Children's design in kindergarten classes. We design a group in a kindergarten: bedroom interior, locker room design, verandas and gazebos (54 photos)

How to give a child the first information about the beauty in nature, in
everyday life, in works of art? Form the prerequisites for it
aesthetic attitude to reality? Drawing with pencils,
color applique, modeling, and design from different materials
are available means introducing the child to visual arts.
Naturally, not all children will become artists, but everyone will be able to use their

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artistic experience in organizing your life according to the laws of beauty and order. Exactly this
and is the main task and content of design activities.
Tasks of design activities:
to cultivate in children interest and an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding reality,
works of art.
involve in the improvement and decoration of your playing space, nearest
develop an aesthetic perception of the world, nature, artistic creativity adults and
develop the imagination of children, supporting the manifestations of their imagination, courage in presentation
own plans;
involve children in working with
a variety of materials, teach
create literate and beautiful work.

Design activities can be
focused as an aesthetic organization
space, and to create beautiful
useful items that make up the child’s environment.
Products for children's design and creativity can be
used by children immediately in games and in everyday life.
There are three types of design: planar
(applicative-graphic), volumetric (object-decorative) and spatial
(architectural and artistic). For each type, three areas of activity are carried out
(types of children's design).
The first direction - “arrangements” - involves the development of traditions of children's handicrafts
with a focus on clothing decoration and interior decor. These can be: compositions of phyto-
design, bouquets, herbarium paintings, jewelry made from artificial and natural materials,
stained glass windows and mosaics made of colored plasticine, game details and plot-thematic elements,
fairy-tale-magical and ornamental compositions.
The second direction – “fashion design” – involves introducing children to the culture
clothes and some ways of creating drawings - sketches, accessible to preschoolers,
styles and decorative trim of the dress. In their spare time, children draw sketches of costumes for
characters literary works, cartoons, performances. And also for yourself - clothes
everyday and festive.
The third direction is “decorative and spatial design” - it focuses attention
children for decorative design the appearance of buildings and landscapes, the aestheticization of cultural
play space, interiors group rooms, premises for holiday matinees
kindergarten. Children gain design experience in creating layouts of rooms and houses using
improvised materials.
The child is inclined to imagine a certain general picture; he has not yet been trained to dissect
creative task into separate fragments, structure them in your mind. He can not
create drawings and schematic drawings. However, a drawing, a drawing, a sketch of any product can be understandable to him: from the age of 4, children turn out to be
are able to imagine what shape and size
has a familiar room or piece of land; They
are able to understand what the layout of this or that means
object, room. Older preschoolers are capable
mentally imagine ways to solve the problem, the final
the result is an image of the future product.
In kindergarten practice, they often mix
content of concepts: “visual activity” (with
handicrafts), " creative design" And
the actual activity of “children’s design”.
Naturally, these restrictions are conditional, but together with
The following topics should be noted: children's products after artistic and didactic classes
folds into folders and boxes and then until required - this is not yet a children's design. So
children's exhibition (interior, decor and costumes for holidays, entertainment, decorated with their
participation) can be objects of children's design (decorative
activity). At the same time, as we found out when studying literature, children's design has
common features with professional design. This:
Originality and uniqueness of the creative product
Introduction to the sensory reference system, a prerequisite for the modular principle
Jointly separate nature of the execution of the plan
Subjective and spatial-decorative character project activities
Use of similar materials and techniques
General approach to assessing the artistry of professional and “children”
Self-sufficiency of non-competitive products children's creativity
(exclusive search for a designer).
Thus, the art of design actively enters life. If "design for children"
is one of the directions professional activity artists-designers,
then “children’s design” is associated with decorative activities the child himself
improvement of the surrounding subject-spatial environment. Children pay attention
attention to the surrounding environmental objects that they like or dislike, note
variety of colors, shapes, sizes, proportions. They can collect plants and
minerals, use paper. Fabrics and synthetic materials, create from them
arrangements (bouquets, herbariums, garlands) and figurative compositions to decorate your
everyday life Artistic games and role-playing games encourage children to search for
wardrobe for dolls (dresses, hats, shoes), decor for performances, entertainment and
holiday matinees.
Older preschoolers gain knowledge from their classes and by their clothing and behavior they
can judge the age and profession, tastes and lifestyle of people. In senior
At preschool age, a child is able to select the furnishings of doll rooms not only
by purpose (living room, kitchen-dining room, bedroom).
Observing and evaluating the decoration of rooms (at home, in
kindergarten), children transfer the principles available to them
aesthetic unity (service, furniture set) and
artistic imagery of decoration into its own
the practice of creating a doll-play interior.
To introduce design elements into classes you need
expand children's knowledge about the properties of various
materials (paper, cardboard, plastic fabric,
natural materials, etc.). Introduce children to
features, capabilities of various
artistic materials and technologies (drawing on wet paper, drawing with toothpaste on colored paper, spray painting, monotypes,
plasticine drawing, finger painting, blotography, collage, poking method.
embossing, stained glass). This allows children to choose the most suitable way to realize their ideas.
suitable technique or material.
Design activities are fruitful in artistic and playful situations, such as: “Theater
fashion", "Hat Festival", "Ball in a Fairytale Kingdom". Children show themselves as real
fashion artists. The models of hats, dresses, suits they invented from
are characterized by originality and individuality.
Interesting and useful design of compositions made from natural and artificial materials
(greens, dead wood, minerals, paper, rags, wood, synthetics and much more).
Doing handicrafts from living and inanimate nature, children join

