How to open energy channels yourself. Types of energy channels

energy channels- these are energy structures inside a person and in space, through which the energy of certain frequencies and characteristics can pass from one place to another.

Here it is necessary to clarify that the distance for energy does not play a role. Temporal spaces for energy are also not important.

Without an energy channel, energy transfer is impossible.

Energy channel indicators

There are a number of features in energy channels:

  • frequency of energy channels. The indicator is the frequency by which it is possible to determine what kind of energy, with what characteristics and features it goes into space;
  • section of conductors. This is the "visible" diameter of the energy channel. Initially, the channels are very thin, the thickness of a human hair, with experience and practice they can reach a diameter of one meter or more. Which significantly increases the amount of energy transmitted in one moment;
  • power of energy channels. Water can be vapor or a dense liquid. The indicator characterizes how dense, powerful energy is. If the channel is very dense, compressed, then it will let through several times more energy, because it will be strongly compressed.

The channel goes in the energy space and may differ from the outlines of the physical body, go beyond the body.

Diagnostics of energy channels

Like other energy structures, they can be "perceived". And it happens very often that in order to understand the situation, a diagnosis of energy channels is needed, which will answer the question why certain abilities and capabilities do not work as they should. Pass the diagnosis of energy channels.

Features of energy channels

Energy channels are very simple and functional. If these structures are not used, the brain destroys such connections to save the body's resources. And vice versa, if a person opens channels, works with him, the brain turns on the desired channel on its own or lays it in the structure of the body.

Energy channels can be turned on, off, opened, closed. All control is by consciousness, by the power of thought.

Types of energy channels

I highlight the following energy channels:

  • Information channels. Energy flows through them, which completely imprints the state of the diagnosed object! I process this energy, a person receives the true state of the object. The color of these channels is purple.
  • healing channels. Structures through which the life energy of the desired frequency range passes. Energy can correct the state of the organ with which the work is being done. There can be many healing channels because each organ has its own frequency, and in order to bring energy out of the healer's body, a channel of a special frequency is needed into the patient's body. The energy of one characteristic and color cannot go through the channels of another color. Each frequency in the structure of the healer has its own channel. The primary colors of the healing channels are green and red. But in fact, it's all the colors of the rainbow.
  • Energy or power. Pure energy flows through such channels. Light white color, is a compressed version of all 7 colors of energies. Can be transformed into any other type of energy. Such are the channels of the energies of the Elements and the Family.

Development of energy channels

Energy channels in the human body are laid by the brain, it also controls their work. It takes a long period to develop the channels from the initial state of a hair to a large diameter, but with proper work, the channel will open immediately and after 21 days of training it will be fixed in awareness and will work on an ongoing basis.

Energy channels can increase the cross section, density. All this can be done with constant training and increasing the amount of energy transmitted.

How to open energy channels in order to work with them, in the next.

In humans, there are three energy channels that connect all and small energy channels of the body with each other - sushumna (central channel), pingala (right channel) and ida (left channel).

The middle way is the second name of the central channel. His activity proceeds without human effort, occurs spontaneously. The filling of the lungs with air, the beating of the heart, the transport of oxygen by the circulatory system, the emergence of thoughts - these are the actions of our body that are beyond our control, the sushumna is responsible for this.

The left channel stores a person's past. The subconscious draws images and information from the left channel. In addition, it is responsible for emotions and nourishes the nervous system with the energy of our desire. Without desire, people would be inactive, it is it that drives humanity.

The right channel records all the information, all the thoughts of a person about the future. Then, a signal of action, energy, enters the nervous system. And this energy contains mental and physical activity.

How to clear energy channels?

Cleaning energy channels and restoring energy is a rather complicated procedure that happens randomly in ordinary life. Of course, the first condition is to achieve unity and integrity with the world and with oneself, to comprehend harmony. But it may not be desirable for the body to specifically cleanse the energy channels and is fraught with consequences. Simply put, a person can turn into a "zombie". Therefore, it should be done only with the Teacher. Its correct implementation leads to the controllability of this process. The energy-informational flow coming from space passes into the body, in a triangular extension of the coccyx it twists into a spiral through the spinal cord. According to Eastern traditions, the energy accumulated in this way is called Kundalini. It was from her that the name of one of the directions came. This energy is capable of "rising up" and includes an informative character based on the level of a person's spiritual growth. Such energy remembers all the stages of a person's spiritual growth, his life stages, and changes and grows in the process along with him. Strive for unity with your soul and peace and happiness.

How to open energy channels and meridians?

For starters, be alone. Make sure no one bothers you. Now comes a very important time. If you have candles, it is better to light them. You can use incense and aroma oils. Take a comfortable position and relax. Let your body become as if weightless, you are resting. Close your eyes, imagine that you have just received an answer and now you know how to open an energy channel. Think that you are in another world, in another dimension, there is no real reality - you are free. You let go of your breath, the body itself will take care of its rhythm. You are thinking of something else.

Look inside yourself and see the light that comes from the tips of your toes, moves up and gradually fills the body with itself. You are watching this inner eye. The light has dissolved you and your attention is one with it. Stay in this state for as long as you can, but do not delay it on purpose. When will it come good feeling appeasement, then you are ready to return to our world. You will feel it. How to close the energy channel? You take a slow but deep breath and open your eyes. Everything is so simple.

The generic energy channel is very strong connection between relatives, uniting the tree of the genus. This energy is very strong and powerful. No wonder they say that even after the death of a family member, a connection with a loved one is felt!

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Binding is an energy channel that is formed during the interaction of a person with other people, objects or egregors.

Let's distinguish between two concepts: energy channel and energy binding. It's not exactly the same thing.

Energy channels arise as a given during the communication of two people, through these channels there is an interchange of energy. Without energy connections with other people, a person cannot survive, they cannot be removed, this will violate human nature.

Anchoring is also a channel, but here we are dealing with an energy disturbance.

Attachment is based on a person's dependence on something or someone, which makes him not free.

The danger of energy bindings lies not only in stopping development, but also in the fact that a skilled manipulator through this binding can cause negative emotions, the origin of which will be difficult to trace.

In the process of life, almost everyone creates energy bindings for themselves, not even suspecting how much this complicates their existence. These bindings do not allow a person to fully develop, and sometimes even lead to degradation.

Negative emotions form bindings for the corresponding chakras:

Muladhara (base chakra) - fear, aggression.
Svadhisthana (sex chakra) - lust, obsession.
Manipura (navel chakra) - submission, or vice versa, the desire for power.
Anahata (heart chakra) - love and hate.
Vishuddha (throat chakra) - the desire for self-realization.
Ajna (frontal chakra) - bindings to what a person considers to be true, principles and attitudes.
Sahasrara (crown chakra) - bindings to egregors.

On the subtle plane, bindings are seen as tubes of different diameters through which energy flows. various colors and consistency.

It is not the bindings themselves that are dangerous, they are just energy channels, but a certain energy of disruption in interaction - when people are not free, and try to subjugate the other.

Attachments make communication difficult. At the same time, a person will feel a strong attraction to the one to whom he is attached. The degree of strength of the bindings is very high, they deprive a person of freedom and impede his spiritual development.

The binding may appear against the will. For example, when an astral attack is made, a binding is formed between the one who attacked and the one who was attacked. This is a trace of interaction.

Bindings can be created artificially. The action of love spells is based on artificial creation bindings. In this case, the binding point is visualized in the form of hooks, nuts, latches, knots and other fastening methods. Lapels destroy bindings and block energy channels. These actions belong to the rituals of black magic.

Anchors can be active or passive, depending on whether energy flows through them.

Binding examples:

Resentment. This feeling is considered one of the strongest, negatively affecting health. The fact is that when offended, a person again and again returns with thoughts to the offender, generously giving his life energy to him.

Revenge, the desire to prove one's case. It is difficult to forget and let go of a person when every now and then you scroll through an ominous plan of retribution in your head, imagine what you will say to him, what kind of face he will then have, etc. etc.

Guilt. Here we are dealing with aggression directed at oneself. These deprive yourself of the right to make mistakes. Guilt is an unproductive emotion, because a person does not correct what he has done, but engages in self-flagellation. An individual who feels guilty before another often thinks about how to beg forgiveness from that other and what can be done to make amends. The result is a strong bond.

material losses. An unpaid debt binds two people to for a long time, while the larger the amount, the stronger the binding. However, the one who gives a loan still has a way out: mentally say goodbye to his money, as if they were lost, and sincerely forgive the debtor. Imagine that he gave him this money for his birthday, for example. The debtor's situation is worse, no matter how hard he tries, he will not be able to forget the one to whom he owes money. The only way to get rid of the binding is to pay off your debt or work it off..
Robbery, theft, fraud - all this also forms the binding between the offender and the victim. Conclusion: get rid of attachment to money and things.

A sense of obligation to repay a service rendered. Here, too, there is a sense of duty, but the duty is not material. “Now I owe you,” one person says to another, thereby creating strong binding. Debts must be repaid, but then we forget that another person voluntarily did a good deed for us, and in this case, sincere gratitude is enough.

People live together, but in fact they are already strangers, they have already passed this stage, but they cannot move on in any way, because they bind each other. Or one of the partners has long outgrown this connection, he would have to go forward, but the other does not allow him to develop. What feeds the attachment in this case is habit, a sense of duty, duty, caring for children, attachment to jointly acquired property, pity for a partner (how could he be without me). Anything but love.

The need to possess another person, dependence, passion, jealousy, etc. A person thinks again and again about the object of his desire, dreams about it, passionately desiring to get it. A person becomes like a child who is not given a favorite toy. He demands her and sees nothing else around. Not to be confused with love. Love does not infringe on the right to freedom of another.

Unrequited love. This is such a durable thin-material structure that it can greatly spoil a person's health, squeezing all the juice out of it. Such a state exhausts both the one who loves and the one who is loved. This is a strong vampire attachment. Besides, new love cannot appear in a person if all his energy goes to the one for whom he feels unrequited love.

The strongest parental bindings. Often parents (especially mothers) strive to completely control their child, strangle his development with their attention and care. There is no need to talk about love here, it is dependence and a desire to subjugate another person. The consequences can be very unpleasant. The child will either find the strength to break the bond, which is fraught with a complete cessation of communication with the parents, or remain an inferior person. For example, if the mother is adolescence does not accept her son as an independent person and does not let him go, then her energy tightly blocks his main chakras, which leads to major setbacks in the man's personal life. A woman needs to pay attention to the relationship with her father. Although, in fairness, it must be said that attachments between a daughter and a father are much less common than between a mother and a son.

Concealment and repression of one's own true feelings to another person. You should always listen to your heart, casting aside stereotypes and hypocrisy. Sometimes people, feeling love for another, hide it, afraid of seeming stupid, funny, or being rejected, or simply because "it's not accepted" or "I'm not like that." Love must be splashed out, given away, told to another person how good he is, how you appreciate him.

Important! Bindings are sometimes very tenacious. And if negative emotions are strong, then the bindings persist for several incarnations in a row. People again and again attract each other in each new incarnation until they are freed from their bindings. Almost all karmic connections based on bindings.

There is a practice of liberation from unnecessary bindings. In esotericism, it is customary to cut, anneal, destroy them. But in order to get rid of the binding in this way, psychic abilities are needed.

What to do for those who cannot see bindings on the subtle plane, but suspect their presence and want to get rid of them? In order to remove the attachment, you need to realize what emotions you create and feed it with. It is necessary to remove your negativity, accept the other person as he is, forgive him and let him go with love. After that, you can remove the binding.

If it is difficult for you to do this, think about whether you want to experience negative feelings towards this person for the rest of this life, or even the next thousand years? You will meet him for life until you solve this problem, again and again experiencing disappointment.

Removing an anchor does not imply removing an energy connection. Freed from attachments, we will not stop loving each other! We will gain freedom and give freedom to others, recognizing their right to dispose of their own..

Removing an anchor does not imply removing an energy connection. Freed from attachments, we will not stop loving each other! We will gain freedom and give freedom to others, recognizing their right to control their own destiny. This is unconditional love.

It is possible to love everything that we love and be free from attachment to it...
Alexandra Lirina

According to Chinese medicine, there are 12 paired permanent energy channels in the human body, through which the energy "Qi" circulates, forming a cycle. And 2 channels are unpaired, which are not connected with the circulation of paired meridians.
It is important to understand the very meaning of the energy channel, as a "channel", which is changeable, depending on the needs of the body, i.e. it can expand over the entire back, narrow, fill more of the left or right side, depending on which part you need to balance. Those. the direction of movement is not necessarily clear and defined, like along a "channel", rather like along a "channel", the energy flow easily changes the direction of movement, if such are the needs of your body.

MIRACULOUS MERIDIANS(channels) - have their name because of their inconstancy. They can appear in the human body, change and disappear. This is due to the fact that in various diseases, when the main flow of energy is disturbed, say, a fracture, and the circulation of energy in the permanent channels is difficult or disrupted, up to eight "wonderful meridian"(2 unpaired, and 6 paired), and many small non-permanent channels. Among acupuncturists and healers of the West, there is still no exact scheme for the circulation of energy through miraculous channels. Perhaps this is because there are a whole lot of active points in the human body through which energy can connect with the main channels.

NADIs are bioenergy channels that are innumerable in the subtle human body, Eastern schools use knowledge of 12 major branches / meridians, and in Indian yoga only 3 largest channels are considered.

Medically The right and left channels (energy structure of the body) correspond sympathetic nervous system , which consists of the right and left sympathetic trunks along the spine, bordering each other. If a person is able to activate and influence the sympathetic nervous system, say, by running, leading internal organs into excitement, accelerating the heart rate and breathing, then parasympathetic system we cannot consciously control. Those. in our body such complex functions as the heartbeat, the supply of oxygen to the organs through circulatory system, occur without guidance by the person himself. The central channel belongs specifically to the parasympathetic nervous system, which keeps many secrets for science and medicine.

