How to polish your heels at home. Wraps and scrubs for smooth and soft skin

Hardened rough heels- a big minus for every lady, and in addition, they also cause painful sensations. You can make your heels soft not only in the salon, but also at home. What you will need for this, besides perseverance and patience, we will tell you in this article.

The main causes of rough heels

According to dermatologists, moisture evaporation and loss of skin elasticity occur for several reasons. First of all, dry epidermis on the feet appears with constant wearing narrow shoes on high heels. In addition, rough spots on the heels indicate a lack of useful substances in organism. In particular, vitamins A and E.

Did you know? In ancient times, no attention was paid to the skin of the feet. It was believed that it should be rough for comfortable walking barefoot. The first analogue of modern pumice were stones on which people simply wiped their feet, like dirty boots.

You can’t boast of perfect heels even if they are not in order. endocrine system, there are fungal and infectious diseases of the feet. A dry surface, small cracks, a loose or unusually colored nail plate - all this indicates the need to undergo examination by a specialist. In its neglected form, the fungus is much more difficult to cure than in initial stages. On the condition of the feet to a large extent care for them is affected. To keep your heels smooth, you don’t need the services of a professional; you can achieve results just as good at home.

Rules for caring for heels at home

There are many radical ways, which will make your heels soft and smooth at home in 15 minutes. But it is better not to resort to them, since their effect is cosmetic. Daily competent care of your heels, in addition to balanced nutrition and wearing comfortable shoes, is to cleanse from keratinized particles, nourishing masks and baths.

Did you know? If swelling in the legs often appears, contrast baths are recommended, and if heavy sweating It is better to prepare a bath with lemon juice for your feet.

Heel baths

Heel baths are the most effective quick method of softening the skin. In addition, it is also a relaxing remedy that will help relieve fatigue after a hard day at work. For this purpose, cleansing foot baths are prepared either warm or hot. But be careful: people with heart and vascular diseases, varicose veins are contraindicated to keep their limbs in hot water for a long time. Let's consider what to wear to make your feet softer.

More often the recipe mentions such components as salt, soap, milk, soda, herbal infusions. For example, to pamper your heels in a milk bath, you will need a container with hot water and half a liter of milk. Add another 30 g of soap shavings to this mixture and steam the legs until the solution has cooled. Some ladies advise throwing a few glass balls at the bottom of the basin. By rolling them at the same time, your feet can be massaged. Another recipe advises softening your heels at home with soap and soda. Both components are added in equal parts to hot water.

The product is used for painful and cracked surfaces. A solution of half a glass of soap shavings and the same amount gives a double effect sea ​​salt, which are dissolved in hot water. This bath will soften your heels and strengthen your nails. You can also steam your feet in highly concentrated infusions of linden or marshmallow root, string, sage, and calendula. The products have antimicrobial, antiseptic and relaxing properties.

After soaking your heels, be sure to treat your feet with a scrub and pumice stone at home. After this, it is advisable to moisturize the skin with any cream. If the procedure is done at night, it is a good idea to put thin socks on your feet. The next morning your heels will be smooth. Some women replace the cream with olive oil, adding fresh lemon juice to it.

Important! In severely advanced cases, do not try to remove all dead particles from the foot in one procedure. More effective, gentle, smooth results.

Mechanical heel cleansing

You can get rid of rough particles on the skin using special polishing brushes, files and pumice. Let's look at how to properly exfoliate your heels at home. Many people do this procedure after steaming. Moreover, the keratinized skin is often cut off with a blade. And this is a serious mistake that can lead to deep cuts and infection. Cleanse the skin mechanically 30 minutes before the bath. Before this, a rich cream is applied to the heels, which allows dead particles to gently peel off and roll off.

For these purposes, you should buy a file with a fine-grain coating, rather than a coarse one, since the latter “tear” the skin. Remember that the thick dead layer must be removed with a fine abrasive that gently polishes the surface. On sale you can find such objects of various shapes, they are based on plastic or wood, often double-sided.

The modern fashion industry offers Alternative option pumice and pedicure files. These are electric roller files. Their advantage is fast and painless processing. But none of the mentioned remedies can cope with neglected, rough heels. In such situations, you cannot do without the help of a professional and a hardware salon pedicure.

Nourishing masks

This the most important condition to achieve smooth heels at home. Foot masks should be prepared regardless of the time of year. They have a beneficial effect on the skin, nourish it with vitamins, promote the healing of microcracks and soften the fibers of the epidermis.

You can prepare them from anything: vegetables, fruits, mixed berries, as well as semolina, oatmeal, sea salt, coffee and cinnamon. Exfoliators are very effective for corns, calluses and rough skin. Before doing the procedure, you need a foot bath, then apply a mask to the soft heels for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Subsequently, the skin is treated with pumice and rinsed with water. Apply to dry feet nutritious cream.
It is recommended to apply nourishing masks to the skin of your feet every week. Don't strive to achieve instant results. The gradual effect, which will be obvious after 8 procedures, is much better.

Important! Frequent soda baths for the feet are fraught with disruption of the pH level of the skin. Therefore, experts advise not to focus on one recipe.

The best recipes for soft heels at home

To keep your heels soft, experts advise not to spend money on expensive cosmetics, but to use folk remedies.

Heel baths

White clay solutions are recognized as the best softening baths. 4 tablespoons of clay diluted in hot water is enough for one procedure.

Potato mixtures are very effective and affordable. To prepare them, soften 2 boiled potato tubers (with water) and combine with milk.

Beneficial for heels starch baths from 1 liter of warm water, 40 g of fir oil and 60 g of starch. By the way, fir oil is used in tandem with castor oil in a ratio of 2:5 per 1 liter of warm water.
To heal cracked heels, use a solution of boric acid in a proportion of 50 g per 1 glass of water. The feet are steamed for 20 minutes before bedtime; after the manipulations, the rough areas are lubricated with Vaseline and covered with a band-aid. They go to bed in socks and wash their feet in the morning. To completely restore the skin, 5-6 procedures will be needed.

To relieve swelling and fatigue from the legs, mint tincture is recommended. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of the potion into 2 liters of boiling water and add 3 tablespoons of salt.
If your feet are affected by a fungus, unpleasant odor will help get rid of therapeutic bath from herbs. It contains 5 tablespoons of chamomile flowers, flax grains and horsetail. All components are steamed in 2 liters of boiling water, and when the product has cooled to a comfortable temperature, you can begin steaming your feet. The procedure should be repeated three times a week for a month.

Important! After each use, pumice should be thoroughly rinsed under running water and removed from the bathroom to a well-ventilated, lighted place. In a humid environment, fungal microbes can grow in the pores of the scraper. To prevent this from happening, disinfect it periodically and do not forget to change it.

Heel masks

Pedicurists often recommend that their clients treat their feet with a lemon cut in half. This method removes the smell of sweat and nourishes with vitamins. After the procedure, it is advisable to blot the skin with a napkin and moisturize it with cream. The mask is not suitable for those who have deep wounds on their heels.

A potato mask softens the epidermis and heals small cracks. To do this, one washed and peeled tuber is enough. It is crushed to a paste consistency and mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and olive oil.

In the summer, when there is an abundance of fruits and vegetables, it is worth using recipes from strawberry juice, zucchini puree with a spoon of olive oil, chopped apples with rye flour, warm apricot gruel with corn oil.
In winter, a mask made from egg yolk, a teaspoon, will help you achieve soft heels at home. lemon juice and any vegetable oil. You can enhance the effect using cellophane. Honey (made from steamed honey) or onion (made from onion minced through a meat grinder and a teaspoon of honey with milk) compresses also work well.

How to make your heels soft: a quick method for cleansing the skin of your feet

For busy ladies, there are express technologies for instantly making your heels soft at home. They are effective, but not approved by dermatologists, since their harsh effect does more harm to the skin than good.

Occasionally it is allowed to treat clean, damp feet with depilatory creams, after which socks are put on for 15-20 minutes. The softened skin is cleaned with pumice, then the feet are washed and moisturized with any cream. If for some reason this method does not suit you, dissolve coarse sea salt in a bowl of hot water. After soaking your heels in this solution for 5 minutes, add 2 tablets of hydrogen peroxide (or 3 tablespoons) to it. After 5 minutes, remove the dead tissue with a special grater and sand the surface with a fine-grained file or pumice stone. After all the manipulations, the legs are traditionally treated with cream.

