What does femininity mean? Femininity through the eyes of men: effective ways to discover it in yourself

Yuri Okunev School

Good day, dear subscribers! A person in love is always worried about looking as good as possible in the eyes of the object of his adoration. But this is not always possible, because excited by feelings and afraid of being rejected, we often behave differently than usual.

Even the most sociable, confident and cheerful young lady can suddenly become closed, shy and taciturn. But what is the chance of reciprocity then? To improve it, I suggest we talk today about how to behave with a guy you like.

Of course, write instructions that would help charm absolutely anyone young man, I don't dare. After all, all people are completely different. Some people will like a modest, homely girl who cooks deliciously and beautifully embroiders with beads.

And give another a brave, determined biker who spends most of her life traveling. And how would fatal Beauty I didn’t smile at the first one on the Harley; he will most likely marry someone else. On the same one - quiet and sweet...

At the same time, your correct behavior will still allow you to achieve the sympathy of a young man, and although this is not love, it is also no small thing. And there you will further understand personal compatibility. Do you agree? Then let's talk about what in your behavior will definitely work in your favor.

Simplicity and naturalness

Of course, you can pretend to be unapproachable Snow Queen. But the one who behaves more simply will have a much greater chance of success. By this I mean ease and openness of communication, sincerity and honesty. How would you communicate with a childhood friend or a classmate with whom you sat at the same desk for 10 years? This is how you try to behave with the guy you like.

Don't put on "masks" that don't match your personality. inner world. Don't try to play other people's roles. Yes, in general, in principle, don’t play. Just be yourself!

Positive attitude

I am sure that a smile can work wonders. It can correct almost any unpleasant, awkward or incomprehensible situation. Smile more! Even more! Just do it with all your heart. A sweet, smiling woman's face and mischievous look simply cannot help but please and be remembered.

Try to maintain positivity both in conversation and in actions. Don’t gossip in front of him, don’t say nasty things about other people, don’t swear at the drivers of neighboring cars when a man you like is sitting in the passenger seat. All this looks simply ugly!


This is not necessary, but it will definitely add points to your attractiveness in his eyes. A flirtatious smile, a sly look, a wink, twirling a graceful curl around your finger, as if your hand accidentally touches his shoulder. All these are little things that catch your attention and make you look at you not just as an acquaintance, colleague, or next door neighbor, but as a woman.

Moreover similar nuances will very eloquently let him know that you care about him. And if there is reciprocity in his feelings, he will soon take a reciprocal step, greatly simplifying your task.


Women are accustomed to perceiving men exclusively as representatives of the stronger sex. And they often forget that their partners may also have their own weaknesses, fears, and complexes. As a result, young ladies sometimes make serious, unforgivable mistakes, which, if repeated regularly, can not only undermine, but even completely destroy the relationship.

Therefore, get used to acting smart from the first date.

  • Learn to listen. Let him have the feeling that his words are meaningful and interesting to you.
  • Try to avoid open and harsh criticism of his thoughts, words, and actions. Only if we are not talking about some kind of rudeness, of course, or something like that!

A man really wants to look like a great guy in the eyes of his lady. And if you explain to him that this is not so, then in your society he will feel humiliated and insulted. He probably won't like it, right?

  • Say nice things.

Let him feel that he is truly the best for you. Believe me, he will be eternally grateful to you for this.

Praise him professional quality or excellent academic achievements, the ability to repair cars, or simply nail nails straight. If suddenly there is nothing to praise yet, then create a reason for an approving and admiring remark.

Did I pick you up at the university? How caring you are, it’s just a miracle! Did you buy the cakes you asked for? What happiness! Did I take seedlings to your grandmother in the village? Lord, you simply have no price!

Just know when to stop, of course. Overwhelming a man with groundless (and “grounded” too) compliments is extremely harmful to his real productivity. Plus, a permanently delighted girl who constantly runs around and praises her is very intrusive and uninteresting.


