Beautiful manicure for girls 13 years old. Teenage manicure at home

AT adolescence many habits are instilled that last a lifetime. Manicure for teenagers is an important hygiene procedure nail care. It should be done every 7-10 days. Moreover, to properly care for nails, you need to teach not only girls, but also boys. A teenager's manicure is very different from an adult's. It is important to choose correct design and give Special attention the safety of the funds used. Let's learn how to properly care for nails in young age, and what decor options you can choose so as not to shock school teachers.

Important rules for teenage manicure

When choosing nail polish, it is important to decide on the color and design. AT Soviet times the painted nails of a schoolgirl were considered a gross violation of discipline. And now every school has its own dress code for the appearance of students. Even in modern schools bright, artsy and complex manicure is not welcome.

Simple looks unobtrusive design with neutral tones, and all kinds of textures are relevant as decor. It can be glitter, dust, as well as dry sparkles. Because school rules often do not allow long nails, then you should pay attention to interesting designs for short nail plates.

Teenage manicure is best done unedged, as it is safer.

  • Nails should be cut with nail scissors.
  • To give nails desired shape, it is worth using a nail file.
  • With changes in the structure of the nails and in their appearance, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. This will avoid many problems, such as the appearance of fungus.

Often in adolescents, nails become brittle and brittle. This happens when there is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet.

Advice! Any young girl fit neutral version with colorless polish and glitter embellishment. Full coverage is applied along the edge of the nail.

Manicure for children

Often mothers do manicures to their little daughters themselves. Children's manicure has important nuances:

  • The cuticle can only be slightly pushed back and only after special baths.
  • All funds must be from the children's series. This applies not only to varnish, but also to creams, soaps and oils.

Advice! Length baby nail must be at least 2 mm, otherwise the nail will be shortened with each subsequent procedure.

How to take care of your nails

The main function of nails is to protect the fingertips. It is with their help that you can scratch and hold any objects in your hands, but just do not gnaw. Since it harms not only appearance but also health.

Here are some basic nail care tips:

  • Keep them clean and dry to prevent infection.
  • Choose a straight nail shape, as rounded or pointed ends are easier to break.
  • damaged nail plate can become a source of infection, so it should not be chewed or bitten.

Can be used to strengthen nails special baths. Can be added to warm water lemon juice or sea ​​salt

Advice! By the state of the nail plate, it is very often possible to judge the presence of any problems in the body. If the nails are deformed or pale, then this indicates malnutrition, skin diseases or even some kind of infection.

How to choose varnish

To create a manicure, special varnishes, solvents and hardeners are required. Most often, their composition is safe, but there are cases of individual intolerance to the components. Therefore, when using for the first time, you need to be careful.

For teenage manicure it is better to choose liquids without acetone. This component dries the nails and makes them more weakened.

It is not recommended to perform nail extensions in adolescence, but if you decide to do so, then you need to make sure that the proposed materials do not contain methacrylate. Such a component is banned in many countries, as it causes a strong allergic reaction.

Advice! So that the varnish does not harm children fragile nails, you need to choose a product that contains calcium and vitamins. remember, that poor quality product may cause an allergic reaction.

What are the problems with nails

Due to the fact that the nails are located at the fingertips, they are easy to injure. But even if you avoid such troubles, then there are other problems with the nail plates that you should be aware of:

  • Bitten nails easily give in to any damage and serve as a source of any infection.
  • The fungus can be contracted if you go barefoot when visiting a public pool or shower.
  • The nail plate can change color with injuries, malnutrition or with health problems.
  • Burrs often provoke the appearance of an inflammatory process.
  • Ingrown toenails are a very painful nuisance that can occur when not trimmed properly.

Advice! For preventive purposes, it is worth eating more foods containing calcium, as well as using special oils to nourish the nail plate.

Carrying out hygienic manicure

Hygienic manicure for nails in adolescents can be the basis for additional decor or for original design. At the same time, all funds should be allowed for children, and should also be made on natural basis.

Perfect for elementary and middle school girls clear nail polish using not a large number glitter or even special stickers. Do not forget to remove the old coating in time, as well as monitor the regrown nail plates.

Advice! For girls, it is worth picking up varnishes on water based. They are very easy to remove. Products from manufacturers such as Snails Kids, Piggy Paint and Keeki are safe.

