Strengthening nails with essential oils at home. Oil for strengthening nails at home Tea tree and Lemon from Organic Shop

To nail beauty preserved for a long time, and the manicure looked perfect, it is necessary to regularly use oils when caring for your nails.

They maintain skin elasticity and quickly restore rough skin, giving healthy looking skin and nails. The microelements and vitamins contained in the oils can eliminate any problems associated with nails.

If your nails become brittle , lost their shine, became rough and began to delaminate, they urgently need help. The spa salon offers all kinds of procedures aimed at restoring the nail plate:

  • hot manicure (nails are placed in hot composition, beneficial substances penetrate better into the expanded nail plate, the course consists of 4 procedures within a month);
  • biogel coating (after applying biogel to the nail, its surface becomes smooth and durable, the course requires 3-4 procedures);
  • sealing with wax (effective restores nails, after a warm oil bath, cream with beeswax is rubbed into the nails).

Oils that can be used at home for strengthening nails, allow:

  • nourish the nail plate from the inside, penetrating deep into the nail;
  • eliminate brittleness and splitting of nails;
  • protect the nail from fungal infection;
  • accelerate nail growth;
  • make them beautiful.

Types of oils to strengthen nails

What oil should you apply to your nails to strengthen them at home? At self-care You can use oils on your nails plant origin:

  • olive;
  • apricot;
  • peach;
  • almond;
  • jojoba;
  • rosehip;
  • cocoa;
  • castor;
  • burdock;
  • grape seeds;
  • wheat germ.

With their help, nail delamination and brittleness are eliminated. For accelerating nail growth They use oils: olive, castor, burdock.

Rosehip, burdock, olive and cedar oils give nails healthy looking.

  • grapefruit;
  • lemon;
  • eucalyptus;
  • lavender;
  • chamomile;
  • bergamot;
  • sandalwood;
  • tea tree;
  • patchouli;
  • pine trees;
  • cedar;
  • rosemary;
  • myrrh;
  • thyme;
  • roses;
  • calendula.

By adding essential oils to base oils, they are used to prepare oil baths, taking into account the problems that need to be solved. Cope with splitting of nails Oils of bergamot, ylang-ylang, thyme, myrrh, pine, and cedar help.

Oils also help strengthen nails: bergamot, thyme, rosemary, sandalwood, lemon.

Methods of application

To do nails are strong and keep them healthy, you can use the oil in the form of applications, rubbing, or baths. It is advisable that oils be included in the cream for daily hand care (if not available, add a few drops).

Fine strengthens nails(available at the pharmacy): inexpensive, easy to use.

Greater effect give baths from a mixture of olive oil with the addition of avocado oil, castor oil (5 ml each) and tea tree oil (5 drops). Heat the mixture slightly in a water bath and place your fingers in it for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water and apply cream. Repeat every 2-3 days.

Strengthens nails olive oil : you need to rub it into the nail plate in the evening, put on cotton gloves and leave overnight. It is recommended to add a little lemon juice to it twice a week.

Coconut oil strengthens nails well, applied in the evening to the nail plate, put cotton gloves on top.

Successfully used for strengthening nails, you can rub it into the nail plate, mixing it with lemon, calendula, wheat germ and castor oil.

Brittle nails can be quickly and effectively strengthened with jojoba oil and vitamin E(sold at the pharmacy).

Prepare jojoba oil and vitamin E, apply the oil to the nail plate. Through 2-3 minutes rub it into your nails, apply vitamin E on top. This will make jojoba oil more effective on your nails.

Sunflower oil More often used as a base for baths and masks. To 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil, add 2 drops of oils: eucalyptus, lavender and sage to enhance the effect. Heat the mixture, dip your fingertips in, hold for 10 minutes.

Essential oils


Used for purpose strengthening the nail plate, protecting nails from peeling. The effect is enhanced with the use of vegetable oils. Coniferous essential oils are more effective in combating split nails. Citrus oils strengthen the nail plate and prevent cracking of nails.

Well prevents brittle nails bath of a mixture of almond oil and myrrh, ylang-ylang or bergamot oils.

Oil compresses, strengthening nails. The base oil is mixed with the essential oil, the mixture must be heated, a napkin should be soaked in it, placed on the fingers and covered with something warm.

For oil application, hands are first steamed in hot water, then rub a mixture of base oil with the addition of bergamot essential oil (1 tablespoon of base oil and 3 drops of essential oil) into the nail plates. Wrap cling film, leave for 5 minutes.

A wide variety of oils that effectively strengthen nails allows you to choose the most suitable option.

The benefits of vegetable oils in home cosmetology have long been known. With their help, you can make your hair healthy and protect your skin from wrinkles and premature aging. This happens due to the high content in oils useful substances and vitamins. But the scope of oils is not limited only to hair and skin. Applying vegetable oils, you can significantly improve the structure of your nails.

Vegetable oils for nails are especially useful - they soften the cuticle well, nourish the nails, strengthening them. nail plate, do not allow the nail to peel and break from the smallest mechanical influences. In addition, they protect nails from possible fungal diseases. This effect can be enhanced by adding their essential analogues to the oils.

Vegetable oils that are used for home nail care

It is necessary to use natural vegetable oils in nail care, if only because they have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands. If the nails are too brittle, weak and dry, then apricot, peach, olive, castor, burdock and almond nail oils, as well as rosehip oil, jojoba, cocoa and Slowly growing nails are treated with olive, burdock, castor avocado and watermelon seeds. Rosehip, pine nut and peach kernel oils, sesame, burdock and olive oils will help to heal or strengthen your nails.

Nail oil: benefits

The combined use of plant and essential oils for nail care gives a much greater effect than separate ones. Oils of grapefruit and lemon, lavender, tea tree and bergamot, as well as sandalwood, patchouli and pine, rosemary and thyme, cedar, calendula, rose and myrrh are better suited for nails.

Any one has a huge number of useful properties compared to ordinary ones. It is on their basis that you can make a bath for hands and nails with some specific purpose. For example, you can eliminate peeling nails by using bergamot, pine, patchouli, myrrh, thyme, ylang-ylang, and frankincense. Oils of rosemary, sandalwood, lemon, thyme, and bergamot can strengthen the nail plate and make it more durable. Whiten nails with widely used oils of grapefruit, lemon, myrrh, eucalyptus and rosemary. Eucalyptus, lavender, rose and lemon oils will add additional shine.

Stop inflammatory processes, and even fungal infections Rosemary, tea tree, chamomile, and sandalwood oils can easily do this. If your nails are already healthy, then oils of bergamot, lemon, chamomile, myrrh and ylang-ylang will support their condition. Weakened nails can also be strengthened by adding a few drops of solutions of vitamins E and A to vegetable oils.

How to make oil mixture for nails at home?

Having decided on the choice of a product with which to solve the nail problem, you need to properly prepare the oil mixture to obtain maximum effect. The preparation structure is the same for all types of products.

