The child does not want to study: what to do? Advice from an experienced psychologist. The child does not want to study

For many students and their parents, the implementation homework becomes a real torture. The child is convinced that the school is hard labor, invented solely to mock him, and the parents ruefully clutch their heads. How not to let everything take its course and at the same time avoid learning “under pressure”?

For many students and their parents, doing homework becomes a real torture. The child is convinced that the school is hard labor, invented solely to mock him, and the parents ruefully clutch their heads. All arguments to the contrary have been exhausted; the child has long pushed back his textbooks and looks out of the window indifferently. How not to let everything take its course and at the same time avoid learning “under pressure”?

And the bar is falling...

Here are the results of research: today, in schools, year after year, the level of striving for success is inexorably falling. The most unpleasant thing is that there is a tendency: this process does not begin in the senior and not even in the middle classes, but in primary school. If earlier third-graders had a very noticeable interest in learning, now there is no incentive. The consequences of this approach to classes are disappointing: about 10% of students primary school and about 15% of students high school skip classes regularly. The consequences of the progressive lack of desire to learn are very dramatic: about 8% of primary school students regularly skip classes, among secondary school students this figure reaches 15%, and 10% of all schoolchildren of the same year of birth leave school without finishing it.

What is the problem?

Conflicts on the grounds of unsatisfactory performance by the child of his tasks and duties often arise not because of his lack of abilities, but because of a lack of motivation to learning process. Because achievement and failure in school is influenced not only by the level mental development, but also big set others various factors. Success is a combination of abilities and desire. And lagging students, as a rule, lack interest in the lessons. They only do it because they have to. As a result, they master the material superficially, without devoting themselves to studying it in depth.

Is learning disgusting? Add motive!

The word "motivation" comes from the Latin verb "movere", to move. Indeed, a motivated person seems to be driven by something, he is persistent and focused on completing a task, easily achieves intellectual, sports and creative success.

When motivation is present, adults see it perfectly: the child's eyes are burning, activity is increasing, energy is in full swing, he does not need to be forced to do something. He himself is completely immersed in the process and knows that if it is successfully completed, some tangible, tangible, visible result awaits him. This result is precisely the motive that drives a person at the beginning of any activity.

In the case of a lack of motivation, everything is done with protest, irritation and great reluctance. Daily lessons and homework turn into real hard labor. Parents are forced to emergency reserve incentives that were in store for extreme case. But sometimes nothing - neither monetary rewards, nor threats - helps. Similar situations occur not only as part of the process school education. This could apply to anything: music school, sports, household chores.

Olesya Denisenko (who also voices the topic of motivating children at home at master classes at the Academy of Parental Excellence) comments on the psychologist-consultant, trainer of the training and counseling center “12 Collegia” Olesya Denisenko: “There are a number of reasons that more often than others lie in such a phenomenon as lack of motivation. First, it is the lack of skill development. I'll give you an example. A ten year old boy came to see me. The child is fine with intellectual development, with memory, with attention. We began to engage in all sorts of practices, and I saw excellent results- everything turned out great for the boy, and most importantly, he did everything with enthusiasm and interest. But when we got to the “mental counting” task, the child seemed to have been replaced. His gaze froze at one point, all interest disappeared without a trace ... It turned out that when he was taught this very mental arithmetic, he did not have a favorable relationship with the teacher at all. This led to the fact that this particular skill could not be formed. Secondly, it is emotional discomfort. It occurs when a child feels depressed during any activity, when he perceives advice and intervention from his mentor negatively and painfully. The third reason is often a traumatic situation. For example, a child once had a conflict or kurtosis during some activity, which subsequently at the associative level does not allow him to go deeper and perform the same task with pleasure. And the fourth common cause is the physiology of the child. Lack of attention, congenital absent-mindedness, bad memory, fast fatiguability- these are the physiological barriers that prevent the child from qualitatively engaging in any educational activity. With all these reasons, it is the parents who are able to fight first of all qualitatively and effectively. Mom and dad, like no one else, should know what can interest, captivate, intrigue a child. And in every specific case use these things as an incentive. There are also several generic methods that work in skillful hands parents in the absence of motivation in the child. First, it is an element of the game and competition. Try to involve the baby in activities with the help of excitement. Let him have the desire to be the first, the winner. Second, encouragement. Divide the task into several stages and, if the child successfully completes each of them, reward and praise him. And, finally, if you see that a child is facing a difficulty, help him, overcome it together! If you take part of the problem on yourself, believe me, your son / daughter will have much more confidence in himself, in you and in success!”

