Waxing for pregnant women. Ways to remove hair during pregnancy: epilation and depilation

Girls who are used to deleting unwanted hair on the body, in anticipation of a child, they ask themselves the question: is it possible for pregnant women and breastfeeding to do hair removal? In what ways can and cannot be removed hair? What precautions should be taken during this period? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

Features of hair removal during pregnancy

Wax hair removal

Waxing gives about the same results as sugaring. With both of these epilation methods, unwanted hairs are removed from the root, so they will not grow within the specified period, and your skin will delight you with tenderness and beauty for a long time.

However, during pregnancy there may be varicose veins veins (on the legs or in inguinal region), so you will have to abandon the use of hot wax, and you will need to limit yourself to warm, or use wax strips, which is completely inconvenient, for example, in the bikini area.

Hair removal methods prohibited during pregnancy?

Epilation means the removal of the hair completely along with its follicle. Consider the types of hair removal that are 100% prohibited for pregnant women:

  • Electrolysis. Hair removal with electric current allows you to get rid of the problem for a long time - up to several years. However, since the procedure is usually very painful, and it uses current that can adversely affect the baby, electrolysis should not be done during pregnancy.
  • Laser hair removal during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated, because this method is quite new, and the results of exposure to the laser beam on the fetus have not yet been studied. The same applies to photoepilation, which uses the same technologies - similar devices that remove hair by exposure to rays of a certain wavelength. Although laser hair removal and photoepilation allow you to get rid of vegetation for several years, it is recommended to wait until the birth of the child and the end breastfeeding.
  • Elos-, diode and others similar methods epilation is also prohibited during this period.

Other methods of hair removal can be used during the period of gestation and feeding, but when performing certain conditions. First, let's take a look at these methods.

Epilation of the bikini area during pregnancy

Special topic is hair removal intimate places. Here you should be even more careful, because. the bikini area is closer to the uterus than other areas of the skin from which hair must be removed. Therefore, the bans on bikini hair removal for women who are expecting a baby are more stringent.

It is strictly forbidden during pregnancy:

  • Laser epilation, electro- and photoepilation of bikini;
  • Chemical depilation, because. the cream can get on the mucous membrane and cause severe allergies.

Sugaring, waxing and other hair removal methods associated with pulling out hair from the root are also better to postpone indefinitely, since they are quite painful for the bikini area even with good pain tolerance, and even more so during pregnancy. With the approval of a doctor, it is possible to do sugaring or waxing on later dates when you can no longer be afraid of the onset of contractions, which can provoke pain.

Of course, it is best to arm yourself with a razor during pregnancy, and not torturing yourself with long and painful procedures, or completely abandon the removal of bikini vegetation for this time, using a razor only immediately before childbirth.

Safe methods of depilation for women during pregnancy

The electric depilator also removes hairs at the root, saving you the hassle of doing enough for a long time. However, even unlike waxing or sugaring, this method is more painful, and therefore less preferable.

Depilation - removal of the visible part of the hair without affecting the bulb - is considered the most acceptable method, because. does not cause pain. There are several methods of depilation.


The best way out is to remove vegetation with a razor. The procedure takes very little time, makes it quite easy to get rid of hair on any part of the body, and it is absolutely painless. The most important thing is to use special moisturizing creams and foams for depilation, as well as good machines, preferably female, with a floating head to avoid cuts and irritations.

Instead of a razor, you can use a trimmer on a men's razor to cut hair, leaving 1-2 mm of hair.

Cream for depilation during pregnancy

This is hair removal using special creams or gels. The cream is applied to the skin, waited for 5 to 10 minutes, after which the composition must be removed with a special spatula - along with the hairs.

This method also does not take much time, but there is one “but”. Creams have chemical composition, which can cause allergies or irritation after the procedure, therefore, chemical depilation with a cream during pregnancy or during breastfeeding should be treated with caution. Be sure to do an allergy test, and strictly follow the instructions. Use this cream no more than once every two weeks, and if irritation occurs, stop using and consult a doctor.