One or more vegetable oils must be heated in a water bath, after which 1-3 drops of essential oil should be added to the already warm nail solution (if there are several of them, then the total number of drops should be no more than 10). If desired, you can add 4-5 drops of an oil solution of vitamins. All ingredients must be mixed and left to brew for about 7 minutes.

The resulting mixture is applied to the nails with a brush and left there for 15 minutes, and then the remaining nail oil can be applied to the cuticles or immersed in it for a few minutes. If you don’t have much time, then the product can be applied to your nails before putting on special gloves.

Oil for peeling nails helps to quickly restore nail plates and protect them from brittleness. Essential oils should be used carefully, following all recommendations of specialists.

Currently, such a cosmetic product as essential oil for nails is very popular. Reviews of these products are very positive. Everyone who has already been lucky enough to try it healing power essential oils on myself, we were very pleased with the result.

In order for oils to help achieve the desired result, you need to select and use them correctly. All essential oils are characterized by a high concentration of valuable components and volatility.

It is important to know that many of them can cause allergies. That is why before you do a nail care procedure using any essential oil, you need to make sure that it will not cause harm. Use oils in pure form Absolutely forbidden.

Before starting the procedure, you need to choose oils that will help strengthen flaking nails. Essential oils of ylang-ylang, sandalwood, incense, pine, bergamot, and lemon are perfect for these purposes. You can use only one type of oil, or you can mix them in arbitrary proportions. Experts advise not to limit yourself to just this list. essential products. To make your nails look healthy and shiny, you can add citrus essential oils to the mixture. If you have any problems with fungal diseases, you can add tea tree essential oil to the nourishing and strengthening mixture.

To carry out the procedure, you must first steam your hands in a bath with hot water, carefully trim the cuticle, and then immerse your fingertips in a specially prepared bath with essential oils. To prepare the nutritional composition, you need to dissolve a few drops of the selected essential oils in the so-called oil base. The base can be olive, sunflower, peach oils or a mixture of them. Jojoba oil for nails is also very popular. Reviews about this product are very positive. Women who once tried to strengthen their nails with jojoba oil could not refuse it in the future.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you can add vitamins or other active ingredients to the bath. An excellent option in in this case will be the addition of “Aevit” to the composition. The duration of strengthening nails with an oil bath should be approximately 20 minutes. After the procedure, it is not recommended to wash your hands with water and detergent. It will be enough to simply wipe your hands soft cloth. After strengthening your nails, it is advisable not to cover them with varnish for some time. It is necessary to give the nail plates a chance to rest from all kinds of chemical dyes and solvents.

There is another way to apply oil to your nails. To do this you need to prepare a nutrient mixture. For 1 teaspoon of carrier oil there should be 1 drop of essential oil. Next, you need to apply the mixture to your nails, lightly rubbing it in with a polishing roller. After this, you need to try not to do anything with your hands for 20 minutes, so as not to wash it off the nail plates. nutritional composition. The oil can be rubbed not only into nails, but also into cuticles, as well as into the skin of the hands. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you need to slightly warm up the nutritional composition in a water bath. The heated oil will better penetrate the skin and nail plates, nourishing, slightly whitening and strengthening them from the inside.

A mixture of nail oils allows you to very quickly strengthen the nail plates, give them shine, and also soften the cuticle. In order for the result to exceed all expectations, it is necessary to very accurately select the components of the oil mixture.

Today there are a huge number of plant esters, due to their rich composition, which have a wide range of actions.

Natural plant extracts are the most effective hand and nail care products. They intensively nourish and moisturize the skin of the hands, strengthen the nail plate, prevent its delamination and fragility, and give beauty and health.

It's no secret that a beautiful, well-groomed manicure is the result of regular hand care. In order for the skin of the hands to be constantly toned and the plate to shine with health, it is necessary to use baths, masks, scrubs, creams and other homemade products containing natural esters. Baths soften, tone, moisturize the skin, saturate the plate with useful substances, masks intensively nourish, strengthen nails, give them smooth, beautiful shade, the scrub helps to deeply cleanse the skin, prepare hands for cuticle removal and other manicure procedures.

It is important, along with home remedies, to use creams and lotions that contain vegetable oils. In addition, it is useful to periodically apply oil solutions, containing vitamins A and E - the so-called “nail growth vitamins”.

What oils are good for nails

So, what oils are good for nails? Plant ether is chosen depending on the purpose of its use. For example, lemon, chamomile, eucalyptus, rosemary, tea tree, sandalwood, avocado, almond, and apricot oils are used to strengthen nails. To restore their structure, essential oils of geranium, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, avocado, rose hips, and apricot are suitable. To prevent delamination and fragility, ylang-ylang, thyme, and bergamot are used. Lemon oil strengthens and brightens the yellowed plate. All of the above products heal nails, accelerate their growth, saturate them with vitamins and minerals, give uniform color and shine, soften the cuticle, and serve to prevent fungal diseases.

What is the best nail oil?

Which nail oil is better is a rather complicated question, since each of them contains a huge supply of vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for their health. It is believed that the best oil for peeling nails is olive oil. It contains many useful components, so it is perfect for treating nails and caring for dry hand skin. It is enough to use it 2 times a week, rubbing it into the plate and the skin around it. After this, you should put on cotton gloves and leave it overnight.

How to use nail oil to get the desired result? Complete care includes a whole range of procedures. These include baths, applications, masks, lotions, and scrubs. Before using them, it is recommended to do light massage plate, which will prepare it for subsequent manipulations.

Here is one of the recipes for making a bath. Pour 0.5 liters of warm water into a small container, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of almond oil, 3 ether drops of ylang-ylang, the same amount of bergamot ether. Dip your fingers into the resulting mixture, hold for 10-15 minutes, then put on cotton gloves, remove after 2 hours, and remove the remaining liquid with a napkin. After this procedure, the skin of the hands becomes soft, velvety, and the nails acquire an even, beautiful shade.

To strengthen your nails, a bath of 100 ml of tomato juice and 2 tbsp will be useful. spoons of olive oil. Keep your fingers in this mixture for 10 minutes, then rinse clean water. Tomato juice contains biotin, which strengthens nails, and olives contain a large amount of vitamins. As a result, nails become strong and shiny, and the skin of the hands is moisturized.

A bath of tea tree oils (2 drops), lemon (3 drops), frankincense (2 drops), wheat germ (1 teaspoon), jojoba (1 teaspoon) will help strengthen your nails and prevent them from splitting. Immerse your fingers in the mixture for 5 minutes, then rinse.

To any medicinal bath It is useful to add sea salt. It contains many microelements, strengthens nails, makes them strong and strong.

The procedure for strengthening nails can be carried out with oils: tea tree, argan, almond, coconut and others. It is useful to make nourishing masks for this purpose.