Your own incentive

Motivation is not a fixed, constant indicator. No. Its level and values ​​are very changeable. And they change depending on the situation, the mood of the child, the subject of study. But there is no student whose real motivation index is zero. Each person has the strengths through which he is able to learn. You just need to feel for them and contribute to their correct application.

What if the child does not want to study? This question is usually asked by the parents of a child from 7 to 14 years old. In high school, children develop awareness and a certain focus on the future. There are more additional incentives for studying: not only to finish school well, but also to be able to go to college. AT lower grades and the middle link, the child has not yet sufficiently developed such qualities as consciousness and responsibility. Teach your son or daughter effective methods perception and memorization of the information that is presented at school is the direct task of parents. The younger student is not yet able to independently manage the learning process, he must be taught this, as well as letters. The teenager is too much focused on his own experiences to help himself in right moment. When a child starts something new, he becomes especially vulnerable and receptive to external factors. Any resentment, ridicule, conflict with the teacher or classmates, unfriendly mood in the class can affect him. emotional background and form negative attitude to study.

The help of parents is to help their son or daughter deal with difficult material, overcome complexes and existing fears, and such support is an invaluable gift. It is not enough just to teach him or her to distinguish letters. A child spends 10-11 years of his life on learning to understand objects, to study the world and everything that happens around him. The advice of a psychologist will definitely come in handy for those who are raising a son or daughter, whose children go to school.

The reasons

Any psychologist knows that under the unwillingness to go to school in children 10,11, 12,13,14 years old, there are deep problems associated with adaptation in a team and self-esteem. In many ways, problems at school are due to poor academic performance and conflicts with classmates. If the parents wondered why the child does not want to study, first of all, you need to give up the idea of ​​blaming your son or daughter. Instead of getting angry and cursing, help little man to understand oneself, to realize the thoughts that are important for his perception. When the child understands that the closest people in the world are not going to reproach him for something, it will become easier. It may well be that he will share his fears and difficulties with you.

Teachers and classmates are the people with whom the child has many hours of contact during the day. Of course, interaction cannot do without misunderstandings and conflicts. When quarrels with peers occur, they can deeply hurt your son or daughter, make you feel unhappy. In any case, parents should provide support, teach the child to deal with difficulties. Let him turn to you 12-13 times a day for advice, you must be ready. It's not the same as teaching a first grader letters.

What to do

The advice of a psychologist will be especially useful to those who have thoroughly decided to act, and not to let the child's learning process take its course. This is a very serious matter. Teaching letters to your beloved offspring is unlikely to cause any special difficulties for anyone, but when he skips school, makes scandals there or systematically gets bad grades, it arises serious occasion think about education. So, somewhere you influence the child incorrectly, indulge his weaknesses. The first sign that something is not going well at school is when the son or daughter stops sharing what is happening with you. In other words, the child hides from his parents his participation in school life. And no matter how old he is - 12 or 14 - he still needs parental support.

Junior schoolboy

A child of 7-8 years old cannot yet be fully responsible for his actions. He must be taught to take responsibility, and not just letters. With such a baby you can not ask the same way as with a 12-year-old. The very process of learning at school for him is akin to spending time in kindergarten, from which he still, quite likely, did not have time to wean. 12 years old is the age when you can ask and demand, at 7 years old, a son or daughter does not yet have sufficient social maturity.

How can he be helped? Do homework with your child. It is worth checking his homework, the degree of preparation for each lesson. Be sure to look through the notebooks, track how correctly he writes the letters. Knowing the letters alone does not guarantee that a son or daughter will get good grades. FROM junior schoolchild parents must be engaged, then in subsequent classes he will reach an excellent level. Do not be lazy to repeat the same spelling rules with your baby 12 times. All efforts will eventually be rewarded.

