Topics summarizing the pedagogical experience of a preschool teacher. Generalization of the pedagogical experience of teacher Tatyana Mikhailovna Gobreychuk

Description teaching experience teacher Podgornova L.S.

Subject: “Game activity as a means of comprehensive development of preschool children”

1. Justification of the relevance and prospects of the experience. Its importance for improving educational - educational process.
“Let the children play while the game pleases them, attracts them and at the same time brings them enormous benefit!”
E.A. Pokrovsky

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education to the structure of the main general education program preschool education, the significant difference is the exclusion from educational process educational activity, as not corresponding to the patterns of child development at the stage preschool childhood. Therefore, before us, teachers, preschool, the search for other forms and methods of working with children becomes relevant. The essence of the change also concerns the model of the educational process. Preschool children need not to be taught, but to be developed. They need to develop through activities accessible to their age - games.
The leading activity of preschool children is play. When properly organized, the game creates conditions for the development of the child’s physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities and ensuring the social success of the preschooler. Three interconnected lines of child development: feeling, cognizing, creating, fit harmoniously into the child’s natural environment - a game, which for him is both entertainment and a way of understanding the world of people, objects, nature, as well as the sphere of application of his imagination. In my work, I devote a large place to didactic games. They are used both in joint and independent activities of children. Didactic games serve as educational tools - children master the characteristics of objects, learn to classify, generalize, and compare. The use of didactic games as a teaching tool increases children's interest in educational activities, ensures better assimilation of the program. When working with preschoolers I use different kinds didactic games, but in our modern times, preference is given to electronic didactic games.
The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process of a preschool institution is one of the newest and current problems in domestic preschool education. But today there is an acute problem related to the organization play activity modern children. They are spoiled by the abundance and variety of games and toys, which do not always carry the necessary psychological and pedagogical information. Both parents and educators are experiencing difficulties: the games parents played and what educators practiced and applied in their lives for years have now, in changed conditions, stopped working. Sensory aggression from the child’s environment (Barbie, robots, monsters, cyborgs, etc.) can lead to a crisis in gaming culture. Therefore, we, teachers, are required to be able to navigate the world modern games and toys, maintaining a balance between the child’s desire and benefit for him, paying more attention to modern non-traditional didactic and developmental computer games, promoting adequate socialization of the child. The problem of play, as a means of all-round development of children, is one of the pressing problems, both theoretically and practically.

2. Conditions for the formation of the leading idea of ​​experience, conditions for the emergence and formation of experience.
In a variety of educational systems, play has always been given and continues to have a special place. And this is explained by the fact that the game is very in tune with the nature of the child. For him, playing is not just an interesting pastime, but a way of modeling the adult world, its relationships, acquiring communication experience and new knowledge.
With the introduction of Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Federal State Educational Standards, with the definition of new educational goals that provide for the achievement of not only subject, but also personal results, the value of the game increases even more.
Using the game for educational purposes in the process of implementing psychological and pedagogical support programs allows you to develop communication skills, leadership skills, build competence and teach the child to learn in conditions that are emotionally comfortable for him and in accordance with the tasks of his age.
The game acts as the most important activity, through which I, as a teacher, decide everything educational objectives, including training. Approaches to organizing the education and upbringing of children have been revised. Refusal of the training model in kindergarten, that is, from classes, forced us to move to new forms of work with children that will allow kindergarten teachers to teach preschoolers without them even realizing it. If previously it was believed that the main educational efforts of a teacher were focused on conducting classes, now the educational potential is recognized for all types of joint activities of teachers and children.
I, as a teacher, develop the social skills of a future preschooler necessary for successful adaptation to school, and strive to organize a unified developing world - preschool and primary education. I choose the forms of work independently, depending on the number of students, the equipment of the group, experience and creative approach. So, in morning hours When the pupils are cheerful and full of energy, I carry out the most labor-intensive activities: conversations, observations, looking at albums, didactic games, work assignments. As the children get tired, I include them in role-playing games, outdoor games, and reading fiction. Rotating different activities for the children throughout the day helps me provide variety and balance while still maintaining play as the main focus. In order to improve the health of preschool children, great importance is given to motor activity. When working with young children, I use mainly playful, story-based and integrated forms of educational activities; with older children, educational activities are developmental in nature. I teach children creative partnerships and the ability to discuss a joint project, evaluate your strengths and capabilities.
I would like to note that children are constantly in play, for them it is a way of life, therefore, as a modern educator, I organically “build” any activity into children’s play, which makes the educational effect more significant. Play has become the content and form of organizing children's lives. Game moments, situations and techniques are included in all types of children’s activities and the child’s communication with me. I fill the children's daily lives interesting things to do, games, problems, ideas, I include each child in meaningful activities, contribute to the realization of children's interests and life activity. By organizing educational activities for children, I develop in each child the desire to show initiative and independence, to find a reasonable and worthy way out of various life situations, the desire to:
1. So that any children's activity (play, work, communication, productive, motor, cognitive - research, musical and artistic, reading) is motivated. To do this, I create problematic situations for activities that become part of Direct Educational Activities, projects, observations, excursions, and provide children with a choice of several types of tasks. I, a teacher, am used to democratic style communicate with children, consult with them, have heart-to-heart conversations different topics. My students trust me and enjoy playing and communicating with me.
2. In order for children to be active participants in the educational process, I structure Organized Educational Activities in such a way that children do most of the talking, discuss the topic, and participate in artistic creativity, experiments, work.
3. To ensure activity and success of children, good attitude to peers was stimulated, encouraged, celebrated using screens of good deeds, mood screens, noted in the portfolio, gratitude to parents for good upbringing children. These pedagogical techniques are good at stimulating children to engage in joint educational activities with teachers.
4. In order to become an example of a modern educator, I carefully think through the content of the developmental environment by age, constantly updating the gaming and visual environment depending on the topic of organized educational activities. When planning, I use types of independent free children's activities in a specially prepared developmental group environment, where children can consolidate knowledge, skills, and abilities in independent games and interaction with the environment.