To prepare a strengthening mask you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of jojoba oil, 2 drops of cedar ether, 2 tbsp. spoons of cream. All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which the mask is rubbed into the skin of the hands and nails, cotton gloves are put on, and after 2 hours, remove. The mixture is thoroughly washed off.

Calendula and lemon esters, as well as almond oil, are mixed, and the resulting mixture is rubbed into the plate. This composition strengthens nails well and prevents them from splitting and brittleness. A mixture of these oils can be added to baths (1 tablespoon of mixture per 300 ml). Fingers are immersed in the bath for 5-10 minutes, after which the hands are wiped with a napkin and lubricated with nourishing oil or cream. This procedure is recommended to be done at night.

What oil to apply and strengthen nails

What oil to strengthen weak, flaking nails? In this case, care must be frequent and intensive. Before starting treatment, the cause of the fragility should be identified and eliminated. The reasons may be different: lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, poor diet, poor environment, exposure to household chemicals, frequent use cosmetic varnishes. During treatment, it is necessary to introduce foods containing calcium into the diet, start taking vitamins, stop using varnishes, and use detergents and cleaning products with rubber gloves.

Before starting treatment, you need to soften and remove the cuticle. Baths with the addition of castor and lemon oils are effective. In order to prepare a lemon bath, add 5-6 drops of lemon oil to 300-500 ml of warm water. After the procedure, hands are lubricated nourishing cream. For greater effect, it is recommended to use homemade cream.

Homemade hand cream can be prepared from 2 tbsp. spoons herbal infusion, 50 g butter, 1 tbsp. spoons of honey, 2 teaspoons of any plant ether. All components are thoroughly mixed, the resulting mixture is heated in a water bath, cooled, and 3 drops of geranium or ylang-ylang ether are added (to give the cream a pleasant aroma).

Compresses and applications have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails. Preparing such a compress is quite simple. The wipes are moistened in a mixture of essential oils, placed on the hands, and covered with a towel.

To strengthen and treat nails, you can make an oil application. First you need to steam your hands in hot water, then rub a mixture of vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) and bergamot (3 drops) into the skin and nails. After this, wrap your hands in film after 5-10 minutes. wash off.

Therapeutic applications are also carried out with the addition of essential oils of lemon, eucalyptus, rose, fir (3 drops of each essential oil are required for 50 ml of vegetable oil). This mixture is suitable for very weak, brittle, peeling nails.

Which oil is good for nails and cuticles? For comprehensive care A mixture of rosemary, jojoba, Iranian rose, and Italian lemon oils is suitable. Essential oil of Italian lemon whitens and strengthens nails, Iranian rose – moisturizes, restores, jojoba prevents delamination, rosemary gives the plate a beautiful shine. To prepare the nutritional mixture, you need to mix all the listed components, pour ready oil in a glass bottle, apply to the nail plate 2-3 times a week.

What oil should you apply to your nails to improve their health and restore their structure? To get the universal effective remedy, which can be used both during the day and before bed, you need to take almond or peach oil and mix it with any plant ether (3 drops of ether per 100 g of oil).

Treating nails with oils is not only an effective procedure, but also quite pleasant. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to carry out all manipulations before bedtime, leaving the nutritional composition overnight. This will allow it to be deeply absorbed and saturate the nails and skin with the necessary vitamins.

It is useful to add essential oils to hand cream, this will enhance its effectiveness.

  • Tea tree oil for nail fungus
  • Celandine oil for nails
  • Using castor oil for nails
  • Strengthening nails with olive oil

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  • Oil for hands and nails

From time to time people ask me how I cured my nails. I start to remember, try not to miss anything, and end up writing some kind of rubbish. In this post I will collect all my secret knowledge about nail treatment.

Where it all started. I was washing my hands and noticed that the clear polish was peeling off my nails. Pulling the tip, I realized with horror that it was not the polish that was coming off, but the nail itself; more precisely, its top layer. Do you know what happens when a nail peels off? I had the same thing, only the size of a full fingernail. I started to examine my hands and took off this one top part from 6 nails. To say that I was scared is to say nothing. Deficiency of all vitamins and minerals, fungus and sudden death! This incident forced me to take action and take action.

Before this, the situation with my nails was like this: twice a week I used a cuticle remover and painted my nails with clear varnish. Occasionally I did trim manicure and once or twice a month I used colored varnish. More often than not I couldn’t because my nails were very peeling. If it was just bad without varnish, then after painting a disaster began, and I had to mend the peeling part for two weeks, then I couldn’t stand it again and painted it, and my nails peeled off again. Naturally, it was not possible to grow them either: where they did not exfoliate, they broke. But despite all this, I always had good nail shape and relatively problem-free cuticles.

The first thing I did was throw away all my old manicure supplies. There was a thought: what if it was a fungus? In order not to spread the infection, I threw everything in the trash. I threw away the nail files, scissors, orange sticks, old cheap ZhDSL and - with particular pleasure - the remover. The remover terribly spoiled my nails, they peeled and dried out, but I couldn’t stop using it: without it, the cuticle grew and bushed. All colored varnishes go there too. I left only two polishes and a base with a pedicure top and Sally Hansen oil in a pencil for use at work. On my first visit to the store I bought:

A cardboard file (glass ones are also good, but no metal ones! Metal and nails are incompatible concepts)

Polishing file (I recommend the Kiss file, sold in Rive Gausha, costs 80 rubles, polishes perfectly)

Good quality scissors (metal and nails are incompatible concepts, everyone remember? But you need to have scissors; now I have Stalex scissors with long thin and VERY sharp blades)

Orange wood sticks

Zhdsl Sally Hansen moisturizing

Transparent coating Sally Hansen (I don’t remember which one, but I change them often, because I don’t believe that they cure, but use them purely as protection against mechanical damage; in general, anything will do)

Sea salt without dyes or flavors

Essential oils of lemon and bergamot (you can read on the Internet which oils are needed for which nails; I took them for exfoliating nails, although I don’t particularly believe in such a division according to properties)

Vitamins Aevit in capsules

Calcide is calcium tablets (I already took it as prescribed by a doctor for other purposes, so I wasn’t afraid to take it, but in fact it’s better to “consult a doctor” :) UPD from


: Consultation is absolutely necessary, since an overdose of calcium in the body is very dangerous.)

I also need something to use at work (I still have a Sally Hansen oil pencil, I wrote above)

I won’t describe how I found it through trial and error. proper care, I’ll just write down what, how, when and in what quantity you need to do.

1. The most important thing is to love your nails. Stop opening jars with them, peeling off stickers, or tapping on the keyboard; even scratching yourself should be done carefully, or even better, with a comb :) Don’t hit, don’t gnaw, don’t dig, do all housework with gloves, watch your hand movements and minimize the contact of your nails with the outside world.

2. There is cottage cheese and other dairy products. No matter how disgusting it was (yes, I am a “fan” of milk), I had to eat at least 50 grams a day.

3. Calcide three times a day, one tablet.

4. Hand cream after each contact with water. Even if you just rinse your hands and don’t wash them with soap, you should still use the cream. Be especially careful on the cuticles.