LEFT ENERGY CHANNEL IDA (yin energy of generation/fertility) starts from the left nostril (right side of the brain "SuperEgo"), intersecting with the right energy channel in the center of the brain and in the chakras, and closes in the perineum.
Also called feminine The (lunar) channel of desires and emotions, possesses intuition, softness and sensitivity. One of the functions of the lunar channel is Dream.

For a person, the left channel is important, corresponding "unconscious", he is responsible for past, and uses images and relevant information taken from experience and "collective unconscious" (e.g. generic, racial).
The left channel also affects the present person, giving emotional coloring and taste of life. Love, happiness, joy - the ability of the left channel. It is he who, through our Desires, induces us to action. The left channel can be depleted, "cool", if you do not know how to subdue and control your emotions, an emotional person will often face depression and other mental disorders, resorting to alcohol / drugs, and may even lose the desire to live. For example, actors who experience many of the emotions of their stage lives in their roles often deplete the left channel more quickly. Of the supporting temporary diets, protein (meat, poultry, fish).

Destructive/active growth energy - Yan.
The flow of energy starts from the right nostril (left-hand side brain "Ego"), intertwining with Sushumna several times, ends in the perineum (at the source of Sushumna and Ida).
Is male(solar) channel Actions(physical and mental activity).
Logic and thinking are the abilities of the right channel that create our future through the conscious mind, and has an outlet in "collective super consciousness". But if the brain is overloaded with plans and work, then the right side can get "overheated", which negatively affects the internal organs (kidneys, heart). Pingala raises the temperature and is responsible for the digestion of food. To harmonize the right channel, it is advised to limit the consumption of meat, especially red, and practice right-sided breathing.

The largest bioenergy channel, starts from the Muladhara chakra, continues inside the spine and ends in Sahasrara, dividing into two branches - one goes to Ajna (Third Eye), the second - to the "font" on the back of the head ("Fourth Eye"), this is a small hole on the back of the head, which grows in newborns from the age of 6 months, is called information channel.
The central channel is "spiritual", refers to present and affects the balance of the left and right channels. It is to him that we should be grateful for the unconscious activity of the various functions of our body, which are considered natural and natural. The central channel contributes to our spiritual development.
Sushumna is interrupted in the area of ​​the Nabi chakra (Manipura), forming the "Ocean of Illusions", and the person chooses Action, based either on past experience (on the left channel) or on logic (on the right channel). With self-realization, the Sushumna channel is developed, and a person, regardless of the concepts of "what is good, what is" bad, "acts as" right ", and his actions are aimed exclusively at the benefit of the world around him. Influencing the benefit of others, and raising the standard of living around him, a person is able to raise his standard of living.
If the central channel is not developed, or its capabilities are not used, a person is guided by his mind, experience, stereotypes that deceive and limit, and often faces problems of incorrect realization of his karma. (causal relationship of events). The Kundalini energy, rising, fills the "Ocean of Illusions", and the enlightened person gets the opportunity to cross it (Buddha Experience), going beyond own narrow scope of action.
Kundalini balances the chakras, rising through the Sushumna, and when the energy passes to the area of ​​​​the fontanelle, the moment of self-realization / enlightenment comes, and the subtle body of a person opens its boundless and rich "inner world".

CHAKRAS ("wheel, circle" Sanskrit) are associated not only with nerve plexuses and organs (endocrine system), but also with interweaving sections of energy channels ("petals"), each of which corresponds to a stage of evolution. They have an exact definition and location in the main nerve plexuses, vibration of a certain frequency (from lower to upper), waves of different lengths, which means different colour, and its functions. The central channel not only connects the chakras, but also distributes the products of all seven chakras throughout the human body and being. Those. The central channel is the axis of a person, and the lowest and highest chakra are the poles. energy system with certain energy dynamics.
ENERGY RING- the energy system forms a closed loop of descending and ascending energy flows.
There are many schools of chakra reading, but all focus on Special attention the correct rotation of each chakra, and its degree of disclosure. When the chakra is closed, it has a dull rounded shape, as if compressed, but as it awakens, it opens and the luminosity increases. Sparkling whirlwinds can come out and color physical, ethereal, astral, etc. with their color. human plans, being an "antenna", which transmits and captures invisible radiation, subtle vibrations. The aura combines two fields, being a range of frequency vibrations.

ENERGY EXCHANGE between people.
According to the law of the universe about saving energy, continuously between people happens energy metabolism, therefore, in order to maintain spiritual / material and energy balance, we so need communication. People can feel mutual attraction even if they are not talking to each other, people usually say: "I'm drawn to him". During communication, "channels" are formed, energy flows flow in both directions from chakra to chakra, connecting the aura according to the color of the type of communication. Channels can be strong, temporary, and permanent.
Muladhara connects relatives with an energy channel. Has a very strong and strong bond, especially between children and parents. When a relative dies, the connection may still exist for a long time, but over time it is depleted.
Married couples, lovers form an energy channel from Svadhisthana. If people flirt or have fun, a temporary and unstable relationship is formed. energy connection(attachment).
At work with the authorities, and with the people with whom we cooperate or compete, there is an energy exchange at the level of Manipura.
Anahata connects us with energy channels with the people we love (emotional impact).
Vishuddha is an exchange of creative energy between like-minded people, colleagues, etc.
Ajna opens a channel of telepathic communication. The energy connection is expressed in imitation and adoration of one's idol.
Collective, religious connection, for example, ideological clubs, sects, communities, connects Sahasrara with energy channels.


Exercise for energy channels should include both physical exercises and breathing.
We start with the channels of the hands. Standing straight, we stretch our right hand, as if reaching for the wall with an open palm. When performed correctly, a slight trembling and tension is felt in the hand, and after the exercise, the right hand seems a little "longer" than the left, compare them. After the same repetition of the exercise with the left hand, we rest and do breathing exercises, combining with the exercise for both hands:
Weave in "lock", take a deep even breath, and raise the clasped hands up (above the head), turning the lock upside down with the palms, exhale. When exhaling, we open our eyes, separate our hands, and lower them down, stretching to the sides (left and right hands stretch to their sides), as if you are stroking your aura from the inside. Repeat the lock exercise 3-5 times. Intuitively, at the beginning of this exercise, you will establish the correct performance, guided by your own feelings.
Let's move on to the legs. Standing straight, we relax our hands, and put our right foot a little forward on the heel, we stretch our toes towards ourselves, and imagine that the heel seems to “fall through” into the floor. If the exercise is performed correctly, and the leg is straight and straight, you should feel the same trembling in the energy channel of the leg.
We repeat the same with the left leg, and the breathing exercise "lock"(3-5 times).
Now let's move on to the purification of the main (central) energy channel Sushumna. We stand straight, and stretch up to the ceiling with our head, and tailbone down to the floor. As if top part the spine tends up, and the lower one down. Try to feel the "energy current" along the spine. End with a breathing exercise "hand lock".
With the help of this exercise, we get rid of energy blocks, improve the circulation of energy in the body, which significantly affects the success of daily activities. Good luck and prosperity!

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To date, classical Cosmoenergetics has about two hundred cosmoenergy channels. All of them are divided into four blocks:

* Channels of the Buddhist block. Mainly used for treatment.
* Magic Block Channels. These are channels of special action. Somewhat similar to the first, but have a stronger energy flow. Also used to obtain information.
* Channels of the Masters. They are a synthesis of several frequencies, very versatile, have high vibrational performance.
* Egregor Zoroastrianism. In fact, this is a separate branch of cosmoenergy, where instead of channels, work is carried out with egregors.

Channels of different blocks are not compatible with each other and open according to different schemes (with the exception of the magical channels Zeus, Tata, Thor, Golden Pyramid, Hekatta, Titan, Moonlight, Hutta, Bonn, Sutra-Karma, which work together with Buddhist ones).

Education in cosmoenergetics takes place through initiations - the personal transfer by the Teacher of the frequency and the key to opening the channel, followed by an explanation of the main work with each of them. The initiation and development of channels takes place in several stages:

* Stage 1: Theoretical and practical classes, Initiation into the universal channel Farun-Buddha.
* Stage 2: Initiation into the channels Firast and Zeus.
* Stage 3: Initiation into the information channels Midi and Hektas.
* Stage 4: Initiation into 40 channels of a different spectrum.
* Stage 5: Three-stage Initiation into the Master of Cosmoenergetics.
* Stage 6: Initiation into the Masters.
* Stage 7: Initiation into the Egregor channels of Zoroastrianism.

Below is a list of all channels of classical cosmic energy with a brief description of the application of each of them.


The universal basic channel, from which the initiation into Cosmoenergetics begins. It has strong protective properties, quickly heals stomach ulcers, burns, removes from fainting, coma, shock, thickens the biofield. It cures almost all diseases, charges water, salt. Used for resuscitation (quick pain relief).

Powerful shock channel, the main one in the method. Promotes healing from any diseases. It translates as "ancient Egyptian ray."
The channel mainly works for healing from diseases:
- thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins;
- Hearing loss, all ENT diseases;
- Pain in the joints, head;
- Toothache, stunting of the cavity of the tooth, dental caries, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease;
- Enuresis;
- Removal of the evil eye, damage, curses;
- Cleaning of objects (cars, goods), premises (offices, apartments).

The Firast Canal opens through the Farun-Buddha Canal. The strengthening of the Firast channel - just like all the channels of the Buddhist block - is carried out through the Farun-Buddha channel. To open the Firast channel, it is necessary to visualize a certain color (given by the Teacher during initiation).

When the Firast channel is opened, the Farun-Buddha channel also automatically opens, therefore, it is not necessary to open the Farun-Buddha channel, having the Firast channel. The Firast channel opens at the beginning of the main session (whether contact, non-contact, or a session according to a collapsed scheme). Place the patient in a relaxed stance eyes closed, open the channel and then act according to the session scheme: open the “lotus”, “shoulder straps”, palms, feet, “well”. Channel Firast strengthen from above. Connect it between the 4th and 5th chakras. We leave the "arcs".

Next, with the contact laying on of hands, work through the chakras in sequence according to the formula: Firast + Zeus + Farun-Buddha. If it is necessary to treat a specific organ, act according to the formula: Firast + Farun-Buddha (or + healing channel); cleanse the head according to the formula: Zeus + Firast. With the help of the Firast channel, the ears are treated as follows: acting according to the session scheme, after working with the patient’s chakras and cleaning the head, coming up from behind, put your hands on your ears and, pronouncing the Firast channel, imagine an “arc” coming out of the palms of the hands and penetrating the ears through and through head and extending beyond the palms of the hands. Representing the "arc" of the Firast channel in this way, it is necessary to pronounce the channel as much time as necessary for maximum visualization. Then the hands are removed, and the arc that was represented remains, and it will work for as long as necessary at a given time, and then disappear by itself. Removing hands, it is necessary to stop the pronunciation of the Firast channel.

With enuresis, acting according to the scheme, after working with the chakras, it is necessary to great attention for cleaning the head with channels Zeus + Firast. You can also contact bladder. The Firast channel is used for cleansing and healing organs according to the formula: Firast + Farun-Buddha, while the right hand is applied to the area of ​​the diseased organ in front, the left, on the contrary, behind; first, the Firast channel is amplified (verbally and visually), then the Farun-Buddha channel.

The channel can also be used to accelerate the purification of the main and peripheral meridians. Approach the patient from behind, put fingers (no matter what) on the shoulders, not far from the spine, and, strengthening the channel verbally and visually, “pass” it through the person to the heels. This method is very effective in diseases of the spine. "Lotus", "shoulder straps", palms, feet, "well" close. We strengthen the channel (s) from above for 15-20 minutes, then we swing the patient's aura by laying on hands between the 4th and 5th chakras according to the formula: Zeus + Firast + Farun-Buddha. After all the manipulations with the hands, we leave the “arcs”. We do not close the channel(s) at the end of the session, thank you.

Work with enuresis is performed after the end of the main session with the “lotus” and “well” closed, while forcibly inflating the patient’s aura to the maximum until it glows brightly with the energy of the Firast channel, increasing the session time to 40 minutes. This channel must be used, regardless of the patient's disease.

When the Firast channel is opened, energy cleaning will be carried out automatically, all dirty energy, witchcraft will gradually go away. At the same time, the Firast channel will automatically heal diseases such as thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. Additionally, in relation to the veins, do not perform any manipulations either with hands or eyes, etc. Leg pain will definitely go away. In cosmetic terms, the Firast channel will correct, if possible, ugly protruding veins that have appeared as a result of the disease.

Using the Firast channel, you can clean rooms, objects, things, products, liquids, etc.
To do this, you first open the Firast channel, but do not use the word "heal" when opening the channel. Simultaneously with the formulation of the discovery, mentally imagine the flow desired color, of the appropriate size, i.e. the size of the object you want to clear. Saying the required time channel Firast, clean; at the same time, one can imagine that the Firast channel comes from the palm of your hand right hand, and you direct the flow from the palm of your hand where your intuition tells you. This will increase your cleaning efficiency. Clean up until your intuition tells you "enough".

The channel can also be used during phantom work, work on oneself, during contact, non-contact sessions, during sessions according to a collapsed scheme, as well as for "household" use: for protection anywhere and at any time, both for oneself and for others.

Zeus embodies the energy of the gods of Olympus. Zeus has a specific scope - work with the chakras. By itself, it is never used, it is used only in conjunction with the Firast channel. Channel Zeus - a powerful cleaning channel; it restores the work of the chakras, cleanses the head of "energy dirt", heals diseases of the central nervous system, the psyche.