Actually, in continuation of the topic started before... A girl should be sweet, kind, and sociable. But at the same time, it is better to make it clear that you love, respect and value yourself. And that you can also live quite well without him.

Did you talk and have a drink? Now leave with your head held high, and let him look after you enthusiastically and wait for you to meet you soon.


Don’t be afraid to be unusual, don’t be afraid to be incomprehensible, unsolved (not to be confused with “strange” and “stupid”). You should not give him your entire biography, your dreams, fears, doubts at the first communication. Let him open you up a little bit at a time, learning something new about you at each subsequent meeting. It will be more interesting this way!

Will help lift the veil of secrecy happy relationship with representatives of the opposite sex and with herself. I recommend reading it!

That's all for now. If you have any questions, I’m waiting for them in the comments to the article. I will definitely answer! All the best! Yours, Yuri Okunev.

Are you crazy about some guy, but he doesn’t notice you, perceives you only as a friend, or is even dating someone else? Everything can be changed in your favor, we will tell you how to behave so that a guy can fall in love with you. You will learn what he needs to say, what topics to touch on on a date, what you should change in yourself, and in general, what men expect from women. In addition, here you will find a list of what you absolutely should not do, so as not to alienate your chosen one.

We all know very well that men love with their eyes, and this is true, but only initial stage. All techniques in this case come down to making the object notice you. In the future, this will not be enough; you need to study all the habits and preferences of your partner as carefully as possible.

How to treat a guy

Here are some tips on what you need to do when communicating with a man in order to please him:

  • listen to him carefully;
  • do not argue with him, and if you do this, do not openly;
  • smile, but not like a Hollywood star;
  • praise and lavish compliments;
  • show its significance.

If you don't want to push a man away, never:

  • do not feel sorry, do not scold or blame him;
  • don't raise your voice to him;
  • don't interrupt him;
  • don't laugh at him.

It all depends on the specific situation.

If a man doesn't notice you at all

In order to attract attention specific man, you need to study his tastes. If your target loves sports, and specifically football, watch a few matches and find out the composition of his favorite team. This will help you be on the same page with him.

If he is a film buff or a music lover, discuss latest news music and films, storylines, actors. You can go to a concert together, invite him to watch a movie at home, or listen to music on headphones while walking.

Under no circumstances should you put pressure on a man, you only need slight interest and nothing more!

You cannot criticize or interrupt the object of your interest. Men really don’t like this and consider this behavior to be a sign of disrespect for their masculine self. Listen to everything he tells you, show interest and never say that you would have acted differently in his place. Criticism is not a method that will help build trust.

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The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

How to behave with a colleague

Obsessive admiration can have the exact opposite effect. It is better to let him understand your importance and masculinity more often in an appropriate form. Did you help sort out the papers? Thank him and invite him for a cup of coffee. This will make him look at you with different eyes. The man will understand that you see him as more than just an employee.

What if it's a friend

If he doesn't notice you, you need to find out. Here you will find 5 main reasons. After that, try to change your image. If you were a “gray mouse” - become a badass, look like a boy - acquire femininity. Grow your hair or get a haircut, get a manicure, buy high-heeled shoes, cosmetics. By doing this you will hint to the guy that you want him to like you not only as a friend, but also as a girl. Believe me, he will notice and appreciate it.

During communication, you can mirror his gestures, intonation, rate of speech, and more. This creates outright interest and trust. But before you act, it is necessary.

How to steal a man from another girl under her nose

In such a situation, it is very good to emphasize your femininity and uniqueness. It would be very correct to unobtrusively surround him with care. Find out what his favorite food is and prepare that dish. Conquest through the stomach has not yet been canceled! Invite him and his girlfriend to a picnic (find a fictitious boyfriend for yourself), take his favorite treats with you and ask your new friend to distract your rival. At this time, tell him that all the treats are your doing.

Continue in the same spirit: go for a walk with four of you, study your competitor’s shortcomings and, at the first opportunity, show that you don’t have them. She complains about the rain - You are happy about it, she is unhappy that she was not given flowers - You say that they are not the main thing, etc.