Teenage years

12-14 years old - the most difficult age. This is the time when priorities change, one's own worldview is formed, individuality grows and develops. Around the 13th anniversary of the next birthday, the child ceases to feel like a little man, on which nothing depends. Now he wants to make all decisions on his own. A son or daughter will certainly show gratitude if you are interested not only in how things are going at school, but also in their personal achievements. Believe me, for a teenager this is extremely important. If you notice that your son has completely neglected his studies, is somewhere in the clouds and is constantly thinking about something, support him. He should not come to the conclusion that parents are only interested in grades. Emphasize his achievements in everything, give good advice. It is extremely important to be able to maintain contact and trust with a growing child so that you can always know what is happening to him. Otherwise, parents simply will not be able to help their child at the right time.

Conflict resolution

There is no real school life without quarrels and insults. If the child does not want to study, the first thing to do is to ask what is happening to him. Be sure to find out if there are any serious conflicts with classmates or teachers. In both the first and second cases, you can talk heart to heart with him and sort out the situation that led to misunderstanding. It is very important for a child to learn how to defend his interests in front of his peers, so do not interfere. For teachers, make sure your child is treated with respect and due consideration. It is known that teachers sometimes make mistakes too. Unfortunately, the teacher is not always delicate, tactful and fair. Don't let your child suffer because of someone else. bad temper or even sentiment.

If the conflict nevertheless occurred and it is serious, discuss everything calmly at home, what should be done. With a younger student, you can go to class together and try to solve the problem on the spot. It's more difficult with teenagers. An adult child does not want to show his peers his weakness, so you need to act more subtle. Advice and personal experience will help here.

Trusting relationship

Only then will the child begin to tell his parents about his existing problems in school team when he knows that close people will not judge him for something. No need to present the child, even well-deserved accusations for the mistakes made. Actually to be for a long time it is very difficult for a child among peers. He may already experience fatigue from the fact that he is surrounded daily by the same faces, with whom, perhaps, not the best ones have developed. warm relationship. Unlimited trust will help to find the cause of existing disagreements in the school and effectively eliminate it. Agree, when you can talk about everything in the world, it is not difficult to cope with any trifle together. The child should feel the support of his parents in everything, that they will help him overcome any obstacles.

Visit with a child various events, take to the theater for performances, to the cinema, walk more on fresh air. All this contributes to rapprochement. You can play various games together, watch interesting cartoons. Any boy or girl will love this.

Thus, the problem of lack of desire is quite solvable. To do this, you do not need to invent something supernatural, you just need to get to know your child better, constantly be in close contact with him.

"I do not want to study!" - global problem modern school faced by more than one parent. How to deal with it, on your own or should you turn to the help of professionals?

Reluctance to education and unwillingness to do anything always speaks of a person’s inner stupor, low motivation, conflict or duality of decisions, regardless of age.

Tips for parents to do if children abandon their textbooks and do not want to study at school:

  • Be patient. Any psychological crisis ends and a new round of personality development begins. Hormonal restructuring and aggression will also pass, the cerebral cortex will mature, it will become easier to learn.
  • But stop any manifestations of disrespect in your address. This is fraught with rooting.
  • Show your love for your daughter or son daily. Even if they have behaved badly, tell them "I love you always, even when you are angry, angry or rude." A constant feeling of love gives confidence to any person.
  • Show that you have not given up on the situation, but rather want to find a way out of it.
  • Speak heart to heart more often, without threats, criticism and accusations.

What to do if the child does not want to go to school

If you have identified this problem in your student, boldly and promptly try to find the cause of this phenomenon. As the saying goes, "Finding a problem is half the solution."

Talk to the teacher, go to Parent meeting. Talk openly with your child, ask why he doesn't want to go to school. Tell us about your youth, childhood, let him feel your openness.

