Food for the Chinese Crested Downy. Let's take a look at some foods that are ideal for Chinese Cresteds.

Chinese crested in nutrition is no different from other dogs. They also need meat, offal, cereals, dairy products, eggs, vegetables and fruits.

In addition, Chinese crested are big lovers of fruits and vegetables. Our Chinese favorite vegetables are cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, bell pepper, zucchini, pumpkin, favorite fruits - apples, grapes, bananas .... yes, in principle, there are simply no favorites.

What should not be fed to dogs?

First, consider what not to feed dogs.

Poor quality products.

Feeding poor-quality, expired products can lead not only to disorders gastrointestinal tract but also serious food poisoning.

Pork meat is too fatty, it creates a big load on the liver
tubular bones

In the stomach, the bones are split into sharp parts that can injure the dog's stomach or intestines, cause intestinal perforation, and volvulus. Bones are not digested and often cause constipation. And in the Chinese Crested, chewing bones can cause the loss of molars.

From a large number sweet in dogs, eyes often “flow”, teeth deteriorate. The dog loses its appetite, digestion is disturbed.
Raw river fish- in most cases, river fish are affected by larvae of helminths (worms). You can only give boiled sea
Poor quality (spoiled) dry food- it's even worse than poor quality products nutrition, dry food is a very good breeding ground for microorganisms that successfully multiply in it under storage conditions violations
Peas, beans and other legumes- a dog is not a pig, this is not food for a dog - dogs do not have a good enough elimination of gases from the intestines
Alcohol - animals in the body do not break down alcohol, so they quickly get used to and become alcoholics
Acute - irritates the gastric mucosa, can lead to gastritis and stomach ulcers
Salty - the food contains quite a sufficient amount of salt for the dog's body, an excess can lead to the deposition of salts, an increase in blood pressure
Spicy, fatty, fried, smoked food- it puts too much stress on the liver

Generally this breed not picky about food and the diet is not much different from the diet of other dogs.

However, in feeding the Chinese crested there are still nuances that are important to consider in order for the animal to remain healthy and joyful.

What to feed a Chinese crested dog

It should be noted right away that most representatives of the breed are allergic to chicken, so chicken meat and chicken bones, which are already prohibited for dogs, should not be included in the diet. In addition, the diet should not include other allergens, such as corn, including cornmeal, as well as potatoes, starch, soy, wheat. The listed products should not be contained in dry food.

At natural type It is better to choose food products: rice, beef and horse meat are most suitable from meat, as well as lean sea fish. It is permissible to include low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, as well as fruits and vegetables in the diet, to which representatives of the breed are not indifferent.

You can not feed the Chinese crested with fatty meats (pork, lamb), river fish, legumes and other foods harmful to dogs, especially sweets, it is not recommended to give offal, with the exception of beef tripe. Sweet has a negative effect on the body of the animal, lacrimation immediately begins, ugly lacrimal paths appear.

The Chinese Crested needs minerals, the sources of which are bone meal (calcium), seaweed(iodine), as well as vitamins A, E, D, but additional feeding with vitamin C is not needed, because an excess of vitamin C causes problems with the kidneys and liver.

Natural feeding of a Chinese Crested Dog causes a number of problems for dog breeders, as it is sometimes difficult to create a diet that would have a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids. As a result of improper feeding with natural products, animals often have skin problems, in particular itching, peeling and dryness, acne appears, as well as problems with the liver and kidneys, dysfunction thyroid gland. For this reason, many owners decide to transfer the Chinese Crested to dry food.

Dry food should be selected carefully, because many start watering, some cause indigestion, others gain weight, and some, such as dietary feeds, are not recommended to be fed regularly. Many owners of Chinese crested dogs prefer dry food Hills (Hills) and Acana (Acana), but Eukanuba (Eukanuba) is not suitable for all animals, dogs quickly gain weight from Pro Plan dry food, some dogs refuse to eat it at all .

