Should I praise my husband? other women look at him

Praise is also pleasant for a cat, and what can we say about the representatives of the stronger sex. There are two misconceptions.

The first is that real men never cry, and the second is that only women can be showered with compliments.

Who came up with it and let it go to the masses is not clear. Let's not forget that men, even the most brutal, are still people to whom nothing human is alien.

How not to overdo it

First, you need to know the measure in everything, especially in praise. “Oh, you are my good girl, you cut the potatoes so well, finely, what a fine fellow you are” - do not make a man think that he is not capable of anything more than chopping potatoes finely. Change the text a little, let it sound like this: "Darling, thanks for helping, you made the most of our dinner."

Secondly, if a young person is between 18 and 30 years old, then using diminutive petting phrases is acceptable, for example, “Kitty, you cleaned the kitchen sink perfectly, it shines like new.”

If a man is older, try to focus on his experience, on indispensability in difficult situations for sound advice.

For example, "It's good that you tell me so much about your fishing, I chose the freshest fish in the store today." This works flawlessly.

There are two hidden subtexts in this compliment. The first one says that you listen to your soul mate when he tells you something, and the second one that you not only listen, but also listen. Believe me, men are delighted with such words.

Remember, praise, like swearing, touches the notes of the soul, therefore, as you touch, you will receive, even if you are that same fatal woman.

Take a good habit of praising your man in the company, he will be pleased that you praise him not only at home, but also be proud of him among friends.

Just let these be real compliments, for example, “Vasily, he kindles a fire very well, guys, it’s true, we are in nature without him, like without hands.”

This option is also acceptable, “only my man can cook the liquor so perfectly.” That is, the compliment should be on the case, and not praise the whole evening of the dignity of your spouse, this will bother not only him, but also the company.

Initiative is not punishable

Initiative is good, but you have to be very careful here. Caution is to make it clear to the husband where the initiative will be pleasant, and where rather the opposite. If the husband got up in the morning, and without making too much noise, went to shake out the carpet, then the wife will probably throw herself on the neck without compliments and kiss.

In another situation, the husband wanted to buy his wife a ring with the last money, here it seems to be happy, but he will still want to eat more. It is necessary to develop a habit, first to praise, nevertheless, the spouse tried for you, and only then subtly hint that the purchase should have been agreed upon.

For example, "A bouquet of roses is magnificent, you know how pleasant it is to surprise me, but it's a pity that the roses will quickly wither, and you want me to always smile."

What is the most important thing in praise

Eat Golden Rule a compliment addressed to a man. When you praise a man, always try to touch, the stronger sex, despite its "armor" is very vulnerable, such encouragement will make the praise more sincere and memorable. the main thing to remember is, do not make a daffodil out of a man.

If there are children in the family, then especially try to focus on praising your spouse. For example, “Kolya, go learn from dad how to fry potatoes properly, our dad makes it special.” Children should see that dad can teach them a lot.

Every success at work should turn into a small one. family celebration, so you will stimulate your spouse to move along career ladder, after all, not without reason they say, behind successful men, smart women are standing.

Each wise woman understands the importance of knowing how to praise a man- the overall picture of the relationship with the partner largely depends on this. After all, without exception, representatives strong half of mankind are very greedy for flattery and cannot imagine their lives without compliments.

If you do not learn how to properly praise a man, he will begin to look for support on the side - do not forget to admire the virtues of your beloved husband, the whole nature of his nature is such that he needs constant encouragement and approval of his actions.

Men are very fond of praise, compliments for them are a kind of guide to action. Want to influence your spouse's decisions? Praise him! Even an unfamiliar woman can easily manipulate a man if in right time flatter his vanity with an appropriate compliment.

Now imagine the breadth of your possibilities - after all, no one knows all the strengths and weaknesses of your partner better than you. It is only necessary to praise men correctly, otherwise you can achieve quite the opposite effect.