You will find out what to do if you like a guy and he has a girlfriend in another article. We told him how to hint to him that he likes him, whether he should take MCH away or not, and how to do it tactfully.

What you need to change in yourself

To interest a man, you need to become:

  • mysterious (don’t talk all over the place);
  • calm, but not an amoeba;
  • caring;
  • positive, stop complaining about anything;
  • obedient;
  • feminine;
  • well-groomed, perhaps put things in order on your head. Find out, . Who is more popular, brunettes or blondes, than are redheads interesting? In another article you will find answers to these questions.

In addition, it is necessary. We have prepared for you detailed plan from theory to practice. You will be able to overcome shyness and become an interesting conversationalist.

In every specific case necessary individual approach and knowledge of male psychology.

Conversations on a date

On a date, in a conversation, you need to make it clear that this particular man, his personality, life, and characteristics are interesting. You need to listen more, try to show your support and different situations present him as the best conversationalist, smart, wonderful, don’t be shy about giving compliments.

A win-win topic for conversation is his hobby, be it fishing or computer games.

Some people like to discuss work, while others are happy to talk about their surroundings.

How to make a man fall in love with gestures

You shouldn’t talk a lot with the man you like, but body language can bewitch and attract. Here are simple, smooth movements that inspire sympathy:

  • not a sharp tilt to the side;
  • leaning back in a chair;
  • straightening the back with an emphasis on the chest;
  • slowly raising the head, with the gaze moving from the floor to the interlocutor;
  • kneading the neck;
  • licking the spoon with a hint of “oh, how delicious the ice cream was”;
  • slight opening of the mouth so that the lips are not closed;
  • ostentatious display of wrists, rubbing them.
  • playing with a stray strand, straightening the hair, laying it on one side.

For better mutual understanding you can begin to quietly mirror his movements, adopt some habits. Be sure to use movements to emphasize your advantages, touch the pendant on your chest, run your hand along your waist, straighten your hair, touch your lips. Everything is done easily and naturally. This women's magic, capable of conquering any man.

What absolutely cannot be done

Several points are strictly prohibited:

  • call and send messages endlessly;
  • exert pressure in making a decision;
  • be aggressive towards him or other people;
  • “dissolve” in it;
  • be the first to talk about serious plans (joint vacation, children, marriage);
  • tell bad news.

In this video, a relationship coach explains how to make a confident man fall in love with you:

By following our advice, even the most experienced man will be able to fall in love with you.

The lion's share of quarrels married couples occurs due to excessive control on the part of one partner and insufficient attention from the other side. Typically, a man suffers from overprotectiveness to her beloved, and the woman is offended when she does not receive every minute participation from her other half. Girls feel a lack of attention as a lack of love.

He and she perceive differently family relationships. Regardless of the strength of his feelings for you, a man will never want to give up gatherings with friends and going to football. Women, on the contrary, tend to rush headlong into relationships, forget about girlfriends and entertainment where their loved one does not participate. Because of this, painful dissonance arises.

First Golden Rule: To avoid problems, slow down with your guardianship. Don’t concentrate on your man 24 hours a day, it’s better to find two or three hobbies that will take you free time. While your husband is sitting at a bar with friends, you go to sports, to a beauty salon, meet with girlfriends, sign up for advanced training courses, trainings... This way, you will not only leave your man several hours of free time a day without your calls and SMS, but you will also improve yourself externally and internally. Believe me, a man never wants to lose a beautiful, self-sufficient woman.

Support him

Balance and harmony are needed in a relationship, so don't go to extremes. Have we convinced you that there is no need to overprotect your man? Great, but don't forget to call (not often, once a day is enough!) and ask how he is doing and if he wants to join you, for example, in the gym? Now you equal partners, halves of one whole. Ask about his victories and failures and, if necessary, provide support. Men will never share their failures with friends, which is why sometimes they need the help of their beloved so much.