3. Theoretical basis of experience.
Research by psychologists and educators on the influence of gaming activities on the development of preschool children shows that the need to use games in the education of preschool children is an undeniable truth. The fact that children easily learn “playfully” was noticed and proven by the great teacher K. D. Ushinsky, E. I. Tikheeva, E. N. Vodovozova. Much credit for developing the problem belongs to E. A. Flerina, N. P. Sakulina, R. I. Zhukovskaya, E. I. Radina, and others.
Research by Z. M. Boguslavskaya, specifically devoted to the study of the characteristics of play activity of preschool children, showed that interest, active attitude towards educational material most easily manifested in children if this cognitive material is included in play, practical or visual activities in Game.
According to G.K. Selevko: “... a game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-government of behavior is formed and improved.”
Analyzing the research of scientists, we can conclude that theoretical aspect The problems of the comprehensive development of preschool children in the process of play activities are covered in the literature in sufficient detail, but the practical side requires further research.

4. Experience technology. The system of specific pedagogical actions, content, methods, techniques of education and training.
Games logically and systematically must naturally be included in the holistic educational process (organized educational activity, educational activity during regime moments, independent educational activity). I think through and plan in advance the mandatory “presence” of games and gaming techniques in every lesson at any time. age group; joint games with adults (didactic, board-printed, theatrical, corrective and preventive, mobile); daily free games without direct guidance from the teacher. When conducting organized educational activities, I use the game as: part of the lesson, methodical technique, form of implementation, method of solution, etc. At a younger age, I effectively use gaming fairy tale characters; at an older age - the use of fairy tales and entertaining stories as the outline, the core of the educational activity itself (for example, travel games with the completion of various cognitive tasks, entertainment games, etc.).
When conducting organized educational activities, I take the position of an organizer, a research partner who, together with the children, extracts new information and is sincerely surprised by the results obtained together.
Every day I plan and organize joint games: outdoor games; didactic; desktop-printed; theatrical (director's, dramatization, theater games); role-playing; games to develop facial expressions and relieve muscle tension; correction of the developmental features of speech, movements, vision and hearing of children; preventive games and exercises: prevention of flat feet, various diseases.
When organizing and conducting joint games, I take a position equal partner, position " small child”, who needs to learn the game, rules and actions.
To develop free, independent play, I create a full-fledged object-based play environment and initiate the emergence of games based on children’s interests. When conducting an independent game, I take the position of a “creator” playing space", "active observer". Therefore, I don’t interfere unnecessarily in children’s games and don’t distract them from the game’s plot.
In the long-term plan, I prescribe various types of games (they are presented above) with which children are not yet familiar, or a familiar game, but with a new goal. I carefully study the characteristics and interests of each child so that the planned game is in demand by children and brings them pleasure.
When conducting organized educational activities, I use the game as a basis for solving problems of children’s development in various directions.
These recommendations will help teachers implement an important requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education - to organize psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children in the context of play activities based on the individualization of the educational process. And this is very important, since the developed standard does not allow the transfer of the translational, educational and disciplinary model of education to the life of a preschool child. Preschool child- a person who plays, therefore the standard states that learning enters a child’s life through the gates of children’s play
The work done with parents is very important. It is necessary that they clearly know that the family is capable of developing comprehensive development the child is already at preschool age. Conditions for comprehensive development must be created at a young age.
Parents need to strive to stimulate the child’s interests in all-round development and create all the conditions for this. I have offered several recommendations for the use of educational games.
In my work I use the following forms of working with parents:
1.Parent meetings;
2.Quizzes “Learn by playing”, “Let’s play”
3. Questioning and testing of parents “Games and toys in a child’s life, their meaning and mental development”
4.Individual consultations, recommendations;
5. Visual types of work (information stands, moving folders, exhibitions of children's works, demonstration of a card index of games, display and explanation of relevant literature).
6.Individual work with children
7.Parents help the kindergarten in decorating play corners.

5. Performance analysis.
The result of my work was positive dynamics children's play activities. The use of non-traditional gaming methods and techniques with preschoolers made it possible to achieve high, stable results and achieve the goals set. Children have become active and sociable in communicating with peers, acquaintances and strangers different situations communication. We learned to agree on the theme of the game and agree on the sequence joint actions, establish and regulate contacts in cooperative game. Preschool children began to show more creative independence in play.
Children's interest in games has increased, which confirms the effectiveness of use unconventional methods and techniques in the development of gaming activities. Parents began to pay more attention to games with their children. The presented experience proves that it is necessary to use non-traditional diverse gaming methods and techniques that make the process of gaming activity interesting and accessible.
As a result of joint play activities, children learned to transfer play actions from one toy to another. She widely used demonstration games in her work.
Experience result:
- level increased speech development And speech etiquette;
- the ability to control one’s emotional state and the state of children has appeared;
- conscious behavior and communication in society appeared.
- increased emotional contact with the families of the pupils.

7. Targeted recommendations for using experience
The results obtained will have practical value:
– for teachers of preschool educational institutions
– for parents in terms of organizing joint activities with their child at home;
I consider the most acceptable forms of broadcasting work experience to be:
– information brochures containing a description and illustrative material of the methodology for conducting games, organized forms of educational activities, joint activities of a teacher with children, parents with children;
– master classes, events
– consultations;
– days open doors for parents and teachers of other preschool educational institutions;
– DOW website.

8. Visual application
In my experience, I offer materials on organizing and conducting work on the social and communicative development of preschoolers in kindergarten in various forms: educational activities, consultations, forward planning, games and play exercises.

Summary of the role-playing game “Going to the store for gifts” in the middle group

Purpose of the game: formation social experience children through play activities.
Continue to introduce children to social reality.

To consolidate children’s ideas about the profession of driver, conductor, and salesperson.
Establish rules of conduct in in public places(transport, shop).
Educational: To develop in children the desire to do something nice for others.
Instill elements of social communication skills, develop role-playing dialogue “seller - buyer”.

Educational: foster positive relationships between children.
Instilling in children respect for the work of the driver and controller.

Preliminary work: conversation about the work of the seller, looking at paintings, illustrations depicting transport, a driver on a bus, observing transport, creating a game environment “We are eating, eating!”
Reading fiction: I. Pavlova “By Car”, B. Zhitkova “Traffic Light”.
Material: Toys, bags, wallets with candy wrappers, steering wheel, bag with tickets for the conductor, cash desk.
Progress of the game.
Children enter the hall.
Educator. Hello my friends!
I am happy about this meeting.
What's up, kids?
You are smart and good!

Educator: Children, do you like holidays?
Children: Yes.

Educator: What holiday do you look forward to (love) the most?
Children: New Year.
-Teacher: I also love the New Year, when it smells like a Christmas tree and tangerines.

-Educator: Why (why) do you love New Year? What do you like about this holiday?
Children: children's answers.