If the husband understands that you are trying to manipulate him, he may generally stop responding to all your courtesies, but no wise woman should deprive herself of such a powerful tool of influence as a compliment.

The main principle of all praise

Do you think that representatives of the strong half of humanity like undisguised or unreasonable flattery? More recently, it was thought not, but recent research in the field of gender psychology suggests the opposite: it turns out that men are pleased with any words of approval, they are ready to believe all manifestations of admiration, but only if they come from the lips of a woman in love.

Moreover, a guy who is admired by a girl who is not indifferent to him is able to change according to her expectations and inflated ideas about him, praise inspires feats and unexpected accomplishments.

It is not so difficult to understand the essence of the main principle of all praises, try to remember how you perceived your husband at the first time of falling in love, when he seemed to you a mythical hero, and you simply did not notice his shortcomings.

Never forget that your chosen one is the best, let this belief run like a red thread through all your words of approval. This is the only way to inspire your partner for positive changes, praise your spouse correctly, and he will definitely find a way to thank you.

  • All pleasant words speak to your partner with adoration, he should feel your respect and admiration. Exaggerate the dignity of your husband, but don't let it sound like a mockery - sincerity is based on love.
  • Alternate compliments with constructive criticism - it is also necessary to talk about mistakes correctly. In no case do not reproach your partner, but rather present your dissatisfaction with his behavior in the form of a joke. It is also not necessary to hush up grievances - the husband must understand that you are telling him about everything, then your compliments will gain double value for him.
  • The “dosage” of praise also needs to be calculated correctly - even the sweetest flattery can set the teeth on edge if there is too much of it. Of course, all representatives of the male half of humanity are ready to listen to pleasant words about themselves for hours, and in order to enjoy praises in their honor, they can forget about all others without a twinge of conscience. important matters, but still remember the golden mean - the gingerbread will really taste better if it is sometimes alternated with a whip.
  • The vast majority of compliments should be deserved - you can always find a reason to admire. To praise a partner correctly, evaluate his actions - focus on his talents, abilities and actions. You can also admire the appearance of your husband, it will be especially pleasant for him to hear that he attracts you sexually.
  • Praise a man for social status and high earnings need to be very careful - representatives of the strong half of humanity are very sensitive to their position in society, and even your compliments on this topic can hurt a man to the quick. In addition, he may think that you are praising him for the sake of mercantile interests or expecting an expensive gift from him for your flattery.
  • It is very important not to forget to praise your partner in society - just let him this case admiration will be filigree, no one should think that you are doing it on purpose. Rough flattery is well perceived only in an intimate setting - admire your husband, looking at him with loving eyes.
  • The time for praise is ideal for tenderness - you can encourage your partner not only with words, but also with touches. Even the toughest male heart will become softer if, after an approving phrase, you hug your beloved by the shoulders or gently kiss him on the cheek - from female affection all the guys are getting kinder and more compliant.

How not to praise

  • Whatever praise you come up with for your partner, never compare him to others - especially to your ex. Imagine how you would feel if your husband even accidentally matched you with his former partner. Have you imagined such a situation? Now multiply all your discomfort at least 10 - the representatives of the stronger sex are owners in much more than women.
  • You can’t lisp with a man - even when you praise him. Do not refer to your partner as a boy - he should always feel superior, your "seals" and "bunnies" can hurt his pride.

List of best compliments

  • Men are very fond of being asked for advice - your weakness and insecurity in any matter looks very feminine to them. It will be right if you let your partner feel more experienced, and then tell him about it - such feelings will be a pleasant gift for your loved one.
  • Admire the looks of your spouse, his masculinity and physical form- the opinion that representatives of the strong half of humanity are indifferent to their external data is erroneous. On the contrary, your partner has a lot of complexes, and he cannot do without female support. Leave empty jealousy, and if some pretty stranger pays attention to your man, do not miss the chance to tell him about it - the stranger will immediately be forgotten, but your rating in the eyes of your beloved spouse will increase by several points.
  • To make your partner happy, you just need to admire his sense of humor. Absolutely all guys want to learn how to be funny, they know how important it is to be able to improve a girl's mood. You will do the right thing if you sincerely laugh at his jokes - you can’t think of a better compliment.
  • Admire your partner when he behaves nobly - every man wants to be a knight for his girlfriend. Praise his manners and upbringing, even if you are not completely satisfied with them - you will see, soon the situation will change for the better from your compliments.

