Is it possible to write to the first man. He hits the price

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Along with the feeling of falling in love, the girls are visited by feelings of anxiety and doubt. All thoughts are occupied by the chosen one, meetings with him. girl's heart vulnerable and sensitive, so he wonders if it is worth writing to the first guy if he remains silent? The stereotypes of society oblige men to take the first step. If there is no reaction on his part, thoughts arise about what to do and what to do.

Should I text a guy or not?

The desire to write to a young man arises when there is no news even for 10-12 hours. A girl in love is gnawed by doubts and uncertainty. Appears desire clarify the situation and call first, but girlish pride and fear of being misunderstood stop and do not allow to take the initiative.

It is better for a girl to oppress herself with gloomy images than to be misunderstood and ridiculed. On the one hand, this is correct. If you do not feel reciprocal feelings for yourself or are unsure of them, it is better to leave it as it is and not be imposed. People are different and there are those who are shy and afraid to look funny.

If you decide to dial the number, think again: the difference between males is their strength and confidence, and they must take the first steps.

The guy does not write first: reasons

The young man does not write first? Think about it, is it worth it to suffer and be upset? Suddenly, the reason lies in the banal answer:

the guy is overwhelmed with things at work;
the young man immersed himself in his studies.

He gets tired and wants to devote more time to work in order to finish it sooner. The difference between men is to give preference to business or other activities. He decides important matters, and then thinks about the girl. Especially if you met a day or two ago. Some generally prefer live communication to correspondence. That's why they don't write first.

If this is inappropriate for you, try to calmly convey what you do not like. Tell us how you miss and worry. Make sure the message is an important event. Just do not be zealous so that the man does not perceive the attitude towards himself as to a celestial being.

If you run towards a man all the time, at first it gives joy. Gradually, the feeling of novelty passes, and the charm loses its strength. The man relaxes, as there is nowhere to strive. A woman gives attention and always goes first to meet. Keep balance, use charm, cunning, and then you will no longer be tormented by the decision whether to write first.

Think that silence is just a coincidence:

lost a piece of paper with a phone number;
The number was accidentally deleted from contacts.

Doubting whether to write to the guy first, you decided to take this step and see that there is no response? Alternatively, he could lose the SIM card. You can imagine justifying situations in your head ad infinitum. But remember the main rule: a man will not lose the number of the girl he liked. Even if so, he will find a way out, how to find him again and call or write first.

Are you waiting for the first step, but there is none? So you are not that girl, and he is not that man. Do not get hung up on the question of whether to write first or wait for a reaction from the other side. Live on, and an empty place in your heart will surely be occupied by a young man who will write and call first.

Before writing to the first guy, think, what if this is a banal check? You have known each other for several days, and he decided to find out your character and endurance. Suddenly you are persistent and start sending SMS and calling. Pause, save the moment of intrigue. When guys are the first to seek communication, they awaken interest in a girl, and if you maintain it, the relationship will move to a new level.

Your boyfriend stopped texting

You have been dating a young man for a long time and are set to serious relationship but he stops texting and calling. In such situations, you should not even think about whether to write to the first guy or not. Be sure to find out the reason, because it may surprise you unpleasantly:

he made a new acquaintance with a girl;
he was very offended;
he got into a bad situation.

The logic of a man is different from that of a woman. Girls know how to write common sentences, while guys find it easier to answer “OK” than to describe their routine in detail. For them, texting is a waste of time. It is better to meet and discuss problems in person than to communicate in the virtual world.

In any case, you can write to the guy first. Especially if you feel guilty and know that you need to ask for forgiveness. A disgruntled or angry man is an explosive mixture from which you can expect everything. With such a mood, he rarely dials the first number or writes. To dismiss thoughts of infidelity or lack of love, take the first step so as not to make matters worse. So you maintain mutual understanding and prove that the guy's feelings are important.

Didn't dare to call? Write SMS by phone or social network. So you will definitely see that the message has been read. If there is no reaction, stop. Do not escalate the situation, let the young man exhale and be alone with his thoughts. Obsession and interrogation will only repel. Take advantage of female cunning, show affection, and your relationship will become stronger after insults. In a calm atmosphere of love and tenderness, it is easier to find out what the guy was doing this time.