-Educator: Grandfather Frost gives gifts, everyone congratulates each other and prepares gifts for family and friends. I also love receiving gifts, because it’s so nice, and I also like giving gifts.

-Educator: Do you like to give gifts?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Children, on the eve of the New Year, a new shop toys. Here you can buy gifts for friends and family.
Children, let's visit a new store and buy New Year gifts for our family and friends.
Educator: Children, what should we take with us to the store? (bring to the point that it is necessary to take money, the teacher hands out money (candy wrappers).
Educator: The store is located far away, on the next street. How can we get to the store?
Children: Car, bus.
Educator: I suggest we go by bus, because there are a lot of us. Where can we get a bus?
Children: Build.
Educator: Good idea What will we build from?
Children: From the chairs.
Educator: Will there be chairs instead of seats?
Construction of a bus.
Educator: Here we have built a bus, to travel by bus, we need to choose a driver.
Educator: Who will be the driver? (the boy gets the steering wheel).
Who will be the conductor? (hands the child a bag with tickets).
When boarding the bus, the teacher reminds the rules of behavior, the boy lets the girl through. The conductor gives tickets to passengers.
Educator: Come on, children, we will remember the rules of behavior in transport.
Children: You need to fasten your seat belts, you can’t make noise, you can’t play around, you need to listen carefully to the controller when she announces a stop.
Educator: We are all ready for the journey and take our seats.
Bus driver - Attention, the bus is leaving! Fasten your seat belts.
The bus departs to the accompaniment of music.
The music plays “We are sitting on the bus...”
When leaving the bus, the teacher reminds that boys get off first and shake hands with girls.
Educator: Here we are at the store. Let's remember the rules of behavior in the store.
A variety of toys are placed on the shelves.
Educator: Children, go to the display case and look at the toys.

Educator. I will be the seller, and you are the buyers, get in line.

Teacher-seller: Dear customers, we are happy to serve you in our store.
Have you already chosen something (addresses the first child), what should you offer (show)? Who are you choosing a gift for? (the teacher offers a variety of goods).
After serving 2-3 people, the teacher changes roles with the children.
Educator. Children, I also want to buy a gift for my friend, who can replace me while I choose a gift?
The child stands behind the counter and takes on the role of a seller. The teacher gets in line: “Whoever is last, I will be behind you.”
After everyone has bought gifts, the teacher thanks the “seller” for his help.
Children leave the store. The teacher can offer the role of driver to another boy. The children “return” to kindergarten with a song.

Consultation for parents: “The role of educational games for children 3 - 4 years old”

What is necessary for a child to grow up smart, inquisitive, and quick-witted? It is necessary to listen to the child, understand the characteristics of his age, and evaluate his own individual capabilities.
The age of three years for a child is the milestone at which early childhood ends and preschool age begins. At this age, the child gradually begins to separate himself from adults and enters into a more independent life. By the age of three, the child already understands, knows and can do a lot, strives to learn more and more. The adult's task is to help him with this. Familiarity with the objects around him is the main thing in mental development preschoolers. Shape, color, size, location in space, movement of surrounding objects - everything that captivates a child.
The games and activities offered to children for this age are based primarily on the actions of a child with various items. Games in which the child will have to compare objects by shape, color, size, and also find the same ones among them, are useful for perception. An adult sometimes does not need to pay attention to other important features of objects (for example, their properties, purposes). If difficulties arise in the baby, you need to help him.
When organizing games with a child, you need to take a close look at him and evaluate his individual characteristics. So, for example, if your child copes with tasks quickly and easily, you can offer him more complex ones. If he has difficulties, it is better to linger longer on the simpler ones. Under no circumstances should you blame your child for not being able to do something, even if his peers do it easily.
Do not forget that it is important not only to teach a child certain knowledge and skills, but also to develop the ability to defend his decision and instill in him self-confidence. Special attention must be paid to the implementation creative tasks, because they usually have multiple solutions. You also need to teach your child to accept criticism without offense and put forward new ideas. Here it is necessary to take into account the child’s individual traits: if he is brave enough and self-confident, then you can begin to teach him to critically evaluate his answers. But if the baby is indecisive or shy, it is better to first support any initiative and encourage him. If the child tries to change tasks very quickly, in this case it is necessary to captivate him with the task, teach him to find new details in it, enriching the familiar with new content. If performing game task, the child stops at the smallest details, thereby not moving forward, you need to help him leave the excess and choose one option, practice the ability to smoothly move from one idea to another, which is important when performing creative tasks.
When working with your child, do not forget that the baby’s actions are just beginning to become purposeful. It is still difficult for him to firmly follow the intended goal and he is easily distracted, moving from one activity to another, because. Children get tired quickly. A child can only focus on a small number of objects at a time. When a child sees new and bright objects, he easily becomes interested, but he can also easily and quickly lose interest. Therefore, if you want to organize educational games and activities, remember three rules:
1. You should not give your child toys that you plan to play with for constant use, so that the child does not lose interest in them.
2. While playing, the child should not be distracted by foreign objects. Everything unnecessary needs to be removed from the baby’s field of vision.
3. keep the games very short (5 minutes is enough) and fairly simple. But always ensure that the child finishes the job he has started. After this, you can change the game to a new one. You will immediately notice that the child’s attention will come to life again.
Every game is played with other children and with an adult. It is in the game that the child learns to rejoice in the success of a friend and endures his failures. Support, goodwill, a joyful atmosphere, fantasies and inventions - only in this case will games be useful for the development of the child.
Each game can be played with one child or with several. It’s even better to play with the whole family, putting off your own chores for at least a few minutes. The joy that you bring to your child will become your joy, and the pleasant moments spent together will help you make your life together more fun and kind. So play together with your baby!

Educational games for children senior group
Games aimed at developing logic in senior preschoolers
Game "Find options".

Target: develop logical thinking, intelligence.
Game material And visual aids: cards with 6 circles.
Description: Give the child a card with a picture of 6 circles, ask them to paint them in such a way that there are equal numbers of filled and unshaded figures. Then view and calculate all painting options. You can also hold a competition: who will find greatest number decisions.