Did you know? To prevent the skin on your feet from becoming rough quickly, regularly relieve fatigue from your feet. To improve blood circulation, soak your feet for 10 minutes in a hot decoction of chamomile or nettle. Make it a habit to relax on the couch with your feet elevated.

You can do without steaming, because when cleaning swollen dead skin, living cells become vulnerable, their damage further provokes rapid coarsening. In this case, the feet are first lubricated with cream, and when it is completely absorbed, we begin peeling using pumice. Before work, moisten the tool with water and continue cleaning until the dead layer is completely removed.

Now you know what you need to do to keep your heels soft and in in case of emergency, and in Everyday life. Love yourself and don't be lazy to take care of your body. Only then will you feel comfortable and confident.

Hello, dear reader! In this article you will learn about the seven most simple ways, how to make your heels smooth and the softest, and also about the causes of skin problems.

If a person forgets to regularly care for his heels, then they become rough and very hard, and soon even more terrible large cracks may appear. There are a number of methods and ways to make your skin smooth and beautiful, and this is done quite easily. Although, if a person’s heels are in a terrible state, then it will be difficult to immediately make them very beautiful and stylish.


To make your heels the sexiest ones easier and faster, you can use homemade conventional recipes that are very effective and functional.

Do smooth heels at home it is really very simple, the main thing here is constant and regular care, both for the face and hands. Thanks to the usual and easy means You can easily and quickly make your skin smooth at home.

The ideal option is to use herbal, soda and salt water; if you want to make your feet the most beautiful, it is enough to regularly take baths and apply cream daily.

Main causes of skin problems

There are a number of real reasons why cracks appear; one of the most common reasons is too dry air in the living room. Cracks can appear due to lack of regular maintenance, or if maintenance is done incorrectly, which can worsen the appearance.

The condition may worsen in dry and too hot weather, with general hormonal imbalances and due to deterioration of blood circulation. As soon as the skin becomes dry, there will immediately be spots there, which become even larger if there are health problems.

The ideal treatment option is healing baths, special masks and compresses, in addition, various nourishing creams are very effective.

The main causes of the disease:

  1. If the body is low in vitamins A and E;
  2. Hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency;
  3. Severe dryness;
  4. Dermatitis and fungus;
  5. Heavy loads and bad shoes;
  6. Thyroid disease.

Making your heels smooth


A soda bath will help make your heels healthy and soft, and after that, be sure to treat them with pumice stone to clean them. Thanks to an easy and simple procedure, you can make yourself the most beautiful and clean.

In order to make a bath, soda is added to a basin of water, now lower your feet there for a certain time.

It is enough to use 1 tbsp. soda for every liter of water, this will be quite enough. For an even greater effect, it is recommended to add it to the bath. essential oil 1-3 drops.

It is recommended to keep your feet in this special soda solution for 15 minutes and no more. Thanks to this easy procedure, your heels become very soft, and after the bath, rinse them in warm water a couple of times.

Now it is advisable to treat with a rich nourishing cream, it is better to do such baths 5-7 times every month, thanks to this easy operation the skin becomes especially beautiful.


To make milk baths you should take 2 liters ordinary water and a glass of milk, it is recommended to add 3 tbsp. sea ​​salt and glass soap solution. Now all the ingredients should be poured into the basin and then mixed everything very thoroughly.

The feet should be kept in a milk bath for about 15-20 minutes and no more; it is better to do such actions 2-3 times every month. Then be sure to treat with a pumice stone or a special brush, and after that, rinse your feet with warm water and lubricate them with a rich regular cream.

It is necessary to remove the keratinized layers carefully and gradually, after which it is advisable to treat with a moisturizing cream; this should be done especially often in the summer, when it is dry and hot.


A unique mask is made very quickly - you only need 1 egg yolk, the remedy is done once every 7 days, alternating with other baths.

This product is ideal for rough skin; use 1 tbsp for preparation. starch, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 1 egg yolk. Now the ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and the mask is ready for use; it should be carefully applied to pre-steamed heels, and as soon as it dries, immediately rinse with water.

Now you can wipe it with a dry towel and then use a good nutritious composition.


To cook at home honey masks, you should take regular honey and olive oil good oil in equal proportions, apply this entire mass for 30 minutes and then wash off with water.

Then dry thoroughly with a towel, and then lubricate with regular cream, this procedure is done once every 7 days along with others.

Herbal compress

Herbal compresses can help make your heels very soft and beautiful, and quite easily and quickly. A decoction is made from one type of herb or from a collection of different herbs; string and chamomile are usually used, as well as calendula and a number of others.

You should take 2 liters. herbs and pour 200 gr. boiling water, now the mixture should stand for 30 minutes in a closed ordinary container, and then you need to strain it through a cloth. The gauze is soaked in this broth and folded into 2-3 layers; cotton rags can be used instead of gauze. Next, the fabric should be applied to the heels for about 20 minutes, and the compress should be secured with cellophane on top and socks should be put on top.

Thanks to this, smooth heels at home are guaranteed.


To make unique baths you need to take 1 tsp. glycerin and add it to a regular bowl of warm water. The legs need to be kept for 15 minutes or no more, and then the rough areas should be carefully cleaned with a pumice stone or brush. Now you should rinse in warm water and wipe dry with a towel; it is recommended to lubricate them with a moisturizing composition.


Mix 1 liter of water and 2 liters. apple cider vinegar, all this is poured into a basin, where you need to keep your feet for 15 minutes. It is no longer advisable to hold the mixture any longer, so as not to damage your skin, and then after this bath, clean it with a brush.

Such compresses are surprisingly useful; if you do them 10-12 times a month before bed for 10-15 minutes, your skin will become healthy and beautiful.

Be sure to lubricate with cream after each bath and compress; such moisturizing is very beneficial for the skin and it will quickly become smooth.

If you want your heels, dear reader, to become soft and beautiful, then be sure to give yourself the baths described above. Visit this site as often as possible, as it is regularly updated with articles on this topic and others, and also subscribe to updates and leave comments.

The main causes of rough skin and cracked heels

In addition to the natural causes of skin death, there are a number of diseases that knock down this process and prevent cells from dying and regenerating in time. If you are concerned about the problem of rough skin on your feet, then you should be examined for the following diseases.

  1. Skin fungus. It may also manifest itself with other symptoms, for example: itching or discoloration of the nail plate.
  2. Skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis.
  3. Peeling skin syndrome.
  4. Scarlet fever.
  5. High content of vitamin A in the body.
  6. Diabetes. This disease prevents the skin from regenerating. Non-healing wounds and cracks appear. Look for other signs, such as: dry mouth, frequent urination, sudden changes in weight.
  7. Digestive problems.
  8. Failure of metabolic processes.
  9. Frostbite.
  10. Rash.
  11. Iron-deficiency anemia.
  12. Violations hormonal levels and others.

But even in completely healthy people, this problem periodically worsens. The reason lies in improper daily care and other factors.

  1. Lack of regular proper care behind the skin of the foot.
  2. Reaction to medications.
  3. Synthetic socks, stockings, tights.
  4. Walking barefoot, or constantly wearing open shoes summer period.
  5. Lack of vitamins A and E.
  6. Incorrectly selected soap. Do not use soap that dries the skin too much, such as antibacterial soap.
  7. Insufficient humidity level in the room.
  8. The shoes are too narrow and uncomfortable.
  9. Shoes from synthetic materials.
  10. The body reacts to sudden climate change.
  11. Shortage minerals in organism.
  12. High chlorine content in water.
  13. Abuse sunbathing and a solarium.
  14. Reaction to constant stress and depression.
  15. Insufficient water intake.

If you find any of these factors, try to reduce its impact as much as possible.

How to make your heels smooth, soft, tender - at home

Several means are used, and, as a rule, in combination.

You should clean your heels of dead cells mechanically no more than once every couple of weeks.