A series of recommendations for working with natural materials.
Today, a child’s communication with nature is a big problem. Modern children, especially
in cities, surrounded by artificial materials similar to real ones. Table covering
in the cafe it imitates granite; plastic palm trees and other plants “grow” in tubs. Outwardly everything
it looks like the real thing, but the resemblance is only external. Try stroking a living leaf
artificial plants, granite surface and stone-like plastic. Artificial
materials, unlike natural ones, are the same when touched. Natural stone It has
different surface, it can be warm and cold, smooth and rough. Man like
the biological species was formed in the natural environment, so we all (and especially children)
what is needed are the sensations caused by the natural material. Spruce and pine cones,
marble and limestone, chestnut and Walnut can serve as an excellent material for crafts -
at the same time develop the child’s sensory skills, aesthetic taste. Pebbles different sizes and shapes,
cones, fruits and seeds, dry leaves - all this is materials for experimentation, play, and
for creating a variety of works on children's design (creating figures, models, bas-reliefs,
various compositions).
Recently, many preschool institutions have created various collections
natural materials and successfully use it to create crafts. However, educators
are extremely rarely implemented A complex approach to the use of natural materials. But his
collection, research and application for design activities, visual activities can be
combine. As a rule, the child receives natural material during the lesson. I suggest before
how to create different compositions from cones, seeds, stones, and conduct research on them. This
the study can take place first under the guidance of an adult, and then move on to
independent activity of the child. For example, in a group you can organize a corner
independent activity and place various natural materials in it for both
research and for design activities.
Research: look through a magnifying glass with different sides, put it in water to find out
sinks or not, stroke different shells, compare the patterns on them. Place a large shell on
ear to listen to the sound of the waves. Lay out serial rows by color, size, shape,
degree of roughness.
Classification: identify groups of shells of sea, river (lake) mollusks,
land snail shells. Choose shells that are similar in color (shape, size).
Game: using flat shells as dishes for dolls, laying out
paths, patterns, etc.
Design activities, construction: decorating photo frames, figurines
animals, people, fairy-tale characters, models of an aquarium, seabed, beach, beads and others
decorations, using shells as flower petals in applique.
In a similar way Almost any material can be used. The main thing is that when
no one was harmed in his collection Living being!
Flying seeds. Flying seeds are, for example, seeds with flies that are dispersed by the wind.
Ash, linden, maple, elm, spruce, pine, and larch have these.
Research: throwing flying and non-flying seeds and comparing their speed
falling, looking through a magnifying glass, watching how seeds are carried by the wind.
Classification: by color, by the size and shape of the fruit, by the size and shape of the fly.
Design activity, construction: maple seeds make excellent wings
for dragonflies, flower petals, ash fence, spines for hedgehogs, rays of sun, from seeds
linden with fly - decorations for hats.
Since these seeds relate mainly to trees in the middle zone, we can suggest
children and their parents homework for the summer - collect these seeds on vacation, in warm regions.
Place the stone in the sensation box ( wonderful pouch) and suggest one of each
children describe and guess what is inside. The child will definitely note what surface the
stone - smooth or rough. In order for children to feel the variety of stones,
put them one by one in a box with different surface, different sizes, warm and cold.
Invite the children to collect as many different pebbles as possible for a collection, conduct experiments,
make crafts, set up a mini rock garden on the kindergarten site.
If there is an alpine slide or separate large stones,
explore them with your children.
Research: find out which stones can sink in water and which cannot (expanded clay does not sink
and pumice), try to write something on a stone using different objects, knock
stones against each other and smell them after that, lay out their serial rows (from the very
large to smallest, from lightest to darkest, etc.), drop onto the stone
lemon juice to see if it sizzles or not.
Classification: divide pebbles into artificial and natural, select sea or
river ones, compare them with the others, highlight decorative ones.
Game: paint the pebbles and use them to play out the plots of fairy tales,
inventing new ones, choosing a mother hen and chicks from the stones and playing with them, etc.
Design activity, construction: laying out patterns from pebbles, on the site,
creating mini-alpine slides on the site or a rock garden, manufacturing parts for
landscape layouts, creation of stone buildings.
The fruits of rowan, chestnut, walnuts and other nuts.
Research: determine the degree of roughness of fruits, compare them by shape, color,
find similarities and differences, consider what is inside, smell, blow, toss.
Lay out serial rows from darkest to lightest, etc.
Classification: separation of fruits from different trees into groups (by plant species)
Game: game with fruit figures.
Design activities, construction: manufacturing Christmas tree decorations, compilation
phyto-compositions, use in decorating panels.

Olga Kondratieva
Consultation for educators: Children's design in kindergarten

“Creativity is not the preserve of only geniuses who created great works of art. Creativity exists wherever a person imagines, combines, creates something new."

L. S. Vygotsky

The art of design is actively entering our lives.

And today I would like to study the concept of “Children's design”.

Children's design- new artistic productive activity, which is understood as design thinking of the widest range.

In design, not only the development of the concept is important, but also the planning of the result, which contributes to the development of the child.

Children's design is aimed at revealing the child's personality, his individuality, the development of his creative potential, free, without pressure from an adult, based on the child's self-expression, his self-development, cooperation and co-creativity, using only humane methods and techniques, without prohibitions and categorical appeals .

When we talk about a child designer, we often mean a child artist. In fact, design is an unusual look at ordinary things. This means that the main thing for a designer is non-standard thinking, fantasy, imagination, and the ability to combine color and shape. It follows from this that in order for a child to become a designer, first of all it is necessary to develop his spatial imagination and encourage a non-standard vision of the world around him.

We often do not support the child’s imagination, and if he draws a pink elephant, we correct him and say: this does not happen, the elephant must be gray. At first the child objects: “He’s fabulous, magical.” But if an adult constantly gives the “correct” example, the baby fantasizes less and less.

Design - activity- this is a special type artistic activity, which combines various types of creativity: drawing, modeling, appliqué, design, artistic work.

In kindergarten practice, the contents of the concepts are often mixed: “visual activity” (with handicrafts, “creative design” and the actual activity of “children’s design”. Naturally, these restrictions are conditional, but at the same time the following should be noted: children’s products after artistic and didactic activities, folded into folders and boxes and no longer in demand - this is not yet children's design. Children's design is associated with the decorative activities of the child himself to improve the subject-spatial environment around him.

