Karma when parents are kicked out of the house. How to overcome heavy family karma? To awaken kindness and mercy

The greatest gift that children bring to us is the opportunity to live life again, from scratch, from scratch. clean slate. And it's not just about the fact that at the moment maternity leave we begin to take a fresh look at our routine affairs, work, priorities, and not about the fact that we have time for postponed "indefinitely" hobbies, walks in the parks, reading books and playing games railway, and not even about the fact that we learn to forget the created “self” and get into the mouth with a spoon. And in more it's about what with the words: "Congratulations, you have a boy!" - you get a hint and direction for knowing and developing yourself.

The Universe is very wise, and often gives us many clues on ways to resolve internal and external conflicts. And the success of the solution, as you know, depends on the correctly identified problem. Which is often harder to do than find a way out.

So, your children are one of the hints of the system: the boy is the karma of the mother, the girl is the karma of the father. Therefore, if you have a boy, take a closer look at your relationship with the opposite sex and, in particular, with your father. And if dad is the happy owner of the first-born girl, then he should track his relationship with his mother. Surely there is a hidden or explicit conflict. Of course, a girl for her mother is also a lesson, but of a slightly different kind. And this lesson is not as obvious as for the pope.

The firstborn child is always a bodily connection. Firstborns can be very similar to the "karmic" parent in appearance, inherit it physiological features(for example, being tall) or eating habits. But more importantly, they take on part of the parent's karmic burden. And this load is “basic”. Those. these children take away our most obvious fears, phobias, internal blocks.
And in parallel, I suggest that you pass the test for “familyness”: if the first-born child is karmically “crossed” with two parents, then after his birth, you can also confidently call your family strong. In this case, he will take away the negative from the karmic parent, then the positive from the non-karmic parent. This is necessary in order to show the karmic parent how to deal with their phobias.

For example, my mother gave birth to a boy. He, like his mother, tall and is ashamed of it: his movements are awkward, as if he does not know how to cope with his body. In addition, due to such a “foreignness” of his body, he begins to pick open wounds, he has frequent bruises or fractures. But at the same time, he has shown leadership skills, he knows and uses his mental abilities very well, knows how to present himself - to dad.

It happens that after the birth of the first child, discord sets in in the family. In this case, we can say that the child either works out the karma of both parents (parents seem to see all their shortcomings in the child), or karmically belongs exclusively to “his” parent (the second parent does not seem to see his child in him, does not recognize him).

For the second and subsequent children, the line “the boy is the karma of the mother, the girl is the karma of the father” remains relevant, with the only exception that the second child is emotions. If you want to know your true self, look at your second child. Mom is restrained and speaks little, and her son is the star of the drama club. So, the son-star is the true nature of the mother, her inner nature. Often, we are afraid to admit it to ourselves. But when you have a question, what would be interesting to do “for the soul”, look at your second child - the answers are in it. As well as reasons to worry about yourself emotionally. Is the child too active? - Do not "strangle" your emotions? After all, he is trying to compensate you for them, to live them for you. For a dad, such a son-star means a manifestation of his external, social nature, his reflex in society.

But this becomes true if, emotionally, everything is fine in the family. A second child appeared and your relationship changed not in better side? Probably, the child is externally and internally connected exclusively with his own karmic parent. This is a very "cold" situation. Outwardly, it manifests itself as: the relationship between the parents “freezes”, everyone lives their own life, a divorce is likely.

It is also possible that the child is karmically connected to the two parents emotionally. And this means that a non-karmic parent has an emotional internal block and, most likely, this is a generic program. For example, the second child in the family is a girl. After her birth, her parents began to quarrel. Most likely, mother's generic female emotional program is activated. For example, "a woman should hide her emotions." Outward manifestation such a situation becomes a quarrel.

Starting from the third child, we are talking about spirituality in its various manifestations and aspects, and about the subtle planes of its perception and acceptance in ourselves. Therefore, the third child is spirit, spirituality. But spirituality in its basic manifestation for a karmic parent and in a more subtle one - for a non-karmic parent. This is literally the face of your Spirit (not Soul!), with all the acceptances and rejections of it. For a non-karmic parent, this is a family connection. Those. third child in harmonious family is associated with the clan of a non-karmic parent, and it is there that one should look for his generic mentors and patrons. Such a generic connection will be manifested in character traits, manner of speaking, gestures, attitude to some situations.

For example, if the third child is a boy, then you can see the proximity of the date of birth of the child with one of the father's relatives, first of all, great-grandfather. In the case of a girl, patron ancestors should be looked for among her mother's great-grandmothers. Accordingly, at the level of the third child, birth programs, attitudes towards religion, sex, and the role of a man-woman in society are reflected. But family disagreements at this level also bear a more serious imprint: tribal conflicts, clashes and past lives.