If you have already used hair removal creams before pregnancy and did not find allergies and irritation, feel free to do depilation with a cream, except for intimate areas.

Restrictions for hair removal with the above methods

From shugaring, waxing, depilation with resin or honey, as well as an epilator, it is strongly recommended to refuse during pregnancy if:

  • You have not tried these methods yet and do not know your reaction. For example, it may be too painful, and provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, or cause strong irritations ingrown hair after procedure. That is why it is better to refuse experiments during pregnancy.
  • There is at least a minimal threat of miscarriage, as well as in the first trimester of pregnancy, even if you tolerate the procedures painlessly.
  • In the presence / exacerbation of skin diseases and / or a tendency to develop irritations, which can sometimes increase in pregnant women.

If there are no such contraindications, and before pregnancy you tolerated shugaring or waxing well, then you can continue to do these procedures while in position. However, we recommend that you still consult with your gynecologist beforehand.

Women in any period of their lives strive for perfection, and the time of pregnancy is no exception. Can pregnant women do depilation? This question is of interest to many of the fair sex, since during pregnancy, due to the activation of hormones, body hair begins to grow more intensively. The waiting period for a baby is the time that requires compliance certain rules. To understand whether it is possible to do depilation during pregnancy, you need to know what types of hair removal exist and how they can affect a woman's body.

Types of depilation

Depilation is the removal of the visible part of the hair above the skin, while the hair follicle itself is not damaged and remains under the skin. This process is painless, but the effect of depilation lasts only a few days, since an intact hair follicle grows back very quickly.

Depilation can be divided into the following types:

  1. Shaving is the simplest, cheapest and fastest kind, but it has its own nuances. During the procedure, you can cut yourself, an infection can get into the wound, and inflammatory process, and various irritations on the skin are not excluded. These backfire shaving can easily be minimized. Before the procedure, the skin must be steamed and applied to it. special gel or cream. shaving during pregnancy extra hair, as a type of depilation, is not contraindicated, but preparatory stage will make this process smoother and more comfortable.
  2. Depilation with the use of special creams. The skin is not injured, the procedure is completely painless, but the use of any cream can cause an allergic reaction. If it is very strong, it can affect the course of pregnancy, because the cream will be applied to large areas of the skin. An allergy during pregnancy can even occur to a well-known cream, therefore, before depilation, especially in the bikini area, it is necessary to apply it to a small area of ​​​​the skin and look at the reaction of the body. If during the day there is no redness, itching or swelling, then the cream can be used, and this method of depilation will not harm the health of the unborn baby. You also need to know that many depilatory creams have very strong and pungent odors, therefore, it is better to apply them in a well-ventilated area, and after the procedure, it will not be superfluous to take a walk in the fresh air.

Types of hair removal

Epilation differs from depilation by the complete removal of the hair follicle from the subcutaneous layers. The procedure is quite painful, but the effect clean skin you can admire for several weeks.

Epilation is divided into the following types:

  1. Electrolysis is a process in which a thin electric needle is inserted into each hair follicle, which destroys the base of the hair with an electric current. The procedure is painful, after it, the formation of small scars on the skin and infection of the surface is possible. Even if a woman used more than once before pregnancy this method hair removal and pain were minimal, then during the bearing of the baby, the pain can be much stronger. Discharges of electric current, albeit very small, can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child, therefore, electrolysis during pregnancy is contraindicated and this procedure is not recommended.
  2. Laser hair removal - with this type of removal, the hair follicle is destroyed by the directed action of the laser. In particularly sensitive places, more often in the bikini area, burns are possible, therefore, the procedure is carried out with the obligatory application of painkillers. This procedure has recently appeared in the world of cosmetology, the effect of laser radiation on the fetus has not been studied, so pregnant women must be warned about possible consequences. Usage this method hair removal is best postponed until the baby arrives.
  3. Photoepilation is an effect on the vessels going to the hair follicle with a light flash, as a result of which the nutrition of the hair root stops and it dies. The pain syndrome depends on the characteristics of each organism: someone does not feel anything during photoepilation, while someone feels quite painful. During this type of procedure skin are exposed to severe thermal radiation, so it may appear on the skin age spots and burns. Photoepilation is not recommended for pregnant women.
  4. Waxing - hair removal with the help of special resins, while the pain is quite strong and can negatively affect the unborn baby. Also, during waxing, skin injury is possible, an infection can be introduced into it. In addition, the complete removal of hair in the bikini area contributes to the deterioration of the mucous barrier of the skin and can lead to the development of many diseases, since microbes can freely enter the body. Waxing is not prohibited during pregnancy, but the choice of this procedure is still not recommended by experts.

