You can't make a woman happy, don't interfere with another. Beautiful, cool female statuses about life

1. If you love something, let it go. If it is yours, it will return.

2. For the whole world you can be just a person, but for one person you can be the whole world!

3. Never stop smiling, even when you're sad: someone might fall in love with your smile.

4. No person deserves your tears, and those who do will not make you cry.

5. Don't waste time with someone who doesn't want to spend it with you.

6. Maybe God wants us to meet the wrong people before we meet the right one. the only person. So that when it happens, we'll be grateful.

7. Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it was.

8. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want doesn't mean they don't love you wholeheartedly.

9. A true friend- this is the one who will hold your hand and feel your heart.

10. How wrong people are when they think that when they grow old they stop loving: on the contrary, they grow old because they stop loving.

Somehow, not so long ago, the Internet was not in such free access, but some time ago our life changed dramatically! Along with the Internet came social networks, and already with them female statuses!

If a male statuses rarely carry information, then female statuses about life can convey all her mood!
Beautiful female statuses really deserve respect and a separate topic in which you can collect the best of them!

Women's statuses about life

What is life? Someone will say that this is a zebra, with black and white stripes! And I will tell you, as an optimist woman, life is a rainbow! Women's statuses about life can convey the mood of a woman, her condition, her resentment, or vice versa, joy!

When they trampled on my soul with boots, no one thought that it was dirty and painful ... but now ... sorry, I'm wearing high heels, and I'm not going to take off my shoes!

I hate such situations when at first you feel incredibly happy, and then an incredible fool.

Previously, if a girl knew how to knit and embroider, loved to read and cook, this was called normal home education, but now they look at me as if I were doing something indecent

Everything a woman does is imperceptible. It becomes noticeable when she doesn't.

Men are like dolphins: they say they are smart, but no one has proven it yet...

Beautiful female statuses

What could be prettier women? Well, except perhaps the beautiful female statuses invented by them!

It's stupid when they say that a woman blossoms at a certain age ... a woman blossoms with a certain man

I'm looking for a Body Guardian... Body Heater... Body Caressing.. Body Kissing...))))

Can't make a woman happy? Don't interfere with others.

A real woman is not the one who gets a new boyfriend every evening, but the one who gets the same one every night.

The husband says to his wife “I have three rules: on Wednesday - fishing, on Friday - billiards, on Sunday - a bath with friends!” The wife answered - “I have one thing - every day at 9 pm I have sex, and it doesn’t matter if you are at home or not!” …)))

A woman believes that twice two will be five, if you cry and make a scandal properly.

If a person appeared in your life with whom you forget the past, then this person is your future.

You put on heels - you feel like a gorgeous girl. You shoot - a happy person.

A woman who is firmly confident in her beauty will eventually be able to convince everyone else of her.

Any woman is an actress, so she simply needs a stage, if not theatrical, then at least a family one.

Cool female statuses

Do not waste your life only on resentment, work, making money and other everyday activities! Remember, laughter prolongs life, and cool female statuses are quite capable of making you have fun and laugh!

Everything that I would like to express to you just fits in two clips.

How to explain to my husband that I married him, and did not adopt him?

Hi, darling. How is it going? How are the elbows?... Delicious?

I go to his page, affectionately stroke his name with the cursor and leave :))))

And why is this candy wrapped in such rustling paper? The whole apartment can hear how I'm losing weight ..)))))

I’m still that black cat, if I cross the road, no “pah-pah” will help.

It is worth saying that men often have a question about how to make a woman happy. Guys don't really know how to make this a reality. When the mood she radiates joy, happiness, which she bestows on loved ones. If a man wants his beloved to give him love and affection, he must try and make her happy.

Attention to the beloved wife

Now we will give advice to men on how to make a woman happy.

It should be said that the girl needs attention very much. If she does not receive it, then she begins to think that the man does not love her. And when a guy treats his beloved with attention, he receives kindness, care and tenderness in return. Women's desires should not be ignored.

Her emotional background so unstable that the slightest neglect can ignite a storm of negative experiences in her. When a woman is not given enough attention, she begins to think that she is not needed. this man. As a result, she is in bad mood. So how do you make a woman happy? The answer is quite simple. Give her more attention.