At the beginning of the session, along with other channels, the Zeus channel also opens. Then, to work with the chakras, you need to approach the patient on the right and put your hands on the first chakra (the right palm in front, and the palm of the left hand behind, on the contrary). Next, pronounce the Firast channel until you mentally see that the saturated beam filled a specific part of the body and passed through. Then, while reciting the channel of Zeus for up to 5 seconds, imagine that it comes from your palms and fills the space between your hands until you see that the space between your hands is boiling. Next, up to 5 seconds, pronounce the Farun-Buddha channel and remove your hands. Then put your hands sequentially on the second - fifth chakras. Everywhere you leave "arcs".

Head cleaning is performed during the main contact professional session, after working with the chakras, with the “lotus” and “well” open. To do this, you approach the patient from behind and, holding your palms under your head like a boat, pronounce three channels at once - Zeus, Firast and Farun-Buddha, alternating them. The sequence in this case does not matter. And imagine that three channels go from the palms to the head at once. At the same time, you visualize how dirty energy evaporates. You do this until you mentally see that all the dirty energy has evaporated. Then, up to 10 seconds, you pronounce only Firast and up to 5 seconds the Farun-Buddha channel. And take your hands off.

Enlargement and alignment of the patient's aura can also be done using the Zeus, Firast, Farun-Buddha channels. This is done at the end of the main session, with the "lotus" and "well" closed.

Laying the palms of your hands (right in front on the chest, between the 4th and 5th chakras, and the left behind, on the contrary), you pronounce three channels - Zeus, Firast and Farun-Buddha, alternating them, the sequence does not matter, and imagine that three channels go from the palms into the aura and at the same time imagine that the aura is leveling and increasing from this. You increase it to 2 meters in radius, but at the end, up to 10 seconds, pronounce the Firast channel and then up to 5 seconds, the Farun-Buddha channel. At the end of the session, do not close the channel, thank you.

Having passed the training and Initiation to the 2nd stage, the student then chooses the sequence of Initiations himself, depending on the need.

Works to cleanse the body and heal from all diseases. The Shaon channel is one of the main shock channels in the method. Removes salts, crushes stones, dissolves neoplasms and scars. Passing through the human energy channels (nadis), it cleanses them of everything destructive that prevents the body from harmoniously existing. Dilute, smash, withdraw, clean out - this is the motto of the channel.

The channel opens at the beginning of the main session along with other channels, strengthens during the session. Contact influence on diseased organs according to the formula: Firast + Shaon.
Restrictions: do not work in contact with the area of ​​the liver, kidneys and bladder in the presence of stones. Otherwise, the stones may move and stand in the duct, or they may begin to break up and large pieces go through the ducts, which will lead the patient to critical condition. Stones and sand are removed by non-contact sessions - by washing out and removing fine sand through the bile ducts.

Stones in the kidneys and bladder are broken painlessly thanks to non-contact sessions into the finest sand and are easily removed. The channel works very well for healing diseases of gynecology and respiratory tract. During the main session, after working with the chakras, the channel is connected directly to problem areas according to the formula: Firast + Shaon.

It is also used for diseases of the spine (in particular, for punching it), for intervertebral hernias. During the session, come up behind the patient, put your fingers on the base of the neck (or on the shoulders) and act according to the formula: Firast + Shaon + St. Buddha + St. Jesus + Farun. Treatment of sinusitis during the main session, after cleaning the head, channels: Firast + Shaon + Farun-Buddha. We put the left palm on the back of the head, the right palm on the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses and work with channels. At the end of the session, we do not close the channel, thank you.

The channel is useful for charging water, salt, creams.

Soft channel. Works to heal all blood diseases, normalizing its composition. Heals the spleen diabetes, hepatitis (A,B,C,D), anemia, the effects of radiation exposure (radiation sickness).

It opens according to the general channel opening system of the Buddhist block. Tear off from above at the beginning of the main session, along with other channels, and amplify (verbally, visually) during the session. Contact is used during the main session, after working with the chakras and cleansing the spleen and liver with the Firast channel + healing channel.

Contact work on the spleen according to the formula: Firast + Craon.
Put the right hand in front of the spleen, the left hand behind the level of the liver, strengthen the channel, while representing an arc, a "hose" from the spleen to the liver, through which blood pumps.
At the end of the session, with the "well" and "lotus" between the 4th and 5th chakras closed, shake the patient's aura according to the formula: Zeus + Firast + Craon.
The channel is used to charge water and salt. With minimal results, go to work with the Gilius channel.

percussion channel. Works to heal all blood diseases, normalizing its composition. Heals the spleen; diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, anemia, the effects of radiation exposure. Use to charge salt and water.

It opens according to the general channel opening system of the Buddhist block. Tear off from above at the beginning of the main session, along with other channels, and amplify (verbally, visually) during the session. The technique of working with the channel is the same as with the Craon channel. Contact is used only if the work with the Craon channel did not bring results.

Purification of the blood in most cases is accompanied by fever, skin rashes.

The channel is used to straighten the bones of the skull in children (only with an ungrown fontanel), relieve intracranial and intraocular pressure, and (in rare cases) to cleanse the head after a hypertensive crisis. Use to charge salt and water.

It opens according to the general channel opening system of the Buddhist block. To tear off at the beginning of the main session, along with other channels, from above and strengthen (verbally, visually) during the session.
After working with the chakras, it is necessary to cleanse the head with the Zeus + Firast + Farun-Buddha channels.

To relieve intracranial pressure, perform work in semi-contact: stand behind, hands in boats, palms up, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears, work according to the formula: Farun-Buddha + Kurf.

To straighten the bones of the skull in children with an ungrown fontanelle, work contactlessly, and after the end of the session, do not close the channel. Contraindications: it is strictly forbidden to use the canal to correct the bones of the skull in adults and children with an overgrown fontanel, as this will cause them severe headaches.

The channel is very kind, it envelops a person; has the shape of a jellyfish, the color is bluish-green. It is used to treat eye and skin diseases, purulent inflammation, gangrene, allergies. Use to charge salt and water.

For the treatment of allergies, skin inflammations and wound healing, the channel is opened at the end of the main session with the “lotus” and “well” closed. In case of skin, gangrenous and purulent diseases, work is carried out by non-contact or semi-contact laying on of hands both during the session and outside it. After completing the work with the channel, be sure to leave "arcs".
With eye diseases, sessions can be performed on the eyes. These sessions are held after the patient has completed a minimum of general sessions. In general sessions, pay attention to the cleansing of the head (Zeus + Firast). Then, eye sessions are carried out in parallel.

Sessions on the eyes after the main session: the patient and the healer in the "stand" position put their hands on each other's shoulders with the axis of the elbow joint up; both relax and look absently into each other's eyes. The session continues until the appearance of pain, a feeling of "sand" in the eyes of the patient or healer. The channel works for healing from all eye diseases. If the intervention of the surgeon is already taking place, then in most cases the effect is significantly reduced. True, improvement can be achieved even in these cases. Eye sessions are held against the background of the main sessions.

Works to heal all eye diseases.

The channel is opened at the beginning of the main session, along with other channels of the Buddhist block. After the main session, conduct an eye-to-eye session. The method of working with the channel is the same as with the Sury-Sanlay channel. When conducting sessions on the eyes, the Ranul and Sury-Sanlay channels should be alternated. One session is conducted by the Ranul channel, the other by the Sury-Sanlay channel. Therapy should be started from the softer channel - Sury-Sanlay.

Works on healing from diseases of the respiratory tract, liver, kidneys, stomach, including stomach cancer. Can also be used to recharge salt and water.

The channel opens at the beginning of the main session along with other channels, intensifies during the session. Contact work by laying on hands on diseased organs: liver, kidneys, stomach, respiratory tract according to the formula: Firast + St. Moses.

After contact work, leave "arcs".

Works for healing from diseases: hernias, scars, fractures of the hands, joints, stomach and tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Use to charge salt and water. The channel opens at the beginning of the main session along with other channels of the Buddhist block.

After working with the chakras - work with the stomach according to the formula: Firast + St. Buddha. By contact laying on of hands, the channel acts on hernia, scars, fracture sites according to the formula: Firast + St. Buddha.
For the treatment of diseases of the bones, joints, the consequences of injuries: at the main session, “pass” the channels through the person, incl. along the spinal column according to the formula: Firast + St. Buddha + St. Jesus + Farun. Those channels are used, in which the student has passed the Initiations.

When working with joints against polyarthritis, salt deposits, the best results are achieved if you apply a contact effect on diseased areas according to the formula: Firast + St. Buddha + St. Jesus + Farun.
When working with hernias (umbilical, inguinal, femoral) during the main session, after working with the chakras, contact should be made:
The right hand is in front on the hernia, the left hand is symmetrically behind on the spine;

Working with the channel of the Holy Buddha, we synchronously form the mental image of the channel - between the hands is a medium-stretched rubber band, a tourniquet with a cross section of up to 15-20 mm;
Continuing the development of the mental image, we attach one end of the “harness” to the spine, the other to umbilical hernia. In this case, the channel works as a retractor.
At the end of the session, we support the mental image of the “harness” for a few more minutes to fully consolidate the result.

Works for healing from all types of allergic diseases, wound healing, destruction of warts and wen, hair in unnecessary places, normalizes hormonal background. Used to charge salt and water. The channel is opened at the beginning of the main session along with other channels of the Buddhist block.

To normalize the hormonal background and treat allergies, work contactlessly according to the session scheme.

In the main session, as well as outside it, under the influence of the channel, work with semi-contact laying on of hands on wounds and hair according to the formula: Firast + St. Mohammed.
At the main session, as well as outside it, under the influence of the channel, cut a wart, mole or wen " energy cross”and open them like petals of a“ lotus ”; work contact or semi-contact according to the formula: Firast + Shaon + St. Mohammed. Leave "arcs". Close the incision at the end of the session.

Warning: when working with this channel, you must be very careful with soft moles that match the color of the human body; with moles resembling an opening bud - do not work If a malignant nature of a mole is suspected, we work contactlessly: Firast + Shaon.

Works on healing from diseases of the joints; colds and throat; normalization of pressure (hypotension, hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia); to lower the temperature. Use to charge salt and water.

In the main session, as well as outside it, under the influence of the channel, work with contact, laying hands on the joints and tapping according to the “energy massage” method for 3-4 minutes. The best result is achieved when working according to the formula: Firast + channel of the Holy Jesus + channel of the Holy Buddha + Farun.

With increased pressure under the influence of the channel, mentally open the "lotus", "shoulder straps", hands. If the pressure began to fall, close the chest, arms and "shoulder straps", and only cover the "lotus". Finally close the "lotus" after 2-3 hours; if the patient is not around, do it mentally. If the pressure remains the same, then stand behind the patient’s back (this can be done both during the main session and outside it), open the “well” under you and the patient, put both hands on the patient’s shoulders and, under the influence of the channel, reset yourself through the “motor "dirty" energy into the "well" in 15-20 minutes. It is necessary to pull the "extra" energy with both hands. The soles of your feet should burn, prick, this indicates proper work. Close the "well" and follow the previous procedure for the final closing of the patient.
During the session, it is not necessary to reduce the pressure in this way: the channel works non-contact with the patient throughout the session, while normalizing the pressure.

With reduced pressure under the influence of the channel and the closed "lotus", pump the patient's aura by laying on hands between the 4th-5th chakras according to the formula: Firast + Zeus + St. Jesus.
When removing the temperature of a child by the channel of the Holy Jesus, in rare cases, there is a tendency not to decrease, but to increase the temperature. In this case, the channel, as it were, tells the healer that it is necessary to fight the infection. heat. When the temperature rises above 39 degrees, bring down the temperature mechanically - by lowering into a cold bath, dousing with cold water, rubbing with alcohol, vinegar.

When working with the patient's throat or throat chakra, the fingers of the healer's left and right hands should not touch.
The channel is used during the "energy massage".

The channel is used for diseases: scoliosis, salt deposits, polyarthritis, saline polyarthritis, infectious polyarthritis, for posture correction. Use to charge salt and water.

The channel is opened at the beginning of the main session, along with other channels of the Buddhist block. The channel is amplified throughout the session.
In the main session, as well as outside it, under the influence of the channel, work with contact, laying hands on the joints and tapping according to the “energy massage” method for 3-4 minutes. The best result is achieved when working according to the formula: Firast + channel of the Holy Jesus + channel of the Holy Buddha + Farun. Leave "arcs".

For the treatment of diseases of the bones, spine, joints, the consequences of injuries in the main session, “pass” channels through a person, incl. along the spinal column according to the formula: Firast + St. Buddha + St. Jesus + Farun. Those channels are used, in which the student has passed the Initiations.

Used in energy massage.

The shock channel is used to treat diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, stomach cancer. Use to charge salt and water.

The channel is opened at the beginning of the main session, along with other channels of the Buddhist block. The channel is amplified throughout the session. After working with the chakras, work with diseased organs in contact according to the formula: Firast + Risur. Leave "arcs".

An ancient Buddhist channel, shock, is used for heart diseases, flu, allergies. Use to charge salt and water.

The channel is opened at the beginning of the main session, along with other channels of the Buddhist block. The channel is amplified throughout the session. Work begins with the launch of the chakras and the pumping of the general energy of the patient. Influenza, allergies, heart disease - work without contact, according to the general scheme of sessions.

Contact work on the heart is allowed only after infarction conditions for resorption of scars on the heart muscle.

The shock channel is used to treat colds, flu, meningitis. Use to charge salt and water.

The channel is opened at the beginning of the main session, along with other channels of the Buddhist block. The channel is amplified throughout the session. In case of meningitis, work as a non-contact channel according to the general scheme of the session.

The minimum session time is 40 minutes; do 2 sessions every day. For colds and flu - contact. At the end of the main session, or outside of it, work as a channel with the “lotus” and “well” closed between the 4th and 5th chakras according to the formula: Firast + Zeus + Ural.

The shock channel is used to treat chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, relieves "withdrawal". Use to charge salt and water.

