Methodological recommendations for organizing routine moments with children of early and preschool age. Summary of routine moments after sleep with young children “Playing with the Sunny Bunny”

Fedorenkova Natalya Yurievna – teacher of the first category

Melnikova Svetlana Ivanovna – senior teacher

MADOOU TsRR - kindergarten No. 177 of the city of Tyumen

Highlights of the activity:

  • Gradual rise, self-massage;
  • Individual work with children;
  • Corrective gymnastics;
  • Washing with hardening elements;
  • Formation of cultural and hygienic skills;
  • Dressing;
  • Game activity.

Tasks solved in the course of activities:

Educational field "Health"

  • Carry out hardening procedures (children wash their hands up to the elbows with cool water, walk on massage paths(footprints, palms);
  • To develop children’s skills with the help of an adult to put themselves in order (get dressed, fasten buttons, comb their hair);
  • Develop the skill of using individual objects (towel, comb).

Educational field "Physical development"

  • To develop the ability to act together, adhering to a certain direction of movement (corrective gymnastics);
  • To develop expressiveness of movement, the ability to convey the simplest actions of some characters (physical education lesson “Sunny Bunnies”).

Educational field "Socialization"

  • To form in each child the confidence that adults love him, like all other children (the teacher strokes each child in the crib; the speech game “Who is good? Who is handsome?”).

Educational field "Labor"

  • Develop the ability to put on clothes and shoes correctly.

Educational field "Security"

  • Forming in children the habit of washing their face and hands, wiping them dry with a towel.

Educational area "Cognition"

  • Expand children's experience of navigating parts own body(children do self-massage, wash their hands up to the elbows).

Educational activity “Communication”

  • Enrich children's vocabulary:

- nouns denoting the names of personal hygiene items (towel, comb);

- verbs denoting labor actions (stroke, put on, comb, put), actions characterizing relationships between people (help, hug).

  • Develop the ability to repeat simple phrases during speech games (speech game “Who is good with us? Who is handsome with us?”)

Educational field "Reading fiction"

  • To accustom children to listening to folk nursery rhymes, songs, and original works (the teacher uses artistic expression throughout the entire lesson).
    • Accompany the reading of short poetic works with playful activities (physical education minutes).

Educational field "Music"

  • Develop children's interest in music (children wake up to quiet, calm music).

Progress of activities with children

Quiet, calm music sounds

- Guys, wake up, the sun is peeking through the window.

You woke up, stretched,

(lying on your back, arms up)

Turned from side to side

(lying on your back, turning from side to side).

Stretchers, stretchers,

Growing up, growing up!

(lying on your back, arms up)

- The sun is visiting sent us its ray of light. His name is Sunny Bunny.

The teacher opens the curtains and shows the sun in the window.

The bright sun looks through our window.

It gives sunny bunnies.

(A. Barto)

The Bunnies woke up Vanechka, Anechka, Sashenka, Mashenka, Bogdan and Ilyusha, Nikita and Katyusha!

The runners are jumping,

Sunny bunnies!

The teacher strokes each child's head in their crib.

- Our Sunny Bunny was jumping everywhere, but he looked into your eyes.

Gymnastics “Visiting the Sun” is held(using methods of relieving psycho-emotional stress and self-massage)

“Close your eyes. The Sunny Bunny ran across your face, gently stroke your forehead, nose, mouth, cheeks, and chin with your palms. Stroke it carefully so as not to scare away the Sunny Bunny. Now stroke him on the head, neck, then tummy, arms. He climbed up behind the collar - stroke him there too. He is not mischievous - he just loves to caress you, and you pet him and make friends with him. Give him your palms, and the Sunny Bunny will immediately sit on them.”

The children stretch out their palms, the teacher recites a poem, approaches the kids and strokes their palms.

A ray of sunshine touched my hand,

I'll ask him "Don't run"

You sit on my palm,

Together we will have more fun! (A. Berlov)

Are you guys awake? (Yes)

Are you interested in Sunny Bunny? (Children's answers)

Then get up!

The teacher performs corrective gymnastics.

- Look, the Sunny Bunny has jumped along our magical paths. Let's not lag behind our guest. Follow each other, take your time, and the Sunny Bunny will help you.

Children walk along the massage paths and approach the chairs where their clothes are to put on their sandals.

Guys, who guessed where the Sunny Bunny will jump now? What do we do? (Wash)

Well done. Then let's follow the Sunny Bunny to the washbasins. Don't rush, don't rush, the Bunny will wait for us all. Guys, why do you need to wash your face? (To be clean, tidy)

Yes, to be clean, fresh, cheerful. Let's wash ourselves, and let someone tell me how to wash our hands correctly.

The teacher reads a nursery rhyme

Oh, okay, okay, okay.

We are not afraid of water.

We wash ourselves clean

We smile at each other.

Children tell how they wash their hands, and the teacher reads a poem to confirm their words:

We know, we know, yes, yes, yes,

Where is the water hiding here?

Come out water,

We came to wash ourselves!

Leisure on your palm

On – it – knife - ku….

No, not a little -

Be brave,

Let's wash ourselves more fun!

(N. Pikuleva)

That's right, smart guys! Do not forget that when washing and washing your hands, you need to roll up your sleeves so as not to get them wet, and then you need to dry yourself with your towel.

The teacher accompanies his words with actions.

Sunny Bunny also advises washing your hands up to the elbows with cool water. Why do you think? (To be healthy, not to get sick)

And to be healthy, you need to toughen up! Let us carry out a simple water hardening procedure. Guys, show and tell Sunny Bunny what we will do.

Children wash their face, arms up to the elbows and neck with cool water

Well done! We did everything right! Don't forget to dry your face and hands.

Well done! I think that Sunny Bunny would be interested to know how you dress.