The one who takes the initiative starts the relationship. If you decide that it is worth texting the guy first, you are the one who starts them. The initiative and all responsibility for the future rests on your shoulders. Keep this in mind so that later the man does not relax.

Let the young man express himself. If you are interested in him, he will make an effort. A man must conquer, and a woman must intrigue. Build relationships at the first stage so that there are no obstacles on the way to happiness. Approach every situation with intelligence. Study it and only then draw conclusions whether it is worth writing to the guy first or giving the initiative to him.

February 17, 2014

First date is not only romantic meeting two people experiencing mutual sympathy, it is also associated with a large number awkward moments. The girl does not always understand the signals that the young man gives her. If the next day after the meeting, the man does not get in touch, then the girl often does not understand what this means. All sorts of thoughts come up and she starts to wonder if she should write to the guy first or it will look like she is showing more interest than the boyfriend.

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    Why don't young people write first?

    Exists great amount explanations for such behavior. The most common reasons:

    1. 1. He doesn't have time to meet because of work or school, so he decides to call closer to the weekend.
    2. 2. The young man lost the girl's phone number.
    3. 3. He or his relatives had an unforeseen situation that requires his attention (for example, one of the relatives was in the hospital).
    4. 4. He does not like correspondence, talking on the phone or is embarrassed to make contact first.
    5. 5. The girl did not impress him.
    6. 6. He has another woman, and he only goes on dates to raise his self-esteem.
    7. 7. He does not think that he should call immediately, because after one meeting the young man still considers himself a free man.
    8. 8. The guy believes that the girl on the date did not like him and is afraid to disturb her.

    Despite all listed reasons, a young man who really liked a girl will always find a way to find her, even if he wrote down her phone number incorrectly. If a young man is too modest and shy, then you can be the first to be active.

    Is it worth texting a guy that a girl just met?

    Before answering this question, it is worth understanding male psychology. By nature, all guys are interested in the process of courting a lady. If she is too approachable or shows too much initiative, then there is a chance that the man will lose interest.

    However, not all so simple. Today, some men prefer not to call, so that the chosen one is looking forward to a message from the gentleman. Others sincerely believe that they are too good to woo girls, so they are waiting for the first step from her. It all depends on the individual.

    If on a date he was confident, talkative and complimented without hesitation, then this is not the case when the guy is indecisive. A man who at the meeting did not know how to behave, was silent or did something inappropriate, may be too insecure to write. Therefore, he will be glad if the woman herself calls him.

    It is worth considering the age of the partner. It is very difficult for a young guy who goes on a date for the first time to take the next step. There are many friends around him who give advice to "experienced", he has access to the Internet, where the same experts can advise him to "freeze" a girl. Perhaps he did incorrect choice. In this situation, a message or a call from a woman is also appropriate.

    Many guys have a rule not to call a girl the day after a date. Therefore, before taking decisive steps, it is worth waiting a few days. If a man sees that the lady does not show increased interest in him, he will certainly want to contact her.

    What will the guy think?

    On the one hand, a girl who imposes herself on a guy looks ridiculous. Perhaps he will think that no one is interested in her anymore, and he is her last hope. In this case, a person does not need to be active if the girl already belongs to him.

    A man wants to seek the location of a woman and then feel the taste of victory and happiness from owning her. And the girl should let him take care of her.

    There is nothing wrong with a casual call or message. However, it must be borne in mind that in this case it is the girl who starts the relationship, despite the fact that according to all the canons of first dates, the initiative should come from the man. In this case, he may feel weak.

    Even if a man is shy, he may think that his girlfriend will always be the leader in the relationship.

    But that doesn't mean it's not worth calling. Perhaps the guy lost the phone of the girl he liked. If during the meeting the partners agreed that the girl would call or write first, then this should be done.

    But at the same time, you need to act smarter.

    How to call a man and not look stupid?

    So that a man does not consider a girl importunate, it is enough to use several female tricks. For example, you need to come up with a convincing excuse to invite young man to a meeting. It is worth writing a message and saying that the girl planned to go to a football match, theater or cinema with a friend, but she last moment refused. It is recommended to choose an event that will be more to the liking of the gentleman, then he will more willingly agree to meet.