Game "Wizards".
Goal: to develop thinking and imagination. Game material and visual aids: sheets with images geometric shapes.
Description: Children are given sheets depicting geometric shapes. Based on them, it is necessary to create more complex drawing. For example: rectangle - window, aquarium, house; circle - ball, snowman, wheel, apple. The game can be played in the form of a competition: who will come up with and draw more pictures using one geometric figure. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize.
Game "Collect a flower".
Target: develop thinking, the ability to analyze and synthesize.
Game material and visual aids: cards depicting objects related to the same concept (clothing, animals, insects, etc.).
Description: Each child is given a round card - the middle of the future flower (one - a dress, the second - an elephant, the third - a bee, etc.). Then the game is played in the same way as in lotto: the presenter distributes cards with images of various objects. Each participant must assemble a flower from cards, the petals of which depict objects related to the same concept (clothing, insect, etc.).
Game "Logical endings".
Target: develop logical thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.
Description: Children are asked to complete the sentences:
Lemon is sour, and sugar... (sweet).
You walk with your feet, but throw... (with your hands).
If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair... (below the table).
If two are more than one, then one... (less than two).
If Sasha left the house before Seryozha, then Seryozha... (left later than Sasha).
If a river is deeper than a stream, then a stream... (smaller than a river).
If a sister is older than a brother, then the brother... ( younger than sister).
If the right hand is on the right, then the left... (on the left).
Boys grow up and become men, and girls... (women).
Game "Ornament".
Target: develop logical thinking and analytical ability.
Game material and visual aids: 4-5 groups of geometric shapes (triangles, squares, rectangles, etc.), cut out of colored cardboard (figures of one group are divided into subgroups differing in color and size).
Description: Invite your child to consider how you can create patterns from geometric shapes on a playing field (sheet of cardboard). Then lay out the ornament (according to a model, according to your own plan, under dictation), using concepts such as “right”, “left”, “above”, “below”.
Game "Helpful - Harmful."
Target: develop thinking, imagination, ability to analyze.
Description: consider any object or phenomenon, noting its positive and negative sides, for example: if it rains, this is good, because plants drink water and grow better, but if It is raining too long is bad, because the roots of the plants can rot from excess moisture.
Game “What did I wish for?”
Target: develop thinking.
Game material and visual aids: 10 circles of different colors and sizes.
Description: lay out 10 circles of different colors and sizes in front of the child, invite the child to show the circle that the teacher ordered. Explain the rules of the game: when guessing, you can ask questions, only with the words more or less. For example:
- Is this circle larger than red? (Yes.)
- Is it bigger than blue? (Yes.)
- More yellow? (No.)
- Is this a green circle? (Yes.)
Game "Plant Flowers".
Goal: develop thinking.
Game material and visual aids: 40 cards with images of flowers with different petal shapes, sizes, and core colors.
Description: invite the child to “plant flowers in the flower beds”: in a round flower bed all the flowers with round petals, on the square one - flowers with a yellow core, on the rectangular one - all large flowers.
Questions: what flowers were left without a flowerbed? Which ones can grow in two or three flower beds?
Game "Group by characteristics."
Target: consolidate the ability to use generalizing concepts, expressing them in words.
Game material and visual aids: cards with images of objects (orange, carrot, tomato, apple, chicken, sun).
Description: lay out cards in front of the child with images of different objects that can be combined into several groups according to some characteristic. For example: orange, carrot, tomato, apple - food; orange, apple - fruits; carrots, tomatoes - vegetables; orange, tomato, apple, ball, sun - round; orange, carrots - orange; sun, chicken - yellow.
Game "Remember faster."
Description: invite the child to quickly remember and name three objects round shape, three wooden objects, four pets, etc.
Game "Everything that flies."
Target: develop logical thinking.
Game material and visual aids: several pictures with various objects.
Description: Invite the child to select the proposed pictures based on the named characteristic. For example: everything is round or everything is warm, or everything is animate that can fly, etc.
Game "What is it made of"
Goals: develop logical thinking; consolidate the ability to determine what material an object is made of.
Description: the teacher names some material, and the child must list everything that can be made from it. For example: tree. (You can use it to make paper, boards, furniture, toys, dishes, pencils.)
Game "What happens...".
Target: develop logical thinking.
Description: invite the child to take turns asking each other questions in the following order:
- What is big? (House, car, joy, fear, etc.)
- What is narrow? (Path, mite, face, street, etc.)
- What happens to be low (high)?
- What is red (white, yellow)?
- What is long (short)?

Fine motor skills are flexibility, manual dexterity and precision of finger movement. It interacts with such properties of consciousness as attention, thinking, imagination, observation, visual and motor memory, and speech. Development problem fine motor skills for preschool children has always been a pressing issue for teachers and parents. The development of fine motor skills in preschool children is reflected in Presented in targets at the stage of completion of preschool education “The child has developed fine motor skills.” By owning a hand, a child in the process of his development becomes more independent, autonomous and independent from an adult.

The famous teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “The child’s mind is at the tips of his fingers.” At the tips of the fingers there are nerve endings that stimulate the speech centers in the cerebral cortex.

To develop fine motor skills in her group, she organized a sensory corner in which there was a finger puppet theater, a table theater, and a theater from waste material While examining and playing, children are interested in what this or that toy is made of. To develop fine motor skills, I use stringing beads on strings, lids, the “clasp” guide, and Memory games. My pedagogical piggy bank equipped with card files of games for the development of fine motor skills: finger games, games with beads. I see the prospect of this activity in the creation of the “Button House” project.



“Development of fine motor skills in preschoolers through manual labor through paper and plastic”

Compiled by: Glukhareva Olga Sergeevna

Teacher first qualification category

Department of MA preschool educational institution Golyshmanovsky

CRR - d/s No. 4 “Yolochka” CRR d/s No. 1 “Alyonushka”

R.p. Golyshmanovo 2017

Fine motor skills are flexibility, manual dexterity and precision of finger movement. It interacts with such properties of consciousness as attention, thinking, imagination, observation, visual and motor memory, and speech. The problem of developing fine motor skills in preschool children has always been acute for teachers and parents. The development of fine motor skills in preschool children is reflected in"Federal state standard of preschool education." Presented in targetsat the stage of completion of preschool education “The child has developed fine motor skills.” By owning a hand, a child in the process of his development becomes more independent, autonomous and independent from an adult.

The famous teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “The child’s mind is at the tips of his fingers.” At the tips of the fingers there are nerve endings that stimulate the speech centers in the cerebral cortex.