In order for a man to perceive your praises with even greater pleasure, always watch your appearance and never forget about self-development.

The best compliment for a husband is a beautiful wife, the most pleasant thing for your spouse will be not from words of flattery, but from the admiring glances of his friends and strangers intended for you. Your words of approval will work more effectively if you yourself become interesting woman worthy of the highest praise.

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16 priceless examples of how to compliment a man

Remember when you last time did you compliment a man? And what was his reaction? Do men like being complimented?

I believe that the compliments that we give to women (for example, "t I have the most beautiful, dear, you look so good"), efficient and effective...

Men also like to be told nice words. It's our nature - we love to be praised. But, are they always sweet words that a woman says to her man is really a compliment? Learn more about this.

And as always, I will tell you about compliments that a man WANTS to hear. But first I want to explain why I decided to write this article for you.

Believe me, first you need to strive and only then to be understood. In this order. I want to emphasize that this does not mean at all that you put your interests in the background. Quite the contrary, as a result, both are satisfied.

What is common between compliments to a woman and a man and how do they differ?

The compliments that we make to each other pursue the same goal - to show the significance of a lover or beloved for us. So let's go in order. To begin with, I want to convey to you the importance of compliments to a beloved man.

Compliments to a man are necessary in order to instill strength in him, to give him support. Your words, when they are sincerely caring, are able to convey to your beloved that he "hero"He wants to hear about it, not guess. Praising him male qualities- you strengthen the confidence of a man in himself.

He needs to know that he is strong, that he has influence, that he has the gift of persuasion, for example. Let him know what you see in himhis hero."

This article is valuable in that you will gain practical skills if you read it to the end. In addition, I will sharesecret information, which I give only in training.

Thanks Evgeniya! In their family relationships mutual understanding reigns with the beloved. I'm happy for them.

Do you want to get the husband of your dreams? Then let's get started.

The purpose of complimenting a man is to keep the emotional connection in the relationship.

First, let's remember what it is - emotional connection? IN modern world There is an opinion that successful and functional relationships in a married couple are built on mutual respect and unconditional trust. And love, passion and other romance"is not a matter of first importance,"
possible without it" .

If in your relationship with a man there is a place for that very “ romance", then strengthens them" emotional connection". This is important for your communication. And I'll tell you why.

Emotional connection, in a married couple, is the foundation on which your House is built. A home where you want to return as soon as possible. You know the feeling when you really want to get home after " have a bad day ”, where all the negativity of the day will not weigh on you. This is the place where troubles lose their weight, become insignificant.

Be sure if you like married couple, do not create such an atmosphere for each other, then no one will do this for you. Such an environment is necessary. After all, it can come to , rupture of relations.

Ask yourself: do I want communication with my man to create conditions "security inside my house "? If "Yes", then very effective method- compliment your man. And do it right.

In the training, we teach women the art of making the right compliments. Dedicated to this skill whole lesson No. 18 entitled "Compliments".

The effect on a man that compliments can have

And this is especially important point. How do you like this thought: you can " program» actions of a man with the help of « proper compliments".

It is noteworthy that with their simple help you can get from a man .... yes anything! If you know how to compliment a man in bed, in correspondence, at work, anywhere and at any time, about his style, about his appearance - thereby instill in him a desire to do something. Also you can while complimenting him.

I want you to understand correctly. For this, I will give one statement of the muse V.V. Mayakovsky - Lily Brik. This idea conveys the essence very accurately. She said:
“... It is necessary to inspire a man that he is wonderful and even brilliant, it’s just that others don’t understand this. And allow what is forbidden to him at home, and then you will create your ideal man ... " .