Gifts are necessary for a woman

Some men forget about gifts, but women need them. This is not about giving presents every day. But it is necessary to pamper your woman with gifts. She will be just happy if the man she loves does something nice for her. Instead of thinking about how to make a woman happy, it's better to go and choose a gift for her.

love works wonders

For a woman to be happy, you need to love her. When a man is internally and externally disposed towards his lady, she will feel it and become happy. As a man treats a woman, so she will treat him. You should prove your love to her every day, and not neglect the relationship.

You need to know the wishes of the spouse!

How can a man make a woman happy? You should find out about the desires of a woman. Everyone has their own dreams. Do not think that they only concern wealth. If you can't make a woman happy, let those who can do it. The girl also has spiritual desires.

Perhaps she wants to visit holy places or to develop herself culturally. How to make a woman happy in marriage? If a man tries, finds out what his girlfriend wants, and helps make it a reality, then in return he will get what he wants. A woman will definitely thank her beloved. You should not tell a girl: "If I do this, then in return I want this." It is necessary to build sincere and good relations, which will be based on love and mutual support. A man should make a woman happy! He should study the girl, find out her desires and dreams, help her achieve what she wants, or turn her ideas into reality himself.

Gratitude for the work done

Do not forget to say words of gratitude to your beloved girlfriend or woman. You need to appreciate what she does around the house. You should say words of gratitude for the cooked lunch or dinner.

It can also be noted that the house has been cleaned, things have been ironed and so on. If a woman hears words of gratitude for her work, then she will try and do household chores with pleasure. Clever man will appreciate and thank his wife for her concern for loved ones.

How to make a woman happy? Relationship psychology

Change your attitude towards women. A man needs to change his attitude towards a girl. Learn to appreciate positive sides of his chosen one. There is special exercise to be done every day. It consists in writing positive properties his girlfriend. Their number should be up to ten. After a certain amount of time, a man will change his opinion about his chosen one in better side. And he will begin to see in his woman these beautiful features that have been written down. The bottom line is that you need to learn to see only the good in the other person. If you start treating your partner this way, then she will become the way a man sees her. Since a person who is treated very well will not be able to behave badly if he is emotionally stable. Of course, there are cases of mental instability. In this situation, it is recommended to seek professional help from a specialist.

Spending time together helps you get to know each other

How to make the woman you love happy? In order for a woman to feel great, it is recommended to spend as much time with her as possible. And not to sit at home on the couch, but to invent leisure for yourself. Go to events together, visit cultural places, play sports, travel and so on. Joint pastime brings people very close. It is very good when people have common interests. Men need to understand that plans to visit any places should not be postponed indefinitely. It is necessary to make a concretization, namely, to draw up a plan. In it, indicate when and where they will go or go with their wife.

In parallel with this, ask the woman to make her own. Then you need to do comparative analysis two lists. And it will become clear whether there are common interests or not. If there are common items in these lists, then you should not delay their implementation. If there are no common interests, then you can alternate items from one list with another. That is, first go or go where the wife wants, and then go where the husband wants. Thus, the interests of both partners will be satisfied. If people spend time not only at home, but go somewhere or organize some kind of events, then their life will be more fulfilling. Then scandals will become a rarity in their house.

Travel has a positive effect on human relationships. A change of scenery always has a positive effect on relationships between people. As new impressions nourish them positive emotions. And the adventures experienced together will bring them even closer. After the trip, people have pleasant memories.

Remove pride, think about the relationship with your partner

If there is a discord in the relationship, then you should think about new ways to resolve it. It happens that each of the partners insists on being right. Nobody wants to give in. Therefore, it is impossible to establish relations. In order to find a path to reconciliation, you should remove pride and think that you are not at the level to sort things out. You need to be above quarrels and trials. Then the partner will reach out to you, and peace will come. Here we are not talking about the fact that a man should constantly obey all the whims of women. He should be wiser and not stoop to the level of squabbles and trials. It is worth thinking and making a decision that will help resolve the situation.

Compliments will help make the lady of the heart happy

Compliments play big role in the lives of women. Therefore, a man should not be lazy. He needs to tell a woman as often as possible about her virtues, about how beautiful she looks, what an excellent makeup she has, and so on. You can use the list of feminine virtues that was recommended for a man. But do not say too many compliments, know the measure.

It is better for a man to give one compliment a day than he gives compliments one after another once a month. You should also make sure that the compliment emphasizes the dignity of the woman, and does not look like flattery. Compliments work on a girl in a positive way. She will appreciate this behavior of a man. Then she will be grateful to him for it. If you praise a woman, then she will begin to give her love to a man and take care of him with even greater tenderness.