To develop fine motor skills in her group, she organized a sensory corner in which there was a finger puppet theater, a table theater, and a theater made from waste material. While examining and playing, the children were interested in what this or that toy was made of. To develop fine motor skills, I use stringing beads on strings, lids, the “clasp” guide, and Memory games. My pedagogical piggy bank is equipped with card files of games for the development of fine motor skills: finger games, games with beads.I see the prospect of this activity in the creation of the “Button House” project.

Relevance development of fine motor skills in children is that in preschool children low level development of fine motor skills of the hands. Therefore, the successful development of fine motor skills is necessary for full-fledged intellectual development(imagination, memory, attention) of the child and the development of his speech.To develop fine motor skills of the hands, it is important that the child systematically engages in a variety of manual activities. This includes drawing, appliqué, sculpting, laying out mosaic patterns, designing, and finger gymnastics. While working with children, I noticed that children always engage in productive activities with interest, but the children in my group lack self-confidence, imagination, independence, and have poorly developed fine motor skills. This is explained by the age characteristics of children and parents’ underestimation of the influence of the development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age on intellectual development.Some children do not learn techniques and techniques for working with paper and other materials.

To solve this problem, I began to study methodological literature in depth.. Having studied the literature in the field of psychology and pedagogy (Elkonin D.B., Leontyev A.N.), on the development of creativity and papermaking (Shilkova E.A., Pishchikova N.G., Kaminskaya E.A.), having read many publications in On the Internet, I became interested in the paper-making technique, and came to the conclusion that paper-making is a means of developing fine motor skills of the hands, so the topic of my research is “Development of fine motor skills of the hands of preschoolers through manual labor through paper-making.”

Purpose of my research: develop fine motor skills in preschoolers through manual labor.

The objectives of the educational field of artistic and aesthetic development in the Federal State Educational Standard are presented on the slide, I set myself the following tasks :

Introduce various techniques papermaking and artistic techniques;

Develop mental functions;

Develop independence, observation, curiosity (active interest in the world of objects and things created by people);

Develop speech - the ability to logically express your thoughts;

Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Improve Creative skills;

Expand communication skills;

- cultivate a desire to work in a team;

Build independence, self-confidence and self-esteem;

To form an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world, a careful attitude towards objects and materials;

Form good feelings (makes it possible to express them in gifts made with your own hands);

Cultivate strong-willed qualities (perseverance, finishing what you start).

Research on the topic and the opportunity given to usFederal State Educational Standard led me to write the “Masterilka” program for manual labor. In the process of implementing the program, preschoolers develop the ability to work with their hands under the control of consciousness, improve fine motor skills, precise finger actions, and develop creative abilities. The Masterilka program was created based on methodological manuals“Colored palms” by Lykova I.A., “Paper plastic” by Davydova G.N. The program lasts 3 years. Classes are held once a week, thirty lessons a year. Class times are regulatedsanitary rules and regulationstaking into account the age characteristics of children. It’s never too early to explore the world, so with children of the third year of life, of whom there are nineteen in my group, I use paper-plastic techniques. Novelty The work consists of introducing new paper-plastic techniques into the educational process: rolling, twisting, trimming, quilling, scrapbooking.From the first lesson I realized that I made the right choice.

In order for work on the development of fine motor skills to be effective and targeted, it is necessary to adhere to following principles and requirements:

The work must be systematic and constant;

Correspond to the level of general motor, mental development child;

Meet age requirements;

Bring joy to the child.

The availability of paper as a material and the ease of its processing attract children. They like to curl, roll up paper,it has accompanied man for more than 2000 years.

Paper plastic- This artistic design from paper, in which new entities - artistic images, designs, models, are created from a fairly “obedient” plastic and, moreover, available material– papers. The principle of this design is to create convex, volumetric and semi-volume images on the surface. This activity awakens intellectual and creative activity in children, teaches them to plan their activities, and master new technologies in making crafts. As a result, each craft acquires individuality.Working on paper compositions develops fine motor skills, eye, color perception, promotes concentration, as it forces you to focus on the manufacturing process in order to get the desired result, gives children a new means of self-expression and creates the basis for further creative development. Children's productive activity always full of emotions. The emotional experiences of children, both in the process of activity and in the process of discussing its results, encourage children to speak and give rise to verbal dialogue and communication.

The first year of study is an introduction to non-traditional materials: torn, crumpled paper, rolling paper napkins, candy wrappers, etc. The unusual combination of materials and tools, accessibility, and simplicity of execution techniques satisfied the research need for them, awakened a feeling of joy, success, and developed work skills and skills. Paper plastics allows children of primary preschool age to quickly achieve the desired result, makes creativity more exciting and interesting, which is very important for working with children.

The second year of study is an introduction to the techniques of cutting corrugated paper and quilling. Trimming is a fairly new and interesting technique for working with corrugated paper.

They practice the ability to determine the properties of paper by touch, give a verbal description (determine color, shape, quantity). Develop tactile sensitivity of fingers and fine motor skills.

Introduced the children to different types of trimming:

Contour (trimmings are laid out along the contour of the image);

Planar (the trims are located close to each other over the entire surface of the design).

At the beginning, children work in a simple cutting technique (along a contour), then in a more complex one (planar).

Quilling - is a technique of twisting strips of paper into various shapes and compiling complete works from them. Quilling develops fine motor skills in children, stimulates perseverance, attention, and imagination visual memory, self-expression, imaginative thinking and speech. Children aged 4-5 years learned to twist the “free spiral” and “droplet” elements and glue them to the base.

Children aged 5-6 years learned to twist the elements “eye”, “arrow” and “triangle”, and create various compositions from them (from simple to complex).

The third year of study is an introduction to scrapbooking techniques. Scrapbooking is a type of handicraft in which the main material is paper, a type of man-made creativity in the design of postcards and albums using tactile and visual techniques: newspaper clippings, notes, stickers - unformed material, the ability to organize one’s activities opens up a reserve for the development of a child, improves it creativity, success, which is so important in later life.

Children learn to decide for themselves creative tasks, independently select the necessary material for work and form an attitude towards the results of the activity.Creating beautiful crafts with their own hands, seeing the result of their work, children experience positive emotions. Working with paper gives children the opportunity to show patience, perseverance, imagination and artistic taste, show creativity, develop fine motor skills, and acquire manual skills that allow them to feel independent. All this has a beneficial effect on the formation of a healthy and harmoniously developed personality.

The scrapbooking technique was presented at the Nadezhda creative festival. Organized a master class at the “Big Change” forum and at regional methodological associations.