Children show and comment on their actions (We take off our pajamas, put on T-shirts, socks (tights), shorts (dress) and sandals.)

The teacher helps the children get dressed.

You are my best! Sunny Bunny really liked how you did everything cheerfully and amicably. And that’s why he wants to invite you to his favorite place to play - the mirror.

Why do you think he calls you there? (To comb your hair)

Yes! We need to comb our hair to be beautiful and neat.

Children take their combs and comb themselves short hair. The teacher helps girls with long hair comb their hair.

At the same time, the teacher recites a short poem opening

Clean faces

The mirror will say:

I need to wash my face.

The mirror groans:

Where is the comb?

What is she

Won't brush the child's hair?!

Even the mirror

Darkens with fear

Take a look

Slob! (A. Kondratieva)

Look how beautiful and clean you all are! Sunny Bunny wants to thank you for your efforts.

The Sunny Bunny jumps on the kids, on their shoulders, on their arms, on their heads.

Dear kids,

Girls and boys!

Sit next to each other

Let's talk okay.

(children sit on chairs)

How nice and smart you all are!

Katya - Katya is a cheerful girl,

Ilyusha is smart,

Ksyusha is a beauty,

And Mashechka is like a little bird,

Nikita - well done

Well, Sema is a daredevil!

We are all good, we are all handsome!

Sunny Bunny settled on one child.

Who's good?

Who is our handsome one?

The teacher takes out the child on whom the Sunny Bunny stopped, and all the children talk together with the teacher.

Vanechka is good (Olenka is good)

Vanechka prigozhiy (Olenka prigozhiy)

Vanyusha is curly-haired, with dark eyes, handsome, strong and not a crybaby.

Olenka is pretty, cheerful, loves her doll Katya, and sings songs to her. Will you sing for the children? I will help you….

Mishenka is good, Mishenka is handsome. Strong, tall, he doesn't fight. Knows how to build high towers...

Gradually, having praised all the children, the teacher invites all the children to come to him. Asks to pair up with a peer who the child especially likes. The teacher offers the paired children a hug.

The teacher takes turns hugging the children who were unable (did not want) to find a mate.

Guys, it’s time for Bunny to return home to his mother. Let's say goodbye to him. Goodbye, Sunny Bunny!

A physical education session is held.

The runners are jumping -

Sunny bunnies.

(children jump like bunnies)

We call them - they don’t come.

They were here - and they are not here.

Jump, jump

In the corners.

They were there - and they are not there.

Where are the bunnies?

(children cover their eyes with their palms)

Haven't you found them anywhere?

(children open their eyes, look for a sunbeam)

Software and methodological support:

- “Younger preschooler in kindergarten. How to work according to the “Childhood” program. Educational and methodological manual" T.N. Babaeva and other compilers

Gerbova V.V. “Classes on speech development in the first junior group of kindergarten. Lesson Plans"

Melnikov “Certificate of Publication” Series A No. 0000876

Fedorenkova “Certificate of Publication” Series A No. 0000875

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodological material:
- Teaching experience, author's programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Task 8: Getting to know the features of the methodology for conducting classes on sensory development with children early age;

Task 9: Observation, analysis and independent implementation of morning exercises;

Task 10: Self-conducting outdoor games with children ;

Task 11:Guide play activities children;

12. Reflective report on teaching practice.


The internship took place on the basis of the Topolek health care facility, Azovskoye village, Dzhankoy district, from 04/11/16 to 04/22/16. Head of a children's institution, teacher with enormous professional experience– Mikhailichenko Lyubov Grigorievna.

The purpose of the practice: to form an idea of ​​the educational complex of a modern preschool institution and the teacher as the main subject educational process in kindergarten.

Practice objectives:

– formation of professional interest in pedagogical activity preschool teacher;

– studying the specifics of the work of educational institutions;

– study of the specifics of a teacher’s work (functions and professional responsibilities of a preschool teacher educational institution);

– study of the features of planning the educational process and participation in its organization.

During the internship, the observation technique was put into practice. The set goals and objectives determined the structure of the report. The report consists of an introduction, completed tasks, a conclusion, an appendix and a list of sources used.

During the internship period, I tried myself as an assistant teacher. I conducted classes with children of the younger group, during which I fully experienced the hard work of a teacher, all the difficulties that arise when working with children, but also the joy of interaction and the opportunity to influence and teach preschoolers.

Task 1: Introducing the preschool.

Children's educational institution"Topolek", located at the address: Republic of Crimea, Dzhankoy district, Azovskoe village, st. Krymskaya, 5.

The head of the Topolek health care facility is Lyubov Grigorievna Mikhailichenko.

The teacher-methodologist is Tatyana Ivanovna Mironovich, higher education, 32 years of experience, has the title of “senior teacher.”

Teachers of the groups in which I worked as assistant teachers during my internship:

Olga Vasilievna Mitrochenkova, 27 years of work experience, has the title of “educator-methodologist”;

Sotsenko Irina Alekseevna, 25 years of experience;

Namazova Gulnar Bilyalovna, 26 years of experience;

Melnik Marina Yakovlevna, 19 years of experience.

Number of groups in the educational institution – 7:

Early childhood group;

2nd junior group;

Middle group;

Senior group No. 1;

Senior group No. 2;

With studying Ukrainian language;

With the study of the Crimean Tatar language.

The population of the Topolek kindergarten groups is about 20 children in each group, based on the principle that every child needs attention. Groups are usually crowded ( total children) 153 people.