5. Every other day, bath: 500 ml of warm water - a handful of salt, 5 drops of essential oil, 5 drops of iodine. You can add more, you can add less, you can add olive oil, you can squeeze out an Aevita capsule or throw in a piece of lemon. But salt, oil and iodine are a must (strengthening, nutrition, disinfection). Keep for 15 minutes. Do it, naturally, on unpainted nails. Afterwards, thickly smear your hands with cream and carefully push back the cuticle with a wooden stick and clean out any rubbish from under it. It won’t work the first time, but the main thing is not to overdo it, don’t put pressure on your nails, so as not to get it later wavy surface. Everything is gentle and neat.

6. For the bravest – an olive oil bath. I did it once, the effect was simply wow, but the procedure itself seemed too unpleasant (I don’t like oils). Heat the olive oil in a water bath until it is hot, but not scalding, and dip your fingertips in it for 7 minutes. I think this bath should be done once every two weeks, your nails will definitely thank you for it.

7. Every evening you need to smear your nails with Aevit. Pierce the capsule with a needle, drop a drop onto each nail and rub, rub, rub. This is best done on steamed skin, i.e. immediately after the bath/bath. Regarding the organization of the process: I wash my hair every other day in the evenings, so I do a nail bath on the day when a head wash is not planned. And it turns out that I used Aevit one day after a bath, one day after a long shower. You need to massage your nails, don’t be lazy, and push back the cuticles with a stick (gently and carefully!)

8. Use cuticle oil several times a day (2-3-4, as needed). In the morning, during lunch, at home in front of the TV - in general, at any free minute.

9. During treatment, there is no point in trying to grow nails: if the nail is weak, thin and prone to peeling, then nothing can be done about it. My task was to grow all the nails together as soon as possible, so that beautiful and strong nails would grow in their place, and the condition of the nail directly depends on the condition of the matrix and who knows what else is hidden under the cuticle, so for the first 2-3 months it is the cuticle that should be nourished as much as possible and moisturize, and file your nails down so that they don’t interfere and are not injured again. Do NOT cut with a metal file in one direction only. After filing, sand the tips and ends of the nails with the rough side of the polishing file and polish with the soft side. This procedure protects nails from splitting.

10. Nails should always be covered with transparent varnish: this protects them from mechanical damage. I smeared myself with Aevit - massaged it - waited an hour - washed my hands with soap (to degrease the surface of the nail) - painted my nails. I repainted it every other day: washed it before the bath, painted it after. There is no need to paint close to the cuticle, let it breathe. Colored varnishes are strictly prohibited :)

11. You need to forget about trimmed manicures and cuticle removers. Now you can only fight it with a wooden stick; but with such comprehensive nutrition and hydration it is not at all difficult.

You should be prepared for the fact that for the first month or even two you will not see any results. This is fine. All procedures are aimed at nourishing growing nails, not already grown ones. When diseased nails grow back, healthy and strong ones will take their place. It took me 5 months. After two months, I began to slowly use colored polishes - once every two weeks, and wore them no longer than four days. These days the baths were canceled, but I still used Aevit. Then I bought “Lemon Sensation” from LUSH, used it alternately with Aevit and gradually, over the course of six months, completely switched to it. I rarely use oil in pencils, rather for cosmetic purposes. I paint my nails all the time, I get two paintings a week, I try to do a bath before each one, but it doesn’t always work. The nails turn yellow, nothing can be done about it, but they grow strong and no longer peel.

In summary, my current care: baths twice a week and every evening - Lemon Sensation. I started cutting it. I do it once a month or a month and a half. I don't think trimmed manicures are bad in and of themselves; it is bad in the wrong hands. I can cut without damaging my nails and skin, so I cut.

It probably seems like it all takes a lot of time. In fact, this is not true. Anoint the cuticles with oil - half a minute, hands with cream - the same, bath for 15 minutes, massage for 15 minutes. The most difficult thing is to always remember this, do everything regularly, don’t be lazy, don’t forget, not every once in a while, develop a habit, do everything automatically. If you want to cure your nails, it’s not difficult, but if you don’t have a special desire, then you can find other ways. In the end, you can always use Trind :)

Home Nails

Good for those who naturally have beautiful hair and nails! They can do fashionable hairstyles and manicures as much as they want, and not rack their brains about what to buy at the pharmacy so that their strands and nails also begin to at least slightly resemble a picture from a magazine... Are you not one of them? Or were your nails beautiful, but a bad manicure “killed” them? Read on!

Have you tried using oils? They are often bought for hair (this gift of nature perfectly moisturizes the strands, nourishes and heals them). Nourishing oils Suitable for nails too! They soften the cuticle, nourish the plate, and strengthen it, preventing it from breaking and peeling, and they also protect it from fungus. And besides, by applying this product to your nails, you won’t have to listen to your loved one about “horrible odors throughout the apartment,” as when painting your nails with varnish. Oils are applied before bed so that while you rest, they take care of your relaxed hands. First, warm up the oil a little, then, dipping a brush into it, treat all the nails. Well, to prevent the pillow and blanket from being damaged by these manipulations, wear gloves, or even better, wrap your hands in cling film.

Which nail oil is best?

Your nails will be “to your taste” in everything from ethereal to ordinary. Each oil has a unique set of beneficial substances. Among the esters, you can opt for lemon or tea tree oil. For cosmetics - almond, burdock, avocado, flaxseed, jojoba, nut or olive.

Castor oil

It is ideal for growing nails and also taming rough cuticles. If you cut yourself while trimming the supra-nail plate, take out the bottle again - this oil heals wounds well, soothes inflammation, strengthens the skin and nails.

Oil can be used not only in its pure form. Mix it with avocado, jojoba, and tea tree oils - and you will see how much the effect of this natural remedy has increased. And besides, it goes well with “kitchen” olive and sunflower oil. Mix these three products, soak your nails in the resulting “bath” for 15 minutes, and rinse off any remaining oil under the tap. Result: smooth surface of the nail plate, treatment of brittleness and delamination.

No time for long term care? Just drop this oil into your hand cream.

Almond oil

It will save delaminated plates and strengthen them. But be prepared to use it often, twice a day, vigorously rubbing. And don’t skimp, lubricate your hands with it too, especially if the skin needs nutrition and moisture. When your nails are cured, don't hide the bottle too far: treat your nails with oil after each manicure to prevent peeling.

Jojoba oil

Helps to “sand” an imperfect nail plate, glue splits and reduce fragility. But before use, the oil must be enriched with pharmaceutical vitamin E (liquid). Rub the oil into the nail, then treat it with the above-mentioned vitamin - the oil will enhance its effect. Treat your nails this way in the morning and evening, protecting your hands with rubber gloves when going to wash the dishes.

Balm for night application: 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil, 3 drops of lemon juice, 2 drops of rose essential oil.