Using the example of the cutting technique, I will try to show you the impact of paper plastic on the development of fine motor skills and the all-round development of a child. Let's see what we can develop and shape as a whole:

We develop mathematical abilities (the child needs to count a certain number of crosscuts);

We develop manual skills (since the rod is very thin, the paper size is 1cm * 1cm, and you need to scroll and glue the trim onto the base with a precise movement. The work is simple, but painstaking);

We form strong-willed qualities (perseverance, desire to complete the work started);

We develop color perception (select the desired color of paper for the craft);

Developing tactile sensations

And the first glued trim brings great joy not only to children, but also to adults (I was convinced of this by conducting master classes with teachers and parents).

It follows that the development of fine motor skills of the hands through paper plastic influences the all-round development of the child.

I have the basis in my hands - this is the “Masterilka” program, implementing it, the child:

Master the basic cultural methods of activity,

Positive attitude towards the world

Will have a developed imagination,

He will speak well enough

The child will develop gross and fine motor skills,

He will be capable of volitional efforts,

And he will show curiosity.

And at the stage of completion of preschool education, the child will be ready for school education.

Mizgieva Aza Gerikhanovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU D\s "Solnyshko"
Locality: P.Solnechny Ust-Maisky ulus RS(Y)
Name of material: Article
Subject:"Generalization of teaching experience in preschool educational institutions"
Publication date: 29.03.2018
Chapter: preschool education


Pedagogical work experience

Teacher 1 mixed group

Mizgieva Azy Gerikhanovna

P. Solnechny

Hello, my name is Mizgieva Aza Gerikhanovna, I am a teacher

MBDOU "Kindergarten "Solnyshko" Solnechny settlement. Let me suggest

Your work experience!

The purpose of my work in kindergarten is harmonious development children

preschool age.

I set myself these Tasks:

Formation of integrative qualities of preschool children

Implementation of educational areas

Development of cognitive mental processes preschoolers

Expanding your own methodological culture.

In my work I use information and communication technologies

technologies, project activities.

The project is a serious game: its results are significant for children and adults.

The starting point of the project is children's interest.

For successful productive work I use integration

social partnership, involvement of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions.

I pay special attention to the active participation of each child in

educational activities, the development of his imagination, logic of thinking

and fantasies.

Areas of work my activities are realized through the application

pedagogical technologies. The main ones are:

Personally-oriented technology, implemented through

psychological support, organization of the educational process on

based on deep respect for the child’s personality, taking into account the characteristics of his

individual development, treating it as conscious,

a full participant in the educational process.

Gaming technology requires proper organization of space,

preliminary work with children on initial stage implementation, recruitment

psychological and pedagogical methods and techniques;

Project activities in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

is in the nature of cooperation in which children and

preschool teachers, and parents and other family members are also involved.

Parents can be not only sources of information and real help

and support for the child and teacher in the process of working on the project, but also to become

direct participants in the educational process, enrich your

teaching experience, experience a sense of satisfaction from their successes and

child's success;

to increase the efficiency of the educational process I use

information and communication technologies (ICT).

It is very difficult to achieve good results without the help of parents. I

I believe that only what is formed in a child can take root

family, which means that parents are the basis of success. During runtime

project on CPD with children 1 junior group parents were active

participation. Together with me they looked for material, went to the gym with

as a child, accepted Active participation in all competitions such as sports,

and creative ones.

Some short-term projects (“My cheerful ringing ball), some

long-term (“My green window sill”, “Plasticineography”,

"Fairy tale therapy").

The “My Green Window Sill” project pursued an environmental goal

education of preschool children,

fostering a caring attitude towards nature and a good-natured attitude towards

the surrounding world; study the development of plants using the example of one flower;

draw attention to the problem of nature conservation.

With the help of my parents, my pupil grew flowers from

planting a seed before the bud opens. During the project he made for himself

the conclusion is that flowers are very delicate plants and they need ongoing care. On

how fragile is the world around us, that with one wrong move

you can destroy everything around you. Nature is a great gift that has been sent to us

the Almighty and we, people, must take care and protect nature. Objective of the project

has been achieved.

The next project was dedicated to a healthy lifestyle and was called

"My funny ringing ball"

Objective of the project:

learn that the ball can be used not only for outdoor games, but also

become a subject for study and consideration.

Project objectives:

Foster interest in sports and a healthy lifestyle. Introduce

properties of balls, learn to compare them by size, color, shape. Show,

that different sports use different types of balls.

Third project “Plasticineography” dedicated to unconventional technology

drawing. In this project I pursued the following goals and objectives:

Target: increasing parents' interest in joint activities with

child, obtaining new knowledge and mastering it in practical

activities, mastering by parents and children of non-traditional techniques

drawing with plasticine,

Develop interest in unconventional ways images of objects on

paper and their widespread use in kindergarten.

Expected result: creation of a stucco painting depicting three-dimensional

objects on a horizontal surface.

During the project, the goal was achieved, parents began to pay more attention

engage in joint activities with children, attend meetings, participate in

competitions together with children, making crafts.

This year 2018 I started new project"Fairytale therapy"

The relevance of the study is that speech plays an important role in

formation of the personality of a preschool child. Speech in pedagogy and psychology

was considered as the basis for development: thinking, imagination, memory,

emotions. Development of oral monologue speech in preschool childhood

lays the foundations successful learning At school.

The fact is that the age of children in the 1st junior group is from 1.5 to 3. Children come to

kindergarten, not yet able to speak. And “fairytale therapy” helps them together with

parents to increase and activate their vocabulary.

During this project I plan to devote great attention exactly

collaboration between parents and their children. Parents will sew costumes for

theatrical performances, participate in joint holidays, read

at home fairy tales for children that teach us goodness. They instill patriotism in them,

instill love for their homeland. In our modern age, in pursuit of

With material wealth, we sometimes forget about spiritual life. But

it is the fairy tale that is the connecting link that helps children

repeating after parents the words of fairy tale songs, nursery rhymes, trying on oneself

or another role to grow into a full-fledged citizen of his country.

Maybe this is too high a word, but that’s exactly what I think! After all

as they say, “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!”

That's all for me. Thank you for your attention!

State government educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care, with disabilities health g.o. Chapaevsk

Consultation for teachers

“Generalization and presentation of teaching experience:

advice for a preschool teacher"

Generalization and presentation of teaching experience:

advice to a teacher of a preschool educational institution

The ability to generalize and present work experience is an indicator of the level of competence of a teacher of a preschool educational institution and, naturally, an indicator of the quality of development of the institution as a whole. To help the teacher, a structure for describing work experience, criteria and indicators for self-assessment are proposed. Are given general recommendations And practical advice to the generalization and presentation of teaching experience.