Charge your soul mate with positive energy

A man needs to energize his beloved woman, share his love with her. positive energy. In no case should you throw negativity at her. Because in return you can get the same.

If a man respects a woman, then this attitude will return to him in larger volume. And if he begins to neglect it or conduct "showdowns", then in return, of course, he will receive the same thing.

Start change with yourself

A man should make himself happy and successful person. Then next to him will be happy woman. Any change must start with yourself. You have to do something with yourself first. Then the world will start to change.

Long-term relationships between partners are possible if they treat each other with respect, understand, support each other. There are cases when a person cannot overcome himself and improve relations with his partner. Man by nature stronger than a woman. Therefore, he can take responsibility for the preservation of the family, everything is in his power. If a couple has a crisis time, then it is necessary to think about how to overcome it. At such moments, you need to think not only about yourself and your ego, you must not forget about your woman and the motives for her behavior.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to make a woman happy. As you can see, everything is quite simple and feasible. We hope these tips help you!

And don't even dare to think that you can't stand it
Ernest Hemingway
Svetlana Received a chat message from a longtime friend she was hooked up with long years friendship and communication, and trips to visit each other. They made an appointment in the area where a girlfriend used to live - a city dweller. Raisa lived in the neighboring region, where she moved a long time ago, probably about five years old. She was supposed to come here for a creative conference; she published another book of stories and poems, and Svetlana had already lost count of them, because her friend did not have time to publish one book, as the next one was already in line. Svetlana was aware of how many books her friend published, because Raisa gave her everything, sending it through the mail to the city where she went to live.
And the meeting was appointed along Gagarin Street, where the clinic was located. Why exactly in that place? There are two great reasons for this. The first pleasant reason was that Svetlana's daughter made her happy that she became a mother for the second time. If the first was a girl, as they say, (first a nanny, then a lyalka), so it happened in the Strizhov family. woman in labor this moment was in the hospital, there was a reason to visit her there and at the same time look at her son, the hero. Together with her husband, they decided to name the boy - Ilya. Of course, he is far from Ilya - Muromets, but, nevertheless, one can consider him a hero, because he was born weighing almost five kilograms. And Svetlana has already arrived from the city of S. She divorced her husband, and she finally found peace and united with her loved one. Raisa came to this city with her husband, whom she married as soon as she broke up with her first.
So, old friends agreed on a meeting place in the market, located near the clinic. The small bazaar lived its established life, trade was in full swing, buyers darted from one end of the market to the other, asking the price, not in a hurry to part with banknotes. It's no secret: money doesn't fall from heaven like manna from heaven. Therefore, buyers are interested in saving every ruble that is hard to come by. If anyone were familiar with these two women, who were moving towards each other along the market square, he would be amazed to recognize in two charming women old acquaintances who traded berries and mushrooms here for several years in a row. Svetlana was impossible to recognize. She looked just wonderful. She had light blue dress, With open shoulders and deep neckline. On her feet, matching the dress, were sandals with medium heels. She grew her hair out and it cascaded over her shoulders. The face was moderately and skillfully applied make-up, the lips shone with pink mother-of-pearl.
The second woman looked amazing too. She got prettier over the years, but remained in the same time, did not lose weight and did not gain weight. Long dark hair were braided by the squeak latest fashion. She was wearing a dress burgundy, almost cherry hue, just below the knees. On her feet were white sandals with cherry headbands, the heel pulled five centimeters.
The girlfriends rushed into each other's arms and hugged tightly, kissed on the cheeks. Raisa suddenly saw a friend who pointed to her and Svetlana. I had to go up and say hello to her. It was a woman who lived on the same street as Svetlana.
Marina still continued to trade flowers in this market, she was a tireless worker - a flower girl. The same thin, sharp-nosed, with a smile all over her face. She raised one son and takes care of two granddaughters in her spare time. For decency and as a sign of respect, I had to walk along the bazaar row in order to greet all my acquaintances with whom we once shared a place here and spent time trading. Karim comes every year from his Perm region to sell honey. He has not changed at all, just as courteous and attentive to buyers and sellers standing nearby and selling their goods. How Yuri grew out of the ground, trading his fiction and disks. He has his own circle of customers. At one time, Raisa bought so many books from him that it is time to open a library for readers. And here is Baba Anya waving her hand to them. As always, a big smile all over his face. It's a pleasure to talk to her about everything. He loves to talk about his daughter, how kind and attentive she is. And Katerina, who traded with her daughter, could brag every time