    If the young man refuses, then it is worth showing complete indifference, as if without him there are a bunch of other guys who will not refuse such a tempting offer. You should not persuade him or listen to excuses to the end. You can say something like “I see, see you soon then” and hang up.

    Another interesting option- ask the gentleman for help. You need to come up with some kind of problem that only he can solve. For example, if a man is engaged in computers, then it is recommended to write to him that at the most unexpected moment the laptop broke down, and it is very important documents that cannot be lost. The guy will definitely advise and help solve the problem.

    After that, you do not need to offer to meet yourself. If a girl is interesting to a man, then he will gladly use this opportunity to call her on the next date. If this did not happen, then you should thank the gentleman for his help and say goodbye.

    If a girl refused a date and regretted

    There are situations when girls refuse to meet guys, but then change their point of view. In this case, you can safely call the young man yourself. The girl is already in a winning position, since she knows what emotions he feels for her (if activity on his part was shown not too long ago).

    There is a possibility that the man harbors a grudge and will respond coldly to a message or a call. In this case, you should not insist on your own.

    How to behave with representatives of different zodiac signs?

    To find out how a man will react to a message or a call, you should pay attention to some features of different zodiac signs.

    Zodiac sign Characteristic

    These men are used to being in the center of events, they need respect and reverence.

    To interest Aries, you need to ask for his advice in a particular area, then he will definitely be active.

    Men of this zodiac sign love straightforwardness, so you should not beat around the bush.

    To impress Taurus, you have to be active.


    Geminis are sociable but changeable. Their attention can quickly switch, so you have to be smart and write him an interesting message.

    They are greedy for something unusual

    These men have a changeable mood, so it is difficult to predict whether a representative of this sign will be happy with the message.

    If it was a bad day at work, then he can ignore the interlocutor, and if the sun is shining in the morning, her SMS will be delighted. But keep in mind that Cancers do not like too much pressure and pressure, so you should come up with a reason to meet.

    These men are proud, so they are greedy for flattery, and even the most rude.

    Worth admiring mental faculties or Leo's skills and ask him for help in a predicament

    These men do not like drama and verbose women.

    They have a responsive and sensitive heart, so they perceive calls from girls as a touching manifestation of sympathy.

    Men of this zodiac sign are changeable in mood and may be out of sorts or start sarcastic.

    When talking, do not be shy to show your emotionality, as Libra knows how to listen with his heart


    men appreciate pure intentions and will not appreciate a girl trying on masks.

    To interest a Scorpio, you should ask him logical task. You can talk about problems at work and ask for advice


    Representatives of this zodiac sign readily agree to any invitation to have fun.

    If you invite him to jump with a parachute, ride on hot-air balloon or any other option for an unusual vacation, then he will gladly agree to such an offer and will not think about who wrote the message first


    These men are immune to emotions, so it’s worth stating dry facts. Capricorns love statistics and arguments that support a particular thought.

    Therefore, if you write to Capricorn not just an invitation to meet, but additionally justify why he needs this meeting (possibly in a humorous form), then he will admire the girl’s ability to convince

    Representatives of this sign love everything unusual and avoid the ordinary. Therefore, Aquarius is most likely to be interested in a message written in Klingon or inviting a girl to listen to her play the electric guitar.

    Men have a positive attitude towards the manifestation of activity on the part of the lady, so do not be afraid to write or call them first

    They prefer it when a lady takes the initiative. A girl can not only be the first to make contact, but also decide where and under what conditions the date will take place.

    Pisces really appreciate the business approach from the side of the girl they like.

    Regardless of the zodiac sign of a man, you should be guided by your heart and intuition. If there is a suspicion that after several dates, parting will be inevitable, then there is no point in "poisoning the soul."

    When a man likes so much that a woman is afraid to commit some kind of absurdity, you should stop worrying. Guys feel sympathy well, and if they notice how a girl is shy, but still takes the first step, it touches them.

not without reason wise women constantly thinking about what to write to the guy they like. What to strike unfamiliar man to arouse his interest in his person? How to hint to a loved one about your feelings?

There are many questions, but there are also many options for saying “I miss you”: short messages, cute poems, beautiful words. The main thing is to speak sincerely and from the heart.