Keywords : professional competence, professional self-education of a teacher, generalization and presentation of work experience, article based on work experience materials, professional periodical .

The professional competence of a teacher in a modern preschool educational institution is determined by his ability to professionally solve problems and typical tasks that arise in real situations of professional activity. In the most general form, groups of professional tasks look like this:

    see the child in the educational process of a preschool educational institution (diagnostic tasks);

    build an educational process focused on achieving the goals of preschool education (design tasks);

    establish interaction with other subjects of the educational process, partners of a preschool educational institution (tasks of professional interaction);

    create and use for pedagogical purposes educational environment(space of a preschool educational institution);

    design and implement professional self-education.

Professional self-education of a teacher is a continuous

a process that helps educators confidently generalize their professional experience. The ability to generalize, present and replicate work experience is an indicator of the level of competence of a teacher of a preschool educational institution and, naturally, an indicator of the quality of development of the institution as a whole. Professional self-education of a teacher is the most important resource for the development of a preschool educational institution. It should be recognized that the ability to generalize and present work experience is a task for which no future educator is prepared. pedagogical school, neither a college, nor a university, nor training centers, nor scientific and methodological centers. At the same time, the requirements for a teacher’s ability to accumulate, systematize and generalize work experience, create innovative pedagogical products, and carry out research work are increasing every year.

Organization of experimental work in a preschool educational institution and cooperation with a scientific consultant helps the teacher solve this problem, but such work is not carried out in every kindergarten. Competitions of professional achievements “Teacher of the Year”, “Best in Profession”, “Quality Mark”, etc. activate and encourage educators to generalize their work experience. But not every educator is ready for such tests; not everyone is able to competently summarize and present their work within the framework of the requirements, or demonstrate the integrity of the approach in implementing the idea.

First of all, let’s determine the requirements for summarizing and presenting the teacher’s work experience and comment on them.

1. Relevance of teaching experience. The necessity and degree of importance of solving the problem for a preschool educational institution (system

preschool education) by the proposed pedagogical means, the modernity of approaches to solving the problem raised, the innovativeness of experience (what new it brings to the practice of work of a teacher, a preschool educational institution) are substantiated.

2. The leading idea of ​​the experiment and theoretical justification . The main idea of ​​the work is revealed: its key idea, in other words - the “zest”, the novelty of the proposed pedagogical approach, etc. Use simple, non-scientific formulations for this.

Before describing your experience, try to answer the question in one sentence, “What is your work? What is it about? If you can answer this question, then the experience was truly a success. Every experience has a theoretical basis; these are leading concepts, theories and scientific and methodological premises that develop your idea, allow it to be objective and correct. Familiarization with the relevant literature will help you determine the theoretical foundations (prerequisites) of your idea. When reading it, highlight the most important things in terms of meaning and content, try to retell what is highlighted in your own words, as if you were translating theory into the language of practice, interpret (explain to yourself) what you read. Try to briefly present the fundamental theoretical ideas of your teaching experience before presenting your technology, methodology, set of methods and techniques for working with children.

As an example, let us consider a brief theoretical substantiation of the pedagogical technology for developing the play activity of children of middle and senior preschool age using music.

1. The plot is the meaningful outline of the game. Role-playing, like any other group game preschoolers cannot exist without a game plot.

A game plot is the combined and combined events and phenomena of a child’s real life, experienced by him and recorded in his consciousness in images, impressions,

emotional relationships, reflected in the game and during the game. How older child, the richer the experience of his experiences and ideas about the surrounding reality,

which is fully reflected in his games.

2. Plot development skills are the main group of gaming skills that are formed in preschool childhood and ensure the success of preschoolers’ gaming activities. Coming up with a storyline is already a game; in accordance with it, the child distributes roles and game actions, determines their sequence, and the features of role interaction. Already in the games of children of the fifth year of life, the skills of the simplest plotting are revealed; the child begins the game by saying: what he will play now, who he will be in the game, what he will do.

3. In the games of older preschoolers, the design, plot, and complication of the game content are clearly visible. It is based on the development of certain relationships between the participants in the game. The overall storyline is developed by children during the game through step-by-step planning, i.e. When communicating with each other, children determine the play actions of their partners. The development of the plot proceeds from the performance of role-playing actions to role-images, for the creation of which the child uses various means of expression (speech, movement, facial expressions, postures and gestures), game attributes, and expresses his attitude towards the role being played.

4. Effective pedagogical condition The art of music enriches and develops the plots of children's games. This is explained by the fact that music reflects the interaction of people, and the plots of children's games are based on the transfer of relationships between people; music develops imagination, creative thinking the richness of the plot narrative, as well as music containing a listening program (program), activating imagination and creative imagination encouraging the child to play, independent play, guiding (prompting) the use of certain expressive movements, facial expressions, gestures, etc.

5. Music is a means of enriching the plots of children's games, as it is emotional, imaginative, moving and therefore attractive to children; it contains many ideas, thoughts, images, and encourages imagination and play. To enrich the plots of children's games, first of all, there will be music that meets such criteria as artistry, imagery, richness of the plot narrative, as well as music that contains a listening program (program), activating the child's fantasy and creative imagination, encouraging play action, independent play, guiding (prompting) to use certain expressive movements, facial expressions, gestures, etc.

Professional self-education of a teacher is the most important resource for the development of a preschool educational institution.

6. Enriching the plots of games of children of middle and senior preschool age in the process of perceiving music will occur more effectively if the teacher uses the appropriate musical repertoire, creates an integrative music-play environment in the group, organizes various forms of joint activities with children in listening to music and playing it in pedagogical process kindergarten.

3. The purpose and tasks that the teacher solves in the course of his work. The goal is always broader than the objectives. Objectives specify the goal and determine what you will do on the way to achieving the goal. A goal is the result that you strive for when implementing your work experience. Therefore, summing up the results of the experiment, turn again to the goal, compare whether you got the same result.

4. Stages of accumulation and systematization of experience.

Stage 1 - preliminary or preparatory. The work to create conditions for the implementation of pedagogical experience is described. For example, the development of games-studies or games-experiments of a health-preserving nature, the creation of a bank of didactic games or the development of plot-role-playing games, the creation of a game-based educational environment and other things necessary for the formation and consolidation of cultural and hygienic skills in children.