how much money they earn over the summer with only herbs and berries from their garden. In general, there is an interesting life here, people have been attached to trade for years, it sucks in like a swamp. Although many eventually do not have a need for money, they still continue to come here. Some purely communicate, for the soul. And trade is just a suggestion. People in our time are experiencing a great lack of communication. Especially those people who are lonely in the truest sense of the word. They live alone in their apartment, children live either abroad or in other cities far away. They can let you hang around here all day. This can also be said about buyers who, from the very morning, give a circle several times, asking the price of the goods, in order to save money, the pension, unfortunately, is meager for the majority. Although this market involves trading only in vegetables and berries, more precisely for gardeners - gardeners, and there are stalls with meat nearby. And there is a clothing business. And by the end of August also stationery, school fairs are held.
Svetlana hurried her friend to the hospital. The reception nurse escorted them to the ward of the woman in labor, because she was there alone, and visiting relatives was not forbidden. A mother with a son in her arms greeted visitors with a happy smile. The hero Ilya was already eating milk and falling asleep, blinking his blue eyes. The friends did not linger here for a long time, especially since mom also needed to rest.
When the friends went out into the street, flooded with bright sunshine, and walked along the sidewalk, talking, people looked back at them with curiosity and admiration, especially men, threw enthusiastic glances in their direction. The familiar cafe "Uyut" met them with peace and quiet, in daytime There were almost no visitors, this only made them happy, which means that it will be possible to have a heart-to-heart talk in a calm atmosphere.
- Well, let's tell, how are you, girlfriend? - Svetlana immediately began to throw questions, while continuing to eat her salad at the same time.
- No, dear, maybe, after all, first we will raise our glasses and drink to our meeting, which we have been dreaming about for two years.
- And what, haven't seen you for so many years? So recently they seemed to come with Matvey to visit us, and as if yesterday they were just relaxing on the shore of the lake.
-Yes. So wonderful never had to relax in nature in the midst of summer. Svetlana was happy wife in a second marriage. And how much she had to endure before that, how many nerves were spent, how much blood her first husband drank, cannot be expressed in any words. Only the two of them knew about it. Strangers who have not been in their shoes will never understand how it was possible to endure so much humiliation and insults. It's just that they are made of such a test that patience and only patience should have helped to survive in such horrendous conditions.
She married for the first time not out of love, purely by an unpleasant accident. We can say that the mother-in-law made a choice for her son, who seemed so modest and indecisive. Michael still did not communicate with anyone and was afraid to approach even the girls. But after the wedding, the young husband showed his true face. He was a truck driver. Svetlana guessed from his behavior that he was unfaithful to her. Sometimes found traces of lipstick on his clothes. Scandal and argue, something to prove, it was useless. This is the kind of person whose persuasion is a monkey's job. She lived in this hell for more than thirty years. Until I met in a sanatorium free from marriage, interesting man to whom she was currently happily married. Yevgeny's wife left for another world, leaving him with two little daughters. He did not want to injure the psyche of the children by bringing his stepmother, so he decided to raise himself alone. He loved and respected his wife, even made a promise on his bed that he would not marry until he put the girls on their feet and would not marry. When he met a pretty woman with sad eyes in a sanatorium, for some reason he wanted to hug, protect her, cover her in his arms, and return the happy sparkle to her eyes. Unfortunately, it was time for her to go home. The days of rest and treatment were coming to an end, and he nevertheless decided to approach her and dared to get to know her. Then he gave her his address and invited her to visit home. At her own risk and fear, Svetlana went to visit a man whom she had known for only a couple of days. He inspired confidence, so her heart prompted and ordered her: "We must go."
- You know, my friend, - Svetlana continued her story, when we were close with him for the first time, I had no idea that so much tenderness was hidden in me. I wanted to kiss him, hug him, cuddle him, stroke his hair. In a word, I wanted to dissolve in it. - And how well and warmly his relatives welcomed him, his daughters are so wonderful, there was a feeling that everyone had known everyone for a very long time. This has never happened in my family. No, I have children too wonderful relationship I mean with Michael. He will never speak calmly, clinging to every word. Until he pisses me off, he won't calm down. It felt like he was enjoying it. Indeed, he is a vampire, he drank so much of my blood, not to count.
- You know, in all his life, he did not give me a single bouquet, even a seedy one. And Eugene, on every occasion and for no reason, gives huge bouquets roses. He knows that these are my favorite flowers and tries to present them in such a way that the heart of love for him is ready to jump out of his chest. What a pity we didn't meet sooner. But I am glad at least that, nevertheless, fate pushed me against him. I think this meeting was sent down by God for a reason. Probably, for my suffering and great patience, God had mercy on me. And today I am the happiest lady. Let's raise our glasses for this, for us, for our love!