During pregnancy, a woman should be more careful about her health and try to avoid possible injuries and infections.

Pregnancy is a wonderful period filled with wonderful moments in a woman's life. But at the same time, this period is filled with prohibitions on the usual ordinary person things.

And yet, pregnancy is not a reason to stop monitoring and caring for yourself and your body.

Many girls ask during this period of their lives a very pressing question: “ Is it possible to do hair removal during pregnancy?».

The experts answer: Epilation during pregnancy is not dangerous". The main thing in this matter is to seek help from a specialist and choose the appropriate method for yourself.

As a rule, in pregnant women, due to the growth of hormones, hair begins to grow even more actively and faster, so epilation is a sure way to give yourself a carefree and long period with smooth skin.

Another problem that pregnant girls face is varicose veins. Do not despair! Even with such a problem, you can do epilation. But even in this situation there are nuances. For women with such a problem, wax hair removal is completely contraindicated. Other types of hair removal should be done with caution and always in a specialized salon.

Bikini hair removal during pregnancy: what is possible and what is not?

When a woman in position thinks about epilation of the intimate zone, then with the question: “Is it possible?”, She turns directly to a gynecologist or cosmetologist and receives different answers from them. Today we will help girls figure out all the pros and cons bikini epilation during pregnancy.

Any hair removal is a long period of comfort for smooth skin - any woman who has done hair removal at least once in her life knows. During pregnancy, most girls want to regain such comfort. In their situation, it is not only about sensations, but they also see a number of other advantages in this procedure:

  • Hygiene - thanks to epilation during pregnancy, maintain intimate hygiene becomes much easier, which is very important in this moment a woman's life;
  • Harmony - during pregnancy, women try to maintain their habitual appearance, try to take care of their bodies, as before, so hair removal during pregnancy is one of the right ways keep the feeling of your usual appearance.
  • In late pregnancy, it becomes very difficult to remove hair in the bikini area on your own.

Despite these advantages, there are also limitations. Restrictions are what pregnant women have to put up with, because there are too many prohibitions. It is important to say that during this period the following types of hair removal become undesirable:

  • Laser hair removal during pregnancy is an innovative and not fully understood procedure. Doctors and cosmetologists have not yet studied its exact reflection on the development of the fetus. Therefore, in order to avoid even minimal risks, it is worth abandoning laser hair removal during pregnancy.
  • Photoepilation during pregnancy also not recommended. There are no strict prohibitions on it, just as there are no confident pros. Photoepilation is also not fully known to doctors and cosmetologists, like laser hair removal during pregnancy. In order to avoid even the most minimal risks, it is still worth abandoning this procedure.

Do not despair, because there are those types of epilation of the bikini zone that are not contraindicated during pregnancy. For example, shugaring during pregnancy, as well as wax depilation during pregnancy are not prohibited. These two procedures will allow the skin to remain smooth without any threat, both for mother and baby. But here it is important to know about some of the nuances.

Sugaring during pregnancy can be done!

And that's great news for expectant mothers. Now we will understand the features of this procedure. Before you go to the hair removal master, you need to contact your gynecologist. Doctors often give positive answers, especially for those women who had shugared their bikini area before pregnancy. Such clients have skin in intimate area already adapted to this procedure and the hair is no longer as hard as those of those girls who are going to do sugaring or waxing for the first time. What are the doctor's contraindications?

