Help with organizing a spatial environment that develops subject matter. Analytical information on the subject-spatial development environment

Analytical information on the subject-spatial developmental environment in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Education

Svetlana Tyulyakova
Analytical information on the subject-spatial developmental environment in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

State budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 297, Pushkinsky district, St. Petersburg

Analytical information

“Creation of a developing subject- spatial environment in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards DO"

Analytical information

“Creation of a developing subject-spatial environment in the preparatory group”

Group characteristics: The preparatory group is attended by 30 children aged 6-7 years, of which 12 are girls and 18 are boys.

Facts obtained as a result of analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment:

Safety and psychological comfort of children staying in the group;

Implementation of OP BEFORE (reflection educational areas);

Taking into account the age characteristics of children;

Taking into account the education of children with disabilities, special educational needs, and other categories of children. (if there are any in the group)

Safety and psychological comfort of children staying in a group.

The equipment of the group space corresponds to the sanitary hygienic requirements, it is safe, health-saving, aesthetically attractive and educational. Furniture corresponds to the height and age of children, toys provide maximum of this age developmental effect.

In the interior of the group, in the color scheme of the walls and “sedentary” furnishings, light, calm tones predominate, the walls are decorated with children's works. Educational games and toys are freely available to children bright colors. In order to ensure psychological comfort a “solitude corner” has been created in the group, in which home furnishings; available: soft sofa, living plants, album family photos, there is a model of a dry aquarium, a TV, a music center.

For interconnection with the outside world, free access to objects of a natural nature, a corner of nature has been organized in the washroom, in which children can observe plants - their growth and development, take part in basic work caring for them, conduct experiments and experiments with natural and other materials.

The group has created a comfortable subject-spatial environment that corresponds to the age, gender, and individual characteristics of children. The developmental environment has flexible zoning, which allows children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage in different types of activities at the same time, without interfering with each other. The areas of independent children's activity within the group do not overlap; there is enough space for children to move freely. All games and materials in the group are arranged in such a way that every child has free access to them.

The predominant number of boys influenced the creation of a developmental environment. The boys are united by a common design and construction interest, to satisfy which constructors are placed different sizes and textures, there are various types of transport. Taking into account the sports and competitive needs of boys, board games are presented in the development environment: “Hockey”, “Basketball”, “Football”, “Team of Champions”. In the corner for girls there are games such as: “Hairdresser”, “Policlinic”, “Shop”, “Atelier”. Here there is contact between boys and girls, which implements gender education of children.

A peculiarity of children of preparatory age is that at this age the idea is based on the theme of the game, therefore the multifunctional subject environment awakens active imagination children, and each time they rebuild the existing play space in a new way, using flexible modules, screens, curtains, chairs. The transformability of the subject environment allows children to take a fresh look at the play space from a different point of view, be active in arranging the play area and anticipate its results.

This organization of space allows preschoolers to choose interesting activities for themselves, alternate them during the day, and the teacher to organize educational process taking into account individual characteristics children.

Implementation of educational programs (reflection of educational areas.)

The development environment of the group reflects the main directions of educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

The space of the group room is organized in the form of well-demarcated corners (development centers):

Corner for role-playing games;

Corner for theatrical games and musical activities;

Corner of printed board games;

Math Games Corner;

A corner of nature and experimentation with water and sand;

Corner for visual arts (drawing, sculpting, appliqué, modeling);

Constructive activity corner;

Our corner of the city of St. Petersburg.

The equipment of the corners changes in accordance with the thematic planning of the educational process. In the corners there are algorithms for using materials in the developing space (for example: an algorithm for modeling, appliqué, paper construction, diagrams for use in construction games, etc.)

Corner for role-playing games;

Due to the fact that the play plans of 6-7 year old children are very diverse, all play material in this corner is placed in such a way that children can easily select toys and combine them “to suit their plans.” Stable thematic zones completely give way to mobile material - large universal space markers and multifunctional material that can be easily moved from place to place.

In serving game plans, universal markers playing space and multifunctional material is purchased highest value. Joint play with peer partners occupies an increasingly important place in children's activities. Children act with a variety of small character figures in combination with small space markers - models, small character figures that serve as unique operating objects when children develop director's play.

Plot-forming sets change their scale - this is game layouts with “inhabitants” (thematic sets of character figures) and operating items.

Universal play layouts are located in places easily accessible to children; they are portable (to play on the table, on the floor, in any convenient location). Thematic sets of small character figures are placed in boxes, close to the layouts (so that the universal layout can be easily and quickly “populated”, at the request of the players).

Corner for theatrical games and musical activities:

Puppet theater (Teremok, The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats, Puss in Boots)

Tabletop theater (The Three Little Pigs, Puss in Boots, Kolobok, Teremok, Zimovye, Masha and the Bear)

Shovel Theater (Ox and the Fox, Kolobok, Three Bears, etc.)

Board games from the “Playing a Fairy Tale” series

Bibabo toy theater

Character masks and costumes

Discs with music and fairy tales

Decorations and screen

Portraits of great composers

Card index of musical and theatrical games

Book corner:

Books selected by age and current topic

Portraits of writers and poets

Schemes for memorizing poems

Schemes for retelling works

Printed board games for speech development

Math corner:

Board and printed games “Developing attention”, “Fold the picture”, “Learning to compare”, etc.

Corner of nature and experimentation with water and sand:

Card file of walks, experiences, experimentation

Printed board games on ecology (Botanical lotto, lotto of plants and animals, In the garden or in the vegetable garden, Seasons)

Dominoes (fruits, vegetables, animals, etc.)

Mini museum “Water Magician”

Sports section:

Balls large, medium, small

Throwing bags

Card indexes of mobile games, breathing exercises, gymnastics after sleep

Corner for visual arts (drawing, sculpting, appliqué, modeling):

Brushes of different sizes and materials

Paper different textures

Play dough

Modeling molds

Didactic material from the series “Art for Children”

Printed board games (Miracle patterns, “Colored pencils”)

Paint mixing schemes

Paintings by famous artists

Samples of decorative and applied arts products

Coloring pages by theme

Constructive activity corner:

Constructor of different sizes, shapes and materials

Mosaics of different shapes and sizes

Origami paper

Our corner of the city of St. Petersburg:

Symbols of our country

Photo books on Russian cities

Electronic guide on disk

Board and printed games from the series “Sights of Russia”, “Magic Petersburg”, “Our City”

Puzzles "Coat of Arms of Russia"

Domino “Our City”, “Where I Live”, “My Home”

Constructors "Architecture of St. Petersburg"

Books on the history of the city

CONCLUSION: The developing subject-spatial environment of the group provides the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children and adults; it is rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

Coaching project “Compliance of the developing subject-spatial environment with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard” October 27, 2014 teachers of our kindergarten represented by teacher Gavrilyuk Svetlana Nikolaevna and teacher-psychologist Dyatchina Olga Vasilievna.

Regulations on the competition “Design project: subject-developing group environment” I approve ___/N. V. Bezverkhaya / (manager) Order No. ___ dated “___2012. REGULATIONS on the competition “Design – Project:.

Analytical report on the participation of teacher Irina Gennadievna Kustova in the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment in a preparatory group for school in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 51 combined type Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

Date of analysis: 22.10.2015

Group characteristics:

  • group of children of preparatory age for school: 6-7 years;
  • number – 29 people;
  • gender composition: 17 boys, 12 girls;
  • physical development: mostly consistent with age.

As a result of the analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment preparatory group It was revealed that the teacher Irina Gennadievna Kustova, when creating a developing subject-spatial environment, took into account:

  • implementation of OP DO (reflection of educational areas);
  • taking into account age characteristics.
  • the principle of distance during interaction;
  • the principle of activity, independence, creativity;
  • principle of stability, dynamism;
  • principle of integration and flexible zoning;
  • the principle of individual comfort and emotional well-being every child and adult.
  • the principle of combining familiar and original elements in the aesthetic organization of the environment;
  • the principle of openness - closedness;
  • the principle of taking into account gender and age differences children.

Safety and psychological comfort of children staying in a group.

Irina Gennadievna Kustova created a safe subject-spatial environment in the group: the elements of the environment meet the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use, the equipment and materials used on the site and in the premises comply with the rules for protecting the life and health of children, sanitary and hygienic requirements, fire safety rules security. (For example: marking of bed linen and towels, correct lighting, chairs complete with a table - one group of furniture, sharp corners are fixed with soft corners, glass objects, small toys and objects with a diameter of less than 3 cm are not used, furniture is stable, shelves are securely attached to walls).

The teacher organized a comfortable subject-spatial environment: the sizes and designs of equipment and aids correspond to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the children, their age, and individual characteristics. The group environment is zoned and promotes children's activity. There is furniture in the group room (sofa, cabinets), reminiscent of a home environment. The centers of independent children's activity within the group do not overlap with each other.

Kustova I.G. The group’s interior included design elements that create pleasant positive associations: a book and theatrical corner, children’s work is used in the group room and locker room, as well as an exhibition of works made by the hands of parents together with the child at home from natural and waste materials.

Nature Center. Flowering plants and plants with large leaves.