A child’s stay in kindergarten:

Main group – from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Short-stay group – from 9 to 12 hours

Extended day group - from 17 to 18-30 hours

The diet in the Topolek kindergarten is also optimal. Children get used to eating at certain hours, excluding snacks. Doctors, of course, recommend eating little and often. But if at home the refrigerator door opens every five minutes, and the child constantly has something in his mouth and chews all the time, this is also wrong. In addition, many parents simply overfeed their children, giving them huge portions and constantly treating them to sweets in between meals. In this regard, the nutrition of children in kindergarten is very correct. Children eat quite often, but the portions of dishes are absolutely small.

In the morning, children receive a hearty breakfast to stock up on strength for the day. Lunch consists of two or three courses. And after sleep they are offered a light afternoon snack. This diet suggests that the child should have a light dinner no later than 6 pm. In addition, it is permissible to drink a glass of kefir or milk before bed.

Food in kindergarten has many benefits, so parents should not be alarmed if on the first day their child declares that he did not like kindergarten food. Time will pass, and he will be happy to remember his favorite dishes and have a fun life in kindergarten.

The daily routine corresponds to the rhythms and pace of the body’s vital activity. A child who lives according to a regime always compares favorably with a child without a regime. In the first case, the baby is more balanced, active, and positive emotions predominate. In the second, he is often capricious and less active. It is easier to raise a child who lives according to a routine. After all, the body, having become accustomed to a certain rhythm, itself requires food, rest, and activity at the appropriate time. Table 1, 2 shows the daily routine for comparing two different age groups.

Table 1

Daily routine 2nd junior group

Reception, inspection, games 7.00-8.00
Morning exercises 8.00-8.10
Stand alone games 8.35-9.00
Preparing for a walk, walk (games, observations) 9.40-11.25
Returning from a walk 11.25-11.45
Preparing for lunch, lunch 11.45-12.30
Climb 15.00-15.10
Activities, games 15.20-15.45
Returning from a walk 16.55-17.10
Preparing for dinner, dinner 17.10-17.45
Games, children going home 17.45-19.00

The daily routine at the Topolek health care facility meets all the basic requirements:

Walks are organized 2 times a day (on summer period): in the first half - before lunch and in the second half of the day - before the children go home (the walk is not carried out when the air temperature is below minus 20C and the wind speed is more than 15 m/s);

Homework is not assigned to students;

On vacation days and in the summer, NOD is not held (sports and outdoor games, sports holidays, excursions, and also increases the duration of walks).

table 2

Daily regime senior group №2

Reception, inspection, games, duty 7.00-8.10
Morning exercises 8.10-8.20
Preparation for breakfast, breakfast 8.20-9.00
Organized educational activities 9.00-10.15
Preparing for a walk, walk (games, observations, work) 10.15-12.00
Returning from a walk 12.00-12.10
Preparing for lunch, lunch 12.10-12.40
Getting ready for bed, naps 12.40-15.00
Climb 15.00-15.10
Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea 15.10-15.20
Activities, games, independent activities 15.20-15.45
Preparing for a walk, walk 15.45-17.15
Returning from a walk 17.15-17.25
Preparing for dinner, dinner 17.25-17.50
Games, children going home 17.50-19.00

Daily routines for children of different ages must ensure: duration of wakefulness corresponding to the limit of functional performance nervous system; a certain number of hours of sleep per day for good rest; sequence and alternation of meals, sleep and wakefulness, taking into account the capabilities of the child’s body. For children preschool age(3–7 years old) it is recommended to have a daily routine in which maximum duration continuous wakefulness reaches 5.5–6 hours; total duration daily sleep is 12.5–12 hours, of which 2–2.5 hours are allocated daytime sleep; meals are provided 4 times a day at intervals of 3.5–4.5 hours.

However, in addition to temporary indicators, for the correct implementation of the regime great importance has a high-quality level of each of its processes. If the implementation of the regime is reduced only to observing the intervals between its individual processes, and the teacher does not guide the activities of children, the health-improving and educational role of the regime will be significantly reduced.

Basics direction of preschool educational institution- This is physical education and health work in a preschool educational institution.

The leading goals of physical education and health work in kindergarten are the creation favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing the child for life in modern society.

These goals are realized in the process of various different types children's activities: gaming, educational, artistic, motor, elementary labor.

In the Topolek kindergarten there is a gym, which is equipped with a rope, wall bars, rings, hangs, trampolines, benches, a stand for hoops of different sizes, enough equipment to practice with all the children in the group at the same time, balls different sizes, skittles, sticks, bags, cubes are available in sufficient quantities for all children. The physical education area houses sports equipment intended for all ages. groups of preschool educational institutions"Topolek."

The general physical education area consists of:

Zones with equipment for outdoor games;

Areas with gymnastic equipment and sports equipment;


Jumping pits;

Obstacle courses.

During the period of activity of the Topolek kindergarten, the material and technical base of the institution is annually updated and enriched. Systematic work is underway to strengthen it.

The Topolka premises are distinguished not only by their original design, but also by a certain style. The landscaping and design of all premises is carried out by the kindergarten staff. They are preparing a subject-development space that meets age characteristics children and their needs, the groups are aesthetically and beautifully designed. The staff of the kindergarten is trying to do everything possible to ensure that the life of the pupils is bright, full of interesting impressions, so that the time spent within the walls of the kindergarten remains in their memory for a long time.

One of the main features in interior design: every corner carries useful information, awakens the feelings of children, evokes a desire to learn new things and create (play, draw, design, play music, create at will).

Task 2 . Studying the specifics of a teacher’s work. Assistance in organizing and conducting routine processes in the group;

I studied the specifics of a teacher’s work in an early age group. During the day, I observed the work of the teacher and performed the functions of an assistant teacher.

The table shows the timing of the teacher’s activities.