Stylish design options

In adolescence, you can no longer use children's version manicure, and already move on to a more adult one. But even in this case, you should not use the edged manicure technique.

French manicure

French can be done at home. For it, you will need a white and pastel-colored varnish, a fixer, a base coat and special adhesive-based strips. First, the base is applied, and then the pastel shade varnish is distributed. After the nail dries, a strip is glued on the protruding edge of the nail plate, and distributed on top white lacquer. Then the strip is removed, and the design is stained with a fixing compound.

Lunar manicure

Lunar manicure is very simple to perform, so it is great for teenagers. In this case, the varnish of two different colors and adhesive strips.

First of all, the base is distributed. Then a color is applied that will be closer to the base. Then the strip is fixed on the basis of the nail, and the free part is painted in the main background.

Advice! Unusual design can be obtained by using some decor elements: beads, rhinestones, decorative sprinkles and sequins.

Stylish ombre

it fashion solution it is good to complement the hairstyle in the same coloring style or gradient in clothes. In this case, in addition to the base solution and hardener, you will need a piece of foam rubber and several shades of varnish. Ombre represents smooth transition from the brightest to the palest shade from one color palette.

Strips of different varnishes are applied to a smooth surface. Then a sponge is easily pressed against them, which leans against the nails.

Advice! For a change, you can apply a pattern on the nails in the form of musical notes, graphic patterns or flowers.

Painted variant

To make a manicure with painting elements, you need some experience. You can try to apply the decor with a thin brush or toothpick. If the pattern is difficult to apply, then you can use ready-made slider stickers that are attached to the nail plate and then varnished transparent color.

Decor for short nails

You can make a wonderful manicure for short nails for teenagers, because the quality of the design is important, not the length. Short nail plates are comfortable. It also reduces the risk of breaking them.

If you choose the right pattern and color, then the nails will look original and interesting.

The decor should be chosen very carefully so that bright details do not catch the eye.

The following decorations are relevant:

  • microbeads and rhinestones;
  • lace;
  • special dust or glitter;
  • threads and colored sand.

Solid color design can be decorated microbeads or rhinestones. Rhinestones look great at the base of the nail plate or on the edge. Microbeads are used for loose designs. It can be pressed into a layer of fresh varnish.

Dust and glitter are applied before the varnish dries.

Lace you can buy a variety of shades, but it is better not to use contrasting colors. Such decor should be a tone darker or lighter than the main background.

Advice! For decoration, you can use not only special threads, but also ordinary ones for embroidery. They are laid out in the form of a pattern on the main background, and fixed on top with a top.

Manicure for summer

While studying, it is better not to use too bright designs and contrasting color combinations. But in the summer there are no more serious restrictions.

Remember that long nails are out of fashion now. But short nail plates with bright patterns very popular.

Polka dots can be contrasting colors

So, what ideas are in trend:

  • Fruit applied to the main background with fine brush or template.
  • patterns must match with outfit or accessories.
  • polka dots may be contrasting colors.
  • Geometric figures on a plain background.

Advice! To create an unusual decor, you can choose drawings with butterflies, animals, cartoon characters or flower arrangements.

How to do a manicure

And summing up, it's worth a little talk about how to properly perform teenage manicure. So let's go:

  • Wash your hands very well antibacterial soap and wipe them dry. If soap was not used, then another disinfectant solution is used.
  • It is important to form the correct and comfortable shape of the nail. For this, a nail file is useful. Do not use metal products, it is better if it is rubber-based with a special coating. File the nail plate in one direction only. This will avoid splitting.
  • Wash your hands very well with antibacterial soap and dry them thoroughly. If soap was not used, then a different disinfectant solution is used.

    fashionable and stylish manicure- it does not mean bright and catchy. Neat and Beautiful design will be a real decoration for any young girl.

Children often copy the behavior of their parents, especially girls. Moms are happy to show manicure ideas to their daughters; many options have been created for teenagers. However, many are interested in at what age it is possible to paint the nails of little beauties so as not to harm the health of the child.

On the mother's example, girls have a desire to take care of their appearance. Already from the very early years the child will understand how important it is to be attractive and well-groomed. A beautiful manicure will allow you to get rid of such a habit as biting your nails. Well-groomed nails will complement the image of a little beauty.

In addition, performing a manicure at home with your child, you can have a great time. This process will bring a lot positive emotions the girl will be delighted.

When can you get a manicure?