Scrubs and softening masks acceptable once or twice in 7 days.

Use moisturizing and nourishing masks whenever possible, but at least once every 7 days.

Baths should be taken as often as possible; it is advisable to make them a “ritual” every evening.

Heel baths - simple recipes

This procedure should be combined with a foot massage. You can simply massage with your hands. And also, whenever possible, use either a soft brush or special massage devices.

The purpose of the massage: to improve blood circulation in the foot so that the skin receives the necessary elements in sufficient quantity and volume. And also, it’s just very pleasantly relaxing, and will even help improve your health, because there are many reflexogenic points on the feet.

Contrast baths

The simplest and affordable way– contrast baths. First immerse your feet in hot water and then in cool water. The temperature should be within reasonable limits.

Apple cider vinegar baths

Dissolve 30 milliliters of apple cider vinegar in warm water. Place your feet for 20 minutes. Afterwards, use a bath with clean, cool water. Apple cider vinegar softens the skin.

Herbal baths

Prepare a bath with a decoction of chamomile, hops, rosemary, and mint. You can purchase the collection at the pharmacy.

Sea salt for baths

Milk bath with sea salt. Immerse your feet in the contents of the bath for half an hour.

Wine foot bath

Once a week you can pamper your feet with wine baths. Both white and red will do. Dilute 500 milliliters of wine with 2 liters of warm water. The bath lasts 20 minutes.

Flaxseed infusion for baths

Pour 250 milliliters of boiling water over flaxseeds (60 grams). The mixture should simmer for 10 minutes. Afterwards, let it stand for an hour. Strain. Then add 400 milliliters of peppermint solution and 3 liters of warm water. The bath is ready. Soak your feet for 20 minutes.

Peroxide bath

Foot baths with hydrogen peroxide. There are several recipes. The result is visible immediately after the first procedure, as it has a very good effect.

Method one. Mix 6 parts warm water with 1 part peroxide. Soak cotton wool in the solution and wipe the skin of the foot for about 4 minutes. Afterwards, clean with pumice.

Method two. Dilute 60 milliliters of peroxide in one and a half liters hot water. Steam your feet for 5 minutes. Afterwards, treat with a brush.

Method three. Add 60 grams of salt to 4 liters of warm water. Soak your feet in the bath for 7 minutes. Then add 30 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide. Hold for another five minutes. Dead skin will get white shade. Then exfoliate.

Such baths should be done no more than once every 7 days. After the bath, be sure to treat your skin with cream. Such baths not only help bring the skin back to normal, but can also normalize sweating processes.

Baking soda and soap

Grate the soap on a coarse grater. Take 20 grams of soap and dissolve in 2 liters of warm water. Add 35 grams of soda. Place your feet in the bath for 20 minutes, and if there is a problem with calluses and corns, then for 40 minutes. Afterwards, use a pumice stone, and complete the procedure by moisturizing the skin with a nourishing cream.

Treatment of cracked heels - masks, compresses, folk remedies

Not everyone knows how to make heels soft, tender, smooth like a baby’s, but proven folk remedies help with this, which everyone can use.

Compress with peroxide and lemon

This is an excellent remedy for combating corns. Soak cheesecloth with one part hydrogen peroxide solution mixed with five parts water. Apply a compress to the corn. Keep for 120 minutes. Afterwards, place a slice of lemon on the problem area and secure it with socks. Continue for another 120 minutes. Afterwards, clean with pumice stone and moisturize the skin with cream.


Grind the elecampane roots. Pour 30 grams of roots with a liter of water. The mixture should come to a boil. Infuse the decoction all night. Daily compresses help heal cracks.

After the bath, you can make a compress from olive or linseed oil. Rub your feet, put a sock on top and leave overnight.

Oatmeal and flaxseed oil compress

Cook oatmeal or cereal in water. Add flaxseed oil generously. Place the mixture into plastic bags. Put them on your feet. Secure the top with a toe. Leave the compress on for 120 minutes. Afterwards, rinse your feet with warm water. Lubricate your feet thick cream. Repeat the procedure 3 more times.

Compress honey + cabbage

After the bath, rub honey into the cracks. Cover the heel with a cabbage leaf. Secure with a bandage and socks. Leave the compress on all night. Rinse off in the morning.

Compress - milk + coltsfoot

Finely chop the coltsfoot leaves. Pour in 250 milliliters of hot milk. Let the mixture brew for 60 minutes in a water bath. Cool the mixture and place on cheesecloth. Apply to feet for 30 minutes.

Essential oil ointment

Mix 15 milliliters of baby cream, or Vaseline, with 2 drops of lavender and chamomile essential oil. Apply to cracks three times a day. The storage container must be tightly closed.

Yolk ointment

Beat one egg yolk. Add 5 milliliters of vinegar and 15 milliliters of vegetable oil. After a bath or steaming, apply the ointment to the cracks. Wrap your foot cling film, put on a sock. Leave it on all night.

Mix egg yolk with 5 milliliters of lemon juice. Add a pinch of starch. Apply to feet. Wait for a crust to form. Rinse off with warm water.

Bulb compress

Finely chop a couple of onions and mix with 15 milliliters of oil and 15 milliliters of honey. Mix everything thoroughly, apply the resulting mixture to the skin of your feet, secure with cling film, and put on cotton socks. If this is the first procedure, leave the compress on for 40 minutes. If discomfort are absent, then the compress can be kept all night.

Herbal decoctions - herbal compresses

Bath with nettles. Pour 30 grams of chopped nettle with one liter of boiling water. Wrap the container with a towel. Let cool. Then strain the infusion. Add it to foot baths. This will help heal the cracks.

Aloe or cabbage leaf compress

Cut the leaves of the plant and apply a compress overnight. It will not only soften the skin, but also help healing if there are wounds.

Infusion for healing cracks

Mix 30 grams of St. John's wort and 15 grams of calendula, add 1 liter of boiling water to the mixture, then let it cool to an acceptable temperature and take baths for 15 minutes. Allow your feet to absorb the liquid completely. Do not dry with a towel. Then secure the result by applying a rich cream or ointment.

Prepare a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula and sage. You can use all the herbs or separately. Pour 40 grams of grass with 2 liters of boiling water. Let it sit for half an hour. Strain the infusion and add to the baths.

Treatment of heels with glycerin (bath and mask)

As a rule, it has a good softening and healing effect.

Bath. A foot bath with glycerin helps heal wounds and cracks. You need to mix 15 milliliters of glycerin, 5 milliliters of ammonia. Add 2 liters of hot water. Keep your feet in the bath for 15 minutes.

Mask. Clean your feet first. Buy a bottle of glycerin at the pharmacy. As a rule, it is not completely filled. Fill the bottle with vinegar essence to the top, all the way to the neck. Shake the bottle.

Using a cotton swab, apply the mixture to your feet. Wrap the top with cling film. Secure with socks. During the day, the compress time can be 40 minutes.

Ointment for treating cracked heels

Treatment for cracked heels can be done by using ointments, oils, fats and other remedies that can be used at home to make the heels soft and smooth like a baby's. One of the most wonderful healing agents that can be purchased at the pharmacy and used for heels.

Wax and vegetable oil ointment

Fry finely chopped onion in vegetable oil. Then drain the oil. To 250 milliliters of oil add 100 grams of wax and one piece of propolis. Let it simmer over low flame. Wait for the wax to dissolve and let it simmer for a couple more minutes. Pour into a jar. The ointment should become thick.

Wax ointment

Melt 10 grams of wax in a water bath. Add 5 milliliters each of cocoa butter and shea butter. Additionally, add 5 milliliters of calendula and sea buckthorn oil.

Ointment with badger fat

Place three tablespoons of fat in a water bath for 10 minutes. Add one teaspoon of calendula flowers and one spoon of celandine. First, immerse the herbs in boiling water for 60 seconds. Boil the whole mixture for half an hour. Do not let it boil. Then let the composition cool. Store in the refrigerator and apply before bed.

Aloe mask

Mix 100 milliliters of aloe juice with 150 milliliters of castor oil. Add 50 milliliters of eucalyptus oil. Mix and apply to feet several times a day.