The prohibitions on shugaring include deterioration of health and toxicosis.

Arriving at the salon for the procedure, you must inform the master about your interesting position, because specialists carry out this procedure with pregnant women in a slightly different way. During the procedure, the master more scrupulously monitors the reaction of the woman and with great care conducts epilation in the bikini area so as not to increase the tone of the uterus and not cause even the slightest deterioration in the condition.

What if during pregnancy you decide to have epilation for the first time in your life?

This often happens in the second half of pregnancy, when a woman, without any help, can no longer remove her hair in intimate area on one's own. And that's when she turns to a specialist for help. Many masters in this case refuse to carry out the procedure. This is due to the fact that shugaring causes pain, especially during the initial procedure, which can cause stress in a woman, which in turn will provoke uterine stimulation, which is not at all necessary during pregnancy. This should be done with the utmost care. If the pain seems to be very strong or the baby begins to behave very actively, then the procedure should be stopped. The master must carefully listen to every movement and signal of the body of a pregnant woman.

As you already understood, shugaring during pregnancy is not prohibited for those who were previously familiar with it. Most importantly, hair removal for pregnant women should be carried out even more carefully and gently, then in this wonderful period of their life they will be the owners of smooth skin, without harm to expectant mothers and their babies.

Now let's talk about waxing

Some owners of the fair sex before pregnancy did hair removal exclusively with wax. But once in an interesting position, they begin to think about whether it is possible to do waxing during pregnancy.

Waxing during pregnancy can be dangerous if the pregnant girl does this procedure first. Waxing is very effective procedure getting rid of desired hair. In fact, the same rules here as with shugaring: whoever did waxing before pregnancy more than once can do it while in position. There is only one very important "but". Waxing should not be done by pregnant women if they have varicose veins. One more thing important rule- Wax should not be hot. But for pregnant girls who decide to do waxing for the first time in their lives, it is better to refuse it. But they should not despair either. In such cases, excellent suitable cream for depilation.

Depilation can be carried out using special creams

And here again the question arises: Can depilatory cream be used during pregnancy?". “You can use depilatory cream during pregnancy,” experts say. Moreover, it is the most optimal painless option for pregnant. In terms of duration, depilation is naturally inferior to epilation, but still, during pregnancy, you should think about your own well-being and the development of the baby. It is better to choose depilatory creams with the slightest content of flavorings. It is also important that the composition contains as many natural ingredients and moisturizers as possible, so that the cream will reduce the risk of an allergic reaction to zero.


Do not forget about your beauty and take care of your body during pregnancy. May this wonderful period be accompanied by pleasant sensations smooth skin. Our specialists will help you to maintain the usual smoothness, which will save you from unwanted hair. You can make hair removal for pregnant women in Moscow in our hair removal rooms "World of Beauty".

During pregnancy, a woman's hair growth is activated on different areas body. To look beautiful and sexy, many of them resort to the most radical measures. We will figure out whether it is possible to do laser hair removal during pregnancy and whether the procedure has contraindications.

All about laser hair removal

The procedure is aimed at the destruction of the hair roots themselves, which takes place under the influence of a laser flash. Hair follicles heat up and die. The main advantage of the procedure is efficiency. After it, the risk of ingrown hairs is minimized.