But you could do " correct"compliment to a man. Tell me that none of the men you know has such extraordinary mental faculties. Believe me, it motivates you to achieve. The mechanism works - and the man, confident in his abilities, begins to act.

How to compliment a man?

So, the desire to restore a smile on the face of your loved one, the desire to cheer him up is commendable and absolutely true. But in most cases, women use “supposedly tried and proven” methods that bring the opposite result.

For example: try to bring it to " intimate talk". The catch here is that men mostly endure hardships. inside yourself". And so for him talking about your problems' is by no means an encouragement. On the contrary, he moves even further away.

Remember, have you ever had this: did he react to a sincere attempt to help his lover in such a way that he closed himself even more inside himself?

I want to convey that best compliment for a man - a phrase that will characterize your condition next to him, make it clear that you are happy and grateful to him for being with you. A man wants to understand that you are satisfied with the way he cares for you. Wants to know how you feel happy next with him, appreciate what he does for you. Therefore, I want to present you a very easy, but effective method.

I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy halves, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to the family.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!

How to achieve this, I tell on a free online course man: honest instruction

Pay attention to these 16 phrases, " denounced» in compliments to the man. You can successfully use them in order to develop, improve those qualities for which you value him - courage, strength, and similar character traits.

16 phrases denounced as compliments to a man ...

  1. Your smile turns me on / You make me lose my mind
  2. I lose track of time when I'm around you
  3. I think about you all the time when you are around
  4. I adore your smile. In the morning when I see her, she motivates me to be even better for you.
  5. Take my hand, let's go for a walk. I want everyone to see what I have great man
  6. Looking into your eyes, I want to dissolve in them. I want you. You feed mine more vitality than the air that I breathe
  7. I want you to hug me" whole body". Let even the wind not slip between us
  8. I can't think of anything else when you're next to me
  9. If you were a drink, I would drink you in one gulp / or vice versa - savored, with a blissful smile on my face
  10. Having touched your world once, I burned with a desire to be a part of it always.
  11. I love it when you look at me like that. I feel loved
  12. When you speak, I can even hear your warm breath
  13. There is no such person in the whole world. Which would be of such value to me
  14. It was next to you that I understood the essence of the statement " women love with their ears". When you speak, my attention is drawn to every word you say. Your voice is a real magnet
  15. I admire your ability to make……/your ability
  16. The best place on the ground where I may be - your strong embrace. I feel protected next to you

Compliments to a man are a weapon.

So, in your fragile hands is the tool with which you can create the man of your dreams.

You will be surprised how easy it is to have such a man nearby who meets all your needs. The main thing is that you do not deprive him of his freedom, because he wants this himself - to BE THE BEST FOR YOU. Remind him that you feel protected next to him, and you will feel it more and more.

Impress him that with such a level intellectual development can't compare « not a single head» at his job that he has no competitors there. With each passing day, this confidence will grow stronger. Fill the mind of your chosen one with this confidence.

And again about harmony. Not always your words can achieve the ultimate goal and cheer up a man. These words may seem feigned, and he will perceive them as flattery. Believe what you say when complimenting a man.

In addition, men cannot be overpraised. It is arrogant 🙂 This has been tested by more than one woman and not one man.

Marilyn Monroe said: I agree to live in a world ruled by men as long as I can be a woman in this world". You have the power, use it. This is how this world works.

But I want to remind you: I want to build happy families. And it is for women pursuing a noble goal - to start a family, healthy relationships I give away my experience. And this experience is not designed to seduce a man and rejoice "purchasing a toy.

Lesson number 5, entitled "Secrets of building relationships" (as part of the training) gives a woman practical skills and techniques for bringing relationships with a man to new level. Including compliments.