The age from 9 to 14 years is quite reverent, many girls begin to think about their beauty, pay attention to their own attractiveness. Manicure must be carefully selected for the outfits, it is best to decorate the nails for the matinee, the upcoming holiday. This will allow you to stand out from the crowd and feel like a real princess.

When choosing a manicure for a girl for short nails, you do not need to do the same design as mom's. It is important to remember that the work is done for the child. Bright shades, interesting and funny drawings will be an excellent decoration for nails, you can use children's stickers.

Manicure for short nails for teenagers 12 years old

Before proceeding with the manicure, it is necessary to prepare the child's nails.

  • first you should treat your hands with a special tool, then wash them with soap;
  • with the help of nail scissors, cut the nails, file them with the necessary shape;
  • children cannot cut the cuticle, you can only push it back with a wooden stick;
  • First of all, you should consult with the child and after that you can get to work.

The most popular manicure options for teenagers 12 years old are the following:

  1. Pictures of animals. The bunny looks beautiful on children's nails. Making a manicure at home is very simple. To work, you need white, black and colorless varnish. First of all, the nail plate is covered with colorless varnish, white varnish is applied to the edge, ears are drawn. Using a black tint, the eyes and mouth are outlined.
  2. Also often children's nails are decorated with a panda. Drawing at home is also very simple.

Manicure for teenagers 14 years old

At the age of 14, completely different designs should be selected for a teenager, an important role should be given not to the drawing, but to well-groomed hands. Therefore, it is important to monitor the attractiveness of the skin of the hands and not forget about proper care.

It must be remembered that an appropriate design is selected for a school manicure. It is best to give preference to peach, beige, white shades.

  1. French manicure looks attractive. Classic variant which is suitable for any age. You can change it depending on your mood. Instead of white tips, teenagers often choose bright colors. You can also make a drawing on one nail, which will give the design an individuality.
  2. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you can use geometric shapes as a design.
  3. Often the nails of teenagers are decorated with butterflies, fruits, cartoon characters.
  4. The amber design looks attractive.

Manicure for teenagers 16 years old

When it comes to teenage manicure, we must not forget about the school season. Manicure should be light, not distract from educational process. It is best to prioritize colorless varnishes, for decor, you can use sparkles, patterns.

Beige, pink, peach colors look great on the nails of young beauties.

School manicure for teenagers

  1. French manicure is a favorite option for many. Using your imagination, you can create different designs and delight yourself with amazing ideas.
  2. Classic french. This option is suitable for any occasion, you can use sparkles, rhinestones as decoration, you can combine different shades.
  3. Single bed. Beige, pink shades act as the basis.
  4. Minimize the use of drawings. It is advisable to give preference to the pattern on one nail.
  5. Newspaper design. Interesting ideas that many schoolgirls like. Letters from newspapers make the design incredibly interesting.

Summer manicure for teenagers

If during your studies you should limit yourself in choosing a manicure, then in summer season you can invent various ideas don't be afraid to experiment. It is best to choose bright shades, there are no prohibitions. The most important thing to pay attention to is the length of the nails. Manicure for short nails for teenagers with bright patterns looks great.

  1. As ideas, you can choose animal faces, hearts, butterflies, flowers.
  2. Fruits are very popular. The nail plate is covered plain varnish, your favorite fruit is applied to the dried surface. It is best to use a template, this will allow you to do the job neatly.
  3. Patterns are often found on the nails of young beauties. You can choose any shades suitable for outfits or shoes.
  4. Polka dots are a favorite pattern, suitable for any image. In the summer of 2017, this print is at the peak of popularity.
  5. Geometric shapes attract special attention, they can be made depending on your own imagination.

As a decoration, you can use beads, rhinestones, this will allow the manicure to sparkle with new colors.