The channel is opened at the beginning of the main session, along with other channels of the Buddhist block. The channel is amplified throughout the session.

At the end of the session, shake the patient's aura with the closed "lotus" and "well" between the 4th and 5th chakras according to the formula: Zeus + Firast + Raun. At the end of the session, do not close the channel, thank you.

To relieve a hangover, put the patient in a relaxed stance for 10-30 minutes with the "lotus" and "well" closed.

To remove "withdrawal" and "delirium tremens", work through the channel contactlessly with the "lotus" and "well" closed.

Alcoholism and drug addiction are an obsession, the strongest mental disorders, so the healing is long: from a year to two years. You should work according to the general scheme of sessions. The course of healing at the first stage should be dominated by non-contact sessions. Healing is accompanied by crises. During them, it is desirable to switch to work with Magical channels - Mom, Anael, 1st Magical. These channels contribute to the harmonization of the psycho-emotional state, soothe, relieve internal stress. Then you can go back to conducting sessions using Buddhist channels.

The channel is used to rejuvenate women, normalizes hormonal levels, smoothes wrinkles, tightens the skin. Use to charge salt, water and creams.

Both during the session and outside it, apply contact or semi-contact to problem areas of the skin according to the formula: Firast + Sinrah. With a large overweight, as well as at purposeful work for skin rejuvenation and tightening, the duration of this part of the session (with the “lotus” and “well” closed) should be increased to 40 minutes.

At the end of the session, swing the patient's aura with the closed "lotus" and "well" between the 4th and 5th chakras according to the formula: Zeus + Firast + Sinrah + Tata.

It is used to rejuvenate men: it normalizes hormonal levels, smoothes wrinkles, tightens the skin, improves potency. Use to charge salt and water.

The channel is opened at the beginning of the main session, along with other channels of the Buddhist block. The channel is amplified throughout the session. The channel should be opened for all patients, regardless of gender. He finds himself to work for.

During the main session, work with the second chakra of the patient according to the formula: Firast + Zeus + Sinlakh.
Both during the session and outside it, work contact or semi-contact on problem areas of the skin according to the formula: Firast + Sinlakh.

At the end of the session, shake the patient's aura with the "lotus" and "well" closed, between the 4th and 5th chakras according to the formula: Zeus + Firast + Sinlakh + Tata. At the end of the session, do not close the channel, thank you. With a large excess weight, as well as with targeted work on rejuvenation and skin tightening, the duration of this part of the session (with the closed "lotus" and "well") should be increased to 40 minutes.

Powerful information channel. Cleans and removes everything that interferes with the reception of information. The channel carries any information, powerfully expands and clears the mind, promotes the development of creative abilities.
Like other channels, it opens and works immediately after the Initiation, but in order to quickly and clearly receive information, it is necessary to work out the channel, i.e. tuning to its frequency.

Channel time
Get into a relaxed position with your eyes closed. Open a channel for yourself. "Well" and "lotus" do not open.
Stand under the action of the channel, strengthen it for 30-40 minutes. Do not ask questions while working. The development of the channel is usually accompanied by crises both in the psycho-emotional and physical planes. After operating time, the channel can be closed, you can not close it. The development of Hektas and Midi information channels is carried out separately from each other. Before you start working on the next channel, you should close the previous one.

To receive information, the channel can be opened anywhere, in any position. Open a channel for information. The channel is used only for itself. Strengthen it. Information comes in the form of guesses, hints, insights, clairvoyance, clairvoyance, clairaudience. Then the channel can be closed, but it is possible not to close. To receive information, the Hektas and Midi channels can be opened simultaneously.
The channel is used only for itself.

The information channel carries planetary information, helps in the search for forgotten or lost items, removes interference from dowsing, and organizes meetings.
Like other channels, it opens and works immediately after the Initiation, but in order to quickly and clearly receive information, it is necessary to work out the channel, i.e. tuning to its frequency.

Channel time
Get into a relaxed position with your eyes closed. "Lotus", "well" do not open. Open a channel for yourself. Stand under the action of the channel, strengthen it for 30-40 minutes. Do not ask questions while working. After operating time, the channel can be closed, you can not close it.

Using a Channel to Get Information
To receive information, the channel can be opened anywhere, in any position. Open a channel for information. Strengthen it. Information comes in the form of guesses, hints, insights, clairvoyance, clairvoyance, clairaudience. Then the channel can be closed, but it is possible not to close.
The channel works very well on the search. With its help, you can organize meetings, both for yourself and for others. Meetings are organized in the event that a person is lost, or the meeting is constantly disrupted, people cannot meet each other. Of course, you need to remember about karma. Is it worth getting involved?

Organization of the meeting
Stand in a relaxed stance with your eyes closed. Imagine the person you want to meet next to you. Hold his phantom for the entire session. Open the Midi channel with the program "for organizing a meeting" and stand under the action of the channel for 30-40 minutes. Amplify the channel. Thank you at the end of the session. The session can be repeated many times. In the same way, a session is held to arrange a meeting for another person, only the patient will stand instead of you.
The channel greatly facilitates the work of dowsing, removing interference. The earthly channel carries planetary information. Promotes purification and expansion of consciousness, activates the work of the upper energy centers.

The channel is not working. The frequency works fine without operating time. The channel is used to cleanse from damage, the evil eye, gives a return to sorcerers, harmonizes the emotional state, relieves stress, breakdowns, tension, corrects behavior, both for oneself and others.

It can be used before the main session with Buddhist channels, while the “lotus” and “well” should not be opened.

When working to remove damage, conspiracy, evil eye, curse, burning of lower bindings, etc. there is a powerful return to the sorcerer and the customer. When working with a MIDI channel, you can "count" who did it, but you can also make a mistake, therefore, if you are zealous with the question "Who did it?", I propose to see who from the environment will feel bad in 3-5 days.

A channel is opened by means of a mental image - the representation of a gray, cold fog (cloud) and enveloping the patient with this fog. A person in a mental image practically becomes invisible. When the mental image is removed, the channel stops working. Incompatible with healing channels, therefore, when included in the session scheme, we first close the Buddhist block. The channel works separately from others, and the exception is the ANAEL channel. It can be used simultaneously with the FIRST MAGIC. For example, in everyday situations, in order to change, almost instantly, the state of a person to the opposite (turn a gloomy person, with a bad mood, into a kind and cheerful one).

The channel is opened at the beginning of the main session, along with other channels of the Magic Block. The channel is amplified throughout the session. The channel should be opened for all patients, he himself finds for whom he should work. The Titan channel is used to work ONLY with the chakras. The channel is shock and is used if the work with the Firast + Zeus channels is not effective.
In this case, having started working with the Firast and Zeus channels, it is necessary to switch to working with the Titan channel. And vice versa: when working with the Titan channel, if necessary, you can switch to working with the Firast and Zeus channels. At the beginning of the session, all channels open, and contact, locally, you should work with the necessary channels. The Titan channel has strong vibrational indicators, and not all patients tolerate it normally. In the event of a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition when working with the Titan channel, it is necessary to switch to working with the Firast + Zeus channels. The Titan channel should be used ONLY for working with chakras, on organs, it is not fed to the head.

The Titan channel completely replaces Zeus and is a more powerful frequency. It is not recommended to work with a person and Titan and Zeus at the same session. Therefore, in the presence of this channel, it is already possible to work with the chakras according to the formula Titanium + Firast + Farun-Buddha. Considering the shock properties of this channel, it is not recommended to use it for seriously ill, weakened people. In these cases, we use Zeus + Firast + F-B. Also, in order to avoid unstable states, we don’t apply Titan to the “heart” chakra, that is, we bypass this chakra with Zeus.
Head cleaning, as before, according to the formula Zeus + Firast + F-B.

Used to charge salt and water.

Planetary channel with female energy. Opened by the general technique of the Magic Block.
The mental image is a soft, white fog in which we envelop the patient. Further action of the work of the channel occurs automatically (lotus, "well", intensity, etc.). All dirty, heavy energy is pulled down, and dark, light energy goes up through the lotus. At the end of the required exposure, the channel will close automatically. Not compatible with Buddhist block channels. After opening the frequency above the patient at the beginning of the general session (duration 5-7 minutes), close it and work on the "general energy" using other necessary healing channels. With this approach in working with a patient with the MAMA frequency, you will remove its calming effect, due to the work with other channels it is "extinguished", as a result, the restrictions on its quantitative use in sessions are removed. The main feature of MAMA is the fact that it works effectively in any position of the patient. Therefore, the frequency can be widely used when working with seriously ill patients, with those who are bedridden. You can even open it over the sick during their sleep, with the setting for the whole night, etc.

MAMA is a miraculous channel. Works great for removing bindings to the lower worlds, evil eye, damage, witchcraft, curses, divination. And what is more characteristic of her work, she gives a "return" to the black magician. In addition, it is used to suppress stress (if needed). feminine energy). To feed seriously ill patients, I recommend opening MAMU at the end of the session. Remember! This planetary channel carries exclusively feminine, soothing energy.

Like other channels, it opens and works immediately after Initiation. The channel is not therapeutic. Used as a harmonizer. Carries the energy of love, kindness, creation. Opens from the top, works contactless. It is used on asocial, aggressive people, as well as to relieve stress and harmonize the internal state. Compatible with 1st Magical Channel and Mother Channel. Used for oneself and for others.

Usage example. We imagine a person in an energy fog, envelop, hold a mental image. To achieve a result at the time of meetings, negotiations, open the channel in advance (according to the phantom), since it may not work immediately, but after some time. Do not use to harm others (for the purpose of deceiving, splitting the family, etc.).

The Golden Pyramid channel is used both in combination with other channels during the session according to the scheme, and separately.
Depending on the problem being solved, the golden beam coming from the base of the pyramid can be represented by any diameter.
The Golden Pyramid channel has been working for as long as you can imagine. The duration of the channel should be adjusted intuitively, i.e. relying on your intuition. Those initiated into the channel "Golden Pyramid" in exceptional cases have the right to seek help directly from the Heavenly City.

There are three types of channel usage:
- As a general treatment, it opens with the mental image of the "Golden Pyramid", from the center of which a golden beam of such a width comes out to cover all patients. The channel is rarely used as miraculous when other channels do not give the desired effect. Thus, the channel is usually used in the main session. In the event of the appearance of a phantom UFO, do not make contact, leave and let representatives of other civilizations work with the patient. Masters of cosmoenergy, who received a cosmic name, can apply to the celestial city "Mahatma". This is done on very rare occasions.
- For the treatment of diseases of the spine is usually used in the main session. With the “lotus” and “well” open, it opens with the mental image of the “Golden Pyramid”, from the center of which a narrow beam comes. At the same time, one should stand behind the patient and put his hands on his shoulders, mentally imagine how the vortex-like flow enters the open “lotus”, passes along the spine. There are no restrictions on use.
- Channel "Golden Pyramid" can be used on large territories(a certain region, city, etc.), for cleaning, eliminating epidemics, improving environmental and criminal situations; in this case, the golden ray should cover the region, city, etc., respectively. The larger the territory, the more cosmoenergetics take part in the work of this channel.

Cosmic frequency, working to improve the hormonal background. Normalizes weight and at the same time tightens the skin. The main function is healing, compatible with healing channels.
top scores are obtained when working with SYNRACH or SYNLACH. Under the influence of the channel, the patient's endocrine system is healed and normalized, and therefore the weight is automatically normalized. Perform work with the lotus closed, with conscious pumping of the energy of the patient's aura. The duration of the session is up to 40 minutes. The channel carries certain restrictions on weight loss and weight gain. For example: a man's height is 1m 70 cm, the optimal operation of the channel when losing weight or gaining weight is 80 kg (normal); in women with the same height of 70 kg. At normal weight the channel's effect on weight normalization is suspended and further work extends only to the endocrine system. When the patient gains weight, the diet is normal, when shedding, it is imperative to adhere to a strict rule: you can eat as much as you like, but only when you really really want to eat. For example: in the absence of a strong appetite, in no case should you go to dinner for the company or come home and see delicious dinner on the table. Remember, eat only when you feel hungry. Failure to comply with this rule leads to minimal results. With the normalization of weight, the first results appear from a week to two months. Due to the fact that weight loss or weight gain depends on the state of the patient's endocrine system. For example. The patient with a height of 1 m 65 cm had a weight of 140 kg. After a month of working with him with frequencies: FARUN-BUDDHA + SINLAH + TATA - the result was zero. After two months reduction to 135 kg. After 2.5 months of exposure to frequencies - 123 kg, after 3 - 107 kg, after 4 - 88 kg, after 4.5 months - 82 kg. The normalization of his weight stopped at 78 kg. But this case extraordinary and the timing of normalization of weight, depending on general condition patients range from 20 days to six months. The cosmo-energetic healer should not forget that this channel, in addition to normalizing weight, also works on the endocrine system, general metabolism and normalization of the hormonal background. The frequency of TATA can also increase and align the aura, charge the water. And to enhance the effectiveness, conduct additional sessions with the patient, through his photograph.

AGNI ("Space Fire")
The channel carries male (+) energy (comes from above from space), relieves depression, gives vitality, powerfully cleanses. Used anywhere and anytime, as well as before the main session. It is active only when the mental image is maintained. Work only contactless. Do not use on aggressive people. When working as a channel, as well as when working, it is recommended to mentally list the gods of the planets male, for example: Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, Hephaestus ...
Used to stop traffic: open a channel and mentally imagine a white triangle on a blue background, inside the triangle white circle. Decide what you want to receive.
The channel is universal, generally healing, as it carries the pure energy of Heavenly Fire. The channel must be worked out for a long time according to the general scheme of working out: stand in a relaxed position, close your eyes. Open the channel and stand under it for 30-40 minutes. Not compatible with Buddhist block channels, only compatible with HUM channel.