If the child feels fear, then this feeling will have to go away, as the realization of the insignificance of the problem will come. To maintain peace of mind, use the “change of vision” technique.

Program yourself for positive thoughts and results. Visualize. The technique is that you fill your subconscious positive images with detailed drawings. They "begin to live" in your head. Subconsciously pushing you to implement them.

Why the child does not want to study reasons

Reasons on which your child does not want to go to school for knowledge and study can be a lot. It all depends on how old your student is. In which psychological age he is, what period is going through.

Teenager being at his peak emotional development may withdraw from school due to problems in the classroom at the level of the teacher or classmates. A first-grader may refuse for a reason low level developed interest in the learning process.

How to help a child if he does not want to study

How can you help your child overcome a reluctance to learn?

Several psychological advice from our psychologists:

  • Remain calm in any situation. There is such a term "big mother". Do not panic, be the guarantor and support of your child.
  • Give the children various arguments, examples from the lives of more and less successful people.
  • Play on contrasts: tell a story from the life of a stupid and uneducated character from a movie or book, let him draw parallels from a would-be student.

What to do if a child does not want to study in grade 1 and what are the reasons for not wanting to study?

The reasons for this attitude to knowledge can be:

  • low level of adaptation in school environment and team;
  • low level of motivation for the educational process;
  • complexes;

In the second semester in educational institutions an adaptation test is mandatory, you can talk about its results with a specialist.

You, as a parent, urgently need to identify the reason for your student's low level of interest so as not to miss the moment and the reluctance does not turn into a habit.

How to make your child want to learn

Simple advice to parents to make the student want to learn:

  • use the incentive method;
  • the principle of competition (for example, glue circles on a common stand for the work done, reading aloud or writing);
  • use stories about the successes and achievements of smart and talented people, preferably modern ones, let a role model arise;
  • usage game method(Ideal for primary and secondary school);

What to do if children do not want to study

Every parent in his heart dreams that his children would not have problems with their studies. What to do if such an unfortunate student wound up in your family?

We want to give several good advice for parents How to get your child to go to school

  • Try to give more rest to the brain of your student. Modern system education has a densely packed program for each school subject. The brain can simply turn on sleep mode to restore resources.
  • Unload, make sure that the offspring spend less time at the computer and social networks that affect the brain, develop addiction. Set the rules for holding behind the screen.
  • If your daughter or son has problems in one subject, then the reason may be a lag or misunderstanding of the program. If so, find a tutor.
  • Try to motivate your child to study. Often, many students simply do not realize the need for the knowledge they receive. Be sure to supervise your child psychological method gives nice results in identifying the problem.

Children are our future, and what it will become depends on us. And for yourself, give the installation "My baby is open and self-confident." Believe me, it will work 100%, all troubles will be removed as if by hand. The subconscious works wonders!

What to do if a child at 8 years old does not want to study

If you have a situation in which your eight-year-old child does not “nibble on the granite of science” and does not want to study at all, then firstly, pay attention to the microclimate within the family, if you have any problems.

Maybe a mock protest is a cry for help. Secondly, at this age any criticism is sharply perceived, often there is a parent-child conflict (in the position of age). It is also necessary to consider situations on an individual basis.

Use the drawing test to determine the motivation for the learning process. Often schoolchildren prefer school communication, rather than knowledge. This is age specific.

It is recommended to develop discipline and perseverance for general purposes. Give it to the center children's creativity, section, take useful work. There will be less free time, and as a result, a sense of responsibility will appear. By the way, it will also raise the self-esteem of the child.

If a child does not want to study at the age of 12, what to do - the opinion of a psychologist

One of the factors of reluctance to knowledge at the age of 12 can be:

  • fear;
  • lack of self-esteem;
  • complexes;
  • low self-esteem;
  • apathy.

This behavior manifests itself at 11-14 years of age.

In our time, the problem of the mocking attitude of child stars over children-outsiders and rejected is widespread. You can determine the position in the team of your child using sociometrics, which in without fail conducted by each class teacher.

In any case, it is necessary to seek help from a professional in order to diagnose, and in the future, corrective or individual work and deal with the situation.