Herbarium, all kinds natural material, nature calendar, observation diaries, albums with illustrations of animals and birds.

Developmental benefits in the group Kustova I.G. selected taking into account a gender approach, taking into account the interests and needs of boys and girls: cars and dolls, motor toys and strollers, for girls - more attractive and bright in form, but in content are equivalent to manuals for boys.

The teacher’s style of behavior contributes to a comfortable stay for children: the predominance of contact forms of communication in working with children (communication games) , as well as the good traditions of the group.

All decorative and interior items in the group are harmoniously combined in color, style and materials from which they are made. The selection of toys, furniture and equipment for the premises was determined by maximizing the conditions for the child’s sensory development and so that he felt comfortable and experienced positive emotions.

Kustova I.G. organized a content-rich, substantively developing spatial environment for the group. The educational space of the group is equipped with training and education tools (including music center) gaming, physical education, recreational equipment, the richness of the environment ensures object-based activity, communication with adults, games with peers, experimentation with materials and substances, actions with household objects, motor activity, development of gross and fine motor skills. The environment for graduates is filled with manuals and games to prepare for school.

The group space is transformed depending on educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children. Equipment is rationally placed in the group and its quantity is determined. The environment can be changed beyond recognition with the help of portable screens, which, in turn, are easily transformed and used for various types of children's activities.

The teacher selected a variety of multifunctional (not having a strictly fixed method of use) items (children's furniture, soft modules, screens, etc.). There are also natural materials suitable for use in various types of children's activities. (including as substitute objects in children's games).

Benefits for children have such a characteristic as universality, i.e. the ability to use each item to perform a variety of actions with it, for example, the development of fine motor skills.

The group’s play environment is variable: play material changes periodically, new objects and materials appear that stimulate children’s subject, motor activity, perception of fairy tales and poems, looking at pictures, experimenting with materials and substances, playing with composite and object toys. The presence of a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment ensures free choice for children.

Conclusion: participation of I.G. Kustova in creating a subject-spatial developmental environment ensures the safety and psychological comfort of children’s stay in preschool educational institutions. The subject-development environment of the group has such mandatory characteristics as: multifunctionality, variability, versatility and transformation.

Implementation of OP DO.

The subject-development environment of the group was designed by I.G. Kustova. In accordance with the educational educational program, conditions have been created for the implementation of educational areas. For this purpose, the following centers are organized in the group:

  • cognitive development;
  • entertaining mathematics;
  • security;
  • experimentation;
  • nature;
  • design;
  • social and communicative development;
  • patriotic education;
  • physical development;
  • game;
  • theater-musical;
  • books and speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development (artistic activity).

The contents of the corners make it possible to effectively organize the educational process in all educational areas, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

1. Social communication development:

  • character toys are various kinds dolls, figures of people and animals. Game material representing role-playing attributes specific to a character (roles), for the development of display games, girls have items women's clothing, jewelry, capes, bows, beads, handbags, umbrellas. For boys: details military uniform, uniform items, technical toys, rudders, anchors, binoculars, available materials (laces, ropes, wheels), which are used creatively to solve game problems;
  • attributes for role-playing games ("Family" , "Doctor" etc.);
  • toys - objects of operation - these are toys that imitate real objects - tools, tools, means of human activity, which allow you to recreate the meaning of a real action (for example, a toy cup, iron, hammer, steering wheel, etc.).;
  • play space markers are toys (game material) indicating the place of action, the environment in which it occurs (for example, a toy kitchen stove, a house-teremok, a transforming car, a children's, doll furniture, household items, etc.);
  • "chest" with substitute items;
  • building material, designers.

2. Cognitive development:

  • Material for children to develop ideas about shape, color, size, and the nature of the surface of objects (pyramids, nesting dolls, boxes of different colors, insert toys, set "small and big" , mosaic, abacus with labyrinths).
  • Various didactic games for mastering actions with certain objects, teaching a culture of communication.
  • objects for research in action (inlay boards, sets for experiments with water and sand, mosaics, Cuisenaire sticks, Dienesh blocks, sets of cubes, etc.)
  • (sets of pictures)

3. Speech development:

Development of free communication with adults and children; development of all components of speech:

  • card index of word games; card index "speech in motion" ; card index of nursery rhymes and other forms of literary creativity;
  • games to develop fine motor skills; educational games (laces, earbuds); fun games;
  • audio recordings of literary works;
  • paintings, illustrative material, posters for viewing;
  • figurative and symbolic material ("Couples" , puzzles);
  • various types of theaters; screen for puppet theater; children's theatrical costumes, attributes for costumes and productions;

Perception of fiction and folklore:

  • fiction for reading to children;
  • book corner.

4. Artistic aesthetic development:

Musical activities:

  • music Center;
  • musical instruments;
  • a selection of audio recordings with musical works;
  • noise instruments;

Visual activities:

  • materials and equipment for productive activities (modeling, applique, drawing);
  • natural, waste material;
  • illustrative material, posters, paintings;
  • fiction with illustrations;
  • handicrafts (matryoshka dolls);

Construction from different materials:

  • building material, floor constructors, planar constructors.

5. Physical development:

Motor activity:

  • equipment for stimulation of motor function;
  • card indexes of outdoor games, skill games (catch a fish);
  • attributes and masks for outdoor games and relay races;
  • illustrated material on introducing different sports;

Education of cultural and hygienic skills, formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle:

  • algorithm for memorizing the sequence of cultural and hygienic skills (dressing, washing, etc.);
  • fiction;
  • character toys;
  • Board games;
  • illustrative material.

Conclusion: participation of teacher Kustova I.G. in creating a subject-spatial development environment ensures the implementation of an adapted basic educational program preschool education for children with disabilities.

Taking into account age characteristics.

The subject-development environment is focused on the use of forms that are age-appropriate for children in the preparatory group. The group takes into account the principle of phasing. The environment reflects those educational tasks that become more complex with the psychological age of the child and are focused on the zone "proximal development" : the presence of objects and materials known to children; objects and materials that children will master with the help of an adult; unfamiliar objects and materials.

When taking into account age characteristics, a special place is given to the game. Children of this age can assign roles, define rules and plan the organization of the play space. The game is procedural in nature, the main thing in it is action. They are performed with game items that are close to reality, and substitute items are also widely used.

The environment in the group is simulated. Its features are as follows: the center of the group is free from furniture. The environment is filled with aids for the development of children’s movements, gross and fine motor skills; there are game situations "reminders" , offering samples to children; enriching tactile experience.

The group's environment highlights the following features: comfort and safety; careful planning of the environment before the children arrive; the possibility of organizing joint activities between an adult and a child (an adult is the child’s main partner in games and activities). All games, toys and aids intended for children are located on open shelves, within easy reach, which ensures the development of basic types of children's activities.

The teacher has allocated sufficient space in the group for active movement and physical education. The free space is half the group.

Conclusion: participation of I.G. Kustova in creating a subject-spatial developmental environment, it takes into account the age characteristics of children.

Environment is zone oriented "nearest and current development child" . In the environment, the advanced nature of the educational content can be traced, since children learn the material differently: therefore, 10% of the materials reflect the topic studied, 80% current, 10% future. This allows for the further advancement and self-development of children.

Conclusion: the developing subject-spatial environment of the group provides the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children and adults, is content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe. It was created taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and makes it possible to effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, and level of activity. Ensures initial readiness for school

Related material:
Analytical report of the developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Analytical report of the developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

developing subject-spatial environment

municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 44 of general developmental type"

The organization of the developmental subject-spatial environment of the group is built in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

When creating a developmental space in a group room, the leading role of play activity in the development of children. This, in turn, should ensure the emotional well-being of each child, the development of his positive sense of self, competence in relationships with the world, with people, with himself, and inclusion in various forms of cooperation, which are the main goals of preschool education and upbringing.

The subject-development environment is organized so that every child has the opportunity to do what he loves. Placing equipment in sectors allows children to unite in subgroups based on common interests (construction, drawing, manual labor, theatrical and play activities; experimentation). The interests of both boys and girls are taken into account both in work and in play. Mandatory equipment includes materials that activate cognitive activity: educational games, technical devices and toys, etc. Materials that encourage children to master literacy are widely used.

The principle of integration of educational areas contributes to the formation of a unified subject-spatial environment. This means that for the comprehensive development of the child, several subject-specific developmental “environments” are organized: for speech, mathematical, aesthetic, physical development, which, depending on the situation, can be combined into one or several multifunctional environments.

There are individual lockers for children in the group locker room. There is also an information corner for parents, where the necessary information about kindergarten, consultations and advice for parents, and a board for children's creativity are placed.

We managed to create conditions that meet the spiritual, social, cognitive, aesthetic, communicative, and general cultural needs of children.

All furnishings and equipment in the group are harmoniously combined in color, style and materials from which they are made. The selection of toys, furniture and equipment for the premises was determined by maximizing the conditions for the child’s sensory development and so that he felt comfortable and experienced positive emotions.

The presence of educational, play, and living areas allows the use of the group room the best way. Each zone is designed taking into account children's perception.