At the same time, professional design has common features with children's design, i.e. visual activities and design. This:

Originality and uniqueness of the creative product;

Introduction to the sensory reference system, a prerequisite for the modular design principle;

The jointly separate nature of the execution of the plan;

Subjective and spatial-decorative nature of design activities;

Use of similar materials and techniques;

A general approach to assessing the artistry of professional and “children’s” art;

Self-sufficiency and non-competitiveness of children's creative products

The first steps into the art of design are so simple that they do not require much effort from the child. He discovers the world of matter with pleasure. Gradually, experience will come, skills will be formed, and he will easily complete a large, complex work on his own. In addition, today, more than ever before, there is a need for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. A person who will study, protect and develop the spiritual heritage of our people. All this is of great importance: a person who sees and knows how to appreciate beauty will preserve and increase it; such people are not capable of immoral acts. That is why design classes are so relevant for older preschoolers. Children develop artistic and creative abilities, their creative potential is revealed through artistic and constructive design, as well as:

Visual-figurative thinking develops; artistic and aesthetic taste, sense of style;

Artistic perception of the surrounding world, imagination, fantasy, creative thinking develops;

The aesthetic culture of children is increasing;

Developing cognitive activity, fine motor skills, spatial orientation, perception;

Gaining skills in working with various materials;

Formation of a project culture in children and education of a literate consumer.

Design activities are designed to influence the mind, will, feelings of children, encourage them to creative self-expression, a state of emotional comfort, a sense of the joy of childhood in various types artistic and creative activities using unconventional techniques: collage, dough plastic, origami, quilling, papier-mâché, scrapbooking, grattage, decoupage, isothread, etc.

Involving children in design is a noble, but difficult and time-consuming endeavor.

Now let's talk about techniques.

Modeling- the process of creating a sculptural work associated with working on soft plastic material.

You can sculpt from clay and plasticine, but it’s interesting to learn something new. Salty dough- this is the most economical and safe way to try your hand at developing your imagination, because you can create anything from it. Dough is a material accessible to everyone, cheap and easy to use; it can be prepared in advance (for future use). The dough can be colored and sculpted colored product, but you can write it down finished work after final drying. Beauty and grace " salty crafts"will provide food for creative thought. The work is easy and durable.

Papier mache- not only a beautiful French name, but also a very simple, budget technique for making various crafts from pieces of paper. Doing such creativity in kindergarten is a pleasure.

There are three technologies for making papier-mâché products.

According to the first technology, the product is made by layer-by-layer gluing of small pieces wet paper onto a pre-prepared blank.

According to the second method, products are formed from liquid paper pulp. Paper cut into small pieces is poured hot water and placed in a warm place for a day. Then it is boiled, squeezed, loosened and dried. The resulting paper pulp is thoroughly mixed with chalk. Add glue to the paper-chalk mixture with constant stirring until a plastic, creamy dough is obtained. A mixture of starch paste and wood glue is used as glue. The dough is poured into the prepared form or applied in a layer on its surface and left until completely dry.

According to the third method, products are glued together like plywood under pressure from plates of hard, dense cardboard. The resulting product is primed and painted.

Scrapbooking is a handicraft that involves the design, creation and design of albums, packaging boxes, picture and photo frames, and gift cards.

Children always want something new and interesting. Exciting tasks can keep a child busy for more than an hour.

Origami for children- this is an application that, on the one hand, will be interesting for children, and on the other hand, difficult. Origami for children not only allows you to distract the child from something, but also develops children's manual dexterity. Thanks to this, you can give your child the opportunity to decorate the house himself. Of course, he will take on this task quite responsibly. That is, we can see how origami develops in a child something beyond physical achievements - excellent moral qualities.

Quillin g is the art of paper rolling, which is hundreds of years old.

As practice has shown, paper processed using the quilling technique is very durable and strong. Therefore, all products made from it are widely used in everyday life. You can make a candy bowl and use it for its intended purpose. Even on a voluminous cup stand, you can place your favorite cup of coffee without any worries.

Works using isothread technique - exciting activity not only for adults, but also for children. At first glance, it seems that this technique is very complicated, but in fact you just need to learn the pattern and everything will work out great.

You need to master the technique of filling a corner, a circle, a web. After this, you will be able to complete quite complex paintings using the isothread technique.

Teach this art to your child, it is not only interesting, but also useful. This hobby develops the child’s perseverance, eye, imagination and abstract thinking, coordination of hand movements and fine motor skills, fosters accuracy and attention.

Preschool teachers are familiar with grattage technique translated from French means “scratching.” This technique is popular because it has great artistic and expressive possibilities - a light shimmering underpainting appears against a dark background, which gives the works mystery and fabulousness. The scratching technique allows children to easily complete coloristic and graphic tasks, and educators to create unusual play situations during their work.

Decoupage– very popular modern technology decorating various items: from small plates and vases to spacious chests of drawers and cabinets. The decoupage technique is not very complicated, but it does have techniques that require certain skills and abilities.

The essence of the decoupage technique is that a thin layer of paper with a decorative pattern is glued onto the surface of the object being decorated, creating the illusion of hand-painting. Decorative patterns are produced on special napkins for decoupage. In addition, the pattern for decoupage can be cut out from ordinary paper napkin, from a magazine, postcard, label or even wrapping paper.

Collage- a relatively young direction in fine arts. It is the brainchild of the last turbulent century, when artists were looking for new means to express their thoughts, feelings and moods. The collage technique (from the French collage - gluing) provides wide scope for creativity, since the whole is created from the fragmentary. Fragments can be photographs, glossy magazines, different colored paper, different textures, fabric, foil, plants, paints, fabrics, metal parts and much more.

The collage is very interesting technique it can combine most non-traditional techniques; in a collage you can use testoplasty, grattage, isothread, quilling, and much more, it all depends on how rich your imagination is.

Thank you very much for your attention!

How to make an optimal stay for a child in kindergarten was discussed at the webinar “Developmental subject-spatial preschool environment- new approaches in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education." 64 participants from different corners Russia gathered to update their preschool institution in the near future, in accordance with the standards and needs of children.

The webinar was conducted by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior researcher at the laboratory professional development pedagogy of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education" of the Russian Academy of Education" Anna Borisovna Teplova. The expert organized a real dialogue between the participants. She asked questions, and the participants answered in the chat. In addition, there were many illustrative examples: photographs of successful and unsuccessful kindergarten design and toys.