HUM ("Earth Fire")
Possesses female (-) energy, earthly channel, goes from below from the Earth. The number of options for using the HUM channel is not limited. The more, the stronger he becomes - this is his operating time, which is being developed long time. HUM - a universal channel, carries female energy, that is, calming. Therefore, it can be used to relieve stress, aggression, prevent quarrels, fights, scandals, etc. In non-standard situations, it works as a cleaning channel from the information of the MIDI and GEKTAS channels. Compatible with AGNI channel only. When working as a channel, the effect is enhanced if the names of goddesses are listed along with the name of the channel: Venus, Athena, Aphrodite, etc.

Usage example: you see that a fight is brewing, open the channel and everyone will calm down, and if the fight has already begun, then after opening the channel it will quickly stop.

The channel is very powerful, cleanses from negative energies, damage, evil eye. Promotes the withdrawal of energy essences, is used to treat seriously ill patients. The upper cosmic fire cleanses and fills the patient's shells with the energy of activity and movement (male energy). Hum pulls dirty energy, relieving stress, aggression ( female energy).

You can use the channel immediately after the Initiation for yourself and for others. Used anywhere and anytime, as well as before the main session. Works only while maintaining the mental image. To use the channel as miraculous, the channel must be worked out for a long time. When the channel is working out, a powerful cleaning of the healer takes place.

It gives neutral energy. To obtain neutral energy, we present two filters. Above the head and just below the 1st chakra. These filters do not let energy into a person. First we say AGNI, AGNI, AGNI. Energy is collected on the top filter and grows like a mountain. Then we sing HUM, HUM, HUM, while the energy comes from below and rests on the filter. After 3-5 minutes, energy pressure is felt on the filters, and they tend to connect. If there is no such sensation, then you can strengthen the channel by pronouncing the names of known planets or the names of gods and famous people. For example, to strengthen the AGNI channel, we say: Alexander the Great, Jesus, Mohammed, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Hephaestus, Zeus, Hermes, etc. To strengthen the HUM channel - Venus, Moon, Diana, Isis, Hathor, Maat, Nimesis, etc.

The movement of the filters by willpower must be kept from 20 to 40 minutes. When we can no longer hold the filters, they will start moving towards each other. The collection of neutral energy occurs in the 3rd and 4th chakras. When we feel that the filters will now touch the chakra, we mentally discard the filters. Filters can be made of any material, even paper, but we know that they will not let energy through. If the filters converge in the 2nd chakra, then the energy will be feminine, if it is in the 5th, then it will be masculine. The mixing of female and male energy occurs only in the 3rd and 4th chakras, while the feeling is higher than orgasm. Once having gained a frequency, Cosmoenerget gains neutral energy from 10 sec. up to 3 min.

Channel usage. Neutral energy goes along the meridians to the hands and is transmitted through the hands to the patient, between the 4th and 5th chakras or to the diseased organ. In this case, an instant transformation of tissues will occur, and the patient will recover. To revive the kidney (the kidney dries up), we put our hands on the kidneys. We give where there is withering away, decomposition. We work with the AGNI-HUM channel during the session.

It is used as a shock channel for local breakdown of dark energy. The channel is not working. It is used to break down heavy masses of dark energy, if one or another (tooth, headache, etc.) pain cannot be pulled out. For example, with a migraine, dirty energy is very solid and we cannot do without the help of TOR. We build a phantom mental image over the right shoulder: a bearded, red-haired God in armor, with a hammer in his hands, stands in a golden, two-wheeled chariot drawn by a trio of red, fiery-colored horses. For each utterance of THOR, he throws a hammer at sore spot patient and immediately returns him back. When working on the head - no more than 5-7 strokes, otherwise the patient will have a strong headache. More can be done for kidney pain, kidney stones do not need to be broken. Works only while maintaining the mental image. Extraction after working with the TOP channel is mandatory. The channel is shock, therefore it is used only in cases where the possibilities of other channels have been exhausted and do not bring tangible results. Compatible with healing channels.

After working with this channel, it is necessary for the patient to stand at the session, moreover, leave the skin in the places of work open. It is also necessary to work through these areas in contact with the channel after the action according to the formula: Firast + Farun-Buddha, leaving “arcs”. When broken by the Tor channel, the energy begins to seethe, and it must be removed from the body by all possible means, since it can subsequently provoke a severe crisis.

Restrictions: do not work with a channel into the region of the heart, in case of thrombophlebitis, in case of an acute abdomen, locally, on women in position, to crush stones and do not beat in the head region more than five times.

Compatible with medical Works for the treatment of cerebral palsy (ICP), schizophrenia.
It opens according to the magic scheme at the main session along with the channels of the Buddhist block. When treating cerebral palsy, work according to the general scheme with the chakras, pay great attention to cleaning the head according to the formula: Zeus + Firast, then contact the patient's head with the Luli channel.
In schizophrenia (the strongest obsession), the treatment is long and is accompanied by serious crises, during which the patient may be hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic. It is desirable to treat such patients in closed institutions and only by experienced cosmoenergetics.

With schizophrenia, the channel should be used very carefully. Schizophrenia is an extra mass of the brain, which is also growing. When it is opened, organic matter begins to decay and close neutron bonds. The patient becomes violent. In a schizophrenic patient, after 2-3 months of your work, a crisis sets in, then he gets better. I recommend that only experienced Cosmoenergetics work with schizophrenics, and only in rare cases.

When working with cerebral palsy, initially restore the overall energy and once open the SUTRA-KARMA channel. Positive results observed in a year. Initially, by any means, it is necessary to launch the chakras and restore (patch) the patient's aura. After that, under the influence of the channel, contact work with his head. The recovery time in cases with cerebral palsy has a long duration from 6 months to one and a half years, since the disease is karmic. Improvement of motor functions up to 80%.

Channel of the space race of the 7th level. The channel is used in rare cases when working with other channels does not give the desired effect or the disease is very rare, poorly understood and poorly explained (for example, vitiligo skin depigmentation). The channel opens at the end of the main session. Other channels at the same time on the patient are closed. The healer connects a channel between the 4th and 5th chakras of the patient. The channel is very powerful, and its work is accompanied by a crisis, a strong deterioration in physical and psycho-emotional states.

We rarely work with the channel, since the frequency is not subject to control and monitoring. The channel is closed only after the execution of a certain function. If there is a desire to open a HUTTU, the patient must be warned that he may have exacerbations, a crisis, laughter, sobs, etc., this does not happen to everyone. HUTTA can also manifest itself on the internal energy level, the patient becomes unbalanced. He may yell or even hit someone. If such manifestations are observed, then this is an indicator that HUTTA has fruitfully joined the work. These inadequate states can last for 12 days, after which there is a crisis recession and a sharp improvement in the patient's condition, as well as the disappearance of all of the above manifestations. In the future, it can be re-opened no earlier than in 2-3 weeks, because. the channel exhausts the person. HUTTA gives a huge dissipation of attention. A person crosses the road and is so lost in his thoughts that he sees nothing. If a person is driving, we warn him to carefully follow the road.
HUTTA creates vibrations around the patient (little golden worms that vibrate). We usually open it at the end of the session, when all channels are closed. We felt that the channel went, held the hands for another 10 seconds and released the patient.

With a heavy workload of karma and the presence of a hidden disease, working with a channel may not give a visible effect.

Women's energy. Heals breast cancer, cracked nipples, in the absence of milk. We work semi-contact 10-12 sessions. When the tumor is healed, the chest turns blue, pain appears, the tumor is squeezed out and exits through the fistula. The scar from the fistula disappears without a trace.

When healing gynecology, we work with the FIRAST + SHAON or HEKATE channels. You don't have to work together. Hekate is more likely to work on uterine cancer than on the ovaries.

Warning! Do not use the channel for mastopathy.

With breast augmentation (by 1.5 sizes), we undress the patient to the waist and lean against the wall or lay it down. Massage of 6 points (three pairs, two of which are nipples). Press the points strongly, push 3-5 times (up to 10 times). A stream from the 6th chakra to the nipples with the pronunciation of the name of the channel. Breast massage 5-7 min. (thumb at a 90 degree angle). The patient should leave with the sensation of two warm streams. Streams should not be interrupted. If interrupted, massage the points again. We ask the patient to remember how long the brook lasts. If the stream is felt for 10-15 minutes, then this is not enough. Point massage continues. The sensation of a stream should be at least 40 minutes, then there will be a filling of the chest. In the second session, we start working with streams, but if there is no flow, then we massage the points. If the stream has subsided, and lasts about 20 minutes, then we continue the massage point by point.
The patient in the process of healing should do breast massage so that there is no stagnation of blood.
To lift a woman's chest, Cosmoenerget needs to perform a massage with the pronunciation of the channel.
The channel is earthly, feminine, with a very strong negative energy.

The optimal form of work for the improvement of the female breast: FARUN-BUDDHA + FIRAST + SHAON + HEKATE with alternating "exhaust into the well with a motor." At the end of the session, it is obligatory to make "energy cuts" of local painful zones. It is strictly forbidden to use this frequency even with the slightest suspicion of a mastopathy disease.
The frequency is used for any diseases of the mammary glands, except for mastopathy. Compatible with healers. Work with the channel with the lotus closed, with the position of the hands on the painful local areas of the patient.

This is a protection channel for Cosmoenerget. It is opened by Cosmoenerget itself in exceptional cases. If it is decided at the level that this person really offended you, then RATHA will open automatically. An example of using a channel. The thief stole from Cosmoenerget the money set aside for the treatment of his grandson. Cosmoenerget (I opened a channel to him in my hearts, it opens according to a magical scheme, you just have to think). Eight months later, a completely healthy man died. In this case, Cosmoenerget receives a partial refund, it does not have the right to decide the fate of a person. But since he has protective channels, and even if he gets half of the "return", he will not die, but the troubles will be tangible. Therefore, in the Cosmoenergetic tradition there is Golden Rule: "Cosmoenerget must be neutral!". If Cosmoenerget gets angry in the soul with a person, the channel opens automatically (you can get angry, but only with your head). If Cosmoenerget was offended, and he will also forgive the offender, then RATHA works twice as hard. In order for the channel to close, the offender must ask for forgiveness from the heart (not with the head). The channel does not open to close people, it can only be opened consciously.

The Master's RATHA channel works on physical level. The Master's field shrinks, as soon as you think about the channel and open the lotus of the offender, RATHA begins to work right up to the physical level.

It is used to develop abilities in levitation, work with seriously ill patients who do not get out of bed, for the treatment of stroke; quickly raises bedridden patients to their feet.
To develop abilities in levitation, the channel must be developed in the same way as the Midi and Hektas channels.
For the treatment of seriously ill patients and stroke, the channel opens according to a magical scheme at the end of the main session with the “lotus” and “well” closed. The channel is not closed.
Work with seriously ill and stroke survivors is carried out according to the general scheme of sessions, work with chakras, head cleaning. If the stroke is fresh, we conduct a general session, chakras, at the end of the Bonn session. After a week, the patient gets out of bed. If the stroke was more than 6 months, then it is difficult to lift such a patient, energy alone is not enough, an experienced, powerful massage therapist is also needed here.

The only channel in the method that is used to treat animals and plants. It opens according to the general scheme of Magic channels.
Open non-contact above the object, visualize the width of the channel - such as necessary. In severe cases, the channel can be pushed (pressing movement - the hand is clenched into a fist, unclenched) for 10 minutes. The channel can be opened to a large area, such as a farm. Open once on the spot, then you can open mentally. Don't close the channel. There are no restrictions on the amount of use of the LUGRA channel, the larger the plant or animal, the more often it is necessary to use it. At the end of the channel, it can not be closed. Thank. At the same time, the channel remains open and is valid for up to six months.

Mentally singing the name of the channel to yourself, build a mental image. For example: Above the object, mentally extends the right astral hand. You see the channel coming from above and covering the object. If the hand moves to the side or turns the body of the body, this is an indicator that the work is completed. Remember! In animals, birds, fish, etc. we do not open the lotus for the reason that they do not have it. Advanced forms of enteritis and distemper require complex treatment: medicines + energy. The channel works on almost all diseases.
Warning! Do not work with people!

The channel of astral travel in a dream is used only in conjunction with the Sutra-Karma channel.
The first developments to do lying down. For astral exits, it is necessary to put the “binding” under the pillow before going to bed. Any of your things can be a binding. Putting it should be with the program: "in order to return here." Further, the channels Do and Sutra-Karma open. You must be sure that no one will disturb you. With a sharp noise, a ringing, the astral body will not be able, upon returning, to enter the physical body correctly. During sleep, in this way, you will travel. At first, information may be overwritten, and you will not remember what happened in a dream. The more often the channel is used, the more conscious will be the exits to parallel worlds, and the more more information will be retained upon your return.

Outputs to carry out only in a dream. Catch the moment between wakefulness and slumber, which lasts 3-10 seconds. At this moment there is an exit.
1 time exit (saw yourself from the outside) - return. 2 times - walk around the room - return. 3 times - walk around the apartment - return. The distance increases gradually so that there is no rupture or deformation of the astral thread. If during the preparation something fell nearby, even a pen, a shake occurs, the astral thread sharply draws you into the body, and its deformation occurs. Therefore, the astral thread must be trained. The exit takes place in an astral cliche, so the information received is unreliable. The minimum error of visual information is 20%, the auditory information is more (some entity will definitely screw up). To return, give the command "home, to yourself." When the exits began, you don’t have to trust anyone. Any adept of magic can count the brain and assume any image. The master can check this, open the channels: GLAIKH, ASS, PERUN. If the image is smiling, then it's your own. You cannot go where you are called by voice or in any other way. They can take you to a place where you will stay, and here you will be in a coma (at level zero). It is impossible to enter masses of gray matter: gray walls, clouds, etc. - this is the astral plane, and the astral plane is chaos and you can hang there and not be able to do anything. While there you will be in the astral plane, here you will be in a coma.