  1. The nail plate of adolescents is very fragile, in connection with this, special tools must be selected for work. It is important to monitor your health, only in this case it will be possible to make not only a beautiful manicure, but also maintain the attractiveness of your nails.
  2. Before starting work, you should try manicure products on the skin. This is done in order to make sure that an allergic reaction does not occur.
  3. In order to maintain the health of your nails, it is better to use an acetone-free nail polish remover.
  4. Before applying varnish to the nail plate, it is necessary to degrease the nails. Thanks to this procedure, the manicure will last for a long time. Also, do not forget about the base coat.
  5. The fixer is an important tool which will keep the manicure as long as possible. It not only protects against damage, but also keeps the manicure for a long time. The fixer is applied only after the varnish has dried.
  6. Adolescents under the age of 12 cannot cut the cuticle, it is best to push it back with a stick. You can use cuticle oil.
  7. Learn to use a nail file. Thanks to her nails can be given perfect shape. Movements should be soft and smooth.
  8. It is not recommended to use dryer for nails, many products contain acetone. This will not only spoil the manicure, but also weaken the nail plate. It is best to use an ultraviolet lamp.
  9. In no case should you rip off the varnish with improvised means, you need to use nail polish remover. It is necessary to remove the varnish slowly.
  10. Care must be taken, hot water can ruin the manicure.
  11. Under 16 years of age, it is strictly forbidden to build up nails. This is due to the fact that they are still weakened, they may not withstand aggressive impact manicure products. If a teenager at the age of 14 wants to build up his nails, you should turn to the gel option. It is the safest.

Teenage manicure has its own subtleties, it should be done with extreme caution. To be fashionable, it is important to study latest news 2017. However, everything should be in moderation. If a manicure is performed for a child, then the design should be appropriate.

Daughter asks to make her a manicure and make up her nails? Read how to perform a children's manicure correctly and beautifully.

Today, children's manicure has become a popular service of beauty salons. A similar procedure can be carried out at home. Fortunately, master classes and ideas for children's nail design are a dime a dozen. It remains only to figure out at what age and what names children can be manicured.

How to do manicure for children?

The mother of girls is painfully familiar with the situation: you paint your nails, and the baby comes up, looks with interest, stretches out her little fingers to you or asks you to paint at least one nail. Mom begins to have doubts.

On the one hand, we want to satisfy cognitive interest baby, her desire to be beautiful. On the other hand, three-year-old girls with painted nails look ridiculous. And most likely lacquer coating harms their health. So, when can you get your daughter a manicure?

IMPORTANT: Children's manicure is called, which is done to girls and boys under 15 years old

Children's manicure is of two types:

  1. Hygienic. It comes down to processing the child's nails and the skin around them, giving the nail plate and the baby's fingers an aesthetic appearance. procedure for babies before school age boils down to a neat cut free edge nails and deburring. School-age children can already process the cuticle. Edged hygienic manicure for children is not done
  2. Nail design. This procedure is carried out after hygienic manicure and consists in the artistic design of the girl's nail plates. It cannot be called especially necessary and useful, it can be postponed with its implementation. But if the baby wants to look even more like her mother or emphasize her own individuality, the first drawing on her nails can be made to her at the age of 5

IMPORTANT: Not only girls, but also boys should be accustomed to hygienic children's manicure. A man's ability to take care of his nails and fingers is his positive quality.

  • To understand why and how children should be manicured, it is necessary to consider the structural features of their nails. As you know, the fingertips of a newborn are covered with thin nail plates, which were formed during prenatal development. They usually just cover nail bed and do not protrude beyond its edge
  • But children born a little late, may already have "claws". Therefore, the mother does the first manicure to the baby in the hospital or a week or two after his birth.
  • To trim the free edges of a newborn's nails, she uses special scissors with secure ends. Immediately, the mother notices that the nail plate of the crumbs is much softer and more elastic than that of an adult. This will be the first 12-15 years of his life

Children's nails differ from adult nails in the following ways:

  1. They are more elastic. The fact is that the child's nail contains a large amount of water.
  2. They are more porous and thin, since the baby's matrix is ​​​​still short.
    They grow faster. The ideal interval between hygienic manicure procedures for children is 5-7 days
  3. The skin around a child's nails is very delicate and thin. Because of this, burrs often appear on the nail rollers.
  4. Often white spots appear on children's nail plates - false leukonychea

In favor of the need to give a child a manicure, and girls over 5 years old are periodically pampered with an original and bright nail design, there are several weighty arguments:

  1. If the free edges of the child's nail plates are neatly trimmed, firstly, it is more convenient for him. Secondly, dirt will not accumulate under the nails.
  2. The child learns to take care of himself important quality stay with him for life
  3. Children's manicure - prevention of such a problem as nail biting
  4. Nail design for girls is a way to show yourself as an individual, to show your Creative skills, improve self-esteem
  5. If a mother and a child do a manicure together in a salon or at home, this procedure brings them closer together, contributes to the formation of a trusting relationship between them.