During this type of hair removal, slight discomfort is felt, but strong pain no from her. You can also highlight the following advantages:

  • speed of implementation;
  • can be done on any part of the body.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • The procedure is only suitable for women who have dark hair;
  • if an unskilled master works, then burns may remain;
  • the high cost of the service, as it is carried out in beauty salons and clinics by dermatologists and cosmetologists.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure in an "interesting" position

To do or not to epilate during pregnancy? Even qualified doctors cannot unambiguously answer this question. One thing is known for certain that the procedure does not have a negative effect on the fetus itself. If you decide to epilate as a pregnant woman, you should read some of the recommendations that every expectant mother should follow:

  1. Before going to a beauty salon, visit your gynecologist and consult with him. If necessary, take the necessary tests.
  2. You need to have time to carry out laser hair removal at a time when short term. Presumably count on the first trimester of pregnancy.
  3. If you plan to epilate the white line of the abdomen and the bikini zone, then the procedure is also acceptable only for a short time.
  4. During pregnancy, a woman's body is unpredictable, so be prepared for the fact that it may reject the procedure and it will not work.
  5. Ask your doctor to schedule your visits and calculate the strength of the beam.

Though Negative influence laser hair removal and has not been proven, yet many doctors advise postponing the procedure for the postpartum period.

Despite the fact that the service does not give strong pain, your feelings and stress can be transferred to the child. Your body is still exposed to stress at this moment, which negatively affects the child.


Pay attention when to epilate even on early term Absolutely forbidden:

  • the presence of atopic dermatitis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • various types of infections;
  • some types of herpes;
  • diabetes and other endocrine diseases.

Be prepared for the fact that epilation can cause serious allergic reactions on your body. First, do a tolerance test. And it is better to postpone the procedure until the moment when you become a mother. Then the body will behave differently.

Alternative to laser

It is best to use only depilatory products during pregnancy in the fight against excess hair. They have their own advantages:

  • simplicity (you can carry out the procedure yourself at home);
  • there is no negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman and the unborn baby;
  • there are no pain sensations, which means no stress for development nervous system child.

Safe hair removal methods include:

  1. Shaving. It's simple, inexpensive and completely safe. During pregnancy, the procedure is quite acceptable. Use special razors for women.
  2. Depilatory cream. It's relative safe method hair removal. It contains harmful chemical substances that help solve the problem. It is worth remembering that only top part hair and soon they will grow back.
  3. Cold and warm wax. The procedure is carried out both in the salon and at home. The necessary wax can be purchased at the pharmacy.

If you are in a state of pregnancy, then before deciding to do laser hair removal, once again study some tips:

  1. No one knows what harm laser hair removal will do to the fetus, so all responsibility falls entirely on your shoulders.
  2. During hair removal, which is almost painless, the woman's body still produces stress hormone. It can cause miscarriage or premature birth.
  3. Depilatory creams should also be used with extreme caution. The chemicals it contains can cause serious allergic reactions.
  4. The abundance of excess hair during pregnancy is a temporary difficulty, which after a few months will pass herself.

From the foregoing, only one conclusion can be drawn that it is not worth doing laser hair removal during pregnancy. Too risky procedure, which should be postponed until better times.

Very often, the issue of hair removal becomes more relevant during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that under the influence hormonal changes hair growth in the body is activated. It can be as natural physiological changes and problems requiring treatment. Therefore, before opting for one or another method of hair removal, you should find out the reasons for them. overgrowth. With this question, you can contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist and conduct an examination. At the same time, pregnancy limits women in the use of some methods of hair removal. How to keep the beauty and smoothness of the skin?

We, women, are so arranged that in the pursuit of perfection we constantly have to change, supplement, and sometimes correct what is given to us by nature: adjust our weight, change hair color, grow nails. Vegetation that appears in undesirable places also creates a significant problem. In prehistoric times, the presence of hairs protecting the body, arms and legs was justified. Now they have lost their function, and the vast majority of the female population is embarking on the path of struggle for smooth skin.

There are two main options for getting rid of unwanted vegetation: depilation and epilation. In the first case, the part of the hair that is above the skin surface is removed, in the second case, the hair is removed from the root. It is easy to guess that the effect of depilation is less persistent, and epilation allows you to maintain smooth skin for a relatively long period.

The rate of hair growth in most people is similar. The difference fits into 1 - 2 weeks, with the expectation of this, approximate "validity periods" of all methods used will be given.