Often adults, when decorating the interior, are guided only by their taste and opinion. Like, we know better. But this is fundamentally wrong.

Often we, adults, understand the space of a kindergarten as our own space, says Anna Teplova, you need to squat down and see how the child will feel.

The subject-spatial environment should cover not only the kindergarten, but also the child’s home. Teachers will not be able to create a comfortable developmental environment in kindergarten without giving recommendations to parents.

The entire subject-spatial environment must correspond to the program according to which the kindergarten operates. When you enter a group room, it should be clear from the environment itself what program they are working on here. When entering, we must understand that this group is of a certain age, the direction is ecology.

“I have a question for the participants,” said Anna Teplova. - What should the subject-spatial environment provide?

The participants' answers were approximately the same:

  • Comprehensive development of children.
  • Free comfortable development.
  • Availability and security.

“In fact, it should provide communication,” the expert commented. - We don’t have this in our minds. We are talking about development and comfort. Behind the word “development” we hide a large complex of topics, but we do not see the specifics.

In addition to communication, a child needs a place to run around and play with friends. And the third need that the interior should provide is privacy. The baby needs privacy in order to think, be alone with himself, or look at a book.

There are certain requirements that the interior and furniture must meet preschool. Very often, looking at their list, we do not understand how to combine them. For example, we wonder how to combine such different concepts like, for example, transformability and security? Thanks to modern developments in furniture, materials, and toys, this is possible.

Let's talk about the principles in a little more detail.

  • Saturation is one of the simplest and most clearly understood principles. The subject-spatial environment must correspond to the age of the group. It is obliged to provide gaming, educational, research and creative activity. In other words, the child should have enough equipment for play, learning and active recreation.
  • Transformability of space.

When we hear this word, we immediately imagine transformers,” says Anna Teplova. - To ensure transformability, we should not move walls and perform complex actions.

Groups in kindergartens are usually small in size. In a small space it is not so easy to immediately arrange all the necessary areas for children. This is where furniture that can be folded and moved comes to the rescue. An example of a kindergarten in the Moscow region: here we see furniture on wheels and 2 tables different levels. One of them fits into the other, and both of these tables can be pushed under the cabinet and free up space.

  • Multifunctionality of materials. This principle “borders” the previous one. Furniture in a group should not only be transformed, but also perform various functions.

Previously, when we were part of groups where toy kitchens or shops appeared, we were happy,” explains Anna Teplova. “They were happy for the children and said: “But in our time this did not happen. We only played with sticks and pebbles." But then we realized that these toys are monofunctional. Children get bored of them quickly. They play and quit, and then the kitchen stands there and just takes up space. So we go back to sticks and pebbles.

  • Variability of the environment. A preschool educational institution should have various spaces - for learning, playing, constructing, and solitude. We live in such conditions that we need to make full use of them and not lock children into the group. This applies to both the vertical space in the kindergarten and the horizontal space of the entire preschool educational institution.

There is a kindergarten under my windows,” says the expert. “I recently went there, and the teachers asked me: “What should we do with the large corridor? How to use all the space usefully?

In order not to lose a single useful centimeter, they came up with the “club hour” technique. Once a week, for 1 hour, children can freely move around the entire territory of the kindergarten, visit each other in groups, and explore the space on their own. In one of the kindergartens, when this technology began to be used, the children were afraid to leave the group for the first time; they found themselves psychologically closed. Then the kids got used to it, and after 2-3 times they could freely look into any room in the garden, including the technical room.

  • Availability of the environment. Not all gardens implement this principle. They have neglected it before. 2-3 decades ago, it was common that new toys were placed in kindergartens in prominent places, but high up, so that children would not get them and spoil them. Almost every Soviet and post-Soviet child can remember that same doll or carriage with horses that he really wanted to play with, but it was out of reach. Many still have psychological trauma because of this, and they still remember that very toy as something unattainable. In a preschool educational institution there should be no barriers for a child - in terms of height, in terms of prohibitions. He must freely reach any necessary object - he wanted to take pencils, took them out and drew.
  • Safety. This component is multifaceted, since it is necessary to take into account the psychological, spiritual and physical components of the child.

From the point of view of bodily safety, in our gardens everything high level and quality and meets standards. Psychological and spiritual safety is not guaranteed everywhere. To control psychological condition child, you need to watch what toys he plays with. And psychologists have many complaints about modern dolls and cars. Let us remember, for example, the negatively known dolls in coffins.

Successful examples of organizing the interior of a kindergarten

Creating flexible, moving walls is an expensive process, but it is possible. In this example, there is furniture on wheels, and behind the tables there is space for work or privacy. A dark carpet marks the playing space. Children can move between groups.

The Japanese use the roof to expand the space. Trees grow through the kindergarten and children can use them during play.

In a Danish kindergarten they made a special door, exactly the height of a small person, and installed furniture on wheels.

This kindergarten makes good use of vertical space and play of colors. Children will be comfortable in a beautiful, fairy-tale interior.

At the webinar, participants saw many creatively designed interiors in Russian and foreign kindergartens. Each teacher could learn something for their preschool educational institution and, for sure, will soon bring it to life.

Questions from participants

  1. Natalya: How convenient are tables on wheels for children?

They are very convenient for teachers in terms of movement. And children are given the opportunity to be in different spaces. Remember, in kindergartens you can place tables on wheels only with locks.

  1. Stashko Irina: In our preschool educational institution, the entire space of the group is filled with tables, as they require SanPiN. There is nowhere to put a large soft module for construction. Is it possible to change this somehow?
  2. Oleinik Ekaterina Igorevna: Is it possible to group rooms place corners of nature (plants, aquariums, etc.), if this is prohibited according to SanPiN?

No, SanPiN is our main regulatory document today.

The International Conference will help you optimize the work of a preschool institution

Psychologists have proven that a person is not innate with the abilities themselves, but with the ability to develop them. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of children's creative activity. The main ideas of my work with preschoolers are creating conditions for the development and realization of the abilities of each child, helping the child in individual and creative growth, and providing an atmosphere of psychological comfort.