Time Regime processes Activities of the teacher Activities of an assistant teacher Children's activities Comments, suggestions
7.00 – 8.00 Reception of children. Communication with parents. Finds individual lessons and games for children. Helps children undress. Monitors children's play and communication. They play and communicate. No comments
8.00 – 8.20 Morning exercises. Conducts gymnastics. Helps children perform exercises correctly. Perform gymnastics exercises. Use music.
08.20 - 08.55 Preparation for breakfast, breakfast Helps children wash their hands. Helps you eat. Helps set tables. Seats the children. Helps you eat. They wash their hands. They sit down at the tables. Having breakfast. No comments
08.55 - 09.20 Games, preparation for classes Watches children play and helps them play. Prepares material for class. They are playing. Use individual more. an approach
09.20 - 10.00 Lesson (as planned) Conducts a lesson. Helps children. Complete tasks. No comments
10.00 - 10.20 Preparing for a walk Helps children. Cleans the room after class. Getting ready for a walk. No comments
10.20 - 12.00 Walk Organizes children's activities (games, observations). Helps children play, observe, monitors children's behavior. They play and watch. More outdoor games.
12.00 - 12.20 Returning from a walk, preparing for lunch Helps children undress. Helps wash hands and sit at tables. They undress, wash their hands, and sit down at the tables. No comments
12.20 - 13.00 Dinner Monitors children's behavior. Helps you eat. Helps you eat. Having lunch. No comments
13.00 - 15.10 Dream Helps children undress. Puts her to bed. Getting ready for classes tomorrow. Helps children undress. Puts her to bed. Monitors children's sleep. They are sleeping. No comments
15.40 - 16.00 Lifting, aerial, water treatments, preparing for afternoon tea Conducts air and water procedures. Helps prepare for afternoon snack. Helps children get dressed and take air and water procedures. They get up, get dressed, take air and water procedures. No comments
16.00 - 16.30 Afternoon snack Monitors children's behavior. Setting the tables for afternoon tea. Cleaning up after afternoon tea. They're having an afternoon snack. No comments
16.30 - 17.00 Games, independent activities Organizes children's games (individual, group, collective). Supervises children's games and activities. Helps children play. Takes an active part in them. They play and have fun. No comments
17.00 - 17.20 Preparing for the walk Helps children. Cleans the room after games. Going for a walk or continuing to play. No comments
17.20 – 18-00 Walk or continue independent activity Keeps track of who took the child. Talks with parents. Monitors children and organizes games. They walk, play, have fun. No comments

Thus, the teacher and assistant teacher rationally distribute their work time and responsibilities based on the daily routine of young children, while performing different types of their job responsibilities.

The specificity of the activity is constant assistance to children and monitoring their activities, organizing games as the leading activity of young children. In the course of analyzing the activities of the teacher, I found out that the methodology of educational activities with young children has its own specifics. It is associated with the development and behavior of children:

Attendance sheet

Allows you to control how many days children attend kindergarten during the month. This is necessary for calculation parental fees, to control the incidence of illness in children, and during the adaptation period helps to identify unexplained omissions that complicate the successful adaptation of the child to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

A safety journal with suggested instructions helps educators be more attentive to children's safety in various types activities.

Adaptation sheet

It notes the date of admission of the child, his time spent in the preschool educational institution, and behavioral characteristics in a symbolic manner.

Task 6: Organization and analysis of routine processes in early age groups. Studying the development of cultural and hygienic skills in children


The teacher reminds about hygiene procedures. Manages the activities of the duty officers.

Lunch duration is 15-20 minutes.

Activities of the teacher during lunch: Regulating behavior at the table, creating a certain mood, a friendly tone, smiling, increasing children’s appetite, showing respect for the work of the cook, individual approach, explanation of the rules of behavior at the table, control over correct posture during meals, talking through the technology of eating (what they eat, how food is taken from the plate, the pace of eating, the thoroughness of chewing...).

Preparation for sleep. Taking into account individual characteristics children, creating a calm environment, a positive attitude before bed, explaining to children the need for sleep, the teacher assessing a positive example, encouraging independence when undressing, neatness when folding clothes, using thin. words (lullabies, fairy tales).

Daytime nap Activities of the teacher: Laying down, reading fairy tales, Observing children. Shift change. Getting up of children. Toilet. Carrying out gymnastics after sleep.

Afternoon snack. The teacher reminds about hygiene procedures before afternoon tea and regulates behavior at the table.

Subject activity: The teacher conducts a conversation about the natural factors of nature’s hardening, their benefits and harm. Teaches children how to use them beneficial features in moderation

Free activity. The teacher observes and directs games in the play corner, free creative activity etc.

An evening walk. During the evening walk, the teacher conducts conversations with children and organizes play activities for children.

Child care. The teacher says goodbye to the children and talks with the parents.

Observing the organization of routine processes during the day, I noted the following: the group has created optimal conditions for their implementation; various forms of organization are provided (walks, excursions, classes, games, labor and other processes); Verbal, visual techniques, and personal example are used.
Cultural and hygienic skills are skills in maintaining body cleanliness, rules of cultural eating, maintaining order in the environment, including one’s appearance, careful handling of things for both personal and public use, rules good manners in communication with peers and with adults, etc. In the group, I noticed that the teacher taught the children to keep their body, room and things that he uses clean Everyday life. They know how to wash themselves, brush their teeth, dress, and maintain order. I explained to the children that by observing cultural and hygienic skills they will be healthy for life. For them, the example of others is of great importance, and therefore it is necessary to teach good manners from early childhood (does not sit at the table without washing hands)

Task 7: Determining the level sensory development child;