This method, of course, has its advantages: cheapness, simplicity and speed of hair removal. Disadvantages, unfortunately, are also present: if the legs, as a rule, react calmly to shaving, then irritation is very likely in the bikini area. Scratches and cuts are also possible. Since the hair is removed without a root, after a day or two it can again be found on the surface of the skin. And until the hair reaches a significant length, it will be quite hard, which can cause discomfort.

Shaving is perfectly acceptable during pregnancy. Before shaving, take a warm shower, massage your skin. Heat expands pores, makes hair and skin softer, more hydrated, and therefore the procedure will be easier.

You can reduce the risk of irritation with the help of special razors for women. Firstly, such a machine is more convenient in shape, it is more convenient to hold it in your hand, it does not slip. Secondly, it has a special strip with softening and moisturizing ingredients. Pay attention to the products used for shaving (foams, creams, gels) and after shaving (soothing, softening, moisturizing). There are enough now a wide range of funds designed specifically for female skin. For smoother skin, shave in the opposite direction of hair growth. But if she is very sensitive, and the procedure is required - shave according to hair growth. The result may be a little worse than you expected, but also side effects will be less.

The use of depilatory creams.

This method is sometimes referred to as a gentle shave. Depilatory creams (some manufacturers produce them in the form of foam) contain chemicals that destroy the hair structure. As a result of this, the hair above the skin surface is removed with a spatula (in some situations, regular washcloth) together with the deposited mass. In this case, only the part of the hair that protrudes above the surface of the skin is removed.

The advantages of this method are simplicity and speed, as well as affordable price and the opportunity to carry out the procedure at home. In addition, depilators act more gently, simultaneously exfoliating and moisturizing the skin; hair grows back at about the same rate as shaving, but is somewhat softer and weaker. The composition that is applied to the skin, despite specific smell, safe for pregnant women, as it is applied to the skin on a short time and is not absorbed into the blood. However, try to carry out the procedure in a well-ventilated area, and it will be useful to breathe afterwards. fresh air. If you have a lot of work to do, don't try to do everything at once. On one day, remove the hair, for example, on the legs, and on the other day, treat the underarm area. Depilatory cream, in principle, is suitable for any area of ​​the skin. But keep in mind that for particularly sensitive areas (bikini area) there are special creams, as well as for facial hair removal: on the chin, above upper lip, along the hairline on the forehead. Cons of this method: during pregnancy, the likelihood of skin irritation is quite high, so be sure to start with a sensitivity test (in the annotation to the product it is written how to conduct the test). Hair grows back fast enough coarse hair may not be removed at all. With hair regrowth, manifestations of folliculitis are possible - inflammation of the hair follicle. In this case, you will have to use antiseptic agents, for example, treat the skin with salicylic alcohol 1-2 times a day, and monitor skin hygiene with particular care.


Plucking with tweezers

This is the easiest way to epilate. Definitely one or two unwanted hair on the body can be removed in this way. It is also suitable for the correction of the shape of the eyebrows. Before use, be sure to disinfect the tweezers, as well as the skin with antiseptic(for example, chlorhexidine or miramistin).

Household epilator

In fact, this device is a set of tweezers that pull out hair from the root. The advantages of the method are that the procedure can be carried out at home, at any time. convenient time. The device is quite compact and does not take up much space. At first, hair removal will have to be carried out quite often - about 1 time per week. It's connected with uneven growth hair. In the future, with regular use of the epilator, the hairs grow more slowly, become thinner, weaker, and easier to remove. The effect of one procedure lasts longer. In the future, with a regular procedure, it is required less often: experience shows that within 3-4 weeks most women manage to avoid its use.

Unfortunately, the procedure has many disadvantages. First of all, it is soreness - the most common cause refusal of this method of hair removal. Each person has his pain threshold, and therefore to find out whether such a procedure is suitable for you, you can only empirically. Epilator manufacturers are aware of this problem and are trying to fix it whenever possible. Therefore, modern epilators are equipped with special nozzles(relaxing, massaging, cooling), reducing the severity of pain. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to adequately anesthetize the procedure. In addition, hair removal on a large area (for example, on the legs), especially the first procedures, will require a fairly long time. A common complication with household epilators is ingrown hairs. This is the second most common reason for looking for new hair removal methods.