Children's design is a new artistic and productive activity, which is understood as design thinking of the widest range. In design, not only the development of the concept is important, but also the planning of the result, which contributes to the development of the child.

The introduction of this activity into the educational process is due to the increased cultural needs of people in the modern world, the capabilities of children, as well as the concept of preschool education, which claims to be essential basis implementation of program content developing the subject environment of children's activities - as a system of material objects that functionally model the content of the child's physical and spiritual development. In addition, the implementation of the basic preschool child development program “Istoki” in a preschool educational institution provides for the familiarization of older preschool children with artistic decorative activities and the basics of design culture.

While teaching children the basics of design activities, I try to develop in preschoolers an artistic taste, the ability to express their inner world using various materials and image techniques, elements of design culture; the desire to create beautiful, harmonious works.

In kindergarten practice, the content of the concepts is often confused: “visual activity” (with handicrafts), “creative design” and the actual activity of “children’s design”. Naturally, these restrictions are conditional, but at the same time the following should be noted: children's products, after artistic and didactic classes, are put into folders and boxes and are no longer in demand - this is not yet children's design. Thus, a children's exhibition (interior, decor and costumes for holidays and entertainment (for example, designed with their participation) can be objects of children's design (decorative and decorative activities). At the same time, professional design has common features with children's design, i.e. visual activities and design. These are:

  • originality and uniqueness of the creative product;
  • familiarization with the system of sensory standards, a prerequisite for the modular design principle;
  • jointly separate nature of the execution of the plan;
  • the substantive and spatial-decorative nature of design activities;
  • use of similar materials and techniques;
  • general approach in assessing the artistry of professional and “children’s” art;
  • self-sufficiency and non-competitiveness of children's creative products (exclusive search for a designer).

The art of design is actively entering life. If “design for children” is one of the areas of professional activity of artist-designers, then “children’s design” is associated with the decorative activities of the child himself to improve the object-spatial environment around him.

Children pay attention to the surrounding environmental objects that they like or dislike, note the variety of their colors, shapes, sizes, and proportions. They can collect plants and minerals, use paper, fabrics and synthetic materials, create arrangements from them (bouquets, herbariums, garlands) and figurative compositions to decorate their home.

Artistic games and role-playing games encourage children to look for a wardrobe for dolls (dresses, hats, shoes), decor for performances, entertainment and holiday matinees.

Older preschoolers evaluate the characters' costumes, clothes and appearance peers and adults imitate those who are neatly and smartly dressed. By clothing and behavior they can judge the age and profession, tastes and lifestyle of people. At this age, a child is able to select the furnishings of doll rooms not only for their intended purpose (living room, kitchen-dining room, bedroom). By observing and evaluating the decoration of rooms (at home, in kindergarten), children transfer the principles of aesthetic unity available to them (service, furniture set, decor ensemble) and the artistic imagery of the decoration into their own practice of creating a doll-play interior.

Children can participate in the creation of multifaceted architectural and artistic compositions (“Magic Town”, “Palace of the Snow Queen”, “Wonderland”, “Three Bears”, “Russian House”, etc.), designed for a long time; they always love something - then change the situation, build and complete the drawings.

An older preschooler is able to “see” and, with the help of an adult, gradually implement his “design idea,” anticipating the artistic result. This makes it possible, along with the use of traditional types of visual activities, to introduce children to new types: architectural and artistic design and clothing design with arrangements and decorations made from different materials.

In order to instill in preschoolers a love of fine art and arouse interest in drawing, starting from early preschool age, I widely use non-traditional image techniques in my work. Such unconventional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using objects well known to them as artistic materials, and surprises them with their unpredictability. Experience shows that drawing with unusual materials and original techniques allows children to experience unforgettable positive emotions. Emotions, as we know, are both a process and a result of practical activity, especially artistic creativity. By emotions one can judge that in this moment pleases, interests, depresses, excites the child, which characterizes his essence, character, individuality. Then I gradually introduce design elements, which, when working with older preschoolers, develop into independent design activities.

During the learning process, children become familiar with the features, properties and capabilities of various art materials and technologies: drawing on wet paper; drawing with toothpaste on colored paper; monotypes (cellophane, paper, glass); drawing through carbon paper; drawing with plasticine; finger painting; stencil hand; blotography; application of the “spray” technique; collage; poke method; coinage; stained glass.

The introduction of design elements into classes requires expanding children's knowledge about the properties of various materials (paper, cardboard, fabric, plastic, natural materials, etc.) and developing skills and abilities when working with them. This allows children to choose the most suitable technique or material to realize their ideas.

The section on introducing and experimenting with various art materials includes:

  1. Working with paper and cardboard: paper coloring different ways: stamps, different techniques applications (mosaic, tearing); paper weaving, paper plastic, origami, creating toys with movable parts, designing individual crafts from paper and cardboard.
  2. Working with natural materials: applique from plants, straw, poplar fluff, cotton wool, applique from seeds, stones, applique from natural materials bulk materials(crushed shells, sawdust, tea), mosaic from eggshells, Creation volumetric crafts from cones, straw, sponge and other natural materials.
  3. Working with waste material: applique from polyvinyl films, thin plastics, packaging cardboard. Making crafts based on boxes (furniture, transport, fairy-tale characters, etc.), working with wire and foil (frame dolls).
  4. Working with fabric and other fibrous materials: fabric applique: fabric applique, finely cut threads, fabric painting with stencil paints and free-form painting.

I also use elements of architectural and artistic design in my practice of working with children. Architectural and artistic design meets the fundamental tasks of a child’s development, since his entire environment, interior, as elements general culture, forms an aesthetic attitude towards everyday life. This task is solved by familiarizing children with the examples of domestic and world architecture available to them, both ancient (huts, towers, palaces) and modern.

When engaged in architectural and artistic design, children work in three spaces: doll, children's, and adult. I am gradually planning the work of children's interior design. Children arrange their nearest doll-play space, then move into a children's interior commensurate with them (screen partitions, furniture, decorative items). They feel like both “gullivers” and “masters” of their spaces. Children draw, cut out, weave, sculpt and paint simple furnishings for outdoor doll play spaces (wallpaper, curtains, tablecloths, paths, rugs, etc.), as well as simple decorations for performances and entertainment.