When feeding a Chinese Crested dog dry food, a bowl of clean filtered water should always be freely available.

Older dogs that have difficulty chewing food, digestive problems, are fed ground food or wet canned food.

What to feed puppies

Puppies should include in their diet various products, including sour-milk, for example, low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, it is permissible to give milk (preferably goat) with the addition of raw chicken yolk, fruits, vegetables, fresh chopped into small, but not minced meat, pieces of meat (veal), non-fat boiled fish ( cod), deboned. Milk can only be given up to 4 months of age. Dry food is selected special for puppies, and is given at first in a soaked form.

Puppies are fed 3-5 times a day, reducing the number of feedings as they grow older. Portions should be small, because, despite the excellent appetite, puppies should not be overfed. However, underfeeding is also dangerous for a developing and growing organism. Dry food for very young puppies is given in a soaked form. At the same time, soak with lukewarm water, in no case hot.

adult chinese crested dog they feed twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, 30-60 minutes after the walk. Food is given warm (about 38-40 degrees).

Serving size depends on the age, activity level, health of the animal. For example, very active pets need more food (plus more vitamin B). On average, the Chinese Crested should eat 50-80 grams per day. After eating, the bowl is cleaned, the remnants of food are removed.

Poor appetite and refusal to feed may indicate that the dog does not have time to get hungry, that is, does not work up an appetite. Usually, after active walks, animals are not naughty, and eat everything that they are offered.

Initially composing proper diet or by choosing the right dry food you can avoid various diseases and save cash, which will not have to spend on the treatment of your pet.

An adult dog does not need variety. It is enough to pick up the right products or dry food once, and feed the dog the same throughout its life. Of course, except when there is a need to change food, for example, in the presence of health problems or due to age.

Question " what to feed chinese crested needs to be decided before the puppy enters your home. Proper feeding- a guarantee of longevity and health of the Chinese crested dog. At first, follow the breeder's advice. Make any changes gradually.

Photo: Chinese Crested Dog

Dry food for Chinese Crested

Ready-made food can be a convenient solution. But it must be chosen carefully. Only super premium class products are suitable, preferably hypoallergenic, for the health of wool and skin.

How to feed the Chinese crested with a natural diet?

Some prefer natural cuisine. In this case, the ratio of products in the diet should be as follows:

How many times a day is a Chinese crested cat fed?

An adult dog is fed twice a day. Evening rations are more nutritious. In the morning, you can offer porridge with low-fat cottage cheese and vegetables (1 time per week, add egg yolk- boiled). In the evening - meat or offal. It can be raw beef, lightly cooked chicken or turkey (boneless). Meat can be supplemented with vegetables or porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal). However, keep in mind that sometimes representatives of the breed cannot digest raw meat, then it needs to be boiled.

What should not be fed to the Chinese Crested?

Prohibited Foods for Chinese Crested Dog:

  • acute,
  • marinated,
  • pickles,
  • smoked meats,
  • fatty,
  • roast,
  • sweets,
  • pasta,
  • flour products,
  • potato,
  • cabbage,
  • legumes,
  • Exotic fruits.

Rules for feeding Chinese crested

  1. Clean water must be available at all times.
  2. Set a feeding schedule and stick to it.
  3. The bowl of food is removed 15 minutes after the start of feeding, even if the portion is not finished.

Despite its graceful appearance, crested are not picky eaters. Their special breed predilection is fruits and vegetables. The diet of this breed must contain vitamins A, D, E, as well as phosphorus and calcium.

Animals older than one and a half years of age should be regularly arranged fasting days: once in two weeks. You can not feed for a day or give only stewed or fresh cabbage.

If the Chinese Crested is getting old and has few teeth, natural food needs to be ground or fed.

Dry food must be selected for small breeds, can be dietary. When feeding dry food, the dog should always have fresh water.