Problems with teenage children were, are and will be. Rapid physical growth and puberty cause a crisis that creates difficulties in teaching and educating a teenager. How to be parents if the child flatly refuses to study? After all given period falls on milestone learning. Adolescents should be identified with future profession, do the first important steps future adulthood.

Why teenage children do not want to study: we understand the reasons

“Until the 6th or 7th grade, my son was an excellent student. In the diary - only five, from the teachers - solid praise. And suddenly, for no apparent reason, the desire to study disappeared, the computer and the street were on my mind. I do not know what to do?"- approximately such problems are concerned about many parents at some point in their lives.

Before you panic or blame someone in this situation, you need to understand what causes such a persistent unwillingness to learn.

Psychologists identify several main reasons why teenagers refuse to study:

  1. Puberty.
  2. Rapid physical growth.
  3. Heart problems as a consequence of physical growth.
  4. Change of emotional background.

How does puberty affect children's learning?

During puberty, the process of excitation is quite fast, but inhibition, on the contrary, is slow. Concerning young man any little thing can start, annoy, make nervous. It's not easy to calm down. It is natural that in such a state to assimilate educational material very hard.

The rapid physical growth of a teenager

Rapid physical development causes the baby's bones to grow disproportionately. Result: constant fatigue, rapid fatigue.

The cause of fatigue sometimes lies in the heart

Many begin to complain of heart pain, as the heart does not have time to grow. Heart spasms cause problems with oxygen supply to the brain. Therefore, children begin to think poorly, their attention is scattered, their memory is weak.

Emotional instability of adolescents

Against the background of hormonal surges, adolescents are often emotionally unstable, that is, they are prone to psychosis, mood swings. These signs are especially pronounced in girls in connection with.

Ideally, you need to visit a psychologist together with your son (daughter) . However, we understand that due to various circumstances, not everyone has such an opportunity.

How to explain why you need to study? Or, perhaps, it’s right: “if you don’t want to, don’t study” - what position should parents take?

Here is how a psychologist from St. Petersburg Grankina Daria comments on the situation:

Learning can be taught to anyone, at any age. The teenager needs to be given a range of knowledge about future life. explain causally investigative links. But it's not worth saying that if he doesn't learn algebra, he'll wash the toilet bowls in the reserved seat, although someone should do this too. We must give the child knowledge, resources and alternatives. Knowledge is not dry facts, but as a process of knowing this world. The alternative is that the child can and should try his hand at everything, explore. With resources, it is clear what we are talking about. Of course it's not full freedom, but neat accompaniment.

Can we motivate to study? Motivate = manipulate, but we don't want that. Therefore, money, persuasion and threats are not an effective method.

A teenager at this age has a lot of questions for society and the world. Who am I, why am I, what awaits me, what awaits the country, how to live correctly ...? And of course they are not so strange as not to understand that they still need to study. But school is a routine job, and other problems are torn apart inside.

There is another important aspect, the child does not want to learn or CAN'T do it? Perhaps you need to lower your expectations and understand that good is not always 5, a score of 3 is also good. You need to understand that you need to study, you need to study. It is both a regime and a system. If this has not happened since primary school, then perhaps right now it is necessary to streamline the schedule of both your own and your child.

In general, in everything that concerns children, therapy should begin with oneself. For example, you can go to any courses yourself, even computer, knitting or latin. By this you will show your ability to adapt to new trends and desire to learn new things, your openness to the world. Remembering yourself at this age is very useful. Start walking with your child to a museum, planetarium, zoo, and, finally, read a book in the evening. You can start softer and from afar, go with your child to a concert, to the cinema at New film, ask him to explain what the essence of it is computer game. This is already communication, this is already an exchange of information, which implies feedback from you and interesting dialogues that stimulate the child to cognitive activity. In no case do not give up and do not hide your head in the sand. This is your child and you can help him. You can work with this.

How can parents determine why a teenager does not want to study?

So, the parents faced the problem: “I don’t want to study”. How to act?

First you need to find out what is the main reason:

  • Why do you need to study?