The study area is located in such a way that the light on the work tables comes from the left side. Tables for classes are located in accordance with SanPiN standards. Each table is marked according to the height of the children.

The training area contains: a creativity center " Young artist", corner of nature, mini library, corner sensorimotor development, corner musical development, patriotic corner, experimentation corner, mathematical corner “Young Genius”.

The creativity center “Young Artist” has a wide range of visual materials for the formation creative potential children, development of interest in artistic activities, formation of aesthetic perception, imagination, artistic and creative abilities, independence, activity.

  • white paper, different formats
  • colored cardboard,
  • wax crayons,
  • pencils,
  • gouache and brushes of different diameters,
  • self-adhesive paper
  • stencils,
  • drawing samples
  • plasticine, boards, stacks
  • art objects,
  • waste and natural material for artistic work.

The sensorimotor development corner is designed to develop fine motor skills and tactile sensations. Here children learn to tie shoelaces, string large beads, fasten buttons, etc.

For mental development, a mathematical corner has been created: with handouts, counting material, geometric figures, entertaining and educational mathematical material, logical and mathematical games, a set geometric shapes.

A corner of nature is located directly next to the window. Conditions have been created here to enrich children’s ideas about the diversity of the natural world, to cultivate a love for nature and a caring attitude towards it, as well as to introduce children to caring for plants and to form the principles of an ecological culture. It also combines a corner of experimentation with natural materials, bulk materials, containers of different capacities, nature calendar, indoor plants, hourglass, watering cans, sprayers. Books and booklets about the seasons (poems, illustrations) are also presented here.

The musical development corner promotes interest in music and introduces musical instruments. Children learn to play simple melodies on various musical instruments. The group has created a music library that contains recordings of classical and folk music, sounds of nature (forests, bird voices, the sound of the sea), as well as various musical fairy tales.

The Patriotic Corner is also located in the training area. It promotes the formation patriotic feelings, introduces children to the symbols of our country and city. Children are presented with photographs of city attractions, as well as color booklets about city-forming enterprises, puzzles compiled on the basis of city buildings known to children (photos).

The mini library is located on a shelf. Books are presented here in accordance with the program - on one shelf there are author's books, on the other - works of oral folk art, puzzles. Portraits of authors (poets and writers) are also presented. All books and illustrations are updated 1-2 times a month.

The group also has a physical development corner, the purpose of which is to develop motor activity physical qualities children. The contents of the corner are used in outdoor games, individual physical activity, and in children’s free activities.

A part of the training area has been allocated for the Office, where materials on speech development, didactic games, and materials on the development of logic are located.

The multifunctionality of the environment makes it possible to use its components in a variety of ways, opens up opportunities for every child to find something they like, try their hand at different areas, interact with adults and peers, understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, create conditions for creative activity, development of imagination, formation of gaming skills, implementation of game plans, nurturing friendly relationships between children, consolidation of knowledge about the surrounding reality and life in society.

The play area is equipped with corners and attributes for role-playing games, selected taking into account the age characteristics of children and gender. In the center of the play area is a carpet with a neutral geometric pattern.

At the center of construction games are building sets and construction kits with different ways fastening parts. The free space on the floor makes it possible to build buildings. There are also figures of animals here, which provides an opportunity for greater development of imagination and creative thinking.

« Children's theater» is located next to the mini-library. Children can recreate the plot of a fairy tale based on bright illustrations, which contributes to the development of theatrical activity, creativity, memory and thinking. Additionally, for this purpose, the group has various types of theaters (bi-ba-bo; wooden figurines; masks of heroes), equipment for performing skits and performances. It combines a dressing corner - it contains various elements of costumes, jewelry, etc. This helps stimulate creative conception and individual creative emergence.

The traffic rules corner includes a portable street model, various sizes and the purpose of the car, traffic light, police baton and cap. This subject content contributes to the assimilation of material about road safety through role-playing games.

Transformability helps to change the environment according to the situation, to bring to the fore one or another function of the space depending on the age and individual characteristics of the children, the objectives of the main general education program of the institution. All toys and play materials are placed in such a way that children can freely play and put them away. There are shelves, cabinets and drawers for this purpose. Playing material and toys correspond to the age of children and the requirements of SanPiN.

The group setting, in addition to items intended for children in the middle group, includes some games and attributes aimed at older children. The so-called “zone of proximal development”.

In the living area there is a duty corner - the ability to perform the duties of duty officers is developed, instilling a positive attitude towards work and independence.

There is a cozy resting place in the group - this is the bedroom, where there are beds for nap children. The entire bedroom interior is designed in a range of warm pastel colors, which contributes to a pleasant rest and good sleep children.

When creating a developmental environment, educators tried to make it rich in information, which is ensured by a variety of topics, a variety of didactic and information material. All components of the environment are combined with each other in content, artistic design, and ensure meaningful communication between adults and children.

Analytical information

according to the results thematic control on the topic: “Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education”

Purpose of control: to analyze the conditions for organizing a developing subject-spatial environment created in group premises preschool groups in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

    check the state of the developing subject-spatial environment (DSES) in the group premises of the preschool educational institution and determine its compliance with the principles of constructing a subject-developing environment and the requirements of the Basic within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard and the requirements of SanPin; identification optimal conditions creating a developing subject-spatial environment for the development of creative abilities, independence and initiative of preschoolers; stimulate professional pedagogical creativity and teachers.

Basic control methods: analysis, review competition, observations.

Dates: 02/13/2017 – 02/22/2017

Control objects: RPPS in all age groups.

In accordance with the work plan of preschool groups of GBOU Secondary School No. 000 for 2016 – 2017 academic year In preschool groups, a thematic monitoring of the state of work on organizing a developing subject-spatial environment in groups was carried out.

Thematic control was carried out in all groups. The following questions were analyzed:

1. Using the capabilities of the subject-spatial environment of the group to implement educational tasks in all areas (observation of the organization regime moments, independent activity, role-playing games, etc.)

2. Teachers’ planning of changes in the RPPS in accordance with educational situations, children’s interests, climatic, and national characteristics.

3. The level of organization by educators in the group of a developing subject-spatial environment for the implementation of all areas of child development in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

4. Interaction with parents on this issue

To carry out control, a commission was created: the head of the preschool education, senior educators,... To conduct the review-competition, expert groups of preschool teachers were organized:

Early preschool and younger ages: , ;

Average age: , ;

Oldest age: , ;

School preparatory groups: ,

Analysis of RPPS groups of early and younger age(in the number of 8 groups) showed that the equipment of group spaces meets sanitary and hygienic requirements, it is safe, there are no physical, psychological and moral risks of gaming products for children. The furniture corresponds to the height and age of the children.

The groups have created a comfortable subject-spatial environment that corresponds to the age, gender, and individual characteristics of children, provides the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children and adults, and physical activity of children. One group has pull-out beds, which creates additional space for children to choose games to optimize the child’s motor activity. Physical education corners are equipped. There is also an opportunity for privacy (privacy corners have been created in two groups). Children's activity centers have a sufficient supply of toys, manuals, etc.

But the expert group also noted that developmental aids, didactic games, soft play modules, dynamic toys, and various types of theater are not enough. There are no movable screens. In some groups, the zoning of the environment is distributed inappropriately and not thought out. The principle of accessibility is partially implemented (there are closed shelves, cabinets, and a lot of closed boxes). Materials for practical exercises are not used: sand, water.

CONCLUSION: the developing subject-spatial environment of early and younger age groups generally provides the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children and adults, but the RPPS is not enough: it is rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, and accessible. It is necessary to analyze the environment again junior group No. 1 (1-ya Vladimirskaya, 14a), organize methodological assistance to senior educators in organizing environmental zoning in this group. To ensure comfortable and cozy atmosphere teachers of early childhood group No. 4 (2-ya Vladimirskaya, 24a) to create a unified aesthetic style for the entire group space.

The expert group that analyzed RPPS in middle-age groups looked at 7 groups and noted the following: in all groups, the developmental environment has flexible zoning, which allows children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to study at the same time, without interfering with each other. , different. The richness of the environment meets the requirements of the educational program for this age group. In all groups, corners of solitude have been created, which can also be used for theatrical and play activities.

The activity center equipment changes periodically depending on the theme of the week, the interest of the children and in accordance with climatic conditions. New objects appear that stimulate play, motor, cognitive and research activity children, thus, the developmental environments of the group are variable. But in some groups there is a chaotic arrangement of didactic and developmental materials.

Not all groups adhere to the principle of accessibility, since closed cabinets are used, toys are used, and teaching material is located high.

In the middle groups there are also not enough soft modules, light moving screens that will allow children to independently organize their activities.

CONCLUSION: the developing subject-spatial environment in middle groups ensures maximum realization of educational potential and from 4 to 5 years in various types of children's activities. The arrangement of didactic material should be considered in order to ensure its accessibility for independent use children, purchase multifunctional modules and screens.

Analysis of the RPPS of the older group (9 groups in total) showed that in groups of older preschoolers, in general, the subject-spatial environment corresponds to the age of the pupils, as well as their actual and individual characteristics, the characteristics of children's perception; The space is equipped with teaching and educational means, gaming, sports, and developmental materials. Game centers make it possible to create conditions for children’s creative activity, development of imagination, formation of gaming skills, implementation of gaming plans, and nurturing friendships between children.