Although the most basic diagnostics are described here, a lot can already be said from it. Going deeper, you can find karmic answers to the question, for example, “why doesn’t my child draw?”. But I should note that the relationships described above are especially relevant if your children are under the age of 7 years. It is during this period that children are still under the influence of the karma of their parents. Further, this karma will not weaken, but the child’s own karma will begin to be added to it, conscious relationship with you and his life experience, which will significantly complicate the diagnosis and “treatment”.

In addition, from a parental (research) position, it is most difficult to understand your first child. Remember the expression: “big things are seen from a distance”? That is why, being as close as possible on the subtle plane to the parent, the first child is most difficult to read karmically. It's just as hard to understand yourself. And that is why we go to external specialists: doctors, psychotherapists, hypnologists.
The further the child is by birth (third, fourth, etc.), the easier it is to understand. With such children, the basic questions disappear by themselves: who does he look like in appearance and in character is no longer important. Understanding and acceptance takes place spiritual level. And the easier and more pleasant it is.

In conclusion, I want to answer the question: “Why should I know this?”. Everything in this reality is not accidental. It is no coincidence that such a child is born to you. With all his appearance and fact of birth, your child wants to say and asks you to be more attentive to yourself. We ourselves are the creators of our reality. We can let things go on or "sweep" out of our lives like rubbish. Knowing where revenge is, it is much easier to clean up the mess. And enjoy your home, and not exist in it out of habit. After all, our children bear our karma and will pass it on to their children. The purity of this karma is our decision.

The influence of parents on the karma of children is very great. But this influence is not due to "education", but due to one's own karmically correct or incorrect behavior. Before discussing this topic, you need to understand how the karmic programs of children and parents interact. We are given the kind of parents that are supposed to be according to karma, and we are given the kind of children that exactly such parents as we are supposed to be.
But at the same time, we must remember that everyone has their own karma, and each of us creates causes and receives consequences, and we get parents and children as a consequence of the cause that we created in the past incarnation (which is visible in our karmic horoscope, corresponds to our karmic problem). Therefore, children are our reflection, and we are a reflection of our parents. What we do not like in our child, we must first look in ourselves, and before trying to change the behavior of the child, we must try to change ourselves so that as a result the behavior of the child would also change. However, upbringing and so happens by itself without our special efforts.

The fact is that the child inherits the genetic characteristics of the mother and father, which we call character traits. But, as you know, you sow character - you reap destiny. These very "character traits" are nothing more than parts of the mother's and father's horoscopes (a more distant layer of grandparents can also influence). The child inherits a part of the father's and mother's program not in the form in which it is implemented by the father or mother, but, as it were, in the original, NEUTRAL form. But if the parent implemented the program in a negative way, then the child can do the same. For example, a son inherited a strong Mars from his father (will, activity, initiative, ability to work, sportiness). But the father used the qualities of Mars in a negative way, that is, he distorted the qualities of Mars, turning the will into violence, activity into aggressiveness, initiative into arrogance, ability to work into inactivity, sportiness into hooliganism. It remains for the child to either repeat what the father did, or try to implement an undistorted program on Mars, becoming the complete opposite of the father. The problem is that the child cannot make a choice completely on his own. His choice is very much influenced by the relationship between his parents. If one of the parents suppresses the other and wins (proves that he is better) in this confrontation, then the child always takes the side of the defeated (the one who turned out to be worse) and unconsciously chooses his program, thereby compensating for the distortion that has occurred in the family. This is necessary so that karmic (genetic) programs are balanced, so that humanity does not consist of half "very good" and half "very bad" people, or, for example, "very strong" and "very weak", but so that people are in average normal.

But we are not interested in the “average”, we are interested in our particular child, and if we really care about his fate, we will have to change our attitude to the present or former partner marriage in order not to worsen the karma of the child. From psychology, we are well aware that when the parents divorce, the child, left to live with the mother, becomes terribly similar to the father, despite the fact that outwardly it seems to share the mother’s opinion that the father is bad, unworthy, drinks, does not earn money, walks etc. Advanced psychologists, for example, Bert Hellinger, who I respect immensely, in this case give the mother the following recommendations. A mother should allow her son to become like his father. The son should have a choice, even if the father is an alcoholic or a thief, the son should have the right to become the same as his father. Only in this case is big chance that the child will not become either an alcoholic or a thief. But if the mother does not give the child the right to choose, then he will definitely become the same as his father became. Let's try to understand this rule from the point of view of parent-child karmic programs. The fact is that the child inherits (as we mentioned above) the neutral programs of the parents, and if the child is allowed to choose to become like his father, then he will most likely unconsciously choose the neutral program, that is, become what he could become his father, whether he be an alcoholic or a thief. In the future, the son himself will “color” this neutral program with his own actions. But if you prevent him from doing this, then the child will have no choice but to become similar to precisely that hypostasis of the father, which is precisely rejected by the mother. If a “failure” occurs in family energy, i.e. the mother oppresses the father, then the child inevitably has to COMPENSATE with himself the oppressed partner. If there is no failure (mother does not oppress father), then there is no need to compensate, and the program remains neutral, and the child remains free to choose. That is why in those families where, after a divorce, the mother continues to love ex-husband, suffer for him, or even do not love him anymore, but at the same time treat him positively despite all his bad qualities, children never become either alcoholics, or drug addicts, or criminals. Here, involuntarily, you begin to comprehend the meaning of the expression that love will save the world. Another thing is that such a woman often does not marry because of the fear of making the wrong choice again, depriving children of a good stepfather, material well-being, male energy in the family, etc. But that's another problem. The best thing a divorced woman can do for her children is to find them a worthy stepfather, and herself a beloved man. In any case, if a woman does not want the child to take on the negative karma of her father, she must respect her ex-husband, accept his choice, rejoice at his success, not criticize him. new family etc.