Burr oil

Restores and moisturizes both nails (especially after extensions) and dry hand skin. If you are very unhappy with your nails, rub this oil twice, or even better, three times a day, not only into the plate, but also into the cuticle. If you don’t have time for such care, take baths: once a week, warm up the oil and “bathe” the tips of your fingers in it.

Peach oil

This is protection, nutrition and restoration in one bottle. It is with this care that you will get “salon”, shiny nails at home. Important: apply the oil as generously as possible - not only on the nail, but also on the cuticle and fingertips. By the way, another useful property of this oil is considered to be “sanitation” and prevention of fungus.

To strengthen your nail, massage it every day with a cotton swab dipped in oil.

For urgent “repair” of damaged nails, mix 1 large spoon of peach oil, 3 drops each of lavender, lemon and eucalyptus esters. Every day, morning, afternoon and evening, massage your nails for 15 minutes.

Avocado oil

Strengthens, cares, does not give “life” to inflammation around the nail, moisturizes and softens the cuticle. In general, it is often purchased by manicure lovers.

To prevent your nails from breaking, give the plate a little massage with this oil before applying colored polish. You can use the oil undiluted, or as a mixture: 5 drops of lavender, patchouli, rosemary oils, 2 large spoons of avocado oil, 5 drops of fresh lemon juice.

If your hands are prone to painful hangnails or you were cut while removing cuticles, add a little (just a couple of drops) of eucalyptus or chamomile oil to avocado oil - this remedy will quickly heal the wounds.

To strengthen your nails, combine avocado oil with olive or almond oil.

Linseed oil

It is used undiluted, as well as in combination with other oils (1:1 proportion or another - say, 1 spoon of flaxseed “base” + 3 drops of lavender, eucalyptus, lemon). “Loves” this oil and esters, primarily chamomile, thyme, lavender, patchouli, rosemary. Any of these products must be rubbed first into the skin of the hands and then into the nails.

Healing ointment: 1 large spoon of flax oil, the same amount of honey, yolk (raw), juice squeezed from a medium lemon. Wash your hands in water drained from boiled potatoes, apply ointment to your hands, cover your hands with gloves and do not take them off for 3 hours.

Citrus oil

It not only protects and strengthens the plate, but also whitens it and gives it a well-groomed shine. Rub the oil into your nails more often or take oil baths. By the way, you can use fresh juice instead of butter.

This is also a means for increasing the tenderness of the cuticle, restoring wounded skin, as well as cuticles cut after manicure; it is also an antiseptic that saves against local infections and inflammation.

It is advisable to mix lemon oil with other natural products - oils, iodine, pharmaceutical vitamins (liquid), honey. But don’t forget: this oil dries out the nail plate, so you shouldn’t get carried away with it.

Olive oil

Pay attention to it if you want to stop “breaking” your nails and finally grow them back. Hand masks are often made with this oil.

Nut. This is a complete concentrate of useful substances, because such oil is extracted from the shell. The effect of this “strong” oil is visible after just 1 application. It strengthens, nourishes nails, gives them external beauty. Apply a little on each plate twice a day.

Celandine oil. This is a medicine that has antifungal and antibacterial effects.

Cucumber and coconut oils. Maximum moisturize and “vitaminize” nails.

Wheat. The main effect is moisturizing, so it is also suitable for the skin.

Essential oils for nails

They are not applied in pure form, but dripped into “base” oils, fattier ones: olive, apricot, almond, castor oil. 2-3 drops of ether are added to a large spoon of the “base” (and there can be several of them), as well as vitamin E, if desired. The result is masks or nail baths.

To strengthen and “grow” your nails, buy ether of sandalwood, pine, and cedar. And to get rid of fungus and inflammation, choose essential oils of rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus, and tea tree.

Nail care is an integral part daily procedures any woman. If you do this with the help of natural vegetable oils, you can avoid many problems and also help your nails get shiny well-groomed appearance. As a rule, the effect of using oils is visible almost immediately after the first use. They greatly nourish the nail plate, soften the cuticle, help strengthen the nail plate, and help against delamination and brittleness. In addition, they protect against fungal infection. It is best to trim your nails before starting treatment; they should not be long. The effect will be even more noticeable if you try to eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, as well as foods containing calcium.

Almost all vegetable oils are very useful for nails: olive, almond, castor, flaxseed, burdock, nut, peach, avocado, jojoba, lemon, tea tree, as well as essential oils. Let's look at them in more detail.

Castor oil

This product is obtained by hot pressing castor bean seeds. You can find such a product in any pharmacy. The triglycerides of oleic, ricinoleic and linoleic acids included in its composition help nails maintain health and beauty. The restorative properties of castor oil are enhanced if used when heated. You can heat it in a microwave oven or in a water bath up to 40 degrees. Next, the product is rubbed into the nail plates. For greater effect, the procedure can be done daily at night. When using gloves made from cotton materials, the result will be even more convincing. This product can be rubbed into the cuticles and skin of the hands. It makes the skin moisturized and soft.

Castor oil can also be used to make oil mixtures together with other oils. For example, take 7 parts castor oil, 3 parts soybean oil and a few drops of bergamot oil, mix and rub into nails and skin. This mixture can be stored for 8 months in dry dark place, but first pour it into a dark glass bottle and close the lid tightly. The oil can be applied using the same brush. Castor oil baths with the addition of sunflower and olive oil are also very productive. Everything must be taken in different parts, but so that you end up with 80 ml of the finished mixture. Add a few drops of 1% iodine to this and heat it in a water bath. Next, soak your nails in the bath for 15 minutes, then wash off the residue with warm water. You can also use jojoba, avocado or tea tree oil as additives to castor oil. These baths prevent delamination and brittleness, and also level the surface. Very useful to add Castor oil in hand cream.

Avocado oil

It is great for nail care. With its constant use, the nails become stronger. In addition, it prevents inflammatory processes. This product also perfectly softens the cuticle and moisturizes it, which is very convenient during manicure.

To strengthen your nails and cure brittleness, you need to massage the nail fold while applying this product and only then apply varnish. The massage can be done with the following mixture: 2 tablespoons of avocado oil, 5 drops of lemon juice and 5 drops of rosemary, patchouli and lavender esters. A mixture of avocado oil with 2 drops of chamomile or eucalyptus oil perfectly heals wounds. If you mix it with almond or olive oil, you get a good strengthening agent.

Jojoba oil

Copes well with problems such as delamination, brittleness, and uneven surfaces. To overcome these troubles, just add to it liquid vitamin E, which can be found at the pharmacy. The product is applied to the plate and rubbed into it. Next, you can cover the nail with vitamin E. Jojoba oil helps the nail better absorb the vitamin, since it contains it itself. The procedure can be repeated 2 times a day. When contacting water, you must wear gloves. You can also prepare a balm. To do this you will need 10 ml of jojoba oil, 2 drops of rose, 3 drops of lemon juice. Mix everything and apply overnight to the nails and nail folds.