Based on the study of the program according to which the teacher works sensory education(L.A. Wenger’s program), I identified the main parameters for assessing development sensory abilities V cognitive activity young children:
- ability to distinguish the size, shape and color of objects;
- acceptance of the task;
- methods of completing the task;
- learning ability during the examination process;
- attitude towards the results of one’s activities.
The ability to distinguish the size, shape and color of objects is the ability to compare objects according to these properties and select the same one as required by an adult.
Acceptance of a task is the child’s consent to complete the proposed task, regardless of the quality of the performance itself, is the first absolute a necessary condition completing the task. At the same time, he shows interest either in toys or in communicating with adults.
Methods of completing a task imply the following levels of its completion: adequate independent completion of the task; completing the task with the help of an adult i.e. diagnostic training possible; independent completion of the task after training. The adequacy of actions is defined as the compliance of the child’s actions with the conditions of the given task, the dictated nature of the material and the requirements of the instructions. Inadequate performance of the task in all cases indicates a significant violation mental development child. The most primitive way is to act by force or act chaotically without taking into account the properties of objects.
Learning during the examination process. When analyzing the examination results, the main attention should be paid to assessing the child’s capabilities in terms of accepting help, i.e. his learning ability.
During the examination, children should be offered the following activities:
1. Performing imitation actions.
2.Completing an imitation task using pointing gestures and verbal instructions.
3. At the level of imitation (actions simultaneously with an adult), a child can learn how to perform a particular task. The number of demonstrations of how to complete a task should not exceed three times. The adult’s speech should serve as an indicator of the purpose of this task and evaluate the effectiveness of the child’s actions.
Learning ability, i.e. the child’s transition from inappropriate actions to adequate ones indicates potential opportunities child. The lack of results in some cases may be due to a gross decrease in intelligence with impairments emotional sphere.
Attitude to the result of one's activities. Interest in one's activities and the end result is characteristic of normal developing children. Indifferent attitude to what he does and to the result obtained is typical for a child with intellectual disabilities.

Task 8: Familiarization with the features of the methodology for conducting classes on sensory development with young children;

In my work, I conducted play activities with children 3-4 years old, and a system of games and activities was developed accordingly.

In the ascertaining experiment, I conditionally selected a group of children for the formative experiment. Considering the unique nature of working with children (the main method used was didactic game), I worked with all children, since the main task of my experimental work is sensory development, it is advisable to consider the possibilities younger preschoolers in mastering sensory development.

In accordance with the characteristics of sensory development, I developed a series of sequential inclusion of games. Some children complete tasks quickly, without mistakes. Some children require constant assistance in the form of element-by-element dictation.

“To consolidate the ability to highlight the shape of objects”

I used next material: a bucket with a lid and small, easy-to-grab items different shapes and colors (pyramid, cube, block - brick, mushroom, cylinder, egg, ball).

The height of the bucket is 10-12 cm, the size of the items for laying out is 3-5 cm.

Conducting research.

The experiment was carried out with children younger age number of 11 people. I showed the child a bucket with a lid and explained that there was something in it. Removing the lid showed the items in the bucket. They were laid in such a sequence that the child could first reach more stable objects: a cube, a block - a brick, a mushroom, a pyramid; then rolling ones - testicle, cylinder, ball. Then I invited the child to put his hand in the bucket and take out some toy. Then she offered to put it on the table, paying attention to the fact that it was stable. Thus, the children learned from me that round and oval objects roll well, and that non-round ones can be placed. When all the toys were examined, the child was asked to put them back into the bucket himself. I taught the child to perform actions with objects, paying attention to sensory characteristics.

High level: the child correctly names the form and correctly follows the adult’s instructions.

Intermediate level: the child correctly names the shape of objects, but does not always act according to the adult’s instructions. Errors 1-2.

Low level: in determining the shape of objects, the child makes more than three mistakes and does not always follow the adult’s instructions.

The survey results are recorded in the following table.

No. p F.I. baby Number of mistakes Levels
high average short
David A. +
Ali B. +
Renat V. +
Slava V. +
Alina V. +
Diana G. +
Tanya K. +
Yaroslav L. +
Alice N. +
Dasha S. +
Lena T. +

It can be seen here that in this group of children there are all levels of knowledge about the shape of objects, however, during communication there were enough errors when naming the shape. The survey results showed that approximately some children have difficulty naming the shape of an object.

Task 9: Observation, analysis and independent implementation of morning exercises;

I got acquainted with the complex of morning exercises and wake-up exercises carried out with children by the teacher. I observed the teacher doing morning exercises and waking up the children. In the second week of practice, I independently did morning exercises and woke up the children. I spent the following complexes exercises: A set of morning exercises for children of primary preschool age. Children are located in a “flock” in the hall.

1. “Stretch”. Raise your arms upward, wider than your shoulders, spread your fingers to the sides, rise on your toes, stretch out, inhaling. After relaxing your muscles, return to starting position while exhaling. Repeat the exercise 4 times.

2. "Spring". Relax your torso muscles and perform a slow squat. Lower your arms freely forward in front of your knees, exhaling. Quickly straightening up, go to the starting position (inhale). This morning exercise exercise should be repeated six times.

3. “Swatt the mosquito.” Turn your torso to the left, clap your hands above your head. Go to the starting position. Do the same in right side without holding your breath. Repeat 4 times in each direction.

4. “Jumping Sparrows.” Hands on your belt, jump on your toes back and forth, left and right, with turns. Do not hold your breath. Do 20-25 jumps.

5. "A little walk." Walk calmly for 1-3 minutes. (“the cat quietly creeps up to the sparrow”, “flies big bird, slowly flapping its wings,” “we walk, stepping on our toes through puddles so as not to get our shoes dirty”).

Exercise "Legs"

I.p. - Same. Alternately bend and straighten your legs.

To hold on to the branches,

You need to stretch your legs

Bend and straighten them.