This problem can be partially solved with the help of regular use of a body scrub, as well as peelings based on fruit acids. There are also special creams for the prevention of ingrown hairs. They include substances that accelerate healing, soften the epidermis, gently exfoliate dead cells skin. Regular use of these products will make your skin softer, more elastic and tender, it will no longer be an insurmountable barrier to weak growing hair, as a result of which hairs grow in much less often. If the hair is ingrown, a thin sterile needle will come to your aid (the one that comes with a disposable insulin syringe is best). After wiping the site of the ingrown hair with an antiseptic, use a needle to carefully remove the hair from under the epidermis, then apply the antiseptic again. If the hair has grown in a place that is inconvenient for manipulation, you can contact a beautician with this problem.

The annotations for household epilators indicate that their use is not recommended during pregnancy. However, apart from pain, the device does not carry any danger. If you have been using the epilator for a long time and calmly endure the procedure, then its use during pregnancy is acceptable (of course, if not available). But you should not start your acquaintance with the epilator during the period of expectation of the child - postpone it for the postpartum period.


Despite the emergence of new products, this method has long been rightfully considered one of the most effective. Its essence is that, in turn, the thinnest needle is introduced into each hair follicle of the treated area - an electrode, through which a weak discharge of electric current is supplied. Depending on the type of electrolysis, the destruction of the follicle occurs due to exposure to high temperature, microscopic doses of alkali, or a combination of them.

The advantages of the method is that it can be used to remove hair in any area on the face and body. Electrolysis makes hair much thinner and weaker after just a few treatments. Of the minuses, it should be noted that this procedure requires special equipment and a trained specialist, so you will certainly have to seek help from a beauty salon or medical center. This service cannot be called cheap. Electrolysis is sensitive (and sometimes even painful), and the procedure lasts quite long time. In addition, there are a significant number of contraindications for this procedure. Absolute contraindication is pregnancy (the effect of electric current on the body can adversely affect the bearing of the baby), the use of a pacemaker. It is undesirable to carry out electrolysis with a tendency to form keloid scars (scars with excess connective tissue that rise above the skin), malignant neoplasms, infectious diseases and severe somatic diseases (diseases of the cardiovascular system, decompensated diabetes mellitus, severe hyperthyroidism).


So called hair removal with wax. History shows that this method was used in ancient egypt. Advanced waxing has become very popular in Lately. For the procedure is used natural wax(composition based on pine resin), which may contain additives ( seaweed, chamomile and others). Wax with the addition of cocoa butter has gained great popularity. In addition to high efficiency, it is pleasant to use, as the aroma of chocolate spreads when heated.

Wax can be warm, hot or even cold. Warm wax is packaged in cartridges equipped with a roller. After the wax is heated to optimum temperature(about 40 ° C), it is applied in a thin layer along the hair growth, then a sheet of special paper is applied and the paper is torn off the skin with a sharp movement. On a piece of paper, along with the wax, the removed hairs are also found. After the end of the procedure, the skin is lubricated with oil to remove wax residues, if necessary, treated with special moisturizing and soothing agents.

Epilation with warm wax Great for hair removal on arms and legs. In more sensitive areas, it is more convenient to use hot wax for hair removal. He has more high temperature therefore, when the wax is applied to the skin, the pores open and the hair removal becomes less painful. Hot wax applied to the skin with a spatula, removed, like warm, with special paper.

Sometimes cosmetologists use phytoresin for hair removal - it is applied with a spatula, and removed - with a "deft hand movement". The use of phytoresin is painstaking, almost jeweler's work, taking into account all the natural curves of the body. This allows not only to effectively remove excess vegetation, but also to create an intricate pattern from the remaining hair. Phyto resin is the most popular when creating a bikini design.