Lemon oil

It is extracted from the peel of ripe fruits by cold pressing. It has been used as a nail care product for quite a long time. It strengthens and protects the nail and the skin around it. The lightening properties of this product are also known. To do this, it is enough to regularly make baths of lemon oil or juice, or simply rub them into the plates. In addition, lemon oil perfectly softens the skin around the nail and cuticle and helps the skin regenerate. It also has antiseptic properties, thanks to which you can easily protect yourself from inflammation and infections in these areas. It is also recommended to use it after a manicure, as its wound-healing properties are known. To improve the result, experts advise using lemon in combination with other oils and certain products. For example, with olive oil, as well as honey, iodine or with solutions of vitamins E and P. However, it must be used very carefully and not for long, as it tends to dry out the nails.

Tea tree oil

This remedy is extracted from the leaves of the Melaleuca alaephylla tree through steam distillation. It has long been scientifically proven that tea tree oil is effective in the fight against fungal nail infections. In concentrated form it is very strong, so using it in its pure form is dangerous. However, it is the concentrated product that is used to treat fungus.

First you need to wash and clean the nail, trim and file it, and be sure to dry it. Drop a few drops of the product onto a dry surface and, using a cotton swab, distribute it over the entire surface of the nail, trying to ensure that it penetrates deeply under the nail plate. Be sure to lubricate the edges as well, since the fungus is destroyed only in direct contact with oil. Everything must be done as carefully as possible so that the product does not get on the skin. Next, you need to bandage the nail with sterile bandages. The procedure should be repeated morning and evening. If when using this tool redness or painful sensations, then you can mix it in equal proportions with olive oil.

Linseed oil

It is used both independently and together with others in equal proportions. Good result gives the mixture a spoon linseed oil and 2-3 drops of eucalyptus, lavender or lemon. You can mix flaxseed with essential oils of lavender, chamomile, rosemary or patchouli and thyme. Massage the mixture into the nails and skin of the hands, preferably from bottom to top. Can be cooked medicinal ointment. To do this you will need 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil, raw yolk, 1 tablespoon of honey and the juice of one lemon. Mix everything, wash your hands in the water in which the potatoes were boiled, apply ointment and put on gloves for 3 hours.

Almond oil

Rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. They help strengthen nails and eliminate splitting. In addition, this product is very useful for the skin of the hands, moisturizes and nourishes it. The oil should be rubbed into the nail itself, cuticle and skin. For preventive purposes, you can use it after a manicure, and to restore the plate, you can use it several times a day. For greater effect, you need to use oil heated to body temperature. To make it convenient to apply the product to nail surface, you can use a brush, cotton swabs or gauze. Nowadays you can find ready-made bottles like nail polish bottles on sale. Medicinal properties will be more noticeable if you make the mask at night. Apply the product to the entire surface of your hands, put on gloves and leave until the morning.

If you combine almond oil with essential oils, the effect can be complex. For example, for more rapid growth nails you need to mix 2 tablespoons of almond and a few drops of esters of lavender, lemon, ylang-ylang, chamomile, bergamot, eucalyptus, sandalwood, grapefruit, tea tree. This mixture should be stored in a dark place in a dark glass bottle. The mixture is rubbed into the nail plate and cuticle. Each nail should be massaged for half a minute. With daily use, the effect will be noticeable in the shortest possible time.

In addition, almost all vegetable oils are antiseptic and contribute to fast healing wound Therefore, it is very advisable to use the mixture after a manicure. Procedures are best done at night before bed; after applying the oil mixture, you should not practice homework. In addition, almond oil is added to your daily hand cream. The cream should be applied directly to the hands and also rubbed into the nails. And most importantly, masks should be used regularly, not periodically. Temporary procedures are not at all effective.

Burr oil

IN burdock oil a huge amount of vitamins, proteins and mineral salts. Also contains palmitic and stearic acid. This accessible remedy perfectly restores and strengthens nails. To achieve tangible results, you need to rub it into the nail and cuticle 2-3 times a day. You can also take warm oil baths once a week.

Olive oil

This product can be used every day. This can be done using a regular soft brush. This method helps to cover the entire surface of the nail and at the same time saves product. But you need to apply it not only to your nails, but also to the skin around them. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then you can rub the product into your nails and skin, and smear the residue on your hands or simply wash it off. You can also apply the oil and leave it overnight, wearing gloves made of natural materials. During the entire treatment period, it is better to refrain from using varnishes, even strengthening ones. It is better to wash dishes with gloves to avoid interaction with detergents. When performing work that threatens to stain your hands, it is better to also use gloves. If they are not there, you can simply scrape the soap so that it gets under the nails, in this case the dirt will not be able to penetrate there. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to olive oil; it is very rich in vitamins. Apply this mixture overnight, put on cotton gloves and leave until morning. Such procedures must be done 1-2 times a week. To grow and strengthen, you need to nourish the nail fold and cuticle. Therefore, do not forget to rub the oil into these areas, and, of course, into the nail plate too.

Peanut butter

Each of us faces the problem of delamination sooner or later. The main prerequisite for this is insufficient nutrition of the nails, cuticles and growth zones. In addition, the cause of fragility may be a violation protective properties nail Walnut oil can have a good restorative effect. It is extracted from nut shells and is one of the most powerful and concentrated natural products. Has a long-lasting effect after the first use. It nourishes nails, refreshes, improves appearance and strengthens. You just need to cover your nails with a small amount of product. These procedures can be performed every day 2 times.

Peach oil

Extracted from peach seeds by cold pressing and filtration. Despite the fact that this product is maximally saturated with vitamins and nutrients, it remains quite light in consistency. His vitamin complex ideal for nail care. The composition contains micro- and macroelements, iron, potassium, calcium and more. It also contains the so-called beauty vitamin B15. Peach oil nourishes, protects and restores the plate. Thanks to it, your nails will gain a healthy appearance, shine and strength. However, in addition to the nails themselves, it is necessary to nourish the cuticle and periungual plate. If this is not done, their condition may deteriorate sharply.

This product also perfectly disinfects the surface and prevents the appearance of fungus. You can massage with this product daily to help strengthen your nails. For greater effect, you can prepare an oil mixture. To do this, mix 1 tablespoon of peach essential oil and 3 drops of eucalyptus, lemon, lavender. You need to massage with this mixture, 3 times daily, 15-20 minutes before painting your nails. For severely weakened nails, you can prepare a mask. To do this, melt 4 grams in a water bath beeswax. The yolk of a hard-boiled egg is ground together with this wax and peach oil is added in portions until a thick, homogeneous mass is formed. This mask can be applied every day.