Thank you for reading this article. It is very important for me to know that my words have value for you! Save these phrases on your page on the social network. Remember, by giving the right compliments to a man, you are making the right choice!

Read the top articles of my blog:

If you want to make your chosen one or object heightened attention compliment, leaving him with a big smile and warm thoughts directed in your direction, then you should definitely read our tips.

The right compliment at the right time will make a man think of you and be interested in you.

Compliments to a man

Women who receive compliments feel better and more confident. For men, a compliment said in their direction means much more. Representatives of the strong half of humanity will think for a long time both about the kind words spoken and about who they come from. Why is this happening? Everything is very simple: a priori, men receive much fewer compliments than ladies, although they need them no less. So if you say something from time to time nice man, which you are interested in or with whom you are in love, then he will be very grateful to you.

Here are 24 compliments that can cheer up, delight and give spirit to any man.

This is only indirectly a compliment - true, if you ask something from a man, and do not advise him. Turn to the object of your attention for advice and then thank for it. Guys like to help girls in solving problems - in this way they feel their weight, solidity, and relevance. To make a man feel proud like a peacock, just tell him: "Only you can help me in this matter." Read a unique article on how to behave with men and win them over.

Ability to drive a car.

Almost every man believes that he knows how to drive a car better than a Formula 1 driver (though if he is not completely new). IN next time when you go somewhere with him, make an unobtrusive compliment about his professional driving.

Tell him about the physique.

Men need to work hard on their bodies to be attractive to women. Maybe not all, but most guys definitely play sports. To give a man moral pleasure, be sure to tell him something nice about his physique. If the guy is tall, note his harmony, if he is stocky - power and strength, if he has a pumped-up torso, do not miss the opportunity to praise him. Do not generalize, it is best to note some part of the body - the press, sculpted hands, or even beautiful male fingers. The main thing is to be sincere.

Other women are looking at him.

When you are walking down the street with your loved one or a friend you like, don't hate him for being interested. women's views. Better tell him that you are pleased to walk next to him and see the genuine interest of other ladies in your companion. Believe me, any man will appreciate such a compliment.

Good taste.

If a guy treats you to a drink that you really like, do not forget to note his excellent taste.

His dreams and ambitions.

Young people often have serious plans for the future. Talk to the guy about his plans, be sure to praise him for high standards. If you like his dreams, express your admiration. You can unobtrusively talk about your plans to keep the conversation going. Such a conversation will bring you closer, and if your tastes coincide, then mutual tender feelings only strengthen each other.

A sense of humor is a good compliment to a man.

Every guy knows that girls love those who make them laugh, and therefore they try very hard to be funny and interesting. If during a date you had to laugh every now and then, then at the romantic end that ends the meeting, put your palm on his cheek and mark good feeling humor.

His skills in bed.

If your chosen one good lover, then do not behave towards him selfishly. In addition to enjoying caresses, praise him for his lovemaking skills and express your appreciation. This will motivate a man to excel in his art of love.

His courtesy.

Don't be chivalrous young man for their due, because men do them for a reason. Did he hold the door for you? Did you shake your hand when you got out of the transport? Step aside so you get on the elevator first? Smile and compliment his gallantry - the man will be flattered.

Defense instinct.

Through the years of evolution, men have learned that they have a duty to protect women. Walking with a young man dark alley, tell him: "Next to you, I always feel safe." It will be unusually pleasant for any man - whether he is a lover, a handsome colleague, friend, brother or father.

His friendships.

Women don't always understand male friendship. However, if a man has a wide circle of friends who are eager to communicate with him, try to establish with them as much as possible. best relationship. After meeting with your boyfriend's company, be sure to note what his good and friendly friends. This will only strengthen your relationship.

His job.

Does your boyfriend selflessly give himself to work? Does he always deliver projects on time? Do you like your cute colleague's ideas? Tell him, “I love everything you do. Unlike others, your work has deep meaning". Hearing this, the man will be so inspired, as if he received a real promotion.

His strength.