Astral travel practices are very difficult and dangerous. The danger of obsession, non-return, madness is very great. Therefore, these practices are carried out ONLY under the guidance of an experienced teacher. The channel is used exclusively in conjunction with the Sutra-Karma channel.

The channel is not compatible with healing channels. It is used as an anesthetic for blows, bruises, toothache, etc. It is not curative, it works as a temporary anesthesia, it does not remove the causes of pain.
The channel operates only when the mental image is maintained.
Option 1. The mental image of the full moon, from which the beam comes moonlight. Direct to the sore spot.
Option 2. The mental image of the full moon, a ray on the left hand. The beam passes through the left arm, chest, right arm. On the palm of the right hand (palm facing up), needles are formed, which we press into the sore spot, removing the hand, break off the needles. The height of the needles is adjustable. For toothache, the needles are short, for renal colic - long. The canal responds to toothache in 20 minutes.

Contraindications: Do not use the channel in case of acute abdomen and in the area of ​​the heart.

Opens when healing is very slow. Sometimes the channel opens spontaneously, while the patient can laugh, sob.

The channel opens once. If this cosmic frequency has to do its job, then it will do it. Warn the patient that the work of the channel may have the following manifestations: anger, apathy, shyness, depression. This is a sign that the channel is working well. We cannot close the channel ourselves. If a person is good, then the channel will work without manifestations. If the work on healing the patient is going slowly, then this may be a hint about the need to open the SUTRA KARMA channel to him.

The channel opens at the end of the session through the hands between the 4th and 5th chakras. The frequency can be used both during the session according to the general scheme, in combination with other necessary channels, and separately. When the channel does not open above the patient, this is an indicator that there will be no removal of karma and that this patient is very "difficult". The duration of the impact of the channel on the patient ranges from several minutes to ten days. Say the name of the channel until intuition tells you that the channel is connected. The channel is used only in difficult cases, compatible with healing ones. The removal of karma means reaching conditions that allow you to work out karmic debts but in a soft way.

If there are no good accumulations, then there will be nothing to transfer.
Not used for people with severely damaged physical body(cancer patients of the 4th degree). It is unlikely that such a patient will be cured, and the good information from his mortal bodies will pass to the karmic body, which will further complicate the passage of the intermediate worlds after disincarnation. He does not have time to collect new good savings.

It opens according to a magical scheme and works while maintaining the mental image. Powerfully cleanses negative energy goods, objects and charges with clean energy. Open contactless to the object; can be strengthened from the hand by contact and semi-contact, depending on the size of the object. It is used for cleaning rooms, offices, warehouses, shops, goods. To clean the belongings of a deceased person, open a channel on the closet, things will not carry necrotic bonds.
Does not work for cleaning and charging money!

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PERUN (God of ancient Russians, pagan god of fire)
The channel works both as a defense and as an attack on the ground and in space.
It is used for cleaning the seriously ill and distilling entities, treating the respiratory tract.

Thought-image: under the patient, the object is a fire, the fire of which completely covers him from all sides.

The channel is opened by creating a mental image for the patient, for oneself, for the black magician, for the essence, as well as for the magical blocking of contactees and healers working from dark energies.

Action features:
- The channel works as long as the mental image is maintained.
- If you see "devilry", then take it into a mental image, and it will burn.
- When checking during contacts on Earth and in other worlds for "white-black", open a channel for a contractor.

Perun is the deity of the ancient Russians. Once upon a time, in the cities of ancient Russians, a fire made of oak logs burned on the central square. It burned all year round and round the clock. If for some reason (blizzard, snowstorm, blizzard) the fire went out, the priests were killed instantly, because the connection with the egregor was broken.

When paganism began to die out and Christianity appeared, there was no one to support the egregor, and the egregor turned into the quality of a frequency, but it works in a peculiar way - a pillar (the pillar does not fall), since the channel was previously an egregor. Perun opens up through a mental image. The mental image is a fire, the patient is dressed in flames, stands in the center of the fire. As long as there is a mental image, the channel works.
The frequency works for protection when reaching the levels (DO, LEI-GUNN) getting rid of energy essences, heals colds and any lung diseases. Depending on the severity of the disease, the patient feels a different effect of the channel: with a mild cold, it is warm, and with a severe cold or inflammation of the lungs, it is hot, everything flows from it.

When entering levels, it is advisable to first work out DO, then LEI HUNN, although if you immediately work out LEI HUNN, the effect will still be positive and there will be exits, but there will be no experience, you will not be able to understand if you have reached a level or an astral cliché. You can work out in parallel DO and LEI HUNN. If during the exits you met a friend whom you trust, then before communicating with him, check him by opening a PAN channel on him. An acquaintance can run away, burn out or continue communication, if he continues to talk, and even smiles, then he is his. So you can communicate with him, but you can’t go with him if he calls you somewhere. On the levels you travel only alone. Any adept of magic can work under an acquaintance, he spontaneously figures out who you trust.

ULGEN (Karelo-Finnish channel)
Works against UFOs: plasmodynes, from parallel worlds.

They drain energy from them and people slowly go crazy. In addition, they still force people to contact them. If you opened a channel on a UFO from a parallel world, then nothing will happen. UFOs from parallel worlds do not touch us, they are absolutely harmless. But when ULGEN is opened, UFOs simply dissolve, disappear, realizing that there is another frequency here and they need to move. UFOs of parallel worlds are researchers, they do not make contact with a person. If this is a UFO on the physical level, we never make contact with them, otherwise the psyche will be disturbed. The civilization that supports us does not consciously make contact with us, we have different cosmic frequencies, it gives us certain information, it only helps. If contact has begun, it means that the matter is bad, it is necessary to get rid of it. UFOs on the physical plane will not make contact with you if you have closed with the ULGEN frequency. But even if you didn't have this frequency, and they make contact with you, then you firmly say: "No", there will be no contact. This is the Law of the Cosmos, which in Russian sounds: "You will not be forced to be nice." They can promise you anything, this is a deception and if you make contact, you will definitely be drawn in. In the case of a physical UFO, the channel is triggered automatically.

ULGEN works great against an annoying person so that he gets rid of you. A neighbor or guests came, if you are tired, open a channel. After 3 minutes, the neighbor will remember something and leave.

GLAIKH (Vietnamese channel, protective-destroying)
Works to destroy forgotten, reborn phantoms; destruction or protection from demonic entities (mermaids, goblin, etc.); cleaning of apartments and other objects.

Opens magically. To clean apartments, put snakes and open a channel. When you open a channel on any object, it works automatically.

Usage example: You are performing phantom operations or sent a phantom somewhere far away to your mother, grandmother and forgot to pick it up. As a rule, if you forgot the phantom in the office, when you come home, you remember about it on a subconscious level (there is a connection with the phantom). The forgotten phantom rushes about, looking for its owner, but it cannot follow you without your command. A forgotten phantom after 21-24 days begins to be reborn into a demonic entity. Such cases exist when they say that they saw a person at the same time in two places, and in different cities at the same time. But in one case it was a normal person, and in the other, somewhere this person had a spontaneous release of a phantom, which was reborn due to a set of energy. The reborn phantom is very easy to distinguish, it perfectly repeats its double, but the skin is very yellow. To destroy the forgotten, reborn phantoms (if you remember), open a channel for yourself and remember yourself somewhere.

Demonic essence. It is unrealistic to meet a demonic entity in the city; rather, it can be found in the village, and even more so in nature. Demonic entities cannot stand electric fields. They can move in electric fields, but in this case they have no energy storage, since the energy that they could accumulate is spent on protection. Before, when there was no electricity, there were more demonic entities. If the demonic entity has gained enough energy, it is reborn on the physical plane, its height is approximately 1-2 m and has superhuman strength. For her, bending reinforcement with a cross section of 10 cm is not difficult. Such an entity has eyes, but does not see. When reborn, she lacks the sight factor, she pursues the victim by smell, better than any dog. If we spray on her from a gas canister, she will not react to this, the essence goes to your certain smell, she "figured out" you, and it is impossible to escape from such an essence. A pathologist who worked in the morgue from his student days until his retirement could describe 3-5 cases where it was impossible to understand how the injuries were caused. The half-life of the bodies of demonic entities is about a week, then they need to gain flesh for up to a year.

The essence devours the energy of a person, it tears a person and absorbs his soul, only to live on the physical plane for 3-5 days. Then the half-life begins, decay, she hides in the reeds and waits. When the GLAIH channel is opened, the half-life begins in a fraction of a second, it loses the ability to move on the physical plane.

Apartment cleaning. When the GLAIKh frequency is opened to clean the apartment, the entities will burn out, but if geopathogenic zones are not initially blocked in the apartment, they will reappear.

ASS (Old Lakh Canal)
It is used against adepts (energy counterparts of sorcerers in the astral cliché, if they have become "black" and work against you), in order to deprive them of their strength.
Opens according to the magic scheme at the session. Also used outside of a session. During a planetary attack, open the ACC on yourself. Upon reaching levels 2.3, we are met by adepts. The channel deprives them of their power. At the levels, no one needs to believe, if you believe, you will definitely be deceived. Even the PERUN channel will not help.

Warning! It should not be forgotten that in difficult, complex cases, the channel can be mixed with similar Master's channels. The same applies to other channels of this block.

The channel has a negative (female) energy. Never accumulated, dark energy. The channel is very clever. It is used to change the decisions of the person on whom the channel is set. Upon receipt of the result immediately close.

Opens magically. Do not close the channel, but maintain it constantly until the desired result is obtained and for some time after that.

Warning! For more than six months, do not work for a person, otherwise mental changes in a person’s behavior may occur. The specific scheme of working with the channels of Voodoo and Shiva is given orally by the teacher.

Usage example: The son decided to get married, and the bride is a drug addict or you are against this marriage. Open a channel for your son. Keep 2-3 months (remembered, opened) to strengthen the change of his decision. The channel will not close itself. When the channel is working for more than 6 months, mental changes may occur. The person will go crazy. If you stop working with the channel, it still partially holds, that is, there will be trouble. The SHIVA channel neutralizes the action of the WUDU channel.

Indian channel, applied contactless, separately for:
- removal of bindings of white and black magic
- work after the voodoo channel to neutralize
- increasing memory, intelligence, craving for knowledge and art, increasing the potency of the brain
- work with the human cardiovascular system

Opens magically. The channel can not be closed, but maintained constantly until the desired result is obtained. Used in the main session and outside of it.

Warning! When working with a channel on the cardiovascular system, the correct diagnosis is important. With an erroneous diagnosis, after working with the channel, the patient will complain of a headache.

An example of using a channel. Your child went to take an exam, but he doesn’t really know anything. Open the channel, keep the mental image. At the exam, your child will have pages before his eyes, he will remember everything that he once heard and saw.

The channel is healing and cleaning. The channel is universal, it works well against cancer. To work with astral powder, you need dishes, it is better to use a bowl that no one should even touch, otherwise it will be defiled and will not work for three to six months. It does not make sense to take other dishes, since you still need to work out.
- Say your cosmic NAME to yourself, put your hand in a boat - palm up, or use special dishes. The amount of astral powder will correspond to the required dose for a particular patient.
- Pour the collected powder on the patient or on his sore spot.
- Or collect the ashes of vibhuti from a consecrated vessel and give it to the patient to eat; you can anoint his lips or a sore spot with it.

Failure to receive the astral powder is an indication that the patient's illnesses can be dealt with through normal channels.

The powder showers the patient, it looks like glitter, but small, shimmers all over and plays with the whole spectrum of the rainbow. It smoothly envelops the patient, remains on top and passes inside. Astral powder cleanses and heals all diseases. If we collect powder in a bowl, it begins to light up and, after a few months, gray, very fine ash begins to appear on the walls of the dish, this is Vibhuti. Sai Baba Vibhuti can give out handfuls, he is the Magus of the planet, he has no obstacles, but with us astral powder begins to collect on the walls of the bowl, and then falls to the bottom. We collect it on paper. If we feed this powder just to anyone, then there will be no effect. This powder is collected on a specific patient, the time will come and a patient will come to you, and you will understand that it is to this person that you must give him. As a rule, a dying person comes to you. The entire collected dose must be given to him, he must eat it, and a miracle will happen, after 3 days the person will be healthy.
In order for the astral powder to collect in the bowl, you need to get it at least once. It should be remembered that each Cosmoenerget is given a limited amount of powder, it must be spent rationally. If you ask for powder for a patient whom you can cure anyway, then they will give the powder, a little, but they will give it. Each patient is given a different amount. The hand is empty, so this patient does not need it.

Dhanvantari (physician of the gods)
Ancient Indian channel. It is used only to treat oneself or another Master from all diseases.
The channel opens with a clear understanding by the Master of what he is doing, and with the mental image of the rainbow channel coming from above from space.
Warning! It is strictly forbidden to open a channel for people who do not have Initiation into the Masters. It is possible to open a channel to the Master, to your student, or simply to Cosmoenerget only in exceptional cases, for example, if only a person dies.

PAN (god of forests and nature)
The channel is ancient. Pan is a gulyon god, a womanizer, a merry fellow, a joker, he can take on any guise in a mental image.
The hooligan channel works both on earth and in space, it makes it possible to win in a dispute, bargaining, etc. As a result, immediately remove the channel, otherwise there will be a reverse effect.

It opens according to a magical scheme, but it remains possible to see the god Pan himself in any guise, it can be a handsome young man, a man, a monster, or some kind of animal.
When working with the Pan channel in telepathic mode, you need to remember that this is a joker god and be wary of his prompts.
Do not close the channel, but maintain it constantly until the desired result is obtained, then thank and interrupt contact.

Warning! The channel and God are jokers, therefore, in a dispute, bidding, it is necessary to feel the edge of a sufficient result, otherwise, when iterating, you will end up with a complete loss and vice versa. It must be remembered that the Pan channel is only half occupied by a neutral super-powerful energy entity.