Essential oils

Essential oil can be added to baths and nail masks. Before using such products, you need to prepare your nails - massage them with a soft toothbrush. The brush helps to gently clean the surface of dead cells, and subsequently the mixture is absorbed even better. Also, after baths and masks, you need to wear cotton gloves, this will achieve a greater effect. Baths can be prepared according to several recipes:

Cedar. For the bath you need 10 grams of cream, 5 grams of jojoba oil, 2-3 drops of cedar ether. All this is mixed until the components are completely dissolved. Next, this mass is applied to the nail. massage movements, and gloves are put on. The mask must be kept for at least 2 hours, after which the residue is carefully wiped off cotton pad. This mask strengthens nails and saturates them with vitamins.

With sour cream. Mix 1.5 tablespoons of sour cream with two drops of grapefruit and rose esters until smooth. Apply this mixture to your nails for 2-3 hours and put on gloves. Residues are removed with cotton wool.

Blend with bergamot. 1.5 tablespoons of almond oil should be mixed with 2-3 drops of grapefruit, bergamot and ylang-ylang esters. Apply to the nail for 3 hours, wear gloves. Remove the remains with cotton wool.

The content of the article:

Nail strengthening oil is a fatty substance that can make the nail plate stronger, improve its condition and appearance. Such products are produced different ways depending on the feedstock, which most often are materials of plant origin. In the trade of oil for strengthening nails, not only fatty substances in their pure form are called, but also complexes of them in different combinations with auxiliary ingredients. Complex drugs most often have a wider list of useful functions.

Beneficial properties of nail strengthening oils

For all people, from a physiological point of view, nails perform several practical functions. They protect the fingertips from damage, thereby ensuring high sensitivity of the fingertips. Allows you to perform some actions in Everyday life, for example, scratch, tear, pry. But for the vast majority of women and some men, they complement the image. Clean, healthy and well-groomed nails are an indicator of a person’s culture and often status.

However, according to various reasons The appearance and quality of nails can be inappropriate for even the cleanest person. It is known that the condition of the nail plate is influenced by genetic data, external factors, nutrition received and health status. And if genetics cannot be influenced, then for other cases there are several methods and means to improve the condition of the marigolds.

Thus, in a complex of measures for the care of hands and nails, oils are widely used, which can not only improve their appearance, but also strengthen the horny plates on the fingers.

Most oils intended for nail care have a wide range of beneficial properties. These include:

  • Matrix nutrition. Daily household chores, exposure to chemicals, nail designs with varnish, and extensions make nails much weaker, depriving them of essential beneficial components. Also, the condition of the nails is affected by a lack of nutrients in the food consumed or metabolic disorders. Replenish necessary substances can be done not only by changing your diet, but also by including daily plan hand care external use of natural oils. These can be masks, baths or short-term massages. The most important is the treatment of the lunula area, i.e. visible part of the matrix. This is where the nutrients contained in a particular oil penetrate in the best way.
  • Adding shine. It is known that the nail, in addition to microelements, contains water and fats, which provide it with shine. Thus, under the influence of aggressive chemicals contained in household chemicals, liquids used for processing when designing, or for other reasons, nails lose moisture and become dry and lifeless. Procedures using oils significantly moisturize the nails, giving them healthy shine.
  • Softening the skin of the hands. An important property is softening the skin on the hands, but for nails big role It is the softening in the cuticle area that plays a role. This allows you to establish external nutrition and respiration of the matrix cells responsible for the growth and quality of marigolds.
  • Strengthening nails. To a greater extent, it occurs due to the nutrition of the matrix, which allows you to normalize the growth process and avoid improper development of the nail plate. The lack of any substances leads to disruption of protein synthesis and transformation.
  • Protection against fungal diseases. Many oils have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, preventing the development of inflammatory processes or protecting against fungal diseases.
  • Leveling the nail surface. Sometimes marigolds grow with tubercles, the so-called transverse lines or grooves of Bo. They appear due to lipid metabolism disorders in the body or due to poor nutrition matrix. By replenishing the supply of useful microelements with the help of oils, saturating the skin and the matrix itself with vitamins, it is easy to normalize the process of formation of the nail plate.
  • Lightening the nail. Some oils can eliminate yellowing, giving nails a natural, healthy color.
  • Deburring. This beneficial effect is achieved by moisturizing the skin around the nail bed, as well as increasing its elasticity, which prevents cuticle growth on the nail plate and tearing of the skin.
No matter how many beneficial properties various natural oils have, they are still not able to solve all the problems that arise with nail growth. Therefore, do not forget about proper nutrition, healthy way life and precautions when using various chemicals.

Contraindications to the use of nail oils

Along with beneficial properties, natural oils for nail care also have some contraindications. They are mainly associated with individual intolerance to a particular oil or individual components. If a person is inclined to allergic reactions, then it is necessary to conduct a preliminary test for sensitivity to the components of the product.

It is noteworthy that some oils cannot be used in their pure form, i.e. with high concentration, due to the risk of burns.

Each bottle must be accompanied by instructions for use, from which you can find out about the availability possible contraindications. When purchasing a particular product, you should carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations for use and dosage, which will help you decide whether this product is suitable.

How to choose an oil to strengthen your nails

Most natural oils have similar properties, but also have a lot of differences. Not all oils are equally beneficial for nails, but here is a list of those that will help significantly improve the growth and quality of the nail plate.

Fatty substances that strengthen nails include castor, olive, lemon, almond, peach, and nut oils. Many others are also beneficial for the strength and health of the nail plate, for example, myrrh, sandalwood, bergamot, eucalyptus, chamomile, tea tree, flaxseed, burdock, and rosemary oils.

Some useful tips required when purchasing nail strengthening oil:

  1. The choice of oil depends on existing problems with nails and the desired effect.
  2. When purchasing a product in a store or pharmacy, take the time to familiarize yourself with the ingredients. Natural oils will bring more benefits only if they do not contain any dyes, flavors, or preservatives.
  3. Check the expiration date.
  4. Choose a product that has passed certification. On the bottle or packaging in mandatory must have a barcode and detailed information about the manufacturer.
  5. Each oil must have instructions for use with a description useful action, options for use and dosage.

What oils to use to strengthen nails

Flora - source large quantity useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the body in general and nails in particular. Thanks to numerous studies, tests and technological developments, mass production has become possible. healthy oils. But among the variety of products in this category, it is worth doing right choice, based on the beneficial properties of a particular natural product. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most useful oils for nail strength.

Castor oil for strengthening nails at home

Castor oil is an excellent representative of oils that are healthy for nails. It contains triglycerides (fats) of certain acids (ricinoleic, oleic, linoleic), which are involved in maintaining the health and beauty of the nail plates.

Beneficial properties of castor oil:

  • Strengthening and compacting the nail plates, giving them strength;
  • Preventing delamination and brittleness;
  • Improving matrix nutrition;
  • Elimination of defects in the development of nails, for example, the formation of grooves;
  • Stimulating growth;
  • Elimination of dryness;
  • Provides matrix protection by repairing damaged cuticle.
The components of any oil become most active after heating, then they are better absorbed, thereby strengthening the nails more effectively.