Manicure disciplines the child and teaches him to take care of himself.

There are also some downsides and risks children's manicure:

  1. If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, for example, using polishers or abrasives, there is a risk of injuring the thin and porous children's nail plate
  2. Careless handling of the cuticles and skin of the nail folds, which are extremely thin and delicate in a child, can lead to their infection.
  3. Your child's nails can be damaged poor quality products for nail design
  4. Beautiful nail design a girl can become a reason for excessive pride and boasting, distract her from her studies
  5. Decorative manicure is often not welcome at school and, moreover, in kindergarten

How to properly perform a children's manicure on short nails at home

If the mother regularly visits nail salon, she can take a child with her, and then the question of how to do a manicure for children will not arise for her. For her, the procedure will be carried out experienced craftsmen. But, as mentioned above, children's nails grow faster than adults'.

A children's manicure, as a rule, is even more expensive than an adult. Therefore, not every family has the opportunity to take care of the nails of a baby or baby only in the salon.

Most likely, the girl will not have to be persuaded to home care for nails, because she watches her mother and wants to imitate her. The girl will gladly prepare the place for the procedure herself, lay out the tools from the manicure set, choose the means for nail design and offer his ideas. The little ones also enjoy playing manicure masters, caring for the fingers of the dolls.

But boys often need to be tuned. It is advisable to do this in a playful way.
At home, the child is given a dry, unedged, or European, manicure. This method is bloodless and painless, the risk of injury to the child during the procedure is minimal.

To do this, you need to acquire special tools and tools that, in without fail must be intended for children.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Tools, hands of an adult and hands of a child are treated with a liquid or spray antiseptic
  2. With a file with a slight abrasiveness, the free edges of the child's nail plates are filed so that they protrude from the nail bed by about 2 mm. If you cut or file them harder, the child will get a short nail
  3. The cuticle of the child is not cut off. It is only gently lubricated with a special softening cream or oil, and if it is too long, it is gently pushed back.
  4. If the child has hangnails, they are carefully removed with wire cutters
  5. The keratinized layer of skin on the nail roller is removed with a special soft nail file
  6. Give the child a hand massage. If there is a need to strengthen the baby's nails, massage is done with a special fortified oil.
  7. At the end of the manicure for the girl, she is given a nail design.

VIDEO: Children's manicure

Manicure set for kids

For home manicure the set can be bought ready-made. As a rule, it includes tools for caring for the nail plate, cuticle, and nail folds. It:

  • scissors
  • wire cutters
  • tweezers
  • metal or orange wood sticks for cuticles

Separately, you should purchase products for the care of nails and fingers. They must be selected from the children's line:

  • antiseptic
  • massage oil
  • cuticle cream or oil

If the girl is older, she is given a nail design, you should also stock up on funds for it. Need to buy:

  • varnishes, possibly water-based
  • acrylic paints
  • brushes, sticks, stencils to create a picture
  • stickers for nails
  • pebbles, rhinestones, sequins
  • foil
  • other accessories

Accessories for manicure on the theme of the cartoon "Frozen".

Accessories for manicure on the theme of the cartoon "My little ponies".

Set for children's manicure "Mini Mouse".

Is it possible to paint a child's nails with varnish?

It is highly undesirable to paint a child's nails with varnish. The fact is that cosmetic product contains substances that:

  • dry and weaken the nail plate
  • slow down its growth
  • May cause allergic reactions through skin contact or inhalation of vapours.
  • prevent sufficient breathing of the nail plate

Therefore, decorative manicure for girls from 5 to 15 years old should be done infrequently, leave the coating on the nails for no more than three days, remove it with products without acetone, after removing the coating, carry out restorative therapy with vitamins.

IMPORTANT: For children's manicure, it is better to use special children's varnishes with a lightweight composition.

VIDEO: Manicure Ideas for Short Nails/Animal Manicure/Bird Manicure

Can the manicure machine be used for children?

Hardware, chemical and edged manicure can not be done until the child's nail plate is fully formed, that is, up to 15 years. The cutters of the device can damage the nail plate, injure the skin around the nail, and provoke coarsening of the cuticle.