Ask the man to unscrew the tightly screwed lid, carry heavy bags up the stairs. When the first drops of sweat fall on his brow, don't forget to praise his strength.


If your chosen one has a remarkable size of his male attribute, which brings you great pleasure, do not forget to mark this with a compliment. During sex, you can say something like: "You are so powerful that it even hurts me a little." The penis size for a man sometimes brings a lot more experience than the size of the chest for women, and therefore it’s a sin not to say a couple of flattering words to him about manhood. After that, the man will feel at least a god of love.

His mind.

The man you like gives the impression of being very wise man or seems to know all the answers in the world? Compliment his intelligence, wits, erudition, or intelligence, and say it's amazing. wise man I will be happy that you appreciate such qualities.


This “silent” compliment can make a man feel uncomfortable, but he will still be very pleased. When a guy approaches you, keep your eyes on him and look as if you want to eat him. He will definitely understand the signals you send.

His clothes.

It's entirely possible that you're helping your boyfriend pick out clothes, but when he shows up on a date dressed as a runway model, be sure to compliment him on the subject. No doubt, the guy will be very pleased, because young people do not often hear compliments about their appearance. Guys don't talk to each other about "You look so good today!" - This is typical only for women.

His principles.

A guy with principles is a good object for compliments, especially when they match yours. So if you meet a man with strong moral principles and values, be sure to tell him about it. A young man will be unusually proud when he hears in his direction a phrase like: “You are a very principled guy. I've never met someone like you before."

His taste and ability to choose.

It is not only about gastronomic preferences or style of clothing - we have already talked about this above. Do you like the arrangement of his apartment, room, collection of his favorite films? Give a compliment about this, make the man feel special.

Compare him to some celebrity.

Don't compare your boyfriend to someone of the most beautiful stars, otherwise he will think that you are flattering him (unless he is really incredibly attractive). Also, it is not necessary to compare only the appearance of a man. But we can say that his principles coincide with the principles of your favorite movie character, or some individual features / characteristics of your chosen one resemble a certain star.

You need to be careful with such compliments - not all people like to be compared with someone, even if it is a celebrity.

Ask for help.

It may not be just advice. Ask a man for a favor, show that you need him. It is advisable to ask him about what he is really good at. Let him teach you how to take pictures, play tennis, install the program on your computer. Demand will strengthen his consciousness of his own dignity.

The best compliment to a man is to praise him.

Praise your chosen one in front of friends or your family. He, of course, may be embarrassed, but still very pleased. But - do not overdo it. You should also not do it deliberately or too intrusively.

His voice

Tell your loved one that he has a very pleasant timbre of voice and you even get goosebumps when you listen to him. Especially such a compliment would be appropriate in bed.

His hobby

When a man is passionate about something free time, then his soul belongs to his beloved work. It can be occasional trips to the mountains, photography, backyard football, snowboarding, or even computer games. Compliment your man's hobby and you'll melt his heart. Not bad if you understand it at least superficially

It is important to know how to praise a man so that he feels a surge of strength and inspiration, but at the same time does not become conceited. You need to choose the right words and feel at what point you should pronounce them.

When to Praise

The most important rule: a man should be praised for specific actions. It is important to always take this into account, because by praising a loved one just like that, you can spoil him. It is always worth knowing the measure.

Which men's actions should be celebrated? First of all, those that he does to make his woman happy. Worth celebrating pleasant trifles. For example, flowers or sweets that he brought for no reason. Many girls eventually stop noticing that guys try to please them from time to time. It is important for any person to know that his actions are valued. If the husband does not feel the return, then he will simply stop doing pleasant little things for his wife, because for him they will lose all meaning. Why waste time and money on something that no one needs?

Success in work is also worthy of praise. It is important for a guy to know that a girl is proud of him. Especially valuable good word for those who have just started to build a career. Praise will be a great incentive to keep trying and reach new heights. However, even a serious businessman will be happy to hear praise from his beloved woman.