The question arises why the source of karmic problems is almost always a woman, while from the point of view of morality, most often a man behaves badly - he drinks, takes lovers, does not take care of children, ignores family affairs. Here we will have to talk about how women and men spend energy in marriage.

The man is the guide female energy and the woman is masculine. What does it mean? This means that in love, sexual, in general, marital relations, male energy, intersecting with the female, or can flow freely if the woman accepts the man as he is, i.e. loves him, or cannot flow freely if the woman does not accept, does not love. A man does the same for a woman.

If the energy cannot flow freely, then a person feels it as a slow dying: depression, a feeling of uselessness, hopelessness, meaninglessness of existence. So, men, even in problematic marriages, very rarely do not allow female energy to flow, that is, they are almost always ready to accept a woman as she is, they cheat and pretend less, seek benefits less, do not sell their love for money, they are more straightforward and simple-minded in relationships, less vindictive and less inclined to believe that their wife has ruined their lives, because they do not consider themselves dependent on a woman. And even more so, they are always ready to have sex, they don’t sin with sexual “blackmail”, like, oh, if you are like that, there will be no sex today! But exactly sexual relations conduct the energy of the opposite sex the best way. In the act of love, a woman becomes a WOMAN as much as possible, and a man becomes a MAN. The energy released during sexual intercourse carries essential information servants of karma: “I love, I am ready to conceive new life“That means I deserve to continue living.”

Women, on the other hand, are overwhelmingly problem marriages they do not know how and do not want to learn to accept a man as he is. Too often, they first enter the role of an angel, obey a man in order to achieve their goal, and then begin to take revenge on a man for being "not the same" as he dreamed of in his dreams. But you never know why there are reasons why a woman will write off all her suffering on her husband, without thinking that in doing so, she does not allow his energy to flow freely. And the man begins to die slowly ... But I don’t want to die, hence - betrayal, alcohol, depression ... Then everything grows, like snowball. Then - divorce, hatred, squabbles, the division of property and children ... ex-spouse, does not leave the child any opportunity to choose whether to be as "bad" as dad, or not to be. Have to be.

I repeat to my clients, and I will never get tired of repeating, that only a woman who has chosen her man and loves HER CHOICE can be happy in marriage, does not reset it, does not listen to anyone, does not go over the options in her mind, does not regret anything. She is insanely selfish in her choices, and this healthy selfishness does not allow her to compare her marriage with anyone and nothing.

Of course, all of the above applies to men, but, as I said, it is generally less common for them to hate a woman for years, manipulate, take revenge, and so on. Of course, such men are found, but rarely. I'm not going to justify here really bad men– irresponsible, lazy, greedy, cruel and so on. We are talking about normal average men and women, we do not take edge cases. We are talking about those very beautiful brides and grooms, from which then “in an incomprehensible way” real moral monsters are obtained during a divorce.

Naturally, children suffer. And no proper upbringing will not help, even though you put your whole life on this very education, even hire 10 teachers, even provide the child with “everything necessary” from head to toe. All necessary for the child It is the love of parents for each other. Only from this love does a healthy, healing karma, love of parents for a child grow. A child who has grown up in such love is filled with it so much that later he himself can give it to other people. So, he is able to build a harmonious family. A child who has not grown up in such love does not only know how to give, he does not even know how to receive love, so he always lacks it. Therefore, he always devalues ​​his partners, who always love him “badly or wrongly”, which means that such a person is not able to build a harmonious family. The circle is closed.

It is often asked, can parents karmically influence the health of a child? The relationship between family relationships and the health of the child has long been identified even by orthodox medicine, to say nothing of karmic astrology ...

Posted on Dec. 21st, 2008 at 02:07 pm |

How sad that almost no one around understands that life is the most difficult test. Everyone wants to enjoy, get pleasure, satisfaction, try to use each other for this and get upset when someone interferes with their enjoyment or does not give pleasure.

The wife is offended by her husband when he does not entertain her, but has fun separately from her with his friends or girlfriends. And this is only the beginning of the family karma, the full weight of which we feel after the birth of our children. After the birth of children in most families, everything changes for the worse, great difficulties begin with each other, with relatives, with children. And this is not happening because someone is bad, this is happening because it is supposed to be. This is how our karma begins to work. What we have created and what we need to work out.