- You know, Svetlana, I never thought that I would get married again. Although my sisters and only brother all by second marriage. I made money with mine and suffered so much that I never wanted to repeat all these circles of hell. At our age, starting over, I think, is a feat. It's a new way to get used to the habits of another person. And all the time expect a dirty trick from his side, or from his relatives. No, I would never have agreed to this if it were not for the iron patience of my Matvey, who, with caresses and tenderness, managed to convince me and agree to this marriage. After all, I'm not an enemy to myself or anyone else, to serve as a bone of contention, they say for a reason, you can't build happiness on someone else's misfortune.
If his young wife had not found herself another husband, younger than Matvey, the same age, I would never, of course, have agreed to this marriage. At the beginning of the correspondence, I immediately warned him that I would not want our communication to harm him family well-being. And now I do not regret at all that fate has bound us forever. Matthew and I have so much in common and common interests that sometimes, it seems, we are two halves who lived somewhere so far away and for a long time, and only thanks to God managed to find ourselves. In addition to being loyal and loving husband, in addition to this, he is my most severe critic of all works, adviser and first reader. He is always ready to accompany me to my creative meetings, next to him I feel confident and courageous. And now he accompanies me, he came first of all for my sake, and then for his work. If not for him, I would never have learned to love and respect, appreciate myself, because for a long time I had low self-esteem. And how it interfered with life, you can’t even imagine. Especially when every day they remind you at home that you are worthless, and pour dirty words that you don’t deserve in the least, how insulting and annoying it is. Don't you know, dear friend? Our fates are so similar in this respect. They were even born in the same year, in the same month, with the only difference being that you are five days older than me. And even united with their husbands in the same year. Svetlana and Raisa looked at each other and smiled mysteriously, each remembering and thinking about her own.
- So, tell me, my friend, - Svetlana turned to Raisa, where are we going to fly to celebrate the New Year?
- I even find it difficult to say anything to you, dear. It seems to me that over the years we have managed to fly around the entire globe. Haven't you been to hell right next to the devil? - Oh, she cried out loudly, and laughed, - we were just there in the first place and for a very long time, which lingered for many years. Come on, come and visit us. We go to the bathhouse, take a good steam with oak brooms and lie in the snow. We'll get such an adrenaline rush!
“Actually, we can also take a steam bath in the bathhouse,” Svetlana entered into the conversation, “now we have built a new bathhouse, more spacious, and a pool has also been attached next to it. After all, we have a huge family now, our son already has two children, Elena has two, and there are four more grandchildren growing up at home in our city.
-O. yes, you are a rich grandmother - said Raisa. But I have no less. I love and adore them all too. I especially love the little ones, they are so good, it is interesting to communicate with them, they are such open, unsophisticated angels.
What's wrong, friend? - looking at her with surprise, - Raisa asked sympathetically. Yes has found iz-for whom to worry.
- No, tell me, friend, tell me, how is it to be understood, what injustice is in this world? - Svetlana exclaimed with indignation and pain in her voice, with some even pathos. - Look at him, how he tormented me for so many years, and I felt sorry for him, I kept pulling with leaving to Yevgeny. And he took it and made this Nyurka happy, from our entrance. They also say that for every holiday he gives flowers, how do you think I know these details? - Do you know who buys bouquets of roses, you'll never guess? Yes, our Marinka has flower girls. She herself split, today she said, as if it was impossible to remain silent.
- Come on, you are sad, Svetka! - A friend began to calm her down. I understand that it's a shame, well, you spit on all this from a high bell tower. And most importantly, what I want to tell you, remember, you kept saying that you were tired of everything. Throw everything to hell, but nothing, everything turned out well, after all, as you wanted? Or do you think it's not?
- And then Raisa, slyly looking at her friend, recalled the words of Ernest Hemingway, familiar and understandable only to the two of them, which became the life motto: “And don’t even dare to think that you won’t be able to stand it!”
The girlfriend wiped away an unsolicited tear from her eyes and, smiling, began to pronounce, like a prayer, known to both of them. wonderful words Omar Khayyam: “Smile, even if you feel very bad, hurt, and want to cry, smile for real, sincere joy, straighten your shoulders and straighten up, as if you are happy and proud, and want to sing with happiness. The body will believe and rejoice, maybe not immediately, but very quickly, it simply does not know how to really suffer when you sincerely smile. And after the body, the soul will again rejoice.
And then their phones rang at the same time. On the screen, one showed the name "Matvey", the second - the name "Eugene". Girlfriends quickly jumped off and, smiling broadly, and looking at each other mysteriously, went to meet their beloved men.