Exercise "Stretch"

I.p. - sit on the bed in Turkish style, hands in front of the chest, fingers clasped in a “lock”. Raise your hands up, turn the “lock” with your palms up, reach for your hands - return to the i.p.

This is how the birds reached out.

They were all already awake.

Walking along “health paths” laid out on the floor from the bedroom to the washroom (bumps, traffic jams, massage mats).

And now it's time to get up,

Walk along the paths

Wash, get dressed.

Birds want to fly.

Task 10: Independently conducting outdoor games with children;

In practice, I played the following outdoor games with children:

Sunshine and rain

Target: develop the ability to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other; teach to act on a signal.

Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs. The teacher says “Sunny!” Children walk and run around the hall in different directions. After the owls “Rain!”, they run to their places. The game can take place with musical accompaniment. After the game is well mastered, words can be replaced with sound signals.

Sparrows and car

Target: develop the ability to move in different directions without bumping into each other; improve the ability to respond to a signal, develop orientation in space.

Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs on one side of the hall. These are “sparrows” in nests. On the opposite side is the teacher. It depicts a car. After the teacher says, “The sparrows have flown,” the children rise from their chairs, run around the hall, waving their arms. At the teacher’s signal: “Car!”, the children run away to their chairs. After children have mastered the game, sound signals can be used instead of words.


Target: develop the ability to walk and run after each other in small groups, first holding on to each other, then without holding on; teach to start moving and stop at a signal.

Progress of the game: First, a small group of children is involved in the game. At first, each child holds on to the clothes of the person in front, then they move freely one after another, moving their arms, imitating the movements of wheels. The role of the locomotive is first played by the teacher. Only after repeated repetitions is the role of the leader assigned to the most active child. The game is more emotional with musical accompaniment.

Task 11: Guiding children's play activities;

With the help of a teacher, I conducted the entertainment “Birthday Day” for the children. Scenario of entertainment for children “Birthday Day”

Develop intellectual and creative organizational abilities in children;

Develop the ability to quickly navigate the environment, show ingenuity, creative imagination;

Encourage participation in collective activity, teach to share the joy of others;

Uniting the children's team.

To foster a sense of collectivism in children;

Promote the development of positive emotions;

Strengthen children's desire to participate in motor activity

Progress of the event:

Host: Good afternoon, Dear friends! Today we have gathered to congratulate our birthday people on the holiday, happy birthday!

Today a magical ship sailed to us, and the captain of the ship brought gifts and a congratulatory telegram, let's read it with you now! We read congratulations for the birthday people.

Host: And of course, according to tradition, we cannot do without a festive round dance! Let's all join hands now and congratulate our guys.

Children join hands and sing the song “Loaf, loaf...”

Host: Now let’s play the game “Get to know me.” The player is blindfolded and must determine by touch who is in front of him.

Host: Guys, let’s now have a little rest and all together sing the song “Let them run clumsily...” (an audio recording of the song is used)

Children sing a song in chorus.

Host: And now I invite you to listen to the poem “Ill-mannered Boar.”

Teddy bear birthday

Celebrates on Sunday.

There is food on the table.

Mishka is a chef!

The tastes of all guests were taken into account:

Here is honey - a gift from bees,

And halva and pastila,

And flowers around the table.

Squirrel gave it to Mishka

Fascinating books

Elk porcelain service,

And the badger is “Caprice” perfume.

Paints, brushes and notepad

Gave him Raccoon

Wishing you good health,

Rook presented a soccer ball.

The hedgehog handed over a stamp album,

And the Boar brought it as a gift

Dandelion bouquet

And a box of chocolates.

Everyone gave something.

Mishka thanked everyone:

I won't let anyone go!

I'll give everyone a great treat!

Boar was the first to sit down at the table

It began to sweep away like a hurricane,

All dishes and treats

Without the slightest embarrassment.

What a disgrace!

He got his muzzle into the roast.

It was not Belka who knocked over the soup,

Licked her plate!

Forgive me Boar:

You can't behave like that

speaks into his ear

Bug-eyed frog.

- Disgusting, not behavior!

You are amazingly wild.

I have one wish

- Take you in as an upbringer.

The mole remarked: “For many years

I studied etiquette.

It's not enough to be well-fed

– It is important to be educated.

Host: Did the boar behave correctly? How should you behave when visiting? (children's answers)

Host: Guys, let's dance with you! I suggest everyone dance the “Dance of the Little Ducklings” together.

Children dance dance.

Host: Well, now let's relax and solve the riddles.

Children are offered riddles.

Presenter: All the guys are great, you guessed all the riddles correctly, let's play.

Game "Draw with eyes closed" Children take turns, with their eyes closed, to complete the elements of a certain image, one element each.

Presenter: And at the end of our holiday, I want to once again congratulate our birthday people on their birthday and read S. Marshak’s wonderful poem “Wishes to Friends.”

I wish you to bloom, grow,

Save money, improve your health.

It's for a long journey

- The most important condition.

Let every day and every hour

He'll get you something new.

May your mind be good,

And the heart will be smart.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart,

Friends, all the best.

And all is good, friends,

It doesn't come cheap to us!

(At the end of the holiday everyone is invited to tea)

Presentation of gifts to birthday people.