When a child is born, the next two or three years pass in a mode of absolute confusion, loss, mental condition mothers work hard, life carries very powerfully. Fortunately, most families manage, but there are many who have serious difficulties in connection with the birth of children, and sometimes they last a lifetime. There is no way to get out of them - no magic, astrology, conspiracies, sentences, medicines, etc. they won't help you - it's your karma. Your child is its performer.

How to soften this moment? How to make sure that with the birth of a child our life improves, but does not worsen?

First, your condition before conception and during conception. It really softens the karma.

Secondly, the birth of a child is a test, especially for a woman, therefore future mother must pray that the Lord would send her good baby. Calm, healthy, etc. So that the working out of her karma did not go through him. And as a husband - through work, social life. AT family life most of all, female karma is worked out, and male karma is his career. When a woman is unhappy in marriage, this is her karma. When a man is a loser in work and money, this is his karma.

So, the main thing you need to pray is that through the arrival of a child your heaviest karma does not begin to be worked out. So that you do not become a child for the rest of your life as a slave or his victim.

Favorable days for conception:

Son: sixth day, eighth, tenth, twelfth, fourteenth and sixteenth (the first day is the day of the beginning of menstruation).

Daughters: fifth, seventh, ninth and fifteenth.

The eleventh and thirteenth days are considered extremely unfavorable, as well as from the seventeenth to the twenty-eighth. By the way, it doesn’t matter absolutely whether you will have a son or a daughter, you don’t need to focus on this. The soul you deserve will be sent.

What time of day is best to conceive a child?

It is best to conceive a child at night, from eleven o'clock at night until three in the morning.

When and why is it impossible to conceive a child?

1. According to the Vedas, it is believed that a husband gives a child to his wife. Therefore, it is primarily for a woman to humbly take care of her husband.

2. Don't give up drug treatment, but it is important to work on yourself, on your character. Otherwise, there is a possibility of the birth of a child, but the heaviest karma will go through him. If parents try hard to work on themselves, they receive mercy from God, find right doctor and the child is born good.

3. Positive attitude

Why can't a woman give birth? Because she's not supposed to. Because the child will most likely terrorize her. If a woman does not want a child - do not force her. The result may be similar.

Caesarean section somehow affects the next life child?

Undoubtedly. The child will be afraid of difficulties all his life, it will be more difficult for him to overcome them than for the born naturally. natural childbirth is a normal process that good result. But if it's not possible naturally give birth, it is better to give birth, as you can.

Is abortion murder?

Of course, but here everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. A child who is self-aborted past life committed violence against someone. And here he is in the afterlife for a long, long time and waits for incarnation in a human birth, and an abortion occurs and this further aggravates his condition. When he is finally born, he will always feel miserable, rejected, aggressive. Perhaps he will take out his pain and anger on his parents. For a woman who has had an abortion, there are two options - working off this sin in this life with illnesses and troubles or in the next life. Perhaps she will be aborted and she herself will experience all the "charms" of this monstrous process.

An aborted child can return to the same family. And often that is exactly what happens. And then he will mock his mother from birth. He is born for this. He will not succumb to any education. Most likely, he will be sick a lot and make his mother suffer. And when he grows up, he will spit on his mother, insult her and leave forever.

What should a woman do during pregnancy?

The condition of a woman during pregnancy most directly affects the condition of the child. Therefore, a pregnant woman should pray, listen to pleasant music and think exclusively about her unborn child. She must act like a saint.

Rhesus conflict, premature birth, miscarriages

Rhesus conflict means bad karma. There is a possibility of the birth of a sick, weak-minded child.

Premature birth - the mother did not have enough lunar energy. This means there was not enough peace, there is a lot of anxiety in the character. The child will also be restless, somewhat weakened in life. He needs to do hatha yoga, harden himself in order to remove this mental weakness in himself.

A miscarriage means that a woman is not humble, not obedient, hysterical, touchy, and so on.

Whenever something happens, we ourselves are to blame. It never happens that someone else is to blame but us. If a person understands this, this person has the ability to completely overcome all his bad karma. The same is true with a child. That is, if he does not want to be born with you, then you have big problems.

What is the bad karma of parents?

If parents consider the child their part, everyone will be unhappy. A child is a separate person who is born with his own character. Do not force him to do what you want and he does not want.

But you can’t completely distance yourself from him, let his life take its course. If he does nothing at all, grows in the yard - he will simply be destroyed by time. Become a drug addict. Parents should understand his interests, and give him according to his interests.

Character traits determine the fate of a person, his intelligence, his strength, his ability to achieve success. Therefore, the character of the people who educate, their characters are a key role in what their child will be like.

Should children be punished?

Children must be brought up (in a benevolent atmosphere, on mistakes), and if children begin to behave indefinitely, of course they must be punished. Punishment is part of education. Give the boy a strap, put the girl in a corner. Punishments should not be frequent, but decisive and strong. To not seem small. To make the children afraid. It is best that these issues are decided by the father. Children should be afraid of their father. Especially the boys.