Children’s design activities are fruitful in artistic and playful situations, such as: “Fashion Theatre”, “Hat Festival”, “Oh Carnival, Carnival!”, “Ball in a Fairytale Kingdom”. Children prove themselves to be real fashion designers. The models of hats, dresses, and suits they invented are distinguished by their originality and individuality.

In preparation for the theater festival, children participate in the creation of theater posters, theater stands, and invitation cards.

The design of compositions made from natural and artificial materials (greens, dead wood, minerals, paper, rags, wood, synthetics, etc.) is interesting and useful. By doing handicrafts from materials of living and inanimate nature, children become familiar with beauty.

Children skillfully select and create decorative decorations for festive clothes for yourself and for loved ones (ties, brooches, badges, etc.).

Older preschoolers are able to plan their activities, anticipating the artistic result and gradually planning their “design plan.” For example: they realize their ideas about the festive decoration of the room first in drawings, then in models, and then in practice.

Technique training unconventional drawing and development of design culture is carried out in stages:

  • teacher demonstration new technology drawing (with new material), motivating the child to learn a new method;
  • independent or joint with an adult experimenting with new material, a new method;
  • testing methods of drawing by a child in independent activities;
  • the use of a new method (material) when creating an artistic image in independent or joint activities with peers.

To successfully work with children, I organize: an aesthetically competent environment; artistic and decorative activities of children.

I plan the content of the work in the following sequence: from folklore and decorative images to plot-figurative ones, from object-decorative activities to spatial-decorative ones, from the design of a doll-play space to children’s and adult interiors, as well as observation of natural objects, the subject environment, results own design activities and admiring them.

Education through the means of art should be carried out in close unity with all aspects of artistic influence on a child - through fiction, painting, theatrical activities. Only the complex influence of the arts can have a significant impact on the harmonious formation of a child’s personality. Introducing children to art should not be considered as formal training with the goal of obtaining a certain amount of knowledge and developing certain skills and abilities, but as an interesting, exciting process of confidential communication with children, “immersing” them in the world of creativity, creating new artistic images and plots that provide emotional well-being of every child.

In my classes I use a synthesis of different types of art: viewing paintings, objects of decorative art and design activities, poetry and music. I show the children original samples, slides and reproductions, and together with the children I collect and organize materials for arrangements.

Children learn to select plants and minerals, waste haberdashery and jewelry (buckles, buttons, beads, rings, bottles and other packaging containers). Working with materials of different textures (soft - hard, shiny - dull) develops the child’s sensory abilities and intelligence. I advise, help, guide children’s activities, and make crafts with them.

The educational process is structured in such a way that children can independently choose different art materials and tools. I only recommend how it is more convenient and expedient to convey this or that image. Knowing the properties of various materials, children successfully combine them in their work. Being fluent in different ways of depicting, children can choose those that suit their needs. to a greater extent suitable for conveying an expressive image, a beautiful composition.

During productive activities, the children can freely communicate with me and each other about work.

Experience in developing children's creative abilities while developing a design culture helps every child, regardless of their level of development, to reveal their creative potential and express themselves. A variety of materials (either improvised or waste) gives children original ideas, develops fantasy and imagination, and makes them want to come up with new designs and use them in games. They also allow the child to feel confident in himself and his abilities, which helps to increase self-esteem.

As a result of children's design classes, children began to respond more emotionally to the beauty of nature, clothing, and premises, showed a more sustained interest in the fine arts, and their creative activity and artistic independence.

Creative activity was also evident in the children’s ability to plan their work. Children learned to conceive an image, look for means to implement it, think through the sequence of their work and achieve results. Increasingly, the pronoun “I” began to be heard in children’s statements: “I will draw like this..., I will do it in my own way..., I think..., I saw..., I feel..., I can...”. This suggests that children have learned to discover and create the world for themselves and themselves in their world.

In addition, design classes contributed to the formation of a stable idea in children and helped them to plan their results. Preschoolers awakened feelings of creative satisfaction (“I” am a decorator, “I” am a fashion designer). In co-creation with other children, the individuality of each child, the peculiarities of creative handwriting, and execution techniques began to shine brighter.

The characteristics of the activities of children engaged in design have determined the new nature of their relationships with peers and adults. Artistic emotions and interests that arise in the process of productive joint search activities contributed to the successful development of creative thinking and sociability in children. In lively communication with art, they learned to create and use arrangements from natural materials in decoration, select and create styles of clothing, costumes, furnishings for games and performances, holiday matinees, and improve household and holiday interiors.

By observing the surrounding object environment, older preschoolers learned to skillfully select the furnishings of doll rooms in accordance with the purpose of the premises (living room, kitchen-dining room, bedroom). So, playing role-playing games, they showed themselves to be active participants in performances, coming up with wardrobes for dolls, characters in the play, and costumes for entertainment (dresses, hats, shoes, jewelry).

From work experience:
Approximate planning of classes to familiarize children
with design technology in the preparatory group

Block “World of Postcards” (Fig. 1, 2)

Postcard is independent species art, with its own history. Previously, people kept postcards throughout their lives; they decorated the interior with them, placing them on the walls next to drawings, embroideries, and portraits. They were used to cover boxes and even vases. Old postcards amaze with their amazing execution technique: they were made using lithography and silk-screen printing; they drew and painted by hand on special paper with intricate lace edges, carved them on plywood, and glued them from feathers, hair, and dried flowers.

The best artists worked on the creation of the postcard. Old postcards can tell more about your time than chronicles and memoirs.

Lesson 1. “Autumn mail”. (Postcards with leaf patterns).

Objectives: To introduce children to the postcard - as an independent form of art, and to the history of its development. Teach children to make a postcard using the sheet stamp method.

Materials: Leaves of various beautifully shaped plants, white and colored paper, scissors, glue, wax pencils.

Lesson 2. “Postcard toy.” (Apple and mushroom).