A lot of mistakes are made when caring for the skin of your feet. To keep your skin smooth and healthy, you should follow the following rules:

  1. Clean the skin of your heels from rough skin using special files. Clean only on dry skin. Pre-steamed skin is treated only with pumice. Don't use a razor.
  2. Do not use ointments and creams with high acid content too often.
  3. Before treating cracked skin with cream, you need to treat it with peroxide.
  4. File your heels in one direction only.
  5. Don't overdo it with cleansing procedures.

Treatment must be comprehensive. First, make sure there are no diseases.

If you are overweight, then you should try to correct it. After all, it is this that leads to metabolic disorders and increases the load on the feet.

Review your diet. Increase your consumption of foods rich in vitamins A and E and minerals. Reduce your consumption of sweets and starchy foods.

Make sure that the amount of water you drink per day is sufficient for your body. Play sports. This will help improve blood circulation in the feet.

During treatment, wear shoes and underwear made of natural materials. Try to increase the humidity in the room.

Remember, only regular care leads to good results. Regularly moisturize your feet with a rich cream and massage them.

If you plan for a long time If you are in the sun, you should protect your feet from drying out. Instead of cream, you can use natural coconut oil.

To prepare masks and ointments, use natural ingredients. Whenever discomfort from the mask or ointment, stop using it.

If treatment does not bring the desired results, then consult a dermatologist.

Smooth feet are a task that requires regular approach and effort, but it is completely doable.

How to make your heels soft and smooth at home – 7 best recipes for heels like a baby's

Summer is the time for the sea, fruits, beaches, sundresses - and, of course, sandals. If in winter many representatives of the fair sex can still afford a not too thorough pedicure, then in summer the legs should be simply perfect. The most common problem during this period is the problem of rough skin on the heels, which, alas, cannot be hidden even beautiful varnish on the nails.

How to restore smoothness to your heels, and what do you need to know about the secrets of caring for them?

  1. Causes of rough skin and cracked heels
  2. Cleaning heels at home
  3. 7 folk recipes for soft and smooth heels
  4. Heel care - prevention of cracks

Causes of Rough Skin and Cracked Heels – Why Are Heels Hard?

No matter how much we dream of smooth heels, unfortunately, after a certain age, our heels suddenly lose their childish tenderness and softness.

Moreover, sometimes heels remain rough even with intensive and regular care.

What is the reason for this, and what are the real reasons for rough skin on the heels?

  • Lack of proper care.
  • Drying of the skin. The reason is not unique to the summer period: sometimes this also happens in winter when the air in the apartment is dry.
  • Wrong shoes. As is known, cramped and poor quality shoes contributes to disruption of the water-fat balance of the skin and its injury. In addition, unnatural and harmful materials for the skin can cause irritation, allergies, increased sweating and, as a result, dry skin.
  • Poor nutrition. A lack of vitamins always affects the skin with cracks, dryness, irritation and other manifestations. Rough heels are often found in girls who are constantly on diets. Basics proper nutrition for beauty and health
  • Excessively intensive heel care. Yes, this happens! For example, in the case of too frequent and intense peeling, which requires time for skin restoration (more than once a week, this procedure is not recommended).
  • Too much hard water in the water supply.
  • Frequent hypothermia- or, on the contrary, overheating of the legs.
  • Use of low quality cosmetics (including soaps and gels).

Video: How to make your heels soft and smooth?

Possible medical reasons:

  1. Fungus. Most common reason dry and rough skin with cracks. Unfortunately, the fungus manifests itself not only with these symptoms, and in the absence of proper treatment, the legs take on a very unsightly appearance, which is also accompanied by itching, sweating and other troubles.
  2. Diabetes mellitus type 2. In this case, it is very difficult to deal with skin problems, and you cannot do without consulting a specialist.
  3. Problems in the endocrine system. Issues of aesthetics (heels, in this case) are resolved after (or simultaneously) with treatment.
  4. Obesity. With this disease, the full blood supply to the lower extremities and their connection with the central nervous system is disrupted, the skin on the feet becomes thinner, and there is a tendency for the skin to crack.
  5. Psoriasis. With this disease, everything works poorly the immune system, and creams and hygiene alone will not get rid of rough skin on the heels - you need an integrated approach.

It is important to understand that serious problems with the skin of the feet can be very alarm signal. Therefore, in the case when you cannot cope with cracks on your own, and the accompanying symptoms cause you inconvenience, it makes sense to consult a dermatologist and therapist.

Types of pedicure - which one to prefer?

Proper cleansing of heels at home - instructions

Taking care of your heels in a beauty salon is a pleasant experience. But not everyone has the means, time, or desire to go to salons.

And it’s much easier to take care of your heels at home. Especially if you know exactly how.

First, steam the legs in the bath.

And if you also give a foot massage before the bath, the result will be even more surprising, pleasant and long-lasting.

The massage can be replaced with regular walking on a hard massage mat or with your feet moving peas, balls, etc.

Which bath should you choose? Best recipes:

  • Dairy. We grate classic baby soap on a coarse grater, add 1 tbsp of shavings and 0.5 liters of warm milk to the basin, then hot water. Keep the legs until the water cools down.
  • Herbal. We take 1 tbsp of dry herbs: oak bark and chamomile, celandine and calendula, St. John's wort. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for a day, and in the evening pour the strained broth into a bowl and dilute with boiling water.
  • Soda and soap. For 1 basin – ½ cup of soap shavings and the same amount of soda, plus boiling water. Keep the legs for about 10 minutes.
  • Citrus. 2-3 hours before the procedure, brew citrus peels in boiling water, and then simply add the broth to the water, plus 1-2 drops of orange essential oil.
  • Nettle. In a bowl of hot water - 1 liter of nettle infusion (from 2 tbsp of dry nettle).
  • Oily. Aroma bath for feet and soul. For 1 bowl – 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil.

If you have time for daily heel care procedures, then instead of files and pumice stones, it is better to use scrubs to exfoliate rough skin. They act more gently ( thick layer hardened skin cannot be removed), but when regular use scrubs, the dream of “heels like a baby” becomes a reality.

You can make scrubs at home with your own hands if you want to save on store products- which, by the way, often contain harmful components.

Important! We apply the scrub only to already steamed feet, and after the massage with the scrub, we leave the mixture on the heels for 7-10 minutes - that is, we are not in a hurry to wash it off.

  1. Sugar with butter. Mix olive oil and sugar 1:2, apply to feet, massage.
  2. Coffee with sea salt. Mix 1:1 tablespoon coarse sea salt and coarsely ground coffee, add 2 tbsp kefir, apply and massage.
  3. Cocoa with sugar. For 2 tsp sugar - 1 tbsp cocoa (not nesquik, but normal confectionery cocoa powder) and milk for binding. Mix, apply, massage.
  4. Citrus with salt. For 1 tbsp of fine salt - the peel of 1 orange, ground in a blender.
  5. Salt with honey. For 2 tbsp honey – 1 tbsp sea salt.
  6. Sand with sour cream. If you live by the sea, then this option is for you. If there is no sea sand, we take regular sand. For 1 handful of sand - 2 tbsp of fat sour cream. Mix, apply, massage.

What's next?

  • If you don’t have a scrub (or are too lazy to make one), then use a file after the bath to remove rough skin. It is advisable to use only the fine-grained side: rough grinding of the heels contributes to the appearance of scratches, cracks - and even greater dryness. Smoothness and tenderness of the heels can only be achieved by regular procedures with a light and non-traumatic scrubbing effect.
  • The use of pumice stones is strictly not recommended. Firstly, they injure the skin of the feet, and secondly, they are a source of bacterial growth.
  • When using a file, first lubricate dry heels with cream and wait for absorption - this way the procedure will be more effective.
  • We use a slightly damp file, but do not put three heels under water! We polish the heels until the rough skin is completely removed.
  • Now we rinse the feet in warm water, wipe them dry, generously lubricate them with rich cream and put on cotton socks.

At least 2-3 similar procedures per week - and you will not be ashamed to wear open shoes outside.