Special attention The focus is on the safe presence of children in groups, the opportunity to play safely and engage in educational activities. All furniture in groups and in activity areas is attached to the walls; the furniture is arranged so that children have enough space for active activities (motor, play, educational).

The subject-spatial environment of the older groups is rich in content and corresponds to the age capabilities of the children. All activity centers and their contents are available to children: toys, didactic and developmental material, games. All groups are equipped with:

    materials and equipment for gaming activities; materials and equipment for productive activities; materials and equipment for; materials and equipment for physical activity.

To comply with the principle of variability, the material changes periodically, new objects appear that stimulate all types of children's activities.

Children actively participate in the organization of the RPPS, so students are given the opportunity to exhibit their works of productive activity in the group space: drawings, collages, handicrafts. For this purpose, ropes with clothespins, magnetic boards, easels, and shelves are used.

The space of some groups can be transformed depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children, this is possible due to multifunctional items and equipment (screens, easily portable tables, soft modules, chairs). However, there are groups in which it is necessary to think through the zoning of space in order to be able to transform the environment to support children's initiative.

CONCLUSION: when creating a subject-spatial environment in the senior groups of our institution, teachers are guided by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. All materials and equipment create an optimally rich, holistic, multifunctional, transforming environment and ensure the implementation of the basic joint activities of adults and children, and independent activities of preschoolers.

An analysis of the developing subject-spatial environments of school preparatory groups showed the following: in total there are 5 school preparatory groups in the institution. When creating a development environment in groups, educators took into account the following parameters:

In addition, all spaces in groups are divided into certain zones or centers that, if desired and necessary, can be easily transformed. They are equipped with a large number of educational materials (books, toys, creative materials, educational equipment, manuals, etc.). All items are available to children. The equipment of the centers changes in accordance with the thematic planning of the educational process: gaming centers, artistic and creative, safety centers, musical and theatrical, nature centers, experimental, design, educational, speech, labor, etc.

The equipment of the play space meets sanitary and hygienic requirements, it is safe, health-saving, aesthetically attractive and educational. Game material is stored in drawers and boxes with game markers (plates with inscriptions and pictures). There are many multifunctional items - substitutes, conditions have been created for director's games: small toys, houses, model boxes, themed builders ( Railway, road, city, farm, etc.)

The groups have created conditions for psychological comfort: corners of solitude, an area of ​​quiet games and physical activity. Lots of games to develop teamwork and communication skills. In groups, all equipment, games, toys are in an accessible, convenient place, children can independently choose the type of activity. Group teachers create comfortable conditions for games and independent play activities. The groups have a lot of didactic activities that help children play together and individually (“Puzzles”, “Loto”, “Dominoes”, “Checkers”).

For children's experimental activities Each group has a mini-laboratory. To conduct experiments and experiments, card files, sets for experimentation and research (funnels, pipettes, test tubes, microscopes, etc.) were selected.

CONCLUSION: in general, the organization of the subject-spatial environment allows pupils of preparatory groups to choose interesting activities for themselves, alternate them during the day, and teachers organize the educational process taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

Thus, summing up the results of the review-competition “Best Preschool Group”, we can conclude that all preschool groups comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education and allow teachers to organize educational activities in each age group in accordance with the age, individual characteristics of children’s development, taking into account the interests of preschoolers through all types of children's activities. Based on the results of the competition, all groups of middle, older age and preparatory groups for school received the titles and groups of younger and early age (except for 2 groups) “Best preschool group”, gaining a number of points from 45 to 57 points, according to the regulations on the organization of the competition .

An inspection of all educational spaces of preschool group buildings was also carried out: musical and gyms, swimming pool, environmental class, “Russian Izba” museum, offices, a psychologist’s office, halls where thematic exhibitions and expositions are located (“Moscow is the capital of Russia”, “Space”, mini-museums of dolls, fairy tales, traffic rules corner etc.), stands on issues of the educational process, exhibitions of child-parent work, etc.

The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education talks about the conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children that corresponds to the specifics of preschool age and interaction with parents on issues of the child’s education is expected, their direct involvement in educational activities, including through participation in the creation educational environment based on identifying needs and supporting family educational initiatives. Parents accept Active participation in holding creative competitions, aesthetic design of group spaces

Observations of the organization of routine moments, independent activities, role-playing games in different age groups showed that educators use all the possibilities of the subject-spatial environment of the group to implement educational tasks in all areas: social-personal, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic, physical development. But children do not always use the full educational potential of the environment in independent activities, since some activity centers are located in closed shelves and high up.

CONCLUSION: the developing subject-spatial educational environment of preschool groups is aimed at creating a social development situation for participants in educational relations, including the creation of an educational environment and guarantees the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children; ensures their emotional well-being; creates conditions for developing variable preschool education; ensures openness of preschool education; creates conditions for parental participation in educational activities.

Recommendations: Despite the fact that the developmental subject-spatial environment of the preschool groups of our institution meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, in the future we would like to see it even more perfect.

1. It is necessary to replenish the environment with the acquisition of modern play equipment, transformable furniture, soft modules, which will create conditions for the integration of the content of five complementary educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO): social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic - aesthetic and physical development of preschool children:

● promoting the development of different types of thinking in preschool children (visual-effective; visual-figurative; verbal-logical; abstract-logical; spatial);

● ensuring the formation of manual skills, the development of gross and fine motor skills;

● creating prerequisites for the development of creativity (including technical);

● creating conditions for improving communication skills in preschool children;

● providing a favorable emotional background for children in a kindergarten, based on interest, joy of joint activities and achievements in solving various problems, both directly and indirectly when using the proposed innovative environment.

2. Consider and improve the design of parent corners. Since parents of pupils are full participants in the educational process, they are mandatory it is necessary to involve in the creation of a subject-developing environment.

3. Ensure that in all groups children have free access to the use of all toys and materials; for this it is necessary to organize the environment in such a way that each child has the opportunity to do what they love, independently organizing their own microenvironment. The equipment should be placed according to the principle of non-rigid centering, which will allow children to unite in subgroups based on common interests.

Head of subsidiary _______________

Senior educators: ______________

Analytical report on the subject-spatial developmental environment in MBDOU No. 175 “Fidgets” according to the Federal State Educational Standard for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Made up

Head of MBDOU No. 175

Fidarova A.V.

Spatial subject-development environment - part of the educational environment, represented by a specially organized space (rooms, area, etc., materials, equipment and supplies for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, the protection and promotion of their health, taking into account the characteristics their development.

The subject-development environment in our preschool educational institution serves the development of children's activities and, above all, play. After all, during the game a powerful cognitive motive is born, which is the basis of educational activity. Through the subject-spatial developmental environment, we form the zone of proximal mental development of the child.

MBDOU Kindergarten No. 175 “Fidgets” is a preschool educational institution in which there are 6 groups, 1 of which is an early age group, and two speech therapy groups. Our institution implements the main educational program “From birth to school, edited by Veraksa. The priority areas in the activities of the educational institution are patriotic, musical, cognitive development preschool children.

In connection with the introduction of the main educational program of preschool education in preschool educational institutions, the need arose to reconsider the subject-development environment. Therefore, in the annual plan for the 2015-2016 school year. year, tasks were included to create and improve a developmental subject-development environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The organization of the developmental environment in preschool educational institutions, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, is structured in such a way as to make it possible to most effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, and level of activity.

To the teachers of our preschool educational institution, in connection with the transition to the Federal educational standard, the problem arose of the need to enrich the environment with elements that stimulate the cognitive, emotional, and motor activity of children.

A rich subject-developmental and educational environment becomes the basis for organizing an exciting, meaningful life and all-round development of each child. The developing subject environment is the main means of shaping the child’s personality and the source of his knowledge and social experience.

We try to ensure that the environment surrounding children in kindergarten ensures the safety of their lives, promotes health and strengthens the body of each of them, and also stimulates children to develop cognitive, artistic and aesthetic abilities.

When creating a subject-spatial development environment, preschool employees took into account the following principles:

The environment must perform educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organized, and communicative functions. But the most important thing is that it should work to develop the child’s independence and initiative.

Flexible and variable use of space is necessary. The environment should serve to meet the needs and interests of the child.

The shape and design of the items is focused on the safety and age of children.

Decorative elements should be easily replaceable.

In each group it is necessary to provide space for children's experimental activities.

The color palette should be represented by warm, pastel colors.

When creating a developmental space in a group room, the leading role of play activities was taken into account.

The subject-developmental environment of the group changes depending on the age characteristics of the children and the period of study.

It is important that the subject environment has the character of an open, non-closed system, capable of adjustment and development. In other words, the environment is not only developing, but also developing. Under any circumstances, the objective world surrounding the child must be replenished and updated, adapting to new formations of a certain age.

In our kindergarten all groups are equipped with:

materials and equipment for gaming activities;

materials and equipment for productive activities;

materials and equipment for educational research activities;

materials and equipment for physical activity.