Objectives: Teach children to make a mini-card, which can simultaneously serve as both a congratulation and a toy. Develop the ability to plan results and gain a sense of satisfaction from the work performed.

Material: White paper, scissors, paints or colored pencils.

Contents: Draw an apple or a mushroom on a sheet of paper, after folding it in half, so that the middle of the card falls on the fold of the sheet. “Straighten” the side of the leaf on the apple and the cap and stem of the mushroom so that the card closes and opens. Mark and cut out the window and the entire card. Color an apple or mushroom using the “tone” stretching method. Inside, where the window was marked, draw a bug or a worm.

Lesson 3. “Folding postcard.”

Objectives: Teach children to make a folding card using elements of paper plastic. Foster an aesthetic attitude towards postcard design.

Materials: White paper, colored thick and thin paper, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, glue, scissors

Lesson 4. Postcard “Hare Round Dance”.

Objectives: Teach children to make a three-dimensional postcard using an element of paper plastic - an “accordion”. Develop the ability to plan results and gain a sense of satisfaction from the work performed.

Materials: White paper, colored thick paper, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, glue, scissors.

Contents: Show children how to perform a round dance from a strip of paper folded into an accordion of 4 parts. On the top side of the accordion, draw the figure of a hare or any other character at the request of the children. Cut out the shapes without unfolding the accordion. The edges of the anterior and hind legs do not cut out: in these places the figures are connected to form a chain. Color the hares with felt-tip pens and pencils, and come up with their own clothes for each one. Glue the round dance into a rectangle folded in half.

Lesson 5. “New Year's surprise card.”

Objectives: Teach children to make a three-dimensional postcard - a surprise with a horizontal insert. Provide the opportunity to show initiative and independence.

Materials: White thick paper, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, paints, scissors, glue.

Contents: Consider New Year's cards, cards made using the principle of horizontal insertion. Come up with New Year's story and a surprise for your postcard (Christmas tree, snowman, Santa Claus, etc.). Fold a sheet of paper in half. At the top, inside, draw your plot and on a separate sheet of paper a separate character. Cut out the character and paste it behind the folded flap.

Block “New Year's chores” (Fig. 3)

Lesson 1. “Carnival masks.” (Making a mask, painting the mask and decorating with decorative elements.)

Objectives: To introduce children to the traditions of the New Year's carnival. Get interested in making carnival masks, painting and decorating them. Foster independence in choosing materials, methods of work and decorations. Get a feeling of satisfaction from the work done.

Material: White paper, thick paper, colored paper, gouache, scissors, glue, different materials for decoration (confetti, beads, beads, feathers, candy wrappers, rings).

Lesson 2. “Carnival costume.”

Objectives: To introduce children to the profession of a fashion designer.

Invite children to become artists and fashion designers - to come up with a carnival costume. Convey the image of the hero by depicting the characteristic features of his costume. Develop imagination and creative activity. Decorative solution in color and silhouette. Conveying festiveness in a suit.

Material: Sheets of paper with silhouettes of boys and girls. Gouache, watercolor paints, brushes and other visual materials. Decoration materials. Fashion albums with carnival costumes.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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“Children's design” is defined by experts as socially useful artistic and decorative creativity that contributes to the enrichment of specifically children's forms of activity and communication. Children's design is a new artistic and productive activity, which is understood as design thinking of the widest range. In design, not only the development of the concept is important, but also the planning of the result, which contributes to general development child.

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Children's design can be of an object-decorative nature - this is the creation and decoration of objects (toys, souvenirs, clothing items, arrangements). spatial-decorative character is activity in space, taking into account its features (area, lighting, design of windows, doors, niches, landscape, etc.).

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The first direction - “arrangements” - involves the development of traditions of children's handicrafts with a focus on decorating clothes and interior decor. These can be: phyto-design compositions, bouquets, herbarium paintings, jewelry made from artificial and natural materials, stained glass windows and mosaics made of colored plastic, game details and elements of plot-themed, fairy-tale-magical and ornamental compositions. Directions of design activity

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The second direction - “clothing design” - involves familiarizing children with the culture of clothing and some ways of creating drawings accessible to preschoolers - sketches, styles and decorative finishing dresses. In their spare time, children draw sketches of costumes for characters in literary works, cartoons, plays, as well as for themselves - everyday and festive clothes.

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The third direction - decorative-spatial design - directs children's attention to the decorative design of the appearance of buildings and landscapes, to the aestheticization of doll-play space, the interiors of group rooms, and premises for kindergarten holiday matinees. Children gain design experience by creating layouts of rooms and houses using available materials.

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The main stages of introducing children to design: 1. Acquaintance with the basic concepts of design (design, harmony, composition) and composition (space, line, spot, shape, color, texture). Acquaintance with the main professions of the design industry (fashion designer, stylist, architect) Study of the technology of performing various creative works. Using design rules finished product. Introduction of design technologies. Creation of products according to your own plans. Evaluating the results of your work.

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Forms of organizing joint design activities for preschool children: combining into a common composition (exhibition) individual works children completed on one topic in frontal classes; 2) the work of a group of children “on one sheet”: frieze, panel, etc., where each child completes his part of the sheet, coordinating it with the work of his peers; 3) the gradual nature of the work, such as a “relay race” or “conveyor”.

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The teacher - the leader of the children and a direct participant in the design activity - organizes the implementation of: tasks with the instructions “finish”, “finish”, “finish”, where the child manifests himself “fragmentarily”, imitating the master; 2) tasks with a focus on the result of co-creation, where he is more independent; 3) tasks that require the child’s complete independence in creative search, where he already plans his actions. The direct guidance of the teacher in this case changes to indirect, indirect and tactfully coordinating the child’s activities.