You can't make a woman happy - don't interfere with another


And don't even dare to think that you can't stand it
Ernest Hemingway
Svetlana received a chat message from an old friend, with whom she had been connected for many years of friendship and communication, and trips to visit each other. They made an appointment in the area where a girlfriend used to live - a city dweller. Raisa lived in the neighboring region, where she moved a long time ago, probably about five years old. She was supposed to come here for a creative conference; she published another book of stories and poems, and Svetlana had already lost count of them, because her friend did not have time to publish one book, as the next one was already in line. Svetlana was aware of how many books her friend published, because Raisa gave her everything, sending it through the mail to the city where she went to live.
And the meeting was appointed along Gagarin Street, where the clinic was located. Why exactly in that place? There are two great reasons for this. The first pleasant reason was that Svetlana's daughter made her happy that she became a mother for the second time. If the first was a girl, as they say, (first a nanny, then a lyalka), so it happened in the Strizhov family. The woman in labor was currently in the hospital, there was an occasion to visit her there and at the same time look at her son, the hero. Together with her husband, they decided to name the boy - Ilya. Of course, he is far from Ilya - Muromets, but, nevertheless, one can consider him a hero, because he was born weighing almost five kilograms. And Svetlana has already arrived from the city of S. She divorced her husband, and she finally found peace and united with her loved one. Raisa came to this city with her husband, whom she married as soon as she broke up with her first.
So, old friends agreed on a meeting place in the market, located near the clinic. The small bazaar lived its established life, trade was in full swing, buyers darted from one end of the market to the other, asking the price, not in a hurry to part with banknotes. It's no secret: money doesn't fall from heaven like manna from heaven. Therefore, buyers are interested in saving every ruble that is hard to come by. If anyone knew these two women, who were moving towards each other along the market square, they would be amazed to recognize in the two charming women old acquaintances who had been selling berries and mushrooms here for several years in a row. Svetlana was impossible to recognize. She looked just wonderful. She was wearing a light blue dress, with bare shoulders and a deep neckline. On her feet, matching the dress, were sandals with medium heels. She grew her hair out and it cascaded over her shoulders. The face was moderately and skillfully applied make-up, the lips shone with pink mother-of-pearl.
The second woman looked amazing too. She got prettier over the years, but remained in the same time, did not lose weight and did not gain weight. Long dark hair was braided in the latest fashion. She was wearing a burgundy, almost cherry-colored dress, just below her knees. On her feet were white sandals with cherry headbands, the heel pulled five centimeters.
The girlfriends rushed into each other's arms and hugged tightly, kissed on the cheeks. Raisa suddenly saw a friend who pointed to her and Svetlana. I had to go up and say hello to her. It was a woman who lived on the same street as Svetlana.
Marina still continued to trade flowers in this market, she was a tireless worker - a flower girl. The same thin, sharp-nosed, with a smile all over her face. She has raised one son and is nursing two granddaughters in free time. For decency and as a sign of respect, I had to walk along the bazaar row in order to greet all my acquaintances with whom we once shared a place here and spent time trading. Karim comes every year from his Perm region to sell honey. He has not changed at all, just as courteous and attentive to buyers and sellers standing nearby and selling their goods. How Yuri grew up out of the ground, selling his fiction and CDs. He has his own circle of customers. At one time, Raisa bought so many books from him that it is time to open a library for readers. And here is Baba Anya waving her hand to them. As always, a big smile all over his face. It's a pleasure to talk to her about everything. He loves to talk about his daughter, how kind and attentive she is. And Katerina, who traded with her daughter, could brag every time how much money they earn over the summer with only herbs and berries from their garden. In general, here interesting life, people have been attached to trade for years, it sucks in like a swamp. Although many eventually do not have a need for money, they still continue to come here. Some purely communicate, for the soul. And trade is just a suggestion. People in our time are experiencing a great lack of communication. Especially those people who are lonely in the truest sense of the word. They live alone in their apartment, children live either abroad or in other cities far away. They can let you hang around here all day. This can also be said about buyers who, from the very morning, give a circle several times, asking the price of the goods, in order to save money, the pension, unfortunately, is meager for the majority. Although this market involves trading only in vegetables and berries, more precisely for gardeners - gardeners, and there are stalls with meat nearby. And there is a clothing business. And by the end of August also stationery, school fairs are held.