When selecting toys, furniture and equipment for the premises, kindergarten teachers strive to provide maximum conditions for the child’s sensory development and so that he feels comfortable and experiences positive emotions. Items for games are stored on open shelves of cabinets and racks. Children use medium and small toys at their discretion to independent play. Mosaics, cubes, printed board and didactic games are stored in free access on the shelves of open and closed cabinets.

For speech development the following were created:

Series of plot pictures for writing stories, card indexes, lotto, educational games;

Children's library with a selection of books according to the program, children's favorite works, encyclopedias, children's magazines, etc.;

A theatrical corner with various types of theaters; in the preschool educational institution there are large and small screens, costumes, hats and masks, audio cassettes with recordings of children's songs and fairy tales.

The speech therapy room contains a wealth of material on the development of children's speech.

Created for mental development:

Math corner with handout counting material, sets of numbers, mathematical symbols, geometric figures, entertaining and educational mathematical material, logical and mathematical games, diagrams and plans, a set of three-dimensional geometric figures;

A corner for experimenting with natural materials, bulk products, containers of different capacities, a nature calendar, indoor plants, clocks, watering cans.

For aesthetic development the following were created:

Corner artistic creativity with different types of paper, coloring books, pencils, markers, plasticine, crayons, etc.;

Music corner with a tape recorder, audio library, children's musical instruments, portraits of composers.

The educational space for cognitive activities is designed taking into account psychological, pedagogical, aesthetic, sanitary and hygienic requirements. Much attention paid attention to the lighting of group rooms, because in addition to physiological, it also has psychological significance. For role-playing games in groups, there are attributes in accordance with the age and gender of the children.

In the early age group there are gurneys, rocking chairs, cars and other motor toys. In the older groups of the kindergarten, children enthusiastically play with Lego constructors. The game includes small toys, figurines of animals, people, cars, and soft toys.

When creating a subject-development environment, teachers also take into account the regional component: albums, fiction, waste and natural material for artistic work are presented.

Preschoolers must move, so all groups have sports corners or “health corners”, which are equipped non-standard equipment for the development of basic types of movements, balls, hoops, and jump ropes are present in small quantities.

Information corners have been set up for parents, from which they learn about the activities of the group (daily routine, schedule of classes, events held. They receive the necessary information (advice, recommendations, consultations, reminders) from educators about the upbringing, education and development of children. There are corners for children's creativity.

After the analysis of the organization of the subject-spatial developmental environment in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for preschool educational institutions, it is possible to make the following conclusions, which is currently:

The material and equipment in group rooms are selected taking into account hygienic, pedagogical and aesthetic requirements.

There is gender-role targeting of equipment and materials, based on the actual number of boys and girls in each group.

When placing materials and equipment, the appropriateness of space is taken into account group room ratio: active activity sector - 50%, quiet activity sector - 20%, work sector - 30% (but the space of each group room can be transformed, allowing the limited space to be used in the best possible way).

However, the amount of materials and equipment is partially brought into line with the list. It is necessary to replenish equipment for the physical development of children, as well as update existing handouts on cognitive development. That's why further work to replenish the subject-development environment will continue.

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 51 of a combined type, Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg 2016

Date of analysis: 22.10.2015

Group characteristics:

  • group of children of preparatory age for school: 6-7 years;
  • number – 29 people;
  • gender composition: 17 boys, 12 girls;
  • physical development: mostly consistent with age.

As a result of the analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment of the preparatory group, it was revealed that the teacher Irina Gennadievna Kustova, when creating a developing subject-spatial environment, took into account:

  • implementation of OP DO (reflection of educational areas);
  • taking into account age characteristics.
  • the principle of distance during interaction;
  • the principle of activity, independence, creativity;
  • principle of stability, dynamism;
  • principle of integration and flexible zoning;
  • the principle of individual comfort and emotional well-being of every child and adult.
  • the principle of combining familiar and original elements in the aesthetic organization of the environment;
  • the principle of openness - closedness;
  • the principle of taking into account gender and age differences in children.

Safety and psychological comfort of children staying in a group.

Irina Gennadievna Kustova created a safe subject-spatial environment in the group: the elements of the environment meet the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use, the equipment and materials used on the site and in the premises comply with the rules for protecting the life and health of children, sanitary and hygienic requirements, fire safety rules security. (For example: marking of bed linen and towels, correct lighting, chairs complete with a table - one group of furniture, sharp corners are fixed with soft corners, glass objects, small toys and objects with a diameter of less than 3 cm are not used, furniture is stable, shelves are securely attached to walls).

The teacher organized a comfortable subject-spatial environment: the sizes and designs of equipment and aids correspond to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the children, their age, and individual characteristics. The group environment is zoned and promotes children's activity. There is furniture in the group room (sofa, cabinets), reminiscent of a home environment. The centers of independent children's activity within the group do not overlap with each other.

Kustova I.G. The group’s interior included design elements that create pleasant positive associations: a book and theatrical corner, children’s work is used in the group room and locker room, as well as an exhibition of works made by the hands of parents together with the child at home from natural and waste materials.

Nature Center. Flowering plants and plants with large leaves.

Herbarium, all kinds of natural material, nature calendar, observation diaries, albums with illustrations of animals and birds.

Developmental benefits in the group Kustova I.G. selected taking into account a gender approach, taking into account the interests and needs of boys and girls: cars and dolls, motor toys and strollers, for girls - more attractive and bright in form, but in content are equivalent to manuals for boys.

The teacher’s style of behavior contributes to a comfortable stay for children: the predominance of contact forms of communication in working with children (communication games), as well as the good traditions of the group.

All decorative and interior items in the group are harmoniously combined in color, style and materials from which they are made. The selection of toys, furniture and equipment for the premises was determined by maximizing the conditions for the child’s sensory development and so that he felt comfortable and experienced positive emotions.

Kustova I.G. organized a content-rich, substantively developing spatial environment for the group. The educational space of the group is equipped with training and education tools (including music center) gaming, physical education, recreational equipment, the richness of the environment ensures object-based activity, communication with adults, games with peers, experimentation with materials and substances, actions with household objects, motor activity, development of gross and fine motor skills. The environment for graduates is filled with manuals and games to prepare for school.

The group space is transformed depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children. Equipment is rationally placed in the group and its quantity is determined. The environment can be changed beyond recognition with the help of portable screens, which, in turn, are easily transformed and used for various types of children's activities.

The teacher selected a variety of multifunctional (not having a strictly fixed method of use) items (children's furniture, soft modules, screens, etc.). There are also natural materials suitable for use in various types of children's activities. (including as substitute objects in children's games).

Benefits for children have such a characteristic as universality, i.e. the ability to use each item to perform a variety of actions with it, for example, the development of fine motor skills.

The group’s play environment is variable: play material changes periodically, new objects and materials appear that stimulate children’s subject, motor activity, perception of fairy tales and poems, looking at pictures, experimenting with materials and substances, playing with composite and object toys. The presence of a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment ensures free choice for children.

Conclusion: participation of I.G. Kustova in creating a subject-spatial developmental environment ensures the safety and psychological comfort of children’s stay in preschool educational institutions. The subject-development environment of the group has such mandatory characteristics as: multifunctionality, variability, versatility and transformation.

Implementation of OP DO.

The subject-development environment of the group was designed by I.G. Kustova. In accordance with the educational educational program, conditions have been created for the implementation of educational areas. For this purpose, the following centers are organized in the group:

  • cognitive development;
  • entertaining mathematics;
  • security;
  • experimentation;
  • nature;
  • design;
  • social and communicative development;
  • patriotic education;
  • physical development;
  • game;
  • theater-musical;
  • books and speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development (artistic activity).

The contents of the corners make it possible to effectively organize the educational process in all educational areas, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

1. Social and communicative development:

  • character toys are various kinds of dolls, figurines of people and animals. Game material representing role-playing attributes specific to a character (roles), for the development of display games, girls have items of women’s clothing, jewelry, capes, bows, beads, handbags, and umbrellas. For boys: parts of a military uniform, items of uniform, technical toys, steering wheels, anchors, binoculars, available materials (laces, ropes, wheels), which are used creatively to solve game problems;
  • attributes for role-playing games ("Family" , "Doctor" etc.);
  • toys - objects of operation - these are toys that imitate real objects - tools, tools, means of human activity, which allow you to recreate the meaning of a real action (for example, a toy cup, iron, hammer, steering wheel, etc.).;
  • play space markers are toys (game material) indicating the place of action, the environment in which it occurs (for example, a toy kitchen stove, a house-teremok, a transforming car, children's furniture, doll furniture, household items, etc.);
  • "chest" with substitute items;
  • building material, designers.