Some girls find it difficult to pronounce or write nice words to a loved one. Causes similar behavior May be:

  • difficult memories of childhood;
  • strict parenting practices;
  • experiences of failed relationships.

All this is fraught with the appearance of psychological complexes, which already require qualified assistance from specialists. Therefore, it is necessary to fight your unwillingness to speak beautiful words to your loved one. You will not only be liberated, but also please your soulmate.

Another common misconception concerns the notorious emotional coldness representatives of the stronger sex. It is believed that a real man must be serious, not be distracted by various "nonsense" and not express their feelings in public.

However, often behind seeming indifference lies open guy who is extremely pleased when the chosen one says beautiful words to him.

Do not turn your messages into flattering praises. Your loved one will not like it if you start writing about his non-existent virtues.

Therefore, you can and should speak sincerely, telling a man about why you fell in love with him and continue to love him.

What to text a guy?

You can say nice words to both your loved one and the guy with whom you only recently started a warm correspondence. Moreover, communication on the Internet is more open, because you can express your most secret feelings.

It is unlikely that you will call your boyfriend a tiger cub in front of everyone, but in a message it is very easy to do this. So, what words does he expect from you, the best man in the world?

Option number 1. Compliment to external data

Yes, we often repeat that we value guys not for beauty, but for strength and reliability, but every man will be pleased if the chosen one considers him attractive. You can praise his appearance as a whole, but it’s better to admire some separate “detail” - long eyelashes, dimples on the cheeks or beautiful fingers.

Use the words and phrases from the following list:

  • "The dimples on your cheeks suit you";
  • "You have strong hands";
  • “You look like a pianist - the same long and beautiful fingers”;
  • "A new hairstyle suits you";
  • "You are very strong";
  • "You have such a muscular figure";
  • "What sweet lips you have ...".

Option number 2. A few words about talents

Every young person has some gift or talent. And your boyfriend is no exception.

Perhaps he sings beautifully, knows how to draw, drives a car superbly, or cooks scrambled eggs best of all. Demonstrate to your loved one that his abilities delight you. And even if he heard about it a thousand times from strangers, you just need to say that you are proud of him.

So, what phrases about talents can be written in SMS to a man:

  • "You hit me with this song";
  • “You have done the impossible! The roast was great”;
  • "Your poetry makes me cry."

Option number 3. Words of gratitude

It is always necessary to say “thank you” to your beloved, and it does not matter at all whether he gave huge bouquet flowers or took you to work.

There is a certain pattern: the more often a man is praised, the more he tries.

Hearing rave reviews about your crown platter, the guy will certainly want to repeat his culinary masterpiece. And all for a few nice words from the woman you love.

The same applies to the sexual side of relationships. For a great night spent, the man also needs to be thanked.

What to text a guy? We offer the following options:

  • “Darling, it was great! thanks for beautiful night. I hope it was as good for you as it was for me";
  • “Thank you for the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. You are very, very cute”;
  • “I miss your morning coffee. Thank you for a hot and delicious start to the day."

Option number 4. A few words about masculinity

You will never match your loved one in strength, so it is better to appear weak and defenseless than to demonstrate your independence. Emphasize his masculinity, courage and nobility. Men like messages with a hint of their exclusivity and indispensability.

Submit the following nice sms to your beloved:

  • "I'm not afraid of anything with you";
  • “Next to you, I feel absolutely calm”;
  • "You are a real man".

Option number 5. "Amenities" for the night

Messages at night should take into account the degree of your relationship. If you've only dated a guy a couple of times, not the most best solution will write to him: “Lonely night… How I would like to be near you now…” Why? There is a high probability that the young man will take this as a signal for a certain relationship.

Of course, if you want to turn him on and hint at a hotter meeting, this phrase is perfect.

If you are in a more serious relationship, but are now far away, do not forget to write nice guy at night and tell how you need him: "I miss you terribly and dream of falling asleep on your shoulder."

You can send some unobtrusive cool poems, which will serve as a kind of lullaby.

Option number 6. Cool poems

Do you want the young man to smile? Try texting the guy you like some joke.

Cool poems, an anecdote, a compliment with a hint - all this will help reduce the distance between you, provide good mood loved one and show your ability to communicate in a positive way.