Task 1: Introducing the preschool;

Task 2: Studying the specifics of a teacher’s work. Assistance in organizing and conducting routine processes in the group;

Task 3: Participation in the preparation and holding of holidays and entertainment in kindergarten;

Task 4: Analysis of the specific documentation of a group of young children. Studying and drawing up plans for educational work with children;

Task 5: Getting to know the living conditions of young children;

Task 6: Organization and analysis of routine processes in early age groups. Studying the development of cultural and hygienic skills in children

Task 7: Determining the level of sensory development of the child;

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The first year of life is conventionally divided into the following stages:

Stage I - from birth to 2.5-3 months. (at this stage the neonatal period is distinguished - the first 3-4 weeks);

Stage 1 - from 9 months. up to 1st year

In accordance with the stages of development in the 1st year of life, four age regimes are established. It is still impossible to establish a timely change of sleep and wakefulness in the first month of life, given that these processes are arrhythmic in a newborn, they occur many times a day and their duration is different. At this age, it is only necessary to establish the correct feeding rhythm, i.e. Always feed the baby at the same time, at regular intervals. By the end of the first month. a daily routine is established: the child begins to stay awake mainly during the day and sleep at night. It is from this age that it is important to establish not only a feeding regimen, but also a sleep and wakefulness routine. To do this, it is necessary to put the child to bed at the same time and create conditions for falling asleep quickly And deep sleep(calm environment, juice in the air), while awake, create conditions for the child to be active. In the first months of a baby’s life, feeding, wakefulness and sleep should alternate at regular intervals, as this prevents getting used to the regime. The regime should be such that the child stays awake after feeding and then sleeps until next feeding. If, during the period of accustoming the child to the daily routine, he does not wake up at the start of feeding, he needs to be woken up. Alternation sequence regime moments changes in children of the 1st stage - from 9 months to 1 year. The sequence is now: wakefulness - feeding - sleep. Children are transitioning to sleeping twice a day, which lasts up to 1.5 years.

From the first days of life, children need to develop a positive attitude towards all routine processes. Natural and most proper food for the baby is breast milk mother. It is important that the child eats in a calm state, with appetite. I ate the whole portion. Before eating, children are toileted. When supplementary feeding is introduced, the baby receives food from a bottle with a nipple, which is shaped like a nipple female breast. At 4.5-5 months, when semi-thick food is introduced ( vegetable puree, cottage cheese), it is necessary to teach children to eat from a spoon. At this time, the child should be in a semi-sitting position. At 6-7 months. Children need to be taught to drink fruit juices, kefir, and tea from a cup. As soon as the baby learns to sit, he needs to be fed at the table. It is necessary to properly organize your child's sleep. The bed should be flat and firm. It is advisable to spend the child’s daytime sleep at any time of the year on fresh air. Restless children can be given a pacifier, but when the child becomes distressed, the pacifier must be removed from the mouth. When the child is sleeping, adults talk in a low voice, the light should not fall on his face, the radio and TV should be turned off. From 8 months the child is potty trained. It should be comfortable. It is advisable to use a special chair. The child is put on the potty only at those moments when he has a need. You should not keep your child on the potty for a long time, this can cause a negative attitude towards planting.

.30. Features of the upbringing and development of children of the first year

LEADING LINES - basic skills that determine a child’s development in this moment and are favorable preconditions for the next development.

The most important and responsible period in the life of every child is the first year of life. His distinctive peculiarities:

faster compared to others age periods pace of physical and neuropsychic development,

close relationship between physical and neuropsychic development,

manifestation of sensorimotor needs,

pronounced emotionality,

greater vulnerability of the body and relatively low resistance to various diseases,

the need to communicate with adults, high plasticity of the nervous system.

Tasks education:

Ensuring the full physical development of children, protecting and strengthening their health, developing movements, developing basic skills of neatness and neatness, a positive attitude towards routine processes;

For the purpose of mental education, timely formation of indicative activity, expansion of children’s sensory experience, development of the ability to act with toys and household items, development of speech understanding, preparatory stages active speech;

Formation of prerequisites moral behavior, i.e. positive habits, preventing the emergence of negative telny, encouragement the development of activity and independence in all types of activities, education friendly attitude to adults and children;

To develop the prerequisites for aesthetic perception, thoughtful organization of the subject environment, systematic implementation of musical education.

The first year of life is divided into the following stages::

Stage I - from birth to 2.5-3 months. (at this stage the neonatal period is highlighted - the first 3-4 weeks);

Stage P - from 2.5-3 months. up to 5-6 months;

Stage III - from 5-6 months. up to 9 months;

Stage 1 - from 9 months. up to the first year.

At stage I, the leading lines of development are:

Development of visual and auditory concentration;

Development of emotionally positive reactions, formation of a “revival complex”;

REVIVAL COMPLEX - a combination of emotional (smile), vocal (hooking) and motor (movements of arms and legs) reactions.

Developing the ability to lie on your stomach, raising your head and leaning on your forearms.

The P stage is characterized by the following lines of development:

Formation of visual and auditory differentiations;

Development of the ability to reach for toys and pick them up;

Further improvement of the ability to lie on your stomach, arching at the lower back and holding your head.

At stage III, the leading lines of development are:

Formation of the ability to perform purposeful actions with objects;

Further improvement of babbling;

The beginning of the formation of passive speech (hears, understands, but does not speak);

Development of crawling.

Stage 1 is characterized by the following lines of development:

Formation of effective actions with objects;

The appearance of the first meaningful words;

Further development passive speech;

Formation of the ability to walk independently.

Related information.

(work experience of teacher S. L. Bakutskaya SP-Kindergarten “Smile” GBOU OOSH Penzeno)

The foundation of human health is laid in early childhood. Therefore, for education healthy person, correct formation For an individual, the conditions of his life are of great importance, especially during preschool childhood.

One of the conditions for the successful development of a child is a well-thought-out daily routine, that is, a properly organized regime.

Regime moments include:

1. Reception of children.
2. Morning exercises.
3. Preparing for breakfast, breakfast.
4. Preparation for direct educational activities.
5. Preparing for 1 walk, walk.
6. Preparing for lunch, lunch.
7. Organization of children's sleep.
8. Organization of raising children and hardening procedures.
9. Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea.
10. Preparing for the 2nd walk, walk.
11. Children going home

Regular moments take up most of the time that the baby spends in kindergarten. They should not be seen as simply providing for the child's physiological needs. All procedures and how they are carried out form an important part of the teaching process.