2. Cognitive development:

  • Material for children to develop ideas about shape, color, size, and the nature of the surface of objects (pyramids, nesting dolls, boxes of different colors, insert toys, set "small and big" , mosaic, abacus with labyrinths).
  • Various didactic games for mastering actions with certain objects, teaching the culture of communication.
  • objects for research in action (inlay boards, sets for experiments with water and sand, mosaics, Cuisenaire sticks, Dienesh blocks, sets of cubes, etc.)
  • (sets of pictures)

3. Speech development:

Development of free communication with adults and children; development of all components of speech:

  • card index of word games; card index "speech in motion" ; card index of nursery rhymes and other forms of literary creativity;
  • games to develop fine motor skills; educational games (laces, earbuds); fun games;
  • audio recordings of literary works;
  • paintings, illustrative material, posters for viewing;
  • figurative and symbolic material ("Couples" , puzzles);
  • various types of theaters; screen for puppet theater; children's theatrical costumes, attributes for costumes and productions;

Perception of fiction and folklore:

  • fiction for reading to children;
  • book corner.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development:

Musical activities:

  • music Center;
  • musical instruments;
  • a selection of audio recordings with musical works;
  • noise instruments;

Visual activities:

  • materials and equipment for productive activities (modeling, applique, drawing);
  • natural, waste material;
  • illustrative material, posters, paintings;
  • fiction with illustrations;
  • handicrafts (matryoshka dolls);

Construction from different materials:

  • building material, floor constructors, planar constructors.

5. Physical development:

Motor activity:

  • equipment for stimulation of motor function;
  • card indexes of outdoor games, skill games (catch a fish);
  • attributes and masks for outdoor games and relay races;
  • illustrated material on introducing different sports;

Education of cultural and hygienic skills, formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle:

  • algorithm for memorizing the sequence of cultural and hygienic skills (dressing, washing, etc.);
  • fiction;
  • character toys;
  • Board games;
  • illustrative material.

Conclusion: participation of teacher Kustova I.G. in creating a subject-spatial developmental environment, ensures the implementation of an adapted basic educational program of preschool education for children with disabilities.

Taking into account age characteristics.

The subject-development environment is focused on the use of forms that are age-appropriate for children in the preparatory group. The group takes into account the principle of phasing. The environment reflects those educational tasks that become more complex with the psychological age of the child and are focused on the zone "proximal development" : the presence of objects and materials known to children; objects and materials that children will master with the help of an adult; unfamiliar objects and materials.

When taking into account age characteristics, a special place is given to the game. Children of this age can assign roles, define rules and plan the organization of the play space. The game is procedural in nature, the main thing in it is action. They are performed with game items that are close to reality, and substitute items are also widely used.

The environment in the group is simulated. Its features are as follows: the center of the group is free from furniture. The environment is filled with aids for the development of children’s movements, gross and fine motor skills; there are game situations "reminders" , offering samples to children; enriching tactile experience.

The group's environment highlights the following features: comfort and safety; careful planning of the environment before the children arrive; the possibility of organizing joint activities between an adult and a child (an adult is the child’s main partner in games and activities). All games, toys and aids intended for children are located on open shelves, within easy reach, which ensures the development of basic types of children's activities.

The teacher has allocated sufficient space in the group for active movement and physical education. The free space is half the group.

Conclusion: participation of I.G. Kustova in creating a subject-spatial developmental environment, it takes into account the age characteristics of children.

Environment is zone oriented “the immediate and actual development of the child” . In the environment, the advanced nature of the educational content can be traced, since children learn the material differently: therefore, 10% of the materials reflect the topic studied, 80% current, 10% future. This allows for the further advancement and self-development of children.

Conclusion: the developing subject-spatial environment of the group provides the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children and adults, is content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe. It was created taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and makes it possible to effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, and level of activity. Ensures initial readiness for school

Reference based on the results of a thematic audit on the topic: “Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment at the Solnyshko Regional Medical Educational Institution” in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education" is intended for senior educators and will help with thematic testing.




based on the results of a thematic audit on the topic: “Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education”

Purpose of the check:

Execution t requirements for the developing subject-spatial environment of the Solnyshko MADOOU.

Basic control methods: analysis, conversations, observations.

Dates: 26.10. until 30.10. 2015

Control objects: all age groups.

In accordance with the work plan for the 2015–2016 academic year and on the basis of the order of the Solnyshko Municipal Administrative Educational Institution dated October 20, 2015, a thematic monitoring of the state of work on organizing a developing subject-spatial environment in groups was carried out in the kindergarten.

Thematic control was carried out in all kindergarten groups. The following questions were analyzed:

1. Analysis of developmental subject-spatial sedation in groups to ensure the development of preschool children, protect and strengthen their health, take into account the characteristics and correct deficiencies in their development.

2. Taking into account national-cultural and climatic conditions in a developing subject-spatial environment in groups.

3. Analysis of the organization of educational space and the variety of materials, equipment and supplies in the building and on the site.

4 . Analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment in the offices of preschool educational institutions specialists.

A commission consisting of senior educator Shock and A., educators of higher qualification category Kamyshova E.P., Kovalenko N.E. These issues were analyzed.

Analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment of early age groups showed thatThe equipment of the group space meets sanitary and hygienic requirements, it is safe, health-saving, aesthetically attractive and developmental. Furniture corresponds to the height and age of children, toys provide the maximum developmental effect for a given age.

A comfortable subject-spatial environment has been created in the groups, corresponding to the age, gender, and individual characteristics of children. The developmental environment has flexible zoning, which allows children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage in different types of activities at the same time, without interfering with each other. The areas of independent children's activity within the group do not overlap; there is enough space for children to move freely. All games and materials in the group are arranged in such a way that every child has free access to them.

The boys are united by a common design and construction interest, to satisfy which construction sets of different sizes and textures are placed, there are various types of transport, and in the corner for girls there are such games as: “Little Housewife”, “Hairdressing Salon”, “Polyclinic”, “Shop”. Here there is contact between boys and girls, which implements gender education of children.

The developing subject-spatial environment in these groups ensures maximum realization of educational potential and development of children from 1.5 to 3 years old in various types of children's activities. In accordance with the characteristics of this age stage, these are:

Object activities and games with composite and dynamic toys;

Experimenting with materials and substances;

Communication with adults and cooperative games with peers under the guidance of an adult;

Self-service and actions with household objects and tools;

Perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poems;

Looking at pictures;

Physical activity.

The development environment of early age groups reflects the main directions of educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

  • communicative and personal development;
  • cognitive development;
  • speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development;
  • physical development.

The space of group rooms is organized in the form of well-demarcated corners:

  • corner for role-playing games;
  • a corner for theatrical games and musical activities;
  • book corner,
  • corner of educational and research activities;
  • constructive activity corner;
  • corner for visual arts (drawing, modeling);
  • sports section.

1. Corner for role-playing games.

In the corners there are toys for children under 3 years old, quite large (commensurate with the children themselves or dolls) and ready for use,

sets of materials and part of the space for developing household themes: 1) a cabinet with dishes, a stove and several dolls on chairs around the table; 2) a pair of doll beds, a locker with " bedding", a sofa on which both dolls and children can sit.

The rest of the gaming materials are placed in low racks, mobile boxes on wheels, plastic containers that slide into the lower open shelves of cabinets, etc. All materials are in sight and accessible to children.

The group contains a container with scattered plastic and wooden cubes, bars, balls of different colors and sizes. Elements of construction sets, construction sets, and didactic materials that are available in the group for children’s productive and research activities are used as substitutes.

2. Corner for theatrical games and musical activities:

Table theater (Kolobok, Teremok, Masha and the Bear)

Finger Theater


Character masks

Musical instruments

Discs with music and fairy tales

Card index of musical and theatrical games


The puppet theater needs to be replenished.

3. Book corner:

Books selected by age and current topic

Printed board games for speech development

Illustrations for fairy tales, educational albums with pictures

4. Corner of educational and research activities.

The groups contain sets of pictures with images of simple geometric shapes, household items, animals, plants and fruits, cut (folding) cubes and pictures (of 2-4 elements), paired pictures for comparison, simple plot pictures, series of pictures (stories in pictures) with a sequence of 2-3 events or everyday actions, etc.

Material for educational and research activities is placed in several quiet places in the group room so that children do not disturb each other. Some objects for research in action are permanently located on a special teaching table. The teacher places the remaining objects for research and figurative and symbolic material in the children’s field of vision immediately before the start of their free activity.

IN group rooms All sports aids are available to children and are placed in such a way that they contribute to the manifestation of children’s motor activity. So, motor toys (cars, carts) are placed next to the doll corner. Large exercise equipment is placed along one free wall. Sports benefits:

Balls large, medium, small



Ring throwers

Throwing bags


Health paths

The early age group has mostly all sports equipment and the second early age group uses this equipment.

CONCLUSION: The developing subject-spatial environment of early age groups provides the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children and adults, is content-rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

The second group of young children needs to replenish the card index of outdoor games, breathing exercises, and gymnastics after sleep.

Analysis p educational environment in the middle group (teachers Kamyshova E.P., Vorobyova E.V.) showed that in this groupPersonality-oriented education and social-emotional interaction of children with adults are ensured, where children express themselves emotionally, express a consciously correct attitude towards the environment, and realize themselves as individuals.

Brief description of the group:

The group is attended by pupils aged 4 to 5 years (middle group); The payroll consists of 32 children, of which 9 are boys and 14 are girls.

Teachers: Vorobyova E.V. has 1 qualification category,

Kamyshova E.P. has the highest qualification category.