Beautiful children's manicure - drawings

Usually, it is not enough for fashionable girls to simply cover their nails with a plain varnish. They want beautiful and interesting design on such topics:

  • flowers
  • animals
  • butterflies
  • fruits and sweets
  • "girly" symbols, such as bows or hearts
  • cartoon characters
  • other

The girls also love various options french manicure, lace design. They ask to decorate their nails with rhinestones, pebbles, sparkles.

VIDEO: Cute children's manicure

Manicure on children's nails - photo

Here are some very interesting ideas for decorative nail coating for girls from 5 to 15 years old.

Children's nail design: SpongeBob.

VIDEO: Children's manicure at home

False nails for children - stylish manicure for children 12 years old

Girls' nail art kits, designed for ages 5+ or 6+, often contain plastic tips with ready-made drawings or below the picture. But gluing them to such babies is not recommended.

AT extreme cases false nails can help out a fashionista from 12 years old, if, for example, she wants to show off her beauty at a birthday party or other festive event.

Gel polish for girls: is it possible?

Also, the question often arises whether it is possible to apply gel polish to girls from 12 to 15 years old. Experts do not recommend similar procedure, because:

  • it is not known how gel polish will behave on thin, not fully formed nails
  • gel polish can cause allergies in a child

At the age of 15, the girl's nail "grows up", she can do a real adult manicure.

VIDEO: 5 easy manicure ideas for school

Create trendy manicure for girls 12 years old is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. Young fashionistas always want to look attractive, so from an early age they already strive to have beautiful nails. Fortunately, children at this age do not need the help of a specialist at all, since luxurious patterns and thin lines they just don't care. If they cannot do a manicure for girls of 12 years old with their own hands, then mothers who know how to care for nails and varnish them will always come to the rescue.

Gives a neat appearance and prevents brittleness and damage to nails. The difference between the nails of an adult and a child is the presence of moisture in them. In women, the nails contain little moisture, so they are less prone to injury or brittleness, but the nails of girls and girls are more flexible and brittle due to the large amount of moisture. For this reason, the main condition for creating a beautiful manicure for girls of 12 years old is to prevent the plates from breaking.

Well-groomed marigolds

Nails at any age should be beautiful and well-groomed, because they adorn the hands and complement any look well. AT early age Parents themselves cut their children's nails and take care of them with the help of special means. For girls of 12 years old, many are already able to do their own manicure, but some still need the help of other people. In this age young fashionistas begin to experiment with design and choose the most suitable option for image and style.

Teenage girls strive to look older and often choose the wrong tools to decorate their nails. Manicure for girls 12 years old must be done with extreme caution, because their nail plates are still too soft, and the periungual zone is vulnerable to infection. Therefore, before choosing fashion design, you should properly prepare the nail plates for the procedure.

Basic Rules

To make for girls 12 years old, which will delight everyone around, a few simple rules will help:

  1. To prevent the occurrence of infectious and fungal diseases, disinfection of the instruments used should be performed before each procedure. Along with this, you must always keep your hands clean and wipe thoroughly. soft towel after washing. It is recommended to take care of the nail plates at home with the help of tools designed specifically for teenage manicure. Faithful care is guaranteed to help preserve nails healthy color, prevent delamination and the appearance of brittle plates.
  2. Do not use metal nail files to correct nails. It is best to process the plate with ceramic, glass or abrasive files. The movements carried out by this tool must be smooth. In this case, strong pressure should be avoided so as not to destroy the nail structure. In addition, polishing the surface and filing the edges is required strictly in one direction.
  3. Make nail plates more resistant to external factors the straight shape of the nail will help, because rounded and sharp ones break quite quickly. A manicure for a girl of 12 years old on short nails with slightly rounded edges can be done, it is always in fashion, so this option is considered one of the most profitable.
  4. Before reaching the age of 16, it is not recommended to cut the cuticle. You can choose an unedged manicure using a modern remover, or simply push back the cuticle with an orange stick and soften it with oil.
  5. Before using varnish, be sure to treat your nails with a degreaser, and then only apply a base coat. Each nail must be carefully degreased, as this will make it possible to preserve the design for a long time.
  6. Regardless of the type of varnish chosen, it is necessary to apply a base coat before it. It will reliably protect the natural plate from the influence of active substances and keep all layers of varnish for several weeks.
  7. From above it is required to apply a fixative - a finishing coating. This layer will protect the manicure from cracks and chips, and will also save the created composition from decorative elements nail design.
  8. Gel polish took its place not so long ago artistic painting, practically replacing it. Now it is actively used for manicure, but at the same time, not every fashionista knows that it is not worth painting their nails too often, which is especially true for teenagers. To quickly dry shellac, apply ultraviolet lamps, the rays of which negatively affect the formation of the plate. Therefore teenage do by other means.
  9. For 10 hours after the procedure, avoid contact with hot water on the nails, as the coating can instantly fade and become less pronounced.
  10. Particular attention should be paid to the instructions for removing varnish. If you remove it incorrectly, you can cause serious damage to the structure of the nails. The most dangerous is the removal by mechanical means without special liquid which does not contain acetone.