A few important rules

If you want your registration to last as long as possible and end with a meeting and a serious relationship, follow a few simple, but at the same time effective rules.

  1. Write smartly. This is extremely important condition in communication through instant messengers, social networks and SMS. Perhaps a young man will not say directly that your literacy is lame, but he may decide that you are not suitable for him. However, you should not point out spelling errors to the guy, he will not appreciate such frankness.
  2. Don't bother the man you love. Messages like "Where have you gone?" or "Don't you like me?" can only destroy the relationship. Firstly, a young man can be really busy, and your SMS will only infuriate him. Secondly, such obsession does not honor a decent girl.
  3. Write first if you like the guy. Some girls categorically do not want to write to the first man who hooked her in a photo on a social network. But how will he know that you like him? Check out his page common interests and write first, and if he does not answer you - well, by at least you will suffer no more.
  4. Don't call unfamiliar man diminutive nicknames. Words like "bunny", "baby", "sun" are only suitable for communicating with a loved one. Agree that it is somewhat unexpected to receive such a phrase in the first SMS: “Hi, baby, I really like you.” It is better to say a few nice words about his hobbies.
  5. Be sincere. What to write to a guy so that he makes sure of your feelings? It doesn't really matter if it's poetry, gratitude in your own words, beautiful phrases from the Internet. The main thing is sincerity and moderation. Rude flattery is discarded immediately; praise for non-existent talents should not be praised either. Neutral options: “I am very glad that you are in my life”, “Thanks to you, I understood what love is”, “I miss you madly”.

A man is a rather romantic creature, although he wants to seem tough and even indifferent to us. Believe me, your loved one wants to hear from you words of approval, gratitude and

The relationship between a man and a woman has always been the subject of heated and controversial disputes. I suggest that you and I look into one issue that has been haunting many generations of men and women for many generations: is it possible for a woman to write to a man first?

Each of us at least once in his life was waiting for a call from a man. It so happened that for some unknown reason, the man did not make himself felt. Neither phone call, no message, as they say "no letter, no news." And here a whole field for fantasy unfolds. One thinks that her lover just forgot about her. The second begins to be terribly jealous, imagining a guy in the arms of another. The third does not find a place for itself, assuming the worst: got into an accident, crashed, or, God forbid, died.

It would seem that the most logical thing in this situation would be to dial the number of the chosen one and stop cheating yourself. But it was not there! Pride begins to whisper about how low opinion will be of you if you call first. The subconscious will suggest that sweet ignorance is better than confirmation of fears. Personal principles will keep from such an "immoral" act. There are many reasons, but the result is one - psychosis.

What is the reason for such contradictions? Yes, it’s just that we all draw our ideas about men and relationships in general, in romance novels and tearful melodramas. After all, on the screen or in the book, the hero certainly seeks the location of his beloved. A woman, like an impregnable fortress, repels the onslaught, but still surrenders to the mercy of the winner. But life does not stand still, it develops and destroys stereotypes. Men often do not possess even half of the qualities that we admire in the heroes of ballads, novels and films.

Women, who once achieved independence from men, laid the foundation for fundamental changes in gender relations. The emancipes of that time did not even suspect that, seeking equality, they would take on the entire role of men. This is where a man and a woman switch places. In the 21st century, no one is surprised by the scheme family life in which the wife earns money, and the husband is lying on the couch. Modern women do not strive at all to become the keeper of the hearth, but are building their careers with all their might. The men in such families are responsible for the care of the children and the household. But, everything new is a well-forgotten old, so there is a possibility that such a model lives somewhere in the depths of our subconscious.

In the 21st century, not only stereotypes, attitudes and tastes have changed, but also the relationship between a man and a woman. If even in the last century you would have been branded as a slutty girl for the initiative in relationships, then in our time nothing threatens you.

Even, on the contrary, they will twist a finger at your temple if you admit that you are waiting for the first step from a man.

Fear breeds insecurity. And modern women can not be called insecure young ladies. Our society is inhabited by real predators who will not be stopped by such a trifle as taking the first step in a relationship with a man.

Everything is worth taking advantage of, especially the achievements of emancipation. After all, we have already proven that we can study and work on an equal footing with men. Often we even surpass their professional characteristics.