When parents scream all the time

When parents constantly yell at their children - they cannot tolerate their shortcomings, they are attached to a happy quiet life, they do not understand that karma must be worked out. Stock good relations quickly exhausted and karma worsens. Children will completely stop listening to their parents and after thirteen years they will show where "crayfish hibernate".

Until the age of thirteen, before puberty, children accumulate the violence of their parents against them and after thirteen years they will give it back to you. In enhanced mode. If parents brought up correctly until the age of thirteen, then children after thirteen years of age will not give back anything bad. They will have problems, but these problems will not concern the parents. If the parents raised them incorrectly, then the children will first repay the debt, that is, they will mock their parents, and then they will calm down. This is how parental karma is worked out.

We continue the theme of Karma.
In this post I give excerpts from the research works of Larisa Dmitrieva. The topic concerns family and tribal karma - I am fulfilling a personal request ...

Each time we incarnate again, we receive new parents, magnetically attracted to them, depending on the karma accumulated in the past. We will also have those relatives with whom we made ties in past lives. And in this life we ​​will untie all family and tribal knots (ties) only together.

Suppose several people in past lives consciously
caused each other or other people a lot of material and
moral damage. Can these people in the new life make up
one family?

Quite. Moreover, all of them will experience material
difficulties, often very severe and prolonged. Depending on the damage inflicted in the past, members of such a family will sometimes never be able to escape from deep poverty for the rest of their lives.

But after all, people have caused each other (or jointly other people) not only material damage, but also moral. The moral damage inflicted in the past, depending on its severity, will be expressed in constant quarrels, irritations, insults, and even, perhaps, fierce hatred, which in other cases can lead to a dramatic denouement of tension.

If the material damage was less than the mental one, financial situation such a family can improve over time. However, the moral climate may even worsen.
But if there was no moral damage or it was small,
shim, then the family, despite financial difficulties, can
to be friendly, and therefore it is much easier to endure material
difficulties and will not complicate karma.

But in any case, suffering for any reason, people are obliged not to get angry and not to quarrel, but to grow wiser. True while it's far away
not everyone succeeds. When we suffer, we always tend to blame anyone but ourselves. And this shows our deep ignorance...

A. Pushkin:
“She seemed like a stranger in her own family.”

development of the previous one.

The paths of karma are such that they can sometimes lead to a family
a soul that had nothing to do with her current relatives.

For example, suppose that at some heavy family karma has brought a soul that is not connected in any way with other members by bad actions. Of course, at the same time, we ask: why is such a soul attracted to this family and suffers along with all its members?

Of course, this is not accidental. Obviously, in the past man
committed some unworthy act (but which one, we
do not know) and must suffer to the full in order to repay
your personal karma.

What will help the person we are talking about to feel suffering?

If he got into a family that would be friendly, prosperous, beautiful, then they simply would not be allowed to suffer in it - the conditions are not the same.

So, only unfavorable will help to feel suffering.
Wednesday. The guilty soul has been immersed in it since childhood.
If her deed was very strong in terms of negative consequences, such a soul will remain with a family that is alien to her until the end of her days - until, as they say, she fully atones for her sin.

Well, if the sin was small, then life situation it will certainly turn out in such a way that the former kindred souls will be attracted, wherever they live, and happily reunite - under any form, under the most unexpected pretext.

But there are cases when not a stranger, but a soul native to a given family, is suddenly removed from its own poor or rude family (or a family that combines poverty and rudeness), over which a heavy karma hangs like a dark cloud. Retrieved from infancy or from early childhood and finds himself in a completely different, very favorable environment.

Suppose a child from a difficult family was taken up by some distant kind relatives or, perhaps, wealthy spouses, moreover, educated people. Or maybe the mother herself threw her little child to some people, and they turned out to be sincere and gladly accepted the foundling. Or maybe the court deprived the mother and father of the rights of motherhood and fatherhood for an unworthy lifestyle, and the child was given to an orphanage, from where he was quickly taken away and adopted by noble people who gave the child, not related by blood, all their love and true maternal and paternal care.

Of course, leaving your difficult family is also not without reason.
What can be said about this? Most likely, such a soul
in a past life, unlike her relatives, she had already grown wiser so as not to make the same mistakes. In addition, she managed to make efforts to sufficiently cleanse herself of the elements of the lower nature and spiritually rise. She seemed to have overtaken karma. And in order to atone for its share in the family-wide sins, it was enough for this soul in the current life only to “identify itself” in the former family and soon leave it.

We usually notice when we are offended. When we offend
(and even more strongly), then the majority prefers this not
to see and, of course, not comprehend the situation.

Suppose a young man (or girl) lives in a rude family and from childhood experiences from his parents (or one of them) cruel treatment. It is difficult to say what was the cause that gave rise to such an unfavorable consequence. But it is quite possible that in a past life this young man or girl, being parents, treated her child in the same way. Now they see themselves as the result of their own hardness of heart.