Very often the reason lies on the surface, and sometimes we do not see it or do not want to see it. The teenager does not understand why he needs to study. In fact, my mother is so smart, she has two higher educations, but she works for a beggarly salary at school. But Aunt Masha, an acquaintance from a neighboring cottage, drives a foreign car, flies to Paris every year, she was a loser at school. A slightly exaggerated picture, but still.

Parents should systematically, using living examples, explain to the child the benefits of education, draw him future prospects: the opportunity to look at the world, study culture, languages, make great discoveries, have an interesting profession.

  • Relationships with teachers and peers

Reluctance to learn may be related to relationships with peers or teachers. All children are different in character, temperament, level of education. At school, they will not only learn subjects, but also the norms of behavior, learn to live in a team, establish contact with the outside world. Unfortunately, not everyone gets it right. Naturally, if a student feels uncomfortable at school, is offended, laughed at or not noticed, he will not have a desire to learn .

  • family well-being

Inevitably, a child's school performance is affected by family well-being or its absence.

Quarrels between parents, immoral behavior of adult family members negatively affect the behavior of the student, his perception of the surrounding reality.

"Bad company" can cause a teenager's performance to drop and. This happens because you can become your own in a street company only if you “slaughter your studies” (sorry for the slang).

  • Hyperactivity in a teenager

The child shows extreme intolerance to study, cannot concentrate on lessons with hyperactivity.

  • Gadget addiction

One of the reasons for the fading of interest in the school is the excessive enthusiasm for the means of modern technology.

Dependence of teenagers (and not only) on all kinds of gadgets, immersion in the virtual world, satiety with unnecessary information from the outside fences him off from the uninteresting learning process at school.

What to do if a teenager of 13-15 years old does not want to study: advice from a psychologist

Sometimes we, relatives and friends, out of good intentions, make such serious mistakes in relation to our children that we only aggravate the situation. Experienced psychologists, based on a systematic study of adolescent behavior, have deduced several good advice and the rules to follow when establishing contact with a child aged 13-15.

Everything is very clear and simple, the main thing is to follow the rules regularly:

  • Provide your child with such a regime of work and rest so that he can spend time outdoors every day. It could be walking, jogging or cycling. At this time, the brain receives oxygen, the child is charged positive energy and the body gets the amount of physical activity it needs.
  • Dream- chief assistant . Make it a rule to sleep at least 8-9 hours a day. Nothing restores memory and attention like a full sleep.
  • Distribute the school load . The child should not be overtired. If the child has just come from school, do not load him with lessons, let 1-1.5 rest.
  • Your child has grown up, he wants to seem like an adult , often cheeky, shows his cool temper. But he still remains your child and needs simple friendly communication. Contact should not be reduced to routine questions: “How are you?”, “Do you want to eat?” etc. Put things aside and talk. Show that you are interested in the life of your son (daughter) as a full member of the family and do not consider him an unreasonable baby. Even in response to his insolence, show tact and restraint. This is what distinguishes us, adults, formed individuals.
  • Children at this age remember well interesting material . Therefore, the advice of psychologists to both parents and teachers: get the child interested in the subject. And then he will be happy to go to classes, and study will turn into an amusing trip to the world of science.
  • If the reason is in a conflict with classmates, the teacher , and the conflict is not resolved positively, it is better to change the teacher or school, if possible, so as not to aggravate the situation.
  • In case of problems with the assimilation specific subject you can hire a tutor or help your child fill in the gaps on your own.

Don't dismiss problems by pretending you don't notice them. In fact, today's unwillingness to learn can develop into much more serious problems if it is not controlled.

Children are very sensitive to the attitude of adults. . All you have to do is relax your attention for a little while, and you will miss the teenager. Every parent knows and feels their child like no one else. It is impossible to fit the behavior of any teenager to general patterns.

Each person, depending on temperament, social structure, specific situation, requires an individual approach.

School-related problems are inevitable for almost any family. One of the most painful and relevant is the unwillingness of children to gain knowledge. Unlearned lessons, constant strict control, bad grades, teachers' dissatisfaction and as a result of all this - nervous breakdown the student and his parents.