An example of using the channel: The boss does not sign the vacation paper, go to him and call the channel before entering the office. Pan already knows what you want. It is important to catch the moment when you need to thank him to close it, otherwise it will ruin everything. You persuade the boss, but silently continue to call the channel. The boss has already taken a pen to sign your application, at this moment (it is important not to miss it) you mentally thank yourself: "Thank you, thank you for your help, I release you PAN." If the channel is not released, the boss will tear up the already signed statement. Pan will definitely mess up if you didn’t have time to let him go.
If you are arguing with someone or convincing a person, it is also important to let go of the channel in time.

Used at lower levels to protect against the forces of evil. It is better not to go to the lower levels. There is nothing good there.

LEI GUN (god of forests and nature)
The Chinese channel is similar to the Do channel, but many times stronger (gives access not only to the astral plane, but also to cosmic levels, as well as to parallel worlds).
Works on everything related to the head: hysteria, schizophrenia.

Opens magically. Entry and return occurs in the "channel beam"; in parallel worlds, the channel works like a switch. For treatment open selectively on the patient during the main session.

Warning! When “exiting” the channel, work in a long-term calm and quiet environment so that no one and nothing interferes with the return.

You can earn in parallel with DO, but you don’t expect to reach the levels, you just work out the frequency, stand under the channel. If the DO channel is "worked out", it will be easier to work out the Lei-Gunn channel, otherwise, when you go to the exit, you will be dumped. It is better to go to parallel worlds by invitation, but the invitation is received by the one who works powerfully, the one who is not focused only on healing. Healing is a by-product of Cosmoenergetics, the basis is getting information about the Cosmos. According to its knowledge and its frequency of the channel, Cosmoenerget can reach a certain level, it has risen higher, it will definitely be dropped.

Up 11 levels with a plus sign, down - 13 levels, the first of which is with a plus sign, and starting from the second, with a minus sign. The first lower level is the World of Nature Spirits. So we can work on 25 levels.

The lower world gives us certain knowledge: this is diagnostics, how to understand the protector - a totem animal, the properties of certain herbs, crystals, plants, communication with animals, etc.

The cosmic channel of evil, but differs from the Ratha channel in that it can be closed, that is, the action can be stopped.
Actions: open a channel and give an "installation" on whom to work for. In case of an error, the channel can be closed.

The channel is stronger than the RATHA channel, but RATHA protects and disciplines us, and this channel can only be opened consciously. Yes, you can harm any person and not be punished in this life, while you download personal karma and your children up to the 7th generation. And in the Spiritual world, you will definitely have to answer. After all, Cosmoenerget lives on Earth for the last time, and will go to the higher worlds (one step higher). He can return to Earth only as a Coordinator, and that is unlikely, but the one who works from evil will go down.

Channel for Initiation into any channel up to the Master.

The channel opens with the master's knowledge of what and for what he does. Do not close the channel, but maintain it constantly until the desired result is obtained.

It is better to do phantom surgery lying down. Stand facing the patient. The ethereal shell repeats the shape of the body. It is located at a distance of 3-4 cm from the body.
Inflate the shell about 2-3 cm. Make a step out of yourself. Set up for recovery. You can give an installation for the improvement of a particular organ. See where the patient entered the phantom.
You can launch several phantoms, but with the installation - one works for the kidneys, one for the legs, one for the head.

If you release two phantoms for recovery, they will interfere with each other. When the phantom finishes its work, it does not run to the healer. He stands next to the patient and waits. It must be returned to itself, or dissolved in the patient. You can give a command - enter the patient and dissolve in him, feed him. The phantom approaches the healer with his back, or he can enter from the back with his face. You give the command to the phantom: "Come to me", you can sit, lie down, but be sure to wait for the phantom, you must control its entry into you.

The phantom operation can be repeated in a week or 10 days later. If the operation was not very successful this time, then in a week or ten days you can run it a third time.
The Phantom is a hundred thousand times smarter than us in its work, but it has no intellect. If the TV is on in the room, the phantom will stop in front of it. In this case, you can give a command to the phantom: "crawl".
It is difficult to meet an entity (a materialized forgotten phantom) in the city, since there are many sources of electrical energy in the city.
One phantom performs several operations. Having healed one patient, it is necessary to give him a command to heal the next, and so on.
If we forget to return the phantom, then in a month the phantom turns into a demonic entity. After 2-3 years, the phantom can materialize on the physical level. It turns out a double, which can be seen in another city.

The phantom has a speed of approximately 300 km/h. If the phantom was released to another city, then you can calculate when the phantom can be picked up. Team: Come to me. A warm wave has passed. So he returned. It is not necessary to give the command to dissolve in a patient in another city. It cannot be controlled. Phantoms can be released in hundreds, but do not forget to pick them up.

For Initiation, work according to the scheme: “a vicious circle, pass it on to another!”

Ancient Polynesian channel, works for protection, development of vision, contacts in parallel worlds.

Karelian-Finnish channel, works for protection, development of vision, contacts in parallel worlds.
Opens magically. Each of the channels carries its own energy and a different frequency of vibrations. Different combinations of these three channels give different results.
Warning! The channel operating time is carried out separately and according to the scheme of operating time of the Midi and Hektas channels. Channel to work only for yourself!

Finnish channel, works for protection, development of vision, contacts in parallel worlds.
Opens magically. Each of the channels carries its own energy and a different frequency of vibrations. Different combinations of these three channels give different results.
Warning! The channel operating time is carried out separately and according to the scheme of operating time of the Midi and Hektas channels. Channel to work only for yourself!

These three channels are used together for protection, contacts in parallel worlds, development of vision. These channels are open only for yourself. Work on each separately, and then combine two, then three. For example, TU + UKKO, TU + AISKE, TU + UKKO + AISKE. Stand for at least 20 minutes, with each option, it is better for an hour, you can not in one day. The channels cleanse the trikuta (third eye). It is necessary to earn each one separately. If you earn three at once, then in automatic mode three will open at once and can "kill" each other.

Protection, contacts in parallel worlds.
The parallel world is another cosmic frequency. If you create a spacecraft, which will always have the cosmic frequency of the Earth inside, i.e. protection, and tune the outer shell of the ship to the frequency of Mars or the frequency of another Galaxy, then the movement will be instantaneous. This is how alien ships work. Channels are developed separately and together to provide reliable protection in parallel worlds.

You do not know whether one channel or a combination of them will "turn on".
The information received from Mars (with the help of rovers) is distorted, despite the fact that we have the same planetary frequency, the cosmic frequency of the planets is different. We received information that this is gold, but in fact, it is aluminum. A man on Mars will not survive, time flows differently there. There is no time in the Cosmos, there are different cosmic frequencies. It happens that you say that this happened to me already, I already lived there, because there is no time.

Ancient Indian channel, used at the lower levels to protect against the forces of evil. Works against cancers up to the 4th stage.

Opens according to the magic scheme on itself; on patients - in the session and outside the session.

Warning! The channel works up to the 4th stage of cancer. At the 4th stage, you can only ease the pain of the patient.

The killer channel is used at cosmic levels, in parallel worlds and against magic during hostile actions. Work until the complete destruction of the hostile influence. Magicians and sorcerers can be fought using the system of three crosses. This system is very strong, if used, a person can not only lose consciousness, but also die. The PIRVA channel operates approximately the same way, but the force of impact depends on the operating time.

INDRA (king of the lower gods)
The channel is used at lower levels to protect against the forces of evil.
Opens magically in session and out of session.

The channel of super love (harmonic), works on the installations of the opposite sex.

Opens magically.

Used as a harmonizer. Removes aggression, stress. Open to yourself, to others, both in and out of the session. The channel is not closed.

Warning! The channel works up to six months, during which time the life of the couple returns to normal. Within six months there will be big love, but then ostuda and hatred. Therefore, it is better to use the ANAEL channel.

The channel for the protection of the Masters at the levels, including the zero one (where we are now).

Opens magically. Under the influence of the channel, give the "installation" to work for your protection in contact with a person or in case of this or that threat.

We open the channel on ourselves in any situation when we feel danger, one has only to think, the field instantly begins to shrink and in 10-15 minutes it compacts up to 3-4 meters, it becomes like a stone (in the normal state, the radius of the Magister's field is from 80 to 100 meters). The fear that was inside you is squeezed out onto the shell and this fear is transmitted, for example, to a company that represents a danger, they unconsciously have a feeling of anxiety and fear, they begin to look around. The channel provides information flow. In order for the channel to work, the Master must be 100% confident in himself.

Supercosmic information channels provide access to the HIGHER COSMIC MIND (close to the Cosmic Mind, we will not go to the Higher Mind), any information on the knowledge of the cosmos. Channels need to be developed. When working, you will begin to get used to cosmic flows and read information without even going to the levels. At the levels, this is your clue, your path, your movement. They tell you what is possible and what is not. But this is only the beginning, they give certain information of a closed type, only you know it and you have no right to tell anyone, even a friend of Kosmoenerget.

Cosmoenergetics do not have the right to exchange the received information.
Works like MIDI and GEKTAS.

Call the channel and direct its action to yourself. Channels can work in pairs or separately. Under the influence of the channel, give a “setting” on what and how to work.
Run the channels separately!

space channel. The channel is growing. It is used to travel around planets and galaxies. You can visit Jupiter (the largest planet in the solar system) or Mars. If you are invited or offered to see something, do not accept the invitation. Don't trust anyone on the levels. Travel alone.

When “exits”, the channel works well in tandem with the Lei Gong channel according to the scheme. When working in pairs, the Lei Gong channel provides an exit-return to the cosmic levels.

Also works for everything related to sex: impotence, prostate, etc. Call the channel and direct its action to yourself or the patient. Under the influence of the channel, give an “installation” on what to work for.

Channels-killers of entities and people.

Call a channel and direct its action to a specific object and to your protection.

To achieve the full result, the channel is left, not closed.

Using channels, you should remember about your own karma and soul. It is not recommended to use. There is a civilization whose population has no soul. You can work on them. You can't work for people with a soul.

The channel works against cancers (except for the stomach and cancer of the 4th degree). The session is at least 30 minutes.

The channel is very rigid and does not forgive mistakes in the diagnosis. If there is no 100% certainty, then do not open the channel. If we work without an accurate diagnosis (confirmed by biopsy), then Kosmoenerget gets cancer in the organ for which he worked with the patient.

Open the channel and direct its action to the patient, his organ and to his own protection. Do not open the "Lotus" of the patient. Until the full result is achieved, the channel is not closed. The duration of the session is at least 30 minutes. The frequency of sessions depending on the severity of the disease 1-2 times a day.

- The channel works like a vacuum cleaner: if there is a cancer, it drags it up in the form of a funnel.
- If not cancer, then the energy of the channel is pumped into a person and greatly affects the functioning of the brain; Ultimately, a person's mental state is disturbed.

Warning! It is strictly forbidden to open a channel for yourself.


You can pass the Initiation into Egregor Zoroastrianism already at the level of the Master. In order to effectively apply this practice, it is necessary to be as purified as possible and have a high energy level. Egregor Zoroastrianism is a parallel direction and is not cosmic energy. Unlike cosmic energy channels, this practice is not about frequencies. In Egregor Zoroastrianism, an appeal to the light cosmic egregors is practiced. The conversion, or "calling of the Gods", takes place at the source of an open fire. The source can be anything: a candle, a fire, a lamp. At the same time, the priest of Zoroastrianism does not have to be directly near this source. The fire may be far away from him, for example, at home. The priest can carry out an appeal to the Gods, regardless of the distance between himself and the fire. If the source of fire has already burned out, and the healer needs to work further, in this case, you can take another source (candle) and light it from the first fire. There is no specific prayer and appeal. In order for the Gods to respond, it is necessary to apply sincerely and ask from a pure heart.

Thanks to Egregor Zoroastrianism, the process of healing and getting rid of energy essences, improving fate is much accelerated. The work of this practice is combined with the work of cosmic energy channels and is carried out at the main session. You can work with this practice outside the session, anytime and anywhere.

It is desirable that the Initiate in Egregor Zoroastrianism has a fire constantly burning somewhere. In this case, he can turn to the Gods at any time.
It is not advisable to work for a specific situation, so as not to burden yourself and the patient with karma. You can also conduct individual sessions to provide assistance, guidance on the right path. For this, 7, 9, 11 candles are used. There are three sessions.

One of the main egregors, works for any desire.

Warning! The execution of an action is never instant, everything happens after a while.

HUMO (goddess of happiness)
Sacred bird, brings happiness, prosperity, good luck, fortune and prosperity to the house.


You can contact the main session.

It is considered a great success and happiness to see her.

HUBBI (goddess of water)
Protects against floods, earthquakes, drought and other natural disasters and related misfortunes at home and during travel.
Works great for the weather.

Attention! Egregor requires you to work with fire, there is no prayer as such, but you must ask from the heart and take into account the causal relationship of events. Light a candle or some other source of open flame. Looking into the candle, imagine the mental image of egregor. After the appearance of the image, with the greatest respect, courtesy and sincerity, ask HIM to fulfill your desire, sincerely thanking HIM for this. Effectively used in exorcism to get rid of obsession. You can call on the main session.

MIRIKH (god of war)
One of the main gods of war, strife and destruction. It has great power, but, despite the destructive nature, it can create.
Works to quarrel, divorce, lose money and vice versa - reconcile, bring together, find stolen, lost.

Attention! Egregor requires you to work with fire, there is no prayer as such, but you must ask from the heart and take into account the causal relationship of events. Light a candle or some other source of open flame. Looking into the candle, imagine the mental image of egregor. After the appearance of the image, with the greatest respect, courtesy and sincerity, ask HIM to fulfill your desire, sincerely thanking HIM for this. Effectively used in exorcism to get rid of obsession. You can call on the main session.