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make excessive demands on children, overloading them with tasks of considerable complexity and volume; it is impossible to “improve” children’s work without the knowledge and consent of the author. (The child willingly carries out oral recommendations for improvement himself). You cannot stop his work by offering another task, or prevent him from completing his plans to the end. You cannot praise or emphasize the child’s shortcomings. (The teacher maintains an atmosphere of goodwill, encouraging children and the group as a whole to successful work, for example, a large toy, a painting, a decorative panel, gaming complex in the interior, a “sweet” gift, etc.) The teacher must remember that it is impossible:

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Introducing the elements of design to children of senior preschool age is effective if the requirements are met: - build the OOD cycle consistently and include different types of design activities; - convey to children the meaning and significance of design activities and their practical orientation; - practical use of children's design products - activities in kindergarten; - organizing children’s perception of design art samples; - organization interaction between preschool educational institutions with a family; - availability of the necessary material equipment for children's design.

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art material paper and cardboard waste material fabric and other fibrous materials natural material decorative material Together with children, zones (corners) of the “design fund” are organized, where illustrative material and visual aids for design are concentrated.

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Art material 1. Paper and cardboard Napkins, corrugated paper and cardboard, colored paper, disposable cardboard plates, colored cardboard, etc. 2. Waste material Cups, plastic disposable spoons and forks, buttons, discs, ice cream sticks, etc. 3. Natural material Seeds, bones, twigs, shells, etc. 4. Fabric and other fibrous materials Foam rubber, cotton wool, cotton pads, napkins different textures etc. 5. Decor material Sequins, beads, stones, bows, ribbons, braid, etc.

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Planar (applicative-graphic) design Activities Artistic arrangement Clothing modeling Decorative-spatial design Paper plastic. Natural and artificial material. Installation, fine art, photo. Excursions, viewing of fine art and video materials. Drawings in coloring books. Drawings of arrangements. Drawings, printing. Application of souvenirs and gifts: bookmarks, business cards, invitation cards, congratulations, candy wrappers. Decorative napkins. Cut pictures. Sets of letters, signs, numbers. Mosaics. Logos, symbols. Lotto, dominoes. Weaving, weaving, macrame. Painting, aquatouch. Poster, wall newspaper. Photomontage. Panel, frieze. Phytocompositions. Elements of clothing decoration. Application. Nature calendar. Puppet room. Children's room. Theatrical and festive. Excursions, visits to the theater, exhibitions, museums. Drawings: clothes yesterday, today, tomorrow. Drawings: fabric for clothing. Drawings: creative clothing. Drawings of accessories and clothing decorations. Applique: styles and patterns of clothing, its details. Applique: mannequin dress doll. Silhouettes of puppets for shadow theater. The pictures are cut. Drawing up collections: albums “fashionable clothes”, selection and creation of jewelry. Panel, frieze “fashion ball”, “children’s carnival”, “round dance of nesting dolls”. Interior design and children's environment. Entertainment and holidays. Excursions, walks around the city. Drawings: doll's room, play corner. Drawings in folding books. Drawings “my corner of the house”, “ festive decoration hall”, “celebration in the city”, “my favorite performance”, “I am an architect”. Cut-out pictures “Architectural ensembles”, “Recognize your city”. Thematic lotto, dominoes. Application “I am an architect”, “I am a theater artist”. Compiling albums: “Architecture”, “Interior”, “Landscape”. Participation in the creation of decorative decorations for the hall for the holiday.

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Volumetric (subject-spatial) design Types of activities Artistic arrangement Clothing modeling Decorative-spatial design Walks, viewing fine arts, videos. Making collages. Patchwork mosaic. Design, geometric, shaped forms. Compositions: garlands, plumes, Christmas decorations. Phytocompositions, homemade toys. Serving samples (wickerwork, vases). Creation jewelry(jewelry, stones, rags, bark). Games-aids, folding books (“Dress the doll”, “My house”). Panels, friezes, photomontages. Excursions to fashion studios. Dressing up games. Modeling with painting. Design with painting. Game-aids “studio haute couture”, “I am a fashion designer”. Creation of mannequins. Modeling clothes on mannequins. Creation of props for games, performances, masquerade, carnival. Doll's wardrobe. Creation of costume compositions. City tours. Board games "Doll's House". Construction games “I am an architect”, “I am a builder”, “teremok”, “fairy tales”. Selection and design of small boxes. Creation of tabletop decorations for the performance with painting and appliqué. Design of desktop game layouts. Design of game layouts (painting, applique). Creation of fine art collages. Creation of architectural and sculptural compositions on the site (from snow, rock garden). Design of premises for holidays and entertainment.

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Volumetric (object-spatial) design Types of activities Artistic arrangement Clothing modeling Decorative-spatial design Excursions to nature, to exhibitions, to museums. Creation of compositions of “kinetic design” (free rotation) when decorating premises for the holidays (garlands, balls, lanterns, stars, snowflakes, etc.). Selection of props for dramatization games, performances at festivals (ribbons, plumes, toys, flags). Selection of scenery for performances and entertainment. Selection of arrangements when decorating puppet and children's interior. Completing arrangements when decorating festive interior and plot. Creation of phytocompositions for landscaping, decoration of premises, sites, buildings. Creation of landscape arrangements (rock garden, “alpine club”, “Moorish carpet”, “slide with a waterfall”, “stream”, “ponds”) Excursions “Fashion Exhibition” (atelier, showcase, museum). Participation in the creation of a soft (interior) toy and its wardrobe. Demonstration of new clothing samples (on the catwalk, in front of the mirror), comparison, selection. Participation in the organization of a “costume room” for dolls and children’s clothing. Participation in the organization and equipment of a “couture studio”, a mini-museum. Participation in the selection and organization of clothing exhibitions. Participation in costumed events in clothes (its elements), performed by children (in kindergarten and family). Excursions around the city, parks, estates. Aesthetic organization of doll-play space (in kindergarten and family). Participation in the aesthetic organization of play space for children, activity areas, labor, artistic leisure (in kindergarten and family). Participation in the installation and disassembly of scenery (stage, screen, podium) for the performance. Participation in the aesthetic transformation of the kindergarten premises. Participation in the organization and design of a design studio. Selection of works and participation in the preparation of an exhibition of children's creativity and art masters. Creation of compositions from large-block material (boxes, construction sets) for play buildings (indoors and on the site). Using the effect of color and light design (stained glass, lighting).

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