Svetlana hurried her friend to the hospital. The reception nurse escorted them to the ward of the woman in labor, because she was there alone, and visiting relatives was not forbidden. A mother with a son in her arms greeted visitors with a happy smile. The hero Ilya was already eating milk and falling asleep, blinking his blue eyes. The friends did not linger here for a long time, especially since mom also needed to rest.
When the friends went out into the street, flooded with bright sunshine, and walked along the sidewalk, talking, people looked back at them with curiosity and admiration, especially men, threw enthusiastic glances in their direction. The familiar cafe "Uyut" met them with peace and quiet, in the daytime there were almost no visitors, this only made them happy, which means that it will be possible to have a heart-to-heart talk in a calm atmosphere.
- Well, let's tell, how are you, girlfriend? - Svetlana immediately began to throw questions, while continuing to eat her salad at the same time.
- No, dear, maybe, after all, first we will raise our glasses and drink to our meeting, which we have been dreaming about for two years.
- And what, haven't seen you for so many years? So recently they seemed to come with Matvey to visit us, and as if yesterday they were just relaxing on the shore of the lake.
-Yes. So wonderful never had to relax in nature in the midst of summer. Svetlana was a happy wife in her second marriage. And how much she had to endure before that, how many nerves were spent, how much blood her first husband drank, cannot be expressed in any words. Only the two of them knew about it. Strangers who have not been in their shoes will never understand how it was possible to endure so much humiliation and insults. It's just that they are made of such a test that patience and only patience should have helped to survive in such horrendous conditions.
She married for the first time not out of love, purely by an unpleasant accident. We can say that the mother-in-law made a choice for her son, who seemed so modest and indecisive. Michael still did not communicate with anyone and was afraid to approach even the girls. But after the wedding, the young husband showed his true face. He was a truck driver. Svetlana guessed from his behavior that he was unfaithful to her. Sometimes found traces of lipstick on his clothes. Scandal and argue, something to prove, it was useless. This is the kind of person whose persuasion is a monkey's job. She lived in this hell for more than thirty years. Until I met in a sanatorium a free from marriage, an interesting man, to whom at the moment I was happily married. Yevgeny's wife left for another world, leaving him with two little daughters. He did not want to injure the psyche of the children by bringing his stepmother, so he decided to raise himself alone. He loved and respected his wife, even made a promise on his bed that he would not marry until he put the girls on their feet and would not marry. When he met a pretty woman with sad eyes in the sanatorium, for some reason he wanted to hug, protect her, cover her in his arms, and return the happy sparkle to her eyes. Unfortunately, it was time for her to go home. The days of rest and treatment were coming to an end, and he nevertheless decided to approach her and dared to get to know her. Then he gave her his address and invited her to visit home. At her own risk and fear, Svetlana went to visit a man whom she had known for only a couple of days. He inspired confidence, so her heart prompted and ordered her: "We must go."
- You know, my friend, - Svetlana continued her story, when we were close with him for the first time, I had no idea that so much tenderness was hidden in me. I wanted to kiss him, hug him, cuddle him, stroke his hair. In a word, I wanted to dissolve in it. - And how well and warmly his relatives welcomed him, his daughters are so wonderful, there was a feeling that everyone had known everyone for a very long time. This has never happened in my family. No, I also have a wonderful relationship with children, I mean with Mikhail. He will never speak calmly, clinging to every word. Until he pisses me off, he won't calm down. It felt like he was enjoying it. Indeed, he is a vampire, he drank so much of my blood, not to count.
- You know, in all his life, he did not give me a single bouquet, even a seedy one. And Eugene, on every occasion and for no reason, gives huge bouquets of roses. He knows that these are my favorite flowers and tries to present them in such a way that the heart of love for him is ready to jump out of his chest. What a pity we didn't meet sooner. But I am glad at least that, nevertheless, fate pushed me against him. I think this meeting was sent down by God for a reason. Probably, for my suffering and great patience, God had mercy on me. And today I am the happiest lady. Let's raise our glasses for this, for us, for our love!