NAHID (Anahita - goddess of love)
The goddess of love. Brings happiness, prosperity and peace to the house.
Treats infertility if the patient does not repel you.

Attention! Egregor requires you to work with fire, there is no prayer as such, but you must ask from the heart and take into account the causal relationship of events. Light a candle or some other source of open flame. Looking into the candle, imagine the mental image of egregor. After the appearance of the image, with the greatest respect, courtesy and sincerity, ask HIM to fulfill your desire, sincerely thanking HIM for this. Effectively used in exorcism to get rid of obsession. You can call on the main session.

Works for any defense, including a burst of astral veil. Works to cure schizophrenia.

Attention! Egregor requires you to work with fire, there is no prayer as such, but you must ask from the heart and take into account the causal relationship of events. Light a candle or some other source of open flame. Looking into the candle, imagine the mental image of egregor. After the appearance of the image, with the greatest respect, courtesy and sincerity, ask HIM to fulfill your desire, sincerely thanking HIM for this. Effectively used in exorcism to get rid of obsession. You can call on the main session. Can be called in the main session.

MAX (Moon)
Works for the treatment of rabies, diseases of the child and diseases caused by female energy, relieves insomnia in the elderly.

Egregor requires you to work with fire, there is no prayer as such, but you must ask from the heart and take into account the causal relationship of events. Light a candle or some other source of open flame. Looking into the candle, imagine the mental image of egregor. After the appearance of the image, with the greatest respect, courtesy and sincerity, ask HIM to fulfill your desire, sincerely thanking HIM for this. Effectively used in exorcism to get rid of obsession. You can call on the main session.

Works for cleaning apartments, for love.

Egregor requires you to work with fire, there is no prayer as such, but you must ask from the heart and take into account the causal relationship of events. Light a candle or some other source of open flame. Looking into the candle, imagine the mental image of egregor. After the appearance of the image, with the greatest respect, courtesy and sincerity, ask HIM to fulfill your desire, sincerely thanking HIM for this. Effectively used in exorcism to get rid of obsession. Promotes calm, harmonization. You can contact the main session.

ESHMA (demon of lust)
The only demonic deity that only works for evil.

Egregor requires you to work with fire, there is no prayer as such, but you must ask from the heart and take into account the causal relationship of events. Light a candle or some other source of open flame. Looking into the candle, imagine the mental image of egregor. After the appearance of the image, with the greatest respect, courtesy and sincerity, ask HIM to fulfill your desire, sincerely thanking HIM for this. Effectively used in exorcism to get rid of obsession. You can call on the main session.

SRAUSH (cult of the dead)
Works to destroy poltergeists, publicans and noise in the apartment.

Egregor requires you to work with fire, there is no prayer as such, but you must ask from the heart and take into account the causal relationship of events. Light a candle or some other source of open flame. Looking into the candle, imagine the mental image of egregor. After the appearance of the image, with the greatest respect, courtesy and sincerity, ask HIM to fulfill your desire, sincerely thanking HIM for this. Effectively used in exorcism to get rid of obsession. Rarely used in the main session.

Ahriman (god of evil)
It works only for evil, it cannot be explained.

Farun Buddha. The channel is universal, clinical, resuscitation. It has strong protective properties, quickly heals stomach ulcers, burns, removes from fainting, coma, shock, thickens the biofield. It cures almost all diseases, charges water, salt.

Firast. It treats enuresis, hearing loss, otitis media, ENT diseases, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, burns and treats all neoplasms, toothache, caries, stomatitis, pain in the joints, head, mastopathy, cleans objects, cars, things, apartments, offices, large objects, charges water, salt, creams, amulets for good luck - business and so on.

Zeus. It treats migraine, cleans the head from energy dirt, vegetovascular dystonia, all nervous and mental disorders, normalizes intracranial pressure, treats alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, mental retardation, childhood central paralysis, craniocerebral injuries, starts and restores the work of the chakras.
The Firast and Zeus channels cope with all kinds of negative energy influences.

Midi. Carries planetary information, helps in the search for forgotten or lost items, removes interference with dowsing, works great for search, organizes meetings if a person has left home or got lost, helps to cleanse and expand consciousness, activates the work of upper energy centers.

Hektas. Powerful space, information channel. Cleans and removes everything that interferes with the reception of information. It carries any information, powerfully expands and clears the mind, promotes the development of creative abilities. The Midi and Hektas channels require the healer to work under these frequencies for three months.

Sury-Sanlay. It treats all eye diseases, restores vision, all skin diseases - vitiligo, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, purulent wounds, allergies, charges water, salt.

Craon. Normalizes all blood enzymes - leukocytes, erythrocytes, billorubin, hemoglobin, formed elements, treats hepatitis - A, B, C, D, radiation sickness, diabetes mellitus, anemia, cleanses the spleen, liver, normalizes the endocrine system, lymphatic system, immune system, charges water, salt.

Gilius. Shock, but more powerful channel than Craon, treats lymphogranulomatosis, blood cancer, leukemia, neurofibromatosis and many types of diseases like Craon, charges water, salt.

Kurf. It straightens the bones of the skull of a newborn child whose fontanel has not yet grown, relieves intracranial and intraocular pressure, clears the head after a hypertensive crisis, charges the water.

Ranul. Works on all kinds of eye diseases. Striking channel, but more powerful than the Sury-Sanlay channel. Restores vision - myopia, hyperopia, glaucoma, etc., charges water.

Farun. It is used for diseases: scoliosis, salt deposition, polyarthritis, saline polyarthritis, infectious polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, posture correction, osteoporosis, treats the spine, joints, etc.,
charges water, salt.

Holy Mohammed. Wound healing, destruction of moles, warts, wen, hair in unnecessary places, normalizes hormonal levels, charges water, salt.

Holy Jesus. It treats joints, colds, throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, silicosis, tonsillitis, reduces fever, normalizes blood pressure, hypotension, hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia, broken hands, improperly fused bones after a fracture, charges water, salt.

Holy Buddha. Hernias inguinal, intercostal, vertebral, scars, joints, cancer of the stomach - malignant, tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, fractures of the hands, charges water, salt.

Holy Moses. Airways, lungs, silicosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, flu, tonsillitis, liver, kidneys, stomach, stomach cancer, energizes water, salt.

Synrah. Women's rejuvenation channel. Eliminates, smoothes and tightens wrinkles, renews skin cells, regenerates tissues, normalizes hormonal levels, is used to recharge water, salt, creams, lotions.

Sinlakh. Men's rejuvenation channel. It treats prostate adenoma, impotence, improves potency, normalizes hormonal levels, smoothes and tightens wrinkles, regenerates cells, is used to charge water, creams, lotions, salt.

Round. It treats chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, relieves withdrawal from drug addicts, coding, removes and breaks negative addiction to addictions, charges water, salt, all alcoholic beverages.

Ural. Impact channel. Treats colds, flu, meningitis, infectious meningitis, lungs, bronchi, silicosis, emphysema,
charges water, salt.

Shaon. Chest, lung cleansing, breaking up stones and sand in the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and their ducts, migraine, lungs, salt deposits, sinusitis, heart health, normalization immune system, mastopathy. It is used in benign and malignant oncology, charges water, salt, water bath.

Figure. Powerful, healing channel, treats gastrointestinal diseases, cancer of the stomach, kidneys, liver, energizes water, salt.

Ninalis. Heart disease, flu, allergies, heart attack, post-infarction conditions, resorption of scars on the myocardial muscle, energizes water, salt.

Titanium. The shock channel, has strong vibration indicators, is more powerful than the Zeus channel, is used only to launch the chakras, charges the water.

Hutta. It is used in rare cases when working with other channels does not give the desired effect.
The channel is very powerful and its work is accompanied by a crisis, a strong deterioration in physical and psycho-emotional states. It is used no more than 3 times a month per patient. With a heavy workload of karma and the presence of a hidden disease, working with a channel may not give a visible effect.
The channel monitors and corrects the work of recovery. It is not subject to management and control. When the Hutt channel is connected to a patient - its frequency works for 10-12 days, the healer will not be able to close the channel. corrective channel.

Hekatta. Breast augmentation, breast correction, oncology treatment - benign and malignant. Mastopathy does not cure. Compatible with Buddhist healing block channels.

Tata. Weight loss and normalization, regulates the metabolism in the body, tightens the skin along with the Sinrah or Sinlakh channel, activates the endocrine system and the system thyroid gland, charges water. Compatible with Buddhist healing block channels.

Anael. The channel of love relieves stress, depression, anxiety, prevents quarrels, fights, forms the qualities of virtue, compassion, mercy, creation, gives impetus to spiritual development. It is used as a harmonizing for asocial, aggressive people.

Bonn. Channel of flying yogis. Levitation (channel operating time daily for 30 minutes, 6 months). The channel works with seriously ill people who cannot get out of bed. It treats fresh stroke, infectious stroke, sore legs, post-traumatic conditions, quickly raises bedridden patients to their feet.

Mother. Carries female energy, powerful, cleansing, used to treat seriously ill patients, nourishes with energy, relieves stress, aggression, nervous breakdowns, corrects behavior, pulls off energy dirt, removes damage, the evil eye, connections to the lower worlds, works automatically in any position of the body. Harmonizes the internal state, is used for aggressive, asocial people with a disturbed psyche. To correct behavior, it is used in tandem with the Anael channel.

Ha. (Ratha). Protects space energy automatically. The channel works as a protective and punishable in relation to persons who have brought any harm to the dedicated cosmoenergy (physical, moral, slander, condemnation, envy, bias, rudeness, revenge, etc.) Under the offender, a black drawing fire well automatically opens, which takes vitality offender. The healer does not take any part in this and will not even know that the well has opened.

Golden Pyramid. Cleans, protects, heals wounds, burns, spine. It cleans large areas from aggressive energy, epidemics, diseases, mass unrest, improves the ecological and criminal situation. In exceptional cases, the Cosmoenerget has the right to seek help from the celestial city of the Mahatma Base. In the event of the appearance of a phantom UFO, do not make contact, leave and allow representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations to work with the patient. Only Masters of Cosmoenergetics who have received a cosmic name can apply to the celestial city "Mahatma", this is done in very rare cases. The channel is active only with the support of the mental image. Compatible with Buddhist healing block channels.

Lugra. Treatment of animals - enteritis, distemper, etc. Treats flowers, plants, heals the soil, cleans small objects, charges water, seeds. Do not close the channel, it is valid for up to six months.

Agni. Space fire. Carries male energy, relieves depression, stress, gives vitality, is used to call a taxi, when the bus is delayed (during installation). Used anywhere and anytime, as well as before the main session. It is active only with the support of a mental image. Not used on aggressive people. When working as a channel, as well as when working (three months for 30 minutes), it is recommended to mentally list the gods of the masculine planets. For example: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, Mercury.

Hum. Earth fire. Possesses feminine, passive energy. Powerfully cleanses, protects, prevents fights, quarrels, stress, scandals, tension, aggression. Active with the support of a mental image. Not used for depressive states, since the channel is contracting. Optimally works in tandem with the Agni channel. During operation, the effect is enhanced if, along with the name of the channel, the names of the goddesses are listed: Venus, Athena, Aphrodite, Hekatta, Isis, Demeter, Victoria.

Agni-Hum. Neutral energy, works for all types serious illnesses. The channel is very powerful, cleanses from negative energies, damage, evil eye, promotes the release of energy essences, is used to treat seriously ill patients. The upper cosmic fire Agni cleanses and fills the shells of the patient's aura with the energy of activity and movement (male energy), Hum pulls together dirty energy, relieving stress and aggression (female energy). Used anywhere and anytime. Works while maintaining mental image.
To use the channel as miraculous, there is an operating time of the channel (3 months for 30 minutes daily). The upper and lower fires are combined into neutral energy, the energy of transformation, and the healer transfers this energy to the patient between 4-5 chakras or to the diseased organ, while there is an instant transformation of tissues and the patient will recover. When the channel is being worked out, there is a powerful cleaning of the healer himself.

Before. Astral travel channel (in a dream). Gives any information, opens and is used only with the Sutra-karma channel. The more often the channel is used, the more conscious will be the exits to parallel worlds and the more information will be saved upon returning to the body.

Thor. Breakdown of dark energy, shock channel (destruction of consistent solid masses of dark energy). Compatible with Buddhist healing block channels. Works only while maintaining the mental image. When broken by the Thor channel, the dark energy begins to seethe and it must be removed from the body by all possible means, because. may subsequently provoke a severe crisis.

Luli. Compatible with medical Works for the treatment of cerebral palsy (ICP), treats psychosis, schizophrenia, with schizophrenia (the strongest obsession) treatment is long and is accompanied by serious crises, during which the patient can be hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital. Schizophrenia is treated only by an experienced cosmoenergy and daily practitioner.

Moonlight. It is used as an anesthetic (anesthesia) for strokes, bruises, toothache. It is not curative, it works as a temporary anesthesia. It works only while maintaining the mental image.

Sutra-karma. Compatible with therapeutic, used in very difficult cases, when long-term treatment gives no effect. It is not used on patients with a severely damaged physical body (oncological patients of the 4th degree), it is unlikely that such a patient can be cured. A channel is used to remove karma between relatives up to the 7th generation. Opened per patient only once. It is impossible to close the channel, it works automatically up to 10-12 days.

1st Magic. The channel is used to cleanse from damage, the evil eye, gives a return to sorcerers, harmonizes the emotional state, relieves stress, breakdowns, tension, and corrects behavior.
The channel works only when the mental image is maintained.

Consecration of objects. Powerfully cleans objects, apartments, offices, warehouses, shops, goods from negative energy, charges any objects with clean energy. It does not work for cleansing and charging money, in this case, you can charge the amulet for material well-being.