Safety and psychological comfort of children staying in a group

The work of educators begins with the morning reception of children in the group. Children are received in the group locker room, where there are individual lockers for children. There is also an information corner for parents, where the necessary information about the kindergarten, group, consultations and advice for parents is placed (all information changes regularly; it corresponds to the age of the children); board for children's creativity.

The subject-spatial environment corresponds to the age of the pupils, as well as their current and individual characteristics, the characteristics of children's perception; The space is equipped with training and educational facilities, gaming, sports, health equipment, inventory and materials freely available to children.The upbringing and training of preschool children, their activities are based on taking into account their capabilities, preventing intellectual, physical and neuro-emotional overloads that negatively affect their physical and mental health.

Particular attention is paid to the safe presence of children in the group, the opportunity to safely play and engage in educational activities. All furniture in the group and in activity areas is attached to the walls; the furniture is located so that children have enough space for active activities (motor, play, educational); signs are placed in activity corners reminding about careful and safe handling of this or that object; teachers regularly conduct safety briefings (safety during educational activities (handling scissors, brushes, pencils, plasticine); culture and safety of behavior at the table during meals; safe behavior while walking on the site).

The group houses a physical development corner, the purpose of which is to develop motor activity and physical qualities of children. The subject content of the corner is used in outdoor games (in a group and on the street), individual motor activities, and in the free activities of children.

The subject-spatial environment of the middle group is rich in content and corresponds to the age capabilities of the children in the group. The entire group space is divided into centers that are accessible to children: toys, teaching material, games. Children know where to get paper, paints, pencils, natural materials, costumes and attributes for dramatization games. This is a doll corner, construction, transport. Didactic corners - book, nature, physical education, music, art, theatrical (mummering corner), the filling of which involves the storage and use of materials and equipment selected in a certain way. This in a simple way the creation of “your own” personal space is achieved.

Furniture and equipment are installed so that every child can find a convenient and comfortable place to study from his point of view. emotional state: sufficiently distant from children and adults or, conversely, allowing one to feel close contact with them, or providing for equally contact and freedom. For this purpose, various furniture is used, including multi-level furniture.All the main types of activities that introduce children to the world of culture take place at the desks: gaming, productive, cognitive-research, communicative, reading fiction. The diverse use of this zone in the free independent activities of children, as well as its use in everyday situations for organizing meals and learning, tells us about the advisability of using this multifunctional zone. The principle of flexible zoning is to organize various intersecting areas of activity. This allows children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage in different types of activities at the same time, without interfering with each other: physical education, music, drawing, experimenting, dramatizing fairy tales, arranging dramatization games. Equipping the group helps children independently determine the content of the activity, outline an action plan, distribute their time and actively participate in the activity using various items and toys.

The educational space of the group is equippednecessary furniture, equipment, games and toys in accordance with age characteristics and program requirements.

The entire space of the group’s subject development environment is safe, meets sanitary and hygienic requirements, and fire safety rules.

In the group, teachers organized various spaces (for play, construction, privacy, etc.), filled with a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment that ensure free choice for children.

Game material changes periodically, new objects appear that stimulate the play, motor, cognitive and research activity of children, thus the developmental environment of the group is variable.

Implementation of educational programs for preschool education.

The subject-development environment is designed in accordance with the educational program of the preschool educational institution (conditions have been created for the implementation of educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development).

Area for educational activities.Tables are placed in accordance with SanPiN standards (the height of tables and chairs corresponds to the height of children). The board is at children's eye level. The learning area contains: a creativity center, a design center, a mini-library, a sensorimotor development corner, and a music development corner. This placement is due to the fact that nearby tables and chairs allow these “functional rooms” to be used both in classes and in free activities, in individual work with kids.

Art Center and artistic creativitystimulates children to realize their creative abilities, gives children the opportunity to enjoy learning about new materials and enrich them tactile sensations. Purposecreativity centeris the formation of the creative potential of children, the formation of aesthetic perception, imagination, artistic and aesthetic abilities, independence, and activity. In this center, children usually spend a lot of time drawing, creating crafts from plasticine, cutting out paper, etc. In the center there are stencils, coloring books (by season and by theme of the week), a folder with children's drawings; pencils, paints, plasticine.

Mini library It is a table with shelves for books and illustrations for fairy tales and works. A mini-library is located next to the creativity center so that children can look at books and draw illustrations for them here. All books and illustrations are updated 1–2 times a month, depending on the topic of the educational program. New books are displayed in accordance with the reading program.

At the design centerchildren can create both fantastic and realistic structures. By doing construction, children learn many things. It helps to develop math skills, acquire social skills, provides experience in problem solving.

In the corner of RyazhenyaThere are costumes and items that give children the desire to act out scenes from real life. This helps them better understand what is happening around them and better understand their role in the world.

Corner of nature located directly next to the window. The main place is occupied by the nature calendar, which helps to get acquainted with the seasons, their signs, living and inanimate nature. Goal: enriching children’s ideas about the diversity of the natural world, nurturing love and respect for nature, introducing children to caring for plants, and forming the principles of an ecological culture. In a corner of nature there are not enough plants that are included in sample list for the middle group (Uzumbara violet, balsam, ever-flowering begonia, geranium, coleus).

Nearby isa corner for experimentation,which contains materials for experimenting with water and sand; natural material can be taken from a corner of nature (stones, shells, cones); card index of games - experiments.

Game Zone allows you to create conditions for the creative activity of children, the development of imagination, the formation of gaming skills, the implementation of gaming plans, and the cultivation of friendly relationships between children. In the center of the play area on the floor there is a carpet - a gathering place for all children. The play area is equipped with corners and attributes for role-playing games, selected taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, dolls, cars, toy wild and domestic animals.

The organization of the subject-development environment in the group is built in accordance with the age and gender characteristics of the students. There is a corner where boys can play with cars and do construction. Playing with dolls and creating an atmosphere at home with the help of various attributes are relevant for girls.The subject-developmental environment of the group changes depending on the age and individual characteristics of the children and the educational program.

All games and aids in the group are available to all children; children have free access to games, toys, materials, and aids that provide all basic types of children's activities.

Conclusion: The developing subject-spatial environment in the middle group is created taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and makes it possible to effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, and level of activity.

Proposed in the living area update duty corner. Goal: developing the ability to perform the duties of duty officers, fostering a positive attitude towards work, independence; involve in work activities. So that children can independently identify those on duty, create a card index with subject pictures, which are displayed in special frames every day.

Analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment of a different age group (educators Kazak I.N., teacher of the highest qualification category; Strekozova N.V., teacher of the highest qualification category) showed that there were 25 children in the group, of which 11 were boys, 14 were girls, younger children age 7.

The equipment of the group space meets sanitary and hygienic requirements, is health-saving and developmental. The furniture corresponds to the height and age of the children.

The subject-spatial environment in a mixed-age group is designed in accordance with the MADOU work program.

The developing subject-spatial environment of the mixed-age group is rich in content and corresponds to the age capabilities of the children in the group. The educational space of the group is equipped based on the individual characteristics of each child, while the child himself becomes active in the choice and content of his education, and becomes the subject of education.

When creating a developing educational environment, teachers are guided by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education to the structure of the main educational program of the preschool educational institution and to the conditions for its implementation. Particular attention is paid to the aesthetic design of the premises. In the interior of a mixed-age group, the emphasis is on “domesticating” the subject environment.

The group space is organized in the form of well-demarcated zones, equipped with a large amount of developmental material.

Furniture and play equipment in the group are installed so that the child can find a convenient and comfortable place to study, based on their emotional state.

The group space is transformed depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children.

Teachers create a creative subject-spatial development environment, which is used variably by children: lightweight portable screens, multifunctional attributes necessary for role-playing games, convenient drawers for small play materials, tables and sofas. Educators use methods of both direct and indirect influence, trying to give children more independence.

The play area allows you to create conditions for the creative activity of children, the development of imagination, the formation of gaming skills, the implementation of gaming plans, and the cultivation of friendly relationships between children. In the center of the play area there is a carpet - a gathering place for all children. The play area is equipped with corners and attributes for role-playing games, selected taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, dolls, cars, toy wild and domestic animals.

Equipment for a subject-spatial environment for young children:

Toys and materials:

To stimulate physical activity;

Toys that reflect real life, game attributes and substitute objects;

For children's creativity;

For experimentation;

Didactic and educational games, construction kits;

For socialization (pictures of people of different ages, gender, with different expressions of emotional state, with different features appearance, hairstyle, shoes, clothes).

Equipment of a subject-spatial environment for children 5-6 years old.

  • To ensure optimal motor activity;
  • for role-playing games;
  • for sensory development;
  • for experimentation;
  • for social and personal development;
  • didactic, educational games.

Game material changes periodically, new objects appear that stimulate the play, motor, cognitive, and research activity of children, thus the developmental environment of the group is variable.

Every child has the opportunity to freely do what they love. Placing equipment in development centers allows children to unite in subgroups based on common interests: manual labor, drawing, design, experimentation, theatrical and play activities.

The equipment contains all the materials that activate cognitive activity, educational games: technical devices and toys, models, objects for experimental research activities, a large selection of natural materials.