The second golden rule: be with your loved one in moments of victory and defeat. Men will never want to lose a girl who understands them and accepts them as they are.

Stay attractive

After marriage, many women stop devoting sufficient time to caring for themselves. Remember yourself at a time when you wanted to attract the attention of your chosen one. How many new dresses and blouses have appeared in your wardrobe? Surely almost every day you had your hair done at the hairdresser, put on heels, sacrificing convenience for the sake of beauty? If you still stand in front of the mirror for an hour every day, there is no need to worry, but if the time that you previously devoted to self-care is spent on washing, ironing and “rum women” - slow down. Rethink your daily routine. A man, of course, will appreciate the care, but, first of all, he wants to see you as beautiful as before.

Third golden rule: Always be present stylish makeup And perfect manicure. A beautiful woman the man will be afraid to lose.

Don't be jealous!

Women sometimes overly romanticize jealousy directed in their direction, considering it proof of love. At the same time, they can terrorize a man for a long time and persistently if he has to experience jealousy. Neither one nor the other helps build relationships. If you decide to provoke a guy to jealousy, be prepared for the most unexpected consequences. Some men may be seriously angry, others will consider you frivolous, and still others will even consider jealousy as evidence of self-neglect. It's better not to joke with jealousy.

Unlike women, all men, without exception, despise such a manifestation of love and experience irritation if the woman they love turns out to be jealous.

Psychologists say that most often the cause of jealousy is self-doubt. That is why a woman thinks that her man is about to find someone better and begins to play detective.

Fourth golden rule: focus on yourself, visit as many cosmetic procedures, that's all you need to feel the most beautiful. And the jealousy will go away.

Make him feel needed

Every man strives to show his other half how necessary and good he is. You can play along a little with his noble aspirations and from time to time ask for small, and not so, favors. If a man is good with technology, call him to repair the toaster. If you call a handyman to your home, your young man may perceive this as an insult to his dignity. Therefore, before you do anything, tell him about the problem, let your lover decide for himself whether he can cope on his own or needs help.

If your significant other does not have the skills to solve a problem, do not tell him: “You’re a man...” Your young man may be a professional in one matter, but not understand another. And this is normal, because we are all human. Remember, this type of reproach makes a man feel weak. In response, you may receive an even more painful attack, because you will hurt his male ego.

The fifth golden rule: be smart and use the strengths of your loved one, tactfully keeping silent about the weaknesses! Compromising relationships are usually the most stable and long-lasting. Men are afraid of losing a woman with whom they feel strong and courageous.

Be understanding about finances

Another sore spot many men - financial well-being. Criticism of his work, salary, reproaches regarding the cost of gifts, and the like often lead to the complete collapse of the relationship.

Sixth golden rule: refrain from criticism financial situation your chosen one. If you are not satisfied with his income, then discuss it at family council how you can improve your well-being. A man will never want to lose a woman who knows that money is much cheaper than love.

Don't get carried away with resentment and anger

It can be difficult to restore the former warmth in communication even after several days of mutual insults, not to mention longer quarrels. Equal relationships are the key to success and harmony.

The seventh golden rule: if you love your chosen one, then learn to accept him, and not the idealized image that you painted in your head in those months when he courted you. A man will appreciate this and be afraid of losing you.

It will always be relevant, since not a single girl knows how to behave with a guy, just as not a single guy understands women’s actions. However, a man and a woman have always been and will be together, and some of their representatives even live happily with each other for many decades. How do they do this? How should a girl behave with a young man, so that their relationship does not end in the first month, without really beginning? Psychologists are confident that a compromise can be found in any situation, and in gender relations a woman should show a little more cunning and ingenuity.