Castor oil is used to treat peeling, lifeless nails, perfectly protects against the harmful effects of household chemicals, and moisturizes the skin.

Olive oil for strengthening and growing nails

Olive oil is the most useful tool for nails. For cosmetic procedures You can use either special oil or regular food oil. Therefore, it can be bought not only in cosmetic stores, but also in pharmacies and grocery stores.

This product is used in hand and nail care procedures due to its composition, which provides a wide range of beneficial effects.

TO beneficial properties relate:

  1. Replenishment of nutrients in the skin and matrix;
  2. Strengthening the nail plate;
  3. Preventing its delamination;
  4. Saturation of the nail structure;
  5. Reduced fragility.
Olive oil is quite self-sufficient, so excellent results can be achieved by using it a couple of times a week in the evening. In this case, after applying the oil, it is best to wear cotton gloves overnight so that in the morning you can evaluate the softening effect on the skin and the strengthening effect on the nail plates.

Lemon cosmetic oil for strengthening nails

For many, both oil and lemon juice are the first remedy for nail care, because... has a large number of useful substances.

The valuable properties of lemon oil can be described as follows:

  • This product has the ability to strengthen the plate.
  • It stimulates metabolic processes in the skin and matrix.
  • Allows you to accelerate tissue regeneration and nail growth.
  • Often lemon oil- This best remedy, which is used after a manicure, because but it can prevent the development of inflammation in small cuts due to its antiseptic properties.
  • Lemon is also rightfully credited with the ability to lighten the nail plate.
Precautions when using lemon oil include avoiding prolonged exposure to avoid overdrying the surface being treated.

Other oils that strengthen nails

In addition to the natural oils described above that can strengthen the nail plates, other types of fatty substances are used for this purpose, for example:
  1. Jojoba oil. It has a complex effect on nails - it fights against delamination, brittleness and changes in structure, while the nails become stronger and look healthier. Often jojoba oil is combined with vitamin E, then the effect is multiplied.
  2. . In its pure form, this oil is quite aggressive, so it is effectively used to combat fungal nail diseases, but can cause burns. To strengthen nails, it is used in diluted form, for example, take 1 drop of the product per 100 ml of water. Before application, be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions, because his recommendations are based on an accurate knowledge of the level of oil concentration and are outlined to prevent the occurrence of effects associated with an overdose.
  3. . It is an excellent tool for restoring the nail plate and preventing its destruction due to fungus. After completing a course of procedures with peach oil, nails acquire a healthy shine, become less susceptible to the effects of the external environment, and become stronger. Thanks to the special structure of the oil and its consistency, it can be used daily to care not only for nails, but also for the skin.
  4. Peanut butter. Has a good restorative effect. When it hits the nail plate, it is absorbed, saturating the nail structure. In the cuticle and lunula area, the oil actively nourishes the matrix, helping to accelerate regeneration processes. Result of use - strong nails with a smooth surface.
  5. Avocado oil. Has a restorative effect. After a light massage of the lunula area, it nourishes the matrix, which promotes the growth of strong healthy nail. Actively penetrates inside the nail plate, strengthening it and preventing delamination.
  6. . Fatty acid and a whole complex of vitamins and minerals are contained in almond oil. Therefore, it has a strengthening effect on the nails and a moisturizing, regenerating, nourishing effect on the cuticle and skin of the hands. Slows down cuticle growth. Greater results can be achieved by increasing the number of procedures.

Complex cosmetic products with oils for strong nails

Almost any oil can be used in combination with another, mixing them in different proportions at home. In this case, the effect is multiplied by expanding the composition with additional useful components. The art of arranging oils is embodied in some ready-made mixtures. Let's look at a few bright representatives who have earned popularity among buyers.

Oil for strengthening nails at home Tea tree and Lemon from Organic Shop

Tea tree and Lemon oil from Organic Shop is complex means, because contains several components: tea tree oil, lemon, fruit, sunflower and flavoring. This formula with constant use, it allows not only to strengthen the nail plate, but also to give it elasticity, a beautiful appearance, compact it and lighten it slightly. At the same time, the growth of marigolds accelerates.

The rules for use are quite simple: apply a few drops of the product to the surface and rub in with massaging movements. It can also be used not only for nail care, but also as a softening agent before the manicure procedure. After application, the rough skin particles, pterygium and nail plate become yellowish tint, however it disappears after easy washing hands

The smell has more of a lemon aroma.

The bottle is made of dark glass, which allows you to store the product for 2 years.

The lid is made in the shape of a pipette. In order for consumption to be economical, you need to get used to it and dial optimal quantity oils

Some buyers note the fact that the product can be absorbed for quite a long time, but in general this oil has an overwhelming majority of positive reviews.

This product can be found on the shelves of cosmetic stores, pharmacies, and online stores. Its cost ranges from 250 to 300 rubles per 30 ml bottle.

Manufacturer: Organic Shop - Russian company specializing in production natural remedies for body care. The company's many years of experience allows us to produce high-quality, safe and effective products for maintaining health and beauty, which have all the necessary quality certificates.

Oil for strengthening and growth of nails Strong Oil from Mixit

Strong Oil was developed by Mixit based on grapefruit and grape seeds. But the composition is not limited to these two ingredients. The useful formula also includes other natural ingredients: essential oil of verbena, tea tree, lemon, kelp and rosemary extract, sweet almond, soy and olive oil.

Great for daily care. The manufacturer promises that nails will be healthy and beautiful even without design. And these promises are repeatedly proven by customer reviews posted online.

The price for one 25 ml bottle is about 350 rubles. In this case, the purchase will be most profitable if you place an order through official online store manufacturer.

The lid has a built-in pipette for convenient dosing of oil. In addition, the use of a pipette ensures the hygienic purity of the mixture remaining in the bottle, which cannot be said about those oils that are applied with brushes.

The consistency of the oil is quite liquid. It is well absorbed into the nail plate, perfectly moisturizes the cuticle, making it less noticeable and your hands more well-groomed. But the effect of moisturized skin may disappear after washing hands with regular soap. Therefore, it is recommended to use the oil at night.

Mixit is a unique laboratory working in online mode. Its main idea is to create unique products according to customer requests. The site contains not only the necessary comprehensive information on each product, but also ready-made universal products that have earned the recognition of a huge number of customers.

Cosmetic oil for strengthening nails Aasha Herbals

Oil for strengthening nails from Aasha Herbals- a complex product made in India for healthy nails. It is indicated for use by owners of weakened, fragile, thin and soft nails. The rich natural composition of the oil, which includes sesame oil, fatty substances of chamomile, olive and ground almond, provides not only strengthening, but also a lot of other beneficial effects.

So, the complex action is as follows: the product protects against fungus and other pathogens, improves tissue regeneration, compacts the nail plate, provides additional nutrition to the matrix and skin of the hands, restores the structure of the nails after extensions or varnishing, softens the skin, moisturizing it. Possible slight lightening of the plate.