As a result of rough treatment by parents (or
one of them) the soul of a young man and a girl, of course, suffers.
She suffers just as the soul suffered in a past life ... their
own child. But compassion and tenderness were then alien to their hearts.

And now great justice - Karma - grant
gave them the opportunity to feel the consequences of their own soullessness. Experiencing, for example, beatings and insults, a person who did not know compassion in the past is now looking for this feeling in people. He now understands how precious this feeling is. The suffering soul must not only grow wiser. It is designed to awaken a new, previously unknown quality in oneself and finally put aside the elements of compassion in the cup of accumulations. If a person who is in rough conditions does not correct conclusion, but will harden and continue to grow rough, then in the next life he will fall into even more unfavorable conditions.

In suffering and suffering there is deep meaning. But him
one must be able to see, one must find. It is necessary to comprehend the
walking. But when thinking, it is useful to keep in the center not yourself and not your own grievances, not your anger, but to look at yourself as if from the outside, to subject yourself, your behavior to strict criticism.

Another example.

Suppose a certain woman passionately desires to have a child.
But despite all the measures taken, she still cannot
become a mother. What is the reason for such karmic punishment,
not giving the opportunity to create normal family and feel such an attractive joy of motherhood?

There can be many reasons.

Perhaps a woman deprived of motherhood, to which she unsuccessfully strives in this life, in a past life led
too frivolous way of life, and with each pregnancy she had abortions, not wanting to burden her life with motherhood, responsibility, worries.

But it is quite possible that one of the reasons could be too
com indifferent, cold or even cruel treatment of this woman with her own child.

Or maybe a woman suffering from the inability to become
mother, was among those who, in a past life, having given birth to a child,
threw him like a puppy, as they say, under the fence?
Unfortunately, there have always been cases like this. But dis-
condescension and hardness of heart became exceedingly frequent at the end
of the twentieth century in all post-Soviet republics, when the shaft rolled
the so-called sexual revolution. Both society and the family turned a blind eye to the fact that the girls, barely stepping over adolescence, already started sex life. This could not lead to anything good, either physically (in terms of health) or morally. As a result, a huge number of young mothers appeared who conceived a child, often not even knowing from whom, but after giving birth, they immediately abandoned it in the maternity hospital.

Fathers and children, husbands and wives are eternal problems.

My home is my castle!
And if in the fortress ... "Trojan horse"?

At the end of the Dark Age in many families there were real
battles. The same dramatic situations and quarrels were repeated day after day. And it seemed to people that there was no end to these family battles, there was no way out of the most difficult situations.

Family members seemed to be able to separate and disperse to different apartments, and even cities. But they could not do it in any way, a thousand reasons prevented them from finding peace.

Of course, there are as many reasons for such a family hell as there are such families in the world. But such suffering first of all cures the terrible selfishness, the monstrous selfhood, which affects all participants in such family battles, in which no one hears the groans of the other; no one wants to help each other; no one considers himself guilty, but only others, and everyone is ready to tear off not only the upper, but also the lower shirt from his neighbor, sometimes even along with the skin.

The reasons for such family wars are innumerable, but there is a general pattern that contains ... benefits for every person who is part of such a difficult family.
Each member of the family is both... a student and...
teacher for other members. Family members, often unconsciously, provoke both bad and good nature in each other. They, like some kind of mental reagents, contribute to various behavioral reactions, as a result of which each person entering the family is obliged to reveal what is hidden in him (often even for himself). As a result of such tensions, family members reveal certain qualities of character. They should consolidate the good, and not stifle, and the revealed bad should not be fed with insults and the invention of new tortures, but destroyed. Conditions that cause family conflicts will not disappear and will not change if parents and children (and other relatives) do not perceive conflict situations from a completely different point of view - as an opportunity for self-improvement.

Such conflicts, while a person is improving, are necessary to identify and get rid of, as already mentioned, first of all, egoistic feelings. But not only. Various negative qualities, to be converted into opposites, in each person as much as you like. If we want to learn selflessness, we will have to destroy legions of shortcomings. Family conflicts wonderfully reveal many of them that have found shelter in our minds.

Family battles will continue until (and can be carried over to the next life) until the lesson that the soul must learn in these “local” battles is well learned.

When the lesson (as it seems to us) will be well learned, and we
it will seem that we have become different, an exam will follow (as in
school). Unpleasant situation... will repeat. And maybe even
with more power. But if the experience is fixed, the exam will be passed with the highest score. And then one day, as if by a wave magic wand, the conditions that caused the battles of parents and children, husbands and wives, and other relatives will disappear, and heavy fighting will cease.

But if the exam is passed with a C or even a C
plus (according to a 5-point rating system), alas, everything ... will happen again.
External conditions will change only when we change internally - this is the law.