How to make a beautiful manicure

In order for the varnish to last on the nails as long as possible, you should heed the advice:

  • wipe the nail plates with a cotton swab with white vinegar before applying the base coat (this product eliminates the greasy layer and dirt that interfere with applying varnish);
  • do not soak the nails before the procedure (many ignorant people do this in order to soften the cuticle, but in fact this process leads to steaming and expansion of the nails, and after applying the varnish, the nails shrink again and the varnish layer no longer corresponds to the size of the plate);
  • do not apply varnish on the cuticle (it lifts the paint from the nail, which ultimately leads to the formation of chips);
  • dry your nails with cold air (due to hot air, the varnish dries longer, so to speed up this process, you can dip your fingers in ice water for a couple of minutes);
  • regularly apply nail oil (this tool prevents overdrying and delamination of the plate, so you need to use it every day);
  • do not panic if the already dried varnish has broken off (you can fix this problem using cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover to smooth the edges and then apply another coat of nail polish).

Easy and interesting manicure ideas for girls 12 years old

When a girl is just starting to do manicure, it is difficult for her to decide on a design, so she considers the most popular and beautiful, but at the same time easy options. These are the ideas presented below. You can perform them quite easily, even without using the help of other hands.

For beginners

The simplest manicure for the summer for a girl of 12 years old, reminiscent of a jacket, does not require special skills. For him, you will need to stock up on white varnish and several other colors. First, all the nails must be carefully covered with a white tone, and after it has completely dried, you need to carefully apply dots of other colors along the edge with an orange stick.


An interesting, but a bit complicated option for beginners is the gradient. For him, you need to take 2-3 tones of blue, purple and pink nail polish. First, all nails should be covered pink and wait for it to dry completely. Then you need to apply the rest of the colors on the sponge (as shown in the photo) and attach it to the nail.

A photo of a manicure for girls of 12 years old will help you better understand how to create it.

New Year's manicure

Manicure for any event is always highly appreciated, because it creates even more beauty. festive atmosphere. New Year's options There are many nail decorations, but one of the most common is nothing more than Santa Claus clothes. To create, you will need to take varnishes of such colors: red, white, black, gold.

First, three vertical stripes are made on the nail in the following sequence: red, white, red, without leaving free places on the plate. Then, with a stick with a round tip, the edge of the nail is covered with white, and an even black line is drawn horizontally a little higher, in the middle of which, after drying, a golden square is added.


You can make a popular manicure that both adults and children like with the help of transparent and white pale varnishes. To do this, cover the entire nail with a base and allow to dry. After that, you need to carefully make a white border around the edge of the plate.

If the first time to do straight line if it doesn’t work, you can purchase special stencils. They are sold together with varnishes and other manicure accessories.

Mickey Mouse

To create such a design, you will need to take two colors of varnish (white and black are ideal, but you can take any other colors if you wish) and an orange stick or special device with a round tip. First of all, the entire nail plate is covered with one color and dries completely. Then, using a stick and a second varnish, you need to depict the silhouette of the cartoon character with just three points, as shown in the photo.

Bright decision

If we talk about for girls 12 years old, something bright and colorful immediately comes to mind. First you need to prepare a white varnish and a few more bright ones. The first option for such a manicure is to cover each nail with a separate color, so that in the end you get a kind of rainbow. But most of all, people like the other option, where it stands out ring finger. The nail on it must first be covered with white varnish, and then with the help of a stick in a chaotic manner, apply points different varnishes. The rest of the nails should be uniform.

This option is perfect for both teenagers and older girls. Its main advantage is that it does not require much time and effort to create.

Modern mothers agree that a manicure for girls at the age of 12 is still necessary. Of course, this does not mean that a young beauty should have sharp bright claws that will go against the cute image! How to do a manicure for a girl? Read everything in order!