She should always be an interesting conversationalist, that is, be aware of all the latest events. This does not include fashion news, girlfriend gossip, or concert schedules of local pop stars. A man is more interested large-scale events, for example, the political situation in Uruguay or why gasoline is so cheap in Venezuela. To do this, you just need to occasionally read news sites, as well as take an interest in the hobbies of your loved one. Another mystery of how to behave with a guy is men’s dislike for women who agree to everything, but their adoration for obedient girls. In other words, their perfect girlfriend must have an opinion, but at the same time the last word still remains his, despite the fact that their opinions may differ.

For those girls who are tormented by the question: how to behave with not a big secret. Never throw a tantrum! They disorient men and have the opposite effect. This is only in the pictures in social networks quarrels between the sexes look beautiful and sexy, and in real life A screaming girl evokes only one desire in the young man: to quickly isolate her from himself. At the same time, some representatives of the fair sex go overboard with their prudence and calmness, offering to discuss the current situation every time. This is not always appropriate, and talking through all relationships is very tiring for young people. So, how to behave with a guy if a conflict does occur? There is not and cannot be a single correct answer to this question. You need to rely on your intuition. Sometimes you need to remain silent somewhere, close your eyes to something, and in some cases sharp dissatisfaction will be the most adequate reaction. The main thing is not to overact.

To behave with a man in such a way that he himself is drawn to a woman, it is important to pay attention to your character. Women with high self-esteem often have the most difficulty in communicating with the stronger sex. Even if you consider yourself the most charming and attractive, you should not demonstrate your superiority and try to dominate when conducting a dialogue. Usually men are rejected by interlocutors with an overly strong and stubborn disposition, who try to take control of any situation. Start learning to be kind and flexible, even when it's difficult.

At first, try to give the initiative to the man in everything, so that he himself reaches out to you. Representatives of the stronger sex like to show their perseverance, strength and life experience. This is especially noticeable on first dates. Give your gentleman time to open up and show his ability to care for a woman. This also applies to communication: it will be better if the ratio of speech in dialogues is 50 to 50 or with an advantage for men. Excessively talkative girls, like grumpy or “laughing” girls, have every chance of becoming an object of rejection.

No matter how strong your psychological pressure skills are, a neat and attractive appearance is important in building long term relationship with a man. At first, just pay more attention to skin care, physical activity And healthy image life, selection of suitable cosmetics and choice of clothing style. As soon as you get to know a man better, start adapting to his tastes, for example, doing his favorite hairstyle more often, wearing things a certain color etc.

To behave correctly with a man means to be observant and note all his features in order to later use them to your advantage. Immediately pay attention to his interests and gradually begin to learn hobbies and activities that may be new to you. It may not be entirely simple, but the chances that a man will quickly become crazy about you will be high. In addition, representatives of the stronger sex usually value women who are versatile and love everything new.

Get rid of standard set negative qualities women. Don't be bitchy or jealous, especially without any reason. Also, stop being demanding and try to appreciate a man for his positive aspects, of which there will most likely be many. Treasure your relationship, and then a man will definitely be drawn to you, and you can become his object of adoration.

Not every woman has natural charm. A charming person attracts the attention of others, is constantly in the center of attention, and men are ready to do great deeds for her sake. But don’t despair if charm is not given to you from birth. There are several secrets thanks to which an ordinary-looking woman can become charming and irresistible.


Be confident. You should not doubt your attractiveness and uniqueness. Learn to love yourself. Don't try to please everyone: you shouldn't constantly think about the impression you make.

Watch your appearance. Visit a cosmetologist, take care of your body and hair, and fix your manicure regularly. Use perfume in moderation. Pay attention to your posture. Straight back, soft smooth movements, tripping highlight a charming woman. Behave calmly and relaxed, but at the same time maintain your self-esteem. Emphasize your femininity.

Smile and be optimistic. Find positive aspects in any event. Try to always be in good mood. Charming woman she always looks cheerful, fit and charges those around her with joy and positivity. Feel free to have fun and joke, show your positive emotions.

Be genuinely interested in the people around you. Find out their opinion by various issues, ask for advice, give compliments, show their importance. Become a good listener and show genuine attention to your interlocutor. Communicate politely, with interest, be calm and friendly, do not criticize yourself or others. Treat every person with respect and understanding.