Feeding a Chinese Crested Puppy

  • From two months, the puppy is fed varied, but not overfeeding. In his diet should be kefir with low-fat cottage cheese in the consistency of sour cream, it is possible with finely chopped fruits and vegetables. You also need porridge or soup on lean meat broth with vegetables. You can drink milk.
  • It is better to soak dry food or fill it with water - the puppy should drink a lot (read reviews on dry dog ​​food). Must include in diet fresh vegetables and fruits: carrots, radishes, cabbage, leaf parsley, dill, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, apples.
  • No more than three times a week - a raw egg and a teaspoon of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).
  • A puppy can also be given fresh meat: veal, beef, horse meat - pulp, tripe, cartilaginous tissue, sometimes offal. Of the fish, only non-oily sea: cod, hake, ice, flounder.
  • It is better to give the meat raw, but if the puppy has a weak stool, then it is worth scalding the meat in boiling water or frying it in a pan without oil.
  • After 4 months, milk is removed from the puppy's diet.

Prohibited foods in the diet of the Chinese Crested Dog

  • You can not give lamb, pork, poultry (especially raw) and any stew, lard, fats, bones; river fish, capelin; from vegetables - legumes and potatoes.
  • In the dog's diet should not be flour and confectionery, smoked, fried, salty and sweet foods, dairy products such as sour cream, milk, butter, yogurt, fatty cottage cheese, cheese. Sausage, sausages, ham are not a delicacy for a dog. They only spoil the liver.
  • Do not give spoiled food, hot or cold food ( optimum temperature- 38-40 degrees).
  • The Chinese crested dog does not need to know the taste of sweets and sugar. Any sweets disrupt digestion, spoil the appetite, but, most importantly, destroy the already weak teeth of this breed. They also have a bad effect on the eyes of the crested. They begin to watery, leaving red tracks on the muzzle.

An amazingly beautiful breed of dog - the Chinese crested food prefers a varied diet. He gives a special passion to vegetables - tender zucchini, pumpkin, crispy cucumbers, cabbage and almost any fruit.

Feeding puppies

It is advisable to accustom a puppy to a natural diet starting after reaching the age of two months. This issue becomes especially relevant if the bitch has little or no milk. He needs food in an amount that is approximately 6% of his own weight, divided by four feeding, observing this frequency up to four months. Then a three-time regimen is practiced, and after eight months there is a two-time feeding.

The baby is offered a variety of good nutrition, including fat-free cottage cheese diluted with kefir, soup cooked in lean veal broth, cereals, vitamins. In the main dish, you can enter small pieces of vegetables, as well as chopped fruits. A day later, a raw egg is added, as well as a teaspoon of vegetable oil (preferably olive or sunflower-olive).

Milk with good tolerance is given up to four months. Gradually adapt to raw meat(excluding pork, lamb, and poultry) and sea fish, which should not be fatty varieties. Constant control over the reaction of the body is necessary. If a weak stool is found, the meat is pre-scalded.

When compiling the menu, the following approximate balance is observed:

  • meat - 50%;
  • fermented milk products - 10%;
  • cereals - 30%;
  • vegetables - 10%.
If a food oriented towards ready-made mixtures is chosen, then the feeds recommended for a certain age category. For babies, it is advisable to soak dry food first and always make sure that the puppy can drink enough water.

Natural adult dog food

When compiling the pet’s menu on its own, approximate guidelines are maintained, taking into account that with a weight of 6 kg per day, an energy intake of 2160 kJ (515 kcal) is needed. The balance of the main components is maintained in the following proportions (in%): protein - 27.0, fats - 7.8, carbohydrates - 55.8, fiber - 4.8, other substances - 4.6. The average amount of food is calculated as 3.5% of the dog's weight.

An adult dog needs to be fed twice a day. Breakfast consists of porridge. It is advisable to alternate every week corn, millet, rice, boiling it in water without salt in a ratio of 1:3. Grated apple, light cottage cheese, kefir are added to the menu.