  • If you have cracked heels they should be treated with a disinfectant immediately after the procedure, and only use a cream that contains components that promote the healing of cracks (for example, salicylic acid).
  • It is not recommended to cut rough skin and calluses! This procedure will only speed up the regeneration of injured skin, which will regain its “protective roughness” even faster. Use gentle means and methods – regularly and wisely, and the effect will pleasantly surprise you.

7 folk recipes for soft and smooth heels - how to quickly make heels like a baby’s at home?

Recipes quick return there is a huge amount of smoothness on heels today.

But you should understand that if you haven’t taken care of your heels for a month, then you simply won’t be able to return them to their blooming look “like from the cover” in 1 procedure.

The most popular recipes for smooth heels at home:

  1. Steam your feet in the bath for 15 minutes, wipe, massage with cream, treat with a soft grater “dry”. Next, take a warm shower, wipe dry again and apply the pre-prepared mixture: 1 tbsp starch, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 raw yolk. Now we wrap the legs with film for a couple of hours, or better yet, overnight. All you have to do is remove the peeling light skin with a file, rinse the legs in the shower and, after drying, lubricate them with cream.
  2. We wrap the feet in slices of fresh zucchini and fix them with film for 2 hours. Next, rinse the legs, dry them, file them, and apply cream.
  3. Heat olive oil (about 100 ml) in a water bath, add a piece of beeswax, then 1 tsp each of sea buckthorn oil and glycerin. Apply the warm mixture to steamed and dried feet, leave overnight under cotton socks. Store the mixture in the refrigerator (you can spread it cold).
  4. Cook oatmeal that is not too thick without sugar and salt, cool and apply it lukewarm to your feet. We fix it with film, put socks on top, after an hour we wash it off, dry our feet and lubricate it with a rich cream.
  5. Mix honey and olive oil in half, apply to feet, fix with film, wash off after 2 hours, treat feet with a file, then the usual scheme– shower, towel, cream.
  6. We brew strong green tea, strain and steam the legs in a bath with this decoction. Next, apply the tea leaves (immediately after the bath) - in a film and around the feet for a couple of hours. Next, wash your feet, dry, and apply cream.
  7. Mix oatmeal with milk (5 tbsp - 1 handful) and crushed aloe leaves. Apply the mixture to the feet, fix with film for 2-3 hours. Next, we process it with a file, rinse it, dry it and grease it with rich cream.

How to restore softness to your heels - pharmacy products

There are a lot of drugs available in modern pharmacies to treat cracks and soften the skin.

Take note!

  • Sea wolf (nourishes, moisturizes, restores).
  • Bepanten (softens, heals).
  • Ointment with calendula (heals, softens, tightens cracks).
  • Salicylic ointment (heals).
  • Balsamed (moisturizes, nourishes, protects).
  • Radevit (stimulates skin restoration, removes inflammation).
  • Lamisil (against infections and fungi).
  • BioAstin (against fungus and infections).
  • Zazhivin (from cracks).
  • First aid (heals, softens).
  • And etc.

Video: How to make your heels soft and smooth - heel care at home

Heel care - how to prevent cracked and rough skin on your heels and feet?

  1. We wear the right shoes.
  2. We often walk barefoot on grass and pebbles and do foot massages.
  3. We use gentle abrasives.
  4. We regularly use a rich nourishing cream (preferably at night).
  5. We follow a diet and take care of personal hygiene.
  6. We wear slippers in swimming pools, bathhouses and other public places.
  7. We avoid synthetic materials when choosing shoes.
  8. We use washable rugs in the bathroom.
  9. 2-3 times a week (ideally, every day) we take foot baths (warm! Not with hot water!) and use a scrub.
  10. After the bath and regular bath Be sure to pour cool water over your feet. Especially before bed.
  11. Always dry your feet and toes after a bath.
  12. We do not use rough pumice stones, grinding stones or blades.
  13. After each procedure, treat the file used with a disinfectant solution (or at least wash it with soap and pour boiling water over it).

In the summer, we intensify the intensity of heel care.

Heel spur - causes and treatment

Every day, the legs are exposed to enormous stress, the heels of the feet suffer especially. Stress includes standing for long periods of time and wearing uncomfortable shoes. The problem of rough heels is especially aggravated in the summer. time, which is associated with active work person in the summer and the desire to wear open shoes.

When problems with heels arise, many people are puzzled by how to soften the heels of their feet. by simple means at home, so as not to seek the help of specialists with such a seemingly uncomplicated issue.

How to soften cracked heels

Dryness and cracking in the heels occurs due to dehydration, excessive exercise and improper care. lower limbs, as well as due to skin diseases. Besides the unpleasant appearance, this pathology also brings with it painful sensations and significant inconvenience.

Please note that Not all advice on how to soften your heels at home is safe. But the recommendations given in this article can be followed if you follow certain rules.

It is quite possible to soften the heels of your feet at home if you know how to do it correctly.

Traditional recipes and methods for softening the skin of the heels

In terms of softening the heels of the feet, traditional medicine is in no way inferior to visiting a pedicurist, and some recipes are even more effective.


Paraffin has beneficial properties for the treatment and prevention of rough heels. It removes dead cells, effectively fights skin hardness and softens the epidermis. Paraffin must be melted before use.

Paraffin bath using a special paraffin heater.

To do this, you need to place it in a microwave oven or heat it in a water bath. Next, carefully apply paraffin to problem areas, put on socks. Leave it in this state overnight, and in the morning remove the paraffin and rinse your feet thoroughly with warm water. Repeat this procedure should be done daily for 2-3 weeks.


Thanks to both the softening and antiseptic properties of propolis, you can easily improve the skin on the heels of your feet at home. It is necessary to lubricate rough areas with propolis, cover the top with a cloth, or put on socks.

It is advisable to do this procedure before going to bed. and do not wash off until you wake up. In the morning, remove the honey, rinse with warm water, and apply moisturizer if necessary.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil has many beneficial properties for rough skin. In addition to hydration, this remedy Ideal for combating and preventing fungal diseases.

For quick achievement desired result necessary:

  • In the evening, soak your feet in soapy water;
  • Dry your feet and apply a layer of coconut oil;
  • With the presence of oil, thoroughly massage your feet;
  • Put on socks and do not take them off until you wake up;
  • When you wake up, wash off any remaining oil with warm water.

These manipulations must be repeated daily. And the result will be noticeable from the first days.


To prepare this remedy, In addition to Aspirin itself, you need to stock up on iodine and vodka. 10 aspirin tablets should be mixed with 1 glass of vodka and add a few drops of iodine. Apply this solution to areas of rough skin, and after a week the result will be visible.

Table vinegar

Vinegar, thanks to its acidic environment, can easily soften rough skin on the feet. To do this, you need to dilute half a glass of vinegar with two glasses of water. Moisten the cloth with the resulting solution and place it over the problem area.

Special heel bandages that are convenient to use for vinegar and other lotions.

We leave the lotion in this position for 10-20 minutes, after which it is important to walk along the foot with a pumice stone, removing the soaked rough areas of the skin. Rinse feet thoroughly and apply moisturizer.

Baths for the treatment of dry heels. Recipes and how to use:

Treatment of cracks in the feet must be comprehensive, aimed at softening, moisturizing and improving the condition of the skin as a whole. For comprehensive care Foot baths are suitable.

From sea salt

The most common sea salt will help both get rid of rough skin and soften the heels of your feet at home. You need to stir a few tablespoons of salt in a bowl of warm water. The procedure lasts 10-20 minutes.

For sea salt baths, you can use special foot massage basins.

If the skin on the heels is excessively rough and rough, it is permissible to change the water to milk and increase the procedure time to 30 minutes. After which follows clean rough skin with a pumice stone or rough washcloth. And finally, moisturize with cream. Repeat daily until the desired result is achieved.

From red wine

It's no secret that wine has great benefits for the body. And wine does an excellent job of eliminating skin hardness. Before using a red wine bath, your feet should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water and treated with pumice.

When preparing a bath, you should adhere to the proportion of 1 liter. wine for 3l. warm water. Duration 15-20 minutes. The remarkable thing about this procedure is that after the first sessions the result is noticeable, the skin becomes more tender.