Try to find the “zest” in yourself. Each person has characteristics, hidden talents and abilities. Emphasize your uniqueness and tactfully demonstrate it to others.


  • How to become the very best in 2019

Jealousy causes a storm in a person negative emotions, brings a lot of anxiety into relationships and sometimes destroys them. Psychologists say that if you are jealous, it means you are not confident in yourself. Is this always the case? After all, it is difficult to remain silent if your partner glances at women passing by, if he speaks affectionately and affably to his employee or friend, although in the morning he declared “silence” to you due to his bad mood... Reasons for jealousy arise at every step. But stop being jealous?


Don’t rush to create scenes of jealousy; understand the motives behind your partner’s behavior and study him thoroughly. You must be calm and adequate in your reactions. Selfless help a neighbor or a friendly smile to a saleswoman is not a reason for jealousy.

Don't ruin your relationship because of various little things. Be more reasonable and tolerant. Jealousy is a natural feeling for any person, but it must be kept in check, otherwise separation is inevitable.

Sometimes you shouldn't focus your attention on your partner's behavior and his attitude towards others. Perhaps his kindness and courtesy are just signs good manners.

If you do allow jealousy to enter your heart even for a minute, remain calm. You shouldn’t sort things out right away, “right here and now.” Give yourself time to “let off steam”; perhaps in a couple of hours you will completely forget about the reasons for the jealousy that arose, and the conflict will resolve itself.

Don't be self-centered. Your man should have personal freedom. He cannot always be around and give his attention only to you. Be understanding about his vacation with friends or his desire to be alone. Take a break, do some household chores or some work.

Remember often pleasant moments your relationship. Relax. Go shopping, buy something useful for yourself or for your home. Don't replay it in your memory unpleasant situations, give your thoughts and emotions a rest. IN as a last resort, draw something positive or write funny story, get creative and transform negative memories.

If jealousy suddenly hits you and you feel like you're about to explode, close your eyes, hold your breath and count to five. The storm in your soul will subside, and you will be able to adequately respond to the current situation.

When you're on edge, don't interact with your partner. This will help avoid unnecessary quarrels and create relationships, full of harmony and mutual understanding.

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Each girl is unique in her own way. And behavior with her should be different from behavior with other representatives of the fair sex. But, of course, there are certain patterns that must be followed when communicating with any lady.


Any girl first of all pays attention to the appearance of her gentleman. Therefore, if you want to communicate with a lovely lady, you must look decent. Hairstyle, clothes, shoes and accessories should look neat and attractive. No man will communicate with a woman who is unpleasant to him. The same law applies to the weaker sex. If you want to attract a girl, start with your appearance.

Communication also plays a huge role. Of course, some people like them, others like merry fellows and jokers. It is impossible to describe one model of behavior that will please everyone. But there are general recommendations that will help avoid obvious misunderstandings and even conflicts. Stick to them.

Be natural. Don't pretend or pretend to be someone else. Girls recognize this very quickly. Try not to lie to her about anything. Any lady will like the person you really are much faster than the fake character you want to appear to be.

Give only truthful and natural compliments. The weaker sex senses falsehood even before you say it. Find what you like most about a girl and tell her about it. Let the compliment be clumsy and simple, but it will be from the heart.

Try to be strong and confident. The weaker sex needs a man who will be better than others in everything (and, first of all, better than themselves); this is inherent at the genetic level. Showcase your skills and your intelligence, this will attract any lady to you.

Don't make her feel sorry for you, it will only push her away from you. Even if you have serious problems, don't talk about them. Or say it, but casually, without focusing on it. If a girl feels sorry for you, she will most likely treat you condescendingly, and this is a bad basis for further communication.

Do not discuss with other representatives of the fairer sex. This can result in resentment or even a quarrel. Especially try not to discuss your ex-girlfriends. Find a topic of conversation that would be understandable and interesting to your interlocutor.