The selected materials take into account the interests of boys and girls, both in work and in play.

There is a sufficient amount of play equipment in accordance with the number of children:

figurative and symbolic material (special visual aids, representing the world of things and events to children);

Materials and equipment for cognitive and speech development;

Materials and equipment for social and personal development;

Materials and equipment for artistic and aesthetic development.

Materials and equipment for physical development.

Taking into account gender role specifics in the organization of PRS space;

Compliance with the principles is taken into account:

Information content



Pedagogical expediency


Conclusion : The developing subject-spatial environment in the group is created taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and makes it possible to effectively develop the individuality of each child.

Analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment of a different age group (educators Kovalenko N.E., teacher of the highest qualification category; Zakharova E.V., teacher of the highest qualification category) showed that in senior group 27 children; boys - 17, girls - 10.

The equipment of the group space meets sanitary and hygienic requirements, it is safe, health-saving, aesthetically attractive, and educational. The furniture corresponds to the height and age of the children and provides the maximum developmental effect for this age.

In the interior of the group, in the color scheme of the walls and “sedentary” furnishings, calm elements prevail. bright hues, the walls are decorated with children's works.

When creating a subject-spatial environment, the group’s teachers were guided by the Federal State Educational Standards to the structure of the main educational program DOW and conditions for its implementation.

The group space is organized in the form of well-demarcated zones, equipped with a large number of developmental materials. All items and materials are available to children.

Games, manuals, furniture in a group are multifunctional and suitable for use in different types of activities.

A learning corner has been created to motivate children to engage in cognitive activity.

The subject content of the corner is used in outdoor games (in a group and on the street), individual motor activities, and in the free activities of children. The learning area contains: a creativity center, a design center, a mini-library, a sensorimotor development corner, and a music development corner. This placement is due to the fact that nearby tables and chairs allow these “functional rooms” to be used both in classes and in free activities, in individual work with children.

The Center for Art and Creativity stimulates children to realize their creative abilities, gives children the opportunity to enjoy learning about new materials, and enriches their tactile sensations. In the corner there are: gouache, watercolors, paper of different textures, plasticine, palettes, felt-tip pens, pencils, didactic material from the “Art for Children” series, paint mixing schemes, coloring books by topic.

The design center has construction sets of various sizes, shapes and materials, mosaics of various shapes and sizes, building diagrams, and origami paper. In the construction center, children can create both fantastic and realistic structures.

In the center for theatrical games and musical activities, teachers have collected different types of theaters: puppet theaters (“Teremok”, “Puss in Boots”); tabletop (“The Three Little Pigs”, “Masha and the Bear”), character masks and costumes, musical instruments, CDs with music and fairy tales, scenery, screen.

The play area allows you to create conditions for the creative activity of children, the development of imagination, the formation of gaming skills, the implementation of gaming plans, and the cultivation of friendly relationships between children.

The predominant number of boys influenced the creation of a developmental environment. The boys are united by a common interest in design and construction, to satisfy which, in addition to construction sets, there is a large selection of various types of transport and sets of children's tools. Taking into account the sports and competitive needs of boys, board games are presented in the developing environment: “Football”, “Hockey”, “Team of Champions”. In the corner for girls there are games such as: “Hairdresser”, “Polyclinic”, “Supermarket”, “Atelier”, dolls, strollers, sets of toy dishes, models of food, vegetables, fruits. To study and reinforce traffic rules, teachers made a model of the nearest preschool street, with models of houses, kindergartens, road signs.

For FEMP there are mathematical sets, logic cubes, and printed board games with a mathematical focus.

The corner of nature and experimentation is equipped with a mini laboratory, a nature calendar, a card index of experiments, tables, and printed board games on ecology.

In the book corner, books are selected by age and current scheme, portraits of great writers and poets, plot pictures, mnemonic tables, printed board games for speech development. All books are in good condition.

The material in the corners changes periodically, new objects appear that stimulate the play, motor, cognitive and research activity of children, thus the developmental environment of the group is variable. Every child has the opportunity to freely do what they love.

To develop children's work skills, group teachers have created a new duty corner.

Conclusion: The developing subject-spatial environment in the senior group is created taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and makes it possible to effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity, and ensures the fulfillment of children’s needs for active and diverse activities.

Analysis of the developmental subject-development environment for the school preparatory group (educators Bondarenko E.S., teacher of the first qualification category; Yanpolskaya N.V., teacher of the first qualification category.)

The school preparatory group is attended by 26 children, of which 9 are boys and 17 are girls.

The equipment of the play space meets sanitary and hygienic requirements, it is safe, health-saving, aesthetically attractive and educational. Furniture corresponds to the height and age of children, toys provide the maximum developmental effect for this age.

The group has created a comfortable subject-spatial environment that corresponds to the age, gender, and individual characteristics of children. The developmental environment has flexible zoning, which allows children to freely study in accordance with their interests and desires at the same time, without interfering with each other. The areas of independent children's activity within the group do not overlap; there is enough space for children to move freely. All games and materials in the group are located in such a way that every child has free access to them.

The group has all the conditions for artistic and aesthetic development in all types of activities (drawing, appliqué, modeling), all children have folders for independent artistic activities.

Children are additionally engaged in the “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” circle; they can choose any material for creativity, showing independence and initiative in making crafts. All this contributes to the liberation of children and a positive attitude for the whole day.

There are materials for construction: building sets with parts of different shapes and sizes, figures of people and animals for playing with.

The group has created conditions for psychological comfort in the play corner. Lots of games to develop teamwork and communication skills. Teachers try to cultivate in children a sense of empathy for other people through the use of game situations. Children love to play with small toys traffic. In the group, all equipment, games, toys are in an accessible, convenient place; children can independently choose the type of activity. Group teachers create comfortable conditions for games and independent play activities.

The group includes role-playing games: “Shop”, “Hairdresser”, “Atelier”, “School”, “Library”, “Hospital”, “Garage”, “Workshop”.

The group has a lot of didactic and educational games that help children play together and individually (“Puzzles”, “Loto”, “Dominoes”, “Checkers”).

In order to ensure psychological comfort, a relaxation corner has been created in the group, in which a homely atmosphere is created: there is upholstered children's furniture, an album of family photographs, a tape recorder, and favorite toys.

According to the development of EMF, children have for each child: mathematical sets, mathematical fans with numbers and signs, notebooks, pencils, counting sticks.

Pictures depicting parts of the day and their sequence, strips of various lengths and widths, number cards, number series, etc.

Geometric planar figures and volumetric shapes, different in color, size (ball, cube, circle, cylinder, square, oval)

The speech development center has a large selection of visual didactic material, subject and subject pictures. In the book corner, literature is selected according to the age of the children and the program list. For the speech development of children, there are schemes for sound analysis of words, a visual and didactic guide “Tell it from pictures”

The nature center has a large number of educational literature, illustrations seasonal changes in nature, dummies of vegetables and fruits. Children constantly mark the weather conditions on the nature calendar. At the nature center, indoor plants have been selected that meet program requirements, requiring in various ways care There is a large selection of illustrative material about animals and plants, and a winter garden.

Safety Center: materials related to topics on life safety and traffic rules (illustrations, games), street layout, illustrations and objects depicting dangerous items, routes for children to go to kindergarten.

Theater and Music Center: different types of theaters (tabletop, finger theater), masks, caps, flannelograph, children's musical instruments, tape recorder, audio recordings of children's songs and fairy tales.

To form a holistic culture of the world, the group’s teachers have selected a rich set of visual didactic material, which is constantly updated (acquired in the preparatory school group visual material: "Space", " School supplies", "Reptiles and amphibians", "Garden berries".)

There are many posters: counting to 10, alphabet, counting to 20, transport, etc.

The equipment of the corners changes in accordance with the thematic planning of the educational process.

This organization of the subject-spatial environment allows pupils of the preparatory group to choose interesting activities for themselves, alternate them during the day, and teachers organize the educational process taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

Purchase children's equipment for work,

Replenish game material, games,

Aimed at developing children's logical thinking.

Analysis of the subject-spatial environment of display specialists’ offices


Analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment in groups to ensure the development of preschool children, protection and promotion of their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of deficiencies in their development showed that the safety of the subject-spatial environment meets the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use of toys, equipment, etc. in groups and on the territory of the preschool educational institution.

MADO "Sun"independently determines teaching aids, including technical, relevant materials (including consumables), gaming, sports, recreational equipment, inventory necessary for the implementation of the Program.

The developing subject-spatial environment of the MADU ensures maximum realization of the educational potential of the space of each age group, as well as the territory adjacent to the MADU. Teachers take into account materials, equipment and supplies for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, the protection and promotion of their health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of deficiencies in their development.

But at the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the safety of the MADOU institution:

Ensure constant monitoring of persons visiting MADOU;

Constantly monitor children's play equipment and strengthen them;

Ensure security on the territory of the preschool educational institution;

Replenish in a timely manner modern toys in accordance with the implemented program of the preschool group according to the age of the children;

Take into account national, cultural and climatic conditions in the subject-development space: in each group, equip a corner on Belgorod studies, according to the age of the children.