From the collection of herbs

Special herbal preparations are sold to soften the heels of the feet.

Exists big list herbs that have beneficial properties for the epidermis. In case of rough skin Of particular benefit are: horsetail, hawthorn, nettle, dandelion, St. John's wort.

For cooking herbal bath you need to take 4 tablespoons of pharmaceutical raw materials of the above herbs, pour boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes, mix with 1 liter. water. It is permissible to increase the volume according to the proportion. Such manipulations should be performed 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes.

From apple cider vinegar

No matter how strange it may seem, but Apple vinegar It has cosmetic properties. Apple cider vinegar baths help make rough skin softer and remove flaking.

To do this, add 3 tbsp to a bowl of warm water. apple cider vinegar and soak your feet in it for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, you should remove rough areas with pumice, wipe your feet dry and apply moisturizer.

From soap and baking soda

It is necessary to grind 2 tbsp. spoons laundry soap using a coarse grater. Dissolve in hot water. Then add 5 tsp. soda and stir thoroughly.

Soda foot bath.

These baths should be taken for up to 40 minutes daily. Do not forget to add hot water during the process so that the water does not cool down. For a more noticeable result after the bath, it is advisable to wear socks throughout the night.

Compresses for heels at home

Compresses and masks are excellent ways to soften the heels of your feet at home. Statistics show that most people resort to this method of treating rough skin.

From hydrogen peroxide

To prepare a compress from hydrogen peroxide, you need to make a solution of water with peroxide in a ratio of 5 to 1. Moisten cotton pads with the resulting mixture and apply to problem areas.

When using hydrogen peroxide, it is convenient to use special disposable socks for compresses.

Wrap with cling film and put on socks. Duration – 2 hours. After the procedure, treat the heels with pumice and apply moisturizer. It is recommended to make such a compress no more than 2 times a week.

From olive oil

This compress will help soften rough areas of the foot. All you need to do is rub the oil on the problem areas, put on socks and put a bag on top. Duration – 4 hours. Then treat with pumice and rinse.

Made from oatmeal

To prepare the compress you will need: oatmeal for 2 people, 5 tbsp. vegetable oil. Add oil to the prepared porridge and apply the resulting mixture to your feet, put a bag on top, and put on socks. The duration of the procedure is 2-4 hours. After removing the compress, rinse your feet with warm water, treat them with pumice, and apply cream.

From raw potatoes

The potatoes must be boiled, chopped and placed on a clean cloth. Then you should wrap the problem areas with a cloth. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. At the end of the specified time, rinse with warm water.

From honey

Honey is a good antiseptic, which will only be a plus for the treatment of rough heels. It is necessary to apply a layer of honey to the heels, wrap the foot in cellophane, and put on warm socks. The procedure is done at night, the next morning you should wash off the remaining honey with a sponge and treat your heels with pumice.

To enhance the effect, honey can be mixed with onion juice.

From cabbage

It is necessary to carefully beat off the cabbage leaf. Apply it to problem areas, wrap it in plastic or cling film, and put on warm socks. In the morning, clean your feet from rough areas with pumice stone and apply nourishing cream.

Scrub and peeling recipes for heels

A foot scrub prepared at home has a huge advantage over others. As such the advantage is natural ingredients that will nourish the heels of the feet useful substances, vitamins.

Most the best option for heels is peeling from semolina and oatmeal. To prepare this scrub, you need to add 1 tsp to the moisturizer. chopped oatmeal or semolina.

Homemade scrubs help you save a lot.

The resulting solution should be rubbed into problem areas for 10 minutes. After the peeling has been completely absorbed, it is important to rinse it off with warm water after a few minutes.

Homemade ointment recipe to soften heels

For those who prefer ointment to all other possible remedies, there is an excellent recipe. To prepare the ointment you need egg pour 70% vinegar and refrigerate for a week.

Homemade glycerin mixture for heels.

When the time is up, remove the egg and mix with butter, stirring the ingredients until smooth. Apply with light rubbing. The duration of treatment is until the end of the prepared mixture.

Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of dry skin on the heels

According to the advice of dermatologists at the first cracks on the heels of the feet, they must be immediately sealed with medical glue BF-6. After applying the glue, you should not perform any therapeutic manipulations for a week. After 7 days, remove the glue along with the dead skin.

In order to improve the result obtained, it is recommended to apply creams and ointments containing petroleum jelly and salicylic or lactic acids to problem areas. The following veterinary creams “Zorka” or “Forest Power” are perfect for such products.

How should you use pumice stones for your heels?

In order not to aggravate the situation, it is important to know how to use pumice correctly.

A few simple rules must be followed:

  • Pumice stone should never be used on dry areas of the skin. Before the procedure, you should wash your feet, steam them and dry them a little with a towel. Only after these manipulations can you begin treating your feet with pumice;
  • It is forbidden to use pumice on soft areas of the skin. in order to avoid its damage;
  • For feelings of pain and burning When working with pumice, the procedure must be completed immediately. Such symptoms mean that dead and rough cells in the area have been removed and you are starting to treat delicate, sensitive tissue.
  • You should not deal with any skin ailment of the heels of your feet at one time In order not to get any complications, it is important to resort to using pumice gradually.
  • When finishing work with pumice It is important to rinse your feet to remove dead skin cells. Apply moisturizer.

Is it possible to cut off dry skin on the heels?

To soften the heels of the feet at home, some prefer to resort to radical solutions. One of these is cutting off rough areas of skin. Dermatologists categorically prohibit this method of self-medication.

Instead of cutting off the skin on the heels, you need to use special graters for peeling.

Cutting leads to accelerated division of dead cells, which will only aggravate the current situation - the skin will become even more massively overgrown with a rough layer. You can remove keratinized skin only with the help of pumice or special mechanical devices.

Useful videos on softening your heels at home

In the video collection below you will find additional valuable information on how to soften your heels at home, cure dryness and cracks, and also carry out general foot health:

Be healthy and take care of yourself, and let all funds go only for good!

Human feet are subjected to significant physical activity every day, which leads to roughening of the skin of the feet and the appearance of cracks on it. Dry heels are not only unaesthetic, but also dangerous to health, since cracks in dry skin become “entry gates” for pathogenic microorganisms. Use of effective and affordable means traditional medicine Helps soften heels at home. Before choosing methods for caring for the skin of your feet, you need to understand why your heels become rough.

1 Causes and symptoms of rough skin on the heels

The most common causes of rough skin on the feet include:

  • overweight;
  • improper care of the skin of the feet;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • work that requires constant standing;
  • endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus);
  • avitaminosis;
  • foot fungus.

When exposed negative factors the skin of the feet thickens and becomes dry. If a person does not take measures to eliminate roughness of the feet, the skin begins to peel off and cracks form on it, causing discomfort in the heel area.

Coarsening of the skin of the feet associated with poor quality skin care, excessive physical activity or wearing uncomfortable shoes, it is important to distinguish it from foot fungus, since this disease requires immediate attention to a dermatologist. Patients with a fungal infection of the skin of the feet experience the following symptoms:

  • lag nail plates from the bed;
  • yellowing of nails;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • peeling of the skin between the fingers.

Foot fungus

Foot fungus requires medical treatment.