Video on the topic


When around a girl, try not to swear. Of course, some representatives of the fairer sex react calmly to this, but there are also those who condemn such behavior.

Helpful advice

Take care of the girl, this will most quickly help you win her favor.

The Bitch is a popular character in modern books, films, groups on social networks, etc. This character evokes conflicting emotions among people, largely due to the fact that the understanding of bitchiness can be different.

Negative understanding of the word

Bitchy girls and bitchiness as such have many supporters and opponents. The latter see a bitchy woman as selfish, cold, callous, who does not think about others and favorite hobby which - to break men's hearts. In this regard, men (and women too) feel negative towards girls who, in their understanding, look like bitches. Such people like to point out direct “bitch” - carrion, animal corpse, carrion. In a figurative sense, this is a selfish woman who, intentionally or unconsciously, causes harm to others through her behavior.

If you follow this version, then to be bitchy means to be insincere, cunning, in dealing with people and especially with men, to pursue your own selfish goals, use and manipulate people, play on strangers. They say about such girls that they got burned by something in life and became closed off. They stopped trusting people and decided that they needed to be able to benefit from everything in a society where everyone is for themselves. Their arrogance hides an inferiority complex, and when things don't go according to plan, they can show their hysteria and instability.

Positive understanding of the word

Along with the negative, there is often positive value bitchiness. Behind last years A lot of books have appeared both in Russia and abroad, in which women are taught to be bitchy. This means the ability to be strong, insightful, independent, the ability to manage your life and direct it in the desired direction, to be the mistress of your life. This does not require manipulating others, unless it is for mutual benefit.

The authors of the books proceed from the fact that the modest, compliant, obsequious woman created by society does not actually allow a woman to be happy and make her partner happy, since in reality men rarely truly love such girls. However, they are considered convenient and often marry them, while making friends on the side. And it’s also difficult for shy people to realize their potential in creativity and profession.

That is, to be bitchy is to be aware of your desires and needs in life and strive for it. This means being strong, independent, loving and appreciating yourself, having self-esteem, being able to gain the respect of others, being attractive to the opposite sex, valuing your personal space and not encroaching on your partner’s personal space, not being overly affectionate and emotionally dependent on a man. , be an interesting person, be self-confident, strive for self-development.

Bitchy girl expresses herself with positive side in interaction with people, if they are friendly towards her. She's not out to break hearts or live in splendid isolation and is not a man-hater.

Tip 6: How to behave correctly between a woman and a man in a formation personal relationships


A man is a hunter by nature and evaluates the object of admiration initially by his appearance. Unfortunately, most women forget about this important rule and stop paying attention to such details as neatness and stylish clothes, fresh manicure and pedicure, clean and timely trimmed hair, as well as well-groomed skin. If you already live with your significant other for a long time, then you shouldn’t ignore a man’s desire to see you attractive in any situation. Come up with new images periodically and change endlessly. This way you will become mysterious and unpredictable for your chosen one.

Ban on scandals

Under no circumstances should you make scenes of jealousy or hysteria with your loved one in public. A man in the mood for serious relationship with you, will not appreciate such an act and will harbor a grudge for a long time. Try to calm down and find out the cause of the conflict at home, or better yet the next day, when the primary aggressive emotions disappear. At the same time, you will look decent in the eyes of your partner and show that you have wisdom and self-control. Also, never insult or humiliate your loved one in front of friends or mutual acquaintances. Otherwise, it will lead to a final break.

Patience and understanding

Women tend to rush things and sometimes begin to actively correct their partner’s perceived shortcomings. If you sincerely love a man, then show respect first and foremost and do not try to change your character. One of the components of love is accepting a person from both the negative and positive sides. Therefore, it is worth admitting to yourself that the desire to break established habits or character traits of the chosen one is not the most The best way prove you are right. The best optionstraight Talk about what doesn’t suit you about your loved one, but without accusations or desire to control.