At these moments, the opportunity opens up for individual communication between the teacher and the child, which I use to establish trust relationships, strengthening emotional connection with baby.

During daily procedures, talking with the child, I name objects and actions, explain, ask, answer questions, and tell. All this contributes to cognitive-speech, moral development child.

In the process of washing, dressing, and eating, the baby learns various actions: takes soap and lathers his hands, turns on the tap, puts on tights, fastens and unfastens the fasteners on clothes and shoes. All this takes place with the help of oral works folk art, game actions : “We know, we know, yes, yes, yes,

Where is the water splashing here?

Come out, vodka,

We came to wash ourselves!

Lean on your palms

According to him, a knife,

No, not a little - be bolder,

Let’s wash ourselves more cheerfully!”

“We wash ourselves clean and dry ourselves!”, “Whoever doesn’t roll up his sleeve, won’t get any water,”“Let’s die doll Katya”, “Let’s dress doll Katya for a walk”, etc.). Gradually, the child learns to wash himself, dress himself, etc. I try to involve children in the daily activities of the group with me, because Following the example of adults, the child acquires social skills.

When organizing routine moments, I try to create a friendly atmosphere of cooperation. I take into account individual characteristics for each child: do not rush a slow child, do not offer actions that are too difficult for the child, do not do for him what he can do himself.

When organizing breakfast and lunch, I draw the children’s attention to how the tables are set for breakfast, thereby noting the care of the nanny and cook for the children.

Depending on the menu, you can clarify the names of some dishes.

“Clever girl, Mashenka,

Eat some sweet porridge

Delicious, fluffy,

Soft, fragrant”, etc.

While eating, I control the children’s posture and motivate them to eat all the food offered. However, if a child has no appetite and refuses to eat, I do not force such children to eat, because... forced eating will not do anything good either physically or for psychological health child. Also, during the breakfast process, the tasks of developing cultural and hygienic eating habits are solved. I explain to the children how to use cutlery, a napkin, how to eat correctly (lean over the plate so as not to stain yourself or drip on the table, hold the spoon correctly, put food in the mouth in small pieces and chew it well), take your time while eating do not talk at the table, etc.) Every time I note the successes of a distinguished child (“Well done, Maxim, today he ate, carefully leaned over the plate, did not drip on himself or on the table,” etc.), because The example of some children has a positive effect on others.

Before going for a walk, we put things in order in the group: we collect toys and put them in their places, I put away manuals and materials that were used in direct educational activities.

Before getting dressed, I remind children of the rules of behavior in the dressing room. In this regime moment, I form children’s dressing skills and culture of behavior when dressing, I improve a wide range of educational objectives: I name the name of the clothing and its purpose, the name of the details of the clothing, at the same time the dictionary on the topic “Clothing” is being activated. Again, I use an artistic word:

« If you want to take a walk,
Need to get dressed quickly
Open the closet door
Put them on in order"
and we all try to put on our pants, blouse, etc. in order.

I draw the children’s attention to the sequence of dressing, and before going out for a walk, appearance children. If someone makes obvious mistakes while getting dressed, I eliminate them together with other children in the group, making the children want to help each other.

Depending on previous educational activities and weather conditions- the sequence of different types of children’s activities during a walk also changes. So, if before the walk with the children educational activities were organized that require great mental effort and perseverance, then during the walk I first conduct outdoor games, jogging, and then move on to observations - birds, transport, older children playing, etc.

Before leaving for a walk, I teach children to collect the materials they take out into a basket (cars, balls, spatulas, buckets, etc.). Before entering the kindergarten, I teach the children to enter calmly, without jostling, without arguing, without interfering with each other, I teach the boys to let the girls go ahead. In the locker room, together with the assistant teacher, we monitor the process of changing clothes, instilling in children careful attitude to things and neatness skills.

When preparing for bed, I try to keep the environment calm and balanced. Children are not recommended to be distracted by noisy games or emotional conversations. When undressing, I develop a caring attitude towards things, neatness - I teach how to hang things on the back of a chair. The right mood positive attitude Again, folk nursery rhymes and sayings help me get to sleep during the day.

"Silence by the pond,

The water is not pumping.

The reeds don't make noise,

The babies are falling asleep”, “Luli-lyuli, lyuli, little ghouls, the little ghouls have arrived, the ghouls have begun to coo, and are putting our children to sleep.” and etc.

I carry out the ascent gradually, as the children wake up, while still in their cribs, awakening exercises are carried out -“Stretch - stretch

(Reach your fingers up as high as possible)

Stretch - stretch,

From the toes to the top of the head,

We'll stretch, stretch,

We won’t stay small.”

After sleep, children consolidate their independent dressing skills, and the assistant teacher and I help them if necessary (Yura B., Masha S., Zlata S.). Work continues to cultivate accuracy and independence.

On an evening walk, in the presence of the child, I inform parents about his developmental achievements and successes in the group. For clarity, in the dressing room I display children’s work and information for parents. I try to show the positive first, then the problem, tactfully, unobtrusively, competently. And an individual approach to each family is required: to whom, how and what can be said and what cannot be said.

I would like to draw special attention to the child leaving kindergarten. The child must not forget about the rules of good manners, namely, say goodbye to the teacher, assistant teacher and children of the group. I think this creates a positive attitude for the child towards kindergarten and sets the mood for the next visit.

Thus, to improve health and normal development child, it is important that routine moments are followed throughout the entire period of raising children in preschool institution, starting from an early age, maintaining constancy, consistency and gradualness in carrying out routine processes.
