shot in the head. Even in the Emirates you can’t fight, for a fight in public place you can pay 2 years in a luxurious Emirati prison and a fine, depending on the severity of the damage, you can be deported after serving time

Local newspapers talk about very interesting crimes. For example, in one of them, it is said about a 29-year-old offender, of Egyptian nationality, who got into a woman's skirt with a phone in one of Dubai's supermarkets. Such cases are not uncommon here.

Two Britons were arrested in November 2009 after an Emirati woman complained that her child had seen two young men kiss in a restaurant. The accusation sounded like "sexual offense by kissing on the lips and touching."

The lawyer said in the media that there was no kiss on the lips, it was just friendly kiss greetings. The couple were also fined 9,000 rubles for consuming alcohol in a public place.

Two Emirates flight attendants have been jailed for three months for mobile texting of a sexual nature and on charges that the messages "were filled with compulsion to commit sin."

Two people, citizens of India, were initially sentenced to 6 months in prison and subsequent deportation, but the sentence was reduced by the court to three months and the deportation cancelled.

The case came to light following a husband's legal battle a year earlier against his wife for allegedly having an extramarital affair with her supervisor.

A 23-year-old British citizen has been arrested for illegal sexual intercourse with her fiancé after she reported the rape to the police. At the same time, a couple of young people tried to escape their threatening 6-year imprisonment by providing a marriage certificate. The woman's claim that she was raped by an employee of the Address Hotel in Dubai Marina (an area in Dubai) was dismissed due to lack of evidence. But the couple were fined for drinking alcohol.

Last June, Dubai-based British citizen Sally Antia and her lover Mark Hawkins were sentenced to two months in prison and deported after Sally's husband, Vincent Antia, alleged his wife had an extramarital affair. Antia and Mark were arrested on May 2 at the Radisson SAS Hotel in Deira (Dubai area). Sully's husband subsequently stated that on May 3 he requested the withdrawal of the application and the closure of the case, but he was denied.

Marnie Pierce, a British citizen, was detained for a period of 3 months at the request of her Egyptian husband on charges of extramarital affairs. Marnie denied guilt, saying that in this way her husband is trying to establish custody of their two young sons. Despite the condition of the court that after the expiration of the prison term she is subject to deportation, she was pardoned and was allowed to stay in Dubai and see her children twice a week.

The scandal that attracted most attention the public and the media. A case of sex on the beach, in July 2008. Dubai resident Michelle Palmer and visiting Englishman Vince Acors were caught by police for extramarital sexual activity on a beach in the JBR area.

Palmer was also charged with throwing her shoe at a police officer. The young people were sentenced to 3 months in prison and deportation. In November, the perpetrators were deported to the UK.

Separately, it should be said about relations with the Americans. There are NATO military in the UAE, American military advisers are working, the Emirati military is participating in anti-terrorist operations in Afghanistan. Through the Emirates goes great amount military cargo, here is the largest hub of sea and air ports for supplying the NATO military. During the first Iraqi war, all the countries of the Persian Gulf, including the United Arab Emirates, caved in under the Americans. Since then, friendship with America has only grown stronger.

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