What to do if your feet sweat: causes of the problem, folk remedies for treatment

2 How to take care of your feet at home?

To achieve smooth heels, you can use effective folk remedies for caring for the skin of your feet at home. Optimal time for procedures - in the evening, before bedtime:

Means Recipe Application
Herbal bath
  1. 1. Take oak bark, St. John's wort, string and calendula in equal proportions.
  2. 2. 3 tablespoons of herbs are brewed with a liter of fresh boiling water.
  3. 3. The infusion is kept for 15 minutes
  1. 1. The hot infusion is poured into a basin and the feet are immersed in it.
  2. 2. Take a bath for 15 minutes, wipe the skin dry and lubricate it with baby cream
Soda bath
  1. 1. The basin is filled with hot water.
  2. 2. Add a tablespoon to the water baking soda and 2 tablespoons of shower gel
  1. 1. Immerse your feet in the liquid and after 15 minutes wipe the skin dry.
  2. 2. At the end of the procedure, the heels are treated with pumice
Potato compress Several raw potatoes without skins are grated on a fine grater.
  1. 1. Before applying the compress, wash and dry your feet thoroughly.
  2. 2. The potato mass is applied to the heels, secured with a bandage, and socks are put on.
  3. 3. In the morning, wash off the compress
Honey Take any liquid honey
  1. 1. After hygiene procedures Honey is applied to problem areas of the feet.
  2. 2. Feet are bandaged and go to bed.
  3. 3. In the morning, wash off the honey
Onion compress
  1. 1. Take several large onions and cut them into rings.
  2. 2. Onion rings are scalded with boiling water
  1. 1. The rings are applied to each heel and the feet are wrapped in polyethylene.
  2. 2. Put socks on top.
  3. 3. Go to bed with a compress, and in the morning wash it off and treat the skin with pumice.
Milk bath
  1. 1. Pour 2-3 liters of hot water and 0.5 liters of milk into a basin.
  2. 2. Add a tablespoon of finely grated soap.
  3. 3. Stir well
  1. 1. Take the bath for 15 minutes.
  2. 2. Afterwards, treat the skin with pumice and rub in nourishing cream.
Salt bath Place half a glass of sea salt and the same amount of soap shavings in a bowl of hot vodka.
  1. 1. Take the bath for 20 minutes.
  2. 2. At the end of the procedure, treat the feet with a scrub and rinse everything off with water.
Zucchini mask
  1. 1. A small young zucchini, along with the peel, is passed through a meat grinder.
  2. 2. Mix the mass with a tablespoon of olive oil
  1. 1. The mass is applied to gauze swabs, which are applied to the heels.
  2. 2. Fix the tampons with an elastic bandage and leave the compress for 1 hour.
  3. 3. Afterwards, remove the compress and wash the heels
Apricot mask
  1. 1. Mash several ripe apricots in a bowl and heat the fruit over low heat.
  2. 2. Add a teaspoon of corn oil to the heated mass
  1. 1. The hot mass is applied to clean heels.
  2. 2. The feet are wrapped in cling film and woolen socks are put on. The composition will help soften the skin in 10 minutes.
  3. 3. After the procedure, wash your feet with cool water
Apple mask
  1. 1. The cores of several apples are crushed to a puree.
  2. 2. Add a few tablespoons of rye flour and mix the composition
  1. 1. The mass is applied to the rough areas of the skin of the feet, pieces of cellophane are applied and woolen socks are put on.
  2. 2. After an hour, remove the compress and wipe the skin with a napkin.
  3. 3. Apply nourishing cream to the heels
Glycerin mask

Mix glycerin and 9% vinegar in equal proportions. You should get 2 tablespoons of the mixture.

  1. 1. Pre-steam your feet in warm water.
  2. 2. Vinegar with glycerin is applied to problem areas of the feet in a thin layer.
  3. 3. Feet are wrapped in polyethylene and cotton socks are put on.
  4. 4. After 1 hour, the feet are treated with pumice and washed thoroughly.

If you need to soften the skin of your feet in a matter of minutes, then express methods will help treat them. This method allows you to quickly soften your heels:

  1. 1. Take a bowl of hot water and pour a glass of coarse salt into it.
  2. 2. Then lower your feet into the water and wait 5 minutes.
  3. 3. After the specified time, add 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.
  4. 4. After 5 minutes, the rough skin of the feet will turn white, and it is gently wiped off with a pumice stone.

To avoid hardening of your heels, you need to treat your skin with cream or cosmetic oil. The following oils have a pronounced softening and regenerating effect:

  • almond;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • linen;
  • coconut

To ensure that the skin of your feet always remains soft, it is recommended to wear comfortable shoes, regularly do hygienic pedicures and use caring cosmetics.

Hello, dear readers. How to make your heels soft and smooth at home? I won’t be mistaken if I say that every woman dreams of such smooth, soft heels. How beautiful they look in summer open sandals! Therefore, watch the post to the end - there will be 6 ways to get rid of rough skin on your heels.

Baths are the best remedy for soft heels

When the skin on your heels becomes rough and unsightly, you should not wait for more serious changes. The situation needs to be corrected.

What can cause cracked heels? First of all, this:

  • dry indoor air
  • lack of care,
  • hormonal disbalance,
  • poor blood circulation,
  • lack of vitamins, especially A and E.
  • fungal infection
  • high sugar, thyroid disease.

If you don't have serious illnesses, then baths with soda will help quickly correct the situation. Pour 1 tbsp into a bowl of warm water (1 liter). spoon of soda, pour in 3-4 drops of essential oil, lower your feet for 15 minutes. After softening the stratum corneum, treat the legs with pumice and lubricate them with cream.

Milk bath. In 2 liters of water, add 1 tbsp. milk, 3 tbsp. salt, a little shampoo. We keep our feet in this solution for about 20 minutes. Then we treat our feet with a brush or pumice stone, wipe it dry, and lubricate it with a rich cream.

Bath with glycerin. Pour warm water into a bowl, add 1 tsp. l. glycerin, lower your feet for 15 minutes, rub the skin on your heels with a brush, lubricate with a rich cream. All baths can be done once daily. The course is a week.

Masks for feet and smooth heels

You can make excellent healing masks at home. For rough skin, a mask with yolk will be a real elixir.

Recipe: Take 1 tbsp. l. starch and lemon juice, egg yolk, mix well, lubricate the steamed heels, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water, wipe them with a towel, lubricate with cream.

Honey mask. Take 1 tbsp. l. honey and olive oil, mix, apply to the heels, keep for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

To make your heels smooth, try making herbal compresses. Brew a mixture of herbs: chamomile, string, sage, calendula. Two tbsp. l. herbs, brew 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. Soak gauze in the infusion, apply to the heels, secure with cellophane, and put on socks.

Treatment of cracked skin

The skin on the heels is without cracks, is this possible? Of course available! Take advantage simple recipes, and you will forget about this unpleasant phenomenon like cracks.

Treat with peroxide. Pour 4 liters of hot water into a basin, add 4 tbsp. l. peroxide. Lower your legs, the main thing is that they are covered with water, hold for 10 minutes.

Soon you will see that the skin has steamed as if you had been steaming it for an hour.

We clean off the stratum corneum, cover the heels with a mixture (1:1), which includes glycerin and vinegar (table). We do baths with peroxide once every 7 days, but you can lubricate the mixture every day.

Homemade cream for treating cracked heels can be prepared in a few minutes. Take baby cream, add peppermint oil.

But here is a more complex composition. This cream includes:

  • ghee - 50 grams;
  • glycerin oil - half a teaspoon;
  • any vegetable oil- 4 teaspoons;
  • camphor alcohol - 30 grams;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • chamomile infusion - 1 tbsp. spoon.

First, prepare a chamomile decoction: 1 tbsp. l. flowers, brew 100 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Excess liquid can be frozen and then used as a cosmetic product.

Then we mix all the ingredients, apply it to the heels, wrap it in plastic, put on socks, and leave it on for several hours.

Homemade heel cream is better than a pharmaceutical product

There is another way to treat heels, which is better than many ready-made ones. cosmetic preparations. This is a cream that you can prepare in just a few minutes.

To do this, you will need vitamin A and calendula ointment in a tube.

Take a glass jar and mix vitamin A and ointment well: a 20 ml bottle of vitamin and a tube of ointment (20g). Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator.

Every day, at night, lubricate your heels with this magic remedy, then put on your socks. Course-week.

After a week's course, you can continue to lubricate the skin, but 2 times a week. This cream has an amazing quality: it can permanently rid your feet of cracks.

See recipe details and video here.

Don't forget to lubricate your nails and entire foot. Even older people with advanced dermal conditions acquire soft, smooth heels.

Foot cream with urea

Compositions containing urea, which instantly penetrates the skin, helps loosen and remove the upper stratum corneum, for example, copes well with cracked heels. EVO cream with urea.

In addition, urea cream performs protective functions, and also supports tissues required amount moisture, promotes the penetration into the depths of the epidermis of the beneficial substances that make up this product.