- You know, Svetlana, I never thought that I would get married again. Although my sisters and only brother all have a second marriage. I made money with mine and suffered so much that I never wanted to repeat all these circles of hell. At our age, starting over, I think, is a feat. It's a new way to get used to the habits of another person. And all the time expect a dirty trick from his side, or from his relatives. No, I would never have agreed to this if it were not for the iron patience of my Matvey, who, with caresses and tenderness, managed to convince me and agree to this marriage. After all, I'm not an enemy to myself or anyone else, to serve as a bone of contention, they say for a reason, you can't build happiness on someone else's misfortune.
If his young wife had not found herself another husband, younger than Matvey, the same age, I would never, of course, have agreed to this marriage. At the beginning of the correspondence, I immediately warned him that I would not want our communication to harm his family well-being. And now I do not regret at all that fate has bound us forever. Matvey and I have so many common and common interests that sometimes it seems that we are two halves who lived somewhere so far and for a long time, and only thanks to God managed to find ourselves. In addition to being a faithful and loving husband, in addition to this, he is my most severe critic of all works, adviser and first reader. He is always ready to accompany me to my creative meetings, next to him I feel confident and courageous. And now he accompanies me, he came first of all for my sake, and then for his work. If not for him, I would never have learned to love and respect, to appreciate myself, because for a long time I had low self-esteem. And how it interfered with life, you can’t even imagine. Especially when every day they remind you at home that you are worthless, and pour dirty words that you don’t deserve in the least, how insulting and annoying it is. Don't you know, dear friend? Our fates are so similar in this respect. They were even born in the same year, in the same month, with the only difference being that you are five days older than me. And even united with their husbands in the same year. Svetlana and Raisa looked at each other and smiled mysteriously, each remembering and thinking about her own.
- So, tell me, my friend, - Svetlana turned to Raisa, where are we going to fly to celebrate the New Year?
- I even find it difficult to say anything to you, dear. It seems to me that over the years we have managed to fly around the entire globe. Haven't you been to hell right next to the devil? - Oh, she cried out loudly, and laughed, - we were just there in the first place and for a very long time, which lingered for many years. Come on, come and visit us. We go to the bathhouse, take a good steam with oak brooms and lie in the snow. We'll get such an adrenaline rush!
“Actually, we can also take a steam bath in the bathhouse,” Svetlana entered into the conversation, “now we have built a new bathhouse, more spacious, and a pool has also been attached next to it. After all, we have a huge family now, our son already has two children, Elena has two, and there are four more grandchildren growing up at home in our city.
-O. yes, you are a rich grandmother - said Raisa. But I have no less. I love and adore them all too. I especially love the little ones, they are so good, it is interesting to communicate with them, they are such open, unsophisticated angels.
What's wrong, friend? - looking at her with surprise, - Raisa asked sympathetically. Yes has found iz-for whom to worry.
- No, tell me, friend, tell me, how is it to be understood, what injustice is in this world? - Svetlana exclaimed with indignation and pain in her voice, with some even pathos. - Look at him, how he tormented me for so many years, and I felt sorry for him, I kept pulling with leaving to Yevgeny. And he took it and made this Nyurka happy, from our entrance. They also say that for every holiday he gives flowers, how do you think I know these details? - Do you know who buys bouquets of roses, you'll never guess? Yes, our Marinka has flower girls. She herself split, today she said, as if it was impossible to remain silent.
- Come on, you are sad, Svetka! - A friend began to calm her down. I understand that it's a shame, well, you spit on all this from a high bell tower. And most importantly, what I want to tell you, remember, you kept saying that you were tired of everything. Throw everything to hell, but nothing, everything turned out well, after all, as you wanted? Or do you think it's not?
- And then Raisa, looking slyly at her friend, recalled the words of Ernest Hemingway, familiar and understandable only to the two of them, which became the life motto: “And don’t even dare to think that you won’t be able to stand it!”
A friend brushed away an uninvited tear from her eyes and, smiling, began to say, like a prayer, the wonderful words of Omar Khayyam known to the two of them: “Smile, even if you feel very bad, it hurts, and you want to cry, smile for real, sincere joy, straighten your shoulders and straighten up as if you are happy and proud and want to sing with happiness. The body will believe and rejoice, maybe not immediately, but very quickly, it simply does not know how for real suffer when you sincerely smile. And after the body, the soul will again rejoice.
And then their phones rang at the same time. On the screen, one showed the name "Matvey", the second - the name "Eugene". Girlfriends quickly jumped off and, smiling broadly, and looking at each other mysteriously, went to meet their beloved men.