You, after reading this article, still can not dial the coveted number? Then read it again and say to yourself: “It is better to do and regret than to regret not doing!”. Good luck to you!

Love, a serious relationship, the opposite sex... At a certain point in the life of every girl, this is what occupies all her thoughts, and study or work fade into the background. But sometimes there is such a situation that a girl meets or is already dating a young man, but he does not write or call.

Why is this happening? And what is the right thing to do in this case?

It is sometimes difficult for women to understand male psychology, because guys think differently from girls. Therefore, their actions often seem illogical, even if the young man himself believes that he did the right thing.

If you've just met

If you just met, but the guy does not take the initiative, this may be for several reasons. Unfortunately, the most obvious of them is that he did not like the girl. To tell a woman in person that she is not his type, he is afraid or shy, so he simply does not call her without explaining the reasons.

This is one of options, but in fact there can be many of them:

  1. The girl liked it too much. A man does not want or is afraid to look stupid, he doubts that he is worthy of such a woman. It is possible that after some time he will repent, want to meet her, invite her on a date, but it will be too late.
  2. He already has a girlfriend. Not every man can be faithful to his soul mate. It is possible that he liked the other, he took her number, but then changed his mind and decided not to start a new relationship.
  3. The man has urgent business. A young man could fall in love, ask for a number, but, returning home, he suddenly found that he was being sent on an urgent business trip, or his friends unexpectedly invited him to go fishing. He doesn't have time to call back, and when he finally had the phone in his hands, he didn't dare dial the number.
  4. He did not feel any interest from the girl. Despite the fact that there was an exchange of phones, he did not call, as he considered that the girl was paying attention not to him, but to his friend or another guy. Of course, most often a man prefers to play the role of a macho, self-confident, strong, but he can also doubt himself. Before calling a woman, he must be sure of her sympathy.
  5. Lost phone number. This reason is banal, but it happens. His mobile phone could have been stolen or he left it somewhere. If the number was written on a piece of paper, it can be easily dropped.
  6. Something serious has happened. Anything can happen in life. Today a person is healthy, and tomorrow he is in the hospital. Or misfortune happened to one of the loved ones. The guy could be taken into the army. The likelihood that he is in serious trouble is small, but this should not be ruled out.
  7. He is shy. This trait is more common in women. But there are also men who cannot write to the girl they like. They will like her photo on VKontakte, but will not write her a message, because they are afraid that she will laugh at them.
  8. He is a gamer. There are guys who prefer virtual reality and are heavily dependent on it. If he became interested in the game, fights with his clan around the clock, then most likely he will forget that he had to call someone.

All of the above reasons can explain the young man's long silence. But still, girls should know that if he really liked you, then he will take the initiative: he will write to in social networks or call, find through friends, even if he lost the number.

But this is not a reason to despair and worry. It just wasn't "the one", the only one. There are no good or bad people, but two people either fit together or they don't. And you didn't fit.

If you went on a date

You met, went on a first date, and after that the guy disappeared. Why did it happen? As an explanation, the reasons listed above will do.

But there are others that we will talk about in more detail:

The young man is very busy

Girls can perform several actions at once: cook soup, chat on the phone, wash clothes, and so on. It is important for a man to focus on one thing. If he is busy with something, then he plunges into it with his head and forgets about everything, so he stopped writing, does not call and does not make himself felt.

He hits the price

Usually it is the man who seeks the location of the woman, but, nevertheless, he would like the girl to appreciate him. Therefore, he is in no hurry to call or write to her, let her worry, wait, and then rejoice at his call. Of course, not everyone agrees to meet with such a narcissistic person, but it is better to find out about it immediately, after the first date, and not in marriage, when there is already a child in her arms.

The guy does not want to change his lifestyle

The young man is already interesting life: he has a job, meetings with friends, his own hobby, playing sports. He has hours every day. Therefore, even if he liked the girl a lot, he cannot change his daily routine in an instant.

Before setting up a new date, he must find a “window” in his schedule, and this takes time. For some, this approach to relationships will seem cynical, but not all men are ready to dissolve in relationships, this is more typical of women.