The practical result at this stage is a card index of games, notes on problem situations, examples of situational tasks, notes on classes or conversations with children, search, research activities, etc. (these can be included in appendices). The changes that have occurred in the subject-development environment are described, how it has changed, what has been added, etc.

Stage 2 - implementation or implementation stage. The logic of implementing the experience is described, i.e. the sequence of actions of the teacher to implement his work, the place and time of introducing pedagogical innovations into the life of the child. For example: reproductive training of children in cultural and hygienic skills → development of the skill and consolidation of it in different types children's activities → consolidation of the skill in independent activities (transfer to play and manipulative actions). It describes how sketch games, experimental games, didactic and role-playing games are included in each of these stages, how they are used by the teacher in the classroom, in routine moments, in a variety of types of children's activities, and in independent activities.

Examples from work experience and fragments of professional activity are given in a certain, already described sequence.

5. Applications . Contains development of games, cycles game situations, files of situational tasks, planning work for the year, detailed notes of classes, conversations, games with children, photographs and other materials illustrating the teacher’s work experience.

Criteria and indicators for self-assessment of generalized work experience and the quality of its presentation



– Relevance (the need to introduce experience);

– the feasibility of the chosen form of work experience (project, program, methodological complex, etc.)

– Originality of innovative approaches;

– the influence of experience on changing the goals, content, methods, means, forms and ways of organizing educational activities



– Optimization methodological support educational process when introducing experience;

– the influence of the methods, methods and means of implementing experience used on the development of professional competence of teachers;

– influence of experience on the development of the city’s education system, development

district education system, for the development of the educational process in an educational institution


– Technology for implementing experience (description of the structure, elements, forms, schedule and implementation procedures, application tools);

– compliance of diagnostic tools with the implementation of experience;

– the ability to determine and record the results of experience implementation

different ways


– reasonable analysis of consumer demand for work experience or experience product;

– feedback on the implementation of innovation (questionnaire, examination, etc.)



– Quality of visual design;

– quality of presentation

Work on generalizing pedagogical experience. Subject: " Patriotic education preschoolers."

Performed: Kuturova Marina Viktorovna, teacher of MBDOU "TsRR - kindergarten No. 172"
Purpose: Dear colleagues, I present to your attention a work on summarizing pedagogical experience on the topic: “Patriotic education of preschool children.” This material may be useful to educators.

1. Formation of a feeling of attachment to your home, kindergarten, friends in kindergarten, your loved ones.2. Forming a feeling of love for one’s native land, one’s small homeland based on familiarization with native nature, culture and traditions.

Patriotism - love for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility and pride for it, the desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase its wealth - these feelings and character traits begin to form already in preschool age. It is impossible to cultivate self-esteem, self-confidence, and, consequently, a full-fledged personality without respect for the history and culture of their Fatherland, for its state symbols. You cannot be a patriot without feeling a personal connection with your Motherland, without knowing how our ancestors, our grandfathers and fathers loved and took care of it. There is no doubt that already in kindergarten, as a result of targeted educational, systematic work, elements of citizenship and patriotism can be formed in children.
I invite you to get acquainted with the experience of such work in kindergarten.
I consider one of the tasks, along with preserving and strengthening the health of children, to be education moral qualities little man. Patriotic education is an integral part moral education. A true patriot must be healthy both physically and morally. That's why parenting healthy image life is closely connected with patriotic education, education of an active civic position. It is no coincidence that popular wisdom says: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” In the process of developing a sense of patriotism in preschool age, it is important to give children basic knowledge about the Motherland, ideas about our country, people, customs, history, and culture. But at the same time, in my opinion, it is necessary to understand that the origins of patriotism arise in the human heart. That is why the period of preschool childhood, due to the immediate mental and emotional reactions inherent in it, due to the still unlost openness of the soul, is most important for the formation of feelings of patriotism.
Relevance of the topic:
The child begins to get to know his homeland - through his family, his closest circle. It is very important that children understand as early as possible that the great Motherland is Russia, Russian Federation, she is one for everyone who was born in her vastness, who loved her, who makes efforts to make her even more beautiful, richer, and become a mighty power. And each of us needs to be able to be useful to her. And for this you need to know and be able to do a lot; From childhood, do things that would be for the benefit of your home, kindergarten, city, and in the future - for the benefit of the whole country.
Organization of an effective system of work to develop a sense of patriotism and active citizenship in children of senior preschool age.
Development of the foundations of the beginning of moral and patriotic education through communication with the history of the native land, familiarization with the past and present.
1. Formation of a feeling of attachment to your home, kindergarten, friends in kindergarten, and your loved ones.
2. Formation of a feeling of love for one’s native land, one’s small homeland based on familiarization with one’s native nature, culture and traditions.
3. Formation of ideas about Russia as a home country, about Moscow as the capital of Russia.
In my work I use various technologies:
developmental education,
In our work on moral and patriotic education, we give a special place to children’s works. fiction, Russian folk games, oral folk art, folk applied art.
The content of work in the areas includes:
Formation of the child’s concept of family, connection of times, drawing up a pedigree.
Getting to know your hometown: significant objects, nature, traditions.
Introduction to professions.
Acquaintance with the state symbols of the city and other countries.
Getting to know Russia, the symbols of Russia, the most significant historical events of the people.
Getting to know the heroes of fairy tales and their exploits.
Acquaintance with the concept of patriotism, heroism and their manifestations.
Introduction to oral folk art: nursery rhymes, holidays and rituals, folk arts and crafts.
In my opinion, it is important and necessary condition success in teaching - love for your profession and children. You need to love children for what they are; children will gratefully respond to love and faith in them.
In my opinion, the life of children in kindergarten should be organized in such a way that every day and hour reveals something new to them, develops their mind, forms the foundations of their personality, brings success, and then the work of the teacher will be successful and fruitful.
Based on the results of the diagnostics, the children mastered the knowledge acquired in classes and in Everyday life on moral and patriotic education.
They show an active interest in the past and present of their people, their family, hometown, village. They know some information about history, sights, famous people.
Have an idea about natural resources the edges.
Show interest in the country in which they live.
Express positive attitude to the world, to your city, town, friendship, to all living things.
They become attentive to the emotional state of others, show empathy, and actively express their readiness to help.
Exercise basic self-control.