Watching her mother make herself a manicure, the girl dreams of building such beauty on her nails as soon as possible. A girl at the age of 12 can already be taught to do a manicure with her own hands. First she does it under the supervision of her mother, and then on her own. It is necessary to offer the girl a simple design that she can handle without outside help.

A 12-year-old girl is given a children's manicure. How is he different from an adult? What you need to know about children's manicure?

Three important aspects of manicure


  • Children's manicure experts strictly do not recommend touching the cuticles during manicure for children under 14 years old. No need to move it, let alone cut it! Even for grown women, technology unedged manicure more attractive and safer! The cuticle in children is still very thin. In addition, there is a risk of damage to the plate formation zone, and this will lead to nail deformation in the future.

  • If the skin is a little rough, burrs appear, then you can’t do without processing the periungual space! But it will be enough to trim the burrs with sharp scissors or tweezers. And to soften the skin can be done warm bath from medicinal herbs: chamomile or calendula. The miraculous properties of these herbs have been known for a long time.
  • For girls 12 years old, it is recommended to cut the nails, leaving 2-3 mm of the free edge. If you cut the nails right down to the base, then this can have a bad effect on the processes. correct formation plates. Long nails will look too provocative, but on short nails you can also make a beautiful design. In addition, vigorous physical activity and insufficiently developed nail care skills can lead to the accumulation of dirt and dust under the nails. It is this length - 2 mm - that is optimal in order to make it easy to keep the nails clean, to be able to clean the dirt during the usual hand washing procedure.

Read also: Manicure veil: delicate patterns on your nails

  • Manicure for children requires the use of special tools. They must be safe. It is necessary to minimize the possibility of discomfort with a manicure. It is better to use a nail file with an abrasiveness of 240, try to minimize its contact with the nails. You also need to carefully take care of the safety of all funds.


  • Many girls have a habit of biting their nails. There is even a medical term - onychophagy. And the reason for the development of harmful occupations is psychological. In most cases, by the age of 12, fortunately, girls get rid of this bad habit. But there are times when a similar problem exists even at that age. Doctors explain that loud screams and "slaps" on the fingers will not help the child get rid of the habit of biting nails! You will definitely need the help of a qualified psychologist. But a beautiful manicure, funny figures on the nails, painted flowers and hearts can keep the girl from this harmful activity.

  • A beautiful manicure for a girl of this age is a matter of incredible pride, an opportunity to show off and stand out among her friends. Self-confidence appears, just like an adult lady, confident in her impeccable appearance!


  • No matter how much the girl would like to make an adult design, you need to explain to her what is certain rules held in society. A bright red manicure, decorated with an abundance of shiny stones, looks just ridiculous on the nails of a twelve-year-old girl! It is necessary to choose a beautiful, discreet design that matches her age.

Read also: Manicure anti-french: the revival of traditions

  • On vacation days, you can allow a brighter design. It is permissible to test colored varnish on nails that are not very flashy shades. But in school time manicure should be done in soothing colors, without flashy patterns and catchy elements.

The most popular and easy manicure girls 12 years old

Mom can let the girl play a little naughty during the holidays. Why not make your daughter cheerful bright manicure. The girl can try to make light drawings on her own. Right hand the design is easier to make, but drawing with the left hand is more difficult ... I'll have to ask my mother for help. But after training, the girl will also skillfully perform drawings with her left hand.

From what simple designs Need to start comprehending the art of nail art?

  • funny polka dots the easiest way to draw dots. It's both simple and beautiful. You can place the dots in a checkerboard pattern or diagonally.

  • pink hearts can be built from two drops, carefully connecting them with a toothpick in the right direction.

  • cute bows- an attribute of childhood - it is very easy to draw. You can decorate them with all the records or just the ring finger.

  • small flowers- more complex option. You need to start with daisies or stylized flowers with five petals.

  • funny faces will cheer up both the girl herself and her friends. Display on nails cartoon characters Only true artists can.

There are plenty more interesting options: butterflies, animal prints, cats, cakes and sweets. Only to create such a design you need an authoritative and skillful older assistant.

Manicure to school at age 12

School manicure should be calm and restrained. How would you like to put your nails bright varnish, you do not need to do this. We will have to listen to a lot of comments from teachers. And as a result, you will still erase the beautiful coating by the next day!