Cream with urea helps treat diseases of the epidermis of the feet such as eczema, fungus, psoriasis, and ichthyosis.

What kind of substance is this - urea? This is very important component, which is found in the cells of the human epidermis. If there are no diseases of the skin of the legs, then it contains up to 1 percent urea.

Its main purpose is to moisturize the skin, which means preventing dryness and the appearance of cracks.

Traditional recipes for treating heels

Folk remedies have an excellent healing effect.

Mask with celandine: chop fresh celandine leaves, apply to your heels, secure with a bandage, wrap with film on top, put on socks. Stay like this overnight. In the morning, rinse the herb with warm water. Rub the exfoliated epidermis with a brush and lubricate your feet with cream.

Effective folk remedy: Boil several potato tubers in their skins, drain some of the water, and mash the potatoes in the remaining water. Pour into a basin, add water to cover your feet, add 1 tbsp. spoon of soda.

Place your feet in the solution, hold for 5-8 minutes, rub your feet with a pumice stone, rinse with water, wipe dry with a towel, lubricate with cream, put on socks.

No less effective remedy - oatmeal, boiled in water. Pour a good portion of flaxseed oil into the porridge, put the mixture in 2 bags, put them on your feet, insulate them for 2 hours, then rinse with warm water. A few such procedures are enough to make your heels soft and smooth.

How can we not remember about honey? If you are not allergic to it, then prepare a simple flatbread from 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and 1 tbsp. honey

Divide it into 2 parts. Before going to bed, steam your feet, wipe dry, apply the tortillas to your heels, secure them, and put on your socks. In the morning, roll up the tortillas to use again. Course - 10 days.

Another proven recipe. Grind 2 large onions in a meat grinder and place them in 2 bags. Before going to bed, put them on your feet, insulate them, put on socks, 3-5 procedures will be enough. This remedy will also relieve you of foot fungus.

Use lemon to care for your heels.

  1. It is better to do the procedure at night. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice. It can be used in cooking, simply added to tea, or frozen for later.
  2. Place the squeezed lemon halves on both heels and place a sock on top to hold the peel in place. Now just go to bed.
  3. In the morning you will notice how much softer your heels have become. The ideal result is achieved if you repeat the procedure every 2-3 days. The same lemon halves can be used several times until they dry out.

Vitamins for smooth heel skin

What vitamins does the body lack to make the heels soft, like a child’s? First of all, vitamin A.

Eat cabbage, citrus fruits, liver, butter, carrots, spinach, green onions, then your body will not suffer from a lack of vitamins.

Once a 60-year-old village woman boasted to me of her pink heels. To say that I was surprised is not the right word! I knew that she also works in the garden, and that they do not have a bathroom or other urban conditions. It turns out that her doctor recommended (I don’t remember for what reason) to take liquid vitamin A - drop a drop onto a piece of refined sugar and eat it once a day. And this is the side result with the heels!

So don't neglect vitamin A!

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I offer a wonderful recipe for caring for your heels. Everything ingenious is simple! These words one hundred percent apply to this recipe. After treating your feet in this way, your soles and heels become smooth and soft, and calluses disappear. If the soles are very neglected, you need to repeat the procedure several times. There will be nothing but benefit! And then you will look at the condition of your legs yourself.

Take a small bowl (just large enough to fit your feet in it), pour in 1.5 liters of water so that it is hot, but not very hot. Add 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the water. We put our feet in the water and sit.

After just a few minutes, it feels like you've been floating your feet for at least half an hour. If your soles are very worn, sit longer. You yourself will feel the effect when you rub your feet against your feet, how they “creak” from cleanliness. Here I immediately rub the soles and heels with a special grater or pumice stone.

After this, I rub in a mixture of glycerin and vinegar (I bought a bottle of glycerin at the pharmacy and added regular table vinegar). And in general, I do this every day. And baths with peroxide - once a week. The effect is amazing!!! Try it and see for yourself!

After this procedure, the heels become smooth, pink, softened, rough spots are easily removed, literally with just a few movements of the pumice stone. For moderately neglected feet, this procedure gives excellent results.

To do this you need to prepare: half a cup of kefir (preferably fatty and sour), plastic bags, terry socks, rich cream.

How to do it:

This procedure is best done in the evening, two hours before bedtime.

♦ Heat kefir to 36 degrees.

♦ Pour kefir into the bags. Put them on your feet and pull your socks on top. You can also pull a hair tie around your ankle, it will hold this compress more tightly

♦ Leave the bags on your feet for an hour and a half.

You can move in this device, but it’s dangerous - it’s slippery, so sit down and watch TV.

♦ Through specified time wash the kefir off your feet. You can lightly clean it with a pumice stone, but if you do this procedure once a week, this will not be necessary.

♦ Finally, lubricate slightly damp feet with rich cream. Put on your socks and go to bed in them.

A wonderful remedy for heels and elbows

For heels, elbows and hands - the best cosmetics are simple recipes that have been tested over the years. Therefore, I offer you two of these, with which you can prepare a wonderful remedy for your heels and elbows and make their skin very soft. Two recipes with glycerin, and they both “work”.

Take glycerin, buy 5 bottles at once at the pharmacy. In the first case, you can use vinegar, in the second, with ammonia.

1 way.

The pharmacy bottle with glycerin is not completely filled, so add 6% vinegar into it and shake it.

Method 2.

With ammonia. Ammonia mixed with glycerin in a 1:1 ratio.

You can rub these mixtures both in the morning and in the evening, at night on your heels, soles, and toes. In a few days you will see amazing results. Your heels will turn pink, your nails will acquire a beautiful and shiny color. You can also lubricate your elbows. The mixture is cheap, accessible, and true.

3 way

You will need:
♦ 10 aspirin tablets
♦ 250 g vodka

Grind aspirin into powder and add vodka. Put in dark place for 1-2 days. Take gauze, soak it in the resulting infusion and apply it to your heels. Wrap in plastic and put on socks. It is advisable to carry out the procedure at night. In the morning, remove everything, rinse your feet with warm water, wipe and lubricate with nourishing cream.

Recipes for smooth heels

Dry heels are really a problem that needs to be dealt with, and constantly. But this struggle does not bring trouble. All the products presented in this review make caring for your heels a pleasant experience.

In cold weather, the skin on the heels becomes very dry, rough and hard. But it can be softened and moisturized thanks to available recipes. The ingredients for them can be found in everyone’s home. And if you don’t have something, be sure to buy it at the pharmacy! As a result, you will always have smooth heels that are worthy of admiration!

Rose water with glycerin

A mixture of rose water and glycerin is very effective in treating dry heels. Glycerin has amazing emollient properties, and rose water contains vitamins C, A, E, D, and also has excellent antiseptic properties.

Apply the resulting mixture of glycerin and rose water on the skin of the heels before bed. Put on cotton socks. So, the product will work all night.

Lemon juice

Lemons are great for softening rough skin. If your five are rough and have calluses, then lemon will help you! Lubricate your heels with lemon juice. For this procedure, use a cotton swab soaked generously in fresh lemon juice. It is advisable to make a foot bath before lubricating. Pour warm water into a bowl and place your feet for 15 minutes. Exfoliate with pumice stone light massage dry towel, and then lubricate your feet with lemon juice.

Rice flour

You can use rice flour to exfoliate. So, dry areas of the skin and heels will become smooth. Prepare a scrub: mix honey, rice flour and apple cider vinegar in proportions according to your eye. Soak your feet in warm water for about 10 minutes, then apply a thick scrub paste to your heels. Massage your feet and rinse with warm water.


Apply puree of one banana to the dry skin of your heels and feet, leaving for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Now place your feet in cold water for 2 minutes. Do the banana procedure daily, and soon you will forget not only about dry skin, but also cracked heels.

Honey and coffee grounds

The powerful antibacterial properties of honey are known to everyone. Honey also softens the skin. Mix 3 tablespoons of honey with warm water and soak your feet in this bath for 20 minutes. Honey water works wonders - it gets rid of unpleasant odors, deodorizes, and makes the skin soft and smooth. You can massage your heels with a mixture of coffee grounds and honey. This peeling is an excellent procedure for heels!