Cold wax is used exclusively at home. The wax plate is warmed up in the hands, applied with force to the skin, after which it is removed along with the hairs.

The advantages of waxing are the relative speed of the procedure, long-term effect (3-4 weeks), gradual thinning of the hair and slowing down their growth. The procedure can be carried out both in the salon (its cost is very affordable), and at home. For the first time, it is advisable to contact a specialist in order to clarify all the details and nuances of the process. In the future, if you wish, you can handle it yourself.

Among the disadvantages of the procedure are pain, the risk of ingrown hairs, the impossibility of carrying out the procedure in areas suffering from varicose disease. Waxing is contraindicated in case of serious somatic pathology, skin diseases (including neoplasms). Pregnancy is not a contraindication for bioepilation, but only if you have previously used this method and know that it suits you. As with the use of home epilators, start using this method against the background of developing pregnancy should not be due to possible pain. After the procedure, during the day you should refrain from visiting the sauna, bath, and solarium. In the shower on this day, try to do without soap and gel, as they can get into open pores and cause irritation.

Laser hair removal

During this procedure, a laser flash acts on the hair follicle, heating it and thereby causing its death.

The advantages of laser hair removal are that it is very effective, fast and suitable for any area. The procedure may cause discomfort, but you can’t call it painful. The risk of ingrown hairs after the procedure is minimal.

The main disadvantage of laser hair removal is selectivity. Due to the fact that melanin pigment conducts heat, the procedure is suitable only for those people who have fairly dark hair and bright skin(which is why it is recommended to carry it out in winter period, before the appearance of the active sun). If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, then after the session, small burns may appear, which will heal soon. In addition, the cost of such hair removal is quite high, and it is carried out exclusively in salons and aesthetic clinics by dermatocosmetologists. The procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy, it is not recommended for exacerbated skin diseases, severe somatic pathology. People taking photosensitizing drugs (if you are taking medication, then pay attention to the information in the instructions), this type of hair removal is also not suitable. After the procedure, you should avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the areas where the procedure was performed, apply sun protection. For several days it will be necessary to limit contact with water.


Its principle is somewhat different - it is based on the effect of a light flash. The pigment melanin contained in the hair absorbs light energy and converts it into heat. Intensity thermal effect is high enough, resulting in coagulation (soldering) of the vessels supplying the hair follicle with nutrients. The follicle does not receive sufficient nutrition, and as a result, its atrophy occurs. This leads to hair loss and prevents the growth of new ones.

Pros: the procedure is suitable for hair located on any part of the body. There are no restrictions on the length, structure and color of the hair (with the exception of very light and gray hair).

Cons: unfortunately, the procedure is very expensive, a course of several procedures is required (their number is determined by the doctor conducting photoepilation). This hair removal option is not recommended during pregnancy (the method is relatively new, and there is no data on its safety for a pregnant woman and baby). You should not do the procedure for severe somatic diseases, as well as skin diseases.

How to prolong the effect?

Whatever hair removal method we are talking about, we want its effect to be as long as possible. Means (lotions, serums, creams) that prevent hair growth can help with this. They contain substances that stop the development of the hair follicle. With the regular use of such products, the interval between two epilation sessions can be significantly lengthened. Among them are a lotion that slows down hair growth from Beauty Image, Epilex 2 Serum from Ericson Laboratoire, a body lotion that slows down hair growth Johnson's. It is also possible to use special alkaline formulations that, using ultrasound, penetrate deep into the skin and prevent the formation of hair follicle.

Summing up, it should be said that during the period of expectation of a child, only depilation methods can be fearlessly used. Epilation, as a more complex procedure, is suitable only for those who are already familiar with it. Moreover, only bioepilation and the use of a household epilator are suitable methods for this time. Techniques such as electro-, photo- and laser hair removal, despite their high efficiency, are recommended to be postponed until the postpartum period.

Ludmila Soboleva