We will not consider here the formula of Christ “Enemies
man's household." But when we come to her, we will understand that
only in the light of Karma and Reincarnation can we understand its deep
the deepest hidden meaning. If we don't understand the reason
enmity not only in the opposite direction, but above all
in ourselves, we will never be able to untie the knotted knots, and peace will not come to our families. Just as Shakespeare's boots cannot be higher than Shakespeare, so ignorance, and even more so ignorance, cannot be more honored than knowledge. This is an undeniable truth given by all the Teachers of mankind...

For information: Larisa Dmitrieva is a philosopher, writer, poet, journalist, researcher of the creative heritage of the Roerich family and Helena Blavatsky. You can get acquainted with her works, excerpts from books are also taken from here.

The hardships and good luck presented to a person by fate can be the result of not only his behavior, but also karmic heredity.

Ancestral karma, formed by the deeds of many generations of ancestors, can significantly affect the life path through pleasant and not very “surprises”. But illnesses, failures and other hardships as retribution for other people's actions can be avoided if family karma is determined and worked out.

Kind Karma

Ancestral karma is a set of incidents and actions experienced and done by ancestors, which, according to the universal principle of cause and effect, affect the lives of successive generations. Most often, the question of how to find out the karma of the clan is addressed in cases where it is negative, because of which fate constantly puts the descendants before trials. These can be illnesses, career and family failures, financial failures, difficulties in finding oneself.

The similarity of people to their ancestors is difficult to question. Esotericists and scientists agree on this. But the nature of the predestination of the temperament and character of the individual is not known to anyone thoroughly. Physiological and a number of psycho-emotional parameters are characterized genetic code and the rest, which can be called the soul, is karma.

Thoughts, aspirations, decisions, actions and experiences of the ancestors are stored in the subconscious and are literally imprinted on the astral body, through which they are subsequently inherited. This is how the karma of the family tree is formed.

The influence of tribal karma is present in the traditions even of those peoples whose culture does not determine the definition of karma or its analogues. Children are often held responsible for the actions of their parents or older relatives to social environment or the world in general. Therefore, for example, in Russia, the laws of the family and the spiritual foundations of the family had a sacred status, and their violation was stopped in the bud. It was believed that family heredity creates and changes the karma of family life, and even the fate of families is predetermined.

Family karma: the influence of fate on life together and health

First of all, the negative karma of the family is reflected in poor health. People with a good karmic "dowry" have a healthy, strong, reliable physical body. A favorable background also provides mental stability. The presence of hereditary or the same for a particular generation of diseases is often the result of receiving from ancestors bad karma. It is also possible that a person for this reason will be born disabled or mentally retarded.

In addition, such heredity also affects the material component of life. Having accepted it from the ancestors along with an impressive fortune, one may not have time to enjoy the charm of the latter, as it will quickly evaporate. True, ancestors with bad karma do not always make wealth. More often it happens like this: a pious and respectable person tries his best to achieve prosperity, but constantly fails. The point here is that heavy family karma repels success and society.

Bad heredity draws vitality, creates troubles, conflicts, difficulties that arise literally from scratch. People with this "baggage" often quickly lose the energy stored during the holidays.

Karmic debts from parents: examples

Parental karmic debt are their unfulfilled obligations to Higher powers, God, the social environment and, above all, in front of you. Universal justice is based on this, therefore children often become executors of karmic punishment. Here is how the karma of the family or parents affects the life of one or more descendants:

  1. Failure to fulfill obligations and promises to God, Higher powers, other people or yourself. This is the heaviest debt, and the person who redeems it makes up for the created imbalance with his energy.
  2. Failure to fulfill the earthly Destiny and unwillingness to go one's own Path is walking across fate, against the Universe. Refusal of the Higher duty always gives rise to karmic debt, which is inherited.
  3. Unwillingness to listen to your Soul hinders spiritual and personal growth. This is one of the main debts to yourself. It is reflected both in the fate of the debtor and in the life of his descendants.
  4. Theft and fraud of other people's property creates a debt that is withdrawn at least tantamount to a crime. For appropriation of other people's money you lose your own, but in a larger amount, you pay for someone else's life or health with your own, the selection of someone else's energy makes a person an energy donor.
  5. Irresponsibility in relation to work, affairs, environment, family, children. A man whose father did not want to provide for his family has problems providing for his own. Dodging official duties expressed in the career failures of children.

However, how the karma of the family influences the fate of a person also depends on the personal karma of a person. Simply put, if the positive potential of personal karma is greater than the negative potential of generic karma, then the negative will be neutralized. But hereditary karmic debts, as a rule, accumulate, and a way out from under their influence is available only for people with the highest level spiritual and personal development confidently following their Purpose.

Usually karmic debt passes to the next generation according to gender: the boy - from the father, the girl - from the mother. But the only children are the heirs of the debts of both parents. And in families with a large number of children, situations may arise when one of the children does not experience a debt burden at all.

The concept of generic karma is closely intersected with the individual karma of a reincarnated person. The choice of time, place and family for reincarnation correlate with the tasks and goals for reincarnation. Heavy karma, for example, can lead to the degeneration of a person into a beggar, an invalid, a mentally retarded person.