He does not want to part with freedom or considers himself free

There are men who then become "eternal bachelors." They are already used to being alone, they have their own lifestyle, and there is no place left for a woman in this life, so your relationship is not important to him. They can meet girls to have a good time, but they do not plan to marry.

If such a bachelor sees that the girl already feels like a mistress in his house, assesses the situation, makes plans for the future, he does not call after the first date. And this is for the best.

Another option: if there was only one date, then the guy is not yet sure that this is the beginning of a relationship. He feels free, so he does not consider it necessary to immediately call back and write.

The man is not ready for a serious relationship

If a guy had a girlfriend before that, whom he loved very much, but there were problems in the relationship, it is possible that he does not want to step on the same rake again. Therefore, he is in no hurry to start a new relationship, even if he liked you.

This is a test

Some guys take the time to text first after a date to see how the girl reacts. If she is too annoying, bombarding him with messages, then most likely the man will not want to meet her.

The young man was influenced by his friends

The guy liked you, he began to fall in love, but his friends thought that you were not a match for him. There are suggestible young people who succumb to other people's influence, so they can leave the girl, even if he really likes her.

If you are dating

You are waiting for a call or SMS for several days, but he does not call and generally stopped communicating with you.

There are several options for the development of events:

  1. Something bad happened to him, so he can't communicate with you.
  2. You offended him greatly, because of which he decided to break off relations for a while. Or maybe you really pissed him off.
  3. There is a third option: the man met another girl who he really liked, he fell in love, so now he only communicates with her.

If your correspondence stopped after a quarrel, a man often cannot make the first move because of pride. He doesn't want to show his weakness. Girls are usually also not ready to immediately forget about grievances, so it makes no sense to go for reconciliation until this feeling is released. When you both cool down and calm down, reconciliation will be easier.

Why doesn't communication work?

Why doesn't a guy text every day? Not everyone likes to chat. Many people like to communicate directly, to see the interlocutor, to capture his mood. Therefore, the guy does not write, even if he sees that the girl is online.

We receive most of the information about the interlocutor through personal communication, when we catch his microgestures, facial expressions, albeit not on a conscious, but on a subconscious level. Or he does not want to waste time on empty correspondence, touches, kisses are important to him, he wants to see his beloved woman nearby.

And the fact that a person is online does not mean that he is sitting at the computer. He could be distracted, and he got up from the table, or he is listening to music, at this moment he is talking with someone else, for example, with friends. In addition, guys do not like to make long descriptions, share their experiences like women, so their messages are usually concise and short. These are features of male psychology, and there is no point in being offended by this.

If he does not write messages himself, but always answers, then it is possible that he is just being polite. He doesn't have strong sympathy to you, so he does not take the first step, but he does not want to be rude, offend you, therefore he always answers all messages.

Separately, girls should be wary if a man says he loves, but he disappears for weeks and does not write. He is most likely just cheating on you.

What to do in this situation?

Should a guy text first?

Yes, a man always takes the initiative, as is customary in our society. It is not necessary to invent excuses for him, to invent what is not and will not be, to wishful thinking. Whether this man is ours or not, we feel it right away, so there is no point in justifying him, saying that you can work on relationships.

Is it okay to text the first guy you're interested in?

Why not, it's your relationship, so it's up to you to decide how it will line up. You can write short message, ask a question or write a compliment, but you should not shower it with your messages, especially if you write a lot and often. And then look at his reaction.

If he willingly answers, the correspondence can be continued. If the messages are rare or he is silent, do not insist, it is better to forget about him and move on. In order for your couple to be harmonious, happy, both should be interested in relationships, which means that not only you, but also he should write and call.

How to make a guy call more often?

First of all, do not blame him for forgetting about you. Do not show your excitement and worries. Or better yet, don't think about it at all. The girl must have busy life, your hobbies, girlfriends, so it makes no sense to sit and wait for a call.

Hysteria is not The best way interest the guy, but you can hint to him that you were worried and worried because he didn’t write or call you for too long. Don't run to the phone every time you hear a call. You can skip it or answer that it will not work now, let him call back later.

A girl who dreams about a guy, dreams about him, waits for calls, can be left alone, as it is interesting for men to win the attention of a woman. And if she immediately throws out a white flag, a man may lose interest in her.