Clutching their heads, the mother and father come to despair, not knowing what to do if the child does not want to study, read, do homework and go to school in general. In fact, the solution to this problem sometimes lies on the surface and requires only an objective assessment by the parents. First, they should find out why he does not want to study.

All children have different intellectual abilities and talents. If a child is a romantic at heart and dreams of becoming an artist or musician, but in reality he has to go to school with a mathematical or natural science bias, there is nothing to expect from him with zeal in his studies. And if a child does not want to go to school for this very reason, it is the fault of the parents who did not reveal the talent in him at the time.

There is only one way out - to identify career guidance, inclinations and talents in the child and direct his development in right direction: enroll in an art school, pick up the appropriate circles and studios. Or maybe he just can't handle it. school curriculum because he doesn't have enough mental abilities. It is worth thinking about remedial classes and specialized schools, which will be on the shoulder of a small student.

Total control

Coming home, any student needs 1–1.5 hours of rest, and such that there is no reminder of their studies. In fact, some of the household (mother, father, grandmother, older brothers and sisters) immediately start putting him down for lessons, demanding a diary, cursing for bad grades. Absent-mindedness and fatigue do not allow him to do his homework efficiently and fully, he begins to get annoyed, often breaks down and is left without rest. After such daily torture, it is clear why the child does not want to study, read, do something for school. There is only one way out: just give him a rest after school, do what he loves.

Lack of control

There is a radically opposite situation: parents work late or in shifts, they do not have the opportunity to control their child's homework. And the child also has self-control and self-organization are not developed from the very beginning. early childhood(they must be vaccinated to him by school age). Of course, he will not force himself to do his homework, when instead he can sit at the computer or take a walk with friends. The habit of learning and responsibility for the completed lessons should be instilled in the child by the age of 5-6, before he is sent to school. Then it will be much more difficult to do this.

Personal relationships at school

In fact, parents know very little about their child's life at school: only from his words (he can fantasize) and from the words of teachers (who sometimes may not notice the personal problems of their students). In fact, the reluctance to learn is aggravated closer to transition period, at 10-12 years old, when children want recognition among their peers, but do not receive it. Broken relationships with classmates conflict situations with teachers, hazing, which is not uncommon in many schools, are 70% of the reasons why children do not want to go to school every morning.

And many other reasons

These are far from all the reasons for the unwillingness of the child to study. Sometimes it is difficult for parents to understand them on their own and even with the participation of class teacher and teachers. In this case, only the advice of a psychologist specializing in school children's problems can help. There is no need to consider the advice of such a specialist as something shameful: moral and mental health children are much more important than some social prejudice. After all, there are a huge number of reasons for children's reluctance to learn in practice:

  1. Unfavorable atmosphere within the family: constant conflicts and quarrels between parents contribute to the isolation and nervousness of the student, which reduces motivation in learning and slows down his intellectual processes.
  2. Dysfunctional friends: if the child is in the same company with children who, for some reason, do not want to study, he will support them in this.
  3. Complexes: if a student has defects in appearance or speech, he will have complexes, will not respond in class, will be constantly afraid of ridicule from other children or teachers.
  4. Hyperactivity: the child is distinguished by excess energy that he has nowhere to put. Result - bad behavior, frustrated lessons, spoiled relations with the teacher and the lack of sense to continue learning in such close and compressed conditions. Sports mugs and sections - that's the only salvation for him. You can read a few more tips in ours.
  5. Dependency: in primary school- from walking with friends, at 10–12 years old - from a computer, at adolescence- from a street company and bad habits. All this distracts from studying and does not lead to anything good if you do not catch yourself in time.

If parents manage to find out why the child does not want to study, 50% of the problem has already been solved. Further fate the student will largely depend on the parents, their correct, adequate response to the current situation. Swearing, scandals, tantrums, punishments up to the belt have never been good decision Problems. To understand the baby and help him overcome the existing difficulties - this is the main task of the parents of a student who is not going well with his studies.