The principle of equal repayment of debts can work like this: someone who shed a lot of other people's blood will live with anemia or become a blood donor. Or the one who was blind to the world and others will be reborn blind in order to study the world intuitively and through other senses.

Ancestral karma is also weighed down by the negative karma of the family in which a person is brought up. If a man and a woman do not base their relationship on the principles of love, mercy, compassion, acceptance and understanding, this can complicate the fate of their children.

Family karma: how to find out if there is a debt

Indicators of bad family karma are determined quite easily. It is expressed, as a rule, in pathological bad luck, the difficulties of socialization, the demolition of frequent "steps" from fate. Here are typical examples of this:

  • aggression, constant conflict and misunderstanding in relationships with this or that person for no apparent reason;
  • long black streak affecting the area personal relationships, work, social contacts;
  • bad mood and lack of desire or strength to perform some business that previously brought satisfaction;
  • the absence of a tangible result in anything when applying huge efforts over a long time distance;
  • severe intractable diseases or small but frequent health problems, hereditary diseases.

Thus, a hardworking and responsible worker may be deprived of a salary increase or not move forward. career ladder when the karmic debt of the family lies on it.

The reason for working off a debt or karmic cleansing of the clan can be systematic unsuccessful attempts by relatives of the older generation to have children, suicide in the family, abortions not made according to medical prescription, as well as love spells, damage and similar consequences of black magic rituals.

Ignoring bad karma leads to consequences of varying severity, leading, ultimately, to the extermination of the family. Therefore, difficult diseases most often begin to affect men, who, as a result, are not able to leave offspring. Women with bad tribal karma can be overtaken by infertility or the birth of handicapped children.

Working off debt: how and why to work with the karma of the family

The clan should be understood not only as a biological structure, but also as a set of many strong spiritual and energy threads connecting living and dead relatives. Even the one who releases or loses these connections cannot get out from under their influence. Roughly speaking, the Universe does not choose only those who are ready to compensate for it on their own to restore justice.

The methods of working off the karma of the clan include prayers, repeated wax castings, spiritual and personal improvement, “annealing the skeleton of the ancestors” and more specific rituals. Main principle is focused on reviving one's own memory of one's ancestors, delving into their destinies and relating them to one's own karmic knots. They can be lack of money, loneliness, problems with childbearing, failure to start a family, sickness, etc.

Here universal way working off tribal karma, suitable even for those who do not know the fate of several generations of their relatives.

  1. Pour water into a deep round dish.
  2. Place 12 large wax candles around the dish (church candles will do).
  3. Set fire to them one by one, saying over each “I light the first (or second, third, etc.) candle, I resurrect the memory of the first tribe of the family.”
  4. After lighting all the candles, you need to imagine all the relatives in your thoughts. First you need to turn to the images of those with whom you are familiar, and then try to imagine more distant generations.
  5. Now you need to take candles one at a time and imagine how tribal secrets break out of them and open up, creating karmic blocks.
  6. Next, you need to take the first candle upside down so that the melted wax flows into the water. At this time, you need to focus on spiritual reunion with your ancestors, ask them for help and forgiveness. During the fall of wax into the water, you need to say seven times: “The debts and sins of my kind are burned in the fire, they purify my karma and soul. The figures of Fate fall into the water, they free me from the ancestral karma.
  7. The described procedure must be carried out with each candle. So in the information space, ties of 12 generations of the family will be restored.
  8. The figures and images that have arisen in the wax should be collected and lowered into a pond outside the house. It can be a river, a lake, a pond or even a fountain. It is better to bury the cinders, and use new candles for the second ritual.

The ritual must be performed for 9 months during the waning of the moon. The best day for working out is the 29th lunar.

At the current stage, family karma is only half worked out. For a complete purification, you need to practically improve yourself and your family in the physical world. For this, any actions based on the expression of mercy, compassion, kindness and help to the society that surrounds the individual are suitable.

The lonely should be helped in the search for love, the confused should be given advice. Those who suffer from karmic problems with childbearing need to concentrate on caring for other people's children, support those who plan to become parents.

With blocks in financial and career matters, you need to help others resolve them and humbly accept the expenses associated with the manifestation of kindness and mercy. Actions of this nature atone for the injustice created by the ancestors, so practical events in the material world work in accordance with the existing debts.

Under no circumstances should you despair. Interest in the questions, what ancestral karma how to find out its character and repay debts, indicates that the Universe is open to transformations. Working off debts is a righteous cause, and fate always favors it.

Of course, you should not look for the guilty among the ancestors. First, justice will still have to be restored. And secondly, such complaints worsen personal karma, aggravating the state of affairs.

Good tribal karma is a guarantee of the health and well-being of children and grandchildren.

Her healing and repayment of debts is an important spiritual task that cannot be ignored. But you should not be afraid of such responsibility - a noble, sincere and open man deal with it easily.