For dinner, meat is offered, which is enough for a small dog 50? 60 g. For better digestibility, it is recommended to fill the piece with water and place in the microwave for a minute and a half so that the middle remains raw. Sometimes you can replace veal with sea fish by boiling it. From cereals in the evening menu, buckwheat is preferable. Sprinkled carrots are added vegetable oil, grated or cabbage, as well as bran, dry kelp.

Once every seven days, the meat is replaced with an egg, and half a garlic clove is also offered. In summer, the fruit and vegetable supplement is diversified, given taste preferences pet. These can be pieces of pear, zucchini, beet tops, sweet peppers, parsley sprigs and other varieties that are attractive to the dog.

It should be remembered how prone to obesity exotic breed- Chinese crested, feeding it has a certain algorithm. It is advisable for prevention to practice a kind of fasting days with a two-week frequency. During such a period, the pet is given only cabbage for a day - fresh, stewed, or any food is excluded altogether, providing constant access to fresh water.

There are a number of products that not recommended for Chinese crested diet:

  • meat stew;
  • bones;
  • fresh pork, mutton fat, all kinds of raw poultry;
  • River fish;
  • potatoes, legumes;
  • confectionery, as well as flour products, smoked meats, pickles, fried varieties of food;
  • sour cream, cheese, butter, cottage cheese with high fat content;
  • sausage varieties.
You should not treat your dog with candies that are harmful to the teeth, which are not naturally strong. Excessive sweets can cause watery eyes, causing anxiety.

Ready feed

When choosing food for Chinese Crested, many owners prefer balanced ready mixes, which do not require preliminary calculations of the content of all necessary elements. Manufacturers provide for differentiation of the daily dosage depending on various parameters: age, weight, health status. It is advisable to focus on species intended for small breeds. Be sure to have fresh water available.

It must be taken into account that the consumer market is represented several categories prepared feed.

1. Budget Economy class made from cheap raw materials that do not always meet all safety requirements. Its experts do not recommend for permanent use.

2. Casual Regular class more different high quality. Introducing it into the diet pet, you should make sure that there are no allergic manifestations to it due to flavor enhancers.

3. High quality Performance and Premium classes fully satisfy all needs and can be constantly included in the diet of the Chinese crested pet.

An analysis of the opinions of experts in the dog nutrition sector shows that many allow the use natural products along with industrial types. Practicing mixed food, it is important to consider that it is necessary to give different feeds separately.

Nutrition for obesity

The tendency to overweight representatives of this wonderful breed can be leveled if you correctly develop a diet and do not try to indulge your graceful pet with goodies between feedings.

Obesity in dogs is one of the causes serious pathologies, and in babies it is fraught with improper formation of the skeleton. If the problem has already manifested itself, it is necessary to consult with a specialist about transferring the dog to a dietary diet. If she is accustomed to professional types feed, then the same brand is selected, but with a specific mark indicating that this is a dietary product. At natural way The feeding menu is slightly reduced in terms of meat and cereal components with an increase in the fruit and vegetable share.

Nutrition for Senior Dogs

The aging Chinese Crested has dental problems that tend to loosen and even fall out. For easier chewing and mastering natural food subjected to grinding. With the habit of eating ready-made feeds, the diet should not be changed due to the sensitivity of the intestines of this breed. The transition is carried out by replacing dry varieties with canned ones - mousses, jellies, pates, minced meats, meat in sauce.

Nutrition for pregnant and lactating

During the onset of pregnancy, the appropriate types of prepared feeds are selected. With a natural diet, additional administration of vitamins, as well as calcium in the amounts recommended by experts, will be required. Nutrition is practiced fractional with gradual increase serving volume in terms of protein component. But before childbirth (about ten days) protein types of food - meat, eggs are reduced. For five days, squirrels are generally removed from the menu, leaving cereals, fruits, cottage cheese, fruits, kefir. After childbirth, the first days are shown semi-liquid food. Meat can be given after a week. During the feeding period, high-calorie foods are selected.
